The southern Whig. (Athens, Ga.) 1833-1850, April 16, 1841, Image 4

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; SB Wes,i my ml SOUTHERN $HIG, ^wfP i Me* within*** months'after the receipt v •'• at iW filet number,, or FOUR DOL- V ^«2|s4-LA1W *f 1101 p»W witljhi-III© .firSt •« TimBS DOLLAttS per annum, pays- J- -rthif, six months after the receipt MOFFAT’S VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES. T HESE medicines are indebted for their name to their manifest anil sensible action -in purifying the springs and. channels of tile, and enduring them with rertewed *1000 and rigor. In many ■ Sub£riWjivtog oni^rf. the ust in all eases, pay,«» advance. m *“f P ubl,c »S®“ *“ ? ,n *" 8t species - - v 9 - of-disease to which.the bumau frame ip. liable. the happy effects of MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AND PHENIX BITTERS have been gratefully and publicly ncknowi- edged by'the persons benefit led, and who were previously .unacquainted with the beautifully philosophical principles u:*< which they are compounded, and up. which they consequently act. $2 75 The UFE^ MEDICINES recommend tbeinselvea in diseases of every form and description. Their first operation is to loosen from the coats of the stomach and bowels, the various impurities and crudi ties constantly settling around , them, and GEORGIA ; V WHEREAS Harris Thur. Clark County, Vmond, Gu&rdiau ol the or- • ; -»yphar.s of Joseph1 Tarplejrj hseriptioaiiieceiVedrqrless, than. •a* year, uni*** the money is paid -• ranee; and ao paper disnoni ■util all - arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. Persons re- nutating a discontinuance of their Papers, m requested to bear inVurad, a settle- HWntoTllieir account,. . s ; Katraol Adv.rtlalMn* AIm of..PeMon»l Propcrtjrbj). Executors, Administrators, or >3.25 / Guardians, *. 5 3 - Bales of Lands or Negroes by do.; . AfJB ^Application for Letters of Dismission^d 50 - S Other:Advertisements will toe ; -charged •I W for every thirteen lines of sin»ul typer or less, first inser^on, and 50 cents lor each weekly eonlinnance. II publish ed -leyery other week, 62 1-2 cents for mudi continuance. If. published once a month, it will’be charged 75 rents each time.' For a single insertion, 91 00 per Advertisements, when the number oj neertions is not marked upon them, will to published till forbid, uud charged ac- rt-Notice of tho sale.-of Lands and Negress, by Administrators. Kxeeotors, or Guardians, amst Or published sixrtf 9Atn previohS to llie day 01 sale. rite sale of personal Property, in Blw mauner, must be published vputv . oats previous to day of salei Notice to debtors and creditors ol da-estate must be published forty days. . 03r Sotieetbat Application will be made do tbs Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Negroes, most be published roua to remove the*hardened heees which collect day of December, 1840. ' • , in the convolutions of the small intestines ' JOHN G. PITMAN, Other inetLcTnes only partially cleanse -- these and leave such collected piasscs be hind -an'to'-'produce, habitual coslivencss, with all its train, of evils, or sudden diar rhoea, with. its imminent dangers. This applies to the for-letters of dismission: These are therefore to cite and :uhu« n- ish all and singular, the kindred and ciedi. tors of said minors, to be and appear it my office, fthkin the time prescribed by law; to show cause, ifauy they nave, \yhy said letters should not be granted. . Given under my' office, this,5th January, 1841. January, 1841. _ . ^ >_ 1 BO W LIN CONNCNt, c 37^6m Jackson Ctiurtly.' f Administrator of the rs- s—*~r ) tale Of Francis Bell,' dec^ applies to me for Letters of • Dismission x ' These are therefore to cite and • minion, ish all mid singular the kindred-and crcdi- tors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to sjiow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. 4 ’ > Given Under iny haiid ‘at office, this 21gt ttSr Notice that Application will be made for Letters of administration, must be published Thirty oats, and Letters of Dismission, six mouths. Administrator's Sale. YEflLL be sold on-the first Tuesday III V.Moj next, before the court house door in the townni watkinvville, within the Usual hours of sale, one hors- belonging to (ha estate of Archibald Lard, deceased. Administrator's Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the Hon- arable the Inferior Court of Troup county.* when sitting for oidinary pnrpo- aefrwillbp sold on the first:-Tuesday in Mmy mvc^in the town of Clarksville, Hab- ■ ersuam county, «*otof land No. 159 in the *1 Dirt, of said county, containing -250 acres more or less, belonging to the es tate of MicUal Pearson, late of Martngo county, ALbanuw deceased. ' Sold for the bsaefitofilie heirs of said deceased. Terms •a the day of sale. JAMES M. CHIVERS, Adm* Fsb. 28.1841. 44-td* ■ * IV olice. VxrlLL b. .old on Frida,, the 3d of f f Apnl next, at the late residence . Of Jesse Brown, deceased, on. the' Pond Jogkof tlte Oconee, three i mil's North of •teFej’s anils. Oap 8orrrIi Horse, ten viam old, oile one horae'wsgoni,' one -coW and calf, oue beifer. Afro, the household fhrniturs, tools of the deceased, and other — t -‘- too ted ious. to mention. ^ • U. F. BROWN, Adm f 1 JsunarylS. . ^ fact is welllcnbwh .to all regular aunlt iu- i»ts,wbo examine the butnau bowejs after- death; and.lienee the prejudice of these well informed men against - quack medi cines—or medicines pr« pared aud he.alded to the public by ignorant persons. The second effect of .the Lile Medicines is to clean the kidneys and the ‘ bladder, and by thiir means, the liver- and tl»e lungs, ihe healthful action of-- which -entirely dependa upon the. regularity ( of the urinary or gaiis.—The blood, which takes its red color from the agency of the liver nnd-Iungs, before it passes into the heart, being thus purified by them', and nourished by lood coming from a clean stomach, courses | freely through the reins, renews -every part of the system, and triumphantly mounts tbe baunerof health' in the bloom ing cheek. - , Muffin’s Vegetable. JJfe Medicines have becu, thoroughly tested, and pronounced a sovereign remedy for Dyspepsia. Flatulen cy, Palpitation of the Heart, Loss of Ap petite, Heartburn and Headache, Restless ness, IlJ-lemprr, Anxiety, Langour and Melancholy, Costiveness, Diarrcea, Chole ra, Fevers of all kinds. Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies of all kinds, Worms, Uravel, Asthma and .Consumption, Scurvy, Ul cers, Inveterate Sores, Scorbutic Erup tions and Bad Complexions, Eruptive com plaints, Sallow, cloudy, and other disa greeable Complexions, Salt Rheum, Erysi- pejas, Common Colds and Influenza, and various other complaints which afflict the human fr me. In Fcvctt and Ague, par ticularly, the Life Medicines have been most eminently successful; so much-so that in the Fever and Ague districts Phy sicians almost universally prescribe them. All that Mr.' Moffat-requires of his pa tients is to be particular in taking the Life Medicines]';strictly -according to the direc- tions. Ini not by a newspaper notice, or- by Hny thing he himself may say in their' favor, that he hopes to’gain credit, alone by tlie resulls 'o? a fair trial. MOFFAT’S MEDICAL MANUEL; de- Signed as a domestic guide fo health. This Uttid lWnJphlet edit* d by W.B., Mof fat, 375 Broadway, New York, has been published- for the purpose of explaining 'more fully Mr. Moffat’s theory of disea ses, and will be found highly interesting to persons seeking health. It treats open prevalent diseases; and the causes there of. Price, 25 cents—for sale byMr. Mof- fat’a agents'generally. OEOBGlHi. l.W HE REAS JobnG Clark Countv. > Mayue, Administrator of 3Thomas (faeM*'deceased*, applies for letters.of Dismission estate. . Tins i*. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be£iiifil appear at my office within .the time'prescribed by law,- to show cause, if nny they have, why said letters should not be granted;' - Given under'my hand at office, this 2d day of February. 1811. , . BOW SJN CONNOR, c. p. c GiSt for all Seasons, Every man, woman and child in the Inn* ted' States, who possesses a Bible, iciU eurely furnish themselves with the Job. . lowing beautiful Series of Scrip ture Illustrations. 200 Pictorial Illustrations of tbe Bible and Views o? tbe lloly Xoind, N EW, CHEAP AND’ VALUABLE PUBLICATION.—(Cheapest mid best Book for tlie price ever published.) Four Hundred Pages, 8vo:. Fine Pater* Handsomely Bound, Price only T wO DOLLARS.—Tho subscriber? respectful Iy TpVite the attention of Clergymen, Tea chers of Sabbath Schools; Heads ol Fam ilies, and Booksellers, throughout the Uni- Notice. A LL persons indebted to the' estate of William Dasfel. : lata of.Clark county, * deceased, are requested -to .make’ immedi ate, payment, and those having demands . . against said estate to present them , within the time prescribed Taw. -r. - pj JOSIAH DANIEL, Ex’r. Feh,2fi, 1841. 44-40d ittohon^ . bis the Inferior court of Hall county, when silting for Ordinary purples,' for leave to sell the Negroes bilonging tb the estate ‘ of Frank Junes, deceased. \ w. joNEaicy^ DRUGS. MEDICINES. &C. T HE subscribers continue to keep constantly oh hand, ii large and well selected assortment of . . Drags. Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Stuffs, dfcc. &c. All ot which they wilT sell on as. liberal terms ns airr other- house of the kind in ilur place. The following is a brief cata logue df their stock:’ > , Arrow root, jiest - Arsenic Aqua ammonia . Bark. Peruvian Brimstone,, Balsam Copaiba 'Atom Btuesione Blacking VNOUR months after date, application JD wffi ^etaiadp to the Honorable, the In- * Jerior Court or Jackson county, when sit- tiog fur ordinary purposes-for leave to sell the land and negroes of Isaac Town* late .* r ** id . 0<Kn “l6sEPH I TOWN8 Adm'r. Jra.lA.1841. SS-lm ,^10UR momlw after date .applici Castor,. Chloride lime . . Do of aoda, ‘Flo.r chain opt Flor sulphur.' Gum uloes.... •*;. Arabic _ e Fcetida *1 Myrrh . r , tion will be made to the Honorable &c Inferior Court of Clark county, when •sitting as n Court of ordinary, fi>r leave to •ell Che: Negros* belonging to -Overtem Stephens, minor of David Stephens, de- —EZj w ths^benefft of said minor.* -- ' .WILLIAM, 1841. T70UR tnoaths after date application * -KTwiB he iiwidd to the jMHorable the In ferior Coart of Jackson coanty, when sit. 'tinghen Court of-Ordinary, for leave to ^Mtfba ihal estate of Beni late of- Cubebs Canthridges ^Corrosive sublimate Cobalt ... „ ..._ r . . Cayeune Pepper .Dover’s powders ; Essences, assorted Extracts, assorted "Ergot / . ‘ im - - i£ — 1 —* ” Fol digitalis ., } . •* Nenna . 'Ginger foot Gold leaf ' Foil, Dentists Hou^r. - vFpium — Hops,-French ' ' **\8hellac • Iodine " Isinglass, assorted. .Inks, assprted • Jujube paste, FrenclwKreosote Magnesia, Henry’s Mask ;v' ^. - . “ • Lump Nut gall Manna,: • - . . Morphine Essential bUbassort'dPearlasli. ' Quick silver ' - - Soda, fqr washing Sal epsotn . & Tapers, fisc. fisc.. 45_4m Orris root. ; n< i Sago and safiron, Saleratua . . * Salt petre, - Sandpaper ' Patent inrdieiftes. _ x^OUR months after date, application : ~.P 'wiO be nude^tojthn hqnorable ^the Evans* Chamomile Pilhi: Miles’ Tomato . - -do • Montague’s Balm, for tooth ache Copaiba Capsules *.* . ^ ' Eustance fic Temple’ll Gonuorrhm Mixture Comp*-"— ^ - - * hH t&TlandiuSd^iegroes'telon^ng to the {jonry of BoneseCfof cqlds ? % j^A^IAiee. , - v % — -gj *-*■" • IJOUR months after date, application ‘ wift be made to the Inferior court’of Morgan county, when sitting for ordinary * parpoees, for leave to aeO the Negroes be- / Jonging to thoeatate of James Simmons. B. JONES, Guartim. ■ QfjfeC- ---Jraraw 33.1841. * S9 It. 8E0R8IA EPBGGPAL IliSTITOTE. MONTPELIER -SPRINGS, MwqfiBKXo. fpHE Institute incorporated k «t tlie last session of the Legislature;of Georgia, for the educathteoPboys upon Christiau principles, and rttjcetatorniiiy io the doc trines and usage*: of the Protestant Epis copal Church oft LifUnUed States, is now open for the reception of students at Mont pelier Springs, in Monroe county. ' The education - , winch it is the purpose ■ ». - - ■ - ^ - v.of the Episcopal ChuPch of Georgia to of- GEORGIA: IWucKns Joseph Oflj. S-f- ibrongli thia Institute to parents Hud •* *- — • guardutns, wiil bejeuch os t» prep*re war sons for entrance to the vurious Colleges and Theological Seminaries 'of the United •States. All the branches of a sound Eng lish Education,Greek. Latin, Drawing aud Music will be thoroughly taught, while a strict religious discipline maintain' e*l in the Institute^ . v'- A ■, - As we should prefer a few pupils, strictly trained upon the principles which we think pr.operns Christians to adopt,to k inultiiudc not under proper restraint, itis our request that no child shall be sent to'* the Institute, whose parents are not willing to sustain thediscipline.nud practices of the school. It will only, subject the Teachers to the painful necessity of immediate dismissal. Until a meeting of theTr'Jstees of tho Institute can be heidj we can do no more than give a general view of the conduct and terms pf the school. It has been pla ced under the management of’ the Rev. Charles Fay, late of the Diocese of Ver mont, whose experience in tWconduct of a religious school, gives us just reason for hope that it wil t be succeastully carried on. He will be assisted by, his /Wife, who was trained bj^het fether, the. present Bishop of Vermont, for tlie very purpose of conse crating her gifts to the glory of God through Christian Education. Mr.:$am*l. Howard Fay, liite of Savannah, will superintend all the temporal concerns of tholnstitute. The-session .will continue, probably, through ten months of the year, throwing out such months ns will permit the childreu to return home withoutrisk to their health. Tho .expeuse will not exceed two hundred and fitly dollars per annum; tor every thing, books and- stationary . excepted.—These will' be-furnished to. the students at cost anil will be unnecessarily changed. There will not be no extra charges except for medical ' attendance in serious cases. Music and drawing will be taught as a part of the educatioor of the school. Each stu dent will be expected to “carry with him ‘ ur fable and fo t nr toilet .napluns. Every ing else will be found.: '• The whole establishment will be under the supervision of the Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia for the time being, assisted by the advice . of twelve Trustees, selected from the Oaity of the Church. It ts almost nhnecessary to say any thing relative to the spot; which has been liber- erally presented . to us. for the location of our school. Jt i?Snmqiia for its remarkable healthiness and,its beauty of position. - Any further information respecting this school, may be Jiad by. addressing S. H. ”ay, Esq.. Post Master, at Montpelir priiigs, Monroe county, Georgia. STEPHEN ELLIOTT. Jr. Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia. March 26, 1841. 4&-£ ^ 4 : ‘4: '<1 ? m tioh. of hie, _ secretion of the 1 The yetas wl tremities Of ** the fu^ctiota : iho arteriW, a* thej heart, &C- Ate. Celebrated Medieiues- • AHESOLD ONLY BY W B. WELLS & Co. ATHENS.. and for sale at No. 131) 1-2 Washington street, Boston. 05“ A Circular containing a few of the numerous notices and recommendations which the work has received, lias been pub lished, and will be furpished to a\\gratuit ously. at the above mentioned {kicel In this sheet, the guiding principles, objects, .and plan of tbe -book are fully set forth, and are detailed at greater length than - uld be doue within the limits of. ait ordi-t iry advertisement.. A liberal discount to wholesale purcha- sers or Agents. • r >" vj Any information can be obtained bv . ad. dressing letters (postpaid) to tlie subscri bers, 1^ 1-2 Washington street, Boston. : SAXTON fis PIERCE, - : Publishers. . (Ky* Country papers copying the above (including this- notice,) and giviug it four inside insertions will be entitled to a copy of the book, subject to their order. MarehlS; 1841. 46-4t JAMES C0NME3, Tsfjpe Jflounder, ."•> :OaXER OF AMX AMD NA8SAU-8T&KETS. New.York'. *- R espectfully informs his : old patrons and the publii* generally, that Ue continues fo manufacture anil sup ply every article used in the Printing'busi ness, as well as to Stereotype all jobs that may offer. He embraces this opportunity to return thanks to those whose patronage he has extensively enjoyed for so .many years, aud to say that he is Vo be found at the old established stand, corner of Ann anu Nassau streets, fully prepared to exe cute any order lie may be honored with; and that the Type.manufactured by him is from a selection of faces taken front his old specimens, together with .a number .of additions of a superior cut; that ena bled to supply sorts, as well, as founts,'oj the most beautiful of his old faces, and of a great ly improved quality of .metal. He is., also engaged in getting up, by a newly discov- ■ered process, an extensive series of jiew and highly ornamental articles. Arrange, ments are made with the manufacturers ot Presses and other Printing Materials, that will-enable him to execute orders as expe ditiously as aniy other the. Un- ion.-ana on as fnvorable tetms. Anew specimen-is now in the course of- printing. •.'* : : ,: u . Newspapers copying the .above adver. tisement' three times, and forwarding one copy contatoipg'it, will be entitled to. their pay in. Type, provided a bill of'four times the amount be made. ' January 22,1841. - ideir- ; ■ A-LL persons'indebted'to the estate of A. John G'Wright, late of Clark county deceased, are requested to come forward and make payment-; and those havingde- taiahds againsi said .estate,-will forward them in terms of the law. , . WILLIS Gi WRlGHT. AdmV. JFebroary g, J^40- * v v 41-X ranted. -March 2G, 1841. Indian Panacea " Houck’s ,da Swaim’s- d«J . Also, an extensive assortment of French, German, and American Perfumery,; Hair, Tooth, Nails, • $hok Hat, -and Scrubbing Brashes.-- -ijf >'•; V %**’ WarrankdFrtshEiigihhGar- f&fe&Ajr den Seed * always'on band, suited to the eeasou. :• In addition to the stock in store, we are constantly receiving from New- York, Phi ladelphia and Boston, an enlarged assort- nteoVfinostly French Importations,) which makes onr assortment as; extensive and complete,-** that of any other boose in this city or Charleston. ; . ; -. - Q5r All orders from Merchants andoth- irs will receive prompt, attention. : .... GARVIN fic HAYNES. Atagost 7,1840 ; • Ns. 232 Broad-street ' ly-15 Cotton Seed. IjUfipMliby JT - WILLIAM DAVIS, leb: 19,1841 ^ 4M Plaster*, seatly printed 4t the »WhigO« BROTHER JONATHAN. The largest arid, most beautiful newspaper in the world; larger by fifty square inches iliatt ariyotfier newspaper in tbe United States./ Published-Saturdays at No 1 Nassau street, New York. Price three dollars at 837-Tub copies for five do!- Iars. ~ T .... fJTHE proprietors, df this mamoth sheet * the Great Western among the news- papers—have the pleasure of spreading beforeJhe public.a weekly periodical con taining a grcnte'r*-ainount- and variety of useful and entertaining miscellany, than is 1 fobejound in' any similar publication in the Since, the publication of- 1 our.-original prospectus, the Brother Jonathan has be enlarged,' aud its size, arnplo before, l been so much increased; that much me.. than’.the former quantity of the most inte resting literature of the day is embraced iu its imraens&caphcity. Selections from nil the most prominent and celebrated wri ters of the day assist in swelling its con- ‘ President Hotel, No. 142, Broadway, New York. T HIS splendid establishment is now open and ready to ..receive those -who may be please'd to favor If with their pat ronage. -The Hotel Is in' excellent order, the furniture new and elegant, the ladies parlours are' furnished ip a style nof sur passed by any in the Union. The<cell»rs arc ^nrelK stocked with tbe beat of wines amt Uqtabrs. The larder will be constantly supplied 'With every delicacy the markets can afford. One of the. pro- S rietors has. been long, and he trusts, ivorably known as a hotel keeper ; lhe other as Captain of steam boats to. Charles-' ton. New Orleans. Gavelston, fice.v- T. B. REDMOND. ' • J AMES PEN NO YER, jFroprietort. We are determined to please, March 19 , 47-3m . Brokerage. iTVEN TON STARKS; would infqrm tbe public, that he is prepared to'buy and Silver South Carolina Funds, Vn- nrrerU Notes, drC.,-<&c. ‘•r "/&£-V&i ■ .Athefl^Mi^h 45-JG Garden Seeds. TUST received, a large supply of Cab. huge Seed,'. Vi *' *.•., - * 5>->V> v SHAW fi& BACON. Feb. J3. ' /I'.- £ ZZf&i&BESH ENGLISH ' GARDEN SEEDS. J^t^^'wbwSl^co. Wanted. ntCOON, mink rad Fu ** Skin., by W NIC0LS & CO. Athens, Febrnarv 26,1831. —7*-- This tm* just fills up tins eohm*- l •-'/*- * -< '• - ' j-vf.-*;-. "•*. -v . '• v ' " • V if :.transfer!ed to its columns. JhonsYo period icalsof Ame rican writers ofrepute appear in its pages; and tbe issues of the foreign press are laid under contribptiofi, as soon as received in lhiu country. .-To the miscellaneous and literary departments* the closest attention is paid r and in all the selections and origi nal contributions, strict-bare isdev~— J — avoid all that Any .touch upon the o of an v pa rty in religion, or politics. Each number.of the* paper contains Us large an arnbuqt of /reading matter as is found m the volumes of tbe ordinary duo- deeimo, vfoieL^Mtae *fi^Und“moire' than is contained mb volume of Irving’s Cp- lumbus, or Bancroft’s History of America, dofiare a°^efr ^ yolun *%r~and aJI for.tbree F»r *5 two copies witfie forwarded one year, one copy two years.. Experience having taught us that w< had marked out.V path' for ourselves, in the Brother JooathitU' shalf contioue as I begun,, to be a bold, gentle, weighty, light, grave, merry, serious, wnty, smooth, flash-; ing, interesting, inspired and incompara ble newspaper.^ It shall be a stupendous mirror wherein all the world shall stand Jtahall'cbntain the most beauti ful of novels, romances aud stories for both sex- s—Fairy-Tales for loveis of tbe mar- velloue i Legends for antlquorians: Pas- qlinades for wit monger; Nuts and raisins for short winded readers; Serenades or musical lovers; Sonnets for ladies; Senti ment* for old bachelors; Statistics for po liticians; and Lectures, Sermons, Criti cism*, Epigrams, &c. &c„ f or all the - - v Letter, ihoald be adtlrcucd to WILSON de CO. Keno to bis Patrons. Credit ia deed tt.d p.y kifi'd him.— Ti. Aenoe-.-dread . .. . . . ' Tnerefore pay him. sir .bread ' Til yon pay up year acorea; Tbat be wtii oof trust. — . JOSEPH B. Z1BBNNE. 47-j6 ;ismq' invnm |nw. warm water, said given when it has be- ■ try - . The prtteM ^ thu* pro- ^ofoecold. }’! I - : . eteds : P ‘ ' * Children from two years old to oibd or The heart, or centre of cirouUfion. ia leo. «nay take from one to (our pills as U . During the present and past years, Di. seas : inid Death have stalked over Gear, gih, and tbere is scarcely a family' within her bounds, whose melancholy counte nances, and mourning attire does not, alas too plainly show, that those. whom’ they hold ucar and dear have gone - unto “that bourne from whence-no traveller returns.” It is uufortunately too evident to t hq minds of most of them, that Cftey might have been sated. Thrt their disea. Senses were slight at first, but that their Physicians, anxious to pocket their FEES, made them si^k, add they were- taken away, often unprepared, from sorrowful relatives.' This being the case, Dr. Eviius •drirros it, therefore, an imperative duty to bring iiis medicines before the publicthey are the result of indefatiga bio research to elucidate the efficacy of tho arcand of Nufore in the cure of di sease, the principles' on which these me. tlicines are established, viz., to supersede the indiscriminate use of the lancet, and of thoso violent and dangerous minerals, which pf rato years-haye caused such in finite mortality—and also-, as imposition stalks abroad in tho shape of deleterious drugs, compounded and put forth by igno rant and incompetent pretendere. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Tbe -nerves, or organs of; sensation, originate frotn -the brain and spinal jnar- row, and are distributed tipou the differ- ent organs, endowed with sensibility.rtnd, as the impulse of external bodies affects tbe sentient extremities of the nerves, and occasions perception.. or.thought, which, when it first arrises in the mind, is tenn- cd sensation. The. nervous system is connected with many functions of the ani- mat economy. Thu two important organs, the Heart and the Brain; being so closely allied by sympathy, any. thing affecting the mind tderanges the arterial circulation'; as tHoy ■o intimately dependent uptm each pih- :, the arterial aqd nervous systems are usually both disturbed-. When the arte-’ rial action is perfectly restored, still the nerves may be-left in such a weak state to require medicine capable of impart- » io their most subtle fluid its pristine ip, and at the same time invigorating tho mind. In such cases, a wonderful remedy is found in EVAN'S CAMOMILE PILLS! Their powers are such, that the palpi.' fating .heart, the tremulous hand, the diz zy eye, and the fluttering mind vanish be. fore themlike noxious vapours before the henign influence of\the morning 'sun These medicines, by ibeir/reanimating and atomachic powers,* invigorate the mind, strengthen the body, improve the memory, and enliven the imagination, so that the whole faculties become-restored to their pristine toue and vigor, * v In all cases of Hypochondriacism, Low Spirita Palpitations of the Heart, NervdusJrritobiliiy. Nervous Weakness, Fluor Albus.Semiiml Weakness, lmliges tioii, Loss of Appetite, Flatulency, Heart- bum, General Debility, Bodily Weakness, Chlorosis or Green Sickness, Flatulent or Hysterical Faintings, Hysterics, Hoad Ache, Hiccup. Si:a Sickness,. Night Mare, Gout. Rheumatism, Asthma, Tic DoloreOx, Cramp, Spasmodic Affections, take two or three Camomile PiUs belore each meal. Those who are victims to that most excruciating 'disordel', Gotti, will find relief from their sufferings, by a course of Evans’ Medicine* commencing with a few doses of Evans* .Family :Ve. getable AperientAnti. Bilious, and the Camomile Pills us above. - % Nausea, Vomiting, Puins in the Side, Limbs, Head. Stomach or Back. Dimness or Confusion of Sight, Noises in the in side, oltemate Flushings of Heat and Chilliiiess, Tremors. Watchings, "Agita tion, Anxiety, Bad Dreams.- Spasms, will' in every case be relieved by an occasion- al dose vf Evans* pills. One of the most dangerous .epochs to, iemales is fit the change of life; and It is then they require 8 medicine which wilJ so invigorate their circulations and thus strengthen their constitutions as may ena ble them to withstand the shock. That medicine is Evan’s Camomile Pills, and with an occasional dose of the 1 Family Aperient Anti BiDious Medicine, upon which they may rely, and will not be de* ceived. . * 5 ' Those who have the care and edaca- liOn of Female&. whether t&e studious or. the .sedentary .part -of' the - community, aknnlft nAtfAo'kn. UTllllAnt Fwt-#* Paa-a ceeds 'ThohearK'— r Tf |t . . . —- .. rfT . replete with blood—its muscles are SttiB u la ted with the ' same—it contracts And propels the blood into the prmcipal artery. from whence, the vital stream flows into all the different branches pf the tarleries to their most minute ramifications, whence they inosculate - with the veins, which now receive the blood, carry it back into the heart, receiving the chyle or source ol nutrition oh the way. The blood being in that state, .unfit for circulation, pro- ceeds by the pulmonary artery into the lungs, tv hero it absorbs the oxygen of. the air or source of nuimal heat, and then re turns into the heart again, from whence it proceeds along the principal artery as be fore. - • r. .. ■■ “ ‘ • ’ • . , ' — - - • " -- .; ' EVANS’ FAMILY VEGETABLE A- FERIENT ANTl-BlLLtOUS.,-: - PILLS, , being composed of ingredients which".ox-, ert a specific action upon' tho .heart, give «u impulse or strength to the arterial sys tem ; v 4he blood is quickened and equal ized in'its ci rcuj at ion. th rbUgh’ >11 thuyes- sels, whether nf the 'skin, the parts situa ted internally,■'or the extremities; and as all the Secretions of the body are drawn from tite blhod, there is a Consequent in/ crease of every.secretion, .and a quickeu. ed action of tho absorbent and exhulent or discbnrging .vcsselsnny .mothid action, may have taken place is removed, all 6b. 8truettona are overcome, the blood i^puri. dose,-according to lint force of 11 der. If upon tho first appearance of^ Small Pox, Measels or Hooping Cotig^Q if the pills are administered in pretty brisk dosed; the disease will be cut short* or sif any time its effects will be' so mitigated, that the child will pasA through all its stages, t ery easilythe pills must be coo. tiiiued eight or ten days after the disease ts subdued: In most vases disorders wiH yield to these'piUs in n'few days; in some inveterate casei, nearly a month may elapse ^before a, decided change for the better will, lake ^place^When from the use of tho pills, the patient fiiids sleep re* stored to his pillow', appetite for *bj» food, and his mind calm. hu wrill then be en ' couraged to persevere' in the daily use of them, until he has eradicated every symp. tom of diseu8e—always bearing in mind that i‘: A ‘ ' : '.-V EVANS*- • FAMILY VEOSTABLB irtttm IB**-i- are,'purely Vegetable, and harmonize so well with the human constitution, that they are perfectly salutary under any circum. It U a common error for. patients to consider themselves cured nf their disor ders before that end is attained; and then to neglect: themselves ; but Jby keeping the medicines always by them, they can at any time prevent any - fresh attack by one or more doses of . tiie pills, and thus remedy their former error. The occa sional use of (ho Vapour Bath ia « fied. and foe h^v resumes n.^ealthful]"^';-^"^-^ t h 0 use of state-. The oireulat‘‘»n, that important j p am ii y Aperient Pills, inrestoriug an should. never * bo > without Evans' Camo. mile PiHs* which remove disorders in th^ head,invigorate tha mind, strengthen the body, improve the memory,- atld enliven theiniagmatioo ;. remembering always to Jteep the bowels open with'Evans* Family Vegetable Aperient'Anti-Bilious.Pitts.. >. ; When the. Nervous System -has been too largely drawn upon and overstrained, nothing is better to nourish, strengthen, and invigorate the-drooping constitution -than Evans' Camomile Pitts;. . Persons whose nerves have boeta thus injured by Calomel or' excessive .grief, great loss of blood, the suppression of accustomed discharges,, or cutaneous eruptions, excess in drinkiog, or : other causes which lend to relax and enervate, the' nervous system, will find a friend to soothe and comfort in Evans’ Camomile sab.; jjjttgMlMMH.^VM ' Those afflicted-with Epilepsy, or foil, ing sickness, palsy, serous apoplexy, and organic affections of-tbe heart, will find sigual relief in Evans’ Camomile* and Aperient Pills. ' • - r •3"' THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. The Heart, a vifccus situated in the left side of the thorax, is to propel the blood through the body. The arteries which originate.from the heart, the use of which is to convey the vital fluid from the heart to the different parts'efthe body, for-nutrition/ preserra- Itecfiow. «ra mftnown 10 dwgiral"C.1 ^ u>li ; y of , Uo cireolatiOT . sits, Gahn. or- Hippocrates; therefore their: deficiency of knowledge,led them to extiact.the vital fluid as a curative means; but upon the principles of the .circulatidij of the blood, the practice, of bleeding is proved to be fallacious. . Tlfoy are so compounded, that by the 6treugtheuing aud eqalizing the action of the heart, they expel the bad, uerid or morbid matter, which' renders tho blood impure, out of the" circulation, through Ihe excretory ducts into the passage-of the bowels, sq; that by the brisk or slight evacuations, which may be regulated by the doses of the Fumily Vegetable Ape-, rient Pills, always remembering that while the evacuations from the bowels are kept’ up,-the excretion from ull 'the oilier Ves sels of tho body, will- also bo guic.g on nt the si me proportion, by which means the blood invariably becomes pul rifled. • Perseverance in the use l of Evanfc* Family Vegotable .American Pills, 'will undoubtedly effect acqiu. even ih the most acuto or obstinate, diseases; but in such cases the dose inaj' bo nugmehted, accord- ing'fo theinveteracy of the disease ; these pills being. «q admirably adapted-jo the constitution, that they may bo taken at all times, and under any circumstances. In Indigestion or Dyspepsia. BUI ious Af fections or'- Liver Complaints. Heartburn or Acidity in tho Stomach, Tightness at the Chest, loss of Appetite, pain in the side or Flatulency, take four pills each, day for a week "■ ' . ' ... — ... In theso diseases, cases often occur which are very obstinate at first, but let hot the patient desputt; perseveraneb in the use of the pills will eventually prove their efficacy by removing the disorder, however inveterate it may have been at ihe begitning. In cases which do not Boon begin to give wny fo the use of the pills, the doses must be grudimUy increas ed to the utnoaut of .dvuble the.quantity ordered or, more.*'- In Consumption, De_ dine, Asthma, Depraved Appetite, Gener al Debility or Bodily Weakness, Atrophy or Bodily Wasting. Nightmare. Seminal Weakness, arid Impotency, take threw or more pills 'every day. sufficient to opei, the bow.els. S«*Q.EvanR* Camomile Pills. In Dropsy, Worms, jaundice. Gravel and Fever, hike from six toeighVorW pills every twelve Hours, 1 for some time, aud when the symptoms are mitigated, di minish the dose gradually. ; •. w *; ? ' ' In cases of Gout. Rheumatism, Lumba go.. Sciatica. Spasmodic Affections, aud Tic Doloreux. lake five or six of; Evans* (Family Apqrii nf Pills every other night. See Evans’: Camomile .Pills. " ' In Hypochondriacism or Low'Spirits. Hysterics,. Palpiiaiions of the Heart, Headache, Faintings or Giddiness,'.take two, three, or more'ofihe Family A peri, ent Pills every'other night for a fottiiight,' (sufficient to Jteep the bo wels open) and during the same time, use Evans’ Camo. mile Pills, as by .directions. ' - ’ *’ For Nerbous Irritability, use the Cam-, otniie Pills,.as by directions.'; The bowels are generally' found .relaxed: if not, use Evans’ Family. Vegetable Aperient Pills, to open tfiojjqwcls wflh doses of two-or more pirfaC ^ ^ ^ ' V. 4 In Typhus Fever, ScarletFever,Piijrid Sore Throat, Ague or Intermitting Fever; _ Heat of -Urine, antNn cases of Incarna tion, take eight or ten Aperient Pills every twelve or twentylfour hours, or oftener if necessary,'untiltheriever h is abatedand continue with two, three or four pills, until well. . . . r .! ; Jn Costiveness or Cholic, (whether flat- ulent or-btllious,) -the;dose ts fromsixfo eight or ten. pills, every eight hours, until, they produce the effect desired. For Cholera Mot bus, die ; pills must be taken in doses of six or eight or more every four hours: when the disease has abated, the dose may be diminished. For Lock Jaxcrnnd Cramp, Coughs and Colds, lake four to six pills dr more every tweive'houra.till the disease isuvercome ; at the 8ame.time using the warm bath: or the feet'mia be put in warm.water be fore retiring to re*C. ' ’ “ In all dasiw of Female Obstructions, Chlorosis or Green Sickness, Rejections of Food and Fluor Albus, take from three to 8ix pills or more every night. In cases of Epilepsy, Palsy, % St. Vitus* Dance, nod Contracted take five or more every night until the symptoms give way; when the doeea may three ptih, Da. W. EVAN’S Soothing Syrup, IiOR CHILDREN TEETHING. IS FOR SALE AT TUB STOBK OF VtrB. WBLLS & Co., Athens, GaK . , f To Mothers And Nurses. The passage df the 'Teeth through the gums produces troublesome & dangerous symptoms. It is known by mothers that there is great irritation in tlie. mouth and guink during this process. The gums swell, the secretion and saUvaia increased; the child is seized with frequent and «ud- dea fits of crying, watchings, starting is the sleep.itnd spasms of peculiar parts; the child shrinks with extreme violence, and thrums its fingers into its inOutb. Il these precursor symptoms are not speedily al- ievitted, sfusinodicconvulsions universally supervene, and soon cause the dissolution of the infant. Mothers whe have their little babes-affiicted with these, distressing sym ptom" would apply Dr. IVm. Evan? Cel*, broted' Soothing Syrup, which, has preeerv- ed nuiidrede of intents when thought past recovery, frpm being suddenly attautsd f\ with that fatal malady, convulsions, ‘ ’ DIRECTIOHS. ' ' O^PZedsit Shake The Bottle IFAen Firs When'children begin to be in pain with their teeth shooting iti their gums, put m tittle of the Syrufoin atea. spoon, aaa with the finger let .the child’s gums be Tabbed' for two or three minuts, three times a.diry^ ' It must put to the breast imsse-> dintely, for the milk would take the syrup off. too soon. When the teeth aje just coming through their gain*, mothers should /immediately apply the syrup: it will pri-vent their children having a fever, and undergoing'that painful operation of lancing the gums, wl.ick always makes the next tooth much harder to come through, and sometimes causes death. 05“Proof positive if the efficacy of Dr. , Evans' Soothing Syrup. Ta tits 1 Ageut of Dr. Evans’ Soothing Syrup: Dear Sir—The great benefit af forded to my r uflerrng infant by your Soo thing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painful dentition, must convince every fosl- tnfl. parent he w essential an early applica tion such an 1 invaluable medicine is to relieve infant misery and torture. My in fant, .while teething, experienced such acute Buffering that it was attacked with couvulsit ns, and my wife amLgpuUy map. posed- that dedtb would soon release tbe balie; from anguish, till we. procured a bot tle of your Syrup; which as soon as I ap plied tq the. gums a wonderful change was- projuceu, and after a few applications, tho child displayed obvious relirf, and ’ by con tinuing in ns use, I uin glad to inform you. the child,'liaa completiy recovered, and no recarrence ;df that .'awful complaint lias since occurred; tbe teeth are emanating daily, and the child enjoys perfect health. * 'ive yoamv cheerful permission to make > acknowledgment pubtie, and will glod- ly'give any information on this citeuue- stance. ' X ' WM. JOHNSON. ' Savannah. Ga. » 05* A' gentleman who has made trial >f Dr.VWm. Evahe* Soothing Svrup, ■ its effectual in relvlng.pafat in. the gums, find preventing the consequences whisk sedis times follow. We cheerfully comply wkla his reqnesl—AT. Y. Sun. . (KrWe believe Il-fo % v edged by those who have tried i _ Soothing ;8youp for Children _ ^. r „„ Teeth, advertised in .another ocdutmn. in* highly useful article foe tbe purgesaf toc which it is intended Highly respectable persous,' at any rate, who have ms' - -~ of it, do not hesitate to giveits vlrii MitijkMrcfah ^ ' ” tju Habefsham IRONWORKS A RE now prepared to receive orders for u A- the; following description ot W6yk.viz: Mill Gearing ofevery vartety and pntlertK Paper, Oil and Cotton Press 8crew*>. { j . Rad Road- Castings of all descriaWoue* ~ Bark and Cobb Mills. " ; V - Cooking Stoves, Hollow .Ware and aft Oth- er. Castings made' at rornaeeB-“ aSitbo Norths All description of I iraing and fit- ting,'dptae ini' the. best n ms * terns made to order for ai . . red. at the'-shortest notice. The Company would say, (ur.aiebiog work equal in r peorauoe, to aoy furnished “ States, and on- mol* i than they can be proemdhBt else. TIAwe also now mfi lions to wuwbeuiN Bar Irpa, ’ be m operation in tbe Ordwra reepectfoP