Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, October 05, 1868, Image 1

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tVo. Ui Bay ; Lartrest drcnlatfon titoCity TEK3VtS: ; i ijil'i. It Dully Tri*^ tcUy • • • • COCSW* SCBStmOTiOIiB PATABLI IN AUVAKp*... t, j3h J, |m All communications mast be ^c^4o the pro- presi( ^ ed prietor. ■** Blnp : paraoM wishing ths.paper famished far ..anytime !f „ than one yrer yrflli have their orders promp’tly at- itnaeil to, uten remitting the amount for the tfrne de sired. t ta '* . .Vo citj anbaoripttoRdiaoontiimod unless by positive, uicr Ieftat the office. *i ■ .£'■ •/ u —b—►«— 1 . - -o ;7. ; ;d.iijji.-i Li'tj'i •> w - . Correspondence containing important hews,, jflffl’W? quarts, Boliotted. We cannot j^romrejected communications. • .HAY <i J •Oj .£ xj.uJkj ..$10 00 tion to John Morrissey. „ 6 00 \ i ;.-i »- • k7“^—•- From Philadelphia, Twelve tp T fifteen thousand rofafe n the procession, which uicludi Nobui/f ***fifsSE 8 unday’s Ifrrapa.tchen. PROM ATLAVTi. UL arnff of To Advertisers. j SQUARE is ten Xif MonNiNo News. 5 Jitst insertion, $100per square; each subsequent hjitrtion, 60 cents per square. *•*.«*' livertisements for one month or longer still be in- Krt? ,l at special rates, which can be ascertained at the office. Advcl pinied with Ivrrtisements outride; of the city must be accom- «, led with the Cash. 1 -SUN. DlUt trill; for New Okleans, Oct. 3.—Storms have pre vented all outdoor business. The wind and pjg commenced \W*ThW«^na^l, kiUod ]i > raaed ever since with bul ahqrt interyals. It. shows no signs of cessation. The continu ous East wind has backed the Wgfei intake Ponchartrain through the canals and sWamp, nulil the whole rear of the city isjnun dated, au unbroken sheet of water from Claiborne street to the Lake. The water is pouring over the banks of the canals, and still ..rising. The Ponchartrain railroad and several 5 street railroad lines are obliged to stop running, the {racks being oversowed.. The rains have been heavy and general throughout the State for the past week. 1 \> \ Yil,*"VS New Orleans, October 3.—The wind is very high this evening and increasing. Three steamers between here and Galveston are overdue, and several New York steamers are ski due. Serious apprehensions are felt for their safety. A telegraph operator at Port Pike is supposed tfi he drowned. The watjsr in the rear of the city is still rising, The people ure deserting their Rouses in that ~ of the E<L Sew Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Kuilroad, attempted to commit suicide this morning by shooting bead. A man burned AfcQowau committed sui- t ide in a cemetery yesterday. The Democratic State Convention adjourned hst evening,- having filled the electoral tickA* with eligible men, and nominated Congres sional candidates for four districts. There is no nomination, yet for the fifth district. ;ht- He forth siiT wdlconie. n eel XJeprge.' i,'tq V&oome Gen. caused UlU a Morning Eews:' Yes|erday, being the day set apartfor tfie jpre- td fearing -'thefiP* J f*ri*a ion-¥f flag to the ,,.... , • cratic Clut) Of' Bainbridge, Ga., by the ladies noUBfi&z t: ers upon their heads, preceded by a drum prominepjppsi'tion, Theprocesmonproceed ed to that delightful sylvan retreat, Bosedale [rest—Walker, (colored) Killed. At anta, October cavalry ofiii Sen. P. M. B; Young, 5l - r “ l .t&DS«*i&C Park. ected CongTgsHman.for the. .unexpired term if the 40th Congress, was on Friday last lously re-nominated for Congress from it week, Walker, colored,, formerly of nah, left Atlanta for Blakely South-' irn Georgia, to opgirnii^ ® ^Grftjit Sub. called out of the house in the night ionn county and shot by " ~ • w 4 colored people ita have made up a subscription and sent [for the body of Walker, whidh will be brought to Atlanta. Cc Id north-east winfls and rain for the past thresdays.,v. r ., „ by TKLKGItAPH r TO .V- • the morning news. 8..mrdity> PfopafcheR. | Q FROHI NEW ORLEANS. „ ■ F _ S»n Francisco—Advices from Arizona. Large Portion of Vhe'lcity ImiindaXcd. .. l n Eeancisco, Oct '4'.—Owing to the witli- drav at of a portion of. tha militia the fniliftna are (becoming'Tmlaer^TiOTtyperaoiiBwere re was a destructive irig the'entire conri- ram for iy. Anni^p| i c^6^1gi^.^ncr^ pi ceapoij [rants were drowned. " ' * From tVaakingtoii. ’ A. Washinoton, October 4.—Surratt's counsel denv the statement.that they assured the Dis trict Attorney that Surratt would be forth- ig to answer dny charge, Surratt.being larged, they are in np way responsible • . 11 i v \S\- '■ f • •' ? i j •• ,■ , j j From Richmond. Richmond, October 4.—Earning violently ''afl day, the wind east., - i-. , ir r i : . " 1 V v> ■'■ ■ [Telegraphic Correspondence of the Chronicle 4: Sen 'll j j, , .^d-J - on. Shotwell efree^twher^ a stan^yg^ erected for the speakers - and ceremonies. Here *]$&£&&& W ; lCKMntie the Uiir- teen young la^ea^ Iffes Maune'-Cox,^^ in ft few ] atriotic 1 remarks, presented the flag to the. Club, which was received on the part of tiie t lub by Judge 'Byron BowerS, 5 in’-a happy response to the fajr givers, and an elegant ad- di-ess to the Club. After the reception, a poen , tin 1 “Address to the : Banner,” written Bt Wai&ell, E^:', watfr&d % ProfoM. Cummin, the former gentleman teihg ' mdis- posed. For clear, vprecise expression, the Professor cannot 5 be beat,-and. did himself great credit. After which, an address by J, C. Kutherford, Esq., of the Club ; also fol- lowejd by Francis McNeil and F. P. Law, (col- • ored) of Savannah.- ‘“*At one o’clock the crowd assemblcdaroand tables in the grove , grfyningi with. sub@t^i- tial delicious, Democratic food, after, which" the. •ovvd dispersed, with repeated cheers for “ Seymour and Blair, “the Constitution of ‘70,” “the Democrats of the whole country,” “law and (order,” good Will to all men”—save car- pel-baggers and scalawags. Snch' are the; sen timents, of the r Democrats of Decatur. Times are dull, little money laying around ilopsje. The BambridgP.!Lyceum recently in- auguratedis a good thing and will benefit the young men, who perhaps might be allured from the gilded trappingAtif-tEanaloons, in *the long winter evenings, to listen to debates -The officerselact Iietter from Atlanta, Atlanta, Oetober,2, p. m,—In the Senate to-day, the House, .bill granting aidkto the Thf^lScr^f tg^/^sSirt in the ' “ Ph “ b " B 8 « U »«» E *» a “ “; .consideration and discussion of • the -General part / Ar city and coming towards the river.. ijn tiie’House, the bill to*' prevent persons' Ware, Gehbnff Tibifet 5 Agent of ; tiie * •»»“ bunting.and fishing upcm the lands of . , T . .... others, which bill was recently lost, was re- sidered ana passed. > Hunters an.4 iBahejs, better look out now whose ducks they iously in the shoot, or whose fish they tra{i; they may get if i \ . into a gtyme that wdn’t win. The bill making uniform election tickets, was passed. The Senate bill to aid the Macon and An ita railroad was passed. If the Legislature - strong oit lemon «tfc as” it isj on Kuilroad the people couldn’t have more cause to ik sgiirthau they have afi the, prospect of aid-nicroey'fhitt'-wifihave to’«mie lnme some body. Jibe following were also passed: The bill Fartign News. London,- October 3. —It is announced to- ^ay iliat the Cheat Pcrwera will allow their di- pi ’Siatic relations with Spain to remain in slalu qitn. Disraeli issued an adifress to his constitu- uii- c.llqijing to disestablishing the Irish Chircli. He said it-me^ut • the severing of Ckarcli and State; it also involved the stirring ap of additional rancor and bitterness in the Island; it would unsettle property, make con fiscation contagious, and worse than giving England to Popery, and practically to the rule of a foreign power, Tbc commercial^ and .toiljtary treaty has hen ratified between Holland and France. Belgium is expected to join in the treaty. Babceloka, October 3.—The people sacked the town hall, and publicly burned the Queen’s portrait. Count Chester endeavored to quiet the mob, and wssefired upon, but es- enped under cover of night. Bassols has leen appointed to the command of the Prov- iuees of Catalonia by the provisional Junta. Madrid, October 3. —Sesanno Will not go to Madrid, because ihe National Guard, which Ulds JJadricj, refuse lyiiqissian to regu lar troops, which Serradp commands. Flobikce, 3.—Sjgqor Scorasso has heen appointed Xtqliau J^inisjer to Jlexico, vith Kfog Victor Eifianners permission. ttctitassQ will also aot for France fit the Mex- m capital. Front' _ Washkoton, Oct. 3.u-Aieneral Howard re- ; ports the total expenditures of the Freedman’s Bureau to August first, $7,935,000. The opening of General Hancock’s woruid *111 delay the session of the Ordnance Fraud Court, thus leaving Genera} Thomas on duty w commander of the department of Tsnnes- Sce . unr dcneralJGrsvutts.j-etuin is.deJE^rednatil Wof October. .lfl Secretai-y Browping has returned. ^ The contract for printing postage stamps hot four years has been awarded to the National Bank iWttS Compari^, York. President ; to-day. General Sibley’s report of the Camilla affair is Withheld from the reporters. It is stated that (he first report telegraphed from Bainbridge ‘s in most respects .supported. The report Cached headquarierstnthe Freedmen’s Bu- a32;i i ,V7 .Mif .n : x-Sif t«i. , Ib ttau °n Tuesday. 17j H »rom Montgofne^, Sj , ;Ia Mostgomeev, October 3.—On Friday rtbe house turned ont a Democrat Mifi admitted a Republican mnis Ieal^tlfe*iieJmmJnr was a eundidate in Jones county, and claimed a.i kom that ( ounty. . The Legislature abolished Jones county, f5J1 d then the Republican claimed his seat kom Fayette'county." — —■'' —■ majority C&M&BOisktji •. hke Democrat wafi^ncted by. over TOO ® a jority and that his contestant was mn Can didfite against him' at all. The election bili is still under discussion.' Governor Smith is expected to-night. . - . The Eegistery top it is tbcju^htjwiil receive «W signature; bub it isTIarHly probable that ^ere wfli [;11 election, for 5 •ectors as there is not now timmto camp a registration. to the penitentiary, instead of death. In fte gousmtho bili reiqayjng the peni tent lmy to the Stone Ajonntam, '\'as lost." e Senate bill fo, .authorize, the trial of nals by Justices of ihe Peace and Nota ries, was amend.ed.SQ aa>to allow rural. Magis- ' ites to try suoh oases as well as the town stricts;; thatfof putting them 'on an equal- !®0 S Sf‘tle"Begi^tSl^e fifilylnp the business before them, and uvill, no diubt, adjourn qp Tuesday next. This .will be graiifymg news lo the people, ho doubt, • and the great wish now is that ihe Express ;ent will adjourn with them. X. Alanta, October 3.—The Senate spent most of the day on appropriation bills, and in pas sing biUs incorperating towns, insurance, ryfining and manufacturing companies. | W. M. Sessions has been confirmed Judge of idle Bitmswiek Circuit. (Bedford, nominated for Solicitor of the - me Circuit, was not so fortunate, for the jnate refused to confirm his appointment. The House refused 4i pass, the bill to ex- .pt foreign capital invested in manefactures im taxation. . The Senate passed the bill giving timber-^ ' their saw ^ 1’be bill continuing Judges in office until ieir snccessora are appointed aqq confirmed, the Sender ' - ; The bill to iucorporute the hjerchants’ Saving Bank of-Augusta WU S lusj. " ' - - — - jhe House was' U of mining, ufacturiug and insurance charters mat- 1, which are now receiving earnest atten- ion. 'If] Indications point"to a prolongation of the session beyond the 6th instant It also seems. to be conceded that. adjournment will not bej sine die but for a recesa This is deemed a wise - x -,. . . t MEcr'Sf if r HjT bL J, *rctt'l TLe ^lavc Trade mpd. Cargct-firnggcrs i i i . irt/jL 3 > have alleged thafc -AJb^xi Griffin, tlie pretended and lond-muouibed' friend of the negro carpet ntof, J the hon- lutur'’ 57 "'" 1 had’evidence in his possession to ere-,, ate the belidCin liisimind thatr.^f>ine of his : ‘ bag-eoac^ntdra had inveigled on board. id sold info.Cuban slavery a lot ofqol-., t cedm'en; that Griffin fowl known this yeufi, and-dBring all, that time had, & dark, and*had.failed ‘in the obvious of ihis pretended friendship to. the ne» ' e to push the matter to a. thorough ip- \ and. to do all in his; povyi* 'to perpetrators of foe act of-piracy punishment. If there were, any of era who supposed tfo* 4 W0 .werp mere- _ _ ly jesting and romancing on a subject so' sc-. enclofi^******* ^ .0 pity,jat an earlymopr tlje streei alive vith the yeomanry M vorkipg, . ; est, e imest Democrats of ten'ViJdSifi A. JL the line was formed de the charge 1 of 5 Cok J. B.. Grififin, • OUet are ial, and ,Wm- IVarfield and O. Esq., Aida, Thirteen beauti|uf ladies, representing the original thir-- ii tnlfffl “Mjffi'frnjreiiilitMpfcifluiHi for the year are Rev. W. H. Hooker, Presi- dciit; Charles E. CampbeU,* Esq., vice '"R'esi- deut ; T. B. ^WardelT,' Segfotifry ©U McGill,. Treasurer, ; ’ The cotton orop in this Section is cnt.oif one half by the caterptilhr. The com crop Phoebus still with golden beam Robe* the ropy Autumn seen, nil j Dr. Taber, of the Macon Telegraph, is here just in timp, as wupl,. for the f <jinnei', good driiiks, smsldh-Afjolo%ffiwflmiilf»>flaLWarm welcomes, &.e., : do. The Doctor is a genial gentleman, loves, a good dinner, is warmly attached to the ladies, talks mh'chly about the -tylpgraph, and is the only .yetdiseovered true representation of perpetual .motion. The Atlantic find Gulf Batirqfi4 Company are finishing the jy unangements for the rapid transition of freight,; Added to carefulness, at this point, from the steamboats on the river to the cars at their wharves. They have re cently ereoted a steam enginaat thejr wharves and are Strainiug eyery effort to facilitate, the transfer of merchandise and cotton- Plant ers will have ua cause to,coiuplain,erf ('‘hatUy ^napdled option Ahi%r«UWj-, , . . Youf merv fiice* is Bean, mat 'arid-mand- 1 ' sojne, and will secure Shew lease of pros perity—a new cause for the admiration of yohr many warm fiends in tij^^outhweslj. r i 7 t\xr m v -.,,,,.iramin. i ; r ■ j l r.i'.’ Glorious flfcW* (rum the Northwest. and Illinois.- -He has spent several weeks in each of these States—rhas travelled through them very extensively—especially the latter : tv^o, and has had finAOgpqrtunitjqftfor ascer- jatn^qgskhg) correct condition of the canvass utnere. i ilil* i.) Au fy ITl,* As the rqault of his observations, formed after a careful survey of the whole field, he says that Indiana ifl^conaidleredas almost ato ' "inmieelectioa; clfiim that says that sQlutely certam lor on the 13th, and ! Illinois is as certaiki onr.i L after i scl7t28-tf...inl.j.| reading: Griffin’s answear, orrath- infessingr to the article we published ( : subject.: There is in his answer com, evidence that he knew all about, toe -t we were trying to. '.ventilate, audu that formation was: derived frpm. the very, documents , whence WQiideriyed' oura j , as we have stahd, tttetai documents, roenred by himselfi and contained jle- . fonts which f were made by, an .agent: ly himsfilf to New Orleans to. obtain, proof to fix the crime upon someiMobile qar- petibiidgers who wBrehisrivals for titofcqn- . ...^ . trol qf the nggro party in Mobile. When he conateuctol In c, obtained this eviaence he; stopped short .in a “>' u ‘« thq investigation, and filed it * away, as- he thought,; in a safe place, and, let the matter drop: The conclusion is irresistible, that he sought this proof and carried it to a certain point, not for thefoenefit of. the, negro race,. and notin the-interest of.humanity^ but to accomplish some personal end. That end is; believed to be to silence and control tol his own purposes liis carpet-bag rivals. • Now we wish tilt*, colored: uieii of Mobile .and Alabama, “ loil J leaguers and all others, : .to remark that what their great apostle, Grif fin, foiled to do, the Democratic party of Mo- . bile has. done—to wit: taken up. the inqniry into this crime. and . dispatched. a messenger to the North to enlist tile National Democratic Committee and tlie Goveruij.e it of the United fitfitys in, its protecution. We are this morn- ing able to say. that .the whole matter has been, laid before the President of the United States, and that an official inquiry, through the .Vmeri- caii Counsul at Havana .will be immediately instituted .and. vigerously piusuod. ft wifi make no difference that this cannot he, dorm in time to effect the Presidential election,, but it will bo Jim time ,to reach the guilty, and j J bring them to trial and punishment, for kid- S ‘ing and puncy, amd also resirl^yi’e liqiie, e restoration to.liberty of the poor frqed- wfio wereso • infiimously betrayed (by; their pratfindm) carpebbag friends, g Facts developed:fimee we.first broached tliis matter, lead to the belief that the M. M. ,_Bi'°wn schooner was. not the only vessel en T gaged in this enterprise, and thiit the negrges. ryere not shipped in the same vessel .that car ried to Cuba the desperadoes who conceived, executed and gained the golden fruits ofit. ; . We have the names of the passengers on the •Brqwn, and. they were i ali carpet-baggers,. Federal detectives and- Northerners. They j will be. furnished to the Government. We. majr only say nuw, fitMr. Speaker’V Geo. F. ■Hajrington was one of them. . We also have. "Hie' names of the colored euok and steward. The first is in the city, we believe, anfi his colored friends may learn, from him il'.fin at^- tempt was not made, , and . foiled, through the warning of a j’o)iug man who w as on board (as supercargo, .to, entice ■ Jliem : on t , . : m 80 i'i'i ... ... '* . . i ... e these are And now, it after suspicions lik . flirownmpon the integrity uud purity of the mqtires of the men who pretend to be the especial friends uf the ireedmen, these tree J- men still trust to their guidance and. have faith in their, friendship, it is their loojiont and not oura And, having Stirred Up fids great Crime, w,c leave . it in the hands of the United States "Government. * ' — -:■» ■«<» » * n. ; Jn Sontlnveatmt Georgia RailrlHiils. ..I atefch ;Ol all Charitable, .Historical and Medical and-ofber Societies, CliurcfieeuSe.; ail'd 'of'all* points of interest in and around Savannah ;a ..Jys I. A VI;,-tali of Fortitications Jycated near the city and constructed in Colonial aiuL iOeroliitioiiarr 0111.0, and during the: late war,. In general, to make it a work of interest to ilie citi-' sens of Savannah an.l tiie public generally ; a work .which, by showing the present and prospective ad vantages of the eity, will tend to encourage a further , development of Its resources and. conduce to.drawing ' Trade and Tfavel to it aiiil emigration to this .section. . As it fumy intention to Imke the work not-only in teresting to readers, but serviceable to merchants of the city, business cards will be inserted iu it' 'Besides "the, 5 great advantages given to advertisers by its circulation among subscribers, .copies of the work wiU be placed in .the leading hotels of Georgia and Florida, and also on aU .the steamers plying to An,A i'etau this port, j . The work is being compiled by energetic and 1 com petent gentlemen, who have access to all. the .old records of the city, an,i all other ’sources -of iufortna- ' tiou, and ‘ I feel confident^ sought after by *all persons ^interested iu Savannah, its growth, advan tages .and prospects, and that it trill be placed in every* library thrdhghout the country. Further information trill be furnished by canvassers, ’oron, application at my oflief?..' ' The day is not distant when almost ‘ every coputy in Sontliern'and ftouthwestem Georgia will have itisrailroad. "The Savannah find Gulf Rniilroad.'nowi'hiihirig to'Bainbridge,^"Decatur ‘ county, will soon be extended to thb J Alabama line, either at Fort GaindBf Erifalapr'Colum- JrajB. , And we see' propiftals 'advertised to flntild the road from J Albahv td Thomasrille,' and it is expected thfit * linewill be continued to TaHiihaSsee; Florida, uniting there with the system of railroads of our neighboring State. * This jiroject is-looked upon by many of the best business men of this city ns a direct blow 11 Against the city of Macon, in that it will talce : from ns the cotton and other trade of the rich countries around Albany and send it to Savan- malce up by get ting trade from that quarter. ' But ho matter how these projects may work out, we will still* be upon the iuterfdr line be tween Montgomery'and Savannah, which, al though it may not be beneficial to our citizens, will be eminently so to oqr railroads. It is ■ next to impossible for an inland city to con- efintrate raUrogds upon it and gain their'ex clusive monopoly like a city * by the seal. “ In not many years henCe they will beas coinmon as public roads werC thirty years ago. AU the ltby cqnnties in the black belt will have „ nv ^hanoes in his whole weairny cqnnues m the* black belt will nave Radicalism* but* 1 I a l 1<ihst °P^' W* 6 w ' 11 **>“« theH1 • A P**- (OCracy ro., iia,uuinsiu, .uuc i j ^ fh K.i nt 4mi.. Tt has been raming hfirds ternoon; the ‘creeks are' repc ssterday af- ry high. 000X programme for the General Oonyeutfon. In >rief, it is just this : ‘An- effort will first be node to obtain such a revision of the canons, -ubricik etc., as will serve to repress ritualism ind throw open the pulpit, to clergymen who ire without episcopal ordination. .Failing in hat, they will secede/and arganiza4binde- mndent church of their, own, to bp called “The reformed Protesfopt Episcopal Church in the T^m^d^^^pfo^n^riea."—jYeic ^>rfc The expectation is that several of the bishops will countenanceand take part in-this seces- ISiXmtBi&SIKMBSi create Provisional Bishops themsatves. The? arrangements,contemplate so radical a change in the Church that it is questionable whether alt'of the evangelical leaders arwqnitereqdy to foc^ehS 'iiiuslc, ,Que qf atom,- at gives notice that he . Cannot jpln it, and that it were best at presentsto. stay in than to go ont of the Cburcb. I I refer to theTtev. John Cotton Smith, rector of the Church of the Asc^nsjon, and onqqf the editors of the Pro testant Courchindn. Ifjiw » I— The Nsgoes anb Southern p^qspEprs.— ■(Th'e^ew York&raWsayH: Them&rbes are, discovering the.mistake they have been led I into are looking to co-operation, both politi- callv and matenally, wito their old masters* andfltmvdMtegwopfoof their oqmmon secW of obuntry. Then the enormous and valuable crops ofthe Sonth, particnlarly the cotton sts Urn work as industriously, as they . tUW&x. w< the last year, they will scmp be mdepei of the North‘for cash, and tJfeSoUtH.wig^ come the richest country m the world- ■ ii ■ '-'^i $ _A ’ MunDEtof a young - mam named r ^iein these days of enteijprise without a riril- toad are ceJWitilyuhforthbate, to-say the-least of them. Wd have" six long lines either com- phdetlor in process of * construction to our , efty; 1 which are • all we have any reasonable . „ ,, .. n rm„ x.-” (use for. Norr-, in cur opinion, the next grand result; Seymour, f ivif’ 1 ^move should be i ' ' in the-building of more cot ton, factories. , Why not*-.make Macon; the topidtow on the other hfind, chafes from Radicalism to the Democracy were frequent and gen- eraL .qa> //Jl} tKll e . . On one occaslou while riding on a train in HUnols, t|(e vote vF^s_tfik|njritn |he ^lomng in the West—and there ure many tliou- of them in Illinois and Indiana—are iflftnmfag «n frmftotil Tfe-nhgr|fqp» i .with' flicir old, political' friends. In Ohio,' our..friends are bard at work, and are quite as certain of success. ; He says that .tfiei Democracy were never ' ‘ " pd confideriLof a glorious vie Vyn the i efforts, been made to curry an our friefids-m'the Wdst arunOw Qiu* u^formaht^is one ^ shed gentlemen in the whose means of deriv- con-ect information, and^ : , jublic sentiment are, from the peculiar nature faaname it ryofild bj eon^Mpd, he highest respect for endorsemem opinions, : without jMiffir street vtore staftfed 1 ly a ix Wemend6ns crash. It vyafi soon discovered tfoti the easte iem wall—over lSb feet in length—of the Phoenix building had fallen. Its fall -was oc casioned by its being •rtrideftniiiedt W its fell, Messrs. ThoinaJ E., William JJ: .and Sain. C- Williams, all brothers of the Major, tuflSfejiBBliam M. Nichols, oYSavahnaEq wereall'in Ine build ing. Mru Thomas E. Wiliiama escaped elate.. being near the front. The... other gentlemeA’ were buried-in' the mink," but tile joists pre venting thaynrerilt feota .desoefiding entirely age. A little negro was also in the store, but ihe 1 made his appeanuiee-after awhile, not at aUhurt, hut dreadljdly A p* e . Etiyt ^‘ of staple and fancy groceries, belonging to Messrs: Wm. -Williams & Bro. was buried damaged,.,aa to render -it fllmoat vahreless. The gentlemen, however, though they must sustain serious loss, may cpngratulate them selves that they eficapedvgfb their persons.— Manta Era. ,"T wxua .TGIJ by the citizens- f-was money. 1,00 ' iiiofi imii i'li’O f irio r ) i + : .W: JL &orj£ eft .k :r. i > s An excitement New Jersey, finding what was belie* ah^withatOaqi nangmg-from.atree:. alert, and cut it C be a sham nnftgV &c. udson City," g by early risers L to be the body of dfeeMtortfan tint was found to with sawdust, HIH SOHH ^ ^ 13 ala .i-'-ij S Chester,of Gem-giaV iyecando it, The ■ wobden-hutineg'States of New England’ make ten times the amount of morij, factoring cotton that raising of itl All the'raw! material they* buy here, nets them at. least -one dollar per pound. And still we: go on .from year to year seemingly contented, with reaping one-tiiird the reward we are eh- tltled to.—Afocoa Telegraph. ; ■ ' j xsfei k-mr-vGre. « ‘i ! i - I “The WfoDBR Bnr£Efi. r ”n-Mr: Edward At- kihsoh (Radical), 5 of- hfessachnsetts, thus • closes a long* review,- in the Boston Advert - tiser, of Ben. Butler’sifinancial poficy*: > J **u: I Gep. Butler asks your support; he ptoin- isesyou a great gain; he has discovered a f old mine in which a&shbH share except the ondhpldprs.1 jaeriS to : oiZAloa-a L til Not long since, a green-looking Vermonter walked'into the office Of Dr. C. T.‘"Jabkson,' the chemist. : • i Dr. Jackson, I pliesnme*?” said'he. “Ar4 you alone?’* ^ * • ’ - -1 i. • • “Ye^rafr.*’’ * n I! “klay I'lock ti)S door?" andhe-idift so, and* having lqtiked, hehind the 1 eofa and satisfied a ar rib one else’ was in the' fooril/he H^'e bundle, done up in'a yellow on the table arid opened it. • : doctor, look at-‘that” cii, 1 said-the doctor, “I seeHt:” “What do you call that, Doctor?” ; “ I call it iron pyritesv I “AVhat!” said the mem, “isn’t that stuff gelfi'?’* 1 ii ;'>u» ii :■ * 3 I!- ; -uf a c • “No,” Bqlfi thwDoctor, “ it’s good for no- .thing; it’s f.pyrites;” and ; putting sbme ’ in a ; •• wai, " sard the poor begbne look;0“ there's a widder woman npin our towri has a*whole hill full'of that, and I’ve : been and marijedher.” • ‘, i. Gentlemen • of. the fifth district of Maasai' chnsetts/dotf t-friany the Widder-Butler! .*.* ■1 ...V—.1 ' o, .4, i... ooJ Who is Responsible?—The New Orleans* Crescent, referring to . the negro mobs and nota xqthe South, a^ks: L . . . - ( Af a: man toads a gnu, sets its trigger to the riaicpoint, draws, back its hammer.:totfriU. ! cock, and thc-n puts it into the hands of mi idiot or maniac, who is responsible*'for its, consequent discharge and: any, fatality . that rib resulfif ^Hdavomnbinaitum -otiraen place inqer a much frequented thoroughfare a tor pedo so arranged ithat the concussion of a random footstep may cause it .to explode, who is res^onsiblefor toe disaster to life and I -cliU ssfu baminS ri!■■■. c. j V.. £ 0( * ! bs?.Dt-j noi:oIqre bis ?<S is’K. - el j !l HISTORICAL J * s - - ; And- 5 *■ STATISTICAL ^ETCH CITY OT OF THE f with m.,. RES6ni(’l!s : A5D PROSPECTS. TflHE UNBERSIG3SED PROPOSES at an^Srly W/a wcfrt'embrocra; SES PUBLISHING, A .Historical and Statintical Sketch of SaTsnnah, coum^ucing with ita earliest settieiuent and sliowing its proeress up to the present time ; Jj: _ - * _ ~ ,Biverj nectiona, with the adi J Steam and Sail vessels h i r~and character of its population, its* s; o^d'fiiiiiiliefy and prominent men ; ;aml futute advantages as regards Com- l MaftuHu turing Facilities,' its* BeauU', iChh, and Health ; A: A iblicjiuildings, Works^Schools,.Park, Monu- Jcationaladvantages bv means of Public.' onah and Private ScfiodM v -i J. H. ESTTLL, , 111 Bay street. THOSE 3 j 4., , ikti i. AND „ J W ISHING TO REPLENISH iJlx BQSfl Xv AND THOSE , .lit. > 9TS0 UOillll i }Si '}] I v<i • A f Commencing Ho uHekeeping, OANBfTy, TO THE BEST‘ADVANTAGE, I *.i, ‘i.U: hl nio) Mririti ,i Mfo . ■ A 1.1. KINDS OF* ILOLSE-FT KMSIIPSC GOODS, : >■OHIIVA, GL.ASSWARE, .... Toilet petSf^iinwj Articles, &c. [IS . (jFROil . y, , . J. W. STAHSBDRY1 GO., : 7 ’’•* AT- THE OLD -STAND OF K. D. SMYTHE & CO. .1., 1-..-U .* ■ - r.i : Notice. HENRY D. LAW only, or liis attorney, JOSEPH W. STAN3BURY. MERCER & ANDERSON, , bankers : -i - Je ii ili —AND— ij. COMMISSION MERCHANTS if | telfi ; :.;-.11 • i - i . • dtzi liid!! H AVE REMOVED THEIR PFFICE to the comer of Drayton st. and Bay street Lane. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, GOLD AND SILVER bought and for sale in sums to suit purchasers. . Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold ON COMlMISSldN. octi-tf ll . J :■ ••• l .. ' jY^ OPfENED, ' r f ; . j »y SsjD^ MANESj Brongliton St., 2d door East of Barnard, TRIMMINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. U : « otI :* i-.-. ; .{ . ;L . A • v SATINS—ALL SHADES. LACES—LATE IMPORTATIONS. LACE COLLARd^EATEST STYLES. RIBBO^S^PULL ASSORTMENT. ! *4 . .1. : : L m.) -m ... tausyr ! . (^OSIERY-j-BEST ENGLISH. ALL STYLES OF TRIMMINGS .MADE TO ORDER. My stock has just been purchased for^ cash, and will i sold at the lowest iTgures. ’ sep29—tf iemL TEETH! •T ■*> ■■ ■ '• UiA Yb J '-LiJ mi I .. j Dr. Nt- Nf. ...Pe3Si;tist, - H AYINO iEVERY, FACILITY JOB THE. MANU FACTURE. OE ARTIFICIAL TEETH in aU the Various modes known to the profession, and competent assistants in my Dental Laboratory, I can at & fcio hours notice manufacture ah entire set of Teeth, Kxt&r extracting the old roots (which can b^wdone in all cases without any pain.) OLD CASES not comfortably worn, I can make so. OLD GOLD and SILVER PLATES taken in part pay. OFFICE Avh L.&ORATOKY, ixf 1 ^ w ’ dT ;(»PFq3ITE P0L4SKI HOD3E, Between Bull and Whitaker streets, j je5-tf,,-v - Savannah, Ga. . rate * Jii . ; ; ’T~? ?■ 1450 Broughton Street. fflHE DNDEHSItiNEp’ ; BEGS TpE^ATTENTloN JL of his friends and the public generillV to his new and wMlselected'stock of *' ^ * i HOUSE-FITTING MATERIALS, conaisting in’part ofWHTl'E and CHECK MATTINGS; WALL PAPERING, from the cheapest to the best arti cle; WINDOW CURTAINS; PAINTED and GILT WINDOW SHADES, Oord-^md Tassels; Buff, Green and White .Shade HOLLANDS; CORNICES, of various styles^—together' vrith many other articles of household goods usually k^pt inhis line. . .? ^ made to order; Matting. Oil Cloths and Carpeting cut i and laid. All repairing Jn his line done in w ork- ‘yle. Prompt attention given'and mot ' E. A. SCHWARZ, I. ; - , Np. ICO Brouyh Ap3-ly " Oppomtd Messrs. Weed ;: 1; ,;.TAii55SNG.'‘ * , isr^w jGrOODS! fTIBfe UNDERSIGNED respectfully call the attention JL of their friends and the public to their LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, just resolved, consisting of French and Eng lish jfloth.q, Cassimeres, Beaver, Chinchilla and Ely- sian Cloths, a choice assortment of Silk Cashmeres t ana Velvet Vesting, all.of'wtoch .they are prepared to Also, a cnoice assortment oi gemm.MrJ< o x UK* i NlSHING>^OPS, 1 ^f the b«# vguality iand^latesfr j styles, kept always ^gn tond^^A-few fine SHAWLS for sep2lAm~ Ho. i2TVhitatef^^SaT^Ah!^a. jgDStNESS CAEDSl ti . Jt' r < 1/. 1 *’ 0*>i-Si'ortfM'.vfg-Oilitt..\A x.qqn.' at ii ^ OYi •> t. •< £ .maflt r - * ! -'i-;?'! 1^* . RODr V/Ofh'Tjb ■ . "Artb J TAGs7 of Hews Job Offlm. mBay ggpt^ .H -A. .siuTS. ir.di airii wi-; :. q • iia ;■ '■ r.aX ■ %iia itsili isi saih*>< r. revu-.-i. tor. . .003 to m-jttyd oit lot .1:. 'i - :l ; { . ■■., J j ; ^. .-fr ■ ijK ■ '■ Edgab L. Guehabd. ExXWXBD I*. HpLCOkBB. GUERARD & H0EC63CBE, , ^ Cottori Fhctdrs AKD . . r , COMmsSiON MERCHANTS NO. 5; STODDARD’S LOWER RANGE,' Hay Street, Savannah, Ga. Liberal Advances made on Consignments. • • •** ii’.* a"i’ ::J i , i , octl^tf. - S. PAGE EDMANDS. JOHN H_ GARDNER. to EDMANDS, GARDNER A CO., r.KNKKAl. nm, r:t./ COMNnSSION MERCHANTS Savannah, Ga. i.:,. j L Iberal advances Made on io5rsiONMEJ?rs * to our friends iri New York. Boston and Liverpool. Messrs. Dabney, M<*rgah *K"CvS‘.. Xew York; Jarvis Slade, Esq., New York; Hon. J. Wiley Rdtfiaads, Bos ton; Savannah National Bank, Merchants* National Bank, Savannah; Lathrop k Spivey, Bankers;. Sa vannah. * - ‘ ■ ■ i aep28—tf Frank L. Gue. Geo. C^Pkabck. Allen G. Bass. HUE, PEARUE&iCo,, , Cotton and Provision MERCHANTS; * NO. T9 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA-) Tf ai ', i.: to :.j„ r .QQQ Of», ,/OIIX OLIVER, DEALF.K IN i itl'i'tltfl Sashes, Bliiids 1 ■ and Doors, T* VI NTS, OILSj GLASS, Painter’s null Glazier’s Tools, : Mixed Faints OF ALL COLORS AND SHADES. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, GIAZ- •* DWJ,4a, No. G Will taker St., Corner of Boy Lane. jyi—iy CHRIS. MURPHY. CHAS- CLARK. Murphy & Clark; House, Sign, Ship uffil Steam- <! boat Painter«. • ■ . .i Gilding, Graining, garbling, Glazing, and Paper-Hanging*. W E ARE PREPARED TO SELL, AT WHOLE? sale and retail. Paints, Oilw Gkto, Putty, and Varnishes, Mixed Paints,; Brushes^ every descrip- tion, Machinery and Harness Oil.'Ax|e Grease,’etc. 77 Bryan St., between Bull and Drayton, mhU—ly , SAVANNAH, GA, , W. F. MAY, •I I • - -If h i, '- J s . (SDCCESSOR TO W. H. MAY,) IVIiolesale and Retail Dealer in Saddlery, Harness, &c., yi~AS JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF - .OAK and HEMLOCK, (tanned) SOLE LEATHER, CALF and LINING SKINS, and a general , assortment of SHOE TOOLS. Prices- reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. tST Orders for' RUBBER and LEATHER- BELTING and. PACKING filled promptly. ^jap2A THOS. PET EBB. G. M. M’CONNXCO. , B. H. *SENU£Y. K. H. HENLEY & CO., COTTON BUYERS •; i - : ll -j-ANp-r ; ,j; jj/. BRO K ' SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Office corded Bay arid’' Lincoln stfeeta; up -ataira, * over AV, H. Start SCO's. ■ - U.i . sepl0-3m E. W. DRUMMOND, [ . G. C. DRUMMOND, Of the late firm of L. J. Guilmartin & Co. i E. W. DRUMMOND & BRO;, • - a i -:»■ • . GENERAL SfflPPING i idnob . —AND-^l - 1^4 B-A-Y STREET, .! SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. aul—tf WAL J. LAWTON, IB. A- HART, J. G. GARNETT. uwtmwmvm fac fr : 6 Mb: - —AND—' i *• • '• Commission Merchants, NO. 4 HARKIS’ BLOCK, HAY STREET, SAVAJTOAH, GEORGIA. augl8-3mo ' , IP. W. COKNWELL, l DEAUEI: IN ~r - 1-,.* HARDWARE, DUTUERY, AGRICULTU RAL IMPLEMENTS, AXES, HOES, , ' • < NAILS, TRACES, Ac. Also, Agent for McASTHUR’S COTTOE GIR8,' No. 151 Broughton street. Savannah, Ga. septl-6m ;.ri! f,.-: . oil | ; f I5; L: <3f. j* t Wholesale (Liquor Dealer, I Ageut for Binlnger, snip—ly AVEST SIDE MARKET SQUARE Dr. Edtjrtjf 1 W. L’Ehgley ii dentist; No. 106 Br^gm Street; ; RiiLWEEN WgEEAKBj^ AgD. flARNABD STS., Sarannah, tteorgia. .. , ■ Jel2-ly . . , . ... - . MAURICK HACIOETT, COOPER, AND AGENT OF THE SUB MARINE DIVING AND WRECK- i eu-n >■ ING COMPANY.,. . -i i 0FPICE UNDER THE BLUFF, F«J0T of DRAT- Cliang^ of Schedule. TATION OFFICE CENTRAL E. H-,» Savajoulh. August 14,1868. > . -HfST^ PAS- __ enger Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad will run as follows : , . 1 - '* ' c j ' - r ,.l> J r - leave. ahrite. Savannah. . ..:. .V. . ....:. -.8:00 A. M. Macon.-..... JJl.i............... .6:10 P. JL Auuu.-ta..,..... CffiS P. M. snuedgertlle. :...82SB P. M- AIM P. U. Connecting with train,that leave AugnaU. .8:45 A. M. fen ' , DOWN,DAY TRAIN. ““ ' ' “ " ' ’ .(..7:00 ,.;.:.....:..6ao P. M. ...... _2 SMP.M. Connecting with train that leavea^jigngta. .8:45 A. M. I i no IsfJRlJigHfX TRAIN. id . .6:55 A. M- AuguatA—.— — . -..-.. - 3:13 A- 1C. Connecting with train "that leaves Augnsta.. 3^3 P. M. SsTOmah....iif £ trainUnUleaves Augm DOWN NIGHT TRAIN. Macon P. M. ^ayamiah......:..:t.... ..5:10 A. 1L AugdBta.U iLLti. Cw- - 3d3 A. M. imiegeville 4:30 P. M. Eatonton 2:40 P. M. Connecting with train thatieayes Augusta. .0:33 P. A. M. trains from Savaunkh and Augusta, and P. M. ooDiiect with Milledgeville traixx ndaya excepted. Savannah connects with thrones on South Carolina Railroad, and P. M. train Savannah and Augusta with trains on South Westerned l^gee Railroads. ^ ang 14-tf Act’g Master of Transportation. =4? Dissolution of Co-Partnership. T he firm of johnston & Deleoh u tus day dissolved by mutual consent. Either partner: will sign in liquidation. O. F. JOHNSTON, pdl-lw ! - - I p; M. DeLEON. 1?. JVC DetoEOIST. GENERAL COM9HSSION MERCHANT, •yyiLL ^ continue business at No. 13 Stoddards Liberal advances made on consignments, ocl-lw CO-P AItTNEiiSHIP NOTICE I ; THE .UNDERSIGNED, fcuv, this day formedf a cw-yactdemUp for the transaction Uf a G£N~ L COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the firm 3 of CHRISTIAN k JOHNSTON. HENRY B. CHRISTIAN. OSCAR F. JOHNSTON. Ii. Octo>>cr l.'M68. - oel-lw ^ CHRISTIAN k JOHNSTON, General 1 .Commission Merchants, BAY' STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. O FECIAL ATTENTION given to the aaU of Cotton. O Flour, Grain, Bacon and Merchandise generally. Advances made on consignments to ua ar onr friend* in Liverpool, New York and Baltimore. ocl-lm John W^WatiBn,. Augnatt, Ga. Ghohoe A. AUOl. Paducah, Ey. John F. Tueotlkn, Enfanla, Ala. Notice of Co-Partnership. « '* * ’ ’. -YT7E HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED OURSELVES VY together under the style of WALKER; ALLEN & TREUTLEN, - *—AS— ’ Cotton Factors, l Merchants, —AND—* in this city, and would solicit from our friends an cl the public generaHy, CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON* GRAIN, and produce of every description. AS^Eepecial attention will be given to orders fac BAGGING, ROPE, etc. g3-men desired, will make the usual Advances on produce in store. WALKER, ALLEN & TREUTLEN, '■ Office No. 8 Dravton streei tog?!-* JOSEPH FINEGAN, j Fernandiua Fla. | Office No. 8 Drayton street. JAS. B. PARRAMORE, Madison, Fla* Notice of Co-Partnership. VUE HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED OURSELVES f? together under the firm name of Joseph Finegan & Co., f“' as GOTTON FACTORS . i . .t :..t AND Commission Merchants, .in this city, and would solicit from onr friends and the public generally, consignments of COTTON-* GRAIN and PRODUCE of every description. (T.TBUkAT, ADVANCES Trimd^ on all pmurigmmmta to ourselves or to dm* correspondents In New- Tort: anti Liverpool. JOSEPH FINEGAN fr CO. . ■■■r ' Day street, Savan. aeplS-lm ^-Office, Jones’s Upper I Cotton Sample Paper -it : SIZE KMS INCHES, ENTIRELY NEW. M ade especially to our own order to meet the demands bf the Cotton Trade. ; Price $33 per Ream; $2 25 par quire. . T^ GwUon Kegs, At SO. Cents Per Gallon I I , _ • - • (KEG EXTRA,) 20 pew cant. LESS than New York price. 1 i au :■ ' l —— v : .Cotton Marking Brashes ana Pots. . ,; SAMPLE-TWINE. AVLKEIt, EV NS & COGSWELL, No. 3 Broad arid 109 East Bay Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C. " • TfiRf- w- i for distribution at the office of ilia ii *4 ii R. A. WALLACE, General Conmiission Merchant, .. j * , and FjFYij_rr js . PAPER, PAPER STOCK, MACHINERY xvaste, moss, &c„ &c. 1 *" T> ARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO CONSIGN- ' I MENTS.of PRODUCE or MERCHaNtithp JONES’ UPPER RANGE. BAYOTREEt! River side, betweoa Whitaker and Barnard streets. •] T •' r : * r . EHRLICH, ted iff WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST A£D COST-' MISSIOy-SimtCHANT, - ’ H as NOW: .ON HAND TaR^nofl TygurTT FROM the factories of North Carolina arid Virginia. He umtes his old patrons to examine his stock, which J,e BMA. aoll-Iy ifju-j OF THE Sale Savannah Republican. SOLD AT PUBLIC OU SA.YAKSAE EEPUBIilCAJJ, ) WILL, together with. ATT. THE , consisting of— 1 HOE RAILWAY PRESS," ' ** .’ I WASHINGTON PRESS; .31 1 GORDON] withi Type, and a of a first ch Office; also, one Steam Herring’s Patent Safe, office of *he Savanuah _ ' number of Literary Works, the private J late proprietor. Said sale to be made for the "benefit? of the creditors and heirs of the late John E. Hayes. ROBERT FALLIGANT. ’**’ " Administrator ad col, on the sep29-td Estate of John £. Hayes. Plans and Estimates A RE Solicited for BUILDING A FOOT J\ across each of the slips at the foot* c 45 feet .in the clear.- The bridges must be five^feet wide and capable of sustaining a weight of ono hun- dred pounds per square foot rewlilnorf 30HS -^ Ailid taint t&tTJd Likil XJS-via . •’-'70X162 i'.. ii*’