Southern spy. (Washington, Ga.) 1834-18??, October 27, 1835, Image 4

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II %|,. From thr Sete York Farmer. Food in it on raw juiTFSieain «•<! Food. Wc take the following report of exper iment* of feeding pig* on raw ami steam ed food, by Mr. Robert Walker, Ferry gate, Haddington, from the Prize F.ssays and transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland. Wc put up to feed, on the 4th March 1830, five pigs on steamed potatoes, and five on raw potatoes, with an allowance of3 1-2 lbs. broken barley each lot: the barley, for the steamed lot, being steam ed along with the potatoes. They were allowed the same quantity of potatoes, hut, from the circumstance of their being, when put up, only 2 I -2 months old, and from the same brood, we were not able to keep so accurate an. account of the quantity of potatoes consumed, because, as they increased hi size, they ate more potatoes. The following Table will exhibit the improvement in pounds weight. 1833. Weight in I hi. March 4. I jive weight of live pigs, on raw food, 108 Ditto of five ditto, steamed food, - - 10(! Difference in favor of raw food, - 2 " 11). Five weight of five pigs on steamed food, - II! Ditto of 5 ditto, on raw fond, - - 111 Difference in favor of steamed food, -3 “ 30. Live weight of 5 pigs, on steamed food, l3? Ditto of 5 ditto, or raw food, - - 1334 Difference in favor of steamed food, - 134 May 1. Live weight of .> pigs, on steamed food, - 205 Ditto of 5 ditto, on raw food, - - lit! Difference in favor of steamed food, - 30 June I. Live weight of 5 pigs, on steamed food, 27!) Ditto of 5 ditto mi raw food, - - 2,13 'Total difference in favor of steamed food, - fit! In the three months, the pigson strain ed food have increased 273 lh.-. being 07 lbs. inure than double ; while those on raw food have only increased 115 lbs. be ing 7 lbs. more than double their first weight, so that there can be very little doubt that steamed food is more profita ble for feeding pigs than raw food. In fact, the reporter does not think it possi ble to make pigs fat on raw potatoes, without other food when confined to them alone. From thr Farmer fy Gardener. Urml of Cuttli'. The only reason that can he assigned why the farmer docs not find the raising of cattle the iitwst lucrative branch of his calling, is that lie does not pay proper attention to the breeds lie keeps. No point is so much neglected—while it is at the same time generally 'acknowledged that none can he more profitably attend ed to. it" the farmer would sit down and make a careful estimate of the difference in the profit upon a good and poor ani mal, he would readily see the importance of this subject. The writer of this re cently sold two cows of the same age— the one a good, and the other n poor cow. Doth came in at three years old and both have had a calf every spring since. Doth were sold without the calf ——the best for 830 and the poorest for I? 17. Since the sale, I have, as is mv custom, proceeded to “ count the cost,*’ or to estimate the loss and gain in the case. 'Hie following is the result—i sli mming that 2.'> dollars is the amount in butter, cheese &e. obtained yearly from the best cow : that the other gave oulv lialfas much milk, and had poorer calves; and that the expense of keeping was the name for both. cow. Amount in four years in but ter, cheese, «.Vc. SIOO Amount of 1 calves, sold for $4 each, It} 11 for which cow sold, 30 lit! Keeping four winters on hay, Ac. 40 “ “ summers to grass, It! 56 Nett profiu from cow, 00 cook cow. Amount in four years in butter, cheese, Ac. SSO Amount of 4 calves sold for $3 each, 12 “ for which cow sold, 1? 7O Keeping 1 winters on hay, Ac. 40 “ “ summers to grass, It! Nett profit from cow, 23 Now suppose that in-;,nil of raising these cows, I had b. -Ut them at the same for which the Ik s: cow sold—for at 4 .years old both cows had co t uic the same iu raising—l then have a nett prof it on the best cow of S6O, while on the poorer I sustained an actual toss of ft~i. In my estimate I may not have calcula ted precisely the cost of keeping, Ac; but this does not affect the difference, be tween the good and the poor cow, esti mated from ns ultimate hearing upon my purse. 1 only ask my brother farmers to look at this calculation and see bow much they lose by keeping poor cows. <brother stock the same difference uxist between flic good and the poor ; and if those who see this fact as 1 do, will still persist iu their neglect of their breeds, it caii only be through that almost infatua tion w hich sometimes dictates their ag ricultural principles. In my next, Mr. Editor, 1 will briefly give my views on the best breeds, manner of improving, &.c. A Dairyman. From the Maine Farmer, Cows iuililiiig up their dlilk. Can you, or any of your correspon dents, inform me whether cows arc ever in the habit of holding op the ir milt so las in finally dry themselves off? One of my neighbors has a heifer 3 years old: after she calved the prescift season she gave H or !) qts. to a milking, and exhib it'd every appearance of making an ex cellent Cow. About two or three weeks ago, she gave from one teat, which swelled at the time, a small quantity of Curded or ( 'lot ted milk.—Some supposed that she was troubled with the (target, and she has been doctored for that complaint. Oth ers say that she retains her milk or as it in generally termed “ holds it up," so that | now her milk is reduced to Jess than half the quuulity'it was 3 or 4 weeks ago, although the clotted milk and swelling have subsided, her appetite good, and no falling oil as to feed. Any information touching this case through the columns ol the Funner will he thankfully rcct iv and. Carolus. August, 22, 1835. Note. Wo once owned a cow that would hob! up her milk, after the calf was weaned, until she would become dry, or rather ttniil she gave so little milk that it was no object to milk her. This she lid for two summers. Blie is living vet; and is kept for the purpose of rearing ‘-lives upon, she being excclh nt for that | business.—Ed. ( offer. — \|| the collce grown in the M ■ t Indies lias sprung from two plants taken thither by n French botanist, from the botanic garden at Paris. On the voy age the supply of waiti r became near ly exhale ted; but so anxious was the Frenchman to preserve the plants, that be deprived himself of his allowance in order to water the l ’olfee Plants.—Form erly ( (dice could only be got at a great expense liom Mocha iu Arabia. 1 an. Farmer. Honda Sill.-. A\ c have received for inspeetiou, a skein of sewing silk, made by the fair hands of a young lady at her father’s on the \V ateloochey Diver, Ham ilton county, Florida. The silk is beau tiful and strong. It is said to be her first attempt, and owing to the small number of worms, she has only made a pound of sewing silk by way of experiment. 'J'allii/iasscc Floridian, \'.)th nit. I rgrtahle Gold. —The Newark Daily Vdvertiser says—“ The marl pits of New Jersey are among her greatest treasures, producing on her farms the purest veget able gold." Wc like this expression.— It shows that the writer considers that weath docs not consist any moro in the form of gold than of wheat or corn, which is a very sound view of the matter and one which, had it been better understood, would have saved many hundreds of thou sands of dollars in the Southern States, which have been lost liy abandoning the cultivation ol'thc vegetable gold, in order to dig for the mineral, where it was not to he found.— Fhit. Gazette. When, on the death of the Empress Catharine, Paul ascended the Kiissiuu throne, he went, accompanied only by his two eldest sons, the Grand Dukes \ lexander and Constantine, to the castle iu which state prisoners were confined, released Kosciusko, and in the following words did homage to his virtues : “ 1 re store to you your sword, General, askiti"’ to p! :! ;; worn nev r ~ use it against the Russians.” Kosciusko is said to have declined the sword, sav ing, “1 need none having now no moth er land,” hut pledged his word us to the price of his liberty. The C/.ar then in quired whither the released prisoner would go I To which Kosciusko firmly replied, “To America, where 1 shall find brothers in arms and glorious recollec tions.” Circumstantial Evidence. —A few dnvs since, a sailor who had just returned from a long voyage, in passing one of our streets, met an exquisite dressed dan dy, then ill the very extreme of fashion, with pantaloons, asthe Frenchman would say, a little tighter than the skin, which gave to his lower limbs the appearance 'ofcandle moulds or drum-slicks. The tar deliberately surveyed him for a few moments, a:ul although lie hfpi never seen him previously, walked up, and with a serious air, inquired of him if tur keys were plenty in the Now Medford market. — “ Turkeys !” “Know ?” replied the sailor, with i'urk-like gravity, “if you don't know, Imw the devil came vou by a pair of their legs l" —.V. 11. .1. (la-. II eatiitr !J —A gentleman in Vir ginia, bis had a stamlmg bet for twelve oriitteen years, that it would rain on the tirst Saturday in every August. which lie hi: won every year except one. Another gentleman bet that if w ould rain tb. 25th of July, and won it. He -ay, .hat i: h..- iieter faded :o do so !’ r the iust sixteen • Wall •St'riini^emcni. ACGUBTA MAIL, Via Walker's Appling, White, Oak, and W rigbuiwaDugh, DUN. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 5 P. AI. CLOSES, Same nights, at L) o'clock, P. Ml ATHENS MAIL, A ia Cherokee Corner, Lexington, and Ceu trcville, DUE, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 7 A. M. CLOSES, Monday, tVedntsday and Friday, at 4 I*. AT. .MILLERCF.VILI.R MAIL, V ia Fairfield, Kali jiiliim, “arks' B rid ge, (I reen'-- borough, Watson's Glove, and Tyrone, DUE, Monday. M'ednesday, ami Saturday. It) A. M. CLOSES, 'l’ue tlay, Thursday and Saturday at I I A. AI. NORTHERN MAIL, Via Abbeville, Rocky (liver, Church Hill. Calhoun's Mills, Wiilinglon, Petersburg, uud Duubiirg, DUE, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 12 M» CLOSES, Monday, If’rdnejdoyand Saturday, at BA. M. ELBKRTON MAIL, \ ia Dandiy’s \\ bite'.-, Ooosepood, and ATni lorysville. Due— Saturday, at l! P. M. Closes — Thursday, at 12 M. I*OWELTON MAIL, \ ia < ’rawfordville and Baytown, Hue — tVnlnesday, and Saturday, irtH AT. Closes — Tuesday, and Friday, at 8 A. M. LINCOLNTON MAIL, \ in Jackson’s X Roads, Hi K.— Friday, at 12 M. Closes.— Friday, ol 124 i’. M. OC/'’ All Letters deposited in the Roy, by the times above specified, will be forwarded by the first Post. (t?“ Ibe Office will be open every day, (except Sunday, and when opening and clo sing .Mails,) from morning until night. Fi t 1 arts from the, Post-Office, . ■■ “ Aon will receive nothing but specie, e piivalent, for postage.” “Von are not authorized, in any case,-to give credit for postage.” “ it is a violation of law, to enclose or eon- j ceal a letter or memorandum, in writing, in ! any newspaper, pamphlet, or magazine, that j it may be carried free of postage.” “ I .etter postage, is chargeable on all band- i bills, printed or written; proposals, circulars,] written or printed : lottery bills and advertise ments ; blank forms—and upon memoran dums written on any newspaper, pamphlet,or magazine—and upon all packets, that are closely enveloped, so that what they contain cannot lie known.” “ Packets, containing models of inventions, and oilier things of wood, metal, mineral, or glass, are excluded ITom the mails. - ’ “ Mail Carriers and Stage Driven cannot, lawfully, carry out of (lie mail, any l etiTr nr packet, scab and or unsealed, unless received a mile from a Post-t Itliee, to be delivered at the tie .1 < Itliee, as a wav letter.” JOSEPH 'A . ROBINfIONs I’. M. Office EHscomii! &• o>es»o*iii,.(- It'ashingtun, October, 183.A. ( [AVT <>TI *' E is hereby given, (by order oft he i x| board of Directors) that a reduction of It) per cent, is required on all paper riuiniiig in Hank, :u the first renewal after the Ikt January next. Those who wish, may make their reduction at an earlier date. 8 \ ML El. BARNETT, Cashier. October 13 tl It JN Ol R months after dale, application will bo made, to the Court of Ordinary, of Lincoln county, for leave to sell one-fifth part of a Gold Lot of Land, acres; lot It I'd, in the IUIII district, trtHH section, of the Cherokee Territory; (We saKT lot drawn by the orphans of Henry St urges, which fifth part is to be sold for the benefit of: one of the heirs. ** ALLEN K. GURRY, Guardian. July 21 4f! m4in t BN t >1 R mouths after date, application will lie made to the Honorable, the Inferior Court of Wilkes comity, while sitting for or dinary purposes, for leave to sell one negro, ELI/. A, belonging to the Estate of Ella Arm Thrurrfnn, dec’ll. II VKKIBON L. THORNTON, AAlm’r. July 14 45 m4ht B AOl It months afterdate, application will Jlf be made, to the Court of Ordinary of Lincoln county, for leave to sell a negro, be longing to the Estate of David Btonc, dec.— for the benefit of the heirs of said Estate. WILLIAM WALL VOE. Adm'r. Sept 10 3 m fill ffilOPD ..j-suh-altu. 'ilift aj’e-ks : i****i*L- E» be made to the Inferior Court of Wi Ikes county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell TWO NEGRO GIRLB, one named Nancy and the other named Dil cy—belonging to Thomas Francis Willis, an orphan. SAM'I.. BARNETT, Guartßu. Sepwtui rS 11 m4tn GFt Hit. ■ i. W//.SFS tit.'- XT V. ttnr IIF. RK A 8 Jesse Williams N* John V\) 11. Dyson, Executors of Nelson Powell, dec. apply to me for letter*dismis sorv from the estate of said deceased: These are. therefore, to cite, summon, and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at mv office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if any they liav«») why sai«i letters should not be granted. Given und-»r my hand, at office, this24th day of Anri), Irion. JOHN 11. DYSON, 0.c.0. April 38 31 l- A .iis F5 f NT'Vri the notice to sons indebted to him for di sc rij it ions to, or work done anhe! A nerokee Intelligencer establispne-nt, ihnt he wiil receive Bills of anv denomination on any of llwsolvent B; e.!.- - -f diis .-s> a te inrhc ilisi’.arge of their demands, mid 10 pur the! idea fa violation of lh • out of the mies tt>n. he will receive all Bills raider m ool iais. ... :1a Agent of the person pavinsj.aml in no ease aiuhori-tvl to eon ider it a pav " ■ j ; 1 m ■ ;a..r atK -a this i... mwah! Ch-V.'kve C. 11. .May 17-21* j C ROCK EffV, €nS.V*t. » U llOi.ltiHHtß IVW JMt jl ■&*£.. TmE -nibseriherK-iake tflis-mettWvC afill-- formingrihe public;-tttaTtfiew ltnv<ri»v ijnrlly mimhaseditie nek f ti tinaa nnd Sik-we-TJaß*- iu ' bv IP It. ’P VA’LIbU v. ('» . ami but* Taken die store heretntore ivcrtpied liy hern, opposite AT.- srs. ibmviil,afiimmiii»& Go’s. \V-;j re-1 fin 1 -e. Bmarl-stieet; .Vki<oisia— where they intend keeping eonstanily on band, a large anil exiensivc a**»niini-nf of { DR lUffe tMBR Mi CUBIBIi which they ntlerforsnie on die mos-t ativamnv geoiis terms; to niereliants-IVoin die saiinrte and others. Being eonneeted with n large. im]iorTiiug Iraise in Bosion.aiid one of the partlterß- rtrsi ding in ltnglaiid, |i>r the jinqiose of making the best selection of (‘binds, rtiey. ii*H ennlTtlent that thoy-can furnish \V A4P!f. on mrmrnqtuife Iv advantageous with anvoiliermartvcriii die (k Bt;m-s. I’lircliasers are respeetfully tti -all and examine our assortment". Wn.I.I.VM '.VOODBPRNT W f r T*)l. Htmt'2i) -8 Hnr ShitnfT’fF Sdilc.. On the first Tilesday iu Drrnnbrr anT.- Wlhi; lie snldjafthe (TbiirP-fllnise door. in the Town of Washington. Wilke.'. m |! ty j.t-is. >)• - 1 s!4l<*. T Ilf i'ol lo\viri!?^!FMpcTlC7iv\y.: Twi .Wirrnes, -and levied on ;js ilih prripfTly-of niinrnas I>: Mi - Liiitrliiin, so S7.ii>ty «*T ia. from Wilkes Inferior (‘onirr, in tlm iiamefif AVikldiii !». Ileieii -„ —properry j|oiiitr*fl-ont'hv*s»»d nuirnja'ujp 11.- ou moflfeaa !.. \(mmtiih . m . Scjif :*X) 4* tfliir ®amprtlanr?f On the first ’l'm -liny in Harem her' nrrT, X G REF. ABLVIO an ordernf die Ulirior jLa*. aide the RiferioirtSouri ofAYilkesivoiii-- ty, when ordinary jjiirposiw.-wiil he sold, at the (bmrr-linn e, in rriewmt (imiH\V One But of Laud, Nn. 202.eiotli lliisiiet, Prigiunl! v I.i' - , now tSt await '•oiuuy—lLn;) erty of John J. riliarinau. JI’H+HE G ViUL/VAYAAM.-Giiaitfiaii.- Heptemher I 52- v2in C*mmTinn. J .+ male.- n«l!i-bo • lipforo* tho (' untb llimw* dnor, of. fiilirolii (*rH!)iiy,-.iHT?‘f“rihi\Y :m ordorof :he ("dim of < )fiiinary <>f aid-ommiy, A'tmct’of Land, whorpon Vo*rk now iivo*, ndjottiimr in<iraiu <%-'Uiiom.*is' Dhllas, and others*—to hp of tile children of said VMirk.- X.milfr \Wtt3Sv GiwrtlTir- Fh'pt'lTT w^ltis tijNi’cr.lors’ ,‘. ;iSt - .- (9h thf first 'fih stlny in : I. lie sold, at the Court- House, lUalu ” ’’ Town of AVasiiiiigtiiii, The L.VM Dand N .A IU Mx-h- belimyii - ; to the RsUttC of.lJdiit Biinleft; dee’d. DUmmiWi Bnu»l m (Kerns. J A.MEH-Gi-IHnniE’U'K.lCW’r.. (Act IB _ t(=3<: K.Y'C(MII »*V ! ;i !(•;- Oil H'rdiirsihiy, the 3,/ IIIr min r~ : : -it. VT'ILL be sold, at the residence of 'hes-uii-- ’’'e sr-rdier, all die perishable prnperrw bclimgiiig to the E.-thte of .li.ltn B. diinc>r». deceased. (Ah a credit of twelve -iiioiiilib>- J'VCOHIMF BB Vi(t«i. Rx-tri !h right'.oflns icijf.. <'><•l H _®w2lns BLwttuioitff Hiiik:. On the 17 !h dhu o f litrfanher .u-.vt. 'SjCfJLI! be sold, at the restdeiieo iifTUis * ” Mai v Fraser, I'.ineohi county.. (d«n,.aß die Real Estate of Arthur. Fitwer; deceased; cnnsistiiigof Lands. Negroes, lUirses; Hogs ; .(r at lle.JCorttt. Fedder, (Alits, llimsehold and KituHcru Rntt-- tiiiure. t+ule tti eoniiuue IVoin ilny- ri> ding, until all Is sidd. m a Lilß\ (HI ft • : W .VDDIBMNV FlI irtHIU Sx rsi ' Obt B- .7> w2)n .\klmimßprnntirß- Strihr.. On thetfirst 'Vnemlay in l^ovemi/errarrt(. flpl-.B he sold, at die ffimir.Ulniei of ”” ("mtvfortl eonurv,.'igreeablv to muirtlbrr of the liiferior < r oMrt oi \Vdl.eo>teuimy,ssjittug for ordinary purposes, Otie Hot of Hand. .No.-Bri in tln-2d-llistrter;. originally lltuistbri,now KrtiWM cvuimv— as the properry of \V o. \\V-ilker;.d<i-’d. iLAr the benefit of the Hcirs-aucLcniiitors;- 'Berms on tlicdav ofssle.- iIIHAM'AM- W(h»A>BTJttN\. AAtiti!rt. (Mtt! T> tllsys A-tlininiwmaHrrt- .DiUU;- On thr first Tursday in 'iuremlier aisgt. A tRMiK.V'JHiVi thanonterothtlo linntimv >‘a. bin the ISili rior C i>ntgif AViilhiseonitty.- when sitting, for ordhurry, iiurposes;. will:be sold, at tlie ill '.YarnnotutW. X [.lot of Hand. No. oJO. Tsh !lt«rit-r;.oriip-: j--s ’* ■ lime- uhtid s- IH Ml | ■ ipt o-deo'd thr. lie hem-fit if die lieirs-and ertilitorft-of -aid ie eensed. 'Derms-e.iiH; .It )SM ;iM( : (7 A’BTRKnn.. AM infix- September (I ,ijht2ltn JJktrtittt;. A 11 n person- indebted to die- Rstiati of j'R Thomas Nupier;- dee.,. Inti» of AVillaw i-omitv. are re<|nesHii to make iinntwHam; iav-- tiietit; and those having- claims- against' sjiiih E-tate. wili hand them itt.qpnpertv.-innlieiru tientul. within the time prescribed.’hv. law— V-. G. AAlmltt rifi-rlt' 1 To n gs ;) mi rn. n • riusm - <. mr y,v. 'gg: H'H.V RJt :NF.rt-..of:du HlJJfi ilHs;. .11 dL- <7. AL. toils liefore me. i Gvav '.limy, aisviu It) or II years dd.-Hli i-tb+or 10 iiieii— ixs high.-branded or 'ear on theiigiit dun lid err. and a 1, nor on one lif 1 ler s-idiw:: aupmse.l. liy. F. C. Huniion and Miitliew- i?. Mhriev.. at' Thirty-five Dollars, dime bh. Ibril.T.. ;{. (k-RRR.W.rg.jg. Trne-extraet from tiie .Miiom-s-.. (•i veil under mv hnn 1.-thi- 373 ti of .Brne - !BSS. ALFRED !.. HfifllßNN ...' June 30 GF. OH-fi-' !, WllJiJiuilS e d)u~ V 7 , 'e JOEL B. 9CTT(SS, of die i'tmdi niet, G, AT...toil*-Itciore me,, one ISHri; Bay .Mile. ..or t (-years old. a nine”. V.i part under or mn’!;.- ;. anprm-e , iniiies ATaitliew- .aid Martin Akin rows, sit riHii- IV Dollars—this 25th Nor... 1F54. fU AIIVF.ri R. tin FKNx.j; *- True ext met from the Minnies. : v •; = JTi.’v 28 17. Tv JtamK3«n»'»u HaflUnr*. \\ w'Mneik* ux ■ -Imr TW O **,: mfe Aou-me'mwfi 'TasUws. •uHnlovunenr.. .-and Üb-imtl wiE b* «m. - linmuiiK o<>‘.«iya<-fci. &f, f S sf Mjom* fmr Sait. Tim: -taiswgtiuer tor IJRRI a iswiflflanll tu - The •■mi.-te oravr.-.tssiOsm.-u.oti.,&siw admit »! tlkvix :m!„ iiim* ,*ir .hiwr ttsuee wf 'W «:h si, hunt ,mrt! !improve toon v-.. 0 aui w iilin* to sell the ptf—nr i*m>p •%»? if\«hv>-rir. &e- 'titgether x|( (C’aW*c-!K»tgs»!li | itr>ies- and Wiir.suiUtto* (Runt! AH-tvgtous:- itllinN ILii'iis-: mil hwui'-2&h> Jt> xtijy>£> ijniiMsiimriWfinwn.vwosiwtt. aud-ehMotiu.- of’ jumnetisi;:—, etui exrsro itueilic, ;m*tl ißowntaiu th- wims. w stifilietnionmo 'XATSIAX TEAIITT- S)’ 4 ts etitwii Sfr fVNMI the the tSLj lltiii uMiuut.i \* —— Fe.ioivt yv? IMHIK. • .voted matt, f oriil ur £3 v ‘-it's oft'ee-: -*earta-ew«6-nntiW:: alitttir.S feeC, ■‘"'ir Mbtudheelbigih::list- leihetinoh much dis i%m*di Hw •»! .s>nK..«K>.tstntiKi! Uy a bantu when ;l«nliiiitt- V*H>’ll\ -ttlnnit :2V years of age: wra<|ii-*et>rt!. w.ijlrthit‘l-. tips; wild,.widow ntUwaatriL Tb>-y w<*rte imsse-c in if'iixrtxittf illisMkrt, :S. f\. and vwilli jirftrtftivtty" *miKn'<»»nt«aMwimi»kwitii. Any person ;tq[|mtbowilii»j:nhesjmiie-.-luiit xnilinui' stti«m iiu :a.aai«'i'wU, -so -that 3 cos get thaw. ttwriiv* :n i»uw!«(t us application ttr:nNva»ti!,<trW .h- ill''.\V;C'uu«».. t'.amtlon, <*.l*. .Horn - u wlllm:. (O-r.- jft*. tL«tr : . 7 St* «f ‘itpmrtMrjntfi tp. mara AY- £E- Tit.'.WßKKsw, havfcjt JX'3 litwvrne rassMoraJetl '.vr-iilb in* iu the .geu i«r:U‘. iimwstt.-tHid inmmrgemeiittwftbe Attsrmrtu (tHrr»ri<-fl‘:-ii- vwdlh tfmnt ttbts -date, anti 3i#» vvtiirdhik>tthv ffisristt'rtbt' wjitthmK, be pub lix-Uedl Ihy &• J*.. AY. if’- r« x»>!t»»lCrrtl!lbtflWSSiji«t!(sK‘ /.towreiltttriiiWsis.ut site 'HH<>’iKw»tnirt|iisi»n* sstiftiis Att“iMtarl'hs»n iWfctWinpwrtnU'y vijnsjnt*. :*V%«w ii»itnn«MriU''iiteHtniilh:.liK>t!tHKcs!>»f>:.'t*> eoHect ttin 'ii iass.-HtU: ‘lif—. Wt'ilU* 1 iost sen r»f* ]jwp:tk*rtftfe- Alt rpnnutis ; iiirtl*Hiitit!jii | rl!iis'(!iil''..:iw.ill»mtlore, eswn»nttly iin«|iestt‘Hlth» itudbeiiitttneUiute ,s«*'.:t«ttwit. B'SJJS- .3 'l'sirt'- <SBti*rsSs C-«rt3.r.'UStrt ■ esasCSeeU jpqjs»w !is iwsiutet? tiai-y mttl itsme .ill- itsiiox-ai . vy.-in: iU'-Ic-' u wmnlU -llwiing lb uttar six rlinrutisi-,iiitl!;nsi:itit*}r||rtl|»riis :• '.met'. sK.—kly iHuiiwptb* yisiTC- '{'tie ll;,.: . :tt imnniu ■'iSiitrr ■ ..rnmsi" —r titwtMt*.w«t}Sil v . at •*S».ißirt(;li»t\w«>'i'lßx ,n r '-ft. 'Him '‘"'UB-r'.httliiiUiilutii-.'mkWsx ntjUtowwit, itiiatis'iisiumwfvssnry ixyiivv si **t' :lu‘‘ itHmttwlariit Ibas :ihshw«o. S!l*e e-.Str«rs. li(nvi‘’.v>rj,rttsuirsssum: tii ; k jwtnrtK. that, tur :nnl!i>nrmmxt<tntl:ii’!«mmtu»(u it w ill iitsKlin. aw| janswi! !»»y -ncy |jra[nir in the Strutlu Imwnipiiusitfc :tdE(ltitinail usimji'rnwiib for«ib ; iaihii)pll»t!BSlt'.;tt:ntws tmmaiw>.tHL|Mtßti«.’ar :»«* xwHl as •nmsnwttsistU AU ;px«i;ieal ami 'Mmimiifiial iiinettimmt.*:. v-i!' ;tf)—cir in tue iitiweejpqinwsijHlWiSio.'tF.i:; tiii; xtli 'lllitt .tiit.trJ--IriHleritifn: - jtv tn iiii!irs»r\ . iiUllsttia:.USluntit«t;i«»ili(etT r -n.—r iH«-ifr.|frj(f«rr.iftr>rt^{mti;it.-is»t.:tii«rr iviutt a;ri mi _uii‘itmj.';iiTUfm»s. niitl rtoitbsenvc ati • ot-Vjuumrinct*;. wlliniiutiißy rfwtpeeUußy .xiltcit iVTwnMtiisnH‘lU«v'-,ritKt»nfc'.i;t,«-u—ia. (Cir.sni & B'aoju'sctx. \ViCJi«ta.t<!>irt- Ur lUiS- .5 iCr*ll;trf»st»lljy \ntlnmirttiis [tswsiiwJns will 'if iJ'i’/’iv—ii. ii.t'.i'.iiK--:;—'ttit ||rr.ici;je siiiwcji lb'mjv,-nul!i«tlit>i«s > vji|[ .timSsr'ti [iivtst, by [ila '•iii!ptife!!r7i»ii«f<jHß'lis! sxmt'i;i>;ksiU':uuits|ilace iiuttsroiTiisrti'te.;onliiiiE.rtrrtiu'4;ti(e sttmve *&w,T::xi-<*iLv .aMfi^nrc (»»H>SU»RIt.IKS!>!».!' TrntKTVSSXIS.Mi (..Mill tEDIiK. r ***S4. SSI. lfhtitlsth*illiyftlh' ,'&ttd)tin iEemrdi iComfittttg. ■Sim- U 7. (tiwiirt-ftittfet. ll'iiilsHififsiaie qjieoutir/jeil l*v site Jt- :lliiu«riiH"irevi>idt.m arir inimm «w --(inimttirn rtllr ttiL\Hi|£3ViiU»ell«ir; the year fnwt, «u ••jww.'-mieitist. w.iMk ivitiiitene.weif ossidiiitv; mnil\v<iitii.'riie«rsunmtiii‘'srterti>tfiiliit tbe (rronii ses-imulieiiuilise.miss*:: itfitbciwntti. We iu tl‘r»ii'“lli>sft(s‘k!i>'.injntwit;:''.:n:iiiSiM*eKve'Jbose ii"li»t|iß«f!i»lllbrtUyiiiii«swtl iu» -.isritb then it—rtill and fdeas m«- TTiieiWl/A fJ rfi/M dhall stiU be onr nl>- cftr-nidl nim- WVnti«tmirt;frrestune so iiwsntct ils« wenmm .ttnii >eirutiiie —riniiar, who Iras symrrrtlimky.tnitiny years in .lib suiiiv.—nor He liny, t|)(enrth..<o. iiiiUdemn«.ys»eries of nulure, ' •—.TSjwt! ilhe Ifcwi#itbe-tnost in i|!ii«itive. .'Aor,th>iwer«tpecsTo anproarlh m nieimtiethe :tmi«rn itiTioilier;pitmels. os so teli ivitemeilb ‘trees, rtjie hitds. anif nnimals, \v4u(djiiiwav itiorre arn»«;, trr live ami move.— '.Well enve sSltdh ".'xsrsmrilisrniy iteats -to-those wfhi .ttremrirrewuii.mtnty.-irr niirreitiarin" lhan \wt;sne. iliittiWt :h.i»! isttendro keep up itirS'dinsTwetcriimdsfisir of the .Itorrastimr. ir. jiressattfttip sojhd ,-nud attidios. which initxyihei»ismu’-’ti«t!Si':Oi|«riiiii{i.o[' our readers, iiiiill rinrt .«n>!£!E(ieieti • , ‘ l hil!iy uciiiij iirtant tn littirmyy rnam- Wit wtsstiier Jlte v.fc ltr Ta’uetl rtitmesmsiutritidlii, nait outs esc’u siiviiy;: -ant! ww ,tw4j. -tiie invar nf-jicKaos.itf itiwit. :imlf sei ::.-to '.imuuiteat'j ini|nrtant llaeht-.nuilinmirrtil seenes. ami vvonl*s of an. liintliwiireTsetittiiiisiU uur.SiiettlJs. As repubii ivomr swreilwHtlltatinre are taniiiv ;usitin.«« :inithe .in tlte West—ris tSieiilfefnt'iin)irri\veirwti;. .f;' wood suorais anil jp-i.-i nhrtirt- someitumiiy. 11l v.e can do anv thine tduins.iri' increase and itren-srii’et this he recilv to :tie- mad! .wirth:” W« ■winin'edlirUre.att-rxti-.rn of onr subseri 'ojt. -ti die icjiis- oftia am! so the rmdi’Seln.•fine Ifcsu: nitni 'e - Teraliup r„ (he stile iv;.. U’ ..very iinii turns'to us.-to know who •jmy.-si -ii '.otiiimo takico .Vu ecntiue. ami t toire-oiive: the wcry small eat:;, it sir.rßlWutm. -AhitetOtrs as. litmiuiuuinwthias irorr. .Am nt. .nm'.ntmns iiwi rr «s«r wm. Aeiive ami .Bsapoosioie A . -irts. r.‘*:o t ewtnsue ti iditain siWerlhifis. in States. (€—ittiies.. ir-Tlstncis, v- HI with iihernl cßiefiiK»:renttfßt. V ■ ■ ii - itirxv rre}oT*rir—s. (C?*”'’ r »« il'i.«:tS2P-or- •tio-'KomtatßC. Ls re tHbwwwt' ioor:.rf','. «.•- Riiiioii Attatat.vwia'\Wih h;*. iof.-'>>iurr Btn.otiontu.s.-. um. tntiwiJb i«tf each munibr .it tie ie eautietl Ur ? «a.aaßn®. A 2 -’ui. ibunen; 3htj;tenm«: tSbSSi. T 3? For or Resit, THE aud LOT, sil <*rT, tiate o*i the West side of the Pub* tie at presentixtcupied by Jun es Lv nes am! liauiel B. V.'a- Verb- 'Use. The building is suitable for afanii- I v. these Lt tutors the premises a kitebea with .ei er ueedihl out-liouses: the lower rooms have been and niav be used as store rooms. Jt tll.N L>. THO’iIPSON- Oet id 7 it r/* .tfiFf* \i»ftj.vr,s For Saie. tL» THE Bbt'KIBER oitbrs fir **s *jigß t'otutuldu Couuty, siruate at (lie f irks of three roads, viz: Colum bia, W ;i.'hn—tori, an ! Abbeville, seven miles above Augusta, suid kuow tt as a public liuuse, at. 1 ati excellent stand lot a store. The L>. ■ I'l;ic [louse. Kitchen, tttablcs, ami other buildups, are iu good repair: the fen cing iti like toutliitiMU This place has becu acknowledged to be one of the healthiest wiliin jtl miles of Augusta: on the premises is a first rate spring of pure w an r, and within a few rods of the stable, a good weft. The whole tract of land consists of dUlll acres. Persons desirous of purchasing, can make application to N. K. Buth-r, (Augusta,) Tur ner Clanton,, Es»[-, Columbia County, or tho Subscriber at Washingforu JAMES LYMES. October 15} 0 s}t Coo slit uttuoalis t w ILL publish the above weekly till Ist Mov. £ 3 n oxi*i:c tis. ‘ mi? E undeisigued, Polish National Com- G rnittee iu the t aired States, propose publishing au historical account of the Polish emigration to these Cuited States, under the title of " 77:»- Pub'S m the L nikd States of 1 Jinericu,” tube prefaced by a short statement of the history of the late Polish Revolution, ! and to be aect uapaaled with a u then lie vuuch • ts connected with the residence of the Poles |iu this country. Form iu t*v». Subscripdioa price -l, payable oa delivery only. The Committee b- fug sensible of the ad v outages otic red to the Poles, by a sertlemeut it' this favored lan 1, the proceeds of the work, ! idler defray it: g the expenses of publication, will 1 1- »{tp‘i*--' in aid of the colony on the Rock Fiver, State of Illinois. MARTIN KttSII'.MKtEV. ICZ, i : u.ix uvvix cz i : v. ski, ISr. CHARLES KRAITSIK. Sew York, August, I'hjj. 0 3f* Teseessef Farmer; Tc be [iu ’.dished in J>. .-.. 'larough-, K. 'Tennessee, Hs ;■ rt&ttnoas iir--.c?i. This pg;.- r will be chieliv devoted to the fits ton of agticulfural tnferruation, embra •• eg the mode of preserving, restoring anil increasing, the fertility of ttie soil, of cultiva ttig,harvc.-tia", preserving, and economically n dig era;-, of grain and grass, and of rearing live stock. A small portion of its columns v • • • * subjects> ■ imei-ted with t!;e <it' .Agriculture, as Internal lutpmveiu-ut, anti discoveries in the nrls, aili.'ctltig the interests of the Eatrcer atitl Pointer. Short articles, calculated to enlight , e;i the understandings, and to improve the morals of tire rising generation, anti panic u- Earl; to |w arose lire pmnn of what may fco rial .' agcWultmal vurtwes, iutigri v. will he occasion ally f ta tin colutuus t.f the Farmer. TER y- S —‘i’lit paper will lie printed (hr file pri seut.ortcc :l month, in octavo tbnn,un a sup- oval sli'-vt, am! g, 1 type, at iu idvati i. . and ut the ettd oftheyear. It v. ill be carefully forwarded to suh.-ertbers by mail, ns may be directed. 7he postage within the trrtale will be only twelve cents nud on none more than Id cents per armuni- Thc fast number will appenrisr tire course of the present,nr early iu next mouth. All payments made v.ithtu three mouths ufo.-r tilt receipt of the first number, will be om-itiejed in advance. Xo Subseriptiou w til be discotttjptied bnt at (he option of the Editor until all arrearages are paid. All letters ami comnmuications, r-rnst lie addressed to Thomas Kir.metsoa, Jonesbo r»ogh, K. Ten.: and, unless tiausmiltiug money, or the names of subscribers, must have the postage paid. ..TOTEFE.- The first Xuniher nfth^ Tm> M-jSSEt F .VR.wra, from causes whirfi w ere stated in the second Number, having been wretchedly printed, the Edikir,iu compliance with the iutimatiou then given, has at con siderable expense caused tt to be re-printed, and now presents a copy to each of those w ho have hid term subscribed. Ir would have teen highly geatityiog to him, had the increase of patrunage been such, as to 1 ave enabled him to iiavc procured new type and new- materials on winch to print it. It will, however, bet faun:; to correspond in appearance with the succeeding no timers of the Volume, and he - i'r.o‘l the steady increase in the pntron t be l bled tu procute such materials in time tor the second volume. In that event, the public may test assured, that no ext rtions on his part ahull b. spared, to improve its "ypogrrphjcal ; amuev . w nat is of still greater eon emiencc. to enhance its utility. To those y-ni ic::c.n who have exerted themselves to c re turns his thanks and solicits a eouiinuacce of those exertions. Os all the friends to agricul tural improvement in this and the adjoining States, who may believe that the general ami extended circulation of the work w ould con r.iottre to that dtsirahle object, he respectfully solicits similar exertions. Os ail the friend* to agriculture, he earnestly requests, that very important aid. which they have it in their power to render by the communication of any agricultural knowledge of which they nay he in possession, not possessed bv the ci'tut:utility in general. If(husaided, heec tertaius nt> doubt of being aLle to render the Teanesso- ! artner a mostetli -ienr instrument in pr ing the interest ot'tlie country—, J :•> ■ : -i the id and 3d numbers, having a -o been ex'..:: -:• !, the Editor is eanwh.g m t.. he rt-prialcv!: tiiev w ill be comptet ;m a to-, v • ,*.aad will" te trans mitted to such rib. a-have not been, httisnto furnished vi. ii :::. and to all -ucli c-w subserd.-er- as tnrtv desire to possess the fi«t volcr - complete, ,o long a- any coj ii s tvmaic : bn; a- t ie number re-printed, vw!l on:y be equal to —. eg the succeeding nun.- ti- v ishing t . ha', e a complete copy of the ii:-' vii.uuk . v* wti! 'li well Iu male -arty apt'i— - . •;.. ,h»erwi-e,tt may probanly oe iv: .I— ; ower o; !.,Ut‘»r tti snppiy ■ *,t .. t.l.i be *n great, *- to iuirKfrtins?!;-. expense ELANix'“—rna i_u_£ ax tejs oxficx.