Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, October 08, 1868, Image 2

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Me fttoinim J. H. ESTILfc, Propriety \V. T. THOMPSON, Editor. Largest Circulation in City and Country. JOTB^LY^OCTOB^ s v 18QB., £ Jgyt. JCor president, . — , Hon. HORATIO SEYMOUR, 'St 'ornewitfa£S*5 Tfor Vice Wemderat, General ?$.ANK, f :i B^R, on ineanmjr irish In^l854oni-’55, when" Know-Nothingism flourished i throughout tile North, one would .ve supposedI those who belonged to that intolewfftand.'proscnjSiWoiaer, had aban doned forever all expectation of ever concili ating the vote of’ £E6"triah Catholics. It . conld.not have beensupposed that a party who demanded tkat*" the "* foreign* Lorii" 3 Catholic shonidbe deprived forever of the privilege ofvoting and holding office—who refuaedtoaHow foreign 1 born citizens to-fOtiif volunteer military organizations, in some in- stances'going to ’ tar as to disarm those then in existence—who demanded their utter proscription, socially and politically—would ever accept; much less expect, their political co-operation and support. And yet, when a Caw years after, soldiers were needed to coerce the rebellions South, not only were appeals made to “oklr Irish adopted citizens,? but thousands of Irisbmeh were inveigled from their Irish j homes, and half bribed,' half forced into the Union army. In that struggle the despised and proscribed Irish of the Northern States proved both their valor and their loyalty to their adopted government. And what thanks did they receive from the people in whose battles 'they had borne so consjpicuous a part? The war being over, and the Know-Nothing party, under a new name, being in power, they soon forgot the services of the Irish adopted citizen; and which the business men and merchants of feeling no longer the necessity for their aid, Savannah derive their patronage, . A bust-i were again as ready to proscribe and oppress OF MISSOURI. I > For Congress, Hou. A. H. HAN SELL,! off- if) ♦ ; ■—I n-u< nr-;—;——V SJ-^or Ship News and Commercial; i Fourth Page. TO BUSINESS MEN; We respectfully call attention to. the value of the Savannah -Morning News as an ad vertising medium. Its circulation is greater . than that of any similar journal now pub lished'hi ffie sectioh * 6t ‘the * korMtff -ham ness man wants something more than , to see his advertisement in a printed news paper—he wants 'circulation. Those who wish to make their business known should avail themselves of our columns. ! ■ hrmfenovtii lA. THE RADICAL WIIITIiUO IGNORE THE BLA to! Wt ,UE IN BLUE. ' In the recent demonstration of the Boys in Blue in Philadelphia, the colored troops who fought so nobly were entirely ignored. A delegation ,of Black Boys in Blue in Washing ton make qirepiratKms^ ti atteiid. but were warned by the Republican papers that their -presence, would -ncg be agreeable. -Some, however, who could not be dissuaded, went to Philadelphia-to participate in the grand show, but no notice'wfis token of -them, Their. preSeuce wus entirely ignored by the man agers of the affair, abdbutfor the protection of the police worse consequences would -5- probably have befallen them. The negroes will learn after a while that all Badical preach ing is- not gospel. 'WheBe-their votes are needed by the carpet-baggers they, will be tolerated, but “to hum” their Badical friends have no use for them. ‘" ' —— > Vim. 1 The Lofax Leagues xu : Axabama.—The Co lumbus Enquirer, says: A gentleman gives ns the following in regard to the strength of Leagues in -several Counties in Alabama, and their intentions: On‘Sunday they met at Mrs. Comer’s place, below Hatchechubbee, well armed, numbering about six hundred. ‘ There is another League at Spring Hill, numbering three hundred; Another at Biffin,' numbering four hundred; another in the neighborhood ttir !v! of Silver other at red; an- g eight polls in these localities on the, day of oleetio The sirdimcfvel'Sfieeddwe uridefetand' '’is tl numbering fivi on Springs, nui hundred, and one near Eufuula, numbering one thousand- They are thoroughly armed and. equipped for the purpose of taking the : election, i the £ chief of rthe concern, and directs their pro- ceedings. They have issued, sown are in formed, a-placard to the effect that if any ne gro or person belonging to their League is - found missing, they will hold the people of said neighborhood responsible. The Brigade of Death.—In the Badical procession in Philadelphia last week there was a body who claimed-to be survivprs from the. prison-pens of the South, called the £ Bl|gacie of Ppath^f* extract from General Grant’s dispatch to General Butler, dated August 18, 18G4, would have ■ c r, - a PPr?J>$»te inffrijjtiQa.ipii t ^ eir banner: OA the gnbjectbf exehadgb, I differ from - General Hitchcock. It is hard on our men held in Southern prisons not to exchange them, bnt it is humanity to those left in the ranks to fight the battles. Every man re leased on parole or otherwise becomes an fj^pctive salilifi-L^g^ust ns al once, either di rectly or indirectly. If we commence a sys tem of exchange which, liberates aU prisoners taken, we will have to fight on until the South is exterminated. If ice hold those caught they amount to no. more than dead metx. At this pto;- ticiilar thno to release all If ebel prisoners North wouljl Sherman’s defeat, and „ would compromise our safety" here. i e ‘ * -to « ’ i ■ The Corn Trade.—A note from an en tirely reliable correspondent in Tennessee, gives ns some interesting information in re- : ference to.the corn truke in.ithst. section. All the corn on the line of the Chattanooga and Nashviie Railroad, has ’ been bought up for shipment to Cincinnati, where it is now Worth $1.15 per bushel, and not a bushel is likely to coine this way at hhjApfee less than .. $1, until the new crppi is ready, . which will not be earlier than the first of next month. The crop is late this year and the heavy rains have damaged it inuclp—Charleston Courier. Sanguinary.-The Philadelphia -4r/e, among other startling-.declarations, flies the following y under the editorial head: "Let us fill hell full enough of Federal soldiers to make their feel stick out through the bars."— Joe Brown, of Georgia, before Ae was Re constructed. - - hi , , We do not know thathis ex-excellency was particularly anxious to ’over&jtk the infer nal regions with federal soldiers, bnt we do know that he'hAs for hanging i5p Yankees like Wethersfield oniops, a dozen on a ~ For which let bus Badical friends —‘laiuations and when found smug. . i5 : ovcrhanl his ]Wk^ ^ make a note. 4 l ; him, as ever. TTis Democratic proclivities, independence of character, and adhesion to his religion, rendered him obnoxious and hateful to the Intolerant Radical Puritan. A little incident within our own personal knowledge, which occurred shortly after the war, will Serve to Illustrate the inveterate prejudice of thq New England Radical against the Irish. In the spring of 18C6,. while on board a steamer on onr way from New York to attend the Philadelphia Con servative pouventipn, by chance we were drawn into a conversation with a Boston gen tleman. He was a type of the phamsaical, higher-law Badical of New England—his scrupulous dress, white cravat, drab gaiters, bold, self-confident air, general appearance and demeanor, indicating his rank among the “truley loyal" uppertendom of the Hub/ As certaining that we were from Georgia, irith a self-complacency and supercilious f imperti nence, characteristic of his class, he plied ns with questions in regard to the temper and purposes of the South. ‘.‘Well,” said he, “now that you have got enough" of fighting down South, I suppose your, people are willing po remain in the Union." H We Teplied that the South having been overpowered in what' her people belioted to be a just cause, had accepted the result of the war in good faith. “But you rebels refuse to comply with the requirements of the North. Yon are unwil ling to come back into the Union, except on your own terms. That won't do, yon know.” Our people have acquiesced in all the de mands- that the government can reasonably make, bnt they regard the negro suffrage which the Bepublican party would impose upon them as an unbearable outrage. They do not consider the racentfy-emanbipate^l ne groes qualified to exercise the elective fran chise. “Of course your people think so. Bnt we think they are just as capable, and that they have a better right to vote than the ignorant Irish. We expressed onr surprise at hearing him speak thus disparagingly of the Irish adapted citizens who had fought so well in the UniQn cause, reminding him that thousand of Irish men had left their bones to bleach upon Southernbattle-fieWs.. “They, did’nt know what the war was about, and only fought for the pay they re ceived. We nsed them; I admit, but I would fjeel more like forgiving the rebels if they bad killed the last Irishman in America. They are an ignorant, bigoted, besoted race, and a curse to any country.” 1 And that man spoke the sentiments enter tained by nine-tenths of the New England Radicals towards the Irish Catholics of this country. And yet the Badical party has the brazen effrontery to ask their support in the coming election, and even to threaten them with persecution in the future if they dare to cast their votes for the Democratic nominees. The New York Times, noticing the statement of a Badical paper that “ the Roman Catholic vote will be nearly solid against the Repub lican ticket,” says: ’ ft This is not a religious contest, but a con test of political principles. The Catholics and the Jews could not do a worse thing for themselves or their future interests, than to attempt to di vide political parties upon a sectarian basis.” ‘‘This is a contest of principle,” jsays the Times, It is a well known, principle of his hjgher-law party to proscribe Catholics, and if the Catholics should iu turn repudiate Rad icalism, it would be but just retaliation. There is nothing in the acts of the Jacobin Congress, nor in the moral law, as expounded, by Henbx Ward Beecher, prohibiting a pro scribed religionist from opposing the party who would proscribe and persecute his church; and the threat to punish the Catho lics and Jews for voting in obedience to the dictates of their own judgments is not very likely to influence them in favor of the polit ical party which claims such retaliation as a legitimate prerogative. We shall be disappointed in onr estimate of Irish intelligence and Resentment if the pre diction of the Chicago Post above quoted does not prove true in November next. “ OQ" HOSE A An adjourned regular i Company will bo held DIG, at 8 o'clock, ,-^t the Fireman’s j HaD, for business of importance. Every member is requested to appear promptly. uaBvnndnrrf THE PBESBIBHL —y octS-lt M. B. Bahkweix, Secretary. rtr^=* Attention, Washington^ f , j <J Company THIS {Thursday) EVENING, the Sth instant, at8 o'clock, , By order of JA8, A. BABRON, Foreman. Chas. E. Wakefield, Secretary. octS-it Q^-^Zerrobahel Lodge, No. 16, A regular communication of Zerrubabei. Lodge, No. 16, will be held at the Masonic Hall, THIS (Thursday) EVENING; at 7 ^ o’clock. By order of- the W. M. oetS-lt R. J. NUNN.I'Secretary. 3 Notice to Pilots. I. co- ^The northwest corner of the channel at “The Wrecks ” has been dredged off, and the Bed Buoy which marked it, moved accordingly. The second Black Buoy (No. 15) has been moved about two hun dred and fifty yards farther to the westward.' 'Vessels, when opposite this Black Buoy, win steer for the Bed. ^ J.S.KENNARD, oct8-lt . Superintendent River Dredging. Qjj^Notice to Gas Consumers.. You are respectfully invited to call at fee office of the SAVANNAH IMPROVED GAB-LIGH^ CQMPANY, corner of Bull and Bay Streets, 2d floor; between the hours of 7 and 8 o'clock P. M., to witness and test the improvement in the light from common city gas etf- , fected by the Company. < .*./,* With the same light now obtained, a deduction at about 25 per cent in cost may be relied on. * 1 This Company has been In operation about four months, and we would refer to our present patrons as . to the general satisfaction given.' ‘ • 1 ; The apparatus is introduced free of C06t ••• GEO. W. WYLLY, President DeWitt Bruytl Secretary. r • asg lit—ly ' Batchelor’s Hair I>ye* t j •;/ This splendid HairDyeis the best ^ the wodd. The only true and perfect Dye—Haruileas, Reliable, Instan taneous. No . disappointment.. No. ridiculous tints. Remedies the ill effects of Bad Dy^s. invigorates and leaves the hair soft and beautiful, black. or broton. Sold by all Druggists audPerfumers, and properly ap plied at Batchelor’s Wig Factory, 16 Rond street, New York. , #,f • j : f ..janlfr—Jy OFFICE OF October flth; 1! -Aiken, John.* B—Barnwell A Screven Mrs. Mary; Brown. N. B.; Bottom. T. J^.Bi B. H.; Baggage Agent O- tc 9. R* B.; W. H. Wiflink; Baumann. C. Cardell, Charles; Campbell, T; Corwin, Thomas; Cos- ham, 1 F—For, CoL Charles B.; Flemming, A. F.; Ford, Wm.; FUveriug, 'B. D-: femU, Patrick; Ferguixm,’ Mrs. J. B.: Fitch. H. S. Gx-Grlfiin, Y.; Grange, J^i GemmeU. ^ M.; lammou. P.: Goodwin. T. A.; Goodm, sr. Jr. ; TT IfffirrifFp w 1 n Horn, W. A.. care'Bandas-A GMne.; HamlBon, Bar: J. B.; Hall, E. H-; Hukaew, lira.; Honegger, Due; Harper. J. A.; Hendry, G. Us Haberabam, Grant; Hatch. M.; J—Jonee, >rshaiu, B- , J.;t«dored.) ' ' . .'ll' I , K—King, Wm. N.; Kelly. John; Krednakoff; Ber lin. B. H. ■ L—Law. O. E.; Lysaugbt, Wm.; Lane, Richard. M—Martin,' J. A~care steamer Swan; Mbutague, M. L. : Mayer. N. B. E.; HlUen. Mra. M. A., care of J. Hardee; Miller, W. D. B.; McPhataou. 8- M.; Martin, J. N.; Moore, G. W. 1 • . . i <i; - bn,. * O—Owe’ua^Mra. i.; O’CohtioF, J. D.: Overstreet, 8. P—Pease, Wm. B.: Perry. B. -W.; Patterson, J. T.; Purse & Son; Paul. Mrs. A. , -..m It—Eobeos, Amos; Kosse, Wm. B.. cue of E. C. . Wade; Bobena, Mm.; Byan, 3. W. 9—Snipes, Mrs/M. B.; Sinclair. W. W.; Bpelgell, G. Oti cue & Solomon; Shoemaker, D.;Shorter. J. H.; Sovcren, G. M.; Stewart, J. J.;,8aWtay,, C,; Stevene, H. C.;. Shorer, A. . , : . . T—Totem, It. H.; Thomas; W. H.; Turner, Captain B.T.; Thompson, A. T.;Thomas, Mra.;Tucker, J.H.- U—Ulmer, H-' B. - ’ ' - t W—Wilson. Km, w. W.V.; W. & W.; Wayne, H.; wmhmrn, Ed.; Watson, * L y ^ McClellan Saddles» Mcdellan Saddles! ! McClellan Saddles!!! PAA SECOND-HAND McCLBELA* SADDLES, t)UU In good order, with all trappings complete, tot Bale singly or by the dozen. AIBO, grf\ SETS SECOND-HAND WAGON HARNESS, in QU Very good order, at low figures; and everything to be found in a well kept Saddlery. ' i "F. F. CHAPEALT, MEETING STREET, NEXT TO CHE MILLS HOUSE;* oca-21 CHARLESTON, 8. C. mmm P E STEAMSHIP SAN JACINTO / RECEIVE 5;,EASES 1 I id- tip I ilifcf.j lUf , BOUGHT VERY LOWr • ‘ ■ > ’■*• J.!: 7 f 1 if nr/ X-.-.-'l _ ,j\ For the Retail *J?ra|de. brt ?U. Itu -f - X-’iV, :•» tuiov r t jiO no •i jt j, : jt\. ORFF, WATKINS & CO. oc7—3fc “An Ounce of Caution it Worth a Found of Cure.** OSBORNE, OCULISTIC-OPTICIAN. . SPECTACLES EXCLUSIVELY OF ALL KINDS. OOBNEB OF CONGRESS AND DRAYTON STREETS, Navannah, Ga., Mutioay teen the Marshall, He Screven, eaid the DR. H. J. ROYALL, Office, Cor. Si. Julian Street and Market je27—ly Square : Qj-x^Conjngai Love, AND THE HAPPINESS OF TRUE KARBIAOE. ESSAYS FOR YOUNG MEN, on the Errors. Abuses; and Diseases which destroy the Manly Powers and create impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means of relief. Heut ii) eealetf fetter envelopes free of charge. Address HOWARD. A^DPIATIGN, Box P., Phiiadel phis. Pa. ] sept33—dxtWgm ffUt. ■’ i 9IABRIED. PAPE—ANDEBSON.—On the 1st of October, 1888, by the Bev. David Porter, George Edward Pape-{for merly of Baltimore) to Nina, eldest daughter of Hon. Edward 0. Anderson, of this city/ It ¥ir The New Orleans Times says: One by one the steps are being taken which mark the march of despotism. Regularly drilled and organized Radical regiments axe common to the public eye in the Western States; but it * has been left to St. Louis to iutrodnee five ’ pieces of artillery as a prominent feature of a recent Republican display. f .♦ * * ’-r Miss Kate Maloney, a -Troy washerwoman, beat Horace Greeley eighteen votes for. the Vice Presidency of, the Labor. Congress at its recent session" in New YorK. Horace is so revengeful," it is prfesnihed’hiS 1ihhn' will now be dirtier than ever. Still it is what he calls “progress,” an’d we think it is: ’ * A 11 Synod op Geobgza and tnoErDA.’—This ec clesiastical body, says the Rome Courier, will convene in Rome on Wednesday, October 21st, am < ~mainder Le its lb e_ number of delegates fri attendance will he about one hundred. , ! Indications of an Eaedv an* Sbvehe ? TDn.—-Wild geese in the Red J have made their appearance in more than a week ago—the earliest migration *hat has ever been observed dn the vicinity of denerson, while wild pigeons have already macl ® „. eir . a PPearance in the vicinity of Rich mond, Virginia. These are indications of an early and severe winter, according to weather cer ancient legends.-—dUanta Ih- FDNERAL INVITATION. BYRNE.—-The friends and acquaintances of Thoa. — aad family ue respectfully invited to attend the ; - Vughtor Nellie, from their residence, Bjm- '-*»-een Charlton and Jones funeral of hi* — —ooN at 3>; o’clock, on Whitaker street, o— • streets, THIS (Thnrsday) AFTEBi-u— Tw-^Xo the Pubile. ~ , Savannah Gas-Lxoht Cosxpany, 1 Savauuah, Juuo 4,1868. J The anymmMb Gas Light Company, wishing to sup ply Gas to Its patrons on as cheap terms, as may bo consistent with a fair return far the capital and labor ^ppiwi Iq its manufacture, and believing that tlio ac tive business wliicb may bo reasonably expected du ring the coming winter in this city, will cause ap in creased demand ; and further, thikt a diminution in pries will induce many to bum Gas tha$ have hitherto had recourse-to other means of illuminatiQny-which two more dangerous and Jess cleanly and convenient; and that the consequent increase will lessen the cost o manufacture, and thus justify .the Company in making a reduction in price. Therefore, it has been determined, that from and after the FIRST OF NOVEMBER >0*t, ^consumers will be supplied at the rate of FTVE DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS PER THOU- SAND CUBIC FEET, and that a further reduction of Fifty Cents' per Thou sand Feet wm be made to ajl who shall pay their bills «t this office within FIVE DAYS after presentation. ,/ii K J. F. GIL3IER, - June 6—Stawtnovl President Fashionable Dress Making. jyj-RS. E. H. SHAY BEGS LEAVE TO INFORM THB public that she Is now ready to fill any orders in the above line of business. Latest Fashions always on LaruL Northeast comer of President and Drayton streets. octl-2w TO KENT; fJUIE NEW AND NICELY FINISHED HOUSE and STORE southwest corner West Broad and Bryan streets. Possession givend 1st November, 1868. Apply to ' < i , ANDREW .M. ROSS, oc3—ood2w Bull and Gaston streets. FOR RENT, IJTWO TENEMENTS IN JONES’ UPPER RANGE, on the north side of Bay street Possession given on the 1st November. m oc6—lw ——~rc— ROOT. HABERSHAM & CO. FOR REST. JJRICK STORE on CONGRESS STREET near market. Poasesslon given immediately. Apply to octl-tf WILLIAM RAW. FOR RENT. fJlHE BRICK STORE NEXT TO COR- nerEaet Broad and Broughton streets. Also, THREE ROOMS and KITCHEN ove the store. Apply on the premises. . sep25—tf FOI*, RENT. fJIHE LARGE STORE 60x90, TWO floors, lately occupied by W. O. Robinson, j||f and suitable for a Wholesale and Jobbingi Dry and Fancy Goods House. Possession given im mediately. Apply to sep21—tf jTNO. McMAHON k CO. FOR RENT. •J^ TWO AND A HALF STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with necessary out- |J{{ buildings attached, contains flve bed^s&s rooms, and is pleasantly located. Apply at sep21-tf THIS OFFICE. TO LET, ^ MODERN TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, WITH FURNITURE, GOOD COOKING STOVE, Ac., situated on north side Jones, between Bull and Drayton streets. Apply to Dewitt. & Morgan, oc7—5t 137 Congress FOR RENT, fJXHK TWO WHARF LOTS, NUMBERS FOUR (4) and FTVE (5), east of Bull street, known as JONES’ LOWER WHARVES, between Drayton and Abercom streets. Possession given on the 1st November, oc7—tf ROBT. HABERSHAM k CO. HOUSE TO RENT. . PORTION OR A HOUSE TO RE$T, WITH GAS and WATER. Location control, within five minutes walk pf the Bay. Apply at THIS OFFICE. pc6—tf V FOR RENT, DOUBLE AND ONE SINGLE ROOM, FUR NISHED, in a central location. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. ocG—St TO RENT, a. - 7 ■piVB DWELLING HOUSES IN GOOD LOCA TIONS; TWO LARGE STORES In the best locatices in tho city. Enquire qf nc2—lw O. H. LUFBUBBOW; • ReMEetato Agent. TO RENT, - ‘ T^EOM Ire NOVEMBER NEXT. A DESIRABLE. I' DWELLING on Harris street, contalulng dxtecn . -"HUB, 'with gue end water. * For farther preticulare WILLIAMS, WARD h McINTIRR. U- Magazines for Ou, T ERLIE’S.LADY’S MAGAZINE, I J GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, PETERSON'S LADY’S MAGAZINE, RECEIVED AT ©CBfREHStE^B. /~i OLD ELSlfe. BY THE 'AUTHOR^OF “OLD MAMSELLE’S SECRET.” f JOHN WARD'S GOVERNESS. By Annie MacGregor. TALES OF ALGERIA. By Richard if. Bache." OALLAMURA. By JuUa Pieasahts. • ' >> SHX^TB OF SIlfJOTES. By Henry Kingsley: JOHN C. SCHREINER & SON. NEW BOOKS! l AAIXAS GALBRAITH. BY .MRS. B. H. DAVIS. AJ JOHN WARD’S GOVBHReSS. By Annie M»c Gregor. AMONG'THB ARAB9; a Narrative of Adventures in Algeria; By Q. Nspheggi. .GOLD RL8IB. By Mrs. A. L. Wister. AB-BA-RA-KA, HOME OF THE CROWB; being the Experience of an Officer'd Wife on the plains. THB UNCONSCIOUS TRUTH OF THE FOUR GQB- PELS. By W. H; - Fennees. INFHLICIA- By Adah Isaacs Menken. TALKS 4 ON THB BEATITUDES. COOPER, 0LC0TT A CO. oc8—tf ,,i. 1,600 BO X. E S TOBACCO! . t. »••• . • -rti *' ’ 1 ’ - T *‘ i IN STORK AND FOR SALE AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES BY thaxton, CREWS & CO., 103 Say Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA.' > OC8—tf IHARKIMO INK. V U-, 30 Cents per Gallon by Retail. 20 Cents per Gallon by the Barrel FOR SALE BY ALEX’B (iALLOWAY, 35 Drayton Street, oc8—8t SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. FOR SALE, rTIHE SLOOP MARY WALLACE, SIX I mouths old, built of oak, hard piiie planked, with capacity to carry fifteen hundred bushels rice. Her SAILS and RIGGING are NEW. Price, FIFTEEN . ^ _ HUNDRED DOLLARS ($1,600). For mrtfiur par- ticulars address T. LYNCH, 1 oc8—-lw* Jacksonville, Florida. WAITED. ^ SOBER, intelligent white -MAN wants a SITUATION AS DRIVER. Ia competent to drive > I two, four or six horses. Address “DRIVER,” at this office, tr ocS—3t* HOUSE WANTED. ANTED TO PURCHASE, A HOUSE AND LOT. Persons having such to dispose of will please address HOUSE,” Poet Office Box No. 937, stating location, condition, and lowest cash price. oc8—tf FOR SALE, ^ FINE FAMILY HORSE, GENTLE, SOUND AND a good traveller. Also, BUGGY and HARNESS, in firat-rate order. -Apply to LUKE CARSON, oo8—2t ' Comer Broughton and Abercom streets. BOARD. Q.OOD BOARD IN A PRIVATE-FAMILY, located convenient to the business portions of ihe city. Ap ply at THIS OFFICE. oc8—8t -■ TO RENT,. A SMALL STORE, AND ONE BOOM, NEXT TO northeut corner of Broughton wad IJnnnln Btreetg. Apply re THE.pOBNKB., oc8—^t« : l EFFINGHAM COUNTY SHERIFF'S SALE. TILL BE 86LD ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN ' NOVEMBER NEXT, between the usual hours of sale, ONE TRACT OF LAND, containing • sixty acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Georgians Hurst and of Foy and Brewer. Sold as the property of J. J; ■ Black, and levied on to satisfy a tax execution. JAMES ZTTTROUER,. oc8—lawtwTh Sheriff Effingham County; $100 REWARD. QTOLEN ON T&E NIGHT OF^THB to INST. □ from the Stable of Wilson is Dehonsy, a SOI HARE MULE, three yoars old last spring; vouched and shaved close; in good aider; . sire In her ,farehred; branded upon left Up, uidweUhrcta. We will give e liberal reward for tho dolivory of aie male, and the above reward for the thief or thieves, with proof to convict. Any information will bo thankfully received. oc5-tf .WILSON A DRHONET. •I - LE BON TON, LE PETIT MKSSAGER, THE LADY’S.FRIEND, DEMOREST’S MONTHLY, 'HARPER’S MONTHLY, ATLANTIC MONTHLY,'; , PUTNAM'S MONTHLY. BALLOU S MONTHLY, 'THE LAND WE DOTE, THE GALAXY, ..THE OLD GUARD, ,-U, , r.. UPPINCOTT’S MAGAZINE, THE ECLECTIC MAGAZINE, THE CATHOLIC WORLD, * ’ ’ THE NEW ECLECTIC, THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, every SATURDAY, for September, DeBOW’S REVIEW, for September. FOR SALE AT / ESTILJi’S NEWS DEPOT, jrmlr. STREET NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE. Plans and Estimates A RE Solicited- for BUILDING A FOOT* BRIDGE across fsacbfof the slips at the fppt of Barnard wide end capable of euBtalnlng a weight of one hun dred pounds per square foot. JOHN B. HOGG, 8epW« aty Surveyor, 600 JdLeii Wanted fkN THE MACON A BRUNSWICK RAILROAD, BE-. tween Brunswick and tho Gulf Rmid. at Doctor-, town. Apply to Foreman and Agents on, the route. HULL A MILLER. BeplB-Jw* . ^ i Contractors. _.V, _ WAJSTJED, ~ T ' OB, CLOTH LAYERS. GOOD CARPET AN^ -o & CO. •| LAIHBOa rpwo g ofea—Gt ‘Shalt Pulaski Mohses. OEMTfiiL, CONVENIENT, AND MOEK FOB DBS THAN SHOW. I WOULD INFORM THOSE WHO' HAVE NEED of my oervicee that* I ere folly prepared to do OPTICAL WORK, ae well asrfit each cose with exset andperfect glasses; giving those who favor me with a coll what experience I possess from study and practice of deer twenty years mist: f purpose selling to the people of my native city, . Savannah, ACCURATE ADAPTATIONS, {he cheapest erf the end, for thoee who value eyesight more than a few dollars. In my office roper tb be used as a remedial agent, ' iwfcOwJ when and which to use as oc- ito cloee out- toy P*e9ent :ES SO LOW as to put it •nize me. 0c7—eodlm stock, I will] ini; the power On DJjfU/T ^ 91 .i » j «<«*•*.; twh, *>L -iM uoikjt WE- WILL OPEN 1 Lf ,-tiT t* »Ji.) .’It 1J * t'rel i mi 63 DOZEN ! J ) II .11^ ill A v, S. M. COLDING TTAS now in store and will keep con- JlX - 8TANTLY ON HAND. 4.. KUiliL. ASSORTMENT tot - I — OF — , MEN’S, BDVS, LADIES & MISSES’ ^ PATS AMD GAPS, ATi- WK.OXrESA.X4E!, Such as will.suit City apd Country Trade. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to call -and *r»Trdn«j before purchasing elsewhere, at mi THE dtp ESTABLISHED AT STORE, No.‘ 158 Congress Street. PIJKSK $350 OO Mile Meats, best three in five, to Harness. ■mBftsufPLUH . X made and com] trotted for on THURSDAY, OCTOBER H U f4lC g \ entries: ■mrenpmM g .■» RAffi 1 W. T. Burch enters ». m. LUCY LONG. J. P. DamfeU entfeg-ft b,.fa^I AMRRTNQ PILOT.^ Nelson H. Biddlecome .enters b. h. BRICK POME- BOY (formeriy known as the Wilson Pony). This Race to be txottftl according to tile nde^ of the Fashion (L. L) Course. Proprietor moat regretfully tovitea the .attendanoe of the public to the inauguration of tftis ‘new place'of resort, and visitors can* be 1 assort'd that will bo amply provided for, and- the BAD supplied with the CHOICEST WINES, LIQUORS and |pj.‘ “ An ample police force will re filiate order on grounds. *" v ' the nh* tan Bil ocC—3t :iCAL SKETCH ( y f/ * OF THE SAVANNAH, RESOURCES WITH ITS IMPrfsehrtAa-f, mercial and Mannfaetorine Facilities Cleanlin%is. and Health; - ^ , 'r*H»ufcl(B«aafogk; Worka.StkAtB, Pnk. Mhnr meats and Squares ; ’ “"s- , I Admission. 60 CENTS. Poole willbe sold • fidffiln:Uional. and Private School* ; . t # afore the race atD.lMcCpnnell's JfotropdMts ,1 A sketch of all Charitable, rT -^ - * ‘ ditlnnn’ - ‘ ’iscl . >. * and other Societies. Chnrehjso - JEFFERgOH SAVANNAH I'lKN-VE11EIN. . i ; 111 ..-u wJT I FIPST OF THE SEASON, r WILL BE GIVEN AT THE TURNERS’: HALL; ON Monday Eyening, Oct ID, I868 T CONNITTEE OE ARRUttlENENTS: N. HESS. H. SACK. ’ “ 6. BREVtS. •• ih ti> I T IS THE INTENTION OF THE COMMITTED OF AllKANaffiHUGB to make this one of the most pleasant re-unions ever held by tins Association; 1 and ho pains will be Spared to attain this end. , TICKETS cao.tbe obtained from any of. the .Com mittee or at Lippman’s Drug Store. ocT—WAStdASI P t*f NEW SHAWLS! AND •1 i i DRESS GOODS! .’r' 4*1.01 OPENED THIS WEEK f <1 TT| - BY - ,i>j if/ QUIT, oc7—8t £ GO. DRY GOODS SALESMEN, ATTENTION: TUrANTED IMMEDtATF.t.Y AT PEPPfeR’SI Nos. 119 VV and iaiiCongress stree't, THREE FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN.' None else need apply. j. • oc7—tf THOMAS,PEPPER. REMOVAL; r , C. LED LIE, pliALKE IN SKINS, FIRS,, WAX, WOOL, AND HIDES j H as removed from aio bay street Td CORNER AEERCORN AND RIVER STREETS. (Duncan k Johnston’s building,) where he i* prepared to offer superior advantages tb sellers of goods iu his e. . , oc6—eodCt , BAGGING. OFFER FOR S.ALE THE ABOVE ARTICLE, which has been tested and approved by Planters, .weighing lj#lb to the yard, at 18 CENTS' PER YARD. • ’ R. HABERSHAM it CO. oc7—e‘od2w Tttr CORN! CORN! CORN! 2000 BUSHELS PRIME TENNESSEE, X: .• oo7—eod3t In. lots to suit purchasers. ■R. HABERSHAM k CO. o©7—tf GRAND OPENING! fflHE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO CALL Tl A attention of the Ladies of Savannah to her Large and Select Assortment Pattern Bonnets, Felt, Bearer, Plnsh and Straw Hats, OF ALL STYLES AND DESORIRTIONS; Flowers, 1 Feathers, Ribbons, LACES, ' ; AND OTHER GOODS USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST- CLASS MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, which she will take pi rneroua friends and pal •lcasure in showing to her nu- itrons at all times. flATJ. AND EXAMINE. V. EHRLICH; NORTH SIDE’ OF BROUGHTON STREET, TWO •oc7 DOORS EAST OF BARNARD. MOURNING GOODS. Tkl.AOE SILKS. ALE QUALITIES; JJ BLACK VELOUR OTTOMAN. BLACK AJ.PACCAS, Buffalo brand and other ccle- bra tod makes; BLACK FRENCH slid ENGLISH BOMBAZINES, BLACK FRENCH MERINO and EMPRESS CLOTHS. BLACK AUSTRALIAN CRAPE and DELAINES. — AGK IRISH POPLINS and TANUP” — MOURNING OALtoOfe and GINGHAMS; BLACK 84 and! 184 CASHMERE SHAWLS. BLACK ENGLISH CRAPE, COLLARS, VEILS, Ac. Just received and for sale by/ Dowrii. & MORGAN, oc7—tf 137 CONGRESS STREET. BOARDING. j. p pabker, having • removed to Saws- Vettce,Ladles! mqiyaL 1 ora_iw Day Board $6 Per Week. ; /n Ann HOARD CAN -BE OBTAINED AT THE G^Sve B «^ittoflTC ndnutee walk of UmPore - >. Apply at THIS OFFICE- ,i' ; I Office. - • wanted, TkY A SINGLE GENTLEMAN, WITH OB WITH- OCT BOARD, u FURNISHED ROOM.Jn. • private Duufiy. A-family having few or no other boarder, prefonred KEY BOX PUT, B. a oc7-3t JJVANTED, WOMAN AS COOK, Kl'I’HER WHITE OR OOL- A ORED. re BURT’S. : Eld Gloves at $1 a Pair. r: t •- •; ‘ Bnllion JFringe, iffi shades, Hit/ ■ ... rf .» « Jia *- > Satin Trimmings. Sdtln )»y the Yard. ladies’ Handkerchiefs, large lot Hosiery, good English. LL OF THB ABOVE GOOPS WILL BE SOLD L: at the LOWEST PRICES, at the , TRIMMING i< .ihiudi . ’ , •’l jE!E). liMJ. A ~N. JbLrS, ,tl a- ,U. '1 ' .'1 ... ' .BRQPOHTON. STREET, SECQ>3> ganKApp ,oe6";, V POOR EAST Or util ■ i AND DRESS-MAKING, AT? , . i - ., m : - Madame l. Louis’bazaak, - —— srkEKT. upetalre. qepag-jy , IWBBOPOHTON Jcr> aO RpiOPERTYFORSAliE. -t—rtr >• ■ A’X- l. . on tho south side of the turnpike upucar-tS Central Railroad, conUinihc five hundrod acres, a; tlon well timbered and wooded, good swamp — land to clear. ONE LOT lying on tho Ogeechee River, above the twenty-foifr mile post central Railroad, containing two ’hundred ocreo,^oll well hjDlwKfl.. The above LANDS are offered CHEAP FOR CASH by A. DUTENHOFER, oc3 If »*Bayetreet. SALT TO ARRIVE. 3000 SACKS ’ TEN T ° THE T0N ’ CAitQO OF Ship CRESCENT CITY, for sale to arrive. Apply to commencing with its earliest settlement and ahn^T"’ U P ^ “^Preaent tsmm -m i* A line of Steam fad Sail vessels , The number and character of its Cocj. and other Societies, Churches, sjr&si whfob. t.Mhowdng.thepr.aJnt ^^s'e S vantages of the mty, will food w enqoiragVl fartt« development of its resources and conduce to drawin. Trade snd Travel to it and emigration to ibis section As it Is my intention to make the work not oulv i. foresting to readers, but serviceable /to taercianL „ the city, business cards jrill lie inserted in it Best!-, q e : P”* •dyMoU^giren tosdVcrtise re by £ circulation among saosenbera, copies of the work wm bo placed in the leaffing! hotels of Georgia and FiuriJ/ and also on all thp s^ou^ers plying to and from S port. The work is being compiled by energetic and C0K] petent genUemen. Xh^havtj access to fal the old records of the city, and aU other sources of informs tioffi and I feel confident it will be sought after by all persons interested in Savannah, its growth, tages and prospects, and that it vjjUt be placed ia evert library throughout*the country. Further information - will be furnished by canvxaw?n or on application at my oftec. l: a • o , J. H. ESTIT.T sept28-tf IU Bay street _A_.- ]V£c 1ST TJ L T Y, ^ . GENERAL ITVSITMANCE AftKIT. i ku * i Ki I would inform Ihe business pcbuc asd IN Al r’narpiryiyi <f qn, f r,ainj, hhiSwdtd ol ok le*-i*tts M’onp dittr fimfo’hu i !flA|wdak*HUt 3 > • f—i oefi—3m W feri - WM. W.'GORDON. ^PISON & GORDON, --•rill ## »AtJ #4* Imjjq.iU k l..,,, 7 i.eoam/NX -^4ND — COMMISSION . MERCHANTS fsTREm-,1 Savannah. BAY T ngRAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGN- | iu 15— : -I ‘ Gi r. . *1 - Heidf Jc Liudlow s'. I.„ 154 Congress and 7 3 St. Jnlien Sts., A RE OFFERHl'Cr AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF ReadyrMade Clothing . j In the city, of their own manufacture, jCOUNTRY MERCHANTS are requested to give | tfaemafiidi. ■* Qc2—lw HEIDT & LUDLOW RE NOW PREPARED TO, GIVE THE BEST I £ ,■ w" English Coats To be found in the city. 1 AH who desire A GOOD HI | and AT REASONABLE PRICES will please call. oc2—lw oc7—f>t WILDER A FULLARTON. ,, "‘CEMENT. 200 BAKRELS HYDRAULIC CEMENT, LAND ING from Ship. Gardner Colby, and for sale jorr from wharf by. oc7—6t WILDER k FULLARTON. ROPE. , SUPERIOR ARTICLE (18 STRANDS. TWISTED) for aafa by , oc7—lawlwW TISON k GORDON, 96 Bay street. TOBACCO! TOBACCO ! ISO PACKAGES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, VA RIOUS* BRANDS, direct from -Manufactory, in store and for sole low by oc6—9t l , r ’ L J. GUILMABTIN & CO. 6Q RICE ! RICE 1 CASKS PRIME NEW BICE, AND ALSO A Al lot of superior ROUGH'RICE, forsole by, oc5—tf BRIGHAM; HOLST M CO- CARGO OFSA LT FOR SALE O'OOO SAC ^ 8 ” Liverpool salt to sut&p per ship Abyssinia, for sale by. • oco—tf BRtGHAM: h6lst fc CO. BACON. HHDS RIB SIDES, ' 30 20 do do octl-lOt CLEAR RIB SIDES, SHOULDERS,, ’■> ' ‘ For sale by r • WM. H. STARK & OO. COTTON GINS! stored by Pelot; Tucker k Wright re the VW\ Hydraulic Cotton Fn»s. April 3,1867, are hereby f ; I tilled to settle their bill and remove the same 1 ten days from date, ck they willbe^gototopay^ 181 ^ | oc2—10 SuperintenduDt^ ■y^"E OFFER ^OR SALE TME CELEBRATED • - E> CARVER COTTON < ) T These Gins have been expressly prepared to suit the wants of th'e jifahters-of Georgia, Alabama and Florida, and are adapted to the present labor; system. Factors allowed a commission. by. sep2-2m - «ur,Bwi ujf. ,, N. A. HARDEfc-SSON A CO.: ; t For Sale, fTTWO TENEMENTS IN GORDON BLOCK, NotII JL and 12, on west twodbirds Lot No. 26 Chatham Ward. . /. Also, LOTS 23 and PrendergastviUe—near the; workshop at Central Jfailra^d. 4l> For terms.. Ac., apply to . , , ROBERT i>. WALKER, . sep24-tf ’ ■ ‘ Pres’t Sav. Mutual Loan Association. 181 CONGRESS PJTHE NATIONAL BITTERS, am STMEMT* LARGE CONNECTICUT CABBAGES, Jfist received and for sale by .. , , , JNO. t! ijnebErgeil, octl ’ Agent CANARIES, LINNETS, M : gqld.fincAfs,: 2% O w», [OS ^E l^Y olG—tf • '> G. NOBLE, ^>poaite Marabou Hi 15 Tierces New Crop Smo^d Shoulders. Smoked Sides. ’ 1 ‘ . . f.f- V }. ' f r • / Hess Reel*. \,S. EZS1NGER, NOTARY PUBLIC | ' *—AND — Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace. I Office north side St. Julian street,'second door I West of Jefferson. . • k. . o<3—61 1 ‘ TAILORING. , ISDEW" GcQODB! fllHE UNDERSIGNED reapectftilly call the attenuen I JL of their friends' and tho public to their LAfiGE I AND ELEGANT STOCK OF FALL AND \JDiTEB I GOODS, just received, consisting of French and Eng- P liah Cloths, Casomeres, Besrter,- Chinchilla and Ej-1 sian Cloths, ^ choice assortment of ffi]k Cashmurn I and Velvet Vesting, all of which they are prepared to I make to order in a style superior, and at small profit V Also, a choice assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FUR- f NISHING GOODS, of the best quality sad latent styles, kept always on hand. A few fine SHAWLS f.z gentlemen’s wear also on hand: BAILEY k BRADY, sep21-lm No. 12 Whitaker street. Savannah, Gx DENTISTRY ! DR. SKEEl) H AS RETURNED TO THE CITY AND RESUKEP I PRACTICE at HIS OFFICE, 117 CONGEES I STREET, opposite Johnson square, where he jriU U j p'eased to see his friends and patrons. oc->—1~~ CAUTION. rjIHE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED NOT TO TBADE I JL for a NOTE given by aar to A. Rosenblatt, nov o I possession of Mrs. M. .Berg, of Savannah, Ga., dan-i I in 1861, for between $600 and $650, ttie precise te- I n<^ apvount not recollected. The consideration 1^::^ I for an unsound negro that died, I am determined cot | td pay it. : i .... A. BAUM- Irwinton. Qa. n September,30,1868.^ oc3—U>t* Notice. ■OWNERS AND CAPTAD’I _ of veasris are informed that they can obtain tt? I eeiMces of -the Steam-tugs ARCHIBALD UETTS r JOHN LYNN and - BENJAMIN BRAMELL, for 10*1 I77GON IHE SAVANNAH RIVER, after the 12th dry I of October. JOS. BRAMELL. oc7—2w Owner and .Notice. OWNERS OF a" LOT “OF OAK STAVCl Notice. „ UNDERSIGNED IS THE iJNLT IMPOBTC I of PERUVIAN- GUANO in the Unite* S»l rf a 1 . No. 1 Peruvian Guano In Bags &r sole by his agent at Battimocfo'Maryland, B. F- VOSA .... R. C. FERGUSS0>. Agent for Consignees ofttie gagn^ii.'Bov’A je8—ly No. 42 South street. New ;• Notfce. . t .. • ■ . 'X A '» )' jyj-B. JOSEPtf J.‘ WILDER I3-. A. RABTNEB 1 our firm tthm -jrHIS DATE; the burineAS of whi'h‘ be conducted anheretofare. under, the name end | of WILDER A FULLARTON. ... L octl-‘ i5 -rq Notice. on ProfitSy lnoanaii and: Grow Rfoeipfo. «1» - I Payment of the »fo«re«id fay is respired by Ordi^ i be paid between tile first and tenth instant. JOHN WILLIAMSON, City Treason- Ocxonnr 1,-1868. < i - 1 LAW NOTICE. . rrtHt: trsuERsiGNED have untteb n££l 1“ qdliffrel^ilLM'klli nuln^.liil wife attend r f '^T.-,P the ~ ' ----- - “ -'-i'* 1 Proposals A BE SOLICITED FOB FILLING AND ±ii L ;i •i; ir - FdR 'SALE BY GUERARB & HOLCOMBE. 006—tf- L AW BLANKS, BRIEFS, BLANKS FOB COUNTY- and other offleere, printed in tbe the HORNING NEWS JOB OFFICE, 111 BAY STREET. time of completion Stated. sepl8-tf - ~ : -*‘j • JOHN S. HOGG- I i . i r r w sAiaE, A LOT OF FIVE ACRES OF LAND, fronting on Hie Ogeechee roan., near Laurel Grove CemeteiT, suitable j for GARDEN, DAIRY, SHOP, * c - For particulars apply to J* oefelvr DB. L. A.