Southern spy. (Washington, Ga.) 1834-18??, September 27, 1834, Image 2

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TOR TUT. SOUTHERN SPY. Mr. Editor .—You will please correct the following typographical error in iny address, ‘•To the People of Wilkes County,” of the mil inst. Instead of “ The tw.. first point* being hare statement* oflhelmli ifhe wishes, should be •• The two firct |*>ititw 1m ing bare stateincnfsof the f'olonrl, i! he wishes, i.•• ROUT. A. T(JOAIBS. roR thi: southern spy. To tlu Citizen* of Wilke* County. The diffi uliy which recently oeeurrr <1 bc iwim Robert A. Toombs and myself, seems Jo hav* afforded that gentleman with subject rnntter for a communication to the public,— The (nine MalenienU with whieh that piece abounds, anti the ridiculous animadversion* upon my character, are nil characteristic. of the mem. In justifying myself before thi community, I shall I think, put suspicion to rest in th<* breast of <\cry honorable and high-minded person. And blame who may —the man w ho has degraded himself so tar ns to become the fabricator of falsehood , and the miserable retailer of petty slander, shall be held up to the public g az< —and let him Plrdct \ln frown if he ran. One who make* no free with others, emmot exp*'* 1 to be compli mented. He may find ail mi re r* —but wliat absurdity ha* not ? And when he “ pbi\>at liow Is lie must expect rublM'ts." I w ould Ik re •isl,, what doe* this gentleman seek to gain. bv thus horning false tri tries* again t mxs, It ? W hat honor- doe , lie expect to reap by lhs reckless departure from Irtith and principle, and hi- nianifest iiiieution of imposing up n the i redulity of the public in thi* matter? II he hut follows up the mil urn I suggestions ol hi- own heart, in spile of his frit nils, he bids fair of reaching an elevated post in tin T< tu ple of Fame, as eon genial with hi- own pint, a- it would lie elishiinoiable to an honest man In what light dm Mr. Toombs exhibit bun •elf In lore tilt public ? l ust, in em ulating irpmls which In liiiil tile best evidence In bi'Uevi xvi re filler, and in liuth b.e dhetiiinu el Ins belief in them, ill our ennver-a,inn on the first Tuesday in June, mid then to t urn ate himself from the dilemma into which hi-ow 11 rashness had thrown him—to i vnd, iln mi piciiin —\ i .1, ill' 1 proof o! In . Im ing tile pi line author himself, w dm lie do ? ( mii I e Hire the public with a li no liistorv ul the inal Ur ? No!—blit suppressing the in iin mil t iima between us—pre-cuts an iinrnateri:>l circumstance growing nut of uni dispute, and which could have no |m—ible hearing upon tin lints, nnd tin- i wind* up his strungc story, by giv mg a Mill stranger vci inn to the mat ter in eonirovt rsy, vvliieb Ids ingenuity had no doubt amply dim red What eon. have Miggi -led lo ,M i. Tminih- -mb a i iiiiisi 1 I'erlninlv no fiomst one. fan an nu he i ■tßte }n believing, hut dial every step lie ha* t liken. »a- lo Mib-eixe party ttnw, and far political i fret ! I- there a v\ Im In liev i -be thus nbu*< and mv motive-, and ealuni niated mv < liaini lrr, Ini the sole intent "f “ eon nti raft hip niisrepri" cut at ion* of nitr per sinal difficulty." Wliat mi-n pr, scntnlinli* liad gone abroad > and vvlm eireiilnteil them ? Hi- rap ait i / for such thin gs is iinlin inns—but wliat could it have availed him or mix' mu else t It lit the genllemau Would have us in It r, that in all this matter lie was actuated bv the purrst of rnntiv, s—a purr and pafimtu spirit—a spirit of pi nid; n patriotism MapnaililllOU* man' rub Isuanliail nl mu I ol Wilkes are under lest übUgHtion to you I'm "ii posing theca ruption of thi electice franchise" than you un aware; and as tiir i/uwr parental cur and at feetion, they lire not yet in dn ir dotape. Men who boast must of the r humsti/.a i mt always above suspicion ; till y are apt too at line (unknowinglyl to be the trumpeter of* ilnii own dishonor. I hav e «aid that Mi T -ini" has adopted a triisernble device to enlist 'in* pri uidices of the eiiiiiiii’ lity against me bx evading the tpiestiuu : fir be lms made ti e difficulty ton si upon n enllevral |>oiiit, \i/: whether Mr. John AA In had lonvcr-cd with me upon the ; ulgi >t. Now all nuisl -ei that the difficulty did net grow out of ihi pvnnt; (though “much dcMiltorx ivnvei'. , i tiiM! ensued it|>on it.") but out of the faet that Toombs bad given ourrcti, v to the n*poit. and a-I verily iH'lieve, was the prime author. It is n very easy mattei for one to start a report, and when attacked jilMilit it. to s.iv , hr heard •' a most M 'pei t:»bte man <ux so." < hie would •up|Hnr that Mi. Toombs, being so eery it and out ol public virtue, that after having lu ard this report from so “respectable" a source, anil given it wind, that in order to expose m\ •• co-riii lions." he would ha\e given the pub lie some faet to prove mv ‘’avowed in>eatiou Ui .spend (my) money to eorrupl tin ballm b>ix but he say* it’s svv, because lore, had a •• emui rsatiou w ith Mr. AVi.ght," in v\ a h he admits, that instead of “avowing" sueli inteiuion. i flatly dtuietl tin truth of the re port. 1 appeal to all men if this is not the amount of iris reasoning. The maunntous .' <|in 'lion then upon which Mi. Tismihs would have ihe jM-iple of Wilkes to deckle, is uot whether I am a “ corrupt" man. unfit to rep resent an honest community ; but whether or not. Mr. Wright and myself had couversed about a living r< port which no one was l„,|d enough tu father. I must eontl -• that 1 can nut see how this " involves matter* in whieh you are etitu inn d." I: certainly " lU'olves" Ml- I oolllhs eharaetei t' *t t-uth and probity. u» l.uis vvil] s!,,,vv. Again: Toombs ssrvs that in our conversation »:tit-t Tuesday in June, "that (he) was ready to give (hi*) au thority. but that t„ (bis) surpnse (I) did not demand hi- author n, « uiifurUitiutelv for •it. fcswil! api- .-ir mdins ilv |,\ Mi Kerry** err i l ' ' Ml Ult.sarJ's. (N«*. I & 2, and lurcuuto annexed) ’ ±'ol which prove, Toornb* acknowledged giving Mr. L. AAV r ms, as the author. The second ground upon which Toombs build*, L- “ whither or not (In) gave (me) Thomas King as (his) author ? ’ Toombs endcuvors to sustain bis declaration, that he diil not give Mr. King a- bis author, by- lie CM instances which he thinks will lake every body by storm. lam able, however, lo show not only by tin* faircM deduction*, but by substantial proof, that hi- did give Mr. King ns hi* authority on the first Tuesday in Jum . Immediately after our interview on that day, I suited to Mr. Jones (all of which will appear by reference to bis certificate, No. 11) that Toombs had given me Air. King as Ins au thor. I then -poke to Mr. Crosby, atM rc ipifKtcd bun In see Air. King iqion tin- sub ji et.(eertifieate \o. 4); tie did go, and Air. King heard the r* j-urt from Mr. Curdy Bul lock ; and I IF. from Hubert A. Toombs, Key! Now to adopt *lr. Toombs* reasoning, “ what prsslbli' motive could have iudueeil me to have falsely*’ said, immediately after onrin tervii vv, that he (Tomnlrs) had given King? Ilut say* this veritable man, “it was to extn- . i tu# mx i It from the imfurtiinate position ! vvhieli tin report had placed (me.)" If it is I " unfortunate" fiir a man to have injurious I reports circulated about him which have no 11 isli nee in truth —if it is “unfortunate-" to bud a i itizi ii id AA ilkes so depended a to lab rii .it*- rejiorts, deal them i.ut to nen as dis hoiioridde as him • 11- —to have thrill proven upon him, anil ile-iitnie of the moral eotirtrge , t*i ini'i t tie m—then, indeed, I am peculiarly ! “ iinj irlumdi ." lint the public will see whe ther I only “pretended in trail* this report to I iis sourer," by ii li rite c to Ihe certificates. Hal wlint itirluc*« UK'iii coiiM I have ha»i of j inasing a i.ii • sfalcin* nt lo Joiick—tin n i«» l Iml n nu ■ iifr« rto h iug to know his autlior. lain rifii ac ttj.iihi. il with Kin^ v nor <li«l I • \ir Her him that I Know of, and pray how couM I #i*ivo known tin result of’flit* invcsii aiion bfft/ft I “ traci fl” tlir rc jxirt in this i “ Itiitff Now admit what Toomhs win s, | that Int \« r “ «lt inna U*ti of (him) 1 ii** author ” ml sf» how foi'iitih tli<* results Does anv j one hcl'n ve, after putting myself and tVieiUltt I to all tin* hoiiMr of traeiiu; this report to its* oiircc, that upon hi'piniii" <>l Tooiub*« whe ier he “tiatl »:ivm rurrerioy in it, an I that upon (1 1 xk) n plsitiqf in the alFirmative, and i siivinj! he wa«. to 'jive ms author;" I .*• , can anv one credit his a that I o | oil without demanding that author? W!»\, wliat wn the ol»ie* sos m\ going to him ? Most dearly to trm e tin* report: I e*mid havi had ,i<» other oliieet. I• nt Mr. "nil s (* I • * i ;iheat< No. Ji) fuKti ns tliis ujum im lx \\ it. a “ aprt e:d»l«' to lus (Mr. Jones’) reeollec ;i.»ti. Tutunhs gt’n him king as his author; / nit fcnotes that hi tint uot g/tv him It caiiS.” Now I ask, how •••men if, that Toombs gave to Jones A i/t/4* .1 hi * uthor, and at our inter view (on tin first 'i tu lay in June) lie was “of/df/to <>ive me ft terns/” And if If 're ms icas SOT his author lo Julies—-how runic in* to he the i uthor at our court rsatiou / The thud and last point upon which, ac ini dm* to Ytkombs*’ statement, w »* are at issue, i* \a!:- the r ol not, “I had said that John Wii lit had called upon me to know the truth of the report; and whether or not, John Wii lit did o call upon me.'* It appears from Mr. l.i maid's €H-itifa'alcv and others, upon Tonmbti stating, that at “our first inin \i* • 1 aid Wright had called upon me," I gave him the “ in*" direct. / till contra j out his assertion, winch he* knows to he lulm ; and that h right's name was not mmtionctl at i lint time, (the tilt Tm Sclav in June), I u» sa\ th< « minium, “ unjo tunatehj for (me) r of (mino II V :h» ' h II (n< (l til have lit aid the truth of'mu a . v. h c .di ! not .in e ii Ii (m\ I statements.*' TiiS \ * worse than ridiculous ! it shows a low and pitiful device « n the* part o! I ooliihs t«» propup a malignant Jahthood. \ -a*, i ,'i-iv I low happe n< and it that this ** ■or 111 AI. l> the I ft; | HI of on i inlet viru’f" A A sent f No ! lor we vv cri I >i*l be get ii litiin me * No foi l‘oomb.- slnle- bis (my in i.'iiburs) version eoti llieleil v itli my own. Tlien lie could have heard the “TKI I II but liom tin- verv ■Olii.d I. : jit /.1/.S' y.I.U • either directly or .; -directly.'i oiil.iininated and di>toMed a- it must luive been by hi- ti»ul breath, lint vvliv i- not this •* neighbors" certificate before us. t<» pmve Toombs* assertion. I eballeng. I "'lulls to ge t it to prov i tlmt tin * Till 1 11' vvlueh he “ htaril " tU , e,iitieide w itli lhs (Toombs’) pet tent statement. N.i 1 hi dart ol do it, for 1 hold ui my hand that whieh would throw this “neighbor" in a strange dr li iilina, if he gave any such e* itifioate. l.itusu.iw return t Air. AA right, and 1 will prove the baseness of Toombs beyond all shadow of question. To leave no hook lor the community to hang even a doubt on, vv i will admit for a moment, that 1 had lmd a con versation vv ah Air. VV light about tin opart which to:., the must of our difficulty . yAI r. \A .'s certificate as given by Tvtnl- relate to a different matter, as I will show) admit further, that dining our difficulty on tin- ihh tust. t denied having a conversation with Air. AA right uj.iii the -ub *et : admit this, aroonl iu; t*i Toombs’ vci-ion of ihe matter; still, I should feel tu i little danger of sutVeung in mx reputation I'vlote an horn st and inn lli gent eommtitntx : foi, b, tore aeitirett should be illjuiwl by a mi- sta I incut ol a fa* t. )w mch i» nniiiAteiial at b> -tl it sliotild app< at lo have been lla retidt v«l acomi|H iutetitnui; that it must liavi be, u done with a de-igu to mum sum* otln-r |- i-on. or bent tit i < partv mak ing it ;—and not merely tin i* -ult o: a, idem, hi at • 1 pasf.oj:. vr » ant . i rec* ;,.*;; N, w - 'j , >v * * ’ i. bet' it. Aly recollection rouw been known to no on** but my self; and n ,j | have roo versed with Mr. AA • about l[i; , r . ter, th< re ate many reasons why a maV uru | t;r the excitement of a quarrel, should n*K r ,. co |. leet such a conversation w ith any individual, when he had held many sM. L i t many individuals. Hut instead ~C Vw‘»iittin'’ I 'otiversayoii wi'l. AA riglt^K,.,^ w liat i -aid on the ?Mh inst.; and that ( never had a conversation with (hß^^ eot i ( . man upon tie .-object which Toombs® , ( j m , . self were then rli-jrtitin" about. 'I ditlieulty which now presents itstm j satisfactorily explain. There has M, n bin: ,. f have been a candidate, a varUoA r , p., r t. ui alloai. all tlx r<-till of amt bad b > I tjll i I that I would “spendall of (myppjff.rty.or heat Captain Hillhnute." in No- vember, I ffiiuk. Air. Wright told me of the r< |sirt, and asked me if it was true, w .iieh I denied ;—all of which appears from Air. Wright's certificate, which Toombs ha- given til, public. And let the public rccoll&'t. that litis i the report whieh Air. Weems t card from Air. It, nt, nnd told Toombs of a lew days after the . lection, (as per eeitifieate. No. 5.) Dent, wh* ri called on, give- Mr. T. .1 W alton as his author, (as per etrii .eate, Nii. (i.) (This fa<t, i pri -ume, will eb.irup the doubt which .Air. AA u nis seems to labor under as regard- Dent’s author.) Well, Air. AY alton eludes positively ever makine stu-li a declaration to Dent ; and -ays he heard it. as correctly reported by Air. (Hurries Smith, (eertilieotes 7iV c.) The " / tens in thi bands of my fiitndr,” ' un exceptionable, but by Mr. Dent’s charitable can anil attention, was kept back until vvi 11 feathered, and then let out upon the public to shift lor it.-elf, under the declaration, thru I would “ spend all mv pr<*perty or beat Cap tain llilllinuse.” No nnt being' found to (a tlier it, it soon expired for the want of nutri ment. Sometime alter this, viz :on the first Tuesday of June, while in Washington, Mr. Jones came to me and observed, that there was another report out against nir,**wlueh was, that I was heard to «av, that “ I was worth $80,000; and that (1) would spend the whole of it, or beat (‘apt. Ilillhousu tit the next election,’’and gav * me Toonibaas bi iiiitbor ; I innnediutely had an ini, rvievv with Toombs, and tile fir I ipu -linn I M- '** was—“ I want loknov. what inirlicultn friend this is, who has told you -<> and so, (repeating the conversation above with Jones); having first saluted my car- with a horse laigh, he (Toombs) observed, “<>h ! he’s a ma living m the upper edge of the county ; a Air. King." Now w hen Mr. Jones told me of this r port, ii was the first time I recollect to have I ret it. Toombs has eonfuinded these reports, w inch were perfectly distinct —culling from each whatever would answer hi- purpose-hut we w ill lo eplln ni separated. At our iulei i, ,v on Dili in, t. did I attack Toombs about ill* report v hi, It he ay- I ock AA ,*, in- told hind Not at all. \V hut says .Air. IS, try ? (Si. , rtili .an \,l. I.) "I was present at a conversa tion vvhieli pass, ,1 In tw ecu l{. J. At * and |{. A. Toombs on the !>th in.-l. in win*h ( 01. AVillis.. kin Air. Tismihs to r, !;:t< tl ,* con versation which passed between them on the tir-t Tu,-day in June, relative to a re/H- t which In (Toombs) tide! Ed. Jones." Now wliat report w a-that ! Tl. *nt John Wright spoke to me about in Nevemb, or K<com ber? No! but the on, whieh i *iomb„ to 1 * I I ,and. Jones, whieh vv a .that I \*a woi |;W>,(HK), &t*. (set certificate, No. U.) Now Ivv ould call to mind, that t.., chat ge 'I oomhs briegs against me, t-, that John AA tight had a eoiiv, t-aiion with me about ilnsn, .*>r»: and that I denied it. AN >:;ir report ? AVhv, the one we were then quarrelling about, to wn—that I was guilty of the foolish vanity to say that I was worth S>fJO,(HK*; I a gain deny it, and Air. AA right’s eeilifirate. (No. !*) will amply support my declaration. As to the remark, that *• I would spend and l>, spent,” l would observe, that i a'fcuii. I might have said, in reply to the solicitations of many friends the day after the florikm, urging me to conic out as a candidate again ; that I was willing to leav e that entire:*, with them; that they could use me as tinv saw proper : and it' elected. I should t'.vl bound to serve them; that 1 considered the cause so good a one, that 1 »a- vv ilhng lo •• spnd and In spent;" having no referent-, whatever to money or pn>perty in any -hapc ; aiv sole meaning was, (and h is often, u not aiwavs drawn from tin expression) that / ,vould sfiend my every exertion in the cense. 1 believe l have fully answer,xl tl., gentle man. and 1 Hatter myself that 1 hav, ixplain ed aw ay the my stery which In* has, n leavor ed to throw around the subject. .\, to his charge in public, that "l had swiveled tlic . Wilkes county out of bal 1 v,a wortli.” those who know me. know it to b< a false and coirardly calumny. In submitting to the public Mr. 1 Weems* *< 1 1 fi< ate. (No. 5) iu just ciutew I xnniltl u mark, ilia! up n applying to Mr. \A for his ceruheate, h, handed m this, t, gv iliac with another lint whu ll he -tru, k out. I rvqu< sled him to alter it tidy -o fur as to facts; and it was ixidiinly uu ;.-i ■ him to state ius 0/ in urn iqxu tlios, l.uts. ritk-ut stating, also, his no* ois !,■ r hi- * u ssipns. This h« refused t» do. sta’.r. .a s- .tar .. that he would not strike c,ut ius opinion ; and that, if 1 did not take it in that -hap, I could have no other. AA'helhrr Air. Weems was dispiscd to do me justice in tliis matter, or to make an “ impression" injurious to me upon (he public mind. I leave an honest commu nity to judge. All of which I respectfully •submit lo their consideration. R. J. AVILLIS. AA'ilkes f'oujtTT, Sept. 25, lc.fl. CERTIFICATES. [-Vo- I.] . , _ Washington, >*ept. I>th, 1-34. This is to certify, that I was present when a conversation en.-ued between It. J. AA tilts and Robert .A. Toombs, on the 9th inst. In which, Col. AA illis asked .Air. Toomlis to relate the conversation which passed between them on the first Tues day in June, relative to a report which he (Toombs) told Eel. Jones. AVillis re marking that Toombs had given King as his author ; Toombs denied it, and re plied that AA'illis had never asked for tin author, that Mr. L. AV'eerns was the au- thor. II illis asked Toombs how rame it that he (Toombs) pare Weems as his au thor If he (Weltis) haet never askrcl him I AVillis remarked further, that Toombs had said that he (Toombs) did not be lieve the report which Toombs denied, and said that AA'illis had said that John AVright had asked him (AA illis) some time previous concerning this report, which AVillis denied. Immediately after the difficulty, AA’illis said il’lie (AA illis) had had a conversation with AV right about the report, lie could not recollect it. T. BERRY. r>*j (iEORM.4— 11 ilkcs count if. i do hereby certify, that I was present iu AA aslimgton on the !Jth mst. during un alien .turn brtwt. u Col. R.J. AA illis and Holier, -A. Toombs, E.-<|. and recollect distinctly to bav< beard said Toombs de ny that Cos). AA tills Lad ever asked him (Toombs) for Ins author oi a report ti ll,nit wltieli Toombs and AA illis was then disputing; tin* limned.ately thereafter, the said Toombs declared that he had given I* hi said V. lilis, the name of Air. Leek AA veins—:<> whieh AA .ilia replied, that it was strong, in should have given him, Mr. AVeenis, wh*be had that in at r denied hi- (A’, 111: ) I,,; 1 , mg ever ask ed him for hi- author, (own under my hand this 19th S, pt. 1834. JACOB HI BEARD. [-■*~3.] GEORGIA—TJ i/kes c-tunly. I do hereby certify, that Robert A. Toombs told me on Whitsun*-Monday last, in Washington, that a particular friend of Col. Willis’s told him, lie heard AA’illis say he was worth $30,090, and he would spend the whole of it or beat Capt. Hillbouse at tin* next election, unci that I stated at the same time 1 would ask Col. AA illis ifhe had ever said such a thing, vvhieli I did on the first interview with him which was on the first Tuesday in June la-t, and he denied ever using any such expression, or ev; r having made an estimate of wliat In* was worth on any oc casion ; hut stated that lie had said in re ply to the solicitations of some friends the day aft, r tin* last election, soliciting him to come out as a Card !a'e again, that he would leave that entirely with his friends, tlirv might take lam and use him i as they pleased, that lie did not wish to j impose himself on tie public : ('ol. AA illis stated further, that lit would go straight sei ASr. Toombs, and know his au thor—and ! recollect AA illis left me and •eturi c,l in a short time and stated that h, had seen Toombs, and he gave hint as I is author, a AD. King, in the upper part ii the county, at.,l 1 recollect well of ask ing Toombs, when lie told me the report, w la, was h;s author, and to the best of my ; . lie 1i me Air. King, in the tij-j* i* < of the countv. I well k *w It, ■did not giv e in,* Lock Weems as k* author. ! DAA ARI) JONES. Sept. 17th, 1534. Test—Thomas Anderson. [No. !.] GEORGIA—II tikes county. I In * by < > riitv, that Col. R. J. AVillis ca 11,,! on me in Washington, on the first Tuesday in June last, and stated to me that lu had just been informed by Air. Edward Jones, of anew report that was circulating on him ; that he (AA'illis) had been heard to sav lie had estimated his property to be worth thirty thousand dol lars, and that he w ould spend the whole of it, or heat bis opponent Capt. Hill house ; and that he (AA illis) had just been to R. A. Toombs, Esq. who Air. Jones gave as his author, and demanded his au thor, and he (Toombs) gave Air. King as his author, who livid as he (\A illis) un derstood. somexv here in mv settlement, and that lu (AA illis) would take it as a favor if I would see Air. King, and ascer tain from who he got such report, or whether lit* had ever stated to Toombs that he heard me say any such tiling; upon which request, 1 applied to my brother John Crosby, who lives near to Air. King, and requested him to see°Alr. King and make* the inquiry, which my brother done, and Air. King stated to him as lie informed me, he never heard AA illis say any thing outlie subject; but he had h, ard the report from Mr. Oordy Bul lock. Al v brother then applied to liul loek and asked him for lus author, and lie gav, R. A. Toombs. Esq. all of which I informed AA illis of shortly after. (liven under mv hand this 22nd Sept. If3l. B. R. CROSBY. [N~T] GEORGIA—II ilkcs ci'iinty. I hereby certify, that 1 never heard Col. Ri -hard J. AA ssh- say that he would -peiul tin whole or half of his property or lu at in- opponent David I*. llillluuim .it the ensuing election m (•ctolsr. 1 do, however, distinctly remember to have told Robert A. Toombs, Esq. a few days after the last election, that I understood the Colonel had made use of such an expres sion. Whether the individual from whom I heard if, Joseph AI. Dent, got it from AA'illis himself, or some other person, I do not at this time recollect. My impres sion (at the time) was, the Colonel from unexpected disappointment and defeat, did make the remark. LOCK WEEAIS. Sept. 19th. 1*34. [No. G.] GEORGIA— Wilkes county. 1 do hereby certify, that some time pre vious to the General Election of last year that Timothy J. Walton told me that Col. R. J. AA'illis should say, that he was a standing candidate for life, if it sunk him every thing that lie was worth. Given under my hand this 20tli dnv of Sept. 1-34. JOSEPH AL DENT. Attest —Thomas 1,. AA gotten. John L. Wynn. : . , [- Vo * GEORGIA—II likes county. I hereby certify, that I never told Jo seph AI. Dent, or any one else, that I 1 heard Col. R. J. AVillis say that he would spend all or any part of his property to ; gain his election ; nor neither do I recol lect of ever saying any thing to Air. J. AI. ! Dent about Col. R. J. AVillis’s declaration about his being a candidate for life.—Be fore the 4tli of July last, while in conver sation with Air. Chandler, Air. J. AL Dent i came up and asked me if I did not hear Col. AA illis declare himself a candidate for life, to which 1 replied I did; Dent then replied to Air. Chandler that I was his author, which I contradicted: I then sta ted to Air. Chandler Col. AA illis’s decla ration, which in substance is set forth in Air. Charles Smith’s certificate. Given under my hand tliis 22nd Sept. IS3L T. J. AA ALTON. [No. B.] GEORG IA —ll ilkcs county. I hereby certify, that I met with Col. R. J. AA'illis, at Norman’s Store, on the day of the Battalion muster, in Sept. 1833;! in the early part of the day, and stated to [ hint publicly, Iliad understood he had j became a beggar: to which he replied that if he had, it was more than he knew; I then stated that I had been told, that lie ! had been begging the people that if they j would elect him this time to tlie Senate that he would not be in their way again; j to which he replied, that he never had for- j ced himself upon the public, and had he consulted his own individual interest and feelings, probably he never should have been a candidate; but if it was the wish of the citizens of AA'ilkes County, (since they | had started such a tale as that) lie would be a candidate for life, if they saw cause! to elect him; there was not one word | said about property or any thing like it, j and all illis conversation took place in the early part of the day before Capt. Hill house’s name was announced as a candi date. CHARLES SMITH. Sept. 20th, IK3I. [\„. 9.] GEORGI A— II ilkcs count//. I do hereby certify, that I never had any conversation with R. J. AA illis, re specting a late report which has been cir culating, stating that he had estimated bis property to be worth thirty thousand dollars, and that lie would spend the whole of it or heat (.’apt. Hillliouse; which report I have frequently heard. JOHN (i. WRIGHT. Sept. 10th, 1-31. 05** The Editor of ‘ The News' will please give the foregoing an insertion in bis next paper, and forward iiis account to me. K. J. AV. FOB THE SOUTHERN SPY. I'o the Tropic of \ \ ilkcs. l*’i*.now -Citizens ;—I beg your attention ! for a while, to a matter in whieh your inter- J < st is not only “somewhat” but materially involved. I conceive it to be the duty of eve- j ry citizen, having in his possession stu b facts as 1 have, to submit them without delay to your candid consideration. Some may say. that I write this for political effect: I candid ly and fearlessly acknowledge it; for when our political horizon is darkened by disorgan izing doctrines which tend to shake the confi dence of the people in the best of Govern ments, and threaten a subversion of our free institutions, and with them our Liberties; it is essential to the pood of the community, that hoiust men at least, should represent us in our public councils. No one will doubt for a moment your ripht to know what stuff x onr Representatives are made of, and facts which must aid your investigation, should not be withheld. Laying aside the principle w hich is involved, our opponents cannot com plain of this exposure of their Candidate's disgrace, for they have commenced the w ar without provocation, ami indulged their spleen to their hearts' content. But it is not to re taliate that I write thi-—my object is to un mask hyjKicrisy. and present in a true light the character of a man who now offers him self before you as " eve ry nay -ntitle dto your confidence and support"!' In a word, i, is to present the conduct of ("apt. I>.\vin P. litLLttousi. in its tru, light to the scrutiny of an intelligent community. I ask lutn here, after reading his ow n shame, can he have the hardihood to deny that he has prossty betray ed the confide net reposed in him. edrusfd his t-ust. and violated a solemn oath I I loubt not but that 1 will i» :b*i< tj show thi* to ri.* satisfact;..n of ali—mid if I do, he isir iJmtly unjit. to >ay tin least of itim, to r* pr>*s< tit a t i-tuous an.l/'ti people. lu a case- lik, tin*. I ni n»t to mince words—l da uot. I xv ever, town B'ajjt.t iu walkt .* teithtr 1 : I expect to startle his slumbering conscience. Let his friends, after reading the far ts w hieh j I shall present, to you, admire ?iis character >f lloy can. Let those who have busied themselves in denouncing others, look upon j this their/, tenured and favorite candidate, and 'ay : “ lie is an honest mart.".' A'ou w ill rc * collect that the Captain, in 1830, was super -1 intendent of the Public Roads; tor this r*s ‘ jionsible office, he received a x*orv handsome salary—of this, I do not complain, for no doubt he amply ! deserved it—but whether . lie has been guilty of fraud, we will see.— I invite your attention, lir-t, lo the certificate | of Mr. Sutton, who was the overseer under the Captain, in 1830. He states, that some time in the summer of that year, Hillhouse ordered him to send about 15 or 18 miles from w here the Public hands were then working, to a Air. Hunt’s, to get Bacon, statins to him that he had brought it from AA’ilkes county, and that it cost !>! cents per pound. Mr. >-*. further states, that it was very inferior, and that at the time, a Air. Hawes, was furnishing first-rate Bacon on the spot, for but 9 cents, which made no small difference, when the quality is considered, and w hen we recollect that the one w as delivered, anil the other sent for 15 or 18 miles, which must have cost something to the State. The following is the certificate above referred to : GEORGIA —It ilkes County. 1 do hereby certify, that i was the over seer of the State hands on what was called the Aliliedgeville road, in the year 1830, when Capt. D. P. Hillhouse was superintendant; that some time in the summer of said y ear Capt. Hillhouse directed me to send to a Air. Hunt’s, below Columbia Court House, and some 15 or 18 miles from where I was then at work, to get some Bacon lor to feed said hands, stating at the same time that he had brought the Bacon from AVilkcs County and lodged it at said Hunt’s for the use of the road Hands. I was getting Bacon at the time from a Mr. Hawes, at nine cents per pound, w hich was first rate Bacon, and Hawes delivered it to me on the road. Capt. Hillliouse told me flint thf Rnrr>n nt Hunt’s, cost him 9§ cents per pound, and which wasveiy in ferior. After getting some of the Bacon front Hunts, I told Capt. Hillhouse that he had made a very bad trade, in his AA’ilkes Bacon; that the Bacon got from Hawes, was far su perior to it, and it xvas bought at a less price, and delivered at the road, while I had to send 15 or 18 miles for the Bacon at Hunt’s. JOEL B. LI TTON. Sept. 19th, 1834. Now to prove wliat Mr. Sutton has said, what says .Air. Murphy—that he loaded his w aggon at the Captain's smoke-house ! (which was at his plantation) with Bacon, and haul ed it to Mr. Hunt’s, the place Sutton men tions, and that Hillhouse told him it was for the hands, and that at the time lie hauled this there was another wagon loaded at the same place, with the same article, and it went to Hunt's also; further, that he received 37<1 cts. l>cr hundred, for hauling. I ask the Capt. who paid for this holding ? Did you not,"sir, charge the State with it ? But xvliat places the Captain's good ! intentions in bold relief, is, 1 1 1 nt Air. Alurpliy was told to lay-by until dark, and lo go through Washington in lla night, and not to let any one know what he was loaelcd with. By whom was he told this? By All . AA'illiams, who was the Captain’s o verseer. Now, can any man say AVilliains’ instructions was not authorized bv Hillhouse ! Ilow could William's have known any thing about it.Jeut through the Captain I and the fact of his giving instructions, proves that lie was knowing to the whole matter. B’l ATE OF GEORGIA—/< 'ilkes county. 1 do hereby certify, that I loaded my wagon at Capt. David P.’s smoke-house, in said State and county, in the year 1830, or 1831, and hauled the said bacon to one Mr. Hunt's, in Columbia county, in said State, about two or three miles below Co lumbia Court-house, which, raid Hillliouse staled, that the ®aid bacon xvas lor the State hands: also, another wagon loaded at same time and place, and delivered at said time and place, Ibr said Hilihouse; and which con tract was made in Augusta a few* days before 1 hauled said bacon, between said Hillliouse and myself, at thirty-seven and a half cents per hundred, whieh i was then requested bv a Mr. AA'illiams, (Mr. D. P. Ii illhonse’s over seer) to lay by until night, before I went through AA ashington ; and, also, not to let any "person know what he was loaded with. Given under my hand this 19th of Septem ber, A. D. 1834. his AVAL X MURPHY, Test: mark. I’cbnal Truitt. Let Air. Hillhouse explain till this ifhe can; I challenge him to come before this communi ty ;,hct answer these charges. How came this Bee-Mi in his smoke-house? AA'ill he answer * me whether it was not purchased at a redu ced price, for the very object of selling it to the State I AA’as it not his own I AA'hos, could it have been ? Air. AA illiams’s ? Ex\ ry body know s that AA'illiams never raised Ba con to sell, much loss buy it up to speculate on. Before we go farther, let us sec the Jmic which this honorable! man was compelled, nnd did swear he would obey while on the. duties! of his station: "29. Bfc. XVII. B. •fore entering up**n the discharge of their respective duties, the said superintendents shall each enter into bend and good security to his Exccil, ncy the Governor, and hi» succt -sors in office, in the sum of five thousand dollars, fir the faithful i performance of bis trust, and the projtcr and faithful disbursement of all money which may iuto bis hands, as superintendent as aforesaid, and that they shall r, spectiv, tv taki an oath before his Excellency the Go vernor, that tiny wiil respectively trtffv do , and perform all the duties requin and of them as -up rintendent- as aforesaid." "31. Bic. XIX. The superintendents shall not be permitted to forni -b. in their own prop, r p, ;sous. or by anv ag, nt th< y may ap* . nay article »r articles fi,r tin “ u i’! rt ” r timin', nance, or (nothing of the said hau*l». or au\ implements,, or camp equipage, which may be rn,wired f,r ffieir ii-> or the progr* -s of tla improvement o( th< -a. ! roa,U * orriv, rs, but *hail procun all and every* tr tay ben red. « * • dn 1 v.ext it.u>*, f !..c