The southern Whig. (Athens, Ga.) 1833-1850, April 09, 1841, Image 4

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AUGUSTA, April 5,>, Colton—Our market for. this article, oo Saturday and to-day, baa.been with* oat any material change in price, altbp* considerable bare been on sale both for eccoadt of planters and speculators, lit tle has been sold, all waiting the news per the British Queen, daily, expected. We bare been informed however/, that a lew small lots (planters cropsj-cbang- od Bands this morning, as they run lie to 111c,'aud one cropof prime all in round bags at lljc extremes. 10 It life. Nothing short of choice in square pack age will command the latter price— these prices are payable Georgia Rail Road money. . ■* The city and specie paying notes and what is termed the better currency of the interior banks of Georgia, 1 to ljc per lb less is submitted to : so much for our currency. BANK NOTES. Augusts Banks, par. Savannah Banks, 1 a 2 per cent dis. Branches State Bank, 3 a 5 Bank of Columbus, 11 a 13 " Brunswick Bank, 3 a 5 ** St. Mary’s Bank, 3 a 5 *» Branch C. It. R. Bank, Macon,3 a'5 dis. Branch Mar. & Fire Ins. Rank, 3 a5" Ids. Bank of Columbus.Macon. 2 a 4 “ Commercial Bank, Macon, 2 a 4 “ P. & Mec’s B’k Columbus, 12 a 15 M Milledgeville Bank, 3 a 5 “ Bank of Hawkinsvillc, 12 a 15 ** Western Bank of Georgia, 12 a 15 “ Ocmulgee Bank, 3 a 5 " Ruckersvillo Bank, II a 13 “ Georgia Rail Bank, Athens, 11 a 13 “ Fanners Bank Chsttahoochce, llal3 “ Central Bank, 12 a 15 “ Monroe Rail Road Bank, 30 a 50 “ Bank of Darien & Branches, 20 a 25 * Chatahoochee It. It. & B. Co. 12£al8 “ SOUTH CAROLINA NOTES. Charleston Banks, par. Bank of Hamburg, “ Country Banks, 1 a 2 dis. CHECKS. On New York, 1 day sight, 1 a lj p’t On Charleston, par a £ prern. On Savannah, 1 a 2 dis. On Richmond, Va.2j a 5 dis. Philadelphia, 2 a 4 dis. Baltimore, 2 a 4 dis. Laxington, 5 a 7 ** *. > - Silver, par. Gold, ** > FRANKLIN college, . ... ATHENS, GA.—1S1U, 'll. . - THE FACULTY or CnLT.KOK. Alonso Chlrcu. D D. President, andPro. i fester if Moral Philosophy, Political Earn, omy, and International Law. . Hrisr Hull, M. D. Professor tf Mathe matics and Astronomy. Malthcs A. VVabd, M. D. Professor of Natural History. William Lena ass, A. M. Professor of jBreek and Modem Languages. 1 James P V/aoocl, A. M Prcf-tsor of Latin, ' Archecology, and Belles Letters. Chaslz* F. McCat, A. M. Professor of Civil Engineering, and Adjunct Professor of Natural Philosophy. Nahum II. Wood, A, 51. Tutor in Mathe matics. James Jackson, Librarian. Charles F. McCat, Secretary to the Fac ulty. . * Anderson, A. J. Anderson, J. Barnard, S. S. Cobh. T. It. R. Colberaon, J. P. Evans, W.JJ. Gibe ft, J B. Glenn, Ja. J. Hall, S. Jones. C. B. King, U. B. Knox, W. W. LeCcuite, I. Lr Conte, L. McCalln, G. R. Mallard, J. L. Mallette, G. A. Nabers, Z. L. Newton, H. NVwlon J. S. Newton, W. H. Norman, W.S. Purvrar, J. Williams, J. W. Winn, T. S. SAVANNAH, April 2. Colton—On the date of onr last i port the steamer ^Caledonia’s advices were received, stating an improvement . la the French and English Cotton Mar kets, which induced operations hero in Upland at an advance of | cent gener ally, and in some instances | cent; du ring the last three days there ha* been less demand ; the sales are 3578 bales, at from 3 to 11 cts. Sea Island has been in request this woek at the full previous prices; the sales are 276 bags white at from 13 to 36A, and 86 stained at 6 a 18. Liberty **ounty. Pendleton Diet* 8. C. Savannah. Athens. Troup co. Madison. Abbeville Dist., S* C. Henry, co. Crawford co. Liberty co. Green co. Jackson co. Liberty co. Abbeville Dist, 8. C. Liberty co. Effingham co. Allen, A. A. Anderson, H. Baynard, T A. Carr, T, Cbaires, ft.F. Cook, J. C. Carry. J. C. Daniel, W. Felton, W. Garlington, A. C. Graves, J. P. Hamilton, T. A. Hancock, G. Harper, J. H. Harris. 8. W. - Hull, H. Mann, T. McCarter, J. Moore, P. Powers, J. Schley, W. Strong, E. Trippe. J. Vaaon.J. C. Watford, J. W. WcsUJ.N. White, J. M. Liberty co. Athens. Henry co. Liberty. Juniors. Abbeville Dist.. 8. C. Spartanburg Dist 8 C Edislo Island, 8. C. Athens. Tallahassee Fla. Columbus. Talladega co. Ala. Laurens Dist„ 8. C. Wilkes co. Athens. Greensboro ugh. . Bryant co. '* Athens. Liberty co. Athens. Monroe co. Augusta. Athens. Monroe co. Spartanburg Dist 8 C - II. Term. (Jan. to April) Livy; Grieca Majors—Herodotus. Thucydides, and Isocrates; Freuclt; Algebra, to Quad. IIL Teem. {April to Aug.') Horace— Odea; Green Majora—Lysias, Demos- thenes, Xenophon’s Memorabilia, Plato; French continued; Algebra conclaeed. - Sophomore Class. I., Teem. Tacitus—Life of AgrieoU and Germany ; Graces Majoia, 2nd vol.— Homer;- Euclid—-three. books; Ty tier's History. If. Teem. Horace—Satires, Epistles, and Art of Poetry . Grsca Majora.— Sophocles; Euclid—the remaining three books and supplements; Freuchcontinued; Esrhenburg—Grecian Antiquities. III. Term Cicero de Officii*; Graeca Majora—Euripides ; Day’s Mathematics— Logarithms, I’laneTrigonometry, Mensu ration of heights ami distances, and of surfaces and solids ; Eschenburg com: ed; Botany. Junior Clast. I. Surveying ; Navigation ; Levelling; Natural Philosophv; Logic; Eschenburg Concluded; Homer’s Illiad. II. Tbbm. Comic Section*; Spherical Geometry, and Trigonometiy ; Cicero de Orators; Evidences of Christianity; Na tural Philosophy; Rhetoric. III. Term. Application of Algebra to Geometry , Differential and Integral Ca- culna ; use of the Globes; Natural Philoso phy ; Moral Philosophy; Chemistry ; Ci cero de Oratnre continued. Senior Class. I. Term. Mineralogy; Chemistry continued ; Philosophy ; Economy ; Men tal Philosophy; Astronomy ; Greek Testa ment. II. Term. Geology; Civil Engineer- ing; Mental Philosophy continued ; Politi cal Economy continued ; Law of Nations; Forensic Disputation. HI. 1 erm. General review, The above course is arranged as nearly s possible, in acrordance with the course >f study that will be pursued during the present year, so that any one who may wish to j.’in an advanced class, may know laolly what will he requisite. Besides this regular course.another may ! pursued, which will include all the stu dies of college except the Latin and Greek Languages This will be competed in three years. The class will recite the first J rear partly with the Sophomores and part- y with the Freshmen : but during the se cond year, they will become nearly regular with the Juniors, ami tiunlly in three years they will have gone over all the studies in the Mathematics and in Natural and Moral Science, which are taught in the college. There is no requisite for entering this class except a thorough knowledge of Anthmelif. A certificate, signed by the Faculty, will be given on the completion of the course, slating the amount and charac ter of the studies that have been* pursued. In with this c’.-iss, a cour.o 1 P»P"«J» • . Civil Engineering tuny be pursued. This “°I «« , s*wg<rt£' , n,.ioo. course will embrace all the Mathematics, -ViJS STtauIllISFT*"* ' Natural Philosoohv. Chemislrv and Min.. I re “ h you fame rascal. - sir. itooen Disir, oo.of Ibo two surarring Life Guardi oT Geo. WsJhinpoa, died at Nslrbtuta oath. 1 hit iust.s ged 79 years. A rufue broke open s desk in the tffiee of th. Charleston Mercery, sod sher numneOTr the content., attired jnst as rich ss he waa when he Twofupdf—yre disp^ihR urbich was the more polite of these two terms. ;Gi«. mo some drink,” or-Fleasdtonne mesome drink.” A Isdy some whit bored, repfed 10 ooe of lheoi,-“You ahouid •ay lead me to drinks asseaare generally led.” The Leg rslat u roofDBnoi*hi*passed slaw tax ing Brokers from 59 to 4600, Recording to the cx- nt of their operations.-^ • The Mowing conversation, between* London editor, and an important personage of the printing office, is reported in tbe NewjEnglnnd Review. - DeviL” 4 * Your,worship ** f Srirthe the cosls ” _ ... ’ ~ “ ’ “Brins os a box or Havanas, light a taper.’ drop the curtain, close the dour, sticks hat through the broken pane, hand the spitooa and a four of slippers, and now absquatulate." “■‘Yes eir” •• And look hero ; if any bodr call* to pay«10L shew him np but if any body caSs tb collect a bill, “ the heditor hant hat 'ome." “ All right—an easy conecience is an acreealile matter—so nOw carry your head out of the room and mafc» your feet follow.” “Yes «r.” - ,. - Mr Jenifer has addressed a letter to the vn ters of the seventh .Congtysritnonnl District of Mary land, a district, wliich bdnasfooraaccetaivetenns represented, with ao much honor to himself and hiaconatituems,id whicb he dacVmes a re-election. A young.hut Rnyrilant-physicisn in Hunting don couty, Indians, has’pought an action against a beautiful and ‘wed/Ay vvjdow of that seciion, f»r a broach uf promise of marriage, and has laid the damages at 92.000. Widows ahouid not sport witb tlM tender afTerttodk The bad debts due to UieBank of the State of Ala bama and H» branches, a^ officia'ly reported l»y a.committee of the Legislature to amount to the very enormous siio’. ?f t#,640,761 59 • A very interesting little girl, the daughter Mrs. E- Swearingen, died a £mv days since Grand Gulf(Miss ) from eatin^ugnr plums, ; pared by a confectioner there. Dr. Wharton, u analysed the Candy, fohnd white lead to hi been used in mamifactringit. The number* of Cathdlic Bishops in the States is 14, of priests 501, and of Catholics genr- ally 1,300,000. Many years ago, in Connecticut a certain ju tice was called to a jail to liborate a worthless del < r, by receiving his oStb that he was not wor pounds. “ Well, Johnny," said tbejustic, i Why,” answered the other, rather chargrined at the question, I pan awefcr that I am not worth that amount nlprestitt. ■■ * Pa—ia dogs got wins* 7 ‘ Wings !—no child—don’t you know betti gone to Texas; B. 41000, do do do; C. 96300, refuses to pay .-if,you sue, it will take you as lot get the money from the. lawyer as the oth an. I called on———, in Mississippi, inti duccd myself ns vour agent. Without making reply he np with a chair and knocked me down.’ The merchant then wrote to New York, saying if any body called again with that bill, it would e at the pecil ot his linn ' After that, there will apprehend, he some lack of collecting agents to travel in those barbarous regious l£ew Spring Goc&s. SL’riffEWSOTs, - HXS RECEIVED X. LARGE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, O F the latest fashion, \%hich the public arc invited to call aud examine. Athena, April 9.1841. 50-11 and bit him— Nntural Philosophy, Chemistry and Mine- = •alogv that are taught to the regular clasaea 1 7I,rd Tb B< t.-Nin i e demijohns of bid Madeira CHARLESTON, April 3. Cotton- ■ The general features of the market have undergone aome change since our review of tho 27th ult. On Saturday last there was a gfcod inquiry for Upland, and the advance quoted- on the business of the two preceding days was woll maintained ; but on Monday, notwithstanding there was a good atten- tauce of buyers, former prices were with difficulty supported, atid moro re-, ccntly the operations in the low and middling qualities were at a slight con cession in favor of buyers, while our quotations for the belter sorts have been realized. The business of the week embrace sales to the amoant of 7S17 at from 9 to 12 cents per lb. r Sea Island, at from 28 to 50c. Salt— Sales Jo some extent have l>eeti made in Liverpool sack, at prices rang ing from 81 to Ij. Tho bulk of the op erations, however, havogone from 81',10 to 81,20 per sack. exchange. England, 7. France. 5f 25 a 5f 35. New York sight, 1 prern. Do. sixty days, off. Boston, 1J prem.* Philadelphia, ldis. Baltimore, 1. dis. bank notes. U. S. Bank Bills, 25 dis. Cherawand Camden lj, Hamburg and Georgetown 1. S. W.R.R. Br. at Knoxvil!e,10al5ds. North Carolina, all 3 a 3 dis. Augusta. 3 dis. Savannah, 3 dis. .. Columbus, IS dis. Macon, 15 dis Georgia R. Road, Athena, 17 dis. Ruckersvillo, 15 dis. Central. Milledgeville, 17 dis. Bank of Milledgeville, 12£ «iis. Do. St- Marys, 12j ois. Do. Brunswick, 124 dis. Do. Darien, 40 dis. ; ' Do. State, Savannah, 3 discount, and branches 12$ discount. Ocmulgee. Macon, 15 dis. Allen, G. W. Anderson, J. H. Anderson, J. T. Bird, J.L. Bird, R. Branch, W. Cheaiham, J. Colson, J. Croom, A. Curry, J. L. M. Curry, W. Flemming, N. F, Gartrell. LJ. Gibson, R. E. Harris, T. W. Harris, T. Henderson, R- H. Kendall. J. B. L, F. LaRoche, R. Lumpkin, J. McIntosh, M. McKelvy, L. G. MeNvel, L- R Neabt,J Y. Pottle. E.H. Rich, D. Rucker, J. Striven, W. Stpveue, L. H. Stokes. W. Y. Strother. C. R. Turner. J. L. While, J W. Wiley. A. P. Wiiheri*poon, C. Wright, M. Freshmen. Abercrombie, C. T. Russell co. Ala. Alexander, P. W. Elbert Barron, E. J., NEW YORK, March 31. Sales of Brazil coffee at 9ja lOjc, mad of Laguayra at 10$ a 102c. Molas ses is heavy; Havana and Matanzas 21c, New Orleans at 26 a 27. The sugar ■market is heavy; brown Havana at 6$ a ?i- Tho aales of Cotton continue light. <ln Bread Stufis there is no chanse.^ Money is plenty, stocks rather lighter but with small sides. r . Exchanges including Certificates aod Checks—Bank notes on distant places arm at 4 per cent larger discount. Bos- - ton 4 ; Philadelphia 4} ; Baltimore 3$; Charleston lj; Augusta 12$ a 15 ; Ma- £ 20 ; Columbus 15; Savannah, 3|; m candidate_roust lutyi W V? MoWf, 12a l2j; Ioterior, Ala. 12$; <i: , New Oriepe, 6| a6$; bills on London, Taliaferro co. Tallahassee, Fla. Athens. Quincy Fla. Talladega co. Ala. Petty co. Ala. Lincoln co. Wilkes co, Quincy, Fla. Athens. Athens. Darien. Atapulgas. Fla. Chester Dist., S. C. Benton co. Ata. St. Marys. Madison. Wilkes co. Lincoln co. Elbert co. Columbia co. Athens-. Columbia co. Bartlett, G. T. Berry. W. T. Billups J. M. Boyle.J. M. Ca.r W. Cobb. J. Cut lift - . J. M. Daniel, F. Daniel. RL Fannin, O. Glover. E. S. Grant J. L. Gray. H. N. Holland. G. \V. Jones. H. H. Jordan. B. Love. B. Norton. J. R. Orr,G. J, Pope. J. W. Perry co. Ala. MontscrOo. . Columbus. Columbus, Miss. Chal'ooga co. Athens. Madison. Monticello. Athene. Monticello. Liberty ca. SuSSn 00 ' together with a knowledge ol the French Language; nnd the Prolessor of Engineer ing will give instruction in such additional branches of Mathematics as will be useful to the Engineer. Slrict .attention is paid to Composition nnd Declamation by nil the classes. Every candidate for admission into the Freshman Clnss, must be at least 14 years old; and every one for advance standing, of proportionate nge. The prices ol Tuition, Library Fees, Room rent and .Servant’s Hire, ore 850 per annum, payable in advnnre; viz. 839 on fid 15lb of January, and §20 ou the 1st ol August; and any student enieriug Col lege after the before mentioned times, is squired to pay proportionally in advance. Parent* and Guardia s. who misIi to send their sons and wards to this Institu tion, can, by reference to the foregoing statements of studies, at once see what the requirements for joining College, nt any time of the year; ns they can always be received il prepared upon the requisite studies. Any individual, however! who does not wish to pursue a regular course, can ni tend to such subjects ns he may choosi . for the study n| which he is prepared; nnd will, on leaviiiglliM Institution.receive from the Faculty a certificate of the progress he has made. All who desire it will have an opportuni ty of studying Hebrew, Spanish, German and Italian, for which no additional charge is made. Instruction in various departments of literature and Science is given by Lec tures. ns well ns by the study of approved books. he V acuity regard it as important th t each students should bf present on the first day of the Term, as recitations commence i that day. EXAMINATIONS. 1. Ol all the Classes, nt the close ol the first and second terms. 2. Of the Senior Class, at least four weeks before Commencement, Of the three other Classes, during the week preceding Commencement. VACATIONS. 1. One week from Commencement. 2. From the first of November'to the sixteenth ol January. EXPENSES, e months and sold the other day at 9100 each t r ... OF ATHENS. . , * _ VT [Che ind ol the ‘first. quarter, this In- ; stitution is in full and successful oper ation. -It la no longer a mere matter bf ex- peri menu It will go on. Jt has no Vaca tions,—daily examinations and private lec tures are had, and. occasionally public lec. tore* nro given. Moot courts are held weekly‘for the discussion of law points ; and to gain a knowledge of the practice of the courts. A spacious lecture room, and ample library *re provide ! for the use of the students. The tuition fee is one hun dred dollars per year, payable quarterly,— and good board can be had at teu, eleven or twelve dollars per month.- £D; HARDEN. Principal. - (Kr Those editors who feel disposed to foster and encourage th« enterprise, will pleaR»: give insertion to the above once. April 2,1841. 40-£ Notice. jy absence fro Mitchell, Et.q., will npy. aud those indebted to account will picas** call and April 9,1811. BENTON STARKS. 50 A cabin bey on bearc a ship, the captin liich wsa p reEgious cnan,.Was called up to hipped for sotno misdemeanor. Little Juck int trembliug sod crying, and said to the cap- in “Pray sir will you wait till 1 say my prayers efore you whip n»e.1’ “Yes,” wn the slum reply. “Well then” replysd Jack, looking up kud smtlfog triattJpM.Uy, “theta 1M never say GEORGIA, CLARKE COUNTY. Superior Court, E’ctiruary Term, 1841. Chma Walter, 1 rule NISI, Joseph C.'Celt, | Far forulofure. fft^IiE (lelttiou of China Walker,shevritlt that on the ninth day February, ia the year eighteen hundred and thirty nine. Jo seph 0. Colt executed and delivered to yuurpctioner his certain deed of mortgage, fur the purpose ol securiue tho payment to your petitioner of two certain proinissary u..tes given by the said Joseph C. Colt to your petitioner, bearing even date with eaid mortgage deed, ou the mutli day ot February, in the year eighteen hundred aud thirty nine, the one for the sum ol three Hundred and seventy five d«»ilars, due and payable on or before the first day of Janu ary, eighteen hundred and forty, with in terest from the date ; the other for the of three hundred and seventy five dollars, due and payable on nr before the first day of Jauuury, eighteen hundred nnd foity one, with interest from the date. Uy which deed of mortgage the said Joseph C., con veyed to your petioner, n certain lot or par cel of land situate, lying and being in the county aforesaid, containing one acre, more or less, adjoining the town of Athens, on the west, and being a part of the village of Cobhaiu, and known in the plan there of as number one hundred and five, (105.) And your, petitioner further sheweth that the whole of the principal and interest of the said promissary notes is now due aud payable. W he re fore, your petitioner prays that the equity of redemption m aud to the said mortgaged premises be curred and foreclosed. JOHN I. CHEATHAM, Plaintiff's Attorney. On motion. It isr therefore ordered, that unless the said ’oseph C. Colt, pays into the clerji’s office of this court, by tiie next term thereof, the yvliole amount of the pr<n< cipnl and iuierest'due )» said two notes, together with tlic costs of this application, j rider the equity of redemption in and to the said' . Ti tale. For C%K71LL be mM^oo the firlit Tuesday in VV May,’muifr before the Court Housb door in WatkinEville.Clark^coumy. wi'hin the legal hour* of sale, the following pro- r*xA**».. • • Tureo negroes, to wit: Dolly, a woman abou t 5ff yCars of age'; Adeline, a girl about O. jcajra'of age; and Jim, a boy about 12 years of ago; levied on as the pro perty bf Joseph flodgrs, to 'sailsly a fifa in favor of George A. Counally tr Joseph I!odg~e. ' V " * All the title anti interest (be- ing a fife estate) of-Tubitha Melton in and to two negroes, to wit i Jim, a man aboot 5u years of age, and Sippina, a girl about 14 years olMige. also all the interest of Strocd Melton in; and to' sahl negroes ; one bay mare, 6 years old, the property of Tahithta Melinn '• nlin t)i<> inlrrasunf^abiilia Mrl. Mellon ; also the into rests of Tabli ha Mel ton and of Stroud Melton- in and tu a cer tain tract of land <u» the waters of Barbers Creek, containing-three hundred acres. Sheriffs’ Sale, .For May, 1841.: The first name after the property, ur that of the owner. ; The latter thnt of the per- - m at whose iuetaacs it is levied upou. XSZadlsoa. 200 acres bf Laud, adjoining. Meadows ami others; Elisha Ware and James Long, Executors of Edward Ware, decoased. vs. James M Wateadministrator of Higgiubo- tliath, deceased. . v. , - 50 acres of Land, on the waters of Brushy Creek, adjoining lands of Bridy Williams aud others: William Morouey, and others, vs Noah Segraves. Walton, - 202 1-2 acres of Land, the place whereon Thomas Mobley now resides, adjoining lands of Jesse Dismusks and others ; Os- well E Carmicheal, survivor, &c. vs Eli jah Beam, Thomas Mobley, James Smith, and Ferdinard Beam: Two Negroes, Silvey, about eighteen years old, and her child a boy about 8 mi-uths old: Algernon S Williams and oth. ers. W F Hill. One road wagon and two pair horses, one aurrel horse e'ght years old, nnd five head of cattle, tlte property of Samuel Ag- new, one-fourth of acre lot in the town of Social Circle the lot whereon Jonathan Lewellen now resides, with the improve, meats, three head of horses, one a sorrel c eight years old. one a bay horse po- 4 year*- old, one a sorrel horse 4 years old : Charles B IlitLdc Co. vs Samuel Ag. aud JotKilhan Lewt-lleu, security ca stay. One sort cl horse 9 or 1() years old : le. vied upou as the property of Robert A Johnston, to satisfy a fi fa in favor Jennings Ac Palmer. . One hundred acres of Land, in offpartof Walton county : levied on as the property of Thonias Jones, the place whereon the defendant now lives, adjoin ing Viuutetford aud Wbluer. Hilt and Dill, ve Tnonies Jones. Jackson. or less, adjoining Crow arid others, being the plaee jwliereon Siipud Melton now lives. levied on to satisfy njifa in fa vor of Ansekriii I hHkrpert* Stroud M«k ton and Tnbithu Mcltbh, and another jS fa m. Tabhha Melton..^ ^ All the title. and interest of IVillifinE IIughesan and to fourteen ncr*s of land,' more , or Idas, on Barbers Creek joining Tuckwnd others, with the improve ments /m saitl truct of laud, including a grist and saw. mill, with all the appurteti- anees .theraqnto* belonging-^levied. on to sntislV of fain favor of Hartwell Jackson, Sen., vs. William E. Hughes and Isaac 8, Vincent. ’' v* '. One negro man by tlio name ofFedrick, about 89 years of age, levied on a.< the pronerty of G. W. Foster, to sttt- isly n fi fa in favor of Thomas J. Parmileo r*. G.W. Foster, N. C. Barnett and W. B. Bright well. FRANCIS JACKSON, Sh'ff. April 2.1841. 49-tda Forsyth Sli‘ffS Sale, For June, 1841. TI^ILL be sold before the Court IIouso * * door, in the town ot Gumming, l*oiv syth county, on the .first Tuesday in June next, within the usual hours ot sale, lire following property, to wit: One head Wagon and five Mules, levied wt as the property of William Parris, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from Forsyth Inferior Court, in favor ol H. II. Rausseaw, vs. said Farris, property pointed out in said mortgage. ELI AS FINCHER, Sh'ff. April2,1841. ^ ^ ^ 49-ids Fos-syth Sh’fPs Sale. Fpr May, 184). Wl ILL be sold before the court house ww door iu the .town . ’, For syth county, ou the first Tuesday in May next, within the usual hours of sale, the following pronerty, to .wit: Lot of land, No 1333 in tho second district. Grot section, levied on as the property ol John Anderson,-to satisfy Price, J. A. Scott, W. B. Shrpperd.J.C. Wells, J.M. Winn, JV. Seniors, Juniors* Sophomores, • Freshman, Jackson co- Beaufort Dist* 8. C. Hillsboro' Montgomery Ala. Madison. Columbus, Miss. Greene co. Total, TKXJU OV XONISSION. _ For admission into the Freshman Class; • candidate mast have a correct!knowledge of Cre^ar. Cieero’s Orations, Virgil, John and Acts in the Greek Testament, Gner* ‘ Minora, .or Jacob’s Greek Reader, Latin and Greek Prosody, English Grammar. ' f. Arithmetic, ‘ and Algebra Absence qf MM.—A person employed aboui the German Bank of fKooster, in Ohio, wan a few days since sent to:tire post office with 91700; but insicsd of depositing it in Uncle Sam’s mail, he put it in his breeches pocket. Thirties he'i got it.—A Mr. James C. Patton, at Baltimore, feels assured that he has at lost dis covered the .grand secret by which he will be en abled to n&vigsce the air, and to travel at the velocitynf one hundred miles per hour; and he has advertised to tell the Baltimoreans all about it in a lecture, to which he will admit a gemJi man aud lady for two shillings. * Attention ladies.—A German physician Cure stammering by an tacision in the tongue. We never knew a stammering female since the day and hour we were bem—but as the tongue seems precisely in their line, we give the above Tor their gratification. s equity ot redemptiin mortgaged piemiaea be henceforth and forever barred and foreclosed. And be it further Ordered, that a copy of tbia rule be , published once a month tor four months ill some one of the public Gazettes of this State, or be served personally on (he Raid Joseph C. Colt at least three months before the next term of this court. extract from the Minutes of Clark Superior Court. Given under my hand at office, this 6th day of April, 1841. JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON, Clerk. April 9,1841. 50-m4tn One house and lot in the town of Jeffey- son, wlreteon Henderson Gilliland now re- \ nfifaiunut^ from Forsythuprrior Court sides: levtedon ns the proporty «r Melvin* j,, favor of Jacob IVttijohn «*. James An- Eskridge, by virtue of a fi fa tasued from derson and John Anderson, the Superior Court of Jackson county, in T nl«a IVo 2*52 nnd 370 and f-vor of Jarara U Rawh, « M.Whra to*. ^SS. levied on .. the 0,1 P™!*"* of WilliiliD » v of Holer Moon: l»v virtue of two MU'dry ./!/<■» >raard from n Ju.lice'e Court property of Baler Moon; by - ' '** )«»fCourt Hall. I returned to me by n constable. One mule : levied on as the property of I IsOtSoflaild N‘». 3l8 and 319 Obndmh" Gravitt, to satisfy a fi fa from and north cast half of 317 and 411, 412 and Hall Superior Court in favor ol Thomas the West half of424 in tho 14lb district, Minyard, va John Laity. ObadinU Cratett, first section, levied on as the property ol Ezekiel Buffington ana James Say, secu- Absolem M. Reese, to satisfy nfifa issued rities on the stay. from Forsy th Superior Court in favor of Lots of Laud Nos. 147, 149, and part of 1 Richard Banks r* Absolem M. Reese and lot No. 140. containing 120 acres, all in the j Jacob M. Scuddcr, property (minted out by 10th dist. and lu’vNo. 42, of said county : levied _ .. .. w< w ||t GEORGIA-—CLARKE COUNTY, Co *“ ^j rjiHE P i Court ol »niA Coi tf Archibald C. McKinley, sho'ws that on the filth day of Septem ber, eighteen hundred and thirty three, Jesse U. Buuchelle made aud delivered to your petioner his promissary note in wri ting, bearing dale on the same day and year for tbe sum of eight hundred and one dol lars and forty sixceuts.due twelve mouths from date, aud also ou the same day and year first aforesaid, for the better securing the payment of the sum of money in said proiuissary note specified, tbe said Ji Board for « a half, - - 895 c Tuition, Servant’s hire Li brary Fre, Ate., - - SO Washing, - ' . 6 Fuel, about - -. 7 114 Total, 161 bank cashier pat his thumb to the tip of bis nose and told the person he “coulden’l bank in that way." which he has held the last twelve months The Rev. Dr. Bancs has been regularly install ed as president of the Wesleyan University, Middletown, Ct. - The British Government is building a frigate on lake Ontario. This thing ahouid be seen too, and one built to match. Pekin, in China, through''Asia and Europe, t Lisbon and Portugal.” The recent order issued by the Government, forbidding office-holders to employ their time for izan purpose, is we trust, to have a beneficial lenceupon the character of future elections o thirds qf the unhealthy, turmoil and everish itetneni which has prevailed for the past ten years, and which is utterly ar variance with all rcaaon and judgement, has owed its origin topar- tiisn maaceuvreing of office holders. Manuring Pt*k*.«rThe Gardener's Chronicle ssys, atriend 'imurtVed sotno pinks very freely with rotten woolleiKfags, and the improvement in the appearance of the bloom waa astonishing. A contemporary recommena silver ehdde excellent for brokeh hearts. . . The past two 4»yi have been charming. The pretty buds are beginning to peep out, and the young grass laughed when the sun was fairly up The cows swireh their tails with exceeding joy, the little birds are ttrginniii'g totwitrer among the tree-twigs—and Ephraim is smiling lift a • basket of young chips.*- Juhn, Joe, saya you>aid yon.never said what I said you said; now if you did’ot say what t said you said, what did yoasay ?—*-Nuff sa.d.-” An honest country parson, who in the time oi great drouth waa desired to pray for rain, answer ed, **I will willingly doit to'obfige you, but it u i no pnrpoee while the wind is in this quarter" A hoy seventeen yean'Of age was, last week, Boston, sentenced to seventeen years imprison ment foa arson, burglary, theft, &c. &c. ' 3/crtotoy.—In -Ne w York last week, there v Intends to establish a weekly line betwen Liver pool aud Boston. A learned Natchez physician, being asked what medicine be usually prescribed for that species of lunacy usual! .called posey, readily an- •wered,—^a dqae of matrimony." f' .... b!esJack Downing’s weather, winch would have been colder, if the tbemotne- tea had been longer.’ p ff- extending their hands, they tlic the lltli dist. defendant. the property | Lot ofla-id No.3G, in the se- donas lire satisfy u fi |S . .it .L-from to JustIces Court of Camp- of]“rXrooT Shih^'sferora ™ hH, eoeray, in IWvv,^ Advhh. White. C lives: levied on as liis property, to sundry fi fas from a Justice’s Court. vor of Win &t Bell, J E Brown & Co. aud others. Habersham. One Town lot in the Village of Clnrkes- vitle. No. 28, nnd nil llie improvements tlieroon, and let No. 42, 10th dist. Haber- ham county, and part of lot No. 13. and C. made and delivered to your petitioner mortgage nnd deed conveying to your po und hiu heirs in lee simple cundi- i certain tr .cl of land in said coun- taiuing (our hundred and thirty eight acres ami a half, more or less, lying .Shoal Creek, in said county, and boiiu- 1 as follows, viz :-beginning on said Shoal Creek, at Ellsbury’s line, running it eighty chains to a red uak sapling cor- *, formerly pine corner, the pine being w dead and fallen,—thence along the Oglethorpe county liue to a pine corner fiity six chains, thence west eighty chains a white oak on Patrick’s land, thence to the beginning. And your petitioner further shows that said Jesse C. died more than a year ago, and there is now due to your petioner up on said note and mortgage, the sum of six hundred and thirty six dollars and thirty five cents. Wherefore, your petioner prays Uipt the legal representative of said Jesse C. may be ruled by au order of this court, accor ding to law, to pay the amount due upon said note and mortgage into court. w. McKinley, Mortgager's Attorney. CLARKE SUPERIOR COURT, FEBRUARY TIBS, 1841. Wherefore, it is Ordered, by the court that the legal representative ol staid Jesse C. Bouchelle, deceased, do pay into court by or before the next term, the amount due on the said mortgage, for principal •and interest, together with the costs ol foreclosure and that this rule be aeived personally on the legal representative of '■aid Jesse C. Bouchelle deceased, three months, or to be advertised in one oi the Gazettes of Georgia monthly for .four months, before tbe next term , cl'this court. A true extract from the Minutes of Clark Superior Court. Given under my hand this 2d d»v of April. Iw41. JOHN CALVIN JOHNSON, Clerk. April 9,1841 50-m4m 1 on as the property, of Moses Hershaw, satisfy a fi fa in favor of SamuelTunncll, and oilier fi fns vs said Horshaw. Lot No. 5. 13ih dist. Habershnm county, levied on as tbe property of Sylvnnus Rip- ley, deceased, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Jackson county, in favor oi Robert Ratcbford against J 1J Clark Sh«ff<s Stale, For May, 1841. P. R- Freas, editor of the Germentown Tele graph, has been appointed Marshal for tbe East ern District of Pennsy vania.. The craft is sorely upon the rise. A gentleman bad ri board put on a,part of bis land on which was written. “I will give this field The general reply waa, “I am." “Then,’! I the gentlemen, “what do you want with Why Is a ladv walking before gentleman, like the latest news! Because' ahs’s in advance qt the.male- Executor's Sale. ■^ylLL be sold on the first Tuesday in July next, at the respective Coart House doors, of the counties — *-*•“** **“ land now lies:. Lot of land in the eighteenth district, third section of Cherokee bounty, number sixty five, containing forty;acres. Clarke county, wiibiu the lawiul he sale, the following pro(K;rty, to yrit: • Thirty., shares' of the capital stock of tho Geovgin Rail Road and Bank ing Company, standing on tlte books of the Batik in tbe UAtna of .the trustee ot L. A. Hobby, levied,ou as the- property of Wm. J. Hobby, Senior, the -security, to satisfy two fifas one Irotu the Richmond Interior Court in favor of Andrew J. Miller vs. Wro. J, flohbyrt Junior, pricipal, and Wm’. J. Ilobby, Senior, security, the other from the Court ol Common Pleas, of the city oj Au gusta. in favor ofWm.E. end J.U. Jackson —' the same. . The interest of Joseph M. Har per In ten sltares of the capital stock oi tbe Georgia Rail Road and Banking Company, standing on the Beuksof tTi* Bank in the name of the estate uf David Stephens de ceased. being one tenth part of said shares. Also, ibe interest?of the said Joeeph M, Harper, in the tract of land wheieon David Stephens* Jnuior. now resides, levied on sfc tbe property of Joseph M . Harper, to satisfy . a ft fa issued frdm tbe Superior Court of Stewart county, in favor of w, Z. Waltbou'rvr.Joseph M. Harper. V 'few negroes, ^to wit; John, Nelly. Betty, JinSey,- Folly. Eliza, fancy. Barry* Cambridge, * blackr ‘ iming, Joshua. Fanny, Ben, Joshua.. Betty, Hesse. Abram, a shoe maker;". than, Luc in*, James Johnson, Mile*.Bally, Siprtia, Martha, James, Squire, Margaret, Mpiy. Glasgow, a shoemaker, Daniel. Ro- bin, a first rate blacksmith Lavina and Ga- ■■ dred and »i«y acreft ia. <ha wemy third district, and second section of Cherokee. WALTER A. APPLING, . j Executor in right 6/Us Kl/a on the estate of RotnrtR. BiUo^Jcceosed April 9.1841. vied ou and returned to hie by a constable. Lot No. 310 In -the third dis- trict, first section, levied on as the proper ty of Dudley M. Janes, to- satisfy a /! fa is sued from a Justices Court of Aladiaon ounty, in favor of GUI be Bund. Levied >n nnd returned to me by a constable. Lots of land Nos. 1070 and 1071, nud 999, and 993, ^n.the third district, firgt section, levied on as the property of Merida Scruggs, to satisfy sundry fifas is- < sued from » Justice’s Court, of Forsyth county, in favor of Leonard Winters n. Merida Scruggs and R. ; Foster. Levied nnd returued to me by a constable. Lot No. 16G in the 14th dis- trict, first section. Irvicd.on as the proper ty of Samuel McRight, to satisfy a ji fa is sued from n Justice’s Court of Forsyth county, by virtue of an aitnehment in fa vor ot Cun & Pool. Irevicd on nnd retura- t-d to me by a constable. • Lots Nos. 287, and 299, and 300, in ilte first district, first section, levied on as the property of Jevman M, Lester to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from Forsyth Superior.Court,.in of Moore ik Da vis ri Smith & Lester, and other ft fas vs. arid Lester. ’ ';,‘ w Lot of land No.. 199 in the third district, first sec lion,"levied on as tbe property oT William Phillips, to satisfy nft fa issued from the Forsyth Superior Court in favor of Hand «T- Scranton vs. the said Wm. Phillips. , One grey mare, one cow and calf, and 30 bead of stock luqs, levied on as the property of John Wottis, to satis^r a fi fa issued from the Inferior Court of For syth county, iu favor of Z. D. Hagood vs. John Woilis, maker, and M- E. Hudson and Wm. G-'Field, securities. Lot of land No. CC0 in tho third district, first section, levied on os tb* property of Charles Garner, to satisfy a fi fa issued from * Justice’s Court, of Pauld ing county, in favor cf Augustus Young v» Charles Garner, and D. Hr 4c B.M. Witch er, endorsers. Levied on 'ind returned to me by a constable. .. ■ ELIAS FINCHER, », endorser. April 2,1841. ClarlcSheriff^s Sale, For /wifivWti. W ILL be : day in June ? .i . court,bouse door of Ctnrk ^ the legal boura ot sale, the following pro perty, tu wit: -•-. w ‘. ■» ’ ' I ^rhe interest of Jojtn H- Tay- lor, (the asmp .being (hta,undivided,bau) of four nfg roem, viz : Peter,.a man, about 22 years of age : Mary.r *- ’— -