Southern spy. (Washington, Ga.) 1834-18??, July 21, 1835, Image 2

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From the Washington Globe* July 2. Dkp vitmk.xt *ar State, ( July Ist, i<r>. ji In consideration of the many important in terests connected with th* relations hetw* cm the l’flirt* 1 States an.l France, the President lias directed the publication o lit ho following document a: I Mr. the 0 led«- Hr »glie. Lkuatio.v or Tin I v it; 0 Sre rn, / Paris, April 25th, I- d>. <> His Excellency, The Due nr. HrojMK, Sir: — \h »it to return to niy »»•*• a < hi:i!i I aril UM'vi 1 iifi!X f > I * : i . ■ l'i • W’lfh nt a ihii. one inop effort to the irrrtv I hr r. h* r*’•»- fore in ill*; to re-tor-? to both flint rnufinl £*>» ! in ler*Uinlin£« whir l t ir In ,t interest?* r« - ipiire, and win di probable events may infer ruj»i, an 1 perhaps aa*fitly I- 'my. From iljf r»rrev« »i 1 mv, aid a< sos IK* Maj ‘stv’s I r overtl o' -1 » f . -in '• tin M ‘ •»! t’c* i*r< m of tic* I nil 1 S:a«** ■* w -s known at Paris, it i* evid fit f iit mi i«I• *• * is enter tain lof making the Ini.ii-'n nt <>t th* treaty of 1 J M *lep*?u h ’it on **xphan itioa to le* o • euof terms use lin tin; hi a:•,mm !ol with h tiding jMvrn fit of :m ti' kfio Ai«d.o -l <1 **t until fioii !»•• .;ivc*i f»r ri Kitpposc | iri-l d****oru ii for lin im<l»*»_r st. i!» * b ire |» m 1 ; bility t!i it this oj»i lion m -lit Ik* «■ trrtai.i' i| an Ia *•.* I upon by Ins .daj' t;• Govern-^ in fit, hrs it incumbent on in* to sfuf**j explicitly what I tin fern ii•lto be l!i vuti iii 'ntn of mine on this subject. lirrout*.» is impressions :ni hi" Irom ley want of a prop r a't-eriri to tic I'niftitM* ol oar (Jovcrnm nt, to the duties ol i* < i.i 1 MaTintr.i'e, to the principles if Iris a lop' I. a*i l ita *tri**f adherence to th til, in ‘i:n;i rr\ r ises, flight rniv <\p f itioa s wlii it eoiildjj never be realize I, aid lead to m cures «1» striietivc to all liarmony betw<*'*;i th* parti* y* This ion is m i l. in lull conti-f dcn».a? that it is the wish of his Map sts G iVcrilflKMit, as i* i' m nt iic 'Mclv is that <>t| ill** l*r«?sii| ut, to av »i l all measures <*! that if*seription, ati'l it is hoped, therefor**, that <t* will be received in the spirit by which it is dictated that of conciliation an Ip» -ace. | The form of our Government, and the functions of tic Pi* siJcut as a * pari.ot it, h ivc, in their r« -union to thi? nub-* joct, been HiitVi cmijlv explain'*'! in mv pr* -z viotis corresp-m hai • \ especially in mv b*t t»*rs to th • Go rites <l<* 111 miv ol the "fin "I J tnuary last. I liave, therelor.*, linh* m a«M ( to that part of representation which i* d.-aw n from the form ol our Government,, and th«* duties *»f the President in a'luiimslcriti ' it. lftho.e arc fully tni lcrstou I, the primiples of action derived from them cannot he mistaken. The 1* lent, a er, must It ivc a free an I entirely unfetfen comiiiunic.itimi with lie* co-niilin.atc powcr.s of i ! ivernui *tit. As tin* 0r4.n1 ol ititercour ■ , with other nations he is the only sourer lioiii| which nku of our relations v\ itll ihctii be conveyed to the legislative bratirhes. It results from this, that flic iiituo t freedom from all restraint in tin* details into which he is obliged in enter, of international concern *. nn l of tin* measures in relation to tin tn, i> mial •«» the proper performance of this important part ol his (unctions. II iii!i> ! exereisH tliem without haying continually l»e --f»re him the fear of olh udini; the sii**ecptibil it v of the powers whose eon duct Ik* i» to notice. In the perfornrituc of this duty In* is MjV|cct to public opinion, and Ins own mm se of propriety lor an 1 inline red, to his con HtitiicnU for ti dangeroiis, and to his constitu fioual judges for an illegal exereise of tin power; but to 110 other erasure, foreign or cl I'll >lie. Were any f«*feign powers p< iinii te lto scan tin* eotiiiniiriieatiotwot the I'.xec ulive, their romplaitits, whether real oral feete.l, would involve the eoimfi V 111 eollliil nil controversies; for, tin* right b»Miig ac S k4l 1A ledge 1, it would lie a duty to r\eicisr ill by denianditii* a disavowal ot every pinn ed tl'i.-v might deem o'V. nave, and in explana-1 lion of every word to whirh an improper in-3 t. rpri'faiioii could lie given. Hi.* pritc ipb ,1 there 1 »re, hi- be eni a I >pt *d, th tt n 1 leu i til * |i iwor has a right to a>k for e\jdau.aiions oh a iv thing that the Picsi<leni, in the of 11 is Inactions, thinks proper to coiiimuiii j rate* to (hingre'ss, or ot auv cours’ lie tna\. ndvise them to pursue. flu rule i l not ap pfu*:»l»le to the tinvemui it of the I uit. I flutes atnn ', Init, iii I‘omni 'ii with ii, of, tillin' ill Will Ii ill . 'll .111 nil,HI il I mvis an” distributed into dilb ront In in- lies. N 1 mu hjj n .it ion. ili'sinnn "I avoiding I I, hpi i 11 11 ik-i i, > or foreign intorli'rence ia i' ■* < ■ mih i1 -; 1 1* -3 •'loll mill,in, |>ns ossing a duo sense ol its ilijj-J 1.. v anJ i, i I poll,l l; 0, call lull '' l 1 ' 1111 l O'ltls "p|,'ll,VS,l| ,111 l I i’ll, ’ll' I' me II ll' I'l I uniln ill repelling il. nil .'i>'kn >" I* I V lii.'tl® l!l ' I’llilo I SI 111 OH ;ll r ml,'ll lill 'in I 0.111-OJ r i ii inn I ' Ihoin all, an I i,il 111., liliornt «i 1., Ill'll I! i■! lon '!«' Il> 1 I <•'< n,, In them 'loos; il in n, • »l.\ i,m' I■ > , .i'M|>.■ lire sli^'n oni iiiii'ii"i , i tli n i'i ■m"i i , Ini'ti't R irnp % liy 1 ' It ii o nil llio i ; ill. • ip :' i'intt ,'l tlioil i,i »ti,i onnn il - ,i‘i‘i in , wiili onl li hi; H'.ilijo 'I li,! Ii iiholws. Il true that ia tin* ItoproHoiiiii vo Jlnvoi intents nl II |', n • tn 1.1 in!illivo Ita lion, Im o ti 'I il,. Mi ill. i is give at., ill ":i i'i tlto I ml' I ■''■l n -h, mol til'll they a.',', lii : I ‘.o 1, ■ ~ *•’'<' ' ’ ttttn k oil tint ipinrtoi, blit tin \ mu-t n o in, thornw,Wo* i I > ■’■ ■ lin 1 •« * ■ piirtr lo l ;iH it (mill'll mis is, osi ■ v e; ,»p*» iti.oi ml,, bv th ■ Mininiv. ■ wi ' t ■ ’ini' ■ a "I oil hoi (' 1 , , - . will 'll i ;1 " jo,'il,in i inter lor, noo of nan 'it il |nnn tilio, I. ' all ~■ ■ :■,\ the »im t minis. No intercom mimical inn »»t tlm ,lith iont liram In s ,»! t, >v* eriini'ill will lio sal.., ami t s eti the on .1 ts justice will a'l, ii 1n , '.in, mat y nl' iVeo Inm nl ,] ~'i,i,i I an.l of ilohato; an 1 tho nixooptiliilits ~f f.ii.agn I’mvors mu-t t»o consulted in al l the It.'partin >ntsnf tin' inm-til. «»,, a~,. ii' f»r intervention in the allairs nt ntlior o nnr tries nr.; Iml too numerous a’ present witlion' opening another iloor to onorntclinionts; atnl it is no answer m the argiiniont to say that no o nil'll lints ■'ill ho nia le lull for i. asoiiahlo caiis’. no'l that ofthis, tho naiinn , "iiplain. ! of being iho ii I p‘. no evil . a-i ensii,-. lint • his at '.ioi nl o taoo.h's tin- right nl , x.iniai ; iho c, ;t iiiinio.itiniis m ip. »tin:i, "'o. is ,I'a I: allow ii. an,l ' m "nl have fritn -I>as as w.;11 as grave eiimplamts m an"u , a 1.1 must not only In al the wotiti U of a jus; ,i iii,el’ll pri I,', tmt apply a ronio ly to tho«i of a 111 irbi l sii ■ ,'ptihility. To sh<iw that m fear of t!l-‘ pr i»tei«ivo n itgre of tile , a i >.'. h incuts is naim i hunts . I prav 1 iv. In vo nr Kseellon-s * am r. port from til ' ■* r.'tnrv nf >' itu t> tit I*lo.l I'III. It I' otli re 1 tnr ilinsirni. >I. IVII r innl uni. I am instructed lo make none 11 n iso til" ti l','mine It ol I'i.l ■h is t,t. p a piii'i in lit" President . 11, mu . ill ■ C l l*l go .1' \'l Ills ni I'i 111 think* a hi« il it ■ t i protest again*! a -p ■ i.i rsrniiiiameao ii,*a 1t • p nut n lar passages in a eorre^jionuc nvr of cn it an Mini-ter with bis own (j 'Vf rinn* nt, if. the publication of which he ob;e* is. If thr ;*ri ; *pit; l e<mtc*t is just, the (Charge li’Af i fairs j, ri^b»; lie hna done his daty a- a vi.L.i- 1 iant *tiprrvist>rof tin; Prt '.i iciit*s •I'.nr *. Il the print ipic is admitted, every] hiplonKcie agent at Wadiiiigton will tiy th* same, and we shall have twenty censors ofi the of the ffovcrnment of the pre , If die prin ip! •i, corn r, * ve-J ry rmiirnnuicarioii which the Pre-idt-ntj •liar:***, in rrdation »•» « ir for# !gn atbiirs, r f<# flic i ' >ngi'S*s <0 i1 be P o .on *in •»rudeuce u, be previously st.’iii;:::# 1 to fhe-cj iiiuistch, in ord'-r to avoid *b-j> i** *, . » Pile -mu and h irni i iti \% ■ : - It'll; r prin* iph* be Mi’ indted to. re »:!*# r dig-; nity n»r iridepeiidt'fi* ■isb it t«» T le nalio’i. I'n Miliuiif #*. »mi to a discreet e\« r- i of such 1 privilege, would be troubles >m* I <legra ling, and the inevitable abu>eo! it ctuild not b l» rjie. It must, then fore, be n -i-fed «tj b lb redd mil, jn-1 iis # ntrariee forlidd- n in *o the sarr fuary of dom' runsnltnibin-'. But, whatev* r;n . be r r#• • prim iplcsofof . 1 » #v* rrirueiits, tie#* *• of the I uited Piutev any ■ 'if d—the right ncvi-r hi* aekimwb- Igerl, and'* my aMcnij t to enforce it, will be repelled by ndi id d*ml ry ol the nation. I pray • ‘ ir Mv-dlency to observe, that my argu ment does iir»t d< ny a right to all foreign powers of taking proper exceptions to die L #.rniinvntal acts and language of another. [lf is to tii. ir inti if renre in its consiiltinions' 111 pro-et u bile y« tin f*n inchoate <T;K , [}•il we object. Should th Pre>idc*nt do an !'‘hei;d ex* cutive act, jdb ‘*liiig a f*»r* ijn pow Ir, ttr use < veptionrildc langung** in addi* feg it through his tuiuisf* r nr through theirs, ( bold Ia law be pas-# and injurious to fin* dig h| luitv of another nadoii, in all the.te, and oiheraj pi 1 nilarcast n demand f»r • xplatiritiuii w oiddn r» *j*i < ijidly r»*c**iv***l, and aii'W‘ , r* din a |fi».*in!i* r that justice and a regard to the dig I airy »f the eumplaiiiiug nation would re'piir* Mb r slating tin -'* principles, let me add bar they have not only been tln'oreiimlly adopted, but that they have been pra**fieally ' s«n-d. On two former occasions, excep f i hi of the same nature were taken to the I're idenr'. Message by tie* Oovernmenl ul I'ranee, and in in idler di I they produce any * *tln r explanations tlmn that d* ii\ * and from 1• •• 1 at ufc of our Government, and this s< ♦ ins on those M. ea-iotl ■ lo haV r been deenu and siiHi- • ient; for in both rases die objection > were virtually abandoned. One, when Mrs r-. M.'iidi ill, Gerry mid Pinckney, were r uin ed to be received; and again, in the iicgntintiu ■ betvvc< 11 Prim Poligtiar and Mr. Hives, in tli<* l'»riii' r case, although the iu< -sag. nf the President was nib ged as die cans** oftherein al to k i cive tin* Ministers, vet, without auv ou li explanation, their sucee-sors were hon orably aenedited. 11l the latterca-e, iheal - hision in the iiirs-a e to an apprebeiub and eol I iisjoii, was exeepted to; but the rrlercueil in 1 le bv All. Hives to Jiie tin lies ol die President se ills to have rein ova il da* objection. ■ Having demon strafed that the I . ?tafe>j < anuot, in any ease, p* rinit their f 'lii» f Ala 1 -frate to be ipiesiiourd by any Foreiflii Gov •mmeiit, in relation to his communication with tin- co-otdin.*it«* branches of hi- own, it c! scarcely necessary to con ider tin* case of] such an explanation being n*«piired ns flu eondilion oil wliieli die I'u lfiln if * lit ofatreatx »r any pecuniary advantage was to depend. Pin: term* of such 11 proposition need otilx be stand to show dial it would bn not only iiiad missible, but rejected as o!b iisive to ihr ti;i lion to which ir might be ad in o il. In ibi case it would be utineco ssarv, as vm II as in-, idmissildc. Fram e has already icceived b\ tin* voluntary actofdu* President, every **x ! idanntioii winch the ni<*est sense of uatioiia honor could desire. 'Pliat which could in. bavo l»eeii given to a demand, that wlii* ! | [ an m vei be given oil the condition now uu | jl.*r discusdori, a forlunat** sneer ofcii 1 ! ti m tun. c- , as I >1 lall proceed to show, ha [lirouglit about. I I l;inn*sil\ desirous of restoring die good [understanding between the two nations, n- I 0011 as a dis atisi.iction with the Pie-iib’iit’.- IM* igc w 1 . shown, I suppressed everv |ee| ing which the um I * ot exprcshng that di adstaction was ealculate I to produce, anil w ithout waiting Ihr instructions, I hasten!' I. on mv own 1* -poiisihilit \, lo make a com 'nimirntioii to your pn dee«‘ -Mir in otV.ce on lie siibj -t. In this, undci tin* r» >< t \«* that lilio Ih, halt oonhl lint 1,0 , alio,l <>n li.r non I, vp 1; 111 ation. I, 1 i,I in fai t jaw one, r 1 ml Ir Il lion ,;lit Would have loinovod all ilijniinii I f i 111 j 11 ,' inns. Tlli l the lil'l Ill'll" Ini 11| H Ii il, , ii, i iii-tan, , -I" w! ! Ii I have .ill, I, ij I—,' in I>oiim made before :m\ ,1, I Ini in,l inipls i*i '■ a li:i lit tn io,jtiilo il; In,"tuna tel ■in its , mlainitig, svilhunt nils klinu loilpo ml ■the preoiso putts of iho Message wltieli gavel Inlli ii o, iniswors In ail that huso since enu.S I'n my kuowloilge. I uni oa ily i [ ' mitnuniontinii of which I speak, inudel 'ii I,■ \pios-ils slate I "nl out pros mi s auihm S is limu ms t i,,sonnn. nt, might tint liases in I ii,,' ell ii' hit i m ttti wa ) pro,luce, lint ,i has i noi (a I have n,■ 9 he honor in inlhmi your I'.scolloncv) ie-1 ■ is, I li,mi llio Psosi.ii nl Ins full an I uii l pialitiotl iipprohaiion; Iml it is necessai y t, a i.1.l that this si a. pis, n holino ho ha,l an v ia - j nil Hina nt ail ii Hon inn tn attach il as a lil it ill t , ill, l p is ti lout nl the iu'leumils tine] >s the Tta its ; given not only sshon Im wa.-| i 'imuitit ~f .:n\ siieli ini, nl, hut ss In n ho ss asj u.f n ,iio,l by I’iatio, tiuit sin-iuloiiih',l to , \, j ill, il:- treats, atnl sum by the law ssliie!.] .i a. intrnihi,a ,1 that it was unt In h, f, nor, t ■ s \ sin'll rniiditinit. Tints, is ahoa.lsj I in.'. I,\ a voluntary act, which cottM in tl huso In, a ilnito ss lien as a right,! sail I, *s win n mailo. svhat will ampie-tinn-] ah!s' in tho 1 nils'll St itt's ho , nti-idi i.i, -J prating, as a e,,million. \i this, ■•mo, sir, l< .s,nil,l, tnr tin onitsiilor itinn, inter into tin I then il I I pot, ss hat miller present ein .iuistan s sniuhl „■ ihie il dignity of my i otmtrv, I shouhl ,o .iisasnss oil. atnl ilesorvclly ,lisas osve<l, hs ih • Prosi.h'Ut. It is happy. llit: , , ro. In a, at. that the p,*., 1 loi lin p nftny comitry ss li es imv.l, in tin maune, I has, -ia■. ~t tie .oils linn' when it onuhi ho ,lniio "uh I nunr; an,l th. ;h pi, s, :ii oit imslan,, sss ul.l |hr " I ms tn iking iho <■•■ unn.i -u It 1 .Ii I. tin silo n.,1 pvsvr.l my li I- 11 in ■ tn it. t ir llm pin p ,so of h , " mg lilt il ootita : s, ,'i'j I haw s','ll,'ll it tloi's, every tiling o ;ht ' ■! has ■~, on 'ns. \ n j oes , imhte ill- lo ,ln th - r nsv ; film, events,] 1 iiml lint rs ! ton lor impn'j i ; ami it may l„,l i ,■ , . I tit \a ss.:!; " imht!. i-u; ottaimo of g.s itig 1 ii a i,tie eonstrm i■. | •( „h mil 'P •i . . : ■ P . h ~i ", I, I'm ih< \ n s, i have hoou' .pwilie.l, Uto, j p mi, i ,i it hv; ’ 1.1.0s th. . , i jh i, . % - if ir< iug the performance of the Treaty bv rc-j Iprisa!;. j u Um j ’hi i.r-t in ; w< i r..w <5.- Ihe tern sos :h«; AI»-sage itself, it woifad i» -j b asy ro show that it contains no such ci«r*e.j a I a.b die c! 1? i*. ■* ij k v |iir*:* ?e»l to the party whose iid'rac.ioqs ar*| I omp’.aiii* and of; and couee'pientlv on never Igiv* * anse f#r a defriaud ol explanation ; otb-! I rwi-'*, if is evident that no *ousi feration of *nati*»nal injuries could r-vci take ph e. Th!*! -sage cii icillv < xarnim ! 01 ibis p.>irj’b contain? nothing more than such an * rnnner-j : : ri of the cc.:is! of r;om 4 )i.*:iiif. As to i- # m riiis, fiie mo-t li!jdious di-po-*»lion canfH»f] J;t-n*n on oik* that * ouM bccxcejitcd ’*#. Th j br t refusal and -mb * *pient deh.v arc com-j ; jam* *1 «#f. but no unworthy motives! >r citlierj are ciiargKl or insinuated. On the x iiolc, isl f were **orninis-ifiiied ti# explain and and« b u ; hi.-part ofthe uu -age, I should say, wi* 1 lii* convi* rion of* truth, dint it i* impo sibl<* to] urge a complaint in milder or more temperate: t*-:.» : bur lam not so ccuimi- iont I. 1 ami ••ad* avoring to show* not only that every! ; roper explanation is given in my letter t« j M. !> Kigny, of the Thh of January last, biitj that, i 1 exfue«s 1* rrn-, if declare.*, that the sin-S * aify of lii, Majesty’s Govcr:im*uit, in tlu iij d* .r t«* * xecute ‘ln treaty, w.i not *!* *!.g on io trie pa-sag* ■ al3u*J* and In. iii.- fli* nature of AI. Herruri* rbs engagftiiif ntj i say 44 if is clear, therefore, that more wasS required than that expression of a desire onj 'he part nt Hi-* Ma’p’sfy’.s toeUeeute" j be tr**ai . ; a d< ire, tut sincerity of which /■ |/e v r doublet!, but u ftirfi might it unavailingJi |f/.x#/A arrowji/i hi.if /it (iejauthd on ike, cote i/fS 7/* rh rrnhtrs.” Again, in speaking of the! 'i' lay winch occurred in the mouth of H p ember, I -ay, “ft is referred to, I premium* .1 in <#nb r to show that it was produced by afl and -ir* 1 , *»n flic part of Hi- Majesty’s Mini*tors,! th*? better to assure tin- passage ofthe law: ofg 'iii?, -.r, f never had a doubt, and irnmecbaf • ly M<»advisf»| ruy Cvoverrmieut, and infi»nn-| I it, a- was tin* fact, that I perfectly nenuic* | eed ifi tin* delay.” Thus it must be evident.! not only that no offensive charge of ill faith} 1- made in flic .Message, but that, as is ex [ pre--Is* staled iii th*- liist extract, full justi* < f was done at U a-l.iii” oti. it* the intrntiotis (»i| the Frem-li (■overntnenf. W hile tls<* d< lay! • ' nopl.i rid nf MS wrong, u.-j # •ives are attributed to the (*ov* rnmcni injj causing it. Again, sir. the whole tenor <*{j dial part *»f m\ letter vvhi* Ii r*dates to the 1 \ I ■ ciitio’i *»f tli** promi-e made by M. Scrriu iev.| wliib: it n-serts tin? eorisfriK tion put upon iff; [ny tli** President to be a true one, and appeal [to fa< ts and circumsfnnecs to snpp*nt tb a h a'oiist ruction; y< ? it avoids charging tin* [French Government with any intentional* [violation, att 1 ibuting their *l* la\ to an errone j [uu- « ufiMtriietiori only : ti»r, in the lettt r, (Ia f Lain fjtiote literally,) I -ay “ I have enters } [into tliis detail w ifh the object of showing that! la it hough the .Ministers of the King, under tb'* [interpretations which they seem in have giv t [ n to M. Scrruri*'i’s prninise, may have con-1 J-idi red lliemselv e.s at libi'ify todefrrtbc prt*-j [-entatioti ofthe law until the period whielii •tii.-v thought would best secure i*s success.! Let iho President inti r| m ting tlta; promise^ I liftlt refitlv, li eling that in conseipicnce of ill ■he had foicbotne to do what miglit i 1 i I' illcd a dflfy, and * - mg thru*! 7^ I I a I not taken place, could not avoid .-tntii ■ J be w hole **as** eb arly and disliuctly so ib.cjg J"i« -s.” 'rims, -ir, the I', in ?talii ['lie acts of vvhicli he tliotigbt his country^ ■a right to eomplain, lines not infik*' a sfndt B [imputation *>t improper ttiotiv**, and to :|vbdl [ill ifiiscon-truction, lie *dl* rs a voluntary 1 -Ji I duration that noiu*such w en* intend* and. fl I The |>:irt of lln? AI« which m diih nt] jh:i\'*’ I’.nis* t| ilu* ltr*•;if« st scn.-;ifii»n in * ranr-.j i • ih:it in which, ult«*r a M.ihmeiil of (I e ran cs of roinplaiiil, it orders into ;i conli*lt r.i l mu of the men -nr* - tnnlitaiti v!;i 1.-. J ill >imil;ir f ;» ;(•», ;ir«* sillH'liniicfl hy t! l’l;iv. j »f nations. 'l’ll*' com]*! lint a ( i nis to In), thml n a iliM u>"i()n of the t l'i it ri • y ,m»l ***idv(‘oi-f " icc o!V:i* h, ii jin liTi'iHT w ;is *_• i\ cn ft* r- ] ! i-V ils, *■«• 11 -i ! r«•*I •. ■:i r« !’m <lial, not as a liostii, j 'Hi'iNin ; and this has hern co:istriicd)into al iicna« If any t \j»!:.:iaii uis were* ii'**f*":i J i\ on tliis h» ail, tin", an .• i\« 11 in »1k A!< f - - ils**lf. It is tic ■ * < \jh ' -Is .!: , :ud the ]>o\\ cl id le. l !i character { rc a; *j > t a'- It *, f•» sl.o :! it ii in vrr - ul- 1 i■! [ditiiM nl h\ thr:* n t" <!'» w hat i's sms • of jo 1 jit «* tlc'iic.l, Ii ill.- m amv to which Ihawi |fii*Gt' than *#i: c* * * aihidc.l should h r sorted j iml the htitiitliatioti aMcndiui; a rofoplian*a I j'\ nil it cmdd lie endured, to give an i xphnia I ion, what more muld he re'jnin ! than id onfained in th«? M- > 1 .> ii-t If*. !iaf il w a>] 3•. t intend* I .as a tm.*a;ice ! If:v mia*u;< !:<» wdm Ii I allud • s!iou!«l h>■ adopt* I. and snh-J Ji: lift*’ I to. w hat w i !• 111 is ’< 'f>’■* < lov*-::: ! I* i i«'iit r'‘(juire ? Tli” •! a\t»wal of mv ini* 11 ij Ti intliiein**' ?l:r (’ mi i!. »! I ’>:u: t I\ • • r»-ji: ’ I i'lit \ ha\« a al: a !\. It torim a fart <*f tl. : |\er\ instrument whieli 1 th< eii'eiK-e.i and I will not do them t!i • ini i-• i •*» t- ' r!.i;ik that they could form the oil* n>i\e idea! I letju’nin*; more. The net « *«- t\ otMiseiiss-l I.:? : t!u* nature *>f the r ifn *li« < for the n*in | veeut’.nn »»ftlie tre.- ’y. th*- character ami spi Jiit ia w liit h it w as done, are *'\jdain* and in mv ■letter so **ft• n r<Terreil l*», and I jna\ vend lr.\f !Vm \ to «**>n>it!er the eoriclndm:; pv ■* I, 1 I 111 i 1 with Iho '.ft t.MMon I :’i,i "rTi Kill if I xv ant Js 1 w that no explanation of t!ii> part of tin j'de. a-.e was ne**.-sv;;ii’y, *n-eotiM I,'ipjirttl. [reilainlv a jlisf one. e\presM**l h\ his s t \ ‘s Minist*as, that the recommendation of til* I'residcnt not having 1* *ti adopted h\ th* ot!- ; : l»mn« hot the G »\, : nnuait, it wa> rot . •: f ioifil a»*t, aud could not he »m) \i.ned of < "licit. Nay, in the r. e pr*xai’t 1 hv S< rurierto the (Jeviamnnit .* Washington. ml the measures which it antionni t>. (}ii> 11 , nil ami the otli r of my passport*) the t «o\ erniueiit of hi* Majesty >«rm> t«» ha„vr dom* ul that th* y thought n> di. niyv ?. in »1; ioi tliev. at the same time, d«*» hare that i! e law j'toviditiu for the pax w ill I- [ res. nt! and. ’'iit di\ emt int it nation of at *\ pr« \ us t .-n i’i lion, and unu* \ none to th* bill which th- \ -l sent. TTie account of dicutfy h* inj; thu? I d, hv this demons?:: *i«)n. r. 1 J fM h Li: anuot he supjMvced that if w ill ,*. in b«* in ( !:•» i is n set oil against an aekuov led;*; . I pceuniary halane,'. I .ot « < et. it will lv v t il lo [in what h”h.» t \e»y . »p* are taken t*> r!,t* pnr! lot* the M ! hx or to pi: ..■’ !•*: tn. sum- P ■in the first Vi« w, ev.-iv tie ' i< t! t t; (1 J I. ii, ■ ent hav : 'i; r mu'- in :r. .th. r .!>-< !.n t (" 111 1 •' “ ' ■-■ ui in . , I ■lt »s fill! <!> ■ > ,r- Ity niui.i.J, it tuU'tt So. -it'. .1 ' \ j„ J. ;:’ts v. Mrr \t, arc r.-an!ed t»*r a rup cjiire. have raiclv U»n objectr <1 to, even tv ben p\.,M< il!-. thr; r.' tol the i a:ion: tint, as in lease, a prujstsal ujate by on'- branfh of its. Riovernmeut to aaothcr. Instances of this Lrt riot war,ting, blit net;! not lx- rnentiontfi, S'et.-.ilWj! is inlirriatf.-ly ConaecteJ with lilt babjtct now ucticr discussion. While the rot of tht I nil-'] >:j't - was ifliri.-.o is . 'lf.' a.jri -i -nl *:c- w.i i:nwt ]»wcr . . V ric adGo v s jrnni. nt in this v.-ii't of rb( word menaced Jirir-ir, In, di. ft jia-.-ed a law in expre-- :■ rnt-, lii laring to t! t t! . 5 angrassioiis, Am rka won! hold no in-1 nr; iliat th. < gi.r.* ,i i/i.| if tb'-\ ventiirtd into Ano.-iiranl ■ports; that the jinsliitTions of iln-ir soil or in-| i ... •i. 11. rt «a<an un I n»-a-ore, in clear unequi votal!•. rins.l il.rid ..I’ i-oois. . ; online to ti .< ;.. _ in.-lit a-j J •;:i,:-r whkti I cniittud ntitlicr France i.-.iS [tin Jan 1..-i :11 (bail, i-ati.. iiii.ii r i-- pressure,l f j’l.iiat didionor. V«-t, the Fiii|x:ror oil |i rani-c, r-f-rtainlv an um xc. jitiorial le jiulr'i 1 sis wlml ilit 4i»ni>v of 11 1 s country rcijuircif. M ful ac-cpt rl. c.inditi. *and, ili-l r< p. al ti •• Ib rlini land Milan it- it" did nos itiaf.- any e un-S Iplaints of lb-.- art as a t!;r< at, iftnarh it caliedl i. ■' jfiial firn<am no friendly l. rnis with Im | Bed Stan made no complaint that h< r pridel [wasotii-M ! ! —!.t i Minister on the spot tv; - 9 frill 1 !(■ a drrlaratinri iliat llit obnoxiins or Irr-l . l'i': . / fft the acfompanitd by m r fibjeeliohs to the iatv a,j tbrrtit. Should llitl [nbjtcti at he to flic nature ofthe remedy pro-1 Ip -' I, anti that t!;*• r.. oniturndatinii sis r' j.ri-H {sals i- the ritl.-risivr' part, it wnuii! ! easy to! [show that it stands on tire same ground v. ill•! ■'anv other reimdv; that it is riot hostile in its? luaturt. it lit: !a n resorted to by Franc.! [in proenre ri dress liiim other jinweis, and Ia j Mi'm arrainst In r without producim; war: burl l-ii'h an areittnent i- not tnie-sary. ’lbis i J [not the ease of ti national measure, either ■ Ij [nie.iai i nr tien in—it is a recommendation! uiilv of one bra neb of Government to another J land I ’rnnee has itself shown that a proposal! I .if this nature inrid not lie noticed as an nf-j [fence. In the year le’oß the Senate of tli.B I nited States annexed to the liill of rion-in-l ii reoiirsr a seetion wliieb nut only advised! [:1111 aeluallv anthori/ed the President to issmS b tiers ol iii;iri|ne and reprisals ap.'iin.-t hot hi Franee and F.nelanrl, if the one. did not. re-| •| H al tin- Ihrlin and .Milan Iherees, and tbifl giber did not revoke lire Orders in <‘otn.eil.| I l ilts clause was not neredrd to by the lit p-jj resentatives, but it its eontjiiete tt- the ttet nig itlie Senate; vet, neither Franee rtor Knglainl t urnplain. il of it tts an indignity both pnw-jj I'r.s had .Minisferson the spm, and the dignity! ■if neitiu-r sei tils to Ittn e 111 111 nib tided. j | If the view I have now taken of the stile, itj hie enrrer I, I hav e suet-ended in e.mvcy in:; toj !!is Majesix’s Ministers tin- eotivielinn I iny-j 'self Ii i I, that tin riebi exi.-is in any foreign! [nation lo ask explanation of, or even to notice.;- [anv eotntmniietttinr.'s between the liilli-reiiiS [tiranelies ot our <.overt:ment; that to admit: .it even in a -itte'e in tanee, would ft a tlatt lei_rons preenii'.it. and ad rotation from m: hionttl dignit'. ; and that, in the present in fsianee, tin i xplanation that ottehl to he salis ffaetorv has In .it voluntarily {riven: I have (then demonstrated that any measure founded lon such supposed right is not only inndtnissi jhle, hat is totally tnneeessarv, and ronse i'tlieoil.V. that His iMiije.sty's Minisli rs may at -. t!«:: j S,: ir- ,ivi rhy the .Minister ofthe I uited States, and sub-1 l'ei|uenlly npprovnl hv the President, had| ■satisfied them on the tdijett of the -J. - :;e. . { | The motives iif mv (I iverntne;it daring tin i [w hole t oiiise of l liis eontrov. is,. have been! STnistinilerstood, or not properly appreeiated.l and the i|in -lion is daily • hanging its eltarae [ ■ter. A nee.ii iation, t tn. red into lor peeimia S fry eoni|iensaiion to irnit. id it tt Is. involved no ij. obliga'i.iii to their Government to" proseeiite it to extietnitie . \s. h mil treat .5 iratitie I hv the eonstiintiontil o: : an.s nf lit. ( jam powers, eltanged tin- j ri\ ate into a piiblii S light. The (.overntta nt acquir.-d ly it t:( || rig!.I to insist on its stiptihitions. Ahj idotihts as to their justice -cent now to haver dieen removed; and every ohjeetion to ring fj.ttx tnetit ofa debt acknowledged to he jusi.S .-.ill lie severely -erutiniia and by the impaitiaj ■v.utl l. What i ti r will l:e given to a| [refrtsnl lo pay snoh a d< I t oti the all ’..■ation,j fw lietlu-r well or iii li aa-.iled, of nil m:i net- toj ■i 11 honor, it do. - tii.: heenine t: to sa v.j *! .. I'n in it nation is ti,e la t that wot till evaaj [a| national honor by atty iiumhei < j ja. liens it c mid wit I. hold, a- a i tint pen s.-itii.nj .or an iniuvv otlinil!, i it. Tin I 'nited Stan - j Vomm. ii iat tts they are. are the last that tv. add -i tile s||i It an Heeoutit. '1 he proposi j [tint: I alitule to, would he nnuorthv of loth.; land it is sitieen !\- to lie hoped that it villi !.t-ver he made. ■ jj To avoid the : ihiiit vof tttisa; pm hr-■ j t on. I rejieat, that this eonninniieation i-j {made with the sini-'e v iew of apprising llisj v's f iiivermneut of the eonseipti 111 rs n • lit ■ a measure, which, without snrl I •tiotii e. they miglit lie i tie lined to |u;t -ite ; that.l jalihongh I ant not authorized to state w ha; [measures w ill !• ■ taki n by the I'niled Slti‘i. j l . \et I speak eonliilv lit 1y ot the prilteiples tin -. i : li.'ivc adopted, and have no clemht they wi. I [tie-, er ts abandon, and. j This i' tin- last eomtrmnteatiort I siiali havt I the hot to make. It ict lit ibyat in i let*re desire to r< store a good inn nee ] Ld 4t . t os to be « n.tin Ibyti.- v< rXj |ia. at s inti tided to roe-o! ih'te it. \\ liatew ; sbrt!t.- result, the I uited States max- appeal Sto the world to bear witness, that in the ;i<- J.iTtion of he tigh.ts o! their r itizens and tin Sdigt.-tx i t'thi ir (i'ovt riiimut. ihex hnvenev ?. r sw l ived Irom the respect due to tltem |sc|m s. and front that vv Itielt they ow e to lla i< i'ov i until nt oi l ratt'-e. 1 1 prav vottr F.xeellettry to receive tl-.e as j-iirtmce et' high con-ideration with which I lltax e the honor to hr vottr most obedient ser gvant, F.DWAKO 1.1 VIM.STON. Mr. 1 ivit (ton in Mr. Forsyth. \\ vs tixuth>, .1 'tnc »!*. 1 -:15. S Sin: \ltcrha- ine- by my not, ruth- I>. „i eleUi.i. e. iltttvv'tia 'doth \t-ril la-t. Hindi : ; nalcll tto pn -. rve a g hsl un tstan tiue I etw - ntl e I -.'it ,1 Stall > an 1 France, ’ ttg_ -:g s: ;tl ' alts <t if moda: aat |>t tlioui’iit wer.' consistent with th, honor o' ■the ■ I eomttry to oflt-T. : nil the oth. rto nc- F- ,*• ■■ i •,, whs'tva.-gi vi :. ’■v \ i. .i.-. ar, . *\ , rather tl it to retrain, a* I had desi jo 1 to do, in Fttg’a- I. w-.a t:_ the r, «ti|t . ••n\ !"sf ri.ninun it ah, tt. Tl .> s', a bavin : i’ i Ihtre rel'-r to tin tl : s tts w! dl ir-aml t: . 1(0 |;.I I it. Ilnvioc t-M-civ. -:-v | :.!t I’l is on the •>!, , • \pu . At h h-. F flttv d• ptf tt ! , th’- t-otl .ot » ■Il tt i I- ■ |h '. " "*W ! >' 'o- 1 ' I. r , ~ of the t. to . ... i m M.V : (•, j the answer, when given, w-iil be satislactoryJj 1 'lie principal business with which ! waj charzeil having tints i.tcn brought to a elje-* .1 I presume my servicesct.nno long«Pl..| useful to mv country, and I therefore pray[ that the President w ill he pleased to r.reeptj rny resignation of lit? trust w ith which I have? been honored, I shall terminate it byurans-j mitting to th. Department some papers re la g ting to matters of minor infponauce, which ij sroii expect to receive, and wiii add the ex-J j.-lan:.: ions w liieb may yet be wanting to give! •t Imi view of ti. atfair.-. . ft!.- mi :-.,n up to! the time of tny leaving France. I have tin honor Hi be, sir, with perfect re eet, > rv ant, ’ (Signed) KliW. LIVIAGSTOX. ' i- State. Mr. Forsvtlr to .Mr. Livingston. IjKP.VRTMt'T (FStAT K, ) XVttsliiriglon, tjtJih June, Iltiv.Awn l.n i.'UsTO.x, 1 Washington. .-ik: Vottr letter of the tjihh instant ha he- u laid la-fore the I'resid* nt. anil i am dt r< eted to replv. that th<- Prcsidt nt cannot ttl lovv von, who have been so long and usefully • .-opin', id in the public serv ice, to leave tin trust last confided to you without an expres -i hi of lii. regard and rc-pert —the result ot many years of intimate rt>- -< imioti, both in jH-rtee and w ar. Although diih-rittg on sontt points of general policy, your singleness of] purpose, perfect integrity, and devotion td vour country, have been always known to him. In the embarrassing and delicate post lion you have lately occupied, your conduct, and i s|:> i ially your last idli< ial note, inelo-l sing vottr <orr. spondt tree with the French- Government, has met his entire approbation.] ■■xhihidng, as it does, with truth, the anxious] desire nf the Government and the people if; lit- I nit'-d States to maintain the most libtralj and jia'-ific relations with thenatit n to which volt were accredit.-,1, and n sinrere r-tliirt ti r--move ill-founded impressions, and to sooth. | the feeling of national susceptibility, even] w here they have hern tiro x peetr diy ex. tied—j while, at the same time, it discourages, w ith] a proper firmness, any expectation that tint American Government can ever be brought! lo allow an interference inconsistent with thr! spirit of its institutions, or make concessions] Inroinpatibh: with its -• 11-re-pr rt. The I’res-j ident is persuaded that he will be su .rained] in these opinions bv the undivided sentiment] if the American people, and that you will] .trrv into tt n tin meat, whh It he trusts may] Ii- temporary, tHr- eottseiot’-nr -s not only ot? having pt rforrnt-1 vour duty, but of ha\itj realized the anticipations of ti ilow-citi-] zetis, and secured li-r vottr-elf and country.] i he just appreciation of the w orld. 1 am, sir, very x sp-elftillv, vottrtib’t. serv'i.j (Signed) ' JOHN FOKBVTiI. ] ] r‘i.*i:!ic«!) nxpofiEi). | Not long since, in show ing tin: conditiot ’of the Cherokee counties, and indicating the jtteei s.ity of ..nine extraordinary measure, it j '< ,rdcr to sustain tlic nutlturity ot ilit- law s, ami jto coeree the obedience of the disaffected jGheroltee , we stated that “a club of them" |( Ro- -nii-ii) “a. r ml.'e lat night, lo |l ree tin ’jail, ami liberate the pt: "iters,” at Cassville. (The nullifying press of.Milledgevilie, evet tw .-iti liful to vindicate those zealous members [of their party, immediately contradicted on: Ntateinents, and deni: tl that the jail had beet j [forced, or that the Cherokee prisoners ha,t {been rescued by_lloss-mt*ii. Our statement [was ttiade on good authority; and wo now ■-i.-bjoiti decisive |>ronf, that tlte nullify in; ■press has employed flagrant falsehood, irt it.l b'itteiapt to tl I, the reptitatioti ofthe Cher tokeeiuiilaws. 'i lie affection ofthe nullify-it■;I ■; liters for tlieir (’hc-rokee brethren is a tun mfal sentiment; it is the fruit ofa close alii •auee i.-etwern tin n;. to defeat the policy of] ;• h orgia a nil ro perpetuate scenes ofdisordet| ’ • nil eonlitsion in the Cherokee counties, tu| .. .. g tts Gov. Lumpkin and his friends shah] j ■ i,i | nwer. Hut we do not impute to thru j itlie i i’i t:ec of fabricating th - falsehood which] ihev have m Messly tilterrd on this occasion.] •V. e tire assured that they received their state-] meets from a source in which, perhaps, thexl .may have thought that they had reason u j yonfule. \\ liocver in to be held] for their many erroneous staHmenls, tilth] It • i Hinas of events or earring in the < herokr ■ counties ar, utterly unworthy . fend t. . i Ihe follow ing statements are from rt puttt-] dde in: it, of imipiesiioiiable v< racily, w ho by [ana- lilt _■ t!-. ir individual si;-natures, bohll\j Javow th. ms. Ives responsible lor the truth oft t heir di clutatiotis. (’ sssvti.r.K, .Tune 1835. 1' / 1 Union: \ Siti —V.'o pro, civ •an I litorial article.ol ■ho *• <;■ ortia .Intirnal” of the Kith inst. ro' ppiyitig in [ait loan eilifrrial of the Fcilora’ il ni,in, relative to tin r< lease and escape oftln | : isoners f,. :n (mil. I 'i lie riliior- of the Journal liave, in this in litnnee, !• on grossly intj used upon, if its state- Bt. •« nls an trim; and sve are eoristrained t< s i vo t:::;l il la-h, , M ii; pos, il on bv citi f - ns of iho county ol Cass, who must lias, niisvn these declarations to he fal-". \V> |haso bo, n oaiiimniated : and sve hesitate not Bv, say. that tin- ha> I . on don-, in onropinion. Jtipi n do niiihoiiiy of Ji.ilge 1 100 per, ofnoto 2, ions ni tnorv. If ho is immrenf. lie , u laoipiit himsi II i,f uttering and having pnlilish |,.| a shaii’otid lalsc h> aal. Ii is known tha' Eiio sv.'s iti s'iih dges i'!e, at iho time or .lav or two ufn-r th" I 'd, , al Pnion nppenr | and cnitlaining tl o at . i"lo rpon the “ foie ing ... •lie jail," ami it is ra,t k:;ov. it that ans otho, Urn'll of t'a-s ss as ts. ro. Tile leitiliealt svhirh sve m.w solid you, fn rn mans ofthi a t respectable it:* :• of the county of Cans, ss hl fully Misiain yon in the statement that ‘the jail svns li,rnd,"aml nviei the Jour nal of his informant or iufornicnts of a tla grant falsehood, it is proper that Yourself ml tho public sh.'ulil in , sv that M'l>anii l. 'lie Indian wliom: intluonoe and kindred ot e r< 1, a so, i- of the John Ross party, ! : t I , i= olosi ly cor.noi tod to John Martin, ss ho. s on will r, member, i- one of the loading I'heri'lv .s. oftl Ross party, and a nullifirr. '! .• os, upe of the prisoners l,y (lie “foteinp if tlio jail" had given rise to many coDjeo 'tiles.— and at last stispi, ions wore s, rs strongly fast, tn and t:j < u a li nn hv the nann <j| Is l 'll" Pi anl. lie was foil, .wed to Team-. we. ss hither In had gone, bs two of mtr svor hs amloinrgoii I ni,in I'rii ids. brought hack o till- place, a: .I coimi.l.ti dto jail. A few ays alter Ids imprisonment, iie confettci’ liat ho ha l been employed to release M’Dan '••l. ii' 1 f r v.hili lie was to have received / /,■ Hu id'' il Dolhi s. 3ln contract sva v 'ln ! J.-srph I.vneh. a nietit or ~i ih, /, j an artirt Itndins \ r, and I -11 in-I-’sv ~f this Martin. I.i' ' r> it rt 1 ■ I''i /•' \lnrtin s. ' l two keys to bt •• ml.. ithi r of v • ;. | t In madi m : ' mm. nt ,"» nr'- MTanielTr'!■ as. . I licit ha- b. • n in: -n and ror..gni»ed for i- ; • :. •: a; jj \i ( fftnperior cOliM, J .; of M’Daniel; and a Isensr if duty to ourselves compels us to say, |he will be convicted, if be sirall ha x^zfuir The Journal has made as it s. upon the authority and by the request of Bothers.® We state upon our own resporisibiii fty, ihaLwhen Lynch was arrested tot*;ding f ii tb fUfiT, and hrr uaht before tite exam- Pining [tviiiced the greatest anxiety tor his F\i:d we further "state,” according to lion E' pinion, that if Lynch shall be convicted, we Text e> t it tube against the combined influence (of the nt: Hitters. — Aud we yet further “state,” rthar the nttllifiers are in the main attached lo ’ami idi-mitied with the " John Koss party”— [and opposed to John Kidge’s treaty. That the -‘John Ross jtarty” are all nullifiers. and Come of them the most vigilant and violent : gsl 1 -• ’i he insinu tutioiis ot the Journal against the integrity nf hue guard, are as contemptible as they are groundless. We l ave lung b*en taught to • \| cm nothing, front the Journal, as far as It Ito I nion I’aily is concerned, but slander, falsehood and scurrility. I'orit, and its au thority. we have the nmstsovs reign scorn and Contempt. M'Uaniel is now in jail, and so are his father and brother, “ for forcing thjj jail.” It is now well know n, that when 'thß tail was forced,” there were thiily or for^H ■ Indians in the immediate vicinity, with ! intention, doubtless, of resisting any f wliieb might be mailt- to prevent it. r 1 “ The door v # its torced,"*amb ;irf prisoner .released, shortly aftcror about usual “ >U| per 'time,” and immediately before it waseusH rn mry for ti:e guard ton pair to the jail for the 'night. The guns were deposited for safe fk< oping, betwei n the inner and the outward floor, built bring as securely locked as the flocks would ttitihfirize; when the outward j” door was forced,” the aggressors bad noth* sing to do but to take bold of the gui.s, which ft hey iliil and carried them off. | It is true that Heard has, during his resi- Sdcnce in Gass,coirintonly acted with the I ni ["it party. He is a very poor matt; and we ■lament that his patriotism was not sufficient jto w ithstand the reward offered for their aban donment by the Indian nullitier, Lynch, and jliis supposed coadjutors. i 'I he public are- now in the possession of gtlte whole facts relative to the “ forcing of the iiuil.” LEV. IS TI MLIN, ■ SWh riff of Cass county. ] GEORGE W. LM)ERX\OOI>. Jui'i r oud out of the Cuard. ittforffr, Car s County. | \S e. the undersigned, do hereby certify, that ft lie released! M j-auirl and others, prisoners, Tom Cass jail, was effected by breaking the (outward lock, by means of a prize, plainly ii!i.-covcred ly marks on the cheeks ol said pioor, and tin prize icmaining on the ground ; Jand il.c statement ofthe Georgia Journal, that jt he jail was simply utlo.ktd, is entire ly false •and unfounded, .and destitute of unlit. ’I he ’tact that the door of the jail was broken open, hi above stated, is corroborated by the con* tfssion ofthe prisoners tin nisei ves. who bav e S-itieebeeri apprehended and againce inrtiilted. 3 J tine -iti, IKi.i. Ml i.liavi ir.',;-;i>i>-, A 1.1. KN I,'l ER, * Geo. 15. Ii t ssrt.r., t J. Anderson, Joseph Houle, Mm. L. SiORGAN, G. 11. Gii.ueath, *" linlittl i “ IJ. Harckove, j E- M. < t N N IMJIIA.M, Martin A. Ericks, Chester Hawks, S. I*. Hirnett. j 15. 1 tiiott Editors are requested to pub* .licit the above. Lv.vuiiiiVKG, Va. July H. j ’I HE "OIIM !-—lt is impossible to 'give any thing like a minute and detailetl account of the ravages of the furious anil 'destructive storm, with which we were v isited on Saturday afternoon last, a liur- Y’ed notice of which appeared in Mon day':- paper. Our information from the [country is entirely too partial and limited .to admit of it. We have learned, how ever, that its first traces are discernible [mi the farms near the base of the Peaks 'o! Otter, in Hrdford county, (some 18 or ,JO miles West of this place,) though in [lhat immediate neighborhood the doma in comparatively triihil. Progressing leastwarilly, with occasional deviations ,I.o*o a tt: rt-ct iit.e, and gn'.ht-ring vio 'lence as they rolled onward, the clouds >1 - nred forth,frcin apparently inexhaiist [ti le, sin mi rs of hail-stones— (or, more propt rly speaking, masses of 'it-.-, —stripping the orchards of their fruits-, ’and the gardens of their vegetables— .beating down the.promising fit ids of corn I vel with the earth, the stalks mashed [into a jelly and the fodder torn into [- art dr —sv et ping off' the w beat, rye and mats, as if the scythe of tlie„ reaper had [passed over the fields, and scattering [abroad the nearly ripened grain, as tfthe Eprocessesof cutting and threshing had tl et n a siinulttineous work. In one word, che enVire strip of country which was fw itltin the track of the storm—supposed [><» la- a mile and a half in w idth, and h j-ohably from fifty to sixty miles in length [—exhibits a most distressing scene of [desolnttoti and ruin. The sufferers in [the country, of whom we have heard, arc [the following individuals: | In liedford. —William Radford, John F. Ill: v l-.ius. Mr-. Margaret Herton, Bwit r/er, 1 win Mm,re, John Huiloek, Beverly Eli. Brott,8 rott, Haul A. Clay, Capt. Sti art, [John Hobson, William Ilobson, Crcn [-! vv. I‘arson V. iikerson, Ilr. N. \\ . Floyd [ami Bnnntel M. ifrott. ] In Campbell. — Martha Waddell, Da it! G. Murrell, John Murrell, sr.. Maurice t!!. Garland, Capt. James Warwick. Judge [Wnt. Daniel. John P« reival, John G. Mcem, (All. xnndtr Li; Colin Buckner, Ammon •Hat i•.k. M 1 tin Lav is. ir., Riebare Chil t- n. Chari. - V ,att, and Capt A. 15. Duke. | /it Ar it.*—John M. W illiams, V. fit -' aAj: - t in, 11. nry B.l.angbornc, John |Ri< He son, Chis» <'! Ital t" . Daniel .1. M ar [wii k. Robert Warwi.k, Jo-. Paln.ems, Al ’ van,Ur .Muiidav, ( apt. John Marwick, IJame* 1 , t, and James 1 . Lanq.kiti. [ Dculitb ss there are many others,whose [nr mt -w« have 1. cn ut able to !< am. (>n t i few of the farms of the above gentle nti ti. the 'os* has been parti::), on most of (lit in entire—ettn sprig of the vrgeta jt i it, both in the g:-rd< i- and in the fields, iiheit g utterly destroyed. Me- i’nne heard Iti : loss of mme e stimated a« |,,w att Is.jGO. and el' ot!,. r* us high as > 10C0.