Union and recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1872-1886, March 30, 1886, Image 4

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Modern l*oei: “Attend your cliurvV' Hi 0 Person cries, To church each fair one goes; The old go there to close their eyes, The young to eye their clothes. Hasten Courier: So sceptered king, with jeweled crown, >'o general victorious, -No statesman honored for his worth,' No orator vainglorious, Feels half so proud, conceited, or E'er kicks np such a bother, As he who swaggers forth sonje day A happy, new-made father. Exchange: Wife—“What's the saatter, dear? You seem to be in a quandary.” Husband—“I ain, I got • letter from my friend, Congressman X_, today. in which he requests that it be not published, and I can’t make ’«j) mv mind what paper to take it So-” Puck: “Here,” said Peterson, en uring a store and throwing down a very gaudy red and black striped »iit, “take this thing back; I don’t want it.' 1 “Hut tve don't take back witliing suits, after we have sold them once.” “I don’t care: you may have fils one, 1 don’t want it.” “What's the matter with it?” “Why, I was ■vwimming in it off Long Branch, and i whole ileet of yachts took me for at buoy and rounded me. 1 don’t want any more of that.” Texas Siftings: A student who had been studying for several years in 'he medical department of the Uni varsity of Texas endeavored to pass llie examination requisite to his oh lining his diploma. One of the pro 'essors gave him a hypothetical case, smd then asked him: “What would you do in a ease of that kind, if the patent got worse?” “I would not do anything,” replied the student; “I would just wait until the next day, •iXKl see how he was coming on then. He might improve, you know. I'd ypve him a chance.” Texas Siftings: A venerable old fiyamp entered an Austin business fcouse, and said to the proprie tor: “I am the most unfortunate man in tfce world. Please do something for a»e.” *T don't know who you are,” re vived the merchant. “You may be an impostor.' 1 “Here is a certificate from Parson -Iordan, of Galveston, that 1 am a i'ia.rd-working, honest man, who has $x*en unfortunate.” "A certificate from Parson Jordon, >f Galveston?” asked the merchant. “Yes, sir, here it is,” replied the mendicant handing the merchant a ;.vaper. The merchant looked at the paper and said: ‘ Parson Jordan, of Galveston, is . :y brother. I know his signature ■very well, and his signature on that •*rtificate is forged.” ‘•Just as I expected,” whined the ■mendicant. “I told you I was the most unlucky man in the world. ,1 ust think of me coming to the bro- t her of Parson Jordan, of all the peo- in this town, and showing him that forged certificate, when there is not anot her man in Austin who knows .13s signature.” -O- Thin s We Head of. But Never See. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM tho popular favorite for drersinfj the hair, Restoring color when pray, and preventing Dandruff, It cleanses the scalp, stop:-’ tho hair falling, and is sure to please. 60c. and Si-00 at Druggists. The best Ccugh Cur© you can use, And the best preventive known for Consumption. It cures bodily pains, and all disorders of the Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs and nil Female Complaints. Tho feeble and sick, strug gling against disease, and slowly drifting towards the grave, will in most cases recover their health by the timelv use of Pahkeu’8 Tonic, but delay is dan gerous. Take It in time. Bold by all Druggists in large bottlos at $1.00. HINDERCORNS The safest, surest, quickest and best cure for Corns, Bunions, Warte, Moles, Callouses, &c. Hinders their fur- thergrowth. Stops nil pain. Glvosnotrouble. Makesthe feet comfortable. Hindercoms cures when everything ^lee fails. Sold by Druggists at 15c. Hiseox & Co., N- V- Aug. 11th, 1885. 5 ly TJACOBS p Curs:- Rheumatism, Neuralg ! a ; Karinfhe, neadsehe, Teothacb?, Sprains, HralM-s. ete.. etr. VK1CE, FIFTY CUNTS. AT DHfGC.J.STS AND L"KA l.EI'.S. rur. Cl! A TILES A. YONKI.ER (0.,BaLTU<,EK.SD. MARK. mumwm Absolutely Free from Opiates, Emetic* and I'oisot*. SAFE., SURE. PROMPT. 25% At Druggists ard Dhai fw. THE CHARLES A. YOtiELEft CO., BALTIMORE,HD*. Dec. 22,1885. 24 ly New Advertisements. L ADIES WANTED to work for us at their own homes. 87 to Si o per week can be easi ly made; no canvassing; fascinating and steady employment. Particulars and sample of the work sent for stamp. Address HOME M'F'G CO., P. O. Box 1916, Boston, Mass. I! K WANT SALESMEN everywhere, local and traveling, to sell our goods. Will pay good salary and all expenses. Write for terms at once, and state salary wanted. Address STANDARD SILVER WARE COM PANY, Washington street. Boston Mass. \l Philadelphia Progress. like a fairv i- almost like a fairy tale, .“Ause such acts of spontaneous kiml- fler-s are rare, and yet it actually hap- ; vened a few days since under my own observation in*a Chestnut street toy -tore. A small ragged boy, about % years old, stood in the door way eyeing wistfullly a large-sized velocipede. A sweetfaced lady in #he doorway caught sight of The hjid's face, and going up to him ask- *>J; “Would you like very much to have that velocipede?” The boy only looked at her in open-eyed wonder, 4Ui<l in answer to the repeated ques tion, stammered “Yes.'’ The lady walked up to the counter, in quired the price of the veloei ;Wbe, .laid down the money for ,i„ and called 10 the child to come and take the coveted treasure. The little ?e low grasped it boldly in his arms, almost sobbing for joy. and ran out of tip store as fast as he could with his wro'-ioiu burden. h With bright, eyes and elastic step, * grav. lusterless hair. It is unuat- .. uveviles-. Parker s Hair. Lalsam II restore the black or brown pre- urely lost, cleanse from all dand- aiut . top its falling. Don't sur er your* hair without an effort to it. 34 lm. CONSUMPTION. I have a positive remedy for the above disease; by Its use thousands of cases o( the worst kind and of long standing have been cored. Indeed, so strong is ray faith in itsetileary.thatl will send TWO BOTTLES FKBB, together with a VAI.T7ABI.B TKEATrSB on this disease to any sufferer. Give express and P. O. andrres. DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 181 Pearl St., Few York. ’SKi! ilia raf rei: Cure for Piles- Piles are frequently preceded by a use of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing he patient to suppose lie has some liTection of the kidneys or neighbor ing organs. At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspiration, producing a very disagreeable itching, after get ting warm, is a common attendant. Blind, Bleeding, and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosaiiko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the part' affected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the intense itching, and effecting a per manent cure- Price 50 cents. Ad- iress The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Pi qua, O. Sold by T. H. Kenan Druggist, Milledgeville, Ga. [36 ly. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Arc you disturbed at night and broken of your res: by a -ick child suffering and crying with earn of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and f a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its Talue js incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery a.Dd diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bow els. cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces Acfiammation, and gives tone and energy to the arhole system. MRS. WINSLGW’S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant :« tfce taste, and is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female nurses and physicians in •ate United States, and is for sale by all druggists .L r ougbout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. 'ii. member, 22nd, 1885. 21 ij its CAUSES and CURE, by one who was deaf twenty-eight firs. Treated by most of the noted spec ialists of the day with no henefir. Cured himself in three months, and since then hun dreds of others by same process. A plain, sim ple and successful home treatment. Address T. S. PAGE, 12S East 26th St., New York City. rCFRlTlTS! When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop thorn for a time and then have them return a#ain, I mean a radical cure. I liave made the disease of FITS. EPI LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst coses. Because sthers have failed is no reason for not now receiving a sure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Offloe. It costs you nothing for a trial, and I will cure you. Address Db. H. G. ROOT, lfe Pearl St, Hew York. WANTED IN MILLEDGEVILLE, ~ an energetic business woman to isolicit and take orders for The MADAME GRISWOLD Pa tent Skirt-Supporting Cor sets. These corsets have been extensively advertised and sold by lady canvassers the past ten years, which, with their superiori ty. has created a large demand for them throughout the United States, and any lady who will give her time and energy to canvassing for them can soon build up a permanent and profitable business. They are not sold by mer chants. and we give exclusive territory, thereby giving tlie agent entire control of these superior corsets in the territory assigned her. We have a large number of agents who are making a grand success selling these goods, and we desire such in every town. Address Mme. Griswold <fc Co., 923 Broadway, New York. 36 4t CHOICE STORY BOOKS, Games, Toys, Ac., for the little ones. Croquet Sots, Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, all at prices to suit the times. C 1 . L. CASE, Druggist. Milledgeville, Jan. 26, ’86. 43 ly T’HE BEST 5 cent CIGAR jn town i at C. L. Case's Drug Store. [15 t Agricultural Implements GKCT-AJtT 081 As tlie prosperity of every country depends upon the success of agriculture, and realizing tlie necessity of thet borough breaking oi land and cultivation of the crop, I have supplied myself with a large lot of two and one horse Plows of the best makes, consisting of the Syracuse, Benton & Harber, White’s Clipper Meikle s Blue Pony and the Boss, and I also have a large lot of Steel Plotvs, Haiman and Southern Plow Stocks, single and double, and farming implements generally. To all who use Guano, I would recommend the Chesapeake or Pendleton Goods! And to all who would like to have a Pump put in their tv ells, I would recommend the Buckeye Force Pump, which myself and many others have been using with perfect satisfaction for some time All who wish to supply themselves with any of the above articles will do well to call and examine my stock-and get my prices before buying elsewhere. lvE„ IHIZlSnEIS- Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 26th, 1886. ’ -9 ly UNDENT PARSON MAKE NEW. BICH BLOOD. y Those pills were a woaderAil discovery. No others like then In the world. Will positj^, relieve all maimer of disease. Thu information around each box i* worth ten times the cos- li\ Dills. Find out about then and you will always be thankful. Onepill a dose, niustraupj Roe. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail fbr 38o. In stamps. Dr. I. S. JOHX8QN St CO., 22 s®s*siiiMr unic i ivPl s9t&nUir HrMX I Mm strictly a medicine to be riven with food, »ld flilBw HlLHlU KUfHI U 1 ■ lata BB 19 m B ■ BB 33 ■ B book hyU-I Bolci everywhere, or sent hvmainorSB cents to stamps. 81-4 4- r cons by express, ] Feb. 16, 1886. Brick! Brick l Brick! 1,000,000 FIRST-CLASS BRICK for SALE. L )ARTIES intending to build on the line of the Georgia or Central Railroads, would do well to consult us before making a contract. ^ # First-Class Paving Brick a Specialty. We are making Brick with the latest Improved Machinery, on the celebrated Cara k l >ard BRICK DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF TOWN. 43-We take pleasure In referring to Maj. J. FUSS, Architect and Building Superin tendent. _ _ _ foster Sc McMillan, Contractors and Builders. New Drug Store,! If any cue desires Milledgeville, Ga., June 10th, 1835. 48 ly —Pleasure and Profit to All!— JOHN T3L. IP Watches and Clocks repaired. Optician, Jeweler i Engraver. 1 Watches and Clocks repaired. 729 Broad Street, Opposite Central Hotel, Augusta, Ga. THIRTY Y T EARS experience in fitting lenses in Spectacles makes tlie Optician Department Complete. Sole Agent for Diamond Spectacles. Dealer in Reliable Jewelry. Also Silver-Plated Ware at the Lowest Prices. ^Personal attention to all monogram engraving. April 7th, 1885. 1 39 ly. —IMPORTER!— —Wholesale and Retail Dealer In- Fine Wines, Cigars, Brandies, Tobacco, Mineral Waters, Whiskies, Gin, Porter, Ale, Etc. 601 and 802 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. Agent for Veuve Clicquot Ponsardln, for the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association, Lager Beer kept in stock. Dec. 15th, 1885. Urbana* Wine Company St. Louis, Mo. Also, sole Agent Special Brewings 23 ly. THE FARQUHAR COTTON PLANTER. EXCELS ALL OTHEBS. It is simple in construction and can be handled easily by ordinary farm hands. Drops the unrolled seed with perfect regularity and in any desired amount. Never skips. Opens, drops and covers. Send for price. A. B. FARQUHAR & CO., Manufacturers of Machinery and Wholesale Hardware Merchants, Macon. : : : : ; Georgia. February 19th, 1886. 456 ly. 0 : Land For Sale. NE thousand four hundred and seventy acres of land in the center of Wilcox county, Ga., all in one body, all fine fanning land if put in cultivation, though at present, it is one of the finest timbered bodies of land in Southwest, Ga. No ponds or lakes, has never failing water, nine miles west of the Ocmulgee river. Or I will rent for a Turpentine farm. For terms and price, apply to B. W. SCOTT, Milledgeville, Ga. March 16th, 1886. 36 6m. Family end Fancy Groceries! !, T HAVE OPENED a Family aml'j A 1 Fancy Grocery and Confectionery ‘ ■ r ^ Store under Clerk of Court’s office, where I will be pleased to see my friends and the public generallv. T. A. CARAKER. Milledgeville, Feb. 2d, 1886. 30 4t. Furniture Repaired. I HAVE returned to Milledgeville, _ after an absence of many years, and opened a shop under Mrs. Woot- ten’s store to carry on my trade, and am prepared to do upholstering, and repairing furniture. SsTAlso un dertaking. Give me a call. R. N. ADAMS. Milledgeville, Ga,, Jan., 9th 1886. [27tf Car Load of Nails. T HAVE JUST RECEIVFD a car 1 load of Nails which I will sell as cheap as they can be had anywhere, at wholesale or retail. JOSEPH STALEY: Milledgeville, Feb., 15th, 1886. [32 It Harrison’s Combined Writing and Copy ing Fluid for sale at thl3 office. For Sale or Exchange, HOUSE AND LOT, situated on (gie of the highest points in the city of Milledgeville. Lot contains nearly two acres, the finest well of water in the city, also a large cistern. The house has seven rooms, there are also three out houses, and fine garden spot, One of the healthiest and most pleasant homes in the city, being on an elevated place, the scenery is splendid, and no obstructions to the breeze: outlet on three different streets. Will sell on reasonable terms or ex change for a smaller place. If pur chaser wishes, he can sell two or three building lots. BETHUNE & MOORE, Real Estate Agents. Milledgeville, Jan. 29, 1886. tf. W flU WH¥f| CONTINUE TO 1 S3 » HAVE BAD 1 1 B COFFEE .A. GOOD GJIK3--A.2H. Call at KENAN'S DRUG STORE, And try one of those I have just received. I keep First Class Chewing Tobacco, CIGARETTES, ETC. If the ladies will call at THE NEW DRUG STORE, They can get New, Fresh, Baking Powders, Cream of Tarter, Si COLOGNE, Of the best quality, and any other article usually kept in a DRUG STORE. „ „„„ „ T. H. KENAN Milledgeville, Ga., January J6th, 1886. BRILLIANT AND BEAUTIFUL JOSEPH "MILLER, —Dealer In— Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cntkj CROCKERY, ETC. I have filled my store with new, useful and beantiful articles such as enter . businesslike mine, and I intend to sell them at prices as LOW as any other establishment in Georgia. I MEAN WHAT I SAY! And you have only to price my goods to be couvinced, My stock, principal!; sistsof Watches, Clocks, Solid Silver and plated wai t*, Crockery of every sty- Pattern, Spectacles, Musical Instruments of all kinds, indeed, every kind oi. of the best quality, usually found in a First-Class Jewelry store. Many bt goods can be found here, suitable for presents. Call at the BLUE STORE and you will be treated kindly and with attention, h an experienced Watchmaker and Jeweller, Mr. James CotDey. Repairing a sped and satisfaction guaranteed. JOSEPH MILLERI Milledgeville, Ga.. Jan. 5, 1886. 263c WHEN EY USING LEVERINC’S You Will Always Have It Good. GROCERS SELL IT. X^Seod 10c. to stamps for a complete set cf Levering'* New Cards (60 original designs). E. LEVERING & CO.. BALTIMORE, MD. March, 16th, [36 3t. Geo. R. Bombard 4* Cfo, Forest City Foundry and Machine World Near the Water Tower, 1014 to 1026 Fenwick St., Augusta, G* Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Cane Mills, Plantation Machinery, Engin Boilers, Cotton Screws, Shafting, Pullevs, Hangers, Journal Boxe?. Gearing, Gudgeons, Turbine Water Wheels, Gin Gearing, Judson's Gov® ors, Disston’s Circular Saws and Gummers and Files, Belting and Bat® Metal and Brass Fitting Globe and Check Valves, Whistles, Gauges, fe Iron and Brass Castings and Gin Ribs and Injectors. Repairing proa. 1 done at Lowest Prices. We cast every day both Iron and Brass, having ly increased our capacity with latest improved tools. We are running" time with 100 hands, which enables us to fill orders promptly at L0’> j Prices. Give us a trial before sending elsewhere. Agents for Georgia® South Carolina for Knorting’s Universal Injectors, The Best Boiler Feeder Out. Works with one lever. Will work warm or cold water, and will lift Warranted to give satisfaction. Send for circulars before you buy any otfc- They are better than a pump. [March 23, .1886. 37 ly. Day ^ Tannahill, —Are now Receiving a Fine Assortment of— Carriages' - and - Buggies'. FOE THE SPEING TRADE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES! Anti Never Before Attained In the History of the Bosi C. P. CRAWFORD, Attorney anti Real Estate Aient. M ONEY advanced to early callers, on farm securities. Superior ad vantages for putting your surplus lands on the market. There is no de mand here. Purchasers must be found abroad. Milledgeville, March 2,1886. 34 tf BEANS /"VURE biliousness; Sick Headache In Four hours. VSy One dose relieves Neuralgia. They cure and prevent Chills Fever, Sour Stomach ^ Bad Breath. Clear the Skin, Tone the Nerves, and alve Life > Vigor to the system. Dose: ONE BE AIT* Try them once and you will never be without them. Prlr ' ‘ • ----- Medicine Dealers generally. >stpald, to any address. Sen/ on receipt of price In stamps, postpaid J. F. SMITH & CO., Maaolacturers and Sole Props.. ST. LOUIS. M0. February 22, 1886. [33 ly We are enabled to give our Customers every advantage by I? aw Onion Sets At C. L. CASE'S Drug Store. [KB* chasing our goods at the Closest Possible Cash Prices. Call am convinced. Children’s Carriages in reat Variety! The finest assortment of HANDBAGS and SATCHELS brought to the City. Trunks, Whips and Umbrellas. The Wilson, Child’s & Co.’s Philadelphia Wagons, all sizes. Tennessee Wagons, 1, 2 and 4,Horse. Day & Tannahlll’s One and Two Horse Wagons EXPRESS AND DELIVERY WAGONS. Axles, Springs, Hubs, Spokes, <fec. Rubber Belting and Pacl^ : Hoyt’s Leather Belting. The best in the WY>rld. Lacing, Rivets, etc. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. Calf and Lining Skins, Lasts, Thread, Cement, etc. HARNESS AND SADDLES. We call particular attention * our Harness Department, in which we excel in quality and price* DAY & TANNAHILL, 733 and 735 Broad Street, .Augvsta,^ MarcU 10, 1885, 1 lJ