Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, November 07, 1868, Image 3

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'K - M ~ tln * 0fMCm * C ™ ° f the 'United BtjUef Clnalt Index to New Advertisement*. Notice to gentlemen wlio received Sheriff’s badges-election day;' * •***■!£»* r A 'moming, by Blnn’Ar lleyer: ’ Sale of stocks this morning by Bell & Hnll Auction sale of groceries, dry goods, etc., this morning, by Bell & Hull. Meeting of Savannah Mutual Xoan" Associa tion Monday evening. . . ; Religions services at Mariners’ Church on Snndajr. ' lU ’— ; j Wanted, in an office on the Bay, a lad. as The champion billiard table for sale. Silk dress hats at Colding’s. Apples, onions and potatoes, By Champion * Freeman. New goods at Totem's drug store. For Liverpool, American ship Screamer. Coffee, Weed's * Cornwell." Hardware, Weeds & ComwelL Chatham Sheriff’s sales. To rent, dwelling house occupied by H. W Mercer. Notice to parents and guardians. Published for information; ; ati ordinaitce. • rtkern~ i)' . reassembled in the Court-room this momirnr at 9i o clock; the Hon. E. A. Nisbet in the Chair. i or rj The Committee of five appointed lyesteri day, through Gen. A. K. Lawton, their Chairman, reported the following resolutions: one of the able ^ r of her citizens, who, as her representative in . . — ’ repr< the National Councils, as her chii Magistrate, and in high Cabini - ensivo. The names of the petit jurors were called and responded to as follows: Latbrop, Foreman; Marcus Coh'en^ T Pe Jt! r Co*. C. C. Hardwick) R H. Hardee. J. W. Jones, John A. Lewi? Michael C. O Grady, B. G. Tilden, F. Lab.'.. ham and Jfc (Jordon. . loses T. Swint vs. Clement , juity. Bill for relief, injunc tion and performance, an order was issued for defendant to show cause why injunction should not be granted. .Flaim; " Accident at Jones’ Cotton Peess.—We ac cidentally omitted to mention yesterday an accident which (fecnired at Jones’ Cotydn Presses, on Thursday afternoon:re ported that the .boiler bad exploded, but, on proceeding to the place, we learned that one of the presses which had not been tried be fore was put in operation, and a casting which bad a flaw in it broke, letting down the bed plate with. a loud. noise. The men at work around the press had a sudden fit of leaving, but finding that, it was not an explosion, re turned to work again, and everything went on quietly as before. As there was a dupli cate casting on hand the injury was soon re paired. More Wounded Negeoes.—A person who resides near by where the murderous and un- pro voved attack was made upon our young men, on the^Ogeechee road, on Tuesday ni-jht, states there are now three Wounded negroes lying in a house near by. One of them had his left arm broken by it shot; one was shot through the head, and the third through the left breast. The same person also states that when Capt Preudergast’s party returned the fire, the negroes broke and ran in every direction; some into the swamp, others in the road, and they did not take time to look after their wounded. The Chain Gang.—It is generally consid ered that putting men to work in the chain gang is a punishment; but we have several times noticed them operating in the streets, under charge of their guard. For every shovel full of dirt thrown by each negro he stops and rests fifteen or twenty minutes, while no attempt appears to be made to urge them to further exertions. We think it is the duty of the jail guard to keep these fellows at work; to make them labor in such a manner as will he a punishment, and not to allow them to loaf and lounge about as they please. Not Caught Yet.—The arch-villain; Brad- ley, has not yet been discovered, although strenuous efforts have been made to capture him. Bradley is probably hidden away for the present, hoping that the affair will blow over. He may save his bacon for a time, bnt is bound to be brought to justice sooner or later, if the officer has to follow him with the warrant to the “uttermost parts of the earth.” He lias committed an offence this time in which a requisition holds good; and even if he escapes to another State he can be arrested and brought back. A New and Useful Article.—Our friends, Messrs. Wm. M. Bird &. Co., sent us yester day a new and beautiful substitute for that useful article, the feather-duster. This latest household invention is known as “ Lamb’s Wool Duster,” and is made, as its name de notes, from lamb’s wool, hound on brass springs in such a manner that it can be washed out when soiled from continued use. It recommends itself to housekeepers and stable-keepers, as it cannot scratch the fur niture or carriages like the old feather-duster. Steamships to Sail To-Day.—The steam ship San Jacinto, Captain Atkins, will sail for New York at eleven o’clock this morning. John AV. Anderson’s Sons & Co., Agents. The steamship Huntsville, Captain Cro well, will sail for the same port at half-past twelve this afternoon. Oetavns Cohen & Co., Agents. The steamship Wyoming, Captain Teal, will sail for Philadelphia at eleven o’clock this morning. Hunter & Gammel, Agents. Explanatory.—As some of our citizens have been led astray by our notice of the ar rest of a noted negro incendiary, in which we stated that A. N. Wilson went his security for his appearance, we desire to state: that this is not CoL Ben J. Wilson, formerly of Hancock county, Georgia, and late of Alabama, and now a member of the well- known cotton house of WiHtihson & Wilson, of this city, bnt Mr. A. N. Wilson, the Inter nal Revenue Tax Collector of this district. men; anti whi career of useful and self devotinj has enshrined hiR memory in the her people. Resolved, That in this afflicting tion of Providence we realize ^the professional brother, endowed with rare c pacity as a Counsellor and Advocate; of a companion and a friend, the truthfulness, liobUityf and expansive sympathies of. nature, and the vivacious play of whose tellect, could not fail to endear him knew him well, or to make him the centre ol the social circle. .-Resolved, That we respectfully tendi his beloved family our profoundest ci lence. Resolved,. That these proceedings be lished in the gazettes of this city, and a I be furnished to the family of the deceased.* The resolutions were unanimously adopted, and the meeting adjourned sine die. E. A. Nisbet, ' ” " Wm. S. Basinger, Secretary. ant Thomas A Schaub. tiff -* ail Works r.f. Mo- Verdict for ploin- Stewart A Co. vs. Jacob Lippman. plaintiff ta. Jones. Verdict for plaintiff Hickman. Verdict for plaintiff “ vs. CoydelL “ “ flail. “ «| J** Howlin. Verdict for Verdict for plaintiff Allen. Verdict for /■'Irvin-A Co. vs. Vano-; defendants having taken efit of the bankrupt act, the snit was' ’ed. Savannah the Outlet for the Cotton of Alabama.—“The indomitable President -of the great Georgia Central Railroad,” says the Macon Tdeijraph, “has wrought a revolution in the transportation of the cotton crop of Alabama. It is complete so far as the center of the State goes and partial in regard to its other sections. We are bringing cotton from the wharves and ware-houses of Mo bile and Seliua and giving it an outlet at Sa vannah. HontgomOTSjjSfc -Sending almost its every bale this wayf 'aft whole-secret of this is. we are offering superior and. more rapid facilities for its trai>K]i>skffKtit Mrn any. other route. A shipper can send cotton over our railroads to New Yori^-ohemier -and in about one third the time hecan fur liari o ing it to sea from Mobile. Sailing r veasels,A like fonr-horse stage coaches, have com- pletely played out The people of to-daj have about as much use for them as they do for last year’s almanac, j We live in a "real age of steam and progress. The Central Railroad has formed complete and close al liance with all the roads leading west from Macon, Georgia, and to Selma and Mobile. And by this arrangement shipments are put through with lightning rapidity. The mer chants all along those lines will soon learn to ship their New York purchases exclusively by this route. It is the direct and quickest route for them. More Shooting—One Negro Shoots An ther.—The sharp report of a pistol heard on the Bay about half-past eleven o’clock yester day, created another excitement. It seems that two or three negroes were standing in the Exchange alley way when a dispute arose between two of them, Sawney Wilson and Peter Williams, regarding a knife. Sawney asked Peter to loan him the knife, which the latter refused to do. Sawney drew a Colt’s revolver, and as he did so another hoy caught his arm, and the weapon was exploded, whether intentionally or not is best known to Sawney, who ran away immediately, and was pursued by the crowd of negroes and a large number of whites. He was captured in an . alley way, at the foot of Drayton street, and turned over to Officer Bartheliness, who toot him before Justice Marsh. Sawney was com mitted to jail, and as Mr. Barthelmess was conveying him there he broke off and ran. He was pursued by that officer, citizens and a policeman. On St. Julian street, above the market, three shots were fired at him, but none of them struck him, although he fell at each shot. He was captured at the corner of Jefferson street and taken out to jail. A Curious Case.—On the day of the elec tion a white man went into a store in Yama- craw and asked the proprietor to give him change for a fifty dollar greenback, prietor said that he could not chan) and a negro who was sitting in th< fered to do so, and proffered a bum federate notes in exchange for the greet The man refused them, but finally toot package and gave the negro a ten-cent note for it Yesterday he had the proprietor of the store arrested and brought before Justice Lain. The man stated that on election day he was drunk, and went into the store, as stated above, and that the keeper of it took the bill, gave him ten cents in exchange, and refused to return his fifty dollars. The store keeper was held to hail in the sum of one thousand dollars to answer before the Supe rior Court. adjoiftneti-until feu O’clock this iwing distinguished Members of-the ar portions of the District, are at this (November) term of the P. D. Court, viz: ~Nisbet, of Macon; Judge IV. 'f Atlanta; Hon. Washington R. F. Lyon, Macon; Jndge e, Atlanta; L. N. Whittle, Ma- Smith, Columbus; R. K. Hines, s A. Hawkins, Americas; W. K. iried, Macon; William McKinley, .. LviUsUClifford Anderson, Macon; L. Wwre»;tC. C. Kibbee, HawkinsviHe. Hon. WBJr? ^ S I’lcv y Court. [olm. Judge Presiding, it at four o’clock yester- Jury was empan- Pi ler,’ 1 John The Grand Ji ing into true bills: The SI , entry and ecutor. The State Luke Edwin,-; Forcible entry prosecutor. The State vs. battery. Willian Tl>e Stato vs. Wi Edward Breen, proi The State vs. Gei anil battery. Fortune The State tw. Henry and battery. Mary Gri The State vs. M. A. battery. George Mira, pri G. Sturtevaut, S. Mills, F. F. Vea- Rothschild, Geo. in, J. L. Schreiner, Claud, John A. George, A Koh- A. Adams. Foreman.’ ” then retired, and on com- presented the following ceii; Coffee—Assault ^ cutor. Misdemeanor. Coroner’s Inquest.—An yesterday by Dr. J. C. Hardi the body of Policotp^jp A. ltl lowing is the mi and the verdi Mayor's Court. „ November 6, 186a ?g£w?’ ?hOW ’ - Ana-anriie -ducttMevea a ~ 3 UP®,; read aloud the l - negro. Georoe r and shot while-trying to escape. Tunno ible to swear ppsitively as to Gilliam's, identity; .jind the negro declared that he was not at the market The case tins turned over to Lieut. Wray for investigation. . Jim Gordon and Gharles-Berrien, negroes,. were arrested as ; suspicions characters. A policeman saw them sneak. up St. Julian Htreetand go into A house, ftom whence he’ brought them out They lived in- the place,- •however, mud when they heard the noise of shooting, on Thursday evening, home -and took shelter. Case tits - Susan Johnson, the veritable Susan, the greatest nuisance in Savannah, was : before thelCourt once more, bnt the Court would- have nothing' to do with her, and turned the ease over to a magistrate. 'Elbert Scott and John Free, two colored mejit-had ; a .little fight, which 'ended in their being taken -to the . guardhouse. ■ ,Ea£h : tried to fasten the ‘blame on the other, and both weie'fined costs. _ iGhwiottc Chisolm, a negro cook,.nsed her ' mistress': wood for private purposes, and when spoken to about it was very imperti nent and abusive. Charlotte was ordered to be locked up for twenty-four hours. [advertisement. J Georgia State Lottery—For the benefit of the Uesonic Orphan's Home. Howard A Co., Managers, Atlanta. Commissioners—Mrs. F. S. Hertz. Miss Susan C. Tufts. Class 581, drawn at Savannah, November 6.1868: - 18—80—42—72—5—22—32—1—15-—8—44—45. Class 282, drawn in Savxuman, November 6,1868: ™at a. m. Leave Tallahassee at 10:45 A. M. Leave Jacksonville at 10:18 -M- Leave Live Oak at 7:3® ^-M. Arrive at Savannah (Sundays excepted) at.. fl.-OO M. Passengers for stations west of Lawton ai^l Live Oak take Day Train from Savannah. Passengers from Bainbridge connect at Lawton with Express Train for Savannah at 2:00 A. 31. Passengers from Tallahassee by Day Train connect at Live Oak with Express Train for Savannah, at 11:40 'mot sleeping cars on express train. NO CHANGE BETWEEN JACKSONVILLE AND savannah: on express train. St-Marks for New Orleans, Apalachi cola and Pensacola every. Friday. ’ Leave St'Marks for Havana, Key West, Cedar Keys and Tampa every Wednesday. Steamers leave Jacksonville for Palatka, Enterprise, and all points on the St Johns river, -every Sunday and Wednesday, at 9:00 A. M. H. S. HAINES, oc29-ijanl General Superintendent Howard & Co., Chas. 8. Willy, Agent Georgia Stato Lottery. FOR RENT, T FINELY LOCATED HOUSE ON onterey Square, Gordon street Apply to A. WILBUR, 89 Bay street FOR RENT, D , WELLING ON BRYAN 8TRET, one door east of Lincoln street. Apply to WILLLVM B. ADAMS. Drayton street, next to Bay. nov3-tf TO KENT, ^ PART OF A HOUSE IN A CEN TRAL LOCATION, with gas and water. Apply at this office. nov3-tf TO RENT, fJlHE STORE NO. 100 BROUGHTON STREET. Possession given on the 1st of November. Apply to nov2-tf JOHN McCONAGHY, 207 Bay street. TO RENT, Georgia, Chatlu Chatlram -cotmty, i November 3, 1868, I as Sheriff of said several citizens to cle; entrance to the Court door of the entrance to o] voters to come in, but out and made Application commanding a detachment and telling him that myself ai to clear a paseage_ way_ When unable to clear the passage way, he, came with. me for that purpose. - front the Court Hbime;-* and I stood on the front step i I went from there to the noi Court Honse. When I A COMMODIOUS (NEW) BRICK HOUSE. WITH every modem convenience, on Jones,, T|. between Barnard and-Whitaker streets. ALSO. ONE ON GASTON STREET, near the corner of Abercorn. reports of A Radical Smelling Committee.—-W© un derstand that efforts are being made to get up a committee of white Radicals here, with a view to ‘ ‘investigating” matters connected with the election, riot on Tuesday last, to send a report to Washington exculpating the ne groes and laying the blame -upon the whites, in order that the Radical plan of throwing out the vote of this city may be carried out. “Let us have peace,” Grant and no poll tax. New Site foe a Cemetery.—Aa the Post Office Grave Yard is abont filled up, we sug gest to parties who may wish to put up head stones hereafter, to use the public green on the other side of Bay street It would look so cheerful, and greatly improve the appear ance of the street We would like to inquire of the Post Master the price of lots in his yard, as the situation is an eligible one, where the epitaphs of every deceased person can be read by he who runs. Return our Files.—Several of the bound volumes of the Morning News are' missing. The parties having them are requested to re turn them at once and obviate the necessity of our calling for them. We think they have retained them long enough. The following volumes are missing: From Jujy to Decem ber, 1860, inclusive; from July to December, 1862, inclusive, and from January to Decem ber, 1863, inclusive. Correction.—In an account of the Morgan- Rossiter, shooting affair yesterday, we stated that Policemen Morgan, Dowden and Deon- ar d passed the house. There is no man named Leonard on the force, exceptits; First~ Sergeant, who was, walking in that direction, and met Morgan and Bowden, but had left them and proceeded home before; the dis turbance occurred. -£- .O Commissioner A-pp^ryngn.—ftimnel T. Bailey, Esq., of Macon,. Counsellor at Law, has been , appointed by Judge Frskine as,^a ~*Gommis^ ^ sioner of the United States Circuit ■ Court, 'for tbe Southern District- of Georgia. Pepper’s dry good store last evening, one of whom stole some shawls and left. The;other 1 helped him self to something else, as a con sequence thereb? went to the Barracks. Arrival of the Steamship Leo in New York.—By a dispatch to Messrs. Hunter & Gammell we learn that the steamship Leo ar rived in New York at nine o’clock yesterday morning... /•> Tax Returns.—The Receiver is now busy iu receiving tax returns^* citizens should neglect to make; their necessary returns; taxable properly.' • i ' The Theatre.—The theatre has been great ly improved lately. The stage is entirely new, and has been placed on the proper in cline, so as to afford a good view to the au dience. The house has been thoroughly renovated and made more comfortable. The heaters are Jn,excellent order, and will afford. a proper degree of warnith to the atmosphere.; The roof 6f fhe“ bfiiiaing has been newly tinned. The seats have been altered, and in stead of their being crowded together as was formerly the case, there is now a wide space between the benches, so that persons can pass each other without inconvenience. The Company with which the be opened on Monday night ne: foil and efficient; many new faces isedi- and all are said to be artists We predict a . “brilliant ^engage] hope that our citizens will come out in lai _ numbers to witness the attractions, and to patronize the drama. get him «*om« water. I went into m; that purpose, but when-I threw open th found that he had been removed. Whf on the pavement some one asked the he was shot. He replied by point! .1 asked his name, and some one Reed. I saw a white man with a pis) and told him to j»ut it up. I saw a co a sword in his hands. I was resisted men. The white citizens rendered pr< one negro tried to strike me twice with two bricks thrown by negroes from the the Court Honse. This was before the menced. There were at least one hundred each white man. I did not know the nam ceased until told by parties there. The tried to clear the passage was becai Central Railroad employees wished b trance to the Court House to vote and Col. W. M. Nichols sworn and soith: Myers and Mr. Killourhy, who were were endeavoring to put back the cro’ maimer aa possible, a disturbance Where the deceased fell, iiv which>I K. was struck in the head by were ordered- in to quell the soon. I heard a shot fired oh my where I Was standing. Very soon a; gentleman, whom I am told is the d< Shot was fired from the crowd whi Bentley and a negro whom I was told erson’s foreman, George Graham, wi could not see the man who fired the Bentley urging the negroes forwai * 200 sticks, clubs, ramrods, cotton slung shots raised by the negroes was fired. I went into the crowd, to desist. They told me they had-; white man ’ " any [was told Condition of the Wounded.—John Rossi- ter, who was shot l>y policeman Morgan on Thursday afternoon, was in a very low condi tion last evening. He was shot through the left lung, and it is impossible as yet for his physician to express any decided opinion as to the result. , , , , . . Charles Lee, who was shot by his step-son, John Donovan, on Wednesday, was somewhat better last evening. He has passed the first crisis, bnt whether he will live or not is very problematical. ' . , , *. We understand that Lee_made the first at-, tack upon Donovan. Lee and his wife were quarreling about money matters, and Do no van, the step-sdn, mterfefed. Lee picked up a billet of wood and started to strike him, imd the young man:pulled-ont his. pistol and fired a shot which, lodged in the door-jam. fired a-shot; The next shot struck Lee. The other.parties who were wounded on TuesdayJast.are doing as well as could he expected, . -.» Y? - . i ; - - I5dneba£ of Policeman Hiobabd A. Reed.— The funeral of Policeman Richard A. Reed, who died "from the effects' of wounds received i9 Radical riot,. on Tuesday last,, tly performing hisodutyas a city officer^took place at four o’clock yesterday afteraopn from his late residence, at the cor- . ner of President _and TV est Broad streets. Thief Caught.—Two negroes went into Religious services were held at the house by - - •- ‘ J ” 1 - Kev. Mr. Landrhnb in ttepresence-. _ a very tace number of citizens who came to pay a last mark of respect to one who had been murdered in the performance of bw duty His Honor Mayor- Anderson, the Chief and " Lieutenants of tho. poUce force, and a detach- attended the funeral. . Deceased was buried in Laurel Grove Cent- etery, his comrades and many fhends follow- ^ the remains to the grave. May he rest in ing 1 peace. trnis«»»» Holland f^iBwran^nretoy^ .e plautaticm Ois Mother Wants, Him,—If William W. Spinkes, of Florida, has migrated to this city, he is hereby informed that jhis mother wants here ho is. : : I to know au id thir- inches in lengtn, ana weighed ten pounds and two ounces. It is about the shape oar planters should errand other kind. [. also showed us a pear grown on Court of Effingham county, i&lfteEm, meets At Springfield, on Monday next. . the same plantation, the largest we ever saw It is a large green bell-shaped pear, and weighs twenty-one ounces. hundred negroes ■ — ; - iDr/F^sh testified, that deceased was Bhot in the hypogastric regiqh^ on the left side, ranging in the di rection of the blonder and the colon, and from the ef fects of which wonnd^decea^died. From'the testimony before us \U), the jury, find that the said Reed came to his death from a gunshot wound inflicted by some unknown negro, on the morning of the 3d of November, 1868, at the Court House, in the city of savannah, county of Chatham, and .State of Georgia, while in the diachargo .of his duty as po liceman of the aforesaid city. We further find that his death was caused while in the act of quelling, ‘inaugurated by the colored voters of the aforesaid coun ty; led and urged on by one Moses H. Bentley and George Graham, colored. „ " _ _ Signed by P. Star,^Foreman ,* J. C. McNulty, J. J. Maj', H. Demere, who composed the jury. Affairs Outside the City.—No more ru- znbrs or reports witfi regard to the assemble of negroes outside the city have come in, the excitement of the past few days is gra&ir- ally being allayed, but lit recpiires little to raise crowd "even yef.~ We nope .that affairs will soon resume their fornler status, and that our fair city will henceforward, as heretofore, be known as.the quietest of, all the cities of the South. The coldrea-pooWe as well as the whites have jraffered; ;&p|n Jte ^ndiary iftflchinpH.of thq bad men;who hay© been the - perience should teach the-blacks to beware of these scoundrels, and to attend quietly to their own affairs, and to recognize ; fhe fee* Dint white men. have eonie rights which tin blacks are bound to respect. . Match Game of Buxiauds.—The m game ’ of billiards betwgfiik Mri_Gayl6rd “ The Unknown,” came off last night befor^ one of thc ^riinWr^^^^-T 8 have ever, seen on s fete occaaion, . there be- i-nrr upwards of. .one * hundred ana fifty per sons present., The lateness of _ hour prevented us from seeing Jfche termination of the game, which stood a*our leaving— The Unknown,” 872; Mr. Gaylord, 595. New York; ^BeUe BB^estarJ Qumcy, r C- F A: ... ALSO, VO, NEARLY FINISHED, ON TAYLOR STREET, dweeu Bull and Whitaker streets. 1 Apply to A. S. HARTRIDGE, 02 Bay street, or to oc27—tf Gen. W. B. BOGGS. TO RENT, OUSE ON ABERCORN STREET, corner of'Liberty street lane. ALSO, HOUSE ON HARRIS STREET, near the comer of Abercorn street. J O. H. LUFBUBROW, oc24—tf - i Real Estate Agent. TO RENT, fJlHE THREE-STOBY BRICE BVTLB- _L ING, with deep BASEMENT, on the south side of Bay lane, between Drayton and Bull streets. It is in good repair, and will be rented at a low rate. Apply to Apply to H. S. BOGARDUS; State street, next to Bull. FOR RENT, JJOUSE ON JONES STREET, THIRD DOOR east of Barnard. For particulars enquire of Mrs. NEYITT, next door, or to E. B. CHIPMAN, 177 Bay street, Between Barnard and Whitaker. FOR RENT. JgRICK STORE on CONGRESS STREET near market. Possession given immediately. Apply to octl-tf FOR RENT. . r fJlHE BRICK DWELLING ON THE CORNER OF Jones and Drayton streets; has seven bed rooms, two large parlors, basement rooms, and all the modem conveniences. Apply to A. McNULTY, nov5-tf * 89 Bay street. TO RENT, A FUBNISHED ROOM. Apply at the northwest comer of Bay and West Broad streets. TO RENT, A LARGE STABLE. Apply at the northwest cor ner of Bay and West Broad streets. TO RENT, BOOMS, FURNISHED OB UNFUR NISHED, with use of kitchen, if required. Apply to SI liiiro Af McCONAGHY, noy2-tf 1 j : . 158 Bxqfightqnetreet. FOR RENT, TWO WHARF LOTS. NUMBERS FOUR (4) and FIVE (5), east of Bull street, known as JONES* LOWER WHARVES, between Drayton and Abercorn ROBT. HABERSHAM & CO. ■sensation! AROMATIC FURNITURE POLISH, EXTRACTED FROM i ?! 1 !?” Goins. Fragrant, Brilliant and Permanent. fal. Nq faming the this uni NonJ 0 PERU on each bottle; room delighfr given without per-' polishing the furniture with' - ALEX. RU- by ROBERT H; TATEE, j COESEP. JEFFERSON AND McDONOE And cor. East Broad andBrou^iton Sts., SAVANNAH, GAi, T Furniture Stores. Price Depot 294 Pearl street, New York. oc24-lm — - i - -— .r-ii-fcVi' r ; " t—rr rxan— Sontheni Bag Manufai .j isfm. p.reaueor' OHvera, Savannah, Ga.|Mra. . Au<uista, Ga.; S- "W 7 ”* J- Haines; David McFall, Hew York; W. A. Huffi Macon, Ga.; Mrs. J, W. Doon, Tarrytown, N. Y.; Miss Sallie Hol loman, Quincy, Ho.; Mrs. James Lee, Au gusta, Ga. >e Wharf, IWNING8, JOVEB8, quitv.: HJ-FEOUE SACKS neatly atamped. TAEPAUXJN3 or sale or hire. sepli—3la Cltaii.eor Scliedule. ! railroad, r 28th, 1868.) D‘ AFT^B" SUtniAY, NOVEMBEB 1st, this Road, will run us follows, com- mencing with 7:00P.M. Train: ._Nifffcr iSpeess train. Leave- Savamiah (Sundays excepted) at... 7:00 P. M. Arrive at Live Oak at. 3^0 A. M. Arrive at Jacksonvillts at 7:30 A. M. Leave Jacksonville (Sundays excepted) at.. 7:15 P. M. Leave Live Oak at. ?>.ll :40 P. M. Arrive at Savannah (Mondays excepted) at. 8:00 A.M. DAY TRAIN. (Sundays excepted) at.... 7:00 A. M. tbridge at. 10:20P. M. at Lave Oak at 530 P.M. Arrive at Jacksonville at ' 1:30 A. M. Arrive at Tallahassee at. 12:57 A. 3L Arrive at Quincy at . . ." 3:15 A. M. ~ ■ - 7-00 p. M. LdgarL. Gmaarp. | Edwaiuj L. Holcojihe. OUERAED Jk HOICOMBE, Cotton Factors^ •T& h AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS NO. », STODDARD'S LOWER RANGE, Bay Street, ~ Savant/dh^;: Ga. ^Jttjiberal Advances made on Consignments- -oefc- - 6. D. UNTON. OXO. JL ItOOKE. s. x>. LINTON & CO., COTTON FACTORS, Warehouse ami Commission ... Merchants. j TCo. S JACKSON STREET, AI rcntiTA AVtiUSTA, GA. CommiBsioM 9 cent. oc2S—tf 8. PAGE EDMANDS. JOHN H. OAiRDSER. EDMANDS, OARDNER A m, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Savannah, Ohm L IB] to IBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS our friends in New York, Boston and Liverpool. Change of Schedule. NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN SA VANNAH, AUGUSTA, AND MONT GOMERY, ALA. TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, CENTRAL B. R..J Savannah, August If, 1868. O N AND AFTER SUNDAY, 16TH INST., PAS- senger Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad will run as follows : UP DAY TRAIN. LEAVE. ' - ARRIVE. Savannah.................8:00 A. M. -Macon .6:40 P. M. Augusta ..... 5:38 P. M. Milledgeviile 8:58 P. AL Eatonton....^...^. 11:00 P. M. Connecting WithTiuinH that leave A ug os to. .8:45 A. M. 2 - ' DOWN DAY TRAIN. ~ Macon .7:00 Savannah •••^0 P. AL Augusta SmS P. AL Connecting with train that leaves Augusta..8hj A. AL UP NIGHT TRAIN. Savannah ........7:20 P. M. Macon ....6:55 A. AL Augusta ...... .3:13 A. M. Connecting with train that leaves Augusta.. 9:33 P. AI. DOWN NIGHT TRAIN. Macon. 6:25 P. M. Savannah ............6:10 A. M Augusta..... 3:13 A. AL Alillegeville 4:30 P. M. Eatontou 2:40 P. M. Connecting with train that leaves Augusta. .9:33 P. M. A. M. trains from Savannah aud Augusta, and P. AI. train from Macon connect with Milledgeviile train at Gordon daily, Sundays excepted. P. AL train from Savannah connects with through mail train on South Carolina Railroad, and P. M. train from Savannah and Augusta with trains on South Western and Muscogee Railroads. WM. ROGERS, aug 14-tf Act'g Master of Transportation. ■— LEWIS LIPPMAN, AIANUFACTURER OF THE CELEBRATED PERMANENT . AXLE GREASE. mHIS GREASE, FOR WAGON, AXLE, AND HEAVY 1 BEARINGS, is warranted superior as a lubricator to any other manufactured. One pound, I guarantee, will run longer and give better satisfaction than four pounds of any other Grease in use. Warranted to stand any temperature. JO- OFFICE at JACOB LIPPA1AN’8 DRUG AND CHEAI1CAL WAREHOUSE, comer Congress and Bar nard streets. FOR HALE AT THE FOLLOWING HOUSES: Lovell & Lattimore. Cbawfobd a Lovell. Weeds & Coenwell. S. Gebstmann A Co. X. Canon. Wilson A Blitch. C. M. Hillsman. oc!7—ly • - GrTJ A.N O! PHCENIX GUANO, From McKean’s Island, SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN. PEB TON .2,000 POUND8, CASH: Price at Savannah $50 OO At Augusta 55 OO WILCOX, GIBBS & CO’S MAMPULATE1) GUANO ! A' mixture of PHCENIX and No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, aud which has PROVED TO BE THE MOST SUCCESSFUL MANURE in use. PER TON 2,000 POUNDS, CASH: Price at 8avannah..............^.^ $65 OO At Augusta.. 70 OO PURE No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, Now landing, direct from the Peruvian Agent, at LOWEST MARKET PRICE. Also, BEST LAND PLASTER AT MARKET PRICE. AND FOR SALE BY WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN GUANO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS; ALSO, AGENTS FOR THE WILLfOX A GIBBS SILENT SEWING MACHINE, No. 07 Bay afreet, Savannah, and No. 241 Broad street, Augmfta, Ga. jyjT Our Agents will sell at same prices, necessary expenses added. - .• . , ' ^ ■ jv9—ly GASTRINE! IS A MEDICINE PREPARED UPON PURELY scientific principles, by a regular practicing Phy sician, and WXLL CUBE DYSPEPSIA,' HEARTBURN. HEADACHE, NAUSEA,-. GENERAL DEBILITY, PALPITATION OF THE HEART, SEA-SICKNESS, FLATULENCY, - -v - SLEEPLESS NIGHTS^ And all the unpleasant feelings, the result of indiges tion. Do you feel badly after eating ? Are your handsaud feet sometimes cold? Do you experience wakefulness? Is it hard to get a good night’s rest ? Are you nervous, with palpitation of the heart? Are you sometimes nauseated? Have you loss of appetite? Do you feel that you need some kind of a stimulant? TRY ONE BOTTLE OF G- A S T H ITN E ! And. you will bear-testimony with; hundreds who have been benefitted and cured by its use. AS A MOR: 'I'HH pbepakatk G TONIC HAS NO EQUAL. IT CAN BE TAKEN BY ALL AGES AND CONDITIONS. SO G. M. HEIDT, WHITAKKK . STREET; SAVANNAH, flEOEGU, WHOLESALE AGENT FOE GEOBGIA AND FLOBIDA sep26—Cm -' ' - • Messrs. Dabney. Morgan A Co.,.New .York;,Jarvis Slade. Esq., New York; Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, Bos ton; Savannah National Bank, Merchants* National Bank, Savannah; Lathrop A Spivey, 'Bankers, Sa- r—*. , ^ ' ~sep26—tf ^V. MqNITLTY, GENEBAL INSURANCE AGENT. OFFICE: 89 Bay Street. r WOULD INFORM THE BUSIHE8S PUBLIC AND citizens generally that I am now prepared to EF FECT INSURANCE ON ALL CLASSES OF RISKS IN AI COMPANIES, comprising LIFE, EIRE, MARINE, RIVER and ACCIDENT. Insurance at Agencies. i low rates as any other first-class oc6—3m THOS. PETKR8. o. m. M’comnflo; 1L H. HENLEY. B. H. HENLEY & CO. COTTON BUYERS -AND— General Com’sn Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Office comer Bay and Lincoln streets, up stairs, over W, H. Stark A Co’s. seplCKJm E. W. DRUMMOND, O. C. DRUMMOND. Of the late firm of L. J. Guflmartin A Co. E. W. DRUMMOND & BRO., GENERAL SHIPPING —AND— Commission Merchants, 154 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. aul—tf WM. J. LAWTON, B. A. HART. J. G. GARNETT. i. LAWTON, HAST & GO. K A. C T O It S —AND— Commission Merchants, UNTO. 4 HARRIS’ BLOCK, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. aug!3-3mo R. A. WALLACE, General Commission Merchant, AND DEALKK JS PAPER, PAPER STOCK, MACIHNBItY WASTE, MOSS, &c. P ABTICULAB ATTENTION PAID TO CONSIGN MENTS of PRODUCE or MERCHANDISE. JONES’ UPPER RANGE, BAY STREET, River aide, between Whitaker aud Barnard streets. jylA—ly jomr Oliver, IK anti Sashes, Blinds Doors, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Painter’s and Glazier’s Tools, Mixed Paints OF ALL COLORS AND SHADES. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, GLAZ- BY BIAS & MEIER. LY, ] b A, in front of MS .8 ‘ ■ KCurBocou, : l';-ar Boootr. '* begged. MarbleToji Burcan and Waalutmd, Cookiiig Stores, Ac. ' —"HSo," l’good Sewing Machine. nov7-lt SFXdAL SALE OF STOCKS AND BONDS, BY BELL & HULL. M- heL: _ 1 THIS DAY. 7th. iusL. »t 12 o'clock. In front of store! wiHbosold; 50 snares Central BaSroed Stock, - 30 shares S,irf£wv-,t rn Railroad Stock. 25 shares Atlantic A Golf Railroad Stock, 1 $300 Bond of the Atlantic A Gulf Baft Road, ■i $500 - Bond of Hie Atlantic A Gnlf Bail Rood, endorsed by City of Savannah. $4,000 City of Savannah Bonds, coupons dna December and January, $1,000 7percent. Scrip, Atlantic A I Terms cash. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, Ac., AT AUf BY BELL & HI LL. THIS DAY (Saturday), November 7, at 10* < front of the store, will be sold, A general assortment of GROCERIES, LIQUORS. DRY GOODS, FURNITURE. Termacaalu nov7-lt BLAJfKETS! -iX.-T. HD and 121 Congress St., Sign of the Golden Sheep. 300 pair fine French Blankets, ribbon hound, all sizes; very cheap. 500 pair Colored Blankets, very low. 50 pieces Shaker and Welsh Flannels, all widths; very cheap. ALSO, Colored and Opera Flannels. 20O:pieccs jLutcst Novelties in Dress Goods. Cases real Irish Linens—Nap kins, Doylies and Toweling, of direct importation, same prices as before the War. bcl&—tf JAS. J. MCGOWANS IV E W DRY GOODS STORE, SIGN PAINTING, ING, Ac., - No. 6 WliitAlier St., Corner of Bay Lane, jyS-ly -,L< ■ CHAS. CULhK. Murphy & Clark, House, Sign, Ship and Steam boat Painters. Gilding, Graining, Marbling, Glazing, and Faper-Hangingi. ~\XTE ARE PREPARED TO SELL, AT WHOLE- Vf sale and retail, Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, and Varnishes, Mixed Paints, Brushes of every descrip tion, Machinery and Harness Oil, Axle Grease, etc. 77 BryanSt., between Ball aud Drayton, mh!4—ly SAVANNAH, GA. WM. EST $ BOOKSELLER, Bull Street, Next to the Post Office, (DOWN BTATR8J" oc3 Savannah. Georgia. c. v. IIUTCHJLS S, GENERAL COMMISSION AND wnOEESALE DEALER IN HAY, GKAIIf, &c. C ORN, OATS, PEAS, BEAN, RYE, FRESH GRITS and MEAL, Ac., Ac., on hand and for sale at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Grain Warehouse, 155 Bay street. Savannah. ocI4—tf EC. Gr. RTJWE, Wholesale Liquor. Dealer, Agent for Btniriger,. snio—ly --WEST SIDE MARKET SQUARE. ISAAC EHRLICH, WHOLESALE TOR A CC0KT8T-ASD C0H-~ 3HSSI0K MERCHANT, *1. Jones’. Upper Block, Sarannali, TTAS NOW ON HAND TOBACOC DIRECT FROM Also, a supply of BACON, FLOUR, Ac., constantly on hand. - aull-3m Dr. Edwin W. L’Engle, DENTIST, (Masonic Hall,) cor. Broughton and Bull Sts., XJP STATES, ' (ENTRANCE ON BBOUGHTON ST.) Savannah, Georgia. Jci2-iy - ' ' - - ' F. W. COKNWELL, DEALEE IN HABPWAP.E, ,Dj£TDEiiY, AGRICULTU RAL IMPLEMENTS* AXES, HOES, NAILS, TRACES, &c. Also, Agent fbrMcAItTHCRS COTTON GINS, No. 151 Bronghton street,"Savannah, Ga. ' neptl-6m BOOTS AND SHOES. B T „ . LATE ARRIVALS FROM PHILADELPHIA and New York we have received £. HANDSOME ASSORTMENT of T ? W LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN’S , SHOES, OF "EVERY - DESCRIPTION,'- AND- OF VARIOUS COLORS. The public are invited to call and examine onr stock, EINSTEIN, ECKMAN & CO., od3 tf 183 CONGRESS STREET, BACON! Shoulders, Clear Rfl> Sides, Rib Sides, PIUMJE BALTIMORE CITY 'ABRANTED. TN STORE AND FOR SALE BY HABJTEY & CO., No. 12 Stoddard’s Upper Range, W A -an :; i i eeplSdf savannah; ga.- - SOAP ! gQ BOXES SOAP FOR SALE BY WILLIAMS, WARD & oclB— IVhitaker Street, Between Broughton and State. H aving again resumed my former busi ness (on my own account), I would respectfully call the attention of my friends and the public gen erally to my assortment ol the following GOODS, viz; Hosiery, Dress Groods, Linens, Oorsets, Shawls, Flannels, Blankets, Shirtings, Sheetings, Hoop Skirts, USTotions, &o., &c. JO-1 will sell AS CHEAP AS ANY HOUSE IN THIS, CITY. The public are invited to examine my j stock before purchasing elsewhere. oc!4—lm Geo. N. Nichols’ PRINTING Publishing House, and 91 Bay Street, [UP STAIRS.] Job Printing Office, Book Bindery Blank Book Manufactory. -:o:- Mdo UNSURPASSED FACILITIES ENABLE - to .execute all work in the above lines with Utmost Dispatch and in Superior Style. Department Complete! nrcmMxo PRINTING OFFICE, . BLANK BOOK MANUFAC- BOOK BINDERY, TOBY, PAPER RULING BOOM. The only establishment in tho .city having all fkcffitiea combined. -*- A full stock of PAPERS, LEATHERS and MATE, 1 RIALS on hand. — ‘ Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed, jy^o^y - GEO. N. NICHOLS. CBATTAMOOCBEE WHITE SDLPHOE BATHS BOARD RKDUC’Ta> I THE PROPRIETOR TAKES PLEASURE IN Xnonncins: to the SOUTHERN PUBLICLtinthc completed Lie- arrangements for the visitors,' and Is how prepared to A ABLE TWO HUNDRED-GUESTS. The BATHING ARRANGEMENTS tensive and delightful of any in the water and. climate have proven passed In point of health. There in-a good School and • an in We have a line of FOUR = conaect at Box Springs, Muscogee Railroad, with different-trains. Peraons buying tickets wig state are going to the brings, and thereby — q B. HOWARD, Day Board $6 Per Week, Board and Lodging $7 Per W n IJT above rates, within five -Office^ Apply at THIS OFFICE OOD . BOARD -CAN BE OBTAINED. oAT the PAPER! PAPER! WRAPPING PAPER FOB 3AT.E 100 o«27-a WILLIAMS, WARD