The McIntosh County herald, and Darien commercial register. (Darien, Ga.) 1839-1840, May 07, 1839, Image 4

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KW*ou Sc Jirolbn*, Manufacturers and Importers of Saddlery Hardware, So. 9, North Third street, PHILADELPHIA, HA VE constantly on liand forth* Southern and Wirurr marluu, * general assortment of Plau-d, pohtiird tie*l od l>ro stirrup*. Plated, poluhed tarl and brs* snsfli l, do do do do purs, do brat* nod japaned h*rn** mounting, Wood end eteplir*/ spring*. hr* i.d plaird, Band*, cotton, lumen *nd worsted webbing, Plu*h, lion akin*, toddle tree*, japanwt leather, Plated, bras*, wood ami lapintd ham***, do and do coach Inmp* | Together with * very large a*ortm*nl of *8 hind* of good* in the above, line, which they offer on the mod raanouabl* term* They re cn*t*ntly receiv ing large supplies in addnion to their preaent voeh, and assure Southern arid Western merchant* that thnr good* are ofthc first quality Ledelpkie, Jan i (( or;iu In*urainH* mid Truwt COMPANY, Hr 11.1 tftke Marine and Kivcr rik on Vuhhclh, UoaU, Freight, Money Mcr chandizr, &<*. Alao, fcgaiiiL lw by Fire on Buildings, Merchandize, and Produce, on the moat favourable term*. Apply to V H. YONGB dt HONK. Agents. Darien, January 22, 1830. Goellcke’ft Malclilcmt Saiiaflvi*. fIOR the cure of Consumption, Cough, Colds, Catanhs, and many complaints incident to the human ysi*tn. Prior and sold by ISAAC SNOW, solo Agent for Darien. (Translated from the Orrman.J LOUIS OFFON GOKLICKF, nr many. The (neatest of Human lirnrftu’tnr* ! ! Cittern* of North and South America To Louia Offun Goelickr, M D. of Germany, (Europe,) belongs the ifnperisbftl’lf honor of adding anew and precious doctrine, lo the science of medl* < ine,— doctrine, which, i hough vehemently opposed by many of the family (of which he i* a valuable member,) he proves to he *♦ well founder] in truth, an any doctrine of Holy Writ, —a doctrine, upon the verity of which nre Huapend'-d the lives of million* of our race, and which h boldly challenges hi* oppo se rs to refute, viz , Consumption i*n diacase always occasioned by a disordered state of the Vi* Vim (or Life-Princtplt)of the human body—f Jroflrn secretly linking in tha system for year*, bfore there is the least complaint of the lungaJt 1— and w hich inuy lie as certainly, though not o quickly, cured * a coiti mon cold or a simple headache An invaluably pre cious doctrine this, as it impnriaan important lesson to the apparently heathy of both *c*rs, teaching them that this insidious firm may be an unobserved inmate of ilsrir ‘ clayey even while they imagine themselves secure from it* attacks, teaching then Unit the great secret in the art of preserving health is to pluck out the dtucase while in the blade, and not wait till the full-grow n ear Appended below arc a few certificate* of cures from the extremely numerous list that ha* Ixen sent to the proprietor ; and from the respectability of the. sources from which they emanate, the. most skeptical cannot doubt of the wonderful effects of this medi cine. Post Office j Kingston, N. Y. July 21, IH.'W, Di How land Sir— ’I ne effects of the UcrinunSan stive are great in this place One woman that was in a deep Consumption, and who hod been in contin ued night sweats for seven months, now considers herself wII She took no other medicine but the Sanative. Another case—a man that wan taken binding at the Lungs till he could not raise hiniself in his lad, has been restored to perfect health by the Sanative. JOHN V TILBURGUU, I*. M T\)t Office, Charlotte, N. C. June 15, IKW. Sir - I have sold nil the Sanative and want two packages morn immediately. It ha*performed a re markable cure of palpitation of the heart, and the in dividual *ay it ia the lieat medicine ever offered to the American people—although the Doctor* are Irv ing to p.u tt down, u h Williams, p m Post Office, North Eaton, Ohio, July 1!, I HSR Sir—lam entirely out of the Match lea* Sanative, and have hourly call* for it- many from a distance of 20 or 30 mile*—in which rose* people are much disappointed in not bring able to obtain it. They een> witling to give any pi ire for il, and I could have sold tin post v rk nunc than one hundred dollar* worth of it, had it tieen on hand It ia truly a grea medicine Many in tliit* vicinity me fast recovering from the consumption by tho use of it D. C. WII.MOT, P M. New Haven, Conn. July 2-1, KIS Dear Sir—The Matchlc** Sanative sell* well and with signal sucec** One rose—a young man, in tha last stage* of Consumption, given over by hi* physician, ha* hern taking it only a few \verkv and t* now able to walk and rideout. Before he look the Sana ive ho was unable to get out of bed and his deathwa* hourly expected But to the astonishment •f his friends he was soon able to leave his bed, and to be out as before stated. Two other similar cases have recently occurred D W DAVENPORT. Po*t Office, Chaplin, Windham On , Con., July SO, 1838. Sir—A most wonderful cure has lately been etVret ed, through the virtue*of Dr. Goelirk's Sanative, in the ee*e of an elderly gentleman, who was far gone and wasted away in Consumption, and considered past recovery by hi* family man. He is now, com paratively •peaking, a writ man 1 saw him myself a few day* since, in company with his wife, starting on a journey to the western part of this State lie ascribe* hi* eacapc from the very jaws of death, and hi* recovery to health solely to the astonishing vir tues of the ‘Marehle** Sanative. He is a mao pos sessing a snug proper!V. but said he, “1 would w il lingly pay one thousand dollars for a single bottle of it, if I could not purchase it for a less price. To him the Sanative i* shove all valor WALTER CIOODEI.L, P M C O-PARTNERMIII* FBNHE undersigned have formed a Co-Part -■- nership for the general transaction of business in this place. The Steamboat ami Packet Agencies and General Com mission Business will be conduct ed by A. Mttchel and J.J.Wvor. under the style of MITCHEL, WYKit & CO. The general business of the Dry Hoods anti Grocery Store will be conducted by S. Z. Col lins, under Uie style of S. Z. COLLINS & CO. ALEXANDER MITCHEL, S. Z. COLLINS, JAMES J. \\ YER. Darien Ist January, IS3O. NOTICE. MB It. D. C. HAW ES, having disposed of his entire interest in the firm of lluwes, Mitchd & Collins to Mr. James J. W'yer—that firm is now dissolved. The new firm of Mitch el, W'yer it Cos. will attend to the business of the late concern. D. C. HAWES, ALEXANDER MITCIIE L, S. Z. COLLINS. Parirn 2nd January, I Nit*. V ITII’E. THE SI'BSv.HIBER takes this method of informing the public that he lias now on hand a general assortment of Foreign and Do mestic Dry Goods and Fancy Articles; Groce ries; Crockery and Glass Ware; Hardware and Cutlery ; Hollow, Wood, Tin, and Stone Wares ; Carpenter and Joiners’ Tools, such as Hatchets, Hammer*. Augurs. Chisels. Bits and Bitbiocks, Planes, l'hme Iron*, suul Saw s. Also, Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, Saddle Bags, Ac. HATS, CAPS, and Ready Made CLOTH ING. Ladies’, Gentlemens’ & Childrens’ SHOES. BOOKS ant! STATlONAßY—together with a variety of other articles 100 numerous to men tion here, all of wh eh will be sold as low as can be bought in lit it v. H. W. HUDNALL. P. 8. The store will be kept open during ‘he Summer Aionths. ja 22 Ocainulgcc KU-nni-lloat Coin puny, ; mCOtroMATED BY THE bKOMLATCRB OR OEOKGI*, in 1835, for till: transportation and Irmuranre of nicri’bamliM: *nu produce, between H*- vannaii and Dshiiin, mid Daiiikn and Mai or, touching at Hawkimvieeb, and the principal Lending*. npills Company will run their Mteera-boat* *a* high up Macon a* long a* the stale of the River will admit; and for low *iag<-* of the i water* they have provided, and are now run ning POt.K-ROATH of Mtlch light druft of wa iter a* will admit them to run at any tinge of the River, which are towed up by their Steam boat* two-third* of the dtHtanee, thereby great ly expediting tlie transportation of merchan ninc during the Summer and Kail *ea*oii*;aiid their Kit inner* will he in complete repair, and ready for bunine**, a* early a* the River will admit. TIIEIP BOAT* AHE I l *'\J- ~‘~Ar Steam-boat Comet, Captain f;. J'V ‘W*’ Steam boat Alatamaha, Cap rsmAsKSnufßhß tain Taylor, 4’ V - ’tf/T Steam boat Ocamoloee, Cap mn&NShiemmj tain lllankinahip: And u large number ofTOW-BOATH, which will he, in complete repair. For further information apply to I*ll. R. YONGK <* SON, Darien, RKA & COTTON, Macon, J VV. LATH HOP, Hawkinsville, Vt M. PATTERSON X (Savannah, McDOWEI.L, SHANNON &CO Clmrlarton, SCOTT, SHAPTER& MORRELL, N York, July Agent*. Macon HteamliOiit Company. Macon Steamboat Company take this method of informing the Merchant* of tiie interior of Georgia, and the public generally, that their line of Boat* are in full operation, and solicit their patronage: believing lliut good* forwarded by way of Darien, is the most expedition* route. The Company have live new STEAM IIOATM, commanded by first rule Captain*, viz : J. STONE, Capt. W. C. Mendall, CHIEFTAIN, - “ Oco. Wilcox, EXCEL, - “ (i. Quinn, SUPERIOR, - “ W. F. Johnson, J. GODDARD, “ L. L. Wilcox. Also, sixteen first rale TOW BOATS, built expressly for the navigation of Alatamaha and Oeantulgec River*. The J. Stone in n aide w heel Boat, low pres sure engine, earrie* 7(10 hales of cotton, and run* regularly three time* a week, between Savannah und Darien. The Chieftain is aside wheel limit, and carries fMK) or (MlI hale* ol cotton, run* regularly between Darien and Charleston, and between Savannah X Charles ton. The Excel, Superior and J, Goddurd, run regularly between Darien mid Macon, towing two boat* each. One of them will leave Dari en regularly every three day*—the usual time of passage up is five or six day*. This line i* connected with a line of seven packet* running regularly between New York and Darien. Any good* or produce shipped to their agentß, or ordered to he shipped by their line, will be forwarded with despatch. The company, thankful for the patronage they have received, have increased their means of con veyance largely, and pledge themselves to use every exrtion to fnriltnte the interests of those who may ship by their line. Their nre also a line of schooners running between Charleston and Darien, to the Com pany’* agent* in each place. The agent* for the New York and Darien line of packets, are ft M. DEMIL, ISO Front at. New York, and MITCHHL, \\ YEH it CO. Darien, Agents of the Macon Steamboat Coinpauy. L. BALDWIN, Savannah, MARTIN it \\ ALTER, Charleston, (I K ROBERTS, HawkiiiHvillc. MITCH El,, W YER it CO. Darien, J. GODDARD it CO. Macon, R. M. DEMIL, 1811 Front at. New York. HOUSTON Male ami Female Academy. THE subscriber bigs lenvo to inform the public, that the exercises of those schools, lor the ensiling year, will commence on the lirst Monday in January. He will he assisted ill the Female Department Ivy Miss \\ EBB, o. Mass., n lady well qualified to teach ail the branches. Literary, Scientific and Ornamental, that are laught in Female Academies: refer ence. Miss Grant, Principal of Ipswich Feniulc Seminary, Mass. Studies of Female Department OUST DIVISION. Lutiu ami Greek Languages, Philosophy, Chemistry, Botany, Astronomy, Algebra, Geometry, Rhetoric, Natural History and Composition; price per quarter, Ssß. Second Division Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar and Composition per quarter, #6. Third Division—Reading. Writing and Or thography per quarter, 84. Extra studies—Music on Piano, per quarter $12.50; Drawing and Painting, per quarter, #5: French. 85- In the male Department, students will he prepared for entrance in any of the colleges in the United Slates. Col. Campbell, and E. A. Nisbet, Esq., Ma con; the President and Professors of Jefferson College, Pa. flood board can be obtained on reasonable terms. Signed by order of thr trustees. J AMES WELLS, Principal. Perry, Houston county, January I. Xtogrv.9 vV cm nr, Commission .Tie re hauls. Darien, Ga. Geo. T. Rogers, H. A. Crane. OFFER their services lo the Merchants of the interior and the public generally’, for the purchase or aide of PRODUCE or MER CHANDISE, and will pay particular attention to the RECEIVING and FORWARDING BUSINESS, having every facility for giving despatch, and pledging their personal attention to all business entrusted to their care. Darien. Jan. -'id, 1839. NOTICE* THE UNDERSIGNED. living desirous to close his present business the ensuing Spring, will dispose of It ta stick at low prices for cash only, or for Dr:iht short sight on Brunswick, Savannah, or Charleston. lie will in ali cases decline the usual credit business. SAMUEL PALMER. January 22-i THff OTOINIP>OSH( COUNT %> HERALD- New Furniture Ware House, On the Hay, Opposite the Post Office, Darien, (ja. THE SUBSCRIBERS have token the above eland and now offer for eale ■ general ueortment of Fl KXITI HE, vl/.: ARDROBEH, Sideboard. Seeret*rie, Bu- Ww ream, Pier. Curd. Cenlre, Dining, Pembroke ;ind Work Tables of ull kind*, Sofa*,*, .VluilrrakT*, Bed* mid Bedweads, Mahogany and common Chair*, Looking Gl*eof alldeacnpiion*, dir. ic , together with various other articles They wifi also keep PIANO FORTES of diffrr ’ rnt pattern*, equal to any in the country. N B. Furniture of ail description* made and re - paired at short notice. Piano Forte* limed and repaired All llie abuve article* will be cold al the lowest price* U. D A J P WOODBURY i feb fita STORE IN MACON. . THE Hiih-u riher* respcclfully in- Wg / form the citizen* of Macon, and the public generally, that they have ta- the store on Mulberry street, opposite the Hardware store of Mr. E. B. Weed, and adjoining the Washington Hall, and have on hand and are constantly making additions to the same from New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore, an exten sive and general assortment of llietn. Cups Boots ami hlioe*, of the most -fashionable *iy |e Among which are : Ladies’ F’rench Kid Slippers, j “ Morocco do “ Walking Shoes, “ Village Ties, “ (iater and Morocco Bools, “ Prunella Bisits, thick und thill sole, “ Prune! Hliiis and Walking Shoes, Misses’ Seal and Goat skm Boots, “ Walking Shoe* and Slips, “ and ladies’ Calf and Seal-skin Boot*. A large assortment of Children’* Shoes of all colors; Gentlemen’s fine Calf, Kip and Water proof Boots; Youths’ und children’s calf and kip boots; Gentlemen’s fine calf Shoes and Bootees; Boys’ fine calf and kip bootees;Gen tlemen's fine dancing pump* ; do fine high vamp pumps, a general assortment of calf and kip brogans. ALSO, l cases Gentlemen’s fine Beaver HATS, latest New York style, i eases gentlemen’s broad brim hats, 4 tin do black Russia huts, broad brim. 4 do do while do do do 3 do Youth*’black silk do 2 do children’* do do 8 do common Fur do w hite and hlaek, 6 do *ilk, and 6 case* Mole skin hat*, Gentlemen’* fine *en Otter CAPS, tlo fine fur and Nuirc do do fine ('loth do Youth’* Fur and Cloth do Children’* Cloth do A large assortment of men and hoys’ hair eul caps. Also, a general assortment of fine *ilk and cotton Umbrella*, A large supply of shoe hrushea und blacking. All of the above article* have been manufac tured rxprr**ly for thi* market, and w ill he sold cheap for cash. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to give us a call. IIEID TANARUS, ALDRICH &CO. Macon, Jan. 1. I-ts MaOI 4.115. Ac. 20 PLOUGHS, No. 1(1 and 12, with extra points 40 kegs NAILS, *i*e*from 4 to 20 40 do Brooklyn WHITE LEAD No. 1 and extra For sale by H. W. HUDNALL. ja 22 < IIFAP M M 11141 41 ‘4l FEET BOX F, ' AT ■ PLANK, from 2 to 4 inches thick, well seasoned, an rxeellent arti cle for building. For sole hy ROGERS X CRANE. Dnrien, Jan’ 1839. BOUSE, SHIP, SIGN, AND Omnium ta! PAINTING. fFIHK SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs -■- the public that he has established himself in this city, and will be happy to execute any order* in hi* line, such ns House. Ship, Sign and Ornamental PAINTING, Oil Gilding, Graining, Glazing, Papering, Coloring, Stc, Id” Paints, Oil, Colors, Window Glaus, &c. constantly on hand. All orders punctually attended to, and Job* executed in a workmanlike manner. N. 11. All orders from the country punctu ally attended to. The subscriber will be found at Mr.Chick’s residence. GORHAM SAWYER. Reference: Roger* it Crane, Dnrien. Col. I). M. Stewart, Liberty County. • * Darien, Januttry 2!, 1839. LO M BEIL The Diiriru Steam Saw Mill. IS NOW IN OPERATION.—The proprietor* . wish to column for the delivery of larg* quanti ties of yellow pine Lumber at their wharf, where the draft of water, and the facilities for loading are as good as at any place in the immediate vicinity of Darien. They also, wish to contract fora supply of SAW LOGS—about four hundred thousand feet will be required monthly. Contracts for this amount, or less, will be given to acconinnxinte applicants. They offer for sal* the machinery of the KK E ILL—consisting of mortars, pestles, shafts, fanning mills, screens, two pair of very large mill stones, nnd a number of other articles. A bargain is offered to any one who will purchase the whole. Apply at the null, feb ft-4t Books and Stationary. Isaac Snow, HAS just received from New York, a large as sortment of Books and Stationary, among w hich are the follow ing school books, mostly ol'the latest nnd most approved kind : Irvine's fohimous; Emerson’s spelling; do arith metic. 2d and 3d part; Smith’s grammar: Smilley's nat’l philosophy. Adan’s latin grammar; Mount Vernon render; Robbin'soutlines; Comstock’s chem istry; Blake's astronomy ; Cooper'svirgil; Loverctt’s Censor; Parley's geography ; do arithmetic; Web ster's spcllimr; Olmy’s geography and atlas ; Cttm ming's do; Willctl’s do; Adam's do ; Smilley’s do ; Willard’s do; Bonnyoastle's algebra; Conversations on chemistrv; Botany for beginners; Lock’s panlhion; Life of Washington (French); DaboU's arithmetic ; C ollmrn's intellectual do; Murray’s render; Smith's inleleetual grammar; Ruddimon's latin grammar; Angels grammar; Angel’s scries. No. 3 and 5; Lessons on enunciation by Russel; Collection of col tomat phrases in Italian and English: Parker's exer cises in composition; Gucstions on the bible by Mr. Dow-el!; Moral class book; American first class book; American reader; Gron’s geometry; Cathe chism on mythology ; School biblesand testaments. Writing and copy l*ooks; Miscellaneous books; Quarto biblcs; Pocket do plain and gilt: Polyglot ih>; Psalms amt hymns, (Presbyterian); Mercer’s cluster; Watt's 2 sires; Village Hymn*; Methodist hymns; Lion's songster; Camp Meeting hymns; Bow-ditch’s navigation; Irving's Columbus, 2 vol. oct.; American Cheslertield ; Italian method ofbook keep; Hitehovk’s do in 2 parts with key; Merchants’ companion. Rural philosophy, a poem ; Couper’s task do ; Pollok's course of time ; Preston’s cubrial estimates ; Toy books, ami a variety of Ju venile books; Blank books; Ledgers; Record; Day books; Pocket ledgers aud memorandums of various kinds. Cap Paper. No. I and 2; Letter paper, plain and ruled; Butler’s superior Writing Fluid; Long-worth’s Writing Ink; Ink Powder. Quills; Steel Pens; Wa fers in boxes, &c feb 12 Post Omen, Daren, Ga. MAIL ARRANGEMENT FOR 1839. Nohthesn via Savannah. Contract lime of Arrival—Tuesdays, Thurs day* und Saturdays, by IS P. M.—Of Depar ture Mondays, Wednesdays, aud Fridays, at 8, A. M. Southern via Jefferson to St. Mary’s. Contract time of Arrival —Sundays and W cd nerdays, by 7 A. M.—Close Tuesday* and Saturday*,'at SP. M. Western via Hawkinsvuxe to Macon. Arrives—Tuesdays, Thursday* and Saturdays, by 8 P. M. Closes—Sundays, Tuesday* and Thursdays, at 5 P. M. Brunswick. Arrives—Wednesdays and Sundays, by 7 A. M. Closes “ “ “7 A.M. ISAAC SNOW, P. M. January 1 _ Scationahlr Good*. THE subscriber* call the attention of their cus tomer* and the public, to their slock of rood* which Imre been received by Ule arrival*. Tneir Mock of British, French and American Or) <o>ls, sui table fur the prenent and approaching season, is very general—among which may be found flannela, cloths, aumets, morenoes, Circassians, bombazines, vest ings, Irish linen, linen sheetings, table and towell diapers, brown Holland, cambric, mull, swiss and jaconet muslins, linen cambric handkerchief*, silk do. black Oro de Bwi* and Maiioua silk, colored do French and Scotch worked collars, ribband*, bobineta, laces, barrage, checks, plaids, English and American prints, bleached and brown sheetings and shirtings, shirting atrip*, umbrellas,silk, mohair and cotton hosiery, Ac Ac rrjN A large assortment of V I Hoots and Xhor*, [ Hata and Bonnets. Hardware , Qneensrnre, H'notletncare and HOLLO IF WAKE: IRON AND VAILS. ALL SIZES, White Lead* Green and Hlaek Faint*; Stationary, Perfu mery, Xc. Xc. Thry are at all tinif* receiving and their aa&ort ment will be kem full throughout the year, with such article* as arc aesirahl#* for planters and family use. All of which will be sold on reasonable terms. J. & 8 H ROKKNBAUGH Darien, Jan *29, 1H39 Pure Liquor*, rauJII CONSISTING ofCognor Bran nsdSSStSa, ,;y i h. Gill, Jamaica Rum, N. E. Hum and Gin, Tenerifife, Port, Madeira, and Mitlßgn Wines. For sale wholesale or retail by II W HI DNALL DALKOY. tTliii fine thorough-bred .Stal lion will serve mares litis season , ee . in this place and at some other stand to be determined on bere- KjpAif ft ‘ter Dttlrov It a blood boy, _ W Tp’ * ,r> hands 3 inches high, and of A* Jj fine sltap- and actum. He was r—— -" 1 bred by Mr Ross, a gentleman - Wstia.'CAW of the highest respeclability, a copy of whose certificate is given below Dalroy is a very sure foal geiier, ail his inares of last season having proved with foal Terms 25 dollars for the season, lo be paid during the same A Itlieral deduc tion from this price will be made lo those who pute more than one mare Mares at a distance will be taken care of anil fed for 40 rt*. a day, ali expggses to he paid before taking away a mare. Brunswick, April 13th, 1b39. ’'The bay Horse named Dalrov, that I sold to Ma jor \V M Graham, w* got iiy Gov Barbour's imported Horse Truffle, out of Y oung Lady Teazel, who was by Florizel, out of old Lady Teazel, *ho was got by tbc imported Archduke, out of a mare by old Bedford, grundam by Col, J’age’* Adeieamp, g. grand am by Daridges Fearnaught, g f grand am by Old Janus, oul of thr dam nf Syms’ Wildair Dalroy was foaled and raised at my plantation, Blenheim, in the county of Albemarle, an 1 will be 7 year* old next month. (Signed) JAMES ROSS. Washington, May 4th, 1838.—Apl 13—4 t Nollrc. THE SUBSCRIBERS would inform Ihe citizens of Darien, and us vicinity, lhai they will carry on the HOUSE CARPENTERING BUSINESS, in all its branches, building nr repairing All conlracta promptly attended to N. II They also contract now, for buildings to be finished next w inter. ml, M 8 D A J P WOODBURY !8 2 5 Reward. ESCAPED on the 18th iu*t. from my custody, WILLIAM GREEN, under sen tence of imprisonment in the Jail of Mcln tosh County, for harboring a slave. The said William Green is about forty years of age, fair romplcxion, and has a wild express ion of countenance. He resides on the Honey (iall Creek, a Branch of the Alata tnaha, in GlyntrCounty, nnd is well known in and about that neighborhood ns a notori ous rattle thief. Tbewhove reward will be paid on delive ry of saiiWJrecn to myself, at my residence, or to mjsdeputy at Brunswick. JOHN FRANKLIN, ap 30 Shei ill G. I 10. SHOES, BOOTS, \f. JUST received by the latest arrivals, and for sale a* cheap as the cheapest, the follow ing desirable goods, viz: 1000 pairs mens’ Kip Brogans 1000 do womens’leather Boots and Shoes 500 do do mo., of various kinds 25 eases gentlemens'calf and pegged Boots 10 do do do sewed water proof 10 do boys’ do and pegged Boots 5 do do do do Shoes 6 trunks ladies’ Phil. Slips sdo do Fur and India Rubber 300 pairs womens’ calf and seal Bools 60 dozen wool Hats, of various qualities 10 rases mole skin Hats, gentlemens 10 do silk do do 5 do fur, (good quality) 30 do (common do) do 5 do hoys silk Hats, and 20 trunks mens’, boys’, and childrens’ Caps, of various kinds. Country merchaotsare particularly request ed to call and examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. WARNER & SOLOMONS. Savannah, January 1. TOKTR AIT PATNTIMT If R H HARDING, respccifully informs the IYJL citizens of Daren, and its vicinity, that he has taken rooms at the Mansion House, where specimens of his painting can lie seen, ja 29-31 Spanish Cigars and Tobacco. Blifk SUPERIOR SPANISH Cl *JfF,vlnr GARS, and Poiliaux Brown's genuine Virginia Leaf, and Cavendish TOBACCO. For sale bv fob 12 J. & S. H. ROKENBAUGH. l.ands for Sale. ALL those two Tras or Lots of Land, situate in the 2d district of Ap pling county, and on the waters of the ar x l Alatamaha River; one known and dis tinguishod by the No. 628, and containing 370acres the other by the No. 658, and containing 112 acres, and having the right of a ferry granted in a charter by the Legislature of the Slate. Any person wish ing to trade for the same, may do so by letter, direct ed to Archibald Brvdie, Athens, Ga.; or to J. H. Fleming. Charleston. 8. C. And Ido hereby forbid all persons whatsoever from tresjiassing in any way whatever on said premises, as the law in such cases shall be rigorously enforced. J H. FLEMING feb 19-3 m (Athens Banner ] ftnw K.A A. C. MCLENNAN X CO. LUMBER CITY, TELFAIR OO GEORGIA, Inform their friends and the public that they have opened a store al this plate for a general retail trade. They have just received per steamer Col. Jewett, a large quantity of goods, comprising a very extensive assortment, selected w ith particular reference lo the country trade Among which er* the following ar ticles ‘ 50 beg* green Coffee 10 “ Manilla •* 30 bbls. N. E. Rum 0 “ Holland Gin 15 “ Felp’s 10 “ Eagle u 5 “ Cognac Brandy 10 “ Peach “ 8 “ Imitation “ 5 “ .Malaga Wine 4 •* Cinnamon Cordial 4 casks Porter 20 bbla. Flour 10 “ Cracker* 20 “ N. O. Sugar 5 “ Loaf 10 “ Molasses 3 “ Tabic Salt 5 bag* Filbert* 10 boxes Cavendbth Tobacco 5 ’* Honeydew 10 “ small Plug 5 keg* small Twist “ 10 bbl*. Irish Potatoes 60 boxes Raisins 25 “ Spanish Negara 25 “ i Spanish “ 20 “ American “ 12 keg* Dupunee Ffl’ Powder 12 ” “ Ff “ 1000 lbs. Bar Lead 50 bags Shot 5 boxes Mar Soap 5 “ Shaving •* 5 “ Fancy “ 3 doz. Carolina Weeding Hoes 3 “ Patten “ 6 “ Iron Traces 500 lbs. Pots 500 “ Ovens 3tg) “ Spiders 300 “ Fire dogs 1 doz. pair Shovel and Tongs 3 “ Tea Kettles 3 “ Sauce Pans 1 doz. Rifle* 12 “ Tin Cups 6 “ Coffee Pots 12 “ Nest’s Band Buckets 20 “ Tin Pan* fi “ “ Plate* 6 “ Coffee Mills 100 (Atndle moulds 12 pair Bra.** Candlesticks 3 doz. Wooden Buckets 2 “ Wash Baisins 50 ra*k Nail* 5 M Gunflint* 12 doz. Shoe Blacking 12 gross knitting Pins 100 pair Hook Hinges 50 “ Bras* Knobs 8 Cord Hope Fi*h Hooks assorted 1 doz. Horse Brushes 12 “ Cotton Cards 6 “ \V 00l 20 lb. Shoe Thread laiolung Glasses assorted Shaving “ “ 6 doz. Razors 8 “ “ Strps 6 “ Shaving Boxes 8 “ “ Brushes 5 “ Hair “ 2 “ Plough Lines 6 “ Collin’* Axes 10 “ Black Ink 3 “ Red “ 3 •* Hummers 1 “ Smoothing Plains 1 “ Jack 1 “ Fane 1 “ Match “ l “ Maiding “ 3* “ Hand Saw* 12 “ Screw Augurs 12 “ Chissels 20 gro. Screws; 50.*rtt* Knifes and Forks 50 setts Knifes; l doz. Toat Adds 1 doz. Chop Axes; 2 do Snuffers 12 “ Dressing Combs; 12 do Tucking do 12 “ Side do; 3 Pocket do. 6 Card Spurs; Violin airings assorted 4 doz. stock Locks 8 “ Pocket Books ; 6do Spectacles 12 gro. Pearl Buttons; 12 do Bone do 12 “ Lusting do ; 4 do Lives 12 “ Brittama Table Spoons 12 “ “ Tea “ 12 “ Curry Combs 98 pr mens lined and bound Brogans 84 “ “ kips Brogans Cora B. fit) “ “ “ “ best 98 “ “ “ sewed “ 98 “ “ Calf leather bound Brogans 96 “ “ “ Card “ “ i(<o “ “ double sole kip Brogans 100 “ “ “ “ calf “ 60“ Gentlemen’s Water Pi oof Bools 80 •* “ fine calf sewed Boots 20 “ thick Boots 60 “ children’s Roan Morocco 84 “ boy’s kip Brogans 60 “ youths Lasting Slippers 60 “ “ “ “ heals 80 “ children’s Leather Bools l(X) “ women’s Leather Boots 100 “ “ “ Shoes 60 “ ladie’s eol’d lasting iteal Straps 80 “ “ bluck Straps 80 •• “ fine kid tics 80 “ “ mor T heals 48 “ Villedge Lace 36 •* Paris ties 60 “ Kid Straps; 100 do Leather Shoes grain; 60 do calf do pegged; 36 do do do gram; 3 do kip Shoes 24 pr boy’s Hair Seal Caps 24 “ men’s “ “ 24 “ “ Fur Seal Caps 36 “ Gentlemen’s plain Russia Hats 3t> “ “ super “ “ 24 “ “ blk Conney Hats 24 •* “ Russia Hats narrow brims 36 “ blk Beaver Hats 12 “ blk wool 24 •* Tarpolin Hats 24 “ Wool Hats 4090 yds J brown Shirting 1500 “ 4-4 “ Sheeting 1000 “ J bleached Shirting 1000 “8-4 “ family “ SVX.I “ 7-4 “ “ “ 3(XJ “ 4-4 Wallerman “ 300 “ 7-8 upper fall “ 300 “ superior 4-4 de dev 100 “ red Canton Flannel 100 “ brown “ “ 150 “ bleached “ 9 pieces red wool “ 8 “ white “ “ 5 “ Power Loom do 6 “ brown Cotton Drill 4 “ plain brown Linen do . 7 “ Shirting stripes 3 “ blue Drill 4 “ 1-4 Plaid 3 “ 4-4 10 “ Mariibar Stripes 4 “ fine 3-4 Checks 2 “ Constitution Drill 4 4 ’ Gray Linvrys 20 Fancy Print*; 12do red ground do; 8 do blue striped do; 6do •mall fig’ddark do; Bdo striped do; 30 do assorted do ; 25 do dark Chinlado; 10 do do Furni ture do. 3 “ French Cambric Embossed do I “ thnbosMed Dimity 15 pieces bomhszetls, assorted ,1 do sea vis merinoe; 3do broken 5 do colored; 4do 6-4 colored do 8 do 4-4 boh'netts: 8 do book muslin 10 do plain sviss do; lb do satin strip'd 5 do superior satin do ; 8 do figured nuslin; Bdo checked do 6 do do bdunette; 3 cord dimity; 4 doz gauze shanls; ft do silk do 1 ps huckaback diiper; ft doz buck gloves 2 doz kid and ft dosilk gloves; ft do carded shirts; 6 do black braids ft do bead bags;. Bandanna and Cottos Hhds. assorted 2 ps blk cravats; 4 do Irish linnen Vambricks assorted: 3 ps blk lustings; 8 ps blue and gray satinetts ft doz pair men's colered rotten gloves 3 do do India rubber suspenders 3 do do worsted do 6 do do col'd double strapt. do 12 do do ladies white cotton hoes; 6 do do men’s do do half do 6 do do worsted do do do Patten and cotton thread, assorted Pearl, Bone and Lasting Buttons, do 1 doz men’s Camlet Clonks 1 do Cloth dress Coats; \ do fine do frJt’ 1 do fine black cloth vests; \ do blue dl I do do Cassrmerc Pants; 1 do Satinet 5 ps Cotton and Silk Velvet 3 doz Ladies fine Straw Bonnctts, V* Bonnet Linings and trimmings, Thry have also Drug*, Mt-dirinr*. IVrfiunen* V Confrrnonarx-*, <f-c. <pc Togrthrr with a good a* •ortm-nt of Crockery and Glass Ware. They will sell all their goods low lor cash. WANTED 48 ABOVE, All kind, of Country Produce, for which cash and goods, allow prices, will be paid ondeltvrry at their * lor ’ April 16th, 1839. * Lot* for Summer SeiitftJ A RE offered on aeconimodalingtcrma, on that A desirable situation called the Thicket, about 4 miles from Darien: each Lot containing about 14 seres, the fronts ofrarli having a full view of Dohov Bar, nnd bounding on the rreek extending back a, far as the road trading to Baisden’s Bluff Plot* of the above, and terms of sale, ran lie sern at the Count ing Room of F R. BHAKELFORD, Esq Darien, UHh Feby, I Kg)—4w Z&oo&tntrg *v staclqjolr, Commission Tic reliant,., Darien, Ga. W ILLIAM W. WoODBCRY, David D. Stackpole. Watch-Making and Jewelry Business, in Darien. /ptx t / q CO PA R TAERSHIP AO TICE. T HE atibocribers have united themselves in the Watch making nnd Jewelry business, un ‘ l r the firm of Dray & !iari>ock, and resjccifully offer their services to the citizens of Darien and the sujTOunding country. They hope by strict attention to business to merit a share of public palronagr. JESSE DRAY, * AUGUSTUS W. HARBOCK. N B J Dray having had a practical experience of several yenrs in manufacturing Wniche, al the establishments of Chari** Craig Smith, IlHßunhill Row Moorfield, and Gowland, Chronometer ma ker, Royal Exchange, London ; and late in the em ploy of Benedict. in Wall street, and Whitney A. Hoyt, under Holt’s hotel, in Pearl street, New York, feel, confident that he can give general satisfaction lo all those who may honor them with a trial. Their establishment is adjoining the Mansion house. Darien, Feb 5 1839. For Sale. A pleasantly situated and very eom ‘ ‘‘M fortahle dwelling house and lot, with all necessary oul-htiildings, at Hidgeville, three miles from the city. Terms of sale will be made easy, and accommodating. The health of Ridgeville as a summer’s residence, is too well known, to require any recommendations, and being so near to Darien must make it a desirable retreat to men of business. E. S. REES. Dnrien, Jan 29 4 1 Wanted, HY a young man, who has had many year* ex perience in business, a situation in a mercan tile house He hns been engaged in the receiving and forwarding business, and is fully competent t act as Wharf Clerk. Letters left at this office or Mr. James will be attended to. feb 2b-3t JO DOLLARS REWARD. Will be paid for the apprehension of my Negro W'ornan NANNY'. The said woman was formerly owned in the city of Savannah by Mrs. Fell. She was taken from Riceboro in in May last by a negro inan, and was heard of a few days after near the city. She is well known in the city. Nanny is 25 years of age, light complected, and about five feet high. D. M. STEWART. March 19th, 1838. Isaac Snow, •OTOrOULD inform his customers and the public, Tv that he continues to keep on hand al his old stand, n extensive assortment of merchandize em bracing almost every variety, snch as Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Hollow-ware, Earth en-ware and Crockery, Glass-ware, Hats, Ceps and Bonnets ; Boots and Shoe*, Books and Stationary, Perfumery and a gnat variety of Fancy articles. He intends to keep his assortment as complete through the season as may be required lo meet the wishes of his customers. Darien. Feb. 5 ts P3* Book Binding. 43J jI3*ALL Books left at the HERALD Office will be well executed at short notice. Blank and Record Book* will be bound to order. Also, Books of every other de scription will be bound to any pattern that may be desired. ’ Feb. 5.