The southern Whig. (Athens, Ga.) 1833-1850, January 18, 1849, Image 1

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uwwbw<*sw.iiiAuasAa* - -qy-yaBjlfej JOHN H. CHHXSTY ft T. BL LAHPKHi, j EDITORS **» PROPRIETORS. j Dcuotcb to Kents, politics, £itcratutc, (general. Jntclligcncc, CtgricnUtuc, &c. TLftTfISs—'TWO DOLLARS per «m»mn INVARIABLY IN ADVANfcE , t NEW SERIES—VOL. II., NO. ATHENS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1849. Volume xvl number 4i. octr jj su Fof tht Southern Whig. UCH IS LIFE. r*g regal realms of crowns ami princeljr giro «s hreaJ! One m iroel give, oh give, to still this fiend of hungc dread! I turned me to the West end heard the deep-toned can The Tnlture feasted on a hrate, but odd hreast, A bosom which had pillowed*ft last shrieks of jw id pulseh miscellaneous. Prophecy of flic Pine. Do trees talk 1 Have they not leafy lungs—do they not at sunrise* when the wind is low, and the birds are carolling , . . ... llieir songs, play a sweet music 1 "Who a . ?. su ' . has ever heard the soft whisper of the ! cd ; J ! ,n * 1 green leave, in Springlinrc on n sunny j aml ,,c rel morning, who did not feel as though I rainbow gleams of gladness were runn-1 ing through hi when the ficach blossoms bang like ru- ; fort was saved, and ibe Indians were, A South American Tragedy in Real defeated. * * * • • j Lite. yj Nearly thirty years after, we sec him | A correspondent of ihfc New York the wild savannahs anti hammocks of11 ribnne, writing ,j the land named by the Spaniards the 8' ves some furtlier pariicuJ irs of a iVn- p an ; m , , “Land of Flowers.” Here again he S ed y »> real life, which ft ah Already j llollfi | 1 ' il n>r j saw the savage foe, and after inuumer- Leon mentioned- The father of the la- g j bics from the sietn of the parent tree— j when the morning-glory, like i hnsiisod and conquer- i d y alluded to was of Irish descent, and entry rewarded him,! correspondent adds : his farm, with the rc-! Mr. O'G.’s ancestors c.Tnm at an enr- dIvc, that whenever his services should j *>’ period to the New World, and he is be required, he would be in rcadi-j now the last male descendant of bis " accomplished gentleman, uiar- supcrior woman of the true Spanish blood—has a good The properly o the oqibn' From which bad parsed tl*c clwcriri" light U merriraen and mirth; Ami tl«cro were tear.,*, round the lone—the dark ait< distant grai 1 turned me to the rich man's hearth, aud arhing heart' i th jewels bouad wore shades of pass (eevrr from an eye. wfp tlx Ami many n hr. At sunk the star-bu|M from that ooul, liki the fcky. ; I turned me to the convict's cell where llie season of ibc 44 sere and yelli trailing bead In | ca p»__ w hcn the wheat ’ prime, and the corn waves its silken I tassels in the air, how those who think j bow and remember ibc reaper Death ! ! And llien again in winter, when the ho-} som of Old Mother Earth is cold, and j the while snow, like a shroud, is on her j breast, and the naked trees, with leaves j all fallen, stand quivering in the wind ! : Hush ! How the torrents of wind 1 the | ted, where slept 3 Iris plead- lie called his sainted mother ton, through watches o( the night. Then prttyedto die ere came again tlie mornings <lrcad- Away from death and gloom I turned, a gayer scene Ur find. nd looks thei ic spell Oat there, alas! the gush. As jealous fears or wounded pride lent flush. Then is there Hil ls not each sh ulow dark Then let us filter no foul dreg •tarting tew” was also sec the die to dip 1 torlal's cup t< gh upon life's fitful rill f o forotJuT lip* to sip, the hand, the sjneading win' PERSEVERANCE, X ..nil.>v in th.. to bur granary, and 'ueaUi tin? caves ‘Inmake a nest, and there did tiring earth, awl straw, and leaves. iy after day she toiled, r _ t heart,; lint ere her w«*rlc,wai crowned, •ad mishap the tiny falirie spnled, tin* place she flew, h and grasses bn night, And built lier nest anew. But scarcely hal die placed The last soft feather on its amble floor. When wicked hand, or chance, again laid waste, And wrought the ruin o’er. But still her heart slu* kept, iled again; awl last night, hearing calls, Awl iwshcd it Slie found the min But, not cast down, forth fro And, with her mate, fresh earth; as an old, white-haired i ho had battled lor his c< — , , , , . ' iU V rUnr ^f finii "nainlda' i^r i lr Y since iiis boyhood, and who had J was I ,,s daughter Camila, win*, from her lore ibc shrine of G d, unlolds her \ |, ccn rcwar dcd with the highest honor father, inherited ihc clear complexion, beautiful face, and lhc mos, (gsc, open , ^"2."„f .ho A . poo l- I <1"* blue eye. »n.| bluc-btucMai* ihc.r crimson bpl, .parkbng *'«!■ Ao It .ha kw»Z ! culiar .« .ba weal of Ireland. Knuu nectar tbal falls Irani heaven, "ho .lues , ( j jj _ y |,; 3 co 7,„iry l‘cr moilicr ibc grace, lorm anil gait of bless Ins Maker? W hen anmmn cotncs |lis Sm, amI . ,‘ u she |he Andalusian" Indeed, .onso a sport- Who shall.avenge j ' n g phrase, she was a perfect cross.— c who stood |>v Ins | H° r mental qualities were a happy com- bedside." The old man pointed to the! Lination of the wit and vivacity natural Mississippi, and the visiter knew whom : lo l,cr father’s countrymen, with the re lic meant. ! l K,sc and self-possession of her mother. Two years after this, a stout-built vet- Accomplished and better educated than cran arrived in New Orleans; beseem-! niost young women, she naturally sought cd to have the nerve and vigor of half a lor companions who were most distin- ccntury to conic in bis constitution am! fished lor intelligence. Scarcely eigli- bcnealli his gray brows dashed eyes of: lcc,, » she bad all the precocity of intcl- of fire. Without pride, without osteota- • ^ ccl which distinguish women til a south- lion, he led his little baud to the shores j cni clime aud give them the eplomb ol - _ on i ,.,n , 111W „ inir , of the hostile land. Thebreaths of all ou ^ women of thirty. * rise, and tall trec^ iheir head». j wcrc rc j )rcs . scd umilthey heard from the t lh c curate of the place was Don San- .'r:,i IIf . r in? i; i :, .I t Icadcrofthcsegallam men,but when the ! c»io Gutincx, who could also boast , . . !. * . K , V " i news t)f l*alo Alto came and the »»lori- ‘he best bltKHl ol the province in .be ? ,r .. freezing cobl In ,1ns .Iramrt 1 ™ of ltewca wm ^ivXho v,;i '‘ s - Ka U «u«.l al tbc Cnllcgo rtf ,bc olbfe there wcrc but four on the onc | admiration of our citizens for the hero! Jesuits, he was remarkable for bis tal- sulo l, ^ rc .^ c ^ a * a n Ur ?, i r u C 0 C ,;! <»f the day bad no bounds. Then came I ™ ls * intelligence and acquirements.— an«l on the other t«« -mall, thou h . a . r j u||g c j, an , 0 »* victories boueht > Fhcse good judges of character were stalwart b°J’S. Jy the motion °i lhc j j ir ^ vcvor< |, v 1 j ie prC cio U s life-blood of I P rouJ °l‘“him, anti selected him as a wind the lordly nine (lung Ins 8 r J ca l t |, c brave. At length when he hadn’t- jsaitaHle representative of their order, arms around the laurel, who seemed ‘J* | complished all that* he could the plain i a S a j ,,sl hisowniuclinalion,butnersuad- « Sf-'vnnd: .r C |»'.v'?“Yc ’^answJrmi * old warrior, like another Denlatus, came j cd a fond «nothcr, who had Income • bee yonder boys! ^ cs, answered, |jome Th ’ } ,, a rigid devotee, he unfortunately com “I SSi I Hag* waved. Tens of thousands flock-! s . ented .» a « d took 1 ho solemn vows of x see iwo, anu ini-y arc goui a to— , meet him and all was inv ami ' ,h « priesthood. He was just 22 years A gust ol wind cainc up, and what then i conrtralu j at ; on< ’ * * • ^ • j of age, of a commanding, graceful form," the Latirc 1 said, no one ever knew j ’ f cw days ago, when an of a drar olive complexion, with a picrc- °h! how he wind roared, and how | qU wil ^ folded J ° u ing black eye. Ilis whole soul was the trees rocked, as though their roots (t j jc ^ ^ Q p a no | dc r j ver ’ q„ ,i iC 0|> _ | absorbed in Iiis duty, and lie was held were not last m the grounu ! Presently j ”, gidc slood a blasted pine—its! U P to lhc degenerate priesthood ns a Jake was a little buck the two boys came panting to the shore j * arm « were mol ionless mil it looked ' l^rfect model for Iiis devotion, bearing longed to Dr. Taliafcrn -one sat u.ulcr ,lie I’me, ; ,„d lhc other j "ml “iS obS- «•>•> correct conduct. ° to have in hi, little frame a heart ,, under the Laurel. J lien again the trees , ^ . . there was a laurel ^ Don Sancho was a constant visitor at as General Jackson’s—to say not hi spoke, but the boys did not bear them, j ‘ i ’ r rp ,i. *i s •. i the hospitable house ol the failin' of ; Napoleon .Bonapane. He did’nt fesi The shortest but stoutest o. the two ( * . .* / , ,, ‘ i-.-kod Camila, by whom he was n^^orc! Old Nick; and as for coolness—lie was Imys, wiping the cold drops from his ] , * °* warmly welcomed than bv as cool as the tip-top of the North Pole tTnT r’fe SX^SUr. Jnfi in hi‘ ,hc ’7 One day, Df.^Lfdfrm u,,n,V „ ; mn lK,rd SW ""’ bMl 1 ma ''° , U '" l nfhis boyish exploit nearly fifty years soul; the poetry ..Ht- ...moflhccojnmcnccnent of a I n 1 nf»o As lie gazed a gcnlle breeze lure " ot ,,nl y ol her own eounlrWbut: College, of held the chair o swept through the branches of the Ian- 'hatof France,Ilaly and Germany,gave | anatomy, gave a dinner. Among Ills rel tree, and a bough dropped therefrom. , !' cm “""r'-g subject of converse- , guests was a well known A current oftl.c river brought the bough " ,, . n a, “ l argument. \ bate in the evening, after ll.o bottle had cry so heart-rending that one oMHe at- Gold Huntius. tending priests was carried otf in a Washington Irving’s “Colqifiblis” swoon. She, however, soon roused her- ! may be profitably lookctl into the self and addressing her recovering com- present time. The second volume ol reminded him ol their love, anti j the new edition, to be published sliortly, in the eyes of man it might he | supplies us with a significant passage : she had lailh in the goodness and j “ Before relating the return of Golum- justice <£Go<J, and soon they would j bus to Hispaniola, it is proper Uqnoiice meet inTt better world, never to be! some of the principal occurrences in separated. She refused to have «bat island which took place Und^r the her eyes bandaged, but with a modesty ■ government ol Ovando. A great crowd belonging , to her sex, requested her Ud adventurers of various ranks had dress should he fastened round her j thronged Iiis fleet: eager speculators, ancles. She was clad particularly neat, [credulous dreamers; and tmiken down ,nor P Throwing her beautiful tresses over her gentlemen ol desperate fortunes,-all ex face, she calmly seated herself beside ! peeling to enrich themselves suddenly, her lover and their arms were bound to j in an island where gold was to be pick- 1 lookttl, Hint, lo! three )ittlo (.wallows sh Within the carili-nuule walls. What truth U hrri', O man! Hath liope Ufii smitten in its early .la' ‘ “iy purji uti*l stir plan! I he post. A file of soldiers was advanc-jed up fnmi the surface of the ..Soil, ed—the order given to fire—not a trig- j gathered from tlie mountain brooks.' gcr was drawn, for' in the hearts of| “They had scarcely landed, says those wild men there stdl was some- j Las Casas, who accnnipaincd the expe- tliing human. They were withdrawn i dilion, when they hurried ofF to the under arrest, and the guard of Pampa I mines, which were about eight leagues Indians, not so sensitive, advanced with- j distance. ’Fite road swarmed like ant- in five yards of the poor victims and j hills with adventurers of all blasScs. fired. __ They both fell dead without a ; Every one had his knapsack stored with groan.’ j biscuit and flour, and mining implements The captain of the guard on whom «» his shoulders. Those hidalgos, or devolved the service of the day, stung gentlemen, who had no servants tocar- by remorse, or actuated by a more no-i ry their burdens, bore them on llieir bio sentiment, formed the troops into a|°' vn backs, and lucky was ho who had square round the corpses, and address-] a horse for the journey; He would be ing Iiis comrades said : ** I have obeyed i able to bring back the greater load of my orders, but my business is not to; treasure. shoot women”—then drew Iiis pistol j “ They all set out in high spirit, eager ami blew out his brains. | who should first reach the golden land, l have given you a hasty sketch of j thinking they had but to arrive at the this heart-rending tragedy—of the poor ! mines and collect riches, * for they fan parents I have not heard—but in the j cied,’ says Las Casas, ‘ that gold was ti town there is but one feeling, that of j be gathered as easily and readily a horror; the whole city is aghast at so fruit from the trees.’ When they Propliccy Respecting Hie Mines of. California. In His travels in the northwest, pub-* lislied in 1777; Capt. Johnathan Car ver Says: “ This extraordinary range isfmountains, (the ltocky mountains, which lie calls the Shining mountains,) is calculated to be more than three thou sand miles iti length, tVitHotit ally Very considerable intervals, which, 1 betiefe; surpasses any tiling ol tlie kind, in oilier rjUarierS of the globe. Probably, in fti- liirc ages, they may be found.Id edntairt more ricllcs in llicit; bowels, than those of llindosiati and Malabar, or than :ird produced on the golden coast of Guin- . nor will I except tlie IVrtiviart :s. To tlie west of tlie niour.tains. when explored by future Cohtmbujwc*. tftlj * Raleighs, may be foil ml other lakeS; vers and countries, full fraught with all tlie necessaries Or luxuries of life: where lutorb generations ritay find . an asylum; whether driven from their tliry lly the ravages Of lawless ty rants, or by religious persecutions, or reluctantly leaving it m remedy the in conveniences arising Iron; a superabun dant increase of inhabitants;, whether, I say, impelled by these, or allured-by hones of commercial advantages, there is lit tic doubt that llieir expectations will be fully gratified in these rich and unexhausted climes. tciriblc a punishment, and that l ings, with their loving offspring, tho still unborn, should suffer for having “ Loved not wisely, but too well," passed belief. But the details arc minute that I am most unwillingly c pelted to submit its truth. Coolness. A TALE ABOUT A HEAD. •vho he rn i ml to do it, and you know that when I say yes, it is yes! I’m going down the river to-morrow, but I’ll sec them same old trees again, and I’ll bet I’ll be something chc then than 1 am now. Darn—but old Whetscl says it’s wrong to curse, come let’s go back agaip.” The two boys again plunged into tbc almost frozen stream, and regained the oilier sitlc. The tall, dark Pine then bent towards the Laurel, an “ See the vigor of yonder youth winds which come from the deep blue above, the abode of Him who made me, tcacli me prophecy. As 1 lift my broad green brow towards Him, when the sun is the color of gold, He smiles upon me, and I am happy ! Then I feel as though to the old Zachary T i*s feet. That man was i,ou. Au Editor's Task. The great Dr. Johnson—whose Irum- Au Eventful Hl«tory~Tlie Life of Printer. Tho following strange cvculfql i m ..... v . J ..v....v.,ug,.. uu .. c * >rd n J° u rneyman printer s life, says j j knew the secrets of lime. Cease, gcu- Chc 1 itlstmrg Journal, we arc positive is ■ i|c Laurel, cease the tremulous action correct to the letter. It dcvclopes what n f thy leaves, for thou too hast the spir- a man can do if ho likes, and what, ',t of prophecy !” Their studies became the same, and ' done its work, the conversation turned two or three years glided on in uuiuter-! upon courage, and the doctor boasted rupted happiness. Tht beauty, wit considerably of tlie lion-heart of his and accomplishments of Cam*ifa had ’ man Jake. He offered to bet that no- brought numbers of suitors for a hus- ' thing could scare him ; and this bet the ic then pet tones swell with a sonorous melody i band. To all she gave a deaf ear.— | ventriloquist took up, naming at the d said:' on tbc car of-all who delight to read j From some speculations her father bad samtrtimc the test he wanted imposed. ! The llieir mother longue, as it was written j mc t with losses, and the political trou- [ Jake was sent*for, and came. 1 by the men who drank from the “ wells j hies ol the country made him anxious j “Jake,” said the doctor, “T have bet of English undefiled”—in bis day thus | Camila should make choice ol a bus- large silm of money on your head, spoke ol the task of an editor: | band from the many admirers who sur- «nd you must witi it. Do.y • lie that condemns himself to com- rounded her. you can!” think queer and enterprising, nnselfish fel lows, tho majority of printers arc : •• The life of n printer is, lo say lhc ! least, w>e of variety. I left home at the age of nine, and was apprenticed to the r riming business al thirteen ; since then, have visited Europe—been in Eng land! Ireland, Scotland, Wales and France—in Canada, Nova Scotia, La- brad£r, South America, West Ltd The wind was lulled, anti 'the lordly Fine stood like a chieftain on his moun tain home, gazing upon the river that flowed beneath his feet. A moment after a swift breeze swept through his green branches, and again he spoke: “ Fifty years from now' that same gal-, lanl boy will come again to look upon us, but lie will then be a gray-haired » ^1. » . » .. . ' I nlan * Whatwilfrfbou give him, Lau- and nil the Atlantic Stales ol the Union, | rc | j” | Don Sancho and Catnila then for the I first time knew the}'—loved. -- I You may conceive the conflict bc- j tween duty and passion in tbc lovers. { They fled, aud escaped to a small town 3tgliboring province, where, tfn- from Maine to Louisiana-—have lived in twenty-seven cities and towns of the | United Slates; I have been a sailor in i the merchant service, aud have sailed j The l.uurcl answered timidly; “I ! will give him a wreath of my brightest ! leaves! I can do no more !” . n -c - r. *» i “And I,” said the Pine, ** will give in all manner of craft—ship, barque, 1 . * b - - brig, schooner, .loop and sicamcrLin 1 J™.“ t^ ,rlbc |" of “g slrc,, S'>! ?»>1 *!*».«*• .bo rogular arm, a. P a private soldier, 1 V tt 8> ve h ‘"> . lbo « deserted and got shot in the leg. 1 have studied two years for the ministry, onc year for an M. D.—travelled through all tho. New England Slates—New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia, os a journeyman primer, generally with little else than a brass rule in my pocket. I havo been tho publisher of two papers in ■ j --•> one in Boston, onc in Itox- bury, Mass., one in New Hampshire anti coo in Maine. At one time I had $7,350 in my pocket ot mV own. I have been married twice.and am now nearly 26 [year# old !—Was a member of Captain [(lain Major) Ringgold’s flying artillery, ak iHSjSP* Rmpment in Trenton, N. J. 1 havqTbccn a temperance lecturer and jJroprictor of a temperance theatre. When Mr. Wilberforeo Was a dan- iidatc far Hull, his sister, an amiable And witty young lady, ndcred the cotn- '^pfimeut of a new gown to each of the wives of those freemen who voted for her brother; on which site was saluted by n cry of** Miss Wilbcrforcc forever ! * when she pleasantly observed ** I thank you, gentlemen, but I cannot agree with von. Tor really I do not wish lo be Miss Wilbcrforcc forever.” To tuojt Bleeding at the Susc.—Dr. Nc- gjier, a French surgeon, says that the simple elevation of a person’s arm will will preserve lmn from the snows of winter and the heal of summer, i will give him manliness of form and firmness knowlcd: of mind. But, oh Laurel, when here- u A * turns again, I shall be withered by age and scratched by the lightnings—whilst you will lie as green as ever! A mourn ful wind swept by. * * * It was ISOS, when a stalwart young man looked at his commission as stated day, will often brin^ to his task an attention dissipated, a memory embarassed. an imagination overwhelmed, a mind distracted with anxieties, a body languishing with dis ease; he will labor on a barren topic, till it is too late to change it; or in the ] dcr assumed na ardor of invention, diffuse bis thoughts into wild exuberance, which the press ing hour of publication cannot sutler judgment to examine or reduce.” How truly is here described, what j without their bei every one who has attempted thus to ‘ affair was bciix_ control and bind bis mind, has so often ; unfortunately, a curate for the town of found to be his own case, and. no one j their refuge was scnlftoui Buenos Ayres, can so justly realize as the editor of a ■ He recognised bis old college-cornpan- paper. He is not only required to fol-j ion—informed, anti they were arrested, low up a subject with which he is famil- j and scut in irons to this city. With a iar, ami to discourse upon things about | refined cruelly they were placed in )hc which tlie whole world have had time j same cart but separated by a guard, to form opiuions, but he is expected to j they were not allowed to communicate, seize upon the events, great or small, i Twenty days of journeying over the of every day as they pass, to state the J wretched roads, exposed to the inelcm- facts in regard to them, and to write, of I cut season, \£us sufficient to shake^he them with au instinctive sagacity ami j stoutest; but she, though encienle, (in hich in oilier men would j two months more she would have been Berry bell; master,” replied Jake, “jest tell dis nigg'a what he’s to <lq, an’ he’ll do it, shore.” 44 1 want you to go to the dissecting room. You wdl find two dead bodies there. Cut off the head of one with a they wcrc married? j large knife which you will find there, The Church was outraged. .The be-, and bring it to us. You must not lake reaved parents, in their phrenzy, soli cited the Government to look for the fu gitives. Six or seven months passed discovered ; ami forgotten, when, cd, however, they discovered, to thei lismay, that it was necessary lo dig painfully into the bowels of the earth, labor to which most of them bad never been accustomed ; that it required ex perience and sagacity to detect the veins of ore ; that in fact, the»whole process of miuing was exceedingly toilsome, de manding vast patience, much experi ence, ami after all being full of uncer tainty. ‘♦They digged cargerly though for a time, but found no ore. They grew hungry, threw by their implements, sal down to, and then returned to Work. It was all in Vain. ‘ Their labor,’ says Lis Casas, ‘gave them a keen ap petite and quick digestion, but no gold. They soon consumed their provision, exhausted tbeir patien •'» pursed their in fatuation, aud iu eight days set of drearily on their return along the road: they had lately trod so exullitigly.— They arrived al San Dotningo, witfn announce of gold, half famished, dov cast, and despairing. Such is too often the ease of those who Ignorantly engage, in mining; of all speematious the most brilliant, promising aud fallacious. “ Poverty soon fell upon these mis guided men. They exhausted the little property they had brought from Spain. Many suflerrcd extremely from hunger, ami were obliged to exchange <5ven their apparel for bread. Some fotmed con nexions with the old settlers of the is land, but the greater part were like men lost and bewildered ami just awa kened fromadream. The miseries of tiie mind, as usual, heightened the suffer ings of the body. Some wasted away aud died broken-hearted; others were hurried off by raging fevers, sothnt there perished upwards of a thousand men.” Eel Fastened laj a Snake.- On ap proaching ait almost dry drain, 1 saw a snake slowly extending Iiis coils, raising bis bead, and steadfastly gazing on what I saw to be art eel of about a foot in length. The eel was direetly oppos ed to the snake, ami glartcc seemed to meet glance, when the Snake, having ■ gained the requisite proxirtiitv, darted on the cel and caught it about an inch behind the head, and carried it off; but the captor was soon himself tlie captive, for Wi»h a blow on Iiis head I secured both.—Journal of the Indian Archipelago. tnT* Hailes; the great Norfolk. (En glish) giatit is astonishing the New Yor kers. The Nliiror says “he is hot twenty- severt years old, is jitst eight feet high, weight only five hundred (Mutuds, has a very pleasrtnt John Bull look, converses agreeably, rtnd lias art inclination to /W jmnt, or rather bon paunch, and is quite an Apollo in per sonal appearance. He is uqqitarricd** and bating the objection that no lady coultl ever hope 10 wedr the unmention ables of such a husband, he would cer- taiuly Ire an eligible match, although there is no probability of his ever being matched. We have not looked into any gianiesqtic history lately, but we believe that Mr. Hailes is tlie largest than that , now lives upon the earth. It makes an Ordinary mortal feci extremely small irt his pres< A Mississippi Wedding. The Natchez Free Trader announces I a wedding which took place in the Court : House there on the Il.ll» ultimo* and j adds the following description of the i scene at the wedding: * The minister had just been elected light, however, and.don’t get fright ened.” “ Dal’s all is it?” inquired Jake. “ O, berry bell. I’ll do dat, shore for sar- tain ; and as for being frighten, the deb- bit itself aint a gwinc to frighten me.” Jake accordingly set off, and reach- ing lhc dissecting room, grope,I alH.nt, j Bri^.itel'efc^lrf fhiV o,,nl he found inekmrc and ihc I, , vbencaHeJ nlHl:i;1 ’ e at , he Ho had just applied the former to > >c | rn:irr i ag0 ceremony, was busily engaged neck of one of the latter, when from the | in ca i c °, alia g his majority, which wis body he wos about to decpm.te, largB> havin | n0 o p|Kiae „r. 1„ ano , low and sepulchral voice exclaimed : coraer of th = holls |, a of mcu “ Let my bead alone . calculating the loss of Cass and gain of • , ’ Tr * Ct i *n i ^ *,!"! S Tovlor; and in the door of the house tiejar; and ladder head I do,cs as well. , hc Depuly Sheriff, selling a poor He accordingly pet the knife lo lhc ,;. |t „ w . s cnr ,', fo a a small sus ^ cio '„ „f knock oft I,e next corpse, when .mother |e ,„ . , Vhna lhe ,. r „ bate cle ; kl • • be not only miraculous, but which in an j a motiier,) bore the hardships and pri-1 voice equally unearthly in its toue, [ .; ddc / was busdy engaged Yn calling off editor is not even thought lo be extraor- vations uncomplainingly—sustaining ! shrieked out.” t he land assessment °book ! and in dinary. .... ! by her example her sinking lover, who, | “Lei my head alone !* other corner of the house stood a group Jake was puzzled at first, but • -■ • •• • • 1tirutv * perhaps, knew too well the probable Jake was puzzled z iTcnj „;“:r a - ii - 1 ^ ^ r scn ;'?;,, ■asc-true blue i” hut every body » mv “l. I* 10 Church chimed b.m .» Irttj “ Lo.* a yah . Mast. Or has . . phrase “ true blue but every btnly Lieut- j docs no j know that its first assumption cnant in the United States Army. He J was by the Covenanters, in opposite felt his warrior-soul struggling within lo l , lc scarlet badge of Charles 1; : him. He had just been married to a h cuco a was taken bv the troops beautiful girl, but, with tears in bis • Lesley ami Montrose, ’in 1731). The eyes, be tore himself from her white ( adopt ton ol tb^eolor was one ol those arms; tq do battle for his country. Al- religious pedantries in which the Cqve- tcr performing prodigies of valor, l ,c ! nanicrs afleclcd' a pharisaical observ- vvas rewarded with a Captain’s commis- \ ancc |, lo Scriptural letter, and tbc sion, and then commenced his^'eventful! USJIS!OS of the Hebrews ; anti thus, ns •f hoys swapping marbles. The mirtis- m ... , . • .cr commenced the ceremony, while the , . J cr Tolliver sed I 'p a yj or men CQ l| e d out 104 gji *»*»»>, and were ready to mete him the ; must bring one ob de heads, an you ; 'p a y, 0 ^ there, and the Cass me ion | punishment allotted him by the canons isn’t a gvvine l°-fool me, nohow !” a «ul [. d _ n dlC !u J k .» Thc ShcrifI shouted nd I l^r the backsliding of her Priest. But Jake hacked away until he scparat :d •. how for (hc corn —who’ll ^ivc s,, e v of mo ! The Government had taken the the bead from the body. I hereupon a, rawre („ r lhc coriJ 'f|, e Ulrek called ! havc career. Hark! it is midnight, and the tall trees wave around a little stockade. Within there are slcYn sol diers sleeping na their arms, and wo men with their children clasped to their bosoms. Without tli^c arc dusky sav-r ages, who are creeping stealthily to wards llieir almost unsuspecting foe.— Presently a gun is fired, and rushing up from llieir repose, the affrighted inmates perceive lliat they arc surrounded by savages, and that thc house within the stockade is in flames! All is confusion —the shrieks of the woracu,- and the always stop bleeding at tho Liberal Jlcicard.—A magistrate in a Pompeiian town cautioned the people ^ ^ ^ _ ... . not to smoke in the public square, :iu a person’s arui will! hideous yells of thc Indians, scrvjx to! il, c following words: 4 Smoking is strict- they have named their children, Hubak- kuk and Zcrubbabcl, ami their chapels Zion audEiicuezcr, they decorated their jicrsous with blue ribbons, because tbc following sumptuary precept was given in the law of Moses: “Speak to the children of Israel, arid tell them lo make to themselves hinges on the borders tbcirgarincnls, prilling in them ribbdns oj Hue" Numbers xv, 3Si—Sc*. Am. Who arc the Truly Valuable in Society. —The value set upon a member of s«»- eiety should be, not according 10 the fineness or intensity rtf his feelings, irt the acuteness of his sensibility, or l<> to Weep for, Or deplore the misery lie may meet with in the‘world ; proportion to the sacrifices 14 hc is ready to make, and to the knowledge, and talents which he is able and willing io contribute towards removing this misery. To benefit mankind is a much more difficult task than some seem to imagine; it is not quite so easy as to make a display of amiable sensibility: the first requires long study and painful abstinence from thc various alluring pleasures by which we are surrounded ; the Second in most cases demands only a little acting, and even when sincere,is u t rl v useless to the publie.—Westmin ster Jlevicw. A Good Wife.—A friend of ours who has been spending a ll:W weeks in tho country, and who has visited some of the private dwellings rtf the rustic in habitants tells of a singular old man who lives near Brookfield. He is some what noted for his odd expressions.—* He was one day visited by a small par ty of ladies and gentlemen, who .went to hear hiui “talk.” “Now yrtung gen tlemen, I will give you some directions how to tell a good wife. A good wife will be like three things and she will nOt be like them. She will be like the snail who slays at home, and she will not be like the snail who carries all it has on its buck. She will he like the echo that speaks when spoken to, amt will not be like the echo, always to the last word. She will lie like matter into ml she ‘ M. E. quarter of thc ivesl hull ‘I 10 lO'Vn-elbck, jliat s|»ea*s al lhe right j o . gentleman, wiiti ms manien laurels tresh *. ., , . «• ri.rr- • "ufz . , upon his brow* retainer! his gravity and, ^’ ,0 n ” lhc .V. CaUfwnta. Ve see!” cried the rmremonv. and L lean, ftom the Offical Gazette..I Stock. ! holm that on the 14lh September the . thehai.pyioupTfliiat’-EJmomi5'oiri; j "r.rkmer. omph.yerl In the Korksbcrg intrust thc power in the hands *»f otic, j to look at de bumps.’ they have tmfbrtunately to bear lire | Bring back my head at once consequence. You al realty know the' the voiee. history of Rosas—and never has a conn-j 44 Tend to you right away, salif** try felt a more iron rule. j plied Jake, as he marched off* with the i vote in this county. 4 ’The execution tool; place at the mifi-! Iiead, and in the next minute deposited I ... . tary encampment a few'miles from ~the ! it before the doctor. j A Practical Demonstration.—Peter the | the (3th October, equally pure, weighing • .... ■ —— * - 'iia rtroai coourff C... 11.^ R.o, tlirtn « rt^l. ! Iftft miiti.l*. This mine vvn a nlffirfid for > silver mines found a lump of pure silver | We’ghing 280 * pounds, and another lie ; make the scene terrible. At this mo- j !y fnrbiddo explains tlie fact physiologically, and- incut, ihe commander of the little To declare*it a i^isitivc reined)*. Ills ccf* J rhouetl lhc tUrib cylm aud in- j tainij easy ol trial. ldomr«itable spirit t;f i~Vcterau i i this lO dollars .vh'ich the informc lalii' square, under a pen- ir twenty lashes, of shall receive « - J*. city, on Friday last. Tlie poor culprits had but ouC day’s notice. The priests who were ordered tft administer the last sacred riles of lhe Church; were cbt>-. sen from the highest diguiutries. Thc unhappy couple were duly con fessed, and horrible as it may appear, die unborn child was baptised in the bosom of'the mother. Gutincz cany: out pale ami shrinking—Camila linn : al the first took he fainted ; jsfi> flHHH »So you’ve got it; I see!”' said his Great, seeing lor the first time a gal- ^*|^fUf>oumls. ... 6 .w. ,..w This mine was offered for master. | lows at Berlin, inquired to what pur-|sale in London, about twenty years ago, Yes, sab,” replied thc unmoved ; pose this queer looking thing wafl put. j for £ 10,0(K), but, could. not find a pur ui Jake, “ but please lie done looking at \ Having received the, -desired infantta- ■ chaser. For the greater part of the- bitn soon, kasc do gethplin told me to j lion, he expressed the wish that'a mart \ time sioegit has yielded to the Govern- fotch Kim back right away.”—John Donkey. ’ . : . . - *» Attend your Church,”-th** mMi ci To Church caoi: fair one goes: -The old go there W Close their eyes. The young lo CVC their ctuUiv?. I on the gallows, hr or der ioste how it was done J but being told that there was at preseut no crimi- rtni at band, liable to such a penalty, he requested that they might take bne brbi« .anr* frlv .£20,000 profit annually.— Courier. The latesuaicounts from Panama je^ port six thousond persons there await ng a conveyance to California.