The southern Whig. (Athens, Ga.) 1833-1850, April 23, 1841, Image 4

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MY JOURNAL. A TRIP Tp ENGLAND IK 183* V». j§|4i>r$S ‘rim Turia=.. /,_ I I.' WI17 eliouhl 1 wwte ink ami p.pcr in dracrilring Iho •Mp Garrirk, ^Sp jrom Hiar York'to Liverpool, when mo . epitome of it may be.Tound io tbo fol- lowing rouuou from tlto’ pcn.of the il- • lnrliiour bard. flnor/eTf*ry pplee of linen unrolled, un.l THE SOUTHERN WHIG, llimwri iijioo tbo floor, mini nothing else - >t)nLiiniD s«M ratDiT xonsuto; jffsr m A fdm \/iaa atreak #till eo BSSSSsSisi^ TWwMeof trait-™! *ti« « feuful AaJ w*B mf auk* th* o#wee Bat tx. *e fre*J**ntR?wind expend* cb# ••»!— • ttseveb. my jufbr:«w* »®" *&**$&? Beads alowly to the brerze tbe gncefal miM; ' 7I» fiMl fawItTitM eonit »Im| ; And every brcMt wiib reptere wim to tweH. K > bGtbe tbo mtuie of Um wilor-*on*! . . what dark cloud has o’er Midden parsed f 1 mast Mow-Jtfae'/JM wl likssavste. hungry beasts upon their piqy ; They bam upon tbs deck.and sweep away • - Wama’artiMtr fary meets, with horrid crash. Is dreadful harmony sew shrieks tbe {ale. Cheating the billows to the work of wrath, . White (bander’s voire resounds along the path Where blackest efoeda in jagged masses saiL It ranot be this total! aod fragile bark Wil beg widmaad the ragtag ef bar fees; Aad y« ska bravos thsirfelsst straagth eomhiaed. ‘ Thera’s that within her whfch in vigor grows '•-The more it’s perilled ; which doth ever mark * Ifcmiainn sisi aoeisse nature—Mtao, Are has tbs wares that some short hoars ago Were ieshmg'medty’caast the blackened sky, That tranquil aow as infant afffaiber be. Aad saaBng as sweet ehildbood’s sonny Am Y Hew hotbed al safer* soeaM la deep repose! Byraibes lotting music from his tuneful nose. " la tram it isa weary thing, this calm I Te be tbesWojqwd, as ifeome magie wgad Hadboand us to the spot with spsOoffet*. What, though the ak be filled with heav’nly balm. Am billows do no: rags f—the thought of land Alone can make our breasts with joy dilate. •AMunda to »*(—there's danger in those deads Riage throuah^tjbe ship the trumpcMoogued Wdi speed*of thought behold the reckless hand The vessel rods and pitches bends the yard Dawn kithe very wave*—a fearful sight To aea them on that dizzy, plunging height, Compel his yielding netitre to perform I . What shape of peril daunts tbe aecastomad eye He bares bis bosom scatheless to the storm. Destruction's self with heedless look will scan, And crushes e’en the knowledge ha mast die. Ah sack one ptwses ay, ana gently laves , The mdes winch oft their levy has oppressed. The fa! orbed mo en looks dowa with fees aerenv. The waters gleaomV ’"eath her cloud lew ray. While zephyrs sofdy with the canvass play That woos their kim-il is a lovely scene. Tbahelnsman and the night-watch are my sole ‘Compeoioneow (he tfech, which through the day 8# boating seemed with hopes, and joys, and fears, ’ J How throws my spirit offttf* world’s control; Hbwaoara on raptars’sserapu* wings away, Agd javeb in the light of other apbetts! .*• . . Vh^ . . \. f , •Landho! land ho!’ thaUsMuftimag sound! s by, tad gently lavas Qaick leaping through the ship with joyous booed. AH rash upon tbs .deck—each sparklink eye WMiaegacgaaa is beat upon that dood sty folds the wfehad fcr objects abroad. •Tiers, there it is V a smversal shoot Salome the Waving Goer now dimly seen, Aad past adshaps are lost in present mirth. Ws speed along how brightly, doubly green Those fields appear! now leap ws gaily oet— . Oaaa more, once store, I kiss thee, mother tarth! The interim between the first and last vorae, occupied twenty days, and sfehoogh oar fellow passengers wore a- greoable, tho ship’s library well stored, . and tbe (are excellent, I do not know thlt J ever waa so rejoiced to see a hurnanbeing, as when tlio pilot came on board at tho mouth of the river Mersey, ' on the morningof the 5th of November, >41832. ■ A . ;*• i • * As wo aailod up the river, a brilliant ■on, and cloudless sky unfolded one of Itefag f.mtid, : which was- liable tty pay duty, a pocket biblc-in which the owner writroo bis name fa, was Mixed, fridad toUl tbat be might ‘pack up, arid be off.” - ' -This conduct on tbe part. of the first minion of Royalty whom we encounter ed, waijiot calculated to give tia a very favorable impression of the Institutions of the country through wbudi we inten ded travelling; but it was so agreealde to find ourselves once more upon terro firms, that tbe occurrence was soon for- gotten. . Tbe dale of the existence of Liver pool is comparilively modern; and, either owing to its local advantages not having beeu duly appreciated, or to the general absence of the spirit of me trial enterprise, it has bat lately em erged from obscurity; but its rise has been so rapid, and its political and com mercial relations have become so impor tant, that it now stands next to London in'the scale of British cities. Its nu merous ittrueturea for devotion, charity, pleasure and business, in many of which the metropolis itself is rivalled; the im mense ranges of newly erected dwelling distributed fato streets and squares, in the most eligible situations, and in a style of superiorelegance; tbo number and convenience of those recep tacles of its shipping—the docks; all exhibit, at one view, the effects of com mercial industry, directed by genius, and supported by character. In entering upon a descriptu Liverpool, tbe Docks, from their ber, magnitude and importance, are en titled to priority of notice. They are of three kiwis: The wet docks, which receive the ships fa the foreign trades, haring large and heavy cargoes to dis charge. They enter and depart from these at high tide, when the gates are opened and the docks filled--as the tide lowers, tho - t gates aro abut, and the water retained, while the bed of the riv er is nearly dry. The next are fos dry docks, so called, because they are left dry when tho (he tide ia out; they gen erally receive the vessels/that are cm. ployed coastwise. Tbe Others are the graving docks, which admit or exclude tbe water at pleasure, and in which ships ore laid rdy for the purpose of caulking *>*id repairing. The largest Dock, called Prince’s Dock, and being fro- qucnled by all the Americas packet ships, presents a constant scene of bus tle and animation. It is 500 yards long, by 106 bntfri, and covers an area, inelu- dingitstwo ft^cks, of67,129 yards. The quays bn tmek’ aide are spacious, and tbe whole is enclosed by a lofty brick wall, baring gates at convenient distan ces. j There are seven other wet docks, tbe whole embraringan axeaof upwards of ninety acres of -water. • It was with much pleasure that I ac cepted tbe invitation of a friend to visit St James* Cemetry, which is farmed on the site of a quarry from which suvHcz® 111 stone has been abstracted to constru ct many of the public buildings. Thr lower part of tbe ground is tastefully’ disposed in shrubbery' and flowerbeds, ir4ersected by serpentine walks. On one ride-are ranges of catacombs rising to the level of tbe city, while tbe others elope gradually, and are covered with cypresses, yews and willows. There were but few monuments erected, the cemetry baring just beeu laid out but THREE DOLLARS per annum, pay*. !»1* within six months after the receipt ot the fit at number, or FOUR DOLi LARS if not paid within the first six months. Subscribers living out of the Stats, mast in all eases, pay in advance. Mo subscription received for less than en* year, unless tbe wonsy is paid in ad vance; amino paper will be discontinued •util all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. Psreons re-' questing* discontinuance of their Papers, are requested to bear in mind, a settle- meat of their accounts.. Bates of Advertising, Letter* of Citation, .82 75 Notice to D’rs and C’rs, (40 ds) 3 25 Fsur Months Notices, 4 00 Kales of Personal Property .by 7 Executors, Administrators, or >3 25 Guardians, 3 Sales of Lands or Negroes by do. -4 75 Application for Letters of Dismission, 4 50 Other Advertisements will be charged 81 00 for every thirteen lines of small type, or less, first insertion, 6nd50 cents for each weekly continuance.' If publish ed every other week, 02 1-2 cents for each continuance. If published once a month, it will be charged 75 rents each time. For a single insertion, 81 00 per square Advertisements, when the number of ntertions is not merited upon them, will b« published till forbid, and charged cordingly. t$r Noties of the sale of Lands and Negroes, by Administrators. Kxeeutors, or Guardians, most be published sixty days previous tp the day of sale. #3* The side of personal Property, in like mnuner, must be published voxtv days previous to day of sale. (&• Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published fobty days. 0^ Notice that Application will be made to the Conrt of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published rock mouths. • £fc>- Notice that Application will he made for Letters of administration, must be published thirty days, and Letters of Dismission, six months. rpHESE medicines are indebted for A their n»tne to their manifest and sensible at: tic it iu purifying the springs and channels of life, and enduring them with rented tone and vigo«v In many hundred certified cases which lmve been made public, and hi almost every species of distune to which the human frame is liable, the l.anpy effccllr of MOFFAT’S LIFE ’.PILLS AND PHENIX.BlTTERS have been gratefully and publicly acknowl. edged by the persons benefit ted, and who were* previously unacquainted with the beautifully philosophical principle# upon which they are . compounded; and upon which they consequently set The LIFE MEDICINES recommend themselves in diseases .of every form and description. Their first operation is to loosen front the coats of the stomach and bowels, the various impurities and crudi ties constantly settling around them, and to remove tbe hardened feces which collect in the.convotations of the small intestines. Othet-medicines only partially cleanse these and leave such collected masses be- bUxNas to produce habitual costiveness, with aH its train of evils, or sudden diar rhoea,'with Its imminent dangers. This fact is well known to ail regular anatom ists, who examine the human bowels after deathand hence the prejudice of these well informed rasa against quack medi- cines—or medicines prepared and heralded the public by ignorant persons. The Sheriffs* Sale. For May, 1811. The firet name after the property, is that of tho owner. The latter that of the per son at whoso instance it is levied upon.' Xftadison. Meadows second "effect of the Lite Medicines de*A the kidneys and the bladder, and by this means, ilie liver sod tbe lungs, th* healthfn) action of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary or raus.—T)»e blood, which takes its red color from the' agebej of the liver and-lungs, before it passe* into the heart, being thus purified far them, and nourished by food eoming from * ctath stomach, courses freely; through; the vfeins, renews every part: of the system,: and triumphantly Administrator's Sale. \MTILL be sold on the first Tuesday in * * May usxt, before the court house door in the townni wntkinwillr, within the usual hours of sale, one hors* belonging to the estate o( Archibald Lard, deceased. WILLIAM LARD, Adm'r. March 12. 1841. - 46-tds evor. beheld. The shores, well cultiva ted, end frfaged with rich enclosures, gradually sloped to thei water* edge; while the river was almost coveted with vessels—fpme, laden with the pro- . doceof British industry, dropping down, Administrator's Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the ‘Hon orable the Inferior Court of Troup county, when sitting for oidinary purpo ses, will be sold on the first Tuesdsv in May next, in the town of Clarksville, Hab ersham county, iiotof land No. 159 in the ^ . tJDi.t-0f „id county, containing MO, seres more or less, belonging to the ea- hy in jr tm*|^p himself may sat tale of Michal Pearson, late of Maringo county, Alabama, deceased. Sold for toe benefit ofthehsir* of said deceased. Terms CD the day of sale. JAMES M. CHI VERS, AdiaV Feb. 26.1841. 44-ti F OUR months after date, appli cation will be made to the Honora ble the Inferior court of HaU county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to cell the Negroes belonging to the estate of Frank Jones, deceased. W. JONES. Ex’ mounts tbe bannerof health in the bloom ing cheek., Moffat’s Vegetable Lifo Medicines have been thoroughly tested, and pronounced a sovereign remedy for Dyspepsia. Flatnlen- " * itation of the Heart, Loss ofAp- [eartburn and Headache, Restless ness, Ill-temper, Anxiety, Lsngour and Melancholy, Costivenrss, Diarrhea, Chole ra, Fevers of all kinds, Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies of all kinds, Worms, Gravel, Asthma and ' Consumption, Scurvy, Ul cers, Inveterate Sores, Scorbutic Erup tions and Bad Complexions, Eruptive com plaints, Sallow, cloudy, and other disa greeable Complexions, Salt Rheum, Erysi pelas* Common Colds and Influenza, and various other complaints which afflict tbs human frame. Ia Fever and Aovs, par ticularly, the Life Mcdicifies hare been most eminently successful; so much so that fa the Fever and - Ague districts Phy sicians almost universally prescribe them. All that Mr. Moffat requires of his pa- tientflia to bo partietdar in taking the Life Medicines. strictly, according to the dircc- i ions, i It'is not by a newspaper notice, or by any thing lie himself may say in their isvor, that he hopes to gain credit. It is ’one hy tbe results oTa fair trial. MOFFAT’S MEDICAL MANUEL; de- good as a domestic guide, to health, his little pamphlet, edited by W. p. Mof- fat, 375 Broadway, New York, has been published for the purpose of explaining more fully -Mr. Moffat's theory of disea ses, and will be found highly interesting to persons seeking health. It treats iipi tkm will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting as a Court of ordinary, for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to Overturn Stephens, minor of David Stephens, di sased, for tbe benefit of said minor. WILLIAM D1CKEN, Guar. March 5. 1841. 45-4m T^OUR months after date application wiU be made to the honorable the In ferior Court of Jackson county, when sit ting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to aril the resl estate “ ” ’ • — late of said county. JOHN SEAY, AdaCr. February 5,1841. 41-4m E j^QUR months after date, application Will be made to the Inferior court of Morgvft 1 eotmty, when sitting for ordinary Aqiia ammonia Bark. Peruvian Brimstone, Balsam Copaiba Cream Tartar Castor oil, No. L purpoa , 'V» ,iBr *° ■*!! the Negroes M- Cantor, waging t> the estate of James Simmons. if the committee cany out their plan of allowing no monnmonlto be erected but ordinary ^guri»se#, and otliere, bearing home the produc tions of foreign dimes, coming into port. TkepsctoTe wasfilled op and enlivened hy numbers of steamboaia, smoking as J they aril against both. Wild and tido^and byamal! sail-boats, glidtogin different direcdons (hro^fi thW Water, scadding 'bsftro. the breeze, or impelled by the ateusured stroke of the oar. Am we ap- preached tbe city we became meet more with .fra great commercial \tmpWtaace. The immense dofiks; filled with shipping, literally presented a foT- sf.whilethe f hum of what are in good tiate, the spot will be an unique and ornamental appendage, of tho highest utility to the city, and an object of curiosity to the visiter. From the Cemetry ure went to the Institution for the Blind, which presents an. interesting spectacle. If any class of pcopleare deserving of pity, it is the indigent blind. They are either fpreed to a life of vagrancy and-rice, orobliged to depend far a scanty sustinenco upon a grudging parish or needy relations; and, dettUute .of employment, they drag fkttttedristetiee paitaui to themselves, tjndivtietisonie to society. At this in- stitution, however, they have succeeded fa leannng'tWblind a number of useful art*, and thus qnsbled them by obtain ing employment, to escape tbe miseries of vacancy and' reflection, and - at- tho Wittfifiiito become lemdependent, fay contributing to their own subsistence. The pupils were neatly dressed, aind seemed happy as they pursued tbeir*av- ocations with, a degree of skill that could Wot fail to elicit surprise. They were engaged in btuikec making, spin- who .placed the the left hand, z —, end t he faca allowed te ^ ^ cure for B. JONES, Guardian. January 2J* 1841. - ■CiOUR months a.ft*rdate, application Will JU be made to tbe iJonornblei the Inferior under age, bold in the Ia**o comins to the •rphans of William Hays,‘deceased, from the estate of Nehemiah Hays, deceased. Sold for the benefit of said orphans.* JAMES TREVOR, Guardian. February 5b 1841. 41-4m JAMES CONNER, Type Founder, coax ex or ask a*d nassau-streets. Nexo-York. R espectfully informs iu* old patrons and the public, generally, that he continues formsnufketure and sup ply every article used in the Printing busi- aces, as well as to Stereotype all jobs that may offer. He embraces this opportunity te return thanks to those whose patronage he has extensively enjoyed for so many yean, and to say thathc iato be- found at tbe old established stand, corner of Ann and Nassau streets; fuHy prepared to exe cute any order he may be honored with; and that the Type manufactured by him is from a selection of fsces taken from his sewing, Ac, ami it is also a great object of tboauperfatending committee tohave them well instructed in music.' They », WWpanibk, qualified for tbe t handTaiid °® coofo rganbita,.ciramatanc.which, io country plmcm particularly, may bo an important advantage to the neighbor hood where they are introduced, for almost every church here hiss an organ. * oy are enabled to pro ws a comfortable live lihood, and have mot with considerable s* Brokerage. 1 Seed * eefl Gold, Silver South Carolina Fundi Un- , >eb WILUAM DAVIS. Athens, March TO aa CONCLUDED. 200 acres of-Land, adjoining Meadows and others; Elisha Ware and James Long, Executors ot Edward Ware,' decoased. vs. James M Wai e administrator of Higginbo tham, deceased. - ' ' 50 acres of Land, on tbo waters of Brushy Creek, adjoining lands of Bridy Williams and others: William Meroney,.and others, vs Noah Segrnves. Walton. • 202 1-2 acres of Land, the place whereon Thomas Mobley now resides, adjoining lands of Jesse Dismusks and other*» Os- well E Cnraiicfheal, survivor, dec. vs. Eli jah Beam, Thomas Mobley, James Smith, and Ferdinard Beam.. Two Negroes, 8ilvey, about . . years old, and* ber child a boy about 8 months old: Algenon S Williams and oth ers, W F Hill. One road wagon and two pair horses, te surrcl horse eight years old, and five head of cattle, the property of Samuel Ag- new, one-fourth or acre lot In the town of Social Circle, the fot whereon Jonathan Lcwellen now resides, with the improve- meats, three head of horses, one a sorrel mare eight years old. one a bay horse po ne v 4 years old, one a sorrel horse 4 years old: Charles B Hitt dc Co. vs Samuel Ag- new and Jonathan LeweUen, security en stay. One sort el horse 9 or 10 year# old; le. vied upon as the property of Robert A Johnston, to satisfy a fi fa in favor Jennings dc Palmer. One hundred acres of Land, in the cut off j nut of Walton county: levied on as the property of Thomas Jones, the place whereon the defendant now lives, adjoin ing Vnnderford and Widner. Hitt and Dill, v* Tfeomes Jones. Clark Sb’ff<sSaIc. For May, 184L :- v ; . -^yiLLtesoM on th-flntTuMlhyui door in wi - loviod on o» th. property of Bomon. to mUsly two 8f»« _ Lumpkin Inferior court,one in ..- irr .-, faTor of James Hunt vs said Bomon, and *|, e lenl hours the other in favor of Joseph Stover, for the nertvto wit; use of James Hunt vs Preasly Howard and , ™ -"A 1 William O Bomon, and one from the Su. J-ttfGC DCgTOCSj IO Wit perior Court, In favor of John Choice dc Co. and one in favor of Keen Sc Hope, Bank of Darien and sundry others vs said „ Andrew HoweQ has [os. 113,146.147, all mthe 15th diet. — - mo. north: all levied on aa the proper ty of Andrew Howell, to satisfy two fi fas issued from Lumpkin -Superior Court .fa favor of Reuben Walson and A '.K Black- well vs said Howell.; Clark Sb<ffts Sale, For May, 1841. VX7IM. ■» noM oi> th. fit* Taa^ay in TT M»y next, nt th. Court Honeo of .Clarka county, within tho hpqful hour, of Mle^the following property, to wit: : “ . Thirty shares of the capital Uoek of the GeorgiaBafl Hoodud Bank- ing Company, atrutding on tbe hooka of the Bonk in the noma of the trustee ot L. A. Bobby, leeied on u the property of Wm. J. Hobby, 8entor, the security, to mtieiy noffa. one from the Biehmond Interior Court in faeorof Andrew I. Miller rr. Wm. J. Hobby, Junior, pricip.1, and Wm. J. Hobby, Senior, eecority, the other from tbe Court ol Common Pleas, of the city ot An. gusto, in fovor of Wm. E. ud J. U. Ji " xi. the some. The interest of Joseph M. Har- S n choree of the capital otockoi the Rail Rood and Bonking Company, : on tho Books of tbe Bank hi tbe name of the estate of Da,id Steplieni de ceased, being one tenth pert or acid shares. Also, the interest of the raid Joseph M. Harper, in the tract of land wherepii Oarid Stephens, Junior, now resides, leeied on aa the property of Joseph M. Harper, to aides: leviedon as the property or Malvina satisfy a jfi/a issued from the Superior Eskridge, by virtue of a fi fe issued from Court of Stewart countr.m fteorof W. Z. m _ _ i upon' prevalent diseases, and the eanees there- of. Price. 25 cents—for sale byMr. Mof fat’s agents generally. Then, ▼aiimblo Medicines are far sale in AUiPrfs, Gn.,at tbs Prug Store ef Marchil7.isy>. C.M.BEESE, Ag’l. DRFfiS; MEDICINES. &C. FM1HE subscribers continue to keep JL constantly on hand,*a large and ffell selected assortment of nma HelleiiMS, Vslsta, OH*. Glass, At ye Stuff8, &c. Ac. All ot which- they will sell on as liberal terms as any other house of th* kind in this place. The following is a brief cata logue of their stock; Arrow vooti best Arsenis • ---a. Alum Bluestons Blacking. Borax, Camphor Cnbebs Canihridges Corrosive sublimate Cobalt Cayeune Pepper Essences, assorted Ergot Foldigitalifl " Senna Gingerroot Gold leaf u Foil, Dentists Honey Hops, French w —y • t-r Iodme Isinrlass, assorted Inks, assorted Jujnbo parte, FrencfaKreosote Magnesia, H«ny*a Mask «; Lamp Nut gall Manna/ Morphine Essential oiLkfissort'dPenrI ash Orris root. Quicksilver and saffron. Soda, for washing ' Salepsom One honse and lot in the towq of Jeffer son, wlicreon Henderson Gilliland now re. nf Melvins the Superior Conrt of Jackson county, in favor of James C Rawls vs Melvina Esk- a -R, property c fi fas, tbe officers of Court vs Boler Moon. f Hall. One mute: levied on as the property of Obadmb Gravitt, to satisfy a fi fa from Hall Superior Court in favor of Thomas Minyard, vs John Laity, Obadiah Hravett, Ezekiel Buffington and James Say, secu rities on the stay. Lots of Land Nt lot No. 146. containing 125 acres, all in the 10th diet, and lott No. 42, in the 11th diet, of said ceunty: levied on as tho property of John Wlielchel, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa from Hall Superior Court in favor of Warren Joordan. 150 acres, more or !«#■, being all the traet of land whereon Slighter Starnes now lives: levied on as his property, io satisfy sundry fi fas from a Justice's Court in fa vor of Wm M Beil, J E Brown & Co. and others. Habersham. One Town lot in the village of Clarkes- ville. No. 28, and all the improvements tberoon, and lot No. 42, 10th disk Haber sham county, and part of lot No. 13, and part of lot No. 20, both in th*»8rd dial. Hab ersham county, containing 300 acres: le vied on as the property of noses Hershaw, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Samuel TunnoU, and other fi fas vs said Horshaw. Lot No. 5.13th dist. Habersham county, levied on as the property of Sylvanns Rip ley, deceased, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Conrt of Jackson county, in favor of Robert Ratchford against J D Friersnn and Obedience Ripley, adminis trators of S Ripley deceased, and Jaifies Nabers. Lumpkin. Lot No. 223, i3th dist. 1st sec., south levied on as the property of Charles Cofch- run, to satisfy two fi fas issued from » Justice’s Court of Lumpkin county, in fa vor of Roland Osbnrn vs said Coehr Lot No. 53,1st diet, of originally H&ber- jam, now Lumpkin eonntv, containing ■250 acres, more or less, well improved; levied on as the property of Lewis. Brady, ify two fi fits one from the Superior Court of said connty in favor of Edward Carnes vs Lewis Brady and Hogan Gaddis; the other from the Inferior 'court of said county, in favor of James Hunt vs Lewis Brady and Thomas Goodrum. ’■< All the interest Utak Richard Moore and John Burk has in'andto lota Noe. 586.and 32,13th dist and 1st sec. north half: levi ed on aa the property of Moore Sc Bark, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior court, of Lumpkin in favor of the officers of court vs Moore Sc Burk. Fractional lot No. 267,13th diet. 1st south coattuning thirty-eight acres, more or less: levied on as the property of John Smith, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from a Justice's court in Lumpkin county, in favor of James Cantrell, R Oeburn and others vi said Smith. Conit of Stewart countv.fa favor of Walthour tr. Joseph M.~Harper. ■ Thirty four negroes, to wit: John, Nelly, Betty, Jinsey, Folly. Eliza, Nancy, Barry, Cambridge, * blacksmith, Jimmy, Joshua. Fanny, Ben,Joehua.Eady, Betty, Hesse, Abram, a shoe maker,-Jona than, Lucius, James Johnson, Miles, Sally. Sirena, Mtqtha, James, Squire, Margaret, Mary, Glasgow, a shoemaker, Daniel, Ro bin, a first rate blacksmith, Levina and Ga briel. of ages ranging from 45 to infancy, levied on as the property of John A. Cobh, to satisfy sundry fifas issued from the In ferior Court in favor of 8teven Thomas v$ John A. Cobb and Howell Cobb, endorser, and otherJE/<» vs. John A. Cobb. JAMES HENDON, D. MM. April 2, 1841. 49-tds Tapers, dee. dee. medicines. Peters’ Bilious Pills' Evans! Chamomile PiHa Mfles* Tomato do Montague’# Balm, for tooth ache Copaiba Capsules Eustance Sc Temple’a Gonnorrhw Mixture Corn plasters Honey of Boneact, for cold* Hay’s Linamenl for Piles ( Balm of Colombia, !or restoring the hair Indian Panneea old specimens, together with a number of Houck’s do addinons.of asnperioreat; tbatheisena- 8waun r * do . J " * - - weD asYounts, rt the Also,an extensive assortment of French, faces, and of a areal- German, and American Perfumery; Hair, la improved nalUy tf metal He ie nlso Tooth, Nails, Shoe, Hat, mid Scrubbing engaged ingetlin jup, bj a newly diacov- Brneiiee. : ' .erf nroceM. .n extensiro rarie. of new Warranted FrCshEngUsh GttT- mnd lnglily ornamental articles. Arrange- ,r„_ nients are made with the manufacturers of llCJl Presses and other Printing Materials, that always on hand, suited to the season, will enable him to exreule orders as exne. In addition to the stock in store; Wear* ditiouKly aa any other Founder fa the Un- constantly receiving.from New York, Phi- ion, and on as favorable term*.- ladelpbia and Boston, an enlarged assort- A new specimen is now in th* course of ipent, (mostly French Importations,) which printing. * . makes onr assortment as extensive and copying the above r.drrr- complete, ao that of'any other house In this times, and forwarding one city or Charleston, copy containing it, will be entitled to their Afl-ordero from Merchants and oth- pay in Type, provided a bill of four times era wlfl receive prompt attention, the amount be made. - GARVIN 4c HAYNES. January 22,1841. 39-3w No. 232 Broad-etreet it 7,1840 Iy-15 Alt the title and interest (bo- ing. life esute) of T.bitba Melanin Mifl I, two Degrees, to wk: Jim,, nu .boot dtf ■ jexra ofige, uid SipMns, .girl Mxrntl, YP»r* of eg., slso Ml the interest of Btread Mellon in ud to eMd negroes; one h>, mare, 0 jeers old. tbe property of TebUh. Melton; also the into irate of Trtiuha Meg. ton ud of Stroud Moku io end u . era. tein met of lud u the waters of Barber, Creak, containing three hnndred acres, more or Mn, adjoining Crow and others, ing the place whereon Snood Melton now lire., leried on in satisfy .fir. in ft. vdr of Anaeinm L. Harper ee Stroud MeU ton and Tabithn Melton, and another I ft - Tabkha Melton. All tho title and interest of William E. Hugbcsjn and to fourteen acren of land, more or tees, on Barber, Creek joining Tuck and others, with the imprrare. meats on said met of land, including a grist and raw mid, with all the appnrten. aneea thereunto belonging .leeied on to •ohefj ajf/era fartir of Hartwell Jaekaon, Sen. ei. William B. Hnghea and Knao S, Vincent. One negro man by the name Df Fed rick, about M Tears of age, leried ones the property ofG. W.Foster, to eat- mr a fif. in faeor of Tbomaa J. Parmileo es. G.W. Foster, N. C.Barnett and W. B. Bright well. FRANCIS JACKSON, Sh'ff. April 8,18«1. 49Ada Forsyth Sh«ff% Sale, For June, 184L \\T1LL be sold beta, the Conrt Honeo * * door, in tbe town ol Camming, For syth county, on ths first Tuesday in June next, within tbe usual hours of sale, tbo following, property, to wit: One Road Wagon and firo Mules, levied on as the property of William Farris, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from Forsyth- Inferior Court, in fiuror of II. H. Rausscaw, v». said Farris, property pointed out in said mortgage. ELIAS FINCHER, Sh% April 2,1841. 49-tds Administrator's Sale. 3REEABLE to aq order of the orable the Inferior court of Madison county, when sitting for ordinary purpo ses, will be sold before the court honse door of said county, on the first Tuesday ia April next, between the usual hours, of sale, the following property to-wit: The plantation whereon James W. Hopkins, deceased, formerly resided, with tbs lm- irovements thereon, and the right (hat he ia* to one negro boy, Sam. All sobl for tbe benefit of hta heirs. Terms made known on the day-of sale. : JAMES HOPKIN, Aim' January, 22,1841. 39 Executor's Sale. House doors, of the counties In which the. land now lies : Lot of land in the eighteenth district, third section of Cherokee connty, number sixty five, containing forty aeVes. lLSO—One half of lot number two hun dred and sixty eight, containing one hun dred and sixty acres, in tfae> twenty third district, and second section of Cherokee. WALTER A. APPLING, Executor in right qfKhM/tfjijjrn tie estate Aprils, 1641. Forsyth SMPs Sale. For May, 1841. YN7ILL be sold before tbo court honse * *■ door in the town of Camming, For syth eonntv, on the first Tuesday in May next,, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to.wit: Lot of (and, No 1223 in tho second district, first section, levied on as the property ot John Anderson, to satisfy nft/a issued from Foray th Superior Court in favor of Jacob Pettijohn vs. James An derson and John Anderson. « Lots No 252, and 379,- am 323 in the first district, first section, levied on as property of William Farris to satisfy sundry fifas issued from a Justice’s Court of Forsyth county, in favor of David Black, well, for the ass of C. HoweD,leviodonand returned to me by a constable. ' Lois of land No. 318 and 3l19 and north east halfof3I7 and 411,413 and the West half of424 in the 14th district, first section, leviedon as the property of Absolem M< Reese, to satisfy nfifd issued from Forsyth Superior Court in fitvor of Richard Banks ts Absolero M. Reese and Jacob M. Sc udder, property pointed out by rt R. Billups, deceased ' will be made to ’ the Honorable the Inferior Court of Clark county, when set ting as a Court of ordinary, for leave'to sell lO shaies of the Bank Stock ol the Georgia Rail Road, one tract Vof land con taining 250 acres more or . less, whereon David Stephens now lives, also two negro men, Dick and Simon, all the property of David Stephens, deceased, So be sold for the benefit of the bare, and creditors of said deceased. ' c : >.•;.» > . HARRIS STEPHENS, E**r. April 16, . v . 5i-4m Lot No. 793.4th dist. 1st sec.: levied on as tbe property of John H Hi! ho use. to satisfy a fi fit issued from a Justice's court of Lumpkin, in favor of Newton Bramlet, for the use of Joel Bramlet ve said Hil- huse. Lots Nos. 558; 600, 601. 602, 624, 625, 667,669 693,691, sR fa the 5th dist. 1st sec.: levied on as the property of Elias Turney, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Inferior, court of said county, in favor of Martin Davis vs Elias Turner and Nathan iel Harbsn, security on stay—the above lots levied on under the incumbrance of three mortgages, one in favor of James Brannon, oue in favor of Harrison 8um- me roar, and the other in favor ol A B Mal ory, etaL LotNo. 476,12th dist. 1st section: levied on as the property of WiJIiato Findley, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Lumpkin Supe rior court in favor of Matthew Keeth. vs said Findley. Lot No. 118MIth diet 1st section: le vied on as the property of William Rich ards, to satisfy two fi fas issued from a Justice's court of Rabun county, in favor of Cleavhtnd Coffee, vs. said Rsehards. The one undivided half of lot No. 1083, 12th dist. 1st section: levied on a# the siropertj of Jonathan Jewetts, to satisfy a WHEREAS Harris Thur- mond. Guardian of the or- phans of Jose] applies to me for letters.'of These are therefore to site ish all and singular, tbe kindred and eredi;. tors of said minora, to bo and/appear at my office, within foe time prescribed by Given under my hand at office, this 5th January, 1841.. BOWLIN CONNOR, c.c. •. 97-6m Two negro men, Stephen, a mulatto, between twenty and thirty years old; and Andereon, about twenty or twenty-five years old, very dark: levied on as the prop erty of Boling \V Field, to satisfy a fifa issued from Lumpkin Superior court, in favor of the Bank of Darien, vs Boling .W Field, Wm G Field and John D Field, sen. LotNo 991, in tbe 12th dist. and 1st sec tion, on which there is a grurt and saw mill: levied on as the property of Corneli us Hibberts, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from the'Superior court of Lumpkin coun ty, one in favor of the Georgia Railroad and Ranking company, one in favor of B W Force Sc co. and one in favor of Lott, and sundry other fi fas vs berta. Wbbsbas Joseph Bell, Administrator of the ee- tale oTFraneM Bell, dec^ applies to me for Lettereof Dismission: These are therefore to cite and admoL ish all and singular the kindred^ and eredi- tors of said deosaaed, to be *nd appear at, within tbe time prescribed by. law, to show cause* if any they have, wire said letters should not hi granted. Given under my hand at office, this 21st day of December, 1840. : 4 JOHN G. PITMAN, eao. Lot of land No. 36, in tho sc- cood district, firet section, levied on as the property of John H. Hensloe, to satisfy a fi fa issued from a Justices Court of Camp bell connty, in favor ot Adolfos White, le-' vied on and returned to me by a constable. Lot No. 340 in the third dis- trict, first section, levied on as the proper ty of Dudley M. Jones, to satisfy a i /«is sued from a Justices Court of Madison connty, fa favor of Gill fa Bond. Levied on and returned to me by a constable. Lots of land Noe. 1070 and 1071, and 999, and 906k in foe third district, first section, leviedron aa tbe property of Merida Scruggs, to satisfy sundry fifas is sued from a Justice's Court, of Forsyth oouDtr, fa favor of Leonard Winters tx. Merida Scruggs and R. Foster. Levied on and returned to me by a constable. Lot No. 166 in the 14th dis- trict, first section, leviedon as the proper ty of Samuel MeRigbt, to satisfy a jf/e is sued from a Justice’s Court of Forsjth county, by virtue of an attachment in fa vor of Cam fa FooL Levied on and return ed tome by a constable. Lots Nos. 287, and 299, and 300; in foe first district, first section, levied n as tbe property of Jerman M. Lester to ; to show cause, if any they have, why atiafy sundry fi'fas issued from Forsyth said letters should not be granted.- ^ > ^ Superior Court, in favor of Moore fa Da- GEORGIA, )WhE R E A 8 John Q Cfarfc Cotortv. >Mayne,'Adi “ jr" This is, therefore, to cite and admonish^ all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be.and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cauw, if any they have, why said vis vs. Smith fa Lester, and other fi fas vs. said. Lester. Lot of land No. 199 in tho third district, first section, levied-on aa tbo* property of William Phillips, to satisfy ajf fa issued from the Foray th Superior Court in favor of Hand 4 Scranton t*. the said Wm. Phillips. One grey mare, one cow and rail. And 30 brad of Mock hog*, leried on aatbs prop«rtj of John Wollis, to ntiWV . //a ianad from tba Inferior Contt of K>r. nth coonlj, io fetor of Z. D. Hr rood rs. John Wollis. maker, and M. K. Hudson and Wm.G. Reid, securities. Lot of land No. 666 in tho third district, first section, leried on artho property of Charles Garner, to aatWjr a fi ft issued from sJsatioo’o Court, ofPauld. ing county, in feror of Augustus Young XI Chartea Gamer, and D. U. tc B. M. Witch, er, andoraen. Leried on slid returned to me by acontlable. I ELIAS FINCHER, letters should not be granted. Given undermyhondat ■■BBsnsassnnaamhhinBfl day of February, fo41. • - ’ ■' . BOWLIN CONNORfe.c. 6. . t;—■ sr—^—t-t* Garden-Seeds, wt* jU^r^ived,* a large supply of Cab- ' SHAW ( Jo BACON,^ WESH ENGLISH lARDEtfS EDS. r U8T yoci.od, mdf.r safe by: W B WELLB do CO; Aprils, 1811. Clark Sheriff’s Sale. ' For June,-1841. nriu. Im sold ou the firm Tuer. rt. day ia Jmfe next, before the conrt bouse door of Clark stately, wahin - ' *sgal hours of sale, the following pso- mmi