Southern spy. (Washington, Ga.) 1834-18??, September 27, 1834, Image 1

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JAMBS T. HAY, BUlitor. PUBLISHED KVI'.RY SATURDAY MOHNiNiI. H\ >.'/(( cj i(-:V :-i f. •/. K Ai’ 0 H . TERMS: Tic* Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum, payable in advance, or Thru Dollars at the expirat ion of the year. i rill he conspicuously in serted at the usual rates.—Those intend: and to U limited, must haee the number of inser tions written on them, or they irill be insert ed till forbid, and charged accordingly, ill Letters to the Editor must lr i-ost paid. imrf.ctioxs : Sales of Land or Negroes, by Administra tors, Executors, or Guardians, are required, by law, to he held on the first Tuesday in the month, beta-ten the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the aft• moon', at tla Court-House nf the County in which the property :: situate. Notice of these sabs min t be given in a public gmette.'s I\TV days precious to the day of sale. Notice of the s<ih of Personal prr.ju rt:/, must be given in lik manner , forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of an es tate. must he published for forty days. Notice that application will be inode to the Court nf Ordinary for bar: to sell nor \ ~t,j;io.s, must be published for Four Sleuths. Notice that Application will be made for batters of Administration, must be published 'rmiiTV days, amt of Letters of Dismission. Six Months. . fiat I Arrangement. AUGUST A MAIL. 11l F, Sunday. Tuesday, and Thursday, (i I'■ SI. CLOSES, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, 0 P. St. ATHENS MAIL. DUE, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, I! P. M. CLOSES, Saudiij. Tuesday, and Thursday, ■' P. SI. AHEEEDGEYILLE MAIL. DUE, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturelay, 8 P.M. M.osr Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, !* /’. M. NORTHERN MAIL. DUE, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, P SI. CLOSES, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. ■> !'■ SI. ELBF.RTON MAIL. Due— Saturdays. <5 P. SI. Closes— Thursday, !> P. SI. POYVELTOX MAIL. —'Tursdne and Saturdays, at <5 F- Sf. i ;loses- -Sunday and Thursday, at ■ * P. SI. p/A £ f&h* A «rs-.->• ' /*>**■< V <GrJ- - - - yo-. WOMAN’S LO\ E. Tls Poem oil Enthusiasm, ly John L. Lewis, Jr. ol Pcn Van, X. Y. which iwejywF tile jin iiiium oil. Toil by tin: imbfisheT? ot the N. E. Galaxy lor iii< i.: >i Boom, is a |>ro duction o! a sajicrior order. The toil,or in" is a passage from this Poem: But Homan's Lor", a treasure ric her far, Than nil the trophies of the victor arc; till let the hearties-, seliisli v. oildlin-deein, That ’(.is the fancy of an idler's fi • on: The I'.ijrid Pint, t!!l:.t lIKIY jUTOe'l ill Vtlill, lis hut the fit, :': ot the }.!)( . ; ilis fr.izcn l• ■ "irt eould never tas-e the IF-, Os mother’s love, or £'•:;>!• -i-t, r'- Ifi-T Sweet tis the moss-rose i ■ f:s! hit Is her a'lection in it- first w .-.n.i pi-It. Like sparkling ruby, is its erin; ■■■’• P Or silver fount which in tin -lit mi fit w, 'Tis like the stmw upon an Alpine lt< iitlil. A< pure, as stainle o:-l a• fiaz/ii:: 1 ,-:«rht : A talisman of viilnesA'ieh and rare, The brightest jewel happy man ean v.o ar. Its e'iapjjj; findue sne\er is e fi. It ever burns uiiehangeahle, uiiel.nie.ed. Nor chilled by time, nor overcome l»y i ; or, It sonfie- the soul, and <lri« s the tailing tear; So mild and beauteous, ardent, yet so • ini, I’uror than air, more healing than a liaitn. Eutlinsitisrn tests its lasting truth, In woman's lie,ait. it reigns in age and youth. In every changing circumstance of life, • hild ol' Eutluisiaa-m, matin r, maid, or wife. FROM THE PROVIDENCE PATRIOT. FEMALE MUTABILITY. I gave 1 ler a rose — and l g,a 1 \ar a ring, And asked her to worry me tie u : But she sent them all hack—the insensible thing, And said she had no notion of nw rt. I told her I'd ore tins of money and go, ds, And tried her to fright with a grmv! ; But she answer'll, she wasn’t bro't up in the Woods To In- seared hv an ov.l. Ii tilled hi r a baggage, and everv tiling bad; I slighted her fi.'.tui -and form— Till at length I • • >. and in _. "ing In r mad. And rht raged lik* the -a in a storm. \ri 1 then in n inon.i nt I mrited and I -tnil'fi, And Ii ohi 1 i r in% angel and all. And sin- fell iu it y urns lik*- a v.-i ari»•**-* child, \lid < xelainw i—'ll • ill t any t art fill.' i ONI VtiKDI. . Witt are doctors and laut.r. ; t ke tinmen? G .i .1 up? Because till \an Ft. •tuul* ►! \ *ou»it lady, it likin'* with a g» dd nilili. *'lll,ll h t!; e.'m tt t.i t, hi r Coo - -niioii to jiriv nt I' r fall, gt . pod tier btii.d sni, a lull tij'htlt : ’‘llli, >tr,’’ -he r< and, •’ if tt > otiii • to that, you mo,! 0 J ... ‘•I.ICFRTY AXf> r\l«\, NOW AND FOREVER, OX E AND l\>Er.\RAlU.r./’ 'lfi'HOiT 1 Slate Bj( sgislGtarr. FOR SENATE, Col. RICHARD J. WILLIS. FOR HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES, RICH YRI) BRADFORD. Exp Capt. I.EW IS p:. BROWN. Mai. ISAIAH T. IRVIN. For Congress. JOHN COFFEE, of Telfair County. S E A'i'flN < l IIA NT I.ANi l. of Raid, pin. CH MILES E. HA Y M'.S, of Ifanreel;. GEORGE W. OYY ENS. <f Chatham. WILLIAM SCHLEY, of Richmond. JOHN YYh \. SANFORD, of Raldicir.. JAMES C. TERRELL. of FranhUn. GEORGE YY. 15. TOW NS, of Talbot. JAMES M. WAYNE, of Chatfu m. POLITII'AL FROM THE STANDARD OF UNION. NUMBER .Will. Pledge of Resistanc e—o f Resistance by the Meet ing—Congressional A ami net s The \::!lifirrs —their Prinrijifi s anil Arts — i’ttr/t/ Changes —l lisr/tirfs ot Nullification —An Import aid (pus/ion. “ A:ul tltt!, its all unconstitu tional laws are tin!! and void, we will, whenever the proper « \ig tu v arrives, resist them in any manna- the sov< reign power of the State may order and di re’.” r t should be remembered, that, a! the same time ire iadit ■>< tin act to lie vt.i cansti. ati insii, the other States,its well as tor general jrovorament, may believe it to b constitutioiifri. iti ortlittniy times, tin fc t.lutioii of the nn t iiitg might, in iis<df, ft iriiilcss ; Suit vi- wed in reference to 'tu Itbeiis and Ecxingioti resolutions, I must acknowledge it i veiled my fears. Tltcsfroug language of the resolution wa nt least uncalled for. The President, if lie bud been hurried by the Carolina oxi genev, beyond 'in proper limit:', had yet, in Itis inaugural address, resumed the proper position : the proclamation laud been so explained, by his authority, os to r. move many, if tint all, the objections to it; the force hill, similar in it- pre, isiotis to that which we had supported during Asr. .L ff rst.u’s, was to expire l>v its own limitation. The strong pledge of resistance, therefore, had a lend tie. mnifee.'sarm to faiuiliuri/.e tlte idea, if not to inliaute th" mind ; the more so as the tariff, which was tin'' principal cause of our troubles, had been adjusted hv the compromise. A- connected with the mutters in hand, it may be best here to advert, for a mo ment, to the nomination of candidates for congress, i* is remarkable, that, altho’ ike bod; of old men wi re, and, I hi lieve. -till are, opposed to tie doetriee of mi Hi tie; i ion vet the gi'i iter iti iv.-oilt, or greater mamigi mi ni. id the mtliili. rs, •ambled tin m to eaf", the nnmmatio.'i ot i majority of eidjniets. A;,r in; s this in ili-'tb ( ,I| ill liny ,1 ;re eorree ;d, ill in i'( cent itf.iinmdion of .i candid.ate in piac- ot < ..1. Joio s’. TANARUS! re is t ; t li Me cause of gralnlntion, several of the ttomiiiet s had the firmness to reject the • nittliiinti Mibst iptf iitl v iiu.- posed, on motion of Air. .Ilford, which required the iiomiuees to “ approve, without reservation, the proceedings of the meeting—and iho principles adopied lie . at.” It is greater cause of gratula tion, that the tiullifiers are not sußieieiillv -trong to throw oft' the nominee.- who It tve rejected tin ir leading tenet, and to venture upon nominations more accepta ble to them. Y\ hat tin I think of the Xullilieiv ! \s a body of men in Georgia, I believe them to be intelligent and patriotic ; attached to the Union, as well us the .'dates. |do not believe that the both of Ntiliif'u rs in Carolina are attached to the i arm. (if .Mr. ( itlhoun, I lane long ht lit vt and ib;*t he desiiv-d to rule this confederacy, or to <!■ -troy it. Even iti Georgia, a far of tin tiitlMiers are prepared for dismember ment. Their express declarations, a wc!l as their gem ral conduct, leave hut livle doubt in mv mind. Wit It the bodv ot' <ieorgia nuiiiiiers. tic case is dill* ret t. \ little leaven, however, leavetu th the « hole !mnp ; ami I fear It s! tin aetiwtv am! itii' liig'eiiee of the ft -v may make the body what th. vd» -tre. 1 -till ri ly, liovv <'. on ti ep( ople at large, and I will no ' • pair iif tin- *t hen the nullitiers vvt.-li to secure tic en-oper t ion <d tin citizen-, they will n .'limo-'l any i. cii a niillitier. In tins s". ' !• • w, ! enquire of I.n honest eiti ■/ . • t ' •! tot oppo-ed to plot. I’ltyi •: ’ • “it riaitilv ' I . III.” ” Would i• . • oj.jin - “ I mioidit e«!l “ If tin g"n< ral governnu ..t y.< re t. i • opt to inti rf< re with our done- ! ie fid; • .. «i old yon i t.itlhf. !” *• la d ni', I otdii: I Would r.-i-t op pr< e 4, ht tinj, and by all a.< a;.- : m.d I•• •oMvi • i , v. In : r at idl th.. mi!!ifte itton,*... • .a.or to •. ddiigi l-<f ' I . WAStEiiAitiTOA, (ll *Ukes Bounty, Gtjh very many men may be persuaded they are iniliitiers, and induced to act with them, who are no more so, than the wri ter of this article. But when these gentlemen, at least many of them, want a public functionary, they expect from him a very ditl'ercnt confession. They wish him to claim til sovereignty for the separate States,and to deny all sovereignty to the Union. Tiny wish him to say, that nullification is t constitutional, regular, and peaceful re medy ; and so, indeed, it is, if they will admit, as declared itt the Y irgiuia Report of ISOO, upon the Virginia resolutions of '!>S, “ That the declarations in such ca ses, are expressions of opinion, unaccom panied with any other ell’ect than what they may produce oti opinion, by exciting reduction.” But this is not what they admit. They contend that a state may not only decide an act of congress to be uncons itutioual, but nitty also resist its < xeeutien, by force ; and this, in contra vention, too, not only of the opinion of the general government, Imt of a ma jori ty, or ;di, of the other btates. Even this might be done, in ease nf continued, in tolerable, and hopclc; s oppression; thi lliigiit lie done in eases justifying revolu tion. But these admissions do not satis fy them. Unless, therefore, our citizens are prepared to go the w bole amount; unless ’hev are willing forcibly to r< -l-i an act which the slate may deem uncon stitutional, although the world beside may consider it constitutional, th v should not allow themselves to he beguiled into tile belief that they are nnllifiers. \V hat are the mischiefs of nullification: I mean Carolina nullification? your eyes to that distracted Mate. See her deprived of thousands of her people, j See her burdened with unnecessary ex- ! p nditures. See the most ancient friend ships destroy, and : the most sacred ties du st vered. See the swelling flood desert-! mg its home, and tlm aiening de\astatiou to others. See, rrrn here, the mangled forms of long-standing attachment, and kindred affection; pre-enting a melan choly contrast to the recently gratifying forms which met our eyes. God forbid,, emoiist us, these should only he the I beginning of troubles! No disrespect is intended to the hod v of j Nnllifiers in Georgia, whatever l mav j think of individuals. For many of the hotly, I entertain an unfeigned respect j and regard. It is their doctrine, which t deprecate, and not the men ; an ! t and. p reeatc the doctrines, iMcaiis' i v t fi I y be lieve, notwithstanding' the inteliig.-siee and integrity of vert many who hold it, that the doctrine ncec.--ai'iit etuis lo po litical dissolution. li would eqe.'ilb de stroy any new confe.l. witieh mieht f.tllow a dissolution of the ( si-ting con federacy. I- it not remnt'k.ihlc, that, when tin :■ was supposed to lit :i «!.• no.-i'io:, in lie *i!d I'iark I’tir.v to favor ('td'teuii am! j Nullification, th" Troup F.trty o|.,k sed | them in a hotly ; and that, is t lark l*nr!y ' jq-o . and the do t ''ate and ii "•real supper:! r, v.’ r . eia 1 ■. of the Troup F i'-tv. should *upj rt f!.« a ! One iTili qiu -tion would I ttsk : Is our situation belter or worse; is the harmo ny of social ititi reottrsi augmented or les sened, since the and .rtrine of Nullification was introduced among us? EXAMINER. mow the - t •.\nAf;:i or imox. THE t'RISIS. There lies been no pt riot! iu the poiiii eal history of our cotmlr;. inee tin adap tion ot the i .. b ral eons’ it iit ion. mt re nri pe riot i sly den mml mg unit. <1 end \ igo rot: • action |.y the friends of lihc-rty, than tin pr* -< nt moment. \\ < s. . a. combination nf ftn-'iiias, of the most heferogent i.o ; i.,■r rial -and *!i eordaiit prim :pi« s, annyed in one body, and making cotnmon cause again.-l oar nqinliiii t;: iiis’ilmions. Y htf awl cry 111- !i • t up against our patriotic president; ils i 'nj'ed Bank Ita- h' tui s'-i/.ed upon as tie- iu trit meiit to jiut him ilmv t, ami this polluted institution has w on to its ranks, tin - ft uc raiists, the tiiriftitesq and the nuiiiiiers; and the people are now called on to de cide the solemn i-.-tie. If General .lack son goes down, the Bank will triumph, a ni w charter will lie granted, and tla* gov ernment will thenceforth exist at the mer cy of a great monied aristocracy. The stock, eight miiliom of which is low own ed by II ri: i- li subjects, will pass into tin tr hands, and the American gow num nt will soon find itself under the control of a British Batik. Y\ ( ask the p« ople, are you prepared fortius? ate you ready to surrender vour free in.-;tuition- to the mer< iie - grasp of a In urliieorpo."ation. M e know you place a liiglii . upon the lihcr:;. and Itappin. s- w liii li v< u '•lijov. Y\ e know I oti prize too higlih th* -i nici sos fit neral Ja' ksoii. to -i r him prostrated at the footstool of 110- Yutoerat. You liouid 1. 1 ar if in loitel, that if the S'n! -ii r\ iv' -. i will mi!' tl.nev'l're-- Ke lit; and I i'Tit \ ( li. |)aan IYY ( li ster, ot John t . t diioun w ill lie tie man. a reconciled to t,at-t the di sti ( | tie- fa* * roi tin tartfl, and th* mail win# o . ! Its lie > Yd.on- to nlijtigati D< > * ■ y !<• a<• in I*'f "t-t'i :• d* . YY i lot ifv* ho tho’l it iinhi com ing I I'd e '' 'tflous |K Oj || lorejotei t' tlj. ii;t(i| ,i oi our country to* ii 'v< kmv, 2?, tsui. their idrw’de-s during the late war, and <billn Win. rum whose sway, may heaven in it-.W 1 ' rf .v forfeml us: and here tire the Baal, f ll i itds for making its first presi dent, tt’ 1 conquers (irn. larlwsoii. BnfU'' , 'v is tiii- to lie Accomplished ? not h\ \ ilirect agency of the people, hut l:\ c|| l'W thi inTmt of the hv runniivSiSjpJurnlity of candidates, w here by the ufi t lay he so diWded as to carry the i't.f ' 'retial eioMion into eon>ress, w here J 1 Bank will he strong enough to turn rIA cale. This is the scheme of tins nr.B ’. v combination, and such will he the einf* * Be tr efforts unless the people ate w !(•■ttwake to their rights and their •' should he constant ly lioine that tin' inentlM*rs if f’ou gre: s t -J^ar '-'letl it* the nppriiHeMiig < >e tolie^^fcyKA ao' jiTT>Tiaiiility,hc filled on to presidfiitial ejection. Tiie’quesiion then arises, who should we elect from Georgia? YY’c answer—we sliouldyl ct no man who is not openly and avowedly hostile totlic Fniled States Bank, and wlio will not support Martin Van Bun it against Cltiv, YY i lister, Unl lioau,. Leigh or any one of the Bank eo tditior? Tli v mav boast of their State Rights principles, they mav avow their reverence for tin constitution—But no man who sustains ilie Bank is worthy the name of State Rights—the two are tis incompati ble tis light and darkness. iViedi ofb'i iiigia ! Y ou have two ('nii gre-.-itaed Tickets before you. The Union Ticket is formed of men devoted to “The Union of the states and the s'lVrreigntv ofllic states, one and in (Tlvi-rr^^ — AII viudietiu l\ liostile to the Fain ft States Bank—ali opposed to < 'lay, YVelistcr and Calhoun, —and till decided friends of General Jackson and the meas ures of Itis administration. On lie side of the nnllifiers, there is n ticket made up of almost tis many politi cal hue.-, as there tire men upon it. Mr. YY iide is a thorough going up-to-tlie-holt Bank titan, hut neither adopts or rejects the principles of nullification—upon that point, lie is on the fence; at least so wo infer There is next Mr. Gamble, whose let ter upon the Batik subject, leaves little doubt ni’ltis course, and w hose letter of acceptance, so far as regards nullification, places him also on the fence, but with his legs ti. •■(■ding a little farther over oa the -^L. nl.VY.Tl liter come.: 0(0 openly and tells them hedoes not believe one word about nilflifietitiiai ; and lie is against the Bank loo,hut his vindictive hatred of General •laeksoit renders him suiiieiently nbjcc- Ir. Foster talks something like Mr. Gilmer, Imt he \oicd for the Bank upon *ls (i, -jii >rrtc 11 tic.-tinu and cm idem ns Gen eral Jackson’,- admit,i traiion. “ Let him i ■■ ■ s la his dt stiuy Tie: lialanc • of the Ticket may; lie set down tis tiiilhlit l’s, and const ipo titlv <*p posi and to tlie I’iesiileiit and his measures, as well as to Mr. Van Biiren or any other i imli'l ite fricaiiß to (ieucral Jackson— a id a portion oflhem, wt have, no doubt, in fin or of the Bank. Those of you who confide in the hon esty nod patriotism of Andrew Jackson, mtlV re*t assured, that he has not one fl i- 11(1 Upon the “ Stati Higliis” ticket so eallcii—while 11:<• whole of the i nioti ticket v. ill sustain him in .all his patriotic mt .a arc: to :a!\ aae.e the prosperity of Ihi eouiitiy . and defend the eonvtilution from (lie mile assaults' of f'iilhitiinisin on the ini’' h ind, and Bankisin and 1 'eilertilism on the ot lii r. Tin nnllifiers affect to base all t!. ir ('octni.i upon the opinions of Ylr. Jef fea, and call on ii.s to In lieve in him. Yi. .ii iii rson said, if the Fail' and States Baal, was suffered to exist,'“it would upset tli." governmentand yet the tinl !i!i( rs ttpporl the Bank. fi’ Yir. Jefferson’s opinions tire good for in iliitcniion, they must In; equally good iigaiu-t the Bank; anil the present s'liigeli! of flic Bank against the govern mea!, bus afrnost turned bis prediction into |imjilirry. it is row for vou to detemine, whether von will M ml men to Congress, bent up on the destruction of Gen. Jackson and the promotion of ('lav. Webster or Cal iiiniit, or whether you will elect men who will stand by the old Hero, as lie stood by you, “ ill the day and hour of danger.” \ k yourselves, w hat have Clay, Web ster and Calhoun done for your country? Tiny fastened the Tariff and internal Improvements upon you. They have doit'-ail in their power to pave the way to a consolidated government hv heating down the harriers of State Right-; and are now champion- of the most corrupt cud dang roils institution which lias*-ter threatened the liberties of this country. YY hat ha- Gi Jai I. -oil done ? If< has w«:i glory for Itis country, and nu mortalrv for him-'lf. He has van'pit li ed foreign fo< • in the field, arid the < ne iio< • nf ilu constitution in tie cabinet. YY di you suffi r hi- fame to pi r.-lt by as-essin bund will you siirremb r lent uji, at tlie close of :i long and aril tow- Id' ot ii*efidnes- and g!oi i, lit w lit' li le- bn hared Ins bo om to the perils and Ita/ nis of ly o w ars for In* countrv ,to lie ruffian dag'.'r-ol such a trio! no, no, tio' Ym bitioa may unit its <li- >p|s(intne ii' ■ R‘ - m ng' in n ni' dit iti In- ruin; but Yndr< w J.( k'on i in i oiir li ind-. The p< n f• . "ig lum, nr.if :hi y w ill it : .in him. COMIIVICATIOAS, FOR -THE SOUTHERN |l*V. >, H/*. KiUtor I find tljp liitlowing in your last pmutbern Spy, I.lth inst.] paper: “YY hat Mr. jeftersmi may possibly have meant, by 1 1g, words, “ Nullification is the nmtity” — ilu* win lift roniuxt of dio ffrnfi IWmh wliicli .tlu* sentunep is takrn, «:»> s*<> show—w.ts, flmt xvhun a is pro mnmrcii l by oiu? Smtr, and is duurrrd il*- Status r»'sjMxl»v r uiy; f or pollectivolv, (.1 majority, or two-thirds of uoursu to Dnvuru) why ilien, in that rase, it should be nullified/* Now, I would very respectfully ask Jef fersou, (but not, I presume, that Old Apostle ol liberty, who bln Ii to sec* Ids name ! to any such heretical and foolish senten*. ) if j a majority of two- I hods could not r. c US I n jM*a! the law. as to nullify it ? Tlii< is \Vry niiieh like all die 1 tiion party’s Statu Ki-.dits; when they arc « xatnim and, tlirv are no rights at all. * ‘ S. (\\ u received the above uonitntniieation 1 «x>t week, hut for want of room, iis iuser hon was nccosnrik tlclenefl. \\. publish it now, that the amhor mav rt o we are not disposed to withhold his production from the public «V( . W e shoulfl jnd'.M* that the writer has not been in the habit hitherto ol preparin' l anything fi»r the I'rrs. it‘his style and irrammaiieal bimitlers. both as to Syntax and Ihmetuation, he considered as evidenee in the ea c. Ilis </« A///, in this instance, is well ealuulatcd to brii.e to our mind the tol low in-; couplet ofllic |'out— “ little It arm nf*- a things 44 1 hi! Nli IIF.KI*, OJ: T i , not OK Till r.i:i;i\\ si‘i;inh. m Ilis reasoning too, to <»nr mind, i> .dlouetht r illogical, and in had t.i-*e. Ilowexer, we will leave tlii | reeious viorcnnt to iht %, ein'f t»i out eorresjioiidenl 44 Jki kf.iison,” who, we doubt not, will properly apply the pnuiiiiu knili, il he thinks the .‘ iihjei t worth dissertioii.j— Kditok. rOR Till. SOUTH I.HN SI’V. Mr. I'rfitor :—“A lover ol an agrerabh rounlmimn" in “The .News” ofthe ISth inst. in eounnentinG on a pussace extraefed from 44 1 failover,’* published in the Southern Sjn/ of the IMih, Imldeih fiirlli iii this wise : 44 la ius examine the juinuluT. I pive to my the right to cell for me a trad ol land, ('uniiof I n\i»kc the \, and n sitmi the ri"ht ! I j/ithl m\ attorney the rivhl to Iraiisael my business fi ir me ; can I not, if lie abuse his aiithorit v, remtmp the rii'hi to manure my own afioirs |” Anti thi is published tis illu lrntivc of the rights yirbb and hv Tlif Slats .s to the sh i.uial < loverjiiiu-rit, and m sli<»\v that lin y ean hr re timed 'Plie mo l sreplu al will pereeive, that flu re is a vast ililli n nee In fxv< (ti Stalls (plural) yi» Idire.' rlain lights, mill ;iii iiu/irii/unl ( insular) appointiii;; an ti"rnt. Suppose, |l»r iietance, that hnntj/ fimr men appoint an :i"« nt (whir h will bear ome assimilation in the Staten and laYueral faoveriiineiit) to trail aef tin ir blisiiif ; that •* i lie j- Mill lii-im i>| tie u iiih.i limit if fault i should like to know, whether OM! j ( iiiLudar) of these tin nhj (uir, has a i i/Jil to trruhr the a -f ne\, on hi- own ilirit , and set aside tile liplits ol 110 other r |*\\ I '. Vl'\ tiiici i:, (plural) samt n rrnwnii : that i * to say, lie may ha\e all the ii•• 1 1 1 , and ih< 1 others riom—he in the firm, and nut of ih< firm, at the same time—receive ii A t nijil:;, • id cuntnljiitr nothing towards it, hvrt/ujiH. I venture to assert, that the writer ofsneli a heresy, whoever Jie he, will not find twenty lime men in Wilke . cTiunty, who would !>< w illing to enter into a eo-partm r 1 1 ij> with ban on sijf h f-ondiiiote . In tjiim try the “r / /ii ri in nit," and •• it it doe- i,,.t ignnllv fail. 'This is exactly t)ie doclrim of Sullificatiui. It claims < f rfain ri'.'htH on the part ol ONI’. State, and denies all riclits tr# tlif rejnainirig f inntif-th nf: < I aims t > he the sale and ttrlu r.m judge of the abte-e of “ aulhorily,” and dr-nies th* riebt <*f (iifh'irif til to all the rest— and ?o on, t«# the end of flic chapter. It is flic very fjuinti * nee of arne awe and j#r# sutrip tiofi. A prell v i ornpru I vve wotiM hri\c of it, fop-ooth, it ow Stair- 1 to uproot the jtiilemeiif <»f tin llli/ tliin ! 'I In ia j. iiii- / litnf/N—mill may he eon .idered as the length, breadth, atjfl <!r ptli <»( al#snrditv: and from which, grar joiis 1m avf ri defivr r iia ! will o’-thi: wisr. Frill THE KOI '1 IILIIIV S|*V. l - Thr* linitv if ( »o', r j nnir nt wliir fi er#r -o tntr s vou (>\ L I'LOIM.I .. i now rlear to ! vou. Ii i jii-tly ko ; for H i a main pillar in thr- edifir i nt your n al indr [ir n«l* in «• : tin : aipport of vour tr;irjrj»jillity ut bom* ; \onr p« ar r■ ahroarl ; *f yrnir j-afity; your happi n e - ; nf that v* rtf It In rt if which you so highly l»riv.” •Stjrrii, .Mr. Ihlifor, wa the strong and hr au lifiil language, aye, the partin'! advice jfiven I fiy the fail ii r of \i\s country- —thr gr • at and i good Wakhi \nroy —iti Jiisfarrwr H arblrcKH so tin Auu iu nti p.-opb. \\ Jiat an admoni lory fr son rjor’S it lr ar Ji; w h/it a trutrj rx fiortatioii do* it adrlr# x t/> r>nr f* * linu-» 7 IV* can there <• tiaeed, in tin- pur* mi«l li-iag ; fir* - r#f patriotism, tin hr* a'tting »*f an iihiv ir ; , ,j *;i•/ t v. Jjr v.lnilr soul ami noitlr * mind v. a- r.iigm--< *i w ifii ll.i atixiou- nr#p< ■ ol iii i uiiiilry - fiiiui' v > llbrc t.n.l |T"-|« iiiy. ||, v. jirni'lii- «1< Mill'.' n, n» c-li i|,< I niov, wi *r j a fi i• * f.f a n*i Ipi ■ 1 • * <#• i**fi ;to*t j ii to jf ?j- lit*’ r< fa " *»f ft' r dorr.—*“ thr- Jtr t l**fi*' a- .him <*f ad f?>* if who fox* h** rty to Wlil*fl **Y*r It V. .fi: fj I'l’.r t vn,ri\ t y of to * *n* n ; tr» rr/nri »t, m fim . a-, thr, ir#\r , ti.< r -V. .If *• • m*! *' :..* \ ~*ri'*n J' ph V«l. 1....A0.ii. —touch it who dare ! fs it not Rtrangr, there fore, even passing strange, that there slioubl be men in our day, aiul in our connfrv, who are w illing to abandon this I’mov, and aH the blessings which w e enjoy under its l»e - scatter to the four winds of heaven, the noble structure of a monument* which cost so much blood and treasure—so much suHerimr, care, and labor, in its erec tion ? \ <»t, alas ! it is unspeakably tmc.— I here .arc men in our day, and in our eouu irv- Sjiorocklt soft* rjuenct , and ha no feeling in common with the great mass of mankind., are w illing to r ud asunder, the proudest, fabric ever erected by the enligbt ened w isdom of ancient or modern times.— ' • ‘here are men, within the borders of mit happy hmd, pretending to lie friends of , , Lilicrfv and the i binstitution, who are bent » upon a dihsoi.i’tii>\ of tiii: imov—- “ j'v tct uh! if i f they can : forcibly if they must let anarchy, civil war, and bloodshed, follow in its train. r l hese men are now emb aAor in/’ by all tin* arts of chicanery and device, to ctlei • llieir ambuioiis r Fbeii uioNcmeiits require the utmost \ i*jilnnre on the part ol flic people : the\ should arouso tbenuelvcK to a sense nf their own danger; and with an 44 eye ilmt imm r winks, and a wing that never tires,' M watch these unholy (‘Utuliiirs, who arc spreading tin* needs-of discord far anil wide, ih ineinber tliat wltaf is pree pt to day, may become piartire to morrow ; that thtpii« cption fa small particle of the “rightful remedy" max create a lust for a larger draught **/ lire dangerous in Ac tion. '[ he bane eiiiidliiiuistercrl, is n*»t mill'll to he feared, but oner sw allow ed, where M the mifitodc that can connleiact ii . poison ? I'lien bew are of the gilded pill— • niter it not to be ( rammed down your throats, while you have your eyes *pt rt. I beseech you again and again, my fi llow citizens, to beware of \u/lijirafinn ; look at if, and behold the mon ster; \ iew it with a jealous eye ; probe it to the bottom; look at its originators; dissert their moth is ; scan (licit conduct ; and weigh well, I pray yon, the practical results damnable heresy. It has gone far enough alu ridy ; you mu* l cheek its further advance ment ; yon must nip the blossom, if not itt tlie hud, nl h a t in i*bloom : pi-rmit it not to spread its sickening branches into tlu* bo son i ol your healthful eon>-tit uiiom Hut some, no doubt, w ill lell yon it is nothing more ban the “jinrnabfr nunaadn and of 41 , c tale nights.” State ILghl.s, indeed? And what Strife Lit that has not got its rights ! and what more rights di* they want 1 What tights ot tlie States Ore invaded ? Where exists the lire* s* •*ify of tliis alarm —this liuh-bub about Stale I,* ig Ills? II a\r not all the States got all their j«n* i• * d l l ? L not (ieorgia in the full pos » ion *<l her lights ! Are not h**r riti/rng li*» tneiL l II is notour idp riY 1h ? u coeval with th* foiu:ation of our (ioveitimenf ? Am w'. not at peace with all th*: world/ Is not our commerce floiu ishjng / Our internal eondiiioii proKperou: ? I not our liappiuess in our own hand , suhji * t solely to the din* pi nsatioiiH of an all wi m Ihovid* nee ? \\ bat more could mortal winli? What more cm mart desire / \\ her* then L the n.-e ot fight ing hailows] Os ronjming up pirit* mid wit* lies 11 mt have no * \i h nee / /\ /• \ t • n» h politi* ;il linn Oui -off's, that we m* ; m t tun a tilt aainsi all .corf .of wiiai-inills. ? I hope not—l trust riot. And, think v*\ if a foreign I*** wtiHfo invade our borders, tliat the friends <»f th* Inion w ould mt f! v to the n h *im , a willingly, and a Ireely, as those who * laim to he cxeln.' ix* fii* ridsof Slate Kiglils? \\ here would lx your iti »rior i biopej , vour lb mberfori s e. in su* h a eonfliet ? We all know' where the man who solemnly vowed, 44 Ol It I LIH.KAL I NlON —if must hr. yrau rvrd” would lx ? ile would, doubtb <, be f'uiuul where he always lifts hern; in de f« n* * of ii.*- Inion wlicu its National Mights are invad* f —and in *l* fi n* *- *»f th* Sf/if*‘, wh< ti ilu ir reserved rights" arc ealb din * fin lorn * IH'lniet fill'lfiu tin,l in tin tin ioU of ilm Inion, Jar/sou and Cars, warm, de rided, and iiTMipiiy*>e;d blends, when she most ni eded them ? mi ! at a time, too, when ccjfain “ State Kigdifs” mm, ’ylept Au//A fit rs, yv* re w illing that she sli*#u!«l have !><•( n ehasti e Ins with a rod of iron ? Tla -c thin; s we should rmicioher, and not be educed mt*) thr "Upport of men who ism n*-.hing about Staff /light::, fiirtl:* r than to nbs* rvu tljrir in*JiY idual ?iggran#lizei/i#'iit. Wake up, then, mv f* llov-citizen'-, and l»ear constantly in mind, the wholesome a»hi**e given r, by <*nr oy.u lielovi il Wash- IXGTO.x : lit us receive bin counsels as th't voice of on** speaking from tlie dead. \ud let ii i )»r* j :m in time to av« rt the e*»niing of the angry storm, whi**h lik** a <b -»rn* ti\* wjiirlwind, threatens to erigiiljili in otn i ninuoai ina '* 1 ruin. < fi/irg* I ihtlv, tin it, for ff;e a/*pr*#/**fnog ronteM, and :rike, an •nh ;i *f ir: ns * trengfh. .V unification sim h n bl*#v , from I:m es!« *’ts *■ f* %* ni* !i ]• id v. / •hall recover! HUI ITS. F‘»fl Till SOI Till UN SJ'V. \lr. I'.litur:— * » ->|*<.• u ■ /* <m\ i im,i l*t r . t/*;if and,» f/t, thciinfi ot ;i '• IV/ph' l" ill •To* \ev. 'ol th* I . t,i«*l. i*. not * fulfilled,* nor !• it file lv to b« 'I lu* fri* ini- ofth< I'wiovr ar* peffieiK • tii*ti«'d with tfi* it Main#.*; find ii tiii , ■* * -io*l ii cluing* surely tfi#v would *otl m * -at foiM/f to Y\ (if tfi* Suthfirnt ton i OM.Alfw* I J.d.u < *. I '.llfioiuiV #|ng J * r >0 HMNKLIC.