Newspaper Page Text
AVe have rot yet, however, been able!
to ascertain at what point tlie violence ofj
the storm abated, nor indeed have we re-;
ceived any authentic account of its pro-]
beyond Capt. Warwick’s in A:
herst. But it is rumored, and believt-.1.1
tliat it passed through the comity of Am-i
herst, on its eastern margin, bordering!
on James River, and tlience into Buck-1
inghiim and the lower part of Campbell,
with tindiminished violence, sweeping]
away the growing crops of all kinds a
with the hesoni of destruction. Anion-:
t!ie sufferers in this direction, v-- have
heard, with certainty, of .Mr. J. B. (’nbo!!.
I)r. 31. Spencer, J. T. Bocock, and Dr.j
Joel V>. Flood. A\ o shall probnbl . hear!
further particulars of its progress in this!
direction in a day or two.
In Lynchburg, all were sufferers, morel
or less. The gardens, many of which
were highly cultivated, are entire!’.' de
stroyed, with the exception of the fen
vegetables—potatoes, onions, and b. • t —f
which were, in a measure, screened from}
the fury of the tempest bv their subter-S
ranean mode of cultivation. A-arly is-t
ery house in town lost a portion of. -i
window glass.— It is supposed t!iat not]
less than from 1,7 to '2J,t!i)o pane? werej
shattered. A few cliininirs were blown!
down, several dilapidated out-buildings'
prostrated, and manv trees uprooted.— ;
Fortunately, however, no lives were lost,;
though several persons received seven-;
contusions and bruises. Thou.-un !.? ofj
birds and domestic fowls were i.iii. and, and ,
the trees in tiie forests and yards, in
which the leathered tribe sought shelter,
were divested of the greater portion of
their foliage, and even their hark peeled
off, as though they had been,subjected
to a moderate cannonade. The amount
of damage done in this place and its im
mediate neighborhood cannot, of course,
he at present estimated, with any tiling
like precision. It may, however, be!
safely stated at 8100,0110 —and we should!
not deem double that sum an extravagant!
estimate. [
We can truly say that we never before t
beheld a scene so awfully sublime and!
terrific as that presented by this .storm,!
both in its approach and in i:.. p.rogi . --. ]
There was hut little thunder or lightning. I
but the descent of the hail was preceded!
for several minutes, by a monotonous,!
rumbling sound, resembling tin: bas/j
tones of distant thunder, or the deep roll?
of the mutlle'tl drum—and reminding us]
of the ominous notes which precede the]
earthquake, apprising the unhappy vie-?
tims of approaching death, too late to cn-f
able them to avail themselves of tiie Warn-*
ing. The clouds wore an unnatural as-5
pect, tinged with a greenish hue, and roll-J
ing and pitching in the “ void immense”*
with startling Velocity and fury. Luck-?
ily, however, the wind was comparatively]
mild, except for a very brim's when]
it exhibited that angry w/r m which itss
tremendous power is nr t .. :.t!I, di.--]
played. During thati: ' : space tt»c * tvart
of elements” so c-.iitp! i iy wrapped the]
largest objects in obscurity, that a house,!
within a few paces, was totally lost to,
sight. i
It is deeply distressing to look abroad|
upon 1 lie ravages ofthis calamitous storm?
—to seethe labors of of the farmer for
many months all blasted in an instant,:
find in some instances, we fear, the very]
means of subsistence of himseif and ofs
those dependent upon him, entirely cull
off. In such cases, however, it is not t'u i
part either of duty or wisdom, to waste]
our time in murmur.- and complaints.—s
“ These are thy works, Rareut of (iood !"s
not less than the seed-time and the bar-!
vest, the early and the latter rains. Those g
who have suffered by the visitation stilt?
have it in their power greatly to a'levi;
the calamity, by substituting, as far a.-*
practicable, other crops, which matim i
with more rapidity, in place of thosi j
which have been destroyed.— Virginian.]
15AT TIXIORIt, July 9. |
ITURRIt' \ \ V. — i Tom destroyed- —j
Fire lives Ids/. —A slip from the office ofj
the Springfield (.Missouri) Journal, dated 1
June 23d, ten o’clock at night, says:—
“A gentleman who tins just reached here
from Canton, in Fulton county, bring: ,
information of a most disastroii - hurricane
having passed over that village on then
18th instant, at <5 o’clock, P. M. Tliat!
place contains about Bo houses, and iti to
few minutes two-thirds of them were lev-!
eiled with the ground : only three esea-;
perl uninjured. Five persons wi re kill-1
ed, one, a Mr. Swan, and three, children.i
One child was killed in it • mod: r's lap:!
one was blown a quarter of a mile, and
found dead next day shockingly mangled.:
One store (Mr. Foster’s) was blown down,
and the goods scattered over the prairies.
A great number of persons were severely
injured —Mr. Foster, it is suppo-v and, fe
tidly. The Presbyterian Church was oc
cupied by the houseless inhabitants. Mr.
Sebree’s tavern was also full. The ac
count which our informant gives of the
rush of the inhabitants to the tavern is
most appalling. <■
The great and absorbing question now
before the American people is whether we
shall remain united or whether wc shall
“ aid and abet” Mr. Calhoun in the estab
lishment of a “ Southern Confederacy.”.
Let the parting advice of'Washington,!
“ indignantly to frown on the lir>: attempt
that may be made to alienate am one
portion of our country from the rest,”:
furnish an answer to the question.
ifontgnmtry . 1 drrriistr. |
Frost. —We are in£>r>n<' 1 that the earth
was fairly whitered hv fir t in Bum "rube,
N. on die morntt!;- of try- I-t and g-i mst.
We had no fro t at this pla-e, mu the atmos
phere felt - itiii i< mix >ol for f ■> or sn >w.
fh-eenrillr Movuliiuer. j
We arc inform' !. by a senth n i i
highest re«pc< • ibiiify. that tie- i i-izeng of tic.'
tipper part oi 11.-iber-dam cniutv, was. on
the rtr>mit 2 ited bv a nip
ping FROST. —Min s Il' v.nUr. " j
. \>\
| ;...*.* T-j j) : ; .-S
--rtiK i'koclk's rniK.M* —Tin: tyrant's kok.
in: .»» v*. r; i.\ a. t
i Dauitfi atii- lit »iiblii’nn lidid. i
for rrf.siubnt,
C Ci\ .1' i. ! £ f •'C’f 'i * / iFI !>f,
tt, !'/.(.
[ WC f, i*: CA AC riC • C :I V,
[ .7 A<s i’i A> A U >) Af, |
7: i; t-r? ■' i 'J.i’i !•! S/.i’ <\ lV 0.!
I Legislative Tießet.
Cor Sraatt,
as..?. wsijKjis.
Fov I!cm:sp of l?; , :): , < , t»t ii*ntiver*,
i.. s. zssaonw,
n. as se, bEta 'a ;s ?9,
( . 5,. rtOJjTO.V.
Communications oil liaiuK*
iwliicli wc are cuuipellcil to lay over firal
.-ul»s.pquei;i number* 1
; It will be jierceiveil, on perusal of ourl
.present No., that we have laid stormy tiinoj
in the land. Besides those which we have!
had room to notice, our exchange papers fur-j
jnish us with accounts of sc*voral more, wlii< hj
have occurred in various sections rd*thecoun-S
tiy, coaiminitii: : and in soni • inst:uiee.s|
irreparable injury. We hop ■ lliaf the politi-S
cal Ft );m, which i ; last "atheriii", may be|
[permitted to pass away, without the destnie-l
■lion of life, limb, jimpcrty, oreharar tr. |
i The i hliior of the Augusta Sentinel has?
given ns another reply, characteii?tie ofthrß
pepsMian, which is little else than a tissue ofj
.falsehood, from hrv»imiir," in end. llew;>?
• : <» very particide.r, however, as not to send u>g
the No. c mtainin;; it; and onK to the*
kindness of a friend, were we permitted eg
sight of this precious morrean. Being l.i-S
'ast personal answer, if on** :>nu:e'i given t<j
equivocation and as himself, istobi j
accredited; we think it would liave been no-|
tiling more than sheer justice, to have fur J
luished us a copy. To plead mistake or over-g
sight, w hich, in charity, he might be .sutler-!*
! 1 to do, \\ ii! n»»f wholly f»vnil; aiot the tl‘uip-1
Ipctcr of liis ow n fame, the Pharisaical T.ditoi*
inf tlic cuxtn sheet, will discover, ere long, thn»J
he looked tlirough a wrong perspective, when?
■'hclield himself pure and spotless ]%
I'vill also lind, t!:at he is dcc< ived in the esti J
[ nafe the public have formed of his loud ]»re S
and anions to probity and immaculate rlu .ac j
itvt. lit? shall he attended to soon, pethaj -l
• m our rn. \t, after which we rnav have doutj
with him, wliose diminutive soul could ratthl
'•u uni tard seed, in the meati time, w«g
uilvise him to sell a cojiy-rivlit of his fab-cl
Mioods and fooleries to some apother ary; i'h l
might grace his .shop, cr.e u-> a s*andi:r.j
! puke for visitants, and induce a great run o:j
custom. * j tlson* nfcov.t dcroiißß, lir-Ttv
fharaclcra U>
! Ii must be known t*»a m mix rof our read |
[era, that the nominal Iblitor « fi! t* y ( , bu’*
| t short time ago, hi a lofty tone, an ionnc: ; i
[liis determination net to rej !v (•» I:i:;;i:iirf 1
[used by ourselves, on the >- nr •of its l it g
low-bred article. 91 From this, it would Imj
l.ationally interred, that he Is “all the <!*•-[
|< < n y,’’ and that nothing saw r’ng th< h a-t t.|'
I low-breeding or indelicacy, would he permit-!
[ted to soil his fair she t: that any tiling ap |
I proximnting vidga. l’y or obscenity w ould s< J
j emibly allecl his olfactories, a , to cam e thi-j
[: 1 1« »-1* - 1 , refined, hi-;h-hr<d gentleman, to tun •
"i* his no-p.
[ Coufes fdly, nothing of that ehnrae!* rap-!
[peared in hi* last No.; iiauglit was to he m euj
lor read, w hicii would he. ordiiinrilv 'in f istood ]
cn suspe cd, as being
jjiisl cu<’!i nc in itritiillv nii<l v«*rv fii'og tly o>'i I
] tmi '1 as ilmviirigbt It:. !r !:L’tt’. l nti :m, cm n tl;i :
,\cry qri ilc -cn> <- cl'nv vi,';'uvv, \'.’ccai:j
[in t iii file ni.r paper, hv aiakii; ij»t:mu s:i
Ihiit wo wniiM re- >ei:ilii!lv ask nfaav one, iJ
I 1 -i
; lay his finders ujion any artirle, cuntaitieil iiij
(any paper, i\- :i r’:. .t_-t -.7 f";r the j> 11 ■ rt lll l vvi i
:lion of o!i-ecriitv anil \r.!p:iii.-m, am! r!a w n-|
[ti counterpart to one of several which appear
;ci| in i!iat ch.asto hebtlomailal, the Washiti" '
it in A>ir*. Wi :
jihclarc, that few rrien. r:r-■ .no mart, of rlis-J
iieriiineni or onliritiry tnol stv, woulogivi!
• publicity to such pit'- - a-ar ■ only fit ii h<!
it a-teil upon the wa!! of a house 'leilirotcl to!
I\enus. An 1, now, vie'' • - • !
[in n>, to a-k lhe-v v.-ho a. e he: ’- <.f ;>■ mill' ■.
jaovv they can n*c< nci!" It to tluir con-eirn j
tees, their sense of moralirv, ami of i!'ee;.rvj
[as well tilt ir reganl for Ihe feelings of the t\
[who arc unite! to them hr t: ti-i rrsi fi..;
[of nature, to introduce a pnj.< r, *• Ptnittg v. i:>
tsimucli low rihahlrv. into ’r h ' :
j \*. hat laily, witiiout ihe : ofr,i,-t
[ilesty, orthcglowiif ii ,i inif vna i • er.:.;s
ing herch.-.-ks, eoulil fitfi and ailing any out
of four riiih rent pi-r • widen ~,.!
[lutnns of ihe last \<. ; ■,i v 1 h woiiloi
I have dirg-r.eed tin', et’ .r ;: ;.. r . Ju , , , H \
[two of a h:a Ircd iliOraeier! [■ ■ t s •
rit <>»«*» 'IT ■'‘P ';'f V" ' r ' '■'fa v.y'
A vd»,v£. ,V & U x 4 vkni-l V ..4,(1 U, vi *
e-Vs was taken the Augusta .S'enfi.'if/.j
lho • nil' on r's a “thirty s!; 11," thercit), we;
' :;,vi'i> e among manv striking eviil.-nccs olj
l’.,is ifgard for morality and decency. and an!
;e\emplila uti in of the same iu his servile eo-J
. I’V'st. _ I
? We tlii.ih it needless to :t Ivi t
tttlv a: p.T*rl:t" in flioSH]
; . , ' ..... fij
p;j-i r, yup it tiie *'A«tr.*. wliieli t- sati! o'
Uiave been read in the presence of a large eoti-j
|emirse of ladies: it was prohaitlv publi h<
f!)icause «mr cetomporary had just sense]
butoii ;it to fietieM' it « as w'tt v. (
E ' I
I I.ioJfHit r ■ -. —The l’hil-i
utiltlpiiia Times has tie following : —I
j' i’ik' proprietor ofthis paper last week,*
ireeovei'otl jti.lgtin nt agtinst a postmaster!
Pfor a paper not taken 'rom his office ol’,
[which he neirioctcd to inform him. A: *
{postmasters who do so.ivinlor tiiomsolvi >i
iliahie, and ought to be licul nci'oiintabb'.’s
1 F.vcrv editor ought to publish this enu-jj
;s;>ioiim;slv, as well I’orthe hcuclit ofpost-x
[masters as for theiuscVcs.
5 Mm manv weeks slnou wo received ah i t
{•or from a post-master, l ving less than llneej
E'liiadivd mi'os from this plaoo, iufnrmiiig us.f
f-’uit a vnilemaa to whom wo ha .Uivotodj
i h spy, bad ordered its v'i-coiit'u.i.a',..' >;W
J'i or that ho was not a subscriber, i , rt/
[ ■flt-r , unknown, as wo presume, to this liou
’orablo officer, the gentleman soul ustlio rhinnl
•for his subscription, without mentioning tol
jibe individual, by whom his subscription wa !
j'On', he bail over diri i tod a disoontinuani o
[of the paper. For the present, wc forbear loj
'give names, hoping that a word to the
[wise will he sufficient. This case, truly, is]
[not analogous, iti many respects, with that]
[stated above, but presents worse than an or-]
[dinary dereliction from duty. !
(bv laatt Ist.)
'Fro ii the It atthingfnn Sews, March '27, 1831.!
j “ ll'ilicis county (In. —Outlie lib in-j
■slant, a Inion .Mei ting was held in the court j
ti'haimmn an I .Mr. \. ti. Senimes Secret a (
ry. (>u the same day, and iu I lie same build j
jog, a A'ulSilkiMiOil ?vS<*4*Sns 1
L I'lnldeil, iiiw liieh tin Rev. J I iS.SId Aildl! [
a lilt aeted as Chairman.”./^)
i Midi all the la. Is lieinil hem, the Ihlitov
Lfllie Fed, rat I'ninn make the above errone-t
•ns statements—wheihi r thr.mgb iuadxeri
? mey, or I'nmi a design to mi-!, ail publiij
1 vjiiniiiii, and lliercby excite prciinliee against{
}.m iniliridual, or party n!'men, we shall leave;
,ii for others to deeido. r J’he meeiingat. which]
J : !i.' Rev. A- I'. IMereer tu i' and ;is Chainnnn,!
!«•«.•! nvl itjion the same day of die Fnifm
[meetiug iu M a hiagiou, bill a month previous.!!
i.Nor was it a .Sullijictitioii meeting; die t'ili-[
Izeiis of M iikes mi l for the purpose ofbsikim.'
■ mto their iig!ifs, as seeurci to them by the’
sf ’oils' it tit i< >n of their country, arid die subject
!of Nullification was not named, we think,
’•hut by one individual, and then nnlv inci-j
leiiiaily.—As it regards the motivi sbv wl ii 1
i'vir. Mem.a was a. inan ii to take
Inpon the ocensiou alluded to, it w as I'fii.,; i-.Tn-|
, iderations ofpcrsonal liiendshiji solely,- t!iac
•indwell him to do so. And this fact i
In djlicly a’vowed by him beliire he took liisl
■seat. Mr. Mercer is not a Nit.uiki itn.j
his private views of .State KightJ
maiy lie, if is a notorious fin ( that lie has iini-l
Ilormly ojqiosrd the abstrael ilii' trines of N id
•iiliention. The paternal feelings which lie)
e xpres. oil at tiie close o! die meeting, the pe-j
|culiar ti nilerness with which he exhorted all
ri eat, u» examine die ouesiioas at i.-.-oe]
! .daily am! dispassionately, ought forever t<i]
iliiivc sliieiilsd him ii l aiast. tiie. sasjiieiua: l
; Xill of die most jcaliins and- ■•a-itii'e. !!ai|
j-ilas !or oar times! 'I fie world is govci neik
Jerellv irim ’i by names. An 1 those, nr.’.ae.vj
:n fii r-neni !y rang Irani imc i nil of tin- eoaa
jtr' - to and:. other, w iih an other ile-iga thtiu to*
Cexcite jiojiidar ili-rard. llow unkind it is In'
Ha: -neia'i: till- names iif iamieeut an il v id.,
fid o. ■ ft, .. end ihu i aliennto tin ir .fri
pu 'io in ale the all ive jialili'Mlioa, which \vr (
hwnidd I; *a liojie is a ”a -in of ignoraiiec,’*'
fovill ilutiljl!i 1 retract what they have said,:
Via l publi-h tills also, as an ;n t ul ja.-tiec to
% toured iuno •: i ee.
3 .** iih i• poaiiing the tdiove, we di nivrr l!:ai|
yhn C(.!i.initiii (8. t!,) ///''•’, lias n i’
.idle m -re; ii • illation iu its own peculini'
sjiag-pkiving i :flil—awl sinee lie is n.nil ;n :
|e-;iyitm>. v.e hope In- will do Its tie- lavor t, ;
So, j,y this. As to l,is roll;,' ting the I rror ti::-'
Bw edo not •'; j oit, beofittse his t a bails oil I).:; tj
j* • ore a j j,ear not to !,e roasjiiottoas.
•ar k
j lin'.itJvr lint’ V703:-nl CDB.i-itgc. f
5 'i lintnas and i’i.-a aat 8.-rdee, hrotl -'•
\ .-rs, vvln),vyr: limb rstfim!, arc IV'm Will,'
j-outilv, 111-1 le tbi-ir appeara: <• -ia 11.,r-¥
■ii'i.-lmrg ‘nnii‘tiuir- daring llu- last wei l;,j
1 I ili.-tiirb- il tin- pr-aci- r;l liantintiy o.
.i ;- :g!i!:othood, l.v tin ir vinh nt r;
B. •. !,.■ 1 1:1 vil:;-v. Bb-.l -in*. ! Im- —%
;. • .nd, in > im-crpii-iii-i; of an ahi-reatii
’■ wi’h ? •. V J. Smith, several times thn 1
fittu-ii lit? lit’o, wliieli ini::;:(i!-i!i-.l .‘-iiii:i-,i
f ini imltjci-tl hint to solicit the iuterfi
2 -tie'.- of Justice Janie Briitirose, who is-' 1
f-tieil a peaee-warraut again-!. i’i tilci-.J
s’l'iie officer in whine hand.- the vvarrau'-"
S'.i tis placed, was prevented from e.xe«:u-*
I’iltg it, by threats and a display of arm -
gott the part of ike otlVndrrs, when-;
1 1 it -tiee Briuiro.-r; came to Ins ass : ;
piii-i-. A rcncoimti-i- tin 11 took phi’ee,"
fluring v.-liich B!ca-ant Berdee unteui
Ithree blows at Mr. Brurirose with a long!:
plirk knife, tiie last of which took effect A
jby iml cting- a di-'-p th-h wound on I.: f hiuild.- r; hut iinmedinti !v on re-J
:<' iv ing it, Mr. Primrose felled Berdee to;
pin- grot::!-! v. itlt his >ti--k and a man ■>}/.
[the name of 1 unrly, tli -it sp-uug-
• him, to wrest away | knife u: e'timp’-tj
. to do v- fi, he, Ftindv : c.
[severe t nls, out in the tlrej
V tLi riu the knee, i’li-u -ant Br rdt atidj
■iti- brother were however, finally arrest-]
: and and lodged in jail to await their fri';!.!
;i , a -at :t IVrdii-wi undi 1 ttd. v .1- <] i- [
fi ha " and It'on the I'enitati’.i::: v a!:';at 111
An -nths ago. [
; (ip -f> pra--.- i? award.--I Mr Bn in rose,!
.for I.: JamJal.le e„i; it: : and fear!* •!
•■ i r-har .• of date —A i-u-Ja ChroaiJr ,!
§ Lfiiter fro-.ii liuiiise.
Nkw-Vokk, July Btl).
1 By the ship IBame, F.ipt. Ro -kt tr, we
j ave received Baris papers to 31st id
1 'lav iueltishe, ;uul Havre to litu Istot
•i I’aji, Rockett informs ns that the Re
jj»v oa the laden,itiity Bill v, a to ! ,
, s, vie in the (’hainhef of Beers on the 4th
jni'July, f:i:i auspicious m;i, just four
,vi ars from the signing ol'tlio treaty,) and
: ttat t!te debate would oimmieiu e on the
?.Mi> nl.iv following The genetal inipri s
-5-ion was, that the bill would pass ns it
[came from the ClimnluT of Deputies:
ftliongh m.:ik“ supposed that the eotidition
-sal clause iuserte 1 on motion ofllen. \ al-
Ja/.e, would he stricken out.
] The quest lon of comply tug with the de
imaml of the (itiecn of Spain for an arm
ji il intervention on the part of France,
?w as still undecided. There is evidently
la strong reluetanec to eiipage in litis new
lent aide, the beginning of which is more
{eusilv seen than the end.
fi The < ’handier oi Beers w ere still occu
fpied with the “Monster Trial."
1 T!i ' (’ottrrier tie riser - auuoimei.'s
kiltat tis matiiifaetories of Lyons are at
J'itis moment in lull w ork, and so numer
mtts are the orders for stlk goods for A-
that at present not. otie-iutll" of
ahem can he executed. A rise ia wages
films taken place ia consctjiii'iuva
si The I’i'i siili iil of tiie I ailed Slates li Ii
2 '. nshingtoa on tln-<tilt ia I. loi the Kip Rap-,
iti',lll ('.-till,mil,) while lie intends to r, ami:
Blur suaie time. — ('/air. Fat.
j Di'ttfit tiD'liicl JitsliiT Tarsluil!. i
j I*llii -f .1 astiite Marsh ai.i. died iu I’liiladel-!
• phis on tiie evening of the lit 1 1 i list, idler be- !
Sing confined to his bed for several weeks in j
[dial i ily. la the death ol'lliis distinguished j
|eiti/.ea. the people of the ! uiti-d States lui\ts
P-iist;iiio-i lan almost ini parable loss. \atao S
jfiad pr-'-emiiirntly qaalitii il Judge Mer liall.H
jin tin-rare gifts o! a well bal.-mi-e I. se.aeliiti: J
t.-mil .i.ialvlieal inn llei t, for tin - iiidgan ai s- al.g
’!lis ability- in redwing the mo t eomplii-atedS
”i]tu-stii>tt s in jnri-piadeai'i' to lln-ir simpli"
j--! :. 11 ■ 111 s—his aariiailed powers if ilhislra-K
wide ai-ipiai itaai e w ith all ll.e an
fifogiis ot iaiispriideuei—his command o!h
[laitgliage at i.-e e i legtmtly simple and Ineid -R
Iv per aii-wms—his porli. I eipiipoi e of li-ui-h
filer —al! denoied him as the aarivalled i \-*
ipomnler o!' law-, ia its hro.-alest sea - e ,-mil mo- t 8
[i-ontprehea-ivi-applieatiou. As the illnstr.i R
*tor iT the fexl of da- l-'i -di i. 1 1 Constitution, lug
h- o left lullin'! him a body of i-nmmeiiiaiiesg
jiliat will give to his judgineiilsthe sai-reiliu
’of [iri-si riiiiioa am! tiie aalhorily of nil oi.-o le.jj
iF-o unblemished lias l.i-i-n hi ■ ailiiiiaistralioiiZ
iof the law, dial die uidiallowa and breath " a
fiiartv has iiever ilanal aUi-nipt to taial die pa |
frit v of the i imiae bv v.liiih !:<• w as ■ii!orai'i!.|
t.-’o imerringlv impartial did .lasiiee speaks
through him, in tli-• veiy ar-ecrilsol i-alnmi'-sO
iaad of truth, dial witliiii the -vral limits uf|
[die Fiinini over w hii li he |iriv.iiii -iI, Hu ;ippi-a!|
Slmt Jhat was ton a-on awl pliilos-|
[oplii—to c-oaseicn-i- mid to i-i|uily was i-m-iI
; A
ding 1
j-,.'utility ol riiilniielplna, was to have liei-nl
ghe-lil on the 7,\ i itisl., to unite in a tribute nil
rri-sjn-el to his memorv, whii h i-x.-iinple a, S
] ! -ill!it will lie -ju ehilv lidliiwi-il in every pin -]
iiiuii of the Union.— ( lull lesion F(it riot. I
J The following I.otter announces the!
(time and manner of his dentil : ■
S “ Me/ sh rr Sir: —The inelancholyi
'event which wc Inoeso long anticipati-dj
‘has i: ! i-n place. < 'hi* I'J its tiee ,M ir.-li'dl]
fin and tins alienioon al !i o rloi'li. <■ r:t ! !—j
f ally di-elinitig; iVniii the time you Is-ft j
dfittn, lie linalh sank from nic-l'c i-xettus-j
. in!!. Il tnav In consolaloi vto hi ftiends.
to lenrn, tliat as hi.- weakm ss increased,!
.is sufferiu.'s dimini lied—and, that It •
xpii'ed nppari nlly u illiouta p-mg. To;
1 !;e '.-.-st tuometit of e\i •ti-tn-c, In- ridaitt'd
“ Ito laeul: ii-s r>l hi? utitul, and met Ins 1.-u , \
it the fortitude of a Blul i.-opln-r, an .
jw re-igiis-.i toil (■! tl chl-l litltl. “I ’ 1 :1 •
pn !!tt-- truly and go-id man -is u -
* and In re a- ' na'ional t-alamily, and I li.-v* 1
din di till! that 'ln- pnhlu: sensibility at tin 1
:;!? rcavi-mi-tit will !;:■ most eon p.-euou-lyj
J "::ini!'e. ' -d. I! i-la,d y\v ill Ii ■ tak- ii fori
,B to him mil on >\ edits -day nini'iiing. !
Mi ave not time now to Mil v iimiit. j
j Fv—r yours, my deaf ?ir.
'I inly and aifeetion.-iti Iv, I
('ll V I’M \
and I’hilinlilji'iia, Jtdt) (i, I •'! > — hat) !
L'r o' elm k
l)tt. .r,- 1. Iktor- ::M!i:oi i.u.”
? \S c Ii:.! 1 not innh flake to portray;
j-i !u- ill’-- nr chaf.icti.-r of tin- di-'-ca id. la
pha: !o: the oi'.iei ol'miiiio woriltier pen.
>\V - hope tin- world will soon In- l'avori-d|
,with tin: vt,la-tie of In hie—the publi
'■oii-i- lets alri-.idv di -i<.*-i 1 : 1 1 1 •• 1 its atillnn
“m tin- pcf.ii'.i of one -d tin: most distiu-
L" : . , ■
< Wo extraet tin- Idlin'/. in:r hasty ketel [
a out tin- I Inlildi Iphi 1 Inipun so!“ in 1
s««*y last :
j“il is with emotm-i? <A 'tin■ deepest n-j
/•.-Tl that, we aiiuiumi i- to our ii iidi-i -
'den JOHN M \ BBH \I.L, Chief Justi.-i
'uilhe Biipri-ma Court of the I . Stales,
■dipzrod titi - fife at half past six o’eloe!
■ 1 •:’( rikiy alienioon, at the I’oarditig
: Home of Mrs. (djm, M alniil street In
• ii:\- i'oiirth, I'liiladeiplna. This painin'
tint-lag- out cannot hilt produce a strong'
[-ensatiiui throughout the whole country.
] “ Mr. ,M vI?~ fi \ I. f. was horn in V irginiu.
;< a .he 71'! 1 i.l * p'i :::!>* I*. '(.>•*; and, a
[ea • the Hu mcr 177•», r< ceived a
o: ia.: -- tott :. I ,ti-'U: ii-tnt of a f '-uu an -
(of .'-iitiutc men, arid was shortly sifter ci;-
Jg.-.gei! in the l.aitlc of thofircat Bridge.
•• In r: the Ur: isit tn .op?, under Lord
touuniore, were r , it great gal
[H the i:it moral.!: .t h of B.r-tndy uu I
"Bcrmatitown, and .Vot-.iiionth : and, i 1 ]
Il7"0 ohtaili -il tl liecit'C to ptae'eo law .j
{lie returned to the Army shortly after,]
fund i-sud i I. tied ii, tin ..crv iea until the tcr-j
.minatiim o!’ .’.riiold’s invasion.
1 “In the Hpiri gol 17 . !e- was eli ct-l
u il ,1 r.ii ii:' .i-t' of 1 in- .“ t'lte L'.gi -lattire, a a- j
jin the a:;i ii.::i (,f th< rune v - sir, a tin 111 -j
[her of the L.veeu ive Collin il, amlm il -
-I t:t In 178-8 he was elected- 01-
(Repre entalivc of the ritv of Richmomli?
un tiie Legi, l atiire of Virgini.a, and con-f
dimed to ocetipv that station, for tin-]!
fvears 1789, 1790, 1791, and upon the]
aeeail of .Mr. Monroe, as Minister, from*
ii rauce, Fivsiilcnt \\ asliington solicited]
(Mr. Marshall to accept the appointment]
fits his successor, but he respectfully de-j
eland. In ! 799 he was elected and took]
bits sea: iu Congress,—and in ISU9 he!
[w as appointed .Beeretarv of War.
j “Outlie 31st ilav of Jauuan , 1801,!
use bieatae Chief Justice of the Supreme!
jCourl of the •. State?, which distiiiguisli-l
Sed station he eontiinied to tiii with uu-l
jsiiihi'd dignity, and pre-eminent ability,§
[until the close ol his mortal career.
! “lie died eumlv and tranquilly, sur-J
aroiiltded hv tliree of his ehildren and ma-1
Sny i.dmdile fmnils. The blow was not]
fata'.peel, and. and he wasfitlh prepared.]
Mint aln days siuee, lie penned an in-1
[scrip!mu lot* Ins tomh-stone. fi
1 This .- ketch omits several interesting*
{tacts.—Judge M irsiiall was one of the*
imost distaigui lied members of the Vir-n
*g n a I 'onveiition which adopted the Fed-*
|i ral Constitution.— lie was one of lliej
A'ommi sinners to France, in the xears
g tand is satd to have been the pens-]
jt'miii of limit' eelelirati-d Despatches. —J
; .ie aeted as Sreretan of Btate. during'
I Mr. Jolm Adams Administration.— I let
([was one ol'ili - brightest lights in the \'ir-!
j.'inia State Convention of l>i!l.—lit!
jj.-very pnidie station ivltieli lie graeed, hisj
|ial:'Uts f wliieli were tts rations as theyi
were splendid, pre-eininenlly distinguisli-j
“ed lam.—The force of his pen was t-x-E
rliihiteil iti the important and ininierimsf
[t Ipinioiis w hieh lie delivered as the ( inell
(Justice of the I . States, as well as iu tlu-l
{Lift* of Washington, w hich he was sc-|
alerted to compose from the original MSS.S
loi' that great man.
j I'.vi-rv possible respect has been shownj
jto tin- remains of the < 'hief Justice, w hieli]
[were brought to this Citv hist eveningj
jjlmiii the steamboat Kentucky. 'J he • i-'j
•iy Bi ll tolled vesterdav nearly the w llolej
jnf the da\ —guns w ere filed—and per-!
jliaps no litner .l procession iu this City!
visas ever been more extensive and sol-<
{ciiiii, than the one which yesterday at-]
'{tended him to ids gnue. 5
] The Corpse was earned to Ids own!
{house, according to Ids ow n n-qiii -■!, and]
hi nee was conveyed to the Sew Bury-]
bag ground, where the remains now sleep!
i!m ar the ashes of his wile.
| The Fun.Ttil Sen ice was read by Bisli-!
sop Moore. [
5 The Broci ssion moved up the Main]
fstreel, iiei-oi-'ing to the order which is]
e-jiei-il’a-d iu the following Rc-Milutinns o!r
’ln-('oinmoti Hall id tin (hty. [They are]
ti-xi-liided for want of space.|
-I The body was aecnmp.inii and to tbi-j
lit'it\ bv Maj. Cell. Scott ol lln- F. States]
laruiy—and bv a most respectable Com-]
Smittec of Blidadel|iliia, consisting ofj
*.!iulge Baidu in, of the Supreme < 'ourl ofj
It'u ! States, and John Sergoant, llii-li
"ard IV-tcrs, F. I). Ingraham, and Win.
' llawle, Lsqs. These geutleuien have!
|ln.-en received as the guests of the City. |
l!ii liiiidiiil 1 .,11/nirer. |
j «'«HBTEE:iS<UABi.
Aitcji’hta, July 1 7. I
j rOTTON.—During llie past week ih«j
giupiiiv I *r roiinn in this market Inn been]
j\«tv limilnl, and very lifi!<* business I;;»-
:!k «-ii flour. Our stork :il present is Ii«_• 1 1 f, rind]
wverv little oiler in*.*. The receipts continue,
jin Iti mall, ;uid in tin* * our <• of Iwo or tjirerj
|\\ rrlvS, \< r niMV expert to have lilllr or 110 rol-J
jlou Dll in llii-. iii;ii Ui•:. ( 'oitslil ullniutlixl.
(’u mi m vmv, Jialv 10. |
j < - OTTO Y—Tlu-rr 1 1 ! I s l.< (II Mill.*, •! Md( ndj
; r;i■ 111 in ISir niruk* I for i plnuds dining flic
’•'week. Tie- tnin ;u lion- have tin'll very lew.
iSTlic lot?:I want of • hipping, and the unfnvor-'
-able ;irr,mills received oil \V« fll.f *-dav lasti
- | mm li\ rrpool, \ i;t \< v. York, :>r ihr prin j
.' tp;d rnusf sos ihr depression. 'I hr sales in
-dl lirivr amounted I*. ld."» Indus. WV con I
, :ifiiirmirf|uof;ilio!i - for ( plain!-, «»f !;isl week,
duil ill" 1, uin-f In- considered ris nominal'
!| i 11 (■'•, on ;i ru r.pfuing of 11 1* market, ill* v
,n iv In* fjuin- *lil: r* nf. I’pland—inferior
i r \ lo 17 l *u 'hurry i»i '.ill \7'\ i*» I~; »•#»##*!i
. •io good i*» Id,' ; prime lo cl mi *"< 20 lo
■ k i 1.
:* ! J.O! K Maininii it price, l»ul is of klowi
[’ * i!, *. \Vr *• : I:! ir: • ’«• nut last Week’ iplol.'l
t• <• *ll . 'l'!*e imnoiis of die \\r( k amount lo
i;:.VMir:rr* i • IMiiiudelphi,a.
5 <;R \ | V.—T! ,re were four a,Avals nfj
. ' »!iii ii." lh«-we* k. One cargo of W '•
; rn. *a. I to In to inferior nriif I**, sold nt H/'.g
» \ ’i r . (
two relumed from H;ivMunrdi, one;
; old in dm early purl of die week, ;ii prif •-d
J-not liMii'-pin and. 'I i * oilier remains unsold.i
,' ~-/«n A,. rti s«. ift hr-lmiri
jihg flow n.— (!'.’■ rHr.
■ •nur-ar-i' nr,mm J
| \t the Modi on Spring , on die Iddi in !
‘ '.mi, !,v ilk ID v. Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Jon J
ID. doNCKi:. lo M : I.i 'ey Ann Hoi uiiton |
j ,11 of \ I-. Ceorviu. I
I’m* Sale or To Kent.
rgi m: mi'. i rilder old is f*>r uilc or torenl.j
| R her TK ACT Os LAND, lying ini
i\Vii! * eonrjl v.ori die \v:il* r- of I ir,liiro_o re» k,|
'f orifoir: :ng • Id :u res—iDiO of which i- woo*ll
d;i nd. no wl.idi \<m Iwo sJorv frn rne hoi I*ling,l
; idi ode r in-.rt' ;jr y oiii-!»nilding!——Minions
u:. * - rou'l N riding from Idh*it<,;i lo A.igintn. E
'I he 'l -‘-TOCK «»n lln• snid premisi s ro< f»'l
j .In!;. !l Mi ,f I
A«iutinistralor’s Sal**.
(!n l.'i, ‘ii*t liny of .inf;u*t nut, J
IT|! ( ! ; ,!*), of die lute residence oil
| Tho.». Nnpi'T, and -ceased, v.ithiridie usn-|
I Th.- ii --- riful Crop of Oats, hrlonginL'l
|i«, liu: i : fat* of said deceased. C
| \\ 1 !»• Hired, at the erne tine-end place J
,I;.< \ !’.?»RO liH of die r.-iale, until dn* lioihs
dav of lh *«rnher next. §
I's -i in made kn ,v. on die dav. J
J A. . fiMMDS/r. rfi. Ad mV. I
| Julv am ' dd it I
I IH 1 \K-—KOR 54..*.; m iH is I,n II 1,. I
i t
to Test: iTßEeic.
MAS it is generally known to the
' ' people of Wilkes County, that one
JAAiF.S CAR IBR has brought an action
[against several of our most respectable and
t iik-rlv citizens, lor damages alleged to have
.he-n done him, by therr); and, whereas the
jim.le s gi-.i l! are i ilizens residing in die vicin-.
[:'y ol said James Carter, and have been, for
[years past, well acquainted w ith him, either
[personalty or fivmi general report, and we rc
ttaet n> say, that his general conduct, during
Jibe titne d-at we have known him, has not
di-en such as to give us a very exalted opin
ion ol his charai-b-r, as a mail, or his worth,'
I's a citi/eu and ni-ighbor. For, as much as
Jus House has In i-n the eoirinion resort of thd
[most depraved arid worthless eharaeters—
I' hai.n tees ■! sueli sl.i'rtp a. has, in some ea
[.'-s. annul ed the neighbors generally, and in
[oat- east be fins giv- u shelter and protcedoit
t' 'ti w'li.-tlut-ss mau, by ilie name of Coonkr,
,w In ■ I. i-i j• i,-in inteiroiirse and general inti—
unary w-iib a /Hirtieu/iir e\uss of our /,ojndatiort.\
[as, we tear, endangered die yro/icrt,/ of our
[|.dl-iw -eitizUs. 'Piiis futi-reouise beingeoti-
Maitvd through Ihe medium of slaves, whose
Etesninonv is not admissible iii our courts, it
[was a difficult matter to bring lain before that
ttrifiunnl, to answer for die injuries done link
t-'‘intnuiiily, I iii- state of things indueeif
. 1 “ ' id' -t die neigh lie i- to form tin- ib-ti-riuin
|ndoii to rid themselves of ibis man, iu the
I-mly v. ay dm; sei-nied possible, by removin'*
{tuni li'oni ibc m-igbliorhissl! and, !n r.ceof-.
s'hmcc with this u'. tenninnlion, they repaired
‘■-idle bouse id this same Carter, in which'
t'hiy Ii min I Conner si rreti-d iu the 101 l with
II Negro, die property of Carter,
{w hich woman In- claimed In be his wife, al-.
jleging, as jiisdiii atimi, that be was biinself
V’fnegni di seem which statement is fully
isiisinirti'd by bis i-iiiiiplt'xien. The party
Jtuuk Inin Iroui Carler’s house, and drove liiiit'
jlmin die iii-iglilmrbood, in doing of which,'
ill icy Ii av e, in our opinions, but acted the part
l"l' gimd citizens, and are entitled to dieappro
jbalioii ol all the guml citizens of the eounty ;
\ aid, as their neighbors, give them our thanks
fi-fi'i' l heir i-onilui-l, altliougli ii lias met the dis
jjili iMin- ul James Carter, anil subjected dieiri
S' ll a iiialii'iuus pmsi-eudon, or one founded in
iile- hoin- etf gain. We trust dial the verdict
S'd an intidligenl Jury of Wilke? Cotinly wi*T
(iy In Mr. Ca, ler, and to all others like him,
jjduil, although they may so cover their bait
v oiidin I, iluii die Law nun not reach thrinf
sye', public i>j>inil>n trill. VVe ilisiduim, llovv
ji vi-r, all ii ii i-t 1 1 ii hi, in making this publication,'
[of prejudicing, in any way, die ease of Mr.'
fi' 'ai ler, now pending in Court.
11 1 itlieim }'ii/ii)in/, |
I (irar/if. Mu/mil i/,
llu/iii Muss,
3 Finis. Sli ililiii!’,
5/ \ur:iiini,, i Mr /.einluii,
lll.iniunl Heard ,
5 F.1111111. IF. Vinlersuii
il'.ihr. It. Anderson,
I Hooker S. 'Ferrell,
til. 11. Montgomen/,
3 /errmi„h Frazer,
S./i dm Me l/n-ninit,
I Janies / Union,
]//. /’. 11 ontten,
I.latins llmraril.
B Matthias llnyi/le,
W illiam Henson,
Mn hai l R. Andrews
.lames Pullen, Sr.
U IHi inn Walton,
Joshua Ixellu,
W illiam liinns,
Drury Callaway,
77/ mints A ndersim,
IF. Q. Anderson,
'/'/ms. R. I Yontten,
Jesse II it/iams,
Francis IMc Rendon/
duo. H. Stoles,
N. (1. Harl sdalr ,
J no. S. Waller,
lini. Henson,
Mark S. Anthony,
Mark Anthony,
Jim. Dunaway,
a char mh I / rimsh ,j
II 111. S. 11 award, srt
11 111. Harper,
Reis!on House,
J no. Simmons,
t. T. Stakes,
Jim. Norman, Sr.'
/'.inlok Smith,
Hen. HuUrn,
Asher Rave,
Hi alien Kendall,
Jim. l.ainlrum,
II 111. Norman,
Jim. Norman, Jr.
N. M. TaliaJ, rro t
I‘Jfisnn (tnuc.
177 ms. A*. Thurmond
u Thomas lilal.ei/, Sr.
B Joseph Di/nairau,
j] I’li oiiia.s Slat ! ,
I Jab /{. lliii/un,
i 101111 Slat /:,
9 Hen) Finrell,
|/ 11 ill/, '11,
I/-,’../. Frathrr,
\ 11. IM. Jenkins,
i.hise/ilt lin 1 ilell,
iSaml. (/. 1 1 h,alley,
si \imroil \l'/ilhr,
/ /7/ iiiii/isoit Harbin,
Ij 1 r/n/le Norman,
\.lnines Hade, Sr.
t‘ Me,hal Mi Rendon,
M / /iminis I .' Row,
li fiitij. It. 11 a lire, j
fj 1. //. Stulhani, (iarrot Oglml/i/, nud Sam
S»e7 Ihiaforth, fully justify llie e-i of li»rf:ing
ii( r l*» leave die neighborhood.
Ej '/*■ Tail thinks thatthe individuals who
Qlolfed die said (‘ooner to leave llie neiglll.or-
Pjhofifl, pe!li»rme«l dial kind of servif e, for.
I'vhieli they will receive die approbation of
vei v In,n* I eiti/eu, a< *jnaiiil* <l vs idi iheeir
reiiiiManer • of die ease, and die general char-’
";n i« i and eotulini of(’o«an r.
g July AM 4 C ti*
| The “ w.s" will give die above one iiH*
sao inav udi.
1 JQ IV'*'* inti'iilti, man, calliu^
9 fiakj hiitiscir tiiomas iioot,
3 f ' •tin'* I" my Ikhisi' In April last,
jj pW'J) / said lie had no lroini-, arid I nn
p ployed him. On ihi* l.’Sih ult.
She Jeli ii iv einplovmi'iii, taking w irh him niy
p’loi . , SaiMl' and llridlc, worth SlliS, and
p and ornlihiii” mi in casli. Said follow
jv- ill p | ATmvotl^
pud my Putnam rrninly, near
rl iionion, shall roeeivo tho above rewind, or
Slur the horse alone -Mb.
1 July 21 it; ill
2 fICM 1 ’ All llie pajiets in the Slate will j>ivor
jda above 2or I ins -rilons, and forward their*
laerouiils to me, ai Katoiiton, for payment.
L. W.T.
l',R MAS A. *>'• Sim Mi:, applies to'
I T w me for letters of administration on
[die I isi ate of Thomas i\ai*,kH, dereeased :
j Tin -e are. ll'ereliire, fb eite, summon, nnrl
f brained: all rirvl singular, the Kindred and
i [editor- of • aid deeea-ed, to be and appear at
la iv olliee, w it hill the time preseribeil hy law,
J'o hew cause (if any they have) why said
p ilci, should not be granted,
j Oivcn under my band, at olliee, this 20lh'
| lay of July, l*:!b.‘
JOHN 11. DYSON, « . c. o.
July 21 46 It
Iy (rl i! moiitlis afterdate, application will
be made, to the Court of Ordinary, of*
[l.iiienlii county, lot h ave In sell one-fiftlr
[ of a Cold Lot of I.nn<l. eontaining firriy
[ae r , ; lot MMi. in tin* 12rh district, and Ist
[-■(lion, of tin Territory; the said
jot dry* n h\ the orphans of Henry Sturfies,
5 . i: efi Hi.ii jiait i- lo be sold for llie benefit of
lone of lbe heirs.
AI.I.LN K. CUBRY, (•nardian.’
j July 21 *lb ueVu