Union and recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1872-1886, October 30, 1872, Image 4

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i S What A Roy Snows About Girls- Girls are the most unaccouutabiest things in the world—except women. Like tho wicked flea, when you have them they ain’t there. I can cipher clean over to improper fractious, and the teacher says I do it first-rate; but I can’t cipher out a girl, proper or im proper, and you can’t either. The only rule in arithtfietic that hits their case is the double rule of two. They are as lull of old Nick as their skin can hold, and they would die if thej couldn’t torment somebody. When they try to be mean they are as mean as pusley, though they ain’t as mean as they let on, except sometimes and then they are a good deal meaner. The otily way to get along with a girl when sue comes at you with her nonsense, is to gi# it to her tit lor tat, and that will timnniux her, and when you get a girl flunimuxed she is as nice as a new pin. A girl can sow more wild oats in a day than a boy can sow in a year, but girls get their wild oats sow ed after a while, which boys never do, and then, they settle down as calm and jnacid as a mudpuddle. But I like girls first-rate, and I guess the boys all do. I don’t care how many tricks they play on me—and they don’t care either. The boityto- ityist girls in the world can’t always boil over like a glass of soda. By-and- by they will get into the traces with somebody they like, and puli as steady as any old stage-horse. That is the beauty of them. So let them wave, 1 say, they pay for it some day, sew ing on buttons and trying to make a decent man of the feller they have spliced on to, and ten chances to one if they don’t get the worst of if. SAVANNAH CARDS. General Commission Merchant, AND ssalsh in rcKiziizsas, BALD W IN CO UNT Y S TO YE S, Ayer’s Cathartic Fills, UiO purposes of a Invxativa TmwAB.: Hardware, OFates KELLY S BUILDING, N. W corner, down-eta ire, Savannah, Ga. Will purchase Cotton Seed, both tho Black or Sea Wand, and the Oroon or Upland Seed. Sells Cotton at a Brokerage Commission of oOc per Bale, (no advances being required,; or wi.l advance A Sunny Spirit.—How beautful it is! A spirit of cheerfulness and readi ness to enjoy, of genial humor, warmth, and gentlenness and hopefulness of feeling, charity and kindness of peace ful faith, of brightness of fancy and clearness of thought, and thejoyfu appreciation of all that is beautiful. What a charm such a spirit sheds about its possessor. How tranquil and how happy are the family circles amid which it prevails. How does it make the common words of the soul which it pervades as musical in their flow as brooks in June. How sweetly does it retain its serenity against the strong impulse of opposition. How does it enlighten that portion of life which is overhanging and shadowed by sorrow or by peril. How does it imbue with beauty the literature or the art of the mind that is its dwelling How does it convert even the infirmi ties of old age, which cannot dissipate, into occasions of pleasanter anticipa tious, as the sun at evening lines the thickest clouds with pearl and silver, and edges their masses with golden sheen. And how does such a spirit, as the ev :c and result of faith in Christ, and a delightful trust in the Divine Father, correspond with all that is sub lime in holiness, and grand in self-de votion, and powerful and uplifting in the belief of the truth. How does it find its fittings and natural consum mation alter life’s duty is done amidst the rest and peace of heaven ! \V ho would not have a ‘-sunny spir it?” the charming influence of Chris tianity; the sweetness of life; that beau tiful essence pervading our thoughts; that fruit of gentle submission to the divine wisdom ; that shadow bf God’s love, as Plato said light is of his body. No felicity of organization, no effort of the will, no friendly guidance and education alone can give it, can render it perfect or make it permanent. But in Christ Jesus, through faith in him, and the reception of his spirit, and joy ful trust in his redemption, we may find it* on usaal term*. . . , , .. Consignment* so'icitcJ. Auvanoes made on ship ment* to hi» friend* at the North or abroad. EsrsRs.by permission, to The National Bank of the Republic, New York ; Masers. Williams Sc Guion, New fork ; Mr. A. Potillain. Augusta, Ga., Messrs. U. H. Mioou Sc Co., Montgomery, Aia.; Maj. John A. Cobb, Athens, Ga.; Mr. G- B. Lamar, Sr., Savannah, Ga- Offers for sale 3G8 tons Bakers I«!«nd Guano, 600 tons Jarvis Island. Jarvis Island exposed at reduced prices. Libera] commissions to agents. Terms cash. Prices reduoed. Correspondence so licited. Oct. 1, 1872. 10 6m L. J. QCILMARTIV JOHN FLAKNERT. L. J. GCILMARTm & €0., Cotton Factors and General Commission Merchants BAX' STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A gents for bradley’s phosphate, Jewell's Mills Yarns and Domestics, Tobacco, See. tip* BAGGING and IRON TIES always on hand. Usual facilities ex- r^*Consignments solicited, tended to customers. Sept 4,1872. 6 4m W. H. Bourne. Jos. L. Bowles. BOURNE & BOWLES, TIMBER FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants, Office 200 Bay St. SAVANNAH, GA. Consignments of Timber, Cotton, and all kinds of country produce solicited, upon which liberal advances will be made. Augnst 27,1872. 5 6m JoSEfH FlNKGAH. JaS. B. PaRRAMCR* JOSfEJTJI JPINfEGAN £ CO. COTTON FACTORS -A N D- Commission Merchants. BAY STREET, - SAVANNAH, GA. fyLiberal advances made on Cotton consigned to us or to our correspondents in New York or Liverpool. Oct. 15, 1872. 12 3m. C. F,. GROOVER, C. R. STUB SavaitBAh. Savannah. GROOVER STUBBS t CO., COTTON FACTORS Gene at Commission Me chants, Odt'BAY STR.IOST, SAVANNAH, GA. Our Largo Fire-Proof Warehouse is Completed. Consignment* are solicited for sale storage, on which iiberal advances wi desired. Terms reasonable Ragging nn<l Tie* fnriva»h<' *hipmeiit, or bo made if T2 3m. Wilkinson Sheriff Sale. O N THE FIRST TUESDAY IN' NOVEMBER next, between tho legal hours of sale, will be sold before the Court IXouse door in Irwinton, V* il k. in so n county, ono half inter-^t in a tield Wheat Thresh, with cant rnnoinjr geai arid other appurte nances : levied on to satisfy a mortgage li fa in favor of Hatfield Co against Jaa. K. Patterson. Proper ty pointed out in ninrt^p.jje WM. B. ETHEEEDGE, I>ep Sh’ff W. C, Ang 30, 1872. 6 Ids vfc., v?C. JOSEPH STALEY next THIRTY DAYS, a few I excellent COOKING &'TO VES, Cheap for Cash. Now is your time to get one r- these stovee aro ad- vancing in price. lie also has an assortment of FAsiass^G xiaKFtssassxrss Garden Rakes, Consisting of Hots. Spading Forks Guano Strowers, tee.. &o. Also, Axes, Meatsafea, Churns, Well-Buckets, Sec. A general assortment of TXHWARXS, Cheap for Cash. GLASS FRUIT JARS A full assortment of fJ/WP X/fW ■ Also, Hardware, Cutlery, and a variety of goods too tedious to mention. Call and examine. Milledgeville, July 30,1870. 1 3m •gar 'c? Jk jSf >j£* <! O NE OF THE BEST SMALT FARMS IN THE COUNTY; 241 acres; good houses; 120 acres open; 20 acres rich low-grounds open; splendid crop now growing; 80 acres woodland ; FINE MILL SEAT, On Buck Creek, seven miles from Milledgeville; ad joining lands of Reuben ProsSer, Francis Barnes ami others. Property of Mrs. Matilda Leikins. Terms accommodating, but part cash. TUG'S W. WHITE, wm. McKinley, Assign ee«. Angnst 9,1872 . 3 if GEORGIA, Baldwin County, Court of Ordinary at Chambers, ( Sept. 26th, 1872. ( [ T appearing to the Court., that the i-4ao of llano-' Dadd, late of said county, deceased, has not been administered upon, nor likely to b : Notice is hereby given that at the Noveu ber Term of Cqi rt, the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other proper person will be appointed administrator, nntes-i Cau.-e is shown to the contrary. M. R. BELL, Ordinary, B C. Ootobe*r 2nd, 1872. 10 5t. Citation. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. OTICE is hereby g.vi n that at the n that at the December reg ular Term of the Corn! of (>. iTi-iary of said eonnty, I shall make application to the Ordinary for leave to sell on due advertisement and pursuant to law, a ot tain atrip of land in tl.pt Mi Hedge A. W. Callaway de-c'd’ h ii.goOfwt in hr fill threug! Isit No. 167 Neith ( o.nnio; I E . ::u.l V> centrally thr. egl. salt lot, tniiga • on to i ity Coui e for Street pm puses. L. N. CALLAWAY, Guardian. Oct. 7th, 1872. 12 3-n d in tl<i> tVrjpjipt.- iiu.ies yf ilic C ty ol reperty of Ida C. CaSaway, minor ol GEORGIA, It 1* Cou Count V. of Ordini w IIEREAS.Sw.ib V l»a estate of Sarah Barbo< final returns, applies for It*LL* estate. Those are therefor*' to : c u- ; the creditors ami kir. Vt-.i cf det^a persona interested to be and appear i the January Term of said O it show cause why letters <*f I. i granted to said Saraii Y. Barker, a aforesaid. it. BELL Sept 21,1872. >f said Cc unty, > her',’1, 1^72. < dininietrairix of 'ho a-ed, having Hindu I >: : !: S»iC Georgia. Baldwin A •plication for J \V. VINSON h • i Co nty. Letters of Gum NOTICE. STATE OF GEORGIA, Montgomery County. N r OTICE is hereby given that upon the expira tion of the time of notice required by law the legal advertising of my office will appear in the Central Georgian published at Sandersville, Ga. MARTIN COUEY, 8h’ff Montgomery Co , Ga. Mount Vernon, Sept 13, 1872. 9 fit Care of the Feet.—Concerning this very important subject, the “Sci entific American” truly says : “Many are careless in tiie keeping of the feet. 11 they wash them once a week they are doing well. They do nor consider that the largest pores of the system are located in the bottom of the feet, and that the most offensive matter is discharged from these pores. They wear stockings from the beginning to the end of the week without change, which becomes completely saturated with offensive matter. Ill health is generated by such treatment of the feet. The pores are not airpellants, hut absorbents, and this felted matter, to a greater or less extent, is taken hack into the system. The feet should be washed every day with pure water, and the stockings should not be worn more than a day or two at a time.” GEORGIA, Bulloch jCounty. YITHEREAS, Win. M. Willmme, John C. DeLonoh it nnd Erwin G. Rogers, executor* on estate of Joshua D. DeLoach, deceased, applies to the under signed for letter* of Diemission frdm the personal property of said estate. Therefort, all persons con cerned are hereby required to show cause, if any, why said executors, on first Mocday in November next, should not be discharged Given under my hand and seal of office July 31st, 1872. C. A. SORRIER, Ord’ry. July 31, 1872. 2 3m Coltx Bread.—'lake four cups of sour milk, one ol these partly filled with cream ; one egg a little salt, two even tesspoonfuls pulverized soda ; mix the boda with a little corn meal, and stir al- togethertiii it foams; then add corn meal till a tiiln batter is obtained, and pour into hot tins, oil ed, an inch deep, and bake in a quick oven. Go 'D Mankers,—Young folks should be man- n*rly. How tube so is the question ? Many a good girl and boy feel that they can’t behave them selves in the presence of company. They feel timid, bashiul and self distrusted the moment thBv are addre-sed by a stranger or appear in compa ny. There is but one way to get over this feeling, and acquire ea-y and graceful manners ; that is to do the best they can all the time at home, as well as abroad. Good manners are not learned by ar bitrary teaching so much as acquit ed by habit.— They grow upon us by use. We nust be courte ous, agreeable, civil, kind, gentlemanly and wo manly at home, and then it will become a kind of second nature to be so everywhere. A course rough manner at home begets a habit of rough ness, which we cannot lay off if we try when we go among strangers. The most agreeable people we have ever known in company are those who are perfectly agreeablo at home. Home is the school lor ail good things, especially for good - "f ,re.-it crops from III tie wheat heads grow”— Mr. V\ hkVX Hedges' of Bridgebampton, four years ago, obtained a head of wheat from the south of ! which ho calls fhe “Mediterranian Red Chall. It contained 56 kernels. These yielded the first year a pint which upon counting he found amounted to the astonishing sum of ten thousand kerucis, The second year be obtained from th< pint a bnshc-l and a half. The third year from this about twenty four bushels and this year the twen ty four bushels sown on ten acres returned a yield of, three hundred and fifty bushels of superior grain. AMFRttMN A*m European Farming — What strikes a stranger from Europe on his first arrival in tills country, is what may bo termed the inter, mittent ci aracter of the farming. The large fields of Eng: nd, cultivated by euergetic tenant farm ers, an ! laden with grain, clover, grass, or roots with never a barren spot for miles; or the Ft;ii nior*- economical spade culture of the market f.iden p ots t the cottiers of France and Bel- aui, lorn, a loarked contrast to tfee acene which ni" ts Ids eye in this country. Accustomed to see every inch ol ground improved to the highest pitch by tbe lavish use of both labor and manures, tho enormous extent of^asto land on every farm occasions profound surprise. Here are two or timed acres highly cultivated, next twenty skim med over in pretence, and then a long stretch of brush, wood, marsh, or rocks* GEORGIA, Bulloch County. Vf/HEREAS. James H. Wilkinson, administrator M on estate of Dempsey Driggers, deceased, ap plies to the undersigned for letters Dismissory from bis Administration. Therefore all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause, if any, why said administrator, on the first Monday in January next should not be discharged. Given under iny hand and seal of office September 23d, 1872. C. A. SORRIER, Ord’ry. Sept 23, 1872. 11 3m XVOTXCB. A LL persons concerned are hereby notified that I shall apply to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Colquitt county, at the first term of said Court af ter the expiration of the time allowed by law from publishing this notice, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to Joseph Mims late of said county, deceased. C. W. HAYNES, Adm’r , De bODia non Estate Joseph Mims, dec’d. Sept. 27, 1872. 10 2m nviiig tvppbcd for'ct ship of the property of Alin- Cm t Camming, resident in Bi idwi i dri ll of Eli Camming d>.< 1 ■ that lattere will be granted him eu tin C November 1872, unle-s good can. c; is s oonlrary, M. R. BELL. Ordiu Oct. 7, 1872. ip. Perhaps no ono medi cine is so universally re quired by everybody aa a cathartic, nor waa ever any before so universal- iy adopted Into use, in every country and among ail classes, aa this mild but eiliciont purgative 2‘ill. The obvious rev i onthat ,t is a more re liable and far more oiloo- tual remedy than any other. Those who have B1EI1 BROS., MACOX, GA., 44 THIBD ST. MANUFACTURERS OF AND tri-d it, know that it cured them ; those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends, and ail know that what il doe= once it does always — that it never ituE through any fault or noglectof its composition. Wo hive thousands upon thou sands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures aro known In every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions iu all r.Umatoa; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may bo taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating preserves them over fresh and makes them pleasant to tiie, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from th .ir u-i in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on’tho Internal viscera to purify- the blood and stimulate it Into healthy action — remove the obstructions of tho stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body-, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting,'wherever they exist, such derange- Meets as are tho first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these VIU* rapidly cure: — For Iky.pvpaiu or CniU$«ition, Mrtlm *<<n, langser and liwi of Appetite, they Ul’M, JUMU((UUr tU-LlA Xi iEgNVXI AV8, UiLy should be taken moderately to stimulate tho stom ach and restore its healthy tone au-l action. For Idv«-r Com plait? and its various symp toms, Ullion* Ueadadii', 4ick Hcxilaihe, Jaundice or Creen kicknc, Ulllone Colic and Silioos Fcrcn, they should be ju diciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstruction, which cause it. For iDy.en;cry or liiarrisoe«, but one mild dose is generally required. For BhsDmafiim, treat, Gravrl, Palpi, trulon of *li« SIc»r«, I*nJn in the hide, Bock and JLolna, they should be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of tho system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy nnd Dropsical Sirellingra they should be taken in large and frequent doses to pro duce the effect of a drastic purge. For Suppression a large dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a IHnner fill, take one or two fills to pro mote digestion and relieve tho stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowols into healthy action, restores the appotite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad vantageous whore no serious derangement exist*. On* who feels tolerably well, often finds thstadoso of those fill* makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effoct on the diges tive apparatus. HU..T. O. A.YER (V CO.. I'ractical Chemists, HOWELL. MASS., U. S. A. For sale in Milledgeviiiu by JOil.N ii. CLARK Druggist. Jan 1, 71—ly Ayer’s Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fe ver, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilioua Fe ver, &.C., and indeed all the affections i which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poi3cns. L‘>uia ■r < hi! .y B C i I It iSolice to Debtors and ( GEORGIA, Bail A LL person* in oeaseff, in l.ia ed to make payment at o:i or claims agam.-t ti" undersigned in rim f< . n i BOLING A. IIRE Oct. 7th, 1872. TAX NOTICE. No one remedy Is louder called for by tho necessities of the American people than a snro and safe cure for Fever and Agno. Such wo are now enabled to offer, with a perfoct certain ty that It will eradicate the disease, and with assur ance, founded on proof, that no harm can arise from its use in any quantity. That which protects from or prevents this disorder must be of immense service in the communities where it prevails. Prevention is 1,otter than cure; for the patient escapee tho risk which he must run in violent attacks of this haleful distemper. This " Ct’RE” expels tho miasmatic poison of Fever and Ague frem the system, and prevents the develop ment of the diseaso, if takon on tho first approach of Us premonitory symptoms. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and cer tain cure of Intermittents is, that it contains no Quinino or mineral; consequontly it pro duces no quinism or other injurious effects whatoverupon the constitution. Those cured by it are loft as healthy as if thov had nevor had the disease. F*vsr and Airuo ia not alone tho con sequence of tho miasmatic poison. A groat variety of disorders arise from its irritation, among which are fTeuruigis., lihrunid- tism, Ooaf, Hn&dachr, ‘Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asth ma, Palpitation, Tulaful Affection of the Spleen, Mysteries , 3*ali» in tho Dowel*. Colic, I'«riuyi;», and derange ment of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the inter mittent typo, or become perio-licaL This “Clre” expel3 the poison from tho blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It ts an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or teraj orarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occasion ally or dally while exposed to the infection, that will te excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in snneient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cure; and few will ever suffer from Intermittents if they avail themselves of the protection this rem edy affords. For Liver Complaints, arising from torpid, ity of the Liver, it Is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity, and producing many truly remarkable cures, where other medicines fail. ruEPAitrp by Dr. J. O. AYER & CO., Dowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists, AND BOLD ALL ROUND THE WORLD w I* II AIV D &STAXL DSAIXIAS XIV LADIES. MEN’S AND BOYS’ SADDLES OF ALL KINDS, CARRIAGE, BAROUCHE, PHAETON ANL SINGLE AND DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS, WAGON HARNESS, SINGLE & DOUBLE. FOR FOUR, SIX ami 80 on, STAGE AND CART HARNESS, WOOL FACED COLLARS. . We i»*n*factnre the aboTe extensively and are therefore prepared to fill orders at short notice* Alio keep constantly on hand a complete stock of Saddlers, Harness and Shoemaker’s Hardware and Tools. Hurncas Leather, Skirting, Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. KIP, CALF AND LINING SKINS, LACE AND PATENT LEATHER OF ALL KINDS ENAMELED MUSLIN, DRILL AND DUCK, PLAIN AND FIGURED. Buggy, Carriage. Wagon. Riding and Drovers Whips. Line* and Woolen Coven for Hones, Fly Nets, Linen and Woolen Buggy Roboe, eto. Merchants, Planters and all, will find it is their interest to purchase our goods. Do not fail to call or order from us. ty* We pay cash for all kinds of Furs and Skins, Hides, Leather in the rough, Tallow, Wax and Wool Alcoa, May 21, 1872. 43 lyr. W. F. BROWN. GEO. C. BROWN', SOWN HOUSE MAOON, GEORGIA, Opposite Passenger Depot, W. F. BR0WU & CO., Proprietors, SUCCESSORS TO E. E. BROWN & SON This large and fopalar Hotel, elegantly furnished thronghout, will Btill be found unsurpassed in point ol elegance and comfort by *ny Hotel In tho South. March 21. 1871. 34 lyr, FURNITURE. W. & J. CARAKER, MASONIC HILL. T HE undersigned keep constantly on hand a com plete assortment of FURNITURE, consisting in uart ef Bureaus, Looklng-CHastes, Sables, SOME FINE MARBLE-TOP: CRIBS, Chairs, Bedsteads and Matresscs Of All Sites and Styles. Thsy alee have some handsome BED-ROOM SETT8 Cheap for Cash. Hepairfsf *f Fsrsiltr* sail rpkslalerlsf INst Is •rMer si Hhirl A*lire. uncmxAL OASBS. IMP r open for the collect State and County Tax, for 1X72. Ail '! arc required to come up and settle the same 1st, 1872. L. N. CALLAWAY, Tax Collector of B. C, Sept 16th, 1872. 8 7t. N in. CLARK Janl, ’71—ly. II. E. Me R E YjYOL D S, C AN be found in his office at -Milledgeville llo- j tel at aii times, e-imre h 9 will take great pleasure j in waiting upon ail who may f iv, . i wbii tlu-ir kind | patronage, and will guarantee saUHaclion iu all opera- , tions. Sept 17, 1872. 8 3m. Guardian s Sale. GEORGIA. Baldwin County. PURSUANT to an order of tho Ordinary o! said A county, the untie reigned, T-t. N. C&iUway, Guardi an of Tda C Callaway, h minor child of A. YV, Calla way, !at© of said county, deceased, on petition for ; leave to sell certain lota or parcel** of lurid in the city of Milledgeville hereiD?titerde*cr'bed, on petition filed, citation published, and no objection wnd*' or filed to said sale by him aa Guardian ; and older grunted this ^d of September, 1872: I will offer at public out< :y, b- for • the Court house door at Milledgeville, within the b tr>‘il hours of sale, on the firstTuesaay in November io xt. the following:loti 1300 pnfircrt and 600 Eu- [^MgqtrAviiipH, printed in English jud German. YY T ritten by inineut authors, inolud- IT'S: ling John B. Gcugb, lion, fqm-/ ^ I.eon Case, Eiiwaril llow or parcels of land in tho corporate limits ut said city, ▼ix : that part of Lot Nu 2, in square 41, fronting 25 feet on Wayne Street, and running back parallel with said street 110 feet, next adjoining part or strip of land bargained to Daniel Cnrakor on the South. Also, the part of lot in same number and sqnare fronting 23 met on said Wayne Street, and running back 110 feet, bargained to said Daniel Caraker. Ail for benefitof said ward under order of Court- L. N. CALLAWAY, Guardian aforesaid. Sept 2,1872. 0 td 1)00(18, SASH AND BLINDS, M ouldings, brackets, stair fix tures, Builders’ Furnishing Hardware, Drain Pipe Floor Tiles, Wire Guards, Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieces. Window Glass A Specially. Circulars and price lists sent free on application, by P. P. TOALE, 20 nayne and 33 Pinckney Sts, Charleston, S. C. Oct 1,1872. 10 ly GEORGIA COTTON PRESS. *IIE above Press lias been in nee tlig past three years, is well and favorably known to the Plant- Price, complete, §125. Also, GIN GEAR, all sizes 8, 9, 10, 12 foot. Thero is no better miming gear in the market. Address, • PENDLETON & BOARDMAN, Iron Foundry, Augusta, Ga. Jnly 30,1872. * 1 3:n GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Present the Hon. Philip B. Robinson, Judge of the Superior Court ol said county. Sallie Snead 1 vs. I Libel for Divarcs. John T. Snead, J rT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sher iff, that the defendant does not reside in this coun ty, and it further appearing that he does not reside in this State, it is nn motion Ordered, that said defendant appear and answer at the next Term of tiiis Court, or that the case be considered id default and the plaintiff allowed to proceed. And it is further ordered that lliis Rule be published in the Union St Recorder once a month for four months. August 30,1872. PHILIP B. ROBINSON, Judge Superior Courts O. C. A true extract from the minutes of Baldwin Supe rior Court. P. L. FAIR, Clerk. Sept 10, 1872, 7 m4m Baldwin Postponed S/terijJ s Sale. \JLl ILL be sold befori the Court house door in the M city of Milledgeville, within the legal hours of sale,on the the firsi Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, the following property, to-wit; Ono sorrel horse, one sorrel mare, one mouse colored horse, one black horse, one chestnut sorr, i marc with one eye, one dark bay horse; a. -■ ■. Mary Ann K. San ford’s interest, being nn estate for her own life in that C Imitation or tract of land in Baldwin county on east ank of Oconee river, adjoining lands of Samuel Whitaker and others, containing sixteen hundred and eighty seven noies, more or less Sold to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Thomas J Kinney guardian of Emily P Gibson vs John W. A. Sanford and Mary Ann K.San ford, principals, and Theodore S. Sanford, security. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. OBADIAII ARNOLD, Sheriff. Oct 2, 1872. 10 td Baldwin Sheriff's Sale. old before the Court house door, in the W LL be city of Milledgeville, on I lie first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit : One fire-proof brick Ware House and the land it oc cupies, to-wit, the West half (less 20 feet oiT the North end) of ot tiro, of square thirty-eight, nnd one brick Gin Ho isennd tho iand it occupies to-wit, the Fast half ofthe West half (less70 feet off the South end) of lot one, of square thirty-nine; all in the city of 5lil- ledgeville; levied on as the property of Join, Jones, to satisfy a fi fa in my bauds, iu favor o! the Southern Insurance and Trust Company r -aid Jem -. O. ARNOLD, Sheriff B. C. Oct. 1st, 1872. JOtds. Baldwin Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door □ the city of Milledgeville, Hu dwin < aunty, on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER mo: 1 ., within the usual hours of sale, the following property lo-wit: Ninety acres of laud, more or Jess, arijomi-g lands of John Ross, Washington Phillips and others. • . vied on as the property ot July DeBMAtnsi re tg satisfy a fi fa in favor of Anderson Brautly, Trustee of ins wife. Property pointed cut by def i. !ar 1 Also, at the same time and pi that tract of laud of one hundred acres, more or less, in said county, known as the Sanford Middlchrooks pi n . mii-heiiig lands of William Davis, E. N. Ennis and others, by virtue of a fi fa from Superior Court ot said county in favor of Thomas J. Finney, guardian, vs. Mary Ann Sanford and John W. A Sanford, principals. Theodore G. Sanford, security; pointed out by defendant's at tomey Oct. 1ft. 1872 tds. O. ARNOLD, Sheriff MACON A. Al'GjUtjTA It. R., Miu Efxifv Ang' A R. R., ) .*1L I, St, G A , £ rust 19, 1872. ) and. Rev. E. Edwin Hall, Philip Ripley, Albert Bris bane, Horace Greeley, F. B Perkins, etc., etc. ldstory of all branches o- in a'd ages This werk is a rompl industry, processes of monnfactnr It is a complete encyclopedia o! arts ai ! manufactures, and is the moat entertaining nnd valuable work of in formation on eniq'ccts of general interest ever offered to the public. The book is sold by agents, who are making large sales iu ail parts of the country. Itis offered at the low price of $3 50, aim is the cheapest book ever sold by subscription. We want Agent every town in the United States, and no Agent can fail to do well with this book. Onr forms are liberal We give our agents the exclusive right ot territory One of our agents sold 138 copies in eight days, anotli er sold 363 in two weeks. Our agent in Hartford soid 397 in one week. Specimens of the work sent ti agents on receipt of stamp. For circulars and term to agents addriss tho publishers. Sample copies of his book sent to any address on receipt of price. J. B. BURK Sc HYDE. Publishers, Hartford, Conn., Chicago, III., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sept 24,1872. 0 ly 411 sty!** «f Wood and Mc'alia Burial Cases and f s.skefi always on hand Wagons, ,, Buggies, jjugd Carriafei For Sale. r$fp*iri»ip; Done la thf Tfist Substan tial banner and fees! Style, AT DIE LOWEST FIGURES. Also, Wagon and Buggy Harness for for Sale. AJ*o !72»trrS*l for ferriage Iffnhrr« nad Itrfi Airrrn. Readj-rtfade Wagon and Bnggy Whffls Always on fland. Also Doors, Sash and Blinds. rV*Wf gnnrantes low ftlees and Gaod Work. Givo ns a call. W. ft. J. CARAKER. Milledgeville, Jan 10, 1872 24 ly MACON CARDS, JONES & BAXTER, General Commission Merchants AND DEALERS IN Produce, Provisions, Staple Groce ries, Fertilizers, Lime, Plaster, Cement, &.C., No. 100 Cherry Street, MACON, GA. May 14, 1H72. 42 ly CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE Macon & Bhlnswi Macon, tia., NTS OFFICE. ) SWICK It. S. Co., ' O —, Sept. 81, i«72. ^ N and after Monday, September 23, 1-72, the following schedules will be run : DAY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN DAILY Leave Macon (Passenger Shed H l r > a v Arrire at Jesnp f ’ * Arrive at Brunswick 10 ut) p Jr ' Leave Brunswick 4 3^ f M ’ Arrive ot Jessup g f ‘ • Arrive at Macon (Passenger Shed) 5 ;*i) f M ' Connects closely at Jesup with trains ut Atian tic and Gulf Railroad, to and from all points : " Florida. NIGHT PASSENGER TI1A1N DAILY. Leave Macon (Passenger Shed) 7.45 p. M Arrive at Savannah 7.15 a! ji t * Leave Savannah..... 7.bi)p. M ’ Arrive at Macon (Passenger Shed fi.45 A M ' HAWKINSVILLE TRAIN DAILY, (SUNDAYS l\. OEPTED.) Leave Macon... 2.55 p. M Arrive at Hawkinsviile. b.30 p. Leave Hawkinsviile... 7.00 a. m Arrive at Macon 10.50 a. m - WM. M.acREA, Gen’l Sup't. SOUTH WESTEM RAILKOAB. CBAiroB or Macon, Jan. 2d, 1871. O N and after Sunday next, Janunry 22d, Pas- se MIX & KIRTLAND, fH Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, ZiEATxrnxi, rzsrsxzwcs, &c., No. 3 COTTON AVE . ) and S XtSACOXW, OA- fl« THIRD STREET, ) Sc j Agents for the RXrKI.NIOfl GAITEK. May 14, 1872. 42 Jy D. C. HODGKINS 4 SON. Q-TXNTSk FISHING TACKLE, Sporting Goods. 2 SiZulbcrry Street, X&ACON, May 14, 1872. GA. 42 ly LANIER HOUSE. senger and Mail Trains on this Road, will be run as follsws: COLUMBUS MAIL TRAIN. Leave Macon 5:25 a. m. Arrive at Columbus 11:00 a. m. Leave Columbus... 5:45 p. u. Arrive at Macon 11:15 p. m. COLUMBUS NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOM- MODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon .8:15 p. m. Arrive at Columbus 4:45 a. m. Leave Columbus 8:05 p. m. Arrive at Macon.... 4:10 a. m. EUFAULA MAIL TRAIN. Leave Macon 8:00 a. m. Arrive at Eufaula 4:58 P M. Leave Enfaula 7:45 a. m. Arrive at Macon 4:50 p. m EUFAULA NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOM* MODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon.... 8:50 p. m. Arrive at Enfanla.... 10:00 a. m. Leave Enfanla..... 5:10 p. M. Arrive at Macon 5:00 a. m. The Eufaula Mail Train connect daily at Smith- ville with Albany Mail, and at Cut.'ibert with Fort Gaines Mail Train The Albany Night Froight and Accommodation Train connects with Eufaula Night Fright and Accommodation' Train every Monday. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, at Smith ville. ’I lie Fort Gaines Accommodation Train connect with Lu- faula Night Freight and Accommodation Train at Cutbbert, every Tuesday and Thnrsriav. These trains connect with the Ger'rnl Railroad Trains at Macon tor SavaDnah and Augusta, at Columbua with the Western Railroad for Mont gomery, Alabama, and Mobile aud Girard Rail road for Union 8pring. At Albany with South Georgia Railroad for TbomasviHe VIRGIL TOWERS, Engineer and Superintendent. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, n. Dm, Mulberry Street, Proprietor. - Macon, Georgia. H. NKBLKTT. WM. M. GOODRICH. AUOUT«TA, OA COTTON GINS. YV r E, the undersigned, respectfully inform the plant- V T ing rommnrity that We continue to manufacture COTTON GINS. We Were awarded tho Premium, open to the world, for the Gin, at the Cotton States Mechanics and Agricultural Fair, held at Augusta iast season. Also, received the First Premium at the State Fair of Sooth Carolina. We feel warranted in saying that a trial of oar Gins is ail that is necessary to guarantee satisfaction. Orders solicited early in tho season to prevent delay. Old Gins repaired on reasonable terms. NEBLEPT Sl GOODRICH. April 23,1872. 6in J. SIBLEY & SONS, COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Augusta, Ga, HAVE redtoed their Commissions for soiling Cot, ton to OWH DOLLAR A BALE And respeettally solicit the patronage of the Planters of Baldwin, Junes, Hancock and adjoining Counties. They are at all times prepared to make liberal CASH ADVANCES On eonsignme::-s, and keep constantly on hand a good supply ofthe BEST BAGGING AND TIES. J. SIBIiElT & SOS9B Oct. 1st, 1872. 10 lm. The above named Hotel has been recently refnr nished and fitted up for the accommodation of tran sient as well as permanent Boarders. Persons will find it to their interest t- stop at this Hesse, as its central loeatior makes it a very desirable place for merchants and families coming to theoity for business or for a s -journ ol pleasure. An ELEGANT SAM PLE ROOM lias been fitted np for tho special use of commercial travelers. The table always supplied with all the luxuries of the season, from first markets, and can be surpassed by none in tiie South. Omnibus to r< uvey passengers to and from the Hotel and all trains, free of charge. B. DUB, Proprietor. April 18. 1872. 6m CARLOS! stands for Candy and everything sweet, stands for Apples and fruits good to eat, stand* for Rarest of fish, flesh and fowl, stands for Liquors in full flowing bowl, stands for Opeu the door and ooine in, stands for Step up! Put your cash in, and win! Take the CAR when yon wish to perfects good trade Aud the LOS(S) won’t be yours when the bargain you’ve made; For CARLOS, in bargains, lays all in the shade ! Macon, Ga. Sept. 24, 1872 . 9 tf. MIX A KIRTLAND’S, If you want to have Jits in a shoe or a boot, If you want lowest prices, always certain to snit, If yon crare best of foot-gear substantially made, Of elegant style, latest known to "the trade,” If you want the best bargains you ever did get, Go to Macon—be certain you do not forget To find MIX and KIRTLAND, or KIRTLAND and MIX— No matter which way the two names you may fix ! "You can'tJtnd’em 7” Why, yes! You have nothing to do But to find No. 3, on the fine Avenue Called “Cotton,” or go to Third Street, 66, And you’ll find MIX &. KIRTLAND and KIRTLAND dr MIX! And of all the fine stocks of such goods as tiiey keep At which your astonished eyes ever did peep, You’ll find far the finest in that very store; And you’ll THANK me tor telling you this, more and more !! 11 3m. PARKER & COLLINS, Z&XLLZJDGEVIliiLa, GA., i<lc.*S|ii-injj; Bnggy W ILL make yon a good Tor 91351 r ««! Npring lor 9145 t- ith tlic lulc iniprovcim nu lit from 9150 lo 91»5. No “slop'’ work done a! any price- Repairing exe cuted promptly and substantially. Good wagons always on hand end for sale low. TERMS CASH. June 5th, 1872. 46 7m GEORGIA, Montgomery County. W HEREAS, H. W. J. Ham applips to rue for Letters of Administration on the estate of Hen ry Brown late of said county, deceased. "These are therefore to c ite and admonish ail and singular tiie parties at, interest to lie «:i I appear at iny office on the first Monday in DECEMBER next, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Witness my hand and official signature tiiis October 7th, 1872. JOHN A. McMILLAN, 12 it Ordinary M. C. GEORGIA, Montgomery County. W ill,REAS, William McRae applies to mo for letters of Administration on the estate of Ben jamin Horne, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore toeite and admonish all nnd sin gular tiie parties nt interest to he and appear at my office on the first Monday inJDeccmber next, then and there to show cause, if any thoy can, why said letters should not b« granted. Witness my hand and official signature this October 7th, 1872. JOHN A. McMILLAN, Oct 7, 1872. |J2 5tl Ordinary M. C. FOR SALE—A HOME! T HE VERY PLEASANT HOUSE AND LOT, now occupied by Mr. Windsor, adjoining I)r. Case’s lot, fronting on the beautiful green State House Square, is for sale, cheap at $2500;—one ot the pleasantest houses for a family in Milledgeville. Apply to WILLIAM McKINLEY, Agent for owner. Also, To Rent or Sell, A pleasant nous* and Lot In Midway. Possession immediate. WILLIAM McKINLEY. Sept 9, 1872. 7 tf W. H. HALL. MEDICAL I. L. HARRIS. CARD. D octors hall & Harris have associated themselves for the Practice of Medicine. Ornct the ono formerly occupied by Judge I. L. Harris as a Law Office. ty Cails may be left at their office day or night. Milledgeviiie, Aug 20, 1872. 4 3m GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE,) Atlantic ik Celt Railroad Co., r Savannah. June 16, Is72 ) O N AND AFTER SUNDAY. JUNK 10. 1»72, Passenger Trains on this Road will rim as fol lows : EXPRESS PASSENGER. Lear* Savannah daily 4.3d p. m. Arrivoat Jesup (Junetion M. Sc B. R.R.)du iy 7.10 ; .,-i. Arrive at Bainbridge daily— 7.15 a, m. Arriveat Albany “ 9.15 a.m. Arrive at Live Oak.. “ 2.75a.m. Leave Lire Oak “ 11.30 p. in. Leave Albany “ .— -.5.20 p. m. Leave Bainbridgo " 6.50 p. m. Leave-Jesup “ . — 6.50 a. m Arrive at Savannah “ 10 00 a. m. Connect at Live Oak with trains on tiie Jiu-ks*-;:- ville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad lor and i'r. i Jacksonville and Tallahassee. No change of cars between Savann.il, and Albany. Close connection at Albany with trains on South western Railroad. Sleeping car on this trnin. Pasoengers for Brunswick take this train. MACON PASSENGER. Leave Savannah (Sundays excepted) at 7.00 pm Arrive at Jesnp “ “ 10.25 pm Arrive at Macon (Mondays excepted) at. .. t 15 a m Leave Blaeon (Saturdays excepted) at 7.15 p m Leave Jeeup (Sundays excepted) nt 1n Arrive at Savannah, (Sundays exe'd) at 7 3 a in Connects nt Macon wirh trains on Macon and West ern and Southwestern Railroacs. Passengers for Macon on Sunday, will take the 4.30 p. m. Express Train from Savannah. Passengers from Macon Saturday nigld will arrive in Savannah by the 10 a. m.ExpiesaTrain on Sunday. No change of cars between Savannah and Macon. ry Freight Accommodation will ieavo Savannah Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.35 a. m.; arrive same days at 6.40 p- m. il. S. HAINES, Gec’i Sr.pt. Oot. 10,1872. 11 tf. Carriage Shop. G EO. A. GARDNER armonnoes to the '.mh::c that he I ’ ' has opened a shop opposite the shop form- -ly occupied bv R. E. Gardner, where he will curry on the business of manufacturing and repairing any r.nd ail kinds of vehicles. Particular attention will ba paid to the Boing Up of Carriages. Retrimming. die., die. Satisfaction will be given both in materials, durability and in prices. "* Milledgeville, Ga., Jan 12,1872. 17 hy Manhood: How Lost, How Restored! Just pnblished, anew edition of Jtr. Cal. ▼erwcll's Eaiany on the RADICAL CUKE (without medicine) of Spekmatokbhcex, or Seminal Weakness, Involnntarv Seminal Lo-~ -. Im- fotisct. Mental and Physical Incapacity. Impedi ments to Marriage, etc., also. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual e^trav qgance. C?- Price, in a sealed envelope, oniv C cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrate*, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of seif-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife: point ing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what hi* condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. rp- This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on the receipt of six cents, or two no.-tage stamps. Also, Dr. Colvei-well’s “ Marriage Guide,” price 50 cents- Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE Sc CO, 137 Bowery, New York, Post-Office Box 4.5S6. Jnly 30,1872. 1 till Oct 25 SCHOOL NOTICE. TIXH FAIil, TEHM OF THE Soathern Masonic Female College at Covington, ^^PENS28th, inst.. with ample corps of Taachers Spring Term 1873, Jan. 15. Board reduced to $16 and $18 per month by CoL Harper. For Circulars address, Rev. J. N. BRADSHAW, President. August 14, 1872. 3 3m. w. b. cox. COX cb Wholesale Dealers in w. R. HILL* Foreign and Domestic Liquors. ^ ATLANTA, GA. Peachtree Mlreet, August 13, 1872. 3m Wilkinson Sheriff's Sale. ILL be sold before the Court house door in tho W : town of Irwinton, in said county, on the first GEORGIA. Montgomery County. P ETER BULLOCK applies to me for setting apart and valuation of Homestead and exemption of iiersonaity, and I will pass upon the same on tho first Monday iu November r.ext, at my office in Mount Vernon, at H> o’clock in the forenoon. Witness my hand an-i official signature this October 7tii, 1872. JOHN A. McMILLAN. [12 2t] Urdinary M. 0, GEORGIA, Baldwin County, Office of < (riiinary of said County. IXfHEREAS, Abe! K. Akridge has applied to me YV for allowance of Homestead, and setting apart Until further Notice, I w ill ci h,.a Ticket* Full | fare going, return free to Macon and Augusta Good until Nov. 1st, 18-2. J. XL NISBET, Agent, Aug. 1,1872. 4 tf. of personalty, under the no* of tiie Genera! Assembly, ved Oct., 3rd, 1868. This is to give notice that approved —, .. I will pnH« upon tho same, at my office iu Milledge viiie, in said county, on the 30th of October 1372, at 10 o’clock a. in- M it. BELL, Ordinary of B.C. Oct. 15,1872 13 2t Tuesdayin DECEMBER next, within the legal bourn sale: One hundred and thirty-two (132) acres of land more or less; being parts of lots No. 144 and 145 in the27tli District ofsaid county, being the place where on C- T. Green deceased resided at the time of his death; adjoining lands of B. Fountain, Charles John son and. Kebecca Valentine- Levied on as the proper ty of C. T. Green dec’d., by virtue of a fi fa, David Welch vs. Nancy A. Green, administratrix of C. T. Green deceased, issued from the Superior Court of said county. ALSO at the same time and place, two acres of land more oi less lying within the corporate limits of the town of Irwinton and on the road leading from the Court honse to 16 Central R B., in front of what is known asths Wm. O. Beall place, adjoining lands of Ellis Harvill, the estate of G. B. Burney and others. Levied on as the property of J. T. Hughs under and by virture of a mortgage ti fa issued from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of B. W. Todd and James Pittman vs. said J. T. Hughs; property pointed out in fi fa. L. L. PEACOCK, Dep’t. Sheriff. This Oot- 16th, 1872. 13 tds. GEORGIA, Bulloch County. 'YyHEKEAS James Yoong administrator on estate of Thomas Young, deceased, applies to the un dersigned for letters dismissory from his administra tion: Therefore all persons concerned are hereby re quired to show cause if any why said administrator on the first Monday in January, should not be discharged. Given under my hand and seal of office October 7th, J872. C. A. SORRIER, Ordinary. Oot. 7.1872. 13 3m. DAVIS SMITH, (Snocessor to the late firm of Smith, Westcott, Sc Co., and of Smith, McGiaslian St Co.) WM. E. WOOD & CO., P ROPRIETORS OK GOLD’S AUTOMATIC Low Steam and not Water Heater, and La'v- sou’s Celebrated Hot Air Furnace- INTENTORM AND PATESTKrs ofthe iPARLOR, SUN AND LIGHTNING FIRE PLACE HEATERS AND PARIS RANGES. Dealers in ail kinds of SEAT AND COOK STOVES, Kitchen Ware, Grates, State XVIan- tels, etc., etc. lecial care taken with Plumbing nr.-l all kinds of Steam and Water Piping. Repairs for Steam Heaters, Furnaces, Ranges, Stoves. Ac. WM E. WOOD Sc CO., 8. W. Cor. Baltimore and 1 Eutaw Streets, ) Uoliimoi .-, 7I<!. Sept 10, 1872 2m JEWELL’S MILLS. Postoffice, Majfleld, Ga. M ANUFACTURE Sheetings, Shirtings, Osnaburgs, Yarns, Jeans and Kerseys. At our -tore and warehouse we keep constantly on hand and for -.be Bagging and Ties, Groceries, Dry Goods. Hat?, Hard ware, Tinware, Boots and Shoes. Medicine, Crock- ry, Glassware, and all other article* needed for plantation or family use. Please give ns a call. Woo:, Cotton, Wheat, Corn and other produce wanted in exchange for goods or cash. D. A. JEWELL. Sept. 24, 1872. 9 ly PLANTERS’ HOTEL MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLBRY AND HARNESS HARDWARE, Carriage Materials, Leather of all kinds, Shoe Fiddings, Children’s Carriages, KUBBBK, GIXV BANDS, BTC., Together with every article usually kept in a saddlery house. 102 CHERRY ST., MACOZT, GA. Oct. 10,1872. Il 3m. AUGUSTA, GA. Telegraph office and Railroad Ticket office connec ted with the Hotel. JOHN A. GOLDSTEIN, Proprietor. 8ept 25, 1871. 9 tf Jesse Babb ’ vs. Franoes M- Babb. Libel for Divorrn Baldwin Superior Court, j Bt Term, 1872. j August I T appearing to the Court by the return ot the S. er- iff, that the defendant, Frances M. Babb, l - - - reside in this State, on motion of plaintiffs attorney is ordered that plaintiff have leave to perfec-- service by publication once a month for four months n '- llJ Union & Recorder newspnper at Milledgeville. i, c PHILIP B. ROBINSON, Jndge Superior Courts, O. C- A true extract from the minutes ot Baidwin Superior C0Urt ‘ P. L. FAIR, Clerk. Sept 6,1872. 7 m-ta NOTICE. rpHE BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS OF A. BISCH- JL OF are now in the hands of Sacford Sc 1 urinan, Attorneys-at-Law, aud ail who are indebted to sum Bischof will please call at their office over Stetson) old stand and settle. SANFORD & FURMAN, Receivers appointed by the C -art Sept 10,1872. 7