Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, January 01, 1869, Image 2

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JU w fUfate. largest Circulation In Cll MB. AND MRS. WATKINS. hen the pure medicinal restorative, now ao widely the world under tho endoraement of four thou- pj^TTF fading members of the medk&l profeaaion some ears ago, its projrletor was well aware that it, kud naefnl ptquku. He, Oimtan. •»<»••*- lUt Invert |t/rtthrtro*ma ****£**.«£ nrt counterfeiters, end to render aU nt«empt«» to it dlfflcnlt and denmr-n** Itwaaenbml«^ “> ^iWraraiojM SAVANNAH i are invited to attend. C. F. BLANCHO, S. a. L janl-lt The ChrabBU Tree At M. John’s Chnrch la postponed till SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE SAME HOUR, janl-lt SAMUEL BENEDICT. Machine Works, j KAITKRS W1USVEI, i atv^iiNAH. cLl , TVfou^hftti, Tyfannlng Sc Co. , . ' . Miller. 1 , i James Makxiko. [OKAHAN. J t . , IpAVtD fFma^ttAlD. * It'l/II.’HT 'Friday, January 23d, 186#, VEFPSTAKES ; MILE HEATS TO HAH3E8S-. MDHfs nf*r«fflhwnco. Throe or more to fill; New Year offering before you thiR morning, vrith the best wishes of the season welling up| from his heart We leave the rest with you. Tux Geoeoia Cssx.j—The Washington JZr- proa says a delegation of colored men from Georgia , have recorded themselves at the room! of the Union Congressional Com mittee. They an in that city to proteat againet the admission of Messrs. Him, and Jfernto tho Senate, although difichiiming any pemonal objection, to cither of these We ajA r nnaS4lte^ja%$o who compose this MU^ptioinfeed delegation, whose business in Washington is to Instruct Congress how to conduct the legislation of the nation. We precufne, however, that the modest little mulatto of this city, who, in a recent harangue before a crowd of his "race,” threatened tfaa^ if they could not have what they circular, requesting a trial of tha prepar*tion and are- port of the remit, deopjlyiidrt mob ipedaient. Four Liquor Licenses, 1869—Badges. CITY OF 8AVANNAH.) Omen Clerk or Coukcil, J January Itt, 1888. j artlea dealring to take out Irfqnor oaaa and Badge* lor the ensuing year, are hereby led that applications will fie received at this office i and after THIS DAY, under the terms and pro* The Best in the World! 8I0n 4 MURRAY'S **• -W- 1 1 Regfetj* List, 1869. • r CITY OF SAVANNAH,) i.i >1. *tL uc . omci Cuu or Oouhcil, J :l **.,) January1st, 1809. } . The Registry LiiU for the Year 1869 wlU be opened at thia office on MONDAY next, Janu ary 4th, 1869, under the terms of the State Law. {See Zrwin’e Code, paragraphs 4,733 and 4,735, an extract of which ia hereto annexed.) [cxnue^J q 4,733. AU pereocs shall be qualified to vote at the elections for Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Sa vannah who are citizens of the United States, have redded in this State for WIpL EXHIBIT IN SAVANNAH Thursday, Friday lid Saturday * DEC.31.JAH'. 1 'ami ‘ 6q tlse Corner of Macon, Chxh- Co-partnersliip Notice. lAOie was copywnguiou, - j— —— *'*“*'*.• “ autograph aignatnr* waa attached to each lable and cover, his »*me and that of the preparation were em- on the bottles, and the corks were sealed with bis private seal. No article had ever been sold in this country under the name of Schnapps prior to the in. trod action of Wolfe’s Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, in 1851; and the lable was deposited, as bis trade mask, in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York during that year. ‘ j J It might be supposed by persons unacquainted with the daring character of the pirates who prey upon the reputation of honorable merchants by vending delete rious trash under their name, that the protections so carefully thrown around these Schnapps would have precluded the introductions and sale of counterfeits. They seem, however, only to have stimulated the rapacity of impostors. Hie trade mark of the proprie tor has been stolen; the Indorsement which his Schie dam Aromatic Schnapps alone received from the medi cal profession has been claimed by mendacious hum bugs ; his labels and bottles have been imitated, his ad vertisements paraphrased, his circulars copied, and worse than all, dishonorable retailers, after disposing of the genuine contents of his bottles, have filled them claimed as their rights, they most be *'de Vfliah, fighting, burning citizens,” is & con- rrpiouons member. Ho shoo'd bo invited to ventilate hi* •‘rode ideas’* of law and “jus- tice ” before thq Congressional Committee. rr *!.< , Ex-Goveknob Won’s Property in Vxkoxnu. . restoration of the property of ex-Gov- e^nor Wise, of Virginia, says a Washington fetfoKTins' tfccn rahrie wider a duress that lie will not f^Jfrge or guo for four years’ occupa tion of it by about a hundred bureau officials and ^ thousand gregarious negroes, who made free use with the estate during all that period. Hothing of value remains but the land itself. The mansion has been made a barracks, the furniture has bems-ruined, the linen and silver has been sold or pawne^J to Butler, the out- hocisoe have been' used for 1 Btablcs, find the fences for fuel. ! The little raised on the place has been appropriated by the bureau, white and black negro9*. Even -now the colony of blacks who have squatted on the estate refuse to move, and a military force is ejecting them, with partial success, by force. The place was taken uuder no decree, and merely by How ard's order, and everything has been wrecked or stolen, except the noil and the orchards. w. B- griffin. — i j,. , jmo. r, treutleh. GRIFFIN Be TREUTLEN COTTON FACT&RS A*D— General Commission Merchants. No. 9S .Bay street, Sawayw^lt.' Dissolution of Co-piutuershiy. , [; mm, —- — r to the w— of elsctten, sad within the corporate limits of Savannah for one month immediately preceding their registration, and fbur months before the election; who have attained the age of twenty-one years, and have paid all city taxes, or have, in their own right, sufficient real estate to satisfy any tax executions Which may be issued against them: who shall have all returns required by the ordinances of the City, and have been registered according to law. q 4,735. The Clerk of the Common Council of the Oily of Savannah, and in case of his sickness or ab sence, any officer duly elected and appointed by the Mayor and Aldermen, or s majority of them, for that M OF McKBE, BENNETT * CO. was • [ by mutual consent on the lat of Deo ' &. l C.XoIR > ' •-I - mi . . D. M. BENNET] JAMES MqKEF. Mb. A. Gardner: Dear Sir:—l have gathered my eorn, i and a half aerael -jnihered 175X busl com. The land was highly manured am Plant Food. Guano, manipulated after th manure; all waa alike. The land wit] would not hare produced more «tnn tv corn to the acre. The avenge yield yo ftxctton Aon thirty-nine bushel* per u Very teepecAftllly, B.H.H. Letter from Mr.J. ft. Wkotry. Bottom, T Dissolution of Co-partnership. Co-pwrtnersUip Nptice. B UNDERSIGNED will continue the business the late firm of McKee. Bennett & Co. under tl q:, 1. HcKEE ds ftENNKTT. • 'jfS : idlKiteB.- 1 ' D. M. BENNETT, itn i il«i«S0.1v >W PERFORMANCES DAY AND NIOK&jm. mendog athalf past Two and half past Seven, PM. Doors open, one hour previous. , yWr Admission 75 cents ; Children pador 10 yirs, rP’JPba n i- . tv ,1 ■ id, 1U ,..t„ . 1 ear Tickets will be tor isle at SCHIlEDiEB'a (U- SIC STORE sod tho MARSHALL HOUSE. . <ji STONE & MURRAY *ill endeavor. by a well-directed use of the resourcea at their command, to make the coming Ex hibition* the most •'» Refined and Ynleretttinrr ever gi\?n •' • in Mavnnnah, To render their Circus Entei tsinmeuts magnlfleut beytmd all precedent. ATONE A MURRAY have n»di special engagements with several FOREIGN ARILSIC CELEBRITIES! whose marvellous talents excited tho admiration uid won the applause of the European Capitals. Notice of Co-partnership. SAVANNAH, Novttabar 1,1868. I HAVE this day associated with me to the Foundiy. Machine, Blacksmith and BoUc^Maklng bufl- ness, BARNARD MONAHAN. JAMES MANNING and DAVID FITZGERALD, the buMnesi-tb be con ducted under the firm name of MONAHAN, MANN ING k OO.. retaining tho old nmns^^«avannah Iron and Brass Foundry and Machine Works, r Bostow, Thomas Couicty, Ga., Sepf30,1868. Mb. A. Gakdneb: Dear Sr.'-J received your letter d^Soptembcr *g*o}my cotton. but it being long cotton, and the worm eating it so early, that it is oat of the question to <re yon any satisfaction as to the result. The weed gew finely; I put it by the side of Baugh’s Baw Boos, t'so by the side of Wilcox, Gibbes & Co.’s Manipulated Guano. What I picked and weighed from the »ws are very little differing. I tried it under some lste orn planted in May; the corn rusted very badly, as 41 other late corn did in this section. The corn growd off finely, but I could not tell but very little about be rasult. I put some under turnips about floor wrksback, and Bone Dust by the side, and the turnip taps are grow ing very wall with both; as yet I see no deference. Yours, very respectfully J. H WHALEY. Letter from J. R. Stapler, Hamilton Bounty, Florida. Hamilton Coustt, Flaw 8ept. 5ft 1868- A. Gahdioeb. Esq.—Dear Sir .—Your fa.or of the 19th inst, is received, The barrel of yooi Savannah Poudrette received from you last Spring, \nts applied to Upland Cotton planted the last day of April In al ternate rows—two rows each- wtth Peru-Ian Guano, Wilcox A Gibbes’ Manipulated. Soluble l sdfie, Patap- aco. and Phoenix, at the rate of one hundred pounds . each peX acre, and iW earn in the sens manner. ; When the Poudrette was applied, the effect waa dia- tingnishabls from the coming up of the Cotton. It did not shed the forma during the excessive rains of Jxu and Jnl* u did wimli nf Ik. —*« _i. WM^ H. TISON. WM. W. GORDON. TISON & GORDON, j COTTOF FACTORS •> •'<> inll-tn* COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY^STREET,} SfM/VO/TtTtO/Jl'e IBERAL ADVANCES MADE oW CONSIGN- | j MENTS. au!5—DATW6m liquors, and thus mado his name and brand a cover for poison. The public, the medical profeaaion and the sick, for whom the Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps is prescribed sa a remedy, are equally interested with the proprie tor in the detection and suppression of these nefari ous practices. The genuine article, manufactured at theeatabliahmentof the undersigned, in Schiedam, Holland, ia distilled from a barley of the finest quality, and flavored with an essential extract of the berry of the Italian Juniper, of unequalled purity. By a process unknown in the preparation of any other liquor, it ia froedfroca every acrimonious and corrosive element Complaints have been received from the leading physicians and families in the Southern States of the sale of cheap Imitations of the Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps in those markets; and travellers, who are in the habit of mdng it aa an antidote to the baneful in fluence of unwholesome river water, testify that cheap gin, put up in Schiedam bottles, ia frequently palmed off ujjon the unwary. The agents of the undersigned have been requested to institute inquiries on the sub ject, and to forward to him tho names of such parties as they may ascertain to be engaged in the atrocious system of deception. In conclusion, the undersigned ■tniiTii ■■ ■ m— im ns tiimm. ■ . , Janl-3t ■ ‘ Notice* fTUX PAYERS are hereby notified, that the Fourth i Quarters on Real Estate, Commissions or f*uffi* Income and Gross Receipts, also the moMUy re turns on Sales, Receipts for Freight end Fasrite Money payable in this city, and th*Specific prjU- ceuse Tax hr the year 1869, are now due. Payment of the aforesaid Tax la required by ordinance to fie paid on or before the 10th instant. J - • ‘ - i- Anxious Inquiries —A tumor has obtained circulation that AIason, Slidell, Wiofall, Judah P. Benjamin, and John C. Breckin ridge have sent dispatches to Washington in quiring anxiously the exact nature of the pro tection which the President’s proclamation of amnesty afforded. It seems these distingniah- ^ ©d participants in the rebellion are at a loss i know the clemency extended by Pre*t ‘ f Johnson in of such a character as Con gress is bound to respect, and whether, in trusting to itg, alluring terms, they are com mitting a blunder or doing themselves a ben-, •fit McKEE&BEMETT, Notice to City Tax Defaulters. CITY MARSHAL’S OFFICE, \ Savannah, December 28,1868. J City, real estate, tax executions for the Third Quarter. 1868, have been placed in my hands. All persons Interested are notified that after the FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1869, I will proceed to collect bjr levy. THOMAS S. WAYNE, ■ dec28-St City Marshal. For Bremen, Election Notice. CITY OF SAVANNAH.' Qma Olrrx or Council, J ->r DEALERS IN,, Carriages, Buggies, Harness, ’■j** Ac., Ac., Ac. Corner West Broad and Bay Streets,* c^iNNAH, ga. At this Expensive Repository aua ».. nn f. c t orv always be found a Urge variety most fashionable Carriages, Raekaways, and Buggies Now in uao. AU work sold and warranted at thia es tablishment will be protected. REPAIRING EXHGCTKD IN THE BEST MANNER, AT REASONABLE RATES. , decao-lm : ■ TO3RENT, j\_ HOUSE, in a good neighborhood, on Lincoln street, between Cengresa and St O’CONNOR. ■ :i. Trouble Among the Texas Bepubucans.— Report* reach here of a Herious difference in the ranks of the Republic** party in Texas on the question of dividing that State into smaller constellations. The native Republi- i ground as the Demo- the proposed carving celfence of the Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps; -that he haa expended many thousand dollars in surrounding it with guarantees and safeguards, which he designed Janl-6t* Bond. $10,000 20,000 10,000 6,000 2,000 1,000 ’600 TY)B SOUTHERN PROPERTY WELL P either city or countjy. aboni giyTY TRCroaANP noi.T_AJ»»* XHTEHEST in a New York city estabhah- ment, doing s large business, and having a large sur plus capital. Address, with full particulars. WlL*i LIAM SMITH, care of R. W. Leavitt A Co., No- 118 Wall street, New York. „ . JanlBt Legal JYotice. ; N OTICE ia hereby given that application haa heen- made to ths Court of Ordinary of Chatham coun ty, for an order to ba paiaad at the March Term. 1869, thereof, authorising the sale of all .the real asd per sonal property of the estate of Jeremiah Cavanaugh, protest THE MISCELLANEOT7.-* ATTAINMENTS of tkt extra large Troupe or Pcrfortuete have acquired a perfection which bo previous attempts have readied, superseding in SPLENDOR AND NOVELTY All establishments eugagedjn the vocation of amaslug imported' Republicaim de- mand that tho proportion be submitted to the people along with the Constitution. If treated in this fashion, the Constitution, it ia expected, will be defeated by an overwhelm- ng vote. _ Thp Tariff Bill.—It is atafod that the new tariff bill, which waa pending in the Houae at the adjourumeut of Congreaa, will, eoon after the reassembling, be recommitted to the Ways and Means Committee, for the reason that in its present shape it ia not cer tain (of passing. It doeqjppt yet contain **proUetion” enough, and several of tho in terests which have been left out in the cold liave Combined to stave it off until they are represented. Upon fhe < recommittal of the hill new clauses will t^g added to obviate this little difficulty.’^ ^ 1 ‘ drttto you sent me last Spring to late corn, and the balance to turnips this Fall/The cots, where I ap plied at the rate of three hundred pounds per acre, waa about the name as whers I had forty bushels cot ton seed per sere, tt Is doing as well under turnips aa Rhodes’ Sup. Phosphate or cotton seed. I h»«t»v It s good fertiliser. Respectfully, yours. Ac., ** • - * • ‘ • * * • * Wit TAYIXJR. Letter from Messrs. Matthaus rf Neal, Fort Valley, Ga. Fort Vallxt, Ga^ September 22,1868. Mr. A.Gardner: Dear Sir:' In answer Id your enquiry as to the ef fects of the barrel of Poudrette tent u* last spring, I will eheerfolly give you the result The barrel con. tained about three hundred pounds. I applied it to J. E. JOHNSTON & CO., ^ AGENTS FOB The Liverpool and London and Globe Fire Assurance Company, Asneta, £17,000,000 in Oold. The New York Life Insurance Com er pany, Mutual, 1 “ AssetB, 910,000,000. , 1. IN SAVANNAH. GA. Office in Drayton street, near Bryan. the public, and positively beyond the resource other exhibition; of whatever kind, to Imitate. Many ol the Acte and Feats are .-t, . ENTIRELY NEW IS AMERICA! And will be executed by Artiits*'' : Having no Parallels . >, ix fo t^eir Amazing Specialities,. STONE k MURRAY’S CIHCU Will exhibit lo . TALLAHASSEE, MONDAY, Jxnuiu,- (, JACKSONVILLE, “! Tuesday, January5. LAKE CITY, J WEDNESDAY. January 6. Keeper of Pest House 450 1,000 Keeper of Powder Magaziue fees 2,000 Pump Contractor* 1,200 4,000 Fifteen Measurers and Inspectors of Lumber and Timber... fees 600 Five Port Warden a fees 600 Four Weighers of Hay fees 600 Keeper City Clock 400 Chimney Contractor, E. D fee* 600 Chimney Contractor, W. D fees 600 Three Measurers Salt, Peas, and Grain fee* 600 Two Measurer* of Wood fees 600 One Inspector at Turpentine fees 200 Six Weighers Cotton, Bice, and To- batco * fees 600 Two Inspectors and Guagera of Liquor. fees COO i*oLie* FORCE. Chief of Police 2,000 4,000 Chief of Detective Force (1st Lieut).. 1.400 2,000 First Lieutenant of Police 1.400 2,000 Second Lieutenant of Police 1,400 2,000 Six Sergeants of Police 1,000 each, 600 Applicant* must state in tbolr applications the names of their securitca, (two required to each bond), and hand in their applications to me on or before ten o’clock, A. M., on that day, accompanied by the usual fee. JAMES STEWART. dec2fi4d Clerk of Council rjTHE RETAIL DRUG STORE of the sufecriben will he kept open at Night and on 1 Sunday*^, during January. A. A. SOLOMONS * OO., j*nl-2t ' Marital square. BULLOCH COUNTY 8HERIFF81 SALE. f YTriLL BE SOLD, before die Court-hoJe door in f V Bulloch county, Ga., on the first TCLSDAY In February next. Eight Hundred Acres of Lmd, more or leas, bounded on the North apd East, bj lands of Sarah Ridgon, and Waat by those of Joseph Newsom. Levied cm as the property of J. D. Hussey f> satisfy a Fi. Fa., In flavor of Mines Woods. Propw-pointed out byplaintilL jELiWOOf RUM, Janl-lawlm*» [ Ihertff. Hogs.— 1 Tkore was an advance in pork;in the Western markets Iasi week, but at its close the markets were doll odd prices easier. Quotations in Louisville on the 25th were 9 94, live weights. The number slaughtered ii. around the city np to ‘ that time was * 26 Puts Street, New Yore Not. 21,1867. Udolpro Wolfe, Esq., Present: Dear 8m: I have made a chemical examination of a sample of your Schiedam 8chnspp«, with the intent of determining if any foreign or injurious substance had been added to the simple distilled spirits. The crimination has resulted in the conclusion that the sample contained no poisonous or harmful admix ture. I have been unable to discover any trace of the deleterious sulxtancrs which are employed in the adulteration of liquors. I would not hesitate to use myself or to recommend to others, for medical pur pose*, the Schiedam Schnapps as an excellent and un objectionable variety of gin. Veiy respectfully yours, (Signed) CHAR A. SEELY, Chemist THE LITTLE GUM BULLOCH COUNTY SHERIFF* TTTir.L BE SOLD, brforo the Conxt-ho ?V BuSoch county, Ga., oa the first 1 February kext, between the usual fcounFi luodred Acres ofLand. more orlsae^ | <11 he property of Joseph N. Lee to satisfy a) Ivor or John A. Proctor. Property Dana < endant. .. Janl-lawlm* Notice. Office Augusta k 8ava*mah Rail Road, \ Savaivrab. December 94,1868. ) An eleotlon for Hirretors of this Comps- pyfef theansufeg year will beheld on MONDAY, 4th January, 1869, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 1 P. [OFFICIAL.] Election Notice. CITY or SAVANNAH, ) Office Clebe of Couxcil, \ * December 21.1868. ) At s Special Meeting of Connell to be yuJA on MONDAY, January 4th, 1889, the following xamed officers will be elected : Salary. Bond. Harbor Master $1,200 00 $2,000 00. Usaltfe Officer-. $000 00. 91.000 00. Applicants must state in their applications, the r —of their seeUrittia, (two required to each hood) and hud in their applications to me, on or before 10 o’clock. A. M., on that day. __ AT1(iw JAMES STEWART, decn-td 1 derh of Council. +i. >i$^^-VagaiBat 139,*203 to samo date of last tir year. two of the packing house con- • tinned to l v ^. out and the number of hogH jl Ti At (mcinneti, the 25th, prices had de- Kdi were quoted at 9 talUgnm, and it 11 to **:■■■ , k This Ausesti Pnocuiut Ington correspondent of tho Price ouly Five Dollars. rnBE GREATEST WONDER of the Aire. Ere X Ihmiijr can nve ita price fa a few wuliiogr, 1 the dm ot cue. With good uug.wili laata lifetiD Come and aea t< in oj oration at 351 , JOHN A. D0UGI.AE3* Uooae Fumialiin, Store;. WANTED. V. S. MARSHAL’S SAIL. TTNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF (J Fieri Facias, issued out of tbeJTqanraDK the New York, 53 Cedar Street, November 26, 1867. Udolpro Wolfe, Esq., Present: Dkas 8a: I have submitted to chemical analysis two bottles of "Schiedam Schnapps," which I took from a fr«wh package in your bonded warehouse, and *-'* " — ■** :3 **he spirituous liquor is free from or falsification; that tt hae the and not recently prepared by -The Wash- bore QaieUe The Amrenty Proclamation continue to be jtnA subject of discussion in political circlgg. taa wide difference of opimon in relation to w U ‘* K 4 "®*' 8 - A number o! that en looteyening GOODS 30' Sate? GCNTS ’ SDPEBIOli SOCKS, at injurious] CoalTCoai: japi-rw! m aimS ' v . friOri ■ dearSir: Thu want of pure Wines and Liqnora rinroo*-. hsabecA lornr felt br the Dm i J)»Wtrx* MQEQA FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. Packed in Barrels of sbont 250 .Lik IhL Price per Ton, ( Ml) §80. ' Hd him consoquently ccrtiflc»<»» of election to only two Democratic Coogre«sm^>. f whereeu foOT were elected by tho people.' Good Nxm.—1Siei.bile Reglsltrnj* th»t ^ witlria tbe last thirty daya cotton plantation ncreo haierieen three hundred per cent in I Thine, The present crop will pay the plen- tins ell ont of dsb^ andlee ftthem such ca^h t surpluses a» the/ .never rejoiplsd in in th]' old “ - \ Ms. Davis* Core.—A WsshingtonNhspetch Irejs. it Id unofficially but decidedly hnmmnced that th. cADeof Mr. JprsDeow Davis wS^uot -hehdvhnced upon the calendar of the preme Court, since the hsnaeaty proclamation’ El is construed to make it but a quesUomtne legis, so that it can wait its tom. ■ii Xon PardosS.—It is believed in Washing- ' ton that the President will ehortly—ut le£t twfcrathaopiiatipa of histevm of oflloe— ’iK^gESgaS;,.*; House Fnrnkhiug Hard' DAVID R. DILLON. BANKER, 4 Whitaker Street, one door fro corner of Bajr Street. NOTES DISCOUNTED. GOLD, ' SILVER, I “ BANK BILLS, « 1 AND STOCKS, PURCHASED IN ANT QUANTITY. la Oysfceri wwi sixir barrels, I JUST RECEIVED ASD FOB SALE ' - J. : [. GOULD, t GROUND PEAS. gQQ BUSHELS OEOUND PEA* ueut, end tor sale by • i'p> ' 'pcraeleby IBe proialetdc eleo offers facade llottled Wines and 1 PURE J 2UUVIAJV UtUAN T lHfiM'l JR 90HOOSEB EJTHA, end 10,000 SHOW.BILLB7 MM «{»o '•»uau4, • If •“ ’ !; :-- 7 •*! Jaf. ■