Georgia statesman. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1825-1827, March 07, 1826, Page 4, Image 4

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4 POETRY. MASON'S KLtCY ON HIS DECEASED WIFE. Take holy Earth, all that my soul holds dear: f-ke that best gift, which Heaven so lately gate: To Bristol's font I bore, with trembling care, Her faded form.—She bow’d to taste the wave And ditd.—Does youth, does beauty read the line? Does sympathetic fear their souls alarm ‘ Speak, dead Maria ! breathe a strain divine; Even from the grave, thou hast power to charm ; t 1 them be chaste, he innocent, like thru ; bid them in duty’s sphere as humbly move ; And if as fair, from vanity as free, \s firm in friendship, and as fond in love ; •Tell them tho’ 'tis an awful thing to die, (’Twas even to thee,) yet the drcadpulh once t rod, Hiat’n liftsfiereverJasting portals high, And bids the pmt in heart b'holJ their God ! FROM A FATTIER, 10 ms daughter. Mary e .nst thou not h urn to charm, 1 o draw < nrapturid from li r pure abode I by ang- I moth' r, to lit with heavenly joy Fothc holy h; ..things of pious muse ? Say, wilt thot; not fur. ;o those sordid joys, ThaPch in tln souls of mcM thy race ? To ndtivutc (h t grand iimnortul puit Ki-stlidding God. EUGENIA l)E MIR YNDE, VN I'TI r; I .Vi I.M; STORf. FROM the Fit:-: veil. Towards the ii< ■:> ol the vt: t; tinf?r. ;i yei’tnw man named Linvnl, v, a'kino hi ilio Thuillcries, i'otuul near the ffligfftful boner, where the cxqtfis ite s!::tu€3 ol lli|i]ioiiifties nn-i \t aluiit.l ore Jiincc-.1, iiio loliovvinir bil let : ' “ An opportunity is offered to the person who ‘hull iiml this billet of doing a good action. 1 f the person i» disposed to do it, be i requited to go to the rue do Saintunge, No. 1342, and aak for Eugenia do Mi rando.” "I* b. Should the fiiiuli r h - un willing to go to tiic as- tnnee of an mot In r, he i, roi.inMi and i ot to ptw. u another j er on from doing it, hut to til op the bidet where lie found ;i. ” f.invid ia tho he. t dourer in P, in idler Treiiis ; he r utd the hill- I, iomi med anew air while he .vn readinv it, and then vv ith a sfr . v( > of his liain hoo, whisked it into the air and !: . tuned to the i'auxhorougli do If. n!d, to give his opinion upon a n.die of exijiii ite taste, hut which it was feared was not sufficiently i.lrikiug. The second person who picked it up, was a nun of middle age, simpfv dad, and walking quick. He stop ped, however, to read it, but ending lus eyes towards heaven, as if lie meant to say, “ it is net to me this letter is addressed, lie placed it re spectfully in its 1 1 inner place*. A contractor came next, one of those men who think themselves moderate, lu'cau o they are content with t lie trifling gain of three thousand francs a day,and who are purse-proud and impudent; lie first kicked the billet, then took it up from curiosity. Scarcely had ho read it, when lie tore it into a thousand pieces, ex claiming, “ Tis a trap.” The next day, precisely at the same place, another billet was de posited, exactly similar to the form er. The first person who perceived it,had the delicacy to take the address, & to place the billet where he found it V young married couple p recited it a few minutes afterwards. After having read it, mud.ime €****, who was on the point ol becoming a moth er, said to her Inn hand, “ My love, let us sec the person to whom we are directed. What we have to •give is but little ; hut a slight bone tit often prevents tie unfortunate from giving- themselve - up lo depair, ami inspires them with courage to wait lor better days.” The young couple proceeded to the rue de Saintonge. But at Paris, having the name, tire street, and the number, is by no means sufficient to insure tlie finding of the real place. Some houses have the numbers tliev had before the revolution ; from oth er houses the revolution has remov - ed former numbers and placed oth ers. Jhe sections have accumula ted upon the walls of Paris ciphers of all colours, and not at all regular. \fler having walked twice up and down the streets, the young couple at length found out No." 13-12. Tliev learned that the home was occupied by an old man. formerly a physician, who had retired, and passed for ;i rich man; and who had an only daughter, distinguished for her wit, and her talents 1 he young couple were shown up a very handsome staircase to the first floor, where they were ushered into a room furnished without gaudiness,hut with perfect taste. They asked to r penk with Eugenia deJMirande; and a young lady of twenty-two or twenty throe years of age, graceful and ele gant, rose and showed them into a small apartment, where every thing proved that the useful and agreea ble were habitually cultivated : hooks, pamphlets, music books, in struments, drawings, were in differ ent parts of the room ; every thing denoted affluence. J fear, said madamc C****, “ 1 have fallen into some mistake. We read your address, madame, upon a billet we lound in tlie Thudlcries, and determined to offer some assis tance to the person pointed out; bn we perceive here that there are charms to delight, not sorrows to be relieved.” Engenia de Mirande, for it was to her they spoke, explained to them, but with some embarrassment, that she was only the organ ofa lady, ve ry much to be pitied: who, from a sentiment of pride, wished to con ceal herself, mil who was worthy the interest she had excited. “ In that case,” said madame C**, “request her to permit me to see her , I do not think that she ought to blush at the visit of one of L< r own sex, who is not a stranger to sorrow.” ’1 he young ladv evaded the re quest. under a pretext that her pro tege had a whimsical imagination, wliidi rendered it difficult to confer .in obligation upon lnr. “ But she has children ?” “Three: and she lias jti-l lost, after a long and expensive ill ness, n husband, whose labour Hip pii«jd them with the means of liv ing.” “Good heaven! what a situation! and what age arc the children 1” “ They arc all young ; a girl cl five years and a Lalfis the eldest.” “ I shall soon,” said madame G***, vvi.ii a Mush which lent anew charm to her beauty, “ be a mother myself; this is sufficient t interest me for the fate of these lit tle innocents; yet this circum lance unfortunately prevents me from hav ing the - itislacti >n of taking one r,j the children ; nty own will demand all my care : hut permit ino at l--ast to send a small bundle for the * hi ed child; lor 1 cannot believe that, with such a friend as you. t!n family can he exposed lo the want of the nccesssaries of life.” Eugenia de Mirande tin.deed ll .- lady in the name oi lier friend,and ac cepted I he present, after taking down (he name and address ol madame (‘. Ecarrely had the young couple re ined, when a young man came upon ! he sumo errand. “ Votir pardon, madam,” said ho to Eugenia, ‘ it i-. n. t you ( am in search 01, hut En genia de Miran da.” A similar explanation—similar as tonishment. Alter having heard the -lory ol the person, the young iium appeared to be much moved. “ How happens it, that a widow and three little innocents should be and. dutely without succor, upon so k . tile a as ours, and in the midst of an enlightened nation '!” “ You are in the right, sir; but where is the remedy 1” ' Ihe remedy, madam, would he to gave a little more provident vvis uum to i lcnchtnei), and make them understand, that alter te-morrow there is anotfn r day to come ; ami that when we quit life we leave be hind us oft< n the dearest part of ourselves. But that is not the point to he considered now. The situa tion of the lady, about whom you have interested yourself, is dreadful; and whatever he the causes, let us try to soften them.” Eugenia received the present the young man gave. “ 1 am not rich, madam, and that is (he reason my donation is so tri fling ; but when we are prudent, we can always, though young, have something to give.” “ But. tsir, money is not the sole benefit we can extend to the wretch ed; good offices and tenderness do them much more serv ice.” “Is your friend, Madam, in want of such offices ! Speak the word, and. there is nothing I will not do upon your recommendation." “ Vet forgive me, Sir ; let my mo tives excuse my indiscretion. Docs your situation in life afford you the means of speaking to the minis ter !” “ No, madam ; my father culti vates property in the environs ol’l’a ri> ; he has passed his whole life in doubling its value by constant care ami good management, but never u as he seen in the avenues of power ; this is what l congratulate him upon more than I praise him, for wo *do not frequent the antichambers of men in place for pleasure. Happily. I have no more need to do so than he. I partake with five brothers and sisters who love me, and whom I love, the patrimony he will leave us ; and I hope the minister will nev er hear us spoken of. Yet if it he necessary to solicit him in favour of your friend, 1 am ready to do it. What is it she wants 1” “ To establish a claim that is just, the security of one of our ar mies r ndcred it necessary to de stroy an establishment which the husband ot the widow founded : she asks for indemnity.” " And must she have protection, madam, to obtain this ?” 1 rotectu n is not necessary to obtain it, because it is just ; but we wish for protection, in order that the business may not linger in the bu ieau.l, beiwie it is seen bv the min ister.” ”1 see, said Lalremblaye, the name of tii« young man, “that we must lay before the minister a con cise and clear memorial, which shall make him feel the justice of me claim.” “ Th; d is just the thing; but the memorial mu-t be drawn.” Both were silent. GEORGIA STATESMAN. ” I scarcely dope ask you,” 'said Eugenia. “ Why not ? I. should have offer ed lo do it. ii 1 had not been afraid of doing it ill. Beside-, lam ignorant of the detail:- of the affair.” ** I will communicate them.” Eugenia ret:red a moment, nd re turned with her f;it Vt. • She request ed him to ask Latr .hlaje to dinner, in order thin he might he fur; ished with the details of .he business in question. i fie old gentleman in ireated the young a,an to fix a day which, after mutual complin.Ci i-. he did. Latrcmhlay'c c%me the appoint ed time ; the dinner was gay> and | the coj.v cr-ation lively : every sub ject was introduced, except the one which had ht o-u tho occasion of the dinner. Lain mblayc thought Eu genia charming. She was well in forme. I. and had vivacity and wit. After dinner she the af fair ot the unfortunate lady. J,a tremblaje heard her with attention, and promised to draw up the memo rial in two days. He j .-firmed his promi e, and . uccei and«.! j • rfectly well: energy clearness, precision : nothing was wanting, rfin read it with marks c» ti.e h".'iest satisfac tion. “ There is a >tn ngtli, a sensibility sir,in the style, ■ hi. n render it impos sible for the ii.ii.i ter not to yield to your reasoning ; and were l" in tk-. mini ter .a, you shout 1 certain ly not exp. ri >nce a refu-M.” | Lutrembl ye Mushed, and knew | not what to . , !y. ; “Nor is this all, sir wn must (give to your memorial-a new degree |of eloquence ; it must b presented | by tin: person herself who i > saj po. - jed io have wan', n it. The gesture, voice, and loo', of the person inter ested will add to tho itepre.-sion it ought to proth:. . Aa-.mpt to pro- I '"'re u rendiv'.v .in order that the ! lady may deliver it he.seif to the j miui-t c-” j Astra v, et k’s ex rtio ! Mayo came on vening to Eugenia 1 with a ti’iUini’ ant air. “Ihavepro- I procured an inten i w forte ... o ,w ; g ve your friend notice, and with this paj>er all doors will he open to her.” U gratitude do 1 not owe you ! You will have the sati facti n ol having snatched this poor i!-.iuily liom do-pair ; but <lo <iot abandon her tiii you have ri.ndutted !,cr to the door. A woman solicited by grief, and timid, would appear to disadvantage unaccemjuinud. Do to t | Thi -! , i act of coi»].d:’ : sancc cost l.atr mblayc much ; yet the habit ol yielding to the Wishes ol Eugenia, the desire of insuring tho success of tho busk-., is, a curiosity losco the Unknown. I map- led ni.-j icpugnaiice, and he promised to come tic.- next day to Eugenia’s, where the mysteri ous lady was to Lo. ’The next ■■ ■'_ , Eugenia, w ithout being full u. and, was more careful ly dressed than usual; her hair iell graceiuliy ov«.r her toichead.and down her neck, i < r eyes sparkled, and her bosom heaved, as Ealrcnt- Idaye e tered. 11c looked round •he room, and -aid, “ the lady is nut yet come !” “ No, replied Jbigcnia, with some emotion. “ l will wait lor her.” J!u took a a scat near the tca-ta hie at which Eugenia was sitting. A silence of some minutes ensued. Each stole looks at the other. La- Iremblaye blushed, and would have been put out ol countenance it' Eu yeiiia had not blushed also. 1 ititrenibiayc at length said., but V. it 11 sulliw ext ion, 1 iriUti ! am, to bless tins circumstance (Eu genia cast her eyes upon the ground,) which i;as introduced me to your ac quaintance.” " Vv hater cr satisfaction you feel, sir, you must derive from a convic tion ol' merit. The zeal you have shown—l assure you 1 have been gratiOL i, pleased with it. ’ A second silence ensued is long as the lirst. Latrcuiblaye at length took a desperate r solution. \ “ 1 know not that l am Joint right; but l cannot conceal w hat 1 led—-y ou know it as well as 1 do.” Eugenia could by a w ord lak e re lieved ins embarrassment ; scat m such circumstances the I'ernaU bos om, however, never,tarries its humanity so far, ami whe/ arriv ed at that point, v. us to tell them what they know alreauy ; so that the poor young man contes sed lie loved her. Eugenia had propriety enough to keep a just n;c --; diuui be two nthe offended air which ‘ only would have suited a prude, anu that satisfied manner which ill ac cords with tlie modesty of her sex. The conversation changed ; but it became animated and lively ; reliev ed horn a burden, it proceeded v»ith lightness, grace, and ease. Ques tions were asked and answered with out hesitation ; each communicated their pursuits,'then modes of think ing and speaking upon different sub jects, with such confidence, that they did not perceive they had been waited for the lady three quarters of an hour. Latrcmblaye at length noticed tin ncn-arirval. 1 She is net conn jet !” % ” She w ill not corno at all,” repli ed Eugenia. Latrcmblaye, ui utter astouish meuf. looked at Eugenia, whose eves answered only by an expression olj langour, mixed with a smile, which j»roduced together an inexpressible grace. “ Would you,” said Eugenia. “he very, very angry with me, if, by chance, there should be no truth in the history of my unfortunate lady ? it all this Was hut a proof, a means ol pointing out to my heart a man whose sC-li-iW»ity Was not ifie eiied of sen sual desires Latr mblayc kn w not what to an swer. “ You will perhaps, believe me,” continued Eugenia, “ when l tell you that i have received tlie h- miige ot several men ; will you also believe me, when 1 add, that none of’ those who distinguished me was precisely such a one as 1 wi.-fic 1 ! The death of my mother, whom I lost early, hr giveii a considerable ilegrce of indc- 1 pcndenccto my mind. My father ii my triend; I consult him always; his manner of viewing things is lilu r jal. he jiermitted me to make a trial, a hold one without doubt, but wliicb, however, could go no forth r than 1 wished.” “1 ; m i. t recovered from my ■ ur prise,” said Latreinldaye.—“ What ! was it but a feint ? It has cost you much, I am sure, lor I recollect sev eral circumstances in which you were interdicted.” “It is true; hut I was supported by the intention of confessing every tiling.” And my memorial ?” “ I will keep it,” said Eugenia, “ as a monument cd' the goodness ol your heart,and the eloqu nee of your style.” “ And the author of the memorial, what will you make ot’him 1” “ My husband,” replied Eugenia, with downcast looks, “ if ho wishes it, and if our two families consent.” r j he two families, composed of good persons, easily cour-euted, and the young couple were united at Pa ns a lew weeks ago. As soon as they were united they went to pay a visit to madame C****, to rt Ueve her from iier benevolent anxiety, and to make her n elegant present for the L'lmdle which she had sent for the unfortunate lady. orr .o-w - :.(3-. '.—n: sc-. 1 :. ,:,»aa ADY ERTISI MI . 11l VI) Ql .VRTF.RS, ( 3d Division, >fi. .?/. i Jllillcdgevillc, ttb. Id, 1 {520. DIVISION ORDERS. Maj. Samuel Rockwell, of Mill edgevillo is appointed in pector of the 3d Division of the Militia of the Stale of Georgia, with the rank ol Lieutenant Coion 1 ; and William Y. Ilansell Esq. of the County of Baldwin, and Walton I*. li:ii Esq. of the County of Oglethorpe, AidsdcCamp, with the rank of Ma jors ; tli y will be obeyed and re spected occurring! v. J. C. WATSON. Maj. Gen. 3d Division (i. M. Head Quarters, y 3d Division, G. J>l. ) AlillcdgeviUe, Feb. 20, 132(j. DIVISION ORDERS. Persuant tot lie order of the Corit mander in Chief, of the 2Cth Jan. 1326, the Review and inspection of the 3d division ofG. M. will take place in the several counties,on the several days as follows ;—viz : In the Coun ty ot B do win on Monday 3d of April; in the county of Putnam, on Satur day, 15th of April; in the county of Morgan, on Saturday, 22d of April ; in the county of Clark, on Tuesday, 2d ot May ; in the county of Ogle thorpe, on Thursday, 4th of May ; inthe county of Greene, on Satur day, Gth of AT ay. • lie Officers, and non-commissiou oil Officers will be assembled, for the purpose of instruction on the re spective days jircvious to the review and inspection, in tire several coun ties above mentioned, except the county ot Baldwin; in which ’ they will assemble on Saturday, the first of April, at the hour prescribed by law. Brigades, in-this division will attend to the prompt execution of these orders in person. By command of the Maj. General. Wm Y. lIANSELL, . lid de Comp. Regimental t>Ur[/ uts, Miliedgeville, 24th Feb. 1826. OTICE is hereby given, tin t 1 have ! thid day appoint' it the followh f - . . ~ * sons Regie,, i tut Staff Officers, , ; ‘vhe 33d It- it ol G» orgia Militia : Capt. liovvli n licit ding, Adjutant. ISubtri i ti. Chili tsden, Quartermaster, t i ll l in Mkin , Ptym istcr. Dr. Tomli ,son Lot*, Surgeor. Dr. Silas Mi cl I let?. David Halitid, Qr. .’-frit t ' ergeant, anti Klij ;h ti. Burritt, Sergeant Miner. They arc therefore to he obeyed and res p c< it accordingly: and the above mention ed Stall tinkers arc rusj actively required to equip th-. msdves according to l ev, and at te. nil each regimental review of inspection and regimental musters. JOHN V, Colonel Coin, tin. odd Reg t. of Niilit' . Feb. 2S. ] i 5t fOST or mislaid, a note of hand given j by Sterling \\ . Smith, on the 15 th of August, 1325, for tlie sum of £3O 75 ’ ts. l uc tha Ist day of January, 1826. 1 hen by foi w arn all persons from trailing for '•■id Note, or calling upon the maker thereof for the whole or any part, as ho has made uipk satisfaction for the same. Givrn un •it r mv hand this 30th day of January, 1.-26. TATLEY JONES. Jc nes county, Jan. 30. j j gjmiF SUBSCRIBKRS beg leave to in- I form tiicir friends and the public that (hey have opened a HOUSE OF EN TERTAINMENT, in Hill-boro, Jasper county. Tin ir bar will at all times be fur ni«hed vvith choice liquors, and every exer tion made to give satisfaction to those who m y see proper to favor them with their pa tronage. SPENCER & GOODHUE Hillsboro, Jasper co. Feb. 26. 10 if GEORGIA, ) Whereas John R. Moore Jones County, ) applies for letters of admin istration on the e-t-.te of Caswell 1). Morris, of county, deceased. These ere there fore to eite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the term prescribed by 1 -w, to shew cause, if any they can, why said letters of administration should not be granted. Giv en under my hand, this 21 -t day of F.bni. . . 1826. JAMES SMITH, C. C. 0. Feb. 21. 10 Ct GEORGIA, »■) Clerk's Office of the Inferior Jones county, j Court. TAKEN UP and post e/V ---'oa rd before Stephen Renfro.-, >*'a/iA !t i quire, by William Riley, of p’ j s C q.t. Spink’s district, one da;k bay Mure, with a small v hit. t in her face, her right hind foot white, supposed to be nine years old or up wards, appraised to $75, by Jacob Lewis, John Tolies and Henry Finney. The above described M .tv had a small bell on. CHARLES MACARTHV, C. I. C. Feb. 4th, 1826. 10 3t LAW NOTICE. TJIIE Subserilars have associated them selves in th.e practice of the I,aiv—they w ill practice in the several counties of the Flint Circuit, to wit: Bibb, Ho stun, Crawford, l pson, Monroe, Pike, Fayette, Del'nlb, Henry, Ncivlon and Butts, and also the moat adjacent eovntica in the Oaktnulgee Circuit. Any business intrusted to their manai: me-nt will meet with prompt attention. of tii m Will always be found r.t their of fice, to attend to anv calls of their pi oIV ssion. WILLIAM L. TUGGLE. JAMES C. STEELE. I ’’TV-no, 3t 8 NOTICE. ALL p< r-ons indebted to the estate of Susannah Thvvcatt, late of Jones coun ty, deceased, arc requested to make payment; and those to whom said estate is indebted, to render their accounts in terms of the law. JAMES R. JONES, Adm’r. Feb. S. Ct S MEDICAL STORE FOR SALE. THE Subscriber in- frf tending to leave this (F-'- co, "dry for Fr.nee, , where his afloi in Y consequence of tf?*- r i..'AT rangement made Ik twi cn /-,i 1 the French government p. iL. __ and ; .of St. I) c >iiigi , require his presence.- Uncertain bow long he may be detained in that country, and wishing to settle all hi *>u • int-- befi . his and vartui • ffers for sab nis his DRUG ESTABLISHMENT, ci n listin ; of Mcdicint , I ints,Oils, &c. \i.. person "bo may m l . t’ ; purchase will find the bu siness a piof.t d.l. one, end the cause men tioned above, is the only reason the :-. bscri ber bus for s. Uing. Terms made k:\o .n ou .lion to L. ROSSIGNOL. j ■' ", F- i>. 1(1 2t _ - E( ■ rOR’S SALE. ! B-I- be sold on the 11th day of March Y j lie ' at the house of the Subscriber, in Jo-;-. - county, a number of Plan tation Tools, Household and Kitchen Ftirni- Jurc, the prop .( of F.liznbeth Bray, dec - o.i, on cie-tiR until Christmas p--,t—note and approved ritj. lIEZEKIAII Vv. I.IPSEV, Jan. 21 CIC Executor. ADM IN I STRATOR'S SALE. AN Monday the i.dth of March next, ''.a- r -,deuce of Sasann: It j h veatt, deceased, of Jon. ? euuutv, v : -i be.. Id, .11 the j • rish ibl< prop ty be longing to said (I, ceased, consisting of horse s, cattle, hogs, sleep, household and k tchcii furniture, ih. pi s. nt crop of corn, seed cot ton, fodder, baron, and other articles too tt dious to mention—the land rented, in. negroes hired. The sale will continue from day to a- y until all are disposed of. Terms made kn wn on the day. JAMES R. JONES, Adm’r. Fl b, 8. tdsß ! X M( INTIIS AFTER DATE, if I siittll nv: kc application to the Honorafile Court of Ordinary of Hancock county, for the final dismis sion of tho ITxecutorship of George -Modlock, deceased, ot Warren coun ty, as tlie estate is linally settled : and all concerned wii! avail them selves of tlii- notice. E. F. SMITH, Ex’tor. •Bui. FT, 1826. 5 J SWAN HOTEL, I'orsythf Go. fS 1H E subscriber respectfully inform:- his g fiends and the public, that hi lias ta- ken Ih house lat. ly occupied by '.ir. John E. Bailey, for public Entert inment, at th sign of the v. h.i Swan, in the town of For- Monroe county, where he hopes from his close all. utiun to business to receive a liberal patronage. THOMAS C. McDOWEL. Fury Jth, Feb. 25th 1826. 11 2t A POCKET REGISTER, FOR CJF.ORG IA. jr SI H C Subscriber preparing for pu’oliea- JL. tion a little- Mi.niui! under tli;; title, to contain tabular lists of the population, e!e. t ive votes, officers, and maps or tac several counties in the state, together with a c itn darofthc ensni .•- .r, and other interesting notices— andba adopted this mode of solicit ing the Sherinh, the Clerks of the l»f< rior and Superior Courts, and of the Courts of Or dinary, who may la chosen on the first Mon day's election in January, to forward him the result ol thi polls on tli -t dav, i r.i l : of po---: - .’.gr, on the condition of receiving, in rt luin, agratuitious copy of the Register a> -oon as printed. liifdftinaUon of the style and place of each poM-offlce, t t:.b!i bed tb: present S< ar> and the names of their incumt ents is re quested upon like terms. E. 11. BURItITT. December 27. 2 Tue i'riuters of this state, who will give this an insertion or two, shall also be re membered. B. &. M. GEORGIA, ) Whereas Mery H.iilsli- lil Butts County, ) applies to me for Ictt- rs ot on the estate of AHi n Harts -< Id df censed. These are therefore to fit cud admonish all and singular the kiiulr i, and creditors of said deceased, to be and i -arat my office within the time priscribt by h iv, to sin w cause, if any they can, wby i litters of administration should not I, granted to the applicant. Given under nr h nil this 13th Feb. 1826. JOHN TARPLEY, C. C. O. Fell. 28. 11 ;, t [March 7, 1826. SHERIFF’S STYLES. Ti b ILI. BE SOLD, at the Court-kou«e V V door, in Clinton, Jones county, on * 1 the first Tuesday in March next’be tween the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: 405 acres of land, to wit: Lot No. 136 and No. 151, in the tenth district of formerly Baldwin, now Jones county, whereon Daniel Ml Ison and Appleton Melson now lives— Also, fifteen Negroes named, Booker, a man 35 years old ; Andrew, a man of about st> xears old: Jesse, a man about forty; An aca, a woman about forty ; Vina, about forty; Molly, a woman about 50; Sallv, a woman about 40 ; Eli, a boy about 18 ; Mo ses, a boy about 15 ; Willis, about 13 ; Sere na, about 8 ; Maria, a girl about 4; l’hoebe a girl about 4 ; Frank, a boy about 3 ; Fran’ ecs, a girl about 1 year old—2ooo lbs. of Ba con, more or less—3oblls. of Com, more ot (ess 1500 lbs. of Fodder, more or less—one day Horse, an old Gig and harness, one yoke ot Oxen and Cart, two Colts, five head of Cattle, about thirty head of Hogs, one wood en Clock, one table, three beds and furniture one pair fire-dogs, one pot rack, one grind stone, one large oven, one large pot and hooks, one axe, one tub and jar, with about .lb lbs. of lard, and a parcel of cotton in the held—the w hole levied on and to be sold as the property of said Daniel Melson, to satisfv sundry executions in favor of James Lamar, administrator of Jeremiah Lamar, deceased, y inst Daniel Melson, Cannon Melson, and Reason Gay ; one in favor of Hardy Herbert, “and Daniel Vv iker against Daniel Melson ; ;\ e xecutions in favor of Samuel Lovvther h i James Jones, assignees against Daniel ‘-1 Ison ; and t\\ o executions in favor of James Jones, assignee ag. inst Daniil Melson and vvihium Baliard, security on appeal. Ai -u, one Gig, levied on as the property of .1 ines C. fay lor, to satisfy an execution ag .inst him m favor of Reason Gay. Also, one netrro boy by the name of Aligns tus, levied on as the property of the estate of James Cruthers deceased, to satisfy an execu uon in favor of the Court of Ordinary of Burke county, for the use of.Littl. berry Marsh, ad ministrator oi John Martin, iteccused, against i nomas Caruthers administrator of J.-irat., C:nth.-is, liec and, and John Marsh, adiuinix v.ator ot John Marsh, deceased, and Nancy Cruthu-s, administratrix of William Cruth ers, and erased —levied by Thomas Livingston, former deputy sheriff, and returned to me. Terms of sale cash. HOPE H. SLATTER, Sh’ff. Jan. 23, 1826. 7 tds SHERIFF’S SALE. , If.l. BE SOLD, at the Courthouse W door in Clinton, Jones county, on the first Tuesday in April next, be tween legal hours of sale, three negroes named Gin, a noman about 32 years old, Lubourn, a boy about 13, and Seaborn, about 11 years ] ol age : levied on ..nd to be sold as the pre : pertj of Thomas Gunn, to satisfy an cxecu : tion m lav or of ii ter Gill, issued on the fore closure of u mortgage agdinat said Gunn; .nd three executions in favor of Jacob Mc i!"'hee, Wm. H. imlay and Samuel C. Lip- S pell, r _ainst said 'i'hoinas Gunn. Terms of sale cash. HOPE 11. SLATTER, Sh’ff. _-Htm tds7 NOTICE. Jesse Tomlin, j . * . In the SuperiorCour Edmui),. . levcns, l or ‘he county of Henry, unci j an « stLtc of Georgia, Ezekiel Register. J • St 'P tL '"*bcr Term, 1825. Ci lfur Discovery, llc irf and Injunc tion. e-LMEL REGISTER, of the county q us Henry, and state of AlahamH, hav ing been made a parly to the above ill, t tin present term, on motion of Soliei t°*s tor compl i Hants, itis ordered by the court t! i d.l l-.zikhl itegisti r, do answer said bill at th. m xttermol this court, tub., held on (he so ; .;i Monday in fvE.rch next, and Is. nice b clfccted on said Ezekit I IB gis i ■j- o iie.ition ol lids .-(do once a month f : ■ .n. in om of the public Gazettes >f this state. A true topy from thq minutes, W ILLIAM 11 VRDIN, Cl’k. Sept. 29, 1325. NOTICE. Al. xandcr King, ) Scire Facias in the Su- Informer, j perior Court of Newton «• county, October Term, Abraham Helton, | 1825. Drawer. I c-, , HEItEAS it appears from the return f f of the Sheriff, that the defendant Abraham Hilton, is not to be found in said county ; On motion of King & Cuth ivrt, Attorneys lor the informer,it is ordered by the Court, that the defendant appear and ■us., - r the said Scire Facias at the Superior (muit, to be I. !d in mid for said countv, on till first -Monday in April next, and that ser vi . h pi rf< ct-. and tiy the publication of this rule once a .month for three months, previous to lii sitting of said court. 4 lie above is a true copy from the minutes, this Bth October, 1825. JOHN 11. TRIMBLE, Cl’k. Dec. 27. ’ 2 NOTICE. J < in Governor on) j information of ] In Upson Superior Court, j Josiah Horton, j October Term, 1826. '»• j Scire Facias. Bailard M‘Dur- j mand. J T appearing to the Court, by the return v of the " h cill, that the defendant, Ballard M-Punuand, is not to be found in the oountv of Upson : It is ordered by the Court. said Ballard M'Durmand do appearand at the next term of this court, to be held on the Thursday after the second Mor.- ~n in April next: and that service be effect 'd on said Ballard ilPDurmand, by publica tion of i ins order once a month for three months, in one cf the public Gazettes of this -late. A true copy from the minutes, J. W. COOPER, CFlr. 15(h October, 1825. 2 ” NOTICE? AI 1 miller King ) Informer, j Sci. fa. in the Superior 's- J- Court of Crawford Coun- Margerett Burdctt I tv. Vv idow. j f) T HEREAS it appears from the return ‘j 1 of the Shcrill, that the defendant is not to be found in said County; on iuoti..n of council, it is ordered by the court i the ih fciidant be and appear at the next uperior Court, to be holilcn in and for said < ounty on the third Monday in April next, »•’> end there to answer said Scire facias, in that service of this rule be perfected by the t a. Mon, once a month for three months, its one of the public Gazettes of this >t'ite, previous to the sitting of said Court. A trite copy from the minutes. C. M. ROBERTS, Clerk. Oct. ISth, 1325. lam3m2 GEORGIA, ) Cl- rk’s Office of the Inferior lories Couuty, ( Court. TAKEN UP and post bo^® 1 "V'iv ed, before William Candler, 'l Esquire, by John Jones, of t : one bay Mare, supposed to be a inililn Mari, seven years old, four feet inches high, some saddle spots on her ek, appraised by Jonathan Calwcay and J. ochett at SlO. CHARLES MACARTHY, C. I. C. Jim. 2Clh, 1826. 10 3t