The southern Whig. (Athens, Ga.) 1833-1850, November 30, 1848, Image 1

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I iii ' ■ B | ' & £ 4? ■ I # JOHN H. CHRISTY &T.K LAnPKIN, EDITORS wit PROPRIETORS. JDirootcir to News, ^politics, CtUtature, (femoral Jittcliigerttf, Agriculture, fcr. NEW SERIES—VOL. II, NO. 22? ATH ENS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1818. u " CF GE0R<aA UB8ARY VOLUME XVI. NUMBER 34. loctrg. Written fvr the Souther> CLOUDS AT SUNSET. Ye floating clouds, vast solitudes in hc9V*n*e Expanse; thy edges fringed like angel's Wings, with gold, and then the roseate hoe ' : So aolUy o'er ye thrown, as blushes seen By moonlight on a mainden's check to rest. Whence arc yo? and whither do ye go? We Sometimes deem the c floating isles, with spirits Thronged to watch us through the night; and then We say,thou art the light’ning’s home,the burnished Conch on which the thunders sleep—the lever Whereupon tho whirlwind sets his foot, when -From the centre to its bounds he shakes the Quaking globe. But ye are fading, fading . Out, and like the beauty of a woman’s - Face, when comes the night of age, thy gold and Ruby tints arc vei|od,by twilight’s deep’ning Shades. And such is life! We bask awhile in Ray* of borrowed light, until some question With distrustful voice, whence come ye, and Whither do ye go ? Scarce is the answer Given, ere shades of death steal o’er our brow, And hearts in .which we were so late enshrined, is, while gloom and darkness Throw their *1 MilltJg* IRisccllancotis The Phrenologist. BTH.R. ADDISON*. I never recollect a warmer enthusiast than Professor Leyden. When lie spoke, he seemed to forget all other worldly circumstances,' all other subjects, save the one engrossing topic on which he was engaged. His eye, widely dilated, .declared that lie- had passed it to'the nest, who in his turn denier? all knowl edge of it, as did the' rest of the com pany. • -Every one had-seen it, every one had handled it, but none could now produce The room was searched, the serr saw no object save the bright imagery created by his fertile brain. His voice was impassioned. His every pulse heat high. The Professor, at the timdC I speak of, was just two-and-thirty, and ranked himself as the very leader of Gall and Spurzheim’s energetic dis- "iples. Op . the subject of phrenology , • .. ii .1 * ue .-emperor naci reaeneu me zenun he was d,scoursing when I entered the . P er f°" erimngst; ofhis prosperity. He was mhkingkings dmjng room of the Baron Hartmann. SB*©?concealed the bos, j witb aa ^ cll case „ be was It was a fine summer evening— "? S| vc our illustrious . marsba i 5 . Murat bad jast bee „ , ra05 _ Strawberriesnnd other Iruits decorated a .' r !S bt - (WWM. ba (erred from the Grand Duchy nlBererb worth fifty Ihousa^d fi.rins ; but. as Th"^* the board. The well-iced Johannisbcrg and the ccllnr-cooled Laffiite stood temptingly, on a table, around which about a dozen joung men, with the worthy Baron and the Professor sat. It appeared that, in the height of his enthusiasm, Leyden had, to please the company, examined* their heads, and with many wise looks pressed the bumps which he declared to be the un erring indications of the human charac ter and passions. Some unfortunate ’ght in company, however,-had evi- \XY. SllALL j monstation of wicked propensities, for he strenuously refused, on tjiis occasion, to pronounce upon the several organs, Fear not, beloved, though elond* nuy Whilst rainbow vision* mclt'nwiy, Faith's holy,star has still a power * That ins* the deepest midnight away, Fear nori I take a prophet’s tone, ' Ourtove can peithie £*"'■"• X -•o**v strong in trust—Mims ox NVc shall lie happy yet ! • ! though long an.v Since this true heart was vowed to thine, - Thrfo comes, for us a light at last, Whose beam upon our path shall shine, declaring he *« might give offence' ,f*'might be wrong, indeed it might ap pear invidious in short, after inakinj /, sa' / co * years have passed. Yet who have .loved ’midst doubts a Yc> nover with one hour’s regert, -• Thera comos * j*-** *•-«. — . )Ve shall be hapj»y yet • ^/vYvomfc beyond Ui ie mounts in *— -et. ^ dive >n| and storm combin J To **W thcrti to an ocean grav-— cm.latAat ungiui/TTSf, ■rt, alter making. . : 1 simUur-.excuses, the Professor]^ ,” l . r - • j silence ; nor could he ag*7>^ br "“S l11 E !p eak ' save anil evccpt u>^, 1 , hc S' !!lcr “ 1 iis ol the sys'lem, n u P° n whlch he never failed to*enlargCT . . It is a curious fact, thatHr never,n rn y life heard the subject 0 ? P/ ,reno !°Sy broached without a laugh*r e,n S ra,3a d At its expense, which ver>^ alaral b; •anppy&JLbe^iipporters of this t nr ” Vrings on tho warmest nrgu discussion ^f this kind tii^'’ ssar- to etiquette; the.could move to prevent him, hc ; had j With these words, she burst into-a ‘ r,- he ’ swallowed the contents of a small vial, j flood of tears.- The capricious beauty which afterwards prbved to have been i had changed her imperious tone to 'one Landed it filled, with prussic acid. ! of supplication and tender reproach, it to the ' The' unhappy Wretch, who-'c On fussed j The. Princess Panline was certainly to himself vo be.lhe same who, under the | me more chaTmirig lhan ever. -1 could assumed name oT “-Sand,” -had filled j not wonder at the ascendancy she gain- —and she seetiis to have acted tiji iq it. In Brazil a black ruffian attempted to robber J and she cut off three ofhis fin gers in defending herself. , In court scene Was heightened Considers hly by tho quick, ready and sonorous response of the Higlit Sheriff! Who looking at the same lime waggishly at the Koordish mountains,’a Koofd sig-j the Squinting jury exclaimed—‘ All nified, by drawing his hand across his ; good and lawful men, yotlr honor.* throat menacingly that he would take! But our humorous_functionary has ^ u - - , v . . u. - r --- a Jy that lie wouut laue t But our-humorous.functionary the country with terror? IUcu in tortures | ed over the emperor. He was at first j her life, unlesss she surrendered a las- j long since « shuffled offl his mortal coil.* too horrible io describe. The accnyul,. in a violent rage; but his anger was sel which she wore on her cap. She re-j 4 Where be your gives now! your but innocent youth, was liberated JVotn | gvuLually soothed, and when. Pauline i pelled the demand by gestures, which gambols? vourilashesof merriment that but innocent .youth, was liberated from jgndjually soothed, and wljen. Pauline pelled the demand by gestures, which | gambols? y the jail, and, in three months, Claraj stopped s’wr.v in her appeal and hurst j showed she was .not afraid of him.-^.! were wont to set the table in a roar?— 3 vants had not even entered the apart- j Haitmann became the bride'nf the Pro-j into tears, be adva*?/:ed to her, and said |Her language in those distant countries j quite chapfallen.— Washington Netcs. meut, the door had never been un-; fessor, . whose, love of phrenology'had J'affcctionately: ' was wholly the language of -signs, die-! — —— closed, none had stirred from the table. I ihrtsrletUis^llie^discovery of f 'guiltf the! “ My dear sister, why are ,y»u not | tated by Oecessliy, and which she seems j Washington’* Itiarriage in itftfl; The affair bega i to wear a serious as- j manifestation o£ acr j satisfe-d ? I am doing nil I can ‘for ;,nu. j often to hove made very expressive?— j- that J; ti.Styflrns, adt* 3 ’ peel. Tiie old baron felt his honor. quisition of the prettiest girl in Get. wounded,, lj«t still hoped, it might prove -—-Chambers Edinburgh, Jovmal. .ob„>n ill-irmed filMuff#i^^iSeBin’aparle. .. L P r f s ' , n e r J The Emperor had reached thtf^ienith seems really uneasy about it, I must! i y % V• . 'V , -' • , hn<r nAr , nn ,. T u i . I • • “ enrue! I exclaimed, it is her Imperial And the noble S to In^gb—! R ^ , ' None, however, responded, and Hnn-f' "• ™ apa ' - ] i, 1 "'” s l haS 1,1 torece.veherwnh nil due cere- rnony, when, happening to pass a win- more seriously. ' . ,dow whieh looked oof to the garden, I « i it* i ,Tbeheld advancing towards the house— when I * , T r 1 nfrentlC< ' but the Emperor himself. He mn„ when I ofier myself as .the first person ! a , „, e back door P usua „ v appropriated „i mnet ki»»i, i, , • .- ; io me servants, ana entered. He . was, Jdmow blurt we m«*t all ««bmn, j , binki accompanied b Berthi'er— he JL “■ r , mrchci! . bul : Here was a rencontre ! It was Scylln posal ” y ann&y ” S Pr °' and Charybdis! I might, perhaps, hie Prolessor Leyden ■ stand up. B ! ■>«'» tecognise the Emperor, heaven ! Pd sooner di,- - P ^ ..gdoms capnot be created at mv wifi.I The expenses of her tour round j linguislied artist of New York, and late 3 .•sides, Your husband is not a French- j fin world had . beeh, . otl Jier t tirri- j ly fVotn Europe; has been for somedays an.” I rival'TAOndomiah: just about,one*jhou-1 at Arlington House, in this vicinity, en- “ Let me have n divorce, then.” j sand dollars. NVianrao PfeiffeV isex-:§aged innia t king yerybe.'l(ltifu1aridsuc- “ Heaven forbid •!**•_ ’ | pected to reach her home * in Yieriua ’pCesslul'copies from the original pictures u I-will be queen, or I will go to Lon- ! early this month, and she w7/. \heri start'•«( Colonel ‘fil’d Mrs. Washington, the don.” • for this country. -.oiie of ihc dote of 1?72,- T by Peale, and theo^hr o‘Fa769, by \Voofas6i'ni with a view to the w pamVf?4 :qf u'large picture of Washington’^ m:irriag«V%Jltld. »n thei Original itilnior. A Squinting Jury!—Once upon a lime, Ousiis colleelion, nod ' pri’vaieiflem'oifW in be a htlle more pamcolar, nearly I o( lbc lifc rtnd cbaracler „f Wrtshinglon. ** century ago, (for the editor of! — r ' - • v - - - - - half ,. - „ - , t The scene is laid in the hHcient Par 3 this paper well temembers the fune, j j s j, Church of St. Peter, county of New place and scene, which are firmly fixed Kent, -Anti colony of Virginia, time 6th upon his boyish recollections,) there hf Jan 1759 ’ ’ dwelt in the town of--—-in old Kn- j j d ,h e ihregrddml, M HWHtie M. gland, a remarkable oddity m.the per- appearstheRev.Dr.Mnssom.theofBciats son of an ultornev at law. who. althmiorh 1 ..i i. Though erst in mournful ti Br4n I/fVf’s hopeful prophecies We shall be happy yet-! You shall go to Vincennes.” }} I 1 defy j’ou—I will strangle m\*sclf as I enter.” • I. know not what circumstances was recalled to Napoleon’s mind by this threat; but Bis brow lowered, his eye3 flashed, and he bit his lips till he almost drew blood ; and then, in a voice fal tering with emotion,, he. exclaimed 1 “ So much the better^madam! Yon will rid me of a termagant, whom I find more difficulty, to govern than all Eu rope together. I see that you are only to be ruled by a rod of iron.: If. there fore,-command you to go immediately to Madame Mere, and there await the orders which the prince arch.counsellor shall deliver to you from me.” - •‘-Then,’.will'you make me queen?— m ean order* ...... ■I must be crowned.” It so happened that the aforesaid gen- .«• Really,.Pauline,,to hear \*ou,* one tleninnj G ### , Esq., was appoint- would imagine that I had wronged you etl High 8heriflfof the town of . of your right of succession to the late He was a man of fortune and had a king, our father.’’*. kind heart, as many a poor prisoner Prince ” said he I ,vnc i 1 liud never before known the empe- could testify,Avho partook of the good I know. I. n * m».i; elP !i r6r to.liave recourse to this sort of plea- c . l,eer with which the prisoners were , , w'Uliea tn «nenlr vvlti va.. * ' I’santrv*• but 1 often afterwards heard i liberally supplied at Christmas and oth- den, who now rose. -.1 Into nn nrliifinin<r .,«« t ! Aim employ similar-language. .On the j er .^cll known festivals* from the pri- “ Let the door be locked,” he said, j |, car |,e r b rC ak her tlnmderboIU ' SaV ! occasion which I have jusl.bcen describ-1 va{c P ul ’ 30 rt f lh ? Sheriff, a grave voice; ‘‘let it be well secur-! v • . . | ing,. this good humored touch of satire J It was, ot course, the dutj' of the This was done. “ Now, gentle-! for EL r« , ° I hall an excellent effect. * Pauline blush- 1 High Sheriff’ to summon a Grand and nen, you must either acknowledge the j : lll ;..ui_ .i,. . v ;n - r-.lcd, anil t rapid glance at tho- past re-j T e, > 1 Jury, to attend at the quarter ses- orrectness of the measure I adopt, or i jjeepin" her w^itin^'i . or S lve J ou or : her of her humble origin, con- j s ' ons °1 which the Recorder, Mayor and I, the disciple of a juggling science,) TfhmurLr of Ti.ASwltmV ! trasted as it was with the,high rank to j’Alderman ot the borough composed the fe-ish!” anti he clrewArpm jiis pocket j m aniCus^hh^ero^»jK^irtl»Hrir > 'fa^ri^~ I which her brother had raised her. A Court. Io the performance of hisoffi- pistol. “Nay, start not, .rhy I-:.. c - ! suddeq change was effected in her feel-: c ' a l duty in summoning the petit Jury* E-Ct\Sfe! Winsf rnyyir fW '°f’hwh ,^m.e complains ; j she hung down her head ami was I our High Sheriff indulged in some of k^the rr cJTtyotihe latl ero evidently mortified and ashamed. Na* ■ the strangest and drollest freaks that j ington. with whom he ended his days, • nnlnnn a<ke'd her whether she hml come , have pfobably ever - been heard of in ; after a service of mote than forty years. - , . . I beckoned me iu mill. 1,-1 nn.l „1,. °', lhe Same ,°P""° n ': edlr, the right about leav , , erati^whh. "".''"S 0 " 1 ? sacl ! an ,.°IVW 'findhe way to the rlraxxing room a thtubl ’ h y • ,mp I Attended. 1 hurrie.I ' ~ Poor Hartmann looked like a ghost.; ; n u:. He glanced appealingly towards Ley-- • • ■ i"*' *- 1 - rose. 1 to, Ulc. Emperor. attorney' at law, who, although | j,jJ- clergyman, in full canonicals; he \ a not fair to look upon, (Sor he was, in a | lo &, ; j« present the marriage ring.— t ruth, one of the homhest specimens of J T |, e bride groom is in a suit of blue and humanity ever beheld by mortal man,) • silver* lined with red silk, embroidered was witbal a person of sound judge- > waistcoat, small ciothes, gold shoe and ment, great benevolence, various leam- jEnee buckles, dress sword, hair iri full ng. a poet, a painter, and wit of no p „ wdcr . The bride in a suit of white saiiii, rich point lace ruffle, pearl orna ments in her Imir* pearl necklace, ear and bracelets, white satin high heeled shoes, with diamond buckles j she is attended by a group ofladies, in the gorgeous cosiurtiti cif that ancient period. Near to the bridegroom is a brilliant gioup, comprising the'vice re gal Governor of Virginia, several Eng 3 lish army ahd navy officers, then Oncolo 3 liial service, with the very elite of Vir 3 gitiia chivalry of the old regime. k WHO IS .MV NEIGHBOR ? eighbor—-it in h« wtinm tliou lint pewer to aid an-ANle**-, IVhcwr Mching heifft dr burning brow Thy soothing band may press. Governor is ih a suit of scarlet, embroid 3 erbtl with gold, with bag, wig and sword j the gentlemen in the fashion of the time* . But among the most interesting and picturesque of personages in the Vari 3 group is Bishop, the celebrated body servant of Craddock, and then of Wa Let her Come in 1 rang^-tlie orde aid the c t from door to door— hi and ^flccor him. ^ •ItlKir—’tls the weary man,’ • * years arc at their brim, ..A and p«iri— Xrlared that he had, with difficulty es caped from, the hands of banditti, who ii and comfort him Ar—'tin the heart bereft rarlhiy gem ; orphan, hopeloasUcft— \ljh«e - Tr thoinRwt'st a humai ia'm favored limn thy own. v liopcw to be f< nd bless his fo Forgive and bless his foe.' Tho rose its fragnnee to the foo?v While crusliing it doth yield;' . An English paper tells a ludicrous Story of an old clergyman, who was very nice About his hair, which he wore •* in a large' mil behind, after the old-fash- ' ioned manner- He Was very 'particular in Ins directions to a certain/riscnr wha |u> gut it. ‘ “ And be sure,’! pd leave it loit> cnobgh be- r pU«H*rur I»r bve times over r.” - - Theyrt.ANr, banding e * gentleman’^ accommo-, een cdobbitteimmJBTieighb'orfibbd of J ,,uw 'P ri;siri ‘ 1 * ion may retnemoer, OC- ^ l>rincess^'-as'■f“ iv *! c . ®l*« "anted one bf her 'ladies the Black Forest. A young girl had . fore <l ‘" ner ; 1 phrenofogically exaininedj^^^s^fi^- * 4 v«iWl(?riaxeirine ‘Ivlih sa * , ‘ l sh( ? wa3 waUin S »». anothe eloped from her parents some weeks! J’ ou ali - >'* as ‘UjH 10 say^^about ; iW ant. of respect, and Complained of not a P ar ] mc, . ,t before. The companion of her flight j5 0U » generally; but there was . o ae : having found me waixfljf^ receive her Was supposed lobe a young man who ! amongst you in whom I could not he, at lhe door of tny hotel. This first had been staving in the neighborhood mistaken—one whom I wished not to he had'disappeared about the same j ^ ve na«nbd, whose presehceever since time. She had just been found savage- | ,,as ,aade n,R shudder, I see the gen- iiiuumuiji „ fUI „„ ly murdered, while the suoposed part-j lIe | min »° w,,om 1 allui,e already turn ■ had been p i easet j !o give me notice of ■ .1 tie- P a |®- Nny; attempt noUnstnile. I am j vour ; ntebl j on to confer on me this hnn- Ijnm for allowingji faUe Hie- j or> j should undoubtedly have observed per q^f her guilt had reappeared,and either a*' 1 mislead 1 °ry had, without any apparent rrtotivef ■° n * ara both &.robber tind'Amurderer!" ! dowed with prescience it To prove seized and .imprisoned hi this, he'showed'several severe, wounds which bci liaclreceived in the successful struggle he had with two of the gang in his endeaVot to liberate himself. This story, hovYever, appeared so improba ble, that no belie! was attached to ri7 and the young man was hurried to' pris on, there to abide his trial. . . ^This. sari story had been repealed •qpth painful minuteness by Carl HoT- fenon,—a hiindsoine young man, who had lately arriyetUat.Baden, and whose mild and gentlernanly mnnnel-s had al ready .won for him the golden opinions "fall the society assembled there. No one was more pleased widj him than the old baron. It was eveq Relieved that he ranked so-high in the.good old mftn’s opinion, that it was rumored he had proposed and was actually accepted by Clftto Harlroann, With the full sanc tion of her fat^r. A’s a narruUJPHew could excel him.. His vivid description^ lent life to his stories j and. When fle chose; (as on the present occasion,) he could harrow up the nervesnfevpn the mb-d, apaihetfc, by depicting horrors in their most glaf- accommori most appalling'Colors ,cd * ?‘ r -»».» nrd « s l On? burst of incUgna,ion, as h^con- rbj? -ti, is iWto ‘as r ro^sible, and one more cut with the scis- i lf , In _i. „ , * lR ' yrs would makcuA^ isyoar j which dazzled th'eeye by the richness were shown j'csiertlay-an iuteresiiug Tel have him racked.” selic of the distinguished chieftain Red j “And well would he deserve it; a 'Jacket. Dr. Wilson, one of the ^Seneca icnld hearted, cruel assassin!’* chimed >r you, Carl Hoffen-! t j, e due etiquette. But, as I . thunderbolt would have caused j minutes ago'that I learaod, from ... !f®- 3 ; f”l s i? rT l® l i on :^ J. hc h™,*'l r \ C * ! vants, that the sister of our august ly a few run for- ... , ra S° aad W.j m P rl ? cc be -i aril, was in toy house.” hexed the^ professor ha.l sou. en y gone i .. H is sister, sir I rather sa mad; while the "others looked, wuh j lunate >;a miser a b l e slave!” searching glance,, Ley-j ,. l3 it possib | ei „ ladam c, {Bat enjoy den nod Carl. The former had cool y ; „ as ,, lhc £ vor „f bl3 i, np erii,l resumed Ips chair; the latter sat pal# linjesty, joi can IKUaV catiSB of and immoveable. What could it^-tnean ?! complaint?” ' : ' Old Hartmann was about to speak in | .. ^ , bvnr ; W hat a ninchefy !— pile terms to the Snail who thus; Doi , s be sbow (,;> favor by .-degrading any other town or country. In die first place* he summoned for the October court a jury consisting of twelve of the fattest men lie could find iti the borough, and when they came to the book to be it appeared that only nine jurors comfortably, within the box ! great deal of sweating, squeezing ed : ‘ * ' I amt scolding, the pannel was literally “ Let us>retire to Vour cabinet.*’ ' 'jammed into the box, and when seated, arid relinquished tho favorite charger “lam at your majesty’s disposal)’.* j they presented to the eye of the court, of his chief to a groorm replied I;-“ but permit tne first to oh-; {h f barristers arid audience, ‘the tightest Through the large folding doors serve the ceremony due to'the princess.” i Ad of a jury that was ever seen in any ] the church is seeri the old fashioned it Well, well! only be quick !” . I cou rt room. Literally they became, J coach of the bride, drawn by six horses J ‘ * * ‘ * * i «i ai^j the fine English charger bequeath 3 1° i ebullition of ill-1,moor being e*b.u,ted,’i |a>ly appeared. The emperor dire.-u-d j '"T. ni .' l ce i said • ? • her not to lose sight of the Princess Dor* l to ! ,,(l * 11 1-j “ Madame, if your imperial highness S b «e, and-then,'turning to are, be ?dd= j Abera gi This veteran soldier of the wars of George II, forms a perfect study in the picture. His tall,-attenuated form and soldierly bearing, and with folded arms/ ami cocked hat-in hand) respectfully h'o has approached the bridal group, giving a touching interest to the whole scene.- He is in a scarlet coat* and is booted d spurred, haying just dismounted ' ge? 11 * . had insulted his future son-in-law, when, waving hisHuoJ, Leyden' quietly added,; No< maila me, bul by luiving oloVat- Scarch him. I ed you to tlio dignity'of an inippriiil The baron, in his eegerriess, to de- i princess—rby having conferred upon you fend his profcgc t -at.once flew to <!<v f s=<>. ? of Guastefla, ami United you Immediately the snuff-box' fel.l on the j u, a Roman prince!” tobh*. The worthy old man sank overrj ^ A brilliant marriage truly !-^an il- come iii a chair. In the breast pocket; lustrious. rank! I have indeed reason court room. He proceeded to my cabineti and j] much to the amusement of the Qourt ami escorted the princess to J»er carriage.— j ‘ ls robed advocates, a packed jury,’and As soon as I had got rid of her, l (lew J n 9 tnistake ! to the emperor. I found him j For the Jnnbary term, our faceliotis walking about the room with hurried | High Sheriff (in consequence it was stepsi j j said of some hint from the Recorder, n ‘ Well, prince,’* said he as soon as 1 ■ that there should be no .more fat pan- eritered, “ this is one of the thousand nels summoned to the court,) went into , disagreeable scenes which, tyrant as ; the opposite extreme. He summoned j spjemlid charger, attended by a bril- they say I rim, i am compelled to eti- twelve of the leanest and tallest men i liani cortege of the gay and gallant of dure. • This morning Fauline crime to! he could find in the borough ; and i the land. • . . me, commenced an .altercation, assum-j when they took their seats in the box, it | Such was Washington’s marriage Itl nlnri imperative tone, and ended by j. appeared comparatively empty—there; 1759Alexandria .Gazette. threatening to drown herself Seeing j was indeed room enough for twelve j '• * the excited state she was in,’ arid know-j more of the same sort and dimensions, j . Pnnctnation: ing her violent terriper, T heenme alarm--. For the April term of the court, ouf| A country schoolmaster who found it ed to Washington by Brad dock, aftet 1 the fatal, field of the Monongshela. From the account of the marriage* ha.nded down from those who were pres 3 ent at its celebration, it appears that the bride and her ladies occupied the coach) while the provincial Colonel tode his i ed. She left jne: 1 followed her, soon as she .stepped into her , . , . i ii.iv e iiiueea reason io * , , • - ■ • .« of Carl’s blouse he had round the box, congratulate myself when l see Caroline 1 ?5§?lJ 'vhjch the other had, unVesistinglv, al- Liwed hiin to draw forth; For- a' few moments there was a dread ful,’death-like pause. The party seem- __ j . j ed petrified, while the trembling Car)! Jerome’ fi.nclionary summoned a jury j ^,1^,. difficult to malte his pupils ob- | consisting of twelve barbers . Now it j serV e the difference in.rd.ading beiWfcett. : so happened that among^the latter were | a comma and full pqint,'-adopted rt. plan When undressqd.or.half; ^tc/r, arid rerid on to a colon or semi-co 3 very ^ ridiculous ; | on , tick, tide, and when a full point, tick-, ;d that the oiicc that I visit of and as he pupils should show r4i i rAfi,....-n-.. - •. — B e, he gave them an band.shall be made Governor of I ico-s But the crowning joke of this func- ;extra drill tile day before ihe examina- inon*. lell nor this from tnei a,,, l» j tnmary occurred at the summon! tig of his • tiou. “Now,” said lie, addressing his ju read before the min- . j. i ■—y.- r t . . , v - - P^r< -—you leave out the ticks, ; iht. diamond** A million ftiyics..? 3 * j jjje. High Sheriff not having the fearofihe. 1 though vou must think of them as you ; What a sum !-^rhnW much lia|>pihess ii ; Rt-pnrder, tho Mayor and the Aldertrinn; 1 g ( » along, 4or lhe sake ofelocutiod.** Scv- *» .t;a,*r»iuf/..t ai. 'v - - 4 —-ummoried a.iTar;sCgood. Next day caine; and withr queer look 3 1 it the minister,-tishere^ into the school 3 . peaks the truth ! i! “ But which your sisi am a robber and a murderer! Under j not permit von loirifliet.” Urn name nlGra, ? , I xvouedailJ tventht j /- My alji'ction ! -I bate l,im-hc is a j lnordoVcr> lbai , x BJi'-fi tart fanr’il' «'hTsu*rtrtS^ i puniis ’• wben v, peasant maid oi whom we spoke just ; monster!” .. . 1 w. eh*-,r off Urr d'phic nnri ,<>*, i -».i! .. rVu ’ * now. In madness I espoused . her.—i “ Hush, princess !*’ I exclaimed, will. • L : !T. 1 1 * w>n - ? _ , . n f u '>’' J that term of thecourt* j istcr to-morrow. Tired, however; in a’few short days, of j sortie alarui. “ Know, that in F ranee, .iaA.hU- 1 wouI.IHiOVtseif HUtirbist^.i- Alt. princa 1 Ml ,. tbru his .-ves, actually,s»mropputl sessetl- unbounded, vvealt.b, v rustic wife alont V ,a ’ 1 IPPB presented an obstacle to my weddi . this fair heiress, I slew her—ay, cruel-1 ly slew her!—and cau'sej heViover to'and I was about to replV.when t he err be seized, to turn the finger of suspicion f [ suspicion [peror saved rne the trnukle. - He open--_ 2u U^n-r j tT V r 77 7 Ied "r yc V ,.‘ he ba w u.;,,ii,e filler ; f K 10 l, 7 n • c y c,rcl, °S "• “« toaranls bitn. Ha.i he imt f J lhi iUTantl presentyil. • ' Ve “ vv ;' U:h C! ; i3l 1 ed 0,1 “y *“». ro«- 1r. wanId Hava been stubbed.' 'As ‘ tlie auiuiisbml princess. j A letterfrom a JlissioimryatOroqp.i»b< ; «*“ were shoxvn xeslertlav an luleresn.m Id liave h.« raek«!.«. - -r- • ' ” (uf rubhen-, I can tinlv sav, I Iona have i MniiiiW-'Mic Cxclaimr.l, •• voiishnll; P.-rsiUi to the Ncxv Y., rk Obs.rccWc,..,-j l b » bar. .... ... headed a bold band,'whom, even now, s not "n to England but to Clarenum/* ) tairis an Interesting account of Madame j But the scene was so irresistibly droll ter tisked the boy to read a .chapter iri I’ll not bet raw although thev-’H’ku»«h ! “Alt! so you have followed, nie,** .she * I’icifler of Vienna, tt lady fifty years of; that the Recorder, could * not npunjain'; the Old Testament, which he pointed x~r* ^ .. inr . -i. t —. j x..kiron*.'..m..r\a.i.iir.i,* roi4io>Vf tiia* nvpuittr ^Jj.yor *and tthe Al*. wit. .jlliC'lioy coiDplied, and in nis.besc suit: The barristers!accent began to rea<l—“And the Lord their seats iri a > rooin by the Dominie; who, with smiltiS probably j-ahd bows'/.: hoped that the tfalning of 0 ^ rat tha,n any jibe scholars vtouhl meet his approval. Eccubtgs with Cum- | of tlie appointed twelve that ever were. Now it so happened that the first boy "• j stvorb, ‘ well arid irtily try and trnp :called.up by the minister had, - Ah lutrejiid Lady. | deliverance make between their. Sever- sent the preceding day; and, in the hur- A fetter from a Missionary at Oroomiah;. *ig«» L«»rd the King and the prisoners aljry', the master had forgotten togjve hitn w — •. - - jhis instrpeiion howto act. The.'minis 3 rr*”. Washington, j W al?o>ber. W, «, me with ..W, iheffetr 1 Said. ■■ Thin V -t ,bc , ™ahawk — RI ay he be pumshcil in the wort,I tu fnnliihW I fi ll into tho hellish net that ten.letl-tn thro ropresemed lutlie piciurcsanJ engtav-.fome!". fervently ejaculainl Carl. iSatanfind, ami call mo fool filr ittS*et the old Chief, and was present- -Nay, nay," said the-old baron.• not h.-tvias the power to resist lemma- Til •» 1. • _ rrdi , 1 t .* ... I thought I really vself into the JSeirte, i->age« who has been appropriaiely called i bis gravity. The \ 1 the if female Led vard.” . About two* d»TtneiV fid lowed '* ’I .... .. 1 ...I.fir. lliaii ed to.him by President Washington.—- The head is of thousual shape, with bowl in it, and the handle 'ornamented with silver stars, forms a' stem, so that when required the insruawnt could be used for a pipe. The nacre of the Chief is engraved on one side of the head, and on the reverse is.the name of Big . Kettle, into whose possession it came after the death of Red jacjjct.” “that js saying too much. It is irue lion. That cursed box was far too brill- the man deserves an earthly punish- iant. Some spell lurked - in itv which meat ; but you arc allowing your an- drew ?ne with a force I could not stand it gcr agpinH ii vice; rov dear boy io ^ 5 "'^ ry ' ry you too far.” Ami the old i goo.l-naturedly patted Carl on the Thus various subjects were discuss ed and argued ; but during the whole evening Leyjeu spoke not a word.— fS l flic tor breaking