The southern Whig. (Athens, Ga.) 1833-1850, June 11, 1841, Image 4

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MAiilNG PORK. Making >oritlM*»Fot the most Msmtial iat«rqa’a of the fanner. i ■w^oBe-aftiipmoei WeqaefllkiB, liowev- r a., generally eondnct- ly plain. Jn the first(Leo t litlle aUenton, irany, is rilf r fretting. XVBW GOODS I ! NBW GOODS !!! . ’ OSlisJESIE RjBilT 0!KltoPiE32* : %' ■ JOBS'H.NtT?Tp»,’1'°C ’|'» nchr receiving a general assor’ment of Spring and S~mmer „ . . , ,, Goods, which he is- Beringnl prices suited to the times, forcash ed, pacb money m made by feed- oron he USU ai cre dit. His St ck comprises almost every article jp^wiWYend the reasons arena ugua ||y |, C pt lu up-country stores, among which may te found the {.flowing ■ DRY OOODSM! Pnnd C|.rtl»,..rritxy!..r & quality, al flora 82 5D to #12 per y’J. ■!i i CiiNKiiiM-n-v, Crapo Camlets, * '* ' ' ' " ' ‘ Superior Ma k ntidievisibb-grceiiGrodd ta, Black. green and brown P«*V>* in I *I«)lIi8, MANfclOU HOttSB,! 1 ForsytH SWft Sal# coi™. »? , For July. 1841 ~ •Unleaded in tliepen, is ahogithe f«t ttiql *■ WW* quantity of food HM to some breeds will make as -nncha-ain pork as when fiidto sj-no other breeds, is overlooked anft<hh 4slon ailing quantity of -tint* and grain isthns animal!; ,Wifgi en iothe hog ubprepan d or Q|ff*0 ;k©cL much of its eflicien- ^ t t!ieyjb6aM fixmvtne fi.*st,he kept .in thriving Stott . .Hot . Judf (aliened at one time, and then allowed’,£> fall away until they ^ e miserably pot r, hut kept ccn- ‘ r improving from the time “WlpjaR^etWtiUsv.'iate rs’aughteritig. It takes -U*Melr larger atrt.mnt of .food to ■gglirin animalofany kindallow -ed tohecoine tar, than to keep otpH’candantly thriving. Again: the time allotted to feeding, r s usn *“ "led; good Srpi heavy , be made, ho matter S.thethed used, short •'fttir months. Ilip I [out, and made ti. .ji.lral their mrni '111 not Me hard and'firm, mid i afli t'tedwith t ecomplaint :ingiivth([fca. ,,0 gi- i.foster in moc.eratr Soni’sevm roM; ami rtiier process tif fattenin'.' re as early as the can b-had. Af Iprucess of tending begins, fiogs have enoi gh ; -sqivaling. raven ri' is a mistake, but un- i common one. < a la-ge tint might be ; pork, by not attention ta the m iking if dm ijie swine. For ■ varietyof experiments bu ’in 'ethos there is no irdiiure can be compare d with that of the p%^|tKh)hbiftrm r who “—any of this wasted, njt givo the animal op- ty 61 converting as mu. h vego.'ab'c matter. &c„ in- an be done, is a the end. Some re estimated that by a I t of pigs, r mntcr'als are will iu .lv pay the ex. fa. ding.;' butltiere is no ,f'they do tint do 'this; they If, by 'iter.uenfing the most en'ag CompiiHt for crops,, TPntia'Iy to the ulti ate pr f is of dhelamer, ’fomakeg.odpotk a hog'sbooM not be less than fit teen jmnths idd, and con tanily L'*p*nVexfra super. l»<Hi-k Mvriao, 8iprr,hh*ek anti kr»«ri« H*Hi.b.«ZitirF v . SiijH-r. W-irk Hint (*wr|i!e Gni «Ik : ; '<i««trgij»Niinkretis.Kfi<»n-ky'X-ats« 1 fj«h Liarrup. - ... i\»it«;Shift* .gs. Xlv*tr«t* Mtsiur* •, #irij>ed Jeaus, brown Linens, Dtiwl. aa-.d RusaiiiSiiftlin-r, 8ut»<'r. Gr**» Li.•Mis, dark mid light colors Flemish Linen*, M4<S''|II*hm >iI otlitT vtHli ga, v ’ . O-m’a Kid. Rurk. Sdk. Ctrifoti and Linfn Glove*, Geiifa. Cottv.ii, iiiid M« ri.irii half ftloaes tiktia Kuhber and Cotioti SQ^miidt Umbi'-llaSt II milk. rHii. fs, Si.rt ks. C«ll-.ra at,*1 flust.nw, C« «t» .M»'« t«» ai-#Si k >hnia,:» *1 llimcyr* . And a grral variety of other Goods, suitable for Gentle men’s Summer near. Browi >• d rfi'iriMijr ami Shorting, : ->< - • 41 ilTirking, Fi»r..iliiri* 1*iii»itvin.d Friugea, l(**d P.tdi •«, HhiIC’ioib.Silk Vrlvi t, _ • S*li . L.sti gmid (ails Coal Buifu' *. 8 4, 0 4 mi* i-10.4 ilmmtfk Liim*ii T-bl«* Din per. 5 4h *1 10 4 l^um Sli«*nii.|t 1 T«*w**l*.,Nri|tkiiw oi.d Doyles, Suiter, bln* k (Sn* d<* Rhim* and Lunii..g Silks, KirkfiiuiMtS li.s.lunik mid nhifr, ^ Kick H»uretl Si ks, of variuiw siz ■* mid Colon*, I*l. » \ R |n» Si k>«. Mud. |»Ii*i*' S ka, of various colors, ln*b p«|*ii IIS Mnnilnrnif Sitka, ■White a* il Pi k Fl.irw.tre fi»r Bum e» Ltuiugs, Siipi r. fi*M V C*.lorril TaglidntS, *' 1 ‘ E'ldirmd ml ai d |>ri Ird >!iih!iim|.‘ Limes, > i ;; -.. hiiperl FmirliCsiubrint mid Mii-lint, Fivn-li. E glinh and American P.itdi. ; r lid. CimbnrA J4c..iiL<i Mnama S«iM Huslit*, ' Hup. & 4 Sr«»tcU Hi v*up. Ptnitl '.Muati' Ginghams, K glluli a d Ametirmi Gingham. Bntrade Miialiim, I heck.'il i lf.G.»riite..i DiMiitv, (!.trtl**d'Slirn. Bmhop Lawns, Liti*.|i C..u.brira.Cmlirir llio dk*‘r**liii > fi', Liui s, • Plain a: d P i tcdi'li .ll s. |>l.ii * h d lijtmed B**hi..vUautl Swiss Muslins, Blnrk ti^ur. d B*4iim-it*, Lacas- aml F*i gt-a, ' Fm.(’\ Sdk Suaw’a and Seal lit, laduv bluck and colored Kid G Sores, • L di trill Wed S. kGltovi j jlii *. w Kieii linhiiH't uiitl fnlei Veils. ii**w S yl*> green Blotid for Veils*, Thiead law fo E Ijw g»a»fi lt>«f,rii »j*f, : Kwh Miadito Eogi.u uudl u rtit ga, R.ilway l**ces, |i«ii.MiCr.'|H-*.rivh Rmiik i. Capat.dB b Riiila* a. llai.t L'nciiig and Soim Ribbo a V.-lv. i RiIiIk* ;a, Tiipr*. Robbins, , Braid*., L-r-1«. Clii .« ul G.«rd, PL **. N Tnniibitfo Ilo<-k';i d Kv« r, CiMish*. Sjhh.I Thr •ad;S wing 3 :k, ; Kii’b >|.i- i.a Vbid>r id. r>. C«|hv. Collara, li.Sertr. g and Edging, iShrel Wax fivr Or aim* trl F»*»w«ra, . 1 1 >r iJ pbyrGr*-wrd’»sZ j'h>r PalicTo*, S*pr*‘-I tgtfti* CarpH*' pv ‘ Linen C .rjH Divg* d Dntggtts, twisted Silk Sha\v!s t 8 4 MurkFilM L*re fi*r MttiMlf.av .J4«blh' d-t. do. Gainesville, Geo. fl’ HIS rataol Mlnuent m now iefiitrd.and P- enlargrtl by th**juldilitin «>f iu« -•» ven family rooina, k-xienmr • galleries, «Jf and kn nreouiiiiadalionii in u *rr»lly *'*• J‘ r “t«l Mjlf. are now lendered lt> llwpub I r, iinder tin* aupeniiteiiduiice of US lor fuwriin.pri.tor. rim now aseert lined proper ties o| the waters oftbr Gaine*cille S r rtn^s. leaves no Imiger any doubt of our village n< d its vi- euiily bein.; tlm most tavoraldel.irnlion f*u Imalib in tin* Southern Coiiatrv. It** «»t* tude, drv aimtistpliere. and euiire remote ness trnui any causes whatever tlwt can possibly general** disease, «*onneete«l with the valuable properties of all the water used by visiters, wdl at «uir* a«r**uui t«r the pnIpable beimfiu heretofore received bv aHiliMse wlu* have spent anv reasmit tile leugllrof time anioiig uk, mul nlTdrds | suin', guarantee of future advantage, « j auelt as seek for a summer residence wit a view to prevent disease, or recruit tile , constitution* that may have been reduced by the viiri .us atiarks cotis-queid upon a Hotiihefw rlmmie IV Y..l*o»vinji eerttfi- rate shewing (lie result ol' an analysis of am wine pint of Ute water .d’a bemufful and tugldy improved 8|<ring/within two iiuu- Iredya dr of tlieMAMalos ilt-usE. as la- keti by Professor t.'ofling, late Htaie G**ol- ■gisi.iells for Use If, and renders U attempts H eulogy *iu the subject muiec-ssary. Quantity—one wine ptnt, .s- » 875 eub.cin’a- Tetneniture *>filie Atmosphere, - 51* D v «<f the Wa.«., . &M Bananeter »* *he Spring, . 29 47 inches. Specific g svity, - . I «9i ~ Wafer being . . 1 QUO • ndFFArs 1 ;. . perttins*! VE6ET iLE LIFE MUKiKES. /er toc: Education***} be S«ld before, tlm court bouse rpilKSK 'iue*licin« s are indented fur j ri> HIS eetabtisbnmm IMS been rem«v«4 ‘ JL tlmir it .me (.• tli. ir nimiifiet and •*, ,!« that vyaea ua and eWjafttledMrit seiistlile aetii n in purity mg «b« a, rings k.rnwu to* Mount WasbiugV n ;*» and eiiaum ls *d* hie, aud enduring them .H».uth Ib.eton, and is now ready (or. t#* rru wnb Ven wed.lone ami vigor. In many cepuon aud ihetrnctiniioi ynimg blutdf nety nullified certified rases wli.rli have, been sons of eitber mX frurii l U,, part bf tbb VV7ILL be sold before. Hie ct _, •V door intlietownol Cum lug. For ry th county, on tb* first Tuesday in July next, wttliin ' the usual hours ol sabs tue folio wihgproperiy,tu-wit: Lots of Lund Nos. 33, 34. an ,! 38 iii »be third dlst.. first i£ee.: b vied as llie ‘ pr-p.1 ty—f Cl oige Cichbuin. to ntitih ajff te ii*UHl irmii For-ytU Superi ,.r court iN iavor ol \t W.aallmry . jr n Mail is., n g; Hudson maker, and Ueoige Coekburn s» curity on stay- Lot of Land No' 199, in'ihp •bird diet, fiisi sect ls-vied on as,the .iroperty of William Phillips, to sail sty a fifa issue*! from Forsvlli Hup*-fi..r (?«4iri' iii favor oflland Ac, Scranton, r* Wu» Phil lips. Lot of land No 62 in thetb : rd se. fitm. /-Vied on as theph» pertv *»f John Powell, to satisfy n fi fv •>•* aueti from « Justirea Court ot Oamfeouniv. in favor of A. F. W.»o|ey. L vi*s. on and ret urued to ns by a Constable*.. x . . ■ Lot No* 1059 in the second distrirt, first sertinu. levied on «« the pro perty mi Isliniu Dalton, in satisfy sundry,/T fas issued fr**m a Ju-tiees <***urL of b**r H\th countv in favor of Wmsmi At Davis ainl I) K. f.iles » the said LliauVDalt n Levied on and relumed to tue by a cotisia made ihiIi1i«% and Mi almost ey. ry sptcies cojuttr^. • ^ - oidistase l*» wuielilbe luiroan frame ml I la rialiibritirAf the Inca tarn. Ilfs' I at le; III., happy efforts **i MOh K .TVS tie* t»r aea tuuhing, amt the e X Vttt of I.IFK PILLS a5<I) PH KMX IH'I TERS > vd.fice, .Which oilers separate .fomt have beett gralefilily uiitl puM.rly aektmwl.«lh«* pup l*>,-make this eatabbshltieiiti edgetl bv Ib‘* persons lieueliiie*i, ami who | sirnble res’nlt iire for those y«ning were previously unarqnaiiit.d with (lie . persona who uesire' eu|a riur “—- lie.iuufully philosophical prinrij,b*s u|h>Ii , t.O'.s.* ^ . which they are cont|Mimide«l,-and ujuti j Til- c*uirse'«»f ii»stri'rttM*nf C<” which they con«eque..tly art. _ . • , j vcadn.g. writnqr. antha»e|.r,^i The lJFK iMHDICINKS recommend K w ’ nl ^ ,, .' J *«“**«H^*history, tlieiuselvi M ill d.eens* s of every furiu altd •“"r* 1 » rntnim a* «m ,<|m*ihim<ii -t, t» .aimmmgrM'mf loosen from the rt-atr ol the ston.arh.ainl JSb the various impunti. s ni tl crwli- ., . a Plainly settling around them, and to removable hanletied leers Which collect the e.onv»bttionH «1 tfie small intestines. Carbonic acid, • . - 1 cubic *nch. aauaa cusxticr*: Carhorate ofLune, • - I 25 grains. <)X de of lr»n. - . *. 2«» Citrh.ina’e ,'f Magnesia, . 6 <4> Sulphate of Lino-, 2 73 KU IS FIXCHER, Sh'Jf. June 4. 1*11. Otl» Postponed Sales Lot No. 1SK3, in the second dist., first sec : l,rv«e»l on ns tin* property of John A ilcrson U» satisfy m'Jl fa issn*^ f'r«>lii Forsyth Hujterior Court in favor of J..cob Petiaj.'lm, m James Auderaou and John Anderson Lot No. 636, in tlie*third di.U first sec* Is-vied on as the property «*f Charles Garner: 1** satisfy n fi ta issued from a Ju*t csfourt of Patifdtug county in favor of Augustus Young. r« Oliarles Garner pi iiicipaUandD. H.k B M. VVitcli. er, endorser, levied on niid. returned to me by a Uountnb.e, Lot No. 252, 379 and 322, in ! the first disu first s- e; le»»i-d Other uiedicines only paitinlly * cleans* these and leave surli .collected nitiases be- li'iid as t*» produce' lialiitual costiveneas, witli all its train oT.evils, or sudden diar riuEH. wirh da inmi.tieiit -intigers. This fart is w*ll known lo all regular anat> ni ists. who examine the linitiaii laiwels after death ; and lieure the prejudice oft lies* w* ll informed men ugainsi quark nietli cines—or inedirine* j»jr pai«d^and,lie.akled to the public by tguora. t jiersons. Tin* second rffivl «*l the late Mr*licit»^s U io clean the kidneys ami site bl uider. and by I this teaiis. • lie l»«er and the lungs, the healthful anion of winch entirely d-pend* upon the regularity of the urinary or gHiis —The liluod,*whtc4i takes it* re*l ro’or from the iigency of the liver nuil.lmig*. before it jmsses into the heart; being thus pntifi-ii uy »ltetu, slid nourished by lia^d coiioiig linm n clean stoinacb. eours* Ire* ly through the veins,’renews iVe^v part of tlie system, and triulnpln ntf* the. piano forte and organ, are given to all, besides which tlt«* pUpd nmy seWl anv i«»- ntriiiiieni winch lie wudirs to learn,., Paf- Jjrular attetiU«.u h» given tupbysict IrqpoiM Taaa*i *. Board andtuitinn. wijh the ubi) fo laioks and itHlsi**a. tttstnimeiHs* ftwKL <150 to <200 per annum; F..r those; wh* Wish to aiudy the languages, »o have' th* ;«ee *.t apia.m-l..rle ill I heir, chamber, orw r. reive extta musical melt uetmas 8-OU. The above will cover all the v»r*liuat j % i« pens*.* ot the pupil. , ’ ; - I- xtra accbhiudation -chaned'in^rgada^ Ithle proporlioll. ' f The most faverable hge fur matmcM is between the 8 h and l*b ,ea^ 7 . . / . : Tlie following getitleiuemaMrronnretpd with the oirertioii of the liiatituteui and itiay’ lie. referred- to; peter U. Bnioks,^ Ttiumas |«. Pe kilis. ! Peter H. Daltorf Bdwanl Brooks, Sairnel A. Elliot, Johh'0 Fisher, TIitunas G. Cary. John Hmmitra James K. Mills, Kohert Bsnpnfi. Baaturl Otmior, pr. 1 . tt. Howe, BosliiiLtoNi aH apjilteatiiins should he madle.* ' f Total «.f Saline C.-n-ento, ' 12 Grain*. . i,.. j j ... <**■"•» Mu » ROUOt * 8 J2. , 32S«. 1 A neat andrdmforuihle bath house wili ^. r - T n 4 *** be reded at this Hpriug. cout.-iuiiug half a " rH 'tb conn y. in ft»v..r. f t l-*rke llowcii; *1* zeii private r* M ni» |, r the arc- ino.nla- !*• »«-*»! ">> 'Wild retu rned to tue by tt Cousin li»u of Ladies and Gentlemen. Each mom . HI**. will lie siti.plie.1 with h.1and odd hath*, at | Lot of LftTuI. -No. 386/ in thft th- pleasure *.l the visitor ; «i..e room will diff ^ firwt „„ pm |»erty «f Saniael l.Voekett, te satisfy a fi fa , .... , , issued front a Justices Court of -I It aril I a ball mile* from tln- Vd- cutiiy ju favor..» K .hcrt Corry. r» Snmn el l?r<ickeii and J **e|ih <.'rockett; ls*vied . , ainl nturtofibv.a I'onst ble; 1 itnga plea- j Kl.ltS FINCHER, Sheriff. May 38. 1811. 5-tds aover*igi» reiumly for llv-pepsiH. Flalolen* cv, Palo ,tation of the Heart, liosa ol Ap petite. H-artliuii| and H* adaelu*. Restless ness. III temper. Anxiety. Imngour . and Melancholy,;c«*sti'cnees, Diarrcpa. (iiole- ra,.Feirers if nil kitnl* Ktieiuoati*m, IS*n*l« Dropsi * of all kind*. Worms, t»ravel. Astli oa and t%uisum(»ti>ni. ^eurvy . 1T| eersr Riv lerhte Hores, Hropbutic *Eruj« N. II. No> |*ersuns w ll be rcreiVed WfallA be Hupplie.l wftli a shower bath. „ W| a.ldttio.* to the above, llie lieautilul I*,,,;.,! .. from the;*- • l eceully discove** «l IVu : (iipparently of fin* quuli- ty) a lew mile* fit iher, and h I eant morning’* ride-—log* tiler witlri the fine scIiim |*.nnd go«d society aflT'rded by t the village will render. Gainesville tit* np | proaebing season the hiost desirable I .cl, cummer reaidcucc in tn< j Country ...... <* - i ■ « - i ty amfgnniteur is seldom equaled by any A comnl?le assortment of mourning and rccond mourning for i» ti»- «tate. •. “ I,:i<lies’ivcar. ; ,j, /. . V "’ jFmm* Straw «udu gborn lb aim ts, row afy K .Pabn liwif llots’s nl Bo inits. uien*s null Imy’sPalm L*’afUuf«, Biddles, B ul •-<*, M tr i g* les. S.idtlln hags, Saddle Blankets, Caiff *ge, 8Lk v ttuil Thig Wli^pikC-iriiigedpri.igs and Axlra, C«Nirh anil il •ri’iess MoUnti. g Kifl/s m.-d HliorGu .s,> Toola, Milt Saw«,PofiC Ove. ka >i! Keiib-tf, B!ackatt*il!idT«Nd<k . , 11*!#. C ,ps, Shoe* ui d Bo**«. AND A GENERAL STOCK OF \ llaritware and Cutlery., . ^ . eksita, li tele:; ecd (iiarevarc, ' 200 Fair P ilndclpilii Kid Mippem. -1 sjial h<> r<e*-ivi g Irish supp t*s*.f G**ids thiougle tit the season, and shall b n lint lie hopes In gnili ered;l. It ' the. results til it lair tVial 8 MEDICAL MANTEL; He- domestic guide lie liealtll. Forsyth sh‘ff‘x sale.!'- us; Ij is tm by, a newspajier n**ltree «*f For Jitlif 1811 j l,V H,,y .‘‘"I’* ,w * himself tuny say in tfieir egfeuird ro in "i- Hi-!..— c .. u ,2 o« U * jiS!' WW* T3»S5s£^^ !":**■ *265‘S* u """ 1 Ms j w a SZ q 7 , !r«. S75 N«« Y-k. 'p Tile charges I|t the Mm simi Ibtuse 1 lAVenty llllie Head cf StOCK published tor the purnose of explain! g lift exceed such ari are customary at Hog*.eleven headol'(fatlle,oiiegrey llor* , more fully Mr. Moffat** tlnany ofdisea Athens aii< It lie* Madison Springe. Genr- = bvi.-el ona* the pr qiert? of .AYilImm Far. se** twd will •»« found highly iuiere-tingt. gia Kail Road aud Central Bank bill* r» i 1 ti% ( imirgage fi fa ismHd iVoni psfsoiis .seekh^Jiealih It ireats upm ceivedat par » F*ir*ttli lolern-r t^'ourt in lavor nl'Rnliert prevaleitt diseases, ainl tie* can-*- th r* Gduesville, May !*», IS4I. Sett. Prieierty |NUiite*l 0111 iii Vatd usirt ■ «f Price.35reoi«—-li.r sale byMr. ! Mol ^ '* Tlte MiMedgev.lle Kecnv*tc>» Macon g«ge. _ EMAS FlNCHER % Wf. # | ' ‘ , Law A'oticc, , • M h.jAirGDifi'S S WINGREI.D liaviua taken -Mis- libtr* of Judea • 1 r ™ 0 - ! ■, pl’iiiils, H> ..low, el* u.l*, aid oib* r dietr. t j„ | U lure will be roMiu* ted Ulid> r ert** H^M.nuKfy.i,, w INIjHKLU-.i r.r Hr-' ' "5S it"** I'St-'g.rI ,,— Mhl Am £**,' cm* vario>-other ennipitunts which afflict the I Qeoraia,- * • - -- ^ --, l “ Wrow«•*»«*!*»-J Km,A. *V, ni .fi»M w,U pnwiiw ta m, l-l- Mmtir.i,.. lv... Jm ! tSSmBTOM.i,tW^»*: “ “• 1110*1 ennueiilly *t.i re-*fi.l; so n neb **.» • Hint in tlie Fever and Ague diwtriets Pliv I co»*TIM. TOtitcIMl tOVII. sieians almost uhiversally pwwribe ibeti. J Ramtolpb.: : Cntbhert.’ All tinit, Mr , Mo|l'it ivqtures i *4 liis |>a- j tients is to lie particular in taking ilie life Medicitieit Mindly : areiifilbig to ti e dure April 30,1841. 1-td* May 11. 1811. Administrators Sale. j picparudto offer the-lwt* *t *uh * a-d (inttv-r.** that »r** unjmrte L Ui-iogLt R id Road. Columb ia and Centnl B mk bills reaivfd at par. I will A GREEABIJ2 to an «»rd* r oralde the Iniefinr C*si county, win 11 sitting tor «udi se*, will In* sold mi fhe fi * b. TiioitNTos ! Forsyth Mi ll's .-me, l| For August, 1811 11’ ILL be sold before ill* Cmirt House i.r ill* linn I d**ir.iu Ilieiown oi Ciimmina. l or t of \A nltoti 8 . v,, ' c - ,u, ‘ t . v ’ ,,n »l*c fir-1 'Tuesday ui August Tlicse Valuable Ale-licin** are for sale in Allieii*. : Gw..'a» tfie Drug ^t- fr of Much *47, IStfl 7 C. M; REK K. AvT myth - , uext. wiliiui llie „ > wii : 1 of *ale, the Moral term.ih. ta;i. o: ih. Il.. t»-l l>.ri-vara.^ BM. ..mfi..iR.«d. Tw „ i,. Tr „m|i:i„ r „. s„i,i .a:, i: ■ ’. • JOH1VH.HEWTOK. I | as llie i rop*rtj ; ul Jolin_<-. Wiusl nisi **u- Giftfor all S>ertsbha.! GEORGIA: ■ nvns«... jowpt. n.11 IsHrvjf* wia ; . Jarksun Caun/g > Aduuuunrainr ol the on and chi/d in ike (/at- who j uxttsse* a Bible, will t«nly Junush them •rites wilk Ike Jut. mo nmu... uir>.... .tiiMBiUs MVilin’du.iUlrluI. OIIKAP AND VAI.DADLF. UBIJO.VI ION —Utar.,»l Jlirivin^. iiot have a yard us lar^e} _ TEVV as the dr.11 or tlm highway, and ]N i'U food m IHODtl p. , Jiandsomtlj I'tic* «.wt InO applie* to me lor u tters ol UiMiiittoioii: I flj*m///»r\ Sitlr 'Tlifese are therefore to cite mid mlmoii-1 • ” B*UaK'niidtfmgulit the kindred and rrrdi.1 sold on tbn first Tuesday it* loraof eaiddec*aoeu, to beard appear Hi * ' July next, at tue respective Couit my olfice, within the time jirescrMed by 1 Housed -ors,*dtliecoutiLea in which the law. t«* siiow cause, if auy they have, why 'JHB StWVHEKN WHIG, «HKrfuiii.rwiui ci.i.t .omn.-Vu." ytliEE 0ot5!tas’/r ttttiuim, paya- WgUH^IX muithri altriMHie receipt iddteHi living out of. tt e aft rases. p«« in advanes. iA«ad for tea* 1 ban uuey is paid im ml- 11 10 ,*«|M>r will Im diseonliuu* d Ftbl d* tfHVigw vrs paid, except at tua owtioH td.ahf'pob'isber. PrraoU* ro- KMbM * «WWMMgaiiw of tbeir k*a|:erm »cc ^sqmwtsd to Hear, ill W'ltda a «rtl|r. •3 75 a** 4 UO Letter* of Citation, lublibe ., „ _ . _ _ , 4 (j£r Country papers *>pjrlnff tAb^fcg! < r AJpardmiw, c / 1 (inrladiog ihia ntnirr.) aud gvmg it/* BaWnToUsur Negvoo* ky dw. J 4 751 •«»* insertions will » c entil ed to a copy LOLLAR^i—The eiibsrtibeir* respectful tv ini it* 1 be pltruium ot Cl< »g> «*«*»* Tea- eVrs ••I8»bhaib -Scm*.U, llrmla ol Fntu- ih**,*nd B«»*ka*Ilei>, ihrougliout the Uni- ie«lHtntes, h.the above hew,Cheap, aid 8s!?*-didlv IlUi-trated WoTt. Phl'lwbed and fur sal* at No. 133,1’i WHabiiifron ■tncl,Bnsti'ur. * i//' • Kfi Ck culai containing a few of the numerous ui itc*s au*T tree, uimcjidafiuit* w inch llie w-'-rk fa- r* reive*!, lias beeq |*uf»- liidktd, au*l Wdl be fttrni«l*ed 10' alt grated ousljf at III*. a»tove niei»Loiie<l ; hire 111 this sliest, lb* gliding (•riiicipleM. olqcrls, and 1 bn of llw book B*e lullv set * fnttb, and are detailed at g*c *»er length than could be done witlun I be limits of an ordi- tmrv advertim-aieon A lil. r.Uirt-JUilltu wjot-Mfc p,rdm- - J iate *.f Francis lb-11, »lec.. nan Wo d,deceased- Terms made known on ike day *»• sale. . . DvNIKLC PEARCE, Adm'r. May 7. le»4L ' 2-td* On., ltuad Wagun and five Ilf sab*:' Mules, levied « n as the property of William Farri*. t*» satisfy a m *rtgage*yf Ja issued Forsyth lut* rim- Court,infivorol H II. Rtuissenw, v#. sai<l Firris, pnijierty said fe'ncfs sli*hikl UOI be granted. GiVcii under my timid at office, this 21st •lay of Dcci uilo-r, 1940. JOHN G. PITMAN, c.c.o. GEORGIA. 1W H E R E A S John G Clark Count* > May tie, Ailmtuistrator of y Naell, deceased, - - —- - ) I linn.ns Naell, deceased, i for lc|ier«» of pj*itiuts|n|| oil «aid estate. ‘ -r • ■ ■ 1 ..This; Krherefiire, tneite nttd adtttniilsli, gll ami singular, the kindred aud creditors ft* N 1 appear at my • fflee within the time pr«*tu*iibe«i by,law, tn sliiiw cause, if any they luivr, why said letters slmfild not be granteil. . Given- under my Imud at offihe, this 2d day,February, 1841. ,, .. * , / ' BOWLIN CONNOR, c. c. o. land now lie. .. . I*»t *»f land Hi the eigbtcenib district, third section «»'Cherokee county, nuuib* r sixty five.o-mtuiiii ig forty a.*res. ALSO—One liMlfofbit umiiberlwnhmu ’555a. • drill mul sixty eight, eoiititining «*ue liun- dred andAixty acres, in the twenty third district, »m of seem :tl x-rticui of CUenkee. WALTER A. APPLING, Executor in right of hit te]fr. rm estile rj Robert R Billups, deceased ApciUMfUl- «Mds QOUrir AMERICAN GR A88 IIATS, r jr.n su »crtor sriiefti fbV summer wear. May 7,18U. -J~£ iKiiuted out in said mortgage. EIJAS FINCHER. Sheriff. Ju»e4. 1811. 6-tds Clark > U’fl‘8 sale . For Mr, 1811. - ^ T ILi *•* soltl on the first TnCsilay in FI88T AtteairAN PUBLICATION IN WtBKLV Numbers, after the style of Bat! LIFe:I.Y % W4I t|,K «HIP. IB, TUB apizrs AND ADVBXTC^BM Or A Mj/i.iOI.ra O.IKA.H t.V. The p***i|*rieldrs «f tin- i'nivtuu Yan keb Nation have eouuiieuc* <1 life puhken- te ui anew W rk, with, th* above Vtl*, in Wreklv Num'terM.oti tlie L uidon rash *ti*: ■ : - Drayton/ * '^’Y' 1 " " ‘ rv^>ix it? COUNTIES. Ramtolpb,: IK rat nr, Baker. I«ee, i • D-dV. Sumter. : ,Ai Stewart, ' 7 1*— r Rally, lEuif GaiiwifisBlalEriy, . ALABAMA.. a' COOBTIB*. ; ... Ileiirv. : : Abbeville and <*(4nitibnv ’ ' ■ 'Brt'riaW,: : : j^THyiab;* Tliey beg leave to reler Wliiii'liiUl'tflffg geiltie’lteu S *‘ 4 ti -. ilisEXrede. ey.jP.J, % lver**n L-Nlah'io.'' ’ lion. Marshall J MViborn. * franklin A N**b.l, . J ' -Ifate" < Nisbet, Ilioes’Ct Blake.'. ‘> JfocM 0*4. Ileurv G le*mar,, r. „ .,y. Hun. W.rV nr Tayl-f, f^rt Games.' ’ * Lott Warren. Valmiro, ; Willtanif:. Pawrotu ' Ocn -h”,lif! 1!.^; hrwinU^'AttSni. UM.<t In, SMS’ ■ ; k\sz? Fainting;. mu.niuvuii.'.iii; "r ** N.rli. l ,- Nickti*. j 'XIIIE lln.|rii<i|tuMl whip, ■»y.” mul .** Master HmnplireyV ..I’-rlt.” . | • ••*»nn the citizens of Ail * Tliis W«rk .will be written by an \mrrt ihu “ A -'- F A'.er; M'i AilHmC, tint Utlktii-Wil in fiiiiie, and 'Vill be Im- dtljuti the c ui— of aa Ameri can WlinleMli ; tbi*.S.nii!| Atlanticand ludimi Or* ans.iliirutg Hie year* lljlh 7 .*' —a erne** replete w.tb INCIDENT and \DVKNTURK, which will la* lutbtully rer*»riled t . : In addifibn to (lie Nar*atiee of the Cruise. th* Author wtllintnaloce • - lOOCIMIFLITK/rALCN! THE CNTEBTAI9MBXT8 09 THB ' MMMAtJBCiBJtiFJUJBr v > am6 . - • • f« ; larm of lhr Kigkt lYntrhf Each linm *r will eotiiiiiir sixteen large octavo page*, aid w*|| beem<»e>lislfed with highly finish* d mid sjiirited Engravings. ' ilia*(ratAre i-f”«»* Any «nt**rm >tion can l*e obia-ned by ad drrAwng let er*. (post paid) to .fee snhscri- ben, 14314 oftsWagtou **£ ‘Sir* 611 * ■T&fr t+Y- SAXTON & PIKREC, AgiB—tkmfprftyrtott Dieanaaion,4 fill ol the book, subject to iftcbr order. n 4*thar Advertasemeat ..... ........ ala wdl be charged •t tM tur every thtnrrii liurs ol star II March J2. 1-41. ^ mxCk, tW 14 e Cf.’ h poldisbe* ... _ ertfargeii 75 eenla each gScia^rtioo, #1 00 GEORGIA i f WHERE AS Harris Tburl A-iarlt County. >iu uid. Guardian of the nr. ■ - yphansnt Joseph Tarpley. apphe* to me lor letters «.f dismiseam: The** are ttietefor* id cite and Hduioii- isb alt*and-singular, the kindred ami Creifi. tors of said minors, to lie and appear at miy office, witliiu thr time prescribed by law ; to show cause, if any they have, why said tetters should m-t be grante*'. Gwen under my fuuid at office, this 5th January, 1841. , U0WUNC0NN0R.eeo- : ‘ 'Xf-tkn |^tO(7R. months after date applicatu-u Tl .will b* made lit. .tbf, Honorable tlie ljtierior Court of Clark county, when set ting as a Court ot bnliiiaiy, fiir leave ‘to sell 10 S’.aies Ilf the Bank Block of tlie Georgia Rail R*«d, on* tract of land taming 310 acres or less, v It*., _ D'ivnI Htepltciis ii-itv lives, also two negro President Uoiei, No. 142, Broad'way. New York. T HIS splendid estahlisiimeut inflow open aad ready to receive those who may be phased t«» tavwr .it with tli**r pat- rwnag* The Hotel a* in nxrellent order, lb* furniture urw and • l -gH it. tb- ladies par four* a e furitflwd in a alyls Uut sut- ’passed by aiiy in the (loion- x< -\ Tue e, Mars are wall HBicketl with th* best of wines and Itqui-t s. Tb* loader «ill be ruMduutj sup t *he*t wall every deKeary the market* ran affiwd. One *h tlr pro- H*:* 1 •»'" »-.«■ fc- "“--. UWIH ra™th.,ftr,U.,e., IP li«i,i..„ will UVIW.M* «• % I.*-! * br oud-1..■!>. Ilnmirabk- tt,. Inf.nor .taKuC.^I-innf OMUU h.«U.lo clrnl-.. Itaim. m L'lil* ro« mj whrn MUinKInr ordinary purposes, ft.* leave Iw self the interest that the urphaus **l William llay s, under age, boll in tlie |a»d c<M»*i gtoll.e srjdmhs of Wiftiatu llays. dceeainl, from the estate of Neheinhth Hat*, deceased. Hold lor the benefit td-mid orphans. >AMK8 TREYOVyKasrdmn. February&1H41. 41-4 ti Groceries. rfflllE sidiscribersalre miw receiving in -JL nlditioii to their former atvrlu lit! futgsCofTe, 35 kegs Nail*, • - 10 hlids HugaC, If) <lw tlolawww, 20 barrels Run* and Whiskeys 2 pipe’-. Cognac Brandy. HI boxes Spenn Candles, - • Allofwbich arc offered oif reasonable leriu- for cash. 1 SHAW Ac BACON. May 7.1841. j. ily next, before tliet*< dia»r in Watkinsvpile, Clark etumiy. wi'liiu tlie legal liuors. ol Hale, the following pto petty to wiU S.x roes, viz: John a roan; Aaron n man ;-.Oily n woman ; Car*dme a girl; Willi* ab*y, aud Andrew alwy •me bay mare 5 year* old ; one grey horse 8y*ar*»fd; *»ne, gr»v o*.ll 3 year* oW,:w*. horse wnggiiii ainl barnes-, one still and e-tp. levied *»n a* tfie urnperty i.f D.tvitJ Rteplieos to satisfy njl. fa. in favor of It e-c* Ar Beall rs l-ma W. WnoMri-ige James L TbofMa*. Bowlin Cinuier and David front bfiginal di „ — Stephen*, and sundry other ft fits. vs. Da- Inci.lentsdeserilied iii .helVork. viilStephens,aydothers. . j Mark lh(*: Kve.-y. nnnilMtrr, williV gWSSimtof binding j»t* ard D.ekrn rs Str >ud Melton, AYdSurn 8. ** on * Dtekeismt and titliern rs. Stroud Meli lby tuade ami rmir»<* d bv *» epnstab’e: KRVNCJS JACKSON.Xi’/f , . _ . - ^.. - Jun. 4.1811. 8 LI- wlmw (M-r. • ; feel ,mn*l< r ol IMS art. wdl la*, a sufficient Clark Sheriffs sale- vicinity that be lias ^♦jub.CiNi ucvf tar upper bt*,^ opposite. AtifXhm tll.tUi* lib* |4: bu-inebsv if w,v \t«r* oul •»l his npiiretitircaliipt, and, after the ser*K ♦ode • fth «• years.umler a first rate pain ter. af the House, Hig«, and all ' kind* of ••tnanteutal work d*»ue by llduse Fainter*, be fi-els eolifilleul.timt lie can eotnpletr big work, to tlie satisfaetioti of aiiy otic who may patrotiiiM liiiu wuh tbeir custsml . N. B All kinds «if fu tutnr e clrabedat tl.e shitliest hotieei 1 He also fikis virirtjf of tandsenpei* for fi reset ceuv.tai hand «br —t.hro.i. .i, . ;• nj afvriiWin&i : Tobacco. J K BOXES T<*bace**, a choice article low fir rtulu ft*r sale by * SHAW to BACON. May 7.1841. 3-J6 IVotice. . 1 »■■■' , LI. IWTJMMM UMl.lit. d b> III. r»»ti>of ». My ** Sgm itHiirn 8. . .... . . I Melton, .i<Kr WW***' *«“« «BI lM *: contoured iahV - Weekly fur six muni its. It will be printed Sk'ff ; : by : Mr. 8. Ni Dickinson, 51 Wa*liingtoii .. . «* D kY.rigpIs*. late of Claik;«»wiW deeensed, are requested to Come forward ai d make |Ntvn*eui; anil time* Cavihgde. maiids ngninsr said estate, ,wjJI IdrtoBld them; m terms ol llshw, r/*./ . ;kv; r wna.iso.wiiiGH FrbrtihTy 5.1340.1 J4-.-1 J/.-ii . '41-* utiiaHMMaimH For Aug-ist, iSii. ' ‘ --l e E»»^»i* c-ntl|..r«iii,fcTop». taid III. lira.-|.r-»rr>ta|d l*«. rtiv • I it .i c . *i* 18IJ>ll;or Agents and News. ,A " 1 1|V ILL lie on the (irfft.Ttinft. nmn;-^Twenty etiptes fiirST ‘ ▼ ▼ day in August next, the, VTb* Fir-1 Numberofthispbbliration . , -j ^*Tlw F<r»t Number ofthis pbbliration court bouse d«*>r of Clark cmbiy, within tvibne Issued abotif ih* fir»t week hi May. Ibr I' gal bouts ol sale, tfie following pro. I (ttr P..stma*ters and NeusjmiM-r deal . ‘ .it ‘ “ ' «*"»“ig|ii*iil the (T|.ite*l State< af** rei i* hcI as A seats It receive ord/rc Notice. : A-LI.persons indebted lotlie..eWhiie.#f . aie : |» - tlmse having demand* ! against said estate to present them within. 4 »!.- *;..... ••--M-rils d law. • 1 JOSIAll DANIEL,/BxV. .Feb, 2ft, loll. . -,,i *» ■> s’stv g ' *■ —- peril. L* toil: ' . { ersTqtauglioiit the (T|.ite«l Slated, are rei mail, -.Mary a woiiiaii, Ebsaa woinan; ttrders niii-i li rr "b» .....April is tot.' 5 . GEORGIA ; 1WIIBRG AS.^VUlUm' 'J ■> taw ..l ill.Bank of| i_j! Clarke County VI burmoi.d ajipl.e* to me * be-State **f. Georgia ts- I*ma W. Wiad .* . rf-r Hf Litexs • f sdmiiiieira. i i'rWge. and. «me .-tl*er ft fa in favor of r ~ III** ei-taic of John Thil-ninnd, F^ele to Beall- M tsnia W. VVtM>dhridge, j James L -Thrmas, Bowbn Conner bud Davul Stephen*. . . Oiv-n.'gro Iran natnrd Nathan ah'.Ill a« years of itge levied on a* lb*. |»ro- Wanted. riBST, rur , Hum . SlWj M.r.liai, lr4t, men, and Hmtoiu alltlt* pr>»pertv of 'lion on III* Cytale of Jolin Tfiu.mond, D.»V«d Stephens, deceased, to be sold* for d*-ct*nsed- - J - • v the benefit of tlie heir* and creditors td’j This is llieiefore to rife and • admonish •aaldeceased ,, ; jail and singulartt»e kindreilami . ‘ HARRIS STEPHENS, ;ErV. I of said dec eased. *»• I** and appear at h.v April !«, 5t-4ai! office within ttu* lime pre*erihe»l hyliw. to • . . - ( | .j Kt^nl.-..- t. -un-iv . . New Orleans. GaCrlstou* toe. ' W* are .letermined W pbwee. Mush 18 - 47-3a * ultra dai*v aptdieatini 17 ■ .%»■ Knmde m ihr MmuKaHe fc.ft ri- nrCdon tTISarfc county wlble smiuw: f*r urdiaary purpuera. fo r (rove l*» aett’idl the .Y‘* e f ar - Given mtd*T u»y baud at office, this 10th dav, of May, Ih^I. . r , r ASA M. JACKSON, c. c c May 14,1841. 6-£ "E*OCB nmnths after rti.t* appliratton *■. Will be made to lie. ImiM^able the 111- ferior l\»ort of Jackson County, when *if. ting as a Court of Ordinary. W have to sell the real estate of Be it jgmtll list |i, late of saidcj-unty,deceased. . WHN SEAY, Adm'r. February &. Wit 41-4in 6tZ-£ | Blank Dc«4s, fbr tale at this Office "fk 1 liicis' iacKson.f* 1 /. 1: Jun. 4. Wl B-id. 30 li.pi. r«ff .. • i ft* T4.11* bar Iron, r '^-. **; h Bbvra Tuf.aee*%- 1 Bbl. Cranberries, Sf» Sock* Salt, ■ '??• jg) jjf Negara. ‘ n 1 ‘ 311 *M|»er|»ne rionr. > ft Bbl*. go*d Vinegar. • The above articles for sal- cheap for eashhv T.BMHMP. March 18* 1811. ffhft ■ i X^Wt n.«rtt» Mrr I Jr *iLi* * IUN« C.Hirt ra Clwk. Notice. . 8 t.I.'ti>f , «4>t>il'lo ih. *4* - lint, fur •>riiiiiiirT ptJr|n—iw ^ ■ Arrliilr ki |jin!.illr.,merr«i»* I.imI b.1—jpn, L_. ta- - 1.4 l<> milk. 1 m nn-i t find ■ flm..- lmrwr 4.......I. | A.SDhKU J. UHIUII I WELL. C«r- are r*qii**i*tl to preeVti* the same within i Mur ItoWl. Ib. li..;.—f b. taW. : • ■' i—* J r|tUA, »IMUiUatK gMNt mmOi»*«• •■**%#»* H.y7,t8H . ,Z-£| J* „ aiiUl . i l|lH.,Md»( ' — —— — , Mr I hr fnirnw e«Miri ul Hi i.'OL’K bwultm ufirr d«l.v m>pNr*.i<... .i [mK t.i. Ihdiu . will l>..u.fdr n.llu. I.ili riur ..4ul .4 .rfl .Ur N'fpiW'MSta.«:.k_..— ifc — i 8033806* iillJ>* n*. K. (nr k-iiv.. l» — 1| .fi. hr. h..ij.i.ra tu ilu. Mhfr uf Jnmr. M'td’i....^ 1 T. NORTON. Oamrdum May 7. . 0-4ra -m- Cotton Curds, A iFBW hoar. ta. artMr. jwt received and for aale by T. BISHOP. | April 33, 1841- gY the oWltecriherWfitlyd« g» n fii, and air.w7-r ail tap. «ta< u a lot.4 :: ■ alMa-rf. rA-to. hUMQLBUi e \v OX