Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, October 17, 1868, Image 1

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I ■ |fo cr.m t ;r: r-.-r ^H5S1owKtoi , i cna 8aaot«o shtT jujsxj:fi& so to > anr ^io aoaoAV .Tiairnn<OTiL xht au* aarroS d —.CLSLL'JO JIAl 3hT T./ /ii (^4 VXilTl, Vi tfto tuliYo arua-i'.’^/. lui* n,yy j i 10 ( 5a^iN3Ma ma vdioJ icitt » To Lv*3f oa b*d p^iiptd^rita&t ol ftsrr * 00 .nkshaio awd slab o=»J had ami# 4&K« ao* ‘tusk&w ,2t*lebi* wid tifc*, *1 ft TTHiytal ,75-’ IxM- «r -d kjjO irJtbaM tidsnaosa of tl>a?M bus <^<n«fenm f.g ff ~3u*fioy wi ruftftf ovy>^.V,?i, i*ur no 1R If, 1868* oj ir/?o] ■—* mugg imp-: i c5£rr j &di 3/y*ii PBOCtAatATlOSS BY THE G0YER50K, .’•*• -.■% lit ii - — -1 if.« > . j:-! no! ; lygaanj. ,Motariamtir>riing. the Executive Trocto- wo rn*! km SqptemW.liforises, mM&BwJei* Set* ; j -h**y occtiTrefiil 1 Ttotltlop thbreoC' fifici&y -thfi Bre*- ^ lid $&perti df’HtfeM* h»rr been destroyed, the - right of freeupeech -Tmpiired.lhB pertoonzneeaf too ^ dut eft of the offices to which citizens have £een ^ y <***>»*$ r» - *** ^BBB^ SSteWPtPSftRi^H ,A< u- at* *a i. - &.> [ Ailtb WnmU*,£rfai Sheriff of ouch county is, bj ■Iff" dmi3m*wiS«iU>e.B«w<» irf <>» iNtiJifeJBNIlif 'JR aa rfgti pa*ccfoc«chrr«rerii tiJ ml irJuj • -.H X« c-4 .jNow.Uiercfare I. Bufas B. Bullock, Governor and - *1 Commander-in-chief of -toe finny and navy. o£ the : Jjtalenf Georgia,-*»dwf fee piiUcte Unroot. d» betel* .... ‘ r issue tois, my proclamation, charging indl-annrkaad- , ing thr-aaid Sheriffs, ahd ekch end every other d«fl e j () .offlpst-'WAeryWmty fit toieBtate, to- eee toitthat ^ timbre* and nc»pei(> of ail citiaeim.-eed the peace of u mJcodtemriity. aro proeerTedr 1 'and that all persons U era* prOteHerf ii^aJefrwf erCTrtie V‘their «tii«Dd -■ pofiticalrights and'pritilogcs. Anil, ■former, to mahe - •.. - knSwn dtfjpSfeitdiariA'iA dnty.'the* do hereby - t circulation in City and Country. Oil 7/ to;oift> to a disbanding of the Democratic forces, ay change is made it will be in obedience te absolute withdrawal bpdhe'candidntea. itest advices from Tnitiana leave Voorhes* at the fete* i-jliU ItuJ ./ . * -<J '.ft. :::^ «| ~»-i- pvzv&m * 1{l ^Divii. oirr»td.i- ‘t ■*> the ; » ’af gaarter, solicited. We cannot nndertahe lo -ejected cornmnnicationa. Baker.£n§ $00 majority, t^d/one ho^ty e heard from, which wept Republican last s&&- in Pennsylvania, bnt the Radicals still wdoas that we had a treemenjioos land, sail here on. lu t ten sday ftrr thee porpozo of kollectin thee. . convensiOn tacxks. dew. bi sade Ians, <{ so cafted.'! -JShair wuz a powerfuJl,fCi^ .a6 I ■ sould, nigh on to abonte the hide kountee, and a mity big kronde of pnpl° ‘™ 1<h *fir■ and Seth jones wer than ■ We went thar to- - oppoi rffc^iUWiaftifor an i t* everclae the eleitive'franchise to vote .at'said. sum lands; a bigg Bufo mann with red r and a.kpidti towfd mee and Seth that#.. b wuld wbte for Gineral Grant" tKat wb' ' aght bi lands at $1 and'fifty sentu purlbtt. ' we went to the sail, butt ~we ! did'deAgit; lands, butt gott nearly scronged ! to deth ■ h'thee phenerk a pnshifi'ghdtfpdm&tbF * kloee whar tha kould bi suin land. - Soni:- * ftfam pheHers,-jteftiefihlaHT that kofeK- *•' ro mirnn, hid a bigg lott of stamps,iftw > c-mehjions heep bf ‘land; tha oven vent co - - az to bi that leietle kotton patch of .mi n of Georgia, and of the this my proclamation. There is no additional neWB regarding the ‘result in Ohio .: - j;>00 r j <S<S3”xd Dispatches from Indiana indicate the al most certain election of Voorhees add~JU- Jian, and fix Baker’s majority at 1000.. . f 1 Gen. Hancock's headquarters have been -removed to New York. xi~7TJ3 tf l The following is the answer to a dispatch from the city, asking whether th& ^bpositibn 'Tor a change of candidates vn»s piromptefl by ThejNew York Democracy: _ New York, October 15.- Jonah D. Mover, Washingtons . r , j. , . There is no authority or possibility to change front All our i friends consider the movement totally impracticable, and equiva lent to disbanding on# forces^* * Yfe 'of "New York are not panic stricken. as fa unr 5S Signed, u £> “ ' 'S. ;X : 'Tnjxiit^ ! . u , rtx >-fourths of dxily rxtea. irtiBements outside of the city must be isiththeossm- s # ; isoftvr: r and fiat th&v demand from said. officers, OB.prdprpEertffKflr with 4«nisl of^ politicsl or .*ttm«jS»^eceisfl such prot^c- ■ tWqrPtnrtfsp** tV4hih AegsrUaeut. ! . io following extract ftom General Ordera No. 47, in force, and advised them to proceed to a little grassy island in the centre of the dry >t«tfteftesf. for the inf*mation ; . Tndiaria were seen moving ui imiiitiiH hcic uccu uiuvui^ uunu tu uio creek by a ravine about-half a mile distant, and some also-appeared on the. ravine be-. sand and get under cover. Everyman dug xnatg fingers, spurs and knives. strong, some of the warriors coming within a T&?®«a«(e 1 x3aui>, number to fall from their horses, dead and ^o'f'Oieir dutiea.'Tw sustaihed by the miliury er. of the United States. - n under my band, and 1- the "Great Seal of the ate, at thetCspfiol,1n the city of Atlanta, this: 9th iy of Octoberv-in the year.of.onrXard eighteen mitred and 'sixty^lidit, fad. of the llndependence : the United Stales the ninety-third, ,o ; l-I-Ji.4U.ln i . RUFUS B. BUIiCK, Propowd Nominees for President unit Vice Prcsi- SprOBtEiNS, October ldL^&ami»nij|g’s tmes has a leader based on the telegyjjpTne report that the New York World^recommends fe uithdiavral of General Blkir from tire atet It Bays: •Such a suggestion, confined as it is to one of the Democratic; Btem^Br^^»j»Wff«,ipreaente m iaridions aspect If there be good grounds ,ot the withdrawal of General A Blair, .there m if. equally good-grounds for the witb- ‘tackses dew to Mistur Guvemnur on mi coz- ziwslan. .)(<! lisli r'U-Sihu.- - J 2?iu <i/y.—Shouldent Mistur Sberrifie in liiz- ad.vnrtiz’ementt to "the publick a' stated' to themm that thoze Ians weould bee sold a lee tie' peace at a time, till muff waz sold to j>ii Mistnr llullok and the Convenshion, be- zide starting to Grom who thee rail estait beo- Ionged too. 1 , ; Foierihh/.—Shoulddent thee Exekution ; a been liiaid oute agin my euzzin for his tack- hiz time. Forsyth was shot in the right thigh, a flekh -'wound, anJrirYi mediately: after irethe lm, breaking the bone. Grover, one of the iuts, gallantly exposed himself in digging over t to, j;et him.away T Tiuj.11■llm WiwJllwi Ildlin political excitement xn the public tnind.Vrom.Uie recent organirstinn of civil Eovomment, and from the f»ct that Congress has, by -statute, prohibited the organization of military forces fn the several States of this Depsrtment it is thtre- ihus l£fa^££>f J s rMMC '4j, , tober 16.—The Constitution de- th ) warn suggestion for a change -of stood by n rriori. iSS.2^ listur Kollecktur mite az well a maid oute hee execution, fur mi tackses agin mi black lorse, sneezer, az tojjenftlnspea^. law papers ojmi euzzin’s lan far liizzin. I wnd like to hafrh'vrot flfAe lan sod to the Slierrifl'e, wen id sarved them papers, lin'd 1 wot thee Sher- and policy of the party, and urges a ous pro^£^ .6i; itfie t |eanvz*s. U ;ea Belmont and Wood wiUi lukewarm- and an effort to sell out to the boud- srs, and calls Tor a change in the head of X f ztii XilGri^rS aa A of Hiii order) dia- commands W**> jjtt^nrawrf, safety from DulleIsby 111s cMfinsr iWin- dianSj thus induced to do their best, charged, ag uin and again, only to dose large nnmbersi About two hundred then dismaunted 'and piiin hear an reemark that tliiss stile of doo- ing exekutious iz a brann nu phaizc im thee butifull studdy of Law-ollogee. :i ,: ■ - • Fifthly. Mistiir Kpllecktifr reftize, ori thee day pCthe sail,,to take thee mutiny fur the tockses and. stopp the sail.? " ji SiriMy and lastly, buttknott leastly, whar ilnz-aWI mg’ Mlg% mr»ifiHVb&'t>1l8a!» ! INSURANCE COMPANY, « One eompsny ICtU Iufmfry, to,Augusta! . " mpany a^Ctli Ijafzntrj, to Washlfigton ?; J>?ilke» j mpany I^tii Infantry, to Amerlcrls. mpan\' 10th InfAutrj', to Tliomaavttle.' ' 1J ^ »D^any*(C) 5th cavalry, to*Athens. ^ 4 , mpany at Savannah to be niinliwced* should occasion respire, by such number of the men at Fort P^ladd«tca^|w.^arorfjpBoi^^he^c^., ai . n ./.. : i)etachmenta, when necessary, may be .made*, to points inUie vicinity of cacti post, but in no case, nor oii any pretext whatever, will detachments, be salt without a commissioned officer, who wiU befnllyiu- his post oommander. fids yhe troops will be considered as in the field,, and- Lieutenant Beecher was mortally wounded in the'biu&; aiid diet surgeon, Dr. - Moore, shot through the head. .Every officer was killed or wounded, and about serv^titeen oiit of fifty Fleas, directing them not to, complete the ’to^ais until further orders, as the Court is m- ve8tgating certaiirinformalitiesin certain pre cincts outside Of the questioned precincts. Fox’s maj6rityT,979. QAtfrlAzttfiV. t tf .itt ili l tffccnTe action is what is ^Afeiiily Tie TTeerssd South would not be satisfied >uh the withdrawal of Gen. Blair, : if Gov. SiTmonrwere to remain on the ticket. In or-b ia to satisfy all sections, and, at the same show the undiminished confidence of lie Democratic chieftains, in the two gen- itxen selected Iqt the New York Convention o champion the cause of the peojdei ifi the cprasching Presidential contest,. we would- Capital Xg; ! 0€»0,dil>$ BESERYE EHND £1,500,000: STEALING. f ANNUAL INCOME: £700,000 STERLING. . harass them all night Every i burse* and mule was.killed in this day’s fight, and where they were tied. Cot Forsyth rent £wa meji tq seek for assistance os soon as it was dark, afid these men succeeded in getting through the Indians and reaching J?<4t Wallace, and id bringing the information mat led to oar expedition. [Tnyanfs eyeptog *4»e ahonta and : gongs ot squaws turned into a dismal waflmg and mourning tty- for the dead.' One . of thetn. was heard to cry, “My child,! my child P The next day a skirmishing fire wiis kept up,' had the same thing the next day, bat at this piiviiegea to aaiABaUzoad Company, and to atpead Scnoorl.’i Be it enacted «p.Off Qatar* AuaMy ef Oomtoon Council, by ordinance, dated aadparead Jo* lv 21st, 1868, be. and the aame arc hereby cmdtomeg m fully as if the same had been grafted by flue Gen- ^'2. Bed finther enacted. That the. tome of tew years granted 7>r said ordinance toHhee^yftOKOf toi4frauchtae be,4nd the, same ts beretff. extended to luv'ly-qitty snpdj the aljifieree inobus an like to a died tliar, knuthing saived mee on that allarmin okkashion bitt a wial of yaft toe & a thunderin bigg niustirVT plnister _poot ■onto the lowejtregiafis of ipiabdnmaiml ISeth Jones has been to the uniwersity of the Peni- •t^ntiary for 2 yers, arm i tell tx them phellers kant phool us that weigh. We nose they air bptikin mistnr Bullok’s purscripshion r be- zides we. think hit iz mity harde for a pheller. tow Tose-hiz lan thlz' weigh“"bekanse "hee e^lONXDJhES TO TAKE MERCANTILE AND Dwelling Honse Risks (fnune bnildin^s excepted). AGAINST LOSS BY FI»tE r liesolutions unanimously of the dd add New* Scho sqiectfilly sag jz3 the prop] tear and Gen. therfhokest Htmg their own Successors-TS- the-canvasa, He old Democratic battle^cgr E^plwaya iva principles, not mep, and, fhe Jiqltoy of wiering to that cry as well as letter as in spirit, was never more clearly apparent than. « present. Furthermore, we beg leave to Rggest that whatever is done should be done picUy. This is no time to' haggle'about. man by the msifiihtMl INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LOVDO.V AND EDINBURGH. ' - i r "i - T J&ia *1 ihi gxnr rmmii ESTABLISHED IK 1809a CAPITAL AND ASSETS (IN GOLD) r “ 11 SnWrtbrd Capital.:!..... 1.810,000,000 emed &teS T that we should-meet in Maces XJnllok, and ef u kant for want orf time, cend .gfcft&n ^letter, so l^ ten-see-how SOP^Uers air ; mining; besides Seth iz madder nor enny on look forward with confidence' jfor a j^ r Jrictic solution of tffft. existing difriciflty to thertatesman of the North and the hero of lie West. It is the Gordian knot which is now -presented. We cannot wait to unravel - _xv- > •' A.a rraiTi -tr. j*-* j peace, and not be restrainedby technical points, when,; in their consetenUrth* jndgment under the rules above- “adt fOrtb) It i* their dnty ; to act ’ Tout Cominandrte on beingnottoed of thf yroposed holding op political meetings, inaysenia an offii*r„and if-necessity a do- • tacliment, to vratoh'the proceedings and’see* that foe ptoe^p^edi- 1 ’ *^».' 8 * * j" To tlie people of the' several States composing the' Department, foe Major Geneifc CommaruliTig appeals that they Will eiSopirate witt., iih and the civil an!! thorities in imstainins law afid order. In preserving the peace W ifi tooUing toose' sein^ off rloFand hkxxlAhiVl, ‘an4 the wanton destruction of pn-p-rty ta*d‘i& < irhicb' biB’‘4lry&|y^ln'rane ifistanttfi, been 1 l gott on to hiz surrell mair, sweerii hement to cut that sheriffs yers of It must be cut by one swift, short blow. Xrw OsiiiKa, October 1A—This evening’s maik thee last mann in the settlement raise to wote-fur mistnr See more, A: that ien carried over, and the rest removed to a lore salubrjuiuiii^'^SPreif^^^ndians fere buried by them, but over thirty others Ides) afid'about wuld befi drful Tell rnistur B. to kum stifaiti down here and. -quiet Seth, orr ginial Grant # beef to ^000,000 wotek - - *‘ ’ J “Ttm*i i «lteifafifcV :£il A. JrscKs. “f the Tunes, telegraphed this morning, sug gesting, besides, the names, of Hancock and Hendricks, or Hancoek and Adams, as candi- to take the pl^^^yn^^a^ 1 * Ike steamship Alliance, . of ^ New_ Off^ . and Florida mail.line, reported ashore * l Hurricane Island* arrived at Barrancas, i to-ilay, having , ^•tAnCe, RURfarirnng.wft <1—BIlfcjMfl loss her rudder. . ' -.Tu.* •. i *•:.•' -.a Bp to the 14th registration in. this city bated up twenty-eightMfean^ H T Cb ^ r ^ I Executive Committee at Ckorgift. Anwvi, OrtbbCT'AfoJ—Tte DemoardM) ko«YBfti»iWin fho aunateiofiKBre fudiare * r .V.A<ISLLQ vxa U a-toe c-i i.; ..- tu rrl Bankhead amvgd -with- faf forcq twenty- x hours after I dffl, bringing, with him two imDanies of the second cavalry, commanded ] c ted a party rfi^roee,rwl^:iina^fflbajfoat u sra Sie'boy *and tore him to piecrera'tofi spot They then proceeded to Mr. Ogdens4- chains, and riddled his body vnthbuUeta.— RANDAJiLjBAOTfc^^ On the 27th "we turned to Fort Wallace, arrived thereun the 30th; the mils, which hadJbeen well greased—and while its progress wflB thus impeded, some un known thieves knocked off the locks from antoof the cars, entered and threw out", a quantity of freight, consisting of hogsheads, barrels, kegs, boxes, Ac. Fortunately in this instance the conductor c iscovered the goods lying on the road before he gotlSilf frf sight, andifetoiafoty rA&Seil. S.^sTfsK 7 ’ -VT i« . . ; -efS-AY-Foeter^ - H. BADRSBR ,n * ez j i|g(fai| n^iaffiwii 1 n ivelH Tiihuip.i4ffi * Dnacr ♦.plfni St Togni’s direct line between Jackson* ‘ All the mondes haul find the has. for 9a lqdcMA: rfoteito i He was unable to builder; who has failed Si*® V ’he had tirefleuial*' ; n ' v, 11 . 1 *.' ** J jw. _ t •; - • ' - “eaolved by the Central i Executi “**•*•• °1 theitlfiTnoCTURi i"ptt&Xt&J t6 preseniing the people Offfiis State/ be broken, finfl that ie will not be restrained in the ja&il dia^Urgevif Iforttf# %jr teettfieilifow Notice of Cp-Parfiie^Wp; - in? HAVE THIS DAY ASS6fe&3W> <¥. eiaktSme■efaHtUMrjUicanivq oat rotation ,iiiraiKER,VAl4.EN & waEVTI^js,- MWl baultog tram BUkelj te Fort Gffaff.; from marks. on : tJbg pody, foe man man > to his death by violence at the hands of ihedretL^. forever ab- ■erntiide, i ty shall he tie foe pa l^rodTptrfpearenqriied wife h«d> o the locks on tiie car doors; they , “callfi fin bite Cross n*poets uiat liaric3Ttyer ^ v . _ _ WvtLfiiediL body,; tfikt some. time dukngjjhe sal^iFli^y night* some person or persons t6 the said Fryer-unknown, came to his honse and called* lor said tiTatter, stating in his hearing, “ that they bad been, following him (the said WaBierl for several days, and that they now- came up with inm. *' Thasaid Walker was then taken, awayby ilie said unknown person or persons; ■ AvW, vgm^lt is farther reported to this,Be- partment, through other sompea, that the said Walker was aimblicjspeaker^ engaged and employed by the Executive Committee of the Republican party, and thathe waasent tnEarly county“by the said Committee for the purpose of holding public meetings and deliv ering speeches mlhe inleffc^bf £he~said party: And whereas, threats had been made against the And whereas, the said te raid WAlirt* Gripped st -WAT.Kpr., AIXEt i ru rifoy nfo—noon bronght ft detachmfenttof An irreverent »rtOu — *■ /