Georgia statesman. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1825-1827, June 04, 1827, Page 4, Image 4

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4 mmmit jfc fenjppp yp-jp ; **?#*»% Hh*tl .*** IWffßUWtiW# •M«int» Ap-e . »•**» i*v<»f». jfflßP Hw #BHM ftttrr ‘Hu*,- .«h4>M #JfWf SIW" ffWlll ffHHp; ip*ensr <M4BHMiWr-M )WH ftH i*trft tHftttftf, Ifcw •» , »Mv ft*.’ 44-‘4«‘rH*fi vftt .y tp? gffpWWH ft* tftftt 4*- P - stftf --*#4- *lti4 ftftrf |i- -wpflpftkt 4 Wf Wft**% 4*,. &k>h£»< fMbiW • H... 4«r. mv- 4*t 4|4*»M»i. fitHßMtec jfrfiff Pfr 'trif ft-fts *444»M|p>f ftftft fHtfm Atm- •*•» m m*empHn.*~ t fp Hmß' ffH* frtf ftfHt-flßtf* MM»v, *g»* fttftfjug (y«pf fitfcipfHjd 1 fttW ftt> a, R**m —fuff fttftßftHr iwW 9Mt; TA- f*» <*» ftiffW ffHr# L**~ *4*rft ftf Iriiifi'.'tf *M 4i|> rftpxjiiWP? ppfflff **p fH TNlK'pnjfHv ##W*f4f4»* INF *HHvht, lW< #>f»~ *fj[Hfrfh* Hh*** wu* a*, iL— # <fjf9 ff* # #♦-,*& f r *'Tftf, *?«#* *R* £*#4* ftltf tbft H» #•*+■■ Wf **-«h flPtfWt*-. dffffcff. 'gtMfivwtk+fai *mtf Wi* 4fh ffy ifaf ftfffc ***#■ 4*M n»Mf <jftiA iunt ifc •«»• wp ,*»♦ ff tftttt'-*, MMMmm, Us i n»ti*»f ftp"# ft*, (ffr-rtt/f' '4s>u± giMfts «l*l WWW fhey fottrttl, -4 * I* - - 4i ■#«» li. t . A 7 '**r?**f “Tt7“ —•—rfr i nju^TT ifc* • <nf*t| 444-~ f?*** ff'f, 4tW >Aa ILWto i«*S IH*7. A*t! ; ifc- *Ui. a».,*i>i 4ilM4 fyip*' fi V aw#* ft* MW*, WN 4>u«4»t 4* tutu-Jt, rtf jf fyrfitdf4s iteSt m»i. 4 444 # : -f* Jh ,4-v* tftH WHf'-'p. %4- »—.»f y »,• f»cpv. VW* -#ift||fi»*ww Off* ' 4iMjfnr'ii*uf.- tpr.sfff, *tx JMiu.tpi 4* #yw^# ..ittmauntK; h /t.frif ff , 4 *, f *»«ayw» 4 w.' f *.«*. a# ifc. -ftfr* /for##, IN#, IMtW; jNW 4iA, iitt V ,t4f JWwW piw <w» -WWft W «** fiff, rr*ts <%Mwv ’ g,. > ■•...< tiw 4. ~, . ~ > ; pom *At,m L*r*-* * flMPft tom# ft- j»?y. * faint PMW t WrffW&fi oW t*,t ftr,M*ift-dia *"*****. mt#*-. ¥ rt ?<& -sgTr j iff rrrp ’vyrMffmly raiwjm;'' —' «f\v -.ii fk ■ - i rnnom m ’ rM wdt* - 4* •* M - ' V t-F &/r ;h th.i , rftemn to +U ■!,. -»„Y .*/ fyf.v. J yfoYi/crf c’o. • ossto p+~ tuf M rtNE# iflLfu. itoif rs 4r- j ' Wrrt.r&f mttr ts, .fr»r +**"**' jf_ ■# \ ~~ JSLScI jm «: oft *s*; **ft •yf’rfi}.? RtsWf< .iiaty, ift f*’. "f ltirt itt » ' m- ' - * r-rvdof r.ff. i 7#,-t.- f’ c 'PtST'w mff fWrrcrwP' *■ ~ *V I'd- • apr ~sys «<<y|uv » # ' v " i P 7 ,A ! V fit* j/4 4IV. l-Si-rfii u ftV I jBfB-rWr- 4 -■• f? hi* (WFwiwy.jr?,- my f » £ ,fe*r ... mgrtyr r- v: nruowerdMr 1 atotoie. -f-»SN* _ ffT—mt Kif fW". op'i* ■; -ft hist mjdFtr, ( ff ‘ ‘ ' ft 7 ® rfw'nFf #rt es i'otnnrf rourt- ; a -•toikjjftt'to -•ff'jPtil'; f ' iFit/tnsr'll f<v<vl urn wfflfKfSfAS - "*» r Hr hr 1, ’ .'P ff i (fie couiifr L SoT" •ffv'f 1 'ft '■ Os afcf Itoto • lor w IV. T-Mm i'"' ff 44* if nirt'ortS Grrcl, Idle ,v' r TtFrrf' i'Tff.rr, Affw*" Jr - W ft-^ - -* tflh.Wofy yisrfh** of 4r>y-' y jrW.tjyk iftE* ,frj zip ,«f afsiwf .f&ZJ'wt: a >n- ■ r- 7 -* jg frfSf Ft ftf l»t. I'M courtly, .fi 5 - If ** *• fi ftfNfff ..NfftON, vVrtnr. ~r is* a**. * y re to .sin, A» ito i*ff V Vf.N ylfiftlCn a***t'z* P-vH N '•lft-r-. f *. # -..--I f j£SjgriL —m |C , r'^'r^^sr-TtopTir; 4*■ ftr 'Mm - - Vk•** i*ij *# #' f r«w HtdoTmlin .w/ ! ' A.r 1 frf '( .wall |%tf IVs rn't»<*' » iflfp i’ «t* application i.itl be made to tT th< H'lßifiMr the Inferior conrt of Baldwin county, tMicrt *lttlng for or<Hnarji porpoaea, for le*»e to sell the rir-il ftafat Os Robert IVynn dec’d. Consistin? of one tot of land hnp» in the t I’jntjr of Si.Mwin, No. -*W first dial rift Os said county. PATrET WYNN, Excrlfix INK ii inth* afer date, application will be made to Z w the Mo.iorabt the It.firkir court of the County of Jtiuf-i, nhm> ‘■■ittii st for <>rclih*ry p irposes, for k-are to u ft alt threat esla’t of P.iriJ .Vorgan deceased, which (let M the County of Irwin, for the benelSt of the heirs and creditors of said t'tate. Ell INCES MORGAN, F.x'r. March 18t»7. 64—lm9m II :thii*i-n Superior Court, f April Term, IW, > Frtlfttl, HU Hiriwr Judgt At.tan. (/ f the 75th of this month, 1 protnise to pry Nsthan F 'l*ro of (ICy dollars, for saiue rewired, lift. Ist, l«? 5. ('tigrud,") ' HAIILFS K!l.F.¥. ■ f api r iring to the Court, that William >!. BeaH» At 1 totiir? thf said Mayo, was in possesikiii of a Note, of dltifi tl,e jbtivs is a true copy in suhstaar#, on the f[ iff i !,lch there was a credit of «ixdoliars, sixty-lwo if-diSifitt tent., tnd which is lust or Wblaid, so Dal the HMC cannot dots he round. It IS, on motion of Robert If ieher, I forties fhr said .’fayo, ordered that jjsd copy tie „t !!if nett trrrrt of this Cottrt, estahiiahei! BVIn i of -all lost orijitlal, uflleis cause b« siienn to the contrary: Arid tft t this ru'.t tw p ihitshed once a mortis six fflbfith*, id one of t t pu'dic Gazettes of this biate. ♦ true extract t>i/tn the Aflnutej of «aid Court, this Pith April, t-27. JOSEPH PEi.K. CP!:. .win .. Ittd? 70—in bin ■4INE monftai affir date hereof application will be •m to the llanorahle the Inferior Court of Monroe 'nifty, W! erf si'hn? for Ordinarr purges for lease to ••'t S ttift ot lot i Hand laying in Jones County in the si**h district, No. 9 it jcing a part of the real Estate of Chsrlt s ft .rtoit late of Butts county Jec’J. for the Wintfif of the i dti and it dltors of said dcc’d. PPif.NS made hoowti ,n the day of sale. iftffN V |»! NN .Adrn r. NANC Y « TH AXTON udfft'x P'tfts Vt.itj, C i March 12 1627. __ 6 |i—Ptitim Rf IK NISI. ftPofffil A, Monroe Ctmoty. fit the 4ip* rior Court,) ■epfcmbef Term, IV*. y Awr s«y ORmore, i C rule jff SI. AN f omore W dklnd s y for foreclosure. ■ ' F'fN the psfitiou of Anthony Gilmore, praying n * ' fjfeet: ire of the t'lnity of redemption, in and to t.ol of land, No. one hundered and fifty seven, in the ftii'ffCr Dish u:t ill t!.< County of .Monroe aforesme. stetingthat Me f.ainore Wutkin*. on the Islhday of April, iff the yc if eighteen hundred and twenty-five, executed uttd dclfshred to ti'in, a deed of Mortgage for the bettor ■ ccjtfng the paym nf of on -hundred and seventy fiv : t* rs, (est «iiJ I obos land, and praying a Hule JOSi, r ■ f itrr \ife of the equity of Redemption in and ;e s-. f f'fCtiiir I. O# motion, if is ordered that the said W ' :• s dj, r i".;a t.ielve months from .his date, pay Iff *' • Of* - '{•'.■ C|<-k (this Con't, the principle and '. r>t u.. vf,.rta:.igr, together with the cost of c* p'i-1" '. or t t f e < qtti'y of rrdemption m and ’±i i prr isi sbe thciiceforth bared, and for iJ' r ' if is furtner ordered that this Rule la ' fished in ,ne of lie public Gazette of this State, LdW* .i tho- h for twelve months, or ihat rtSh sntne he I# n ’in . >rt r zer, his agent or atterney, at least [• . nor.ths preih i- to lie term at r hich the money is ,iffrcft,- ( f ft, | K pud, ts aforesaid. A true . str f ftutt the minutes, Given under my IPT this Pth ifay or Vi ptondier IS*. ftIi.LM.VI P. HENRY, Clerk. ( nmWt James R. Butts applies to me for let ’ J ttti .dadministration on the estate of Henry Stokes f i*« of said county dec. used. - Vn.t, tfl.e-i .s übo Jam, s R. Butts apjaies to me so ■ p ,~f .idmfni<trafion on tli« estate of Thomas Cook tr of , iid county de’e. inv ,e aye therefore to rife and and admonish, all r, 1 tre kindred artd creditors of persons a.iia dt ’d, to Is & ip*sar at my office the time pre -r, T,' and by law, to -hciv cause, if any they have, why - ltd ICT’ers should not lie granted. ! Given a®de rmy h old, .bis 21st day of April, 1V47. P. Solomon, c. c. a. } nv—«t LL< iRGf.A, fw' vgs comity. iff.RE AS Tim, Pearson applies to me for Letters ▼ v of \dn :a:slration on the estate of Jas Rogers, laic ~f ~-d i oonty, if i .—These ;«fe therefore to cite and ad di 'I .ml u ,'»,it..r the kindred and creditors of said t. , nod ini-caf at my fijfice within the time pres* it dly Law, to si nst if any tliey have why said , t tters *h*‘iuld not he Jißei!. Given from undue my hand no April, rtfer. p. SOLOMON, C. C. O. 70-6 t MEOfCfv 'TVij gs cownty. HI RE \S, I trkm Griff.n applies to me for letlera 77 of Iministfution un the estate of Samuel Lhek. ii k *e ofs 0.l ■ omify dic’d. These are therefore to cite and j monfsh all nd singular, the kindred and c.ed tors of id JeeM, to file .heir objections in my office, to shew [. iv, if shy they cast, why said letters should not he • r rtb l. Given urn*, t UVy hand at my office, this 13tls f April, 1 -f7 PETER SOLOMON, e. e. o I April -’A. i a o7, fi*—Sß GEORGf \— 'firtgg* County. •\\ I! RF. AS Hannah Hen.lcrsor<hath t this day applied I TF torn- f». KSttcM of Administration (with the will J nprif r. iT) "tt cst ife es iohn Henderson, late of said eotin j ty .b'cM, these are thcr fore to cite mid admonish all ami ' si' volar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to 1 ,i;.p< .if at m* office within the time prescribed by lew, to jsftu eai’s' if any they have why said letters ehtmid not ii*< granted, Of»rn under mv har.d this lltli Mav, IP‘27. PETER SOf.OMON, c. e. o. { 71 r,i i.Fi’ifl.rC ( vVuerras Jereiuiaii r’owler and Nancy, t r’,. ly'fOUn'y. ) forme’y Smith now Tyson have applied f r Eeiferi of dismission from the administration on the «.ti(i TI uhn Sloth dee’d. These are therefore to cite ... .!., nutiish i md singular the kindred and Creditors i-fill" < I fecMto he and appear at my otfir. within the time, pre 11 bed by l aw, to shew cause if any there he. whv ■ ~l letters ufd...mission should not lie granted, giv en unde’s my Mbm U.» 11th of Novcrnher 1526. NF.' EN NTcFiRYIIE. c. c. o. 49—fnn 1~»7k.' lit sIA Tiviggs County. John tVi iiarkweli, aj.>plies to me for TT 1 ei>. rs of Administration on the estate of Mar i' ' I* ree, laU* of said county, deceased. p ~,, ,re therefore, to cite and admonish all and sin sfnl if t|e Mndrul and creditors of the said deceased, to i.< ! .ip-- .r at my offiC. within the time prescribed jy I. wj p» *! a w c tuse if any ti.ey can, why said letiers should ItM be granted. Given mder my hind at office, this Iffth Mat. 1527. FtTER SOLOMON, c. c. o. , r*^Rf r ii-i KIBEK offers tor sale, low tor cash, Jr i m approved paper, /ft Bag* Coffee. 3 B >ri els Brown Sugar. JI I do. do. do. 1 Karr.) I daf do Wl Boxes prime N. Candle*. H. CosiHirf 1 . j Af;tu.lg»ii:e. M*y7, M»J7. 7ft-t t , tfGtrn VaTE JtitA'AF.RS m th« present T.auu | , ™ can have a pint of their kind, without the i k i*t Irt if,. pr. -iotin< corners, stations, water eonrses j ~1 4 iiij, with any other information whiel ~ » t,**a te eo pMsift*a?, reapoefing it, by end. mu* oh I #. ~!* sos . .«h daf, ami tl r postag. paid, w tiHowt y -•-! »f i„i <*##y after it w i reined and put in th« mail, as i I w ft <rwd «»• p*»t l S A ahmdd nascarry. CARLTON WELLBORN l>ur. G«n [ | JJ A»nv **-T* •*** 70—Ak Ihtmk Vlrits for Sale at this GE4.IKGIA BTATCXMANj MONDAY JD.NU 4» IMT By .Mhortty of the LagwWwe of Gtvrgtu. LOTTEIKY,, FOR THE BE.XKFIT OP Wnghtsboro AVAUHMV. Under the Mnnm'emmt of T. WHITE. I J. F. HAMILTON. IL GIBSON. j I). MAHSiINGALE, C. LIN, | IK MeCRAVEN. T- BOWfIRR. Treasurer, Si PETTIT, .Secretory. SeiIEJIE. 1 Prize of is J^OOt* 1 “ “ X,tW*f “ 3.80D 1 “ “ JJRJ9 !,00»- 2 “ “ 50tt I,UU» 4 " “ .KX» I,»B» 5 “ **- 2tß» 1 iKK» 10 •* «- ](JU 1,000 90 " **"' 50 I,<NN> 10» “ “ it* i.BOO iOO “ “ 6v u “ 1,1100 ** 4*“— 1,000 S.SOO “ " -i 2«~ 17,000 ft. 944 Prizes, S7*4lN* 9,541 Blanks. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets 00 Halve* 1 00 Quarters 50. Subject to tee usual deduction of fifteen per cent; out no deduction will be made from Prizes tor which Tickets wdi be taken in payment.—Alter,deducting the »uin to he raised for the benefit of the Acadehiv, ami Hie necessary expenses, from the fronts obtained under the .Srheiue, whatever mav remain, will be tonned into new Prises so that tbe wheel may be richer than appear? from U.e above plan ; The drawings will succeed curb other an. r.peed-iy •istha sale of Tickets wdl permit, of w hich due milice will be given.— At each drawing the proportional number Os the small t anti larger Prizes w ill bo preserved as near ly as prrr'ieable. Prizes payable twenty days alter toe, completion of trie drawing, but e ill Le paid ai any time i fa part will be taken in new Tickets (the amountupuou vry witri thr owni r) aud the deduction made lrou that, pnrt only paid in cash. Prizes only drawn. Si eond Drawing on the Third Saturday tnMay next. letters addressed to me (post panl) will he promptly at tended to. B. PETIT, .S'ie'ry to Coinr's. April JO, IW.-f.9iu. N.OITCF,. —To all whom dis may roneerw. that l have mude the ioilowiPEr .s-irveyr, on M>t virtue-ofit h' .il-wright narrswtyibf Artoerspw E ik- r. JSO acres, on. thewatrrs of Mart err its’ f'n rh. • bounded N fifth, hv homp«on, S. W. by B itter, S. E. by TerriH, and East y C imp; a platt of vthietv is recorded nmv Office. Those.- 'imeenied can have a inon n mole d> scriptiowby exam- 1 ihing the same, ami enter then carents in due lime. DAVID BUHSON. fan. 1. |SfIP. \i OTICE.r Lost in me town of locks i.. bulls c«in i v ty, on the 13th of ibis in onto, a ited a;oiocco P<>CKE -BOOK, with the follow ii.g papers, towns- — One Note of Hand given by Henry Coker,cl Ilgaryeoun. iy, for Sid, to John Narise or bearer, due tbe fiafibaDf L'c erm' tr, I“X7, tne time when drawn not rceohe ted at (iresent, bid it was given some lime in the year I orb.— One other,given by J -mas IJ. Edwards, for»rK*7 1-2 cU. to myself some time since Christinas, due three days al ter d<te.- —One other small note, given by Kicharu Rob inson, for f i 25 rents, some lime in this spring, the m”*■ — when drawn not recollected, due tiitee duys after date, as well as 1 can recollect. —One dim ( -fumes Cox, of Tents county, f r 64 99 3-4 cts. given to me sine time this spring, and due three days alter date. One bond, drawn by William C. Wilson, of Epson county, (but lived in Jones at the time) for titles to a tract or Jut of Early county, in the 2.-frh district, No. 208 as well nTI recollect, with various other notes, receipts and accounts, that I do not recollect at this time.—Also, with some tittle change hills.—One one doilnr bill on. (he bank of .Vlacon—One •(her one dollar bill on JueT '! at the Indian Springs, and fifty ei-ots on the bank >t" Fort Hawkins.—Ail persons aro heiehy rauUouco j from trading for any of the L forc-menuouod notes or. I'ond, and the obligors, from paying the some to any olh- i er person or persons except myseif. Aikl any person i finding the some, will Confer a favor on tire subscriber bv j leaving it with Rickard Bailey, t-qr. in J.mkson. Bates i county or send il to me, wiki lives in Henry county. EPHRAIM COX. Jackson, Mav 17,1827—4t—7.T nifiOriiD: fgtfo B7IKDM the Hubscriber on f' ,V' *’ the 2Mli of December, 182 fr, iivo Negro fellows, one a black follow nametl N’alheu -j/rj y) gen rally calletlNace, about 2i U years of age, iibout 5 feet 111 i.icbes high wwUmaskt }-rem artfsl plays well on the Violin, lie -formerly ranaway arid passed througl* tlifferen* soctioi.,- of the State of Alaboac as a freeman,he can do work tolerable well, and I tluak be ha~ a scar over one of his eyes, C-loatbs at present i tmnecessary to describe, the othei rather ot i a Yellowish complectton intmed Jessey about i 21 or 2 years of age, about 6 feel HI or 11 : Inches high, tolerahly w ell (ramie 1 think oik-> .oi his knees a htth: bent rr», h-s mother rs liv ing mtirCupt. Jeremiah Zanders, oi Aiabiima. He was raised to the faMftzug husmess anv i oerson apprehending the aforesaid fellows aud 1 lordining th nr in any Jail so that I can get ; them 1 wdl pay tliyin £ 20 a piece or if they tvdl deliver them to mo living 14 miles be low Washington Wilks Ctumy, (joorgta-, I will give them jloO a piece. ABNER NVELLBOUN. Febfnary 21st, 1827, 61— hn. Mobile Register n ill publish the aliovo three months, and forward their account i tor payment ns alsave ■ ~ATf'ORNEY XT LA W. ftfYHPI Sftbscrther having locutml hiiitsolf ini Jackson, Butts county —Rfiuprc 1 fnily-ctoj fers h*s services, and flatters iumselt with at hope tint from the unrtnintiing lUcniiM winch j Will he bestowed on all business entrusted tai hi> caotohe shall secure to httnscll no < i|uai j patrocage from hn I needs and the puivlic. Hit -HARD BAILEY. Jackson. April t<> 1827 —M' 4(AAKL>fc .\IALOM:.t,.ku tin*' xXintlhW*l)( mfetiMif thoef .indebted to them and with whom no ar/nr«r**mf«t hits hem* entered into, thnt nrdess payment is nutdit by the first d;rv of June, their notes nr nctouitt* 'v4l be |>hiced m the hands of mu Attorney im i ytlfy Ist, IB‘i7 t \Mksf. ViTt'lt t! e rTptratran of i ctraat (irm% ituftli<a4»m, V ill be nimte lo toe Honorable, the t our* el tlnlw irvrtfKraolilui t eunty, for t*»»» »o *. U the ihotm i • • uiutiii# W> Ui« ot»i» el fund ( dli.uuu, deft*, to* iiii-i i aeit of Itie hotr» •otterttmort. " tl .1.1 A M Kl.Nti,.iJe*V. Ml iM. t.UhlltlljN, .Jdm'a. MHM<V |W. 7t*tan» job rnmTrwG (if IWrrtf D*m rt/tttnn, .Vatitht NORTH AMERICAN IIETIHIIV cuxixarrs- on s a. a-vs I. New iloeument* conrermug "lliwiui CollecUoa -a. lon- v iagts- y li nssi—il rn am : icienin pur Mhr ma f mmsmirnw I'jj—mW 'turns XV. Ti tii ran I'r riimrnirn Immnn ri cwm—ii rr i .... liisUiria laili rim 1 1 ullnnei ms. I'toiUmi Martin i'ernaiuu z ao. Nav arrrtte.. Hern tSts.. 11. Travels in La Plato. anmSlhike. ttough. Notes iktui -nUgg. ■ aafc-rzsdaiC'iM'i ■■■« across the i ampos i .ul iusaiattr.Sritnmii. Rksliiw tauii . B. ileau. 111. Life of TSeubakU\s6lfcfaueg. .rmatmeLAimwiimnii Ireland. Life of TUeooaid AVWfifih nkwv.iVtomeer.w trams Ini*. ■ I Ml irton Snmmvt, t.«iawsiiuju e.i.-nvia«M ! of the r rtoen arm Bdtovtais, 'iiemuuna . * swat wi ll itnaeif; ■ •“rhn ‘-‘iHitorsl i “Yiumri i iff i i—i i ii I.IS Diary; CtC-. i'.ditoß nv ruse.—Wi, iVtii.iia I'jmsei j VVeito T one. Y. Policy «(Ut, farl>. .u 1t,r 1 n.i«,.-i;. Eritaia in tjour l i»»«DiM(«DSavi limidh.. I ..uiaa Tifatics, .jitlLcwswuitoZlto.-nratawm? rrenctu ; to lasintu Affiiiiisz t Javamu-.n-namd '> . .wwssu: i nuuunig tue.r'rt'ccsruiiigs .oztLto:''ttit omimT. uma o tuer iinpuFUiil Mate i upertv-tuurcstlJMk, i aof tmeuax. Adams. VL Airs tlemans s f’Oenis. 1. Lengueioi The Alps, i'Dfc. ieeecot. ’ . ianrer. THb« \ ctipurs ci. Ttdersni... tnesueer-r dosam 2. T® sanctuary; magsa ocma. VII. Crrlical Nouces. 1. i.ezer io am J aguak tieneteKSii]. 2—l ate; uaf inurrvseuieut m , t iiaitiz. " I ndutoii rNataras iibton 4. i lislorv ofN orth Earetuiiu. 5. Alarsk’s Inaugttrai JVihfrecsa. C.. Etilogy oaAir, i tuta. 7 fr vu K.«iu If oin.. f'ltotou 11 > x MrmetriciWiKlwn. 8. *. Mahlgue. ot; I' i e t.-a.-m tkea».-iwn 9. lledgejsAhmigcnitatzii.Li,—u.s f hzhiw^dis. 11l Mr. Wmsuhutu-a Agrteutuzcru Adtircesv IL Nouveiies l-.coi -iirtu jtKiuiulziu,. :z. " imiH 11 Hiii Ijfimm mi 1 xineisidHßißp | IJ. t omatoes'* elhieratogt. UuttrLtriy Ltakol iNew nrfuuiaiang. AfiMniuwi'wr nmnft i— 1 _i I tl IIWIII HI OHiTrtJtrigO'i N ÜBIMCeUIVVT rSK IVorlh - Imtfru tin: Sfa ratttr AaL. S.T-riintnraiuiJ.wttropmiv. . Aa. American Bibgrepuicai. a mi; J Ititocrcsl-I fittrMiarm I Sc. By Vv’iliirua .alien. A,AU j A Liograputcai JJxU,uar». oonlniniscttiarwtaA.teooeauoi't ! ihe.First ,'etdem, mid.'c tottOuietmam* »iiie«tfmrm* j" Ngwidr’ oy i ihmd ilnto ITiMW Biograpuy offrie.-i'Mzners tit. l -ttAlteisisUmna dijicecsaw deuce, J aha. hancersoßa. Aesr, 2.3—5 nrvuoiauto Etemouuls of AuaivLe. I rujmuni.u). . ißLiaiui ■ :iezn-i ew. By 6.E. liasskr, 1 'JtAdFd&u. Art. o. —4/Uiogte* torn/' offerroa .u osui ,usmi. A Si'iceuiiii of Euiugicv. prarnmi.fcrtin f e sever*> t- '.ate**.. in honoref those ulusjaou* iHUHeusssiithva"ii«—n,, Johu Atkims and Tliomaa o ilcratm, . A gm.'iiuhsui: J f imatus. Historical Kesearcnes i utiOic. 'VWsanuA.: trerttax-Mffhto ' logins and lilmoua : iuuwMbu t-.ktotii.tus- 1 uuu ' Wain Beset* ware einpiuveu orsisut.: riaki ; .u. -rauuiain local iigrceuuail oi ii auirya > mi i ,a-o.. : niata.a--i) . . »ut; '. inmala lounu 111 i Uiauvs-wtiU MhiUtU- ■* 1 -•"■ '-*■ 1 iugg. skav- t<: hueaeu. An Eaasy en.'bei iliJruvMw-ci Losmccissifav ijiury now,.4'Oiilrarls artT.neu.Cu, ■ - ‘ .»aa...f. , ua!i ; hw t'oricea.:ni;riL,.T.i!r4ir, nor - .nniiipiult' o'/kio,. iHk( Galien C. \ rfftaneti,. A*, n.—mm.. uonaa .is srf rteUt&OJn«m»o. soctet don—is of UimAclsutjui.i'rt>oMe«Kna«s>t .r, ...-m,.. lroru theriitstiMiwitoig fnrrrnla Uodtoaf r the i. Oiiiedcratiuu»ey lacunup-mu c.. ——i-■ of tire T tilted State*. Art. 7. -~\SttiJ!ißttmanJ ortiMi. Poem*. S’tJ.U*. ii r nmns. Arx. — itr. iiwaeaaatJamm. Coiiunentarico ainAumrvcaoi Law- iiXidiWiiiufctAMUJA / i' . lUve—*TVrtca_ilAntotun.. TIE: I.ifu oftfi, csKpMiiiiiinntr. . v,i*aui i:n uuosssr Vi«w of the. i reneffnlivctnLuitn.. 1-J. ttm -vtoant.-i aa J Weveriy. A ait. 1 Ut— Udglotkii oa-mui .uiUuJJtt , Virnachr. A err. 11 .—. ffymines' Theory rncfcmx*: r :meres. naiaire- .«».■ that the i.ilh is 1 IhUunt, n.nnlahle.-v.mun, .nn .vusodv , i [*u unuut 1 htoPiilns, By. ; C-.Licu - - ‘vi»- I . A ST. 12n—v . CttKnri 'OuuMoertu. A Narrative ol themaleliui Tocta ui iiuaunu ro i.• r_.i.inn- . • ing of tuivlateesi'rntrttus, rtf Alixttuuix '.-,*c.-uu>Mt [ Report ut the Evidence 1 ou i ::eiA >iaz*t. u... tiwen Juhannia tuhtnuusuiiu Amireasaain.«jtu»» uieevsej. , ltgpvmcs til thc.uiie, i nfirf'” liai, Biiarso^._—Xj j of, thmothtr. liy the AiLtratarsi Abxv*: 13.-i—vtiiM.vntMM.' i rtJrg.’t Mfi-Nfft; a i’hnvtmm cam .'ai j iwesmw: j —Vhe-Amuiut.—ilia; i.iluur). htiiwsine, • lj|im»~ 01 Poetry and Koinanceaf-Tri'.'iaitnto *-v/Hm'i-rg^—lTftrj, i A'Janiii- Bouvemr, e LtfiotM—statoNdtovt— J » nt. — t'f® Afgntorial. I nil work IV(Si liepuoiiabsur oiutr c Itrstet ftl luun -uuv : j Mpteielu r, Miiiii)actiuOer«r-»4-Vicoi ti,ve«tuiuus4it#iumh:i-. j lUM'JiM'JSHMU&rj. I 'JPmEOfV *3 and’dukUun# ivherpcrMvaa Mli’flrn -1 -Bi svr*««-* tor ti.e ; rt>usMaaeu'tO-.a State jo <r“ •"•nrj !'iWi it nnsaaii imirnot-we I dr««i uii»4yntvoy tiiiwt uiuLxour.- at. i.uum. nttiuieiufc.' | - aitprui’iMset,«. i and | oftn.iuev, Uiticutuyv-to.. .. t».jiuae*utJU.e.auiou»»i, . I l 7»t. CeustauifiVeieutu tuiaiynnasaestrucetu i ‘to - - 1 tit-.e5,.... i .11 Jtutu4oi)eeiitaHe«wisMaNMM (rtclion of the S-tteULcyoi t\ai. i imHarvuuuuet utestttax.: tiic hcereUtry «»1 t\ nry nut inta|^|*iuiJ),i... ; ruyet mueot, to stub* mui | '‘>' l- ;i.ti.aa»ej«i**er-—.tijj. I sous to tort at ,ulai*Mt*J, ..«» 1 irniMiun 1 nr inner ' 'tisclm(gee Irani tLc |iu»{«Tonutxf»-.uiiu 1 oituccaee, ! mess for si uietm.iT. 1 tlotU r.itsjiei atiiu>» ' .sea, nace&t F City ot Autusu, niutMetnuiiuaujt'iAt*t*tjia«i\;**, ’ore cuieoetl .. mounts liiitl n.avb. premMea .. .a....... . 1 ity of U.utplace, at sum* tacit 1 tieen» the State, a met ?,.*<«.! ounce. untie, r .war sumum* to .iiaa-.i..i>«)i t ot,. I^...T ■ tmn-^-.mieie-mniTT —> 1 itdjMfl auu autltc ii.titt tj ituis, .MdseitnaanttsmatoUMm ; s.ivts. JU\\rilUN3mßi ...lenm icf'-m- >■■■——— x uiin ‘i iwiiiime StatcruMui. .otU pieaot. u q ■.«»-». .-7—-- . aiut a rwttru their ucsoums lo ai.mnm,, uixr.. Am-urna, ApaM :l. lSlffr /lottom of, juwrtuuiuutna. '“mßt i-r«nt;.u~.—jQmeuMaßiyjMWt luiiiuMtatetaiaf.vuiuetdejKaittt, —-n t-mibm -aw Mtt.V. rle, ul Ihe iotiuoi thu n«ttaf«a«uemto out Oiutim. Miliii iifiaae tYinsitriainiiiiiiiinsulll 1 .ieawiii>«i»utaitaiitt l .t!,tt»tiuJ,, ( ihf us. u.. . n HI < acciaua u juut», ut a iimmcibm iumi, VMLLLLUI U lifJU Mhn li, 1 Hh. I W97T n*~*« (lg WBMWMMOWL J~S r pMtt i uiHt.H, ha'jr*n iummm ttui itHtWnSfty l.ttatinatuiuUtS'Ji. I>hfuuu iua/e- u«e*« Ceuuim ‘*ri —tifr "rsr ilium' 1, t*wa otai U, tiwunin in luwi S '«MMWe« —nn-‘ ne^alertto *-~ Itki f A7<AV' IIOT?'! . .1 turn iuoia:uittT .etuia«is..te>i ! lUISM, uisliw I'tHtiiti sttuarav mill 111 ftmenii ■ t fie stables amaitmuwiea urtiwit .m>iu tueUaMaotaMii |.rn>'*e«e * aw tmmiits eitihe wsHneii Tht n«*r* wa»al>B»frimiiie« «mm ivatr trsanut o uafcu, I lua. .1 saw- 1 hft » .iwsutr loewuestr t njuntMMaia «h iit«Mnr o >om— viMhfMtnM inaaMaMMHaamassMMii .ties..«MM»u Metuee, %e niHMMe aottu bn waniMumtMuniHP jr—etiitte ' at tsltllnl IIIHI n wmy tu mmetwiiraeeeei m t rMitvi itiisuvum: Diatom* xjtrt jin. ltMtr Jtr* -«*wfit. i^^sssse^bßeseei^EZ'^^H^rgoS 1 Jen:— lß 1 i iiTu. ’™ n- iinsi jii—n_u__' "" ■ :astK^—.n— -ta—iw.. -iisrw-a m— -- • «w«cr«vn _■«***■. T*2r. \.J J ' .fniaifriiiai-j *r u.-. •w«r "mSSSStSSSS? ■ Z-tW JMRIX ~l aameerTaars u,v<- «■»---—» , I -i- -itme . . —a. vrstoi m - - 4|m -\,n * 'fl oiMUjae: t’Afismec- ‘z^tefeer ism iiwi. 'tat w Be- tmm .mi -i*HN VT. a. I uirririfh \ imt- L M - asasssncßeittmsastoasßiaiteakiirxar . e» urrssvt.-tuarct- vr.; be- -ttee l ICnot,n-i. w analurn .szasthum. 3to- «e --nos—wrv JL Si. ’.U—me'wL. ftv -4..: SSL ■ ligWHHsv. 'ii- ■ use,-, **~~~~**~*" IF tsv ilams-Mdgape 1-h ' _ m Auisaemt wwcei «nui a—~ i 9 MS - tMto. mn:. :sauuu.i\'i*—u - S3 v*l .;.A*RGXA. It—v m. _1 —to TSumct-i Tkßk.dc: ui m** «, <" L— —V. ■ • —inn -rt— *«to-. -•' . »u. .me regan ‘ .-irmviTif -oiui^H ■f T -NL-v E. Xtsn ■ T-.UE -mss i ai. .saw^B - 'O' - * ——-s':—A !. i -.ta.K- B ? msi FT3E2BL I .ten •■tieerr; .rtti ‘ezow .is*/;,« Rssw -iTiiin-ftltiTtiT n r i ■tn r- ictsxeiaauaTismczcissmesn 11 tjii an awe M . ... -a- -ti ,aiß 11 ii imnnim .rr..- eew '.-ccie-ietn—n.---srami4(^9- ■ iB ■ pvesiumi tomemm. Ifierr-ziai,.» rtr: ILF' ,g~s I r —' Tl - lanaiLnu. .—. ~ Un S t a'^^^P ** . i' 1 V - a ' •****-" -• ' ' P rST £OOC3I -rtMll Ii ek:r|SDsDTn.’ - ifi&AC. yrtTEc. B \lru, -| MM s . 34*. 14. if t T4xrZT| "Atel. it-- ti. Hi.ll ■<, ii«r nn a—aa isliton^K. --A " flf »: .—45. ..or r jtM. e tttir —. Mnima .xia wiMHtr, t—ess ... b ’imtflriimmnr i o*r nt. M' . . 49’ . utnxa. . itoi. - >m, vSSU>- rtk-s- - .. ' - ..MUST- |S nv.. }£': u ..fftoifir rs - ■- ' S tt*:.iDisstenegeenwy is— -X? tt. ■ r * s - -■r-'-U. Use- Cbsea '—to. .- -- - •u. ■ —: t—:r.tf7 . )U f ut'Jku. uuta :ttt«su»—ecec: .|«tW^^^esMa*J^^»^ vstile, .oefc—aatuMM*-. a UAikJJ—• 'it. u : nrr —r:_. .. 1-E.--.iJ Jti'Aj . sst*-*' B a*e . s*r'o«C» hfe. XM„*t iiiui.v. ‘toss. o. a- Ous:. ; . >jartti*<- ua 1 uaU'tJ*. itaaur. -oar %»«“• -a euui. ..*.au» -.a*- iiMawisewruS ib* . ttaii liies*' L. # f>- IfapMi . r—r •. - -i-iuotitt >3*tin«Bw '.uupintumt: in*tti • tuiav. .'l.xoa .. sdtff* Jiismn ’!• <ipr- • - - a 1 '■ -*a) *. u MastKoMsat'.xiia' ''i/i/ oouut.AV