Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, October 16, 1868, Image 3

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jg-For snip Sew. ^ £*5..^JEZI Third Page- .. liiiAUl^IU; irti im it hnd hoc b^jubj ^RS^iP. tff* VTe^ttQ^^y !a i ij&Eter, i ^ r )u S^ otlt * Judge Han Bell and CoL Nicl^ Sheet Prfoes: Current;' contairtmg thnkitegfc! ^rtunately, did not! *dadK itfia* ■ ;t poiferffoi* /if nr^n^ tldrtrtpTrtrW WWq sSP gMgBffiS| 1 ‘eter Williams, ► lie crowd of of tiie people, and c?^S#ge of speaking ma e our market lex 1 le following are meat of cotton, and oSwrt reliable tables. Merchant’ cards insertedin ntt^dera^for;*®. copies'Iw-ifiore. Specimen eppaea earGRrhali .tourGonnting.pppm.^,^ u<tt d*< fe**» dMStaJidbwg wild oatsou laud, ■ga ! turekfesfr term&Eng “(iii-imprQKS T «g : Sff Jro syto Park, and fined five dollars, to make' hii i remember that toe Fsrktw&s mot such a ;&*. 38 ^Ae fnpposedi^bk r < ohn Barns, another aearhan, 'vent, ashore • fro n . the brig Medusa, and tilled himself* •wil h ijhj|-Hdnble-refined extract of nibrtj£ ;gb firing, pisfjld at low groggeries.' [ ‘ (St if-profound jndex to New Advi steamship germa® .1 ; w York next Thurada 1 lire—benefit of jgie. }£ its mbled in conventiii tor for the Presidential Theatre— benent oi .toe, Metro Fire Engine Company this a The steamship America sails. n nst:Tta^b^^^te idijgplrft of- vsmicm.'c next tiiiHftiifcy: The steamship..- Sj^jfgmgjgl TuwtgvVtC"" ‘ Sale of a tretting mare next Sa z Auction* sale of groc^n es y proyi 1 ufec le to this city to. address j£hi 1 -drat, whateter'Tnay" "bett® had.teoddealt.JBderdEaah luAwnfe lesklyvioJatect the rigliti. of k*C!»,T rdhfte- had excluded the rily from the Con have denied to to government, jwhil as provinces' nude a attempted, but did n_ol s; his dinner and bis Hbe < t him to the Barracks, x dollars, . * < harles i Fitzsimmons .' The Kadicals of jt—even leir own Ch jleston to look for work- . He fell i the Philistines andgot'drunk:' A' poll foe ad him aleeping'-m the streets, andi a 8 at ^°£ intoxication as to necessita em doyment of a wagon- to carry. him pruclamaitipn,jthe Governor. Citation—■'Wayne county. p- .•.•rtwjagj *t id (trank; - and while in that con- i on .h^lT.stiltnbleri ratotbe.piarket, and; gj *-* •- “‘if.- a Are uncliange -danat--*. ri ‘--nta id for low i « <-J t - irr r a <xiAzCa f.» tdtitu'n a it t (■■T(jr*'!’ ■*- 1 TVMVf tu ibard dec] ol cenian wt CiBra? BAoTfixeuESojr Tfttoxf ’ BSSnfcfe£: The steamer Ajax arrived here ,yestenh about'0»e_* o'clock-*!! the i afternoon; : hkvrt ipbiftraid legislation, has heentram- and threatened with entire destruction it become a tool within their Hnda. jLfUffifrfBgjij :i Nai&iif^ba men and children, who had come ^rom Beau- f 0r t to Savannah on ^a-ai^s^.^ijj^Sbn.. They were a motley crowd,, and ‘-about every other'bBe carrieddhe'jaevitabJeipmpet'i.Kipl^* while the whole jiarMJahsred uhSer the pre-j sence of-Grantand-Colfax badges, -v — On arriving et the whar^ they, went to pay the expenses of then: passage, and found themselves" about.seVenty^drtQarfifsBSft^jMM session" After considerable hunting around - a b la-overj- hm shouldertmd started'off rm-‘a stei ling»expedition' ‘Hjdih'g bShfod cdildir S I'SSS&.SS.Kgi pie, when the propriety - -cmne up and ex- 1 ;qnt stioii, (Abruliam droppe. •to 1 is iiehls.' "■Hff w’as Caph the .Constitution which they have trompl^ what they have ago platform aij to 1 eep up thdi tea pted to deprive the people Sta es. of "tho Tight to vote for Pi tori, auiliu this they had sue ext< nt, y ^Fbfe vej^y hominatfon for he Presidenioy showed ace MU er*a, 65(0)70; Cmna 60^ 66. Smoking tobac bag i and drums, 6g@_I mo t grades, 35 to 50c,.f •Httd (]eli' a 1 lilitarw'^SHBefSd^” 'vBio;” fe? gi-ei t roeoSnreetfluMfOTccpededagqins but already exhausted^fo^L:../Cmart liBffife^xeerrtsi thaidiifodiwidt Of a miserable factioq,!- -.* i*iE ow^an;W»he,ohtvrged with ?d&l the thdon, whett we are here ba i ntegrity, -AVho has-refused toG doe ■ and admit the Southern ropres( lb 70X© S !*. f. bbi a'oo © 5 oo . dmt »to". Ssn so vu* @^*u! IT nj. dl gence from* 'mucJ imple^br 5 tjuote noml JlU'i <Kiif ar 10 4 1 15 20 @ 1 25 l the larceny of a.brash watch),juKtol< <fCv,-focHh ;'iil ohf of his owu^eolor.,- Hoavatr tkentenefedto ' i= (Pay aafihbiof^^forfiaifllar^tfod'hosts,*£?§§& t . “ X A . ., • • fe^T' ITj A nthony ihovett, negro, plead guilty WNB laj( epy, qf a lot; of railroad iron. SeuttfoC&l ^ - t® >ay a fine t ,of five dollars, or serve fhjijyr w ' *^5 ? • *• (,> . Vi£ai J )lin Johnson^ negro, awas accused of lar^fe* *v'i ; FT 77 znr- there wss yet r tin\e to wrin the 3 for one had sternly and sot* :d upon hjs course; Believing lies'‘of liherty embodied in the >y swept ’ Union, '-tlfe] a away to Thevsrtiun ti>- Beaufort- at- six? o'clock: this Sbw' Bin# A Oaylord’s ^siiel .^rdupe.'wdn. ®ye a (heir ppeniag'pirformance^lit the theatre m this clty. on Monday eveningnext -The com-.- pimy has giveu performances in ■ all theiirin- ; cipal cities of the South,, ai}4 Uiey haTOj^p highly commended* t>y iiiw'pTess; wherever their riito .wefe jpaaa. r ';;^ieyifljiyre ^Sifo-ih*: ctlleat. «iagerstheir .iXfortqy imemT .-are ---tb%c was the Union whi >h Washie or Id one day^Bogp^g^tJypsevgt they IG \ e meet to-night to epgage in the discus- aS&wt- x i»: :b5< r < M^HMbdU«SeiiHtoet^Sbw-‘A| A r>2Lkl--,uat i tsr *i W & v-'lv* I 9 .< IM*. -wttswhJfkIP. nrf u l e n irZrr.AM V ,,r *-♦' * > W.WI . ^ -1.' 3 V ^4 afoM> l*y &+• rJtf - t <* ) 1 80 *t"M® _ r to jTt" * ; VUv_■'*.r cn> , , • , ^ clock on rumg.mbvtoe-.2Sd*-0{ September. Sup- that top man had made a mistake, arid, toJtilk-Wrbthg' r&nche. he tamed him xut-afterw-ard discovered that Johnson- id the people aver to; •by (team through to JJastoml^Qilt ib. Tha gnu-, wily of tittttxW amrixmtxT offering to Sontli America,. Wei t Indies and-coastwise remams large. -Most of :e the worl ticaoituior aa : : :< ac.jjr;vt/. tcused him of theft, when Johnson BxahfyivE M }>. >.<>. A a .KC-gif fo to* BhnwsflbfiMMOfW JSLW. .tigUaii® Jamaica.*.!r. .«».r.TrJi.... gal Ghi—HoOalid. t-A. % V}X-. .ft .gal Bose.-7.*M.V. t. A f|A " * twen- SdbhMUttiitah/.,..“S-jl PdrterjiGmnness’v A ; w. >/.**'■ ■•*8, x4One.. a>.‘. ..e'vif.'i-li.Abneir'O-"- ‘ 3 i fi*ft**. Kf&hfrHAbtilP ‘"ism , jriMlU.ugJtOA'.'Sv. * •> .•)•'- MA-ilA ttlrftiiJk ilinstr&.^~k- fine audi steels fasteveningwfien op the odifaSi ahd'hhiii the performance. Thoi bid Druiy feeling trisie mi oozing await and j merriment!. ' Indeed it n to rally in one desjihfate'dlruggle to res- that banner from-the" hands -of.the yan- \ 'e qra top'fr calf rig] trbr ThS pi the entire chara tru ted that we pas , trad vofe for, wcuk for. pray for toe lib- toe Union ;_toe te , the South accepted arnl. drank to toe itt sr dregs toe cup of ‘ hi ;l£toBlSbd contxac; le thought to be her js ored in fact, and tl jg lized by the ipart; C ITTON—On tsfe sale > afloat at If 27c. cer ett chs rgei Inion was to be re- 4 nrt-4«fb.:;v» *y 1.4 Ji'-X *1 jSs-fcA '£ * ea® r ~j_V Li it i S* -j, <•» OOlWJht a M> 5 ooratsuer f ru l> % Fla; H T I © Perchall, Btiscoll, Fla; 3, do; N F It A Harris,; iVadley, Ga; Uliana are soon to 'isviord’s. . A -fine aal party might ..ljo iaid rastde. . .Hmice they “efi sed to recognizeltoat Thp'wiiriaet ended, anc had purposely nSdsled toe pfeople of the No, ag t ^jjereiaaatiaf«?intiag3aeiaai».sma. -bor l and reared upon SwflliflQEsoil, elevated sandorum and stained toe sger blood of the imfoceptsp-J U® veil with Wxliie Gaylord, aid -the ib news of Prof. Schaffer,, ari than the entrancQ rnanpy,; ratherp interests, w^ Q were willing either jowerpr hr bribery to. stab the- breast >' : «WtS *>J my F n'ancial.—Money easy at 6(2)7 per t exc ange:;10d*£ Gold, 138; 1862 bondi tCar new, '67; Virginia's, tnew 57 >i; Tennessee's, ex-conpons, 67; C< tton—A shade lonjerl middling, 21 F -ouB—5(o!l0c loweft .• ’ G iain.—Wheat unchanged- Corn-lc- P ovisions-—Mess pbik quiet at ^291 N LVALSTOBVa^Tiitfvuatiu^’i^reibiia^ Bos n qideti<t -I. F ifeioH*Jr7-Qmct. A Vi jw* w #&v*m &&&& Dp to yesterday rgqe^y-tlvEea i caQto had been placed upon toe corpmomlftW 4o^ef of .the In riflditionto"these;(to)3re afle-oiierhaadtodt fyntj whispered to Northern I ~°J u pla wa,;aw<yr mt mivwipit # sd even that the bolts of justice did not Wi upon-mid amdt'Jto«in;xor:to«ttoe3feUf it of remorse^id:. no£reans§ i.thans to fol- #* n Hewfilljiiiii i t nuiriinffp |lifilTrirlrfitT ’.n a ° ntuiius, luuuwa : Scott, Terega & Co., of New York, twenty- mi Ivc.egeneeaJly, 1 aHd old--G»p<«wi ai iculaiy woiWill'Sdy that-ho-tdld m quick tim . She threw Qoy :mni< itedpin.the West xhe^'ingredientB over' a centiify 1 , Calisaya is eu- lit' f it miui; idedto® le flag at a distance: imbinatiou. Lf 1 he Washington is one of toe best steam-’ ers in toe grp depbatnepQ S^bhbfcidb lOiWu ser ice since February, h wit idrawn during an “ soo i as the repjur^ ^i arm toe syme, f tois^ time. As ” Qetmania compar £ i»iP iovisioss.—Mess porkloirer— 53887^1*20. claaing- -< u . witl seHers»tt38 8ft: hard qiad and heavy; xteam-.-: s T9 v @19‘lc; kettle rendered, 19s;@19’ic. .vtmni • » u Wbihext—Firmer at $1 2*81 tea. a rocxxBB*—Quiet andiSrm, ; , * <•_• ,t Hi If -i a ., jN iVauSiobks.—Turpentine, 44@4*>f. Bosin, $2v45(r , D #n4 k«e»,‘ ftew <^:J-eSr, .eyq. TftfiRdhsilde for all know toqj- the only pos- •vice me indiarisiq. Sw? Concsiw'^S-NfolK 1 large and fine audience" - "igbt, orkifha occasion; of' 1 W give^f§| the benefit el poi :ed German Cologne and told at half the P” e : TbArCX* eareUarareaf ter< sting been reoeived, Depot: Godey’s anc is for sale at aoxe*. outi ¥ attend^Has^liey reco ^egallarijt Bremen hi concert mpMises to be ; ‘ o C »TTON—In fair dcmaml, <I>nt declined; m f—ir tQ3V c; sales, 2,800 bales; receipts, 5,907 bales. WBrAiz&i Hi ^fci uS 0 ® 13 - KvjtYTS'I Vf mt&e T vfd3.;j and 1868. the interests of the todrcftat upon ‘Utl s, who have attracted ; large crowds and IVA X PAPEKING, from the cheai cle; WENDOWCUBTAlNSrPA WI DOW SHADEKHDattAna-fE and White Shade HOLLANDS; CO i)Ott srfor’gn porta ;tJill ( .... .tBoc on........... ..... ... » Yoj*.jgr.Ki %'im l *m> xix Ba] iuMWaFUA^ @ l( d their pockets with easily earned money t6$m a s^Wi^niSsiNoiass.-Eit c °lnnm one of our citizens’ warns toe employed as a r Msvant/i&-'hi4-&mily W Dnving beentdiSrihiirgfed,Vh!t3dfceq “oaiiij arjcj r8prejeijt}ijgqer former em F jOuk—Dull; Ha Stj Mills, $7 7508 II a. Oats Arm; f d to visions—Quiei *r , U>i@14S<c. a Xir cotton Dt iNTCMUt -UeWsit 'NOT*-: • n rnrtf a'am * * n ri iintiVi n ii Yi fro i well known „cith&ens apeak .for them- 861 e ^TTA»:.T7.a O X JfSLf.n J. NT .TfOTWLI X e abuses which were .allowed to grow up i ler it. Ow fore&itoera. discemtothe de- itution, in att ntioq Qf Mrsfjj'eai pei ectly resjgijefti. I ( Signed) -1 hereby cheerfully on thie watch(-for^diift>: >DS, just receipt Cloths, Gassim Cloths, a choii Velvet YesUng, the best quality and Uteit _ _ zb DOj a tuuiLc ustj ’z%> HE SING GOODS, . -tl„. UUN t..—* * Architectut^l Department N)VELTT IRON WORKS, 7r «»4»}t!i(*rty(S«8fAr-BHMBlSBij ,r J • NEWqYjOfUKA- u:j ' Lonse, or she A pctl6-l mwt ( sa ( iWMgdo- WJ usTtcis’ Op gn » Ajoi da before and they Biksebpics.—wiasr'yesterday r= d froa John J. Watkins, : of HawkiusvUle, eoTO^^ifcaaijijferjie adjudged* i&rtjJiiAS Tt-i r viij 8A < t wm, T s .V A iar. ,ff ei| sei hundred cubic yaras. rMsterisl msy be oW 11 le vicinity of GwiuncttcJID^Aberconilfctteeht; m tbe for the whf ’ ». a —“ m > of completion' s p!8-tf it intern CatHurveyOl-. Atlanta: - • .R I: •ori ’Fies! Trbil Ties ! fr 9£ undersigned are prepared to meet orders for jP BEARD’S SELF-ADJUSTING BUCKLE TIE. „r^ so, for Beard’s Patent Lock Tie. Factors' sup* d at liberal rates. „ t . BBfGSAM, BOMT & Oft_ : |f«nTtbeMU*S«lrdJ»»ud to^asa^r 13< ,13Kc; clem- Jde., 17X@18c; ebort ribbed, 16% @1 ’c; MBs* 17X@17,qc, and Stratford cat at J6Xm to suit the popu rman.- '* ^rf vt