The southern Whig. (Athens, Ga.) 1833-1850, May 16, 1850, Image 2

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w- 16 Dec., 9 Jan., 9 J*D-, 8 Feb, 38 April, S3 May, 31 Jane, 38 Jane, 36 July, 20 No*., 1789 SJomcstic News. We leam ihat the expedition in search of Sir John Frar.klin, fiiied. oul by Mr. | Grinuell, will sail from Nevv-York about Probable War betireen Sew Mexico ihe 15ib inst. They ore now waiting aud Texas. ■ for .he House Bill, detaching officers The latest accounts from Sania Fe, ! and seamen of the Navy to take charge lead lo the conclusion that there will be of the vessels, to pass the Senate. The an outbreak between the people of Tex- j vessels going are •• The Rescue?* a as ami New Mexico, and that blood brig of SO tons, commanded by Lieut, will be spill. The subject of contro- S. P. Griffin, and "The Lady J. Frank- versy -is the boundary line between /**.” of about the same, tonnage com- Tcxas and the territory of New Mexico, manded by LietiU DeHaven. An express, ns we learn from the St. It is said that the expedition will take Louis Republican* had been received in with them a number of small balloons, i fr ? m . M;, j* Neighbors, the Texan Com- the expedition is and where stores may he fouud. 5 Vv ^ iftljti CnTTmUTDftJ TfJTtKl I lion ofNew States laid, fronting on the , itlta DUU1 nblUM W Hitt. < p acifiCf lbnte ancient countries in which j science and civilization bad their birlh- A Word Iu Senaon. place : The Richmond Whig touches up'JI*-’' |. Delaware, 1 Dec., 1787 •• Lord, of the Loom” in the Northern J %%%«* " ”” tflaies. thus : ! 4. Georgia, “Tbe whole non-slaveboldingStoics; 5, Connecticut, make a regular business of traducing j 0. Massachusetts, ,lK'ir Southern b.t lbnrn, for the sin nfi J ‘ holding slaves, let to one of Ibfl' ®r-| g Nrw tides produced by the labor 01 these, u, Virginia, \rry slaves, do they owe the unrivalled ‘ II. New York. |mv?,*ri'T which.they now enjoy Bel J| far ihe culture of cotton, where would I4 Vermont, !*.• the millions of souls with which these 115. Kentucky, States are now teeming? They have, j 18. Tepnea*ee, in one year, nearly taken a half million ^ id hales. 7 heir prosperity is as de-1j 9 . i^mna, iiendent upon lire cotton crop, as that 120. Mississippi, uf Louisiana. The manufacturer of **• Lowell is as much interested in the high j s3 nr low price of slaves, ns any planter j**' Midori, in Mississippi or Alabama. His inte* 25. Arkansas, rest is as much bound up in slave labor,' as (hat of die man who owns them. He i m '. Tex**, docs not, ii is true, pay his money for', jj». Wisconsin, • 1 ho slave, superintend his. work, or sell} 30. low*, - - l: — its proceeds. But lie offers induce-1 - ■ _ mcnis to his actual owner to do all this. # What he, English say. ....„ - Ilv holding ribt inducements, he pre- 1 The London News has the following il and Military Governor of New Mexico, vails upon him to add to hi. stock of J in relation to California s would co-operate with him, and lend staves. By making them the more, val- ! " Mexico was humbled and crippled, • him dial aid which might he found nc- uablc, lie renders their emancipation the J and was happy to-purchase peace by' cossary in the establish men l.of the more dillicult. By raising die price of! the cession of a Targe portion of her ■ Texan laws, and tin? fulfilment of the 1 |,o enmmoililie. which he produces, he' territory, which she hod long possessed instructions given him by ibe Executive . tempts the owner to exact more work • without knowingthat it was of any par-! and Legislature of Iris Stale, from the slave. ! licular value. The spoil no sooner j The reception of 1 his intelligence at “ While so much eloquence is wasted j P ass0tj r in, ° ,he 1,110,1 * of ,he vigorous j Santa Fe created an intense excitement. I June, l"Jmie, 39 Nn*., II Dec.*,’ 10 Dec , 3 Dec., 4 Dec., 15 March, 1830 10 An?. 15 Jm Fnm tie August* Chronicle £ Sentinel. ^ IBail Service la tieorgia The following letter from die Post Office Department to tho H<m. Wm. C. Dawson, has been forwarded us lor publication, for the information of those,' interested. Post Otftce Department. ) Contract Office, May 1, 1860. f Sir: The Post Master General has' ordered a contract tor conveying mails 1 from Chattanooga, Teno., to Trenton, i Gn., a week and back, and six; times a week (instead of tri-weekly) 1 service to Sandersville, Ga., as request- WE SOUTHERN WHIG. JOHN H. CHRISTY, EDITOR. 39 Mav 1890! — ,—' , ' —, ' 11 ** *» iiumucr smuii iwnwiw, 4 March, 1791 i Sa n,a Civil and Military Go- with materials for generating ga.*.— 1793 j vernor, Col. Monroe, recently of this These balloons are to be sent up with ed by two of the Resolutions submitted ■' brought a.communication papers attached 10 them, stating where by you from the Georgia Legislature. n ‘ ’ **'’ * * He has declined ordering tri-weekly coach service bet ween Marietta and Dah- ionega, and semi-weekly service (horse) 1818! missioner, who was then at the military 1817 i post near El Passo. Tho purport of 1818; ihe communication is understood to l«een die nppriral of ihe fact to l%2t Colonel Monroe, that Major Neigh bo 1836 Commissioner the part of the 20 Jane, 1837 ■ Stale ol Texas, with plenary powers to 29 Dpc rC,,, 1845 establish the jurisdiction of his Govern- 39 Dec.) 1848 ment over New Mexico, had arrived in — - 1849 the Territory for die purpose of carry ing out die object ol his commission, &•-*., and trusting that Col. Monroe, Cic- l.y ll.eNorlhcr„|.rc«i;.al..,.r of,I,o'" K"gli,i. hlnud. than its ex.raor- j Public meeting, were being railed * -- »i— — 1 tlinary value was discovered. Califor-! throughout the Territory for the adop- who grow the coiiou, somcihiiig, , . . . . . . r r venture Iu .ae<l, sbnuM bo said will, ■' '»“• «!>“« !'=• 1 *>eei, a sealed b,K.k in tbe i lion of measures of res,stance lo the icftard lo tlmse wlm manufacture it.— ,nJ5 y nn< * »g»°ranl possession of the bpa-i proposed establishment of Texan juris- As long ns,be nim-slavcholding State,' ni »'' race.wo. found lobe a true'diction Tbe pco,>le with a r«w «CC|>- grow rich noon lire prreluct of since ">'»'« d or when lire Luglisb race be- lion, aba,it banta Fe among tire labor, wc tbiak it a little hard that 11,0,8"" '<• cvamn.e it—a laKdt .or owners of the sln\'cs should bear the P* 1fte ^’ as f burden of their abuse. If ,be •traffic! The |>»«es.,nn. . . . , , in-buman flesh- Ire so detestable—il jj'/P, » l "-« pore gol.l ,n lumps worth ] live population is already prepared ien repre- j Stone Coal.—We re-publshed, last week from the Augusta Constitutional ist, an article slating “ that an inexhaust ible bed of Bituminous Coal exists in Walker county just beyond the Tunnel, and near did Railroad. It is the prop- ATHENS, GEOBffA;- Ttrarsday Morning, M»J #, 1*50. r abMld b« .ddrrw^d U between Hawkinsville and Durien, as requested by other Resolutions; the i...... revenues of the routes and weight of • in * ure >ttenUon »*“ lc * ter * nin * t comc trt * of mails not justifying the additional ex-; “ == pense. D* We are requeued to dirret the reader’* »t- His decision upon the Resolution in j tent'on to the advertisement of Mona. DeBoacABD, Rena •atafifttfartr.' eny ol a Mr. Cravens,” See. We have j favor of coach service on the route from w ^° c o this community with high recoin- JPablic Baildiasi lu Waihiuetou, From an official report -relative to ih public buildings, it appears that the Ungauge, as well as the most satisfactory rials as to his character as a gentleman. Marietta to Caaton, Ga., will be delayed * «ry ‘“ cce «d°]_^'*er."! t dcf in order to ascertain the weight of the v mail. I have tbe honor, to be, respect fully, voitr obedient servant, S. R. HOBBLE. Hon. Wm. C. Dawson, U. S Senate. been informed that there is a mistake in this mailer—Mr. Cravens owns no bed of Coal in Walker coumy—hut he is the owner of what is believed to be an “ inexhaustible bed of Bituminous coal” in Roane county, about one hun dred miles by - water above ibis place, and three miles from the river. A flat boat lo:td of this.coal was brought down tended Ut'lie mLwiL Bn'drond Car".'1" u """’e s : “ “'’r.“ r3 'V'" Tlte triwcrkly ejition U published at to he sen. nn the Kmlrucd Cars,. , c h o| ihe Cnpt.olIts 668 leet. breadth inadva „„, ^86, if otherwise. How We observe that the New York Courier & En quirer, the Boston Atlas, and sundry other leading Whig paper* at the North, in eSect threaten, that inasmuch as the time haa now arrived when they ny ft is important that the real u friends of tf« present Administration should be known from its pretended friends,” a teat will speedily be applied to determine the matter, and all those unfortunate wights who cannot stand the test will be * read oat of the party,” bound hand and foot and 1 tamed over to •• the worker* of iniquity P And 1 what, kind reader, do yon suppose is 'the test they propose applying ? Why, neither more nor less than the ** Administration plan,” as they call it, foi the settlement of the territorial question—the “ non-action policy” as recommended by General Taylor in his Calilornia message! We must confess that this, coming trow profess edly Whig papers, struck ns, on first sight, as emi nently ludicrous. Just think of the organs ol fhw Whig party proposing to read out of that party atf those who difler in opinion with a President, the boast ol whom and his friends it was, before the election, that he would not seek to control, by bis opinions, the legislation of the country! If Democratic papers, speaking of a Democratic President and party were to use such language, if would be intelligible to us—we could folly Under stand it—but such sentiments, coming front well intormed Whigs, astonish u* not a little. The Boston Atlas even goes so far as to berate the Washington Whig papers (ihe Intelligencer and Republic) far retniasnes* of duty, in that they to Etowah Iron VVorka in Cuss county j,,, |he <;en1re 221 f eel , a t wings 121 Georgia. \Ve_are informed that the coal i fee| . , iei to t| , e , opo f ballustrade. Irnvn tbe above bed, can be laid down j f ee ,. « rou , u j s enclosed and imptov- - M. ahooi S3,SO |rer ton. I eJf 30 ac ‘ rPS . h( . ight lhe top „ f the great dome. 140 feet; House of Itep- eiuatives 90 feet long, G2 feet —Chatta. Adccr. 1st inst. . . - f 4 . , c. — The South Carolina Block for the Na-; ©0 feet high; Senate Chamber, 75 feet.^ imine it a hook of winch grants from the Slates, are unanimous tional Monument has arrived, and is \ long, 45 U-et wide, and 45 feel high, wa, printed ... gnlden lel.ers. | .n .he.r dei.rjnin.iinn ... prevenl any | „„w be seen a. Munoraen. place. I., R„,,.„.|n, 90 feel, and 90 lee. '°' s.nn* of .he wondrous enun- | naurpahnn of il.e.r rights; aiul the na- i, a heaatiful speviinen of lhe pro-. |,igh ; lon.1 cost of the buildiug and slavery Ire vvhn. Northern nten repre- j 5001. each, roigl.1 be had for the ga.h- take up a sent Si if the slaveholder he the worst pr ‘"? 5 ' vl,pre ,' >ach f ,vpr ...''' hrrrek was | sary. It of fiends and of cut-throats—s hear daily from the North, then it a Paclolus; where the hills seemed t tually built ol gold; which , if it shall be found neces- grey and. white, veined marble. The a matter of deep chagrin | name and arin5 of the State are exceed- :-1 among all classes, that Col. Monroe j ingly well sculptured upon the face relief. high ; total cost of the building of the Palmetto State, being a grounds, S2.G90.459. The length of the President's hou O* We have received the two first numbers of the tri-weekly edition of the Coin.Tib us Times— which is an ably conducted paper, published week ly heretofore, and edited by Jno. Forsyth, Esq— • not kce P ,h » fact prominently before Congress Laying politics aside, we are rejoiced to see this j l'**t 'l>e du 'y of the friends of the Admmistra- evidence of success on the part of onr cotemporary, tion to presents solid front in favor of Gen. year 1 T Avt -oa's plan of adjustment, on pain of being pro long will it I bribed as enemiesof the President. be before Athens can boast a tri-weekly issue ? J Now, as an humble member of the gTeat Whiff . j party of this country—in tbe exercise of our right, tT We are pl-ased to observe that the Columbus I ** “ one of ,he l >eo P ,e >” M * 8 a P oWi * 1°“™- (Mis.) Whig—the >» of which hu been chang- i 10 ,l,inl r ° r »»'««-<« solemnly pro- ed to M Primitive Republican”—a paper which, (or | test against the ptomnlgalmn of nny such senti- some time past, has been edited with ability by T. j ** m 'S *w(e.nes, nlheil they mate their Baldwin, Esq., n native, we believe, of th.a i a ppv* rauc * it papers claiming lo be, nnd which •n-l... been greatly improved in its tvpograpbv generally recognized as being orgnna ol tbe » new dress P* rty • Notwithstaodhiff the high autlmrity, how- t the change of it presents qui ■ppearance. Graham’s Magazine—This popular and should have fouud himself so hampered that lie could, not 180 feel, and the breadth in the centre, | ceedingty clever Magazine, not only sustains itself uni Ire righteou. lo grow rich out pf lire ' vord ' ll > c Vlsll)le ”" J uingil.l« realiw-.; by hi, nittruciions the product uf hie sms. Tbe vvnget of in- "on ol the ni.c.en. dream of - Eldora- have Ink.-n a zlnh.i sac ■i.uily surely cannot thrive. Tire Jews d '> i” m'alil l.nvc excited the envy of tire led lire people over vvhr > warned neiilier to louch, taste, nor worUl * Fmtune seemed to he smiling to believe he would take in this matter, the material rind work- J*®. * hl , .p h '''V,!T n on, 'hM I ^ “ "H'r Burning in popular ho trarie-, o0 leet. l he Last lltiom IS 79 j vor, if we may judge of its success by its increased ninusliip are highly creditable Slate il is intended to represent National Monament. feet by 4S, and 22 feet high. .attractions. The length of the Treasury Building ! The June number has already reached u ! is 336 feet, and when completed will be ; besides its usual elegant pictorial embellish * enn mi... ». ... • handle - the accursed thing. -The ac- “P° n nnlions, hot upon the baited ; and of determined spirit of resistance,, Slave EitiottATtox.—The Fayette- j i 0 ®' The breadth at lire centre is 190 ; cursed thing,’so for as the nou-slnvc-: 3l '»'' s t m,,re pnrt.colarly, where the even to tho death, against the claim of, vi He North Carolinian Icarus, from <ev. 1 ,eCU 1 col " n! holding Stales ore concerned, is Sooth- j marvellous stories of Ihe nppnreclly ; 1 «n, to lire soil rtf New-Mexico. ; ,. ra | reliable sources, that the number crnCoilon. Let lhern, then, not meddle megheuslable wealth el this new land j Col. Monroe had issued the following, „f 5 | aV es passing ihroogh Wilmington ! T . „„ r , p . ,„i,«tthe with Southern Cotton, fur according to, f"“nd to Ire or. unsubstantial, order to the comma itdanln of the tliffer- „„ , n , h c South, by way of the Railroad I T . g ‘ r h * G 0ff c , their own showing, n corse clings lo it. imaginings, but sober facts. '• Hap- enl mi.ilary posts in the Territory : | an( | Sieamers to Cbarleslon, average al | L)|) , - 1 * ' 6n , '!! heiolT ra passed Let them Slop their steam mill., nnd Pf America I said the peop c of the . Hs*DVA«rcs49Tj Miutxsv D jarmaj leas; twenty-five irer day. feal - al centre GO leet, height W|J^J I heir power-looms; let llrem abolish "> d , >•“ •»»« "ol only an el j Sl . J,. ! fecl - Springfield and_ shut op Lowell; nnd j Tl.l 14f «?ri«!«.Sitae, (f x inioifler proof-sheet of a magnificent steel plate 336 feet long. 16 j en g r * ved in London—a.correct likeness of the feci wide, and 65 feet high to the top „fSwedish Nightingale.” Jenny Lind—with which the Imllustrade. the July number will be embellished. This por- •ngster is, of itself, worth the the Magazine—as it is unsur- f art, by any thing that has ap- ;ny Magazine in this country, 'hiladelphia : Published monthly by George R. from which they emanate, we moat unhesi tatingly pronounce them spurious. we know what Whiggory in the United States is the very opposite of such degrading senti- !s—and its expounders have heretofore suc cessfully attacked the doctrine ot the Democratic party, as carried out since the advent of Jackson- ism—we mean ibis British doctrine, Umt the King can do no wrong”—that it is the duty of all partizans lo u go it blind” in support of the doctrines laid down by their President, right nr. wrong—as one of the most dangerous ingredients entering into the composition of that political anomaly, self- styled the Democratic (but more properly the Lo. often) party ot the Uuited States. Well do we remember the oft-repeated and powerfully directed blows dealt by the very psjvers quoted aVove in op position to the detestable practice of Loroiocoism in regard lo the blind and implicit obedience yield- Cocgreaa eltl and shut up Lowell; and w»un.» exi*m m irnue *on, ert s Nclgllbor ^ of hi( , a Co(nral ,. inner ^ i 1 A new mode for eenerarins steam for ; Graham, Esq., to whom all orders should be ad- to the bl.nd and implicit obedience y« - lorJ* of the hrem ’ no | 1)n g cr win. egricullurul,mineral, nn.l .j, suByf T,xnn, forth..par,*,. „f onbfi* ■ ©CllCtal JUtClltgCUCC. I.neines, to, been n u in %eece™,fa I Jres^d. nd by tl.e lendvr, nnd Coejr r in 11,#* * 1,mis of lhe Smilli *” evcr y ol * ,er Weallti ; you have not only 1 mg the civil jurisdiction of the State over this Ter- ^ s . * . «.. . " , . j to the Executive mandates—an evil which, r IQ Hie lot.ujillire 6ou.ll, r<JO( , for all Joar children, but '*?*• rnnv^nrennd will nta.',.. viyid wre-in-i — • operate* in Virg„„a-n mode than Godet'v Lady*, Book.——Tl,i, old favorite «f thv j dial [tarty, grew to nnch toofnl mngni.odn .1 - -Mi Soldiers ! (a ™, for an e.lditionaj hundred millions, gJ-J wa !‘-„^". l n, ,lie " c ”" ll ° f I Tho *“««“• •* «• Fvoutler. ! avo-d, complcely all risk of at, explo- wlll ... I Z r and nlain truth divlin-i if ,l,p y wil1 but come and make them j the judicial authorities Treated by'that Slate. TartSe eooied Irom I an<l ,aliC P"-'S<>«i<ir. of them ; you have JOHN MONROE, B.L Col, 0. 8. A., crlcan Soldier*. Sound scn*e gui5li the annexed article, copied Irom ■mpletely nil risk of an expli Mr. Atchison lias introduced a bill into; s,( ? n * jj° bniler is used, the steam is possession of them ; you have j juiik muwkub, uvt. Uoh u. s. A., j tbe Senate providing for a treaty %viih , ra,se< * means a ^mall jet o! cold d.. rdiiorui "lire hrel,,n,n,il nnl on, y ,ll<! ricll<:st I«nd», bet the no- . ... Commanding 9th r)rp»rtmvnt. I all the various Indian tribes covering: water injected upon a large plug of iron tho editorial columns of the flichmond j b|eJl rj > erj nm| mo5( commo ,| ious har . j Mr. Skinner who bnogs ihis mtelb-! lh? Gre ai Plains lo lire Rreky Mouo- llie rar " ac '-- 9,500 .... .... , , .... , ...mi a cominunicuiiou urinre me oenaic n ..cid..* .. i , m ' Why living foreigners should be en- <m Thursday, recommen<!ing a full Mitt- 1 ' E ! P ' , a 81r, ’"S . T . ex : titled to greater sympathy from the , j„, r |0 C |,i„ u , a pai d Consul at Siuga- s “PP. osed S" vcr ") had American Government than living A mer- am l commercial agents to Japan ; b e, H to the Texan can women who are the survivors and; !, ni | nlhcr o,i cnla i nations, to make v™ ! , ! 'r " n "?"' 8 , ,hi “ representatives of brave American sol-, lrealle ,. Hc presented a mass of docu- f' 1 *' “ "" J L 'pi^ tP™ A I*'?"' liters, isa question which wcconfessour- rnents, showing lhe value and magnitude ; *• i- r o pi 0 *? 1 t . re ’ Total of the Asiatic trade, and the imponance | a p aa dre^Ro^Jrande' somTuoS And itofollowing is se, do. of diverting it to San Francisco and the ; j n j e|1 ,,j, * i probable cost of the treaty by Mr. United States, in exchange for our pro- - - r T I Mitchell: ducc. j Fire in Huntsville.—We Irarn from; 1- Amount of good* •elves unable to answer. The Good Book has .emphatically declared, and' every wise and generous bean will in dorse the declaration, “ He who provi- dctli not for his own is worse than an infidel.” We are willing and desirous lo provide a refuge for the oppressed •tons of liberty from every clime, but justice, nature, gratitude nnd wisdom all dictate that we should first do jus- tico to those of our own family. The mere circumstance that an offi cer or soldier dies on the field of battle, constitutes no evdence ol peculiar merit nor exclusive claim upon the gratitude of the government. Wnshington.Grecne. Hamilton, and other illustrious heroes, survived tho Revolution; Gens. Scott, Jackson, H«rrison, and others—Com modores Hull, Perry, Decatur, Porter, McDonough, nnd nearly every other illustrious nnval commander, survived. fh*» Iasi war with England; Taylor, Scott, Worth, Wool, and a host of other- military heroes, passed unscathed through the wars of Florida ami Mex ico, * What sense or justice is there ii this vast surface are set ; a,,,, 14.360 of ihe reformed or Calvanis- j down as follows : i tic denomination. The number of the tutrf the Trfcl proposed to be included in the ~ Greek Clergy, is 35,944; and the Treaty, with the probable Population of each. ! churches of the denomination, 11.3S0. bvtore m«, is-enriched <Lc„ &c., from the sprightly pen* ighly gifted list of.contribute the present half-yearly volun 1,750.000 Lutherans: | with the aumber before us, has *?• r , „ .! bora on the gfoto, everything in fact, in! '? Sl ; \ nws < «P r ««a tt u S hut tains. Imm the Missouri River , , , Ilizu ract that, while Hungarian anti Hte greatest^ abundance' that cun ailmin- ; k,,, ' ef - P* anded U P“" aa kimwl- wanf to Nvw-Mexico. A re|».rl from II u officially slated lhat lla other refugees are invited to settle on „ler loyonr necessities, vour comforts! ed8 * of 'b* Mexican population of New D. D. Mitchell, Superintendent of In.Ii- 1 ' 1 '* Russian Dominions. 2.770 000 Rn- .nS W, American land, nnd while Scnnlnrs of 0 (>ur j' a!lari( ,, |)ul For| a aJ if shc i Mexico, that armed rauknee will be. an Affitirs; accompanies, the I,ill, from manisis; 2,400,000 Mahomedans ; l,-lih«th she Untied States contend which shall wa a delarnl i lle i ea haust her own : lf '!«-essary, to any attempt, at I „l,ieh of tire various 200.000 Jew,-- • ' - l ' - - go ferthesi in voting farms to the sohl,ers ( „ ti jn „ oe fina)and crowni !.he extens,on over their tcrriiory of Tex- .i;,,, " of other countries, the widow, of officers , ® if ),„/ .. to,| OW e<l upon a . n law -f nd . ,ha ' many; American re..- d „„ and wldiers of the U. Slates Army are * and made virtually the arbi- denl5 - wla, J os,| y re S ard ■'» al **»P “ not entitled to a preayuoe in silver, or' f re „ a r „ turc ,f IIlc „ r lhe ,f esI i njes of Texas as a., assumpi.on ol power, w.ll an acre of land from that government l j Jft wor |jj/» . t he found openly opposed, aud io any ex- in whose service ihoir husbantls nnd 1 ’ .. tent, in resisting an authority which fathers toiled, fought and died, un- . , w. _ they cannot recognise. * V less perchance they died on the field of, .. Sub-Prefect at Fmnteras (in the bailie. f ,r - Clayton, the Secrelary of Stale, imincd ia, B oeighberlmod of the military 1 id a eomrnunicutioii before the Senate . ‘ IL * that Ladies, continues to improve with advancing age-j members of Congress had no oponions of their ft is, we believe, the pioneer Magazine of that j own until lliry consulted the Executive, and even cla«s in this country. Besides a very large rillin'; went so far, in some instances, as openly to an- her of elegant pictorial embellishments, fashion ; nauncc from their places on the floor, that it was plates, music, &c., the June number, which is now : useless to pass certain bills, as they would be de- i, essays, poetry, , leaved by VheExeenV of its numerous j To such an extent had this evil grown, that Gen. ■s. We observe Taylor, in bis Allison letter, pledged tiimselt that. ie, which closes if elected, the opinions ot the Executive should been illustrated nol be brought in conflict with the action of Con- s to control the legislation of the coun- Camanches, say Apaches, Arickaras, Mandans, Gros Vfentres, Sioux, (South Missouri) Cheyennes, Black feet, (South Mo. and Rocky IVorr 8,000 The British brig Alcyone, from Glas gow, arrived at Boston on Saturday ; reports that, off Cape Cod. while the men were aloft reefing the foretopsails, dur ing a snow storm, a ball of tire, larger than an 18 pound shot, struck the main- other gentlemen of the Senate ; Mr. Clin. 700 i mast, and without any unusual noise, N. C.,and others of the House, for vari 7.500 i suc . ,, 33 a, ‘ e*P ,0 *'°n* l, je mast was I „ a ble public documents. 550 * split iu four pieces and went overboard ; > with all the yards and rigging attached, j Another Advance in cotton t W The Alcyone had previously lost her “* * he mizenmast. with thirty-six splendid engravings • This speaks gre volumes in favor of the enterprise ol its liberal and try. energetic, proprietor, Mr. Louis A. Godey—to whom These gentlemen are, therefore, onfortnnate in subscriptions should at once be forwarded by those their attempt to engraft this hatelul cast-off doc* who wish to commence with the July number. trine ol Locofocoism upon the tenets of the Whig It is published monthly at Philadelphia, at §3 party, while the illustrious old hero occupies the per annum, in advance. Executive chair ; as the honest and inflexible old soldier is ple lgcd in advance against all such miser* Public Docuhekts.—We ore indfbred lo tho «blc *i"l «>«'%' po!i,k»I Jog,n,.. Vice President, the Hon. Wm. C. De.eon, nnd Ttal Gen. Tavlo., in recomaendin* tke oorjd i: i’rom tDasIjington. the Huntsville (Ala.) Southern 6Var,| ! lhat a fire broke out in that place on j ! the night of the 2d inst., which destroyed ] property to a great amount. Two' Correspondence of the Courier. * squares and a half were consumed by the Washing*™, May 7. ! d .f‘'"“V" 8 T 're: Market House, Tire Senate was thinly ntt.nde.1 yes- !«« C^dwell Hoase.the Detnocnit Prml- terday, notwithstanding the return to ; ,n 6 Office,StoreStPrivalcDwellings, &c. the city of a numlter of Senators, who J wcrc con8 °^ p ? c<l * t mt had been absent. Mr. Hunter's bill,.to; Orerlaust Emigration, establish a Beard of Accounts, for the! A St. Louis letter in the Western protection of the Government and of Christian Advocate furnishes the fol- individual claimants, was considered lowing information relative to the pros and debated. The statements urged peels of the overland emigration to Ca- by Mr. Hunter nnd others, to empty liiornia during the coming season: seats, wtre very able. Only one sub-; “ Two hundred thousand it is.thought, j«*ct can draw a full house—to wit: ! will leave the States this spring for Ca-! ThcHuiu Horance Mar.n, of Mas* slavery. We have had litttle else, — 1 ■ cr -*— ,|: —-—' - r •' -* ■ • ^ alter a few days, shall have nothing The Compromise Committee had meeting yesterday, and Mr. Mason, Mr. grants, and scarcely Marietta to-roorrow Shooting Whales.—A New London - .. . »presents to the whaler, named Brown, has invented _ „ -'ro” •‘■m’iT,!'SSS£ b C-' T ' 8 i g, "S ( ,l,e ScienliHe American says) a ntotle O-The Georg* Bnp.,.. Sul. Convent,no «.II, 3. Delegation* Irom the different triber, 20,000! of taking whales which promises greater 4* Purchase of'Mexiean prisoners. 25,000: safely in their capture. He fires the *' a FtotlSrei^f ™ y ‘iSr so'Z l,ar l ,oon ' wi,l ‘ ,h ® line attacked, out of. pt..a n..a. 7. Contingent expenses, iftOOO B «« a 'The Fayetteville OSeo-eer oftll. let ie _J , ket ball. The invention is not a theoret Total, 8200,000 ical deduction, but ha3 been tried by , “ We " n ' !erslan “ th,lt ,he The bill provides for a treaty in pur- ,|,e hardy captain, and with great sue- ,nile- finidhed ofthe P* 5t week, suance of theje recommendations, and C es s. He has also made valuable irn-; aboul per day ^equalto about 1° per the necessity of the case, requires either ; proveineutson the lance, whereby it can a treaty or a vigorous prosecution of the I |> e fired out of the same gun which is °" " war, for these Indians are becoming ! use d lor the harpoon, and be directed, ■ y more dangerous and hostile to the white like the bolt of a Genoa-bow, to strike “ emigrants every year, so small par- ! the monster of the deep in the vital M,n ties are generally dispersed, or cut up, parts. .toto to a man. | :— action policy” set forth in hi* California message, believed he was acting for the best interest* of the country, hi* character for honesty and patriotism will not permit any fair-minded man to doubt—but it does not fallow that every Whig in the land is bound to embrace and enforce these view*, aim- ply because they are the President’*. Nor is Gen, f Cotton at Liv- Taylor, himself, if we understand Iris position, so blindly wedded to the plan he has proposed as to e to sec any excellence in any other scheme may be presented, or to refuse his signature act far the adjustment of the difficulties on a plan widely different from the one he recommend ed. It is true, that the Democratic papers have lately given out to the country that if any other st., says: p| an (han the President's should be adopted by the I2f Congress, he will veto it. This, the National In telligencer authoritatively contradict*—nor waa such contradiction necessary—as all men knew interest on the cost. Many wagons do not travel that auch conduct would be a violation of his aol- yet, because there is so little finished lhat emn pledge* as well as inconsistent with hi* nly take in anch loads as formerly. : character tor sound good sense and firm, unwa- A Noble Act. informed that a proprietor of a Saw vering patriotism. We rejoice exceedingly that Little River, whose usual load of lumber 1 we |, avt , j na t at this time such an occupant of the on the old road was 800 feet, brought 2800 Executive chair—whose firmness and integrity will ‘ > oad * ,ew d »y>» *go. He thus performed not pevmit him to violate hi* pledge* to the coun- day.ffie labor of three and^a half days.— , ryt and whose good sense will shield him alike therefore, it „ . j , ----,o , ,-■> - boal c °Btes in | ster's positions. He is opposed to any Ba.ivstoi"!^! 7h!s 'ch'vTast'^aDrine^Ire-' Tl,e Mu«torg GazMM speaking ofthe inanence ■ plan.’.’.ITlh.nemocr.'lk ,en«. The Prwident la re. ..rerere-..^ „r jon.reo ore,e ... Barren. aodDipWn attended. Tbe port or .eaves for the upper country i compromise that will admit slavery in ^ ‘ rau . d froabi, party m the » r I' 1 *" 11 I ^ d * “!»■" tb o v.lue ol tho Rrel E-.r.e ; wcdilcJ [0 „„ |llln . „ - u , r „ e . h. ra on,n..ndeJ » role which would deprive the widow, j }"? * l 2™* r - 1 “ ir *^t Sf* t ; bo1 •» •wills oiele,,. teewtw, and Bny sliajw portion of the new ly , foo|ei a ,; d ,h.,v, sopposing that he had I n " r ** r f; | one in l,i, n,ewge-bt.t hni. nntcoa>minrltoth.t of such men ora pension opon their | ,,ad •*“*"*- ObiHwIe, have been | J^o, all mm to be on the plains.— > acquired lerrilofy. ! been killed or captured by^the In.lino.,! -“ Since «T orgnnintioo of lire Breddncklirld : mini, „nd exela,i,ely. It «r». a,.* h,, dm r to w- 4caih, situply because'llicv were nm • P re *f l,l P^ lo tho Compromise by other Greater facilities arc offered for lhe long .1, L Z, 1 went on without him Since then Cant , PJ»rik Road Company, and the location of the line,! commend some plan, and we presume no one will cai'davtit b\ a svroftl or slain bv a hul- «l*p°se *he atfmts-; ami tedious' tourney ur those whoso !*** f , Q 1 Hess lias learned that Mr King after* piece wwiethree at fottr mile* trom question the l»one*ty of hfa noUves in prwentiBg Jc,T * - ' sion of Cal.forpm with her assumed means or inclmatioa will permit their , A CaUforif^a correspondent tjf tbe Sa- : [” al ^‘ r * ®’J* r ; thecity^ .which wa* purchased «,me year or so Lone hc did. although «e may differ with hiKTS— v ; boundaries. Still, however, il U be- ; erahracmg litem, than perhapsev« be- ^ai.^azeUe, (Joseph S. VValts) W" wandered a^ ^ >00^ for **>. ** 5250 per »ere, haa'been sold for 81000) opinion. CongresaisWtfreetoacceiRitcftoadopt Presrcaael the Confederacy. ’ lievc 5 that Mr. Clay’s scheme will pre-: f«»rc. Instead of sluggish oxen, and that Gul. Temple YebbeHs, fitrtnerly of . j t- •. nnon^frogs and P® r * cro - • Contiguou* property which was pur-- Lome other; while l»e fa pledged to sign any bill t The subjoirHNl table', which we find j vef T bard i ***** mud wagons, with from twelve J-ewum h^^uld ofocure to nopease ^ ^^Oper acre a few mouth, ago, i* now ^ may ^ provided it.held not f.n within, mtheSr. Louis Reveille, stating ihe| The Senate have ordered that tlur-lj* ^ ta.les per day. cushma-seated. : ^dworid^emrt.i^ Califoro.^which ^ heM ^ ,00 °’ the exceptiou., of * uocon*tito.ionar or-batty ami (tine* oft lie admissjnn of ihe several IV thousand copies of the second part | handsome spring wagons, with <onr was iwo huptlred and Eliy-f«Mjr feet ^ ^ • Such, say. tl»c J.mrnal 4- Messenger, are the ; incon3 id er atc lcgi*!*t«on.” This case offer* a. Slates itUo lhe . Union, gives m«re«f the Patent Office Report lie primed. | b *f**J mules;each, traveling twenty-five b'gb^and.-measured at the top two feet, J beloasimr to the Snake tribe of e8bcU of P,ank Roadt and R * il Ro * da e,er y ^very rtriking contrast to Democratic legislation.— grant at from $160to $200 f«>r the entire to lumber one huridred and forty leet }? d,an *» and by-signs informed ihem of mate. Some five or six of these lines from the bull, where it measured five ■ J'« s distressed situation. 'Thev homane- of California wagons, called, express feeL in diameler. There were made Ly g :,v<> -loeat and to drink, and vrugons, caueii, express • »«*^»" . -»"*»'* chr.ivr.rl l*rel ‘ 1 r inej can w mn rain viwh bwi? eBmenej01 liries, are forming and nearlv complete this giant oft lie forest 110.000 : t mexery kirfdness; ami after Utrhood at comparatively Jitile cost, and wUI ih«« G«verua»eot—we i»e*nibe Legislative—and. merg- in our city. They expect To make the shiifgles, 6,000 clapboards, 4,000 tbree-i T 5 . c *Pf ess **« » wish h y*‘g” s to J ma tend to develop, m 0 re universally, ihe rwource* ing it ia U»e Executive. entire journey from St. Joseph of lode- *y four jowtjjwcnty two fed lung, and ; J. emigrants ngaitt, one of them took and Wealth of tbe whole coantry- | In regard to the question a* to who arc thareai 2Uf»t! ly "part ■ hnntlsome spring wagons, with ionr was two huatlretJ and-Sriy-Rwr ten | ■SSiJ .he P.««« Office Ueport Ire priaWtl. i^'j ntules each, traveling twen.y-fi.e high, anJ-tneasared fcnoTrleilro n f tin nrn^n-,.'nf thi. The first narl Was not verv well receiv-' miles per daw. are offend to the emi- rtJ diameter. The tree Was worked fu- ? De bn.iKe tribe ol . “C hundred, and iortv lee. Ind.ans, and by s.gasrafor^e.! then, of al greatnes's, Ihait cM»Td be rwnprised, terdayi to fidiculo Mr. Eubank** pru- • m volumes ol specnlaiiom 1 ' It wiR; be ] duci'uto. Bui, With ihe sccoud part, fheif that Vcrmrint was the first Sta'e coaceraing agriculture, Mr. Ewlwnk .•eat of the Alh'glmnies admitted, .nml bad no concern. It is gtu op by Dr. Keatockwthe firi^on the wc^u-rnslnp^ hre; irffjfcw-york, win, will lie put at ofthe Alicghauian chain. j the head of the.agricultural bureau, ■ Whru wp reme'mirer, appositely ¥ ^ , * bli,l ^ d - , Tbe 'fw- . marks tire lleveille.aha. at the clw of bTI1 •■* c * ,ab > l “ b » Board of Agn- t he ‘Revolution,rjF war there *1. om. j CTh wMpVtoprartw «iy. sixteen thou- protoblv, as manv ai mto.‘thousand I * a 5'J ‘ Wb,r »J? r,be : , * l ’J tc '-, and white urea it. alt the wvstent Sta.rt.i t« nri.posed and when we consitler time 'twimls-, , eawtHtoiorr, a-ynetntst, a .tion of sixty, thou sand snul» W, l™:S? S "7; ,c :' ri, ^ , A mewnger.^- - required by hnv to mtitln a Stnie to nd- * *° ^ w "J* 1 digefied ; bat mission into the Union, the dales m everything inust havea beginning.: ^ "" ■*’ ’* will lie finished in \ Viiitonr*samend- which ihe^StaU'A. ot the great v valleyi 'jjjho Censu^bill wi were admitted ex'ithit » rapidity of im- theHotfseiowlflyt' .Mr. l provement nnd ■advancement alihgether, ments will be adopted iir part.' unparalleled in lh6 history of. iiatioiis. 1 ^W^'iwre e rumor Ihat ivr excTusive But not only-has this grant valley been 'Southern press ifflo-be esrabfished here, xiopuliledand reelanD*HVKvUio 'uses.of id counteract ihe^in^nenae of^the A T a-- . civiliraiioii—the greatest t»ouiUain liar-;'?tonal'grit, which' is art abolition paper, Jn] rier in the .worltJ."lias ’been.mounted by herief stipjwrtedTvhan aivy where. Our friend’* In Georgia should not forget j UnJer the rule ofthe Locofocos, the President’s these things. PUnk Road* may be made much } coauftendation was biuding, and wlrether. right more valuable to the land holder tlian Railroads, j wrong. w*« adopted; tbae, i» effect paralysing the because they can be run into almnst every uetgb- efficiency of one of tile ce^onKoate.branches of the_ pcnrfence ii» aliout seventy large number of passengers in these express lines. v * * ( Cut litou-seated, wagons” to cross verily,, these arc and the march o. ward—NV t- C^ Adi. ;epb or Iude- oy tour joisi.aweniy two ieci uing, anu .:. - o V- - - V . . . - * v days. A there were left at a moderate cicala- hwt.opjM.- hu route ant! carnet! him to is are going lion-from seventy. to eighty cords of, f"'* {*»«.. a distance ol one hundred ; ■ WOO.L The, erantoard.. were re.I.I for an .’ 1 Ihtrty miles. Mr. King had noth- Bt. W«fc*ier«l friends of llie President, we are not williaff tfis* i« be a^sntnrd that all arc eneaiie* or pretend- | ed friends who do not entirely coincide with lum . 8nc k' destroy tbe independence party. Aa number of . ' ' ■ - m y. w—r-. _ - imnurrauTYwe tucrc was mciivuci irom • .. . ■ Ji-. » »7" — uaiwr cowirinu# "“’i J' o,’.,.. t . GEORGIA N ails.—AV e . : ivc re shown a t i, t * worluntLoT this mamuiolh dweller * nn **'*« ^h»ch he refused to accept.— conduct in ibe Senate of \ht United State*, in « print fail evidence of fraud” Difference* oa, firw days'since io^^.he^Aiore ufWiffiam p^lal Su^-b a hpble and. d|smtr rested m* '***\'L points, thereto*, ara.rg.ntem. - in fever of It Snui.h.'Efq-ro of ihis.Ciiy^ thelirsl 0 f S11.350. spldonxrecorded, even the hacflts. resolutions concerning' the honesty of tiiose who dwfagnr«re ref r.:»;i:«i:«. — K - ; L “ — J in*uucting him to Th*! w hoi e wtug party taiU, faiWth*i»*j* keg of <xi*orgia. naib, roanutiicturad. at' .4,4- ' - of civilization .uiW j# worthy the high- i Mr./ WcSker'- — t _- . re^.. — -7 - the imp establishment'uf ^Cooper & : Wi-j Ridicule Vipens no man*s4irart f,ii is c s * meed of praise—Taira City Rcpor- vote far the lYi/**J *o«dainiGc0. Taxloh, as king aah&Ad- Icy _iii-Cass cpunlj’. '/' • ' j the utmo?iihal lliC^iH-Sttcmper catide,- ter, Sdipst,' . - - i^SSS^TfaaaiM them. l»- AnoiUer voteminuJralioiv cootinaeato pura'nathocwiraesoliap- We are informed that thee are' now iuai to lipar ii-s noione ran .like it; or.!- 1 1 - ■ * > taken arid ended thus: For rejection of the t piljycommenced by. ijb v*e haxeoo aoit-of, doubt.— M ^ . JIISI iu llcur H | III# Vein - llbc Ik, Of,/ ^ _ ' . . r • . *•— itv successful operation, aud are prmluc- a\ tit* moment can, feel complacent, to-L /Mr, Webster's hettuacotumoes 'very .... --*:-v_ ^ Q lin e in the vvjfrds llie. per son. who uses it^ R isn«L. : *“** nD r i^sa.d to be.his intention to ^ ..J u. . ! rplirn tn Mnsrbtirtil (rif n aftsr Saceesistolhcm, »v we-ia Christlau't , * ' foal of our armory. metowlTOtoW. ; . I AW ehil. all tons.1. iwtopcndsnt Whigs will PW -- . „ ... ^ .I lte ****».■ ■’PM*’#”*jgSSeST^ sl.ot.lj be p m i reute to. MushfieM. (or a -season, after iSS^JJS^-SUid'SSSirMSro^^rorfarivll** ceoriJswto, rothsj o* ttes,' rf rtheipeBdtng'vwe.- ' iW^citfWwt priw yow& uii teNen.. - Uny«bsr gsot!,in«u,'tb«r sritt. s«. tto ws tim.