Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, October 02, 1868, Image 2

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CKO] wr XEW YORK Aftaidic Coast sidbwheel ships ^^^hipSsdav. iGE, WITH SUBSISTENCE.'.’ ’. HEIDT & LUDLO George’s Society. “The regular quarterly j meeting of i, be held THIS (Friday) EVENING. a full attendance is particularly request of importance will be brought forward. venl -of Sduth Carolina, declining''Uie nomination to represent that District in Congress, makes a well timed and forcible appeal WhichiiTnot less apnl^able Jo Democrats- in Georgia, es- Largest Circulation in City, and Country. desire A GOOD FIT' THOMAS GIBBS, Georgia Chapter^ No, .5) R. /b.-M.-- the D^is0c|nt3 oP South Carolina, to whom it js _ addressed. After passing in review the wfongaancFoppfesmoifsrJhe-edWhptieni and misrnle.tmder which the people- of the whole country are'suffering, he says: • -t • • - • • ■ The people, just recovering from sanity of war, are feeling the tyranny of the. ^government, and realize the institutions nnd ? blessings of liberty, of which they have been deprived. To regain these rights under the • Constitution, they have once more raised the ^ IxAMM AM aT ' A ft AW. A A AA AT* ft 11 f I ITtVIlP RESOURCES AND For President, , .. Hon. HORATIO SEYMOUR TpHE-UNDERSIGNE! ? msrsdn i^ing frjeirmeBr m f^OOO BOARD CAN BE O' .bove rates wilbin five >n.nnteswsiAO. ( m_ tf ... OwxiptnuTnf.-wltoii -will assemble at Ma sonic HaH, THIS (Friday) EVENING, at fc o’clock, for the purpose of holding an ex-d tru comilmuication. t*r: The Royal Arch Degree will be conferred. Companions of other Chapters are invited to attend. By order of , B. T. TURNER, H. P. J. H. Esm*i* Secretary. * • -qet2-lt A Historical and/Statistical Sketch of.; Savannah, commencing with its earliest settlement and showing itsiprogreseup to the present time'; ... A description of'its Railroad, Ocean, ahd TUveocan-%,] nections, with the advantages: pf- ea^h Railroad and idine of Steam and Sail vessels ; >, The number and character ! of its p^nhdton, W earliest settlers, old families and prominent men.; 1 Its present and future advantages as regards Com- I mercial and Manufoctriring Facilities, its Beauty, I 'Cleanliness, and Health; .... .. ~ v Its Public Buildmgs,, Worka^Scfciqcds,: Park, Monu- ^Its City Government, Police and Fire Departments ; j <t A sketch of all Charitable, Historical and;Medical j and other Societies, Churches, Ac., and of all points I of interest in and aroundr Savannah;,. A sketch of Fortifications located near the city and constructed in- Colonial and Revolutionary-times and during the late war. ^ . . f . .. | In general, to make it a work of interest to th& citi- j zens of Savannah- r 4uuKth6 public generally ; a work | .which, by showing -the present. *ud prospective ad- [ vantages of the city, wiR.fen&to encourage a further I ; development of its resources and conduce to drawing I Trade and Travel to it and emigration to this section. As it 4s my .intention to make the work not only in- J terestiug to readers, but serviceable to merchants of j the city, business cards will be inserted in it. : Besides the great ad vantages, given, to advertisers by its | circulation among subscribers, copies of the work will I be placed ihthe leading hotels of Georgia and Florida, j and also on all the steamers plying to and from this I .port. t«a • -i ? . f The work is being.compiled by energetic and com-. I petent 'gentlemen, who have access to' all the old 1 records of the city, and all other sources of informa- 1 tion, and I feel confident it will be sought after by all j ’ ; -M -.lit ,, ■ ha. . . Commencing Housekeeping, can^buy, to the best^advantage; “* a ‘ ALL KINDS OF , ’ ROUSE-FURNISHING 600»i ' .CHINA, GLASSWARE, ' Toilet Sets^Fancy Articles, Ac. VX above rates wttbta five inmates Office: -Apply at THL3 OFFlUv ,— . .4 For V£ce president, General FRANK P. B1 OF MISSOURI. For Congress, iIon. A. H. HAN ^ELX ; OF THOMAS COUNTY. - -jferdfe. KATOX^ Commanheb, Will sail on THURSDAY, October 8. at — o’clock Bills of lading given fieA* mt through fro; ,vT" 11 Cotton to Liverpool by first-class steamers < Positively no berths secured after Monday /w ,5th, unless paid frir. " aj> OctdU For freight or passage, having new and sr.ienAi.n arranged accommodations, apply to J Sc FULLARTON i 8 Stoddard’s Upper Ran 2e oc2 Opposite the Post onw eou*i»«’s LADIES’ HATS. The friends of WILLIAM A. GIBBONS announce him as an independent candidate for Constable Jn the Second District, Chatham county. Election in January .next. ■ . ocl-lw!^. . To the Voters of the First District. Nep r Type—New Style. Onr : regular weekly report of the market will be issued this morning. It will be set in new type throughout, and will also contain several new tables, and other improvements which will bo appreciated by the fnerchants of.Savannah. Iu this connection we desire to express our gratifi cation* at the support given by the commercial commu nity to our, efforts to furnish a full aud reliablo Prices Current. The many expressions pf approbation we have receiv^Leu^fflagft a* to persevere in making lURRAY’S LINE, FOIE NEW YORK. Messrs. Editors WADE as a candi trict, and oblige BOYS’ HATS, iat COLDING’S. Notice to Gas Consumers. You are respectfully invited to call at the office of. the SAVANNAH IMPROVED GAS-LIGHT COMPANY, comer of Bull and Bay Streets, 2d floor, between the hours of 7 aud 8 o’clock P. M., to witness and test the improvement in the light from common city gas ef fected hr the Company. with the same light now obtained, a deduction of about 25 per cent, in cost may be relied on: This Company has been In operation about four months, and we would refer to our present patrons as to the general satisfaction given. The apparatus is introduced free of cost. GEO. W. WYLLY,. President. DeWitt Bruyn, Secretary. aag 19—Iy Batchelor’s llair Dye, This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world. The only true and perfect Dye—Harmless, Reliable, Instan taneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints. Remedies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. Invigorates and leaves the hair soft and beautiful, black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers, and properly ap r plied at Batchelor’s Wig Factory, 16 Bond street, New York. janlS—ly HE ORIGINAL FIRMOFE. D. HMYTHE k CO. was suddenly dissolved on the'21st of March list. Notice to Consignees. C ONSIGNEES FEB BRIG FANNY ARE HEREBY notified that she is THIS DAY'discharging at. Jones’ Lower Wharf, foot of Drayton street. ,,., tn goods left on wharf at sunset will be stored at risk and expense of owner, ooo j| HUNTER 8c GAMMELL. - All debts due the late firm are directed to be paid, to HENRY D. LAW only, or His attorney, JOSEPH W. STANSBUBY. > Bep28—tf REMOVAL MERCER & ANDERMi BANKERS AND— COMMISSION .MERCHANTS State. Consider these suggestions well, and go to work at once. ii ■ • ;i Notice, A’ Terrifieii Bureau Mai>—Massacre at Camilla—Bloodboitnds, &r. Major Howard, the Bureau man, on the suburb? of Camilla, is in great tenor. Wlnit partTie bad in organizing the raid on Camilla, be does not state, but recent circumstances • have caused him to exclaim: “I have, no heart for my work.” We subjoin extracts from bis last'report, showing his own alarm and the ^mighty efforts he is making to fire the North ern heart: It was reported to me as late as 4 o’clock . this P. -M. j -that up to 8 o’clock this morning, when my informant left, they were still pur suing the freedmen with horses and dogs. There has been an intense • excitement in town all day. The town has been filled with the freedmen; they have swarmed about my office by hundreds. It has been difficult to restrain them from proceeding en masse to Camilla. I have addressed them, counselling peace and order, and I have told them that the ottenders shall be punished, aud that their lives should be protected; but I have no heart for my work. I felt no assurance that my promises would be fulfilled. The Mayor addressed them, as did some citizens, but the freed people scoffed at them, would not listen to them, and I had the whole burden to bear. • In concluding his report to Colonel Lewis, Howard remarks: Unless vigorous measures are instituted, and troops are stationed here for the protec tion of all parties, there will be much blood shed. I cannot restrain the people. It will EdsAB L. GcerarD. I Edward I.. Holco GUERABD & HOLCOMBE, Cotton Factors No engaged berths secured after Monday, October th, unless paid fpr. ’ For freight orjiassage. Having superior accommoffi. inns, apply to J f. - HUNTER 4: GAMMELL, Notice. A ll parties indebted to. the firm of MACKY, BEATTIE k CO., either by note or open account, will please take notice that, unless they settle up on or before the 10th instant, suit will be entered in all cases. JOHN McCONAGHY, Attorney, oc2—3t 207 Bay Btreet,, Savannah, Ga. COMMISSION MERCHANTS NO.'^j'STODDARD’s tOWER RANGE, “ • Bag Street, Savannah, Ga. Liberal Advances made on Corndgnmenis. >J octl-tt safe place to live in. The humblest Union '-JT3B||ier could rent a cabin in the suburbs of ..'..Washington and fly the “starry flag” from it? . .'ifiitf tree, and wear his old coat, of any Qjdor He fitlu ieil. when he went sky-larking ^>ound f - ■ in perfect safety, and no one dare-fo hairm a - naw of his head. ./ Such was the condition-of affiiirs in Wash- ingtouwfiome fiflct n ycars ago. That was a “peace worth ^securing;’’ when respectable, - well^tlehaved, law-abiding people, who at- . • tended to their own business kpd did not limddlc themselves with other people’s affairs, v. : ebilld tlwell in security, in palace-or in cot, in’ ^ blue coats or gr ey coats,- with or without flags. But wo remember that Washington,. with all 4 its Suits, even in-that “piping time of peace',” was not a very secure place for moral outlaws;'nnd that the libertine, though the son of the author of the-immortal lines to that starfy flag,” was not safe beneath its " folds. There was a deep wrong perpetrated— -■ fiitaidship was bstraj-ed, hospitality Was out- a-cra^d, honor was prostituted—there was dis- lojilty, shame and disgrace, and a deed of -• ! vengeance. We remember how the press of MrtTj “liurty of moral ideas;” denounced, brftSdcd and Jiunted down the so-called '■/KtflfHirderer. FOR YEW Y ORK. EMEIRE LINE CABIN PASSAtte:’.: . :.- .fo on STEERAGE, WITH SUBSISTENCE $10 00 r rCLUDING SOUTH-EASTERN GEORGIA AND the long Ck>ttou Region of East Florida. Has the LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER east of Suwannee River. THE INDEX has a large subscriptioi^list ix* the counties of Nassau, Bradford, Alachua, Marion, Levy and Columbia, in thQ. State of Florida, and therefore recommends itself to the business men of Savannah as an excellent advertising medium. RATES. OF ADNERTISJNG: 1 square three months $10 00 2 ’ «* “ 13 00 3 :-..r M“ ‘H-t, 2500 4 It “ - . . “ 32 00 6 “ “ 3300 6 *« “ 4 ‘ 46 00 Terms of Subscription Cash in Advance. One copy one year..... $2 00 One copy six months. 1 00 J. J. ABRAMS, Agent at Savannah. J. M. ARNOW A CO., sep28-3 Publighers, Femandina,* Fla. S. PAGE EDMAIfDS. . . JQ^N H- GABJjNEB. EDMAND8, GABfiME^ & CO., GBafElLVL ii! y COMMISSION MERCHANTS Savannah, Ga.‘ T IRF-RAT, ADVANCES MADE ON.CONSIGNMENTS I j to our friends in New York, Boston, and Liverpool. H Ek'PBEKfFN: . Messrs. Dabney, Morgan k Co:, New York; Jarvis Slade,' Esq., NeWYork; Hon. J. Wiley Ed mantis, Bos ton; Savannah National Bank, Merchants’ National Bank, Savannah; Lathrop & Spivey,- Bankers, Sa-'" 1 vannah. * sep28—tf Office, Cor. St. Julian Street and Market je27—ly'Square. QQ^Conjnffal Lore, AND THE HAPPINESS OF TRUE MARRIAGE. ESSAYS FOR YOUNG MEN, on the Errors, Abuses, and Diseases which destroy the Manly Powers and create impediments to MARRIAGE with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes free of charge. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P., Philadel phia, Pa. c sept23—d*tw3m LAW NOTICE. E UNDERSIGNED HAVE UNITED THEIR professional interests, and will attend regularly the Courts of the Eastern Circuit, the Federal Courts at Savannah, and any other Court when specially re tained. Firm name FLEMING & LESTER. Office on the Bay, the same heretofore occupied by B. E. Lester, Esq. W. B. FLEMING, sep30-lm RUFUS E. LESTER. NICKERSON,' OoaauMJEB, Will Bail as above on SATURDAY, October 3d, at $ o’clock p. m. Positively no engaged berths secured after Wc-dne*. day, September 30th, unless paid for. For freight or passage, haring superior accommoda tions, apply to .. ii-.. : i _ : JOHN W. ANDERSON’S SONS & CO. 49* Wit R_ GARRISON^' Agent, No. 5 Bowling Green, New York. sep28 Notice rilHE UNDERSIGNED IS THE ONLY IMPORTER A of PERUVIAN GUANO in the United States of America. No. 1 Peruvian Guano in Bags for sale by him and by his agent at Baltimore, Maryland, B. F. VOSS. B. C. FERGUSSON, Agent for Consignees of the Peruvian Gov’t, je8—ly No. 42 South street. New York. 0’BYRNE & HOLLAND. ATTORNEYS WM:.H. TISON. : Vfifc W. GORDON. TISON & GORDON COTTON FACTORS Magazines far October. L ESLIE'S LADY’S MAGAZINE, GODETS LADY'S BOOK, PETERSON’S LADY’S MAGAZINE, LB BON TON, - LE PETIT MESSAGER, -f 5 . THE LADY’S FRIEND, ! ‘ DEMOREST’S MONTHLY, FOR SEW YORK AND parties fight it out It is coming, I have sent the doctor to attend the wounded. O. H. HowAiin. These reports, and the manner of their re ception by the Northern Radical papers, show that the armed demonstration at Ca milla was got up for the purpose of provoking a collision, and thereby aid the Radical cause at the North. As the people of that section are the most enlightened in the world, they will no doubt be captivated by the glaring hum- COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY^TRKET,} L iberal advances made on consign ments. . au!5—DS:TW6m We remember, too, how the and people of the South, without distinction, of party, justified, defended, or . .alrjfcist sympathized with the avenger of his ontraged honor. - . -Well, we can assure Gen. Sickles that the - peace of the South fo-day is ..quite -as much i ■ ‘worth securing” as that of Washiiigton in the day. of which we speak. Union soldiers and Union men are just as safe here in Georgia to-day and are in no-more, danger of assassin ation.orofliaving a hair of their head harmed, than they were iu Washington at any time V within his recollection.- But our people have -, an averqjon to the villainous,: unprincipled carpet-baggers nnd -scalawags, insolent vaga- m bonds aud adventurers who came amongst ns 2*co usurp, rob and insult—to stirupdiseord and incite, insnn-ee-tion^-to plunder, dishonor ~ and degrade -us. Where such creatures are made Insolent with political power, there can . tie no “state, of peace worth securing;” and if our people were as ready to take the law in their* own hands as some others oave shown themselves' to : -ibfe; <sbme of .hem would now and then perhaps have, the, hair of their heads harmed if indeed some thing w.orse did not befall them. ‘ r * jyjli. JOSEPH J. WILDER IS A PARTNER IN our Arm from THIS DATE; the business of which will be conducted as heretofore, under the name and style of WILDER k FULLARTON. octl-lQt ; HARPER’S MONTHLY, ATLANTIC MONTHLY, PUTNAM’S MONTHLY, , BALLOU’S MONTHLY, THE LAND WE LOVE, THE GALAXY, , THE OLD GUARD, ' LIPPINCOTT’S MAGAZINE, THE ECLECTIC MAGAZINE, THE CATHOLIC, WORLD, THE NEW ECLECTIC, THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, EVERY SATURDAY, for September, DeBOW’S REVIEW, for September. FOR SALE AT- ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, BULL STREET, NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE. sep28—2w ■- GASTRINE Notice. T AX PAYEES ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the third quarter’s tax on Real Estate, Commissions on Profits, Income, and Gross Receipts, also the monthly returns on Sales, Receipts for Freight and Passage money, payable in this city, arc now due. Payment of the aforesaid tax is required by Ordinance to be paid between the first and tenth instant. JOHN WILLIAMSON, City Treasurer, October 1,1868. . octl OW ON SALE, AND JUST OPENED, 300 Pairs Window Shades. A Washington letter says the extraordinary decrease iu the collection of revenue, togeth er with a falling off in the cash iu the Treas ury, which will be shown in the next monthly statement, is calculated to add to the alarm now existing in financial circles. The state ment for September will exhibit an increase in the public debt of from a million and a half to two millions, and perhaps more, re sulting w’holly from expenses of the War De partment in. meeting various demands of reconstruction. There is a small de- IN LATEST COLORS AND DESIGNS. Notice. Swiss 9 German, and French* DRUG STORE OF W. W. LINCOLN will be kept open at nights and on Sundays during the pres ent month. octl-3t B ULL STREET, OPPOSITE TIIE PULASKI HOUSE, W OULD INFORM HIS FRIENDS- AND THE public generally that he is now prepared to fur nish them with as fZNEoJFINES, BRANDIES, and LIQUORS as can be found in any first-class establish ment, North or South. 1 - - • • BORER’S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS for sale wholesale or retail. Also. CONGRESS WATER; BGlJBBON, RYE, MO- NONGAHELA and CABINET WHISKEY; SEGARS and TOBACCO. Thankful for past favors, I hope by strict attention, j and securing polite and' gentlemanly attendants, to merit* continuance of the same. ' scp28—ly , OUR STOCK IS FULL AND AT REASONABLE PRICES. Notice. All Upholstering Work DONE IN THE BEST MANNER, Mid at LOW PRICES. classes in VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC October 6. Residence 26 Liberty street, one door west of Bull. ' octl-5t Money Ordeb Offices. —The Postofiice Department has recently reduced the rates of cbmmissiijii on money orders, and increased the number of money order offices. The nSw rates are as follows ~ mg $'20, 10c. $30,' 15c. ' 20c. Notice, Ladies! j^LUTING, PINKING, STAMPING ! “ ■ AND DRESS-MAKING, AT MADAME L. LOUIS’ BAZAAR, sep23-ly 133 BROUGHTON. STREET, np stairs. be sold .at the lowest figures. SHERIFF’S SALE. On orders not exceed- over $20 and not exceeding over $30 and not exceeding $40, ovef $40 and not exceeding $50; 25c. No single .order is issued for a larger sum than $50. Parties desiring to remit sums over this amount must obtain additional orders ; and no applicant will in any case be allowed to procure morq than three orders payable at the same office ahd to the same person. The colored United States troops at Golds boro, North Carolina, attempted to mob two colored Democratic speakers last Friday night, but were prevented by white citizens. Later a disturbance took place between the soldiers and citizen negroes, resulting in one being wounded in each party. The citizens of the town are reported to be in a constant state of excitement, and there is a general feeling of insecurity. Notice, COAL AND WOOD YARD ! JUDGE OF THE EASTERN 'CIRCUIT. . Hon. Wji. Schley, recently appointed Judge of the. Superior Court of this circuit vice Jfuclge Wm- JB. Fleming, arrived h^re y&j: "terday. The Judge having received hiscom- missionwUl,assoonasthe-nece88aiyarraiige- ineuts can be made, occupy his office in the - Court Hoijse. Ti is not often that we find anything in the official action of the Bullock to approve-or be thankful fo.r. But in this, instance;-'we, in , common witli the people of the Eastern Ju- dicial Bi'strhit lmve great cause to lie’ thank- _ ini that'm addition to the loss of the distin guished jurist and worthy gentleman who so long ,and so' acceptably filled .the Superior Hench, *we have not beeii doomed to endure ■this'infliction, upon us of some one of the Bullocss own. hungry tribe of. carpet-bag by scalawag associates and adherents in that high aud responsible position. To What for tunate combination of circumstances we are indebted for this seeming Executive clemency we will not stop to enquire. It is enough for our people to know that, the Bench of our Superior Court has not "been, degraded to - the present level jof jflie Executive Chair of 'the State. - ' . Jjidge Schley is a Georgian, an able law yer, arjd a gentleman of character and high social position^ and we feel confident will-dis- phaqje the duties of his responsible office with wisdom, justice and impartiality. Fashionable Dress Making.! J^JTSa E. H. SHAY BEGS LEAVE TO INFORM THE 1 public that she is now ready to fill any orders in the above line of business. Latest Fashions always on hand. Northeast corner of President and Drayton streets. octl-2w How Convenient!. Saves Time and Trouble! R. Molina, and 'A. \Ferhanfcez;' corner of Bull and Broughton * sOfeeto, at the PostOffice, at the Grocery Store Qf J„ Koox, or at the Drug Store of Dr. J. A. Mayer. As our Mr. George S. Gray visits these places at least three times a day, none need fenrthst their orders will be overlooked. if ' V h : E ESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT he has opened, in connection with his WOOD YARD, a COAL -YARD, and that he is now prepared to deliver with dispatch all qualities of COAL, as well as all qualities of WOOD, in any quantity and at the LOWEST PRICES. „ X®* WOOD DELIVERED SAWED OR UNSAWED. Air* ORDER BOXES at the Post Office, at the Cloth ing Emporium of Messrs. Gazan k Bro., and at the Drug Stores of Messrs. A. A. Solomons k Co., Mr. W. W. Lincoln, Mr. B. F. Ulmer, and Messrs. Gallager k A' share of patronage is respectfully solicited WOOD YARD , located oh the old Charleston Steam- oat YVharL 2d door west from foot of West Broad treet. GEO. a GRAY & CO. For Sale, £ NEW SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. Price*, $1, $1 25, SI SO and $3. The “Little Wonder,” OB .IMPROVED BLANCHETTE, WITH THE MYS TIC PIONEER. PRICE $2 50. - ' * * - ; ; The best Game out, , THE “RACE FOB THB PRESIDENCY.” aug27 MALLOY & FRIERSON. FOR PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia and Southern 3£ail Steamship Line. CABIN PASSAGE.— J WO* DECK-PASSAGE. WITH SUBSISTENCE....810 00 fTYWO TENEMENTS IN GOBDON BLOCK; No*. U 1 and 12, on west two-thirds Lot No. 26 Chatham Ward. Also, LOTS 28 and 34 Prendergastville—near the workshop of Central Railroad. • * . For terms, Ac., apply to ROBERT D. WALKER, sep24-tf Pres’t. Sav. Mutual Loan Association. . Watches, J ewelry, Silverware, Clocks, &c. ,. mHI SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RETURNED FROM _L New York with a fine assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Sfivcrirare, Clocks, &o;, All of w;hich will be sold at reasonable prices, an every article warrafated as represented. : ’ F. D. JORDAN, No. 129 Congress St, (Opposite Pulaski House.) Plans and. Estimates A RE Solicited for BUILDING A FOOT BRIDGE J\. across each of the slips at the foot of Barnard and Drayton Streep- . The spans are respectively 76 and 45 feet in tho clear. The bridges, must be five feet wide and capable of sustaining a weight of one hun dred pounds per square foot • JOHN B. HOGG, » «epl8-tf City Surveyor. 154 Congress and 73 St Jnlien Sts., A re offering at wholesale and retail THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF Heady-Made Clothing In the city, of their own manufacture. 4®* COUNTRY MERCHANTS are requested to give them a call. oc2—lw Xmpobtant Obdee in Begakd to Milttaby Officers.—All department commanders have received ordera from Washington to report without delay to the office of the Adjutant General of the army all officers under their command who are incapacitated for duty. Habitual iutemperance, and frequenting game-houses regularly, are specified iu said order as unfitting officers for duty. 200,000 iEYMOUB ClGiB, fine flavor,: 300,000 iim-,:: baconi . Shoulders, .Clear Rib Sides, Rib Sides, PRIME BALTIMORE f-TTY CURED. U7*ARBANTED. in store and for sale by manufacture. JENNINGS, Comostia Will eail for the-ahove-portoh SATURDAY, Octobers, at 9 o’clock a. m. •• ■ For freight or Jpplrto * - .. :HUNTER t GAMMELL . *ep28 84 Bay etreef . Choice Tenn. and Kentucky , Mules for Sale, 1,000 gilt-1 1,000 fine GLASS AND OIL 3UR TO SEVEN YEARS QLD, MEDIUM A large sizes. WILSON k DEHONEY, Screven House Stables; Bryan street, T HE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF WINDOW GLASS in the city, comprising more than seventy different sizes, and any size or shape cut to order. NORTH AMERICAN Steamship Company! - THROUGH LIME TO CALIFORNIA, 1 - VLV PANAMA* BAIEEOAD. , New Arrangement! cj AILING FROM NEW YORK ON THE 5th ASD (J20th ot every month, or the day before when tia?* dates fall en Sunday. Passage lower than by any otbB line. For -iiiformation address D. N. CABRINGT0K Agent, Pier 4C North river, N. Y. $15 to $25 per day. We send a monr,Cigars 'with every otto, i accompany the order.' Satisiactit Post-Office order, 1 addressed to B1 WEST’S No. 1 KEROSENE OIL, in barrels or cans. PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, - PAINT and WHITE WASH BRUSHES, SHOW CASE GLASSES, Ac., Ac., FOE SALE LOW BY THE EBa oF Humbug and Falsehood/—That 'iTrazen .old political jockey Bard of the At lanta Era/keeps standing among the witless gquibs and Stereotyped, lies in his editorial columns banters for beta on the Presidential election.' HVisanthorized ‘by iitibierousin- divig.uabi S i to : bet from, $500 to $1,000 that Grant and Golfax will 1A eleefrd; bur Ss ; §fe learn from a dispatch in the Augusta CunsiUu- iionalisi, whenevei; a moneyed democrat wants to cover a wager, he is told that the bet has .Jjec-n taken. Such is'One among the mtqfy disieputable tricks to which the oracle of the carpet-baggers in Georgia resorts to influence piiblicbppiiqnT Let no one be deceived by sueh'unworthy. and shallow artifices. ’ COTTON GINS! ^yj: OFFER FOR SALR THE OF.LV.BRATRT> E. CARTER COTTON GINS. These Gius have been expressly prepared to suit wants of the planters of Georgia, Alabama and Flor and Are adapted to the present labor system. Facl allowed a commission. For sale by aep2-2m N. A. HARDEE’S SON k CC WOOD, BOOB HE SUBS0RIBER9'HAYING OPENED A WOOD YARD are now prepared to famish their friend. FOR SALE. O NE 15 H0R8E ENGINE AND BOILERS, in run ning order. Also 10 ft 2)£ inch Shafting, with pulUee and Jang era. All the machinery complete fbi OAK, ASH, Pine and Lightwood, For Liverpool. mHE SPLENDID, FIRST-CLASS BARK ^LKentville^ Evascs, ^ ^0^ Re-Opeuiug for tbe Whiter. IDA BARBELS CHEAP GRADE FLOUR, per- 1UU fectly sweet - -• - Ah in store, and will be sold MUCH BELOW THE MARKET by ' HARTIUDGE As NEFF. Abbival qf Steamships.—The steamship Montgomery, Capt- Lyons, and San Salvado, Captain Nickerson, from New fork, with full freights and a large number of passengers, arrived at their raspective wharves at an early hour yesterday morning. - TO RENT, JTIVE DWELLING HOUSES IN GOOD LOCA TIONS; TWO LARGE STORES in the best locations in the city. Enquire of O. H. LUFBURROW, oca—lw Real Estate Agent. YARNS. For Lirerpool AsSA^nsAsioN df.Gen. BQkpman.—A special .dfrpatchto.'the ; MemphiS;4v a ^® n <*« says that’ Gen'. Hindman was Shot at 10 o’clock at night,'whilst sitting in the mi3st pf,hia fam- -’ily smoking. His left hand, which held his pipe, being carried away by a charge of buck shot, two of ■which entered his neck, inflict ing the -wound'from 'winch he died eight hours afterward. His assassination, was pro- Slxth District.—The Democratic Nomi nating Convention which met at Cleveland oh the 25th inst., on the thirty-fourth ballot nominated Col. Wm. Boyd of Lumpkin .for Congress. Col B. commanded the 53d Georgia Begimenl TEN CAR LOADS CORN IN. DEPOT, Faims in Arkansas sell at from three to five cents an acre. A local paper says that dirt is so cheap you will have to look sharp pr they will- smug gle an extra firty or so on you-in making out the deed. - */;— ■■ > i~ ^ i . A 'Washington dispatch says it is believed, inofficial circles that Mr. Jefferson Davis will not be tried in October. For sals low by BACON. HHD8HJBS£DES, do CLEAR EBB SIDES, do SHOULDERS, For sale by rjlHREE LARGE BED ROOMS (FIRE PLACES IN .two), with KITCHEN, dARRlAGE-HOUSE and STA BLES. Apply at SOUTHWEST CORNER iATE and . - : ’ > BARNARD STREETS. oc2—3t Freshet and BAMAGE.-.TheKnoxviUc Preks "repoits a heavy rise in the Holston river, and great destraetion of human life and growing Corn, € JpOR SALE BY auglO-tf X S«p24-2i - mm