The Columbus times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1841-185?, December 30, 1851, Image 3

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| JIMO nc Female lllfih School. WANTKI'. a to take rtmrge. ft principal ofa Female (Ugh StchooJ in I,mii|v yAjC u,,. so-aart (■•>-, Cm, for llic oiisidtHr your.— ! Si M. xho ut'H.lriaa'i duly q tainted nnd having the /yf \ , ir ,iper roeotnuieiHlatioiw, liberal induce. ’ ■ i; o .,k'reil. Applications will la- receivedttu- Jnnunrv next, on which day au election for i |4ll* ■’ || H . s<*liool will lake place. IYuk-iV;’'’ 1.,! w jij eommeeec on the find Monday in Pflv Tl'’ , “Will take due notice, mid govern accordingly.*’ , niiiin,iion add vtwd to John R. Rockwell, I .fi'ro-o Icwlije No. 12, will receive'due attention. - __ - _T ptfsa CV3 rB vi Atib institute. \KW ARRA.NfiKMF.NS. lT!t a view to ® •• the wishes or some of his pat 1\ 1 (he sitli-crila-r has concluded to have hut oxk ’ •„ linrinathe rear. The exercise in the Institute the first Monday In .In no a. ’*rniin" , ‘ Frhlsty in < Violicr—thus to consist of Tkn itixsttct-- | ; B f oM.OVT!VG Wll.h RE THE KATES : 1.. .| v .-irl t' ,r the scholastic year often months, inch,- I Ji,,'’ n t-liinir. li-dils, fce sir. 00 I * ’ tin- primary class, per year........ -itl ini I - •* Third <lass “ *• ‘2B (M) i “ “ Second “ “ “ ....... 33 00 [ .. “ First “ “ “ 40 (Ml French or Italian “ “ “ in (HI *r. ir piano or finit r “ “ “ 45 00 , ‘ j'„o ami I’sinting “ “ “ 35 !H) 1 work, fruit. flowers. . “ 55 tld i'-jM-oiilolislicd southern lady who was educated in ‘LI and France, and has been Professor of .Music iu s'„!ir Is-st Female t'olle res, will uive instriietion in *a, nll .| tin- modern latnrua-res. The otln-r depart- Lill Is- equally as wetl HHed. ’” t'l'rv a'"l convenient Itoitsc is Iw-imt fitted up for tile ‘ .'i„'n rtf hoarders, and a spacious midcotprortahle Lirt,!-’ E-ldicc w ill he ready I lie early part ofiheen ‘ I’aynio'its will lie reptired hall in adv.-miv, an” . ~|',„cci>v lie Jatll of Jnlv. For further partictilar; i iln- .idio-riln-r. P. .7. x'/'/tO/if.V./J^HP 1 * \mericos. Her 30— ow.'lm Principal. ■ HAMILTON MALE ACADEMY rrtllK ewrcltes of this Institution for the ensuineyea „iil commence on Monday, .Inn,, ary sth. under tin. ‘ fliitcndeiirc of S. F.. Coneß'c. A M., I‘rinci|ia|, aided clent \sislants. The Teachers are determined ; . || K -li<s'l shall he as well worthy of public patron, other ill Westernieort-i*. ‘Yi!ii"ii •l-’ ll - - :tn ■ v " l -l"' r ."'-ar, according lo stu j,,.< iittrst <• . . y,, extra charges tor ins.rnction in the per month. For further parti „|,r. apply to the Principal. Ihmillon. fil l --t-swlf MALE ACADEMY. Ameriojs, Gjmkgii. Ilev. C. M. flirliprrson, A. 31. Principal. rp|||> liisiYifuti>ti will into operation on tin- lirsf I Hominy in January, 1853, iiimUt tlie irniitHi ofa competent rorpa of instructor*. Tlie *<*h- veiir will enibraee a |H*rio<l of ten montli*. nitn imin"on tin* Monday in January ami dosingon KrUlay i ( telolnT. ttilie ••ntl of the nesVion there will lie a public exami uiioiiofall ll“* pnnib. )IjiM , oiir-eoi\iiHiir' in tlii.B Institution will henoar :h to prepare yuiuiH men either for an adxauml in any oi'iur < or for tlie |>rnctie;i! (liiti< sos |dV; IpMiceit •'ill be ful/ ami the nrioiiNiep: i r , meiitaof Knulinh, Literature, ttie Laiinaml IhcTrineip:il will be prepuretl to receive a number of idiiiil-into lilk fmtnly l>oanlers. Hy his experl- B ,-Mi* :ih .1 tc:wh*r. jo4 by nnreiniltintj attention to the ■ H i H lie liojm'A to merit ami receive a share* ■ of |vitro!i;is,e. i:xi*i:\sks: I I’m.ipl. im-luilini’ NvasliitiT, fuel, litrhK &.• - I “r'liiiiuii in ordinary tCnirlish branches &.% it*t •MiUHiim livitMT •h-partinentsof Krit,'!i -h tit) 09 K:.iiiV bfrek amt Knucli with any of the t 1() aWve, “.a extra ‘‘tiur re of > (‘rc'rtliernftlic** lantfiirufcs alone IH) V:ivalle one half at the usiinic of the term, ami the Httiirontlie lira of.luly. T|i-- Principal w**tll respectfully refer to the tbllow jn*j Qfiitli'ittett, v i/- • 11,-r. W. I>:nr!, J, T. T*n-lcer, Es,j. j i;,v. Mr. li-iHid, 1’ tl i'. ('after, t,.|. Milky Grieve, Col. S. (irntitloitd, l „l IM‘. < I'lss-ti. 11. V. .lolinson, V )i. Ila-nscil. ;m l Itvv •). W . linker, of Millctlk't-villc, B |;,. v . p. A. StniM, Ut-v. .1. 11. McCitrter, I Dudley. C>i E. R. Urowtt, I t jT.ludliv.m, T. M. Kttilmv. I |t,ul,| Hill and it. .1. 11 ill. of .\nit-i-- Inti-ricti*. lh t’ kMI-w.'ru s ints. Il fiUENA VISTA FEMALE IXSTITt'W 1 ■ rpttt: ,‘itrK*sorthis Institution will be resnweil on ■ I Moiiitif I-lit, umler the superititendemv m sttlttcriber, assisUsl by Mis* ■ ibtMii K. * iivsr. I f.vtTT iKvJfnl facility to ensure rijn* I h.i;;rdli|*. will In* atTooted. I flu? spacii-usand tastetul i*din*eerectinl lor the <ehao^ I ill In- in a stale <fentire eompletion. The j4iet*ir*-.H<i*m* ■ .l ,iiri \ ill jure flt which it is located, is i I! \ nmier the lihmb of energetic btiilder.v; and new nc | mons it* (Htpiilatioii. are coiHantly unified fe;vkii Yto* . tofthe W4rtly and relined of older sections of the m fet-.s-i-n rUs tilerary department will, with f sinrty r'.intfintc h oin to .>‘ JU per scssuin of weeks. to ilu* Principal—a minister ofthe Methodist Vifcli— ar- n ,f i-rm-d to li*shop .1 (t. Ainirt*\v ml PfO' ; K. Kiirc4*. tT Oxfonl, <>n M I tr \h*x:inde“ Means, of ilnL,Ale'liral r A Yin., and to •eu -iflrntJßS IU KlHsoii. late of the \\ rsleMin Kemale m v..11r- /U;n orn(;a. /Hjile s4*ct;tri;Miism wilUifi.etitirv v T >.mi-lied from the srhont-rooiti ami the lecture, the mo> | I MtupiiliMis care will he taken to rear the sir. ietnr<* of the ! I puiiPs character on the basis of Hil>le morals ami motive Vmute ladies cun !►• furnished with boohs al tlie Insti- • L vi t. I'lirther information may be obtained fmmcircu- j F in the'hands of die Principal. Patrons are ri ipudeil j I not h* emlmrriKs tlie opi*rationsof the selmol, if it enn be I aioiiUd, hvdehiNiit” tin* entrance of their daughters be- I # \*ml the ilav of coytmcuceiiiciit. I B Ihcit -w:tt J. Vx. D.WFO/nTL | CUTHBEJRT , •.ULH VNI) PUMAIfi l XSTITI Tld. J r PHK.cxenasisoftliis !i>titutrbfh will lie resumed on • • 1 the .h;*i Monday m January next. The servicesot 9. :iMeandetlii ieiit Assistant T*v*chers beimr procure!, ar il raiu'eiiKMits will be made Ibr the reception of 175 pupils; ■j iojmins will Im spared in atf*rdinvr all 4he fMMlities 9 winch enn he had ie lit;** inMitutions for attaining athor- B uni Knglish education. I Rvp sr w% i I Primaryl’i.ass vs—(irttiocraphy mid Read'it? ■ |i*r Term of live IK) ■ ffttmn vTiMiY Plas>ks—The above with Writ ■R'm Primary Arithmetic and Primary <ie*4- ■k I waphy..... 8 (W If M"i! < Lvss—Th** at*ove with -VQlh ■ \ lelie, ticourunhy, Kntjlish t*’r uiitmt. Ilifftv-jjfe ry. Hot any, i ‘oiuposiihui and Llocution... *% 00 ■ Sk* *m Ji mor—Philosophy, Agronomy, t'hciiiisiry, Mensurations, Purveying* . B t'cmnelrv and ltoofe-k*vpihg ~l6mlo B Clvss—The jilko c with the t)d I Mrsic—(lustruinentali fc JH do I Vi inti no as i> I>rvwim and mn*k-kue|)in?.. I No pupil received for less time titan one term. I I the aa <>mniodafmiHf young gentlemen preparing ; 9 t* r r*lhnfe r business avm*at<ous and wishing to com* ; 9 H ,, tctln*ir studies in a short time, there, will be in 9 tßTlionwith Hu- institution a select wissic.*d 1 9 nieni pr*vided with a comfortable rooML and nthmkd 9 hv :ic*ni|H>itMit Teacher whose \vtwle tine* and attention j 9 vill le devoted in altbrding every facility in their Mu- i 9 l J l,s I** Itms,* under his charge. S ‘ !!>*■ pupils \> ill be limited to-J5. Kates of • inion l\rty IMlars |mt year;*those wUltiug to eater E oii'itcfuvrlmciit should make early application^ TO PARICXTS AM) CJfTAHDIAXIh B 7!ie extra tuition in this Depjirtnient io only -SJ |ht I hen studious young men have at ail times aeces* to ■ ‘ fcachersandVwt left to ph*d their way through d.lli | as they toootien have t> dosin tlie pr*.miscuous j i jHl cr\vded sehmd room ; thev w ilt Uhdvv*. on a 4'e.iSirtvr | ** , lc estimate, double progress And thus each year. I ni*f not only a v.-ars time, but a year's tuition, board. &T, PttlhHTt, DecUt—tf A. L. <>. KRllvN, Prill Select Sehoal I \ NI'I.K.eTSOIIOOL. iiiniti-'l t s<-lii'kit-s j” ill he opened hv the s*dseril>er on tlie tirst Monils in Jamwry m-vT. Terms. §sl) lor 411 weeks. Dec ltl-flj JOH.V JSH. I.W. 1 ‘Vyniitoii fiesidJScc tir isplc* or Relit. L t.v < Tin- n-siilrntv tormrrly ‘ MTMj-uml t‘X U. . Tierce will In* sold or rt'iiU*l reasonable ■ >(T T2—twtf A* ./ MUSES, i GLOBE HOTEL, j **UEX.\ V|.vrA. DI VISION CO., dA. t TllKvilisrrilior r<|x'rlfiillv nuno'inro to 1 is friends ami ‘lie pußlic ’-iiMH tndy, that Ik* fra** . laken rliarv'o of this well known i-:st a i: li sum i:nt. I is commodious mul w*4l Hnisi^i: :iinl no I P-'ui will Ih> *pan*d to rentier lliose i*irtfortiil46 t v '* l n ,I! JT *a\tr him with their patronage. _ lH*c ll—ts 1 jr. TITI'OMH. j A CARD. It subscriber will open a srliool in the city of ( “l* i ‘finbu* on the gtith of .lau # in thu lions** recently oc- I ‘ ,,,K ' l by Mr. Anthony. lie has it in view |oe*fahh*h I 1 rnnatient school oleleYalod duwacter. which shall l** I to i)„. lowing want* of tj\e community. It <>n ’ j in liisWlort. lie will, in a low months, issue a 1 his plan. fi ‘ fhu KWtic year, 40 weeks. Tuhion S4O, j P JAMES KYALP. 1 a.ii E i r f. Rlcv ' K *—R** v *h>hn K. Lawson, James K. Jone. | 5,1,1,-dd. It.vr 24-lwd.Mj Negroes For Sale, ?V |; ' v c on hand, which wo oiler for sale *tt 5 r . hi suit Iho times, KIftHTY /./A/.'/. >.VK -1 ,[ Jttrt arrivisl from Vkirinin. etniUuK ol ~ie” ll' 11 ***? •OPVimt* mid tW*ld ti:mds. ’■ slial’ l K ‘ pVnsvd to . xlulrtt tlimi to purchasors nt l ,1,; ;V nrl -at tliofisd of Wvnn's liitt. near tlic no[>t <>l X ‘ ‘•iisf.t.ff Unilrnnd. ‘ I.Otfi: It M.ll.'i'l-’ ‘- —* ** ,r i,,rk will lx* kept nil duriui; the whole g Ik-c 10— if \‘ ... , Par Sttlr. u, \h‘*rst’ Mad waunu ninl linnsiw. .-i.sja, a very S'Hl Socund hand double buss’ Uarne*s. , —ALSO— I li* !’ t*** h-’ht carriage and hani<;..-*s: .M ***>’ “*•• !'r .iiMihat little used. Jl'ii.V SUWSYTH. Cotumbas, Dec 12 —jf more mules * more cotton t 1 <1 (’MI ART will have fiO head V tint mules of JA3. ‘K'H se . * * K'ction. in i’otnnibus altout liie tillvemti an ■ui u.,. Al!d will “nit litem at takes amt tlales t ‘“>l [’•““•era wanting “til do well to wait •;am a,hL ’ will be pleased toc?Hca Ilee ‘ll-wijis • ■ T 0 mechanic Ap^:^^ m>noyhy tUbori v wJl®SraS?^ , gHgj a . cxUtenco Ul . m-tklmr the work of:. w!!r„?m sits- VI f h ’" c JJW ir es out tilHiitl ofhavi, it !uu,r ~17 i,. ” i'ih’ work nlthe ~, ’ a,, J •OamifMetorv. slill. Mils machine cm lie run -i, i't tnm with ||„. otln-r work. Th f . “ , '' i •‘■vein* cntim-r - Ch uluMn R - h ‘ •** State Minims, willi :l ililtrirl ut li.irtv . t.* l,r r '! v f *'l '■> Ihest.lwrrtl “rs'mVw .®L ‘ i; riirhisniK.p, 7 ,M 1 , HH i '* , forsimrte wimltl like to elo-M- m, i 77-. . K !"’ * !, YM*S fitxinri t T“‘ >•• ‘X S'LrV” U ‘""MM'li.-itely.— ■ftttrnsfa iiMclihn- ,u.rks V,f'iri'!’-” ril,,| “ry.rn„. mills n, k/ohnnbns. and at our md!•• • ° ,ri 11 inter at “Hlw forth',,;.. heX",Ti , TI ”- k< ’ “'•" l ''"es ‘lsn, :i vaTtmhleste wll < “.-i| work p<liver, with :i vihLlT ‘"'.‘i “""• I ■’ ‘".rs,- L-t'-ts.-nhln-'J.-.l tnuV ‘ - ‘??*'•” ••--'i-.e.-r m-'i-i with ~nnn:,i nntii ri 1 “’ “ n pr.ix. nffcr wh*ci. lli. v m i f ' rsl * ,f l* <-t-i.ii.r to eitlu-rof - “ ,Us! b, i,; , I T'r'’ ‘<* New York •JOII.N .1. IIAI.KV tioo can Vn< -r ‘’ u-'!’V Ml |-'/f-' Jr - Nov ;. . “ -,k- rrowliridge of rp m , NEW STEAM MILLS. ..t.. XV X r I l ’"I—’ 1 —’ hi PMlch nor ami unit v'LrilXVfi'V “ i ' l ' ,!,s - Nn.-w thirty horse noworXv-i, „ : “ rail saws with rtvWn,Vi t t nr.- .Invin- verti saiiil ‘l ot liier,-li-,ni7 If :< ” “ v, ‘™'-re of i„„r thoo ,.n.xl.nilvoru,,-7; n, IN . .T T " T ‘"<* of linur,„’tr;in;l ,l..|ir- ;! v unr jirire PI.AX'TATIOA I'(HI KAI.R, M/1I P. stihseriber offers for :ilc ,y nhiptnlh.ii I|i..n tin- western aMa ofthe l.illle IVlieo ( r,-.-k n Alnh.-nn:,. nlsmt ten miles west ~r I'nltmilms r :,Wr " r 'l n ’ f "'. ft'orn “>■ mile from , i |. **’ ‘ "f” 1 _ r< it**l.'-on l ;i 1 m ntr nlnint fito a,-res. This ilivisl.-.VT. ‘. , s ;"' “s" s ‘" v * :fl it- and will 1.,- lin r. is ,\. ellent s-.rin- wat.-r upon it. and ala n.nven- i ‘’T 1 ' 1 ”- A limit 350 acres are • “ ‘"", eiilti i ntioTi—ronv.-nient , h. , i, , V p, -.Meftah!e kind of neml.bori him,'., y V portion on he rlearea i.iml isnl the la st crpek bottom*. ; vluiXln;^:;;!;,;,-;.'^," 1 fall n,s.n .l/r. Vfillia,,, F.. Adams upon the „1.-,ee who will show ,1. or npmi the suhsoriher. who lives in tin- unmedi,te m-i^hhorhoot] Nov 2!)-w3t F To LEWIS rw-.ntiiK-l and Enqnirercapy three times. loiaUalioochec l*la<*tation Kor Sate. fpilKst.hsrriher offers ho-sjOe his pl.miaiiot, lvin-4 on * the ( linllalmocliee River in Russell Ala near the Oswjchr.- Re,id. It comprises 2500 a.-r. sos lend, ot winch I.Slots m river linttmn end oak and hiek orv tlals, and Kshi in i;m,d <-ottonh>inel.a,id. Almitt elev en hundred acres are eleansl and in enllivation. the rest “.woods, “fwlm-hahotit 100-acres are of river both im. ■f Iln- improvem.-nlsoij ll,e place emisisl ofa emnforla lije, .nw lhn-i- o."l frame neqro quarters, ham, gin, topnrehas” are referred to Messrs, mil cc l>-m son. Colnnilms. for fnrlher inform:,lion : and those d.s.irin-4 lo examine the property are referred to Mrt only (Vowell and DrThoa Croweti, or ( apt Canty on the place. 1 —A T.fiO— Six hundred land HO v acres of pineland. well improved on , he F.ufatd-, road, filhs-n mil-s front lux. The | ‘Nwi.-liee P. (>. is oil tin*, land. Jll/I.V VAMUm.E J.AXDS IN FLORIDA. f liave tel for 4le. a very vain.aide tract In fiadsden J rmm'v of tils acre--. .--tt in Jarks-.n of c‘73 a- res, hull, Iraets" anted a, the pow-lnre ofthe Flint and Chat lai—m-hee rivts's. Tlm- tir-l crop from one third ofthe land, will more than |my tin- price asked tor the whole tract. Maps can he seen at my „oic,- in folnmhns. Iscc 10— ls ‘ .11 IJ.VC. RI’.SR. Lost or MislAlxA, I A I**” KI-.T I'.t O*K cmitaininir. hetwta-noih- hnodred ! - and llftv and sixty dollars all In ten dollar bill-, ex ! i-e(*t one fire hill and three or four dollars ill smalt s hitnus all llv tlifts on tin* Rank of lie* .State off mrix •MT tin-Marine ami Fire InsiM-ance Company of rh-ivannali. 1 Relieve it was Inst bets.-en lids place and Mountain Oak Creel , Harris comity. It is a small pocket la-k. and was tied with a common cotton si—.- strine. and omilained an imoicc or billot’ my cotton, which was soli I io .Ms Rase wl'('.dumbos.Wednesday htvh ist_ and a'lrtlt ol Tilkien Imsliets of Wheat wtfn-li was sohl at tin* same tinti-. Any linilim; tlie |nn-kel book and deliverin’ il to .lolm llamiilmi, t iolumlms, or to me in llarriscmint}. sliall lie, well rewarded. Harr's ci.. she lli-wts -v’l 1.1.Vy.Y H. 111 (,■ HTT. GEORGIA & ALABAMA ALMANAC FOR 1852. r INIK an? now publishing, a**! w ill soon tie I rivnlv I** mi .nil orilers Ibr Iln* GF.nnCU h iis.ll f./.V/ .iLMIX.4C f'ofi 1-552 i ’a'.rujvrtv'ri ibr •i!v*r*- nioriiliaii amt l, '*ri;>,vH 4*l* < NMunibn* conlalning, in i< tin* Asi-r-*n<mio:il calcula fions. *\t*-*asivv t*xe*‘ ilivt*. .furlirial ar*d legislative Sjri t’urtii*s*f tin* (iMV‘Tnm4*nl ofiln* ; tlu* Slate t**\A*ninit*nts o Chimin :uul Alabama: the <Vnsus <*t giving r*** p<*putat'(*u of cavil t-latc and of each bounty in Lwrgia and Alabama, besides a largo amount of iiilur viOnnbk* iiifovt-ualioti such as is usually c.onLain*- i*d in .\fn.m:H‘s. Tht- whole ar**anged. and liie Asl#t * atoiita'dvns. after ttie sl\le of (rJt/l’.R'S . I r M. t.X\ K . jt inters are respectfully solicit**! from thud, refers and Mm*Mianis. ‘ia’lv from Wi*f| (.’eorgia and Hast Alabama hhl iliov wilt in* tilh'd a! da- lo*.\vv§l i*>*sh rates A. C. i'i'. auglllt. f Gn. FIRE PROOF COTTON WAREHOUSE < o/j smi .s, (ll RUSEi PATTEN & ‘1 lU€K \I r K r**m w the vf our serv.ei s **> *m .riends M and the t’laiy.Bs and xMomiaiails generally, tor l!io Stu*age ami sale hpllieir rollon dining the ensuing season, amt IrtiMthMour pre\ ions efforts to give s.uis- I faction, will ensure to us a e*iUiiiuaice of then* patron ! :igt‘. nr ‘ ; vided xt-u*nt ion will tiegix**n to this business Lip :dl its depart w'tts. oiu’ bvst endeavors to the intco st of tliuse may entrust their i (iO UL . i ! \W %>ril vvhh furnish our customers With li.Kifll.Vfr .-Old Itlil’f.. itMhc m.-irki-t • rire. and wit j procure p- them any mher ttriicles they m.-iy r..quire. ‘ on tit,- l.mvK.-i Tevxs :il which they cm lie iimiclit licrc. Wc ar-.-:dsti prepared in mivmieo lihcridly to Pianti-rs on tlieir ('otto,, dorol vv it ti ns. or on eons. 4111, tents to our Cos, rWMjmu'Wltl.s atxN Nm-o, or in Enrol.*.. RI SE, I‘A'ITEN & RRICi.. Colnmlnis. Aiik'itst If,. ISSI w&twtt ROCK ISLAND FACTORY, I Snow maimfai-tmiiic NA rititixr l‘.q,*-,- m all the’ Va rious ki,i.ts.—sm li tis I .etti-r, Foo!s-c:ip, Fltil-cap.l'o!,o I and Commercial IW, 1 ruled and nnrnied.i Mediums, I ih-iuvs. &c. Also. NVws-print. Rwwk ai-wt Uolured I’a- I ill-,-. F.*s!-Otl)i'eai,ri Sinvs F.tnvjones and M rat'liiiie I’:- 1 uer'olidllv/'.es; allot vvirUli will t- as favor i wide tJKtts as can he pneeUpsod i*i :h’ mafWt. j < trders tvH- am ol tiic above kinds ot Paper, uddn’ssci i o I’ Mt \ MS.-Treasure, ,or tlie midt-rsistncd. will mefit | w di, iwmnpt attention. **• *'■ f I RTIS Se x. . v “GREAT ATTRACTION.” ! .pill-: - I’I.KASAN'T IK >UK” i I >’ I ■* the lir-t of January, and ’the sulrscrilier wishes to i accounts due him. at the same time, lie ‘s ■ th-mks-d for past favors and w ould politely and earnestly heir tiios*. upon wlw*„ h<- hasdaims “e-all at >e Cap tains’ olticc anil setthf witliout delay. The “ 1'1.1.■ /VV //Y> t ’lt'’ bn* bet mi tli** medium ol enjoyment to u ,-ke it also, a iileasitre lo tlie imdersieiwil, *>’ an ear ‘v tio'der of th -Ine him. “■ this mm-se ym.r liptirs In future e-nu,ol fail to he tr.m-jht witli thereat plcasnr*. arNher from a know e,l,<e ot dutv p.-ron ,ned, ’ i>ce in—twin .Kiii.\ o.n. NOTICE. ritai: Annual Kleetioi. rr n-nrlors of lit*■ Mnscotree | R tiiet.-id ('oinnanv will take place on day ho o',of.ia.;*i.nv pexl. at the ..Ale* of the Ounpany, ht ... li.tMrsoffVvili Switl twohe ot-ork. .. wft'-.i fiidanreof are requested to ~ re,tort.-tint! will Itesutimill.Ht. hoar n.o s mr. n \V.Mtt'. rVcVy ivtuunlrttfi -’ • J CAITTION. i [, m-rsttits are ,-m'a'fod aiainsl -radino fora certain A V. t . nt i.lo hv F. \V. I lorn for throo Immlrotl anti 1 tive liotlara atwl tl im conis. .latod W- 11. WA 1 ,t, : pavahtc to U. H. t'lrtn of hoao-r. haul no ow as 1 t . „ the *',l inai I ertntnmlho makor not to rtaj lost on tin n.a‘- -p ... .. j itto any one ex,-on’ W . 11. I f.t.M. roluint,u*. Hoc 23—11 w CHIMNEY bluff warehouse or-r-ap. THK tindorsiennt has erected a W'aro-hottso ft’ a! st the above poi"’ >n •>"’ Ihnltaltt'octtee h'xor UWahonl nntiloahcWibeoi.y l < ohin.ltus. of 1 to tuitd ti o Itinnsaitd lialosol cotton. capaolty mairti on a 1.1.t1f sixty foe. ahovo : re.!or. it soettro asains, the tlatteers of a rrf W'*.’ • w ,.st part of Ptew **f n ' l<l h>” ‘f /p.mttiie* will Bnd a and ohtrihle * ,W i°Wlii|.t>i,”- r t a, S suitable place lr point .or Ii I ~ t) narohouso can ho ‘■'■'’Vi"'-’ ; r .;:„! roaUs .rout av di.ootion. Havitur i ,h , wand, at ,h. ro.|U. s, *f many Ihtsous ereolotl t ■ ,„ )V o f cutdios. ho hopos to ro rostdins from the eomt.mni-J [v‘ V '| “ask th’ mto call amt to* whojlu rit w ill not be i tsfeggs arszs i ‘tfaT'A'to*.*’£*?•***’ . favor mo wtb I,H ir •” FORSiTII B. PAPP. I L)t'C - 4 —w*-m TING ’ BELTH-a ! BELTING BEIrTAW hnvine 01.-aimtl H.o ‘ -ronoy of a rTklll. suits . f | „„ |l.ois< are proparod to offerto , | lare,. tnanu&cW a 5 , w i.,r ar ttioir patrons . !l(V j |.oat)i r Boltinir. IVoni two to ticle of ratxmi ‘ . |, h , ;UU j , arrantod to give emin* fourteen incite. lower that ever before otfertsl in sutisfaction— ■> ti r • hantl< a U Kl ,t ].,, „f the Rnhtier this market- \ .. . , v i,tilts, rots.,,is xvistiins for Boltins Hollins, oivnnos p|>? w , h jn , T fer ( ;j„ Ramis I ornnmaehnt ~r i( J^ s) to r , V o us a culJjv-A Iso, a , will find lld Harness I.eah, rkopt oouslmitty on ipxotl lot of bolt and L tVELI.B I hand. I myl 3-wly i TO A I<l< CONCERNED. . that lh> api>inte*l Messrs. C. H J'* [ O Z\ of mv Pianos I J I lull InstrUaents oflerexl by them in ‘ olmiibus, h. - • a , I>b e mv mauufachire. are to Hie public pwn> , or o qu;il v*.\ceUeCC with those AvarraiifoUv’* 1 ' 1 ! “ i'acioryi H^ion. turned directly /.FIiWKEIU'YG. J liuStOll, 4Jct k ’ . s£o Reward. Hu from my plantation near Hors!man’s Cro s n 1 “1 ‘h'trrls county, pn tin- 2d instant, a DARK ‘’ * ‘i'-'K. abntn ten yeartold, will, a little white in tlie froff <*T ax; hind foot. I have reasons lo think, fr-tn o, tor,mom,, dorit cd from ml,era, tl.u, tt vomit; man bljou, .o’ of n - < ’' wi,h foir akin and !ifu hair, by the name I—r' ILL,A!t *’ o!iu,t,, i‘ s l * lc lndixiduid who took Siiid .. ~ 'SiU L '’ v * .Fifly Hollars for tin* recovery of si<l horse atm i ho conviction of the thief; nnd tor the recovery of the horse atone 1 will give n liberal reward. AARON GOODS!AN. Hamilton, Sept. 25, I^sl. NOTICE. \ I-l<person* are ealltiotu-d aitainst tradintr for three ’ .*■ pi-oim-orv itoies. all made paya Idr to William T. v on, ami ."'--I'-roed hythe stlhscrilK* r, one note for one noiKlrett dollars and one for four luunlnxl dollars. I Vieli ol tli-**siHoles falls flu,, q,,. 25H, | >.-crnd>er next, thefliird nob- N for tin.r l"mdre.l dollars, and lulls due tlie ‘d.'ith Oecemher 15.,3. All ofihenlihvc itmmsl notes were iOmut the‘Jlitl, day of Amtiist la-i as tlie consideration ror which said notes wen- iriven hnvn fnihal. I am dote-. nnn<s| to |my no :>an of them mihsts com-H-lled hv law < >ct"w; : tt . ,v TE PH E.\S NOTICE. tg roifEN’ from the uhseriher on the 2,1 day of this inst 1 a dark hay horse shout io or l-.-xear- old. yyell -et and -tphtre hoilt. ebonf fifteen hamLs hitrli.y No otf-Y-r marks recSl!fs;ied except a srn.-illslarm his f,-rvlicad,'iui(i a white .■-mo armnid tin-rkl.t hind f.-t. I w il! give a lib-rd r<- ward lor the di-Hverj or will Imrse at IhuliK-a. Mnsc-i ----;uv conojy, .ir Ike appndieosioii ofhprse and thief. y * .Unix t iT.t’Kpf’ig; NOTICE. ~ iJTnt.EX from my Sialde on Wednesday nialit the k lilh some *’ight miles from f'oMmbll's ll tlie st: ai. road leading to Talhotioo.lirown h;iv Horse,some lit e yehrs old eomtnoh -ire, lias a scar on one o| his tliitfhstliat i- plain to lie see!,, some four Inches I,me ;iIU | has saddle marks on his laic!;, one hind foot w itite.ridi ''••ll and w orks w elt iu harness, and has ihiemark sos tin* - eear on him. 1 will givifn liln-ral reward ior the horse orally iii-ormatioli so that I get him. 5525 REWARD. fUANAWAV iihimt four w * eks shico my ne gro man SI EVER; nfwiut ;34 years old; very large and hl.-ck; w.-ielisat—llL 33,0 pound*; from five feet ten inches toll feet high ; rough *|x*kcn and has long woollyiltair- The b> u a good carpenter—soro—sed to tie eltl er iri Troup or Harris counties, fin. or Itarlmur comity Ala. Tito nhov,* rmyurd wiil.he given for I, is deli vary to me in l.afirruige or if lodged in anv secure Jtiil so th.-it I get him. N'qv Is wlf KORI KT .1. MORGAN. RANAWAY. FlI-TM the on tin-7th Sept. last, mv fkfi negro fellow STEPHEN, lie is between 25 and **/A 30 years of age, is iihoiil six feet high, copper /si colored, high forehead, will weigh ahonl 17(1 lbs. A x pleasant coiuilcnancc. had whiskers w hen he left! is a line looking negro. I think lie is making his way hack ,0 Virginia. Ilecan read, lint Ido not think n- can write. I purchased said 0 Inst winter in Mon!- rotnery. lie was hrouglil Iron Virginia or Mankind. Sai<l hoy has some use oftodls r was pureliaseil asa ..rough carpenter. Any person . ( ring said hov in any ‘jail so that I can get him will I, . .taldv rewardisl. I.EVI P.IJtKS. Parks’ I,anding. Wilcox co„ * 1 h I 2S—wMl Twa-ity D j'l u * Reward. fIIAXAWAV from t 1 uhseriher on the 3<! inst..tlie foliow-iiignegi .s : JIM. a map 25 years old. 5 feel ten inches hi ‘ll, Weighs shn'ld 175 !t,s.. ami of black complexion, *ll IIISTI °lI KTI. a mm2tyears of age, live feel ten inches high, weighs at,out 1.5 It,s., and of dark Yellow com plexion. I wilt give the above reward for their confine ment in the jail at Columbus, or half the reward for either of them. Nov I!),—tf HEoltfiK GItAV. Randolph Sheriff Sales, iXrI!.L lw s ii.! before tlie Court House door in tlie ‘* town nfflutlihcrt, Randolph ■ county, on the first fnesilay in Jniumry next, within tlie usual hours of lain, the foliowing properly t*ex it t West hallos lot of land No. 30d, in tlie Oth ilist. of said ,-otinty, am! tin- north luilfol lotof land No. 310, in the Oth dist. of raid county, and three negroes tiewit : Rach el a woman ah-mt 25 years of age. and Jane a girl about nine years of age, and I )icy a girl about seven years of age : all levied ot, as tie- property of l.emmon bum, t* citisfy sun Iry II ‘fas issued from the chtperiorl < ourt of said coi nty ami Inferior Court of said comity, one in tit vor of Tie anas Green vs i .enunon Dunn ami ! ,ove! Moor*-, one in favor of It. 11. Robins 11, vs 1.--,nmoM Dmm and I.tike lik-ss; one in favor of Isaac Winslip vs said Dmm and other*. Property iiointed oiithv l.emmon Dunn. I.ot oflaud No. 107 in the itlth i.istrict of said county, U-vrislonas tlie pniporii of David Holman hi satisfy sundry ti fas issued out Asa Justice court of said (-.unity infsvorot t-’. M. lirown, vs David Hobnail, I.uvy made and returned to me by a constable. t tut* negro Woman about -20 years of ai*¥(Flevied on as tlie properly of Johnathan 4. Jones, to satisfy one ti fa issued from the Superior coari of said county in favor oi* Dateel \. Garrettvs. tolinatiiaii J. Jones. Rroperly poin/od out lv Pl’tfs. Atl'v. * Dec 3. ‘ RICHARD DA VW slierllf. Early Sheriff Sales Ts fLT* b j*ohl before tin* court door ill KlnUo ? lr, Knriv county. o lho iir*t Tiu sday in January next, hclwcou the usual hours of sale, the tbllovrini’ pro perty to-wit: Lot of land No. ‘J4S. hi the loth district of said county, levied on as the properly of Mom-s Kirkland, mid sold to sali*f\ several fl fan issued from a Justice court of said county in favor of Jaiuc* ll.Trulock, vs Moses Kirkland. Levy made and rvturned to me hy a constable. Property pointed out I>\ S. S. StatJbrd PPH’s Attorney. Also, nt tin* sane* lime and place, a part d‘lot of land N*l 133, iia Um-nth di.-srict of fairly cmmty. containintf 7M more or less, levied on as the pr*perty of I't (Iriire PuKdiam, awl tsld l** satisfy a ti fa issued* from a instico court in-favsw of Ji><eph McDonald vs saitl f'ul cliain. Levy made and r'turned tome by a constalde. Also al the srimo time and place, a lot of land No. 30 inthc’Jiiih dist. <*f fairly cotitriy.sold tosaiisfy a li fa from ItaMwiii superior c**nrt in favor of Coorije W. * ’rawford, floAcrnor, Acc. vs John !t. riel. al. levied on as the pr<*perty of said Anderson, and |-w*inted out by S. S. Slalford prifs attorney. L. L’il.L Bh*ritr. N< • v 2*2 —u is CHANCERY NOTICU. L\Y. of PoUv Jenkins. dtc*d. *nd Mark A. iV.opcr K.\*r. and Naroissa 1 ’ioykin, Mx'trx. of Samuel I’ovkin, decM. ! a’so Kx'r. of suidi'plly Jenkins, | \ n. | Kill li** I>is A Jones. Robert A Jones and Abraham [ covery, K<* ones. Se i!)rii Jones and ‘fin*mas Jones, .’ li-l nnd Ijs ,*y their Luardinus, J<*lm Jones and Kol- I junction ert V. Jones. Simeon Smith and wife. Su- | san Smith, Aarah J Wright, William 11. j tVri rld, Annen’is P. and Kdj4*r! ] R. IVrizht. J ?t is ord*‘n‘(i hv the (‘nurHlyat tlie amendnendsio said Kill iu>kv filt*d in the offi*eof the cl* rk of lhis<%mrt be allowed, and that John A .Junes and William \Y. Wright Kxecutors of John WVivftet, deceased, be made defen dants to said Kill* and that each and all of said defen dants plead, answer <v demur to said Kill as amended, on or by tlie tir>t day of -the next term of tliiw conn, ami th.jl serviiv of sH*i K 1 as amend**d. be p rl<*eb'd mi saht Smith and wife. Sarah J. Wriyfhb William \V. W'liixhT, Arntenns P. Writfhl and Kohert R. and John A J.onesand William N. Wrijrltt. R.\ecu‘(*rs of John Wright, ‘deceased, (all of \vl om redde out ofthe county >f hy a ptitdicntion of thisordcr once a month for four months in one ofthe public ica/.ettes of the city nfrolumbus, before the next term of this court. : end tint service of said Kill as amended lx* perfecto-l upon the balance of said defendants by serving a copy i>l said tmendmenJ uj*o:i their atn*rneys Messrs. J*nes, K<*nnini< md Jones within thirty day* from the adjournment u Jie present torn* ot this court. • K. IIITjL. r ’omp. Sol. A true extract from the Minutes of .Musvoutee Superior /mrt of November term 1851. Nov. 18 —in4m K. J. HARDIN, L’ierk. Admlnistraioirs Sle. MiRKKAULF: to an *nirrofthe Inferior court of Karri •ounu when for oniinary jurjoscs, wi'il bo soitl reforo the*court turns** door in tin* town of Hamilton on ho lirst'fuosday in February next, iiclwccn tin* h*ir:tl nours of sale, two hundred and thirty acres of laud, moro or loss, comprising all tin* plantalion where James Toler, d<‘C*as*,d, resido*l at the timo of his death: also, three nonn*i*.s consist inn of two v/omon and one child: sold as the property of llu> said* Jaiwes Toh*r, di*cM. lor the fioticfit of tho heirs and creditors of said oslato. Terms of sale math* hnowii on the and ly. \VM. J. T< > HR. Nov ‘Sl—tdai * Ad mV. VDAIINI^TtvATt IRS’ SALK—WiII he sold before the Court House door ill the town ol Culhhert, Randolph bounty, on the urst nlpsday in January next, if not ear lier deposed of at private sale, the plantation t the ( state of Solomon CJraves, deeease<|. lyinj'oii the waters of \Voile and Notchiway Crt*oks, contaiiiinp I4OH acres, more or 4.*b of which is o|e:i fri*sh land, un der :rood fence, and line cultivation, with all necessary houses mid out-ltt>uses, irin screw, &c. S(*ld on such time as may suit purc.liusers —and under and by virtue of the provisions contained in the Will of said deceas'd. This JOtli Oct.’sl. LOUS LONKKK, \\. (JR \\ KS, r. HR WHS, Xov4—wtd .Idfi'r* Cnnt tr? *7 W *• nto nnnr rn. Administrators Sale, WILL he sold before the court house door in the town of ( uthbert, Randolph county, oil the first Tuesday in l-Vlicunry next, one hundred and fitly ci-ht acres more <H* less oi lot of land No. in me Dili district of said county. Sold by order us the hotioralde the hilifior t’ourt of said county w bile sit tint; for ordinary purposes, as the property of Williamson ( ; oi 4 .itis, deceas'd, latent said county. * JAMR3 M, <H>LLINS, Adm'r Nov k 2G—lds Adiuinist r;i < ors Sale. WILL he sold before the court house door In H<p town of Lumpkin, on the fir t Tuesday in Kebruary next, agreeable to ait owier of the Inferior court when sitting |b- ordinary pur|xs<*s, a nwrro hoy named Hilbert, aired nine vears. Sold to pav one of the legatees of J tunes llirker. diwuwd, * WM. SMITH. Nov •*.!— ids Adm'r. do h<nL non. AdiitinintrAtorf Sale. VHRKKARLK to an order of the Honorable Inferior Cuiirl of Lar y county, while sitting fr ordinary purj>oH*s. will bo sold nt the court house door of said count von the first Tuesday in February next, between lie usual hours of sale, lot of land mimher fi-M in the 4ih district x>! Karly, (widows dower excepted,! also a negro woman and eight children. Sold as the property of Reu ben Fain, doo'd. and for the benefit of the heirs and cnili ors. Terms made known *n the day of sale. Nov S— wills. x.s X T.IFVOUI) .tdwr dr boni* A<l minis! rators Sale. WlfiL be sold at the lx!e residence Mrs .lfartha Rlack nnmin Harris county, on Friday tfm srxUH'iith day of January next, all the perisfiahle property hehuiging to the estate of the *a:d Martha Kdarknion. dec'd., consist-: inir of horses, hogs, cattle, corn, fodder, fanning utensils, hour* hold hihl kitchen fiirnlHire, A-C. &.c. Terms made known on the day of sale. Also Hu> plantation to he ! reified on the same daw Nov 29—Ids* THOM AS H. HORN. Adm'r Adiuinist ratovV Sale* “ittlLlj he sold at tht* .Market House in the city of Columbus on the first Tuesday in Jan next: One house and lot situated on llridge-suneet. adjoining Jogui Clark 4 on the west side, and oppo>ite John Rvirds. Al soone undivided half ol lot ofland No. 2d and Jd i district* county. S*ddas tlu* property of John WaHoivfcnd John !>. Walton deceased. Also all the ne groes belonging to the said estates. U’Jf. .11.1. l-l Octet 1 Admin ist raior. Adiuiniiirators 1 Sale. ‘ITTILL lm ffokl at llio Market Houes*. in the city of >Y Cohinibus, oh the first Tuesday in January next, i rccublv to an order of the Inferior Court of Muscogee t iiinty sitting f*u ordinary negro boy by the numo of thirteen years of age. Sold as the property of the estate of Martin J. Kendrick, dec’d. Nov 6—lds JVM. .7. HEDI) .idmr Administrators Sale* ATTILL be sold on Thursday, the Bth day of January Y V next, at the late residence of John Hays, of Early county, deceased, all of the perishable property belong, i ig to the estate of said deceased, consisting of worses hogs oxen, mulcts carts, wagons, corn, sod dor, houseSuld and kitcheuturniture, Acc. Ac. Sale ts continue from day to day until all is sold The land to be rented at the same ttme. Terms on the day. k M //. 2 1 •>,. Idm'rx. Nov Cg—tds ” AdmliilMratorri Sal AOKKRAKI.K u> Ifti order of the interior court of Kaffy county, when fdtiincf for ordinary purpose*, will be a old before the court houtdoor in Ktnkelv. Ear* v ouiit>Vou the t!r4 Tuesday in Jniitterv next, between the usual hours of sale, lot oflaud No. Ifcfl in the Jtbdist. ofsaid county containifiif 2.70 acres, reserv iter the right of Dower, nnd Emily a negro woman about 37 years of age and tier eight children, viz: Charles a by eleven years old, Melisea a girl U*n years old, Kcrsheba a girl M years otd, Washington a boy g years old, Larinia a gfr! and years old, Kineline a srirl 5 jßKiPiokl, Sarah a girl 3 y ears old, and an infant, sold as the property of the CTtate of Ueubin Kain,<l*veas<x', for the heiiHit of the creditors and heirs of saidc&ait e. Terms cash. ISAM DEL 8. STAFFORD, Oct*2f?. Adm 9 r. de bemn non- Admlnistrntor’g sale \\7TLL Ih sidtl on ttie first Tuesday in January next, in ▼ y launpkirvStew art Onmty, lK of Land Il3inthe 23*! •lUtrict Stewart, as tlie projrerty r*f 11. Jane* decea.sed, by erde r oft he court. <L DELAFXKY, Novc R.f LVtTIKT, A din Eifcntors .Sale. lt r lUi l>e sold before the court house * > Early county, on the flr<t Tuesday in January m-xf. lietwj’cti the usual hour* of sale. I>t of land No. ne Inm <tred and twenty-oiie in the Jtl dist. of Karfy comity, and Smart a negro mm, Amy a tu M .rro wonpan, Sarah a ne gro v v ourm. and Aim a girl. Sold as the proper ty of Wilihnn lanvis for the benefit of the heirs and ac to saitl testators’ w ill. Terms made known on he day of sale. Ocl2S. DAVID R. LEWIS, Ex-'m A ftinist r.iiors rsale. WILL I>e sold on the 7th day of January next, at the late residence o! .Yllfcn Move. thotiK’ri• liable property ofsud d**c’d. fuegrmvs excepte<l) ensistin'r of a!I arftch’s usually found on an extensive farm, such as mules, h*fs's. cattle, hogs, corn, fodder plantation tool*, house hold and kitchen furniture, &r. &c. Terms— all sums over ten nullars ,u credit u:it.l Jah. Ist 1853; Minus under U*ii dollars cash. Sale to continue until coiuplev. < K I*. KLA LL. .LlmV, <’uthbert, KaiuhWpti cm. I Sec t —*tis d)v f*fniis non A Aminlst rnf or'si sal e. A ILL be wold on i|:e first Tit4*sc!ny In J;muarv. 1832. it ttciore tlie court house in l.iunpkin. Stew art co. ty order * the Inferior Com it when sitting Ibr ordi nary purf**-es. M'renty-five rKs of land lying and beinvr sil|iate in the twenty second district of -Stewart county being the tract wliercyn John Moodx resided at the tim ofliU death, and to the estate of paid John \h*odv, decM. .s'ol.l f*r ttie !u uefit <*f llu* h'ir< and ered tors. *oet jber2 r t. tS~>t. JOIfN FlT'/.ERIt \ LD, Adin AIDIINISTfI ATOIIB S ALK. llfll.L Ik* nold on the llrst Tiiesdny in Decemt)er next jlnriiigthe usual hours of sale, before the court house door, in the town of (’ummiiur,in the count v of Rot sylli tin* following lots of land, to-wit: lot No. !Ht, flrs district. first section, and lot 3UI, third district, first ses. oi, foriuvrly Fherokee now Forsyth county. Said lands sold as the 1 property of Win.L. Walker, late of Harris county deceased. 7/0/; Fli T IFFL /) F.V, .-WwV. Sr lit Itb t'ls MiSSOtTRfF. W.iLKFJI .inn't. Administrator* Sale, W,LL be ft(*ld at the plantation of tin* late John \. W-Uer, at the mouth of the Oswiche creek iu .Mtmco iroe county, on Tuesilay the Hth of January next, all the perishable properity >f saitl decen*ed. consisting of corn, fodder, peas, horse*, mule*, leers plantation tools and I nplemeuts. Ac. Ac. ./ tSF.VH IF. ft ()()/. EO/.A’ Nov 38—Ids W .G. IFOULFOJJx. Cotton Lnnds For Sole. 1 >V virtue <f an ord**Cofthe court of Ordinary, ofthe I )county ofColuiMhfflt iu the Slate oi’ L’eorgia. >vt‘ will otrer at public stale, nu tlie first Tuesday in February next, biToro the court house door, in llu* county of Ran dolph. in said Slate: Two thoiisaml acres of land, more or less, lying in said county, on the rhaltahoochoe riv.r. part low grounds, and part hills —and sold tbr i!e Inundit ofthe heirs of W. 11. Torrance, kite of KaMwin county, deceased. Terms on din of sale HM. J. R flO!) FS. ).. XoV 2l—tds ./.VO. M. THOM, is, t Luardtans. Notice to Dehiora nuul CretHtors. VLL per*<us indebted to the estate of Joseph Wilson. . late of Talbot county, deceased, are requested to come forward and make payment, and those holding claims against said estate tire requested to present them duly authenticated within the tim** prescribed hv law. Novl i-win WILLIAM l?t X, Rxr. Notice to Ilrldors and Creditors. VLL person* tmldiugjclaims against llu* Estate o . Vomer Daniel, of Talbot county, demised, arc here!’ by notified to present them for payment within tin* time prescribed by law; and those wim are indebted are re quested lo come forward and make payments. Nov H—wtit JUSF.VU KK()IV.Y,Mn'r. months after date application will lie made to the Honorable the Inferior Court *i Talhot (’onnty whilst sitting as a court of ordinary, for leave to sell tim east half of lot No. H3 and all of lot No. HI. in the 1511) district of originally Muscog.u*. now Tal bot county, as tlie proper! v orKeojamin <’ Mitchell, minor t)c!2H. * ANDREW \\ MITCHELL Luard after date applicnlhm w ill ii’ made to llu* inferior Court of Marion county when sil ting for ordinary purposes for h ave to sell tin* real estate of fsham W. Savage. late of said county, de cased, and a negro girl belonging to said estate* Oct I . 1851. —wtin <J. F, M \DDOK, Adm’r. JAoiir month!) after dale application will he made• to the Honorable Inferior Court ofKar b county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, Ibr leave to sell the re-1 estate of Mary Ann Sheffield, minor heir of Krvanl Sheffield, dee\l. for the henellt of said heir. Nov B—w-lin JOK.Y (. S/iFFF/F/J) Guar. lAoin* month* after date application will ho made to llu* honorable tlie Inferior Cmirt f Harris County, wlien sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of James Toler, late of said countv, decease!. WILLIAM J. TOLER, Fop. 0,18.71. Administrator of James Toler. months after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Early cmmty, when silting for Ordinary purposes for leave to sell Hu* real estate of James Willey, late of said county decM. Fopt |f- 1m WRiGIIT tVU.LKWMm'r* I^o nr monthti after ilnte, application will he unuh* t<* the IIon'ral)le Inferior (’(>’:rt of Stewart county w’mn sitting forordinriry purposes, for b*aveto sell a nc/ro hoy iudouging to tin* estate of James Darker t<* pay one of the legatees. Sept 2 tin /I .!/. s.U/77/ .idmr.’h- baiiis non. MERCER UNIVERSITY. PF.XFIKLIL GRFF.VF GFORGLI. STUDIES. The Studies of tills Unlrerslty arc .7 T/njiion imf ( 'oiir.<r of three years, designed Ibr tlms who arst jovparing for the Cospel Ministry : ./ < ‘uitrgi'iif. Cour.'it: of four years, cipial to that of other Colleges in the county : / SriuiUjir Ciivrscvf three year.-, including, w ill) some additions, alltl.e studies of the Collegiate Course except the Ancient Lnitruages; . in .iv‘nirmiral ( including whatever isnecessi ry u* prepare lor adiriissu.u fhto College. ADMISSION. Tlk* regular tim** for Iln* adiniss'u!i of Students, is al the opening oft Ik? Fall Term, tlie hnJ Wednesday iu An glint. Candidates for admisdon into the <%*ltegi t<* Cotirs most susiaiaa satisfaclorv examination on tieography : ArilhiiK'llc; t’iKd**di. Laiiji and Creek (irammar, C:esar Virgil, Cicero's Select Orations; and tjieoUL (Irgek Kent I: er’ and must In* at least fourteen years of age. Candidates for adniisssion im<* llu* Scientific Cours sustain a satisfactory examination on Oe-ographv Arithmetic; Englisli Crammar; Simple l , .*|uations in Al getrea; and two hooks in (ieoiuelry; a/nl intis! be at least H.xteen years of age. EXPENSES. Tallinn I'Yc.*. S/nv/oc ‘Vina. VaR 7'rrm. t N ‘fIIKoIiOCSIC.VL Skm in ary.. ..Nothing Nothing In Com.buk s*-) 0> 5515 1 | SiENTiFH CornsKS 25 00 15 (HI —IN ACADEMY — Preparatory Class, 25 00 15 00 Second * “ 20 on 12 00 Third * 4 15 00 U 00 Elementary “ lo 00 bOO Room Knife <> i 00 (’on tin fro at F.rpni.<r.<\ 2 00 1 IU) These expenses are required to he paid in advance. From Students who lodge in llie College buildings, fifty dollars will be received as full payment Ibr the tui tion tees, room rent, and contingent expenses of the year. The prif-e of Hoard in the village is $lO per month ; washy eg. r<Mw-renb and fuel. #3. COMMENCEMENT AND VACATIONS. Tlie Commencement is held on the last Wednesday, in July, There :i*v two Vacations, dividing the year into two term*, as follows : First Term—from l:ist Wednesday in August to De cember 15th. Winter Vacation—from December 15th to February first. Second Term —from first day of February to Com mencemcn). Summer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed uesday iti August. **.\iiv friend on application to Dr. Dagg, llu* Presided ofthe I T niversify, will receive a catalogue containing ail necessary information in relation to the Institution. /;. JI. S. t.YDFRS. B)*jtl)—wly SeC'y, of the Heard >f Trustees. GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE MARIETTA, GA. fK'illS Insi lpition will bo open for the admission ; A CADETS, on Monday thk 7Ji i.y, 1851. fiie Institution is owned hy Stocklu>UU*r.s, and is under hecontJY)! ofa Poard of Tni^oo^.. Tfw Fijjpujb consists of Maj. A. V. Krumby, Cell James \V. Armriouig, Maj. D. 11. Hill and Thomas StewnrdsoM. M. I). The Supi rintoiulent, Maj. Krumby, is a graduate of West Point, lie comes to us with the be>t recoinmei)da ions from the Academic Staff of that lijsfjlution* and, Iso, from tiie Faculty of the rpiversity of Alabama, where he taught Mathematics and t jyjl Kfjuiiiim sing Isev Views. Ceu. Armstrong and Maj. IJ iJI stn* also gr.ul liates of West Point, and are experienced teachers. The latter is al this lime Professor of .Mathematics in Washington College, V;p- The course* of instruction, regulations and discipline of heU. S. Military Academy, so far as they are .upplica blc to a Stale Institution, have been adopted, and will be pubiishediii pamphlet i*n,n. The Institution is organized upon the usual plan ( f om Collegiate Clashes. Ry reference to tin* tbllowing SYNOPSIS OF SIT!DIES?, Parents and Cuanlians can. at once, sec wlial are the requirement* for joining either class. FOI KTI! CI.ASS. Arithmetic, Algebra, InHunetry, English tlrammar. Geography, Composition and Dcciamation. French TillUD C LASS. Trigonometry, IMensuratLon, Surveying, Descriptive Oeonutry and ils ajiplications, Analytical (Jeoiuetry, French, Drawing, Composition, Rhetoric, History. SKCOND CLASS. Differential and Integral Calculus, Natural and Experi mental Philosophy. Astronomy,Chemistry, Drawing, Ev dences 6 IChristi:uiity, Morafand Mental Philosophy. i'IRST CLASS. Natural History, Minerafogv, (Jeulogy and Pliysiologx-, Political EconomVjLaw of Nations, Civil and Military Engineering. amtGlvil Architecture, liilantry Tallies, Science and Practice of Artillery. No Cadet w ill te admitted who is less than fourteen or more than twenty-five years of age ; or who is afflict ed with ny disease* or infirmity which would render him unfit for military duty. The Cadets wifi be occupied about on© hour and a halfe;.£'i day m military exercises: hut at such times as not totnterfere icith thir regular studies, NIFORM, FURNITURE. &C. The Uniform consists of a fight gray cloth coatee, trim med with gilt convex buttons and black cord—white vest, and white Russian drilling pantaloons, withou trimmings—to simmer. For winter, giay cloth vest and pantaloons, trunmed to suit-the coat—black stock, white gloves and white belt —Monroe shoes and a Forage cap A' oth i r dress util be worn; nor will Cadets be a l lowed to keep other clothing in tluirjrooms. Each Cdiel ‘Tom a< ft stance must proride him self with a mattress afKl bedding for a ingle bed, mattres cover and bed grap —one trunk, out* ch*Uies bag and six towels. Each Cadet will unite w ith his rxwn-mates in purchas ing, for tiieir common use, one pine table,one looking! glass, one wash pan, one pail and one broom. In view ofthe following regulations, parents and guar dians sending their sons and wards to tuis Institution, are udviseato deposit with the B\ij*vrintendent, or w ith souk* some friend fn Marietta* a sum of money sufficient to purchase the above irticles, and to cover all necessaryjex peiwes for one JHession: >r the Superintendent should bs authorial, in writing, to How the Cadet to make an ac couiU tor a specified sum. The regulation referred to is as follows, viz: Every Cadet shall <oep a small blank book, in w hich shall be charged every article he may purchase. This book shall be turned over totl.e t?upc*f iiiteudent for his insfrectioti at the end of every month. Any Cadet who shall contract a debt without* |>crmis sion of the SiijM-rintendent. or be rid shed with any ar tich vhatever, by any storekeeper or olher persmi, with out sich |h*imission. <*r wTiose parent or guardian shall pay trry deb? contracted by him during his connpction with the Institute, and in violation of this regulation, lmll be dismissed. TERMS*. Tuition, Hoard Washing, Fuel, iglds. Field Music, .Did ml (Him expenses, [per session rl five inontlis. ’ * sluo (K) ui L r (i ;U.*ti(*. [for resident Ciulefs,] jkt Session, 2. on Field Music and other*contingents, - - - 200 Any Cadet entering the Institute after the coinineiict*- ment of a will be charged in proport to the above rates. These charges mast, be paid in ‘tnloan. r. fol all expenses except the fee l*r tuition. Every C;ule leaving the Institute turlbre tlie ex pi rat ion of the peri f*d for which he has mailean advance, shall receivoth ma*\pended balance. STsf*Tlie I’-ditor of any newspaper in C corgi a, South Carolina, Florida, Alnhanu). Jiissis>ippiotl'enness)*)*, hy inserting this ertisi’tnent in his paper, and sending ‘*opy regularly to the “Ceorgia Militarv Institute,” dial be entitled to mitioii for one Cadet, or his ;l ; ft at the rate of twenty-five dollars per session, payable in tui* tioii, and in favor ol'auv Cadet, will he accept til. DAVID IRWIN June, .* —15—jy l Ifoanf Trustee SOUTH CAROLINA PASSEXGfR TRAINS. FIRST, OR ACCOM MODATIOX TRAIN. 1 EAVES CHARLESTON daily at 8 A. M., and ar j rives at Hamburg at 3V I*. M. Leave) Han)l>urg daily aid a. M., arul arrive at Charles ton at I V F. M. This train takes up and sets and jwii all way passengers. SKCOXD, OH EXTRSiS TRAIN. Hamburt; nt 5 i\ M. I.eavt-s Hamburg at 10 A. M., md arrive at Charleston at 3f P. M. This train takes through Passengers only, nml al trays arrives in full time to connect with the evening train of the Ceoigia Rail Road, at .Augusta, going W est, and with the Wilmington Routs, and with the New York and Philadelphia line of Steamer* going East. FREICIIT TRAINS. FIRST, OR HKOI’ LA U TR AIN. Ijcavc Charh*ston daily at 5 A. M., arrive at Tfam hurglietiire itA. M. next day, and'as many trains leave e\er\ morning as may lx* necessary to take olf ail the (iw!s receiveil before fi o'clock the evening iu*tbre,and on their arrival at Hamburg, are immediately discharged and seifi, over f> the Leorgin Railroad. Ski oNnTor Express Freight and night passenger train Leave Charleston 5 p. in., and arrive at Hamburg, at 7 a. in., next morning. Leave Hamburg at 6 p. m., and arrive at Charleston at 7 a. m. This train will take light and valuable Hoods only, mv boxes and hales Dry Hoods. Hats, Flioe.% Sadillerv, (ilnss. Drugs, A*e., which will he sent over immedi ately on arrival to the Heorgia Rail Rond Depot, at Au gusln, and from thence w ill be despatched by the day or night mail trains, or hy extra express or tin* Heorgia Rail Road, to their points of destination. Iu addition to the above, Me Mrs. Combs & Chamberlin have tnadearrange meals to express light Coixlsou their own account hy th i Passenger Train. Tan.lT of li'Mo. . To u n \ FRXUHIT TIIE SAUK l)Y BOTH TRAINS* i depot at Bay from Charleston to I Inin-1 Augusta First Class —-Consisting of- ( bury, luclagthc. I’o.xes Huts, Kunneta and Furniture.j soil at tm/g per cubic foot*% 1 Pets. 10 Bkhm> ('lass.— lhx*s anti hales Drv Hoods, Shoes, j Faddlcry. (dass, Drugs, &c. &e..! per 100 lbs j 43 50 Third < 't. ass— Kaggjng, Rope, Rutter, Chcese^l'o-j hacc-o. Leather, Feathers,* IdJfif ( ruslied Bugar, lliiles, Colton Variis 1 and Domestirs. Dow n, Tire, liar and! 8!)ee! Iron, Window Class. Paints.j Oil, Crockery, and Classwnre, tinj crates or casks) castings, Hardware, Hollov.-wan*. I.iml, Tn!!o\v, Kees hales of Rags, Ciusing, Mi!l| Hearing, Kacon, loose, &-c, t.c i *2O 25 Forum Class.— ’<o Fugar, C(fie(*. Rico, Pig Iron, Mill and Crind Slones. Nails, Kacon in Imres and casks 15 j 20 Bi*m ine Artk lks— Fait in sacks 25 j 35 Flour, bids 25 i 35 Corn, Wheat, (hits, Rye, Peas, &c.. 7 j 8 Pipes and lihds. I.hpior 300 i4 00 ] Quarter ( -asks ami \Yel KarreL, 75 I 00 j Dry Parrels, &.c. &c 50 i 75 1 Al! goods consigiKMi to tho agent of tin; Smith Carol tin Railroad Company, Charleston, accompanied with KHI of /.ailing, ordr/Vr, will be received and forward- : ed free of commission, but w ithout such Kill of Lading, j or advice, the Company w ill not be responsible. For the ! rules and regulations of the Company generally see the j Tariff of Kates printed on cants. J. D. PETSH. Sup't. Trims'!. Chariest*•..!illy 20,1851. angl I ~ NOTICE. ftpMK ii-iir. :o„! itccot,„tscoi,lr„di-i! with anti trivon lo | I tin- Into lirniof I.ivei.y A-, may bo Coiinit at j llu- sloroot’ l*\ 51, Grav, who is :ii,tliori/.o(l to oolloot tho J Kiino. - JCI.IUS U. CL.U-P, Assignee. J tjoiomhtis, Nov 98—11’ | Gin Bands and Machinery Belting. J>T. stretched Reliing. best quality, from oik* to four- ‘ teen incin*s wide ’.Rubber Kelting, IVmu one t< four- ! teen iiiehiM wide: Vulcanized Rubber Packing, from | oiic-eight! to six-eighths thick ; for saie low (for cash or appro\cdcivdit, W ADF. & C< )V,. side Kroad st. Sign of Holden S:nldl* j TO THU LADIES. j rt'XHE subscriber having just returned from the 11 j 1 and having laid in a very handsome nnd I'uii si (•I* the newest fashionable millinery and dress/goods I.adies wear, consisting in part of Silk niul Straw Hoiuicts,s Dnss Caps,: li mhroide rics* Flowers, Ribbons, Aml Plumes. Alson large variety of DKEBS SILKS, M ANTI I.LAS 1 j SHAWLS and Trimmings for Dresses, together with j every article usually kept in a Ladies fancy establishment. Feeling confident of being prepared to suit the mos; fastidious, sin* trusts to receive a call from her old cits miners and as many new ones as may favor her with a visit. Respectfully, MRS. DESSAU. Columbus, Hi;?, October 8. 185 L 3m. Drugs and Medicines. rpi! K subscribers beg leave respectfully to call the f% I attention of PliysiciV h and Planters to their s|*ring supply of .sELECI’ M EDIt INES, ail of whim are Ires!) and of tht* pure si quality, such as have been purchased on the lowest terms, and we will furnish them at reasonable and satisfactory prices. HOI NTKV PHYSICIANS?wiII have their orders filled with the best Medicines promptly—which will he put up neatly, and securely packed. Such Chemicals will he ia inline lured to order as the exigency of any case may require. HESNER & PEAKODY, iune 2UU‘ Druggists *ind Chemists. LIVER COMPLAINT. JAUXDICE) DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, Ami ail diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, iovvarJ Piles Fullness or UlooJ to the head, acidity ofthe stomach, Nausea.heart burn, Disgust for food, fullness or weight on the stomach fc-iour Eructa tions, sinking or fluttering at the |,it of the Stomach swimming of the head, hurried and difficult breathing, fluttering at the hea t. chok ing or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of vision, dots or webs before the siglil, li-ver and dull pain in liie head, De.. ficieney or Perspiration, yellowness ofthe skin and eyes, pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, <fcc.; sudden flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, constant imaginings of evil, and great depression of spirits, can be ellectually cured by DR HOMELAND'S CELEBItATKP GEU MAX BiTfEKS, Pir/iared hy DP. C. >J. .J tCK-sOX, at the German Medicine Store, 120 Arch M.. I’tii.a (leluhia; The power over the above discuses is po( e\- ceUetl—if equalled—by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, iu many ca.-rs alter skilful physicians had failed, TI psp bitters are worthy the attention of in valids. Possessing great virtues in the rectifies, tion of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands exercising the most searching powers iu weak ness and nflfecfioi.s of the digestive organs, they are withal, safe, certain and pleasant. DEAD AND BE CONVINCED. From the Boston Bee. The Editor said, Dec. 22d—Dr HooflandV celebrated German Bitters lor the cure of I/iver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deservedly one of the most popular medicines of the day. These bitters have been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has himself received an elli-ctual anil permanent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of this remedy. We gre convinced t.,at, in the use of those bitters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor—a fact worthy of great consideration. They are pleasant in ta>te and smell, and can be used by persons with the most delicate stomachs with salety, under any cir cumstances. We are speaking from experience, and to the afflicted we advise their use. “Scott’s Weekly,” one of the best literary pa pers publi-hcd, said, Aug 25—“ Dr lloofland’s German Bitters, inanufacturrd hy Dr Jackson, are now rccomineudcd by some of the most pro minent members of the faculty as an article ot much efficacy in cases of female weakness. As such is the case, wo would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle, and thus save themselves much sickness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these bitters advantageous to their health, as we know from experience the salutary effect they have upon weak systems.t’ MORE EVIDF.SCE. The “Philadelphia Saturday Gazette,” the ast family newspaper published in the Unite J att-5. The editor says of DR HOOF LAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. It is seldom that we recommend what are termed patent medicines, to tho confidence and patronage of our readers ; and therofore when the recommend Dr Holland’s German Bitters, we wish it to be dietinct/v understood that we arc not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about tor a brief period and then for gotten after they have done their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicine long established, universally prized, and which lias met the hearty approval of the faculty itself. ’’ Evidence upon evidence has l>ccn received (like the foregoing) from all sections ol lhe Un ion, the last three years, and the strongest'testis mony in its favor, is, that there is more of it used in the practice of the regular physicians of Philadel, hia, than all other nostrums com* hined, a fact that can ansily be established, and fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet with their qui. approval when pre sented even in this forint That this medicine will cure Liver Coinp’aint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt alter using it as directed. It acts specifically upon the stom ach and liver; it is preferable to calomel in all bilious diseases—the effect is immediate. They can be administered to female .or infant with salety and reliable benefit at any time. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has attained that high charac ter which is neces-ary for all meilicines to attain to induce counterfeiters to put forth spurious articles at the risk ol those who are innocently deceived. Look well to the marks of the genuine. They have tho signature of C. M Ja. kson upon the wrapper, and his name blown in the bottle, without which they are spurious. For sale wholesale and retail at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. Nr. 120 Arch street, one door below sixth Philadelphia ; and by resjKU"table dealers gen erally through the oountry Liners R:m cKi>. ; —To enable all classes ol invalids to enjoy the advantages of their great restorative powers. Single lfottlrs To rents. Also for sale by DAN FORTH & NAGEL. Druggists, Columbus, (fa. Wholesale agents for Georgia and South Car. oiina, Havilard, Harrell & Cos. Charleston, S. Carolina. l)cc 13-wly JEW DAVID’S, OR lIEB HEW fill THE GKEI.T ItEMKHY FOR llheumalisjn, Clout, Vain in the side, hip hack limits and joints, Scrofula. Kings AY//, White Swelling, Hand Tumors, StiJ) jon/s and all/Lveil pains irhateicr. Where the plaster is asglied, pain cannot twist. ri'HESE’ Piasters possess the advanages ol J being put up in air-tight boxes—licncc they retain their lull virtues in all dimates. Have you friends going .• California ? —By all means advise them to take < <ng a supply of this plaster, it may save them hundreds of dollars: il not their lives, as the exposures which they have to endure in the mines, is sure to bring on disease, which might be easily cured bv the use of this celebrated plaster, for the want of which many have been obliged to quit their labors and fall into t r hands of thcjpliy sicians, who, by their oxtravagu ly high charg es, soon tako away the bard carni .sol'the bra vest laboring man. By sleeping in t-esor on the ground, Rheumatism. Spinal Disc •, Still Joints, Lame Back or Side, and all like sca les, are sure to trouble them, and many -cs gntirely lay them up, when the simple applica tion of this plaster would gi\c them immediate relief and enable them loprococd with their la bors wlcitout delay'. It has been very beneficial in eases of weak ness such as pain and weakness in the stom ach, weak limbs, affections of the spine, ‘e male weakness&c. No female, subject to pain j and weakness in tho back orsi le, should be without it. Married ladies, in delicate situa tions, find great r.licffrom constantly weiring j this Plaster. The application of the Flastor between the I shoulders lias been found a certain remedy ! lor colas coughs, phthisic, and lung affection., ■ in their primary stages. It destroys liitlamu tion by perspralion. Beware of counterfeits and base imitations : . Dealers and purchasers generally, arc can tinned against huyinu ol any but our regular Agents otherwise they will be imposed upon with a worthess article, as many base counter 1 foils of the Plaser are In existence. | Remember! fbc genuine is sold only by I in and our advertised Agents throne bout the i .South. No is ai.lowed to sell it. In future the genuine will have tlir> signature ol ; B. TAYLOR on the new steel-plate engraved : label, on the top of each box : to counterfeit j which, will be prosecuted as lorgerv. SCOVI/, & MEAD, 113 at., ft. Orleans, and GESNJSA’ St PEABODY, , ’ inayl7~wcow4m Columbus I- ■■■■ i— .i————— j DR. ROGER’S LIVERWERT AND TAR. VS A pr. ami certain cure for Coughs, Colds Croup, Asthma, Consumption of the I.lings Spitting ol | Blood, Bronchitis, Hooping Cough, and all Pulmonary r A licet ions. * ® u § si a a | * i S i * 9 ’ J3T A LOVELY YOI’NL LADY <TKEI) OF CON SUMPTION! I.^o : Tin* follow ii>!’ in from IfeK 1 |t*n ol W in. IT. Lovison, j Esq., tin* <listinirmsltc<l fTTilor f Uu*l r . 8 Military ;iinl ; Naval Argus, under date Nov York, juntiuryss**, 18.30. : could bo more conulusivo V j ki Jt i.s wldom wo j.*onuit ourselves to occupy a sjnea in ilmso columns to speak in praise of any ar’ icto in die ; patent meiiiciiie wav; toil uhea we seethe life of* :i IVd i low creature saved 1* y the use of any medicine wliafever, ! we consider it as our rijglit, if not our duty, to y:ive a sim ; pin statement of fads, that others may, in like manner, I he benelitted. The case which has iiivlneed us to pen ! this article, vita that of a youui: lady of oui’jUc<|ii:tinlance, j who, t>y frequent exposure t<* the niirlff air, contracted a } ('old \v hieh scilled on tlie faints before its ravages could he stayed. (This occurred two years inis winter.) i Various remedies were used, hut with very little effect or | benefit. The rough i?re\v worse, with copious exjaecto i radon, and the sunken eye, and pale, hollow cheek, told | plainly that pulmonary disease was doing its worst.on tier delicate frame. The family physician was consults, j and although he would not admit to the young Indy that she really had the Consumption, yet he would give no 1 encouragement as to a cure. At l*is crisis tier mother j was persuaded to mal e use of a bottle of Dr. Rogers’ 1 Compound Syrup of Liverwort and ‘far, and we arc hap ; py to slate she was perfectly cured in less than three ! months by this medicine alone, after even hope was de j stroved. It is useless to comment on such a case as this -1 for the simple truth w ill reach where polished fiction ! never can. If any doubt the authenticity of this statc i meat, let them call at this office. — U. s. „■Military ami i Arm// . Ira is, JVT*. 19 Chatham stmt, .Vein York, i TESTIMONIES OK THE N. Y, IMIEESS From the New York Courier, Aug? 13, 18.30. ! Hr. Rookks’Svim e ok Livkkwout and Tar—\V ! have heard of several important cures recently effect© by litis excellent medicinal preparation, and in one i i s.ance Hint came under our observation, w e can speak j confidently. One o! our employees, who had suffered ! severely from a long standing cold, during Ui.e past w eek ! commenced Ihe use of this medicine, and his cold has j entirely disappeared. From the New York Mirpor. Bcj>t. 2. 18.30. and Tilt.--Of the virtues of Dr. Rpgers’ j Cough .Medicine, prepared from the above articles, it $ i needless now to speak : its efficacy in specs lily curing Coughs, folds, and other lung complaints, which too fre | quenfiv. if nc-df-'cted, result in Consumption, is too well i established in jjuljJic efiulidenco tw need eulogy now. Frni the New York Aug. 25tli. 1841 b. i \Ye have heretofore taken occasion to give our testi j mony-in favor of the curative properties of Dr. Rogers’ i Compound Syrup of liiverwijft and Tar, and would here repeal the advice already gijen, for all jierscjns who are alftict,e.d will* any of the premonitory synmtoms, to make a trial of Dr. Rogers’ preparation. * Ek 5 * rhe genuine is signed Anprkw Rookk*. on the steel plate engraved wrapper around each butt Ip, apd J sold wliAvtpsale and retail by SCOYIL & MEAD. 113 Chartres street. New Orleans, Pole general agents for the Steles, to whom ail oyder • and applications lor agencies must be addressed. Sold also by Dantbrth &. Nagel, Koliert Cartef, . Pierce, Columbus, (.’a,; J. A. Drown. Talbotton: Mur phy Cook, Hamilton: S. F. ('ulbersoii, LaLruJiue Brown Lamb. Buena Vista; 1. Screws, Licmiyille Ala.; R. Whithurst, Liranl, Ala. Oct 10 epw3m JjH. DeGRAFFEKJRIED’3 VELI Jilt A Till) iRHEUM!TIC LINIMEN IN introducing this medicine to the peopleof the Cnit , cd States, for ssde, the proprietors fK'g leave to submit the follow ing sin eincnt of Dr. De(iraOenried, its discov. ertr and inventor: The undersigned frankly states that he has prescribed this medicine for the la*t iwenty-tw years, in all forms of Ac te and Chronic Rheumatism, with a success mi par alleled in the annals of medicine; and he hits no hesita tion in saying, that it is decidedly the most valuable rem edy ever yet discovered for the relief of this most painful and distressing malady. Hia note book contains upwards of three hundred cas es, in which it has tyoen used within the above named period, and in no single instance has it coino to iis know ledge, of its failing to effect a cure when persevered in Many of the cases were from four to ten years standing and what may appear more remarkable and extraordina ry, is that when a patient has been once relieved, the di sease is pernumtmtiy cured, remains so, not a solitary in stance having been rejiorted to him of its return. All he would ask for this remedy is a fair and impar tial and patient trial, for the results he entertains no ap prehensions, Fp to the time of this discovery, the undersigned had well studied the origin, progess, and character of this disease, ami is well assured, had consulted every author oit its treatment, who had w ritten or been translated into the English language, and had uved all the remedies o( any notoriety then in vogue with tho profession, with however, very rarely any relief to poor suffering human- * ity. It has baffled the skill and science of the most eminent Physicians aml Surgeons of our own, and of* every other country. Rut the undersigned flatters himself that his remedy will cure this most painful disease, when all oth ers have (hiled, and that be shall have been an .humble instrument in the hands of God, of relic Ting the. In m m family of a vast amount of suffering. K. L. DeUJLVFFENRIKD, M. D. It is for sale a! Dr. R. A. Ware's Drugstore, Columbus and by Agents in all the principal cities and towns in the I’niftNlStates. Price $5 fora pint bottle —.30 for a half pint 1 K>ttte: 4 ounce bottle, $1 2.3. None genuino wthoul the signatureofthiulisetverer oil the side label of the bottle, and across the cor,k J)cUH . Ib'FEJS'RIEI) &,:CO ., Proprietors, CERTIFICATES. Jones’ Hotel, Phil voei.rnix, March 3, *SO. Cot. .7. /;. Hair,m —Fir, It affords me great pleasure to be pble to bear lesliuiony to the efficacy andprirtues of Dr, DeQmJjfenriaPs Uhtttmatte i.inintent. I have been sorely afflicted for the last six years with w hat I believed to beand what eminent Ptiysicians of thiscity pronounced Rliemnatic gout, for several winters past I base bc'cttcmilhicd tt> my ."'m and t>ed nearly all the time, fil January last I had an attack as violent if* not m*re so than usual, which prostrated me for about three weeks,on \our recommendation I commenced tho use of this Liniment* (Willi I must c nlcss bill liMl faith). Its effects were astonishing and decidedly bone® fleial from it.-* tirsi application. In a few day# my back writs and ankles were entirely relieved (and so continues) ( * %il soreness, pains, and tin*swdlmgs reduced, with tho use . Aessthan one bottle. I have been in the discharge of my ordinary Imsincssevcr since. I consider ii an extraordinary, and decidedly the most efficacious remedy fur lhis disease which l have ever-set with. And most cheerfully recommend its use to nil who mav he (Uilicted w ilh if. Re<pectlull\ Yours, N. \Y. PRIIHJES. Jones’ Hotel. Ru.TiMonr, March3o, 18.30. P>r. DcGrajTt tirin' —Dear Bik : For tin* last twelvo years I havesulft‘r*<l very severely with the Rheumatism, having been nearly one lonrth of‘the time confined to my Imml by it. I have had the best im*dical aid to he found in various cities in the I’nitcd States with little or no ben efit. 1 have also tried innumerable strongly recomtneh ded remedies, which have failed to effect a cure. I spelit the last summer at tho White Sulphur MVm lbt Springs In Virginia, to little purpose. Alter my return home, Iso far recovered.ns to bo able to walk about a little. About six weeks since, I had a very severe attack which Spain c<nfme<l me to my bed, I was in great pain .nd scarcely able to move my limbs, when a friend of ndne called ami informed me that you had discovered an infatti/Ue rente uy and had cured many, and amongst them, one of my friend*, and show ml me a let ler from him fttatinglho fact. 1 was induced to try your Rheumatic l.iimnent, ami take pleasure in informing you that in less than twenty four hour* from the lire! application I was prrfcct/yfret from pain, and continue so, up to this time, lamimw aide to attend toim business, and loudly hope all those alllieted, as I have been, may be speedily relioed, as I have been with your medicine. Wishing you all the blessings you deserve Dear Fir. Your Hr a tofu I and Ob’t Forvant, LEO. WA 1)8WOTH. FrMMKRvn.i.B, Russtll co. Ala. Nov 2.3, ’.31. E. L. DeCraffonried, M. 1). Dear Sir—Justice to the merits of yohr Rheumatic fdninuuP, to yourself, and more particularly in tho h po, of benetitiug the alllieted l give, unsolicited, a statement of a ease which caine under my own observation as ft*'- lo\vs,‘ to-wit: Mr. R. Gurtis, the agent of lbK*k Islam! Factory, being about to leave home last month, for Hos ton, said lo mcyi‘l wish you would call occasionally, In my absence, and see to im folks.” I replied certainly— wbout adreok af'er Mr. (’urtis lefl home, I called and jo nd .Vrs.(’urtis suffering very inu jli wiili Rbeuniatism. She was applying the usual remedies, and said she 1.0.p ----cd soon lo he belter. Not bearing front her .Mrs Hull walked over with me to see her ami we found her una ble to stand upon her feet or to help herself but lit lie in any way. We ImUliadvised her so try your Liniment, to which she consented, nn<l the next day 1 found at Dr. Ware's Drugstore, one of your supdl lmtßes, which aho Immediate!) applied, amt she was relieved almost in stantaneously as much to my surprise as to her gratifica tion. Living her own word's *he said that *‘tlie first ap plication it tingled lo tho very ends of tier fingers.*’ Mrs (Tirtis within four or live days was up andahputthe house, and pursuing her usual fret* from pain and well. Yours,respectfully, E. Ill'Ll*. |<’om mhi>\ La.. Ntverd)er 1,1819. Dear Fir—My negro woman Patience, a cook, had a stiff neck from a pa’nfid rheumatic affection, for six or seven years, and could not turn her neck except with tho I body. I was induced to nurchase a bottle of your Lini iqput, which wa * applitnl in August or September o ■>*, 1848. One bottle entirely relived her mtl siienow has the us l ) of Iter neck as well as ever she had ; and to this time it has not returned. L ARLAN I) , TERRY, (’of. cm in’s, La.. Oct 13,1849, jDr. E. 1.. Do Lr.ifTehfeid—Dear Fir -AgreenlUy to your request, t give my testimonial as to the virtue of your Liniment in tin* cure of rheumatism. Reingattacked in one joint <f my finger, last, winter, with acute rheumatism, and having used many of the unnumbered prescriptions for its cure, with bill little benefit, ! made application for two bottles of your Liniment which I am happy to say relieved me in a very short time. I can recommend its use to all nersous affected iti like maimer. Very respectfully, F. 8. Cl IA PM AN. lean testify to tho efficacy of Dr. ReLraffenried’s Rheumatic Lininpmt in ti e case of Mr. F. S. Chapman, as it came under my immediate observation. Oct. 13, 1841). R. A. WARE, M. D. W Ooi.rxnrw, L a., ()c,t. 2(), 1849. Dr. DeLraffniried—Dear Sir: l take pleasure in giving you the particulars of my affliction by. and relief from Rheumatism. During the spring of 1844, I was afflicted with a very severe attack of Inflammatory Rheumatism employed all the most celebrated remedies then known Ind used in similar cases, aided by medical advice, until iieptembcr 184.3. w ith no satisfactory result whatever. I as then induced, by a rheumatic acquaintance to try your Liniment, as something new, and which had cured iiim. and in one month, from the time I commenced the application, I was well and dear of the rheumatism as l over was, mid have continued so to this time. Yours, truly. I*. (; M(>RT< >N, Jew Cert iAcatcs— Such as this, are received al most e\ rry day. certifying to the astonishing cures per formed by Dr. DoGraffenrioil's Liniment: CoM Mnrs, La. Aug 5,1831. Dr. J)cf!rCffmrird — Der rFir: Having used your Rheumatic Liniment in my family, I ; m convince*! of its efficacy in curing thill most distressing disease. Rheumatism. My wife had an aitackofit. last spring, which was edeclual'y curetl by the application ofless than half a bottle. Nov4co\vly— Very r*spectinlty, S F CRIMES. Payne Nesbit Macon, aisd Hne id Sc Chapman Ogle r pe. I HAVE FOUND A BLESSING. The Superior of Quinine and Sarsaparilla ‘Hip (Greatest Discovery of the Age. DU.. I. F. HKNDKRSON’* Kureka Tome and Nepctnhcan Pills, a safe, certain, and per manent antidote against all terms of the poisonous effects of Miasmata ; effecting speedy ami perma nent cures of Chits and Fever, and all the different varieties of Fevers, torpid liver, enlargement ot the spleen, dyspepsia, dropsy, jaundice, and alf kinds of constitutional debility and derangement of the system,arc speedily remedied l>y these in valuable medicines. These valuable antidotal remedies were discovered by Dr I T Henderson, and have been successfully tested by some of the best physicians iu the south, and by thousands o other persons. These medicines are wholly Vegetable, and are harmless under any circumstances. The principal ingredients arc entirely new remedies, used by no other person in any form as a medicine. In malaiial diseases, they a’ct as an antidote against the poisonous effects of impure air, and require go preceding preparation of the system, as they comprise the Cathartic 1 , Pinphoretic, Sedative and Tonic principles ; thus accomplishing a desid eratum in the treatment of these diseases, long sought for before the discovery of these medicines. All who have used Quinine, (tl n best remedy heretofore known I’m intermittent fever) must say that it is neither certain nor lasting in its effects Quinine, in many instances, from febrile excite mrntand gastralgia, and cephalic disfurbanccs, is inadmissible. But the Kureka Medicine can lie used under any circumstances or condition of the system where a tonic, purge, or diaphoretic is needed with the happiest effects. The tonic mild ly acts on the bowels, carrying off the imicu bil oii3 matter collected there ; ’correcting Jim action of the liver and spleen, and assisting netqre to throw off’ the impediments to a bpalfhy action o the body, by natural remedies, calling into action suspended natural land; thereby reipoying the causes and effects of disease through the natural channels ofthc body. All that is asked for these wonderful medicines is a fair trial, which will satisfy all of their intpar al elled virtues. Their fame is built upon their own efficacy, and a comparison with all other remedies is challenged. Physicians arc requested to use ths Kureka Tonic and Nephenthcaff Pills, as they would any other tonic, with any previous preparation of the system they please, and they will he convinced they are the superior ol'Qijiiiiiic, and the whole catalogue of lonics used asmtermit tents. Their use is admissible at any time, even when lie pafieift has the highest fever. Kor sick head ache and obstructed menstruation, they have no equal. Kor particulars sec tonic directions. Also, Dr I T Henderson’s Kureka Pufif'ying Cathartic Pills, forclcansing and purifying the cpg? stitutiog, ?nd establishing a healthy economy in all persons laboring Uifder any form of constitu tional derangement. th/ , Pr I T Henderson’s Oiicltila Vermifuge, the greatest blessing ever bestowed upftn ylte in f ntal world, warranted to expel worms of-every kind, and in every case, where they exist in the body.—This Vermifuge has proved itselfdccidedl'- superior to any other in use. Also, Dr 1 T Henderson’s Nerve and Bono lini ment, or ]Dn} AIL The gsc of this astonishing Liniment has been attended with unparalled success iu all diseases of man or horse. Kor !” horse, it instantly cures Corks, Snitches, Cha fc Cuts, Wounds, Spavin, Stiflo, Swiiiney, Sprain Film of the eye, Whirl bone of any joint, and Dis temper. Kor man, it speedily cures Rheumatism, gout Scrofula, Burns, Scalds, Tetter, and ringworm, Wens, Swellings, Risings, Cuts. Sprain-sand brui ses, Olii Ulcers, Scald head, Sore Throat, Saliu ion, Sore Mouth, Neuralgia, Piles, Qround itch, 4c. A single trial will satisfy any person of ifa superiority oyer apy other Liniment. All ofthc above Medicines arc prepared by Dr 1 T Henderson, for Heard, Tubb, & Cos., Sole Own ers and Proprietors, Karmcrville, La., to whom af) letters must be addressed, post paid. Agents wanted in every town. From the “ Ouchila Gazette ’ SPJ” In compliment to Dr I T lie lerycp, t-f Farmerville, we take pleasure in rec< lpiending to all those who are by any means ass . fed with bodily pains, to go at once and purchas a bottle or two of his most excellent Kureka To c. For the last three or four weeks, we have bet . labor ng under the most excruciating pains, fro .. some * known cause, and also have had at the same time every symptom of dyspepsia. We had re course to different sorts of niedisines, but experi enced but little relief, until we fell in with Dr Henderson’s EURKKA, We at once purchased a bottle 9 and have used about one hall ol it accor ding to diicction, and tako great pleasure in sta tingjtliat wc were at once relieved ol* the above disagicecble complaints. Wc th ‘ef c bespeak for it nothing more than a fair tria* t cst its vir tues. ‘vhich will no doubt give it j e * donee over all other tonics now in use. TESTIMONIES >f the Beneficial effects of the use ol Dr I T Henderson’s Eureka Tonic and uepenheon or Cathartic 1 and the nerve and bone ini ment. Louisville, Kv, July !), 1860. I'r IT Henderson: Sir 1 nave used the Eureka route, an.l your F.tircka and Nejientlienn piU*, in sevoya) chronic cases of Intermittent Fever I found the Eureka pi I Is ranch slowcrin their effects than l anticipated, hut the whole ol the medicines, i found ranch more certain and.lasting in their ef fects, than ,xnv that I have heretofore tried, and I leiievc the use of them should be continued lon er than you recommend in your directions. I tried the following treatment upon a case of nlargcinent of the spleen of six years standing he disease resisted every other treatment but tho lollowrng ; which cured the case perfectly in eight weeks. I gave a wine-glass full of the Eurck.t Tonic, morning, noon, anil night, with ‘J Nepeg tliean Pills midway between each dose of the Ton ,c. I gave also 2 of the Eureka Cathartic pills every night, anil l bolieve that the same treatment will cute any c.asc of enlargement of’ the spleen or disease of tho liver. I used the Tonic in a case of Scrofula,and found it acted astonishingly well, and in conjunction with the following pill, 1 firmly believe, will curp any case ol Scrofula. I. lodide of Iron, os. Citrate 0f.,. .do, j OZ- Carh of Potash „ z _ Made in Ho 400 pills—two with each dose of tho Tonic. 1 have used up all you seat. Yours respectfully, T A HUMUS, M, 0, Fahmerville, La., Sept 1,1850. Henderson :—Sir Your Nerve and Bona Liiif ment, I believe is already well known to he the best moilicineeTer discovered for all the kjnds of • isfea.c it has been advertised to cure ; yet, tho fallowing cure, of the bite ol the rattle o ightto he presented to the world as a tributo uV respect to the inventor, sod a warning to heads of families, never to he wilhont the Liniment. Mr II J Hawkins’ who lives with mo, had a chtl* t with a ground rattle snake, which threw iho ohild into spasms for nearly an hour. Its loot and an.le were entirely black, ivhcu the Nerve and hone Liniment was apj lied, which immediately killed the poison, and saved the child, ft dropped oil lo sleep immediately, and awoke quite wet M E Mill"’ had a horse hit with a rattle snakl which caused tor* animal to swell very much Upon two nppliuV.b'nsi of thp liniment il was eu tir ly cured . remain,Tours.&c., G D 8 TEW ART. Nlw ( iu.f.ans, May 7, IKfO. 1 T Henderson')ear Sir:—il gives me much pleas i re to r rcoicmciid your invaluable medicine* wbicn have been so severely tested in til. cure of mcrrcnrial scirrhus of the nose, which had com pie. tely destroyed tho partition between the nostril and the bones of the nose. The patient had many other eating ulcers upon his body, caused by tno oint action ol yplnlis and mercury antil he wag iClcathsomc spotjtaclejto look at. lie nd consult ed Drs Watson, Mullen, Stone,and others l New Orleans, to no purpose,and while in ta'.s fix, you recommended the EurekaTonie,thc Eu’cka Tills, with the application of your Nerve and Bone Dili; uent. Otic quart of trie Tonic, four box"* of pi lln rnd hall a pint of Liniment, has elfer.t- j a cont fqmpiete cure. AMEDIE FUQUO, For thesull'crer, ANTONIO MARTIN. Send me to this place, 5 gallons of ihn tonic undr 500 pil|s —care of Stewart, Newell,.j- Cp. Gatveu ion. Yours, TIIOS.J. ROSKMATS; Mobile, Ala., Jimp, 1800 Hr I T Henderson: Sir:—The quart bottlo o- Tonic yon gave nip, wijh five hoyps ol your pills has completely cured me of dyspepsia, which yoij know almost made me a maniac, during last win ter, wfien we were both invalids together. New Orleans, in the same room. I believe you have made one of the most valua ble discoveries n medicine, that has neon discov eicd. Yours c. HENRY B. LEE. (jj’For gale at It. Carter’s Drug Store, Colum us, Ga marll-!y CONSUMPTION CURED DAILY 3 JJ R . HASTTNfr’S COMPOUND SVltUl* OJF NAPTHA. The great sensation which was created amongst he Medical Faculty, and throughout the civilized world, in the beginning of 1844, by the announcc rnon*. or D’ Darling’s eiscovery of the medica properties of Naptha, has settled down into a thor ough confidence that Ii is Compound Syrnp of Nop tha is a positive speedy cure tor consumption. Dp eline, Asthma, aqd all diseases which involve the wasting away of the human system by excessive sweatings, expectorations, and other Gleets of a contingent nature- It is likewise admitted to ho immeasurably gnpt-i tor to any other cough medicine which ever lie<”~ introduced, as it almost in stantancoir relieve* huskiness of tjie throat, sß ens the cough, and re.” oves the !)ae|ying and tho phlegm. A” 1 the nativity of its nature is such that, the moment it is taken,|lt pervades flic (rariip —dilluscs a gonlle warmth throughout, secures a | free circulation of the blood, anil opens every par ! of the body, thus giving universal egress tc thp impurities which all systems engender, and which are the true origin of nearly all the diseases tq which tile human family is liable. It is a universal purifier, it vo r ■ t of disease, by penetrating every fibre of the body and expelling all foreign ai.d noxious particles it} its progress, and no matter of a corrupt or impure nature can remain in the system when under its influ- nee. “ And hence its cures,” as Dr Coilis re-s marked iu his address to the Dublin Royal college of Physicians, “ arc not only sure huf permanent; for, nut satisfied with destroying the disease, it ex pels even the most minute seeds of it altogether from the system.” One Dollar per bottle—ot -ix dottles for $5. MAC NIX'S LUCINA CORDIAL Oil THE El.lXlli OF LOVE. This is the only actual remedy ever discovered or impotcncy, General Debility, Nocturnal Emis.. ions, and all diseases occasioned hy certain secret hbits ; and many ol lhe nostrums, recently rcconti ineiujcd for tiie same complaints arc worthless mo itatfbns which its unrivalled excellence, fame, and popularity ha r e brought into the market. Th? nodical faculty ol Europe and the United State.q are unanimous in their recommendations of the Luciua Cordial, and have pot given their sanction in a single instance that has been authenticated, ta any other compound for die same purpose. The nature of the rue ladies relieved by |he Lucira Cor dial, arc generally such as to leave the publication of certificates of cures out of the question, or the proprietor could procure a host of the iqost exclu” sive testimony to show that the great reputation which it enjoys was riot accidentally obtained, but is firmly based upon its positive, and apparently miraculous virtues. In all directions arc so be found the happy parents of healthy offspring, who would not have been so, but for this extraonjjnary preparation. And it is equally potent in the many diseases for which it is recommended. Objectip has been nalurally made to ihc price of the Lucia Cordial ; because tlie trash that has been thrown into the rnatket iu opposition to it, is sold cheaper hut the fact is that the cordial cannot be affordo for legs, and ought to be much dearer, as many q the ingredients w Inch compose it are arqnpg Ah? costliest things iu nature, whgrca* the othpfs a>. mado up of cheap dings worth hptliftlc in tpey and less in merit; and it is a fact, that gt Ipa oqp of ibe getters up of these same mixtures, nq * a point to add one bottlp of th.e Kurina Gonlji Iff a giv.en number of ggllpns of |ti*compound, so a: p give iff some little tore and virtue, and thps splat his conscience. IMPORTANT REMEDY—DR HJTCDELSEIfE * HALVE. The great advantages possessed by this article over every other, are certainty, safety, convenience and economy. All physicians iqj/pit that grea Janger is to bo apprehended from drugging the eye when iu an inljutqed apd unhealthy Mate. In the use of thisSaJyo this objection js entirely removed as no harm tan possibly result from its use ; it be ing in all cases applied Ip |ho cx'ernal portions of he eye, thereby i}voj/Jipg all the inconveniences pain and danger, which nfccssarily attend the in troduction ol any pugnant article into the eye. Its activity in subdgipg infl imation is so great, tha hut few cases require the use of more than one bot tle to ellect a perfect cure. One physician remark ee to us, after having witnessed its effects in sever al instances, that it was a “ perfect fire killer.” Ai we ask is that its virtues be thoroughly tested ami that the direction be strictly followed. Price 50 cents per box. Ail the above popular Mcdicir es for sale at Netg York wholesale and retail prices in Columbus, by 1{ GARTER, HA WARE, DAN FORTH At NAGEL, GESNEIi PEA BODY, and by gists and Merchants throughout the south acd typsf All orders must be addressed to Messrs G W Ilurr & Brohcr, care of R B Haviland .'CQ Noh 77 Broadway New York, who hove tbe abp/e agency of the south and west. w22weowm Administrators Sale. \\T ILL be sold althe residence of the subscribers on it Saturday the 97th day of December next, all the erishahlc property of Thomas J. Ward, late of Early co'. cceased, consisting of one horse, saddle, bridle and s.-uj” i le bags, one fine silver lever watch, one fine leather o nnk. one lot of books, one lot ol steam raedicire, one i \ of clothing, and other articles too tedious to mention Hot 17—wtda • J. VINSON, .VR.i.’r, “”