Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, October 27, 1868, Image 5

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ifte’fglamtiHj ffews. the nuns. T / .H jiTJOr; .±.,7110 nt CKH*»Ap RilLBOiD; through .poneheafOr New Vnrk Philadelphia, Waahington. Ango*t(«f_Ch#rta(*unr \Swn, Columbus, 3. ;W. R. IB. Chattanooga Postal fur taking all mail matter lor the Northwe8t*rn.Staiea;, rri'is o'clock P. M^daByW . • .* “u, uentbal Railroad, through pouches for Augus- « Atlanta, MiliedgeySUe,-EstontoiK-daily.ia*id.-way* “’nil for Une of Central Bailroad, and all points con-, n,,oous, at«« o’clock Ji. M. daily, except Sunday,*. ry Atlantic* & vfULP R.ULBOAD, for all points on •he road and contiguous-; Bainbridge, Ga., Tallahae- “ Jacksonville; anil all parts of FloridveteSorid* BraOrb Railroad. 6 A. M., daily, except Sundays. BV steamer, for Brunswick. St. Simon's Ialand„8t. tun's and Frederica, every Wednesday at 8 A. M- , By steamer, for Darien, every Tuesday and Saturday. "'oifbuLuiays all mails will close at 2 P. M. ' . j MONET SENT WITHOUT DANGER OF LOSS, /,: By means of Money Orders, at the Savannah PostOf- The Office will open for business at 6 o’clock A. H-, auil dose at 5 o'clock P. M. On Sundays the Office .dll be opened for the delivery of the mail from 9 to -10 o’clock A Bt T. P. lions. Pi HL LOCAL PRICE OF THE BIORNialO NEWS. The price of single copies of the !-MoBXDia News, in the city, is FIVE CENTS, and no carrier is authorized to demand more. The paper can he procured in wrappers at oar counter at the same price. letter, sheet prices current. We issue every Friday morning a Letter Sheet Prices Current, containing $h@_ latest reports of this market, a comparative state ment of cotton, and other reliable tables, llerchauts’ cards inserted in all orders for ten cojnes or more. Specimen copies can be had at onr Counting Room. Index to New AdverHleiueiiti. Auction sale of provisions, etc., this morning by Blun .t Meyer. * The steamship San Salvador sails for New York next Saturday. Auction sale of groceries, provisions, etc., this morning, by Williams, Ward & Mclntire. Meeting of the members of the Savannah Hebrew Collegiate Institute this evening. ] Sale of mules this morning by W. W. Daniels. : Sale of furniture on Wednesday by Blun & Merer. ” Sale of furniture this morning by Bell & Hull, j Auction sale of provisions, etc., this morning. l,y Wm. IV. Daniels. For Liverpool —the A1 British ship Star of the West. Three unfurnished rooms for rent. Snite of unfurnished rooms for rent. Houses for rent by A. S. Hartridge. Notice that the captains and consignees of. the ships Crescent City, Screamer, Gardner Colby, John Mann, and bark Kentville will j not pay debts contracted by their crews. Card of Atkinson & Oldershaw, commission merchants, Liverpool. Citation from the Ordinary of Chatham county. I Notice of sale of household furniture by Bell A- Hull. Billiard table to let by D. McConnell. Cold watch lost by Octavus Cohen. Flour for sale by H. T. Minoi-, Jr. Paper for sale by WiUiams, Ward & Mclntire. Stoves for sale by John J. Maurice. Easy method of dress cutting by Miss Kelley. Buiidiug lot for sale by Henry Bryan. The Health of the Crrr from October 1st, 1867; to October 1st, 1868. —In the Mayor’s Annual Report, published in the Mousing News of Saturday last, the mortuary record for the year beginning and ending as above stated was given, showing the . number of deaths to have been 1'209, a decrease of, 109 from the number during the preceding • year. The summer and fall seasods of 1867 were considered remarkably healthy, so much so that His Honor, the Mayor, in. his report for that year, considered it worthy of a day of public and general thanksgiving and praise to Almighty God, for His beneficent provi dence. But this year has even exceeded the; previous one, and the health of the city has' been remarkable; better, perhaps, than ever known before. The increase of deaths among the blacks since the close of the war is also a-noticeable feature. Previous to that time, as is shown by the records, very few deaths occurred among the blacks as compared with the vhites. Turned loose, and left to take Care of themselves, without preparation" for an entirely different mode of life from that which they were accustomed to, the ravages of death among them have been very great. During the year ending September 30th, 1867, one hundred and twenty-two more blacks than whites died; and for the year ending Septem ber 3!)th, 1868, the deaths among the blacks exceeded those among the whites by sixty- nine. There is no manner of approximating to the ratio of the increase of the race to the decrease; but, could it be ascertained; -we think that it would • be exceediiigly small’ as compared with-what it formerly was.- 'if-onr readers will for a moment think, they will remember how, in old times, almost every yard was filled with -black children- Now, they are comparatively few,-while the increase of whites has become great in pro portion. The practice of the crime of abor tion prevails to a fearful extent among them; while of the children that are bom, many an nually perish for want of proper care. Lighting the City.—By the Mayor’s An nual Report we see that over $19,000 were expended during the last fiscal year for light ing the city at nights. We would very much ■ike to know where and when the half of $19,000 worth of lighting has been done. H e have been out almost every night during that year, and we do not recollect one single instance when it was particularly dark that the lamps were lit. Nineteen or twenty thousand dollars in vested in lamps and-kerosene oil would bril liantly light the city every night daring the fear, and also secure careful and attentive Persons for the work. We conld have the ploded. It leads to the streets being kept in continual darkness, which is a direct invita- hon to bjtrglare, thieves and highway robbers to practice their nefarious trade. Let us have kerosene, and the streets of the city 1'ghted up every night during the year. The Postoffice Qigvveyarg. : —The yard in front of the postoffice is rapidly being filled vjfh graves of deceased persons; at least we should judge so from the number of-tomb- stones displayed there. We advise the own ers of lots to have these head-boards planted, as it is a risky piece of business- to pass that corner, or to go iqto the postoffice ..when ptne wind is high. H e like to see men enterprising- enough to advertise their .business whenever they can nnd place so to do;-bht 'when they 'occupy 8 uch a prominent position as the- front yard of the postoffice, we think a neater, better looking style might be originated than that nsed at present. The Election.—The tally sheets, lists for voters’ names, Ate., have all been prepared in readiness for the Presidential election, off Tuesday next We learn that the arrange- pieats have been slightly altered, and that ■nstend of having separate polls for the white and colored voters, all will go in together, and Vote at one of the three polls. The showjof hands wiU probably cost the county about one thousand dollars. Bat-“what’s the hodds so Iphjf as we’re ’appy,” and live under the greatest government the worid : ever saw. Beat his Wife. ^Justice P. M. Russell, Sr., yesterday Issueda warrant against Lawrence Madison, at the instance of his wife, who got hp out of a kick bed to take out the warn “cmg fearful that her lift; would-be Taken, bhe said that' he heat her shamefully and threatened to kill her. Madison had not been arrested last night. •;* * o's’ tera or thlir proxies from the lodgdS’Of tj eity left lastnight for “Macon, to attend t meeting of the Grand Lodge; P. and A. — We learn that there wiU probably be upwards of three Lodges represented at the meeting. War! One of Joe Brown’s Sabres Brought Into Action—-Nobody Hurt—Great Excite- i uent. —Ymdft'ag LX ,. __ „jrtion of the “Burnt District,” situated at Broughton •and Montgomery streets, (N. W. comer) was for a time the scene of great excitement. ’ Serious consequences were threatened for a 1 time, but the intervention of officers of the j f^wpv^^nted^ arf^lfomnbetiifi done to the ' two lots, one situated on the comer above named, the other lying next to it, on Brough ton street It appears, from what we can learn, that when people were permitted to build their houses right on the line of the street, these lots each contained sixty feet front But, when thehaildings situated upon them were destroyed^ by "fire, the Jots were subject to the ordinance requiring houses to be set back six feet from the street line. The comer lot was purchased by Mr. Roberts, the next by Mr. Byck, and the third by Mr. Roberts. The latter bought the comer lot under the impression received from other paVtien,^ that it contained sixty feet front, whereas/ acc'ording toth'e claim of Mr. Byck, there is only fifty-four feet. Mr. Roberts de clared that he owned sixty feet, and that six feet of the land owned by him had been taken possession of by Mr. Byck. The latter a few days ago commenced build ing upon his lot. He says that the old foun dation waU, showing . where the line-of the lots was originally, and wherfe the old’Rich ardson house stood, is stiU there ; that he commenced building inside of that line, so as to allow three feet for an aUey-xvay. He insists that it is his property, and that Mr. Roberts is wrong in claiming it; and that in so doing he is asking for what does not be long to him. However, this is a question for the courtB, and not for the public to decide.' Yesterday morning Mr. Byck’s workmen went to the place to resume operations, and found that part of the foundation wall had been torn down and that stakes had been driven in the ground, and a hastily con structed board. .fence put up, taking in the six feet of ground claimed by Mr. Roberts. That gentleman was on hand with four ne groes—Samuel SmaU, Luke Edwin. Jesse CampbeU, and Aleck King, Mr. Roberts was armed with a revolver, one of the negroes with an axe, another had a shot gun, a third a pistol, while'the fourth flourished one of the huge "sabres''' which' Joe 'Brown hud manufactured at the beginning of the war, for the wholesale slaughter of the Yankees. Mr. Byck went to remove the fence; the negro with the axe was ordered to chop his head off, and proceeded to do so; but Mr.-B. moved out of the way. . Every attempt -to- remove- the objectionable hoard fence was resisted, and the armed guard held the ground. People crowded around to wit ness the proceedings, and the excitement created by the affair was intense. Finally, finding it was of no use to attempt to bring force against force, Mr. Byck went off to Justice Marsh, and caused warrants to be is sued against Mr. Roberts and the negroes for forcible entry and detainer. Constable Bar- thelmess went to the place and made the ar rest, and the five went quietly to the Justice’s office, where they were required to give bonds in the sum of $1,000 each, to appear on Mon day- next, when the case xvfll be tried. Last evening three darkies, with muskets, were still on guard at the place, and expressed a ; determination to protect the fence at aU hazards. , . J . , .— *♦•■ - ; l Annual Report of the Chief of {Police. —The annual report of Gen. R. H. Anderson, Chief of Police,' has been rendered to His Honor, the Mayor. We make such extracts from it as are of publio interest. The number of posts established in that portion of the city, over which the police force exercise supervision, is forty-eight. To guard these there is a force of ninety-six men, divided into |two reliefs. Owing to the fact that there are always more or less men off duty on account of sickness, this number has been found totally insufficient, to proper ly guard the city, and almost every night the beats of some of the policemen have had to be doubled. The Chief thinks that the force should consist of one hundred active men, and ten supernumeraries, to be put on in case of absence of any of the regular mem bers. The outskirts of the city, in which are crowded a mass of vagabond negroes and whites, without visible means of support; -who prey upon their respectable neighbors,' no attempt has ever been made to guard. He urges the organization of a mounted pat rol force, which shall make daily and nightly rounds throughout these sections, as the best means of preserving order there, and securing the peace and quiet of the suburbs. Two deaths have occurred in the force during the year, -viz: Private John Curtis, found dead in his ward, on the night of the 28th .of February, 1868; and (Private John Ryan, died August 12tb, 1868. The 1 following were wounded in the dis charge of their duty, daring the past year: Private P. G. Lane, Jan. 28, 1868; Lieuts. Howard and Bell, and Sergeant Moran, Feb. 4th, 1868—(New street riot;) Privates Mc Bride, July 27th, and H. W. Lindner, Sept. 3d, . Thirty privates have been dismissed from the force daring the year, for various causes, The sick report has averaged twelve per week in summer, and seven during the win ter.. r Two thousand and twp arrests were made by-the police during the year commencing October 1st; 1867, and ending October lstj 1868. . ; phSU ; ‘ * I g The Chief says:. “ The conduct of-the men, as a general tlnn" has been exceUent. In fact such is the discipline of the force that no Trinxi who is not sober and does not attend strictly to his duty, is aUowed to remain on it -TheTeport closes with a compliment to the efficiency and worth of the Lieutenants and Sergeants of Police. The Continental Life Insurance Com pany.—The large double column advertise ment of this Company, which we print to-day, must necessarily attract the attention of every reader of the -Mobninq News. Tfee Continental Life Insurance Company, although but young in years, is foremost among the popular and thriving institutions : Uf similar character in this country. It starte4 qp at a time when the pld companies were striving hard toontdo each other in thje race for patronage, and it has steadily help its own, while its gains have increased stea dily year by year. It is conducted on an economical plan, and while it did an immense business last year, its expenses were-not as great as : those of Several companies, whose business was.not nearly so great. , , Those who wish to insure can obtain either life, annuity, endowment or non-forfeiting policies. The rates are as tavqrable as can be obtained anywhere, and the company a progressive institution,- certain to become one of the .wealthiest and best paying in the coun try On the firatof January of the present year, it declared a dividend of forty per cent., to policy holders. Its officers are men; Of character and ability, who understand how to conduct it properly, and no one need feel the leasthesitation aboutinsnring in it Mr. J. T. Thomas, a gentleman long and favorably knoVm in connection with the. in surance business in this city, is agent for the Continental. He will cheerfully furnish aU particulars concerning its rates, Ac.) to those who may call upon him- . :i ! HA ■' ■ ' Who He Is.—A negro named Walker was kfri&il W in the State several weeks ago, while oh a stumping tour for the Radicals. OP canrse iF was a horrible Ku-Klux outrage, and the white people of-the section where the affair occurred are responsible for the deed. Bullock offered five thousand dollars reward for the arrest of the person or persons who kfliisd Walker;, xvhile at the. same time the j 4«iia. n «,ao offered for. the capture and conviction of the diaboli- cal villains who murdered poor Charlie Wil- — ■ white* and of no conse- son. But he was j quence: This fellow-Walker, came to tins city from Chiriesfon. He was a “big maun among - the Radical negroes here, andirvUd fat upon their earnings. He became 'Secretary and Treasurer of one. of the Union Leagues tin iSaiitv arid when the League was in aflonx- ishing condition, Mr, Waiker suddenly walked ;t, off with all its funds, eleven hundred dollars, since which fame he hoa not come near Savannah. ' . - ,■ j ' ' TtJis very much more probable ttat^p rnnsiwus murdered by some of his .own party ’V^TrTbehad cheated andGSwinSeaTthan. - ; that’ any white men troubled or interfered /wdh him. i() the The- Cawpss S. Hardee will leave ■ Charleston wharf, at three o’clock this after noon for Hawkinsville and intermediate landings. The ttdjtrtttherf ^mbnhf.'flie^Aprilfrafcf bJ- the United Ststbs 'Circuit -Court met at the >nrt-rooffisdpthi^c|ly' ! ^t-tmip^ocfeyester- ! day; morning, Hon. ■ John Erskine, Judge,, presiding. “ *■ •*- ® o The petit, ^urrmeii'xvefe £ 6alled, and an swered to their“names; as' follows- Nicholas ' Geil, Foreman; Robert H. Tatem, W. A. Thomas, B. Phillips, B. H. Harden. Joseph R. Ripley, B. G: Tilden, O. R. GeodtriiL S A. Silverberg,; W{ J. Miller, C. B. Ash^'John R- Rowland.., The jury, was then discharged until ten p'cloek this morning. . Hon. William B. Fleming was-re-admitted- to practice at the bar-of this Court William D. Harden, Esq., was admitted to practice at the bar of thin Court The Court adjourned until tea o’clock this morning. United States District Court, for ti»o' Sontliem District of Georgia. Hon. John Erskine, Judge, Presiding. 1 The adjourned session of the August term of the United States District Court, for the Southern . District of Georgia,, .commenced yesterday morning at nine o’clock. The jury was called, and Only six members answered to $ieir names. These "were dig, missed until nine.o’clock this morning, and the Marshal summon talesmen to be in attendance at the same hour. IN BANKRUPTCY. Edward F. McKenna and Heyman Roths child, both of Savannah, haying; complied with all the requirements of the bankrupt law, and paid all costs, xvere finally discharged by the Court. — The District Court then adjourned until half-past nine o’clock this morning. The following prominent members of the bar, from other portions of the District, are in attendance.upon the United States Courts: R. F. Lyon, of Macon; Arthur Hood and Robt Fielder, of Cuthbert; Samuel Hall, of Fort Valley; S. H. Hawkins, of Americus;P. J. Strozer and R. K. Hines, of Albany. Mayor’* Court. Hon. E. C. Anderson, Mayor, Presiding. Monday, October 26, 1868. A white man who was drunk at the Theatre on Saturday night, and very disorderly in con sequence thereof, and who cursed and abused the arresting officer, was fined six dollars and costs. John Lawson was a victim of misplaced confidence. He took in a lot of No. 9 whis key, thinking that it would set him all right; but it npset him all wrong. The consequence was that a star of the night in shining abont the streets, lit upon John, w ho was lying on the shady side of a brick pavement, fast asleep. Two dollars satisfied'the demands of outraged justice in his case. Edward Cnllem came up once more on the same old charge—drank, and disorderly in the streets. Edward said that he had not touched a drop of liquor, but was weak and unsteady in his limbs, and the policeman bad made a mistake. ’His' Honor corrected the mistake by fining Edward one dollai-. Morgan Anderson and John Williams, two vagabond negro boys xvho live to steal and steal to live; went into the rotail cabbage business on Saturday, and procured their stock in trade from the store of A. Gomm, without saying an3’thing to him about the matter. Detectives Mahoney and Hanly, who had been watching the mameuvres of the two, went and arrested them. . John Williams said Morgan Anderson told him to take the cabbage, which he did, and before he knew anything^ the “detectors” grabbed him. Mor gan said John brought the cabbage to him, and he did take it. Both having proved themselves innocent as lambs, they were sent to work with the chain gang for thirty days. Michael Ryan, a Charleston mulatto, swin dled an old negro, named Cook Little, out of two dollars, by the strap game, and was ar rested for so doing. Cook’s evidence was very amusing, and convulsed the Court. Mi chael was turned over to the Chief Detective, in order that the case might be further inves tigated.L ' T. Allen Williams, negro, an old offender, robbed one of his own color, named William Myers, at the Market, on Saturday night, by picking his pocket. He stole six dollars and a quarter, and then ran away. The old man followed up the thief and had him arrested. Allen was sent to keep company with the chain gong for thirty days. Gus Hines, negro, one of the boys employ ed to light the street lamps, broke one of them on Saturday night, and when spoken to about it by Sergeant Moran,, he was very im pertinent to that officer, who finally took him into custody. Gus was sent over to the gas office, to be dealt with according as his employers thought proper. Joe Hargrave was the principal cause of a row in Yamacraw, on Sunday. He was ar rested by policeman Williams and his Honor, invited him to pay eight dollars into the City Treasury. City Court* Hon. W. S. Chisholm, Judge Presiding. Monday, October 26,-1808. The City Court met yesterday afternoon, and, there being no business ready, it ad journed until Friday next. Mutuals vs. Eurekas.—A match game of ball was played between these two juvenile clnbs yesterday afternoon, of which the fol lowing is the score: MUTUAL. B. Holland, i> 1 Berlin, c .1 Apple, Mb.. 1 Epstein, 1st b ... .2. Greqne, r. f.........3 S. Epstein, s. s... .1 , Lillienthal,L f....2 Herschback, c. f. .3 Berg, 2b. .1 Total 15 R. EUREKA. O. R. 3 Dixon, 2 0 3 Council, 1 1 2 Mehrtens 2 0 j* a • Godfrey 1 1 1 Dotv./. 2 0 2 P. Dixon 3 0 1 Rebara 0 1 0 Watts 2 1 1 Henderson 2 1 15 TotaL........15 5 Fbuit ! •* Fruit ! -— The warehouse of that well-known fruiterer and grocer, Mr. C, JY. Thompson, 87 Bay street, presented a lively appearance yesterday. Crowds of citizens wexe availing , themselves of the opportunity of. carrying .home bunches of bananas, or anges, Ac. Retail dealers were also ih atten dance, buying in their stocks. This impor tation is th& v largest of the season, and there is plenty of fruit left. All who desire to share in these * delicacies, however, should call early, as the lot is hist disappearing be fore the' attacks of those who don’t luxuriate in banana and orange trees at home. Another Boat RACE.-^We understand that the King Cotton and Victoria boys will have another dash upon the .river this- aftemooji; the crew of the King Cotton to row the^Jellie, the superior boat. Bankruptcy.—Petitions for final discharge from bankruptcy, were yesterday filed by Ephraim Ehrlich,, of Savannah; Alexander G. ^Slappy, of Crawford county; * and. Robert R. Wimberly, of Jeffersonville, Twiggs county. , ' We desire to call the attention of those in want of desirable houses to the advertisement in another column. Apply to A. S. Hartridge, 92 Bay street, or to Gen. W. R. Boggs. The Steamship Cleopatra. —Passengers going ^North: by this fine steamship’ will ^re member that she leaves o’clock this morning. at half-past five Late Publications. — The following- late publications are lor sale’, at Estfll’s News De- rwSf- -* ~ -i - V i pot: The Land We Love, for November (illustra ted); - TAe ? Round /(Table; La Crosse Democrat; The Xmmj~ Harper's' and Lesley Illustrated We&Uxf*SfaeTjtific Am&juah, <£?&, &c. j | j Personal.—We call the. attention of the public to the removal of Dr. Edwin W. l/Engle,. Dentist, frbin Bryan street to Marr sonic Dali building,: comer of B^ll and Broughton streets, where hie has fitted np a splendid suite of' "rooms for’’office ■purposes. Lnrm REGULATION DRESS PARADE The tehtK should nlway#be scrupuloushy^plean and. free from blemish. Keep them in this condition witlr the incomparable Sozodont, and when they .’are veterans in the service, they will stilLbe as “good as new. ” “Spalding’s Glue” is indispensable in every well regulated household, t uai, iiu. v OLctilu, vi, xiii, xuuiuttd| rai i Monte -Rte^JX-SiSerj HBWBBlBptet &WPennington, as Thames; LDrG*mdH N Y; R M Smith, Fla; S N Freeman fismily, Fla; N H 'Biddleton, Cfijy) J-Q, Davis, , Agent Robinson’s Circus; R TTayne, City; R T Jones an3 Bon, Burke county; R J Corrin, NY;JM Minor, Richmond,-yajB_AHdby, St LoffisLC Roberts, wife and child, S C; J P Booth, N J; Jno Williams, Atlanta, Ga; J, R Miller, Alaska; A D Smart, Liverpool; R S Prittle, Fla; Wm Mathews: R F Cannard and y,NY;T' lady, C Cannard, lady and servant, do; WA Willis. U-S A;RS IR Boykin, Ga; t AillaTitine, Ireland; ChasBbr@U-CEinaffiriCaT gan, N Y; Chas Campfield, Milled Tyler, Atlanta'; L Surat and lady; indonderry, “ RMor- ;eville; M A “ " Ga. It is said that the proprietors of the cele-. brated Plantation Bitters rent no less than nine pews.from the different denominations in New York city for all those of their em ployees who will occupy them regularly, free of charge. This is certainly praiseworthy, and it is to be hoped that others who employ a large number of people, will follow, the ex ample. The above -fact,- accompanied iwith the belief that-a firm who-would look .so Closely alter the morals and'weifere of- their employees, would not undertake to impose upon the public, bn* induced uk to'fjive the Plantation Bitters a trial, andhaving found them to be all that- is represented, we cor dially recommend them as a tonic of rare merit.—Observer, Jvly 1st. Magnolia Water.—Superior _to . the best imported German Cologne, and sold, at ffialf the price. eod-3 [ADVERTISEMENT.] Georgia State Lottery—For the benefit of tlio Masonic Orphan’s Home. Howard Js Co.. Managers, Atlanta. Commissioners—Mrs. 8. E. Oladding, Miss Susan C. Tufts. - :• ° Claes 561, drawn at Savannah, October 26th, 1868: 69-18—28—46—39—11—60—Gfl—15—M—1. ' Class 262, drawn in Savannah, October 26th, 1868: 61—56—-76—22—5^-78—.15—55—6—72—27—11. Howard & Co., Chas. 8. XVtllt, Agent Georgia State Lottery. FOR RENT. ' P ART OF A' HOUSE OCCUPIED BY A V - . ,T| a a private family, and situated in a very de- ||||] sirable location.. Would be rented. FUR-i NI8IIED or UNFURNISHED, to gentlemen aa sleep ing rooms. Apply at 154 BROUGHTON STREET, near Barnard. oc2tS—tf HOUSE TO RENT. SHALL BRICK HOUSE ON STATE STREET, between Abercom and Drayton. Address LOCK BOX 5, Savannah P. O. oc‘26—2t TO RENT, H ouse on abercorn street, corner of Liberty street lane. r- . ALSO, HOUSE ON HARRIS STREET, near the 1 “ - B corner of Abercorn street. O. H. LUFBURROW, oc24—tf Real Estate Agent. FOR RENT, ^ HOUSE, PLEASANTLY LOCATED lor a small family* from the first Novem- (Si, ber, to a good and responsible tenant. oc23—5t OLIVER M. LILLIBRIDGE. TO RENT, THREE-STORY BRICK BUILpING on Bay lane, between Bull and Drayton j , streets. ocl9—tf O. H. LUFBURROW, Real Estate Agent. TO RENT, T HE THREE-STORY BRICK BUILD- ING, with deep BASEMENT, on the'/ south side of Bay lane, between Drayton J,, and Bull streets. It is in good repair, end 1 “ will be rented at a low rate. . Apply to * ^ H, S. BOGARDUS, oc!3—tf State street, next to Bull. FOR RENT, ! JJOUSE ON JONE8 STREET, THIRD DOOR east of Barnard. For particulars enquire of Mrs. NEVITT, next door, or to E. B. CHIP MAN, 177 Bay street, oc9 Between Barnard and Whitaker. FOR RENT. JgRICK STORE on CONGRESS STREET near market Possession given immediately. Apply to octl-tf 9 WILLIAM LAW. TO RENT, rjYHE LARGE STORE UNDER ST.-'ANDREW’S HALL, next door talM. Krauss & Co., fronting oil Broughton street. Apply to DAVID R. DILLON, oc24—3t 4t Whitaker street FOR RENT. QN THE FIRST OF NOVEMBER, THE ROOMS atpresentoccupied byDr. Royall, Dentist, over-White tc Marin’s store, corner of Barnard and St, Julien streets. -; Apply to : Db. W. Ti. WARINO. ‘ oc24—tf State street, between Bull and Whitaker. ... FOR RENT, »- F urnished frit unfurnished, one or two APARTMENTS, in a most convenient locality. AddresB” ROOMS.” at this office. 0024—31-, o TO RENT, - j] i ; * NE LARGE COUNTING-ROOM. APPLY TO JOSEPH FINEGAN & CO., ot-24—5t Jones’ Upper Block. FOR RENT, ~ r IJIHE TWO WHARF LOTS, NUMBERS FOUR (4) and FIVE (5), east of Bull street, known as JONES’ LOWER WHARVES, between Drayton and Abercorn streets. Possession given on-the 1st November; oc7—tf -• BOBT. HABERSHAM & CO. : Will. S. Bogart’s Classical, MatlieniaticQl and Eng lish Scliool For Boys, j f Male Oepaitmeut of Chatham Academy, froi "" ^ the city tUTthat date. Lads of ten yqarr are received; if-'” able to read fairly and begin Geography. O' Terms and fees the s&me&s heretofore, i Till Mr. B.'s return, new pupils may apply to fill va* cancies to J. S. F. Lancaster. who will give all mfora^- ation. : :sq>aMiytf School Notice.' - ■ j qiHB SUBSCRIBER ASSISTED BV MISS WEST X -ahd other.ableTeafchern; wUl. on the SECOND DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT, p-open fier. j Home Day and Boarding Scliool, FOB CHILDREN AND YOUNG LADIES, _ t -THK . ‘ ! Corner or South Broad and Barnard Streets; Savannah. Circulars can be obtained -on application, for the present, at corner of Bull and Gaston streets. ! MRS. S. M. ROLLOCS. aep!2—lwDAtlilawtNovl INITIAL AND MOJtOG STAMPTNGis .. n u ORDERS EXECUTED AT SHOBT.NI A ill PLAIN. RUSTIC and eOLOBS- ; . ,. The latest styles of w i , !DDTN0. CARDS -and ENVE LOPES at : - . ■ ■ ■: -- oci^ SCHREINER’S. 00 A RE Solicited for CONTINENTAL OF NEW YOliil. ASSETS. ......... . ..SS,6oO,dQO OO. OFFICERS: JUSTUS LAWRENCE, PRESIDENT. G. HILTON SCRIBNER, VICE PRESIDENT. J' s jjv .1 . P. ROGERS, SECRETARY. R .. JS R 3 0 ST, i ti ai j> lesniABYi T, 3 } E. D. WHEELER, M. I}.. MEDICAL EXAMINER. THOMAS, THOMPSON & CO, MANAGERS. 4 ./ 1 -»• _ J. T. THOMAS, LOCAL A0HNT. _ FRANCIS I>. BOGART, GEORGE ALLEN, Jr., SPECIAL AGENTS. J. M. SCHLEY, M. D, l— MEDICAL EXAMINER The Most Successful Institution of the Kind in the Known; World! —^ ORGANIZED ON THD MUTUAL PLAN! PROFITS OF THE COMPANY ANNUALLY DIVIDED ! One-third of the Premiums May Remain Unpaid as a Loan ! No Notes Required! POLICIES NON-FORFEITABLE I THIRTY DAYS’ GRACE ALLOWED IN PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS! ^ ; EACH POLICY-HOLDER HAS A VOICE IN THE ELECTIONS! INSURED HAVE THE WIDEST LIBERTY TO TRAVEL WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE! ALL POLICIES ARE ENCONTESTIBLE ! NO MEDICAL FEE or CHARGE FOR POLICY is Made! J3S- After THREE ANNUAL PAYMENTS OP PREMIUMS, A CASH LOAN MAY BE HAD EQUAL TO FOUR-FIFTHS OF THE VALUE OF THE POLICY, for bis advantage in subsequent payments. J This Company issues ALL KINDS OF LIFE, ENDOWMENT, JOINT LIFE AND TERM POLICIES, ANNUITIES, Ac. pfi~ THF. SUCCESS ATTENDING THIS COMPANY FROM THE START HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALED BY ANY OTHER IN THE WORLD. J.T.THOMAS, A-o-ent, liv BAY STREET, ^ SAVANNAH, GEORGIA'. ’ . ... oc24—eodtf ' • r* .... au27— 6m SEA FOWL GUANO! The supply of this RELIABLE FER TILIZER wUl be ample, and merchants and planters can rely upon their orders being filled without delay. ' A WONDERFUL SUCCESS os -. / ; COTTON AND CdKN, maintaining its reputation through ex treme wet and dry weather, when even No. 1 Peruvian succumbed by its side. The price is the same as heretofore, $7a cash per ton of 2,000 pounds. IT IS ALSO UNSURPASSED AS A Manure for Wheat FOR SALK BY “ & wiLsoisr, No, 90 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. CARPETING ! CARPETING! AVIMKMV SHADES ! IN GREAT VARIETY, AT PEPPER’S, 119 and 121 Congress St. * ,63-GREAT INDUCEMENTS WILL BE OFFERED ocl9—tf- * IN THESE GOODS. H S. M. COlilHMi AS NOW IN STORE AND WILL KEEP CON STANTLY ON HAND, A ASSORTMENT — OF — MEN’S, BOYS, LADIES & MISSES’ inHeiPS, AT WHOLESALE, yy COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do well to call and examine, before purchasing elsewhere, at .... THE OLD ESTABLISHED • Ko. 153 Congress Street. obT—tt | NEW GOODS ! MRS. S. ST K. AUSS TT AS REMOVED FROM BROUGHTON STREET t»,1».CONGRE93:STREET>wb«TO»heiirrttea — and the public to call and examine her I stock of new “ "' .... j Mfflinery and Fancy Goods, consisting of RIBBONS, VELVETS and SATINS, of all colors and widths, especially her BEAUTIFUL - ■ dress XRIMMINGS, BUT- >f all patterns and colors. BOOTS AND SHOES. m EATE ARRIVALS FROM PHILADELPHIA od New York we have received a HANDSOME ASSORTMENT of T AHIF-Sj JOSSES LSD CHILDREN’S ■ 'shoes, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND OF VARIOUS r J 3 cs Cfi 1 3 £?■>!- ' — — — — ep-.,-.: E>iNO’2fFO& The public am invited to call and’exiiitine onr etock, dear. The onageS must be five feet * -. r =r awaigt ‘— 6 -EINSTEIN, ECKMAN & CO., JOHN B. HOGG. _ ILOttySnvyor. ©ew-tf 163 congress street. LEWIS LIPPMAN, MANUFACTURER OF TH’E' UrLEBBATED PERMANENT AXLE (JKEASE. T HIS GREASE, FOR WAGON, AXLE, AND HEAVY BEARINGS, is warranted superior as a lubricator to any other manufactured. One pound?I guarantee, will run longer and give better _ satisfaction than four pounds of any other Grease in nse. ^ 7 4®* Warranted to stand any temperature. 43- OFFICE at JACOB LTPPMAN'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, corner Congress J Bar nard streets. FOR SALE AT THE FOLLOWING HOUSES: Lovell & Latthioee. Chawfobd A Lovell. Weeds A Cobnwell. 8. Gebstmakk t Co. L. Canon. Wilson & Blitch. C. M. Hrr.T KVT w, - Pel?—IJs- - ’ rr , n ! “THE GEM,” drayton Street, Loa .S ! . CORNER BAY LANE. r r J. FERNANDEZ, Proprietor. rim PROPRIETOR OF THIS WELL KNOWN JL and popular ’SALOON would respectfully inform his friends and the public that he has REFUTED IT THROUGHOUT, and has now, as heretofore, the FINEST ASSORTMENT OF LIQUORS TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. * - f&T The LUNCH TABLE will be set as usual at 11 o’clock. * ocl4—tf BOWLING REDUCED BOWLING SALOON, 93 BroughtpiL Street. •ATE T IE RATES FROM AND AFTER THIS will be 25 CENTS PER STRING. ' former prices. ' ■ ocl3—2w R. .T. SMILIJE. CLOAKS AND SHAWLS! OPENED THIS DAY, :d i - STYLE BLACK AND COLORED CLOTH CLOAKS. ASTRA CHAN CLOTH CLOAKS. BLACK-and COLORED BBOCHE SHAWLS. TARTAR PLAID SHAWLS.- BLACK and MOURNING SHAWLS. A foil lina^of MISSES’ SHAWLS. * ^. s jT0B SALE BV j ,. DeWITX r &,. oo22—tf 13T wm beaoE, A'GOOD ASSORTMENT OF ] ^ . -- . i... -'-""if “ f PAULOE, CHAMBER AND KITCHEN FUBNi'i'UBE. ..-.j nwium. «niwg!i»ig4«s. CrocketT. and Glaaroara. ; ~ ALSO. AT PBIVAT* SALE,. ’ 2 extra super VELYTET CARPETS, cost in gold per yard. l-MXlC OR SS’i'lA Terms oct37-lt BV XV. W. DANIELS. THIS DAY. in front of star*, at 10* o’clock; 1 tihd. Hum, 51 bbls. Floor, 12 half bbls. Mackerel, 22 kits Mackerel, * 9 kegs Sal Soda, 10 boxes Carbonate Soda, 7 boxes Soap, 10 bbls. assorted Crockery, 9 cases Lobsters, 5 cases Oysters, 15 boxes Candy, auso, An invoice of Boots, Shoes. Clothing, Hats and Dry Goods. Fancy Goods, Ac., kc, oct3T-U BY WILUAMS, WARD McLYTlRE. Will be sold, THIS DAY, in front of ston^ at o’clock, 4 So^>, . ... -.“a Paper, Flour, Molasses, &e. Furniture, Dry Goods, oct27- Jewelry, Ac. BY W. TV. DANIELS. An< THIS DAY, in front of store, at 11 o’clock, - 0 fine young well broke Moles, werrented sound. Sale positive. Terms cash. oct27-lt SPECIAL SALE TO CLOSE ^CONSIGNMENT. BY BLUN NEVER. THIS DAY. 27th instant, at 10 o’clock. wffifeftMld, 10 bbls. Breakfast Bacon, 5 bbls. Smoked Shoulders, % 10 boxes Smoked Hama. A30> An assortment of Wooden and Willow Ware. oct27-lt BY BLUN <k MEYER. On WEDNESDAY. 28th instant, at 10 o’clock, will be sold, on the premises, in Harris street, three doors west of Barnard. - A full assortment of Furniture, consisting Of: Bedsteads, Mattraasea, Bureaus. Chain, Sofas, Wardrobes, Stoves and Utensils, Crockery and Glassware, Ac.. Ac. 1 Piano, in good order. oct27-2t AT PRIVATE SALE. BY W. W. DANIELS. 30 bbls. Potatoes, 100 bbls. Flour, 10 bbls. Vinegar. Will be sold low to close consignment. oct26-2t ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE, ;> BY WILLIAMS, WARD A KlelNTZRE. On SATURDAY, 31st inst, in front of onr Store. wiU be sold: 1 set Cottage Furniture and Bedding, complete,.. 1 Sewing Machine, • 1 Sofa, 1 Rocking Chair, 3 Trunks of Ladies* Clothing, 1 lot Jewelry, 1 lot Crockery, and other articles belonging to tha estate of Margaret If. Looby, de* ceased, and sold by order of the Court of Ordinary. JOHN R. DILLON, oct21-td " Administrator ad. coL ; VALUABLE LOT AND IMPROVEMENTS AT PRI- iir * . : , ; .. :VATE SALE BY BELL & HULL. A valuable Lot and improvements, situated on the south- side of Jones street, between Barnard sod Tain all streets. The Improvements consistof a large Brick House, three stories on basement, with all modern improvements, two bath rooms, water, Ac., all complete, with stable attached. Possession given immediately.’ Terms cash, purchaser paying for papers, Ac. 0«20 ii ; TffMJS. AND WISHING TO REPLENISH iiiiKii, AND THOSE Commencing Housekeeping, CAN BUY, TO THE BEST ADVANTAGE; ALL KINDS OF HOUSE-FURNISHING G00D£, CHINA, GLASSWARE, Toilet Sets; Faneg Articles, &c. - FB01C J. W. STAHSBDSY &. CO,. 109 BROUGHTONSTREET, AT THE ODD STAND OF K. D. SMYTHK &> CO. -Notice. fTTHE .ORIGINAL.FIRM OF JBL D. 9MYTHE A GO. 1 was suddenly dissolved on the 21st of Magcfei Bet. All debts doe the latefirm are directed to be paid to HENRY D. LAW only, or his attorney, JOSEPH W- STANBBUBYr - ^ sep28 -tf THE BAZAR. French Dress and-Cloak Making. M adame l. louis would respectfully call thfr attention of Ladies to her VERY SUPE RIOR FACILITIES for first-claas DRESS MAKING, in all departments. Ravmg only the best dress makers In eachT>ranch of the business, besidee extraordinary facilities for presenting only the latest and most recherche Parisian styles much in advance of the pub* fished modes, Minaipc LOUIS can assure her patrons, and jt|ae Ladies generally, that they may rely on hav ing their rich and cOsfiy materials made 2a'thebest manner and always exquisitely graceful and accurate. ghe fitting nrirl trimmingliffriwlf * ~ TO’ HER OLD PATRONS ahtf expresses her cardial thanks, and all others arerespCctfUHy farvitgd to give one trial as an illustration. MORNING, WEDDING, TRAVELIN G and other transient work done promptly and at very short notice.. DRESSES and SACQUESof all styles cut and hasted. PATTERNS for sale. Latest style of EMBROIDERY ahd BRAIDING PAT TERNS'just received. FLUTING of all widths done to order.. Call at No. *33 BROUGHTON STREET, up stairs, between Barnard mod Whitaker,.over J. P. Collins A Co. ocl3—-3m Proposals _ A RE SOLICITED FOR FILLING AND GB f\ that portion of Bolton street* occupied' 1 sewer recently built. The estimated cenient»r teen hundred cubic yards. Material maybe t, in the vicinity of Gwinnett and Abercom streets A must be for the whole work mid not by t' " time of completion stated. ‘ seplS-tf . - , • . f - Qto. sioo REWARD. gTOLEN ON THE NIGHT OFJIHE 2u from the SUCble of Wilson A maRE MULE^three lears old last sprit Ehavc-tl close; in good OTderj- a star in branded upon left hip, and trcll brake, n HTutT mnrfl Air tl* ihiiin| iir Ihu _ aboverewxid. lor “rfhTnf nr ttifr*»*i convict. Any information oc5—tf ... 7rx_ HAY J $ 350 BiLES ^OB-THEEN-^HAY LiNDINGTHIS DAT and wm be sold low FROM WHARF inlet* to suit purchasers. CrUER ARD & HOLCOMBE. oclS—tf JU.UT1NG, PINKING.’ STAMPING; AND DRESS-UAKmi^ AT MADAME L. LOUIS’ ] Bep23-ly . 138 BROUGHTPIL STREET: npt»lgg. ^ Notice. mezica. No. 1 Peruvian Guano in Bags for sale b. by agent at Baltimore, Marylaud, B. F. 1 ,.... ■ R- - d. F^ 1 ' A pent far Consignees of the 1 je8—ly 'No.42Soufixi ;; Noticje. TUI PAYERS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED Hut tha J. third qomrter’atax on Beal Esta:o. ment of the aforesaid tax e paid between the first . JOHN, WILLIAMSON. j 1 : 1 ■■ *'. 300 CQIL3 SUFITtIOR.BAT.F BCHTRISgBOgB aasSl-tf AAd fot sale UQun & c?,