Union and recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1872-1886, August 28, 1872, Image 3

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•• 'ill man A* $ 11 o t V11. Kites of Subscription. unlit* . iii,*' your, On i IMi H III) \V K l> N K s |) a Y A u g u * i 2M, | g 7 " Xi O C A 1. . w. ’x*. oojsrisr, Dealer in Provisions, Groceries. Frnits, Toys Con lection' ry. Can Goods, etc., Ci'-ClIISAi* Full CASH- Millcdgevin*. Ang. SO, IJsrtf. 4 bin rsnCTIT JATX.3 ] ;«« m.ii.k at At JOSEPH STALKY'S. Mill.dgcvillo. Aug2n, 1872. I tf MACON A At'OITSTA R K , M III. MX. T'VILLR, O A . Augu-t lit, 1872. I’ til further K>'tio* I will veil half fur* Ticket* t<> Mjio'.h no i Auu'int*. Full Ime going, rotnrn free, tfum] until Nov. let, 1872. J. II NISBET, Agent. Amr 21,1872. 4 tf £ %r I will roll Tn-kefs to Allantn for one Fare—full late going, return lice. Good for HO days. .1 H. NISBET, Agent M. St A. It R. Alilledgcvil'e, August 24,1872. 5 tf £3?° BiiMwin Superior Court met nt 10 u’clunk, a. m. .Monday la-t— .1 ti'lge lvol'iusoii piesiding. There is hut little new business on the docket. Several lawyers from a distant 6 are in attendance on the Court. JV< w rollon. 'I hr«*e bale* <»f new cotton were brought to this city on Saturday l».t Al r. Fraley brought one, Mr. Hurt «>pe, an I one from the plantation of Mr hkioner. ]bl. nsrs. 1*. M. Gomplon At Sous bought two bales lit ]? 1 2 cents, mid tne factory purchased the oilier. Wi*learn from Mr. L. N. Callaway, Tax Collcc- lor that the amount «»f pull lax collected in tliia chan ty last year wu.- $(18*), and the amount of insolvent p > ls wit* $700 (<>30 colored an.I 7b white) According to the* usual-estimate of voters there were in the coun ty 1 0 or 500 colored voters who failed to give iu tlieir poll tax. td^Thc colored people held a camp meeting at Meniwetlier Station on the Eatonton Railroad, com mencing on Sa*urday la&t. It was largely attended, Gui town being nearly deserted by the colored popula tion on Sunday. We heard one woman remark on her r«*t urn that there was thousands ami millions of poop’e l^T We learn that the fiist bale of new cotton from VV il inson county was shipped to L J GniliiK'itin & Co., of Savannah on t> e 2Hth inst b* Mr Isaac Davis, of Mood worth’** District— II urmli for Bb.odwo- th s Districts. \Vi> invite attention to the ad- vein.'ttm.nt <>l the Farmer Cooking Stove l>\ r Messrs. Culver Brothers headed “Notice to the Public.” £'§=~ Mr. J use p li Staley will receive a tine lot of Conking Stoves in a few davs. See advertisement. Messrs Editors—The time is near at hand when the Democracy of this Congressional District will meet to notnimi tea. candidate to represent them in Couyress. Allow me to suggest Major John C. Key of Jasper county. Imlej end. ut in thought and action, firm in principle, in temper respectful and courteous to others. The people Bninoorstle Meeting in flnldwin, The Convention, in the absence of the President Col. Grieve, was called to order bv the 1st Vice President, C pt. Williamson. The body then proceed ed to hus’mss, and the following reso lutions recommended by the Executive committee, were read and adopted : Risolntl, That this meeting do ap- p tint eleven delegates to attend the Congressional Convention to be held on the 41li September next. lteto/rrd, 2d. That we recommend the Capitol building in this place as a most suitable place for the assembling of the Convention. The following resolution was also adopted: Itesolerd, That wa appoint the sec ond Wednesday in September as the day for the nomination of Representa tive, and the first Wednesday in De cember next as the day for the nomi nation of county officers. The meeting then went into a ballot for delegates to the Congressional Con vention, the following named gentle men being chosen : L. N. Callaway, P. M. Compton, A. I. Butts, Frank Mapp, C. P. Crawford, S. (i. White, U. H. Harper, John Wall, B. W. Bar- row, T. H. Latimer, R. H. McComb. The following resolution was then offered by Captain Bonner and adopt ed : Resolved, That delegates from the various counties to nominate a candi date lor the vacancy caused from the 4th District by the death of Hon. T. J. Speer, he requested to meet at Aiil- ledgevilfeon September 4th. Resolved further, 'fh.it the delegates chosen to nominate a candidate tor the Sixth District be requested to cast the ballot of Baldwin county for a candi date to fill said vacancy. After some discussion as to the re port of the District Committee the body adjourned. M. Grieve, President. F. G. Furman, Sec'y. Special to tlie Charlenton Courier. The South Carolina Radical Con vention Columbia, August 21—A. M. The Convention is in session, and has elected R. B. Elliott Chairman by an ovei whelming vote. Elliott is a Moses man, and his election is regar ded as a certain indication of the suc cess of Moses’ ticket. After appointing a Committee ori Credentials, the Convention adjourned till S o’clock this evening. It is now stated that the Mackey delegation from Charleston will be ad mitted into the Convention, they have- ing pledged themselves to vote lor Mo ses. The nomination of Moses is regar ded as certain. A caucus of the Corbin Chamberlain party was held to night, at which were present Orr, Corbin, Whittemore, Sawyer, Clarke, Nash, Col. Merrill, and others of the Cham berlain party. of his native county appreciate Ins I At this caucus it was agreed that if high qualities and many virtues, and J Moses was nominated, Orr and the oth- wouhi delight to see him their rep re- | er delegates opposed to Moses will sentative, confident that he would | leave the Convention, organize a bolt form a watchlui and safe cus^idian I arid put a separate ticket in the field, of their rights and interests. Jasper. New York August 20.—The Her ald says Editorially: “It is reported on good authority that Air. Chas. O’Connor has addressed a letter to the Louisville Convention of straight- outs, prohibiting the use ot his name by ^liem for the Presidency or any other office” Mr. O’Connor states that, “jio fee. simple <>J the world" would not induce him to accept the nomina tion. A letter to the Chicago Tribune from 8t. Joseph, Mich., says: “Last night' we held a very large Greeley and Brown meeting, about 500 being present. Out of that number 400 joined the club. This town is all Greelev; there is hardly a Orant man kit.” * Thomas Dunn English, in a card declining to attend the Louisville Con vention says: “I cannot join you. If I thought as you seem to think, I should vote squarely for Grant and not try to aid him in an indirect way.” Providence, August 24.—Henry Ti gliman, Henry Johnson and Henry Thomas, Negroes, arrested yesterday, charged with committing a burglary at the house of Job F. Augell iu north Providence on Monday night, when Mrs. Augell was shot and her daugh ter severely beaten, were arraioged this morning. They all plead guilty, and have been committed to jail to to await the action ol the grand jury. St. L u is, August 24.—Over twen- ... .. . , f .. r .„ tV sunstrokes have taken place within j terpri.se : ‘‘Everybody knows that this project ii one of the contrivance* of Grants mai.au, ra to get up the fictitious appnarniice of a D mocratic bolt, without the least substance to i-i-ntv thHt Later.—The latest report is that Chamberlain has withdrawn his name for Governor, arid will run tor Attor ney General on the Moses ticket. Car- dozo is to run for Treasurer on the same ticket. Columbia, August 21—Evening. The Convention adjourned at ele ven o'eolck to-night without accom plishing anything at all. The Committee on Credentials are. still iu session, and have not yet deci ded the Charleston- delegation contest. In the Beauford case they decided in favor of Smalls agianst YVhipper by a vote of thirteen to twelve, but it is said that this vote will he reconsider ed. It is now certain that Chamberlain has withdrawn from tiie race for Gov ernor. and has consented to run on Mo ses’ ticket for Attorney General. This settles the matter in his lavor. It is also probable that almost the en tire delegation from the Fourth Con gressional District, headed by Orr, will withdraw from the convention and nominate a separate ticket. The Convention meets to-morrow at ten o’clock. Columbia, August 24.—The regu lar Republican Convention was ad journed until to-day by the cliairm n. Crimination and recrin i lation, with drawn pistols, preceded the adjourn ment. The bolteis held a meeting, J. L Orr presiding. Both parties disavow any desire to conciliate the Democrats or court their votes. London, Augsut 24.— Private dis patches report the Belfast riots renew ed. vviih several bloody conflicts. the last three days, mostly all fatal, The in* reurv for the past week has been Do 10 100 degrees. That the dangerous unity ol races in political opinions, against which Gen eral Schurz arrayed himself so elo quently in North Carolina speeches nmv not always be a characteristic ol the negroes, is thus provised by the Memphis Avalanche: “One of the most promising signs is the indisposi tion ul the colored voters to longer act as a unit. Iu this county, cm the first, it is notorious that the colored votes saved ilie Democratic ticket Irom de- leat, and heieulter political complex ion will not he determined by the col COT TON aJ A It K FT. The following is the inafiist repon of August 27. Liverpool.—Middlings 101. New York—Middlings :.2. Savannah—Middlings 20 Charleston.—Middlings l‘j£. Augusta—Middlings in Mii.lkdoeville—Middlings 18. Gold 15}. geville Prices Current. Corrected Weekly by C. II. Wriybt A Son. COTTON, IS MACON: Shoulder* P Its II it Clear Rib Side* 13 a ( u-ar Side*, 13 a D. S Cl„*r Rix Side*,...............II Putin Ham* 17 a IS C*uv.'i5*ed Hum*, .18 BAGGING -0tit I u< i.N I I Es 10 HUT IE It:—< 'xuriiry, 4‘Ib Jil* u- In COKKEE—Rui V lb i Java, 4l'®46 EGGS, per d»z ......20 KACTOKY GOODS: Cotton Yarns, V bunch jl 8’> Stripes, P yd 12 I 2«20 KLOUU, Pbbl $1(100*214 10 GRAIN: Corn, ..$1 lh«*l 2.» \ tturglii Slate Lunatic fotJufti, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. I Dr JOliM BULL'S OyriJE tKf&liUBlZU AND Rra'WARU, Near Millmlgrvil e 2i.(h Ang. IS72. yS'IlF m,d,T«D»»d will r«i»ivx, umta-r ao:i,"nty ol )! tlir Board of T. aider*, up to Hie I fitli id September, ! nUVrjxcifled I »*”* P*™ ** »*»* ' U^r." Cooktry SCoy, -hnoyh ttw reentry Ebony i . Vtl f r *oy uce <T xtfftn of U." -.rlicle. in i|,« w,lh •»» onrtf*vc,in e mImirm in order M *epldy .. waft- Ion* U.l IB lf.« SoOlb. »od 'lot rut I, faRjilj iiii^rht nn op|,ortof>i*j r,f s* jf not of ih - r liciuaeboitJ The abundant *ncr^f>* of our *nferpri«e fbr ,U2houi the of -Vli»»oi,ri. Kintix ky, Tr»- lisl —.1:1 lisiuu I'-qiiin-d to fuini h wifli t.it-ir bid" »<uo ph’iol toe arlicies proponed t«, br supplied; and any nrtirle* lurnislieii not eomin* up fully to such *au,p(‘-" nmy be rejected a id returned at the eapetireol the l,:■l.*r .ill ftitiole* muni b* vinetlr *ouid and ol 5 ynxl rpftlchautab'.e > Da ily Th<- meal must be dchr ’ it«I. in iui h amounts a* rrq i red, « ^»-kly On» third ol t oi m lie-• uniat be delivered al Mil- i lelyovilie in-ip..I pri-paid, by the l-l Oct., 1872, and * teiU br pmd for th* no mt I Ou--li>i r <l inoal be del vered at Millc l*evi!le. frei^lH prep dd. by the In of November, and r«»h wiii be paid ioi th* ruffl* or.tlie 15th ol November. Am! ime 'bird must be delivered at Mil!ed*evihe by Ike l»l of Deaember, lrei|(ht prepaid, and cash will be pa I lor theaame eu the let January, !f^3. LIST OF ARTICLES. 150 Busheie w hite Com, l’eaa Oats, HOES IKON 42 m LARD LI VIE, 42 Inwli MEAL. 4* hush MOLASSES, 4* 2ttl NAILS. 42 lb OIL. Kerosene, 4* gal.......... POTATOES. Sweet, V bush.... Irish, “ “ ........ POTASH St LYE V SAL'I 4 > sack ... wUOaKS I 1(1 a, I 2D I (II) r,iiai "ii ...... . .aiti I5tf 20 $ I -’-i . $1 15® I >0 37 ®ol* r a ID ..... oil abt* 7oa f I DO $2 2i a 2 -Hi can,.. 25 ‘0 12 w 2ii ■"YKUH 4* ual-.......................DD n I 25 I'ALIAIW 1.1-2 1‘EA yl 50 <v 2110 vINEGAR In a I 00 Will-KEY $ 125 a .nn 12 .al. 4 25 <>00 13.000 3.5 u0 I. HO 2 51 iQ 3.5.0* 25V* 4DII0 5i >0 25.000 3D 11* Ml 5.5(1 3"0 ft o lbs do do do tfo do do do do do do Gals. Oats Timothy Hay, Clear Rib Side Bacon, butf.'ir-eured Hams, G.'slieu Mutter, I^af Lard, Choice lilo (ioffee, Java Colfee, Brown Suear, t 'rnsheil Suitar, Family Hour, W ii it r- Corn Meal, Water Ground, Tobacco, Molasses, Appie Vinegar, Bn e, Green Tea, Adamantine Candle*, Salt. SI eu's Shoes, Wax Brogan*, Women do Sewed, O-naburg* No I A, Geor in Stripes or Plaids, 'Twilled Kao Flannel. G'sid heavy Blanket*, an* irted coin's lu-t specily the prices at which each item Or kind of good* ia proposed to he furnished by ilie pound, gallon, or sack, as tne case may be : the ngl.l being leserved to award Ihe eon tract for sup plyiriJ the above named article* to any one or in re o: me bidders, or reject any bid "Hered Bide tluuld bo marked “ To furnish supplies” and addressed to M R HELL, Treasurer and Stew ard S L. A. 5 3t 51 G>ilr. 3,6-tt Hie .'iff do 600 do 12 Sinks 21 at I’rs 1 SI do I jirtto Yd* 500 d • 4o» do uto Prs The bidder the undersigned. August 26, 1872. Thf “Hog lbt)s aud Ktouger. At this season of the year the blood is *pt to be come impure, the appetite po r, the skin sallow, the body enfeebled, the system relaxed, making it susceptible to attacks of chilis and !• veis, rhtu mutism, eruptions of the skin, and the develop ment of the etfects of the injudicious use of calo me!- All this trouble may be avoid-d by the use of a fr vv bottles of Dr. Tuit'a 8a saparilla and Queen’s Delight. It is ha-nless in its effect*, but a powerful enemy to diseases. Try it, and you will tiud it a lrieud iu need' Dr. Tints llnir Dye Acts I nslii ntn neonsl i. RIBBONS, MILLINERY, AND STILAW GOODS, 1872. Also, While Loods, Embroideries, «Stc., See. articl nes«ce and Georgia, and the universal favor wi'h which our Stove* are received everywhere, convin ces o* that in order to supply the eor.'inue I growing demamfj wc must largely increase our force* at die Foundry ; hence we have, increased onr daily mantilei urc of this one pattern to thirty, and wnl still fuithcr increase it to fiity if our trade connijuiM to denanl it; so yon may at all timet reiy upon bung supplied. * )ur sales.nan, whn will smut you, are *ut ; oriz d to give same terms a* though yoa mads the purchase direct from oursc.r-sat the Konndry. We have hut one price, aod from toat we ■ nev-r d- viate. Cooking Srovea from toe ini octant re.ati ms th-y bear to the everv day ref| lireaaMta. | and upon which in so great a degree depends the convo! -nee, c.imf.»rt and happiness of ever, femii r . may be ttuly consider d the most wonderful of all m chaui -al eonstroctioo* for domeatic use. No worthier object has ever engaged the attention and genius of insu. and in no department ol invention have more rapid advance* been made than in the improvement of (his indi'pensvole household article As we trace t cir history from the Hast rude c mstru- im, we s»a them gradua l/ assuming form* of beauty, correct principle* being developed an t applied until in the perfec'-nes* of the structure to which your attention is invited, there seems little room for improvement To those persona in the Stove trade who think tl.-ur business will he rained by us an 1 wi o therefore oppose and misrepresent us and our good* al ail pi ices, we d-sire to a«- ire lii-m that inst-ad of being an injury to them, we are doing them a benefit, bv building up a ou-iuesa whieft he* Heretofore been neglected, and by in troducing an article of household utility, mut ultimately bring them into genera, use iu every family. Respectfully Yours. OU3L.VEH. BROTHERS. GREAT REMEDIES. Read vvliat the People say of our “Farmer'' Cookiug Store [From the Newnan (Ga) Herald. D S Crider F »I Fief her J W Woodall L L Brown Mav 10 18 2) A C l»*own J . n D • Id AV C Mathew* Ca ebClark Nxwvav. G* , April 30, 1872. Jufcn H« .sou EN l)*v s p T Bullock G VV Morgan Messrs, ttnlvrr Brother! ■. J one- Gl iscoe N H He. kins 11 fstxirn J.,n M >1 rgan We can cheerfully testify to the *u iVm J.nes VV A Lee 6 L R.jbin*on Cap: J d-.*»iews periur excellence of your ‘ Kaira-r” P "ke Maylov VV in Champion 'Tate or Georgia, Pauldirg Co. Cooking Stove and r-eommeud it to 5TArE or KesruCKT, j I, Vleigs Hunt, Clerk of the Supe- Ihe aitention of al! houseke- per*, lie County of Living-tnn. ri r Court in and for said county, do baking qualities ars une'c-ieocd. aixk AsCle.kr.f I he ijoanty C-’J : fir l:-iehy cer ify teat 1 am p-rmnafly for truiio'T y in w.eid ii cannot I fhccognty and ^‘»te al.,re-« i. I ar ju i. .t-i J C Harris, T it Br.» k», aurpaiwed. Each one of us are osing 'ify that I atn personally acqua nted.'V.u M Woo.la.1 and uttci vh.ws one. and fliink it the beat and moe wnh th- cuiz-n- w....*e -.goalurei ua.nea are signed to Ibe tor eg. an*. Inrable Stove ever-«ddmGeorgia, appearabove aud rfia - ti.ey are c. ed ai.d that they can be re .ed on for ltanle, rei aMe peie .n- VVitne-- ru;li and veracity, iny band, this 2 d day f March. '72, M EIGS HUNT, JUlIN L V'lUK. Clerk ' Clerk MJ peri or Court. SPECIAL NOTICES. . Asthma —Jonas Whitcomb's Remedy. Pro pared from a German recipe obtaiued by the Ut- Jonas Whitcomb, in Kur. pe. It alleviated lhi.~ disorder in hi* case when all other a; pliances ot medical skill bad been abandoned Joseph Bur uelt i\r Co , Boston. For riale by all Dru : gisk- NubstilHtes In the Ifrntal Ranks are not d, lira b!e ; therefore, keep the natural teeth sound and pore with that wholesome vegetable elixir 8nzo- UOST. Do this, and they will last as long as the br-ath lasts, aud the breath itself will never be tainted. To Owners of Horses and fade —Tobias' [)=iby Condition Powders are warranted superior to any otheis, or no pay, lor the cure ot Distem per, Worms, Buts, Cough-*, Mvde Bound. Colo. Ac., in Horses, and Colds, Coughs, Loss of Milk. Black Tongue, Horn Distemper, Ac., in Cattle.— Puce 25 Cents. II-p d, 111 Paik Place, N. Y. Physiologists Say Giat our Undies are rent we ' once in seven years. The material of which they are reconstructed is the blood, aud unless it be fully charged with the elements of vitality, the strength and health of the system decline. Ot all oloo i depureuis, Die Walker's Vixegar Bit TEt:s is the safest and nu.st infallible. There is no disease, arising from depravation ul the blood, wli'ch it will not speedily euro. For Dyspepsia I digestion, depression of spir us anJ general debility iu their various lorins ; al so, as a preventive against Fever and vgue, and other intermittent fevers, The Fetro-Phosphora ted Elixir of Calisaya, made by Caswell, Hazaid & Co.. New York, and sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic, and as a tonic tor patients recover ing Iroin fever or other sickness, it has no eijual Thurston's Irory Pearl Tooth-Powder.— 1 he best article known for cleaning and preserving the teeth and gums. Sold by all Druggists Price go and 5(1 cents per bottle. F. C, Wells & Co . New York. Cbrisfadoro's Hair Dye st8Dds unrivalled in the world No lady or gentleman of discrimina tion uses any other. It is the most pertect, reiia- ule aud effective Hair Dye in the world. Manu factory, tis Maiden Lane, New Yotk. Carbolic Naive, recommended by Physicians as the great Healing Compound. Price go cents per box. Johu F. Henry, Sole Proprietor, 8 Col lege Place. New York. Kisiry's Burhu is a reliable Diuretic and Tonic for all deiangemeuts of the urtuaiy and gfcnital or gans The genuine, as formerly sold by Havtlaud Hurra! & Kisley and tlieir branches, is iw.w pre pared by H. VV- Kisley, the originator and,Pro prietor : au<l the trade supplied by hiasuccessors. Morgan «fc Kisley, New York. NvapRia or Opium puritied. the most perfect anodyne in the mat ket, made by process of Dr I. M. Bigelow. Detroit Medical College. Is always uniform in strength, which is rarely the case in . ther preparations of Opium. Pratt'g Astral Oil, has a world-wide reputation as the surest and best illuminating oil. Over to i million gallons have been sold lor the past two years, from which no accidents of any descriptioi have occurred. Send for Circular. Oil House ul Chas. Pratt. Establisbtd I77u. N. Y We have Frequently Heard mothets say-they would not be without Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, from the birth ot the child until it lias bn- isned with the teething siege, under any con-id- fcraiiou whatever The Secret of Beauty What is il T no longei asked, tor the world of fashion and all th" hnlie- now that it is produced by using a delightful ami harmless toilet preparation known as G VV Laird’s''Bloom ol Youth.’’ Its beautify ing effects are truly wonderful. Depot, 5 Gold St.. N. Y. ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO. I in port era* .fliinnlRctnrrri and Jabbrr* Bonnet Trimming, Aeck and Sasii Kibbons, VELVET RIBBONS, NECK TIES, Honnet .Silks, Satins, Velvets and Crapes, Flower*, f'eatber*, Omaineutk, Frame*, Ac. 6TKAVV BONNhTS, And Ladies and tbiidren’s Hals, TKIMMKD AND UNTRIMMED. And in connecting YVurerooiijj* White trooas, Linens, Embroideries Laces, Mats, Cailars, Setts, Handkerchiefs, Veiling, Head bets, ke.| Nos 237 wild 239 <i BAI.TimiRE, 27d Tfioa K Pi*well Eraspus Glass E U North J M Vtnyard .8 K Carlton G P Smith VV J Gay L E Tidwell Allen Bonoer P S Meriwether E L Birdaoir VV C Davi* - Bearfield Win Robinson J B Newton lames Carroll Wiley Howard E M Woo.l.ey •Ira.V! Hyde Jame* Moor W A Floyd J Campbell K F Attaw ay H M Head Jordon Hollard J H Grayhain Joseph Young VV C Lucy T P Clark Lircisn Tomlin C VVTiliiignain N W Reed Bet j Wortham J X Wood I'J Phillips L VlitlleiiA VV T Stalling* N Stinchcotnb J T Travis N*'KCko*«. Ga May 2D, 1872jCAaaoLLTo», Carrol Co, Ga M-'nnrn. Cuiwr Brother*: May 20,1872. Having obtained through y> ur A Mmrn Culver Brotken : gents.and Imd iu on: .,ir 1am ii-.- Alter having used yoir ‘Farmer’ or sou.■; time pa.-:, yt ttr celebratedT.’ookrng stove a suffiutent length ot ‘ Farmer - ’ Cookii g - t..vr, we coefci - j ime to test it* qualities, we feel Huarri llai J F ilarchmau \V C Sewell E Phi.lip* .1 P Re. S pierce Tomlin C B Brown I. Holiiuaworth Z P Ai.rnan B A I’Kice M - E H'lhhar.l (u ly bear teatnnouy to ih! g *jd qiaii jrauted in recooirwend ug it to our E ' Beavers ,:tes. EC Ca-ter >S!ovaIi Davis Lovelady John H Hurd Harris Sanders ThsAustiu Isaac Gay L VVuson J. jel Shannon R 51 Ramrey J A Beaver* >t M Bolton Mrs AtihSim* Robt Mediot-k C G Hailis | MriM Phillips Marietta Cobb Co Ga, Jntne* Upchurch I May 2D, 1872. Thomas Billiard Menu! Culver Brother!-. Philip House Maj vV li Anstin VV *1 >v i icon Col J as Po 2 Ge. -.'" J mene* Nancy Cohu VV N rVa' es Snenrnbor* a..d friend* K Ma-e.igiU P A C Alley I B Nally i P Edg* Joliu Dyer P K tiarrett James Upshaw f D Duncan V HisJerbran |G VV McCarty M A Hawkins J B VV l.ua.naoc T A tiorgan J T Be-iiiiv field J VV Carroll E H Ltrtiey VV T VV hough by E L Buriscng I, J W Carro!l,an acting Justice t tne Peace m and for tie craiuiy of Georgia, Coweta County J E HeDly Pe rv Chandler S H Neai S J Stovall VV in Vioes J H Holiand John York S II BoWeU VV F Wood D VV Dial Joshua Moore J J Johnson A R Bri t J a.ties Travis M LMi es V r’oA.eOge Wetafeegrea: p easure in recom .'arroll. do hereby certify that 1 am inenuisg your -‘Faruier** C’ookh-i. penemally at-q.ram-te.) wttn J T E*ige Dr. JJH3I BCLL, MANFFACTTREB AND VENDER OF THE CELEBRATES SMITH'S TOMC SYRUP FOR THE CUE OF AGUE AND FEVER, OK CMLLS AND FEVER. Tb« proprietor of tfaia celebrated . ^dicir.e j cl*iiua for it a superior ly orer k I rirme-l.r* fter ffer- I -4 to th.* pal>iic for tl*e utf*. crrUrim, »p*tdy atO per j mamsnl turr ot Ague nu i Fe»«r, *>r Civile arsd rerer, | ♦fertaer ii.iEft or •Atg rijtudtug refers to tr.e | KUtlre Wenters aaJ SatUrn e»*ar try lo mis r.e»- »i«s/F»ijr to the truth of *fc« ft*4»eiwi -u. tact ia l«» cmlao 1 whatever w;i. it fail t»» ca*e it tee fairectkna are I ot nelly fttllnmed amd carried oat. In a gr*-et in ay t»as-« \>eeti •uj&'-.trtil f#,r a cur** 1 I wh«.Ie fiumhet bave cured by a *TL*\e wiib a peib ct reatoratuio of ti*e geo'rat heo^s.. It u, however pro lent, arid In ev*-ry ease iLofr certiic to cur*-, if its U continued is «maikrr «**w*r* tor a we-k or two after the d aemae ha.- fc -r: el.e<kcd T bl**ic c»- pec:a!fy in rMtficait end ' U-jaiIj ibb medicine wtd rot require any aid to kr*-p ^ bow. ii* ypnri order. 6h**a.d the pati-rut T h -wever, re qmire a ca^oartic medic ice. after having t- k *- r. ffcr**e or I'jur d<>**e«* of th*r : a mmgle <Ume ot buiTs Vegt table FawrUy Puls wiii b« aufficieut. ul who are in want of good article. 'am 1 P . iverd S&rh Powers G W York J ii Graver H Bailey VV* iii Mr- Uni len H M 1'ippin* H Or idtuiBi I McMullen •J N J »En?on ;L»r Slit ti Dan Diammond G W Anio'i 31 r.- Rainwater 1 VI A P.e-ier T li. nij S i ith jj.e Jenkins VV J U rharJa Win Dewberry A H UortccsU Il H M-ore II.imp'.ie» RHd J 11 Keu trick Rev X A Pratt ;A B Brumby Noth Kh!j;u3uq Al Red D > harham ‘Jt*hu Hix E M»» .p I v\ iiliaisB, and wti.ara wh<*** •turea appear to he foregoiug. ac.i aiiow ttiem to be truthful, reiiabie gentlemen. J VV CAKitOLL. >J P, 12th Dut, G VI Alpharetta, Maion Co, Ga. May 20, 187*2. Stftvr* Cnlier Brothers: Gentiemeu—Y**u b.ve the liberty : to one **ar uames in any manner you ! may tee proper, iu co.’ameua&noii ol . T jtir “ Fanner * Score. iniiL’s SARSAPA R Hr LAs il l> Turly v P Buveu > H ^ytrood L kucker f CrL-ier G W Hansard H .> ^tauiord L D Kaiuwater C Bently J brWWeli Win Perry A Turley IS a I Ij more at., The>o ^tiiMiBure luauuiaotured by us or bought fu r Gasn directiy tiom the Uuiopean «*iud Aiuencaii Man* idcturerti, eub.aciLg ail the laleat no veil lea, unequal' led in variety audcheapuesa iu any market. Older.** filled with care* prouiptue&i auU did patch. Au^u.'t 28, 1372. 5 5rpd PICTURES ! ^■^, 7 E would rtypecifuily inform the citiiens of MTillcds'eviHe and VicinJtv, That wu have ereotel onr PHOTOGRAPH TENT 0a the State House Square, An»l would invite all person? who are in want of Pictures •THaT WILL STAND TIIE TEST OF AGES,” Ti) GIVE IS A (ALL. Having bad an experience of ELEVEN YEARS in the budiuefs we feel confident of givmg SATISFACTION to ail.who favor ua with tlieir patronage. Our prices are loir aud our work is pronounced superior TO ANYTHING EVER OFFERED SOUTH. L. W. FLOOD, Artist, Formerly Houston 'Sc Flood. Mii'i^dgeviile. Aug. 20, 1872, 4 It I kuuVT ait of the above people to be Sarah Stewart Iui-!St*tc or Georgia,Coob County _ I C J Sh-pA d, 6 dloary iu and M Manring Ibelr'ata'mnemeut in regard to Cui-!for said County, do herebr cer iri Casto*.Cherokee Co. Ga, ver Brothel*’Farmer Uookicg Stove, that lam pe.^naily acq-ia ntedl , „ May 2b-h. 1872 J H UUOK. with Humphrey Reid. VV m. Mo Mel- Jwmi Cu.ver Brother! : 'len, H Guthul, and several ot er* Smith la*d. Kv , March 20, ’72. whose naireA appear to ;i,e above'or can be -a-o m favor ot your "Far Heart Cutter Brothers : recommendations, that tuey areettt- mer" Cookiug Stove. Your Fanner C'Siking Stuve* one zeua oi this co.iuty and are men of E Sarge-.t of winch we each purchased in 18h7, unblendslied character, and can be F Abbott uf >our agent*, are now, after being relied on tortru'h and verso ty. >q i re Dean in constant u*- tor over five yea:*,] C. J. SHEPaBG, Urd ry. J ti Douean as good in every respect a* new We ' ~ 'Vl-Y' “ ar P checriuky commend them to those Dallas, Pau.dtngCo. Ga, ( 5 E K-mp who uiav be serk'.ng the best, and Jlav 20, 1872. S Joi.reuo hope you may meet with abundant Havingnhtatn- er. 1 »d 'n U"e in G IV Bto ks ■ liec . 9 , jn di-uo-'no of them far and our families fur .- me t e v a r new Mat* • F G£ RGU, t.f-.erokee Uo. D ^ ar ' V h "Farn.er*- Cooking stove, we I VV R D Aim* Oidtu-ry m aud for | Read the following extract of a le'ter from M rs. i Rivers, wite of Keverend Dr. Rivers, one of ti e must learned, e‘Xjnent and p- puiar Ministers of Hie Met ut- ' ist Episcopal Cbotcb. and who u a' present stationed at Broadway Chort-h, Lootsvdie, Ky. Locisville. Kr.. Oct. 8, 18S>. Dr. John Butt—Dear Sir : 'I auv tbanks to rets for the medicine y.m nave -u kir.d.y given me. i lav e been a great sufferer Vr years, an Inui he adv ax uf '.Ve heartily concur iu ail that baa various poy-icians. Some pim.oui.ced my S(.n-e. e*ne 1 my longs, aad wine uiv heart to be the -eat of my u;*- -a=c. 1 hive bi-eu bn-. t. b.is:ere>I and cappeu until I had beeume dishearteaed. Several very eminent physicians who exammed my ip.ue informed me mat I was threatened with paralys s . r a^ p<-plexy an . day and that notiui g b it a edoo worn.! relieve me. I uad a perfect hot rur ot that, and was hesitanng about having one inserted, w^en you k rsily sen me y. ur Sarsaparilla wmch I nnmediairly begun to take Urea times a day. I nail suffered terr.biy with a nn.sC acute p«in n tbe right eioe of'nsy bead, e-peer* y- wneti 1 would read or w ite fur any .eug'n 4 t. lie, an 1 James Tapp James Anderson Dan Drummond James Mebo-nell E ti Ed -si H idsou Wiley H Brar-non J -hn Tripp i lieiib- Lindrey j I) G Hur ey j VV B Hresnell ! M A Wilson ; E C Clement John Dupriest ] J F Robertson L Rose A Mai tin Wra Miller ol.eenrly hear t-!irr. ty to -rs many;-aid County, do hereby certify that f "*> nsing to my teet I would be' per re by bund tor Z Ray good qualities—rconomy in tud r a! the person* above named are citizen* N D "Hampton Ipidi'y ant and' rmity baking an ; t us county and that they are men i . . - . EG Leeoer !c.a.kn-g. and its manv"convenience- -t truth and veracity, and in good I I happy to Inform rn„ that the pain •» mj 1 I H-tnmio j making it, in our opinion, the be-: -tanui .g. G veil under my hand i is enure y re lev ed ; I suffer Out se.Jom »:U my Hub'rd Landran)-tuve in use. [*nd seal of . ffics, at Canton, Ga, M Koberston Ij C Hsnis T M Brooke May 23,1872. Tbos H Luck J C Levcrett VV m ii U oudail ( VV K D MOSS, Ordinary. Harvey Gia.-ty M tlleHgeville. Ga . Ang is( 2T'h. ISi J. good q raiitic*—• Conomy i-i fuel, ra ‘ Hie person* above rained are citizens -cveral a tauter, and wund m*ve lo bold to feme’, n 134 Jpidi'j an I uuif rmitv bak.ng an ' 11.us county andthat th-y are men ; to prevent tau.i g. _ co..kii-g and its manv"convenience-lot truth and veracity, and in good I I am most happy to inform ;■ .„ *h. h_.. -rsnoi.ns D, >S, uii.fnr mv h« n.1 i head is enure y ro le ved ; I *u spine and then not so acutely My sppe ;te is g oc ; indeed for the !i st time in mv life I enjoy my uianer mure than any meal ounug tne day. You kindly sent me fc ur bottles aga a iut night, and 1 began again this moroieg, and I Uwpe to be en tirely relieved- F.ease accept my beanful toauks aud j best wi-hes. Very truiy your most grateful 1 rietd. M. B. C. Rivisi!. 5 4t. STOVES, TINWAH.E, Hardicare, fyc., fyc. JOSEPH ! S ••tTeripg excellent STALEY STOVES, STOVES, STOVES! On the Way, and will be Here by About the First of September, A FINE LOT OF COOKING STOVES, WHICH I OH SELL FROM $25 TO $15, ! INCLUDING 30 PIECES OF FURNITURE ANT) PIPE-ALL COMPLETE JVo Humbug in These StvFes* and I Dou’t Employ any Peddlers. Milledgevllle, August 28,1872. STALE V. 5 tf OFFICE Charleston, S. C\, Mt inerts! abouocs with •im:iar letter?, all of whicn I guarantee to 6a *e«iuin« &iKl wr.Licc by ika per>v;C2j wt.o*»e name? they bear. Do not suffer yosrsdf to ba UDpaaefi on. Doo t bo drawn away a:;er new and cWat> fui exp*r> iineuU. Don't nsk yoar health by letting o««v:ce? experiaienr apon you w:th their :r»rn. Hj Sftoaf a/. -a nm tfnui tLe test tor twenty five years, it ;s «tui tbe Sarsw^aiiLa of the day, and of tae asr«. tuwrnag over atl other? ia popularity ana itacuiatire qaa*it<e«. Avo d all ImK wuoaietryia^ lo pahu eff ou yo» tXiirr exrra*. s Sarsaparilla, MKatted. Remember U is Dr Juun Bu:.'e Sarsapar**.*. of Lou^svme, Ky . that :** *. e t-.i and reliable ifinedy tor imp an ties of the btuud and scrctulous affections. Always bear taat in ouua. Another Testimony. or of bo.” IIICII 5 5K1II.S. This is as it slioulfl Eastman Eui Thin - 1 l.etItUtloll, ivl.idl 1 AM.i t a, Go., lo ulm ule V d*.t ter- Of Ole, is Wleldlll.- II d»tlicr instilu inn 1 the tail n y been 11,me tlian III eeht i* ill w II-. nr* lo liny or <rraliv e p.-Mition* The In pt** »pli • tor their energy, n, 1« the only t lollegc in ll.e practical intsti <*n the A» hllni 1 < 3 -UltH* 4*< t WI'IV'1 tl» an* «*ti a bled lo -tip iut«i tl thr<*»* i the uififiiiiiL « A c., i II ! III? MHUIfJ 0 b °l w o|fi)f*H om* year ti£o in k* • mil j; Min for the practical in ii Huorirt greater than any n l n> ilie Sfuth. There lias n.e hnimred «»t il?♦ g ahuates n«* , »|.yn«^ rrHpnnwibie and Iu neheiH are well ktmwn i«» the rfivity, uml unefulnens, audit • South flint o* con<1uct()d by etuiil liumneM Plan. In a twiirteeu weeks, yODDff men '•** eounttioafle, n.mi aatn expended t«»r board, tuition, I time it i eqntred to graduate. K r 'l’erms, pee College Journal, epee.iuieim, Penmati' hlnp, etc A idrotVp euc'loaiiiff twn three eeuiM niauips, L,. li. DEI VVD LEU, Soo’y. iiox 6Jti, Atiuulu, Ga. July 30, 187*2. * **m urd assumption There is not a b. ker’s dozeD, all told who have been mulunir this Uproar, and who. by mere, diut of heating Chim ae gongR, tur nished tree «»f expense by the a« J ndn Htration, have come to tl.ii.k with the gra*ahoppers, that they are the only occupants of the field.** A Liberal Republican ournal claims that by far the larger share ot the intelligence of >be K pub' lican pH»ty is for Gret ley. 'i his claim is a just one ; but the fact can not be disguised that many able Republicans H*e for Grant. See, for instance where the intellectual Chimborazo, Colonel Susan It Anthony, reats aloft her venerable, antique brow— “Tempest-tom And thunder splintered*’— and looks iown iu scorn upon the hate of those below. She ie tor Grant, toot!) and toenail. The W Hshiugton Pttiriot say* that the Wash ington ring atone tuinialo-d nine Inindred negro repeaters to North Carolina to carry the late elec tion for the Radical* Tina ring which i* aciea-. tiou ot I’icsident Grant’, administration ha* rofi b»d thu District of Columbia ot twelve million* of dollar* during a* many month*, ami is, oi course, deep 11 Internet.-d in the ecutinuancu of thu pres- eut older of thing* Conversation in South Carolina late in Novem ber : 1’ompev Moral in-* Jones—Mr ISmif. doe* ye know wat it wtiz dat k II Musi* Grant so dead di* ’lection f Mr. Smit—Couldn't tole ye, Mr June*, 'less 'twins Secesh wote*. Junes—’ I'wuzu’t dat, Mr Bmii, ’twutu’t dat, 'lam do Sumner com plaint Mr. Kmi f—do Sumner complaint. Th • New York Sun tells us that “one gentleman who was present al the time of i’rcisideut Grant's lamons visit to Senator Cameron, when they all went t out fishing ha* stated that on ihHt odcaaldn th«y all got. drunli as fool*, tbe I’reshleni being about the diuukaal of I'm lot.” Tim la very- likely, as trout Galling is -said to be a very intoxica ting amusement. A Frriloua Season. Glorious ami delightful as the Sommer weather is, its t opical heat is a severe trial to the vita, powers. Even the strongest ate sometimes pros trated by its effects. The common phrase applied to ibis condition of the body is “general debilirv." Now, general debility arises from, and includes a variety -f ailments. The liver is more or less ai- fected, the bowels are either constipated or too much relaxed, the stomach hut half performs tlit work of dise-tion, the appetite is poor, ami ti e spirits depressed. This is \» hat is called genets, debility. It is a geueral disarrangement of all the physical functions, and requires as a remedy a medicine that will regulate them all. Hos ett- r's Stomach Bitters is specially adapted U> tins pur pose its general operation is not confined to a amglo otgau It the liver is affected, It restore* its tone. If the stomach is lurpid, it regain rati * it. Il the uer\es are ti emulous a.id weak .tit bra ces and reu.toiccs them. Il ti e mind, which evei sympathize s with the body, is gloomy ami despon dent, it relieves the diihcuity, and soon brings ihe whole mechanism uf the body into harmony w nb tbe laws ot health. There ia uo civilised nation in the Western Hemisphere in which the utility of Hostettci’s ■Stomach Billers as a tonic, corrective, aud atm bilious medicine, is nol known and appreciated.— l'hruiighuut the Tropics it is considered, both by tlm people aud the profession, the standard specif ic. While it is a medicine tor all seasons and sll climates, it is especially sttiieu to t o complaints generated by the weather, being the purest and inst vegetable stimulant in the world. Beware ol the Bitters made ot acrid and danger ous materials, which unsciupulous pat ties are en deavoring to loist upon the people. Tlnir nanu is legion, aud the oohlic has no guarantee that they are not poisonous. Adhere to u ted rettie- iy. Hosteller’* But. rs, sold only iu glass, tiud never in keg* or bttirtMS* COOKING STOVES, Cheap for Cash. Now is your time to get one as these stove* are aii- i anting iu price. He also has nu assortment of FAXinXXTia IMPLEMENTS Corsigting of Hoe-, Spiditig Forks, Garden Rakes, Guam) S'ri-trers, &c., 6tc. Also, Axes, Meatsules, Churns, Well-Bucket*, Jkc. A general assortment of TIWWAHS, Cheap for Cash. GLASS FRUIT JARS. A full assortment of HrWP T/fW Al?o, Hardware, Cutlery, and a variety uf good? 'on tedmn~ t«» mention. a««i txamitiei. MiHedjjeville, July 30,187*2. 1 3m ISAAC T. HEARD i CU.“ COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Bi.ntos Barrack?. Mo-, ) April d»\ l8>io. S Dr. J ohm Buli—Dear Nrr: Kov*i^tli« elfieacy “t youi 6ar?apariiia t and ihe heain ^ and b»u«fic.al . q:ia!tritf« ii I seed rua tbe Mbaisf Ui«ral Ol OTf caae : ^ I was woaodal aboat two year? a^o. woa rakaa ■ m HJI pn^voer and corfiued for sixteen moarbaw br.u* . M O w 4^0o moved $h.> ottea. iny wouuaa have out beaied yet. I have not ?et up a mouieat siuce I wa« wounded. I I aun allot tbrou^t; the bipe. Mv general beoith u im- Patrons of GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE, via CHARLESTON. and the Public rrenerally, are respectfully iutormed that they will have the j rahtbat whichwgruume Pease ezpi-e#*me naff & benefit of the lowest rates published and in operation by any competing j ' iolen bu ‘ acs > c p Johnson. route. ^ Mo J. M. SFIjKTRK, Supt. Cheat Soulhc/n Freight Line. July 30, 1872. 1 lm F. S. Johnson. Cliuton. S. S. Dunlap. Macon. JOHNSON & DUNLAP, DEALERS IN Ml. ■ii* lirmui inlir lie M Lul l* August 22 unit l.ibt-ral Convru IIV Mill U- t ny , ul . 111 The Lit eral and Demnorallo bulll nl wliu ll air in n —lull at J. ffrr*"D - it end* ■ •'’hi Bcnutt s Best Auxiliary — A-k the belle of tbe scasou what appoiulineut of her todei-tabln holds tbe highest place ill her esteem, and aim will re ply,wiih"Ut a immiant’s relieclion.llAUAN ’ft MaU nui.ia Bai.m Nothing,»h* i* thoroughly swAre.oun- tnbiitns so powi ifully Iu eidinuco h r charms and ratulnr Imr irresistible as that most delightful ami healthy anxili iry of Beauty. By using it ladle* U to “H' rr " n ll "' dtvismu j „ ru enabl d, long after they have passed the nte- mlit ki l. Ilii-ir uie ts.uic (l.nei - r jJ„, u 0 f afe, to pr,»erve the youthful bloomaml 1 1 M 1,1,11 tlm *'< Whittle* “ iT i. PU ity of their coinplexinii* an I wh re Nature has inert It.II. , vri.ll'C will) a VUW to *rttirm»nl. It l» q 'll. , II,, II sa.o tl.nl him. t twenty live straight out. will seud del.- t d*"'*' 1 lb »' "V" "“»• «u.action, the Balm lull/ g..i. b lu LouieviJe. I cowpeuikle* for hot UyfioKnc.ef. W.H. Boons* J*s L Bowm BOIRXE & BOWLES, T 1 M B E It FACTORS AND (trfiifrai Cofitiuisdon .Ufrrhaiils, Olhro 00 Bay St, VAN* All. ii A. i ciuignmenU ot Timber, C«»Uon. <tud all k i) mily pro luce frnliciled, upou which hbvra 1 adN aoc* tl br umilfl. Any at 27,1872. o fim GENERAL AGENTS FOR (iiiIU’U'n Improved aud Li^lit Draft COTTON GIN. P&XCB TDK SAW. Hardware, Iron, Steel, Agricultural [mplenieats, Carriage AND WAG0X M1TEIU1L, VARMSnES, At. AIUD A3EIUTS fOX THE D. PSATI COTTON OIW. P. S.—The following wvr written April Ski I^US. by Mr*. Jennie John—o, mother of Cspt-Johnson : I Dr John Bull— Dror Sir: .M v husband. Dr C. S. j J, husuu. was a skidtul surgeon ami physa-ua m in- I irat New York, where he died, lear-.i g *be at ove C. P Johnson to toy care. At thi-teen years ot' he [ uad achroute uisrrhra *l i fefuta -v tor winch i gave i vunr Sa'5«;«n2a. It cureJ *.-■/« [ have l.a tea vs*" recoumicC -ed it to luaoy tn New Y.* r k. Ou:i> ; and I"Wa, fur aorufuta, trvrv s.» ee, a; d jr -rs i.-b. i- ! ty. Pertect soccer? ha? attended it- 7 %J vrren tf. j feeted IS a-« ranet of tcroftla aud ft-er so.cj rf« i iiau-'i/ miraculous. 1 a n vet v suixiott? fu mv ?ua I to agar* have rrsjoetse to your Sa.-aapanUa. Ilv ia ; teaitul-'t’ getting a -pur-.* u- ar:ic!e. hence his writn-g * to you i>r it % Ilia wenruds were terrioie. tat l be: vs e | he'wiii recover. Respect fully, JENNIE JOHNSON April 9, 1872. 72 :>t! Slrrel, MU’OX, «l. (in rnilESE GINS wrrcnold tht* past tu'dtfon for tin* 1 lit?-! tiuu*. Hi y art* made under Mr Gi’l.l.kTT*^ I” * ' Select School. M U8 8 P. MYKIl.’K will rempen Imr Select ScIhmiI tor gulsat Mulway, *n Monday Sept 2nd. It..aid nod Tmtiiai f .'5 hit per mouth. Fatl In r partic ular* givrti upon hppltuatlon. August *271li, i8.2, 5 It. >na! supervision, at hts works m Louisian*, who sllow- one lo be sent from his woiks until it lias been lolly !e.-tc i. and made to gib perfectly in every respect. Tld* mo I* of testing is very impor tant to the purch laei. a- lie duua not run Ihe riss of ieceivmg aud setting up a Gin to tin.l it. on ti ial, to be tuniertei t I’n.. IMPROVED GIN differ* ma’eriallv from tbe Steel ltru ti Gin folmerly sold by us, In as imudi as the Steel Brush lias three brushes, while the New Gtu has but one. We guarantee every Gin to be of vary light liraft, to Unit mighty C .tail Uo- s.-ed, and make asapm ior sum pie. BeenleS, it is simp n in Us oonsti uct.ou, easily adpi-tetl and giu- vety Inst. We respeeilully reler 'o all those who have used the Imp oved Gin the p-vt Whiter. I Maulers wishing Gifts will o»>esu't their own inter ests lit- ei tier » tiling lo us for cur Circular with Cer tificates, or nailing at mu cllhe ami examining tor I lo thoniscivrs b< lore pitrcbaoiug elsewhere COTTON GINS REl’AlllED! M R H. S. HDLDRIIKmE Ot is Ot IV preparedturvoeiva4 oliau far i>t*ihsj a Muter M«cbainc ami C«4too Gin Uu .u. i. he fifes But. liRH'.tate to warrant all Iil« w«*rk. Sa’ > •notion will be ^iven or the money u tuuiied. 11*’ etui j kjive hundreds t*l relrremv* u» UoMmih, Jonee. But lirtin. ftlaiiCm'k. and WaaiiiUKHRi m»uniiaa. My shop is iu a portion ol the oht Uci umb Hotel, convenient lo evaiybody wlio eomes tv* «he city. I will pay all freight on Kai-road when th- job axveed^ titty dollars, ami ana-naif »t than fitly aud over twenty-five. All ra|Niirt»|( di»» e at tbb h»wo**t pvX'>lble pi We aud the w»»ik • auufitp M*o»*ud to none Kiaus au y»«r Idea aal ouee if aoaa ri- |aecl iu *ct ifta«tM repaired »** llpr lor «Hi» p ar a CVtluaa ervp. KTE1W aiJiTS. I *m prepaied to furnish New Ginjot th* Qiiswold pateut, also Ihe latest impryVeU Gu.vKs Sieul-Cumb Gius, or any oilier kind desiied H S. HOLURIDGE P. 8.—I will keep, in conn*., lion with my t usmess a few e In ae* Bugg-aaand Haiuc-s. which tiuwo *:-■ in : to buy will find it to tlieir a 'vauugo Uimul still examine before umchasiug eL-ewhore. H. S. H , Agt, Mdledgoville, July 30, 1872 1 it MILLINERY GOODS! 1 ciieip fuu asn: FOR SALE. VTTCMIOX PIUNTING OFFICES. 1 -SOU SALK a firstrate ADAMS PRESS. U(h>u ’ wbtea mo *• T m^s It Planter" of Spar'a, t? a»*w priuted. It can ik» tiraUaie botdx woik. K->r term* J. A. OK HE, Mu ledge vide, Ga. BUIaXx’S WORM DESTROYER. EXTRACT FROM A LETTER FROM GEORGIA. I GROVER £ BAKER SKIVIM. MU1IIXK ICENCI, Vtuixow. W At KIR CV, Ga. June *2^. I D* Be*!—/Vtr tSf* : I have rvew>tlv tier a your HV"u Dr+lrrytr wwnl and fi.id U w, u ; deituny rflieaen>ua. Il ba» not SileJ iu a aim*!* ;a- ! !*'aiK*e to hare taa arUlted tor rCtx : I aui u» sa^ % J pretty !ar*e oa»un ry practice aud bare dai.y tor aouie article i f thr kumI. 1 am, our, raapvet rui'y. JULIUS P ULKMKNT. M. l>. W-alVTBD. ^|?HE Name* and A.hlret-n* ot th* heir* of AUOL 1 PHO BLOCK, a German, who I* supp have gone bum Georgia to Brazil and was irociiily l\ r n-ill lake back every Hi* wbiob dnu* not work murdeied there, and also Hi* names anil addresses well whou taiii> tested,auu pay all aapaoeea uaiuned ol all peisuus wlio aie liens to estates in that empire, by the piuohaser. August 27, 1872. U. K PLEASANTS, D'lUsiaua, Pike Cuuul>, Mo. j jlJKl Addles* ISAAC T. HEARD St CO., Cvttou Faolois, Augusta, tl*. July lb, 1872. Jut V 8 — S» nrqna K ti<*d an.! nmneroas are tbe testia>»- ! male to favor ot my Worm Dvsl-over that newspaper -MIS* LUCY J. KK\l), the well known agent for ■ *““5 '* ‘'Hi » »«'«»• the > , isily ivlpbrated firouq Mackn**. wisftea to inf in t;-e ei; ae 11* ol H*i Ootk, liaMwin aud Wdkiu- It is aa ietaihbl* remorly tw Worm*. |>v t t<« convinced. See my Jvuru*. toe a u>»;e tail ■ -cup ii and a ijaceut counties that »h* is stil! prepared to j supply ad who drsno the above aisi c.as. Seermg Maptnii*. Onters sent to Auguste. Ga . will meet ; wi: h prompt attention Mae it lues sold on time or ! moult..) instailoiuuls. Satisfaclio). g ia autee-l. MISS LUCY J READ. j 328 Btoad St , Augu-ta , Ga. July 16 ,1872. 2 t» vtat itr. wa. a. oooowcg AUOUSTA, GVA. COTTON GINS. tiou. JOHN BULL. M RS- N 8. HOLDK1DQK S ill health pres eu’s her fn-un giving peiaoual attention to her stole and Ik'lncrs her lo offer hei Summer sinek, ecus tiug of MiUiuetr Goods, Rea-muda Di*a-e» e> th- latest slylea. and au almost euuleM vauety ol Ladle-' good* ot ail kind*, at Greatly Reduced Price*. Intact *uoh hatgaius iu Ihia lino ol l«o»ds Have never beluia been offered iu ki Uctlgevrliia- Ledie- uow ie your cpponntiiiy, CsOi al once. Ball's Cedron Bitters. Bull's Pectoral Wild Ctern\ Bull's Extract Buchu. E. tbr a.'.dftnJ^Qad, roopaothitfy mt\*riu th# plant T ▼ ivg i iHiMutai > tha’ we chwauiuc lu luauuia‘tare Bull's Vegetable Family Tills ileelmiu-s auu A grand** ra. Earn, Held at Augusta, ” . w ow i* your • piHirluatty, ilUltdgevdle, t 30, isri 1 ->t stmnm. Also. looviVed the First Prvimuiu at tne Sists Khie of S>ot(i Caiohna. We -eel war-anlvd in 'hying that a tnal of onr Gins is al) that >* net ) e-s v • griaranleo salistaeliou Ordeie solicited eartv in the te .sou to prevent delay. Did Gins repaired on iessooable term*. nebleit * Goodrich* April 28,1878. oui j At' the above aiedioln*. prepa-«d by Dr Jl> IN BULL slh* aboratory, Fiffh Slraai. Loo svl *, a,. For »a.* ia Mulad«e'uUa by JGtiN Xt Ci-A.iK. D(tmg«*t May 28 V2 44 ly