Southern spy. (Washington, Ga.) 1834-18??, September 27, 1834, Image 3

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Hi re then, ire the dilemma into which the Gentleman lirw ant him«elf. It’ he tjtyt ti>- w a., hi# own, he took an Oath th .t he trout J not furnish any article of maintenance to the hands that belonged to hint. If the Ba con was the property of another, -r ill he is in the trap —for his oath was to furnish af the “ Incest market price." Bur here we find him giving the highest prie- —and which i> worse, giving it to himself.' Hu much fi r the Bacon. \\ e will trouble the Caps. with another, for wc have our hands full, all varying from had to worse. I would prefer first propound itt/T him a few plain ([uestions, very simple anil verv easilv answere-tl. I want to see the Captain’s version of this business, and then for proof—for I have before me that w hich will pen liim, no matter how he turns. Then—did von not, while Superintendent of Roads, take rite of the Males which belonged to the Htatc and ]>ut him on yonr plantation in this conn fv ? Did von not send a Mule in ‘ eichange' verv far inferior to the one you took from rhe jstfate 1 Do you not know that the Slat*; Mule was worth not less than *l3O or 8140, and tiiil it not cost 8130? Do you think tliar your .Mule, would have brought any wliere more than 830? Did von not state when von took this Mule, that as you had much travelling to do for the State, that you intend ed to drive him in yonr sulkey ? Did not your Mule (or the “Hilllio.isc Mule" ns it was called on the road) sell in Gainesville (nr but 845—if more, state how much ? Is tht State Mule now on yonr plantation—if no. what ha« become of him ? Ho much for 'h« M ulc. Now, I hope the Captain w ill rnk no offence at my asking him a simple ipiestion. which can l/e proven upon him, and which 1 will conclude with—Did yon not .some di .r time since “bet a pint of liquor on out of two Gentlemen who wi re pitching dollar-, aid did you not upon losing,” plank upT —Ayr or No! VERITAS." FOR TIIK SOITIIHRV Spy. To Maj. IIEMIy POPE: Sir—Your admirers claim for you a char acter, which for integrity, blunt honesty, candor, fairness, and all other noble qualities, they say, stands irreproachable. This may hi all very true; nor have I any desire to con trovert its accuracy : but you may rest assur ed. sir, that professions without acts, is like •• sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.” You arc now placed before the people of Wilkes eomitv, in the attitude of a candidan for a high and honorable trust, and it is noth ing more than w hat is right, that yonr senti ments touching the questions which ought to influence the mind of every elector, should be distinctly understood by those who are to sit in judgment upon your claims and preten sions to public confidence. I would scorn improperly to impair your standing with the people whose sufi’r.isrt s yot seek : yet both justice and propriety demand, that they should have a full and candid ex position of your political tenets. You were called upon hv a writer in flu “Southern Hjty” of the I3th iit.sT. over foe signature of “Al atchmnn, to answer wb flier you arc “a '•.iillifar or not ?" and i*’ not “a Sttllifttr. but a State Bights man, torritr the tliH’crcntc between flic doctrines of Stan Rights, as supported by a respectable par - ;, and Nullification.” Now its you have not thought proper to answer it question so plain in its nature, anti unequivocal a- to its mean in", but on the contrary, have maintained a studied silence, we have a right to take it for granted, that you are either afraid, or do not wish your opinions on that subject to be made know'll, “ The existence of the fact, is .-one evidence of its plausibility.” You need riot expect, however, that by pursuing a count of” dignified silence," to evade the re.pon i hilitv which rt ce-ssrily attach* - itself to your opinions; nor will you be able in this was to screen vonrsclf, and your public acts,from the scrutiny of a free and di-c-Triing people- And in the absence of all a- uial ori your parr. I shall henceforth proclaim you to be a Sul lifer in the true acceptation of the term, in order that von may he sfript of the disguise under which you appear to be so willing to sail. This done, I shall now proceed to *x nniine some of your official nets as a dele gate from this county, in the House of Rep resentatives, for the year IKK). Public servants, you must be aware, are accountable to their constituents, for their course and conduct in the discharge of the r official functions: and their act- hould be fully and freely scanned, to the end. that there may he no mi-understanding about <U‘ matter. And although you may attempt to play the game of ” ror -committal" as to w hat vvt do not know, vet you shall not be y rmit n-d to escape from what t r- do know, ami which i- publii !y recorded. By your acts you shall he known — h\J their fruits you shall hi judged. Tiirnirig, then, to the J u.nial of the Hons* of Ri pr’ -entativ t - for tin y<ai l-:{o.w> find at page 55. \ our name rteorded among th< Yeas, on the question of admitting an LNG LIHII.M \N to "pb-ad and prretir a- an Attorney and Solicitor iri the -everai C ■ r of and Equity in this State.” Tt • bill, however, was lost. Yeas 50—Nays "fi Thi aet requires no comment. It limy <xplain llself. and shows tlie vlrift of your partiality. |t SulUfers towards ENGLISHMEN* l*:t» itigover a b af or two, we pi r , ive at 1 ages sti, ’7. A. ’t*. that you voted \t : \ IN'ST fir hill extending the time to fortunut• tlreiir iM in the land l.uttery of 1*27, to tak out ihetr grants; am, to M imi. Ttt» rmo.' rut »v*tr: thus t Muring y, r hostilirv n * t ide [> COffer. i, c the POOR people of l:v S-vre, eet ’/t were more imrrw .liareUr infcr«"d ", ri„- unsthn. Bur it is a subj t er of Tr grar . (Las in tins dfi»rr of yours. j*rer -ignalV C*»ie»L— Both prop* sdrion* w- re \<St il Am at. Y —t eeeadmei on fid- necse-'am. i-ttit* airltit tea evidence of gr.o-* injxMaer and tiihtel ptde lie fa it in Furtlicron. at pa. - - lift A 'Tt.riwtotw stands eonsfiirui.u;s a» having seSe-el trgatswt rhe Jl RY FEE HIM, in ftm CssU fares fried in file several Ceetm-s es Kornrtl t/l!s*re Hr.ire. ir is plain, that yeea t,y the interests of rrw I'I.ANTKB aid FAR MF.R. who live at at cornidctatMe- d*4smev from the He ats of JuseU'c. ttnA «bo earns,* well a (lord to leave their Work, ssJ the lurosy season «f fire year, no heavy expenses- af Jr til ing court, wtrlmat an ajtqmte eessspewediem. The mere sum of three dollef* v-v frasma bie enough—and as the mot wy is not ter come enif of the pmhlic ee.jfern, ate- cam see nee ptlumhh reason why yon *lremt*l have voted against the measure, Wt *uhoMl the epics tion, however, to those ssiumi it truest eten cerns, not doubting brer what they will csttt mafe c.r,erectly your atfcwtioti tee titer intferests of the planter and former, »s well at* the ttsstrt of business. .\r page 251, it appears that yott voted m the minority tire jtassage of tint LAND BlLL—thus man iff-ting r.eot |«ow tiv'ely your ik-rtlktinn tee the tnr inttrist* t 4 the Hr arc, arid vour eontf-mpt ffi* crrliglftcwetl public opinion. Anri to show y.ircr fnttitei opposWotl to the measure, ir will be (euttiieeti turning to page 258, that yntt .again voted in the minority for the te-ermsielrtmliem of Hint LAND BILL, e.frer its peonage! Here, fhert, is proof as .-tree rvg as holy writ, final yon wer- oppnncd tee tin bill in every slsnjc and form; and did yonr uftcwist n, defeat! a wist arid provident law; thank.-to th- "vt-sl „ ns, am:! discriminating judgment tis the majeerily. you were over-ruled in yonr unholy erttsarb against rt whole some measure of tlet p anti Is-ftog benefit to the public »t barge. Again: At pag- '>?>, vtuir name iu there-tee he fiend iruieli!ily iuo.if-d'n’g lE:e li-f of Yeas, as having voted {or WII.I.MM P. IIOPKLV H, one of tht Representative ftt«i Melntosh county, to retain his seat a* a e-.t --tiag member, after he bail given FOI I! »I!t --gal votes, in the election of a Jtitlge for lilt Ot mt.dgft f’ir' tur.— Y--' voti f„r it man to retain wlitt should have been publicly expelled, as nnwotthy fh' et.onft— miner- ter sympathy t>f the House, litre wt see von openly attempt to> screen 3ft (E’erlivid ua! from the jtwf fslitirri trf an ortWagetl js-«e pie, for violating one of the most sacred prin ciples of justice, whit h, in its pxat fierd tuts— ration, Would place in the Temple of tent Courts of Law aid Eqi»iry, a Jtwlge win,, re ceive,J hi.-, office frtim tire franrls of ft eeerrupt Hr prize r.hltice ! IV .pie of \Aet< - eontsty ' shouM not an it" es this kind tfi «tv» rbe rnicT s.-vt re rcorelten ion ? -ktnl irtw-Scrf rnan ru;r eouitt it more etb-efttnllv ?:r«v te-cn *>on*', than by a ptibli- rvpu!- : rt of the guilty per -n from the -r af he held ? V> r, v, h< r> a rtee tiori was made til e- *• et t ~r <rl-/-'f, we find Maj. HENRY POi'Eoppose ltoit,nntlnj"n a -si.hsfimt*; ItriltJ oifer-d. in lb'll tis the ori d rial motion, he .soli rr.nlv vote. fi.r a ee,rntpt. ,f not -t PEHJf HI If Hr, re-,-o-tarive, «„ rt i.tin his .eat, among honorable men !! I jOtt so t! igrant an outrage on tlte people's rigbj*. • t eotnrncßf is rre'e, ary. It will t vri'e a burst of jit- 1 indigeafioa in the breast t«f tttty individual wlka v.utii.- the pn-.rtly tA the l. a c tive Franchise. There are other vote of Maty. Powt. whit'h might tie adduced as so enititv lit:: - in the chain of evidence, to forbid his re-eb-.rion to the lions* of Representatives ; but fh' . will stilli* * for the pre-enf. If he <fie not come nut, arid give some explanation of the rea sons which induced him tee virfe a., fi Stas done, w*- -hail he l*-!f f*> infer that he ii»s n*>ne f*> give, and that hi- act- stand I'o'l, it, let’ll relief for fh*- scrutiny *»f fit* ftaWter, — f)n th*--*- olli' ial votes fbo ealmly gjV' li,; - will as his leaning towards the "flightful I: I th*' people, and await their sentcti" nprm lii- IJepr* s*-ntativi can <r. They trill p f.perly elecide. Thus, -ir. viit stand he fiere tie l nil r, t«f Wilkes county, and it behooves .on to <ll-- pr*tvt; your vot* -. (which you cannot; or etb r something in palliation *.f your course and eonduef, <tr els. these- a-f- w.d rt--- op m judg ment against you on in*-day of the #-i«-fa-n. and operate as a I ,to on vour je.liti' a! a-j-t --nifrons. It i- rumored, sir, that you are in leading string-, and this rumor is fa-» gaining' »r- - tienee; and unit ,- you have the inib jsn dt nee—that noble eliaraete-ri tie of a lofrv niirttl—to eorrif out puWieiv. and disavow it. anti thus prove to tie- world, that you are not willing* to wear fh*- chains whir-It *h>- \ulti fers have been forging for v*»t;, my word t*»r if. -ir. yotirdavs a- a (tolitician. cr- numbe r ed fori v* r ! It no Top -. is lorthe-lining in th* tie \t "News,’’ y*iu -hall h* ar again from, with due r*.-j.<'t, A PLAIN DEALER. Htovkt I’iii>t. Sept.sp. l-:;j. * /' i.t em under,iahl> f"'t. that when l lop kins’ guilt trees made trumifest. Maj. Pt tPE ureuem* arrftng the most elairi* rous for his e rputsifrn : ,/et when tk, rote tree* taken e,n th> substitute to the original me,tion. ire fin<l ',ur lie /,re» nta tit’e p. emitting Jeeirtt/ feelings l'i ore-rom* /os sense e,f justwe. anti rear,rutting ttn #."* ot e,p /edition to tht dictates of his torn c ~stone. • FUR Till: SUt’Tlll.lvv sn. Mr. Editor :—’Ti- r tmond l* it t; Sul lies havi giv*n tip a.i hope- *•( * arrying ”.> ■ inty in Octolter. Th* ir phhsst - r tin f* w nays confirm th* motor. A fortnight it ore,and thi peacefulspi'il wi! ■!• urt • that kunrne f-um which (t-- If r h,,J ,t. • , A. v S'J'Te t wirmris *rv- To ike t'tvfrs of It tftrr and l,in"Jn Ccvn tle/. trho cn I ri* men ,iT HUME, Ar voo irgtgj ? AI- yon free m* n ? If you iW ;:er,-sitt»*x]«.<rtioltJiaty<«r willhsitiW Crs.nes* s-etc at tt*- I *.‘fls in <*• Sober, tiles seen—like (ae men. Tlact yon will gjvesoch a tt'c £* -rs«tt ,e g'e-i u-'>g;vl your fueveletk*, AT IIOASE. yrtar cestwe-iMK-e* Irll yon. Rial v. -sa sheenl-l give: and twe sutler yourselves See be b t t-' sijc j cells, hi,'- sla \i *. and l*e t set e Z-et l fr» pte * A«S<' which Vi*Uf pocr, rfltwt f-rtbid*. tt Uni i» more humiliat- Swg tSmn tt<»se ,e 2 risen, ay;-, a grown sttaa. ami a I*. 3*ttm-!le and. ami b.l up hv M(*Wlt t*» Slav pedis- iitiiS evonspelk and to give. liesl his tetstl.ievt sewe desnaigogu*'* Vote.— And wlva* rs still a* <legradhig. (and arimt sge h d-ltte-rdj! de sign) j, to btar tie puppy, whoiiaae edsesateel you our of vtuir v<«e. gfie-r the ele.estiiyjt h over, batughittg at Ills smart ness. ami your tneainm ■* - how lie bsrded y<*u <*ut of your v«t*. that you wished to put in. and fenced aril pavuadWl vent to take anulher: and how, like a p«r “ fet-qiiflli'” yon jeave up your vete, and pmt in hir and how lie " likes the Itesa-s-u. but d<spues th, traitor.” Nt', niiue lias any respect for hmurlf. w oubl bet a monte rtt. pt«suit any <ui<■ let med dle. in any way . w ith his right *d uiUnp. If tj»e fte-»- vote rs of <*ur e-ouirtv would in-till, eer kstes-k eA-wn all impuelr-nt 'b-magogues. «Sen elate tee eSire-rt S?ee an I vew to vo;<-. ami win* wish fee lead llte m ttp the ptlb lei pre lent t?:e-ni freesrt ve tijjg a- t!t< y «i*|i: tlaen flay wesulel ebt flteitt e oielJtry' ee ..»| ee -rv iec. a;«l ti-A 3ttel- , Se » lU*tieSe. Now. e, t j.ev, ' ItV« 11-. I<S me Is-eeeh yeeii, for Site letve of our eemitneen eeenti«ry, and flee r<-per that you have fin yentwltev; flust y-tt nutbe up vour ttiilkls Vl' HOME as to site veete which s en, should give, asael go to site polls, astej rote it like- eeste wise ba -a will The im-sueiit yott se e- a ide-tnag«egue 3jq toaedottg von fi<r the jewrjsce- eet e laangttlg y eettr v use', veett nutv se t il dtewn as e-e stain, tltat Ia- titinbs vetu ar<- a *'peer elev si" that Isa- tie* w it] es ventr own. are I *' re-et worth il.e and lead that would bill y-een.” lor vom wjj) never «''- the m ntabe-sea-It atteirijeis on nje u wjm are bsee>»st tee See tsttellige-stt and f'-stn e-talde. AKIHTIDEH. ron Tim een tai Ks vet TANARUS///; t if THE • M SP. ! ! " f'harge- I'he-ste-r. charge ’ —H*.title■ v on, ** Vi - it tlte- Ism words «,: Manniott.'’ Wr. Ee’iteer:—ee Et.r neat «tv no ttie feltt,' wa- tta watelewe-rd ejvttl t,\ laiol Nc’seeo. fe, the- a-,e tede*' <1 antiv, a* the- Battle eel '1 talalgar. And if the se-« vet was a crisis wStterlt imfu remedy ehtnaneiesl. shat site ront matf'j abeeve- given, slteesthl lee' he ld in faithful remembrance, stow t« tlte- preepiiious laerieed. Tlte- frseeteSs of ifne : - Ijoly attel motile cause erf I VI.'V. should gird nis she-ir armor, w ith bud,- h r attel *}tie let tit Isanel. pre-ieareal for tlii but tle- whirls awaits ttwer j-afrie^iee-oarage-. \.. rraise- t. So lee- hot. Tie Hauls am at tfi. f'ajetled, re aely tee artbe- efoy/u the Temple of Freedom; art'l -hall ».-■ de e-rs tj«- glorious --.unef'irl -f the- fie-.—flag’ of if- ierav.. in the- hour eef p ri! ’ Foeflei'l )l tu tice ' fi.t bid tl grattoieh-* fee;hid it Heaven’ Net: J« 1u« swe at em tlte- altar e.f" eetsre otensrv. eeor wh.-fi* evetaury. anel IteeSleing bus etltr e-eeusitrv," that we- wsll e|e find site raitt|ear< ot li!« m. from ' SI- noe - without, iiteef fie - W i'llist. I' V,e- |e - reive- ||,e - sllgie gs ejs - lie«l eef the- 1 1|. my. fi-t quiekiy t<-furn slue (tr«. with eeiir tw<ntv <"«r pmw <* r , spik'd an I « barge and fir tin etf't'fr.ietn. A gS'erieeits vie-turv wav nee.- t ae bse-ve-d. lent ley lease! fighsieig—andaj»lteeiieh we- fervently trust, shat 'eur |eeeiitie-al ba:t'*s »ay always* prene- |efe«.dh • t-isll v.-e b- rt e mise-h re menu tee fear. tlteeuM e,ur adversaries, elie- lie r-ee. eel tile-" Singh Star, ard I’e ln , <>o Hutteen,” lfiljlJlpi in site coining - - ; flier, turn the scene o! the |{e volution w ill h ; anted ee'.er again l At the ileeeeigtjl e.f ~<■!' a spewtaeh-. tlte- lie-art »!>-*'u,. and si - eef the; turn (sale, riba!! sia-h a -ion eef thingei ejgstsc ? Never—if the- friends of titer I 9IO» e-an ware! eeffl'the: etaflgrr. U i.' f i-s the- father, wen, e.r i-re4l> r, wfieed- are--, ilje M'eerly -i'-ge of a even Jmig ve-am rat'— 'Leri- i- the, war-weern u o rau e,f «)<!-a lifri' -, v.h-ev f.,rr*ew.ed -'h-vk. and v.rittk!*e! brow. dec - l et leCg'-f ,-e fe ( Jili'e eef llldigtialioll at the aullieets eef sei la-h a lO'-asei/e 1 ,'p ah teat ye- eiiei grey-he-ade-ej fathers, that yeeur “etj may partake ,and tj ( e- .jetri' eef the living fire- ’ tt hee e-an M - ale tejat. " with e-eattper •’•re . *h* efe—f rtl! fieefl eef fair e-ilie s. fjourj-hing village-, freotlsil ft*" hje-, hie* rtv, aml pne perty ?" tt kite t- tile- imii'-idua! vrit*e can ie* ieefl th- se- ft.ttig-. and r* main Ijjiniovi il ’ Tlr re- 1* nettle- We il- j, . and b It' ve . but tile a«j»iring <i-magogii*. wli<r-e bint t- jetelhet-d with the fund. Ii ,-j'irit— firrther ter rule in 11,11—than ere, eee ll' *ll* tt - l.*f i; . '.-.—-ri. fri- ti-1- es t I MON 1 stand firm. Let n* te up and a 'fietreg. l>*-t us guar*! to* oar-jo-*-, raid wa*eli e-iih a fa«li*-t'» car*, and a meisiu.r's l*o<. to. id< 1 A v ium o* the 1 /' I>» ii* JJllJJft'tiefi *ttsf ••Hi- in all j ? - jaH pu iiv ■■and whi fl ?Jfi 2T»« Pijil I' t/, jtrfe-Jfrjri Ifj |; 4 « li t m* fly it# * 9 tftu. *#v jji'ilv f* -# w i ii un oKVorGn i>i 'fif ff r 'U >Of tr* '*!' 1 hurt;rtf * f To l|j< H #.*f r *—* i* K».*f » *** Lht - ):bli j *mr ron f '. f o:,t' r v.* | if f’jt #rv ,r . - I .* ' : • '** 1* * ii- «#u frt* :r:' r-:; . l-#r a' ? * »n, !* -i'.* •■# o.‘ v. hr* •* t. * tht .ii*- r—• r *l'*'*. • • * ?ifi,» '.ruf; l »« _ n, I*' • « • < i i> * '• rri? -* '** to i - v : M»!,! Us ~V r * ili- in ... rv !*.- ; Li I*7!/- f, f * #v L ’ -T Il«» «*i, l»l» ’ ” -JTKIT *7<i. CUR T«r SOfTHEB* rpr. W-. E,tios :—l The other day 1 happen*d 4 1 e- limit, AA ilkt s ■ 'tiJjßi, tw— Hoppydieads conversing on ngli tn» I rjtg which the following com civatfiku -I‘» pnriy w-eli; you hear much ,eb tf‘ fellies ob tie dav. Cuff Vat. poltict! vy bless as how me hear -at Heal. Ale hear ub ’un gr* at man. Edit r; qn-r name Boh ri'Aorf—vvrite all ’bitut Sail- g-liun. Seiko. —Hat lie *!<• ‘berry ting I vantsto ** * y "hout; he tell us at \a. Roads, we will i» free in short time ; *la rail his name hub Short, or sometimes (showing Gulli e a i )>;• .x *ff paper) da write him name dis way. < a*t lie keejt turnin' 'lieuit— j:i:idj.rifi>\o'i ii ri.hhri Hi.iv rut I'HTU.’s i liti v it—Till tiiovt's l ilt:. i>'£ o\r: MTI »I» %V, Nlil’li: ’lltllt -il. Ist I. Al'OLf M.LTIC. dj- To give place to the lengthy coninm nhaJlulls wliieh will he lotinil in our eoliituiis of to-tlav. ( inti whow imjNiitauee demanded a speedy insertion) wc are (iueed to omit our leading Edituiial, ami several other matters — bill l e rhum sat t FOR IHL GENERAh READER. i hoe of <mr readers who are particularly field of miscellaneous schctions. nnisl bear with us until the < lection storm shall have V&ft- ' TO roRRKHIMINDENTS. have on file, several < oninninieations, v.h; i fur lain of spate, wear*' reluctantly con )•» 11< dto d* fcr. Among the iiiimber, a Jetti fjuin a fair eorresjHiudent, who must, with our ajudogy, accept our thankb; ami an jilt* e ting th .i nation on the subject of I ’lto- J* ra. fn tin a fru ml in Savannah. They shall lie attended u> in our nest. BIENNIAL SESSIONS. AA - would remind our friends, that the re solution of th< last Legislature, published in to-day's pajK.T, K-speeiing biennial elections, v.a« intrudin'* dby al mon mail, arid adopt <st Ity a I miu l/Pgislatun*. The p*'ople have it hi their |«*wer to support or r* j<-et the * U‘- litwew n to hot there hns estistni t.«i mil' ll apathy and indiflbrenee on litis suhje <T- N ATI It Al. Cl RIOSITA'. Ale were |<r< luted tltis wtek with a Kit lea laving tv. o tongues, flu fir.f sight, wc v < re forcibly reminded of State Rights and N vilification. The bill,- en aturi is now tie fiii.'t, just as we cxjHit Nullification sum v ii! be*. It had uiaiiy ap|M j arantcs ofa imiii t‘ r of epjii I, grow th, ami sjteetly dissolution ; Hid it is only regretted that il could not have JimO tttitjl afii r the <lo tion. Mid joined in tlolotous wiotiings, and r*'c*'ivcd a d< <■« tit bu rial it the hands of tin < oiiijtoiiiiil* rs id the “ peacee;bl, rcnie-dy.” thi; i;u;c;jiOi\ i\ maim;. Ly fh' Jijt# EuhUrn paju rs ue have rc < * tlie orniifyiirf inu lli<f< ii<o, that Si n/i --e r Si'i(A4»4'j:, xvho refused so e*oinjdy with ti-' r» pj* t ol hi.'■ouxtituentN, and his t. ’ iji oner* . h;e* be* n beaten in the p - * 4 n* eorji4*st im i*n\* rnor hv tljt Jackson c;ui ',r,;iu-. iSn&t.HT I *. Ib'jfMi’, hv a handsome a • only. U e learn, al o, that th* re j- ade < j b tj majority ol lb jihx rafie ineiubers eb-et ' 1 -i i oijj braii* h« ol flic Stale L« pi lafure. I MON MKN—TO I HI. POLLS ! ! CT* Tl;** prWiH is near ai Itand—the eb e • nu rajadly appr<*aeljiijir. 1 Put pro~pe*-f4 ar* j!.vnriji*% bill koH# r not a mum ol thiK in lull yo; ial*# m purity. Sow m the mormiip, and ji; t ' « vputiiz' w ithhold uni thy liand, is a On iuc jfijTjjjeiion Ik *v#r at vour jxisf, and iaM* not refreshing in tin wai* h, b< lit* v< Jj - nab K rninitielp<l into p«#rf. JI DGK or TIIK NOKTHIIftX < IK (rir <m.SH M.TT A NliHt lV*, i; rp of this place, }; 1 mpu ap|#*#j/it"l by iJi* Governor, Jnd^*' oj Northern 1 jr* uit. to -apply tlie xa* an* y <#" anon* and l#y tli* <b < * as*: of th* Hon. \\ M. II CftAivfotiE 'l'he appointm* nt w* fliink ju«ij*-ion«, and no «b#i]bl will meet v.itjj £*,ri«*- ral approl#a«iori. “ M!si:i;imu;si;m atiox.- 'I t.‘ Kdifor of 7Va ,No/i roundly a “vv# ar* a* * u-a and in ?}:* last ‘ Sjnf ol n* o;» f jj#|#r« -*• *l ts < noli* * of th* Kay »* *■ uiw cUu'j. '1; -i nunu'tf t]j* iui-r< j»r« - -* TitioiM <#l our opj#on< f f-/’ K l . As he nf fo -fate bv v.i.utn ili* neenFation v.a j»r* 1* rr« and, only that if wa- * *#ntaii.* and iri th« ia-’ Spy. it Ce. e' inipa-tt fj 1 -ft J,r# . iiliihnn. Th‘ I S! " 77.- .N* ns },a - liinj'# l! mi. j>n u s* *.• e— irilfully. 4 * Jf -ti* #.,** I*# v. iee ' »oio n. ' eiinsti t}..- rtrannuH*#r ur' lv luirt r» !• r. -*at» and that •**h« .Spy '•ofti|#li* and wi»h th' T \V i•— ■ •i■ I ' \j i ;f be an*-w< i< i hv thou uho Buft/at mtU th* noiire” J i}, 4 - an . a-nfion ara.iM vh** Kditur f hn»S t.owe .'f, if h# know* not hv whom tic *!ipprixM»»n wax ♦ ib'Offt and if h« pro!* s-t v on »•.* Mihjerf, w* * an p\t him *!#« infonnafioi?, ‘.•j* lk Lt-'L tout -uUi- ' t!.' 1 I *. v «^* the -hands of a conspicuous member <>f his 1 party, prior to Unv-town mri ring; anti ! that it was>e\pct%ed of .tile? ttufii to, transmit or deliver the tan|c in the Editor of •'TV StirsP JCI THE ihitorVok THE "sot Kiirx srv,” t , A\B “TIIK lti:«s."A > , I think that you would do the a sen ice, to publish in your papers the sections of the late I’ettal < ’ode, making it criminal to vote illegally. It is important, that none may be taken in; and that the elective franchise may not lie defrauded. Let us have “ a fair ; shake” at the election in October. A LEGAL VOTF.It. [AV v subjoin tho refi'irecl loalmvo; | and aIM» |Mihlish ihc “ Klcrtion l # aw** pavsn! j al thr last St* shiii c»ftlu* Lf4ji**li!ttiro, which ; it will not lie amiss, H»r those l oncsun and, to 1 hear in inimJ.]—- Editor Southirn ■ * “ Skc. 2!>. If any person tdialb hereafter vote more than «mce tit qpy eleel'ftiu may he held in any eomitv of litis Slate, t«r vote out of (lie ettnnly in wliieh he may usu ally reside, lur members of the Legislature, or tin eomitv officers, sueh person shall lie in dii'ted lor a misdemeanor, mid on conviction, j shall he punished by imprisonment and labor jin the penitentiary-, for a term not less than ] mil* Va-ar, nor m»*rr, iVimi a\v«* y ;»r«. “ Hkc. If any person twrnfy one yi ais of aco or upwards, shall I invader i I»uv or sell a vote, or be roiieerncd in or selling a M»le, or (diall unlawfully \ote til any eleetion wliieh may be lieM in anv enmi ty in this Slate, sueli person shall he iudieted lor a tiiisilcinoaiior, and on eoiivieiion, .shall Im- |Minis|ird hv iiM|iiisoiiment and labor in the penitentiary, fur a term not less than one war, nor more than four v< ar*.” IXKCTION LAW. 1101 Si: rn 111 CHKSKMTATIVIS. Rrttolvul Ity tht Snuttr unit /fount of lirfi rnu ntutin sos tin Siult of (itoiffia, in (one !ml .\ssnnhfif nu ts Thai the\oteis ihrntu'hoiit ; th«* Slate h« reipiested tn endorse on their , liehels ]|t the ||e\l. (aeiicral Kb « lioll, Oil the ' first >1 oiiday in OefolM-r next, the word an nual or biennials to their approbation ; or disapprobation of a proposed amendment of the < ‘onstitut ion, to sule litufe hieuuial se.**- sioiis of the (rein ral Xusniibly, t>n \tmiiu! Sessions; and that the von* so uiven in, shall he returned to the Kxeeiitive Olliee, w ith the other eh • t(Oil returns. fn tin Iftuisr of fltpnsintutipt.H, Agreed to, 10th lleeemher, IW{.‘{. THOMAS OLASrorK, S/n nkt'r of tin lloust Ifipri unit at ins. Attest—Joskpii Sit lUiIS, Cli llv. In Smuti , eoneurred in, lrth Dee. IHdU. JACOII WOOD, l*pi siih nt o f tin Si n(th . Attest—John A. <’t i nr.i ier, ('leik. Approved, IDtli I lee. iH.’ld. WII.SON UMI'KIN , Cover nor. hair of l ie t ltents. I’lie polls are to he opened al seven oVloeh |in lliC morning, and closed at six oVhs k in I the evening. At tin- romt house of rvery county, eontra disfni£tiisli«'d from pr< < iie is, tliroe mu • ruli’K, uni lliiMiurfilvEM tißliduliUot, un t«» pm side: and they are to appoint three eleiks, ea<h of whom is to keep a roll. The siierill or his deputy is re i/nin and to attend. At curb preeinet, one jusfiee of Ihe in/irio| : eourt, or nt the peace, and two freehobh rs, or j two jiisliei sand one freeholder, not them i Hi*|\cs ( andidate.M, are to presido, Kaeli In e | holder iiiiisl take thi* followin'' oath : “I, A. do solemnly «wcnr (orallirm) that I am a freeholder resident iu this fount y ol . that I will faithfully superintend thisdnyVe b ' tion,and make a just and true return tin r«-<#t, aecfinliiii' to law, and the hi st ol my ability, so he|j» lie <f<*d.” ID** siijioiiiileiidents ora majority of tin in, j f»l the preeinet eb'f'tiotis, are In ro ciiit and j fount th« \of(.sailin' preeiiif ts, ami to ks ep a fair statement ol the polls: and they ate to | appoint thife clerks,each ofwliom hIiuII keep a roll. The day after the eb rtion, one or more of i the Miipcriiilcndc iilh of each preeinet will no i l at the 4'oiirt-JioiiM**, tmd there w ith the hii peri nt * ndefifs at the t 'nil ri hoi is**, will muni tin votes, conipan the returns, and arid them together, and they will then return and eerti- ! IV to the ((overtior, the. result (*t flic clef tion ill the <(»uni\. 'Flu refuriiH made hy liee holders, are ni be signed as such. Al the preeinets, the* duty of the HherilF or i his«b putv im so be perfoi lll« -«I hy a constable, or any other p« r on ajipoinled hy the super IllfcudefjN. I he made to flu* governor mu t eon tain a h-t oj the voter*, a tally sh* «t, and an aeeurate statement of the polls, under the hands of th* Kiiperinteudeuts. \\ lien there m anv doubt about the legality of any vote ofb red at any election, the super intend' fits are to administer the billowing oaths, \ i/ : “I, A. IL do M#l# inn! v sw< ar, or allirrn, (as the in * mu\ In ) that I luivp attained to the nf*p nl t xvi iit v-niip ypiii*, have paid all h f*nl fax* i w hifh ha \c l»« *iitft jii i r* ( l nfmr , and Which I hav* had an #»p|»orfunit vot paving n/. r r# ealily | to law, have m-isled six monfliH whhin the count v, and th**it I am a» it i/* •11 of the I ii if *< I Slat* , and an inhahitant of tins State.” **|, A. JL do solemnly swear (or allirrn,) that I hav not this day voted at any * b • tion, h* Id at any place, in this State, tor members of Conpr< ,or members ol the Le gislature, m# help rri* 4#0*1.” The namc-rol tho e v.lto shall have taken ’ ueli oath-, ar* so If fi!« and in ttie office of the 4 ;•« rk of fli* lob rio r 4 y'ourt. r;Ki; at 4 al amity. 'I Ih n> 1 otfon and wo«#i I actory, lately #n*:t<d at fjiis pine#, and principally owned bv Mes r . D» anir.' and Ni-bet, was burned tothc ground on Iri lay morning last, togeth er with th» whole of iK splendid and exten -ive inaefiin# rv. Th< fir# was #iir( (#v# red a hout#/# l«f#*k A. M., ash r havim.' advanc'd Mil, r a- to r# nd# r all cHort- to sau the buil diniror rna# hinery uiiavniliiie It i-i snppo <d tohavi- been »ommurii'afed hy spontane ous eofiihiistuin, ns if was fit fir-a di-'ov» red m the atfi' sf'iiv, where a ijuantif. #»f m to-* cotton had h»« n Mowed away. \*,thii»7 '4 #ore"pici « e was t ,f h Ihr actual v #* w tiri,r ted hv th#- propn# tor-n* h* not I* -than ffcJIUMUt; not a *ltt!iar #»fv.hi# h wa-* insured. Tb' d»’*-tr I*# tion oft hi- -pb ndid *. *lablvhm* nt j*» not oalv ajo aiand fioiin I##-h to th# pro pri* »».!-, hilt ma v }»♦■ justl . * t#n-id« red as a p i * li.i r.r |/A#/< Itunii* r, With inst. 'I b* D »h# v #.t Aft;'o»d* iu<, on#» im ifortant ajh #-«.i*a»#', arid re v., a third thin#, a |M#*ir wait* nu ; * \i!e. im - Jtin • th* fi«ynl lam n\ •#? > ixonv fit Di* and. u. L| iri# s \ th* link'-of An '*n‘' n* . and fL* y#u(ji»' «.f I* ■' j.x ui> at lhn 0 D'tjft Means >}l, this plat it hjk (hr the Nurtli. tu e\miimqyarinnf'l7tn<re sclnJ* hr Tle ilm nt by-il*,Hfit*»TXl'tkeMun nriß|.abnrX'ehu<>l iit tlie Georgia (’uiitermee, tube tu*'uteri near fi’oviugton, wiflitiic view of obtaining the information necessary the better to enable anti qualify him toAtak’o charge of that institution.— (iso. Jiumal, uth instant. Ilichmond Factory.—TliffJliehnjomfCot ton Factory, ereetetf on tlie of Cowles*' Saw Alill. starteil itsspimUes 10-day'\ v ft will finally ruff lint makes a beginning vv itli, JkJOonly. The Company manufacture, in their own work shop, all the Machinery, anti as the propelling works are all complete, their spiiitilea will he put in operation as last as tin vr are finished. The Company intend at present to sell the Yarn they spin,’ if there is sufii rient demand for it; if not, it wil W>e wove, Sueeess the first Factory of tlie kimt in Rieliinotid County ! — lien.'Courier, lOM inst. Bail Road. —\\ <- see hy the Cnssvillr Gn zelltfi that a meeting has been belli in ("as* county—Gen. A. Miller in the chair, to l.ikts into eonsiderntinn the sttlijeet of tlie ronteni plateil Rail Rond from Athetts, west, through that section of country, mid the navigation of tlie Coosa river, iVe. at which Achillm I>. Slineklefonl, Exp mid Cluster Hawks were appointed a committee to correspond with the i eitizens of Gilmer, Lumpkin, Baubling and 1 Ool.t, Bounties, oil the subject of the f/iiit,.,y plated improvement, soliciting thor>: to etiJl J meelings and appoint tb legates to the met f ""4 l" be held ia I'lovtl ruinily. befitre the st eond Montlay in (letoaer next. Accounts from Louisiana mid Mississippi state that the sugar crop is uncommonly pm iiiisint’ this year, hut that cottoti lias he th soinewliiii iiijmvtl by lalt heav y rains. Cohhetfs l.if of Jackson —Published in N' v, l "il, hy the Harpers, hos excited such tail iosity that’ hefore two o'eloek of the day ot piililieaiion twelve lomilfed eopies where sold. I’riitf, Puckli r Muskau. —This ilistittgui-h --ed, spirited, and intelligent traveller, nitty be daily looked lor upon our shores. A letter I font Bavaria apprises os that he would 1111- littrk lire Nt w A‘til, in tin Havre packet of the* Hilt till. t 'ottgress Hall at Saratoga, is rinsed—also ihc I nil***l Stairs Hold. Tin- Ihivillion will lie k«'|»! njH ii until ihr fust of ihrtnbvr. Il> ulth of f 'lt orient on. —Tine \v» re tirrnhf and« nth iu f 'h:iilcAinn lorflu w< rk i 1 ft'h iiisi. ten w hiles, ami ten hlaeks and cnlomf. t M she w liifes four wi re from the Slranm-i’.** VvMX. f 'msN (*iu»F in Al land. —The Alexan dria («a/etn* iif the I Dli iusf. sa\ ;s: —Th** ap prehensions which have been cnU rt,-lined in reference so flu* injury likely fnari -e to iho <'orn <'lops of ihi lOasleiu HI lore of Alarv • laud Ironi the lute exi’e.ssivc drought, we re /'ret to liud, are hut too Wi II founded. The damage, is reported to he extensive \ \ere, and tlie failure of this important product must necessarily proven hcav \ drawliai k upon ilih resource.', ol the farmer*.'* C*ottoii is s'-aree and dear in al* most ever\ market town in the Lnifiii. Ken* tueky, which is a hemp ;;row ini' state, will probably reap a rich liarvent this year on her staph* productions. \V« know of no statu moo- dcHorviiiaot a rewind for the yitu pi4.#o j .'iml labors ol its eifi/ens. Her p/os/w rlty is closely allied to that of the w hole of tlirj soiirherri eon ii try, and lnii/r may <»nr inliinn (i« m /lonrish, and our interests he interwoven# Mobile Adv. DM inst. Mr. \V in. 11. Bltrleigl , mi tis-iHtnni in AT sa ( itindall's selitHil ii,r i.'olured b mules, tit t 'mi teilmrv. Conn, litis been arrested for a viola tion ol' the law relating to the t dotation of blacks from other Htales. “ Measures liol Mm." —JMairied, at Wash it'filo" ( Hy, on the 17th inst. Alt . Josiali Peck to Miss Aurelia Bushel. \\ • think tin y imtst lie Wig', a., they go lot ” measures ami mil for limi," and seem to It* tlegt mi tiling I rot it huger measures to small, ones. —\. A'. Tillies. ION flißdlL. I'lie sales ot Cotton nt l.iverjmed , for lint week ernliiig Align;t It, were 25,1t>(! bait s at ( nilvmit e, \i/.: BttVt Bplaml nt 7% H I*4 ; e,KXIt trb'iiis,at 7-J a III; an,l 1 1'.HI Alabamas ami Mobile al 7,j n !tj, about 5000 bales It.-tve Is en taken on speeulttlion. Imporl into |,iv t rpool, sim t 1.. t Jan an ry,(!.‘!!t 1 l MlO bait s against tiIH.OUO in tin; first Hew- 11 imutlhs of last \ear; ill the supply from Iht I iiilctj Hi,-ties an in ert at-ot 3 i,IMMI bales. The slip'll in Liver pnnl i ' stiliiateil at 222,000 bait sos wliieh n bom 101.000 bales are A met titan—being rut It • r less than lasi year tit the same peritsl—at Havre, July 31, priees rt-tti tilted wit I mat vari ation—Stock of rollon, 32 or 33,000 balrs.— I plain! 12,250. Augusta Market, Sept. 22. "I la-, transactions in our Cottoti Market, during tin- past week were to a fair extent, and priees well sustained.—VYe quote 13a I 1{ ; lire new ; salts * hit-fly at l.’ty In I lets. Oil II a 13; general sales II i it I2A. The re elapis i,l the new crop up to tin- preserit time uinuiiut In nbnut lIHHI hn/cH.— '/*/ff/wcrijit. Simimuth Mar hits Stpt.tyft. —Therf? is ve rv little (\nino in (/nttnii. Hales of new at Id a I 14. \\ e ijuote old, at 11 1 al4 eentn. In tin place, on Sunday evening Inst, by John Jksnk, Kh«*. Mr. WILLI AM Sill II Mm I KAVT.S SMITH, all of this county. oitniA in. DIED, in Aimitsta, on tit* 21th inst. Dr. AMU,IAM H A V AGE. The iiiiftorfe rl Horst TivOllr. I 'ROM the request of nttin #y. -f| y here ol Brt < tiers in Georgia, uxPa TANARUS« ttbovi HOUHE wfll re .Xi main atmtlter st thu .State, ill titt- -pring nt 1535, lobe kept at nr near MII.LI.DGEI ILI.E H. |,r. 2‘i. I-. 34. H. AV Y AGER. H-pt. 27. I< I tei t.ttlta i.t, II • Point ft/. Us HERE AS AVti.n ,m (Iri hvm ap plies to trt* ti-r letters o! li'laum 'ra tion Oil tilt estate ol J Wit.-, (e*rs|l VM, tlt;- I I a-i and, late of -aid • ’o'tnly. Tilt -, an t!i*-r* litre, to >'•*. timtnon. and n hiioniAii ail ar I -;n < the kindred arid rod,for- of nd d* * !. f.i he aiul appear at fnV otiil within flu »"««•* pre-erilntl by law, ? .'du v. i:n. • tu an. flu % have) why Maid b rr« I* vdit-ij '! If » h' Planted. (. on oi. j' i my band at oHiee, Uii* 2ofh j;j . • f S* i»f‘ tni>* TANARUS, I w dk JOHN II DVriON, r. r. n. filler ‘,'7. 4