The southern Whig. (Athens, Ga.) 1833-1850, September 20, 1849, Image 1

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UHNBtSirf« SEORB* UW»»' < join cnwsTT * t. m. lahpkw, DEVOTED TO NEWS, POLITICS, LITERATURE, AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. NEW SERIES—YOL. Ill, NO. 12. ATHENS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1849. VOLUME XVH. NUMBER 24. THE SOUTHERN WHIG. 3tjiras, £nt(ia: Tkgptay JUralag, Sept, it, ISIS. MECHANICS COSVCXTIOIf. The Journal & Messenger, suggests tbo propriety of holding a Convention of ibe Mechanics of this State at Macon, some lime during the, present autumn for the purpose of forming a Mechanic** Institute, and of consulting in regard to tendency or European itvstas. A London correspondent of the Na tional Intelligencer thus briAy sums up the tendency of affairs in-Europe: France to a monarchical form of go- Domestic Slavery. that man may rightfully hold property in ty The following is an extract from President! man. Deluded fanatic, .hear with rev- S«A».ort Es», 0,° “ The Pb.lo.opl., of Slaver,," | 'fence, if it is possible for you so to do . ... , .. , at least for one moment, the voice of to which .. referred m oer leet Imae. Gnd> spcaklnf ,, „ ,U ceremonial. tion while under Col. Redding! Now Col. Redding had charge of the Peni tentiary for four years. If the present Keeper tells the truth, therelore, his nett earnings, instead of being S5.000 w Whether the institution of hereditary, j 0 ihe MORAL LAW. “ Thou j as alleged by our correspondent, were vernment; Germany to a division be-1 domestic servitude, as it exists among ; # b a lt no t covet thy neighbor’s house,! actually $6,250 per annum, tween Austria and Prussia; Hungary i us, was established before .the flood, ihou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wile,! Col. Williamson according to his to place herself in the rank of indepen- ! we are not informed. Certain it s, , nor j,j 3 man serTC nt nor his maidservant,! shewing, received $25,000 in notes dent nations; and Rome under the go- however, that it existed with the di- vernmenl of the Pope, provided the Ho ly Father will consent, and Catholic Europe will allow him, to establish his temporal sway upon moderate and lib eral principles.” ----- -• » « . rm - ,i .1 ... onto uis oretnren- aiiu nc Ihe general interest*’.of the Mechanics - This would seem to be a ^ t^rue bill j bc ihc j j0r( j GiH \ „f Shem ; ami' ifia .Mechanics ' * throughout the State, are requested to take the matter into consideration, and his ass, ilor anything ■ due-bills. He does not pretend to say |)0Ctnj|. A Faucy. vine sanction very soon alter that event. . jj ial ; 8 neighbor’s.” Eii xx. 17. w | that every dollar of this was not good—! The first recognition ot domestic! The character of the savants here i but resorts to the ignoble attempt to j slavery found in the Bible, is in Gen. ix.> spo j; cn Q f j s put beyond *he possibili- J deceive the people into the belief that J It was a child—a little child- lie died upon the deep; The waves were raging stern and wild; They rocked him into sleep! His father toiled upon the deck, And strove and strove in vain: A thousand voices cried “ And never cried again. The waters maddening in their give some public expression of their opinion in regard to the suggestion. 25-27. “And Noah said, cursed be j ,y n f a j ou bt in ihe statutes concerning j Col. Redding did not turn him Canaan ; a tenant of tenants shall he l*e; circumcision and the palaver. They 'funds or means, because he did not turn unto his brethren. And he said, blessed ! nre home born, or I vght with mo- i him over cash ! : r . r j ^he Lord God of Shem ; and Caj^an j ^ #od him- Col. Williamson, very coolly says,! -r-Umemab*y in- wwt. cepeflMte ( *‘Ci- j a { mll be’his strtfini. 6od ‘'en- | sc jf rf-oni hired servants. Xj thaq * this exjdanat&X #> Ooz.iU ally as regards France, where so much • large Japhelh, and he shall dwell irr the j Here, then, the right of property in Towns, to himself, to truth and justice, and! human blood will have been shed for j tents of Shcm, and Canaan shall be his s l acett j s as sacredly guarded, .and tlie j ** strictly correct* If he had said it A Bedlam of the Swept down that stout and hardy sire To sleep in coral caves. The boats are near—the crew begin To leave the crowded bow. Gone—gone—the waters suck them ii They have ih« vi^py nyw. GT Elisha Rbbse, convicted of the murder of Mrs. Pratt, was executed in Macon last week, as wc learn from the paper* of that city. ClOtn in Middle Georgia.—The Central Georgian says: We hear a great deal of complaint among farmers in this section on account of the gloomy pros pect of the cotton crop. The recent drought and cotton worm, together with the rust, has and will materially injure cotton, to say nothing of its back wardness in the spring. The pea crop will also be short in some'paris of the country. There will be jieiliaps, average yield of the corn crop. At onr present writing, says the Al bany Patriot of last week, there is a Indy in this county 82 years of age, who 1ms had 21 children.. Two of her daughters also reside in this county: one of them the wife of Mr. Wm. Faircloth, has had 16 children, 14 of whom are now living. The other, the wife of Mr. Mathew Fair- cloth. has had 23 children, 18 of whom aro now living—9 sons and 9 daughters. These ladies are in the prime of life, with every prospect of an increasing family. Another sister, Mrs. Parker, nothing; but glorious Hungary, although servant. All the Commentators that I violation of that right assistinClly pro now'darkened ! ha Y e ,,ad an °PP orlu,m y of examining, j hibited by Jehovah, as is possible r , r j.,1 I (Gill. Henry, Horne, Clarke, &c., &c.,) lo be done. In the name of reason, must eventually emerge from the fearful. wilh one united voice, bear witness, that lhen , what blindness must have taken cloud in which she is enveloped, to stanr. j ihe posterity of Canaan is here adjudg- bold of men’s minds, or what wicked- out a brilliant beacon-light on the murky : ed lo the relation of bond-servants to ness possessed their hearts, when they political horizon of convulsed and storm- l be posterities ol Shem and Japhelb. f madly urge on a fanatical and infurial- foccrd Furone' Hunmtrv will be free! It will not do for the abolitionist to e ,I mass to a system of wholesale rob- P * o J nullify the obvious meaning of this pas- bery, in direct violation ol the tenth sage by asserting, that Noah merely j commandment! predicts the future history of the three families, without involving the divine sanction of slavery. When did God, either in the Old Testament, or the New, predict a iciclced act, and, at the same time, without any mark of his displea sure, pronounce the most emphatic blessings upon the iciclced actor ? Piety and sense revolt at the idea. And yet. A GREAT Filin. The United States Patent Office re porter says ; One of the greatest dairies our country is that of Col. Meacham, of Pulaski, New York. His farm con sists of one thousand acres, three hun dred of which are devoted to grass; and he keeps one hundred head of cat tle and ninety-seven cows. In one year he made thirty thousand pounds of cheese, twenty thousand of which lie sold at one time, from six and a half to seven cents per pound. He feeds his cows mostly on hay and carrots, and oftbe latter he raises two thousand bush els, and gives each cow a half bushel per day. And besides the benefit de rived from the grass for his stock he gathers not less than three hundred bushels of grass seed. SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. The following is a summary of the business of the last quarter, from May 1st to August 1st : Amount of Policies issued, *>1,500,000 Premiums received, 4 2,000 Cush Premium* X... 15,700 recepljy died jn Scriven county, oi the) l J&S *holiad26 children: A Uf !?.T!v!rrjWH,o(4 age of 38 years, The children of the Mrs. Faiicloihs’ were all -born in this county. If nny county in Georgia can beat Baker,either in the luxuriance of its productions, or the domestic increase of its popululio we would like to hear from it. Well, Mr. Patriot, we can heat you pumpkins, potatoes, ejc., but when it comes lo “ domestic increase of popu lation,” we are, “ with the lights now before us,’’ disposed to care ! Panther in Ware County. We have received from a correspon dent, says the Federal Union of last week the following account: “On the 16lh of August, in Ware county, on the Alapahatv, two lads, sons of Mr. Stewart, went out to feed nothing can possibly be more explicit i some hogs, and had a small dog with or emphatic than the divine blessings here pronounced on Shem and Japhelh, in the character of SLAVEHOLDERS. Hence it avails but little, if any thing, in the argument, whether this passage he understood to institute or merely to predict, domestic slavery. The slave holders are distinctly and emphatically blessed ofGod; and not “ God-abhorred,” as modern abolitionists impudently and impiously assert. them and were attacked by a large Panther or American Tiger. He first made his attack on the dog, hut soon left the dog and laid hold of one of the lads, and tore him to the ground aud bit and tore the lad fill he supposed him to be dead, then: Scratched and covered him up wilh dirt and slicks, and then left him and pursued alter his brother, who had by this time made the best of his way home. The wounded That this decree of took im . j >“*» . finlli "S the lig»r gone, rose up out Father Mathew nMd the Aholilloninl*. Garrison and his allies having invited Father Mathew to attend an abolition meeting, the old Apostle of Temperance replied as iollows: 44 1 have as tnuch as I can do to save men from the slavery of intemperance,' without attempting the overthrow of any qjlficr kind of slavery. Besides, it would noAbe proper for me to commit-myself . on a question like this, under present circumstances.” Prcwnt mean-. $137,400 FIRST TOWNS IN AMERICA. It will seem curious to those who arc not aware of the fact, that the first towns built by Europeans upon the American continent were St. Augustine, ill East Florida, and Santa Fe, the cap ital of New Mexico. The river Gila was explored before the Mississippi was known, and gold was sought in Cali fornia long ere the first white man had endeavored to find a home on the shores of New England. There are doubtless trees standing within the fallen buildings i a long THE ARDUCTION CASE. The National Intelligencer, i article on the Rey case, says : ••The President on the 28th of July last, directed the Secretary of Slate to instruct Gen. Campbell, (consul of the United States at Havana) in the event of the arrival of Garcia at Havana, after -being abducted from New-Orleans, make an immediate demand for the re turn of the captive, and to send him back to New Orleans: Mr. Campbell was instructed that the issues of peace and war would depend op.on. the result of his application, in cas£ Garcia had been kidnapped by Spanish authority.’ mediate effect in the establishment of domestic slavery, and that the institu tion spread with great rapidity is prov ed incontestably by the following well authenticated historical fact: When the war of the niue Kings occurred in the Abram’s servants, born in his house, less than 318 men, capable of bearing arms, Gen. xiv. 14* From *b«s fact we may reasonably infer that all the ser vants of Abram, including old men, wo men, and children, amounted in all probability to not less than 1,500 or 2,000. Now Abram was born 292 of bis grave of slicks, aud made his nearest way towards his home, and being severely wounded and nearly famished for water, he recollected a hole of water near the creek, and di rected his course for it; and when lie due also to Gov. Crawford, and Col. j Redding, he would have reconciled his j own statement with the figures and the If he had been attempting lo de- i fend the late administration, he could J not have been more successful. He! not only triumphantly sustains Craw-! ford and Redding, and the correspon-, dent of the Journal & Messenger, but) effectually destroys Gov. Towns by the l weakness and vagueness of his response i to plain questions. Our correspondent 1 wished to know how much money the i Penitentiary has made under the present, administration ? To this the Principal; Keeper says: ’ “It would be no'difficult matter to' give a satisfactory answer lo the ques tion of the Messenger’s correspondent, ‘ how much money Gov. Towns, the 1 sober man’ has made for the State?’ Without any desire of boasting, I will simply state, that the financial concerns of the Penitentiary, resulting from con vict labor, are not less prosperous now, than they have been in several years past; andu lthough 1 will not affirm that we shall exhibit $5000 a year clear of expenses, yet with our operatives di minished to less than ninety, our week ly turn out will compare with those of former years, when the Penitentiary enclosed an average of one hundred and twenty-five laborers. On this sub ject it is not necessary now- to descend particulars—since every thiug will The night is dark, the-hulk drives on Over the lonely sea; And now, methought a red flash shorn And smote it on the lee. •The torchlight of the tempest came On wings of ruin fast, The sea, like hills of rolling flame, Blush’d bloody as it past. The rosy lips apart, While thoughts of home and sunny t Melt the poor infant heart. possible way in order to keep down the worldly regrets which arose in her heart. She became the example of the convent and the sanctity of Friar Robert was spread abroad in all France. The most holy offices were confided principally to her; it was she who was sent to pray by the bedside of the dying, and to con sole the afflicted. But she did an im mense deal of good among the young girls of Paris, whom the world and its ; pleasures had drawn from the path of ! duty. To these she never wearied of j talking; her humanity surprised them, i the simplicity of her soul, and the aweel- ; ness of her voice charmed them com- i pletcly, and Friar Robert rarely failed in bringing thesv .wan^eccrs bac]| to jfie , right way. . - v ‘ \ At last, liowevcr, slander attacked the fair fame of Friar Robert, and he was accused of being too fond of visit ing female sinners. The Abbe of the monastery imposed upon the pretended brother, as penitence, to serve the whole community, and to do the most repugn nant and the roughest work. She did all without a murmur, and during three years, accomplished the rude duties laid upon her, without failing in a single vale ofSidJim, .here W found among camc ne . ar >h« be saur ll.e tiger ® at il, and as the tiger put hi3 bead down to drink, the boy went off the other way towards home; he hadapne btita, short distance, belorC lie saw’tfi'j fatner ancT three other men in pursuit hunting him, and he told them where he saw the tiger last; they went on to the ph be c And o’er his face such feelings pass As move but may not wake: Like shadows over waving grass, Or breezes on a lake. Once did he stir his drooping hand, As if he sought another, And murmuring of some distant land, He smiled, and lispedr-iny mother. The tempest ceased —'“I was The old hulk swam the s And idly drifted on, until It went down silently ! t upon a coral bank. Last week she died, and the remorse of the monks may well he imagined, when il was discovered that it was a sister instead of a brother whom they had been punishing so long. One more saint will' now doubtless be added to the already overflowing calendar. Its last stout timber ri Dream-like the vanish vessel sa The infant woke in heaven. Miscellaneous. cnl year which will end by appointment of law, on the 1st Mouday of October next, and be subjected to the scrutiny of the Governor, the General Assembly and -the^people of the Slitle^” t - . If flits is not equivocation we know not what is. Why does not Colonel Williamson give a single statement in figures? He says that the earnings and found the tiger still there, and they I will be found equal to those of several years after the flood, and this war look lhe d . ogs alle f hi t m -; bul the tiger j years jnist. Now the actual losses under place between his departure from Ha-1- . n ° l 8 ,ve _ an inch of ground, but General Nclsou, were ascertained to be ■an, when he was 75 years old, and the i f, , ,u ? ht , most ff™dously and gave one j S48.000, or S12.000 per year. The tirth of Ishmacl, when he was 86, it 1°* ,be do S s a deadly wound, and ihen , earnings under Redding according to must have 'occurred hetweeii^the W two | lhe l ra l en advanced in a shooting position j Col. Williamson, were $25,000, or $6,- periods of 367 and 378 years after the j a "d‘»euger seeing the mep, quit.the 1250—making ^©aggregate loss. in-nous in uiiuuio vc-iis aner me , . w ® j, i . ° « deluge; so rapidly had lhe inslilution do ° s and 3 P^ an S “I 10 " Gutlery, - several years' 823,000, or no,, of domestic servitude grown up, n „, | »'»l of the men broke his gun over 1000 per year! Does Col. Williamson merely with the approbation of God. 1 d ' e ‘ , S er “ n ' 1 s'd! continued to Bghl with j by this equivocal answer, mean to say- hut even by his positive decree. As! '“ e b: | rrel - >> u ^ to no effect. The men that the Penitentiary is actually losing this distinguished captain and slave-; drew , ‘ h . c,r kln ?f 3 , “t^the tiger 3 ] money 1 Ifoot, why should he wish lo holder returned from the slaughter of l lronl and emrada out. but the tiger conceal the facts until aher tl.c elect' “ Kings, Jehovah sent his servant, Mel- j ? ever , < l ul1 bi,,n K and lacerating with | Docs he hope to bring up lhe arrear chisedrc, to meet him in the way, and j " ,3 c * aw9 ' I lacerating with i Docs he hop till the last breath left him. | by the 1 system c . .. °.i bless him. Could God have mven a> 11 mortification does not take place, j Keeping,'or which bespeaks inappa- of ancient Panama that had commenced | “ c “_ ..... .... il is possible tl.atMr. Gultery will gel | re nt ecslacy ? 111 uiibiciii x atiiiiiia iiiui iiiiu viiuiiiiviivlu .. . . . , “ , . . r . more manifest sanction of slavery—ves, -. „ «. . . —. . ~ i , - to grow when the sites of Boston and am j of war l00f untler certain circum-1 over lU Bul “ s for lhe boy, there is no j We have not been over anxious to New York were covered with the pri- stances—than he has hero done? 'chance for his recovery. This tiger j hunt up charges against C. ov. Towns; meval wilderness. f When this friend of God, this father I J'? 3 . ,? ne of lhe lar S e st llie male j nor have we encouraged bur correspoi,- of the faithful, was 90 years old, | k,nd * ' _ | de » 113 ,n d «! n g so - We have been will- ! (3S1 years after the deluge,) God chang- j From the Journal £ Messenger. DEATH OF EDWARD J. BLACK This distinguished gentleman, for ina- j ed bis name to Abraham^ made a c«v- ;r ,__ p«.uii«.niiarr l~ ' . • ny years a Representative from this Stale enant with him, and stereotyped his * . . ’ y *|beeu wasting the time of the convicts in the C S Coneress departed this life Iapprobation of,domestic slavery hv cn-! . During oer recent absence from the j open the Mdledgevtl e Ratlroad, but m tnc u. o. congress, ciepaneu tuts me, ]T- on |be Covenant, and mcor- C,I J* onc °* oor correspondents called t supposed that he could at least make i R „ „ll n.a. r -•!-.« ° nnlti „ g g it wj.H the ordinance of Cir-! u P on us - 10 him ■ how much reasonable shewing upon paper. The cumcision. Be silent and hearken to the ’ m° ne y G o v j* Towns, has made for the ■ voice of God. “ He that is born in thyLSlate, by his management ol the Pern- house and he that ubo.ghtv-iththjmowj, : * It appears that Col. Will in Barnwell District, S. C., on the 1st instant. He had been for many years ip declining health. CHOLERA IN PARIS. George W. Kendall, writing from Paris iu regard to the ravages of the must needs be circumcised: and my • ‘ a ™ s ° n ’ the Principal Keeper of that . .1—11 1— • Hi. . * miehiv work-shon. has Volunteered lo Tbe Women of Bancor?. The Countecs Csalcy.—Patriotism and true love of country, are the great characteristics of the noble matrons of Hungary. Ladies of ihe highest rank, w _ as well as those of the humblest origin, braced in the report for the politi-j nil mingled together in a maternal bond l:~l ...:n 1 « : of alliance, stand forth as the encourag* ers of the martyrs of the Republic. The ycung Countess Csaky has been fore most in the bloody straggle; she raised a regiment of volunterra *L her own ex. pensc aad is actually in command of it. The adjutant is also a ladj* of rank, and is her sister. They dress in the uniform of officers—Hungarian jacket, blue pantaloons, and a large sword at their side. Watchfulness surrounds their tents, and sentinels keep guard throughout the night. Before the Coun tess retires to rest, she writes despatch- lo all her officers, giving them orders, and if any spy brings a report of an ad vance of the enemy, she is at once at the head of her division. Wilh the most wonderlul talent she lays the plans for the surprise of her enemy. To the discomfiture of the foe, her commands are carried out confidently and strictly. The animated patriotism of this noble woman inspires such enthusiasm among the soldiers, that each one becomes a hero in his courageous desire to out-do in deeds of daring, his compatriots.— The skill in manoeuvring displayed by these admirable women i* wonderful, and in many instances tbe enemy have surrendered to them without a blow. Not the less efficient are- many other ladies who are not quite so famous in arms; every where the angelic presence of the women is visible saving the sol diers from the jaws of death.—Euro pean American. Tbe AincrlcaR aud Hnnsartdik Re volutions Compared. In the address to tho People of Penn- ylvania adopted by the Hungarian meeting lately held in Philadelphia, we find the following passage: “ Such is the position of the cause in behalf of which we invoke the aid of the people of Pennsylvania, one of the old Thir teen Colonies. There is a peculiar propriety in such a demonstration, be cause, there is a peculiar similarity be tween the Magyar Revolution and that ofourown. The same patience in suffer ing, the same forbearance under outrage, and the same confidence in a treacherous king, have been manifested on the part of independent Hungary, that preceded our own struggle against England.~ The House of Hapsburg has imitated and improved the British example on this Continent. It has been equally treacherous and cruel t .equal*v corr rupt and unworthy; equally false to all the ties of gratitude and of kindred. Hungary, like the original thirteen Co- arly S3,- doublt entry’ in Book ing lo see his administration fall by weight. We knew that he had lame and pointless defence of Col. Wil liamson/cannot fail to awaken the sus picions ol the people, that ‘ something rotten in Denmark.* The indications covenant shall he ighty work-shop,* has Volunteered lo of the times cannot be mistaken. We ‘ 2?SSr r “' Gf n ' D “" lion, ou the tight d christening was el McDoegald dte.l of typl.ns fever tn ; he altenli(m ofll O . lio „ of the that .city on the 8th tustant. • ? i - r .. r - »© • | . <[ . . . - • priests, whilethe left were three cof- •' CALIFORNIA GOLD. 'Jins, over which the last prayers of the The Philadelphia “ North American” j cbtfrch were being said. And before publishes the following authentic state-1 lhe marriage:vows were plighted, and inenl from the United States Mint: ! tlie P :m y were read Y lo re . tirc » lhe Y The drpositesof California gold to tho 3I*t of! fl,U,ul i heir C S rc33 blocked by l “" n " -1 . - . ! the number of dead. bodies which had 73 brcn brought in.during the ceremony. everlasting covenant.” ^Gen xvii. 13*! ; answer the question. H& Excellency | have had a revival of Gen. Nels , . ..... .. Ahnut490 rear* after ihi* nerurrrnre ma y wed exclaim * save me from mv j system of administering the affairs of the cholera there, say* that a friend describ-, when GoJ w ' ? prepar i nff lo J ra( ] his fri ^ ,d ^* ., T,,e a . n W r '- a P ,a ^* P al * I Penitentiary, and if the present admin- eu to him the following strange scenes; c j Josen penp ] e oul of the land of Egypt, : P ab * e tailure. Il contains in |he hrst i islraiion is continued m power, the peo- of which he was a witness, in the l and make them a great.nation, * ' * “ U ^ ” Church of St. Louis d’Antin. Seeing a marriage parly enter, the! engraved his approbation of domestic snow iimi.iie.ueca.vcu ^ puuua .... - | , x-ji—■ summers, be hunself went to observe «. ^nd ihe Lord said unto Moses and Crawford’s Administration, the Pcm- Aaron, this is the ordinance of the Pass- ‘enliary made $9000 per year. Col. oyer. There shall no stranger eat of it. > Williamson denies the fact, and alleges But' every man’s servant, that is bought ihat all the cash which was turned over for money, when thou Iras circumcised j *° b ' m was °uly S62!! From this the t him, then shall he eat thereof. A for- • Principal Keeper, would have the public j and cents? Tbe presumption is idle, eigner and a hired senant shall not eat believe, that tbe Institution had made \ and we now predict that the invesliga- thereof.” Ex. xii. 43-45. Here, as else- j no profits. He says be had even to: lions of the Legislature, will prove that where, there is a marked distinction be- 1 borrow money to pay his Pork Bill!— j the Penitentiary has been feebly and tween the hireling and the slave. To ihe ’ Strange to say, that in the very next badly managed. hired servant the privilege was denied, sentence he makes the following avow- | ■' ■— : hut granted to the store, of partaking of > : I Clairvoyance and Cholera.—Dr. Pierce, this ordinance of the Jewish religion, j ** I* may be useful to stntei that of | a well-known clairvoyant lecturer, died §1 range Story. A Paris correspndent of the St. Louis Republican relates the following strange but interesting story: Several years ago, a rich miller, liv- of the provinces, became lonies, has fought the battles of the monarch that oppressed her. On more than one memorable occasion, Magyar valor saved the crown from passing into other hands. But, like Great Britain, she has responded to the fealty of a patient uncomplaining people by re pealed injuries and new insults ^seek ing to obliterate all traces of their na tional independence, by taxing then! enormously and then denying to them the right of representation, secured through ages by a written constitution; and finally, to complete the striking parallel, has excited among the rude population of Scrvia and Croatia a rei hellion that foi a time led to the most frightful and bloody results—only par alleled by the insurrection instigated by Great Britain among the fierce savages ot our own wilderness before and mir ing our seven years’ war against that haughty power. Bul if we trace this sin gular resemblance between the Magyar revolution and that of our own, now much like the leaders and heroes of ’70 are the champions of Hungarian Inde pendence ! If there is no Washington to cheer and inspire the struggling masses, there is a Kossuth, whose fame is already as extensive as the world ; whose oratory has all the fervor of Hen ry, the boldness of Pinckney, and the originality of Fisher Aincs—aud whose powers of endurance remind us n.. n . . tbe ceremonies. Near the centre of the iSEIs. 5*jg*g* iCfs.saasw w ^ **«« «*. ,ng Hi one o! ne provmces, ua V a “ a s "' stanlly of lhe sleepless chief. Hint led ofEgvpr, P al >‘ e ,allurc - «□»><>* 'nine irst | isiralion.iScom.nuM.n power, the ,«o- unhappy by lhe den h of his wife, ihm , ^ u p rl S celol ojlJ sufIereU j, be gave P ,aee -»» assauh “P°“ *' ,r - Redding, lhe pie must expect lo be taxed to make up placing his only child, n girl often years | wi[h [hem al Va „ Fo flow easy I them the ordinance of the Passover, and ‘former Keeper, and a lame attempt to; ,1,0 deficit, as they were under former, of age, in a convent, lie repaired to the ((> lraC(j in the warrior Bero the celerity pprobation of domestic show that he deceived the public in his Democratic administrations. The very monasiery near Pans, and became a yj of a Wayne—in the young 'equivocatinne of Col. Williamson prove monk. During si« jor seven years lle GeorgJy, lhe parlizan soldier Marion— this fact. If the figures and the tacts , led a most pious l.fe.hnl, Iromthe gloom , A D e Vb iol ki .the rcsoorces and. cool- could r bave shown that the Instilutionjofbi3cellhelhoughtofienotbisdaugh- had made money, would any reasonable j ter. The desire to see her grew so man have given the public a treatise j much upon him, that he at last resolved At tbe New Orleans Mint, AtW tbe drpo*ite« of 1844.- Total depoaitn from California, of gtdd dollai t m Phili Mintii biiadelphia to the 31st At the Branch Mints to July 31U, T<Ul coimj. of gold dnlUri, »593,756 00 tnled‘whether 916.638 80 Marriage ox Sunday.—It is said that 44,1 “ , the Pennsylvania courts have decided ,960,716 00 t jhat marriage is a civil contract, and ; that they have also decided lhat .99! contract made on Sunday is valid. The ; Register says the question is now agi- 1334W7 C upon ‘ double entry, 1 or made such vague comparisons in mere matters of dollars Thus did Jehovah stereotype his! *be apparently large sum of over $37,-‘ at Watertown, Wisconsin, on the 17tb ..pprobation of domestic slavery by in-j 000 worth of notes and accounts due the .ultimo, of cholera. Two days before corporating it with the ordinances of Peniteniiaiy, which contribute to swell ■ bis death he issued a handbill, offering the Jewish religion, the only religion on j ibe ostensible amount of assets—over j io tell by clairvoyance, “ to a moral earih, that had^the divine sanction from! twelve thousand dollars worth were; certainty,'whether'an individual had the calling ol Abraham. 367 years after I contracted during the admiaistration of i any predisposition to cholera or any the deluge, till, the ihtrod'ociory. of' tbe late Gen. 'Nelson, are now out of; other disease,” and professing bis ability Christianity, a period of more than 1900 | date, and insolvent r and by .the com- to cure “ without fail,”'all who might years. mittee appointed under order of the Nor is this all. When Jehovah had ! Legislature, that amount has been pro- rriages made in that j brought his chosen people oul of the nounced unavailable, and condemned as „ „ .SlaleonSondnyarelawfal,andwhelher|lnn<l, of Egypt, “ft of 'fin , Exxlv f aosT. The Hartford Co.r- indic|ment5 fof bigamy cantesas.aiaed I !»«?»«*• he them «t Mount Sma. [ ..The _read f r will please obsenre that tint says there was a slight frost in the : low grounds of that vicinity on Monday p j ace morning last. The; Cournot adds that; F - tl»cre has been frost in every tn«»nth ol I t^<ycar except Angjist. * ! . sos ame .^ e j aw 0 f the Ten Commandments, alter deducting the $12,000 of insolvent where the first marriage batl taken J generally recognized throughout the civ- paper which Col. Williamson admits Sunday. ^ apply to^him. During his sickness.fie made use of none of bis own remedies. £He had'too much sense to‘do that.] to open a correspondence wilh her;, the answers he received to his letters, were such as to rc-awaken all the affections ot other days within his bosom. The young girl ou her side, was no less eager to see once more a parent whose early tenderness she still remembered.. With resolution surprising in one of her age, she quitted the convent, dressed herself in male aiiire, and sought the monaste ry in which her father resided. She there resumed the-habit; of the order, and was named .brother Robert. She was then but seventeen years of age.—■ She look, care 'nqt * to reveal herself to her father until tbe ir/evocable vows.had been pronounced;’ wh'en at last she fol lowed him to his cell andloltl her story. The joy ho expressed at folding bis be loved child once more lo his heartland the regret which her act of devotion caus ed him, brou&bfC ^ Dembinski, the resources and cool- 53 of Greene. Poland contributed to our contest for liberty, and lo! in more than one name wc fiud American valor represented in the legions of Hungary, side by side wilh the heroes of Poland.” _A Singular Incident.—A gentleman ... Gates county, Slate of North Caro lina, while walking in his field recent ly, observed a servant killing a snake, and passing the spot about half an hour afterwards, found that it bad been cut entirely io two with a hoe. Both parts oftbe snake appeared, lo possess, as much life as when united, except that the power of locomotion was somewhat impaired. After amusing; himself for some time with the. head, he determined to sec wbat effect would be produced V before, and the by. placing.the parts together as He moved them'with his stick, instant they touched each other both turned over and were dead. - , The above was related to us by one ,. , fever which ended w Wfiad it from the gentleman himself, his fife in a few days.. The young girl j and Inay be re lied' on.—Norfolk Tran- : found herself now in a situation which • . Anecdote. A countryman sowing his ground, two smart fellows riding \ iouuu ucist-u now ju a miuuuuu wmvii _ script. generally recoonized throughout the civ- paper which Col. Williamson admits i lhat way, one of them called to him J nothing but tbe religious education she —^—»»—--— . ilized world as the Moral Law, and in- bad been handed over, as a rich legacy j with an insolent air, * Well, honest lei-; had received could have enabled her to A man in China has-been imprisoned corporated in its provisions a distinct from Gen. Nelson’s Administration, he low,* tis your business to sow, but we bear. Deprived of the support which • for laughing atthe. Secretary of the . ! rec^nition of the principle, (so arro- leaves the sum of $25,000 iu notes and ; reap the fruit of your labor. “ Ti3 very | the daily sight of her would have given,; Board, whose diminutive stature caus? j ganlfy'denied by infidel abolitionists,) due-bills, as the earnings of tbe