Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, October 21, 1868, Image 3

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r.oCAIi ^iVtATTERS: VrK^OF - THE MORNING >KWS. phick J73 ITTOyy 'i 1 *5^1. .£* n f sinale copies of the Morning ^ the city; W' iHVB GENIUS, and ad is authorized to demand more. B aper can be procured in wrappers at JUrdtfta-ttme price- t lnd« to TffeW AdririlienienU. ‘ t . hwn Sheriff’s' - 4of’ " ree' Ixiiai engine on to Eh- JI when these were sent to New York* ot"-— II* 5 - jjieris I The . UOJ'X/J. . 'betters remaining in the Post Office, unfurnished rooms wanted, for rent. southeast. comer Hull and *. Broad sfreete. ‘.-nZ bv P- Gordon. jL glass for side at Tatem’s drug stores, ff 0 r sale at 87 Bay street fc white’s place ” for sale-oir&tohanga. > to consignees per British ship Star of Wished room, without board, wanted, nshed room wanted, convenient to 1 ■ gjf It I 1 * 1 ! U Lai I nr* 3 - ie for ,v Factory yams and osnaburgs for j Guilmartin & Co. ■Vest IfidO- litice [ tin? as is we politan 1 fen- ftomvi twenty-five * doll Co., for| transportatibn : of the r e: this amount was very lfirgehr fit exc- Id worthy fore our [by b I shun ^ , Livingston, Fox & Gj)y Bice Chop.—LastfwCek we pnblished e disastrous .el consequent nooL ce Crop of the Savannah, Ogteecliee and Al- . •. •• • .1 . .. . . - jAtoinaha j rivers., Prong ,tfea-.; statemept-puty-l littrator s sale of furniture, etc., on the Jished before it wifi be seen that the rice crop' df the country will fell far below what Was 1 ■y goods, etc.',‘this morning by Bell ijton sale of ^roeeri^s; cfry goods, etc.,‘this '“TSrhii [ u instantf by Williams, Ward <fc Ml e’d sale of iope! this morning by Bell Lj r 'nrritii** of dry goods this morning- J-;fBt-11 A Hull. I EiDicia Pow-wow in LrnKr.Tr Countt.— (rr Clift, Booby, Seeley, and a negro preacher this city, named Frank Harris, com- jsing a cdmmittse' bf tbe’whole of the jRadT- r j party, held a grand pow-wo w in Liberty Qw, eleven miles .from Darien,,'Ncf. 3;‘iy Ijf, R B-, °n Friday last. The two Clifts z-sffiemmmmm, |Kng defeat of Eadicalism in Georgia. .At I* station they tried to hire conveyances to I' found willing to allow a vehicle to be used I™ such a purpose, so the four had to “foot I; eleven miles. The usual harangues were lade to the negroes m attendance, andEadi- lalism received its customary glorification. 1 several prominent colored Conservative ■men had been invited to address the meeting, let, on going there and learning its charac- they refused to participate in the pro- |:« dings. Death of Mb. Thomas O’Suluvan.—This licntleman, for many years a well-known I printer in Charleston, and connected at differ-, lent times with several offices, died on Friday I list in Savannah, where he was on a visit to I B brother of his. Mr. O’Sullivan had been iff I iil-bealth for a number of years, and his Ifath comes, therefore, not unexpected. He I ns a gentleman of large reading and very ac- Icmteiu his knowledge of everything that I tore even in a remote degree on his craft. I Some years ago he was librarian of the Ap- I prentices’ Library, until the great fire swept liray that institution. :Mr. O’S. was much I frteemed in the community, always having I 1,-rae the higest character as a gentleman and II Christian. He was forty-seven years of age. I His remains were brought here yesterday of- Itmoon on the City Point, and will be buried I today.—Charleston Mercury, 19ft.- Bnx Pocketed.—Just bfefore tiirf adjoinf-' ^ Nowjis the time tqpt | neat of the Legislature s bill was passed ox- i a certain number of'members of the the steamship line, stating this also, that the engine was the private of tiie members 6f the Hefrbpolitan 1 reply received from Messrs. & Co., exhibits such a praise- liberality, that we lay'it'be lt is as follows: New York, October 10, 186fi. Butleb, Esq., President Metropoli- re Company, Savaiiliah. 11 , . .. - .. Jmvate property of the young men composing i your company. • Such being the shall make no charge at t ill for tUe wortrti,&Z e SW§ V r ( Yours, Very Respectfully, Hon. E. C. Ant: Tuesday^ Oct6£«gr2' One white m an, _fiYO " were before His Honor this mot “purp,” after having interfered 3 liberations of thejCotuty npcet fliD dignity of the Marshal and disturbed the “gravity of the •Clerk,.was summarily; dttposed. of by the policeman on guard •tjlke entrance to the Temple of Justice, who struck puppy With 'his club, and sent him out howling with pain and indi gnation. Bob Smith had a beaut bn Monday night. He - got-nu •minmi up with himself, and tried td.uAiii ' ' City Hospital;'to!have the renii r _ cien (?) there unravel him. Having' reaenwf thfe portals of that institution, he could go no further, and having repeated thbHfl'v^KB»i reeflitmiebinw lines. - “*** ndjyent tosifltpt^-gaayas oliceman, who procured a ' to the Barracks. - He - contribute -three dollars to- >th, Wards ri pa/his t -'David: Law, John Houston and Joseph) White., aft-mgro-boyB,-wero arrested facait ' ing cotton from Woodbridge &. BothwelL neighbor observed I'tJjMjbojfe pE 11 ' * from bales, and wenfahaTiiforme- bers of (hi), above jnamed firm. An al waAthen miad^tb sbenre the thieves, TtndttSSe' • above three SEMI-WEE®IiY« independent We staked eariy to ascend Mt. Olivet, to behold tiie spn-gUd^ne ijuiiiifj^aiiSf jtofeers'’ of the devpted,.city, from the place where, memory, stirredi liy a thousand -associations, should exalt the mind-as .well aa the eye to the oce the inspiration of -the scene.- Well is the wifvtirf voyagerrepaidforlong’travels, horrid,Tonvtiv-. antediluviin cootety, squalicl’cbm' and the iinpOTtiinitfes of begging,thieving. . Arabs. Well^euldWhatve 1 repaid’ tycfdJitSli-!» man of < ^-jp^wi-nvxsniT ANDSATCBDAP. - - might you have been, reminded. of,youriOwp ; EAEIL, WEllNESn.V.A^NATlKUA^ ^ _ city, for lere, painted upon a board nailed! (a against qne of the huge ancient oliye ;trees;- under W. deli tiie sacred martyr^ toiled fop tiie sins of the- world, eighteeni hundred.-years; ,ago,Vweip these familiar figures, S. T.—1860 — x --: We dftftol doubt some poor invalid traveler,., cured by the Plantation - Bitters, wished- to. advertiser their_rviirtnes, in a place from .whence all vjmowie(%effewk” i ni;.!;!,;"; r;.? bgl ebm itry. will fell far below what : wtuS IS- correspondent .qfthe Geo^'pi ‘townTimes says that in the issue of that jonr- that jonr- •it. will not'Hfech first .October there have been 1 days. The weather has been rainy with East winds and of-riejs has been wpt ripe rice is beaten down by field- heavy and stacked; to tove.given way and breaks:are,- iestruefion. It is believed tliat the'] ice on the stubble is floating | -cott ^fearnnl i UW King Johnson, a Royal African from South ' 'nil, was' arrested'-for indulging -in -the stic art~under the bluff. King said that he was setnpon and.beaten by twp boys, be- tcause he was worMng for i fifty cents a^laj r . "dlhe police^ * - »- - « *“ gaged in £ g- great birds. j damaged by the Id make tiie crop a no circfninsttmoe s pushed and has been badly early frost would very short one and under- 1 can it go much beyond that of last year which was 5,000tierebs;’-' -. •' wincO .is This statement will be read with interest by merfehants and planters here, and will materially assist them in making - estimates and fokning calc^laty^k) £ ^ l of the *The blun, and nnrt mmseil very badly. ’ The g— ot- - positive i . regarding, Law’s having, -CP engaged in stealing the-cotton, and he tim i*i a ri/.yty .id.-. Magni iii 1 ’Wateb: .--Superior to the best - imported German Cologne, and- sold - at, half the price. * . • .. • , eod-3. [ADVEBTISEMEJrrJ _ lliid lAJri IvftEonqrA State L-OTrEgy—rFor ; _ Masonic Orplian's Home. Howard & -agers Atlanta.. ii£ .t y. T^mmiasionera—Mrs. S. E. Class 5a, drawn in Savannah, 0c . 1^51—«H-49r-5W^8—51—23—61., .„ • Sk^k 2 } 2 - drawn at Savannah, o<*>bcr 20th-, WB:.,-, *-ra-46-35- T 28-5ar-l»-2»-T6VrWT«TT-»?.. . . .i.,- > .../. .i, pojreMiJ 1. Wvli-v. Agent -Georgia State gx-f THE ITBOT-CLASS 'STE.lMiHii'‘ SjS£. 3: O ?3S6 if •’“ L i'AIRCLCym, M.vstzk, -.m i arthfi above port on W EDNESDAY; Octaber 1- O'clockm: - iSibillii of "lading given here bn -Cotton das- ,PnoitorIAyerpopl b; i , For fre cnt'fir.’pass: „ _ ili - A. il I "OC^ATUS COHEN_& CO., , .i. it r i* l-i „pmtigSHx 4danp 1 From McKean’s Island, ‘ 1 I, JSBT l 3£. i o2?&£®!7£ OC?3FlASr; 7id W.t PEE TON 2,000 POUNDS, CASH:.end- Price at I tmSk^la.iu GJi-nur j-.ti..,.bu« .tapjQ* WLCOX, .fiBBBS!& C6« i 1 § Aakifijlated two Charles Strong, ne^ro, charged witrf t^e -ve already damaged-one-fourth'of theft of rice, wfis sent to the City Court for Hon. W. I ' S. Chisholm, Judge Presiding. 1T f AMM&lL/iitmi H m.. //, s“,“y"r s Strc^^^pleetiifc^fliBheC larceny; of a quantity of rough nee. Sen tenced to pay a fineJjrf* live , dollars; serve thirty days on the public works. ’ The HisTouiaua Sketch In. a late number of the Charleston Mercury we find! the following’:” J 4,1 ’ in Important Enterprise:'—Through - private -tW. >"^ e . ha ';?.received k lett§ lioin the Cap- advices', we learn that our titerajy -friexidi-Mr. Frank D. Iase, a gentleman,of.rthe ; fright stripe, some time since attached to the editorial staff of the Savamlfth Morning News, is now energetically engaged in compiling a' 1 vehiablie wort on' the'City of‘Savihilrdfi - • u a The ifercury then gives an outline of the ; tain, st itingftttit MI -Saturday, fret the,-bpat/ was lar ached from . Jones' yard, and, as she touched the sparkling Wfkes. was* bhrist “ “ ” the‘j-t eca.'uShe )^a*d lp-'he ‘aa - beai. -a beat is -ever 'floatedu- 'Het- dimonsioiui aio: .. .. .... — - Kd«g>jM.,nfctfarim BWi ,n Frtage, nllshadp,, KliotW Fringe; .A Ji ,if ».* . . u Trimmings. 1 » sssfetears. ■ expense 1»*r-t'X*XLSxkmt>±ma fttiil lifta tirmncrari * ;en here by some of our apable I Metropolitan Fire Company" from jury duty. II few days agoihe President of the Compa-t jsy, Mr. T. -‘F. Butiei, -/wrote Idl Atlanta yol I lum what had been done with the hill; and I received answer that Bhlldet had gone off to I Xew York without hiving signed it; or, in 1 sther words he had played a trick often eie- | rated by those in authority, and “pocketed” he bill. It will now have .to pass I tk T.PffiRlilhiro ankrin at ita : Twivt onai went ^ize- sopie furniture, .^hq-psjti^f house refused to recognize his authority to take ttye articles, and they‘locked ‘Blance up in a ropm with the furniture. .He . was. kept lie Legislature again, at its r next sesMon, be-*‘ there for some time, but finally Justice' Liam fore the “Mete” can obtain the desired ob- 1 - hoard of the. -fik-which <j his conrtablji wa^jh,. and h^ applied to Capt. Isaac Russell, Dep uty Sheriff, to relieve his officer: The latter, with'special ityajHff KanSman n wept out and, and the. latter then took the -e away. ! ‘ “ .n .1 evening he was informed that! he had violated the law in sehdng property which, belonged to the estate of a person just de- I jut AmviL of Steamships.—T3ie-San Jacinto, tsjmmtmmzm Black I fast evening. - A I The Huntsville, Capt. .CroWell, of the Bl Ibr line, Octavpa.Cohen & Co., - Agents, | aied below last evening.- : -. The passengers were brought Jip to I dty on tugs. .Both vessels.. wereStoi | laded with kiPv ^ b Forsero 1 | Burke, of, r thanks fdi files aiid favors. • 'Uf j w w ed. - As£i which "he had no right to ao,-and that if he did not return it he would be proS- -uted. - As thi * turned tot mgfit| ft is probable itl 'ties diU ihstitufe' pracee-’ 5 "'*’''" * ‘y- Montgomery county" t? ness of the’tern)-will | heavy. Solicitor-General Smith will tend’the Court, ns there are no < his presence. xty We think onr wise -Legislators should di vide this Eastern District. The circuit is en tirely too large, and Chatham county should constitute a district by itself. The business here is quite sufficient to keep the Judge en- r round. - olice^ Thift of Rice. —On Monday night three negroes employ^ .on.a plantation,, mtoa^ed near Fort Boggs, each .stole a bag of xiee, and came up to the city. While they were atand- ing on the Bay, near the gas works, a man came up, and the " leaving their pli&cfer behind Seer succeeded in catching one of named Charles Strong, and he was before the Mayor's Court and was turned over trial His subsequent dot Court j A Union of Hose Coso-anies.—Some time ago a number of young-men met and formed, a new hose company, to be called tile Screven Hose. We understand that 1 it lute been pro- good, strong organization. A meeting ol tne members of each will be held" at the Court Hpnse this evening, at which tho plan of undo ji *111 be set fortiy and measures nronosed wltii a view to securing that end. nhe - form to .tl L march of enterprise he not found jyearq^oufthe tuaa 8t »- U Bailiff Locked in a Room.— examination of vessels in her business at the principal gknjits) frbA to the|Blifff*j E^SoiSSS'SsSKifS^fa space for the movements of the crew, t6e ccfmfortahle and dturge^qabiB «ppO®mft- nodions space under deck, will afford her occupants all that chn be de- * f*ts, went to a place Tmck of tne jau to nificei^t ends/Wliicb give indication, of poe&- ‘clipper of.thO'Sea^” -Captain XJi proud pf hffigffiijrag, audj-je h- see her skimming over tne watei sVannah, the admiration of alii beholders. lWeffk ending October 19th, will bo found .(lsewnere. It shows’ ^Ifce 1 lotAf y nrfrib^*Of deaths to j hive been 'twenty-dikfan increase, of ond over the number for the week ending October 12th. .'-Of tho twenty-six twelve were white - - vidus The Toun-Vekein Ball.—TUe first! ball of On the Cmcuir.—Vndgb Schley will com- ***** was given on Monday night by . ■ „ ; . - , _lthe German Tum-Verein Society, at their mce a session of the Supenor^Court m The hour at whiefra * Tam Halle ( with of ment Savai lylighteaui and brave men. ” It was ont most enjoyahle entertain- .e kind that has. taken place in a long time; but our German vfe a way of getting up and conduct- matters winch is peculiarly their o.wp, ana. Jh^r ,balls are always orderly and very 'pleasant affairs. Those in attendance at thq ball! on‘Monday night can testify that iHEpcasirit of,gr-»tj^eaaiT^! Dancing was keprteup until- early in the moming, and ife-thA music was good, the vofeiiep of Terpsi chore enjoyed themselves exceedingly. | -jxi&izi •- a:mo In passing tbxongh.the streets ' of 'cities and towns of the ijonnti .! paratious advertised as remedies for that per plexing and prevalent malady, Dyspepsia.; This preparation is. compounded, on' purely; scientific principles and’is at once oneipf, ; the most palatable and efficacious of medichies, giving tone to the stomach, purging - the sys tem of all impurities and re-establishnig jtiiq lost fonctions of the liver. -It is, we beheve, only advertised medicine that has :«ma- " from] the, laboratory ; of ti»e fihwnist of asnlt pf the scientific Researches of £ r jffiysician. / .The reader is referred to mqnthRai^otiier eolumm U 1 - '..vLlil Vi*? . FOE THE Tbices NEEnED.—’tterp are still a number, of squares in the city, which remain without Hie protection-^ a fencer antf-the highways -j-jjoi Ground themdregyidhaSy enen and wifi- destroy Stem in ““ irftin.tji fine lying open should be immediately lencea *nd i^g^Mintt jjfa*#** I Council did a good thingiby .ordering, the rt- movalof the old enginq house whiab-Bkoo-l-l a8 1“ Beynolds square. - THero are othCraqulrds a ji ® the city which , are disfigured by r these U. S. ’CodBis. I : !fThe < rnrnmmm^ sen are ordinary suits, thirteen are new broi^ftLifeataatthlsiff tifiifity/afi»5 ‘ NECA.”-^5Vjfc.have several is having built by F. PURE No. I PERU VIAN GUAN0, BE^T LAND PLASTER . FOB - SALE BY ■ -i - v'- : lyiLUOX, GIBBS & CO., IMPOKTEBS' AND DEALEBS IN GUANO', AND fr"U©* ‘ C ° WW< ^ li AMSKCHANTSi length, sixty-threp .fete eighteen f#t jkkmli' The Hews, in speaking oi the “Neca," says' ‘‘RSJ1) ah been - constructed'alter-the most carefully ^ild to a' remarkable degree tnnfine >ai^A!aa»aB«a8ii mm sspIBsaatfsfeaaBe*’ BE THE MOST PEB-TON 2,000 -POUNDS,' CASH:: Price at Sarainiah..... 1 '.........::Y..‘;.......»6S OO I't'lnmv ' . . .. At ’Augusta...................... 70 00 AT MARKET PBICE. GENTS FOB THE WILLCOX . A GIBBS ^pgSS£SSSSSP&nm.,a . . j Augttato, G». " SS* Our Agents will sell at same prices, necessary expensed aSded-.,-. e . , I. i„, IdyflerAy. ' S! tXmj Oloyes e:.» .wfifU f •.••fill' . ' ‘ ; Si/X-SS tin 1 - I u • 1 a* t**ih BtlXJiU. vowiav v. :m ,1 J -jf/fci .1 uii i A: ,ObJA .... . wtiUx : tiA -uH lid* cr in/ . '.■■.'lull i tl 1> C M» iri-e m \n Ci.i Li to ,1m. .1 Jo Jlad-oaolit '-. ■ d'nIt io vtTHzm f iili-k- lIan,lt-rcl,i„f S ; We lot. -OaCj tfjj. iii i-.u atAjyFp i ;t u> i< 3Ksaw^£8!°kmmk '-.i-fT i : hioiiv-j i u/il-ij. V. - -.Jo -vc.ft]f;i od. ». J.ial-: .:t .ii: U t . ,j. .-i Li« Ifdi^C BE'iNi^P SALE ATMAlilUFAprUBEP^' ,d fourteen colored. During thaquBi. Ji -A: AV AlvNr . „ ~-htrifti : ‘ the deaths were fourteen whites -fiWSIftSS -. i colored; showing - a:decireashdor _ek of two in favor of the former, and crease'of four of khC latter. - ■ ; 1 ! e twelna whites in this-past week’s were females* five males and an nfee-JmafMDtf d the age; one vraa under years of age f ohfe between fifteen aha ty;-bfetWeentwenty and thirty/none; be- r - thirty and forty, four; between forty y. :ty;Oj over fifty, none; one, age not specified. phthisis ’is; two by f^ti£tyaV|nd' tyro by cpn- chills. The "other filteen deaths no .twc^ vvlore from the same cause. ; t <e^g&ffAmosifeiiteCsfeffiMftiNirToD 5' D XT n i«z£ (i^ : i!t. aoi.i .j; .UBmb&AOitu ■u. t i- t j. q iMlt .i.rl i i H «IDK BROUGHTON tfOOll EAST OP ^BftttNABD: ' * Jiliippiity AND. ELEGANT STEAM PACKET Captain J. W. ‘H thoroughly overhauled -and repaired 'will htr tripe to Florida*oauWE|ANESI)A^ zj&atsssgs&r O.- DAT!MOBNING, and Fernandiua every SATUKDAY AFTERNOON, arriving at Savannah on, SUNDAY MOUNT ,t L.AHGB AND AIRY STATE BOOM, ACCOMMODATIONS for passengers. i to Jacksonville and points beyond will be carried At HALF THE REGULAR. BAXES. For freight or passage apply at the office. on Florida loarden;; No. 83 Bay street. £kiNev ocl?' Bay stre— & °dfilRLESTON AN® PEORIBA idetpMof] ¥ THE NEW-STEAMSHIP Sli., i. <C)M!l J Captain J. TEAU, for the above porl on^iiu JKDil.^OiftdWi W Aim... .... . - ... , Of / ior passage apply to , : - , HUNTEBAGA^ngX^ R VEW ¥-OKK. PIRE^ 3L..I }. oo : SUBSISTENCE $10 OO •It -:;S. edl. ..aiiM uTZlTiCl/U THE FINE SIDEWIIEEL STEAMKHiP ~' lir ‘ H ATKINS, MasIteb; ‘ ' 1 " .Will s&i as above on SATWfflW-WWtiBal 31. at — kffi* seentyd* afiertyednes- -tianSJa idylo''^ 88 *^' jj. i.,., •u JOHN W. ANDERSON’S SONS A CO. ,-pg-. WM. R. OAHBiaiNl.Agente-NQ.rG Bowling Green. New York. ocl® 0 . , :tj <*• >hii ** f—tuia»-) rr-ni -7n n.-.r ~ : ; ,"7~i FOR M AWTORK. ^ffc, PRICESfBY * i... i. ■K Jv.l UlkiW 11UXT0N, CREWS & C0., A 3$ RICE for sal^by ocl54 tf e is (supposed to ^e ajgkdiye ffflp “late -i gh nc^^loi^mg^to' Dr. ^n?S^jta|v- 1 without the consent of -the -owner. it forUtyfr arrehf was isauegjby Jus tii i M. Rnyelw"‘Jr.'. add a qpegfel offi< 'it o tHe plantation to bring them in, il i will probattyiftejdQpft thifl.-ipginiBg. Ne y dtri^fcfekSf tife Ogli-' I 1 as eiigineer of 'tifat- OotapAny,'lo-net iii that cajriqity for the space of; tax months. The 'macl ine cqqld 110 t he in hotter hands, and unde - liSuSfdAd’s ieteifge, will give a good account of herstaf »*-eto odSfidn' ctafe. IJ / ’ <■ r n‘l TT T - s » ‘ , SA ’AnnAn Racing Ci.db.—-A meeting of the ; ffiiSn jere'jf ih’e ^aydnniilf^Raehiy' ' held jlast eveniM >y The ( ‘ ‘Jockey. C reorganizefff ann the*nS*aung tifen s _ until Friday, evening next-wheniiimptafriivt, ^Wess^hMnWHS^.* tj. fio&t MS. Pw SV ejet’ l fifli •8<u -ci.j ,dlL + oc8r-t£c RICE ! ■ AND i A PRIME IAXF ‘ iru., .q xx^uT.ll >: 41-1 li t tun. t.fcil /THE FIRST-CLASS .STEAMSHIP, i , iH U'N r rsV:f X; 1 (t,3E: s : CROWELL. COMMANDEn, ,Af8‘LT»5i Will sail for the above port on ^TO^BAY,' October 2itli, at—o’clock — m. . BRIGHAM - , 'HOEBTik' OO. 1 > j ' mmEn CASSIMERES! ■Lii ji.jiL. io -t*-.-.. JaorianoiaaO 1c Supei -Quality Itlm k Cloths and C'ltssimen “ Cassimeres for Gents’Suits, I t Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans and TFater-Proof Cloths, JUST PPENHD AND FOli SALE AT THE LOWEST PRICES BY “ r»e iVITT MORGAN,, 137 CONGRESS STREET. l-l - ; 3ETT I/if Ale. moval hav are nothing bn^^gi^ wherever UmtocBATio MEEimoM Screven GotJimi.—. Die Democratic mass meeting alluded to ; fey as yesterday, will be held St Station No. 6, Central imlroacL The wliiie and colored Uonservative citizens. of Screyern and Bulloch counties ilvlo invited to attend.' Prominent 1 be present Jto address the peo- will be Hon. T. M. Jlor- - ia7T ——.*_—i—A copy of a pamph- J et published by Rev. Dr. Wm- B. feteveim iff ,*?ke C0 ^ taillill g ■ reminiscences of Savannah *?U be*^^ 1 couuty ’ * )r ’"hicb a liberal price , by parties holding their notes; and one xeA. axtaibeait^mglffTaieieniteit^tiiKt ; of btihks - of thie city, to recover ‘ ^ifytflkintiflifc 1 ™ ‘' ,J '” J 1 i““ ;e JSrsta^e-etyity *f&SL*8*J he will probabl business without tho ‘pr^s^ded Of, :t ill uzi .1 - ;.'iT a J -»«! / J.r " —■ a" .... *ifepo -ttf Tnlkrmait*yty[Okwfekadirij, Oct:ty.-MBR- T.iTTfygT. GROVE cemetehy. ‘ 1 -her 14. Sanah-Adn Byis4Ayfii», -Wmonttia— ,if| - V -bites .iri ...-A-/4 .,ifHUM.JXfX/. H «lc>i£snSwA-.v,. W F.rft;,+.;-<n«'-Mfiv.-!>..lA -rr.; i arm;-:/ h iii-iu. i,.sR> T iaoj i ».>wrr» si i Total,.:e-in-ll--ita vHiXi-A-.^ -.. - Atodi ixmoL&'dwkMiti! ! III A IT Oc :-ber 14. : Asked for Monet and.Receiyed a Beating. dhermian,' an humble ^lon^^". the Chief of B ummers, was mrested andi ughtfeefore Justice Philipl£ Russel. Jr t terday;. in oonsequimce of his . having -iidot l a new way to pay old debts. He n-each of 1 hii&tolt Court tor 1 City Ctaut afford-means ’ for prompt Ml h congesfli ministration of justice to offenders, and pre- Cowvnist- stjum. -carried right before the Oomrt, and, unless they insist upon the right of tnal by jmy, tvoto cases can be disposed of at o}ce, With- — .ting, with nifilfiiwqft lirfifi isliti-rt/ *», haring, been-put in complete repair and ' thorough order, that. Company is now in ac- a^yipe^gain. ■ ~' ••• «ee AlAem Bell.—A good sized bell , has ~i—-q ip the belfry of. Firemans’ Hali, ‘ — i ”. ease of fires. !i SbWf’s Sale To-Day—We iall.attention; _ to the Sheriff’s sale of Groceries, Dry Goods, , &cq at the comer of Liberty and RandolDh is streets to-day Rt 11 o’cldckr V ji**-loi Helen* Orroil, 32 yens—IMaeue un- rf DA :'-vu 1* Typhoid Fe- onths—Per- £ <-.8TTa*> '« 19: Mreri-iJAa.' nT4i«rr -*— ss^a-i ihh. 1 Fhl«fer4lK». ■■■■■■■■ . . : ‘otai...{ i-x. JHi BKCJLFmn^noK. _ J ^ • ' jfuif IT 8 .1:1 P bilious 1 >iarrho® •Vr^^r* • v * (^ W- ^ of Heart. 1 BpileptiCi aemorrfiage'ol *>!•> *VT«r a A . - -r? *'** { Phthisis pplmonaus..- fl -• •mrsahfct• rt-rMontr -XL-3Jj ff»—*!»S ^ i> stingo?*.* :.i.2i .JtJLxJLti j i TyphoidFeveri...JO..Xiw.A.. 2 . -c i UiEiw^. £, a -jV-,.. ■ f.vtmaf -sasit. u Total ...’*v:lKGi».i«i-II 28 I -•/TH-J ‘ Io TO-'-1 | - vKI nuszsax-do t J i/iifc .<mti ilJr.. ;.A APJ potl)2 L Mil IAL STA & lArtr i^AE.. [I PLAIN, Itusno and COLOBS. T ’5^& at ? st st y les ■sWWiili' TREEl isi CONL sale, »rd""ABiuVil''‘: 'PLBl'oABRAGE, ONIONS, POTATOES, 1 ' TtlRNIPS, CARROTS, PARSNIPS. ' J5&3&S2S&ES&-.* •—.-cm JNO. T. LINEBEKQER, ml *; i r, : -it'rr.t ■-i.-rt *:i’ jj'L- -I'.Dii , Ull \l ill- i lie lo aoojr LjJ 1 kiiu f >.ii duid ri.u ai li ioLi'iu itoTEMENTS IN GOBDON BtOCK, 4 A 2 ‘ “fj'fft typ-ffilr?? feot r ffo. .28 Efyrd'yifAiiata Cabin passage... -11 V' - £ • ! , - I ......S3000 UtVi UR m EK/iltl) & HOLCOMBE. « lH -nd will be *old'ioV FB0M J &Hh^F iife lot* to bos f&zti j Gia»-;ri tdo* ed Jita d Lvh l-'Jtu. rtjjmoi .a -i .- ■* it»i &k bsJaz%±L ,Y uloinu •tf*; . iaeri.;t^aoo ocr 940^ t 1J O FOB; SALE By SHX TA BBU&M9P OC 9—St <,a'XAHAKOK 7JJ3KHOT) BARBELS, SACKS'AND iHALF -SACKH'i- ; • i -FottOS UR- 8y5 f-IHi H (Hi •xeb >•?•« t: ■: a.i * t* w. McDonald, oc 6-eodtf 15* Bay .treet /^ABIN : “WiS* 1 * 1 %« jmrmwmhi INDEPENDENT LINE, ekftT.jnrEfeis^it Aiife, ^atc»»ay. IA cfeBfN PASSAGE £-....930 00 h^fd^on Cotton des- For freight or passage apply tb * , ; i OCTAVUS COi u , ^ ^ ^ Bay ^93. West street, New u * —-* ocl^‘ , .ItofifWTwot. Jjmw I £”‘“1 Atlantic Coast t Vcoat jiail Steamship oo-. SIDEWHEEL SHIPS ! l 'J: cabin passage.-:.: '. 00 STEEBAGE, WITH SUBSISTHNCE...S10 00 •UidTT Jl-ocll Will sail on THURSDAY, October 22, at 13 o’clock m. Bills of lading given here on through freights oi i?e^ cUtober , inless paid for. .a:T7ia r t.i;i if ii V i l id- . . . For freight or passage, having new and splendidly ttz* - ^ ~maadati«nsupply t#» [> . " WILDER tc FULLARTON, POK'BA LT1 MO It Ii. . THE NEW AND §u^EBK>ftjs#4(£inp I- -■> G. W. BILLUPS, CoMMANliElt, ; WU1 Ld lor Baltimore on THURSDAY. Jtfctober 22d, st 13 o'clock m. itiveCulTtaRta-rgome ^curwtjplWi.iaeteitQpa -roc- red at the c«Bce of. the Agents. For ftBigbtor. passage, bating; ejc^Jent ( K<?™»Pr itlo is, apply to J. B. WEST & CO., octy Q ^ytyre^^ipaal^ , [Jill LIKE DF STEAMSHIPS TO LIVERPOOL AND aUEBjHIgjrOTCN^ ' PAiLil«Ot<«rat:« * SAM LBSgoxO yiomtt,: ” ’———- !, . :4 1. ALEPPO, . I teM -ft lISIDON; 1 j ’U ai dal ? *3 - ,U : * ‘Z iMtxStt ^Uu ,.IK za uf'K t-L . j, rfr '1ABIN-PASSAGE tdLiverpooIoc Queenstown, $80 ;.Steerage Passage, ’$30 Currency; Children IL yeitKfm&HSM Z&tH '■ iswili b bas been, teafed. and approved, by Planters, i«ia - : , T 18 CENTS PERjfABD. lder twelve years, half price. - us - jv- . Steerage Passage to Hamburg, Antwerp, Botterdam >l«o, fl. -oo B. HABERSHAM A CO. :^T0BACC0. . i» /i t - :iz j to’ Lktr ( en, $4o currency ; to Havre, Paris, Gottenborg Hawn . $40 Currency; Children'two to twelve half price; under two years; free., jrage Passage from Hamburg, Antwerp orJRotier- $45 Currency; from Bremen or Havre, $48 Cur- neyffrom Paris, Ghttenbhrg'or'Chrifltlana, $50 Cur- ^ prico: A steamer leaves New York WEEKLY on THURS DAY, and Liverpool TUESDAY, Queenstown’ WED- vrrart a v * <1 TawnFratti. - oo' feosis ktirouliLACIC'. J S lStts issued by^ tbo Jmdorsigned, from whom all rc. r Di«V.mnT1il Va and fni* coin 1/nr hw Y1 Gz-iiacawx" IT1 fonnUtlOH may he obtained. I L necassary information may be obtained^^ JNO. C. FERRELL, * X ,C Agent at Savannah. -lm- ; - ; STATES 3IAIL ! For Palatka, E. Fla., TOUCHING AT BRUNSWICK, ST. MAlfti’S, FER- UN^DISA, JACKSONVILLE AND P1C0LATA. . CLAGUOKN A CUNNINGHAM, Agents, oi freight received after 9 o’clock bn the day 0 % FREIGHT PAYABLE BY SHIPPERS. Boat connects at i'emandin*! with' the Florida# Railroad to Cedar Ks(7»l at-Jackaonvifie V]tb the Central Railroad to Lake City, and at Plcolata wife -eenf stage*toBfc Angmtine,, ojl5-rtt. ^FURNITURE, CARPETS, &C., AT AUCTION, I«T BELL dt HULL. Will be sold‘THIS ml. in front ‘of store, at 10>f o’clock: A large and complete anriortment of SECOND-HAND fl rnitcee, Consisting of: ' ^ Carpets, Ac., Ac. 12*nty Cottage modCan-]i Bedsteads, 12 niw Tables, assorted. .. i 6 new Enclosed Wasbstands. .. i Ternis cash. ■ oct21-lt H. R. Symons, Auctioneer. THIS DAY 21st instant, in front of the store, wiH be sold at 10>£ o’clock, Flour, Bacon, - .... 'C , No 1 Mackerel. 3s No 1 UsdkereL 8al8odC ‘ I r ,’-u j i Candy, Century Chewing Tobacco, ten Sioe Broshes, Soap, Toilet Soap, ' .e-J White Lead, -a. , T . . SS- jEi r\ UNE! ton EVERY*TUESDAY it 9.o^clock P.'Ml, Savannah EVERY WEDNESDAY at 3 o'clock P. M., touching at Fernandina, Jacksonville, and .ALL POINTS, foil thesi. John’s river. * RETURNING, will leave Palatka EVERY FRIDAY, Jacksonville EVERY SATURDAY, Fernahdina, SAME DAY, and Savannah fior Charleston, SUNDAY, at 8 o’clock A. M. N. B.-j-No freight will be received after 2 P. M. on day. of sailing. GHT AND PASSAGE AS LOW AS BY LINE. L. J. GUILMARTIN & CO., Agents^; . No. 148 Bay street. For Liverpool- 1* 1 '-CLASS AMERICAN SHIP ELLEN i; Bickford Master, will have Quick dispatch for the above port. For freight apply to T. B. MARSHALL & BRO., No. 3 Harris’Block,' Bay street. For Liverpool. LL 4—t-l tfut > 3 > i-l T FOR RENT, i ' A DESIRABLE BRICK RESIDENCE on South Broad.street,, near West i... , (rife water and gaa attached, for- I ■ j a tie residence of the late John Fin- (»«■ Apply to oc20—3t* layson. HOUSE cooper & mcarthur,. Market Square. TO NEW AND NICELY TTNISHE#.^ and STORE Sfontl Broad and Bryan streets. Possessiongitehefi 1st November, lfG8 ; Apply ^ cx^—eod2w , Bull and Gaston a | : FOR RENT.^ . i FINE Til R V.E-’STORY . BRICK k on Colombia Square, fcor- fgfgf fcreet. 'Ithhs gas, and warm I s R \ J .old water in all the bed jrooms, bath tffiJlB , mid all the modem accommodations. JSs 3 axld c . ^ -.TO, K.ENTj ( ! r *' THREE-STORY BfilCK BUILDiNG . on Bay lone, between' Bull and Drayton streets. !<|l9--tf • . O. H. LUFBUJtBOW! Beal Estate Agent. TO Hti\T, rflHE THBEE-STOBY BRICK BUILD- X ING, wife deep BASEMENT, on the south side of Bay lane, between Drayton and Bull streets. It is in good repair, and, will be rente4 at a low rate'.' ‘Apply to ocl3—tf £ BodABDUS,“; u State street, next to BnlL «" J ::«u\ FOR RENT, ‘ ~^|*opsB'. ; py, jones ‘stbeet! THnaj; east of Barnard. For particulars enquire of Mrs. NEVTTT, next door,‘ or to ' ' i \ <^9 E. B. CHIPMAN, 177 , Between Barnard and FOR RENT. U. •gBICK STORE on CONGRESS STREET near market. V' i Possession given immediately. Apply to octl-tf WILLIAM LAW. FOR RENT. rj\HE LARGE STORE 60x90, TWO . .floors, lately occupied by W. C. Robinson, - j | f »j i • • - ’ ifi-ij and suitable for a Wholesale and JobbingcSsS Dry and (Fancy Gooda House. Possession given im-. mediately. - Apply to • > < m.. sepg^4C• * u ‘ 1 JNO. MoMAHON *300. O RENT, O COUNTING ROOMS. APPLY TO l it: » - u , • wm. vv. iL_ -4r20—tf 192-Bay Btrwti rpwo Auction Tiaasavr^lgK^r^T -■ mwunw zi. i . Hats, Clothing, -i ' Goods, Fnmltnre, Ac. octdl-lt — — UNDERWRITERS' fiAT-E, , & HULL. -esdsyi. October 21st, Mil o'doek, - in front of the store, will be sold:: „ j ONE CASH DRY GOODS. Sold fo* account of all concerned. • Terms cash. . - octM-lt. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF BALE ROPE, BY BELL & HULL. THIS'DAY (Wednesday), October 21st, at 11 o’clock, la front of store: : lis t-j G4 coils Jute Rope, Hemp Rope. Terms cash. oct21-lt DBY GOODS, Ac.. AT AUCTION; Si HULL. 1<» 21at inat, at I0M d.'clock, will be aold in front of the etofe: . , . - K€ Ac., Ac. ADS LLVMS, 31st inst., in front of our Store, will be sold: Furniture and Adding, complete. l-.n t W 3 S i^^^at’es' Clothing. J lot Croctery^and - : JOHN S. DILLON, LOT AND -VATE SST.E Si HTTLL. i -‘ , “ Lei *nd : tmprovemenfs. AT PRI- stories on bl its, two-bath i aR complete! wife stable attached. - Josowfrh. giveP hnwiodtHoljj . dT- Terms caah. purchaser paying for papers, Ac., pc20 WALiill. . ■ i: 20tli tost, at 10% o'clock; at No. , rf Jones street, between Barnard and will be Sold; Buresdty-MsrMeaJab*,' , —-'‘-Vafebs, Ac., the inspection of the' o’clock, on Thursday, aMVNfrrtwr- — * i i.ia*i , . . Octl9-lt , HO CARSiBETWEEY. SA-1 , VANN AH, AUGUSTA, AND MOST- . - ■ -' l oomekt, ala; UP DAY TRAIN^ ^ Savipnsh 1 Macqn *• 1 Y it Alt * ..6:40 P. M. n.—.11^0 P. M. C°Wteeting with fr»in» that leave Augusts. .8^5 A. AL DOWN DAY TRAIN. M Macon. J...7i«0 “ sh... ;t:. ....:... .sap p. h. Angus! s 5:«rp* ait Connecting with train that leaves Augusta.. 8:45 A. M. f UP NIGHT TRAIN. ~ 7:20 P.M; t 'Aj• vi-xstr^vr vrv —r--r •••■ A- ^ with train that'leave 3 Augusta. .9^3 P. M. , DOWN NIGHT TRAIN. Sats-iEKSsssBdfiftS; w with train that leaves Augusta. .9^3 P.IL trains from Savannah and Augusta, andP. BL- connect , with Mffiedgevffia train ndays excepted. v _ train from Savannah connects with through on Soatb-Caroiina Railroad, and P. H- train nnah and Augusta with trains on South, and Muscogee Railroads. WM. ROGERS, L44f Act’g Magter of Transportation. THOSE RETURNING TO THE CITY and ; WISHING > TO REPUEWISH ‘ THEIR' 1 1 - AND THOSE FOR RENT, ( - .. * -. l it 1:1 -....-i-j*. A3 i rjtHB TWO WHARF LOTS, NUMBERS FOUR’ (4)^ and ITVE (5), east of Bull street, known as -JONES^ LOWER WHARVES, between Drayton and Abercom streets.,, Possession given on t^e‘ 1st November,^ ' oc7r—tf - - BOBT. HABEHBfeAM A GO. ' —FOR ItEWT,— IA. streets. Apply to *. [ocl^-lt} .o a.YVAjT , J. • ■ »;» -huiAJ lU . ,i GrOoJ vN. Nichols’ publishing’ House,; ; iri // 1*1 RS.1 [UP STAIRS.; 'i if *" :o m «u. in v * till I Job Printing Office, .n it iti l t/K (im 1 1 IBoofe .Btoflery t Wm: tzirzffsg&n Blank Boot, Manufactory. rr.q at -1 ilV L Jjl fiij-j tioai-.i.. ... . oc xtn l ^ . j: , j at -u ; -lii-'. l.< RjQriiLiX'l qiJTY UNSURPASSED FACILITIES ENABLE ME lVJLt •' to execute all work in the above Bubs wife ttfrf ,-twjatc - . Utmoit Dlipatch and In SnperiorStyle. - . .... . As a Single BrCCCll-Luader. Every Department'Complete! ■_ - • ' ETCLUDINQ PRINTING OFFICE,- (I BLANK BOOK UANDI'AC- BQOK BINDERY, TORY, . and . , . .1 / PARER RULING ROOM. The only establishment in the city having all theee KicihtieB combined. ^ * EUISouhMi 1 P ^ E ? S '. Orders aoheited. Satisfaction guaranteed. . B02 y - -.hit I:..-: . jitoSJ -. ...... X! rjTWO BOILERS AND ONE GOOD ENGINE. . j 1 Uii a. -ixi . Apply at OClO—lOt uc- ’ Convmeneintf Sousekeeping, CA^RtTY; TO “THE BEST ADVANTAGE, —- : ( ALL KINDS OF • HOUSE-FUEMSIIINa GOODS, ToUet Sets, Fancy Articles, Ac. FROM J. W. STAKSBDRY i GO,. 109 BItO UGSTCJSSTIiEET, -.1 ! tail AT THE OLD STAND OF ."till XJ. 8MYTHE IVotice. 1 ORIGINAL FIRM OF E. D. SMYTHE * CO. to suddenly dissolved on the 21st of March last, its due the lste firm are directed to be paid to BY D. LAW only, or his attorney, JOSEPH W. BY- sep28—tf r r * Ot I WINCHESTER REPEATING RIFLES ITBING .TWO SHOTS A SEC03D As a Bepeater, -a . Li A t ^ “i.AXp TWENTY SHOTS A MINUTE • - Tto, : ' ‘i-id Zll'ji rpHESE POWERFUL. ACCURATE AND WONDEE- JL JTUXXY EFFECTIVE WEAPONS, carrying 18 charges, which can be fired in nine seconds, are now ready for the market, and are for sale by all the : sponsible Gun Dealers throughout the - SOAP l SOAP ! BOXES SOAP FOR SALE BY WILLIAMS, WARD & McINTIRE, i lino ami is .aqr*;i .W XHG .Ii . .xml ,M .T xd ;s3 LAMAR’S PRESS. »*'Ji t: .A June .1 Corn And Oats, TT'OR SALE BY 7 J. • • • anglO-tf S. A. HARDEE’S SON & CO ,na i • 1 **''**0 .xn.TOJ* m..