The southern Whig. (Athens, Ga.) 1833-1850, December 07, 1848, Image 1

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JOHH B. CHRISTY tiT.E LAKFH1N, EDlTOIiS /.a.» i , io Xcub, Politics, Cilcrdtnrc, ©cncml intelligence, Agriculture, fct. C TERTISTWO DOLLARS per a minify l TXVAIUABLY DJ ADVANCE. NEW SERIES—YOL. II, NO. 23. ATHENS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 18+8. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA LIBRARY VOLUME lYI: NUMBER 35. iRisccllancous. >• in tVciv York. and bloods of town must course. Nassnu- The bookfiddeis, the seamstresses,; “ I did no felon's .loath— I Painfully Incurable Disease. | Day. without XiElil" anil \iullt* with-j [FroratlicC.,!umtji»Soinl.Camlui street and its environments may he call- the fly-girls, lbely|C-rubberf, the straw-! A warrior .tiapon treed a warrior's soul!"] Mr. J. W. I,. Childers, the Muvnr of out Days. | A Gem of Iiidiau Eloqitcufe cd its brain, pulsatiug ever with the braiders—all the vorting girls from all! While lie was pronouncing these,' Mobile, haVreeenlly resigned his nffiee.! Dr. Baird in his lecture at Hartford, In the colonial and legislative recori beating of a printing enginn, and throw- j parts of the cuy, and every occupation 1 the last wortUof the tragedy, his eve In his letter to the 'Council ho says: I Conn., gave some interesting facts.— of this Stole nre to be found many t Aslron"*man in nction stopping to >"8 oil'innumerable nerves, in the shape —have nlso found $ieir sweethearts and and manner «+e fearfully wild, the ; “The inelnncholv fact that I ain the There is nothing strikes the stranger ;Vt)d valuable historical documents. I„ take breaTli—a race-horse panting 1>e- " r . ncw » bo y s - to the rest of the system, nre out for. a pramjnado in Broadway. Wood was fallink from his bosom upon vicliinofudisenseunerlyineuriihleisiin- more forcibly if he visits Sweden nl the j the recent arrangement of ihe clerks’ tween the beats a ship pausiu" ere it I “‘f truc l “ at , Ai/u an 'l Herald, and they look fresher fad walk more ea- the stage and tunning down towards pressed upon niy mind will, each sue-1 season of the year when the days are \ offices many of these things have been plunges headlon" down tLc mountain P® r ' ,a P s somc other papers 1 , issue extras’; gerly and with iar More energy than the the young gentleman who had personal- > ceeding hour of my life. Nu'peu can !-lhc longest than the absence of the j brought to light. The following elo- ° -7 • when a steamer arrives on Sunday, even weekly loungers aid idlers in our fash-; ed the then lifeless Indy Imogene! As describe my physical sufferings, nor night. Dr. B. had no conception c.f it 1 quent petition from a Catawba warrior, it there be not an item of news, and they lonablc 1 boroughfiK ; and every face ! soon as the last fords were pronounced, any generous friend estimate my men- j before his arrival. He arrived at Slock- whose descendant still lives in the chief se no more. lie tal anguish. Feeling myself incapacita- I holm from Gotlenburg, 400 miles dis- of that diminished tribe, will be regard- ghl until Satur- ted to discharge the onerous duties of tant in the morning,—had not taken j ed even at this day as a remarkable -v en ho expired in much ' the office of Mayor, by reason of my af- ! notes of time—and returned at mid- 1 production : • lliction, I respectfully tender you iny night; it was light ns it is here half an j “1822. To the Council* of South Car- were attended to the • resignation.” V hour before sundown. You could see' o/ina.■ HT* npaniqns, >.vho raised W'q chanced a few years ago, distinctly ! But all was quiet in the i The Memorial of Peter Harris, a war- mry, on which is in- come acquainted with a fact in the gen- i streets. It seemed as it the inhabitants 1 rior of the Catawba Nationf in the War “Heel rightly, the last tlcman’s history, the recital of which tnav ! had gone away or were dead. No ! of Independence. brow light upon his mysterious letter.! signs of life—stores closed. The sunt “ I am one of the lingering survivor* About six years ago, when the suIh i in June goes down in Scockholm a lit-j of an almost extinguished race. Our of the storm and leaps on her course— nre faint figures to indicate the abrupt nnd absolute repose that overtakes the metropolis every seventh day. Jn other places the contrast between Sundy and •weekday is not so striking—for, although the quiet may'lic ns complete, yet thej[ ^ „ f Sund vowubnys arc. necks a noise an umu arc no so gr ^ loud and incessant * for two or" three ; shutlers-of tfle closed shops, and Broad- • a slab to 1; hours. Most of thenewspaper offices, way is no longer but a continuation, a scribed, if however, aie like The Tribune, closed suburb of the Bowery. Far into the Words he spokcjup on the Sabbath; and we believe that night thousands of footsteps patter up-; TIic Tei The nnnexei i recently put fo; public opinion will compel all others to on the pavement and the hum of follow the same example. Indeed this ling voices comes over the ledge of ouri public opinion is rapidly becoming: tar-up window like the music of the dis-1 twarc of the great fact that the Sabbath tant surf. At length, one by one, the] . • s a physical as well as spiritual neces- j few lights along the street disappear— i wh ^. , n . ien sity to the world, and that, were it not j the noise of fulling feet grows more and j l °V.Y abs, ‘ liei for its blessed intervals of rest and , more interrupted—conversations and! ,.| E A , * E recuperation thousands of persons j strange bursts of laughter come less fre- . . ^“mpr^e. what whose occupations are uncommon- queritly, and then cease entirely—the ly arduous or exhausting would either moonlight streams cold and glistening become insane before the prime - across the flag-stones—midnight sounds of their years. The united and unequi- echoingly front steeple to steeple—and ocal testimony of physicians, physiolo- ‘ Sunday in New York is over. i the st.ig Mr. William 1 Mitchell. from all i b put together gists, philosophers, magistrates and le- slators have been so widely diffused! * roi over the world by the benevolent labors I of the American Tract Society and oth- i ^ e k:i r religious institutions, that all classes : °* *he n f the community arc becoming familiar : ma * n cot with them. And should these lines fall; tkat occi into the hands of any man, woman or j l j u child who has not yet become convinc- j ct ^*' ed that life and health arc deeply inter- j P ersr ' ested in observing the Sabbath,*.vo would , P|' advise him or her to go to the America \ Bui tinnier, i ! The pled.^ j and clear, yet j word. It sect : unmeaning cc i pril 1S40. frequetly cried in the very front of, wears an exprcssi^i of determination lie fell backw the churches during divine service.— | to make the most outlie brief hour of re-1 lived from Thu Wc of The Tribune never do this, and creation which is permitted to all class- ‘ day m our office is never open on Sunday.— | cs. The side-walk gives cut new ech-! pain. Early every Sabbath morning, too, the ocs—unaccustomed [lialccts break their | His remain: t the uMfQjMiing window-' grave by* bis rite effect of the contrast, which here ab solutely startles one, is wanting. If one fall asleep on a railroad, the stop ping of the cars will he pretty sure to wake him: so the New Yorker becomes so accustomed to the ceaseless, the in credible din of Broadway—into whose rushing river hath of dust and clamor every one dips nt least twice a day— that the sudden, solemn, absolute si lence of the Sabbath comes upon him like a sweet shock, rousing into activi ty his higher and more contemplative faculties, nnd laying, for a time, the fierce and remorseless spirit of business that during nil the week has been drag ging him about by the hair. In the narrow streets and alleys down town, where usually the rattle of drays ■drowns out consciousness itself from your brain, and the sidewalks arc piled liill-liigli with boxes, hales and bundles, now the footfall echoes and reechoes loudly on the smooth-worn Hag, and the long lines of lofty warehouses ex tend with the prospect unbroken by drays or merchandise. In Wall-strcci, late so fiercely crowded and struggling each man as it for life, nil is still as death or the desert. The Drayman .haidisappcarcd from the Custom-House steps—the doomed Canary birds no lon ger draw up their miniature whccl-bnr- lo\y» of seed—the Shaving Creatn man lia« smoothed himself out of sight— the innumerable shaving-shops down cellar have closed their cavernous jaws, nnd the Rotunda it as empty as Judge ———’s hat when his head is in it. The whole lower part of the City, where usually one would think, from the noise and hubbub, that the continent was run ning through a funnel and this was the input, is qow .aviilcnl nntl lonely nsal" 1 Ike day. But city of the olden lime, deserted centu- j at nine o’clock, punctual -- r4 . nr psenntion of ihe ,]/■,,no - nf'*» R..M rictio Ties ligo by its inhabitants and left to j cc * , I[^ e ot *l> c *np°« a inan to whom j ,; j> t .i _ ‘ c., sl i e ot - i ml nhstiuence^is trulO ■ ■ ■ ■ :ls of the deficit. ! .P.'T.'fJ the Sunday j ^ b ra^“ ’-n's .^tter nature, an ' The day hghtful charm about his existence ,'Z f fued remarks of people whn are asl.a.n- I l - nc I’ 1 ."?. 0 'r“ 3 be performed. Me- ] i*»e'v, fascinating, ullpervad perauce Pledge. • jocit of temperance had excited very tie before ten o’clock. There is i .menns ' general attention in Mobile, under the : illumination all night, as the sur lilivi V.wVnrL- . r ° then new phase of Washingtonianism, iaround the earth towards th o on nrlm-inlo ,mT[ a V‘>u"g man, apparently not more than! pole, ami the refraction of rays: should take IJfjZ i '-V-no y-rs of ag S. made his a,,- | ti.a. you can see to read at mid . *Pl ie man j c wo ^ t i. pearance hi one of the meetings which | Dr. B. read * "ailed tl e ' NVere a *S^ l ^y promote the cause, Stockholm " . aiul requested permission to sign the lei I * j pe ranee pledge. If not an entire stra \. j ger, he seemed to be known only tf * lew of the numerous us: i the Evansville (Indiana) Journal A Dramatic Death. ve lately seen going the rounds piece of paper I’wspapers an account, in the i tnany persons reel, of a deplorable tragedy : l ! |e j r had hal t rred on the hoards of the Nash- ! which haci bt :o atre some fifteen vears a"o. 'have been thei ' •r of this paper was on the stage j themselves fi ng the “ Frair,” when the de- ! into sober, indtjii •able accident occurred, and aswej em > re *y absla wo sliglitcrrorsin the ae- j period, from et Society’s office, 1*50 Nassau* street, | c °unt as now published, wc deem it j ol spirits, beer and procure ‘The Sabbath Manuel,’ by \ proper to make the correction. J Almost alf ptrs> Rev. Justin Edwards—one of the most I A number of young men, with one or j temperance meetings r perspicuous, complete and eloquent' lwo exceptions, printers, engaged in the I " eek, avoid rim shop: a great ; g s - .. Wonted and haggard, mid liort i 1 1 * s c *! about, liitn indubitable marks of a doura al into works on the Sabbath wc have ever! different offices in Nashville, formed i people, and confine their intimacy al- p of read. They will also find peculiarly in- themselves into a Thespian Corps, and , » los t exclusively to such as practice to- j n<r relation to this subject, tracts ; rented the Theatre with its scenery, and I tal abstinence.' ! t j lc JJ, first blush an i.lle <lrUn , ka . rd ; Alters, 8 n,„g the ,.lchje, emony to sign such n 1,0 ;” 30 | 053 T7"" g ' ll,s Yet'it is nfitet i^.t'.vnuhluappeuranc,-, an. I .hn earnest- I., i; | . • i ness with which lie enlisted m lii * r I** • I' C{ I |^! <»f the “reformed,’ of drinking, hnb.ts (|jcnce „„ e habitual drunkard •us, respectable men ’ *l 1C P re ® eni > qtiencc from the trembling lips of the ic?o! ci!lcr s l ,cakcr ’ i,s !! u . !>». ■■"'■ as who sign, attend '» rc 8ularly ovory | Vic ; u | s .„ and drinkr— And this interest was greatly Ik *! tened by an unexpected hi xperience of the blighting effects of in temperance, and couuscllc«l his young friends-to shun the path which had led him to the brink of destruction.— will soon bo our only habitations. 5 of the few stalks which re- the field where the tempest of much the Revolution passed. I fought against ght.— ! the British for your sake. The British letter in the forest at have disappeared and you are free ; yet idnight, without urtifi- | from me have the British took nothing, cial light. There is a mountain at the nor have I gained anything by their de head of the Cult’of Bothnia, where, on . feat. I pursued the deer tor subsis- the 21st of June, the sun does not go teuce—the deer are disappearing and I down at all. Travellers go up there to must starve. God ordained me for the see it. A steamboat goes up from Stock-: forest, and my ambition, is the shade, holm for the purpose of carrying those j But the strength of my arm delays and who are curious to witness the phe- J my feet tail me in the chase. The hand nomcnoii. It only occurs one night.— which fought for your liberties is now The sun goes down to the horizon, you open for your relief. In my youth I can see the whole face of it, and in j hied in battle that you might be inde- live minuets it begins to rise. pendent—let not iny heart in my old Al the North Cape, 75 deg., the sun ; age bleed for the want of your coin does not go down for several weeks.— j miseration.** The way the people "know that it is mid-1 This application was justly consider- night, they see the sun rise. The chan-j cd by the Legislature, and an annuity ges in those high latitudes from sum-; of $t»0 was granted to the warrior. / iner to winter, are so great that wc can j have no conception of them pt all. In j DifitiactihSitMiPnbUo the winter time, the sun disappears,! f ,c “* ... and is not seen for five or six weeks. ! A. Washington letter writer in descri- Then it comes and shows its face. Af- l,ia S l * e peculiarities of some dislin- terwards it remains for ten, fifteen, or guishod public men, says: 0 . , jubject, . . 8,20, 110,-lOS, 334, 33G, 415, 464, and commenced giving dramatic representa- \ 1 '>us the circumstance of signing the 502. j lions. They had performed two or three i pledge brings j man nt once into a new Bui lo return to New Y'ork on Sun . weeks, when Mr. J J. MeLnugl.lin a j sphere olnetiok nenr views, now ne- <luy. If from wlmt we have said you ? oun S gentleman Iro.n Hopkinsville, qumntarices, nhd belter influences. He conclude that .signs of life and n’liima-i °!.fi»e personal appearance, great; becomes n pubhc speaker, lion arc wantingthroughout the Sabbath, I ' lr;u ‘’ aUC 'alent, and energy nl eliarae- I meetings, or an ollieer greatly mUlakeu. We spok ^ ler, presented himself to .fie mana; • i it ■’/ .. , . 1 . (inmmitlei! lor a sitnution. FIt« the winds nnd . ,. But in Broadway the Sabbath con- » c .bop l bells begin to ring from a thou-, , . _v nf Unrt •traat is pcrbn,;s even greater tl in the j ?*!“*, sl “P 1 <;s-and, despite .ho Hl-na- j Z ° , " bo i rent marls of trade and commerce. _ society.— j-He reads different sentiments, feels committee fora situation. His offer j happier and healthier, improves in P c ' ! t lert"ihc accepted, and after assisting in the cm,ary cireumstances, ami soon expo- of .„; i „, crior j n Atabami,. He ! docu. .hkppniiiH.^- Bsytiec, miucafgd-tm-Yfm low, boi bad ,i m „ ” ' '7 • rly manhood fallen deeply ' “ i'- 11 *, 1 snares of intemperance. He had been take wn,cm : i.:.. .I 1.,,:... i mnny successive evenings this j twenty minutes, and finally it does not the chief speaker at set at all, but makes almost a circle the temperance meetings, which he- around the heavens. Dr. Baird was came very attractive, mainly through ! asked how they managed in regard lo his eloquent and stirring addresses. The j hired persons and what they considered beneficial effects were soon visible in a day ? Hu could not say, but sup- bis improved personal appearance, as I posed they worked by the hour, and well as in his brightened intellect and twelve hours would be . considered a more vigorous oratory. day’s work. This young man was J. W. L. Chil-| Birds and animals take their accus- ?3pecnrnh3-ptiystcfHriTTof!^n~feir~ai tini t usual hours. The 4,1 lT ' ’ lid not know how they learned the ' It i the bus hai bewildered along try ini plate-glass look in upon pretty goods and prettier ladies. Before the palace-storcsoffash ion no liveried carriages arc wailing, nnd on the walk nothing is seen But the bent shadows of the lamp-posts.— j. ■ cd of ihcmscl' TV, .Hfflhfe -fr* 1 ' 1[ i ,lm lint] I tbr SV.LK. I Laughlin visited the steam boat land! 0 P ’ 'I* to bid good b7| to a friend who, was 1 There never was * 1 glbr"t!ie East, and was accidental \ signing a pledge,Out abler -aka* 1 i&s* grclted ;crys of hi ^ and to a resolution ol reform, by the ; up Washington exciiemcnt, which at that intc. lime, by a sort of charm was working i ffrsi wonders among the drinking population ! holm, he w if t of Mobile. He finally settled in the City, 1 sli interesting sometimes to seo the different ways in which different individuals get out of the same dilem ma. Mr. Calhoun is not often at a loss for a word, hut occasionally one slicks in his thoat, in the pronunciation, like Macbeth’s * Amen.* In such a case he gives a petulant twitch or two at his shirt collar, and runs his bony fingers through his long gray hair till it fairly bristles again. Wcbsteiv when both-- cred for a word, or snarled up iu'a sen-- lance, almost invariably scratches the ! inner corner of bis left eye carefully ih the third finger of his right hand.. *• lg in this, he rubs his nose quite ly with the bent knuckle of his rn 'l,ino gne, '‘stumbling j ino f d f S'-'f-l mnsic-witb more heart j i”Vnken't,a by the tmiandcarried'some j»bal U5 di.1 >1.1 some accustomed i a " ds ^- a( "l. me “dj>8‘“‘tll;'i n .»ll Ihe t ( vel) |v in j le / down ,|,e river, when be! It seems to be mure u precious Inch to eotencrtWisi to wlneli llio walls of the . - t sh(iru alu | i,. lc | , 0 wa lk nUffrom Heaveh tlinu nny iiivelillon otr l aliernuele have ever responded. h • j )ack to „, e tily , where be nr- i ml man. The blessings ntteudiiig s J hen like troops ol fames summoned j nveJ a >, )oul 3l;lj completely exhaust-! mg the pledge are so grout to each cd, ami looking wild and excited to an [umdual, and mankind in gwieral, that imnct.r.l degree, llis associates,lowborn ! nojloubt every hand that can write or ere long bc alHxet to ()t *£ x (jov. Gayle, the present meitihe ge of freedom from . ', i twenty miles do was put on shore and had moncd( thc l,a , ck by llic sound ofn familiar bell, brig!il-i ri l cl a . ] iin >.: faced children in their frcsli and preuy | a< ’ aa '| J”' f ii“ issogimes"u>whrrt I nurlnubC ... Sundays,.was and jackets, swarm the | h(j ,”;j .. 1 . L . a ,lv‘endea,vd himsell by bisjmake a ,r The roar and crash ut the oninibuses is; 3,ra ' - '* and lake their way to. Sunahy fmil] dinorimenl, ollhred to', the, glorious pledge 01 irycuom IIOIII . , ■ . , • . : hashed, and llie dust lies ao.mIi.Elcd po.l|«.ne ,In-play to some other eve,,- misirry, die second and greater Deelnr- • lhe |, ollor; Subscqimullv I, by the inevitable watenng-pot on j c j l - l °■<f«* t ribc but most beautiful to . i ll£ r, but hf. i*» whom the maiiagemen: Mtob “t Independence. - - | Hcced Mavor of the citv •md f« wheels, or whirls away on little spfTo- j ^nowledge and feel. Never ,o all our b(;c(| stro!U , ly irisislc ?, tUill L \ ; . _j wT^.w !« .h^i.Tran eating cdtlies, whither and where it f u u p ^xperienee^^ among dpldren, ami lh should bo no disappointment, and | \ nflH Gratitude. ! has ever since continued faithful to li will. The Large Roasted Italian Chest- i ™ ^vc known and oved thousands of t rema , ked| wilh a forced smile upon his ' A W , ,* , * j X Th- nccul i- ..Ire.-, nut Man Has taken i„.h™» ^ A i™!: a pleasure^ to go there [ffW 1,0 was ’ aad J 101 . 1,1 •'i in a ny> si striking manner, when parents •ram* at least in snspccimg ilmt I , sfurtune to be ’^^8^ ™> a 'f r m ,l,e dus,. It imloee..dmlii;h»™ hem.ensnnmd by the dc by any unforeseen evint, to stay away.: „._u ence tq their precepts, ami tender love . i mem pern net. Through rain ami sunshine, in Rummeri r ' vcu,n e> ‘ *' ' j for their memory. A little bov was' ^ Ie coincidence rtf and Winter, off they go, as bappv asl ,' 8 “i e •u ,,,il . lh r* *nSSonce parsing the ornamental gar.l^n of -leads us to mention, that ] young lambs, and also as innocent and ! 1IC , \ hroirre*-ed ne-irlv iff the a , ,c *‘ u i :,u * He was observed to look , l “ whom Mr. Childers so gene •*s beautiful—for all children are beau-] giQ.g^y^dhad "iveii yer eral s-nisluction «?r»**i»estlir anti wisifullv at some snrnnts I Signed Ins claims lo distinct but they bird, lowu or not. The hen to the trees about seven o’clock, p.! JV 1 . 1 ' ml stay there until the sun is well »•.. i the morning, and the people get j , - . , , tliebnbit of line rising too. The ! l .'T b - Aa a derma- resort, he springs ock- ! 1,5 knees apart until lus legs resemblo eclipse, and plunging bis bands deep his pockets, he throws the upper sec- body smartly forward, and come.’ ~ Dr. Baird awoke in Stock- surprised to sec the su .. - 0 ... his room. lie looked; . in the practice of the law, ami gained a i his watch, and found it only 3 o’cldtk ; , n wl n f . sm ,, v , _ , ' liigh sulfiding in the cnu.munily. Al and llie next lime he was 5 | lbe "'“ r<l '? come ' Gcn f • lhe Iasi Congressional eleclinii he was ; o'clock, but Uiere were no persons in ,n . a ! ,a,,b *, P.-dienment, passeh nominated as a candidate, with a good the streets. The people are not in the j j ,ana . l «®. ,?. vver , et 8 e prospect rtf an election, but he modestly habit of rising so soon. .JThe people and magnanimously declined in favor ; are not in the streets. The ..Swedes in the cities are not industrious^ owing probably, to the climate. | vest. Benton sinks bis voice so that ■ I the remainder of his sentence is unin- ’ I iclligible. Mr. Mangum is violent»and ’ I the obdurate word is supplied by *Occk /tool: 4'too /’ Mr. Johnson, of Md., Crit tenden and Mr. Hannegan, arc never j bothered ; they * speak right on,* and i from a little work i t.lieir drafts upon the Pre3i<lent*s En- 1 book of Joking, ’ j «|i s h are never dishonored.” and furnace nnd the little girls, who sell fancy windmills on Stewart’s steps a wc hope, at Suuday-Schopl learning their lessons. In Chatham-strcct and tfie Bowery there is a little more life, but llie change is still very great and gratifying,:?s an unmistakable cvidence.of the general regard in which Sunday is held by all classes of our population.' There are, wc know, n few loafers and rowdies who gather about the Five Points and the Hook, on the wharves and jn; the jrog-cellars of tlie bystreets, who nei ther know nor care whether it is Sunday or not. But they are not apparent.— Their haunts arc for the most part The Yankee Joke. The fpllowii ml it led the “Hand recently published in London. la order to be a Yankee joker, many j A Live Whig, qualifications are requisite. First of all, j A gentleman of Providence, who has repudiate truth; secondly, call every [ been travelling all over the whole world fact hut the truth ; thirdly* the , f or two years,reached home on Wcdnes- fbr their memory. A little bov was' ine cpmcmlence rtt circumstjinees j oI . cr musl bo pretty well grounded in ,| av morning. He had been making once passing the ornamental garden of ; muds us to mention, that Lx-Cov. C.a> ie, ^ work () f Munchausen, and a firm ; his calculations for four months so as to a'rich ujan. He was observed to look■,whomMr.Caih!htrs so generously re- i )e |i L . vt . r in the veracity of Gulliver’s reach Providence in time to vote for earueslly anil wisilully nl some sprouts 1 signed Ins claims In dislinclmn, was al-1 q> rave | 3 . The Yankee joker must slick ; Taylor.- He was net aware of llie nl- lliat wore serininnling „„ ihn irunk nfi s-’ a s ufi|ect ol the Icmperanee rtlortna- ; ot nolbing. After about-six months . le ration in the dtiy of election, and did tPro- lifnk ; cose anu.m.. S' v “f'vwifc jerinimiting he .trank of i *.'• a ^bieetoftlie tempera.„ Inanothcrhourandahiitfeomcseliarch! form^rJ themselves" ^ It is true Me- <anobi l“>l*;r. On being asked wlmt;'">n in Mobile. He bail been ciinm"l:; 3 j,.f rp practice something like the fid- not ascertain it until he —id then, if you would sot- how many j dir- i bp " ;ialtd ’ fc faal - “ M y?! nd«.er bored pohhe men m lhe «aeJoTj, ■ be perpetrnted ; Talk videnee paper a, Jamaica. He haden- pcnplc .Yew York oat of doors can hold,;; §„ play and who,mol',mil,estugeho i aa ‘t«?f? hv '" S l BTSo" b,.fn several v ■, ' Cr ' ,ekel1! wb Y Nash, a , gaged passage mi, s, earner which waa jest look out, or join the crowd and ob-( so = hl Zwt corner apart from the oth-1 >? 11 [ hbha.l He“n ” n ’iW d wnwm-d oath of down , ea « e , r “jW SC ! al l !' ! ‘»V? b#t ta f^ he serve, p, yon are gently urged nhmgby j cr3 = hut „„ n6ticc was taken of,his, and j bina ncveqluntedone where sh,|sleeps. «■• “ a lb0 • lai !, b J I ,. sbak 5>* , *"»•' I mjghj b <-‘ tm. late, he started ,n an onen the lore© ol the current into which you t. e wns suffered to comifiuuc witli him- 1 - lea * T lo * 1 " 1,6 J u5t , » ,n K ,n R , • , V i i P . c,,aws c,,a, “ c^les lor « bakey,’ lakes pilot boat for St. Jago, lo lake another have dropped. Such n process!,.,Qfi S to .be eod rf be pliv Ber- »[ -'-e would look; oMli rfl “ 'S T"*" ‘T bU , BO * e - He ^ rbed St ’ W".»» _i beautiful ladies and attentive cavaliers i , ra n, a ,r,»,c K.,n^lf :»nJ 'dif^^iuT Me-! ! hc r c * J 1 *'. S 0, ^ ert V' ir > k,n<l, y ga v ^® ve O Ul ? ui "\ on , L i} ! 1,1 ..L, ’. ‘1_. wujia tin pnckel-hankerchief; lie sleeps | Iour i ground, ami they do not mar• th»* caunotjie seen.clsqwliere nor at fol serenity of a New Y?,rU Sab* j olh er tunc. ThcrcJ too, the Maid batb. • In the Bowery and Cliartiam-i* ro,> ^ can ‘ u S u P on *| ,curm °lb^r *tT«rmrt, tWe abserictf«d th(Trtmntbn5rs-h«»ded. but still stalwart huslvim i^\ery grateful j am! _wc arc sincerely }lhey march proudly in front .bft «orry to hear that'"‘efforts arc making to 1 children and grand-children, form .pic- noumeut, his excitement -uicrease*I, ^ct some of the lines, both in B madway 1 luresque and pleasing groups; while an ,j the gloomy spirit of\ji<x-pfcj.y. was] nnd the Bowery, to run on Sunday.— kcre ; * nt * some fob'll_ uaeple, still upon him with a— p<»T5£tie a| We trust that there is, if not real moral- Angering within tiie unchained ntinos— sirons imnrcssl i) late. He returned to Jamaica, i winter having been in the pilot boat three days, rats nnd and took the steamer for Havana.—. ars prowl There he took the Crescent City, which lie sleeps was compelled to put into Wilmington A Good Wife.. •: tenderer joy that wOSTitanrfVsIol by h . > '--interesting family, who were present A friend of ours who has beert spen- ( | i( | „ ot C5ca ge nolice. A Washiiigioni- few weeks ify. flie. **countrjr,”, a „ Society was 'Subsequently fornietty : vv jj|, private dwellings al|t j Gayle was chosen its President j As thrown out * for c wake 1 At Wilmington, fearing that the de tention of the boa\ might make him too him. Mother missed him when he > a baby, and found him at last seated late, he started over' land, lfave',„ M< £ hornet’s nest* playing at bo-pcep night and day; aild, although detained u couple of rattlesnakes. one night at Washington, by arriving half infant, Zckiel was a wonder, an hour too late, he reached : Worcester affcer the last r Providence. •ji | . ... f bjecta ot lus creatioy# _* l, ‘'/’ jsoJked. in prussic acid. His appetite, hour express could not reach Providence tv, I be like I luce a „cl wisilnin.nnd g«Kl..M» nre wrillen ^ a \ va5 awfu ,. he oncc a „ ie ‘ ,, 3 cll)3a<1 . . "naif,Vim & <m, lie arched c-™??- _ H- 1>offi)|o a|1( , lbrce pails of a bo.rsc.nJ, New,\y e call this man a lire mig, ; i ! 1 i, |j ‘ , |-k* ^i’ v " ,cc 1 , *. ‘ *jJ' . then asked if tea wasen’t ready.' When and we are not-sure^but the Secretary , .... v , -I J-e «». 1 "> be lhe 'ho.thocar.h—where Ihe .1,rubles ninun- j Najh traV els, by rail, he gets out In ofSl ate ought lo count bis vote. We ! ihighUlife vvqb^tbeplijy; s.ia.1lelin^ carries all i lias ..,i «» b »8^, lain pierces thei nimnsphere of eicmal, walfc # |riflo of ^ or fifty miles, and | shall reckon it when we speak of ihe evening sets in, the city plele identification of tooling wilh the d,e ’ l,L ‘ J v jx! winter, and. whore the mighty -finest waiu „„ hoar [iu ,hc train overtakes Whig majority in Rhode Island. And lie acted, led h,m to ^suieule as a the right tunc and she will not bt like Uacuolcs belorothe sitting wind. will.. ,,; m The engine comes u,. panunganj; while this good Whig was making alt its dark waves of green foliage. It ist.v. * * * ■ * J w-. rilSIHP-sL -**.*-* these would more than overbalance the ^ liiillj n'filii in'lif iilli*i llim 1 jn i ni il'i )H~liTi~ -nylitni loo absorb-.wile.- A good gains. Besule, .t would be cruel and biesse.1 tie j^l, LuhreJ ioie'ihe dreudrul'.pirit of Ufingt »„3 she ‘f U Jj^tyjabiy iiko, en now engaged in omnibus driving | williuul the teabbalh, society would in- > fit had no preme.liatetl design ^ol end- home Ito eilher run on Sunday or lose ihe.r cvilably relrclgade to baibar, 'situations. They nre most of them- As soon oicn " c — no easy dollars t , earn: but if they were to work every and deserted day. they would soon break down or crowd of men «ind women who do aliens. They are most of them- As soon as evening sets in, the city plele identification ot .eeim S w«.nwm ny uks me auu u at^ a of families, and ihcir wives find it undergoes a change sudden and great part he acted, ltd him to suicide as .1 the right tunc and *he w'J* 1 hke easy matter togbl along with the six as malic. Broadway, which all day, !,Mural ebu^jifnee fle drew the ,ihe echo afeavs^t„ have the last word, larsa week which their husbands ; save church hours, has Iwen so lonely I iloody wenpotr' ixMiin, an, , blieuii. Je i it o n but if they were lo work every and deserted, now swarms with n dense , .rowing it Iron. IltS., fell at length up- ; speaks nt^-ie right time, an she will they would soon break down or crowd of men and women who do not, on the singe. . ,1(, t he i..ej he low n c oe ■ . cur a die. and thus leave their families desti-through the week, find leisure for a pro- i:, did not end with., the plunge ot ttie town. » ,a *- ] * lute. The seventh-day of rest is an in- menade. The great bulk of them arc dagger. His-feelings bore bun aong j J ■ Thei%iiscaloo«a dispensiblc necessity of all laboring: servant girls, wilh their beaux and bro- still further. There is still after » { ' jj e |j*^1^,su^ered men—and especially those so constantly thers, lovers and friends, who wail ea-' exclamation of surprise tryrn the \ra c V •' ' i n the nose employed and in all sorts of weathers, gerly through the whole week for the monks, a dyin^utenee for him - ^ a8 entiret cureti by using a poahice -^sthc pmnihus driver. Let the Sab- , setting ot the Sabbath' sun that they peat. Tie ra.sed I'* . ^ U»e coSon Iran!.erX. ^t is^o sim- P a ^t¥r cr l>e sacred to rest. , may ruririntoihe streets and f.»r a few and went through it w uh s.artlin a e J t .i ia , eveiSbne afttict- » ' ? * s lke 6* cal artery of hours enjoy the luxury of being free to feet with a hurst of exultation jP . , P should trv it Ji the blood‘do,, they pleosc. '• The hallucination, if such wo may call ed with t o d.^e should uy tt. *,* ik , * I »• ~—a-— yj ** j9ponsibifiiy,Uay^ quietly staid at homo*. ituai beauty. Darn me il you ain’t an ornament Jo within ten minutes’ walk of the palls - . “ Wife,” said a mnrrietl man, look-1 creation.* • ! but there were enough of t\, e other soct • ing for his bootjack after she was in bed, I . As a speculator, Nash is cruel lucky, to g»vc old:Zack the victory ; and ifou* “T have a place for all things, amUTou He held some canal shares tffice, which friend,did. not have the honor he so weR r< ought lo know it.” “ Yes,” says sfll, went to such a premium, he was oblig-' deserved*ol aiding it, be at least arrin-* “ fought to know where you keep your i ed to send the broker up in a balloon to fed in excellent time to hear it.—Tror;^ lntt* tirtnrc ’* ’ . sell Ollt. . dcitcc Journal. ti u I