Georgia statesman. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1825-1827, February 28, 1826, Page 44, Image 4

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44 P63TRY. THE GRAVES OF A HOUSEHOLD. Thf.t grew in beauty, side by side, They till'd one house with glee— Their graves are sever’d far and w ide, By mount, and stream, and sea ! The same fond mother bent at night O'er tv,rb fair sleeping brow, She had each folded flower in signt— 't here are those dreamers now I One midst the forests of the west By a dark stream is laid ; The Indian knows his place of rest, Far in the cedar shade. The sea, the nine lone, sea, hath one, He lies where pearls lie deep ; lie was the loved of all, yet none O’er his low bed may weep. One sleeps where southern vines arc dress'd Above the noble slain, lie wrapt his colours round his brcaßt, On a blood-red field of Spain. 'mlone—o’er HF.rt llie myrtle showers Its leaves, by soft winds lann’d, She faded ’midst Italian flowers, '1 he last of that bright band. And parted thus tuf.t rest who play’d lt( neath the sum • green tree, \\ hose voices mingled as they pray’d Around one parent knee ! They that with smiles lit up the hall, And cheer’d with song the hearth — Vlas, fur love, if tiiou wort all, And nought k vond, on earth ! r. n. From the London Magazine. .Variative of the Loss of the Kent. Our readers are aware that the Sln(> Kent sailed from England, and was carrying to India not only her own cargo and crew, consisting ol one hundred and forty-eight men, hut had on hoard a very considera ble part of the 31st Regiment, viz ttv-nty officers, three hundred nil forty-four soldiers,forty-three women and sixty-six children, together with twenty private passengers, when she was discovered to be on lire in (he Bay of Biscay, on tiic Ist of March ; that she ulf iinatoly blew up and sank ; the chief part of the individuals on hoard having been previously res ell and by the timely arrival of the] < 'auihri i. < >n the night of M'-nday the -bl!i| rebruury, when the Kent was in ltd. 17, 3U, long. 10, a violent gale blew 1 from t lie West, and grudua ly in-j creased during the follow ing morn ing. The rolling ct the vessel be came treipcndons about midnight, so that the best fastened articles of fur niture in live principal whins w re da.-hed about with vi<'-r.< •*, and he i main chains were thrown .it every urch consider fly under w. ■ r. it was a Jitl l before tin period that one of the officers of the Ship, v ith the wcll-ineant ird isL n ol as certaining that oil was last below, de scended with two of the • ailors into the hold, where they carried with them, for safety, a light in the patent lantern; and seeing that the lamp burned dimly, the otliccr took the precaution to hand it up to the orlop deck to be trimmed. Having after wards discovered one of toe spirit casks to he adrift, lie sent the sailors for some billets of wood to secure it ; but the ship in their ab ence hav ing made a heavy lurch, the officer unfortunately dropped the light ; and letting go ins hold oi the cask in his eagerness to recover the Lantern it, suddenly sieve, and the spirits com municating iih the lamp, th ■ whole place was insi ntly in a blaze. As long as the devouring element qipeared t he npnfined to the spot where tho 1.1 < ; .gtnated, t L; ii we were assured was surrounded on all sides by water casks, wc ventured to cherish hopes that it might be subdued; but no sooner was the light blue vapour tl. it at first aros* succeeded by volumes ot'thick dingy moke, which speedily ascending through all the four hatchways, rolled over every part of the Ship, than all further concealment became impos- Mb! . and almost all hope of preserv ing the vessel was abandoned. ‘ The (lames have reached the cable tier,” was exclaimed bv some individuals, and the strong pitchy smell that per vaded the deck, confirmed the truth of the exclamation. In these awful circumstances, Cobb, with an ability and de cision of character that seemed to increase with the imminence of the danger, resorted to the only alterna tive now left him, of ordering the lower decks to be scuttled, tiie com bings of the hatches to be cut, and the lower ports to be opened, for the free admission ot the waves, These instructions were speedily executed by the united etforts of the troops and seamen; hut not before so ; e of th< sick soldiers, one woman and several children unable to gain the upper deck had perished. On descending to the gun deck with Col. Fearcm, Capt. Bray, and one or lw • other officers ot the 31st It gi nui t, to assist in opening the ports, I met, staggering towards the hatch way, in an exhausted and nearly senseless state, one of the mates, who informed us that he had just stumbled over the dead bodies of some individuals who must have vied from suffocation, to which it was evident that he himself had almost fallen a victim. So dense and op pressive was the smoke, that it was with the utmost difficulty wc could long enough below to fulfil Capt. Cobb’s wishes; which were no sootier acc mplishtd than the .* -a rushed in with extraordinary force, carrying away in its resistless pro gress to the hold, the largest chests, bulk heads, &c. Such a sight, under any other c r siderable circumstances, was well calculated to have filled us with hor ror ; but in our natural solicitude to avoid the more immediate peril < I explosion, we endeavored to eh or each other, as we stood up to our knees iu water, with a faint hope that by these violent means wc might be speedily restored to safety. The immense quantity of water that was thus introduced into the hold, had indeed the effect, for a time, of checking the fury of the Humes; but tiic danger of sinking having increas ed as the risk of explosion was di minished, the Ship became watcr loggcd, and presented other indica tions of settling, previous to her going down. On the one hand stood death by tire, on the other death by water; the dilemma was dreadful. Prefer ing always the more remote alterna tive, the unfortunate crew were at one moment attempting to check the fire by means of water; and when the water became the most threatening enemy, their efforts were turned to the exclusion of the wavee, and the fire was permitted to rage with all its fury. The scene of horror that notv pr - seated itself, baffles all description. Thcn'rosc from sea ta sky the wild fare well ; Then shriek’d the timid, and stoo- ! .-'ill the brave. The upper deck was covered with between six and seven hundred hu man beings, many of whom, from previous sea-sickness, were forced on the first alarm to leo from below in a state of absolute nakedness, and were now running about in quest of husbands,children, Cfparents. While some were standing in silent resig nation, or in stupid insensibility to their impending fate, others were t mlding themselves up to the most frantic despair. Some on their knees were earm-tly imploring, with sig nificant gesticulations and in noisy [supplications, the mercy of Him, ;whose arm they exclaimed, was at length Qutr-retchcd to smite them; others were to bes en hastily cross ing themselves, and performing th various exteral acts required liy their p cu'ir persuasion, while a number of the older and more stout-hearted soldiers and sailor sullenly took their seats directly over the rnagaziuo, hoping, as they stated, that by means ol the explosion, which they every instant expected, a speedier termi nation might thereby be put to their sufferings.* Several of the soldiers’ w ives and children, w ho had lied for temporary shelter into (lie after-cabins on (he upper deck, were engaged in prayer and in reading the scriptures with the ladies, some ot’ whom were ena bled, with wonderful self-possession, to offer to others those spiritual con sol it ions, which a firm and intclli gent trust in the Redeemer of the world appeared at this awful hour to impart to their own b • asts. The dignified deportment of two young ladies in particular, formed a speci men of natural strength of mind, finely modified by Christian feeling, that failed not to attract the notice and admiration of every one who had an opportunity of witnessing it. On the melancholy announcement being made to them that all hope must be relinquished, and that death was ra !>• llv and mew ; ah'y a a chin/. one of the ladies above refered to,, calmly sinking down on her kn cs. and clasping her hands together, said, “ even so come, Lord Jesus,” and immediately proposing to read a portion of the Scriptures to those around her; her sister, with nearly equal composure and collectedness oi mind, selected the 46th itml other appropriate Psalms, which were ac cordingly read, with intervals of prayer, by those ladies alternately to the assembled females. One young gentleman, of whose promising talents and piety, I dare not now make farther mention, hav ing calmly asked me mv opinion res pecting the state of the ship, 1 told ! him that 1 thought we should be pre pared that night to sleep in eternity; and I shall never forget the peculiar fervor with which he replied, as he pressed my hand in his, “my heart is filled w ith the peace of God ;” add ing, “ yet though 1 know it is fool ish, I dread exceedingly the last struggle.” Amongst the numerous objects that struck my observation at this period, 1 was much affected with the appearance and conduct of some oi the dear children, who, quite uncon scious in the cuddy cabins, of the perils which surrounded them, con tinued to play its usual with their lit tle toys in bed, and to put the most innocent and unseasonable questions to those around them. To some of me other children, who seemed fully alive to the reality ofthe danger, I whispered, now L the time to put in practice the instructions you asked to reci ivc at the Regimental School, and to think of that Saviour of w hom * CapLiin Cobb, with great forethought, ordered the deck to be scuttled forward, w ith i view to draw the fire in that direction, knowing that between it and the magazine were several tiers of water casks ; while he hoped ihai the wt t sails, &c. thro vn into the uftir-hold, would prevent it from comm ni eatifig with the spirit-room abaft. GEORGIA STATESMAN. you have heard so much ; they re plied, as the teats ran down their cheeks, “ O Sir, we are trying to re member them, and we arc praying to God.” All hope bad departed! the eui ploymc-nt of the different individuals indicated utter despair of rescue — one was removing a lock of hair from his writing desk to his bosom —ano- ther was searching tor paper to ad dress a hurried scrawl to his father, which he intended to inclose in a bot tle—others were awaiting their fate in stupor —some with manly forti tude—others bewailing it with loud and hitter lamentation —and part were" occupied in prayer and mutual encouragement. It was at this appalling instant, when “ all hope that we should be saved was taken away,” and when tJ jo letter reicred to was about being committed to the waves, that it oc ean and to Mr. Thomson, the fourth mate, to s nd a man to the forc-top, rather with the ardent wish than the expectation that some friendly sail might be discovered on the face of the waters. The sailor, on mount ing, threw his eyes round (he hori zon for a moment, —a moment of un utterable suspense,—and waving bis hat, exclaimed, “ t ..ail on the lee how !” The joytui announcement was received with deep-felt thanks givings, and with three cheers upon deck. Our flags of distress were in stantly hoisted, and our minute guns fired ; and we endeavoured to boar <1 .vn under our three top-sails and fore-sail upon the stranger, which afterwards proved to be the Cam bria, a small brig of -00 tons burden —Cook —bound In Vera Cruz, hav ing on board t- only or thirty Cor nish miners, and other agents of the Anglo Mexican Company. Up to this moment the hi-tory is sad and painful—had it been nothing more, probably neither the book nor this account of it would have be n written. The agony which wrings the hu man frame and tortures the human imagination at the visible approach of death, may he an instructive ob ject of contemplation, but it is not one which we should choose for ex hibition. The subsequent scenes ot this catastrophe, on the contrary, present no ideas but such as are most honorable to human nature f craily, and to our countrymen in par ticular, and afford the brightest and most precious examples of noble hearing and true gallantly in a sea son of the most severe trial. Let those who talk of the age of chit ai ry being gone, read this narrative, and they will learn to despise the romantic cant which refers all that is great and good to (no periods of darkness and barbarism; of all the instances recorded of magnanimity and generosity, wo know of none more consolatory to a lover arid ad mirer of his race, than tiro whole con duct of the officers and men as it is here described. Others may glory in descriptions of splendid passages of arms, but no military ardour or chivalrous xploit can convey such deep satisfaction to the well-regula ted mind, as does the glorious con test of courage and nobleness dis played in the history of this ship wreck. For some time the Kent was not uDscrvcd by the stranger ; the roar ing ofthe sea drowned the report of their distress guns ; but at length the ascending volumes of smoke at tracted the attention of the brig, and announced the nature of her situa ..... ted Brit is u col or-, and crowded all s«ii *o ii;, ..A. of the ship on fire. Although it was impossible, and would have been improper to repress the rising hopes that were pretty gen erally diffused amongst us by the un expected sight of the Cambria, yet I confess, that when I teffected on the long period our ship had been already burning—on the tremendous sea that was running—on the extreme smallness of the brig, and the im mense number of human beings to be saved, —1 could only venture to hope that a few might be spared ; but I durst not for a moment con template the possibility of my own preservation. [T**j be concluded next wo k. j From tbe New-York American. The lights and shades of Matrimo ny.—A middle aged daughter of Mi hernia, a few days since entered the police office snivelling and sighing, to complain of her baste of her hus band. who, in her own words, Ilk! “ well nigh kilt and mutkered me yer honor, and .bate me up and down yer honor, and if I had not ran away, mayhap I would not b ■ here to tel yer honor anent it at all, at all.” So a warrant was granted. But oh ! how little does a woman know her own heart when she plots schemes cf re venge ! for scarcely had the injured Judy put her marl: ta the affidavy, than returning love awakened re morse in her tender bosom, and away she scampered home; outstripped the panting constable, and exclaim ed to licr husband, “ Hide! hide, honey, the constable is after you. and och, jewel, he'll pit juu intil tbe Bridewell if he oncet git*, bold bn you, bad luck to him !” She carried the sudden change in her feelings fco far as to secrete her forgiven Inls baud, md keep him from the officer. This morning she came into the i 'dice looking very doleful, and -*id they had made up the matter, and that her husband was going to Phila delphia Another proof ot’ the paci fication came out, when the officer demanded the fees for the process; for she said she had given most ot her money to her jewel of a husband to bear his expenses, and had not enough to pay the fees : and the of ficer g'lad to be rid of her, let her off with an admonition not to bring ■ v more complaints of her husband, which she faithfully promised never to do again. l'rulay Morning, Feb 3.—A Pat, by his dialect supposed tobe a native of the county Tipperary, sailed into the Police Office this morning, on a pair of twaddling sea legs, which would have told the character oi the person, if a huge quid stowed be twixt his teeth and under-lq ;nd 1” tarry-dress ha^ failed to inline: He asked tor a warrant for anew ot fence, which at first puzz. i the ni - gistrate not a little. The ime w>. “ Bloodshed and Battery.” The offi cer asked where iie came from, and was not much pleased with Lis an swer ; as he observed that it was a nest of rogues, which Pat said he Knew very well. He was asked if ire knew how much a warrant would cost. Fat. To be sure I don't. Offi cer. You must pay us 6s. and Go. for . . Far. That’s nothing. (officer. Well, out with your money. Fat. To be sure I can, only give me the satisfaction first. Officer. But 1 must be sure of payment. Out with your cash. Fat. Out with your warrant first. This conversation vexed our irishman considerably ; he, liotvev r, brought forward a well lined pouch, aim iiandcd over the money, observ ing, that lie did not come there to be a laughing shock, but for satisfaction. But a serious deficiency occurred in bis depositio ; he bad either forgot ten or never knew the name of the man against whom he was complain ing. It was either O’Donohue, or O’Dobertv, or O’Donnel, hut winch ho could not toll. “ Botheration on the name” said he, “ put it down what you like, sure its all one if you cotch the man, what the shape of his name is.” This did not look so clear to the magistrate, and Pat, with a discontented shrug, was l'e ced to pocket his six and sixpence, and sheer off. The labors on the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal route, it appears, arc prosecuting with an energy whicii promises an early completion of that work. One thousand men were em ployed on the Eastern section ol the canal,at the first ofthe present month on the summit level nine liundrc arc at work—and the total force now < n gaged on the whole line is upwards of two thousand five hundred men | Raleigh Register. ADVERTISEMENTS. llkad Quarters, ( 3d Division, G. M. y Milledgeville, Feb 13, 132'' DIVISION ORDERS. Maj. S. nuel Rockwell, of Mill edge viile i appointed inspector of the 3d Division ofthe Militia of the Stale of Georgia, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel ; and William Y. Mansell Esq. of the County of Baldwin, and Walton P. Hill Esq of the County of Oglethorpe Aids dc Camp, with the rank of Ma jors; they will be obeyed and re spected occordingly. j.'C. WATSON. Maj. Cen. 3d Division G. M. iii.AD v v a: z: ( 3 d Division, G. AI. \ Milledgeville, Feb. 20, 1826. DIVISION ORDERS. Persuant to the order of the Com mander in Chief, of the 28th Jan. 1820, the Review and inspection of the 3d division ofG. M. will take place in the several counties,on the several days as follows; —viz : In the Coun ty of Baldwin on Monday 3d of April; in the county of Putnam, on Satur day, 15th of April; in the county of Morgan, pn Saturday, 22d of April ; in the county of Clark, on Tuesday, 2d of May ; in the county of Ogle thorpe, on Thursday, 4!h of May ; inthe countv of Greene, on Satur day, 6th of May. The Officers, and non-commission ed Officers will he assembled, for the purpose of instruction on the re spective days previous to the review and inspection, in the several coun ties above mentioned, except the county of Baldwin ; in which they will assemble on Saturday, the first of April, at the hour prescribed lit law. It is expect that the Generals of Brigades, in this division will attend to the prompt execution of these orders in person. By command ofthe Maj. General. Wm Y. HANSELL, .did de Camp. NO! ICE. ~ >®7’ILL BE SOLD, on the first ? Tuesday in March, at Law rence viile, Gwinnett county, one Tract ot Land, in said county, con taining 250 acres, in the fifth district, No 92, as the property of Alexander E. Beale, dec’d, and sold by con -nt ot legatees. Terms made .known on the day. TIIOS. E. BEALE, Agent for Legatees. •Fel> 6 ' jq 9 fB3|HE SUBSCRIBERS beg Lave to in- H f, rm th ir friends and the public that -®*- thev have opened a HOUSE OF EN TERTAINMKNT, in Hillsboro, Jasper county* Their bar will at all times be fur nished v.ith choice liquors, and every exer tion made to give satisfaction to those who may see proper to favor them with their pa tronage. SPENCER & GODDARD. Hillsboro, Jasper co. I’eh. 26. 10 ts GEORGIA, ) Whereas John R. Moore Jones County, ) applies for letters of admin istration on the estate oi Caswell I). Morris, of grid county, deceased. These are Iht-.i forc to cite and admonish, i ll and singular, llie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the term prescribed by law, to she w cause, if o they can. why said tetters of administration should not be granted. Given under nu> hand, this 21st day of February, 1890. JAMES SMITH, C. C. O. Feb. 21. 10 6t CKOIIGIA, ) Clerk’s Office ofthe Inferior Jones county, j Court. TAKEN UP and post —vycs ed befor. Stephen Reufioe, 'jmsK f M Esquire, by William Riley, of ws gJJJ* CapL Spink’s district, on- Tiil fMU ' .rk bay Marc, with a small ; ~ iin r face, tier right hind foot v. , siippos and to be nine ye rs old or up w .as, appraised to $75, by Jacob Lewis, John Tolies and Henry Finney. The above descril and Mar** had a sma'd bell on. CHARLES MACARTHY, C. I. C. Pei); 4th, 1 .. 10 ,;t LAYV NOTICE. nn HE Subscribers have associated them- B selves in tin practice of the Law—they w ill practice in the several counties of the Fiint Circuit, to wit: liihb, Houston, Cranford, Upson, Monroe, Hke, Fayette, DeKulb, Henry, Newton and Butts, and also the most d>. cent counties in the Oafanulgce Circuit. Any business intruded ta their mnn.igcim nt will meet with prompt attention. Or,*; of them will always he found at their of fice, to attend to any calls of their profession. WILLIAM L. TUGGLE. LAMES C. STF.EEE. ’•’Dopi-ah Feb. 2. 3t 3 •NOTICE. A LI. per-ons indebted to the estate ot g ts! Susannah Thweatt, late of Jones coun ty, deceased, are requested to mile payment; and those to whom said c.-tate is indebted, to render their accounts in L iras of the law. JAMES R. JONES, Adm’r. Feb. 8. Gt 8 MEDICAL STORE FOR SALE. THE Subscriber in- Jfy tending to leave this country for France. " l where Lis affaire, in consequence of the ar tpsL?' rungement made betwet n jSgngi the French government and that of St. Domingo, require his presence.— l ncertain how long he may be detained in that counted, and wishing to settle all his ba sin rs nefur his dr par' re, offers for sale his hi* DIP* G ESTABLISHMENT, con isting of Medicines, Paints, o.!s, &**. Any person ho may niu .e the purchase will find the ba dness -t profitable one, and the cause men tioned above, is ;he only reason the subscri ber bar. for selling. Terms made kno uon application to L. ROSSIGNOL. i, Feb. 10 2t EXECUTOR’S SALE. T[ TR ’TULbc sold on the 11th day of March A next, at the house of the Subsciil* r, j ia Jones county, a number of Equ ation Tools, Household and Kitchen Furni ur.-, the property of Elizabeth Bray, deceas ed, on a credit until Christmas next —note* and approved security. HEZF.KIAH 'V. I.IFSEY, Jan. 24—6t6 Executor. gTj HE former Editors of t’ e Missionarj |g who proposed publishing new paper, to be styled die Georgia Reporter and Christian Gazette, have been unable to commence it as early as they exp, ted.-- They do, however, indulge tk hope IV tit may appear cuiiy in February ; and they t ke this method of requesting their friends wh have procured new subscribers, to return ; list of their names ; and those who arc still in arrears for the Missionary, to make remit tances, as this would much facilitate their object. B. GILDERSLEEVE & Cos. Mount Zion, Jan. 17. 8 ADM IN /STB .Vi HR’S SAI,F O N Monday the Utn of March nest. ! at the late residence of Suse. nali i’hweatt, deceased, ot Jones county, will be sold, a.i the perishable property be longing to said dcci sed, consisting of horses. .. 'v ■ 0 sh- :*, household and kitchen furniture, ii.- ; nt * *, s 1 cot ton, fodder, bacon, and othe cits i„j • - i.ious to mention —the !ai and rented, and i e negroes hired. The saie will continue from day to >’ y until all an disposed cf. Terms made known on tho day. JAMES R. JONES, Adm’ Feb, C. tds 8 Tt/ffACON BA..K STOCK—A i.Y subscription will be opened oss the -t Monday ii March next, at 10 o clock A. M., tit the store of Wy iey& Baxter in the town of Miile* Se ville, for 300 shares, of SilOO each, of stock in the Bank of Macon. The subscription will he kept open 30 days, within which time any person being a citizen ofthe United States, or any partnership or firm composed •-■ citizens of the United States, may nbscrib rnny ; umber not exceed ing 100 shares. Arid any person or copartnership, as before mentioned, may after the 30 days, subscribe for any number of shares not .previously taken Five per rent, on each share will be required to be paid at the time of subscribing, in gold or silver coin, or in bills of tho Bank of the United States, or any of its Branches then at par. Bv resolution ofthe Directors the next r ill w ill not l • made until the firs* Monday in June next; which w ill he all that will be required durinu tho war. TOMLINSON FORT, LITTLETON ATKINSON, THOS. tV. BAXTER. Milledgeville, 13th Feb. 1826. 3t 9 IX MONTHS AFT Lit DATE, o I shall make application to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Hancock county, for-the final dismis sion of (he Executorship of George Mcdlock, deceased, of Warren coi ty, as the esiate is finally settled ; and all concerned will avail them selves of this notice. E. F. SMITH, Ex’tor. Jan. 17. 1826. 5 [February, 28, SHERIFF’S SALES. BE SOLD, at the Court-house ■ V door, in Clinton, Jones county, on * * the first Tuesday in March next, be tween the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: 40a acres of land, to wit: Lot No. 136, and No. 151, in the tenth district of formerly Baldwin, now Jones county, v.hereon Daniei Nielson and Appleton Mclson now live*— Aiso, ufteen Nigroes named, Booker, n man 35 yea' - old;’Andrew, a man of about 50 years old; Jesse, a man gbout forty; A:i aca, a woman about forty ; Vina, about forty; Molly, u woman übout 50; Salle, a w oman about 40 ; Eli, a boy about 18 ; Mo ses, » boy about 15 ; V\ illis, about 13 ; ’sert na, about 8; Maria, a girl about 4; Phoebe, a girl übout 4 ; Frank, a boy about 3 ; Fran ces, a girl about 1 year old—2ooo lbs. of Ba con, more or less —30 bils. of Corn, more o i -1500 lbs. of Fodder, more or less—one .uj Horse, an old Gig and harness, o ,c yoke of Oxen and Cart, two Colts, five head of Cattle, about thirty head of Hogs, one wood en Cioc 1 one table, three beds and furniture, one pair .ire-dogs, one pot rack, one grind stone, one large oven, one large pot and hooks, one axe, one tub and jar, with about 50 lbs. of lard, and a parcel of cotton in the field—the whole levied on and to be sold as ti*e property of said Daniel Mclson, to satisfy sundry executions in favor of James Lamar, administrator of J, remiuh Lamar, deceased, gainst Daniel Mclson, Cannon Mclson, and Re..son Gay ; on. in favor of Hardy Herbert, and Daniel Walker against Daniel Mclson ; six executions in favor of Samuci Lowthc. and Janies Jones, assignees against Daniel Mclson; and two executions in favor of Jama * Jones, assignee against Daniel Mclson and William Ballard, security on appeal. Also, one Gig, levied on as the property of J ones C. Taylor, to satisfy an execution against him in favor of Reason Gay. Aiso, one negro boy by the name of Augus tus, levied on as the property of the estate of James Crutkcrs deceased, to satisfy an execu tion in favor of the Court of Ordinary of Burke county, for the use of Little berry Marsh, . mfiiistrutor of John Martin, deceased, against Thomas Curuthers administrator of James Crutkcrs, dec'd, and John Marsh, adminis trator of John Marsh, deceased, and Nancy Cruthi rs, administratrix of William Cruth cr S deceased levied by Thomas Livingston, former deputy sheriff and returned to me. Terms of sale cash. hope h. slatter, su’d: Jan. 28,1526. t ( | s SHERIFF’S SALE. 1 STILL BE SOLD, at the Court-house W W door ir. Clinton, Jones county, on the first Tuesday in April next, be tween icgal koulfe of sale, tiiree negroes named Gin, a w oman about 32 yc rs old, Lubourn, a boy about 13, and Seaborn, bout 11 years of age : levied on and to b. sold as the pro- I rty of Thomas Gunn, to satisfy an execu tion in favor of Pi ter Gill, fisued on the fore closure of a mortgage against said Gunn ; and three executions in favor of Jacob Mc- Ge'iee, "m. 11. Imtay and Samuel C. Lip pett, against said Thomas Gunn. Terms of sale cash. HOPE If. SLATTER, Sh’ff. Jan* 28. tds7 NOTICE. Jesse Tom'in, J , „ „ . vs In the Superior Court Edmund Stevens, ■ ur the county of Henry, un( j j and state of Georgia, Kzekiel Register. J Term, 10’25. Bid for IJ covery, Relief, and Injunc tion. ] EMEL REGISTER, of the county ' j of Henry, and state of Alabama, hav t ing been made a party to the above biff at the present term, on motion of Solici tors for complunants, it is ordered by the court that said Lzekicl Register, do an.-we. said bill at the next term of this court, tobe held on the fourth Mom!, y in March next, and that service 1« effected on said Ezeki •! Regis ter by publication of this rui once a month f >r three months, in one of the public Gazette of this state. A true eopv from the minutes, WILLIAM HARDIN, Ci'k. Sept. 29, 1 2*3. NOTICE. Alexander King, j Scire Facias in the Su- Informer, ! perior Court of Newton vs * J* county, October Term, Abraham Helton, ) 1525. Drawer. J %St/ r HEREAS it appears front the return of the Sheriff that the defendant Abraham Hilton, is not to be found in said county; On motion of King Se Culk beri, Attorneys so he informer, it is ordered ,j y the ’ ourt, that ~ ie defendant appear and answer the said Scire Facias at ’he Superior Court, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday ir, April next, and t. t ser vice be pv. fected by the Publication of this rule once.a month for th. months, previous to tee sitting of said court. The above is a true < .y from the minutes, this nth October, 1825. JOHN IJ. TRIMBLE, Cl’k. Dec. 27. 2 notice! ’ The Governor on j " formation of ■ in Upson Superior Court. Josiah Horton, j October Term, 1826. VS* j Sciiie Facias. Ballard .* ' ir-| mam! J Sj T appearing to the ■. mint, by the return of the Sheriff that :he defcntlai; . Mallard M'Durniund, is not to he founu m tlu oounty of Upson : Tt is ordered by the Court, that said Ballard M’Durmand do appear and answer at the next term of Uiis court, to be held on the Thursday aft. the second Mon day in April next: and service !r effect ed on said Ballard M‘Diirmand, by publica tion of this order oi. a month for three* \months, in one of the public Gazettes oi this state. A true copy from the minutes, J. W. COOPER, Cl'k. 15th October, 1805. o NOTICE. Ah xandcr King j Informer, ] Lei. fa. in the Superior vs. ]■ Court of Crawford Couu- Margarett Burdett | ty. Widow. J -S/ HKREAS it ippeurs from the return ot the Sheriff', that the defendant is not to he found in said County ; on motion of council, it is ordered I the court taat the defendant be and appear at the next Superior Court, to be bolden in and for said ounty OTi the third Monday in April next, turn and there to an cr said Scire facias and that service of tin. rule be perfected by the publication, once a month for threl: months, in one of the public Gazettes of this State, previous to l tie sitting of said Court. A true copy from the minutes. C. M. ROBERTS, Clerk. Oct. ISth, 1825. lam3m2 GEORGt \, ) Ct rk’s Office ofthe Inferior Jones County, > Court. TAKEN UP anil post if-'* c ff before William Candler, f Esquire, by John Jones, of Capt. Nev. liey’s district, one bay Marc, supposed to be an Indian Mare, seven years old. four ft*.t two inches high, some saddle spots on her bark., appraised by Jonathan Caiaway and J - Loekctt at 810. CHARLES MACARTHY, C. 1. C. Jan. 26th. 1826. to 3t