Southern spy. (Washington, Ga.) 1834-18??, September 01, 1835, Image 1

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Vol. I. THE SOUTHERN SPY 13 EDITED AND EUDLISiIED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING, BY 3 1\ mm m a* , m, TO THE PUBLIC. ACCORDING to the promise made in the Washington News, ot'the Gih Aug., I tni.v assume the task of giving to the Ex- Rev. S. V. IIDBIS \RD, a passing notice, not, however, for the purpose of vindicating the course I have pursued, towards tins lying son of Belzebuh, so utuc'i as for the purpose of letting the good people of tins County, and elsewhere, know, wlitfit is, that iias address ed them, upon this “ delicate subject”—who it is, that has made this alfecting appeal to their sympathies—and who it is, that has set up such a hotel of persecution. To do this, it will, of course, become my duty, to present as correct a view of his character, as it is in my ywpmwi'ff-ii*.''.'' i<—, if l should even attempt to give a faint de scription of the malignant passions which in fest the bosom of l ilts base defamer. Indeed, it would re pure the exercise of an imagina tion beyond that which falls to the lot of but few men, to conceive of, much less describe the blackness of this degraded impostor’s crimes. lie set out, in his address to the pub lic, of the 30th ult. by stating that, “strict justice to hitusulf, compels him to give a de tail of facts, which, under other circumstan ces, should be withheld. 15ut, as Col. Willis has made this extremely delicate subject pub lic, by placing in the hands of ids sub-agent, T. L. Wootten, letters touching it in ail its parts, who read them publicly in the town of Washington, he hopes he may be excused, for speaking freely on the subject, while he con fines himself to truth.” Now, does not the above extract shew, most ciearly, that this nondescript calumniator was sensible—not withstanding liis heart is full, to overflowing, of all that malevolent, corruption, which ts consequent, upon the disappointed hopes at such impostors, as I sha I make this disciple of satan appear to be—lelt that lie was doiug that which he knew could not be justified, iu any other way than by presenting himself to the public, as a meek and persecuted saint, and to hold up Col. W. and his "‘tools,” and “sub-agents,” as his demon-like pen-ecuiers, pursuing him with the fell purposes of a devil incarnate, determined to devour him ; and, ibr the purpose of giving eject to his base appeal, it became necessary, in the outset, to found the whole story upon a falsehood of unparal leled turpitude; for, without it he could not “get along with his case.” Now, let us see how far Col W. has acted in this matter, and to wfo ""iegree he is ol>- obnoxious to the charges this Mr. llluestreak has .ude against him —I will first shew, the position which I oc ual'-’ppy lb"-—to do which, it may no i be aifilss, to give a short history of events, which transpired, during the first few months of my acquaintance with this quondam gentleman : —\V hen he fir.-t ra tie to our village, last winter, to take charge of the Academy, and I ascertained that he was the beneficiary of the Baptist Church, tit Ath ens, who had been expelled from the Church, for telling lies, I could not help having iny suspicions about him; for my observation ius taught trie that, if an individual becomer a member of a Christian Church, and professes to have received converting Grace, and to have been operated on by the Holy influen ces of the Divine Spirit, a ml to have been en lightened by the all-inspiring powers of the Gospel, and is then capable of committing as grosc and palpable s:n? as lying, that there is something "rotten iu Denmark” —that there i» some ra heal defect in the morality of the man-and, that disunion with the Church was effected solely for the advancement of some sinister purpose. These were my feelings towards this unhappy wretch, when he first made his appearance among us; but being determined to judge him by his fruit; 1 give him all the encouragement in his school that it was in my povver to do, and, far some months, he seemed as if he was going to do well, but, no sooner had he formed a pretty extensive acquaintance, (which it doe® not take a man of his consummate impudence long to do) it was discovered that he was at his old tricks again—indeed, it was known to every one who took the pains to investigate his conduct, that he would tie on the most trivial occasions, and I, for one, did not pte ten ! to conceal tr.v sentiments about him, and it was known,’ (or several w eeks before his marriage was to fake place, by all about me, that, instead of my concealing my 6i:it*a menfs I expressed them openly; and, I had sta ! "d repeatedly, that I would cot pal run.a "Em apy longer than the expiration of the second .quarter of his school, and my opinion of him w-as founded entirely upon my own knowledge of his worthless lying conduct at Mallorysville. and not on any tiling that he had done before he came here; nor wa- it in consequence of Col. W’s. opinion to him— as he has in some instances basely insinuated fi, r , as l before stated, my opposition to him was known and open, for some weeks before his intended marriage, and I do not suppose that Col. W. had any idea of his character, or, indeed, any oppo-ition to him, until a few days previous to that tune; and the first one of his defalcations which were ma le known to Col. Willis, was, that he had -inavvay from Camesville,” which citcum ‘ ! not be :D informed of, until the i . ,„j * was then told of it by Col. it- 1 ? • >r at i time, a-ked the " • himsmf. who, ar • hu , ales favor of w to investigate wh’oh he (H.) had been" 8 al C “ ’ 'V* I did so; and I found several e.’awnents he bad ma le to Col. W. and his famtij*. b ® “• base and unfounded prevariacations a- e> e ' came out of the mouth of man. I deem A unnecessary to continue this detail of tarts orv farther, but let it suffice to say, that fri m this time un‘il n tbofough iuves i.ation was bad of his charade r, I- ” communicate any and <v ' r ' vviue. eume W> mv knowledge. n>u a i’.i vile hypo crite, and. on the ' sv : tu tie was io have been married, 1 tor - rnv horse and rode to Col. W’s. for ilie express purpose of idling him know' what kind ot airs ibis young men was giving himsoit. Mid dicn after my re u n, sent a hov with a nme. giving him farther n formatiori. This I done, becau-e I though’ it to be mv' ;htty. as it is the duty of e.erv ... •>( t .zen to expo-'-e villainy, wheiher it njgke* its arrearage' in the person or condcct ■LIBERTY AND UMO.\, NOW A N u|EO R EVE ii, ONE AND IN S E PARABLE.’’ of Stephen V. Hubbard, or any person else. This coutse of conduct brought me directly in contact with Hubbard and his friends, and at that time he had not a friend about this place, who esp. u-ed his interest with a zeal deserving a much better cause. Indeed, iu*. bv his hypocritical cant, had made many per i sons believe tiiat he was a Christian. 1 that he was persecuted, because he was poor, A. p. iNc. ft has been the uniform prueiice of this de based lump of degredalion, after he has com mitted an offence, to challenge invesrigati >n, wilt as much seeming candor, as if he w ere innocent—prow ko, by his falsehoods, the pun ishment consequent upon his crimes, andthen raise such a hue and cry about perseeuiion. and create such an excitement, as no man liv ing, (of his importance,) but Stephen V. Hub bard, could do. And, by what means, it may be asked, does he accomplish all this? By just such means as no honest man ever would thsnk ot. In the first place, he affects to he one of the most humble Christians—tells his lies v.idi ns much assume , •; .....i, could tell ilis until—an.!, by hi* peculiar way of rend' ring s i alpable lie plausible, operates, as it were, by magic, upon the sympathies of tho e who are disposed to hear him, and -b --soluteiy produces such a feeling in his favor, that I have known some persons to become highly enraged against those upon whom he had opened his battery of falsehood. To j such a degree of excitement does he work up ; toe prejudices of his friends, that they are prepared to resist any testimony which can be brought against him, “though one were to rise from the dead.” This was his mode of operation against me, which sti r and me up to the determination of giving his character an investigation before the Commissioners of the Academy, believ ing that he could not object to a trial by his j friends, (tor the Commissioners, «t that time, j were marly all his decided friends,) and ! knowing that 1 should he able to f-labiish, \ before any tribunal in America, his total want l of moral character, I wrote to Mr. Morris, of; Caruesville, and requested him to get a cer tificate from the citizeus of that place, to es tablish the following facts, (to wit:) That he li id rauaway from that place, in debt to many of its citizens, and to convict him of many oilier mis-statements. It may now beaked, by somevvhonre more disposed to be squeam ish than impartial, what his running away from Camesville had to do with him in Mal lorysville, ts he conducted himself w ell there, hut that is the rub. I will tell you, by prov ing the fact upon him, of absconding from there, it would eiiubie t le to convict him of perhaps fifty oilier notorious lie;, thereby de ve plug to the Cos nui sinners his character truly, that they might decide correctly, and mete to him ample justice. Mr. Morris wtote in answer, as follows, (after going on to -tate. that there would not be time to get the certifi cates i wrote for, between the arrival and de parture of the mail:) "! presume it is up-, necessary loforvvard ynii’the certificates ot the citizens of this place, as there was one tbr warded to Col. W illis, last week, with eigh teen signatures toil of as respectable citizens as this county, or any oilier county, affords; beside?, there was eight gentlemen wrote to Col. Willis, certifying to his charat ter. Cal! on Col. Willis, and get the certificates ni l letters, ami use them in defence of us (Dr. Freeman and Mr. Morris,) against his slan derous reports.” I accordingly culled on Col. Willis, ami asked the use ol the nrliS ratesand letters, a* I evidently had a right to do, as they were forwarded to him, not for bis satisfaction, but soley to protect the character of Dr. Freeman and Jlr. Morris, a gainsttbe vile aspersions attempted to be east upon them by Hubbard. Col. Willis gave me die u it; of thorn, and I used them in what purpose, 100, the gentleman, I pre-umc, run give some doleful testimony. This circum -tauce, 1 suppose, gives him a f lue to toe in fi ren e that Col. \\ iilis had him turned ou’ of the Academy, and that I only ailed as his “tool.” in contradiction of which, I will here sia’e, (and that willt the same degree of solemnity, as if my salvation depended eu lircly upon the truth of what I am now going to suite,) that Col. Willis did never, during [ die whole controversy between myself and [ Hubbard, make a single suggestion to toe, t , to the course I was pursuing towards tins un fortunate demoti of discord, not fias he. m any manner, whatever, interfered with the i untroversy between Hubbard and myself.— i I will here remark, ilia-, were 1 servile e •liUah io become the “tool,” “sub-agen*,” or anything el e, for any person, Richard J. . \V iilis is one of the last men, ou tbiseartb, to | whom I should oiler my services. I should expect to be treated, by him, with that con -1 "'nipt which my servility would deserve. Thomas L. Woo ten was one of the ; inner?of the Academy, and, in whose bands i.ri tbc fiCth of June lan, 1 placed my charges, in wiving, together with the cenificaie and letter* from Carnesville, and referred Wool len, verbally, to the testimony, by w hich ! expected <n establish all iho sac’s which were n t established by the written testimony. Mv charges were 8» follows: To *ht Cbinm'rs of the Afollorysville Academy: The follow ing charge, against S. V. Hub hard, Rector, five., are respectfully submitted to yonr consideration : Ist, It is alleged that he is incompetent to teach the latiu language, as lie has professed io he, so as to prepare his pupils to enter college. 2d, It is farther al leged, that the late developements made, in regard to his character, are such, as to destroy his influence as a teacher, and ’o set aside any claim he rnav have had to the character of a man of correct, morals, such, for iuvtance, a? absconding from Carnesville, on account of his pecuniary embarrassments, which feet is proven, beyond doubt, by the 'crtificate of the citizens "f that place, snd then denying it in’he so’emn manner that be l.a», chews that he ha- forfeited all claim to character for -gi,-h. I > also en'er., and has done so re i r-ai-dlv. owing any ifene in Ctirnesvilie, " hVli ' c \ rt'al is c nfrented »■ h the Mate meats from ti * 1 r” 3rv • h, ' rewi,h PY--rntcri ; ’•( si l ' ? he ho? beet; "Thy < f mak ng various mis-ata'etnents, in this vicipily, of n trivial character, '<> he sure, hut ten 'he same time, to belittle and degrade him, <nd which should be fencath t e and tntv of a torrh e- of vouth : <ucb. for install'e. c- 'ay iris 1° Mr. h-P.-v, that he had t. i,< n and c lest di . ar out of h » pocket, ?<■ pay for me oh.w’ ’it. in feci, •ok i not ; id r > vet. an ! tha* ’ e cej ■ e(i ’ •&< • . > ’in h' • for him aLa 1 1 t'on; y, an • that they, thro*, mistake, had bought an English ope for him. W\»ai.\KTO.\', (lifUkea (ouk“?f- aS-jVIiESDAV, SfcPTE.ffBER 1. IMJIS. These statements are alleged to lie positively 1 fal ,a* be himself acknowledged that the ar ticle purchased, was the one ordered bv him. II has also ma le contradictory statement), , m regard to the character of IK Freeman, of ’tan ville, which may be seen bv thecertitl c sos he llev. James Mathews and the i.e .J.N. Da s. In his address to the pul|- ii of the 1 tit ti insl., (June,) wherein he savs, h only ileemsit necessary to “stare facts," he un i, u uedly labors to make an impression that he let' t arte sviiie in the stage, directly for Line Inn n. and that it as, within the knowledge of the Trustees, a: least, tlmt be n ■ so ; he docs not say so in so many w ords, ’ ut what other inference could be drawn from h s language, than that, after he had wound up his matters in Camesville, that he left there openly, for Lincolnton, in the Lincoln stage, ami, at the appointed time, he arrived at his destination ; all of which is proven Ut be false, as lie left in the stage, for Currahi e Mountain, lie lias denied neing exciud"' 1 r’o.o ill-.- .\ ,’T’os, tor v a.icatiou. All thecircumstauces are broiickk before you, f>ryour considcratina; and i thin" they can be established. If they however, Mr. Hubbard will escajie iinwalh ed; bn', if they are fastened upon him by proof, why, then, upon your daciaion, de (tends the prosperity of the Institution, whioty has been placed under your guardianship and protection. STEPHEN A. JOHNSON. Mallorysville. “fish June, 1835. Now, it will he remembered, that he alleg ed, “ that all the particular friends of Col. Willis, immediately after his engagement was nullified, withdrew their children from school;” and lie really makes this statement, with as much seriousness, as if it was really true; but, out of his own month will I coni demn him, bv putting the following interrog atories: Did not Thomas 1,. Moouen, this some “tool” of Col. W’s., continue his cbil- 1 dren, until a few days before you were dis tui-seil ? Di I not Mrs. ?,’a\well continue to -end hers? Did not Mttj. Hudspeth coaMStSes hi?? Did not Mr. Andrews continue to send his, until you sent for him, and tutted him in your own school house ? Did any person withdraw from the school, except (and, as before stated, 1 did not intend scud iug to you any longer than the expiration o! the quarter) and Mr. Mathews? “t Ml shuttle, where is thy blush!” “The next tiling u meeting of the Comaussiutiersuf the Acade my wrs called, and Col. W. placed these same letters before them, to have me turned (mi of the Academy, as if my loving hi; daughter disqualified me to teach. Ex-Col. .Infineon, who, it is well known, is the tool of (.'ol. \V., assisted him, by charging mexif be ing incompetent to teach lutiu, when this said Johnson cannot translate “ menliri c.v/ turpe.' 1 Now, never was there upon th:* earth, ; more unblushing liar. Ist, lie says, “alii! • m,i tic* I*r friends of (Jol- W. wifi'.i!rr-.v ill A elifldren ffOT.l srnnot. nave I most clearly, that it is a lie ? fid, “ A meet ing of the (Jomtrtissionera was held. Col. \V r . placed these same letters before them, to have him turned out.” Now, doc» any man in this county, or any where else, believe, for a moment, that Col. W. would resort to such t course—that he would do any thing beliim! the curtain, against this poor, deluded wretch 1 Does any tnun, who knows W., doubt, fur one moment, that, if he owed an individual D grudge, he would not avow it openly. That Col. W. was indignant ai this puny scoun drel, for attempting to impose himself ou hit family, as a respectable man, I do not doubtj; and so would every man have been, and tp ought every man to be. Now, who tins an) regard for ihe welfare of society, and that, if. not only the particular friends of Col. V< iliri, but every mart who sent to the school at ; j, friend fir foe, had have taken tlieir cliildr: u from school, would it hu\ e been when it was proven, to the satisfaction of eve ry man (one or two excepted,} in the neigh- borhood, that he was an impostor? lie has told hut nae truth in his whole production of the 30th; that it, that 1 cannot translate “ menliri ext tiirpe,” so, I mu ' jive him cred itfor onetruih, nor could l. at ihattime, trgns iate nny other latin word; nor do 1 nndrr mnd l ltighsh well enough t » speak or write it correctly; hut, I think ii w ill be aoknnwl . ti ed, b\ the lime ! am done with this veriia ulc gen’icniiit), that ihisiitiie piece of sarcasm of hi’, has made me an adept in th.e srt of tranelatirig “mentiri c. i ttir( e,” in the devrl openien’s 1 sliall make, iu regard lo his char acter. lie evidently mak> gan effort to cre ate the impression that I had (barged him w ith nothing but incoiopetency to teach latin, c.od if I had not, that of itself should have been quite .-officii lit for his expulsion from the Academy; for he had professed to he able to prepare students for college; and 1 act erediblv informed, (hat he cannot rt ad. f’a-.'tfrr' This is only au instance 0 f jjj* attempt* at deception. But, upon examination of the charges, as embraced iri hi- publication, it will be perb'ive l. that I charged him wiih le ing guilty of grim im torality— 1 charged bun with falsehood —< charged him with having absconded from Carnesville, and then telling a tn'nt of lie. about it; and thir waj on the jjfith June; yet, he s«y« no body iias had the impudence to contradict bis statements ol the 10th of June V. hen the Commissioner* met upon the subject, a delegation was ap pointed, to inform him of the meeting, and of the nature of ihe charges, and ihe weight of testimony which w as laid in against him, but he threw himself upon bis sovereignty, posted himself upon bis reserved rights, and refused to come before (he Commissioners; stating, nt ihe same time, that he should seek Ids terne dv at law; hut 10, arid behold ! no other rem edy has hern reported to, vei, except hi* old weapons, falsehood and detraction. Now, I would s - k any candid man, if he bad been slandered as be has alleged, was not the '"Cv hr-t opportunity offered him, to vindicate life character, that ever could have presented it- Felf, to anv man whose character had been j assailed? Hr re be was arraigned before the Commissioners of the A' j adernv, consisting! of-ix respectable men, the iwi-t of whom ! were his deeldf and friends, and all dispos'-d. at ; l.a't. to do him justice, wit !i the charges be- j fore him. in writing, and the testimiony, too, ■ presen’ed in such a form a* to piv»» h to cv> ry O'-j.orturiity that any manS'ould ask, t- <m- \ ; vt it. Th< Con:mi.-:-ioner'. too. pro; oedto ] sc‘ l < nd tl e school, for any rea oritibl- set gth j viftit: e, to g: c him cn o'pq otttinity to ' • .'Ct : hi#' butting testimony—nt "of them yopo *ed to lead ftim n hotwe to nd*-—g centlcmsn t iu the neighborhood proposed to go with him, I and required nothing for h’« serv ices, but the ' pay’tneui of his ex|)enses; jet, with ult these advantagts, he shrunk from tie investigation, and skulked behind bis "independence.”— The Cotnnissiouers were er.v.igid in the matter tie greater part of the ifty, and sent, : ns I am informed, three different delegations to him, urged him to make ai effort to free himself from the charges that were mode against Win, bill all would not do; he could not male a sacrifice tis his “independence,” so far U to appear before them, ns if be was not siuject to their supervision. I!tt, the fact vas, notwiihinstaiiding the seeming stratisiness of his conduct, that he aetel cun ning)/ in the matter, for hr wn- well appris ed tint every single charge, which had been triads against him, was true, and that every oneof them could be proven, and the mo.-.t of:ham were (noven, by the (irtioftlien l>e fi je the Commissioners, and lie knew then, js he knows now, tiiat he did “ runaway from r yVqyi-- : —;;.*t 1:. is * tmtnhiai liar — ' “i, if lie is not th-une, he lie haves more like koine body that was, than auv wtio luc iigiired iu this community before. But his object is not now, nor never has been, to meet these charges—liis whole and solr object, has been, from the commencement of ihematier, after finding that he wys defeated in his matri monial engagement, to procure negative tca (iiuiuty, to impose upon the weak and credu lous, with it; and create a feeling of sympa thy iu his favor,and apatatnount prejudice a, gainst those he calls his persecutors; &. know ing thul he cannot do this, unless he can make Col. Willis figure in the matter, ami myself and Thomas 1 .. Wootten his sub-a gents. But, 1 think, by the time t lei hint down, he will wish he was hack ai Ourrahee Mountain, encircled in the arms of his dear delcinea ; which, it is said, he left there a ye: r or two ago, and where, it is raid, there is some of the fruit of his first love—a living me mento of his gallant and courteous attentions to stuns of the fair sex, his preteuti ns and morality to Ihe contrary not withstanding. The boldest effort in all his piece, is the one he has made to impress it upon the minds of the people that Col. Wfi, through me, has had him bailed and jailed, nn every cent he could find against him ; but 1 will allow, iu the sequel, that this lie is one of mi nor consideration, compared with some lie can tell. In order now, to see whether my self or Col, W. had any agency in having him bailed, on Col. Terrell’s debt. I will merely refer the reader to the following cer tificate, cl'Maj. 1. N- Davie, who is tiie at torney iu the case, which is ns follows: Elrkrtok, August 14th, 1835. Crl. S. A. Johnson: By vour boy 1 have just received your let ter, requesting rue to utaie. whether yon bad itny agency, so far as came to my knowledge, ■I-fiiLii'isniiiiil'iaX mu' I *b. si®tc, tiiat you nail no agency, euTler Direct ty <u indirectly, in procuring the bail ngiiinst Mr. S. V. Hubbard, in ihe case of Col. Terrell,vs. said Hubbard. Ho far as 1 know, the at count of Col. Terrell was put into my hands, for collection, accompanied with u bail affidavit, sometime last winter, say just before Mr. Hubbard left l.iucoluton, and I should have proceeded against him, but for the fact of my hearing that lie had been oppointed Rector of the Academy at Mallorysville, w hich, indii eed me to delay; ands suite further, that nt (lie tima I sent the account to Chandler and Irvin, I had not heard that any difficulty had token place with Mr. Hubbard and any per son in Wilkes. You request me, also to state what Mr. Hubbard staled to me at W ilkes court, or on toy way from that court rel ative to the conversation be bad wiib Mrs. Terrell, some few days before that : I sta nd to Mr. Hubbard ibnt I had received irfforma’inn that he had stated to Mrs. Terrell, ihiji he (Hubbard) had paid the money due on the aeerinnt of Col. Terrell; list replied that lie lied made no such statement to Mrs. Terrell; but remarked that he had made this statement to Mrs. Torrell, (to wit;) “ i .hat he had but three alternniives —give bail, go to Jail, or pay the money, and t lint Col. Bil -1 u(i2, would testify to the same, a* he was present; and that he supposed Mts. Terrell had run into a uiuutke, by the above re mark.” The above it about the substance of tbe eonvetsation between u*. upon that ob ject. Yours, !. N. DAVIS. To shew that I neither had any agency in the bail referred to in the above, ns the “ tool” of Col. W illis, as w ell as on my ow n account, 1 insert the following, front the sum'- gentle man, together v.ith one from Henry W ■ Da vis, who is the agent of Col. Terrell, and the only person who has had the management of the ease, since it W'hs ordered lobe Mod on. /fake particular notice. Mr. Hluestn ok, tlo certificate, too, is from Col. W iilis, and will not only b* “read in Washington,” but will be “ read" all over Georgia : Being colled on. by Col. W iilis, I here by state, that be (Cos!. W.) had no Keen ey, either directly or indirectly, in procu ring the bail ease of Col. J. C. 3 etrell v*. S. V. Hubbard lately served in \\ ilkes eoun tv. Col. Terrell's agent left the an ount with me, for colleetion, w ith a hail affidavit, last winter, before Hubbard left Lincolnton, and 1 farther stt.te, that the case w ould have been commenced at Lincoln court, bad I not under stood that Mr. Hubbard bad been elected :it Rectorof the Academy st Mallorysville; this information induced me ’o suspend the pro ceedings, ». I hoped to collect the money, without suit; I therefore, some short time af ter Mr. Hubbard removed to Mallorysville. wrote to him, informing hirn that the ru t ount ua* in my hand*, for collection, and that he could have the opportunity o! settling it, w ith oiit co-i—he replied to rny letter, that he 1 ad i'Min Col. Terrell’s hands, nrconn's, &'.c., sufficient to pay off this demand—l then de terminer! to delay until 1 could hear from, or see, Col. Terrell, arid done, srt, and the result was, that. I was directed to in' fftuie suit, as flic account was not paid by H i bhard. I then sent on the account and bail affidavit to Mr srs. Chandler and Irvin, with direct ion* to sue immediately. 1 deem it but justice farther to state, that, at the time the account, &c., were sent to Mr-srs. t handler and Irvin, that I had never heard that Mr. Hubbard had visited tbe family of Col. Willis, from the above statement of facts, I came to tbe conclusion, that Coi. Willis nci'bcr knew of, or procured the suit. August sth, 1835. ISAAC N. DAVIS. * Now comes the crtificate of Mr. Henry VV. Davis. If illtiestreak bad any sliatne, ifiere is something iu this that would make him b'ush, lut pshaw: lew-ill not mind it, for I have sgen hi in proven a liar to bis face, and he manifested as much indifference as ever be did over one of Col. Mitchell's bottles ol wine, which he has not paid (or yet. The certificate is us follows : Carnesville, August Ith, 1835. I do hereby certify, that 1 am the acting agent of Col. Terrel], in tho col lection of a debt Col. Terrell has against S. \ . Hubbard, and, upon which said Hubbard lias been held to bail, in Wilkes .Superior Court, and that Col. \\ iliisnor Stephen A. Johnson, has had auv agency, in any way, whatever, in hav ing said Hubbard bailed, or Jailed, as he calls it. Ido farther certify, that I was present at an iuteniew between Mrs. Catharine Ter rell and H. V. llnbhatd, when he was in Camesville, a few days since, and heard said llnhlufi.i mil Mrs. Terrell, that tic had been arreso and oil a luftl process tor the debt of Cot. Terrell, and there was hut three alternatives in such cases, (to wit:) pay the money, goto Jail, nr give security, and that be bad paid I lie money, and then requested Mrs. Terrell to refund him $lO, which Dr. Freeman of I this place, had paid to Col. Terrell, for him, [ (Hubbard,) and for w hich be bad been allow j td no c redit in the settlement of ihe account, which he did not do, uppichcndiug, I sup pose, that he had stated falsely, in regard to the payment of the money. Ido farther cer tify, that, while said Hubbard was in Carues ville, he requested me to give him a certifi cate, as to the time and maimer of leaving this place, in the spring of IH3-1. 1 told him 1 would do so, w hen lie, (Hubbard) drew n p oue, loth snuiotn t, as ml as I recidh cl—that lie had left here iu the day time, after break fast, in the stage, and desired me to sign it. 1 hesitated fin' some lime, mid mid him if I gave him a certificate, i wished Instate all i the facts, in regard to the circumstances which gave rise to it; but he objected, and staled that he had got into a difficulty—that he bud been slandered—that it had been sla ted that he had left here in the night—and that his sole object was to disprove that state ment. He appealed to my sympathies; and under these circumstances, knowing the state ments made in the certificate to lie true, us far as llipy went, I signed it. The ciretmi stances under which lie left this place were these—he had been arrested lateon (Saturday evening, by virtue of uCn. Ba. which, being and fcieiil, he was released, and, on the next morning, (Sunday) told me that hr had some business ut Currahee Mountain, took the stage for that place, saying, that he should re tain on Tuesday following. On-Tuesday, however, be did not return, but wrote me that lie should go to f .incoliiton. When, up ! on enquiry into the was ascertained j dial be had got one ofTcrrell’s itegroeo to J tukr his trunk out of Ids loom the niglii pro ** laws * . ’• b Mw Adams’ wagon, ol u late hour. 1 hesdMtrc the facts, solar as they came to my know I edge, and it lias always been understood, by the citizens who were acquainted with bis siltiution, and all the circunclances under ! wliii li lie left here, that he, iu the usual tie ! repletion oltlie term, ranaway. 11. W.DAVIS. While upon this branch of the subject, I will insert the certificate of Wader D. Beall, who was present, and heard llnbbaid tell ‘ Mrs. Terrell that lie had paid the debt of Gol. Terrel!— tit lids certificate closes the lestinio - ny upon tiiat subject: (’ai. M tivt t.i.i., August oili, 18.35. | Ido hereby ecriilv, that, on Holiday, the 19th nil. i henid Stephen V. IliiM rud ti ll Mrs. Terrell, that lie had paid the debt be lowed Col. Terrell, on account of which he bad been arrested, under a bail process; and then requested Mrs. Terrell to refund him I $lO, which fiad been paid by Dr. Freeman to Col. Terrell, and for which lie bad been allowed no credit on the account of Col. Ter rell. Given tinder my hand, the day and date above written. W. I). 81.A1.L. I think now, that I have shown, beyond doubt, or cavil, that neither Col. W illi : by himself, or by his “tool,” the Mx-Col. had any agency in procuring the hail of Col. Terrell. And I w ill now proceed to give a if tail of facts, in rt 1 u ion lollie hail of James Morris. F.-q: When Mr. Callaway cairn from Carnesv ille, to which place lie had been sent I)v Col. Willis, as die bearer of Idlers lo Dr. In email and Mr. Morris, » few days be fore die intended marriage of lliihhard, lit brought me a letter from Thomas Moiris, en < losing a note of SSO on ibis redoubtable Mr. Hnlihard, wilb a request that I should set Hubbard, and collect it if I could, and if I ituiltl not, io get Hubbard lo make it safe: if he could not, apprehending that Hubbard would di-pale its payment, but, in the event that I! ahhard should not he able, or willing, lo secure the debt, 1 was to deliver the tleo- Isradon, bv wl icb the note was atcotrij.alli ed, in the hands of the < led., have it nerved immediately, and have lii-s employers garni sliced, I a'Cordiligly called nri Hubbard, showed him diu note, which he acknowledg ed was h . but claimed a credit of $35, and made a calculation of interest, found there was #2 di e on that account, which would make tbe not* worth $ >2, then, after taking Hubbard's alleged credit of tbiity-live dollars off. sl7 would be the remainder, which he offered to | sv, piovicicd 1 would give him up tiis note, which, of course, I would not do. I proposed, however, to redeem the .*l7 nnd give him credit for it, nnd write to Mr. .Mor ris in relation to it; nnd told him I find no doubt but Morris would do him justice, but he refused to pay any, miles? ( «on Id give him up) liis note. Asa coufii malioti of w hat he •aid respecting hi* thirty-five dollar credit, lie showed me n letter from Thomas Mortis, 'bind sometime in April Inst, wherein lit; nc knowledge*! <h*' receipt of a letter, written by Hubbard, to his brother, James Morris, “en closing Denman’s note,” but did not state for w-liat i* was received, nor the amount. When I told him that I had no doubt Mr. Morris woo'd do him justice in the matter, I could not help, alter a survey of the young mart, j thinking of what the criminal said, w hen he was about to he tried for life, when he was informed that he would have ample justice done him. “Be Jasus Christ, and that is , la-f thing that I want.” was the reply, so I thought bv Hubbard. Immediately on my jetnrn ftom the orhool house, where llubhard and myself had the conversation, I wrote to Thomas Morris upon the subject, and gave n full detail of facts, and stated to him that 1 did not think it. would be advisable to garni shee his employers! as Hubbard owed the most of them, and die amounts were so small/ that it would all be Consumed in cost, but that if lie felt disposed to proceed in a com pulsory manner with Hubbard, that. I thought it bail would he preferable to a garnishment —that Hubbard hud that day conleSssd that be had money, and I thought a bail Would bring ii out of him. I make this stnietiicn’ candidly, because 1 have set out with a de termination to ay nothing in this eomfiitmi cufiou, which will not stand scrutinizing* 1 gave ibis advice, because I thought it would be the best mode tlmt could be adopted ;S the premises, toget bold of the money fbrftiy friend, who bail sent his debt to toe for col lection. li was the very course I should have, and did finally, pursue, with !ny own debt. I must beg leave to state here, that Col. 4\ ji bs bad no i.jrtn trtrtrtil, n,;fitvr^ than did Julius (>-ar, nor did I, ns his •* tool,” have any thing (y do with it, but act ed iu the case solely on mv own “ hook,” and without any view to Htibliard’s discomfiture, any thriller than was necessary to make him pay bis honest debts. As regards the debt of Cain iN: l ’(>., upon which be w ns held to bail, ami in which I atn iuleiestcd. it will be suffi cient io soy, that be was held to bail oil this case, lor in> other purpose than to secure its fi nal payment, il it could be (lon*. It was well known, from bis own declarations, that he never intended to pay this debt, if lie could avoid ii—knowing, too, that be had “cut grit” from Carnesville, under bitter circumstan ces. of course, wr could have no confidence in his honesty. But there is such a prone ucss iu him to lie, lie could not help indulg ing liis most prominent faculty in misstating the time at which those debts were due. He says, “these debts had been flue only a lew ■ iiuniliH, and Johnson's account will riot be due until next Christmas.” Now, sir, how did it happen, that Morris’debt Was due onlv a lew mouths, can you tel I ? If you cannot, I will. After Hubbard bad ranaway from Cnttii.sville, lie wrote lo Mr. Morris’, that if he would send liis ncfount to Limolnlriti, be woylil settle it; Morris did so; bill iuslettd of ret eiving tho money, ns be bod a light, front Hubbard's letter, in aiitiiTpale, Hubbard scut him a time, for SSO only, w hen the account was lot $.,4 or 55, and that note not due un lil last Christmas, when the account was due flic Christmas preceding, ami when in ( arm svillc Inst, lie basely alleged, as a rea son why lie had not sent a nolo for the full nmmmi, that there wfls an ill in inthe account which was too high, iliougli lit' had given an order lor the best ailiele of the kind in the hmc c, and stated to Ml*. Moiris, tiiat though be had made bis nolo payable last Christmas, yci, he intended paying him the interest. Now, if Morris’ account was due at the time 110 pay hw (fcbt.% \v!:y the* note wfin nor nis /so ! payable firroiriingly. TJie fact wms ho by fliis mnufctivre, flint lie would pm if out of’the power of Morris to trouble him until ('liiihtmus, onti if he was riot pre pmetl to pay then, flint he would hove nn opportunity of running nwuy oguin, before Moiris eould loke miy step# to prevent if. 'I liis was his object, in writing to Mort is to m ikJ liis m count to I,iru olnton, mid to in duce Morris to mend it irninedinfrly, tlwil he have mi opportunity ol playing ofl’ his tii* K upon him—lie made the intptcsi»ion up on the mind ol IMonis, that lie was going to pay the money. Wretched impostor! As ic < :uds the debt oft ’ol. Terrell, it will lippem, by an cxaiiiinnlmu nflhe account, that it baa been due ever since liiihkurd lutifivny In m < ville; and as respects “JuhtiKoiffi,** Hubbard knows that sl7 cf that debt was due last r liiisirna:—that fjflil ol it has been due hinrc the middle ol January, and du l»a! nitre, in the usual way of doing business, would riot be due until Christmas; but \vc al ways have it understood, iliat our necuunls ure due nl any time, when we think one of onr jebtora is going to runaway; ami this was precisely what wo thought of Hubbard; mul the £lll ilue in January, was for goods bought in Augusta, lor vhii h the i ash was I’niil, v- iih a view, that it was to bo refunded immediately ; but lilo all the reel of his prom ises, it tiiineil out to be n fail me. Jle says, "fol. Willis will, no doubt, deny having any tigeney in my being Jailed.” Very nat ural conclusion-—that Col. V\ illts should de ny that of whieh ho was not guilty, is riot at all strange. lie rays, ho was “furred into Jail, Duder rircuntslanoes the most base and unfair, without tin bout's warning, to meet the demands.” Y\ lien, in fart, he had been in the emtndy of the Sheriff'three days, and running nr large nil the wlple, and then not full in Jail until he had positively refused in give security. Hot,in his usnal hypocritical tone, he says, “he was put in Jail lor $175, but if he had been owing Ji.'OO, and was ma “ Itonrsi exertions” to pay, would an v body hate hail him cast into prison for it?” I admit that very few men, if any, would ever put a man in Jail for debt, if he were making “honest exertions” to pay his debts—but, m the e,- me tin e, f would thank the gentleman to let the good people know when it w as that he ever made mi “honest exertion” to pay any debt be otved. \\ as it whet) he made his escape from Carnesville? YVas it when be w ent to Jail, with die money In his j ork rt—sooner than pay tltO'e very debts he had left unpaid at Carnesville, when he rana- [way? Was it when be sent Mr. Morris his | note for SSO, when he owed him $55? Was I it when he made that note payable one vent I offer the demand was due? Was it when he | carried Air. Wyley’s watch lo Lincolnton i with him, and then after getting there (in hie i usual practice of lying) slated, rhor the watch [ was his, and refused to give it up, until tho owner threatened him with exposure, and r» suit in the bargain ? Was it when he was at Camesville last,—where he made an effort io swindle Mr*. Terrell out ofthe pitiful sum of sl9, by telling her that he bnd paid the full amount of Col. Terrell's debt in Wilkes, and requesting her to refund to him the a tnount which Dr. Freeman had paid for him. Are these the “honest exertions” yon make to ]iay your debts, *ir—lf they are, God save the people from many such honest debtors. But fi t me interrogate yon n little farther, up on the subject. When these debts were sent fiotn Carnesville, against you, for colleetion, was it one of your “ honest exertions,” to tfo. •So. 52.