The southern Whig. (Athens, Ga.) 1833-1850, April 02, 1841, Image 1

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iSp&5SS5si «e*r«ge*sro paid. «MpiK A tiki ““ BOtthUBM of their Paper*, I u bear in mind, a settle. BalM*f Airerttelaf. - Letters of Citation, . _____ Notice to D’r* and C'rs, (40 da) 3 25 Fear MonthsNotices// - 4 00 tfales of, Persona! Property by ) Executors, Administrators, or >3 25 - • Guardians, -K-. ) Salsa of Lands or Negroes by do. 4 75 Appflearton for Letters of Dismission, 4 50 Other Advertisements wit! be aharged 91 00 for every thirteen lines of sar-li type, or less, first insertion, and SO cents for each weekly continuance. If publish ed every other week, 62 1-2 cents for each continuance. If published once a month, it will be charred 75 cents each time. For a single insertion, $1 00 per Advertisements, when the number pf nsertions is not marked upon them, will ublished till forbid, and charged ~ ' • • ATI Clark Sheriff’s Sale, For' April,, 1841; ^J|nu, be sold on liic first Tuei. day, in April nest,' before (be court bouse door of Clark county, within ‘ liowij tbs legal boors ot sale, the following pro perty, to-wit: ; Six Negroes. John, a man about 23 years of age; Aaron, a man about 22 years of age ; Ceily, n woman about 30 years of age; Caroline, a girl about 10 years of age ; Willis, a boy about 6 years of age; Andrew, a boy about 2 years of age; on* bay mare, 5 years old . one grey horse 8 years old; oae grey colt, 2 years old ; one two-horse wugon mid harness; mid one still and cap ; Levied on as the property of David Steven* to satisfy a fifa in favor of Reese & Beall versus Isina W Wooldridge. James L Thomas, Bowjjti Connor and David Stevens—and other,# fas David Stephens. b« published tm forbid, »na cu»rgcu cc- All the right, title, and inter- Mfdmgly, , cstof David Connor in and to 130 acres of fr Notice of the sale of Lands and i >ni j f more or less, on the waters of the Apalachee River, being the place whereon William Fenn now resides, adjoining Jack- son Jarrell, and otliers; Levied on as the f iroperty of David Connor, to satisfy a^/c rom a Magistrates court, in favor of John Clark versus David Connor. Levey made and returned by a Constable.. AH the iriterestof James Shaw lots No. 68 and G9 in the town of Wat- WORTHS. ... 4*_rC — C l* t U._UiM,,.a unnil rtr Notice of the sale of Lands and Negroes, by Administrators.. Executors, or Guardians, must be. published sixty Mn previous to the day ot sale. 0$r rite sale of personal Property, m like manner, must be published forty PAY# previous to day of sale. (&» Notice to debtors and creditors ot an estate must be pnblished forty days. f^nA nr mnat be oublishcd four ! kinfcville, and six acresotbiiKt (Or Notice that Application will be made for Letters of administration, must be published thirty oats, and Letters of Dismission, six worths. to satisfy nfifa from a Magistrates court, in favor of Josiah Daniel versus Jninr- fhaw. Levy made and returned by POETRY. ON SEEING THE STATUE OF TflE NING GIRL.; At One Seatcffie Duke of Devonshire,. btUM3.U h siGdinuzr. Spin on, most beautiful.— There's none to mo Tn.v sirppie |«r,car herp. Majestic forms Of high renown, and brows of classic erace, ^ Whose sculptured features speak the breach!jp. >ul, Shall dij The fat In Who daily « Shall cnUtoff hundretiifi Rt-proa chiefs wrought, twining the slender thread From the light distaff—or in skilful loom ng rich tissues—or with glowing tints Of rich embroidery, pit Then Content, with duty dwelt.— Yet few there were, Sweet Filetrice—who In their earnest task Found sack retreat as thine—’mid lordly farHs. And sparkling fountain*. and umbrageous tree!, And parks far stretching, where the antler'd deer Forget the hound and horn. ’Mid all this grand enchantment—proud saloons. And galleries radiant wjth.the gems of art And geniuls, ravish’d from the grasp of Time— And princely chapel, uttering praise to God— Or lose ourselves amid the wilderiug maze Of plants, and flowers, and blossoms, Drcathing forth Inn! harvest d#d I reap far my labors in •he sweet and transit reflections of .u self-approving conscience* frk - |i)Z lout: fjbote, all t, as many fcibfy want with I gladdened, ?;)i! the firesides I made cheerful and foqppy, it became the aptive principle of my life, r.ntf n rich and abun. ... rating hand of charity plucked .ibe thorn from my midnight piling*, and southed the bitterness of my careworn existeuco 1 . • One evening | was particularly struck with a young and rather genteel looking girl, inquiring most earnestly ’for n nice delicate stvectbread,’ She could not be mure than Sixteen, and in the broad glare of the flaming gas 1 saw she was exquis itely fair and beautiful. Tfks «tgerness of her manner, and xfce evident superiority F rank over the generality of persons' g’ho diesire, *- enjoying a >'s inl and a glam flf wine, perfectly uncqtu&ojjs oftitriilf-Ba. tured surmises her unexpected appear ance had awakened iritfcc Jjo$x«w »fcfe»y jealous domestics, for an ojd. bachelr-’- .Saturday frequented the slalls attknt late knur, had >. Matha, /.ihe note »->hilB I i. ruths r Nogm “going out, , will, trempiD Should jysj siitnei!”. > Spin row.n 0 J^nhd.rmr Desertion of Friends.—Old Nat. Lee, the mad poet, wrote the following lines, or something like ihem, while confined in Beldham. Thousands Torsyth Sh’ii’s Sale. For April, 1841. door in the town of Cumming.For. _sjth county. on the first Tuesday in April ‘next, within the usual hours of sale, the following property,to.wit: Lots of land, Nos. 436 and 606, .in the fourteenth district, first section : -fivl ~ Friends throng like bees round a honey pot; Bat if dame Fortune frown, And the jade cast you down. By Jove! you may lie and rot. Lsvietl on M the property of Curtis Green, . s propel . .to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from Justices court of Forsyth county, in favor -of Jane* M. Black, for the use of John . James, and ibe Justices of the Inferior • court of said coutitv, and Cleavlin 4r Co-, . *s. Curtis Green. 'Levied on and reiurn- • ed to me by a Constable. Lota of land. Nos. 1118, and ■1171, in the second district, first se^Kon ; . Levied on aa the property of Larkin Green, ■to satisfy sundry fi. fas- issued from * Justices court of Forsyth county, in favor , _ ■of Silas Bobo andC Howell reniit, Larkm , ^.^,0,ctin ins 2desks, 14 looking glasses, Constable. , . c them, while confined in Beldiism. T One sorrel Horse, about O | have realized, m<*t bitterly, their truth years old; one sorrel mare, about 12 years old; and 1500 pounds of fodder, more or less : Levied on as the property ot Jesse Mobbs, to satisfy m fifa for cost in favor John Beasley, James Beasley, Hiram Beas- ly, et al versus Jesse mobbs. Seven negroes, viz: Nancy, a woman about 50 years of age; Mary, u wo man about 30 years of ago; Elizer,about 20 years of age; Antoinette about 16 years of age; Madison, a boy about 12 years of age; Jefferson, about 10 years of age; Isaac,about 8 years of age; one piano, *2 sofas, one barouche and harness, one map United States, 1 centre table, 1 astral lump, 1 brass fire feuder, 1 large gilt mantle glass, 1 lot of music books, 100 pieces of bacon, 2 bureaus, 1 ease,l settee, 1-clothes press, 1 lot of window curtains, 41 sheets, 14 counterpanes, 7 bed blankets, 1 bed tick. 1 sideboard, 49 wine glasses, 1 lot ebampaign classes, 2 bunches carpeting, 1 trunk bon- C I I L IX ll.rt. .lift icaliy called^ the inclemency age Administrator's Sale. VTKriLL be sold on the first Tuesday i May nex ‘ oughtoktii mostcertaf almost than saw, by the head, thi 1 conjeeh bosom. the estate of Archibald Lard, deceased. WILLIAM LARD, Adm'r. March 12, 1841. 46-tds w 1 ; nets, 5 hair brushes, 15 feather beds a«d furniture, 30 bedstend, 30 maltraasce, 108 chairs,30 tnbles, 15 wash stands, 10 pair andirons, 4 pair shovel and tongs, 12 rush- Green. Levied on and returned to ;«t Constable. Lot of land, No 699 in .the third district, first flection: Levied on as f of Samuel S Cruse, to satisfy 'tin* property of Samuel S Cruse, to satisfy •sundry fifas issued Irma a Justice* court of ForSytht-OTTTTTyYIn rtrvorol Dnnicl N Smith versus Samuel S Cruse; and John Dickson and Wilson Evins and Powell Blair versus .mid Cruse. -Levied on and returned to i Constable. . ■ UO.lUiU vu.uq « *• - "6 - 3 | l candle stand, 7 vases, 5 dining tabu stand castors, 3 large lumps. 1-side saddle 1 boys saddle, 4 table-binipa, 4giass lamps, 38dishe*,30 pitebere. 18bowls,l lot knives mid forks, 1 lot crockery. 1 lot table spoons, 1 lot tru spoons. 2 lots glass, 4 trunks, 4 boxes soap, 3 coffer pots, 1 lot tin, 1 large kettle. 4 tubs, 4 pots Sc. books, 4 ovene r 2 spi der. 2 trivets, 12 jars, 4 sadirons, 4 jugs, 25 candle slicks. 4 axes, 21 night glasses and calves; all levied ceased.together with four! Bill, Mary and her child, known on the day of sale. GIDEON B January 22,1841. F OUR months after date applica tion-will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court -of Clark county, when siuipg as » Court of ordinary, for leave to seiftbe Negroep V!oitr*»g to 0"ertcrn StepVlu ^, tumor of David ceaaed. fcn^ilie benefit of«aid minor. WILLIAM D1CKEN, Guatv. Marcti 5. 1841. 45-4m AH the right, title, and interest property of isma w. vvooidridg* • of Wilson N Hurt In and to six acres of ‘he 1, situated on thwCanton road, west of ™ ore Also 300 acr™'of tend tbe wnlers of McNuls ■Camming, it bein* pare of Jot No. 1271, Creek, joining Gee imd others; sw^neg third district, first "section: Levied on as b y l, io name of Larkin about 15>t-a ^ Ilioproprrljof Willed N Hurt .o e.tiefr ”• 1?-"?°“' leeuej ffon. Q .ou,d. For- third district, first "section: Levied on as " 4ho properly of Willson N Hurt to satisfy ol *8®» **/ n mfija issued from a Jo-tires court of For. yokjdnuxen. syf£coun«p,in fkvorsf Edmund .Forgor- lunilis after date application will be made to the honorable the In-, frrior Court of-Jaekson county, when ting as a Court ojf/Ordinary, fc sell the real estate of Benji “ late of said county, decrased. aity;::oid.,cu. bought Matha— >tives for ll m.Ixmii aiiy o t L-haritnbie ke of Thon; n4y eriio unfavorable effect on ihe poung lujLcf). i to whom sho applied, and many was the rude and hearties*. ju*j >hc had tn on. dare from th^m. Still she tv Jut from stall Jtaal tvilhi* degree of undaunted p*.-r : severance which would have awakeued u feeling of disgust in my own bosom, for .conduct so Unfcmininely, had 1 not oh served that she frequently and furtively dried a tear jwilh the tailored futtssiiia of a once costly.foteign shawl.. •She is no Imposter ]* 1 mentally ejac- __ iilatetl, feeling i»y own eye become sud- ■J .denjy dimmeil by.a teuror two. : ‘Thnt is £ .tlieteariifm.'idejst misery. The harden- ed tlgfie&Uon would too gladly parade its grief io exurite commiseration and pity.’ followed’her like a shadow, ns her light my, a gil c figure fiiited almost noisch^slyr from 1 place to place, with the most intense in terest and curiosity. - At fact she came to,a stall containing almtwt everyjoint of v5hl. and I sow her eyes spurWe with xehovated hope as she exebnried‘breath lessly.. ‘Have y«lu the sweetbread, sir'!* muck will you give for it miss?’ J«Ri>w mueh do yon adcf' ’^Five,shillings. Will you give that ?’ ‘O, moat galdly ! il you will trust me lartl’ viction of innocence which never suspects, nor thinks itself inspected., Suspicion and lltiberaiity afd the offspring of guilty begetting in their turn thiit base desire in deprecate virtue, and bring it down in a level with its own fallen and degraded stole. ' The decorous housekeeper locked dag- gers ut her and myself too, while she eu- umcrated the articles sho bad •conde scended to pack up for such trumpery,’ and I rend the words •good.for-uothing bag- phnt. 1 wfti brchelortt town of I and am not A til.' richest void yrhc Malta brutal Inagh Klmdly mug place. . But :k Thompson, fi rth* in oll^he ‘bryv mendut^a^ <>fthpjr^i^tiilf&irttrik^itt- \ % ty; inth.e ryes ^TemateRof ?>•*>«« constd«rcd ultiK»t« crtmbV^45i Slid i conceded bifV. .wifti loj U..,', mnmjthidcly .under Jwte.,.,;4] own projection—l da»^||!i^^y_«riy'nvrSr ; ''"^ V are iitvarikbly so.- Ohf mnhihg' is so Sho was gratf^ed aM^^fiaUered, by tl\o"' - •'> winning, sn beautifiil, as that innujte con. wcil, timed compliment, .and graciously '> r f,, / '■ unsented to receive tha young ladies^ -c ; ”• 4 , poorthinge!* and do. jjarWu mak* them comfortable auA IbhpP.'V ., ; f r..-. p ? l pi»V?sUf b^ny««t»)cr, fojr *nc wap ^ -,((i thortHighly foeixfcj^bnl .^carted c *roptm>, ^ gi ] althnugh stfVtly ofljto ,‘pld fchobl/ is, -she led npi Icnnit to doty all j&nrality^ «u;d decency, but thought it. still neecssa# - : ry to sacrifice smijothiMg to appearances^ 1 , gage,* #n Matha’a bright nye as plain eye could speuk, while Thmaas’s expree- ■i: 5ll too clourly/'u bat au old profligate! * Seeing ms on the ,7)0e'e. he a3*d id his ost oVeqoious tot*d,> , &iiull l oot entry the buskctYoT the young lady, sir ? It is' very heavy.* He knew that was the most effectual means of fathnetihg the tnit^ery. • No—I shall it niyaclf forJjer *.. i>81. C«;in«?, my «^?ar f a»id e«ay we both walked, or 1 rather-toUenng on. der rny ehermouK load. J idonld ' faticy _ the ‘ O niys l* ntidthe ‘Well { ne,v‘erl* of the; who let. us out in silunt'-astoui<Umet:U. . . Clara lived iit an pbscute street, not far from my" own residence, oud I could not help'feeling *.f sort of-reproach at suPh virtue- 01 ui, misery struggling-uakaowi. and unpitied so iiear ase, fler sisier, a poor emaciated tjjjii£, w.'-s awske ^nt our* arrival. She hardj^wiiied tfeepreseiico of a stranger, being iVie&Ie to fdcl ai he wide square, ps he replied, i, thkl’s capital!’ Then raklt eg with e ot popular slang loo wulgar to re- pa*W,*w'nd which happily, she. could not understand ‘no, miss, I, can’t giweyouno trust—you looks tori suspicious for me,’ '•Why are you ho anxious to procure u sweetbread?’ said I, gy.ntly touching her shoulder-os she yet lingered th xu, as .if Ivery faculty was annihilated by this (last severe disappointment. She started with a degree of resent, meet in her countenance'at the liberty,but seeing only auold mAn, she replied, mild- .ly^O, sir! it is for a dying sister—my only friend! -Site hns not tasted any thing for the intsl fortnight, and to-day son, versus Willson N Hurt and Wiley B Jlutchins and H L Sint*. Levied J jreturned to me by a Constable. of the securities, to satisfy Postponed Sales. 80 barrels of com, more or less; *1 Bureau; 1 walnut table; l pine chert ; -3 split bottomed chairs; lirnnk; 2 smooth •ina irons, Levied on ns the properly of Willis Bobo, to satisfy a fifa issued Jrora Worsyih Superior court, in favor of Jesse -AI Roach. ,. One acre lot in the town o Camming. No. 168. Levied , on «* the {property of Mrs S Sisson, to satisfy mfija issued Iroin a Jastices coart of Habersham ooutUy in favor of. William W Steahnan: Levied on audretwriied to roe by u corwta. gons; levie Alexandei. a fi fa. iu favor of Reese and Beal! vs. Isma W. Wooldridge and‘'lames L. Thomas, principals, Harris Stephens, Overton Ste phens and Smith Alexander, securities r an... I- I VV W» The above levy 011 Isnta W. Woold ridge’s property, also made to satisfy will be made to • the - , Inferior CouVt 'of Jackson 1 g as;n Court'of‘©rdinjjl Lot of land-N«v 909, in - the -ihirtl district, flnit wtiOii: U,icll on ra Ih* nmpenjr of Miolwnl Winmasham. to HUtllsiy a jl/s issued from a Justices court •of Gwinnett county, in favor of John Mont- coraery. Levied on and returned to mo %y a constable. ' Lots Nos. 1154 and 1116 in Clark SMf‘sSile. For April, 184L W ILL be sold onHYte first Tuesday in "April next, before the Court House door in Watkmsville, Clark county, wi’Jdn the legal hours ef sale, the following pro- . wsj, to satisfy nji/s issued from Forsyth 43qperior court in favor of Biehanl Batiks. All the rights titJe,; and inter- -<oet of John Anderson, in and to lots Nos. ... favor of Reese and Beall . Wooldridge. James . L. Thomas, BowJim nonnoraud David Stephens -'-J Jan. 15,1841. FRANCIS JACKSON. Sbffe *9 5.1841. / 45-JE will be made <0 the Inferior court of Morgan county, when -sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negrws be- longing to the estate of James Simmons, deceased. B. JONES, Guardian. ■ January 22,1841. 39-4 m dveaming of a a «weetbrend. nod her slumber of the good she was -N*rv it would do her. I should h ive been here long betore, but wnsdbliged to fitrish some needle-work to obtetn mmicy enough to puy fdr it, and now they arc nil gone.* It ts impossible t*'convey on idea tori»y readers of the thrilling inuurnfuh.esd of load’in which she pronounced these hist «et at: of fhut ; uM tlcnt is file nioJnentj.bope.vrr, you convinced her >f the pun.».y of the motipo by winch yoy, Were UiCtvuted, her 7-eui knew no bounds^ sf»? entered .heart ,antl soul into tiic afitur. • and ujrja nij a.jfojjjanV tenderness nhtl ia'ct_, jjufiged end invented a thousand' p!;in$£o b'npmye rm ftrudcucsg of one* irn henevolerurv. I departed With *hn alacrity ,qf a-boy to tinpa?t'ihe' pl^astrg' .negotiation, to tW / de« r ^;ij“ls, liikit:g jr.a re ; to ut der dinner fiir ''. V r Mi tlirtu^and piirucnlnrly petitioned a‘sweet, , bread* as o>? »vf the si^e.disliQS^ Clara vyss in c2rtao*« at ibo pro^Mst^ but fjotru-jude received it with more ic* ,nr.d caution, evidently Wei jetting the consequences .of stieji h step id all their bearings'—tlu world’s ceiisure, the possij. bility of tny repenling' such- ”etieru*Hjr, d tbe.misii'y o.f resuming pwerty after tusfing such luxury. ' . I read these painful n'ml-conflietinga taaMMOk*** a;.U«. r : -I«i ^^‘^“^VlTlTIarbri^jainia* wdonas 95T' J^ssetrr: Levied on asvhe property of John saT,teSdiifr , «//Fi8iDnl (rom fertjih #in»nf!he sern.-ftias: tosati?- s j f^OUU months afterdate, application will rl^ort^ihrce volumes of. Law, JST Classical, and other books: Levied on as I or d ina? J<hrpdse8, for |Km to veil th< the property ot Thomas H Yarborough, to . i, UCEr tft ibat the orphans oW7illiara Hays, • satisfy «//a—Crnne & Mormon,' and °thH^d er „ gr , hold in the hi«d jmtni g to the cr fifoi versus Thomas H Yarborough. orphans of William Hays.^lweeiisetl, from 'riiree acres of rattd, inorc or |^he estate of Nebrmiah Hay*; jssrg ,or *&&*&!*■ deceased. 109, and 110, andLI9 in the first district, Ifirst section: Levied on as the ptoperty •of John Anderson, to satisfy a fifa issued from Forsyth Inferior court „ . , . _.iOUR months after dale, fy n fifa—the Commissioners for Simon. |L wi || br made to the Honui ton’s k rtdge versus Joseph AlUn, princpah i f rr io*iCourt of Madison county. favor of ‘ PPPP^ 1 -— ■- Gilbert. Property, pointed oqt by ihe plaintiff. ■Lbt of land No. 868, in, Ihe nliirddisttrictof the fifat section : Levied •on as the pri.pcrty ot Isaac 'Lindsey, to satisfy sundry fifas issued from Floyd •Superior court; ©ub In favor of Singleton Slnglis; two fifas tsssed from Chattooga - Superior court; one in favor of Kellogg & Sanford, tho other In favor of Sandford, • ; ^Kellogg & coi, at.d sundry other fifas versus ; said Lindsey. - Property pointeit’ out by ■■'aSSi :sbis si | jd Much 9,1841. and Janies AUeo. Hannibal Allen, and j ij n _ John Talmadire,securities. : JAMES HENDON. D. Shtf. March 5.1841 . 40-tds Painting. fJlRK owtarrij.od would napnlMl; ’ hbfadKuriuiu of Athens snd its vkiuHy, >hM he has opened « PMa Shop,* meerth. spper brilgr, opfosite A. Cos. n.', tor .which he hope, to ahsr. an nhlieratnun^ done «,ndMK.I the pohlie pawooage, i III thi, lino o4 btiaine^. Two years and after the «riri- Atrfa.uCthraa yoata aod»<ee — v,. tha Sign, and el! .— • ' ■ work done by Hoaael’i,inters " ‘ - -—’ tr his hrrn-mtnre cleaned at notice. Healao hit. 1 ' 1 fefSlewtctD-, uo hi ■ - ' . — r 4ej?L Court bfGnliaary. fbrfeav«o self esime.of Pwrick BochannoH, late Got. 16,1840. .—The subscriber begs leave f rni printers, that he is prepared to man ufacture type of every description, ot hi* Letter Fouudry. corner of Fniton nnd Nas sau streets, New York, of a quality not in ferior to that made nt any oUtereStabbsh- ntent in this couniry. '■• Reirig a practical workman, the diflBmetitbrancters crthCbu- siaess will bo suporimended by himself. Printers art respectfully invited to call and ex-tmiDe bis specimens of type and metal, before purchasing else it hero The sub scriber foals himself safe iu awnrrog print ers that tiiey wiiL save at leaSt.iwrnty per befit in quality rfi 'the articlesjhnd at the same time furnish them on as fiqeraUertns aity other founder in tho pmee- lUOUR ■■■■■PVII , u . . be made to*tbe honorable tbe Life ‘Court of Walton bounty, while Court of Ordinary, fdy leave t “negrties belonging to the estate-or and Susannah Woods, late of said ‘‘""“'daNIEL C. PEARCE.— n.ln-r ' ink, and ererv article used in tile priiitinj bn.inese, fiirnwhed at mniiulacturtta Old type taken in eidhanje for new. at twelve cent* per pound. Edward pelouze. Cor cr of Fuftor. and Nassau streets. New l\iblisbers of News' ^ . giving the ab«*ve three insertions in their paper, dn,e " ^ <SM ikfahshaw, ■J.S RKDFIEI1X .. H ARPER A- BROTHERS, . EDi l ORS OF THOY WHIG Feb. 19.1341- ' B£ - ' - ■ -‘ V ; l months after date npplicati December 25. A LL perstons indebted to the esta A 'William Daniel, late nf Ch*k< deceased, are requested ti make * ate payment, enq llrcws*having against said estate to present them witjna the time prescribed law. . -- - mcT&H hANIP-L josiah Daniel; e*v. Feb.26.lS4L " Administrator's Sah A greeable to an order ©rtf . ortble tbe Inferior Court of Troup county< when silting for 61 dinary purpo ses, will be imW on the first. TuesriaV hi May next; tn .the town nf CferksvHH Hab* ersham county, Kotof land No. ^9 in the 3d Dist. of mud county, contafeir^ B50 acres more or less, belonging m lift Es tate of Michal Pearson, late of eonutv, Alabama, deceased. Sol benefit oftlie heirs of said deceased. Tei on tho day of *al*. ■ - \ ■ '■ JAMES M. CH1VERS, Feb. 20,1841. ’orda. Her v<*ry heart seemed Dv'uin with anguish-at-hcr utter w. success. ‘You shall have a-sweetbread,’ said I.’ iderly, ‘for your-^'+ng-siste*, and every other coinfopt »hat can alleviate her suf feriugs, for Ihesnke ot 4he Virtuous and holy affectioiuyou have evinced far --her this-night.’ . =• The nsfoni^iod girl, in flie'first bcwil- rhea dcrmVrit of delight ut having so unexpect- 1^' edfyTound a friantl in her sore distress, M i?4-'8eixed oiy hand with the spoutaue«fs movement of piri^e gratitude, and held it clasped firmfy(between her own; which trembled with emotion, lmt she wns uui irble to articulate a w'ord of thanks. fCome,* I 'Continued, leading her to: Wardsiny. own house, ••yon need not fear an old m\n—tdy gray ktdrs shad to yecr se'curity.V: / 0a tfeo way sika told wieHior ^K^e Ins- foryjUntvishcd aod uusotreited on tny pari, fern was predetermined to relieve her ; ■»! &Ut‘there is a proueness to candor and ''confidence in youth, which shows the' ‘heart -is unsophisticated, and the bosom uutHinted by the worlds vices. Sho w-as no high born danu*, -reduced J>y adve/se'fateVi sadden •wunl'aud-tnifcnri rtTTh? mtfkedvafiitteres5ing'hcrt*r-~~ - ” , b,r- mV^b.tUsi tibeo of« "<e*.I'-iksit j on :T€? .**1 in tiemrvy wifly, wfiobnving perish^J lb j „f ,| 1( .-«r h.*r i '“> w dying of a coniiWhption, to strcggHs dr her » 8 *bey best could, in a ipiuiless w^erld : now nud H*»* r mother havingrdied of the -a u< • , auu t K..r„ r p h -fatal yoata before her gtdlunl husband. On reaching hotne tvithmy , certainly rather doubtful looking -ion, Mr. Thomas opeuedbis eye« to their very furthest extent. •Tell Mm. WiHiams,* suidt^ssumini tone of unusual authority, the excitenieiii, at passing events, but t4«o said in the kiuJest niunuor to my c-uuipaidoiu * Dear Clnra, l began to think you hmf 4 the lire grow"low, and I nva8*c».-coldl‘ This drew my attention to ^ie fire which was. nearly out, and "wliteb - Clara> began busify'te eudeavtirtlii kindle. •• Wh*ve is your dotecsttc, uny Jove?* said I tu ber. We have not‘kept one she repated ; ■•f do all for posr .deor JGer trude; tiic gives aertuauble,-’ .uudiesidu: servants me CK^cnsRue, sir.’ -i •What?’ t exriaiaied, in inexpresaible .-istonishnunit, '* you work tit your needle like a slave, muse four- penr, .lieb-less,, sick sister, and attend to the^ household .• affairs, too?—a rat*ro child like/$ri»u~: Good (leavens, it is, not to lie thought of.’i • Late ns it was,T took my hat and hur ried off to my own fuvorite surgeon,-' whom I fortumitidy -2<mnd nt' home. and. in -hasure to' MteiKt me. L begged him .... „ nt the -ffrat place, to socommend a nk»e ;-sKtr-WalaHnteTrigeol woman, ns »\ nurse, whicfciu did at that 'nomeiit, and-Iu the netf lo re-’ turn with me to the ; huuse of (he poor neglocted invalid.. C Oii cxuniing her symptoms, I was •de lighted to find her -c,>inplaint wae not considered by him as Consumptive, but an obstinate attack of the liver, brought oji by a sedentary inode of IKe, and low and improper diet. And <it is esionish- ing how -meek they resentbled entdi.oth- er iu mapwrrauce. The same dry covigh, the satoe wasted and emaciated frauri.. and the-cotae aches and pnios o languid and enfeebled body. H o'*k bra-departure, -to order them •y ttiudieines ft.r her.cautiontng the weep- ng Cl mu not too noisily 'to express hci joy wt»:We>pr«3!>cct of her sister’s recove ry, as rest and tranquility ’hiere absolute- ly necessary'tuwecbnd hircudeu 1 The nurse soon after ire iving. forlaWe moikwly looking febrt of alter suitable instructions to hef to take every care of the young ladies, and to spare iiothing which she-tiiought might conduce -to the comfort of her suffering' charge, I t<»«ik leave of the grateful Cl i- ra.nnd hastened home, fatigued to death,• out mostw^retnely happy. Iiijr -ftfW weeks, Mr. Wentworth had the satiafaCt-ion of restoring .his*interest.' mg patient to a state of convalescence. She was not so beautiful ns Ciura, but much more compiuiio* able, possessing a mind stored with the most useful and va i ried information, grout conversational ; powers, lin'd such a deep and enduririg | sense df religion, that it Was ’impossible ; to listen to tier Without becoming wiser urid’&eltcr, feeling forcibly, ns 1 gazed ig-pnle face, truly,-Lord, *out i of babes nud sucklings thou hast perfected praise.’ I vr.ited them daily, strictly forbidding Clara, on pain ol my displeasure, to set a stitch, except for the adornment of her i prelly p*‘l hich seemed indeed f . . j to u» « iquui of love,* for never before fair, but, | ja( j j 8ecn -yo c h frilling and flouncing ! It is astonishing how affliction had subdued the buoyancy of her spirits, . which now rose above the unnatural pres- ‘gj? j sure, with an elasticity anti joyousness tny supper; srtw’tw and sugar, abottle BorrnW bt .„ el - but tny supper; settsetes and sugai of sherry,a ffeSc orrowroi t, and any thing else sha er.av think useful fbr a sick lady —i-und nr.a^iebas'e.’ Thd^.ai vanished without ottering ono word—not even his costomary ifyes sir” —and soon T^tumed. benring a basket Of goodly dimensions quite filled,'fol!o wed by thoughtfulness which sorrow begets, but that can only be from n waul of due re- llection.for ’it is rromore natural to think the sweet laughing face of youth looks ba*t when shaded hv grief, than to con. aider the sun appears tri most advantage, hen overshadowed by dark and sullen her ^tiried arid uigem-rmis lunteniince. -vjxtch wiiaa mirror of truth mul.cundor.- Mv udviinced age cotcnleUa., ly -bauisheit (he .first nhjociion. .My J«*.. 'Surance* that she j w,»s. necessary to vy comfort,Olic sccoiid. And *he wan cqn^- plelely !conquer«i4» hou taking her hand, l said-rr*. •' i s . y. • Oiuir«!ay,iny dour children, as \*ou plctiser jyiir ili-i-isjon .will make no differ nice i:im>y 'fiHal rirrtutgeVnenu respeKtug . y«iu Loth,- iisi wnteud A'*«ving all I possess oguaUyicUiiE«;uA'«*y death, having no Veliitiuua -t<» ii^arc.'isy so doing, and &wovviiig no hit mailnioiagi* more deservit^ —and .1 jiiunblybleKs .Cod for living hmg mough ,tu. be-sp.nwrfid ut last— you night. Miss ■Graham, had you felt so dis- iosi:d, hove made the slmrt remnant of .au >!d man’s existeoce S'-reqe and happy.* •It was tho 'first time 1 'had ever rho fin nudity of. mSdrt ssiug rher ns Mum Graham; shejefi it sci:-rihty,4tnd bmstitig- cxclnttiu d, *• M3 dear, kind hem*factor, Jtnjgmj -jny cold vralculatioii, hunt wns mi'fvlir.t.’lnrifs «fee than my own that ! (k’iiraL-d., She is so young andbeaUlifuL flial il l Can aii:V keep her fair fame nntat liubm!. tlKt inust settle fi»r. fuiiaMy it* -O! dear sir, that has hean the*••«»! t hojfi^of rwy' heart for years, now tntKXi **■ 'in .ever strengtlroicd, fori shall tArer, .evc.r-»fcqrry now !* Ayoungefaqid ’ man than my. coif ivtadti ii^vo'-fccon Apt to apply thecir. clusteri ot this speech most to the satis. - faction of uw-swtif Invoq Jo/act I knew, froin'Certvoile’s peculiar tone a ut •wan ner, bn: too wtdi w'hat tt meant; but hav. mg gained my point exaefiy as\ vuished, I effected'thu : t*4»s:qirofoi.ud ignorance a'S to whnt-cnrised her, a young and pretly r wornini. to muko so rtrat ge a vesolutiui. Nothing could exceed the exertions the good Mrs. Williams during tny a'b. notice, mir the cordiality of her wclcomu to ihe * fitted young' ludicf,' and jussrr did three 'happier persons sit chrtvn >0 dinner together. No longer was I com. pelted, by dire necessity to linger out nir solituiy n:td‘Uns<») men!, for the sake of deferring lh;:t period, when left entirely •done for the evening, I must turn to it book, whe ther so incurred -or no. to deal from ihe oppressive sense t»f my own loneliness nnd eunui. Gertiude’s painful remetnbraners irf the p.isl, nrirf Gin la’s joyous otod sanguine anticipations of the future, kept a pleasing and varied conversation to a very plt». toicded hour, alternating from melancho* ; ly to gladness, as in all life should be, that we may neiiker-be too much depressed by the one, nor eluted hy the oiheY. &g«uii the fight laugh of woman echoed iu that large gloomy room; agaiu her lighter step fell gladly on my ear j and again did tny heart open its flood gates of long pent-up iiffeotien*, which .gushed forth with Bit overpowering ftSitficy,©toast too much to bear. Theie certainly ia, to fita fueling tnind. a degree of pain attached to supreme happiness, which cast* a uto- rncnlary weight of sadness oil the spirits, and awakens more often tears than smiles to express it by. Clara retxYvcd all the favors I heaped upon her with n profusion of the liveliest tVauks, which delighted me, as there could be no doubt of the dorr child’s being per. lecily happy, *but'Gertrtlife's reuse of ob. ligation wus of a ihore exalted and heart, felt kind. 11 was evident, from tho dr- Voiedness'tW»eroUentions, and tile watch- fulness of hrir mauer, that she studiously sought every opportunity of repaying iliemlb the ulniort of her power; her heart was noble and jfsnrrolw, lM!*.t wav proud to the las' degrees and ©very wotfi •v& Mrs.: Williamv, Matha, arid ihe kitchen ble^ tna5d » at a more humble distance, evident- 1 16 ] ly all •buistirig with' almost irrepressible ^ curiosity to see lhe~ extraordinary, being Thomas had'informed them ‘master had brought home with him.* It *is no consequence how dishevelled, '♦ M or disarranged the hair is in yoath. the _ m y j face "from beneath it always looks lovely. *"relf! Graham’s, tho name of my clouds ! No, no; y(f»L »* the season fo 1 ncqaaiounce, retained only the lesst po*. OW “ * fl ,ble wave, owing to the extreme damp- the atmoshere ; bur it was luxuri- fed what I had ever before seen, iburo. She sat without bet joy and mVrtWulnesa, and age for reflec- lion aiid care. 1 confess, at tbe ^rid of three months of daily and uninterrupted intercourse, in whIA tny affection and admiration hour ly iucreauirk for them both, I began * - feel their sociely was abeolotely ess* rial to Tnv comfort aod happiness, and km convinced, from what l saw ot herdispo-; sitioo,th« bad I beep selfish enough to have demanded such a sacrifice, tbe grate ful Gertrude woiild willingly tove bj. come my wife, to repay tho deep debt she fell she bwed me$ but no ; 1 wished T» be friend, a father Ttb them both, mnd of a rich^Ttuburn. HOC sat wiinqut nex3 be friend, a tamer ro «•— I bonnet, having taken it off to dry, by my lM A'tq tneke either pay so -fearfully for and sentimnet too plainly expressed that her happinettt *tre«W have consisted 4a conferring, anti not redeiving favo'rs. r rhepr two characters,' re opposite yd both so trely amiable and feminine, Rftv , , niahed me wiih•cuntiuued for .reflpetior*. . . V' When Clara kissed me and blessed o»r% nnd called me ‘her.dear second, pupa, 1 felt it wr.*\bo artiess effusion «»f ah«M< . infturtile' affectw^r.the beart rW|M»ndttl* ble«ing Ut her ntnoeeut happinew^and then subdded iuto a state of - ^ mounting nearly to Torgetfulitess. . v when Gertrude silei»tly and warmly a efi my baud, while her dark reflective «yn swam io tears, 1 felt it was from the4rtw-> . prestiWe emotion, drawn from the>dtt el- «: x - 5 iant and vola»»le,^my Yes,r t\im , m