Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, November 11, 1868, Image 3

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s "pjBCK OB' JSEVV3. The price of single fopies of the Horning . - in the city, • is FIVE CENTS, and no ^jer is authorized to demand more. ^e paper can be procured in wrappers at nnr eonnter at the same price. AGENTS- me following named persons are authorized toad ,;;ent3 to receive subscriptions and advertisements ~lhe Tse Moenwo News: crr y._W«. Estox, Jr., Boll street, comer Bay! MSt r oN —HavENs k Bbown, News Dealers. ", piRBiDOE —Tbeoboeb B. Wabi>rt.t.. ShoMASVIIXE.—i. B. 8. Davis. SJjjLIN, GA.-J. A Keen. mBIES, OA—D. W. Davis. ffiragS. ft— Bossni. HnHERSVILLE-—Alkes Ubb . . . ni icESHEAB, at—Jab. E Moskusv. sTOCKTGN, OA.—Geoeox S. Hebbebt. f^UWSTA. GA-P..C. Pekcletos. MS£EDGEVIXAE, GA-0(y. A (JmLUas. iMEBICUS, GAi—M. B. Codicil. wijtoK HEAD, S. C.—W. -H. Calvbbz. oUNESnEDE, FLA.—Da. PoBTBB. MONTICELID, FLA.—Thos. Simmons. vieHZNGTON, FLA—H. A Sranwoon. t . maDISON, FLA.—A W. Jones. ... nmyuL FLA—Thomas J. Sheparo. a, ,. i, kh cm', FLA—At. L. ItooBE. TTcgSONVILLE, FLA—E. H. Urn &B.VANDINA FLA F. C. Suhbeb. poBSITH, GA—A H-Sseed. . HOUSTON, FLA—Angus McAulat. gr. AUGUSTINE, FLA-—Paul Annan, jifilf YORK—S. M. Fettxsoill k Co., 37 Park eoff; Jox, Cob & Co., No. -1 Spruce Btreet; c. H. jatim * Co., New York Herald Building; Geo. A F. yosrs, 19 Broad street, and I: Hooees k Co., MB.—-C. C. HjotrzMaN, “ Gazette*' Q$CC. BOSTON—9. M. Pettinghe!. & Co., state street, Beosoe P. Rowell A Co., 23 Congress street, A F. uscoln it Co., No. 39 Court street; S. B. PHILADELPHIA—Jar, 002 k Co.. 141 South Sixth ipeet, CINCINNATI—S. H. Pabvih, 176 Pine street; Cook, mobs & Macs, 136 Pine street. CHICAGO—Cook, Cobobka Co, 87 Dearborn street. SEW OBLEANS, LA—E. C. Whabton A Co., S3 Common street 1 L. GENTRY is the General Traveling Agent of Ise Moasiso News, to receive subscriptions and ad vertisements. POSTMASTERS everywhere are authorized to re ceive advertisements and subscriptions at our regular Index t<> Sew Advertisements. Savannah Theatre, “Avenger,” “Secret Dis patch, or the Carpet-Bagger,” and “Happy Man.” Tenement No.-11 to-rent, B. D. Walker. A Brick Tenement for sale, T-J. McNish & Co. ; i - i ! A Spotted Pointer Pup strayed or stolen. Notice from Ordinary of Chatham county. Steamship Leo'sails for New York next Tues day. New'Maps of the City of Savannah at City Treasurer’s. McIntosh Sheriff’s Sale, O. (J. Thorp. Qfljce to rent, Parse <$: Thomas, fun of a Bouse to rent, Box 241, P. O. Dwelling House to rent, A. W. Herman. Pumiuhed House to rent, W. C. Cozens. H. & B. N. Gourdin & Co., Commission Mer chants. Dissolution of Copartnership, T. Wakefield andB. Geffcken. Notice to Consignees of brig John Aviles, J. A. Boberts & Co., agents. Meeting of the Metropolitan Steam Fire En gine Co. this afternoon. Meeting of Georgia Chapter No. 3, B. A JL, this evening. Meeting of the Savannah Biile Club, this af ternoon. " . ■ Anction sale of groceries, etc;,'this morning, by Williams, Ward & Mein tire. Proclamation by the'Govemor. Beceiyer of Tax Returns notice. Theatue.—There- wus another large au dience at the Theatre last night, and the {ouching drama qf Jflqck Eyed Susan, with the laughable extravaganza of Po-ca-honJas, were both performed tothe infinite delight of all present. - * An excellent bill is offered for to-night, comprising the thrilling drama of The Avenger. the laughable localized interlude of The Car- pti-Ba./ger, and the sterling Irish farce of 7he Happy Mian, with dancing by ipsa Kate Baymond and Miss Isabel YnheIrish songs, f ” s. Ac , a n\edley in which the best talent the company will be brought out, and in which there' wiU be something to please every taste. T^e Tuaiieu.—In spite of the unsettled State of the country Savannah keeps enlarg ing the area of bricks and morfer. Every carpenter, bricklayer, plasterer and plumber is busy, and eyety one'that comes here im mediately finds wort There is, however, a great scarcity of skilled labor, many of the “bosses” complain that but few journeymen can be found who can be entrusted with the best work. Numbers of! negro mechanics have come here from other Southern cities. White labor in all the abnve branches is in demand. The engineer and machinest busi ness is overstocked, there are more men than get work. —r-* • Aid for the t Families of the Deceased Policemen.—We are sqrry to see so much apathy shown by the men of means in this city to the loud caU for charity from the fam ilies of Policemen Beed and Biysob.'_ The subscriptions fax their relief* come in slowly. We trust that opr Citizens will come np end swell the amount already contributed. The owners of property are vastly indebted tojthe policemen fbr their gallant action upon' elec tion day, andit is their dutyto aid the Em ilies of those who feU upon that occasion. We hope that ho further appeal will be needed. *' BnrkeV- erertbroSS^to^ht’ Superior Court. Comment is unnecessary)**® — gnment of Hon. Levi S. ltuasell speaks foe itself: The Mayor and Aldermen of the city of. Savannah vs. Frank P. Yeager, charged with violating city ordi nance, selling liquor without necessary license.' Septemtber 28,1868r 7 49, P. JL And now to wit, on this fourteenth day of October, Anno Domini, eighteen hundred mid sixty eight,' frames thff defendant, Frank P. Yeager.' by; his attor- nies in open Court, and mbvesr that the proceedings in the city of Savannah un ci, and about to be 'sapm^jjeacHbes a trial and punishment for the offence of ‘.Belling liquor, without a license, being in conflict with the State law. 2d. That the Mayor and Aldermen have no author ity or jurisdiction by law to try the defendant for the alleged offence, viz; Selling liquor without a license— the offence''being indictable under the State law, which prescribes the mode of trial and punishment! 3d. That this Court, which is composed of the May or and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, cannot exer cise the functions ot the Superior Court of Chatham county, or of a petit liquor without a license. That they have no right or ' -authority to deprive the defendant- of the- Constitur^ tional right of trial by a jury of his countrymen. 4th. That the grant to the Mayor and Aldermen of the power to regulate tavern- licenses, and licenses to retail liquors, does not confer upon the corporation the right to punish for retailing without a license. It merely gives the corporation the right which-was for merly vested in the Inferior Court,-which was simply to decide who should have a license,” and the price of it. Under this power the Inferior Court could never punish, nor can the corporation do so now. 5th. That the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, according to their own record, are the prosecutors in this case, which they are now about, - adjudicating—thereby acting in two capacities, via/. prosecutors and judges, which acta and doings are' contrary to law and the Constitution of the State. Levi S. Russell, . R. Wayne Russell, Defeudant’a Attorneys. Hon. Levi S. Russell moved-that the proceedings be dismissed, and on said motion, the following is his ar gument: May it Please your Ifonari: In support of the ex ceptions taken by me to the jurisdiction of this Court, and for the purpose of avoiding any. misunderstand ing, I have committed to writing my argument, and the laws' which' do govern^this case. I respectfully ask your attention for a few minutes, whilst I indulge the hope, that I will be enabled to con vince your Honors that you have labored under a mis take in taking judicial cognizance of this oase in the in which you are now. proceeding .with it. I His infinite wisdom, to us onr much esteemed am James Gimrsia;, we, the bers of Livo Oak Lodgi sorrow and of paying a last tribute to our deceased brother; be it mm * tvhile we bow In submission to, the will of Him that d. ‘things wdk^we xeg^,MMHi^.aricrtrifeY-! pec ted death as -no ordinary visitation hath [on account.yof. ^ia high respectability as a tgybjtb^_niannS- t jn ^in git. TiiTppplf-ftq a na'ember of this-jLodge. - .ia-, u: in i ‘ Resolved, That iw fuxUier evidence of* our respect and esteein, the Xodge go into* the usual monrning for thirty days; that we ten- der to the bereaved and much affliqted-f our sincere condolence. May the same nfiH aniicted them sustain tTipm n -hoor them through aafetomnl^r. T* Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of our deceased brother, and one ,tothe MorshsoBews for publication, and that a blank page be left in the ' ■ book of the Lodge, Poll Them Uf.—The old] plank road in front of the Central Badlroad passenger depot, is in a veiy dilapidated condition; many of the planks are worn ont and others loose. We understand that there is a dispute exist ing between the Central road and the City VHWcii as to whose duty it is - to repair the road. Meanwhile' the owners of teams and the people in the neighbomood are compell ed to submit to the great annoyance* occa sioned by it. Could not the planks be tom np and the sand road underneath be used? I s»» ---— Justices’ Courts.—Before Justice P. H. hasten, $r M t^ashington Anderson was ar raigned for committing an assault and bat tery upon John Bobertson. The evidence being conclusive against Hie accused, he was committed to jail, None qf the other Justices transacted j any business of interest Death of an Old Lady.—Mrs. Jane Greene, an estimable old lady, and an inmate of , that great ofiariteble institution, the Abraham’s' Home, died yesterday at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. She was the third oldest lady in the home, Mrs. Wright being the eldest, who is ninety years old: Local News!—The absence of our regular reporter, who la confined to his bed, and the dearth of news combined, is the cause of our local column presenting such a paucity of items. Our reporter will* be up to-day, and our readers may look regularly for the usual interesting local matter. Postponed.—In consequence of the sick ness of a child of Mr. Gne, the shooting match of the Georgia B.ifie Club will not takf Place this ivftgrpn'np, as has been announced, the match. wiU take place on Wednesday afternoon next. I HhaU so convince you, that you will tUa presant proceedings, jj M fi ure UTBaSdacision on my motion to digmifaiha' iiroceaa- - ys.' .n,,. ings of the trial of tUo defendant, slsmld it bo'denied* ' te ** a, , - him, does not necessarily involve the flua) detenuino- lure, Or tfle. UOUOIS tion of the rights of the defendant before a higher tri bunal. . . Legislative powey is that which declares what the law shall be; judicial is that whicli" declares what the- law is, and applies if to pjw{ transactions and existing cases; the one makes the law. the other expounds and judicially administers it; the one prescribes a rule of civil conduct, the other interprets and enforces it in a case of litigation; the province of the former is Jus dare, the office of the latter is just dicere. The corporation is the mere creature of law, created by the sovereign power of the State lor public pur poses, connected with tbe. execution and administra tion of juatice, tne agent of the body politic, to give* effect to its* sovereignty ahd carry into effect its will. Can it prosecute and adjudicate a case wherein it self is prosecutor ? Can a Judge institute his own ac tion and adjudicate his own case? However unskilled a person may be in the science of law, the answer must be that it cannot be done according \o law. This case is similar in fact The Mayor and Aldermen are the prosecutors and judgeB which cannot be denied, be cause the record shows the fact. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah, which now constitute the Court iq the exercise of this extraordinary assumed power by this summary pro cess of adjudication, cannot sustain itself uuder the impression o{ abstract justice or equity, nor neither can it be permitted to transcend the boundaries with in which it has been confined by the law and the Con stitution of the State. The offence imputed to this defendant iB selling liquor without a license, for which the laws of the State, which are greater than an 7 cor poration ordinance have provided a sufficient penalty. In this case, instead of prosecuting the defendant for a violation of the State law, he was brought up, tried and convicted for the same offence in violation of the city ordinance, which trial and conviction was adjudged by the Mayor. The Mayor and Alderinen of the city of Savannah cannot change, modify or repeal a statute of the State of Georgia. Tha legislative authority of the State is paramount to the alike authority in any corporation. Even if the power existed in the Mayor and Aider- men of the city of Savannah to legislate on this sub- * ject, it was in subordination to the higher legislative power existing in the General Assembly, and it could pass no ordinance coming ip\ conflict in any manner with a statute. Q# his appeal you are about trying : him for the same off ence in tho same manner as here tofore. Should you proceed and try this case after listening to the decisions of the Supreme Court of Georgia bearing uirecily upon the pupils Which are similar in substance, you wil\ tl\vi\ l\o\ only assume legislative and judicial pov^irs, nut farther/you will annul the opinion qf the highest judicial power which now exists in our state. The only power which the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah can exorcise in regard to offences of this kind, is to tab® the depositions and cause the defendant's arrest mid commit* or bind him over to tne Superior Court, which has cognizance of the of fence, but further than this they cannot proceed. C. G. par. 4481, declares—“That if any person shall keep a tippling shop, or sell by the quart without the license, and taking the oath prescribed in this Code, or sell by retail iu quantities less than one quart, any wine, brands', rum, gin, whiskey, or other spirituous liquors, or any mixture of such liquors, any house, booth, arbor, stall, or other place whatever, without license from the ^qperiur Court of the county, or without a license from the corporate authorities of any town or city where by law, authority to grant licenses is vested in the corporate authorities of such towns or citieB, qiich . persons so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and uu conviction- shall be punished as prescribed in Section 4245 C. G., which is a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars; impris onment not exceeding six months in the jail; to work in a chain gang.on the public works, not to exceed twelve months;and any one or more of these punish ments may be ordered In the discretion of the Judge." The ordinance undqr which the defendant was ar raigned and tried by the Mayor, and is about being tried by your honors, prescribes a different mode of punishment for thesame offence, viz: a fine of fifty dollars, or imprisonment in the jail of Chatham County for thirty, dajk / X V For the purpose of sustaining the premises adduced by me in this case I read from Geo. R. Y. 21, p. 80. 3. C. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah and Hamlets thereof Pl’ff iu Error, vs. Christopher C. Hussey Deft in Error- Lumpkin, C. J., held—“That - m City Court. Hon. W. S. Chisholm, Judge Presiding. Thia Court was in session yesterday. The Grand Jury returned true bills in one or two eases. , Some business, but none of general in terest was transacted, after which the Court adjourned until 4 p. m. to-day. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Marshall House.—Lieut W A "Willis, City; G N Hendry, do; J Bumps, do; W D BaHani- tine, Fla; W A Gaylord, City; H A Holcomb, wife,two children and two servants,Brooklyn; W C Southwick, wife and child, Onesquethaw; S L Austin, wife and child, Freehold; Capt H Perry and family, ship Sfrnoda; : P Charles, Bichmqnd; JD D Creveeson,' Aleghanjr; B B Lnckeyte^Thomaston;- In Bonnett^.Bmke county; E Brainard, Savannah. The language Of natube and experience demonstrates that whoever would enjoy the pleasure* of food, tha-beauties of landscape, ship, the richet£ajfhgra-. of station and renown,' must preserve their health. The effect of foul, injurious food, entering the stomach, is to de range the digestive organs and produce head ache, loss of appetite, nnrefreshing sleep, low spirits, feverish burnings, etc., which are the symptoms of that horrid disease, dyspepsia, which assumes a thousand shapes, and points torward a miserable life and prema ture decay. Plantation Bitters will prevent, overcome and counteract all of these effects. They act,with unerring power, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage. Magnolia Water.—Superior to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at half th* price. [advertisement. J Georgia State Lottery—For the benefit of the Masonic Orphan's Home. Howard k Co., Managers, Atlanta. Commissioners—Mrs. F. S. Hertz, Miss Susan C. Tufls. Class 537, drawn at Savannah, November 10,1868; 2 -8—86—51—38—14—5-36-82—67—68-23—6—64- Class 288. drawn in Savannah, November 10,1868: 76 -43—29—34—75—42—15—60—64—5—1—70. Howard A Co., Chas. S. Willy, Agent Georgia State Lottery. SEND YOUR JOB PBUmNG TO THE Needs Attention.—The gas lamp at the corner ofiSonth Broad street lane and West Broad street, needs attention. The gas flame M so small that pedestrians derive no benefit from it whatever. Coast Survey.—A vessel 'belonging to the United Coast Survey Department,' arrived in our harbor yesterday. It is supposed that slie has been brought hereto, replace some buoys which hav< No Court.—There FffQ u° war finj -Sfe Hon, Mayor Anderson, to dispose of yester day, consequently there was no session of tee Mayor’s Court This is another evidence of the quiet of the city. aa? -■ ■»»»-- —:.:C—j -M J* BANKirfjKrcy.—The United States Court has, n P°n the petition of Messrs. Talfi, & Co., declared'John T. linin' ‘ vista, Marion oounty.abankr ‘•7''2 ..lAHSJsa *J | X *ary for tho security, welfare and convenience. of the city, and for preserving health, peace and good gov ernment within the same, “does not authorize the passage of an ordinance prescribing a differen t mode of trial and punishment for the same offeneb; and in addition thereto, to .that provided by State law." (Geo. R. V. 35, p. 148.1 Charles J. Jenkins, plaintiff in error, vs. The "Mayor and Town - Council of the town of ThoiqasviUc, defendants in error, Supreme Court Lumpkin, C. J. The plaintiff in error was arrested and tried on four teen cases by the municipal authorities of Thomas- ville, for selling spirituous liquors to free persons of color, contrary to the ordinances of said town, and on conviction, was fined fifty dollars in each case. ' The State having passed a lavr upon the same sub ject, to allow the authorities of Thomasville to punish It as an offeree against tbeir ordinances, would either be to oust the jurisdiction of the State in the premises, or to punish the offence twice—once .by the State, and again by the town. There is another objection to this proceeding. In these, cases the accused tried by the Mayor and Council without the intervention of a jury; whereas, in the State Courts, he is entitled to tho. benefit of thls constitutional privilege (21 Geo. R., p. 80). The line is not very accurately drawn where municipal power ends ana State power begins. The former ha» ample space to legislate without trenching upon the jurisdiction of the State fa all doubtful cases it would be better for the corporate authorities to arrest and commit the offender for trial before the proper State tribunals. ” c;g., par. 4761, granta to theMtyor and Aldermen the power to regulate tavern licenses and licences to retail liquors; but this grant of power does not confer SSSn meraty gives to the corporation the right which was formerly vested in the Inferior "Court, which was simply to decide who Should have a license, and the price of it. . Under this power the Inferior Court could never punish, QO£C4U the corporation do SO now. This view of the law makes if consistent with the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Jenkins, plaintiff in error, against the Mayor and Town Council of Thom- asville. Defendant in error already alluded to. * Where a ctmrtprefirdmes to try a man for an offence of which it has no right to take judicial cognizance, all It* proceedings arc null and void. If the party is acquitted, he Cannot plead the acquittal afterwards in bar of another prosecution. If he is found guilty and sentenced, he is; entitled to be relieved from the pun ishment. ... • We justly boast of the important privilege which we enjoy, and Rave long enjoyed, at too trial by jury—one of the greaiestxigbta which are secured to us by our free Constitution. Destroy it, and we are at toe mercy of some individuals by whom its powers will br and greatly abused. Impair it, corrupt its diminlib its strength, and though we may toe form* of onr present free government, -efllfcacy to the- preservation of liberty ami liap- •s is 41 phantom, whicli will live only iu th. re- Jillinhun l of those who have , Witnessed toe opera- i of toe system in its purity- j. - please your Honor* lam con- A, may it I strained to say to yon, in a spirit at lect that yon are acting under your if you have any excitement or prep ’it from your minds and form • , g to toe laws which havo »“ ch are now in force. I h. ness of having discharged my duly, and I have an ness or aaveus ^ efforts tar this case will be ccess. because I have the highest ju- • to sustain l'-ic in the premises, ' XJ. S. District and Circuit Courts. Hon. John Erssjnf, Judge, Presiding. -The November term of this Court com- read to you, i the conscious- abiding menced at ten a. m. yesterday jury was empanelled, after which the evidence in the case of James Deane vs. bng. Georgia and cargo,"?lihellor Baifpge, was heard. .’{ - The Circuit Court met at the usual hour. “ ■ — 1-1 — , 'ZxLk Lively.—Our hotels present quite a lively appearance at present, being crowded to their utmost capacity by transient visitors. «MOBIIIf€} WEWS” JOB OFFICE, No. Ill Bay Street. THE BEST OF WORK, MODERATE PRICES, AND ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. LAMAR COTTON PRESSES. To Sbip Owners, Captains, Con signees and Shippers of Cotton. rrtHESE PRESSES ABE NOW BRADY FOB BU8I- I’ NESS. I will compress Cotton at aa low-xatea as any Prasseslh the city. ' No Fixed Rate—Open to the Trade. Shippers will be accommodated with ample shed room, lorshipping. No Storage charged on Cotton to be compressed. Plenty of water and wharf room. Four vessels can be accommodated at wharfi ' Work done as quickly and as well as at any Presses in the city, , ~ . ■-A G. B. LAMAR, Jv., nov6-eod4t SUPERINTENDENT. Ladies’ Fair and Supper. THE LADIES OF THE SAVANNAH BAPTIST CHURCH HOLD A FAIR' IN MR.- GEO. XT. WYtLY’S Building, on Broughton street, commencing Tuesday, November 17th. The proceeds of this Fair are to be devoted to the repair of the Church edifice, now greatly needed. . ' The officers of the Central and Atlantic and Gulf Railroads, and Southern Express Company, have gen erously offered . . Free Transportation for all contributions sent over their lines, and such contributions should be marked, if by railroad, !* Bap tist Fair, care of General Superintendent,” it by Ex press, simply “Baptist Fair.” - Donations of money or provisions for the Supper, . from friends in the city, may be sent to Messrs. A. M. &r C. W. West, on Liberty, near Barnard street or to Messrs. Mallon k Frierson, corner of Congreps and Whitaker streets. .. novi-tnov20 W/ssreTTSTS WE *u' ov LU ,f*r5Si!o i tMhoaroX .7A0SU-JT an nr; ev^fr . .iR. •* v C_J lit fciilioq Jii aiir:o5. ... , .. . ... •••-' 1 ladiOLTv :-A -V h • V .V .. • «iihO # ff '&f SfiO'' 1 ! ' HAVE BEEN MAKING uu « u i .iff* ■ LAME ADDITIONS DURING THE PAST WEEK! TO OUR STOCK OF - - I DRESS GOODS 1 AND TRIMMINGS ! .WHICH. WE ABE OFFERING \ AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES!! rcX ,7ACu 'lKcrr*7 i;, *.► «‘-nrvrra r ~ ^ * As they have been Sought 25 JPer Cent. Less than Goods that were Sought Thirty Says Ago. ORFF, WATKINS & CO. DRE B© Q-OODB! t. : ' - ■ - '■"7 • * * . v ''t'J&iL''' From 25 Cents to $6.00 per Yard. A MOST COMPLETE STOCK, at Prices that Cannot Fail to Suit Purchasers. Orff, Watkins & Co. We Have a few pieces left of those very cheap BLEACHED u l ■ ■ *o a , in ■ •• ik a>, ■ r SHIRTING Si, wliich we eontlnueto offer to onr Customers at the REDUCED PRICES. .j a ' ii Gheap ^leached Shirtings, 3-4,7-8 and 4-4. ORFF, W ATKINS & CO. -:0:- LADIES’ GENTLEMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S KID 2TV Ladies’ We keep only the Best Quality of KID GLOVES. Kid Gauntlets, Lace Kids and Single Button Kids, all Sizes and all Shades. C)RFF, WATKINS & CO. HOOP SKIRTS! HOOP SKIRTS! £ r |M ritAu *■ • - . v ALL THE LATEST STYLES. ORFF, WATKINS & CO. I Planters’ Hotel Restaurant. rTIHE PROPRIETOR OF THIS POPULAR AND JL WELL KNOWN RESTAURANT takes pleasure in informing his friends and th® public to general that this establishment will be opened for tho reception of visitor^ on.: KoTl* ** 7. • j - > . J Wedufisday Morning, November 4th. Having been thoroughly renovated, the Proprietor has and will spare no paiua to please his patrons in C 'tuE TAHLE wiU always be- supplied with all the delicacies of the season, while the BARS, both of the HOTEL and RESTAURANT, can boast of the choicest WINES AND LIQUORS. Having since the war IMPORTED ALL HIS LIQUORS DIRECT, his patrons may be assured that they are Genuine and Unadulterated. In addition to the celebrated RHINE WINE, CHAMPAGNE AND BORDEAUX, toe Custom House here AILSVNTH. . _ _icj na Direct from Switzerland, and also GIN from Holland, purchased by himself last «nmm»r whfle in Knrone. oc31 - H — GEORGE < ISOTICE.- GEORGE A. MERCER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, H AS REMOVED HI3 OFFICE. TO DRAYTON STREET, comer ot Bay lane, over the office of Mercer & Anderson. oc26—lwdJrfheodSvr ILANNBL& FLAK|fELS Opera Flannels, all Color#, . . ..White Flannels, Red Flannels, Blue Flannels, Grey Flannels. BLANKETS! BLANKETS! BLANKETS! White Blankets, 8 i -4,9-4,10-4,11-4 and 12-4. BLXJE OBEY Onr Entire Stock of FLANNELS been Reduced in Price. BL-AJSfKETS! and BLANKETS Have door east ot Lincoln street Apply to ' '■ : - a joto o . b . WILWAMD-ci aovS-tf Drayton street, next to Cay. TO RESIT,' STORE NO. 100 BROUGHTON STREET. Poeaemion given on the 1M Of November. : . £ JOHN McCONAGHY, nov2-tf 9074 TO RENT, A COMMODIOUS (NEW) BRICK HOUSE. WITH every modern eoovenleOMvettJW- . between Barnard and Whitater streets. ALSO. OHS ON GASTON STREET, comer of Abercom. ^ ALSO, • • - TWO, NEARLY FINISHED. ON TAYLOR STREET, betneen-Bnlt. and Whitaker etreets. Apply to A. a HARTMDGE.oaBaystrea.orto oc27—tf. Ges. W. R. BOGGS. TO RENT, H OUSE OX ABEBCOBN STREET, corner of Liberty stre«* lane. r- . . ALSO, - ««S HOUSE ON HARRIS STREET, near the LlilS comer of Abercom ntreet. . eBS 0.~H. LUFBURROW, oc24—tf r ^ - - TO RENTj mBE THREE-STORY BRICK BUILD- . 1 INQ. with deep BASEMENT, cat toe south side of Bay lano. between Drnyton and Bull streets. It is In good r wiU bo rented at slow rate. Ap ocl3—tf ijyto S-BOGABDUS. FOR RENT, J OUSE ON JONES STREET. THIRD east of Barnard. For particulars enquire of Mrs. NEVITT, next door, or to oc9 E. B. CHIPMAN. 177 Bay Between Barnard and ! FOR RENT. JgRICK STORE on CONGRESS STREET near market. V PosseBsion given immediately. Apply tor “ octl-tf WILLIAM LAW. FOKKK?jT. fJIHE BRICK DWELLING ON THE CORNER bF* Jones and Drayton streets; has seven bed rooms, two large parlors, basement rooms, and all the modern conveniences. Apply to A. McNULTT, nov5-tf 89 Ray street TO RENT, tx 7 j ‘ A FURNISHED ROOM. Apply at the northwest . comer of Bay and West Broad streets. nov5-6t . : ‘ TO RENT, V : t 4 LARGE STABLE. Apply at the northwest cor-^ JjL ner of Bay and West Broad streets. nov5-6t ^ ' / TORENT, rjtHREK ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UNFUR NISHED, with nee of kitchen. If required. Apply to -a -- MRS.' McCONAGHY, - nov-2-tf .! i- . . . .o. ul ... ; 158 Broughton gtgeet. ORFF, WATKINS & CO. Best English and Balbriggan HOSE and HALF HOSE! HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS! Table and Siano Covevs, Sahiashs^ Napkins and Table Cloths. AH the above Goods have been bought during- the past 30 - a '~ : Ten Days, aJEf^jgre Selling at Reduced Rates. At: - VI i -••i k ■ fca . . _ ’ BBIaS. crushed sugar, 20 bbls. A SDGAB; 20 bbls. B SCGAB, 25 bbls. C extea StfGAit, - 30 bbls. C SUGAB, 50 bbls. Brown SUGAR, 50 bags Bio COFFEE, 30 mats Java COFFEE, 15 hhds. C. R. SIDES,* 15 bbds-R. SIDES,' J ; 20 boxes Dry Salted SIDES, j •< 20 boxes Dty Salted SHOULDERS, J 10 boxeaDiy Salted BELLIES, r'•; j £■ 100 bbls. assorted FliOUR,- 75 bbls. assorted CRACKERS, 50 boxes assorted CRACKERS, 30 bbls. MACKEREL, \vr at.'. 40 half bbls. MACKEREL, a . 50 quarter bbls. MACKEREL, ' . 100 kits MACKEREL, I 50bW« MOIASSES,'-=-i f-- 100 half boxes RAISINS,. .jeJ' ' 200 quarter boxes RAISINS, ^ 150 boxes mixed CANDY, ' ' -1 : 'JfbodieRiancy. CANDY, ' 25 boxes TOBACCO^ 40 half boxes TOBACCO, ioO caddieB TOBACCO, | 20 cases canned OYSTERS, 20 cases'canned LOBSTERS, 40 cases canned FRUITS. ADDISON, ELLIOTT & CO., Wholesale Grocers- and Cojnunis- r sion Mercliants, OC31-Im 95 BAY ST-, SAVANNAH, GA. ' BoVh-ir XtrbbM Side,. Barrels of Flour, An usortpiant of Fomtanre. Sale positive.,-Tjeni* rash. NORTH DISOBIHCE COMPANY, OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. GOLD): Swtorifeed Capital $10,000,000 Cask sSSasr.f^Hr.7^.. S13,«a3g«03.85 Annual Income .*3,000,635 mHE SUDSCRIDER, HAYING BEEN APPOINTED Agent *BC toe almve Company-. is prepared to JL Agent for the. shove company, is p take RISKS ON BUHDINGS, COTTOS, CHANDISE GENERALCr. »t current rates. Foliates issued in gold or cuxr--'u,y, at option of applicant. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. jy28—6m ' 116 Bay street A NEW SENSATION. ARORATIC > 3A FURNITURE POLISH, Aiv EXTRACTED i Aromatic .^Arubian Gums. Frasrtat, firBhrt mnt Pmwmmmt. -WiTHOPT^A- BIVAJ. FOB OILED FUKlVIfTnRE. HWji-rilnVuFiJl'TBaeoaggaa Polished Furniture;,clqaxm. Gilt Frames «nd Mxu-ble, perfumiig tlte apartment to which it to used* fuL No ball or party should be given without per- - None gendttiewlthout the signature of AIJI. EU- .PHRSfcon.f^ch bottle. , ia^ei rSSn: FOR SALE BS ROBERT II. TATEM, DRUGGIST,> CORNER JEFFERSON AND McDONOUGH STS., And cor. East Broad and Broughton Sta^ 'SAV SAH, GA., And all Druggists, Grocvra and Furniture Stores. Price Fifty Cents pej: bottle. . . Depot 294 Pear! afreet; NewTorfr. -- oc34-2m BATE^‘& COMER, .. wlM di'ilu-T ; .‘-;i ABBt*+r;L Ui » > . - COMMISSIQN MERCHANTS, CORNER OF DRAYTON AND BRYAN STREETS, ■ -_.*f u ?.? V 8Ay»W»A«. 'OA. T>UY RIGHT A»D TIME BILLS ON NORTHERN TVmJ SodthwtfdtlM. - SELL SIGHT EXCHANGE «n Bank of New York, N. B. A., New York. Spedtol attention paid to COLLECTIONS, ehbe^for* ment to-our friends iuNew York or LiverpooL oc28—2w* _ . s— u ■■■•■_ rT'.—. ay ei rry —g — T. O. HUST. T. H. M|B5SXO!i. - Be O. LOCKETT. RUST, JOHNSTON & LOCKETT, ‘SWTON FACTOlfal, - yf$t., Savannah, Go., IBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS r Cotton in Store, smd on Shipments to onr Cor- identsin'NewYortlind Ltveipdot. given ' EXCLUSIVELY to toe sMe*of Cot. fori- ' Couaignmi nta soHcftedl ' MANUFAOXMIU' *■ OF « TH Bt C BLitBgAXED - Permanent : SS AKZtE GREASE. .. > ... t .. : . r: .. i. i fnHfSGREASE.FOB WAGON, AXLE, AND HEAVY _L’DBARINGS, is warranted snpettoras atadnlcstor towny other mmnuMrtnred. One pound, X guarantee, ’ wiBron longerand give- better satis&ctton tkmt toor poonde of any other Greese in wse. • gfr- Warren ted to* tand any tempevstnra - WK 4®-OFFICE at JACOB IAPPMAN’S DRUG A2vD CHEMICAL WABEHOUBS. oonMx- OoagresasBd Bsr- FOB SALE.AT THE FOLLOWING HOUSES: Lovxtai A La-muobs. Csi wOsnn li Lovzn. Wxms A Comrmnx. . S. Gmurotocr k Co. .laAtraos.' . Wtxaps C. M- HtTJswaie. .” - to oclT-ly-^- TEZZT — AT — 86 36 Wliitaker Street. ./ it. i /lo j (Between Broughton and State Sts.) ; : r IE ATTENTION OF ALL BUYERS IS SOLICITED to examination of onr Select Stock of Groceries! consisting of everything necessary tp a complete M- sortment of goods in our line. ^^ j *J-We Intend to Sell the VeiF Best, parties purehasing our goods and find they DO NOT OPEN as represented by ns, win confer a favor by letting ns know, that we may MfelMirluiil In give sitisfaction. Onr stock Of 1 Flour, Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Butter, Laid, Cbeese, Spices, v’ . : Grocers’Drugs, Meats, liquors, Biscuits, Dried Fruits, Canned Goods, Vegetables, Nuts, Ac., &c., Can’t be beat by any house in the city. PRICES DOWN—give us afair triaL C. J. BEATTY, Agent. N.B.—Goods delivered shout.the city FREE OF CHABO& -* - ' IA A XA oc31-3w- THE GULF BC>AD NlIRSSRY aud SEED @lRM f^ITHIN ONE AND A HALF MILES OF STA- T TION No. 16, Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. JL .circular with a priced catalogue sent for a Pori Often , norfr-Tt* y"\ Quitman, BrocAj county, Ga. ^otice.^o - - ” - -- j rTIHE UNDERSIGNED IS THE ONLY IMPORTER • J. of PERUVIAN GUANO in to«C United States of No. 1 Peruvian Gnano in Bags for rale by 1dm and Maryland, B- F. VI - Agent tor i Je8—ly - . . iGo*%; i No. A3 Sonto street. New YdBL" PUTTING, PINKEJG, STAMPING - ; : ;«3 . .. AND DRESS-MAKING,-AT • - ' - MADAME L. LOUIS’ B.IZAAK, •ep23-ly 133 BROUGHTON STREET, up stairs. LL ORDERS EXECUTED at SHORT NOTICE. L . in PLAIN, RUSTIC and COLOES. . he totest styles of WEDDING CARDS and ENYE- LOPES a| " - oclO—tf SCHREINER’S. TODOW CiLASS. TJ7HE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN -d- far sale wholesale mid retail, at TATEM’S DRUG STO c .^rr Comer Jefferson and Mcl a - A • Y* And cox. East Broad oc2l—tf t. XT V.1.3 OOO I WINCHESTER REPEATING RIFLES FntEsG TWO SHOTS A SECXIKD Lt,;-A»i#-BepeatBStr - .-■ AND TWENTY-i SHOTS A MINUTE ” As a Suigle Breech-Loader POWERFUL, ACCURATE - AND WONDEB- .Y EFFECTIVE WEAPONS, carrying 13 v . which "can-be-fired-in nine second*,, ara now ready foe the market, aud are for sdrty'iffl Hie re- sponsible Gtm Dealers throughout the country. For * \ fall information send for circulars and pamphlet* to tho WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO,. *ep!8—TW3m . New HtorraQ Conn. COTTON GOS1 IlrE OFFER ‘FOH'SALir THE CELEBRATED £ CARTER' COTTON GINS. ' These Gina hive been expressly prepued to suit too wuits ot toe planters ofGeoggU, Alsbsm, snd JTnrids, mid are adapted to thB present labor syttezn. Factor, allowed & eomjntorian. For sale by auow^cammmsinn^ ^ HARDEE'S SON k 00. Southern Bag Manufacturer M.F. BEACTOBT, Exchange -Wharf, -WNINGS, iSatessSat SACKS. TARPAULINS : eep!9—8m ■ a>agaaefiKtoP'ac.a; si S TOBAC&ft AND FOR SALE AT MANUFA rz-, ;w t -j* PRICES BY ' “ IMAXTON, CREWS & C0. 5 163 Say Street, S*^VY _v:NT'vVXIX, GEORGIA. Shoulders, Clear Rib Side Ribosides, ran PRIM BALTIMORE CITY CURED, j ■YryAREANTED. IN STORE-AND FOR SALE 1 ■ft ~ rL * .tiraj -w« fft ttitof' habkey & co., So. V* Stoddard's Upper Mange, aepIWf SAVANNAH, i