Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, September 29, 1868, Image 2

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[fce Homing j,iB^ The Nashville Banner with an account of a most occupies two columns lost disgracefulnegro Largest Circulation in City and Country. 1 TPiHftlY, SKPTKMBEB 89,1803. loot; t dBlpr ATice General FRAJVK. or lassoiqEL , t y r Hon. ForCongress, A. H. 1TA STfc E LI/,* ? OF THOMAS COUNTY. i . An Hjj /f jj®*Por Ship Hi Fourth Page. .*h ihti> [From Our wdiornif tdUfWI M TO OlJ'R PR1KSDS AND THE WIBLIC. In presenting ite piper tifi®~ triorMfc^* to its many friemte and- patrons- ini its new - on Tuesday night last The" chiefly of rascally dissolute - _ . MlMa4ba^iijj£ 1 g^jthe“Aldeii or carpet-bag elementoftC^ScBeaF :< lead by~a carpet-bagger byJhe name Jfpi of dpusuNG, who holds the ofli®'oLPoliqw £ Commissioner. This riffraf was formed in proeestnon sa^~nmrchttl through the streets £gth torses find arm^A wit^ pistpls, sliooi Lows of the houses, and setting the awn- on fire. ’ Getting -into a difficulty with some negroes who occupied the side-walk, at random upon the on with a people, and finally' coming procession of negroes belonging to the oppo- ■ kite party got into a general melee, forwtime- iriRVing night hideous with the vollies from .their pisUfis> &&&&, «frdj*Ws.: A Reporter of the Banner,, describing the com- ncement of the disturbance, sny^Jt® M M [From The Redl The extra sessh triumphed, and the ont their programme. ' of the weather, fjtotr did not carry It was postponed “on " which looks stormy in Georgia that the n^gro next step upwards, bnt. ipsa, - ’ “ 11 after pur governs jn-ooin otaies. When yon declartfthe negfoShaU vote and hold office in Georgft agaihsHie rifll of the people and the Constitution of the State, the very Mine rule applies in Pennsylvania. For the Ead- gnu In the 4th Hon. p] H. M. Tereer, (colored.) r letter was picked up on the city. On the principle (jf apmo^riatfi^'; L .A . VlAlt Jjt nment, am SPECIAL, \m toe um n 8 three thousand readers. KlerdBAi et Id remark that it is . fer and' JefE : L the leaders of the Ea - -‘I dn.v j, .j every Kadical organ as leaving the question of suffrage to the States, mow, KJilri’n JUn ll-t li'.i «Ago *I re.. published a call tor a new- State Convention in GeorgiaJip^fe Imposed groes. It was only yesterday that tare Post of this city asserted the full Radical doctrine, "extending it to' Pennsylvania. ‘The most ignorant native voter in Pennsyl- • ‘The most ignorant native voter in rennsyi- or compel its Legislature to repeal its out rageous acts. * * The call for a State 1-1 ,■ ™„,,wn rl rT Convention, issued by the expelled colored “A pistol shot was fired in the procession. i shot was succeeded by one irregular vol- field engagement npede of the torch bearers in every direc- dred thousand Ly one hun- yoters of Georgia are from its fOUh datum to especially since my connection fissure them that in trieJEuture, as in the' no pains or expense wilLhe spared to make iva growing importance of Savannah, ana cal culated by tone anil appearance -to, reflect c*dit upqnlwpxf UttsH J«a slu'iMJE. It observed thatl have resumed the oia-mirto'^ doing «tl would remark thaij. only that the paper may have a more simple nanfif - and not that I am wiliingot W«h topMt^th a single paragraph' of the history of the Savan ts att Daily TTr.ttATxi dflthe Daily News And Hebaxd of 1866, ’67 and ’68.. rln,- th'e change of name tbero wjll be. no change; irrthe course of the paper. It will continue to. advocate rer, ran screaming into the friendly, door ways at this juncture, which added to fhe*-gei#sm3 hubbub. The firing became general, lasting for some minutes, the negroes scampering in all directiomfeiga^^y^fttfjPon.^jpAe. crowd .allied at or in front of Hollister s res taurant, where others joined it from the , streets intersecting at this point. A rush wa^ ■- • made.fb^tjie saloon,^ dooffi of which were : promptly close 1* tpg* r&c&j a: foe_to_ that party whlcJ ruin of the country by its violations of the ■;i£raaia,jfc « mrsoBaatbrn Mo; the of office and the workshop, the clergyman, the merchant, the lawyer, the mechanic and the fabfeer ; An! by titeUigieit d^epes^tnj of^ujjp devotion to all things cfdcnJated^ to advance the interest of Savannah and the section from wMch‘our city derives its support, to, receive frdm all classes hearty encouragement. Col. W. T. Thompson continues as editor and wm as her^tpfoife^deyote ^iSj entire tention to its editorial columns. The loiab arid 1 commercial ‘departments of the News will be in the hands of active, in telligent apd courteous gentlemen, and it will ‘bexrifainlto iridko thd piper in; ffeSCje^- ticular branches full, accurate and reliable. , Again returning my thanks for - die more _ ^thim liberal support which has l/eeri extended 1 social and political equality. And ’ teethe establishment in every branch, and with a firm determination to make every personal sacrifice to maintain its reputation, I am,' very respectfully,/ • j J. H. Estux. ■ V» LETTER SHEET PRICES CURRENT. AVe issue every Friday morning a Letter »'Sii&et%4fcesk3tifT0li£‘ containing the latest reports of this maricet, a comparative state- ..ineut of cotton, i)n<f other reliable tables. Merchants’ cards insertedin all drders fdr : ten ~ 'Copies or more. Specimen copies can be had t Qpnjifeiggot^ tViiLQQjJ 'THE PACIFIC RAILROAD AND THE - " ’' ' 1 SOUTH. - OTTCOO'I c.k: TlieTNew Ybrk Herald^says that, one consequences of the completion of-the rific raifroaidATaiY b? to make the South - ctl^tB a^e eyer-w^, in the pulmiest days, she does not tlurow away the Herald .continues./. ^ ^ safe to calculate that laborers : It is China wiU come' over by tens of thoi and swarm into the Valley of the Mississippi,' themselves over the Plains, and work ’ spread their w 'td supr way into all the Southern States, there of colored labor, which, r supply the place owing to the present system of miscalled re- construction, is not available for .half its nominal value. _It is .just this kind of impe tus which the South reqnires to develop its .! neglected wealth. It has rich lands enough; and a soil and climate’ so' varied, ttmt every product Lknowu to .the American .continent . can be raised there. It has a magnificent - t?water-power, equal to any amount ofrmaniiA, factnre, running wastefilUy to the Gulf of Mexico. But the South wants labor and cap ital, and when the former is abundantly sup- plied, so that the Southern States have help dig' out thfeir'oWn j t and. ntaamammas jssl . . - ;, laborer, to work the mines, to put the water- vr- Qbwer in operation in. cotteii factories, for- F naces and machine shops. ~ All that the Herald says about the resources I very-true.; l{ uor for the .Bnt' promptly el ose friotei jam in the doors but could not succeed. - iey broke ont the front windows, however, pi* instil; down the d—n shebang ?” Frequent threats were made to bum the [or'A time;, the greatest excitement prevSUed-’^Urert* JeafcMIjfcei^ oy e. ment and fighting, the Thornbury negroes against th« tawpghfewhjte^ f engaged, 1 ^ order •^wSs^MaU^Te^DiSa. ^3^1 killed and wounded at majority of'the nation for which Jackson would have fought, and to avenge which now Here we have an insight into the Radical scheme. Congress has not ventured to put it in execution, till after the Pennsylvania State election, Three d^ys nftef jjLCongreM business—the business war Be the^Presiaen-’ tial election. H' the prospects are black, they will try to lighten them by calling in the negro. He will take charge of the electoral voteof the Soutii under machine; just set in motion HTGeorgsL to by "Shendfitr and , . will then be claimed, too, that the negroes in ~ " the Baruvx. sums up the killed and wounded at have shown, is broached already in the Radi- it S ^ i*h,Ve tnhst fiot forget that all the plans and negro suffrage in Tennessee. . W Vi. i _J- IaINCOUN’S views. Let the negro suffrage and negro-equality creed: ,v fW<: I wiU say then, that I am not, nor ever have KStfss negroes ; nor of qualiiying them to hold office ; nor to intermarry with white people ; andX wjllsay in addition to this, that there is 7 ffie white and • black raceif which I believe will forever Torbia ' the two races living togethor on terms of aality. And inas- L as much as any af kayag-It^e su- iic/ned to the white race.— Lincoln. much as they cannot remain together there other perior position ass Speech of Abraham In another speech, Mr. Lincoln said : I have no purpose to introduce' political or social equality between the white and black races. . .There is a physical difference between the two, which, in my judgment,' -frill ptriibfibly forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality ; and ii^asqiuch^, it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, ■ I am in fiivor of the race to which I betoug having (he superior position.—Abrahehn Lincoln. ' ' ’ 1; ' :t i '■ the utterances of Abraham About the same period the North American protested: “A Republican trinmph at the pending of the present members have been renomi nated, and will be re-elected- * » « Our platform, at this time, is to be found in Lthe- cons&filtiooaf amendment proposed by Congress, and already ratified by two or three . States, it dogs not include negro suffrage.' 1 " It*is at' onr ‘October Smte-'election that the voice of the people should speak its con demnation of these double-dealing Radicals, and their schemes for ruling os by the help of the negro, assisted lby “Sheridan and a division <tfj,veterans.” A pretty specimen, truly, pf tiie negro, Radical, military des potism, iii place of'thfe'hide glorious insti tions of our country., ■; .a ; ,l< .,i n 1 ' ’ 1 F. — .. I . These were Lincoln,‘‘find Are living and abiding,‘in the same Vigor ns .when he utteifed them, t They: were never altered or modified by him. The Radicals claim, notwithstanding this physical difference, arid notwithstanding the difference irirace iidticed'by M#;- , lfiilcolibU»ottt‘pdlitieiaj and social equality for the negro everywhare-r- hence their clamor for universal siffiroge, and Congress or tie 1 and capacities of the South is veiy 1 is also true that tee South deeds labo development of her dormant wealth. we doubt very :much whether it would -be~ - 110 T" ey are . W,JJ,D S' says policy ofi the part of-orir people tolntroduce ^ imeS ’ * to ma ^ e a sacrifice » lm<1 “ wait .The another race bf heathens-, amongst us. ; present mixture in .almost too much for peace and comfort, and we . doubt, whether a ming- ling of the Orientals with the Africans would hotels, 'theatres, &c.~ Not only so, but they assign them a superior position, as of the su perior-race in the South; by conferring the right of suffrage on them and disfranchising the whites. Mr. Lincon said, “7 main favor of (he race to which I belong having the superior position.” White men, ponder well these things before you vote to perpetuate negro equality or superiority, by voting for fanati cal. black , Republican candidates for ^Legislature:—Phhcklel- phia Age-Yi'> < ' t ^ • ■. . , •, v>u Disrara^MaaMJ.EApiafmML—T^|JS^w L^nk Times, in its Washington correspondence, ‘ gives much credit to those it colls .“Southern ( members of Congress” (meaning the itinerant carpet-baggers), for-waiving, for the present, - their demands for farther and more stringent legislation against _ttie South, in view of'the fact that “the satisfactory condi tion of the eanvass in the North to the Repub licans might he jeopardized by additional le gislation:” “They are willing,” says the un- til after, the election.” This is noble of the carpetbaggers, and the Times promises them that it shall be remembered to their credit The country, they say, is . suffering for such help the^matter. However, we live iri a pro- itepslation, but their pariy may be injured fry eip . ‘ • - . ■ - it, hence the interest of the country mast be gressive age, and as we are no longer like onr ’ J .forefathecs; the master and regulators of onr own domestic afiairs, there is no telling what may take' jiMfe Iff n few years. We would r ~- prefer to rely upon the negroes whose lot has been cast upon the same soil with n^.and ; iriio’maBt Kv/jmd^Hi^ilkMi ndlfcjtdierniri, and gvejheirpiaqes to others. If they will only go to work arid be peaceable, follow the a "advice of their tree friends,;imd turn} away' • - from the corrupting inflnencesiand inqendia- ry teachings of the vile carpet-baggers, who t axe using them for their own selfish purposes, 5-’ a. we would rather stand? by the. negro than to Hia ^rhis.racejforced to giv^e plac^ eyen (tri th'e if'Qiey are de terminedIp set np for politicians and to gov- ;Aaj ete the whites to tlieneglect of the indn^tcMl ia e/“ :intme8tskri the .country, it.jrifi ^ . to have some body to raise cotton and moke 'bread, even if Ve have to open the door to the celestials. What do the negroes say to Cow ^ N : p ! ceritTy made a speech'at Harrisburg, -in which, . - after declaring that Gen. Grant was nomina ted by the Republican party notjas the ex ponent of. their principles, but because he was the only man with whom they canid H' / 0^^ t SSf t> ' ii? T 3p> ^ w ‘ texpres8ed ■ . . . . ion thatif the General were elected, while hri ^jbsitibn in a manner satisfactory to the pub- i?u^t not undertake fccTpfiy^die ^hj» a 4 "J"7V ”*‘ > • undoubted- - * — —•'** ■' —— ! - ” 1 '' ' L - CaoRWEix, or Napoleon, he wj ly make himself of P°riy- — ■publican ' The State Guard, a Radical paper published at Harrisburg, Pa., and ridited by ri brother Of John Foeney, speaking of the difficulties of the campaign, says with commendable candor: “Taken altogether, we as a party, 1 O ”*-**--*- J nv AAO U | nave the largest and dirtiest loads to carry that were everjtrapped on the back of any sacrificed. Noble and virtuous patriots. Mag- nanimons Clift! , otate&L ..w* ft? 4 county- fl—aianirinff»n from Chatham—one of them a He. Stedman—recently visited Gov, Holden: ' They reinonstrated With him about ap pointing negro justices of the peace, &c. , in Chatham, Car it would break pa rty in spite of all efforts to the contrary. Huarepfedthat he .wanted a the npgroes to leiLon-these duties and have from . experience _ i of Government. He said overhinent ‘ would solid the negroes 4’***>*> st '-uction was.pnt through and. aR the States w’ire on a safe loyal footing! • io ' < < 'feririkEBBOCEXit Life Insubanc*.—By the Cm<L in another column, it wiR be seen that Maj. E. H. Bacon has been appointed Gen eral Agent for the Southern Branch of this re- Djnnlar Comuanv. Mai-Bacon has for some - I - think most of the freed people, if. left _ r ‘ r J, • - J . . a. . . ’ nlnnn od/1 r»/wf co/JiioorJ Kr BnnJt mnr» oc.Ta1i«. p>pui 1 ■ ■.■■rffl.vYT-v.'Trnif - y.iars past been traveling, in the interests of tl ie Company, rendering ^ficient: service in ttip'extension of its business iri- Georgia, Ala bama and Florida, rind, we need not aSsrire 1 o ar citizens, to whom he is .well known, that F,b will meet all the requirements of his new iu.yj.-j y„, . . . i{ A Liverpool dispatch of the 23d insk ijfiat advices from E^ypt report that ;jield of cotton in that country this year. trill i'e enormous.” Egyptian cotton, because of superior quality, is a more formidable rival 3 oars than Indian. Cotton Speculator's Almanac, September 1.— ■ ’•otton picking begins in the South—weather ■ try and hot. Look ont for accounts of enor mous crops in Egypt, and decline in prices Diver£ool atuFNew York about this time. therefore exclude Georgia, Wttte BllCfr.a- ALL STELES OF; TEHDQNGS MADE, TO ORDER. OQ-^110* -*«J i -A Hdi 7 * ' • -i ~ —‘— been purchased for cash, and wi“ tfigOrea.' :!!■ scp29—tf f abused' by"'3fr ,: '”"‘ J i in. macori *' thatif jo rac macon ito, influendrif name was not mentioned ( uliiil^ was'" withdrawn—and. yori hfiHbt i' the Georgia Legislature by men elected by ilhe yeftpspf Ute colored people is in distinct au*d insolent confcem . insolentcontempt of the first section of the new or fourtewth article of the Constitn- tiori of the United States. * * * Colored from their politionl rights , :<fefere .colored ^kin—a deliberate trampling on tbeTonrieenth amend ment of our Constitution—a flat insult to the nation for which nearly all the platforms of parties refer the whole matter to the States respectively, and that the invocation for Congressional inter- t be successfully urged. Such ted $jf ftetJtefeuhhean nion party" 01“ THe*I]ation, ‘^and'encYDrsed' by such electric unanimity by the whole South ern Union Convention, urged in the report of the Joint Committee of Reconstruction, and eififiodfed ' Mi .'A »v> i i t it ., :itu- News-l i -.fil . , . „ ... ,,. ,^n^errf on: this i Island, legislation for equality m public conveyances, i. which are entirely " [From the Chari “Let U* Have , The following letter, communicated' to the House of Representatives cfii Tuesday by Governor Scott, substantiates the reports of the insurrectionary movements of negroes on the sea islands in this vicinity and lower down on the’coast. Governor Scott hays the writer is an ex-officer of the United States-army, and his statements are entitled &o the fullest credence:q i i , iii,. <.rfp&S fffi. t^,’ 1868. Govenwr HK. Scott: , L, ’ '" ’ , Deau Sib :' I am constrm'ndd’ agrim to call yofir attention' to order, and [which, may result seriously. The first matter which’l'Sbrill chll’yonr attention'to is the fact that the freedmen are organizing themselves into companies on* the Island, and drilling; and l am informed that peaceable citizens have ‘been ! molested by these armed' men, without cause dr provoca tion. These-armed: men have been warned that such proceedings were in violation of all law and order, but I understand the practice still continues. Freedmen still persist in’ @ffi'5i«A^Si,S^S , S. , S«.A a They refuse, in many coses, to give planters, who-haVe given* borids for advances of pro visions, control of the crop, saying that they Nrill'pdyithe Gbv&flamenV Ac: / A&|ipugh the caterpillar has been very damaging to the crop, some part of the loan can be collected if proper exertions are made, arid the neces sary aid given the planter. i Li ,.m‘t lam forced to believe that the ntter disre gard of law and order is owing, in a great measure,, to a speech, made here, a short time ago, by Samuel Johnson, a member of the s L6gi9atiirej: frratt this Island., I wiinfcit can be proven by ‘ reliable witnesses; who heard " ' it Mr." Johnson did that speech, that Mr. JohnspR did tell them that tee Legislature had passed an act au thorizing several couipatlibfl of militia, and that they were to, be equipped and paid by the State, and that the duty of these com panies was. to patiol the mlarid and keep down the white people:’ 1 He relcrrud to file Homestead Act,- and told the free people that it applied to all debts, .cpntaracte, Ac., and that they will pay no debts arid give rio share of the crops to the owners of the land, as the bill exempted- them from all debte and con tracts. He warned them against all white people, “no matter if they.wore a bine coat,” (I quote his language), as they were their enemies; that the issue had been.made in the Legislature, and that the line had already been drawn, “letiio white man be trusted.” r dityri’ ’ At aj ; called a few < ago (I don’t sace, «H~,J ja^ow by what authority), they”marched there down the in, companies arid with their arms. I believe a this meeting was colled for" the purpose of nominating Justices of tBfe Peace and Con stables A man by the name of Smith, who has been very officious in having the different companies drilled—I believe he is from Wal- terboro’—received the nomination of Magis trate. The countenance bf this min is vil lainous, and he is as ignorant as ho isras- II ‘ ■ :• -f-v ’■{ .j.i • I t Now I will state that^ there is no occasion ’ to raise companies to keep down the white of the day, subdued as possible, and the caterpillar has made them more so. alone, and not seduced by such men as John son and Snath,-"would be peaceable and law abiding. . i Having, as I consider* done what 1 consider my duty in writing you, these facts, I am, ‘ Governor, l very respectfully, your obedient, servant, .. 8. i - . A , Autographs.—The Fans , correspondent of J’s Publishers’ Circular says: “ The cata logue. of a collection of autographs ’ about to be sold in Baris- mentions, among other enri- ous pieces, a letter fronu Geoffroy S. Hiliare, in which he describes Napoleon’sdeparture from ‘Bjgjiptfoaaaaelhi jbmr hn,-xeceived his mistress’s farowell. She was a. Mme. Tony, and was disguised in the costume ofahns- “Charlie, I was veiy mncli shocked to hear you suiting ‘Pop goes the Weazel,’ while in church. M “Well, mamma, I saw everybody was sing ing—and it was the only tune I knew.” the; ^Constitution distinctly provides that U the n, s, before he : could success! congress if you think it unwise for me the race at the next Election' in 1 this Just S« So—if yourself and^Lbi tennmed aof te ipwist pie m, n “* will tern, on your- by has a^m4 of. an Idea thatpn[e ^cations of n C4n4idate ® witii white rebels.' Idont _^^ Republicag who occupied Seats dfi Afiti _ ori the 4th of July last-ithbught'felt'aha act edasl did we the republican members of this house w oul d have fjduwu fqu' ildoif -Mia< house at present and be in their Seate- y.. . ‘Jill c of f / | ill ■■ 'li, . J L AiiUr, Firing; Two Shots a Second. • b-.fjxtil J -A Oil',V I. u GEN- ] W'ADE HAMFTPH says .: to toe best PlUiLi likrf Cass' ‘on Bbmveby—Rifles, singly, ter clubs of 10, $46; clubs of 100, $43. Carbines, singly, $40; clubs of 10^ $37; clnbs of wlUJ tell description.. sent on wpRcation. ad,- i j • sbREEL BROTHEhS,' sep^-^wdtf ; ‘ Agemfa for Savannah-; : Radical Love fob the organ in Illinois asserts that when Irishmen cease to have “hair on their teeth,” and ate civilized up to rip equahty'with'theiiegrb,:’ they may be allowed to marry negroes. ‘The Irishman who consorts with a parity that ut-. tors and entertains sqcb sentiments deserves to be degreed tq their JevyL ", ';' ’ ““ “? —-—- 1 "Gbeelx sees “no’reason why a' ,maa[‘icaAy ‘ not marry bis washerwoman Or bis .wi^ rimragr. ” But a decent washerwoman or wetiamtse. might have good reasons for not iriafiyihk'a' Radical misoegenatoXA: ... <—•—nfii i i ay a rri ».D. aut if sr »j<( L Tll( ".J, ’ll Jl<l/•« -fill ],.] ■witAGO—COOPER.—In XLonjasviUe, ontbeeYen- ing of tlie 2ith instant, at the residence of Mrs. A. A. King, by toe Rev. Charles Grant, Thomas U WrAgg, of Savannah, to Hiss JosicI,.-Cooper, ■ of ■; Thomas* viUe, Qa No cards. ili ^lll llii •/ I. .,*jiil Al,ailui saa r^^SaTouiiah Volunteer Guards. .YfLiF !‘-t han . i-rvwi odn bliiui in , m Members are requested to wee*,at .the Hall of. the Metropolitan Fire Company, ait' THURSDAY EVEN ING, the 1st of October, at 8 o’clock, P. II.. to con sider business of-importance. A full-attendance is particnlariydesired. 1 > <.,iu ,ti„uu. ■ ‘ (Signed)'“ 1 .'-eti'.**. a-8«fiIMabwv: . scp29-3t 3NO.R.f>HJ.ON. * P »>• 23^, • -• r i f tn An extra communication of this Lodge be held at their HaU THIS ^Tue9day| ING. at 8 o’clock.. . Members. pf. other.- Lodges and .transept brethren are fraternally invited to attend.' -,,17 ,) . // The Master's Degree WiU be.conferred, i jl; ,. By order of tho W. M. -i*. ... mIkIa septe-lt Dl ■« i ‘ :.i:C. T. MORE!. Secretary- Grand Lodge Georgia, F, A. fi ANNUAL COMMUNICATION’ vrtSi ” 1 convene at the Masonic Hall in kicon, on TUESBAV, ,tee 2Tth o* OetobeT" off Wednesday, as heretofore.) All Lodges are reqi to be represented by a proper officer, or send _ their Retains and Dues under seal Delegates are required, to appear in toe regaUa of their Lodge, f, , ‘ Byordelof toe-M-W. Otapd.Maatftt io Id if ! < yt " * -nmu i ■ -io;i,.anaa-H06*; ioi | ‘ September 26,1808. ‘J iv.i - Grand Secretary. SST Any Lodges needing Blank Returns.'wffl for ward their orders to me atm early date. Seals can be procured for, Lodges at a moderate m : t -ah ' Broughton St., ifcl dovr East of Barnard, OF ALL HESCSlPnONa .t a .jiii i n, , ... , , is ,f SADEa t Ion fl, LATE MPiETATIONa' I: STYLES. ‘,m ,-i f. f. if, / .;il J'iiiif \ > , mil nr utli • ovij< iiB‘t ti XPiao ar id* k ? Et Bepeating 1 Rifle imn jr a Us-at: :tv.» • , 4^4 -Tf. rr~ teVfrl Hi: oi imi-ftM . I , f• .... Office'of Z Lite Leiaqeih •. i v. .j. : . . , 1 ^oniheru Branch hilt. ,V*.I •£(( //if 1 hiii. io /iili.'/t .tioia’i &iii •i jIi|l A,lij.| l. tR “I 1 Knickerbocker Life Insurance Co., 1“ * Savannah, On., Sept. US, 1808. MR. J. T.: VlLBUB, having resigned the Agency of IMA Compmy. MAJ. E. H. BACON will act as General Agent until further notice. c ■•■•iriU.:T,nd.j,. . .4, WILBUR. Mimsger. Having accepted toe position of General Agent of Southern Branch of the old Knickerbocker, the sub scriber wduhlbei happy to boo his friends at the office of the Company. SI ^ay. street, Savannah, ■ sep29^-lw E. H. ^AOON. Ul» I l’ r>fi S, Bogart’s Ciifi&ical, Mathematical and Eng- ' *' lish School for Boys, Male Department of Chatham Academy, t ariLL bR reopened on Monday, October W .-^46th,.two w^ks titer toauusuaL — g necessarily absent bom years old are received, it able td read iairiy and begin Geography. Terms sad lees the same aa heretofore. , Till Mr. B-’e retarn, hew pupils may apply to till va- cancies to J. S: F. Lancaster, who will give mil inform- Tipbte:* : 'hi FOB RENT, : '‘TfvWEtLTNU SOUTHEAST CORNER LINCOLN iojfmn sinlunnNi >,■ ° ■ » I A 1 aud York streets. Possession given 1st of • I‘M j -TTrr iln < I Jit T^.WjJNT, W. B. ADAMS, No. .9G B*y street. •TiyfY FOURTH TENEMENT ON JONES STREET, 1tJ_ west of Whitaker; has eight rooms, ’ “ “ heth- In . west of ,, pantry, closets, water, bath; gas, pump the yard, and out-buildings for eerv horsey, Ac. -CV j; f . r ., • ; ONE TWO-STORY DWELLING, on. basement, good yard and water, on Hull, ONE-STORY BUILDING on the corner of Jefferson md-Yetkateata, now occupied by Wm. D. Oliveira as a store and dwelling., TWO BRICKTENfeMtNTS on the comer of Mont gomery wad. Huntingdon - streets, 4 rooms each and Ot ^^SAJL0B BOARDING-HOUSE on Lot No. 7, Ward. Hay street; at present occupied by Mi- Monday, Septei AT THkik NEW BHOUGHTON STREET,OWE DOOR EAST OF WHITAKER, IN ABLY THE CHEAPEST, STOCK.!!®!'; o ^Ee ENTIRELY NfmV’ANli iifislRSESfcfi STOCK, sail purchased principally FOHCASH, and in a great many j only for FA ,,. ihe me — _ •the various departments, view of the advant _ •exertions tfill n^eet the approbation of all whose di ,DHEaBGQOD9.«EPAgRMPU;to.<»giplet<‘ a ' WINTER TRADE, has been selecting jflie which are enumerated above, we feel confident T or interest it is to..visit the store'and inspect 1 1 'i ll's • r ' i Ml with a fuU line of LUPIN’S FRENOT 1TEBI. and OTTOMAN CLOTHS. in all ahadee and colors. i.ONE IRISH ] VlWif M 64 S T SG^.^e^WRITPHICRS that thexhiv. ever heeno A fuU tine'of CASSIMERES. CLOTHS, saflr JEANS, tef JI^’s and Boys* wear,' *» prices 3~« JO? worth *y«a,Atr.. ‘ quantities, and at the i have ever been offered at in t t, iris d^tey. Wlllnglllloit:- CLOAKS and SHAWLSf at- prtem to scpjo—lm ,‘i: fiio'.'l ‘.di Id; id uLiuirp, iiSflil.lul ,dj uU O bltl. CHEFANO! ian- ,i '^BgRT.s OF THIS CELE- BEATED, AJ® KE1IABLE FEBTIL- IZER are afloat on schooner Margaret, and are due here in a few days. This valuable manure has proved — .«uMtnvtA Vt A,>YQNDERFUL SUCCESS COTTON AND COHN, „ its reputation through ex wet and dry weather, when even No. Peruvian succumbed by its side. • " " ,i: » cl ;; IT IS ALSO UNSURPASSED AS A mu """ iltJ'T & WHiSON, BAY STREEH, SA.VAHSUH, GEORGIA RETDElBHeTOIMY AND^ nfujs ') • * WISHING TO 1KEPLENISH THElH : . ; ' : ■ .LilV-iJC 1 ill.! 1 “ THt^E 4it *** ° < f *4 » 4 «- i VUMI t< V .tit lo 'JltlitoUtt.'.i Commencing Housekeeping, CAN BUSY, TO'THB ■• il ‘Ait'Kim>s4>F ,;r HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS,',’ china; geasswaRJe, , Toilet Sets t Pancg T FRoil ' J J ' -TF iJJ ‘jeOilkl HISEPDEXfiAL djfi v/ff iHjto&' ter aaa,, V,,I A tiUMifiiii |J| . f t OF SAFAHHAH, l-'. WTTH HB , J, PROSPECTS. ouv^uHi;; ij.: . . UNDERSIGNED PROPOSES PUBLISHING, at an early day, a \ . -- Historical Sketch of Savannah. A de^icrjptian of iU Railroad, Ocean, and River con- nection^wiUi^WJe^ advantage at each Railroad and 5. J. W. STAHSBBRI t COg 109 e * H* pttsent (Ml ffiture advantiges as rcgmrds Com- ? *-*• j He ^BgMm^minp3,,WqrjM. Schools,. Park, Mona- City'Govemment. Police and Fire Departments; ot ^ z - A sketch of «U Ctant»h|c,Historicsl ind Medici and other Societies, Churches, Ac., and of an points ot interest fit and arouwd Ssvammh ; in jut AT THE OLif STlNDDFi mi] IMYTHK Sc ‘KtKin-i J_ ' >*’2 •'•Oj j*! SiiT •MT %&l9d tlx Jr" tfatV Notice. . • i. ■ .j, ORIGINAL FIRM OP*E- D. SMYTHe! A" CO. ,_s suddenly dissolved on'the list of msrch'lhst.i ibis due the late firm are directed to be-ipaid to tY D. LAW only, or hi*, attorney, .JOSEPH W. STANSBURY- , sep28—tf Formerly of Columbus, Ga. SPENCER & COTTONF Commission Merchants, and Gem chasing ami Forwarding Age: No. 188 BAY STREET, HODGSON'S BLOCK, SA VANNAH, GA. 11 iCCO.RICI, lch KSer ' Al Hfi.ssp38-!-lajjI g i» QTF?- be famished by csnvnsen, or on application at my office. ’I .'I tit .iij ■ i J. H. ESTILL, P. O. BOX lftSr ~r» ii;7 chad 4fessrs. Editors: Please announce Mr: ROBERT f WADE as a candidate for, ^Ugfatrate bT the First Dis trict, and oblige aep28-2awlm V^STORE -No. 194,'t stories, adjoining Hsywood, k Co’s Ice-house. Apply to dil WM. BEMSHART. -fa MANY VOTERS. ' ,For Justice of the Peace. -ii. f.d' 0G= ! afei. » .,f . -I d : . Editors Morning Netos: Please, announce ourvs,, teemedfenow-citizen, JOHN A. STALEY, Esq., as a, camtidate for Jnstice of ,thq y^ce for the 'niifd Dis- trtfAmndotfiige fc*rr. i. -j ) . Tti/h - '' ■ sep28-2t*.jmff,cmZEN8. , to Gits JCoiisaRiers. You are respectfully invited to call at the office of. the SAVANNAH IMPUTED GAS-LIGHT COMPANY, corner of Bull and Bay Streets, 2d floor, between the hours of 7 aud 8 o'clock P.,M., to witness and test the, improvement in the Jight, from common city gas efr • fee ted b7. the Company.; With tho same light now obtained, a deduction tof about 25 per cent, in c^st may be relied on. This Companybeen in operation about four.' months, and we would refer to onr present patronaas to the general satisflu^ion given^^. * 1 y The apparatus is introduced free of cost. au, ■ {tall ’i-i'i.Y .9^&iwRfarF™* deDt - ' Da Wrrr Bbptm. Secretary,. aug!9—ly it’s Hair Dye. 'Thia splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world, only true aai perfect"Dye—Harmless. Reliable, I taaeons. No dltapridtotoierit: ’No ridiculous Remedies the ffl directs of Bad byes. Invigorates and leaves the hair soft and .beautiful, ■ black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers, and properly ap plied at Batchelor’s Wig Factory, 16 Bond street, New , York.' - T “1- • — -r-r.-r JT >tf) j iiJmnJo Office, Cor. St. Julian Street and Market Je27—ly ^^toaare. L-il ft nl odT if.Hiini blu ff ' TRUE : ESSAYS FOB YQUNG MEN, on the Errors, Abuses, of relicfl Sent in . Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P., phia, i - fcnii llrtk.A Tiillf b ♦ill ifllTT V1AlI RICE SHEETINl YARNS, ^ -J J TOBACCO. GUNNY BA< SEA ISLAND .1 tmjs 8iloe m. ii>; * a lx Ui'viii Jiff ioi ‘xdi the Columbus Factory. *' iU Istud j t77~~r.i «dt Io •oo ’(If ■ : m<q iklAf ft Co.. lGGING, .Tuckei*^ Carter & je26—to*’'JOBbTw. ANDERSON'S SONS de CO. :*0 Hj NEW SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED.4 Price's, $1, $1 35, SI 50 arid S3. The «jLittle Wonder,” 7 V OB IMPROVED PIANCHETTET WITH ' THE'MYS- TI0 PIONEER. PRICE $2 SO. The best Game ont, THE “RACE FOR THE PRESIDENCY." aug27 MALLON Ji 1 s Sale OF THE avannah Republican, LL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC OUTCRY, by order of the Ordinary of Chatham county, before the — ae in the city pf Savannah, on the FIRST in October next'(being the 6th of October) SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, its NAME and GOOD WILL, together with ALL THE APPURTENANCES, consisting of- 1 ' ■ •’ •• 1 HOE RAILWAY PRESS,, I WASHINGTON PRESS, 1 GORDON PRESS, ” , ; 1 ‘ 1 DEGENER PRESS, with foil supply of Minion, Nonparefl*andBoirgeoia cl allmach; ’ and an machinery necessary for the publication class newspaper, and the condact pf a Job i *4 . , ‘ number of literary Works, the private library of i late'proprietor. Said sale to be made for the benefit . •« .., . . _s _a X1— — 8ka* V A._ of the creditors ad ad coi. on file At 15 cents. HEAVY 4-4 BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, if-n iteiij t.-j; '• • • '••’•F ; ••■■• - i. CALICOES 10,131-3 and 10 cents. " ‘ ‘i /AU grades. BLEACHED SHIRTINGS AT REDUCED PRICES. noil it ilifiils. kbp29—tf ‘' DeWitt & Morgan. Oil BUCKWHEAT Choice Sugar-House PACKAGES TO SUIT CUS- by- V PA' , , _ _ the season. Also, five barrels for table use. in store and for sale CHAMPION & FREEMAN. id:. BICE BY » in HENRY BRYAN, 101 Bay street. GOLD! OB. F° : NO 1,1 , ;t I,-fii . TISON A GORDON, 90 Bay street. MULE FOR SALE. LARGE MUL^ 16‘i ihands high, can be. seen DAY in ftorit A 'me. Hi di ■ b.’.nj j STRSHOUSE & CO., 85 Bay street T .P'.'siU h WANTED. OR THkKT! TTSTn KNTRH v.n ROOMS, ;ii-i m Jed dY. Apply to In a central location. - KEY BOX 64, P. O. ; . . sep29-3t y! Hay! til V.lUuii , ;* s. I c.n a. itll iA -£U 300 baleskay For sale to arrive per ship Southard, bjr sep29—tf BELL A HULL. USINESS CARDS, BILL-HEADS AND TAGS, of every size and style, printed at The MoaxtNO s Job Office, 111 Bay street. WM. H. TISON. TISON & GORDON : COTTOX F4CTOFS ' ‘ ' —ASDO-i: . ' ,i! J . 1 ,,, COMMISSION MERCHANT i n str&t,\SavanuUJi, BAY. T IBERAL ADVANCES Au ments. 1 CIlkitG?!- DATWCn ■aj ■■ ~;r.i -II JOHN H. GARDNER: S. PAGE EDMANDK EDMANDS, GARDNER .& CO.. COMMISSION T IB) I l to SavaiinitJr, Grr. IBERAL ADVANCES MADE 6n CONSIGNMENTS onr friends in New York. Boston and Liverpool. Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A' c6., Ne - - - - ” ” rk; Hon. J lYHey Slade, Esq., New York: . ton; Savannah National Bank, Merc bantH,’ National Lathrop A Sjiivey, Bankers, Sa- j I.—i.,l ■ ti ' -u: i ifinX. 1: FA $, DEALER IN oil : It. ,-rAXp— _ LAMES? FURNISHING J BROUCUTOS STREET, sep28—2m SECOND DOOR EAST OF BARNARD. TERENCE VIIGEIVT, PULASKI HOUSE, rq ) w nlah LIQUORS as can be found in and ,•^ CONGRESS WATER; BOURBON, NOMOAffiOULand ti&MPW for and securing polite and „ merit a continuance of the name. - j ; EXTRA HEAI^tcj. Mills Flour. 12 25 b<ncee Miyer'a 10 boxes: 20 raddiS'si^fOTACTUBID TOBACCO, LIVERPOOL'SALT, s and for sale by . I..I— ‘ - . ( ii:. I 7lnt> airf •dl f ;J i. [ -» er hogsheads.' IO SAftTKD r r HOGSHEADS PRIME RIBBED 5 SIDES. BACON I ►If.'* j fectly sweet., . ar . ; .;, All Instore, and will be sold- MUCH BELOW THE MARKET by i- ,ep28—eodlw .-it:, HARTRIDGE ti -VEPP. Mi ‘ Alcoliol, TNOB BURNING PURPOSES, AT $160 A QUART. J} gives the best heat, with no smoke, smell Blue Mottled Bar Soap, Jnst received per brig Mednsa, from Liverpool, ana for sale by G. M. HEIDT, Druggist, *ep28-iodSt No. 30 Whitaker -,!U gen' zens of to make it a work of interest to the citi- _ a work tenottag to readers, but serviceable to merchants of Sr^^^init advantages given to advertisers by its circnintion among subscribers, copies of the work will be placed in. the leading hotels of Georgia and Florkti, and also on. all the ateuaers. plyiug to aud tram this The work 1 isbeing compiled by energetic and com petent gentlemen, who have access Io all the old ' of the city, all other sources of infonss- t I feel confident it witi be sought after by an interested in Savannah, its growth, advsn- and that It wffl be pkcvd in essry rrr- -t- GEO. S. .GRAY. GEO. M. WALLACE. Woitice. «OPi R. Molina, and Broughton Store of ~ in streets, at Bfe Post Gffice, at the Grocery J. KAririr at the Dn^i Store of Dr. J. A orders will b^overtOokefL ^•WhtafiM door.west Broto I~i« : 00. Notice to OFFICE OF GENERAL FREIGHT AGENT. I ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILBOAD COMPANY,. J Sxyxssab, Ga., September 28,1868- ) THE FIRST OF OCTOBER T at STATION No. M .wiUl' d; consequently, IRHGHTFOR THAI JPQEfT wiU be left there at OWNERS BISK. ' 1 - « C. H. WILLIAMS, sep28-3t , - General Freight Agi-at mm MageusiM&i fov October. Jii LADY’S MAGAZINE, GODEVS LADY’S BOOK, ; LADY’S MAGAZINE, A i: «I-r .: LE PETIT : 'i'Hf. LADY o * nuu.uj, DEMORES3TS MONTHLY. HARPER’S .MONTHLY, ATLANTIC MONTHLY; ^ PUTNAM’S MONTHLY, BALLOU'S MONTHLY, THE LAND -WE LOVE, 113101 id’s tH OLD^ARD, • .• ’ UPPINCOTSTS MAGAZINE. . THE ECLECinC MAGAZINE, THE' CATHOLIC WORLD, In THR NEW ECLECTIC, THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, EVERY SATURDAY.**September. DeBCFW’S REVIEW, for September. FOR SALE AT ESTILL’S NEWS MSB#*, BULL STREET, .NEXT--TO THE POST OFFKL sep28-2w ' lS> PAPER, M 3Tj MACHISIHV WASTE, die. -TXIRECT FROM THE MELM;. IN STORE straw’'^^wing, ati tiaes, . r80, 26x36. Cap and Note Papers- - . Bin Head and Flat Cs* tv Waste, forRsilnadand SttW, Demy, Folio, I •-1 Machinery Waste, forBailnMds told Steamboats supplied ' R. A. WALLACE ; 1 Jones’Upper Range. Bay HAY! EiYM rr RECEIVED PER awry pwsin) iSl£- 960 BALES PRIME NORTHERN BAY. For sale in lota to snit purchasers. ' BRIGHAM, HOLST t-ar. a-Arifa. Shoulders, Clear Bib Rib Sides; ’CUBS* FRDIE BALTIMORE CITY IN STORE AND FOB 9*1* HABNEEX’' yfidr^? 0 '’ No. 12 Stoddard’s Upp«* sep!94f ’ SAVANNA^ CO I ,1 errx SACKS IDU MILLS FLOUR. - 050 sacks extra GRANITE MILLS FLOUR. n 300 boxes TOBACCO, a N. B. E. MAYER’S PA Primrose Family Was CLEAR RIB SIDES (. , - - Prime SHOULDERS (MarylandU) arrive.’ I SALT, Prime MUSCOVADO MOLASSK’ l J On consignment and for ^ & ^ family Washing SOAP, aep9-lm