The Columbus times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1841-185?, March 18, 1841, Image 4

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MUSCOGEE SHERIFF'S SALES* •mr|LL be sold at the Market House in the city „|GWbu., on .he first Tuesday .n Al'lUL nest, between the legal hours of sale, the following pr Ooe l nundrd a res of land, more or less, about four miles from the city of Co.uufojs, o.ime stage road to Talbot toil. Said land joins lands ot Lindsey an Conning, at [.resent unoccupied. Levied on as me property of Anderson C. U.ut, to sal.xfy a h. fa from Ivlusoo ‘ee Superior Court, in favor of olin May and p Peck, lor the use of Wt.baui B. Uehellfec vs. An derson C. Britt. Also the following negroes: San, a man about do vnr9 old : hi swi it rVggej. ai.i-i .i>ye ,irs ol ■i. a. i 1 iter four children Amuida, If years od; Daniel, 6: Gerrne.o; and E inert. 4 years old; one black mare 6 years old, and a jersey wagon ; all levied on as the property of Isaac H. Ellis, to satisfy a ft. fa. from Hancock Superior Coarl, i.t favor of James B. Rees t vs. 13 aac H. Ellis. I Also the f<> lowing neoroes: Daniel, a man forty i vc irs old; Mary Ann, 4j, arid her three children ; j Erarie.-s, 4, Jackson 2; un i Sarah, an infant, 3 ! months old ; Ausley, 22, and lo r two children ; Lou-1 isa 5 and Robert 3 years old ; Ai in ih, 15 ; Isaac, 14;. Benjamin, 7, and Harty, 4 years old ; also lots ofland: numbers twenty-two, thirty-eight and thirty-nine, and I the north half of number thirty-seven, all lying to- j gather, about sit miles above Columbus, making a very valuable set'letneiit, being in the eighth district j of Muscogee, now in the possession of John McMur ran. Alflhe abive is levied on as the pro-’ perty of the said McMurran, to satisfy three fi fas. from Muscogee Superior Court, one in favor of Tho mas V. Miller vs. said AlcMurran, one in favor of Orran W. Wakefield vs said’ McMurran, and the • other in favor of Andrew B Griffi l vs. John McMur- j ran, principal, and M. L. Dent and Join L. Lewis, securities on the appeal, and Win. W. 8001, secuiity on the stay of execution. Also, one new two horse waggon, a good artitd •, levied on as the property of William Wright, to satisfy a ft. fa. in favor of George Heard vs. Walton & Wright,makers, and T. G. McCrary,security. Also, the lb lowing property, to wit: One hundred acres of land, on the Coweta reserve, adjoining lands of John Forsyth and others, now occnpied by J. M. Guerry ; also, the brick house tnd I it on 8.0. id street, formerly occupied by the Farmers’ Bank of Chatta hoochee ; also, the following negroes . Giles, a man3o years old ; And-rson. a man, 30; Chavis, a man, 20; Charles, 13; Giles,9; Mary Barker, 17, and her infant child ; also, the following race horses and blooded slock : Bassenger, Count Za.divar, Linwoo !, eight line brood mares, four fillies, three colts and two mules, all levied on as the property of Alfred Iverson, to satisfy sundry ft. fas. from Muscogee Superior Court, in favor of George Hargraves. Jacob Fogle, Booker Foster and others vs. Alfred Iverson. Pro perly pointed out lay defend an'. Also, the following negroes —Judith, a woman, 30 years old, and two children ; Russell 3 and Henry 1 year old ; Philip, 45years old; Lucinda, 20 years old; Lucy, 18 years old; Jim, ISyears old; Sally, 30 years old, and two children, Tony 4 and Caro.ine 4 yea. s old, all levied on as the property of Hampton S. Smith, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Muscogee Superior Court, in favor of James O. Cook vs. Thomas Pres ton, maker, and Hampton S Smith, endorser. Also, the following furniture, &o. One mahogany sideboard, one do. secretary and book case, one do bedstead, one do. sofa, one do. centre table, one do. pier table, one do. frame looking glass, one dozen do. chairs, two do. rocking chairs, one astral lamp, one Brussels carpel and rug, one pair brass andirons and fender, one mantel clock, twelve pictures and frames, one pair silver plated fruit baskets, one large music box, one do map of the United States, and one negro man by the name of King, 25 years ol 1, till levied on as the property of Thomas Preston, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. hi favor of the. Bank of Columbus Isaac L. Platt, Wm. Jarvis Eaton, and sundry otheis vs. Pres ton & Nelms. Also, half acre lots numbers five hundred and forty three, five hundred and forty-six, five hundred and forty-seven, and five hundred and fifty, in the city of Columbus and county of Muscogee, and known as the residence of Col. Wm. H. Harper, being very hand somely improved. Also, the following negroes. Nan cy, n woman 35 years old, Frances, a girl 13 years old, and Wilson, a boy 8 years old, all levied on as the property of William H. Harper, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from IVluscogee Superior fourt, in favor of Booram & Cos. and AI. B. & W. Edgar vs. William 11. Harper, and two in favor of the Insurance Bank of Columbus vs. William H. Harper. Also, the following negroes, to wit: Milas, 27 years old, and Ills wife, 46 years old ; John 30 years old and his wife 25 years old; Rufus 21 years old; Frank 22 years old; Anarchy, 18 years old, and her chi and, a hoy 2 years old, all levied on as the property of Wal ter T. Colquitt, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of Brander, Murray & Gallagher and others vs, Walter T. Colquitt, an I Rattan, Colquitt & Grant. Also, the following negroes, Simon 35 years old, Harriet 23, Mary 23, Stephen 13 and Carlton 4 years old; a'so, 33 acres of land on the Coweta reserve, about one mile from Columbus, adjoining lan Is of Mi ley E. J ones and others, and being the place where James Boykin now lives, having good improve ments upon the sane, all levied on as the property of James Boykin, to satisfy two fi fas in favor of the Bank of Milledgevill vs. James Boykin. Property pointed out oy James Boykin. Also’, half acre lots numbers nin< ly-one and ninety four, in the city of Columbus and county of Muscogee, and being the residence of Lewis O. Allen, having good improvements upon the same; also, the following furniture, to wit: one mahogany bureau, one do. table and end, one do. tea table, one do. sofa, ene do side board, one do. wash stand, and one dozen maple chairs,all levied on as the property ol Lewis C. Al len, to satisfy afi fa from IVluscogee Infer.or Court, in favor of Benjamin V. Iverson vs. Morgan Jones and Lewis 1 1. Allen. Also, the following property, to wit: two hundred an 1 fifty acres of land, more or less, on the Coweta reserve, about 1) miles from Columbus, having very line improvements upon the same, and being the resi dence of Seaborn Jones; also, the undivided half of the mill and land attached to the same, being one hun dred and fifteen seres, more ot less, adjoining the city commons of Columbus; also, the plantation at the in mtli of Bull creek, containing fourteen hundred a cres, more or less, about three miles f,om Columbus, having about two hundred acres of open land upon the same; also, the plantation upon Bull creek, containing about sixteen hundred acres, more or less, and com monly called Jones’ mills, about four miles from Co lunbus, having about one hundred and lif y acres of cleared land upon the same; also, the large brick house on the north west corner of Broa I and Ran dolph streets, having three tenements in the same; also, the wooden store house immediately north of the same; also, five unfinished brick store rooms on Ogle thorpe street, on half acre lot number one hundred and eighty: also the one tindivid and hall of the house and lot attached to the same on Oglethorpe street, a known as the Bland tavern, now kept by Howard; , also, half acre lots in the city of Columbus, numbers ; two hundred and eight, two hundred and nine, two hundred and ten, two hundred and eleven, two hun dred ane twelve, two hundred an 1 so trteen and five hundred and twelve; also, four vacant lots on the male academy square ; also, a small dwelling house on St. Clair street, east of A. K. Aver’s, and the land at tached to the same; also, one brick house on half acre lot number twenty-four; also, one hou e on half acre lots numbers twenty-two and part of 23; also, the undivided half of the two story brick house on Broad street, nearly opposite the Planters’ arid Mechanics’ Bank, in the city cf Col ambus; also, the following negroes, to wit: Sterling, John Bal .Jack, John Lew is, Bill Harrison, Bid Wilkes, King, Anthony, old Anthony, Wright. Duke, July, Leif, Davy. Harry, George, Anderson, Lucius, old Titus, old Wilkes, * Macklin, Charles, Andrew, Willis, Bob, Manuel, Candid and her two children, Priscilla and her five children, Hannah and her three children, Jenny, old Patty, Caroline and her child, old Lucy, Elmira, Lu cinda and her child, Ciller, old Fanny, old Hannah, Mariah, Susan and her six hoy chikLeri. Lucy, Mar tha and her threej children, Amy and her three chil dren, and Louisa and her three children. All the above lands lie in the county of Muscogee and State of Georgia, and the whole of the lands and negroes are levied on as the property ol Seaborn Jones, to sa tisfy sundry ti. fas. one in favor of the President and Directors of the Bank of Metropolis vs. Seaborn Jones, one in favor of the Insurance Bank of Colum bus vs. Seaborn Jones, one in favor of George Har graves, jr. vs. Seaborn Jones, one in favor of John Odom vs. Seaborn Jones, endorser, one in favor ofN. G. Wood vs. Seaborn Jones and James N. Bethtme, makers, and Calhoun & Bass, security, one in f tvor of William Riscd’. respondent vs. Seaborn Jones, appellant and Henry L. Bentting, security on the ap peal.and sun try other fi fas vs. Seaborn Jones. Pro perty pointed out by Col. Jo les. Als >, one negro girl about eight or nin s years old, by the name of Susan, levied on as the property of Richard L. K imp, to satisfy an attachment fi fa in fav rof Bartholomew Ingram vs. said Kemp. Pro perty pointed out in said fi. fa. Also, one brick tenement on Broad street, in the eitv of Columbus, now occupied by B, Dodge, south of J. B. Greene and Cos sav 30 feet front, more <>r loss, and running west one hundred and forty-seven feet ten inches; levied on as the property of Charles Ro senJe, deceased, to satisfy a fi ta in favor of Isaa- Vanclilf vs. Josephus Echols, administrator of Chas. Rosenae, deceased. POSTPONED SAI*ES. iVtl.t, BE SOLD at THE ABOVE TIME AND PLACE, Five, two story, granite front brick store houses,on Oglethorpe street, opposite the Oglethorpe House, at present unoccupied, (or tire most of them are) each con taining thirty feet front, more or less, on Oglethorpe street, and running west eighty feet, nto-e or less—all being in the citv ofColumbus and county ofMttscogee; also, lot of'land N> on-hundred and” eighty-one, in the six'll district of Muscogee, containing two hun dred two and a half acres, more nr less ; said land is unimproved ; all levied on as the property of Burton Hepburn, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from Mu scorer j S interior Court, one in favor of the Executors of George W Murray, deceased vs. Burton Hepburn, aortelhint, an 1 Ja u-s C. Watson, security on the appeal an ‘ Slav, and -th-r fi. fas. vs. said Hepburn. Also two negroes. Crawftrd a man twenty-five years oil, an I Susan i woman 20 years old. levied o, .as th“ pro >ertv of M.cajah I? ntetr to samL the fi fas in favor of A. M. Terry and W alter T. Col tin vs. sal I Bennett, n 1 one other h ft in favor of Jam-vs 11. Shor’er vs. said Ben ett, principal, and D D. Ridenhour, security. Vso. s,hi fallowing crapsrty: two so as. on# doren i maliogony chairs, on* do. rocking chair, one pier glass, one pair of ottomans two lenders, two j- r brass andirons, one pair shovil and longs, one set m.iiitua curtains, two dozi n cane bottom chairs, om I maliogony side board, two mahogony bedsteads, two maple bedsteads, one tea table, one set dining tables, j two bureaus, three wash stands, two feather beds, two | hair inaltrasscg. iwo cotton mattrssses, one parsagi lamp, aiid one fair wheel carriage and a pair ol hors es; all levied on as tin property of Edward Carey to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the Insurance Bank oi Co lumbus vs. Edward Carey and T. & AI. Evans, se curity outlie say of execution. Ats*>, the following property: William a negro man about iwi nty-tive years old, two piatios, one music stanJ ami stool, two sofas, one dozen maliogony chairs, six ottomans, one pier table, two pier glasses, one centre tab e, one astral lamp, two mantle lamps, one hat stand stx fenders, seven pair andirons, shovels and tongs, three bureaus with glasses, one French bedstead, four bedsteads, two small do, one set din ing tables. one wash stand, two wash stands, two rocking chairs, two lar<3 mirrors one looking glass twenty comm m chairs, one sideboard, two settees, one candle stan 1, two wardrobes, one wtiting desk an I chair, one sina I do., three foot stools, five small tables, three liai* mattrasses, five cotton do., two pair small bellows, one dining set china, one lea do., one set cut giass. nine silver candlesticks, two dozen silver forks and a s t of kni es, one pair silver waters, one set castors, one pair 0 over vases, one pair stiver snuf fers arid tray, one set Japan waiters,one cordial stand, and two safes, ail levied on as the property of James S. (Jaliioun. Also, the interest which James S. Cal houn ami Charles L. Bass have in the Columbus Wharf C impany, all levied on to satisfy sundry fi fas in fa or of the Insurance Bank of Columbus. Burton Hepburn, James Carey and o hers vs. James S. Cal houn and Charles L. Bass, and Calhoun & Bass and others. Also, lot of land number one hundrsd and seventy six, in the sixth dis’rict of Aluscogee county, contain ing two hundred two and a half acres, m re or less, and being the place where Jacob Land now live-, le vied on as the iroperty of Jacob Lamb, to satisfy a fi fa from Muscogee Superior Court, in favor ot James 11. Shorter vs. James U. Glenn, maker, Jacob Lamb, John Whitesides and John L. Harp, endorsers. Also, the north part of half acre lot number two bun ired and on a, on Oglethorpe street, in the city of Columbus, say twenty-three feet front, more or less, and running west one hundred and forty-seven feet ten inches, h iving upon the same good improvements, levied on as the property of Thomas Dutton to satis fy a fi fa in favor of Ansel L. Watkins vs. Thomas Dutton. Also, half acre lot number five hundred arid fifty nine, in the city of Columbus and county of Musco gee, levi-d on as the property of Thomas A Brannon to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from Aluscogee su perior court, in favo - of Drury Mims, assignee of Win. P. Alalone vs. Thomas i\. Brannon. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. Also, half acre lot number one hundred and forty seven, in the city of Columbus, and county of Mus cogee, levied on as the property of William Koptnan, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa from Aluscogee superior court, in favor of Sol Smith vs. William Koptnan. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. 4>s ‘ S. R. BONNER. Sheriff. At the same time and place will be sold: The life time estate of Ephraim C. Bandy in the followi g named neg o slaves, to wit: Jacob, 28 years ofage; Reuben, 22 years of age: Wdliam, 38 years of age ; Richard, 23 years of age; Branch, 20 years of age ; Iverson, a boy 16 years of age ; Bvron, a boy 8 years ofage, and Betsey, a woman 27 years of age, levied on to satisfy sundry fi. fas. front the Superior Court of Muscogee county ; one in favor of Thomas .Moore vs. Ephraim C. Bandy, and James H. Camp bell, security on appeal; one Hezekiah Nobles vs. E. C. Bandv, maker, and John L. Lewis, endorser; one Kenneth McKenzievs. Ephraim C. Bandy ; one Robert Lowther vs. Michael Hoffman and E. C. Bandy, one Elizabeth G. Howard, administratrix of Homer V. Howard vs. E. C. Bandy and Martin Brooks, security. Property pointed out by said E. G. Bandy. Also, one house and lot in the city of Columbus and county of Muscogee, situated on the South side of Crawford street, and occupied at present by John H. Lamar ; said house and lot adjoining Thos. McCarty on the east and the house occupied by Mr. Smith on the west, levied on as the property ofSatnue! Lytle, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Muscogee Superior Court, in favor of Thomas L. Ross vs. said Lytle. Also, three negroes, to wit: Susan. 25 years ofage, and her child Harriet, 2 years old; Henry,a hoy 10 years old, levied on as the property of Axiim Dunn, to satisfy sundry fi fas from Muscogee superior court, one in favor of Edward E. Powers vs. Axuni Dunn and Eli B. AV. Spivey, makers, and John L. Lewis, endorser ; one fi. fa. in favor of Walter T. Colquitt vs Henry Horton, maker, and Axuni Dunn, endorser: one fi fa in favor of Stewart & Fontaine vs. Axuni Dunn, and one other in fa or of James L. Laurence vs. David Mann and Axum Dunn. W.VL F. LUCKIE.D. S. March 1 4 td3 At the same time and place will be sold: A negro boy named Phil, about twenty-eight years old, the property of Pierce L. Lewis, levied on to satisfy afi fa f,om Aluscogee Superior Court in fa vor of Wadity J. Jackson v. . AVilliain P AlcKeen &co. maker, s aid Lewis, and John .). 80-well endor sers. This negro is very likely, and a first rate cook. Also, a negro boy by name Martin, the property of Nancy F. Mitchell to sa’isfv two fi fas from Musco gee Superior i ourt, one in favor of Elisha Read, foi the us e of Read ic Talbot vs. said Nancy F. Mit chell, and the other in favor of Burton Hepburn v=. William Rodgers maker, Joseph Davidson, Nancy F. Mitchell and Walter T. Colquitt, endorsers and se curities. Also, fifty acres of land, being the North West cor ner of lot number forty-three, in the ninth district oi Muscogee county, levied on as the* property of Isain Windhatn, to satisfy a l-i fa from a Justices court ot 774th district, G. M. in favor of Kimberly Massey vs. said Windham. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot ofland number cne hundred and fifty-two, in the ninth district Aluscogee county, containing two hundred tw i and a ha f acres, levied on as the proper ty of David Mann. to satisfy a fi fa from Muscogee Su perior Court in favor of Hill & Dawson vs. said Mann. Also, a negro girl by name Celia, about sixteen years old, the property if John T. Walker, levied in io satisfy a fi fa Irem the Inferior Court of Muscogee county, in favor of t tie Mayor and Council of the city of Columbus vs. said \\ alkir. Also, fourteen acres of land more or less, with the valuable improvements thereon, situate one mile and a halt cast of i he city of Columbus, now the . i si ’eitceof Col.;Spivey, levied on as the property < f James S Nor man. b\ virtue of three fi fas from Muscogee Superior Court, two in favor of Peter Jacobus vs. said Norman, and the other - in favor of James H. Shorter vs. said Norman principal, and John L. Lewis endorser, Also, one sorrel horse, the property of Thomas Dut ton, levied on to satisfy a fi fa from the Superior Court of Muscogee county in favor of Rhodtim fe. Griggs vs. said Dutton and Jonathan P. Jackson. POSTPONED SALE. Also, the undivided third of James Terry’s interest in the following negroes, to-wit: Dic.y a woman about forty years oh, Sam, her son, about sevt n \ ears old. Susan a girl about five years old, and Monroe a boy about six months old, levied on to satisfy a fi fa issu ed from the superior court of Upson county , in favor of John Cavanah vs. said Terry. The above pro perty is also subject to several executions from a justice’s court. Property pointed out by Michael N. Clatke. Esq. Also, the honse and lot lately occupied by John C. Hamilton, situated on the west side of Oglethorpe street, in the city of Columbus, hounded north by the property of Thomas Dutton and south by Dr. J. J. Hoxey, levied on as the property of David Wright, to satisfy three fi fas from the superior court of Musco gee county. one ti favor of Thomas S. Smith, one in tavor ot Elijah Cor’.ev, and the other in favor of Caroline E. Wiley vs. said Wright, principal, and Hampton S. Smith, security. THEOBALD HOWARD, D. S. March 4. 18 10. tds. At the same time and place will he sold: One lot of l aid containing two hundred two and a half acres, number not known, adjoining lands of Lewis Skinner and Josiah Taylor, in the ninth district of Muscogee county, levied on as the property of Robert | Duke, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Muscogse county in favor of Hill. Dawson &co. vs. said Duke, it being the place on which Robert Duke now lives. Also, one lot of land containing two hundred two and a half acres, number fifty-eight in the fifth district of Muscogee county, it being the place on which Alex ander Ligon now lives, levied on as the property of Alexander Ligon, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the'Su perior Court cf Muscogee county, in favor of Charles J. Denham vs. said Ligon. Also, lot of laud number twenty-three, in the sixth district, containing two Hundred two and a half acres, levied on as the property of George Wilson, it being the place on which Burwell Hearndon now lives, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Super or Court of Mus cogee county in favor of James C. Watson vs. Ander son Spear and George Wilson. Also, one lot ofland number twenty-six, in the sixth I district of Muscogee county levied on as the property of John Moore, to sa iifv a fi fa issued from a Justices court of Coweta county in favor of Levi Wilcoxon vs. said Moo e. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Part of a one hundred acre lot of land in the town of Wvnnton. Muscogee county, levied on as the pro perty of William Patrick, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Thomas Motley vs. saiJ Patrick, being number sev enlv-two in the Coweta reserve, containing seven or eight acres, more or less, whereon Charles Bize now lives. Levy made and returned to me bv a constable. One lot ofland number two hundred and five, in the ninth district of Muscogee countv. levied on as the property of Arthur R. Johnston, to sa'isfv two ft fas issued from Muscogee superior court, one in favor of Joseph S. 8m th & Cos. vs. said Johnston, one other ti ft in favor of John & Win. Kinkaid vs. William J. B'.air. and Arthur TI.-Johnston, security. Also, two hundred two and a half acres of land, beina the east half lot number one hundred and forty one. and the north half of lot number one hundred and -txteen. ho'hin the sixth district of Muscogee countv and a negro woman about seven'een vears old. named Hannah, and her chi'd a!>out two months old. all levied on as the property of James Howell, to satisfy sundry ii, as issued from the superior court of Muscogee county, in favor of Samuel C. Parks and others vs. l Janies Howell, also, sundry fi fas issued from a justi ce’s court of Muscogee county, in favor of A. B. Austin vs. said Howell, ar. J E. Dean, security. JOHN S. DUNCAN, D. S. March 1. 1841. 4 ts TAX SALE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in MAY next, four half acre lots in the city ofCoiurnbus. two situated on Broad street, known by numbers one hundred and twenty-two, and one hundred and twen ty-three ; and the other two situated on Oglethorpe street, known bv nunitiers one hundred and twenty one. aim one hundred and twenty-four, levied on to sa tisfy a ti fa in favor of the County and S ate, against Thomas G. Gordon, for taxes due for the year 1839. THEOBALD HOWARD, D Cs. Alarch 1, 1841. 2m. TAX SALES. W’ ILL b 6 sold on the first Tuesday in M AY next, one house and iot in the chy of Columbus and county of Muscogee, known in the plan of said ctv as number three hundred and fifty-two, levied on as the property of Hiram Read, to satisfy two taxli fas, one vs. Read and Talbot, the o.h :r vs. Hiram Read. Levied on and returned to me by a constable. Tax due on both fi fas £>74 28. Also, one house and lot in the city of Co'umbus and county of Muscogee, known in the plan of said city as number three hundred arid fifty- hree, levied on p.s the piopert v of E ihu Talbot, to satisfy a tax fi fa against said Talbot. Levied on and returned to me by a con-table. Also, the building in the city of Columbus. Musco gee county, Georgia, het etofore occupied as a Bank ing House by the Instil ance Bank of Columbus, situ i:cd on the north par’ of lot. known in the p an of said city of Columbus, as number one hundred and sixty seren.onthe corner of Bioad and Si. Clair streets, and at present oc upied bv Thomas F. Foster, and Hall & Di-bldis; levied upon as the property of the said Insurance Bank of Columbus, to satisfy a tax fi fa for the year 1837, in favor of the coutvy of Musco gee vs. said Insurance Bank of Columbus. Amount of lax due $lB/2. WM. F. LUCKIE, D .S. March 4. tds. MORTGAGE SALES. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in APRIL next at the Market House in the citv of Co umbus, between the usual hours of sale the following negroes, tc-wit: Creasy a woman about twenty-five years old, and her female child about five years old, levied on as the property of Robert L. Moore, to satisfy a mortgage ii fa in favor of James H. Shorter vs. said Mooie. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. Also, tlie following properly: one negro man bv the name of Ned twenty live years old, Rlioda a woman thirty-eight years old, two bay horses, one four-wheel carriage, one piano, one sideboard, one bureau and one sofa, all levied on as the property of Henry King, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of Catlett Camp bell, assignee of Hampton S. Smith vs. Henry King. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. S. R. BONNER, Sheriff. January 27, 1841. 49ts RANDOLPH SHERIFF S SALES. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court House d-or in Cuthbert, Randolph county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz: East half of lot of land number five, in the eighth district of said county, levied on as the property of Ishatn Phillips to satisfy onefi.fa. in favor of William Taylor vs. Ishatn Phillips and Robe-t Lt. Phillips. Also, one sorrel mire, about seven years old. levied on as the property of George P. Neeley, to satisfy one fi. fa. issued from the Superier [Court of said county, in favor of Joel W. Perry vs. George P. Neely. One lot ofland number two hundred and sixty-two, in the sixth district of said count}’, levied on as the property of William Bell, so far as his interest, to sa tisfy one fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county, In favor of John L. Lewis vs. William Bell and John Standley and J. H. Campbell, endorsers Also the fol'owing lots of land, lo wit: numbers two hundred and twenty-six. two hundred and fifty-six, two hundred and twenty-three, two hundred and twenty-four and one hundred and twelve, in the ninth district of said county, levied on as the property of Julius G. Echols, to satisfy one fi. fa. issued from tire Superior Court of Talbot connty, in furor of James Ellison vs. Julius G. Echols. Also, lot of land number two hundred and thirty five, in the fifth district, of said county, levied on as the property of James Ennis, lo satisfy two fi. fa<. is sued out of a Justices Court of said county, in favor of Samuel Harrison, administrator of the estate of Wm. Oliver, deceased vs. L. J. .Biook. James Ennis and Henry Smith. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot ofland number three hundred andeight, in the eighth district of said county, levied on as the pro perty of Henry Smith, to satisfy one fi. fa. issued out of a Jus ices’ Court of said county, in favor of Sa muel Harrison, administrator of the estate of William Oliver, deceased, vs. L. J, Brook, James Ennis and Henry Smith. Levy made and returned lo me by a constable. Also, lot <-f ‘and number! IGS. in the ninth dis trict of said county, levied on as the pioperty of W. B. Smith, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued out of a Jus tices’ Com) of said count v. in favor of Win. Stubbs vs. AV. B. Smith and John Reynolds. Levy made and returned to me hv a constable. Also, the house and lot whereon Whitfield B. Smith now hves. levied on as the property of said Smith, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of a Justices’ Court of said county, in favor of William H. Lindsey vs Whitfield B. Smith. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also. Joseph P. Hardy’s interest in a saw mill on the Smochobee creek, about a nnle and a half front Fort Gaines, it beina in the seventh district of said county, levied on as Joseph P. Hardi’s property, to satisfy sundry li. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Early county, ; n favor if John Standley vs. Joseph P. Hardy. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, lo’ of land number one hundred and fourteen, in ihe eleventh district of said county, levii and on as the property of B. A. Tharp, to satisfy one fi. fa issued out of a Justices’ Court of Dooly county, in favor of A. Balmon vs. A B. Tharp. Levy made and re turned to me by a constable. Also, one lot of land number sixty-seven, in the tenth district of said county, levied on as the propsrty of Benjamin Williams, to satisfy one fi. fa. issued out of a Justices’ Court of said county, in favor of David Rumph vs Benjamin Williams, principal, and John Williams, security. Levy made and relumed to me bp a constable. Also,lot of land number one hundred and eight, in the eighth .istrict of said county, levied on a-the property of Robert Caraway, to satisfy two fi fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of said county, in favor ofF. Porter vs Benjamin Car iwav, principal, and B. D. Pitlmon and Robert Caraway, security. Lew made and returned to me by a cons able. Also, one negro woman by the name of Anica. ahont 40 years of age. levie 1 on as ihe property of Whitfield B. Smith, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued out of a Jus ices’ Court of said county, in favoi of Richmond Ingram vs. W. B. Smith. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot ofland number sixty, in the sixth district of said county, levied on as the property of Attaivay Vaughan, to satisfy one fi. fa. issued from a Justices’ Courtof Franklin county, in favor of James Morris vs. Attaway Vaughan. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. RICHARD DAVIS, D. S. March 1, 1841. 4 tds. At the same time and place will be sold : Lot ofland No. 11, in the 19th district anti ten acres and a set of mills on the northwest corner of lot No. 22 in the 19th district of Randolph county; levied on as the property of Wm Casey, Jr. to satisfy sun dry fi fas issued from Randolph inferior court in favor of Thomas Howe and others vs Wm. Casey. Jr. One Jersey waggon, 2 bedsteads, and 2 stacks of fodder; levied on as the property of John N. Kellev to sati-fy i ne fi fa issued from Randolph inferior court in favor of Green B. Whaley vs John N. Kelley. Lot ofland No. 132, in the Glh district of Randolph county; levied on as the property of Anson Brazil to satisfy one fi fa issued from a justices court of Musco gee county in favor of John B. Baird vs Anson Bra zil. Levy returned by a constable. Also, lot ofland No. 93, in the 4th district of Ran dolph county; levied on as the property of Reuben Roach to sa isty one ft ta issued from a justices court cf Stewart county in favor of Joseph Tooke vs Reu ben Roach. Levy made and returned by a constable. Also, lot ofland No. 191, in the 10th distiict of Randolph connt.; levied on as theproperty of Nathan G. Christie to satisfy one fi fa issued from Randolph superior court in favor of John Reynolds vs Joseph Jcrnigan, Henry C. Calhoun, Natha'n G. Christie and Jonathan C. Fentress. Also, two lots of land in the 6th district of Rand..l; h county, numbers not known—one whereon Gabr'el Jones now lives, and the other whereon James T. Jones now lives; both levied on as the property of Ga briel Jones to satisfy one fi fa issued from Randolph supeiior court in favor of Wm. H. Gillleond vs AVm. M. Atkinson, Gabriel Jones security, and Lazarus Atkinson. A so, lot of land No. 149, in the 9 It dis'rict of Ran dolph county; levied on as the property of Green B. Hopson to satisfy one fi fa issued from a justices court of said county in favor of Joseph Floyd vs Green B. Hopson. Levy made a*d returned by a constable. Also, lot ofland No. 127, in the 4th"district of Ran dolph county; levied on as the property of Wm. Ste phens to satisfy one fi fa issued from Jone* superior court in favor of John J. Smith vs Win Stephens Also, two mules, one two horse waggon, and two lots in the town of Cuthhcrt. Randolph county, lying adjoining the public square on the east side, nua bers not known; levied on as the property of Lazarus At kinson to satisfy one fi fa issued front Randolph supe rior court in favor of Wright, Bail & Cos. vs Lazarus Atkin on and John W. Barry. A-so, one ox cart, and John Adams’ interest in lot ofland No. 13. in the 19th district of Randolph countv; levied on as the property of John Ad ,ms to satisfy one fi fa issued from Randolph sup rior court in favor of Buchanan and Johnson vs John Adams. Also, the house and lot whereon David Holman now lives, in the town of Ctchhert. Randolph county; levied on as the property of David Holman to satisfy one fi Fa issued from Randolph superior court in favor of Albert M. Berry vs David Hoi man. j Also, lot o. land No. 253, in the 9th district of Ran dolph county; levied on as the property of Wm. G. Wiilt: m i to satisfy one fi fa issued from Rand Iph In ferior court in tavor if Andrew Rankin vs Win. G. Williams. A so, the undivided half of ot of land N. 97, in the 1 lih district of Randolph county; levied on as I; e pro l*?rty of Win. Peavy, to satisiy one fi fa issued from Randolph inferior court in favor of Jessue Tarrer vs Wm. Peavy. Alsi, tut south half of lot of land No 52, in the 10 h district of Randolph countv; levied on as the properly of Grief Palmer to satisfy : ne fi fa issued from Ran dolph inferior court in favor of James B. Beall vs Grief Palmer. A'so, lot ofland No. 10, in tbe 19th district of Ran dolph county; levied on as the property of \\ r m. Ad ams to satisfy one fi fa issued from a justices court of Stewart county in favor of Brooks and Walton vs Wm Adams. Levy made ard returned by a constable. Also, Janus Ennis’s interest in n n gro woman by the name of c usan; levied on to satisfy one fi fa issued from Randolph superior court in favor of James lduck aby vs Jan es Ennis. Also, the east half of lot of land No. 185 in the 10th district of Randolph county; levied on as the pro perty of Le nard Peters to satisfy’ one fi fa issued from Randolph inferior court in favor of Thomas J Hines vs Leonard Peters. Also, 10l of land N0.207, in ihe 10th district o’ Ran dolph county, and one sorrel horse, bridle saddle and martingales; levied on as the property of Jonatli in C. Fentress, so far as his interest extends, to salisfy one fi fa issued from the superior court of Randolph county in favor of John Weeks vs Jonathan C. Fentress. Also, two lots in ihe town of Cuthbert, Rand lph county —lot No. 4, in square 1, and lot No. 32, levied i on as the property of George M, Ilamner to satisfy an ’ attachment h fa issued from Randolph inferior court in | favor of Wm. Morgan vs George M. Ilamner. Also, lot of land No. 15, in the 20th distr ct of Ran dolph county. 2 mules and a road waggon arid harness; levied on as the properiy of Hub iard Stubbs to sati-iy sundiy fi fas issued from Randolph sup* rior couit in favor of Samuel A. Grier vs Hubbard Stubbs. Also, lot of land No. 190, in lie 4th district of Ran dolph county; levied on as the property ofGeorgeGib son to satisfy sundry li (as issued from a justices eourt of Taliaferro county in favor of Wio. B. W'atson and others vs George Gibson. Levy made and returned by a constable. Also, 10l ol la /I No. SO, in the lOili district of Randolph county; levied on as the proptity of Abra ham McKinney to satisfy one ti fa issued from Ran dolph superior court in favor of Reuben J. Crews vs Abraham Mc.iintiev and Michael McKinney. Also, lot of land No. 189, in the6ih district of Ran dolph county; levied on as ihe property of Isaac Ram sey to satisfy one fi (a issued from Randolph superior court in favor of Isaac Fort vs 1.-aac Ramsey. Also, one bay horse; levied on as the property of John W. Thompson to satisfy one fi fa issued from Randolph superior court in favor of A. B. Pope vs John W. Thompson. Also, one cotton gin; levied on as the property of John N. Kelley to satisfy one fi fa issued from Ran dolph inferior court in favor of Green B. Whaley vs John N. Kelley. Also, one lot of land, number not known, in the 11th district of said county —where n Muses Mat thews now lives; levied on as the property of Jarvis Fillingim to satisfy two small ft fas issued from a jus tices court in Houston county in favor of J. Hudson vs Jarvis Fillingim. Levy made and returned by a constable. Also.or.e negro boy, by the name of Morgan, and one hundred one and a fourth acres of land, it being a part of lot No. 118, in the 8: h district of said county; levied on as the property of Wm. Britt to satisfy sun dry fi fas issued from a justices court of said county in favor of Wm. Ingram vs Wm. Britt. Also, lots of land Nos 317 and 325 in the 3th dis trict of said county; levied on as the property of H. H. Raney to salisfy one fi fa issued from Muscogee infe r or court in favor of Suear and Patton vs W. V. & II H. Ranev. Also, lot of hand No. 127, in the 11 th district of said county; levied on as the property of Shem Thompson to satisfy afi fa issued from a justices court ii said county in favor of Mary P. Maynard vs Ishum Thompson and Shem Ttiornpson. Also, lot of land No. 72, in the 6th district of said connty; levied on ns the property of Amos Lane in satisfy one fi fa issued from Randolph superior court in favor of John W. Tabor vs Amos Lane. S. W. BROOKS, D. Sh’ff. M irch 1,1841. 4 Is STEWART SALES. wm r ILL be sold before the Court House door in v v the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, on t lie first Tuesday in APRIL next, within the legal hours of sale, the fol owing property, 10-rot: Tlie following negroes, viz: Jim a man, June a man, Winny a woman, Titus a boy, Cloe a girl, John Car ter a man, Mary Ann and child Sarah, Celia a wo man; Reuben, Ira and Samuel, boys; Lizzy, a woman; Cindy Ann, a girl; Henry, a boy; Lucinda, a girl: Martah and infant child Torn; Augustus and Harry, boys; Harriet, a girl; Elizabeth and Ellen, girls; little Maitah, Jane and Betty Ann, girls; Ben and Arthur, boys; also, one waggon and four mules, ten thousand pounds of seed cotton, and one thousand bushels of corn—all levied or as the property of Felix G. Gibson, to satisfy one li fa issued out of the superior court of Willies county, in favor of Stewart & Hargraves, foi the use of David Allison, vs said Felix G. Gibson.— Property pointed out by J. G, Echols. Also, five negro slaves, viz: Diana and three chil dren, and Alfred a boy; levied on as the property of Robeit Hatcher, to satisfy sundry li f s issued out of the superior court o! Stewart county, one in tavor of A. & Q,. A. Law lion, for the use of J. B. Ureene and others vs said Hatcher. Also lot of land No. 119, in the 23d district of for merly Lee now StewaH county; levied on as the pro perty cf Bardweil Billings, to satisfy one ti fa issued from a justices court of Jasper county, iti favor of.lno. Baldwin vs said Bardweil Billings. Levied on and returned to me bv a constable. Also, two houses, in part o! lot No. 1. in block P, in the town of Florence, (one of said houses being unfinished,) and both eastof the cornet house former ly known as Winfrey’s cornet; also the ground which said houses occupy—running the wlioie length of said lot; also one house on part of same lot, immediately north of said corner house, and the ground and out houses thereunto belonging; all levied on as the pro perty of Lemuel C. Morgan, to satisfy sundry fi ‘as L tied out of a justices cou>t in favor of Bruntly Ma thews vs William F. Philips and Lemuel C. Morgan. Levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, the unexpired R ase and interest of a house and lot (not numbered) in the town of Florence, known as Philip Thomas’s lease from the Florence Company, as the property of John P. Harvey, to satisfy two fi fas issued from a justices court, ojie in favor of Oiiver P. Tommy vs said John P. Harvey, the other in favor of G. P. Utnphrey vs Thomas Gard ner, John P. Harvey and 11. W. Jerriigan security. Levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot of land No. 70, in the 23d district of for merly Lee now Stewa t county; levied on as the pro perty of Thomas Trotrinan to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of a justices court in favor of Alien Beck ham vs Biount Troutman and Thomas Troutman Levied on and returned by acon-tabie. Also, lot ol land No. 40, in the 32d district of for merly Lee now Stewart county; levied on as the pro per'v of Frederic Scott, to satisfy one ft fa issued out of Hancock inferior court to favor of James W. M. Berrien, for the use of William D. Grimes and Henry Burn. .Inn. vs Freddie Scott principal, and James H. Burnett security. Also, west half of lot. ofland No. 99, in the 16,1 t dis trict of Stewart county; levied on as the property of William Avera, to satisfy one fi fa issued out of Stew art inferior court in favor of James Clark vs ohn A. Sherman and William Avera. Property pointed out by Wm. Avera. Also, lots of land No. 56, in the 24th district, as the property of John Lunsford, and No. 203. in the 20th district, the property of James S. Lunsford; levied on to sat sfy one fi fa issued out of the superior court of Stewart county, in favor of Lewis L. Smith vs James S. Lunsford, John Lunsford and Augustine B. Pope. Property pointed out by Janies Clark. Also, one negro girl, named Betty; levied on as the property of James B. Brown, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of the inferior court of Stewart county in favor of Eason Smith and others vs James B. Brown. Also, one iron gray horse and one lot of lumber: levied on as the property of Henry Beachani, to satisfy snndry fi fas issued out of the inferior court of Stewart county in favor of G. B. Ball & Cos. and others vs said Henry Beachani. Also, lot ofland No. 50, in the 25th district of for merly Lee now Stewart county; levied oil as the pro perty of John P. Glover, Sen. to satisfy one fi fa is sued out ol Crawford superior court in favor of the Stale of Georgia vs John P. Glover. Sen. Solomon Spur lock and John P, Glover. Property pointed out by Philip J. Echols. POSTPONED SALE. One negro man, a slave, by the name of Abraham, 25 years old; taken as the property of Henry Beach ara. to satisfy a fi fa issued out of Stewart superior court m favor of Abner Witiborn vs Henry Beacham. Lot of land No 235. in the 31st district of Steuart count v, and one bay mare, two cows and calves, all le vied on as the property of M. M. S. adsworth, to satisfy one ti fa issued out of Stewart superior court in favor of E. E. Ctocker vs James Barber arid M. M. S. Wadsworth. Also, lots ofland Nos. 40. 57 and 25, in the 24 h district of Slewart countv. as the property if Samuel Adams to satisfy one fi fa issued out of Stewart infe rior court. Richard J. Snell ng and Cornelius Learv vs .Tames S. Lunsford and Samuel Adams. Also, lot No. 156, m the 21st district of Stewart county, taken as the property of Jacob Mercer to satisiy one fi fa issued out cf Stewart inferior court in favor of Joseph S. Lee vs Jacob Mercer and Henry B. Lee. Also. John I.anturn’s it terest in lot ofland No. 104. j in the22d district ofStewar’ county. to satisfy snndry j fi fas issued out of a justices court of Stewart county in J favor of Thomas Brinsfield and , titers vs John Lan- j turn. Also, one sorrel horse, one two horse wagon, taken as the property of Simeon B Lester to satisfy one fi fa issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor of Francis Delauney vs George D. Lester and Simeon B. Lester. A’so, on' 1 negro hoy nailed Abram, levied on as the ; property of Henry Beachai t to sa'isfv one fi fa issued j out of th” superior court of S'ewart county in favor of Abner Willhorn vs Henrv Beacham ROBERT RIVES, Sheriff. Jli ch 1,1641. 4 ts * At the same time and place will le sold: Lots of land Nos. 122, 123. and fifty acres on the south side ol No. 102, in tbe*2sth district of formerly Lee now Stewart county; levied on as the prone-ty of Reuben B. Pickett, to satisfy a fi fa issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor of Henry U . Sp> ars and others vs K. B. Pickett. Property pointed out by the delendant. Atso, Nos. -0 and 91, in the S2d district of Stew art county; levied on as the property of Thomas B. Ap piewhite to s tisly a fi ta issued out of the inferior court ol Stewait county in favot of Robert Apple white vs said Thomas B. Applewhite. Also, Charlotte, a negro girl, 19 years old; levied on 1 as the property of Job Glover to satisfy a fi fa issued I out of Stewart inferior court in tavor of Robert Ap i pie white vs Job Glover. Also, Nos. 182,202 and 234. in the 25th district of Stewart county, and 1 eream ho se 9 years od; all j levied on as the property of A. Prim to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of Stewart superior and inferior courts 1 in favor of Edward Kellogg and others vs A. Prim. ; Property pointed out by plaintiffs’ ittorney. Also, 79, 82 and 83, in the 18ili district, 100 acres cleared, a gin bouse, and SCO acres best hutninack land; levied on as the property of Jeptha Pickett to satisfy two fi las issued out of Stewait inferior court in I favor of Oswell Hally and others vs Jeptha Pickett, j Property pointed out by the defendant. ; Also, three negroes’ namely—Ltuben, a man, 20 ! years old; Elic. a man 47 yea'rs old; Rachel,4s years o'd; all levied on as the property of John Reynolds to | satisfy i fi fa issued out of Randolph superior court in favor of Jacob Anderson and others vs said Rey | nolds. J Also. 1 sorrel horse, levied as the pnpertv of Wm. B. Shaw to satisfy a fi fa issued from Stewart superior courr in favor of W illiani H. Raw-son. surviving co partner of William H. Raw-son & Cos. vs George VV. Morris and Wm. B. Shaw. Also, n negro woman by the name of Liza; levied on as the property oQ Elizabeth Jenkins to satisfy a fi fa issued out of Stewart superior court in favor of the executors of Samuel Williams, deceased, vs Elizabeth Jenkins. Also, lot No. 25, in the 31st district of Stewart county; evit-d on as tlre property cf John M. Glaize to satisfy a fi fa issued from a justices court of Harris county in favor of Wm. C.Osbo n vs said Glaize. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, No. 72, in the 25th district of Stewart county; levied on as the property of Burrage Elliott, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of a justices court of Stewart county in favor of Oswell Helly vs Burrage Elliot! and Howell Elliott. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, No. 23, in the2slh district of Stewart county; levied on asthe property of Peter Richardson to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of a justices court of Stewart county in fav r of John Simpson vs Peter Richardson. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, No. 2. in the 31st district of Stewart county; levied oil asthe property of H. Gibson to satis y two fi fas issued out of a justices court of Stewart county in favor of H. F‘. Rose. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. A Iso. lot No. 62, in the 25 th district of formerly Lee now Stewart county; levied on as the property cf Leroy Burton to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from Elbert comity in favor of Thomas H. Jones. Also, a negro woman, by the name of Arena; levied on as the property of H. M. Haws to satisfy sundry (i fas issved out. -t a justices court of Stewart county in favor of Dawrence & Cos. vs said Haws. Lory made and returned to me by a constable. HENRY W. SPEARS, D. Sh’ff. March 1,1541. MORTGAGE SALES. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before tho Court House door m the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, the following property, to wit: The following slaves: Lucy and two children,George, Rose and her two children. Caroline. Daniel, Dave, \rthur, Sampson, Dianuah and two children, Tener, and Alfred, all taken asthe property of Robert Hatch er, to satisfy three mortgage fi fas issued out of Stew art inferior court in favor of Willard Bovnton, Love J. Bryan, Tomlinson Fort and Elijali E Crocker, executors of Samuel Williams, deceased. Property pointed out in said fi fas. Also, eleven slaves, viz: Dick, Detnpsy, Oeily forty years of age, Cedey three months old, Green, Drucil la, Ailsey Juliann, John, Nancy and Mariah, all levied ori as the property of Richard W. Simmons, to satis fy two mortgage fi fas issued out of Monroe inferior court, one in favor of Frederick G. Balberf, the other in favor of Arthur Foster vs R. W. Simmons. Pro perty pointed out in said fi fas. Also, one road wagon, harness and six mules,taken as the property of Nathan Clifto -, to satisfy a mort gage fi fa issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor of the executors of Samuel Williams, deceased. M. M. FLEMMING, D. S. Jan. 27, 1841. 49 ts RAISER SHERIFF'S SALES, WILL, be sold on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, at the Court House in the town of New ton, Baker county, within the usual hours ofsale, th*- f illowing property, to wit: 250 acres of pine land in the seventh district of ori ginally Early no.v Baker county, number two hundred and forty-two: levied cn as the property of Seth Thurston to satisfy one ti fa from the inferior court of Randolph county, David Euinph vs Seth Thurston maker, and William G. Williams endorser. Property pointed out by Seth 1 hurston. Also, 8 half acre lots in Byron, Baker county, Nos. one, two three and four, in block No. two; lot No. one in block number three; number one, two and three in south east block; 1- vied on as the property of Thomas Porter to satisfy seven small !i fas, the administrators of L. Bond vs said Porter, and James Keaton vs said Pet ter. Levy made bv M. CoUion, const. ROBERT HAR DIE .Sheriff. March 1, 1841. 4 ts At the same time and place will be sold: One crib of corn, containing one hundred and fifty bushels, more or less, levied oil as the property of Hudson D. Tabor to satisfy one fi fa issued trom the superior court of said counnty, Stephen S. Boon vs said Tabor. Property pointedlout by plaiutff’s attor ney. Also, 250 acres of land, more or less, in the eighth district of Originally Early now Baker countv, where on the widow George now lives levied on as the pro perty of Eli George, deceased., to satisfy one fi fa is sued from the Superior Court of said county, William Janes vs. Eli George. Property pointed out by P. J. Strozer, plaintiff’s attorney. Also, 25’ acres, more or less, bf pine land, in the : eventli district of originally Early now Baker county, number one hundred and eleven, levied on as the pro perty of 11. M. Powell, to satisfy two fi fas from a Justices’ Court of said county, Levi Timmons vs. 11. M. Powell arid Ezekiel Pierce. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. By an order of the inferior court of sab l county — Ten head of stock cattle; levied on as the property of John Gipson to satisfy an attachment in favor of Jo seph B. Shores vs sad Gipson. GREEN TINSLEY, D. Sli’fT. March 1,1841. 4 ts ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. AGREEA BLY to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Lee county, Georgia, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold before the court house door in the stown of S arksville, Lee county 7 , on the first Tuesday in MAY next, between the usual hours of sale, the undivided half of lot num bered, in the third district of Lee county, belonging to the estate of Lucy Hooks, deceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale. JOHN G, HOOKS, adm’r. March 4, 4 tds FOUR months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Baker county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell the negroes belonging to the estate of Hillary Hooks, late of said county, deceased. JOHN G. HOOKS adm’r. notice to debtors and credit ors. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Thomas E. Taggart, deceased, will please make immediate payment, ar.d those persons having demands against the estate, will present them in lerms of the law. WM. RABUN SHIVERS, adm’r. March 4 * 4 3t GEORGIA. HEARD COUNTY. “1D57 HE REAS Manerniah Ligon and Robert At- Vw kinson apply to me for letters of administration on the estate of Marshall Ligon, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindi ed and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within lhe tune prescribed bv law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office. Feb 23. 1841. 4 4t bailey bledsoe. c. c. o. GEORGIA, HEARD COUNTY. MONTHS afterdate application will be . made to the honorable the Inferior Court of said county, while sitting as a court for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land belonging to toe estate oi Thomas Hdley, Sen late of said county, deceased. THOMAS HILLEY. Adm’r. Feb. 24. 1841. 4 m4m GEORGIA, BAKER COUNTY. Murphy Taylor applies tome for Vw letters of administration cn the estate of James Taylor, late of said county, deceased— These are, then fore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at mv office, within the time prescribed by lew, to show cause, it any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office. Feb. 19, 1841. 4 4t SETH C. S (’EVENS, c. c. o. notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Maj. Jehn Mitchell, late of Harris county 7 dec’d. are re quested to come forward ami settle the same, and upon failure to do so. suit will be commenced indiscrimi nately. Those having claims against said estate ate hereby notified to render an account of their demands duly authenticated, within the lime prescribed by law. H. IV. BROOKS, ALEX. McDOUGALD, March 11 5 5t Executors. LEGAL NOTICES. GUARDIAN’S SALE. B 7 Order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Harris county, when silting for ordinary pur poses, will he suul on the first Tucsdey in APRIL next, within the usual hours of sale, before the Court house door in the- town of Columbus. Muscogee coun ty . Lot ct Land No. 148, in the 33d district ol tornierK Lee now Muscogee county, belonging to the minors of Levi Kirk, deceased. WILLIAM KIRK, Guardian, Jan. 27. 49 ts GEORGIA, lie ARIJ COUNTTT Court of Ordinary. January Term , 1841. W HEREAS .Noel Pace N 1 homas J. Jones executors to the last will and testament of Bar nabas Pace, 1: te of said county . deceased, apply for leiters of dismission on said estate— These r r e, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased lo be and appear at my office, within ihe time- prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office. Jan. 20,1841. 49 1116111 BAILEY BLEDSOE, c. c. o. KORGIA, STEWART COUNTY. ER/’TIEREAS, Green B. Ball, administrator of w the estate of Ward H. Ball, deceased, ap plies to me’for letters of dismission on said estate, These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to hi- held in and for said county on the fust Monday in July next, at which time application will be made to the Court for letters of dismission, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under myhand at office, this 4’h Jan. 1841. 47n*6m J. S. YARBROUGH, c. c. o. Georgia! baker county! TAWF’ H ERE AS Jlohert’Hardie and John Gillion, ■ V Jr. administrators of the estate John Gillion. Sr. deceased, apply for letters of dismission from said administration— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections, if any they have, why said let ters should n t be granted. Given under my hand at office. Dec. 12.1540. SETH C. STEVENS, Clerk. 44 m 6 in GEORGIA, BAKER COUNTY. WHEREAS Robert HarJie administrator of the estate ot Michael Gillion, deceased, applies for letters of dismissi- n from said estate — These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections, within the terms of the law, why said letters should not he granted. uiven under my hand at office, Dec. 12. 1840. SETH C. STEVENS, Clerk. 41m6m GEORGIA. STEWART COUNTY’. WHEREAS Hugh F. Rose, adm’or. and Eliz abeth Vinson, adm’trx. of the estate of Elisha Vinson, late ol said county, deceased, apply to me for letters of dismission on said estate, These are therefore to notify and require all persons interested or concerned, t- he and appear at or before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said coun tv-, on the first Monday in May next, to show cailsc, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted to said administrators on that dav. Given under my hand at office, October 10, 1840. 35in6rn J. S. YARBROUGH, c. c. o. GEORG lA, MERIWETHER COUNT Y. WHEREAS Allen Dykes, guardian of Maxi millian Knight, applies lo me for letters of dismission from the guardianship of said Maxirnillian Knight— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to show cause, within the time pre scribed by law, why said Allen Dykes should not be dismissed. Given under my hand at office, June 18,1810. 20m6tn LEVI M. ADAMS, c. c. o. G EORG lA, TALBO T CO UN Ty 7 “WM? HE REAS, .labeth Gray applies to me for ww letters of dismission of administration, de bo nis non, on the estate of Allen Gray, dec- ased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grafted. Given under my hand ot office, Jan. 4, 1840. 46m6ni WILLIAM S. GOSS.c.c, o. GEORGIA, MERIWETHER COUNTY. Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes: Present W. B. Ector, James Render, Samuel K. Gates, Franklin 11. Glazier and Daniel Keith, Justices, this 7th day of September, 1840. WHEREAS Abraham J. M'Afee and Mary M Galiee, administrator and administratrix of the estate of David M'Gahee, deceased, apply for letters of dismission of said estate. These are, therefore, to notify all persons in any manner interested, to show cause, if any there be, within the time prescribed by law, why said leiters of dismission should not be granted to them. Given under my hand at, < ffice, Sept. 7, 1840. 32—6tm LEVI M. AMAMS, c. c. o. GF. O RGIAJVIERI VV E THE R COUNTY! ~~ WHEREAS, Wm T. Sinclair, administrator of the estate of John Sinclair, late and ceased, applies for letters of dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and all persons interested, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and file their objections, if any there he, before the” expiration of six months from this date, why said letters of dismission should not be granted to him. Given under my hand at office this 3d December, 1840. 43 itiGm, LEVI W. ADAMS, c. c. o. FOUR MONTHS after date app ication will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court ofßaker county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the'real estate belonging to the estate of Jno S. Butler, dec’d. late of said county. ALEXANDER FRAZIER, A'm’r. Jan. 4th, 1841. 48 4m months after date application will be made 1 to the honorable the Inferior court of Lee coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, tor leave to sell the undivided half of lot of land number two hundred and sixty-four, in the third district of Lee eountv; the property of Lucy Hooks, late of said county, decea- JOHN G. HOOKS, adm'r. Dec. 30 45m4m. iNOUR months alter date application vviil be made to the honorable, the Inferior court ofßaker county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Michael Hentz, late of said county, deceased. JOHN HENTZ, > ALEXANDER IIENTZ. \ exe ™tors Dec. 23,1843. 45 ra4tn. GEORGIA, BAKER COUNTY. WHEREAS Matthew R. Moore applies to me for le ters of administration on the estate of Benjamin Beckwith, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law,to slio-.v cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office. Feb. 20. 1841. 44t SETH C. STEVENS,c c. o. georgiaT baker'“county’ John Atkins applies to me for let— V w ters of administration on the estate of Wil liam Q.. Atkins, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to rite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at mv office, within the time prescribed bylaw, lo show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not bn granted. Given under my hand at office, this 18th day of Jan uary, 1841. SO 4t SETH C. STEVENS, c. c. o. GEORGIA. STEWART COUNT TV. James Kirkpatrick, applies to me ww for letters of administration on the estate of ThornasP. Kirkpatrick, late of.said county, dec’d.- These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 30ihday of Jan uary, 1641. 50 4t M. GRESHAM, c. c. o. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in March nest, before the court house door, in the town of Hamilton. Harris conn y, between the usual hours of sale, forty acres of land, being part of lot number two hundred and forty-seven, in the eighteenth district of the said county of Harris. The property of James H. Iverson, deceased, sold for'he benefit of the credi tors of said Iverson. J. M. GUF.RRY, wlm'r. Dec. 5. 1840. 45-tds. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. RANAWAY from my plantation, near Mount Meigs. Montgomery countv, Alabama, a Negro Man, named Ned. He is 24 or 25 years of age, about six feet high, slightly fotmed. dark complexion, thick lips, and has two or three of his upper fore teeth out. He wih eilhei attempt to go to Mobile, a 7 d from thence to New Orleans, or towards North Carolina, where he was raised. I think it probable, when he is taken up. he will nor give his own name nor mine. I will give the above reward to any on who will lodge him in the jail in iheCitv of Montgomery, or £35 if lodged n any jail, and information Sivon me at Mount Meigs. WILLIAM B. GILMER. Montgomery, Feb. 1 1841. 1 fit Mobile Register, Huntsvil'e Demoert. and Cos unibus (Ga.) Sentinel, will give the above six weekly insertions, and forward the accounts to this office. DR. TAYLOR _ HAS removed his office to Preston’s Row, a lew doors East of Preston’s Corner, where he mav generally be found, unless when professionally engaged. Feb. 9. 1 ts Georgia, Muscogee county. • ARTICLES of Agreement made and entered into . Ins the day of eighteen hun dred and thirty-three, between the undersigned indi viduals who have associated Uiemseives as k Compa ny, for 111.- purpose of porch sing Indian lands in the Greek Nation, under the- style of George W. Dilling ham N Cos. ‘1 he Company is lo be Composed of the so lowing persons: G. VV. Dillingham, D. K. Dodge Luther Blase, Columbus Mills and Fielding gins, to have each a full share—the purchases of saTd lands to be made by Mills and Blake, and to be certi fied in the name of G. W. Dillingham & Cos. L. Blake &. Cos., F. Scroggins & Cos., or C. Mills &Cos. The money to effect the purchases is to be furnished by Dillingham and Dodge, the other members of said Company proportions, to be taken out of the proceeds of the lands wtien sold, which sales and all other things relating to the business ot said Company, must be made by and with the consent of a majority of said Company. In all questions touching the general in terest and concern of the company, a majority shall govern, each having an equal vote. Should any of ilie Company die before a final close of the business the survivors shall go on and close the business of the company, bv disposing of the lands and other effects of th Company with or without the consent of the representative or representatives of the deceased par ty or parties, but the full share shail be paid to Ins i cpreseniatives. Witness our hands and seals, this dav of 1833 G.W. DILLINGHAM, [L. S.l D. K. DODGE, IL. S 1 LUTHER BLAKE, fL. S.l COLUMBUS MILLS, [L. S.l FIELDING SCROGGINS, |L. S I GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. 1 1 Personally appeared before me Luther Blake who being duly sworn, deposeth and saiili that the original Articles ot Agreement, of which the above and fore going is a true copy, was placed n the Insurance Bank of Columbus for safe keeping, and th'ai the same has been accidently lost therefrom or destroyed so that the same is not now in the pow er or control,of tins deponent, nor in the power or control of eitbec of the parti.>s to said agreement, o far as tins deposvst has been able to ascertain. Deponent further siait-s that the above and foregoing is a true copy of sa'd lost original. LUTHER BLAKE. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16lh day of October, 1810. MICHAEL N. CLARKE, J. P, Luther Blake vs. The Representatives of Rule Nisi to establish George W. Dillingham, J>copv Articles of Aree deceased, D. K. Dodge, merit. Columbus INI ills aid Fielding Scoggins. IT appearing lo the Court, uoon the petition and oath of Luiner Blake, that the original Articles ol Agreement, of which the above and foregoing is a true copy, has been lost out of the possession of the Insurance Bank of Columbus, or destroyed so that it is not now in the possession or control of this depo nent. It is therefore on motion Ordered, That said copy of said Articles of Agreement be established in lieu of said lost original, unless good cause be show n to the contrary at die next term of this Court, and that this rule be served unon the Representatives of George W. Dillingham, deceased, D. IC. Dodge, Co lumbus Mills and Fielding Scroggins, by publication once a month for three months before the next term of this Court in one of the public Gazettes in the city of Columbus. 1 A true copy of the minutes of the Superior Court of Muscogee county, October Term 1840, Dec. 28 45m3m A. LEVISON, Clerk. John Johnson, guardian, &c. Complainant, George Cooper* Thomas G. D ?*'] for Dis c°vcry, Gordon, Allen G. Bass, Rebel. James S. Calhoun and S. R. Bonner. Sh’tf. WHY HERE AS Thomas G. Gordon, one of the de w w fendanis in the above case, resides out of the State; on motion ordered, that service b* and is here by perfected on the said Thomas G. Gordon, bv pub lication of this rule, once a month for four months in some public gazette of this State, and that the said de fendantdo appt ar and answer said hill hy* the first day of the next Teirn of this Court. THOMAS & SHIVERS, Sols. pro. Coinplts. A true copy from the minutes of the Superior Court of Muscogee county, October Term, 1840. Get. 23, 1810. SBm4m A. LEVISON, Cl’k. MRS. DENNIS SULLIVAN, OPPOSITE THE FEMALE ACADEMY, IS prepared iu receive Boarders, wiih or without lodgings. Terms—Board and Lodging, Kl3 00; Board without Lodging. SlO 00. Feb. 6, 1841. 51 3t LAW NOTICE. THE undersigned will attend to the PRACTICE OF LA W, in the name of JONES & BEN IN ING, in most of the counties of this Circuit, and a few ot the adjoining counties of Alabama. Their Office wid be found near the Oglethorpe House. SEABORN JONES. HENRY L. BENNING. Sept 15.1839. 33 ts LA \V. “ THE subscribers having connected tliomselvesi the practice of LAW, will attend ail tho County Courts of the Chattahoochee Circuit, and the adjoining counties of Alabama. Office in Mclntosh Row, immediately over Allen & Young’s Store. ALFRED IVERSON, June 14. 19tf J. M. GIJERRY. C. B. BARRETT, PRACTITIONER OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. OFFICE at bis residence, corner of Forsyth street, two doors from Dr. S. Boykin, where he may alwayabef ound unless professionally eneasred. Feb. 17, 2 4t * LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE on GOODS consigned lo SMITH, BBATT‘I3 & CO. Auction, ami C'ojn ’ivtsion Merchants COLUMBUS, Georgia. Novemoer 13, 1840—ts—39 I-TP” The Commercial Advertiser, ‘Apalachicola, Florida, will insert the preceding three months, and transmit the account as above. WINDOW BLIND AND SASH FACTORY A ND HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. THE undersigned has taken a shop on Ranrfo’ph street, betwen the Post Office and Davies’ cor ner, where he intends keeping constantly on hand’ any quantity of window sash, and blind i of all descrip tions and of superior workmanship, made under his own direction. He is also prepared to make to order at short notice any sizes or quality of these articles, which may n t be on hand. House, Sign and Fancy Painting, attended to as usual. The public are respectfully invited to give me a call when any w 7 ork in my line is needed, and I will try to please them in quality and prices. I will sell Sash at ihe following prices: Sash 12 by 14—primed aud glazed, 40 cts. per light, do 10 by 12 do do 30 do do do 8 by lo do do 20 do do do 7 by 9 do do 15 do do MOSES GARRETT. February 23 3 ts SIX CENTS REWARD WHDTLL be given for a man calling himself SAM ww UEL HOKE, a saddler and harness maker by trade. Said Hoke is about five feet 7 inches high, dark compleetion and dark hair, weighs about oue hun dred and thirty pounds. Said Hoke left this place hav ing in his possession a gold watch, which he came by dishonestly, also left wihout paying his board and oth er does, and it is generally believer that he will make Ins way for North Carolina; the h nest portion of ihe community is r< quested to keep a look out for the vil lain, and all papers friendly to the suppression of crime will please give this one insertion. BENIAMIN A, BARRON, Greenville, Ga. February 15, 1841. PLANTER’S HOTEL. subscriber has removed from his old If at ihe corner of Oglethorpe and Bryan to the building- diagonally opposite, above Calhoun's Warehouse. He avails himself of this opportunity to return his thanks to his friends apd tlip ppblic general ly.for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes by continued exertions and ponstr ptendeav. ors to please, to merit a continuance. Transient cps r turners and regular boarders wi.l be accommodated at prices as low as circumstances will permit. Horses will be sent to the livery stable ol Mr. Halstead, wheie every attention will be paid to ifitjn. F. B. NANCE. March. 4:h, 1841. 4if NOTICE. BY virtue of a deed of irust executed by Samuel K . Andrews, bearing date ihe 291 h day of Oc ober, 1840, the undersigned will sell for cash, at pub lic oulerv. before the Court House door in Crocketts; ville, in the countv of Russell. Alabama, on the first Monday in April next, the following negroes, to wit. Jim, a man abou* 40 years of age, Sei ena. commonly called Rany, a woman 35 y ears old, Lucinda, a girl Ifj years old. Hannah, a girl 12 years old, Mori is, a boy 12 years old, and Jack, a man 3>years oid. y ‘ HAMPTON s. smith. March 4 4 Is STOLEN FROM the subscriber, in this city, on the night of ihe 23:t ult. his POCKET BOOK, containing • he. following described notes to wit ; Five notes for £45 each, signed by Asken, George \V. Dal las. and Brvant S. Maugham, seenrity. with a credit on one ol §ls ; and one note for §35. on Willis Kirbyj ihe five first notes payable to Lodowick Mathews or bearer, due 25th December last, date not recollected; the last no'e payable to the subscriber, and dated and due within the month of Febiuary. The makers of the above described notes are notifi; ed not to pay the same to any other person tfiap ii )j self and a reasonable reward will be given to any person giving information necessary lo obtain tin n> a3 also to discover the thief. MATTHEW BURNSIDE. of Russel Cos. Ala. March 4, 1811 i $