The southern Whig. (Athens, Ga.) 1833-1850, February 10, 1848, Image 2

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Congressional. On motion, the committee, then rose. news is tinted the Stli inst.,and says the Mr. CoKamer obtained the floor, and ■ Cabinet has been recognized by the a|»- spoku at considerable length—reviewed : poiniaieti? of Sr. Kosas as Minister jJolHiraK PriMw the llichniend Whip - Washixotox, Jmii. 29, 1S49. ] mptril ou'leave, and interrogated by Mr. j wry of the Treasury, Itiva Safa The Senate did nnl srl lf»-day, baying [ M.-Knv. I Minister of Justice, and Pedro adjourned over In Monday. ' ^ , | Mr.Colih, nf Georgia; obtained the j Anaya as Secretary of War. If they ask you what upon earth yoirj panied by a system of direct nod .inter- can want now of a hundred thousand nal taxation. Nothing short of this can soldiers in Mexico, and a hundred mil- show, in addition to the sacrifice ofhtiv | the war question, &c. He was inter- j Foreign Relations and temporary Secre-i Third Despatch?* from 33ajor Xack ljons of dollars a year for spending inftn- what we pay for I ■ . . _ • • . II If. 1 ,l.n Tran.u.1. 1)1.... G..I ....I — ... . I w. . t nnnii r 11 na «v» ff* IIII) if •! 1 It I lr> I tv’ti c I ,1 Downiaf. [private.] To James K. Polk, Pfetid at nf the Uu glory tp....Mir., inrr .ouiiuoy. . , | Mr. Cobh, o| Georgia, obtained the Anava as secretary w »»ar. /«/ Stalk* ofrAmerica Merin Home of RrprrteHtafictt.—SIr. Vinton, * floor,when uii morion the House adjourn- | A plot had been dicovered in the city • citt u» Mexicw axsexed U S. D lifiirmnn nf ..e tv . | of Mexico to attack I he officers of the 1 ~ Cliairuian of the committee of Way nnd Menu*, reported a bill providing for deficiyuces in the Treasury for the j Fr«n> ilw P<n»*jiva«a inquirer. tion,'or so much of it a pfeseut fiscal year; i Washington Feb. 2. • duced to take part •Also a bill making appropriations for | Senate.—The Vice President Iteing maintaining the engagements of the go-'absent, Mr. Atchison was elected Pres- t idenl pro lem., when the Senate Dear Colonel : 1 feel army. The plan was, that the popula- : anx ions to hear Imvv the Vernment with the Indian*. Mr. Vinton explained thecircumstnn- called to order, and proceeded to the cos which had caused a delay in report- consi lerntiou of the morning business, tog these hills. Mr. Hunter, from the committee on A discussion ensued in which sever- Public Buildings, reported a bill topro- al members participated. vide for lighting the Capitol, which was A’communication from ilia Secretary passed. of I lie.Treasury was received and read. The Senate then proceeded •J proposing a reduction of (lie contemplal- consideration of the order of the day, the cd lonn to twelve millions of dollars. Ten Regiment bill, ami Mr. Bell having On motion of Mr. Rockwell, the House the floor, spoke at some length in oppo- ,, resolved itself into committee of the eiiinn to it. :i Whole, and took up the private Calen- Mr-BcUcbargedthatiheadministration the pi; ti Uar. ‘ neither wauled nor expected peace with i The hill for the relief of Mary Brown, the present government of Mexico, hut I d considered in committee, was reported designed to build up agovernment there ould be i conspiracy, along there lb.home, and I ,jest open your lips carefully a little ] was the. policy jivs, and tell etn you are digging into . republic. t the Uui- ^ |,, e Y lla | parts of Mexico to gel that five ; The lnl V* ... i millions she owes us. I sustained by the people, not Then shet your mouth right up again,! Held but hv the payment of l: and keep it shet, and I guess you’ll he. they will sustain every just safe. Don’t he afraid This s of the Dec. 30,'47. d deal! getting j pose you the better day; Hh England was nobly s ly in the | n s. And ’ WASHINGTON INTRIGUES. That all' parties at Washington are ju»t »t this time resorting to all kinds of party and politi cal manmvring we have no sort of doubt; and that if the political intrigues which always disgrace National Capital c which our country shall he i full a# Jfciou,know bow we arc j PO J° ur if ibey shoobl Ity; But l risk nothing in saving that our National capiuu on the eve of the selection of Presidential Candidates, and particularly at tho pre sent time, were fully exposed to the inspection of an intelligent and virtuous people, wc feel well as sured the minds of all right-thinking people would turn from their contemplation with; nausea and olved.— disgust. The Washington National IVAyjof last i«t nn at- I gives the following insight into the mancevre tempi to adopt such a system of taxu- ; ofmenand parties at Washington for the purpose i I i .... .1,:. in «ivtv fi..: n Vi^tn'on the shelf, But the? should rise, and, assisted by a body of ; t oul | '"»t* your message! {n,li 1 g ,Jess i,ns wer will pacify guerrillas which were to enter the city fo Congress, End their first three day’s ! li jl' ve = el 1,10 ' vork 8,1 ,lo!,e a,,iI Me at a certain hour, make the attack.— ,i 0 j n rr f , nnd thal’s the last I’ve In ard. L **» a!l ? , „ , „ , ........ During the dav the commander-iu-chiel Wheal found the \Ylii«r« b id fairlv i ,ocm boldly and tell eni you huve made 1 should be put an end to. - . , .. v. r 1-it <i i.:,.r~r.i— • » • - & moment *hc greatest hargan tlint any body ever he done by Congress in ninety days - , can laugh to scorn the puny attempts of poll i made on this airth; you have got the and 1 pray Cod that they may do it. whole of Mexico, people and all, ' lion would wind up this i step up davs. And this shows* that the This old Buenea Vista on tlie shelf. But they had as well give it up. Maintaining the hold he does upon the affections of the people, old Zach ahead for squalls; tho old of it this informed all tho chief officers of the in- carried the House tended attack, designated rullN’ing jxm»ts te was a bad for the different regiments, and made £ aYS J l,»ok.0ilt every disposition necessary to defeat' s ”},ip will have a rougl the insurrection. At night scarcely a. winter. I had a good mind to come Mexican was lobe seen in the streets— right home to help hv the helm, for showing that the whole population had { knew you would need me. But then a knowledge of what Was to he attempt- 1 see at once that wouldn’t do, for our 1 he precaution adopted, it is su|»- j officers have got into a dread hi 1 snarl posed, prevented an attempt to execute Mexico, Jan. 23, 1S4S. here, and I shouldn’t dare to leave till things is.settled, for fear the annexin Id all go back again, anil we should Yesterday Col. Hays and some <>f. lose our two year’s \vork. 3*10 Ihe House and passed—yeas 115), .-.nays 47. The House then adjourned. ith whom lo treat. Without cpuclud , lie give wny for the reception ol a ! ssago fr«»m the President, transmit-; w ? the correspondence between Mr. 1 they did not wa " hut lied •• Washington, Jan. 31. iu > Scutit*.—The Senate Wa* called to o: —tier, nnd proceeded to consider the mor: r;ing Imsin**?. I dundry |K'titions and memorial'' .ver presented. •* 1 On motion, the morning business wa ' laid aside, and tho Sciiule proceeded to Mr. C consider the order of the day, on the irrelevancy, hut the Chair decided that » Ten Regiment Bill. 'the gentleman was in order, and could .* Mr. Downs addressed tho Senate at proceed, as there was no role prescrib- J-tomn length* in favor of the Bill. He ing personal cxpl 'dcclnrcd himself in favor of die acejnisi- : order were raised, and rules cilcJ to lion, either by treaty or force, of Mexi- lain them. v can territory suflieiciil to secure the in- , Mr Smith appealed from the decisi< '^Icmnity due our citizens lor outrages on of the chair, and the appeal was laid : tllbir rights and property; also to pay the expenses of the war. When lie eon- had a brush with Padre Jarauta, at a place called San J uan, so.r «*lwentv ah cr thirty miles from here. Alihonch tin- guerillas far exceeded the T more th Trial and the Mexican Commissioners j charge, hut lied in great confusion.— luring the armistice. 1 Jarauta was seen to fall troin his On motion the {Senate adjourned. horse, which, together with his lance Haute of licnretrutalieesi—Ml? Rhetland cloak, H-’ll into the hands of Colonel risked anil obtained leave to make a |»er- Hays. Ilis saddle was bloody, Irmn son a l explanation, and sundry things in which it is inferre 1 that the reverend relation to the speech of Mr. Goggin.— scoundrel was killed. smith called him to order for five millions of dollars, whielris only about fifty cents a head for the people, and the lands and the gold mines thrown in for nothing. I’m persuaded it will make the great est man of you that ever lived yet; great er than Washington, or Jackson, or any body else. The world will them say, “What great things was Washington? 4 He only defended his country and built up a Republic ; hut there was Col. Polk, juered a country and annexed a ” I’m so sure it will cornel I wish you could stop their setting up that great Washington Mon ument there in the city of Washington, for that monument ought to be raised to ! Cjrrfsp.uiJcnce. of ihc New Oilcans Delta. Mouth Rio Grande, Jan. 25. EJs. Delia—The quiet times we have itions. Points of 0 f late enjoyed on this line serin near an end, and another “estampede” is at hand. By the arrival *.f the U. fc?. steamer Troy, Capt. Wright, from Camargo,: Gol. Bent come, all 1 can do is to gi tilings a little, hv \\. v ... e how ’twill he; the House will s ‘ Itepablio. he quarrelling with you all winter: lo *. 1 M the first ‘ they’ll he asking you all the hard ques tions they can think of, and all the time prying into your secrets about the war, - and annexin. A u«H don’t believe t he j y° u «nd the money should he s, ifeuate will he a copper better. Tis ‘ , " r 1 n " r,w * i " ' 1 ' nhw true there oiut so many Whigs there, hut there’s them there that is lull as b id. You never can do any thing with Mr. Calhoun; you know he always splits every thing in two, even to a hair; and tlie most he’ll ever do for us about this annexin business will he to split off' a little piece of Mexico. If he finds out we arc annexin the whole of it he’ll fight agin us till all is blue. Then there’s think is a whit het- / ttr'J QT o *- ATHK.WS, GEORGIA: lliocxncn eluded. that there were rumors of tin I approach of a large Mexic; gentiema Yo know what took in Texas, of this place received a lei-j because we sot out to take in a little friend in Monterey, dated! strip of Mexico with it; only a little Jan. 10, in which he says, An express reasonable strip, too, jest on our side of has just arrived from Saltillo, with the ' the river, so as to make square work of it. overwhcln^ng force • Col. Benton’s ebenezer was right up the table. Mr. Rliett then concluded his remarks hv saying that lie had been misropreicnt- I the, ed. Mr. Cobh addressed the House. He opposed ihe further prosecution of the intelligence that for the purposes and designs of the ; 3 approaching. There is another ru-i about it: he said it didn’t belong that Gen. Wool had given notice I and it didn’t belong to Texas, and I shouldn’t touch such a fuss about i ‘ 1 ^ Mr. Douglass gol the fl< .Senate adjourned. House if Jlrjtrf*ru/utires.—The Speak er announced the first business iti ordei _ w 'm be calls upon ijieirihers from different Executive, and pointed out the evils that 'Sfaies fnr rpsuliitmn,, nnd sundry were. m»« uriso should die policy of ihc Ad- iiiii,eInerehnms til Snliilio,dimiiecould 'had ... . ....... *4i drdingly presented. minis!ration be curried out. He believ- protect them but lour days longer, anil it. Now, if he made Mr. Gnu offered a resolution to stop cd iwo-diirds of dm people were that tbo works at Monterey were being thru little strip on*ur side of die river, *tlft) debate on (lie I’resid. til’s opposed to the war.* pul j„ ,| lc . | )esl possible state of deli-nee. lie’ll be likelv In raise Ned nnd turn up message to-morrow at -J ri’t lin k. Mr. Stephens followed, and Mr. Cobb We | KIVO oceiisinntiily beard rumors of Jack if lie litids out we have a notion of • Mr. Coll amor moved to lay the re so- replied, and was very sevcie on the the gathering of the enemy at San Luis • annexin the whole of Mexico. And lie’s Vldion on the table. . President, and the Secretary of War. and Zacatecas, but never considered Q terrible enemy to have, I can tell you. t 'The motion of Mr.Cdlamer was lost, * Mr. Charles Brown followed, and was t | iem worthy of notice. These arc sup- I don’t believe there’s another man in the _0flq the resolution ol Mr. Goll adopted., vehement in his defence ol the Adtnin- posed to be the forces approaching.— country that can look down opposition It seems singular that no authentic in- equal to him. Now, with such ""Mr. Vinton from the committee of, istfaiion. s tilth tlie Cobbs are Administration men. Ways and Mears, reported a hill provi- ^(TTrtJj fftr' tfiV- sn p port of the army, and, "hen the House adjourned, ahio n fiill making npptoprinlions lor the , * There is, we think, evidently a crfh'stnJctioh and repair of fortifications, which were read twice and referred to the CnmmitUo of the Whole. Mr. Turner of Illinois, offered a reso lution in favor of annexing New Mexico and CnliJoiniu lo the United Slates— which hes over till to-morrow. Mr. G. B. tNiiitli^ obtained the floor, formation has been received in relation these in the Senate, besides all the ihun- : to such movements, and many are in- der of Webster, and all the persuadin of mistake here, c ||i,ed to disbelieve the reports now in Crittenden, how arc you going to get ’mm. circulation, although the wise ones have along? I think there’s no way for us * * * • prophesied that such a movement would to gel along safe but to keep such men J'tOlH ItlmCO. lake place as soon as it was known in the dark. Keep coaxing the money that Gen. Taylor had left the country, out of em to conquer a piece, but never ■.ate from Tlexico. ■ and it would not he at all surprising let em mistrust that \ye intend to con- We learn by the New Orleans papers, when we take into consideration the in- quer the whole. Me must look one ;of the : 2Dib uli that the (J. S. steamship ! adequate force left for tho defence of way all the time nnd row ’(Other. Mr. Giddings offered a resolution for fCdiili had arrived at New Orleans, from this line. The Government certainly j know you’ll have a hard time of it, for the appointment of a committee ol five Vera Cruz, with dales from that place have committed a great error, in with- Congress will k^qp w '" all ruqutic \ii\o th r ?la»eiradc in the | 0 i| u . ^otli, mid from the City of Mexico drawing so many troops from the val- the time withihis question and that, and the 12tli of January. The’ E. brought j ley of the ltio Grunde, and it may yet pryiu into all the secrets about the war, . thr »lu»r trade In the District of Columbia ; and lie demand- ed the previous question upon its adop-‘ ovcr a large number of bodies of Ucceas- I officers. ,11911. Mr Holmes of South Carolina, moved j jbai it he laid the ayes and tines on the motion. jMr. Holmes’ motion was rejected, (< correspondent, without say ing what wa .done with Mr. Giddiu, * takes up Atiotiicr subject.) tiered by Mr. Col. Wiiitiibr’s command had arriv- the table, and called j,, s:iJt ., v R ea | del Monte. A detachment under Col. Wynkoop opt tired General Valencia and his aid, ami Col. Arista, at the hacienda of the the 1st inst. Col. pursuit of Jarauta and ped him solution, j former, Tepijaco, . . I Wvnkonp was in iM*ouai 1 .tiered by Mr. Garrett j ,| ie ,i me . These jrhe.resnlutic putK-nn, nskitt)! the Prctnlrut in cm-j a rt\v ^uur. onlv. ...... inunifuU’Gi’n.Tn}lor’sru| Col. Arista were released vy s letter, reprimanding Gen. Gaines, 1 ■"* * •« was adopted. Mr.Cliiigm:iti offtTcd a resolution call- | .\rnazuca. Gen. Valencia and } seen. 1 give them parole. he found necessary to reconquer this nml want to know what orders you givo portion of the country. The present t° u => ° ,Jl here in Mexico, and what the almost defenceless slate of this line in- armies are going to do, and where all vilesan attack, and none but Mexicans the money goes to, and a thousand things would so long have neglected to take that they’ve no business with- Now, advantage of it. | when they keep coming to you with I will not pretend lo vouch lor the these uglv questions, I think tho only truth of these reports, but there are raa- safe way will he for-you to shet your ny that believethem lo he true. \Vbelli- mouth right up, and keep a stiff* upper er they' are so or not, remains to he lip, and not say a word. And do pray ' ’ ’ they are heard be careful w hat you tell to good old Mr. here. The supposition is that Gen. Richie, for you know he never could Cols. Torrejon, Minnon and Gaund ! Wool will fall back on Monterey, not keep his mouth shet. There’s some dogs, hoiily afterwards captured at j having sufficient lorCe to hazard a hat-. you know, that always bark at - . *«v'ii, near l’uebl i, by Dominguez,, tie where he is. In such a case there is wrong time,and frighten away the g; tng 011 the I resident lor all correspoa- j Captain of the Mexican spv company nothing to prevent the Mexican forces ityfcc relative to the ordering of a Court j j n ,| 1C 9rrv ice of the United States. * 1 marching upon Carmargo, &c., and i u Martial at,Penile, to try Gen Scott. 1 ------- - . - - . lor that purpose. I don’t know how you 1 can stop the work goin on, unless you can make it out that it comes under the head of internal improvements, and then you might stop it constitutionally. At any rate, it’s worth trying (or. Never mind the prating of them scare-crow folks, who make such a fuss and say it 1 will be tlie destruction of the United! States if you annex Mexico. What if it should? You would still stand above Washington and be remembered longer. Our history hooks tell us that the name of the man who built the first great tem ple to Diana at Ephesus is lost and for gotten; nobody knows who he was; but tho name of the man who sot fire to it and burnt it do,vn is found in all the histories down to this day. So in this grand annexin business of yourn ; if you should set fire to the great temple that Washington built, and burn it down, »n’t be afraid hut what your name ill live ou the page of history full as mg as Washington’s. But I’ve writ so much already, that I haven’t room to say hut a word or two about matters here. We keep pushing the business hero ; we’ve got pretty well !i the vital parts of the country, and the army has now commenced spreading out and turning squatters. But we haven’t near enough to spread the country yet without leaving them too scattering. I hope you will hurry on the thirty thousand more tnei that you promised, as fast as possible that would make us near a hundred thou sand strong; enough to spread out squat ters into all po|ts ofthe country, and the annexin business would lie pretty much That is, the annexin of Mexico ; _and I take it you’ll give us a holy day and let us rcst^i^jur months before we hitch on to themejiSptiiiiry down south. And, besides, wotfljSll need that holyday about electing you President an other term ; for you’ll have to he elected the common way once more, before you will he strong enough to stand 1* dent all the time without Uuy election. things is going on very well for your election this time. The more can didates there is on both sides, tho better it will he for you ; and it appears now as though there was agoing lo he lots of ’em. I temain your faihful friend, MAJOR JACK DOWNING. Thursday Mtrtiiiu?, Feb. IO, !S |S. ZACHAllY TAYLOR, i.seJ Tiie attention of our citizens is respectfully directed to tlie card of Dr. Spencer in this day’s paper. \Ve have had the pleasure of examining 1 l»een instruments, &c., which are of the Gcir. Cad wallader’scommand consist-! sweep the valley of the Rio Grande to train etn to keep still hen they ought to. You remember, ore than two years ago, before the Mr. Bolts offered another, asking by I ing of the 4th Artillery, 6th, Sthand 11th the Gulf. It is a great mistake to sup- war begun, when you was laying t -in nr,i u r .. j Infantry, left the city of Mexico ou the pose the Mexicans conquered. Their, the work privately and carefully, and | 3d inst, for Toluca. The troops were disposition to fight isjustns good as ever itgetting your ships round to the Pacific in fine spirits at the prospect of active was, where there is a prospect of success. 1 nnd giving the officers their orders t( _ ! service once more. They had reached As I said before, I will not vouch for { stan ready and wait till the train was 01c icnmon^ imn f**’ j Gcrma at the Iasi accounts, without mo- the truth of the rumors, and il will give touched on this side, and the moment It'sintion. me great pleasure to he able to contra- j they heard the first sound ol the war to what authority Mr. Walker established a tariff*for Mexico, bothofwliich lie , The House then adjourned. Washington Feb. 1, IS4S. I Senate.—The Senate was called in or-j On the 4th inst. Major Tnllinfcro nr- diet them in my next, but at present I' snap up California, and annex if, and l der at the usual hour arid pnx’eeded to, rived in Mexico from Real del Monte must pronounce it another strong cas * c r ' ' * L ~ l the consideration of the morning busi- with a detachment of the Dili infantry of qnicu sabc? |ncss, which was mostly unimportant. ! and twenty dragoons, in charge of one HO.MBRE. ( Mr. Miller's resolution requesting the I hundred and fiiiy thousand dollt * hold on to it, so thirrif we found the people wouldn’t lot the \ could come to a settlement, and each side hold what they had got—y member how Mr. Richie got so full of clique to him out of a Presidential notnina- (tion. The “Whig” says: We assure ourftfends, tlie friends ot Gen. Taylor, that Washington at this . moment abounds in intrigues, tho object of which ; is to prevent tlie people from voting for the 44 Hero * of Buena Vista” for President. In these in trigues, Whigs and Democrats are equally conccrn- I ed, though with dillcrcnt objects in view. There are \Vhi«*s who desire to procure tho nomination of • some man who is a violent partisan, and who, if he tis elected, will divide the offices of government i among his clan exclusively. To cflect their pnr- ; pose, they boldly make use of the name of the hon- : ored Clay, and swear that he is their man. when, 1 all the while, they have not the remotest idea of permitting him to be the nominee of the CoiWen- ! tion. By tho force of Mr. Clay’s name, they hope to arrest the popular feeling that is sweeping over the country in favor of Gen. Taylor. They have I cve „ begun to villil’y and abuse tho il Old Hero.” i Ou tlie other hand. -Mr. Polk is exceedingly de- ' sirous of keeping “ < >ld Zach” out of the field and ’ of netting .Mr. (’lay into it. He argues, that, if he I can effect this object, he himself will get the nomi- i nation of the Democratic Convention lor President, and will be able easily to defeat the man whom he : ' once before defeated. 1 Ience, Mr. Polk is doing all ’he can to destroy Gen. Taylor and to favor the Clay ! movement, which he does not know is a pretended * on the part of those Whigs who are just now vociferous in his behalf. Bold measures have by .Mr. Polk to create confusion in the \Vhi«r ranks, lie Ims rewarded Gen. Scott by *iu- ■ pending him from the command of the Army, s n uspatliy in his favor among the Whigs, order. Among thei cation, which, when brought before the public, 1 ... ' we undeistand it will be, so soon as letters pa- ' who, he believes, iti this event, will insist upon it are procured) we think must prove highly I making him President even in preference to any beneficial in tho practice of dental surgery. It is one else. Sympathy for fr'Cott, it is supposed, will certainly a very ingenious contrivance for accom- ; be :t»» element that will check the Taylor movement, plishing that which we are informed cannot be per- which, being checked, will favor Mr. Polks and formed with any instrument now in use. j Mr. Clay's chances for the nomination. AI! the Democratic leaders regard the defeat of 0^7” We would specially direct the attention of! their party as certain and inevitable, if Taylor’s our up-country friends to the cards of several mor- popularity cannot be overturned, and il it cannot cnntile houses of Charleston in this week’s paper. ! be, their only hope tt success is with Polk agains^ Wc feel no hesitancy in recommending these es- Clay. Mr. Buchanan himself, we know, has tablishments, as by ajri rlising, they atlbrdji tangi- I not the slightest thought of being a candidate. He hie proof that the proprietors are inen of business ; knows he cannot be cb-cted, lie looks to Mr. Polk habits,and will take pains to please their customers.' for the perpetuation of the dynasty in power. Ev- moveinent henceforward, on the part of the Ad- istration, will be shaped with a view to get Mr. al Paintings which have excited such unbound- j Polk and Mr. Clay in the field once more. This ed admiration elsewhere, will he offered to tlie in-, is the key that will unlock administration move- spection of tlie public,this evening,at the Town llall. j me „ts. And when Whig politicians shall be seen ••TURNERS MONTHLY* A MISCELLANEOUS ar G'"S Mr. Clay before the country again, let it be journal and review." I sot down, that they arc only using his name lor the We have received the lebruary number of a j purpose of injuring Gen. 'Pay lor and tor favoring neatly printed and wc!! filled periodical, bearing j t | lC nomination of some violent partisan, the above title, published at Eatonton and Madison, [ The people of all part ies, who arc for “Old Zach’ r in this State ; edited by J. A. Turner, and printed j or president, will ponder these tilings and let the for the proprietor by C. L. Whelcr & Co. The intriguers know that their efforts will be in vain. 44 Monthly” is a Magazine containing 23 pages of j interesting mutter, and off-red t t tho | verv low piiceof SI 50 per annum, in advance.— j We do think that the reading public, of Georgia'! should encourage this effort to draw out and dovel- 1 ope the literary talent of our State. GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. We leu celeb occasion a Historic Hon. Edward S. II. a notice in the Savannah papers Anniversary of this Society will be tat city on tlie 12th inst., on which will he delivered by We find i . LECONTE S LECTURES. the Savannah Georgian the following I ■ interesting Lec- : PROPOSED J Judge McLean and the AVnr. ■ Tlie following letter has been fur nished to the Cincinnati Gazette, by the gentleman to whom it was addressed, for publication. The pure official posi tion ofjudge McLean, as well as his high character, and the uuifortn moderation of his political course, imparts interest and will give weight to his opinions : Washington, Jan. 4,1848. My Dear Sir—To all human appear ance the termination of this miserable CONVENTION. ;ing the iinjmrtance of ““T* “:r". ! C ' j holding primary meetings in the dillcrcnt counties iuira uu Agricultural Chemistry, delivered hv Dr. J * ,, , 0 e at the Spring term of our Superior Courls, we ne-’ LeCoalc. Mcc the W Cla„ ol .ho l »»,.;■ , |cc , oJ rcmin , reil o( lhc fMli tha , „ tll(! “’ !,,ul ' rb “ h have b " a l ,ubM, ' d | late Legislative Taylor meeting al MilledgoviUe, a resolution was adopted, recommending a State Con- paaijihlet Copy oi tt™ lectures Ilia u,ciu! Sri- | ™ “' st - l ' ha o 1 the tiilicrcat eiice by John I.eCoste, M. D., Professor of Natu- ■ counties will of course, embrace tlie opportunity of ral Philosophy and Chemistry in the University of 1 appointing delegates to this Convention, when they G . e " r S ia > PM'rti’dmd by request of the Senior Class can , a t the same time, express their sentiments in of iranklin College, before whom the accomplish-; , , ,, . v , ,, 4 . T cd Professor delivered them in October last. They Te S* riUo the proposed National Convention. In should he extensively circulated through the State lhc number of the Macon Journal & Messcn- ... '-".i- the importance of a ger, we find the following s by request of the Class : Agricultural Chemistry.—Wc have 1 to awaken the agricultui thorough knowledge of a subject which ble him to understand thoroughly the means of veloping the Agricultural properties of the soil. •gestions on this sub- s at Woshington have dc-* il Convention for the pur- | pose 01 iioiiiinuuiig cat initiates for the Presidency Bj* Is it not a little remarkable that all of a sud- and Vice Presidency, it becomes important that the den all the Democratic papers, not only in this State,! Whigs ol Georgia, in their primary meetings during but throughout tbo from o!d Father Ritchie 1 «- '*l'l' r ™vlli„S 'l" ; "K 'honld vvptvM an , , ,, . opinion upon the subject. It will he exceecingly down to the Cass, U/c Pioneer, should manifest a I proper for them to do so. especially as they will Kc great and unbounded admiration of the character I appointing delegates to the June Convention, and of the great Statesman of the West—the Kentucky | as tbc action of that Convention may greatly de- orator-and simultaneously express tho opinion | ,h « instructions given to the Delegates . / r . y | appointed. Kveu it the Convention should nomm- tliat he is tlie most available man in the \\ lug par- j ate (as wc have no rloubt it will) a Taylor Ticket ty—tlie man who, of all otfiers, preseuts the high- war with Mexico, is more remote than j est claims to a nomination for the Presidency 1— ) when the first blow was struck. Ill my | Nor is this sentiment confined to Democratic edit- j j send Delegates with limited in* ^*r<**i(irnt to inform the Senate whether 1 silver bars—a pnM ofthe assessment le- ’ Awfal ^agedy. i tnx fluty has been levied upon goods vied u|»«.n the State and Federal District Oh Saturday night last two negro tra- the matter, that he liked to blowed the Sported by citizens of Mexico, and bv ' of Mexico. -* ders from Person County, N. C,. of the j whole business up by letting on about the [rnoi authority, was taken up nttd adopt- 1 rumor prevailed in the city of namesof ThomasP.Trotteb and Rich- conquest of Mexico. i Mexico that the Mexican Commissioners a HD Bolton were murdered in Randolph carelessness at that The bill providing additional Exam- bad offered a plan of peace—based upon Co. Ga. near Harrison’s Store, by two of lib 1 rs for tin* Patent Office, was passed. Mr. Trial’s propositions at Tacabaya— ! their own negroes! The particul ■The iSennto then proceeded to the ■oral ion of the order oftlte day i Regiment Bill. ! communicated to t I which had been sent on to Washing : The (city. The departure from the ultimatum ! of Lumpkin, through the hands of Mr. ! offered by Mr. Trisu was supposed to Thornton ofthe same place, are as fol- 7rD5lfglnss cfcfemfnl-lJiei bill a demand for $30,000,000 for the j lows: The murdered men bad encam- lied to various objections ••Mrged" territory proposed to be surrendered to i ped for the night, a few miles to [inst it by Senators, and said thnt the l ihc United States. | westward of Cuthbcrt, between ^ was just, and ought lobe prosecuted j We regret to learn that the four regi- placejaud Eufaula, Ala., having with them j I think you did right to make believe |1 an honorable peace was obtained.; meuts which accompanied Gen. Butler j the three negroes, two men and one boy. 1 in your message that you had no idea of efore Mr. Douglass had concluded, to Mexico, are sufiering much from sick-i While lying togetheron a mat rrss, asleep, j conquering the; whole of Mexico. I nvc wny lo a motion for adjournment, 1 ness. j the negro men took position, one on each | don’t believe it would be safe to take From a hast v glance at our Mexican * side of their victims, nnd at a given sig- ■ that ground till the work ly to upset our whole kittle offish— "ght a lost Caltlornia, and Santa by Mr. J. T. Palmer j Fe. and likely enough even that little trip on our side of the river jining Tex ts. And, as for thejwhole of Mexico, »ur jig would a been up at once ; we night a whistled for it till doomsday, between that but ’twouldn’t come. judgement it was unnecessarily and un-jors. J lave i constitutionally commenced, by march- every comer otthe st ;ching our army into dispnted territory is not their object i in the possession of Mexico. And, I not the very same m think, that Congress who, unquestiona-1 ofthe Whig party in bly have the power, should put an end received the nomination of the Wh to the war on just and honorable prin-1 ventiou ? And then, did not the *a ciples. After agreeing upon the terms on which a treaty should be made, they should call upon the Executive by I h» s private character, whic!*.was mercilessly •. structious, to a. National Convention, in order to consult and confer, in regard to the Vice President question for the [tlife Senate then adjourned y ousc if Repnsentaticcs.—The House ng resolved itself into Committee ■he Whole, UK»k up for consider- pt, lire subject ofthe reference of the bideni’s annual message. papers, »if which we have a full file, can find nothing more than is contained in the letters of our correspondents. We extract the following paragraph from the World nf Gaudalaxara, under •ggin look the floor, and oppos- J of 17th of December, he measures of Mr. Polk’s Adminis- 1 In a letter from Topic, dated the 1 Ith on. lie replied to Mr. Rliett, and December, JS47, it is said, that the news with uiucn warmth and qprncst- had reached jjasallau that 500 rnnehe- ; ros of Calaloruia attacked the Amer- (I, was severe upon both Mr. icaus who were in possession of La Paz _ and Bedinger. and J?an Jose, had defeated them aud ,r» How* followed in strong defence, set fire to iIkisc places. Ou the 2d three ~ i3 Polk. lie was interrupled, by 1 American vessels had lelt Mazutlatl to nsenl, aud interrogated by Mr. render assistance, and this occurrence f>ai nr. j would pndong the blockade of Sun Blag, ith Air- Goggio’s speech, the debate j We lmve news from Queretaro. An- w president’s Message wus closed.' aya who was elected President after r. Wihnot moved to amend lire reso- j Santa Anna'a resignation, has gone out ns instructing the committee upon ' of office, * be terra ’.mvitg expired, and Ho raise five uidHuQf dollats In*; Pena y Pena, by right J bis office as taxation. He ni:ij<cs n spirited , Ch'ef Justice, at prcscSUlsthe vacant q and said that was the right wny ! chair, or has been cle^^B’resident—l »: nirtiq^ on all extra irdinury oc- cannot positively ieari^Wch, but l am He all extrairdimiry oc- cannot positively leai 'Hbelieve tbe funner. He has Jt clareo that lie will pursue the policy-of ch^uil Mr.--Secret) I <vni»t*t)f coor.tge, 1R tMlteddr?Tents were offered, j Auayu, who«» supposed to be favorable | Mr. Wilraot’s concqrreuetv i}*> peace. Tbc lette^r yvhicb brings this nal, cut their throats with a razor. Trot- ‘ The people of our country, ter was not so fatally cut as was Bolton, i tish yet about conquering' and was able to jump up, when he was! tries; they hair* — * despatched with an axe! The bodies this’reason yot were then carried off*a mile distant and firm with Congress,nnd n thrown from a bridge into a creek, wht*n question you too close, ^ the murderers proceeded to secure the a bother. Call upon money and burn the notes and papers . large armies, and all of the deceased, and having set on lire money the mints can n the bloody matrass, put out with the; Mr. Walker can borrow,fc carryall and horses in the direction of; are digging into the vitai/j ■* - — * ' * - ,L - L :,t ,L ‘“ to get that five millions'* If they ask yon if Mi offer to give np that fiv to pay her Ibrourtnkii caJers l.card it expressed at j people themselves to settle. Wc believe they will vets by their leaders ? Now, j settle it properly and promptly, just ns they have s plain as a pikestaff? Did Untied the: question in regard to^“Old Ronph and jn bewail the “ ingratitude” [(Mea 1810, when Gen. Harrison | men a ' National Coii- when Mr. Clay was unanimously brought ward as the Whig candidate, villify and abuse him :i the most unmeasured I I they will do it without any reference j ui iva ier* or their dictation. They will follow men as the representatives of their principles, only j so.long as they he mode useful in carrying those ; prinnples into practice, but they will not allow ei* ther their former personal attachments or the ambi-- i lions views of old favorites, to lead them from tbe plain path of duly. To the people therefore* we - perfectly willing to submit the question. olution to offer a pe icc to Mexico J upon that basis, and during the INDIAN V/AR ON THE FRONTIER. A correspondent of tlie N. Y. Courier &. Enqui-- r, under date ot the 31st ult., says : kV-.-.r has broken out between the Delaware and anchc Indians. One desperate battle had been tit, in which the Delawares were defeated, with tailed by the hired minions of party from reme of the land to the other ? And did they liation, hostilities should be suspended. ! 1*)’ tireir lying, intrigues and corruption, defeat bis I If the President shall refuse to do this, | election? And would they not attempt the accom-) Can in the military appropriation bills, the plishment of the same object by the employment of j fought, i army should he required to take such tire same mcaus, if be were ag*m before the peo- ] a poaitinns a« shall carry out dm views Mm mna, ,1k, man. In view of >11' v," ^ „ rl ,u ni 1, ol 'tfccCan.»„cl,« Md'iSflw of Congress. These hills the President j ti’ 11 ** tiien, is it not plain to the moat obtuse into!-, ing the whites in the war between the Indian tribes could not veto, and he wouid be bound | loct that art their wailings are only designed to I and Texas. The loss of ibeir warriors hail excited by their requirements. This may be ! a ^ OU8e t,ie sympathies of Mi*. Clay’s lricnds in his ! »he Delaware nation to revenge, and they would • ’ ” i behalf, ia order, if possibla, to rule Old Each off the I a ® OUIH, *‘! r »b lc fptec 1° engage in !•-' i . , , . . .. , , . . , . contacts. A general Indian war wus appre-» ! track ? Inasmuch as they succeeded til defeating j bended, and it was rumored that several tribes bad vill refuse to issue ! The notes Mr. Clay done by tbe House. I hope Congress any more treasury notes, demanded in circulation, of with that description of paper. (hat an emission would constitute a govern- «"»«•• th* wjrtl •», , mem bunk, controlled nnd managed bv i fro,n “ ,e ‘ r “J “»■*.« y«w «o«H intervene reou. uml tlie I.or.e„nnd took other. b e loa s in 5 to *. before they could again grasp the reins of Govern- 1,10 “*. ment. They know that Gen. Taylou would como before the people not only free front any popul; they confidently calculate on re-en- ; volunteered to carry the war to the city of Mexico., that twelve hones Gillet, outhef Cozxens and , .... ide days over- itl routed the Indians, killing seven. They addition tn those already acting the scene, of 18-14, if iie should ig^o ba die A of Camanchc. slat, that ,, would Hood the country of u ‘° WM S t*"y ’• \ LkJ’a f“i 'mmJh s C ri“? “ itm scription of paper. Such ,lh ' ,t Xarl ‘ hr »" r mndhlatr, Locofccoiun ; twelre men followed them MM h i it« a party administration. We have now fifteen millions of treasury notes in cir- Tdn’t dilation, and authority to issue five Mex- millions more. I would not increase xa3 with- this circulation a dollar, but reduce it fcj* B} the Knoxville Tribune of last week wa learn that the bill appropriating $350,000 for the prejudice against him, (which unfortunately for the j relief of the Iiiwassee Rail Road had been defeated- entry, they many years ago succeeded i the Tennessee Legislature. There was a major ing against Mr. Clay) but with such a bold upon ity of nine against its passage. Marion county, taking the boy with them- The .discovory of the murder was made on Sunday morning, from the fire hav ing communicated to the Woods, at the - r j mg a»aiusi an scene of the trnged v, which drew the at- out her leave, jest shet your mourii up. as rapidly as possible. Such a system ^ a J ection , of the wMe ^ bolh ti ^ iention oftlte neighbors to tlie spot,when, If they ask you if we hadnt ought to would be incomparably more tlatjger- they ja fe not attempt Urf defamation of the pa-' r after a short search, the mangled bodies give up that five millions lo Mexico for ous to the public liberty, than any other ,' Uicllc pW *so!^r who “ never surrender..” date of Janu L ." G “ ld8borou e h » of the murdered men were found, ns be- that strip on our side ofthe river that system of banking that couldbe devised, j With these fapts •taring them in tlie lace, is it at Goldsborourh “Therewms « fore Mated. Pursuit was immediately you sent Gen. Taylor to take without To meet any deficiency of the reve-; ^ pacing strange that» portion oi the Whig'pros l||t willl - two pertkeHu f, ue8day ’ “• l7t “ made, and-the negroes'^ere overtaken iter teave, jest shet your mouth up. nue lo pay the current expenses of the ■ 0 fthw State should so far lend themselves to the ’ ^ 1,J " rnu hcad * on on * in Marion county and brought to Lump-' If they ask yon if Mr. Trist didn't .of- war, I would authorize loans at par,, Bc hemes of the Locofocos, as to attempt to di-*p-ar- kin, where an exann’Ortion-was had and j fer to give up that five millions to Mex- paving not more than six per cent in- age Old Rough and Ready’s claims to the Presi- ihcse particular^ elicited by the con- ico and pay. her twenty millions more if terest, and if loans cannot be made at deucy, for the purpose of strengthening those of Mr. Cession of the negfoes! They were to she wouldn't try to get back California this rate, let the administration resort. Clay, whom the Locos think could bo much more _ be taken to Randolpjpeounty*’to await I nnd New Mexico, that you had taken to a st'stern of taxation, which shall '"easily defeated no\y%an in 1844 ? Will they not 13” Mrs. Gen. Gaines lias made a present of the -penalty oj the -law for t licit* awful j from her without her leave, jest shet cause the people to. feel the expense ^'of • j»ose and reflect before their coiwse results in the SSooo each to twy very estimable young 1 crime<^-Jf«rcogce Democrat. * > i youfmoutb Op, ‘ •- the ua*.. All wars sboul<|. bo a^cozn-* permanent and very scfloui injury of the pirty ? Washington. with two perfectly formed heads on one body— The parents were Mr. Hymerick Johnson and wife, tvas a boy child. The body was perfectly natu- , with the exception ol the two heads. The heads re joined logetlier from the ear to tbo nock.”