Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, January 02, 1869, Image 1

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tanil Poniey’i Brother. in TFT KG&A1PI ‘‘sfleld (Mom.) Republican.] > be to a pretty Koeaa when aff Mi Robert J Walker £ upon Mr. Jo Jib W. Forney . Um»ushu«1 *\)Uftrvi as a token - >od fooling, while* that pat* itifcH and all t'-u properties ob 'with hi i hands (un- r bin Imck),"gently, but finu- ,'littering gold [ Alaska was n "ami declined to subject his to rttispioion for any amount What ft pity there could not imianion by ticket to this little cannot Nast, in the absence of ©thing to reproduce this scene, ortd would not willingly let die ? iring Mr. Forney s virtue, hower- .d all expression, we canuo: fully , 4’iixewith the reason wkiqhhe »Tefor rm*U. He could not do It because he ' • ‘ tetary of the Senate, n body, not a 1 • : v in***. ^ 'V«i make more money in **ir w:on*tba»i they erer mu**. where i TiiSe would seem tin unnecessary sen- ivunsu iodeed. lint that it would have mi a <iin^i Ace to journalism, and a shame u**cll in his high - office us editor of » tvfpuwer twc. in fact, both daily,) to have l'* ah* 'stlnmn- to the 1 lobby,i and allowed r pr*jM» tv i c »sed to deceive readers, ♦i^pivM ii. .die opinion or rob the Trean- *». *t^« r • to hare occur!ed at the «cut of uis prob -si'-ii not 40 gallons common wMskey, 40 gallons water- ' “ I , • 3 gallons tis>Guinea pepper, i, gallons strvug tea. the mann&etnnr, not content with making ^n imitation of tha gennlno iiqnor frompnre ^ajinte, inrat netais Tfdneethe nleohol so much by the addition ot water, that it bo- addition of Guinea pepper, pellitory, or grains of paradise. Ifti* rwthoa of adulteration } f:E MOU.V!iTfw UMTS,. »euHi<ive p rtiy, who ionial,” for».i>otb, be- crvWry of the Unit.-d States iV»!cF.rc« v S !•: W St. i’-iftry l. ; :>wturbv! Malaga, whe«e ban •* hIj «rcta by a poH. ■ iliionler is iiko’ to MW *W vd^ wav- f,n oi th* he easily ation contii. Na- Tlic I • The Cor-forenr* . •••*» baa l»««n postponed obnblo. that the Emperor N':i resting the foreign ainbftHMi- .’niir’s day, \fili compliment • rtions mode by the great the Eastern question aa a peaceful policy which Eu- t destined to go to Tike General Uut- •ber, who. in i>oint >-' f Happy in the • o' r nuc, nc- was doubly hap- n venicncc of hia family relations. id inked, hi.- * Li this brother still lives, and will long •*V pick tip tbo bags of silver and the Ifr raiment which tne proud spirit of the iruey refuses to accept What would v^Hoiy of the Senate do without a bro ths t the Conference, if I td. Mrkish ultimatum. 4 qsys gOU» to t:> rigo to disband i that Island. t January 1 —The Turkish be departure of the Greek . oo»l feei ng towards the that city The 7bryuies t i i rte 1ms not accepted ’t.ntappore the proposi- t nfercnce. .iiiary 1. H.i ,/ou.W, -.iitorially cxpies***. the 11 viil wi tilth t .*• his i m- U-bre the Con', renc us- ' 1:^-A dispatch IroiM \ - •liin Bates, a Justice •eiary was shot dead by i nrretits have \>een made. be saw. if he had'nt al brotliproverbially [ we cuii:' get for oiiiselres,) he I - «i-.other-^law. Npw..a law is eo:jibing any man can have, audit is hu own «. v if Lo dMes hot get one. A bxo- ther-in-law \*es iust as welh sometimes bet ter, because does not go under the same amne. Gened ButW had a brother-in-law who was a comfe-rt to l^lin; . c. t- Mr. Forney*brother’s name sro do not jr& ■collect. To pr.’c.nt confusion let us 11 him Mr. Gs'Sxi Fomcy, then, was lor- tu a har.J \o- solve the difficolty mid • fric®/It 'ontending parties from ^ boron Uoecid and Mr. \u.i„ a not livcx i u ptkee nnlesB they ie»t me mou' s in the Cu^mki, office, and Mr. Forney won d the in before he would receive k. At this junctuN appears Mr. G. Forney. IVe would take the tuon^y. Oh, * vinoy. no »uui(i wue tub uonuy. Oh, yes, he would. He wasn’t Secretary tvf the Sen ate. Oh, no, h i wasn’t. He wa* only con nected with a newspaper; and deUcacv was out of the queU.ou. Besides, there was u young man or two, sour of anfe-t lnvery pro phetn, staying at his house (nan e of Forney) and for their sake he wmild tal a ta ^ntof silver and ft couple of o.Imogen i r.i : nent Sj the great matter was ^ttl-. .'lr b 0 ie- tory Forney retain* <1 his jLn(„ e* :u.a Mr. Forney retained «•„, • robably worth a gre^t deal» kiow umpoiu 4BKIjUVniPiCTDBED IS JKIV TURK. The New York Korid, in the coarse of its expooares of ' the swindling short-weights, adulteration, 4c., by the dealers of that city, girea tha following methiKla by which various kiuda of liqnora are manufactured. The wri ter aays: the We present a few aaaple receipts for tl manufacture of liquors, vhioh are believed be perfettlynliahle. 1 From them the public can' J m judge of the stuff which is sold over some r the bus of this and other cities: imjwrts a burning taste to the spirits, and by the ignoirant is considered an evidence of strength. By'this means the dealer makes eighty-dye gallons imitation whiskey ont of forty gallon* of eouunm whiskey, by adding so the latter forty gallons of water charged with pepper, etc., and mixing in sufficient beading. Houiuro on*, re proof spirit, •aaence, 25 gallons i 1 gallon ( 1 quart white sugar syrup, c thoroughly snd filter if necessary. Mix BBAHDY. 40 gallons pure spirits, 1 drachm of cognac oil, 1 pint spirits of raisins, 1 pint spirits of prunes, 1 drachm tannin powder, 1 ounce noetic ether, 3 drops oil of n.roli dissolved in 95 per cent alcohol. Color to the desired tint with makes a brandy of which than is not a particle of imported Iiqnor. • *. wan cm, wins. 20 pounds figs, mashed up, 50 pounds raisins, 20 ounces lindeu or tills flowers, with the leaves, . 3 drachma Turkish rhubarb, 10 grains aloes, 3 gallena anger syrup. Infuse Ate above ingredients for ten days in thirty gallons of spirit then reduce it to the propel strength by adding ninety gallons of water, tnd filter. SSEBBT WINX. 70 gallons Sherry wine, 100 poifids sugar, 40 gallons spirits, 200 gallons water. Agitate )r stir up the above compound for several da|a.' SANTS CBUX BUM. 45 gallop New England rum, 5 gallop Santa Cruz nun, s Vanilla essence. 1 JAMAICA BUM. CO gallons pure proof spirit, 1 pound rum essence. Colot with burnt sngnr. IDE PEOPLE GHEIflli EXCip! ; »luwanuoiiigr I COSTAE” IN THE LADIES!! LookO uilAabo Look Ontr ®?R?c<is5i*0 anything over known in thi* line. __ wild with delight ‘One lady lays,«I know it's rifht ntedto » skin u frech, soft snd delicate u s Another lady esid, US « cost $10.00 a bottle. and Orange Blossoms. It gives Besnty to the Complsikm. a Rosy glow to the. Cheeks, s Ruby tinge to the bps. sad Bspplness com- All Druggists la SAVANNAH sell it fhiA Imtjle #t fin> thvou Imflla. fid n ‘COSTAR’S’STAHL AfiD PREPARATIOHS “CJostar’s” Rat. Boacli, Ac., Exterminators. “ Coutar’a” Bed Bog Extcrminatorfl. ‘•CowtarV’ (only pore) Insect Powders. "All Druggists in SAVANNAH sell them." Address HENRY It. COSTAB, 10 Crosby at, N. Y., or John F. Henry, successor to Derosa Barnes k Co.. 21 Psrk Row, N. Y* Sold by B. H. TATEM, T. M. TURNER, Savannah. ' 'ded-ly PROFESSOR SEMON’S FASmOBABLE DAICQ6 ACADEMY. 115 Broughton St., In Mr. George W. Wylly'B Building, up stairs. of Joining. Hoarding Schools snd Seminaries taught on reason* able terms. .. , u „.. Days of tuition for Ladles’ Class. Monday snd Wed-, netidsy afternoons: class for vonag Misses and Mas ters. Tuesday. Thursday snd Sstun sy sflernoous; Geutlomcu's Class, Tuesday, Thursdr j snd Saturday evenings. Exclusive private lessons every day from nine to two o’clock. Friday afternoon, Ladies’ Matinee. For particulars or circulars, apply or '^^KETCHUM. KETCHOM & If ankers and Com’tn Mercbants Nobthxast Boom Exchanoc Bumnmo, Domestic and For6||n Exchange, OOUh ©eLvek. ■ ' r UNe^BRpITT MCg^Y.’’ interest per an- c^^uTaIIp*rt^al town. r*MW kOn. PmnUMoir Mwclmite. No. 1» TJ-* XL btoddsrd’s Upper Rsugo. , liberal advances HOYT & GARDNEIi, Bankers and Brokers S NEW ST..14EW YORK BUY AND SELL ON COMMISSION fjOLD, OOTERNME.fT AND STATE SECTJMT Storks, Bauds snd Sterling Exchange. TMFORTEBS FURNISHED WITH COIN FORC \ ± TOMS DUTI -- J ’ ®* Storage and Oeberni Com • mission Merchants. Cotton taken on Staouce in: HstSsrsby’s First Class Fart culnr attention given to W ILKINSON k WILSON, Cotton Factors and Gen eral Commission Merchants, No. 90 Bay street; Savannah, Georgia. Liberal Advanced made on cou- *-*-» W oursslvaa or our friends in New York to*! snd LivecpooL W% D ; R. MILLAR 157 Bay street, Commission Merchants, Dealers In Railroad Supplies, Agents tor Ingeraoil’s Cotton Press, snd manufsc- tursr of Axle Grease, Ac. Jy 23 Stocks, Bonds and Gold purchased snd csrriel. sold short on deposit of margins. Interest allow; Interest allowed on d< WHOLESALE GROCERS. a margins. ieck at slghi i deposits, subjec novl8-Sttw,tlsw2m» I ROW’D d. doit. w. a. mckenzie BOIT St McKENZIE, GEHERAL COMUSSIOH HEBCEAHTS, Bay Street, Savannah. ■Wf IL DATmaOX. WbobmlaDMlerln Greovrie^ II WiM*. IAuuora, Tm* ud Cieam, 150 B», .treci, 8avahha]i. Sole Agent In the State of r for Money, Bomtou k Co.'. Philadelphia Ale. WATCHES AID JEWELRY, 1^ GB06 CLAUDE, Dealer In Wal^ee, Jewaliw J? . and Silverware. Ball Mreet, opposite Maeonf Hall, Savannah, Gs. Watches and Jewelry careful! RdosbL. Gumumn. Edward L. Holcomrr. PAINTING AHP OLAZIWG. UBFHY k CLARK, Bryan Street, opposite the Bank State of Georgia, House, Sign, Ship snd GVERABD & HOLCOMBE, Cotton Factors Steamboat Painters. Gilding. Graining, Marbling and Glaxtng. Signs of every description. jy23 THOSE EETDENIHGTO THE CITY KOB- , A IO V F I Vl’KESS CftS. , CanKt fanu irv I. —Morton and fix, ss robbers, wore liauded i»! I’n i' t Stalks authontiiis this *. k.*:*,. UKWri. .fnnuijr 1.—Mayor Fox was iuy he weather i« alakty r 1. -The jnryin thi* btW iflcilrs. tile avjfd 7Vi. IbUSTWM nil .i.'C! tlrligrc ’-iu, im viHinsd the H iTdso called in v * received here, .1 l-AMENT sv VinofMA - A Wfth- 51 liAlumore Qcarite taysj m po’. Unt Teconiftracrion mas- .»• • j her-s ah going on in Virgiiia. ' J *» skilled thing that Om- ■ : « bly i,dve .mivenal tufThge > tuple, the TTbite populat<»c •Lu concluei’im (that the lest •? * iK t^ eoa.’ede nniveihAl 'if- hock, pToviied the came j ' «4 to tiw white race, thus | -m vu, tin ie suffrage, on the * a. t hors fore proposed tlutt . Jftte Kxo-'utjve CommiUwo , ».. " lemenffopu uaob con^res ,n»i- • in itichtnoml ahoui »*"i , •*• to U-uie a new eoni I^st I'ortt of all its p •Jriidying universal But' i'l blacks—la «>Acn.w ►•••ago end unborn • ‘injK..uLi .mutilation .ui*. no coitent of Congrats, a 3,14 nc t v>eapre«iAcy cog ■»< »- •pie. ac'.:he one adopted 1 J.e ■ Conwkutlott of Vttgii' l. , H hc.<1rihia new movt t, j'erM x»«t tout m%qjr other t d- ni h^herto opp* *>d to univeisr -.h- r w?ll now .-operate wit' ;*>. ^ : the movemoa. wbjeb will j v u M ‘‘•eiiHiul >n a pop’**- vota.” ‘ SUrtrk '4iVS this is qg troo M to iX. ' r.ift it themutA«|,t. Ms i- mot M " «.< ..1 Srfentllic Wonder* of Mo«ln <t Su The following is a brief summ i. <»i tide in a late Atlantic J/exiA'y on tbe 1 *eiil discoveries and improvements in surgery By the local application of a sutliciaol gree of cold, insenaibility can be product** n any desired part, so that a man witii a me i exquisitely painful wound 011 the arm, or felo im the linger, can now look down iu his per feet senses, upon the knife hh it (inters nih own body and performs the moht tlitBcuH operation without gtoBg him the- least ; lin A French surgeon has invented an if tru- ment he calls the “ecrassur,” or crimbur, to perform operations dangerous in surgery, ij account of the loss of blood fiv in the small*"* vessels if performed with a knife. It is form.' * of a fine chain, gathered into a loop, whid incloses the part to be removed, ami Vv t ai u- iug a screw ths chain is tighten* ’ till tn- ports are separated. The blunt 1.0:: »o turns up and twists the ends of the f l^nl * os- gels that hemorrhage is prevented. The eye is now examined by an instrument called the opthalmoscope, by w Uich the depth** of the glol e of the eye cun be readily and ‘ fully explored, and through its aid k.ffrsS.*- | deal of w hat has Iieen written jUM^conjectur I A about diseases of the has been found 1 10 ' ^ %rr>l,t 5- -IlicV.aiK’ate''passages of the J car, tli* nose, the whole of the windpipe,ftnd pnbsagi:* of the lungs are now carefully ex plored. Ferl aj>s one of the best results of modern science has been through what is cal led pon- | sti vative’ surgery, the rule of which i-* U) ! save all that pc.ssiblv can be sav* - i irom the ' amputation knife. ’ Many ui oar brave sold- iurv compkiued of the reckless hast*3 with ; wh; Ii .14 f he late war some surgeons should ■d arms and legs on account of trifling won ads. The complaint is often just. But one of the most distinguished surgeons in world has lately written: "At King’s Col lege it is rare to see an amputation; in nine cases out ol ten excisions («r the cutting off of the diseased portion of, Che limb) should be performed in its stead.” A boy at the West was caught under a fall- irg log, and hit leg broken and twisted upon itself at right angles with his thigh, the bones prOtrndHng the flesh, and no doctor near. He uved, and after weeks of suffering j-wa* taken a hospital. Modem conservative surgery, instead of amputating the limb as the old- Y‘.Ironed surgery would have done, sawed off the protruding bones, turned the leg bock tl g*in to its place, and put on an instrument h keep it of equal length' with the other, arid r -w the boy stands, runs, and jumps with I wo sound legs. TtirLateif ParU Faiblon*. The Paris: correspondent of the New York A fev details of the court v>ili&patvre at Copoign - will give your gay readers a better idea of.t ie fotlics wherewith fashion indulges uer illin itab.e love of caprice, than even a peep iu*.o the workshops of milliners and maul us .tinkers. For the last few years, the tirst : in during this century, hair powder li*8 Wen struggling into favor, but the ri valry of ifolien and red dyes was ho forxni.l able that tn j victory •*; paired to bedoubtiui. . This autuxim hu* tl .jestv’s guests here ’ diapjw i.4 for full drem, with their heads 1 fixcihrially whitfmed, and the hair dragged . > by tl-vi roots, as worn by their ancestresses h the tiiae of Henry Hi. (of the high aud ; Di'daty dimes of the present regime can ' urn an> ^‘stresses who date as far bad; -is 1 t; 1 ValaisV’apes.) so now it will l>e tbs mode | i *he corE ug Parisian campaign at the lmtlx I I ot -iperas. \The semi-wigs, styled c* wn*. by» augixK ,:ed in volu«rt, and ai * » piuKi high t - Upon the head;if the} cnuunue to ii irca#*e they will eoon reach the propor- the enormous pyramids of hair ( which adorned the head* of the women be- I fore the revolution of "93. We may ever* so** I again “ poufs a serUhnent ” whic^ were • • :** I iu the last century—tfie hair br ; ” -p like a tower, filled ont iu thr cenU« with wool or tow, so as to give dity to the mass, and the ntnh.-H HTiJ crevasses of pufib and bows -4 statuettes and miniatures of ad- uurera and friends, for there does not appear to be any absurdity in the modes of the past of which the present generation do not seem capable. The caraargoe and paniers, with costumes all dnqped and 1 loaded with trimmings of pessemetteries aud fringes, velvet, and satin bows, flatter and flourish ai Copeigne for day toilet; in the evening, fuli dress is of necessi ty. Fluids of hll descriptions are worn as trimmings, and ‘ there ara also plaid satin costumes. Plaid satin oamargos, or draped upper skirt, is worn over a black velvet petti coat, the satin being decorated with deep fiinge. For walking toilet the Empress adopts a black velvet mantle, called rote, over a long satin skirt, the tunic looped up at the sides, and completed by a square or round pelerine; with a wide sash to match, and adorned all round with fringe. The tiSBuee in favor for this winter are satin (every article of dress being, decorated with satin) faille; plain, striped or,plaid velvets; plush, reps, pojpiikr-plain or shotthe woolen tarian, and WISHING TO REPLENISH COMMISSION MERCHANTS NO. 5, STODDARD’S LOWER RANGE, Bay Street, Savannah, Go* Liberal Advances mxdo on Conxlgnmenta CLASON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS SAVANNAH, 6A. pool, ana to their friends on Um Continent. PHILIP DZIALYNSKI, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ISO Bay Street, Jones* Upper Block. Commencing Housekeeping, CAN BUY. TO THE BEST ADVANTAGE, ALL KINDS OF HOUSE-FlIUMSUUiti GOODS, CHINA, GLASSWARE, Toilet Sets, Fancy Articles, &c. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Branch Offices at Quitman, Georgia, snd at Madison, Florid*. wovU-ti J.W.STAKSBURY&CO, 109 BBO UGHTON STREET, AT THR OLD STAND OF E. D. SMYTHB Sc CO. Notice# ft CO. AY! debtM dm- the Ute firm sre directed to be f March lsst. • W only, c WP28-1 hiaovi„» kb I ijud pap , Motii l, uJ. h nt ???""' Mft'RvafiM. 1 l.ers A A . of Liverf. ^7 About l', Texas. ,L foi l'l soonr tmi ' R " " ,’T Hid .tcuverL spite * tlol ,Vr•» “ - fprusmUaloAs of tha ' 'jrl" u J-nwi, ox v '" tf, n ! t * u *8'auts from *■ St***°'t.e South " , m . 'ZT*/ «ertSi tt. ful ortd, fluds that if servanU of the Govern- tssm meut, fai&f'd servants, were much of -the war that is now would have never been begun, j finds it |o he* i elfish intcrei dawjhtrrs ahi her ums to li’ mony with the negroes ai make .no objection, iasti to them, dis- in the bo- if her in her tr«Uu*y. to send to those poor un- t • 1— a# —— an d not lh< urns . ,~~3hM the i ^whose arri <al out . r -' 1 had ijord •> thavlSAi. *. wno , se «nw! out Al»,dou oUieerihg ' ’ " >d. without ^ sn.erfp Ituided i*. that hr« i Li , tiwro ‘Ih-ae'ii brcaaa»if 1- , | |*\ !)r * rfl i«not ononf «nUTr'a 91 . T «■> fi.ttiar.Jar ; . thr, Umilirw, rrc—.uxj* —- — p — ' r—™ tntorod NLVilgfifi .mh-firloa 0. p»oc« of war. Ah, no. That wouhl h« di fixiai her coffer* without «u oxjM* Juracx- Nkw rtn;_I»‘«»s ua A.,,., i tit NEOXo.^Aiter all New F.ogLnds humanity, and which *h» imffil herself daily, she nndr - never a thought for the poor Indian. Uei voice of condolence f»4r all her treachery to him in her other side ol civilization—Extermination! Nothing wh’ be douH with them. Ww viaui then* lands: We must have them! We will expend.-»o treasure on them to bring them into the fold j of religion and civilization. She can make I -/ of them. Yet, De Smit, the dis- m — ..... &cd >«n|H mlreioqw.who haadevot- riole^anj ( ^gbogwetwon. fc,».»<■ .. , * i i -I-te.. I—•*' with flotinccsand looped up skirt, as is the cortugfi and three large pelerines of which the mantle is fanned, arc all made df the same woolen Of doth material. When in fine black, or dark bice, or green light doth, Uns oostum* terms * rerjr suitable and remme U/oat drees for the street wear. The Scotch woolen plaids sre more generally worn than cloth; those who lore showy colony choosing bright red and black piaida. but 6on ton prefers dark bluet or green, or colored velret not being admiadonable with woolen tissue. HW/ntogton, Journal Wouhx tjan Gxs. Mxadx'r Swxat Bol^» A noted Chieoee bandit and blsck-msuer, LineiAu-imn, luui been captured in fflaoghai. He will be punished by being MtlmbSSb®* of each shape that be »n neither he down, siL nor stand; his head snd ban da wul pro- trade. end ko wijl ho lsft ew wind, i ud rein until he dies of exhsuAtiou of fitamuon i !l '' Iryad'liqjv Jfo. st*«>•. ...a, , T vti,,,.that •urn pgWjo ''0*'X-i r • x-nt. Ttc Li. lien aw '-’Jhioj Omocrut m m* Dnrtue ofanl ie. propgaad for (hie Wxl locxstis omdtdste fiv flSaemor, Qenr [From the LouliTill. CflWflerJoui An Iwetdnt st the MsarsI ol press Robber,. Miss tsats Hone, the sister of tho victim* of tile Hww Albany oasassluation, who was in the city yefiterdav, is described by those well acquainted citii her an a young lady of great beauty and accomplishments. It is nlso mid t hat she possesses a largo part of tlio brains of the family, which added to' an in Hexible will and an intense detire for rewfijjj will sooner or later bring ruin or death some of th« murderers of hor brqtb- - « I heir fnAeral at Seymour, a few d-p* HWtJ* itten'Unee was v ery largo, anil, -luomi °H»f persons. » tetideut of 8eym^ He had scsroely mads hi* Miss lleue rose teem h ‘ weross the vooui, flerteJ no place ter LwjgjJ—j. R^itumed.ii SfgftKfiKEB »***p!>od e„r frightened J" J , , ■ -- ..... great mietslte ha* “ ;,sdv tn the estiHtiupn of Laura Rojjos (.j, .. X Aton Oonuty Eegolspna id Let 11 'sth ot ceyesge she is skid tothve tsktre i t the dead body Wholesale and Retail! EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, 151 Congress Street. OFFER THEIR LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS At the Lowest Prices t flVHE UNDERSIGNED would renpecUbllr invito the I sttontlou or the Ladies, tho Clllire. of fisvaa- nah, snd VUitom from tbs coUrtry, to Ida Urge, aaw •elected stock of Fine Candies snd French Confec tionery, from the celebrated bouses of H. MsllUrd snd others. Fancy Candy Boxes, Sugar Tern, Orna ment* for Cakes, Fine CbocoUdes and Fruits. The largest varieties of Toys and Fancy; Goods, imported ana domestic, direct from the manufacturers, com prising s superb collection of Merhin'iosl and other Toys, lin Toys, China. Wax sad Rubber Dons, and Doll Heads snd Bodies. Hi and out door Games, Mu sical Instruments, such s* Acootdootui end; others. Chins Vsses snd Ornaments, Pocket Books, Satchel*. of Doll Carriiees sndPsrmmbnlstcn, Rocklsg Hocssa Propellers, Fire Works, and other articles too numer ous to mention, but usually kept 1* such establish- merits. Please call and inspect gy Low prices, tc suit the times. Respectfully. JOHN IlABIG, Oor. Biosfhton and Whttskvr at Tp BAZAR. French Dress and Cloak JTafc i . v ADAME L. LOUIS WOULD 8. PAGE ED VIANDS. JOHN H. GARDNER. EDMANDS, GARDNER & CO., (IKN’KUYL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Sdrannah, Go. L iberal advances made on consignments to our friends in New York, Boston and Liverpool. <!!«» Dabney, Morgan*#^*).. New York; Jarvis 81ade, Xsq., New York; Hon. J. Wiley Frimsnds. Boe- tem; Savannah National Bank, Merchants’ National Lathrop ft Spivey, Bankers, 8a. sep28—if E. W. DRUMMOND, O. C. DBUlttOXD, Of tbs late firm of L. J. Gnilmartln ft Co. E. W. DRUMMOND St BRO., OKNERAL SHIPPING Commission Merchants, U54 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Dr. Edwin W. L’Engle, DENTIST, (llasonio Hall,) cor. Broughton end Bull Sts., ii • .a i UP * r * T V. (ENTRANCE ON BROUGHTON ST.) - *• 1 Savannah, Georgia. jsn-ly JOHN OLIVER, / • tf.. iHuucn w Saslies, PLASTERERS Q,RH)Y ft_TPLLY, Plain and Onuanmttal Plut>T- , Lime, PUtit»*r, Hair, Cement and Building Material, Bryan street, between Drayton and Abercocn streets. aagi-tf BOORS aid newspapers. \ET M. ESTILL, Bull street, next to ths Post Offioe, TV Dealer in Newspapers,Magazines, Books and Stationery. The latest New Yark and other Daily and Weekly Ne UNDERTAKERS. T71URUUSON ft DIXON, Undertakers, 120 Brough- Jj ton street, Dealers in Fisk’s Psient Metalic, Ma hogany, Walnut and Grained Coffi is. Ice Boxes for Preserving Bodies. Funerals furnished at the short- est notice. Country orders promptly attended to. Jyfi7. CIGAR MANUFACTURER. above the Pulaski House. her and Bull streets, Lhree doors MILLER, ._ DEALER IN — MAHOGANY,’WALNUT nnd PINE FURNITURE, |S -* J - 3 a ijss «3 ^ IS s| C < q £ ® * .. j i 155 and. 157 Broughton St., (NEXT TO WEEDS ftC°HNWELL.) SAVANNAH. GA GrU^JSTO! BHtENIX Gt/ANO, From McKean’s (eland, SOUTH PACIFIC OCP.AN PER TON 2.000 POUNDS, CASH: Pries st Savannah $30 OO At Augusta 33 00 WILCOX, GIBBS It CO’S MANIPULATED GUANO! ▲ mixture of PHfENIX and No. 1 PERUVIAN 8gMagM5^^^!3aU: Leave Bali.bridge at,...... -tv.... v.i " .•00 P. M. Arrive at havsnnxh (Monday* excepA-d) at. •<#• A. M. DAXmxZK. . TKX) A. M. Leave Savumah (SouJnysexceptedjat.... ' Arrive at Bair.bridge at. i 10:20 P. M. ArriveaiTAvaOak at..... V. Leave Liv Oak at. 7:20 A.M. Arrivsff 1 tvannal. iSundgya creep-'**!)at.. <:0aF. II. Ptsseugajs tor arsttons wset of Lawton taka Day Train YToioSavaanah. ' . Pnrasngprv ftxsn Bata bridge connect at Lawton with Express Train tor Savannah at 2:00A.M. ^Passenger* from TV Hubs sere connect at Li.o Oak :40P.I' —k Expose Train tor Bsvannsb, as li :4t O- SLEEPING CARS ON EXPRESS TRAIN. NO CHANGE BBTWEltN JACKSON YULE AND SAVANNAH ON EXPREHL* TRAIN. Htssasers leave St Marks for Nsw Orleans, Apalachl- ria aed Paeaeoolt every Friday. Leave 8L Marks fix Havana, Key West, Cedar Keys and Tampa every Wednesday. 8tearners leave JwJisnavilir for Pmlatki. Enterprise, _nd all points on Uit. Ht. Johns river, every Sunday and Wednesday, at 9*0 a. W. H. 8r HAINES. Genera, ft i ipe r; ate n den t. Change ofSchedvie. HO CHANGE OF CARS BKTWFk VAVNA11, AUGUSTA. AND SION, - OOMKRY. ALA. 8.00 A. AI. C:40 P hi. I* N. 8.B8 P U. 11:00 p V. Connecting with treiun tost leave Augusta. .8A >L DOWN DAY TRACI. Augusta.. Miiledg -' ilk Savannah. 5:30 P ii. *SW P M. Oonnectu. : wUhtrainthst/otivesAiu^isTA. .8 45 A M, UP NIGHT TRAIN Augusta.. . C:55 \ M 3:1:1 A. M Connecting with train thst leaves Augusta.. 2:3!t P M. DOWN NIGHT TRAIN Macon... .... i’.-2S P. M. lS.'gmU Estni.ton mail t. from > Wte.t. ; .Master oi |fiifimaucf. THE tjliEEN FIRE H8URANCE CO.. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON Cash Capital <£2,000,000 Ster. mHE gUEEN FIRE INSURANCE » «■ INSURES X sgainst Loss or Damage by I ire. in Buildings. Merchandise, Household Furniture, Kents, &c., at the uenalra^s .4<ljastpfl und Promptly PrI^ Wnnoi T REFERENCE TO LNGL^KSt). For Inaurj i' . apply to R. H. FOOTMAN & Oh, Agentw, Office in twhango Buildiog, d*^.6-Tm Savannah. GUANO, and Which has PBOYED TO BE rriE MO&T SUCCESSFUL MANURE in use. PER TON 3,000 POUNDS, CASH: Price at Savannah...... *45 a . PUBE No. 11’KULVIAN GUANO, Now landing, direct from the leruviaa .Agent, » • LOWEST MARKET PRICE. Also, and Blinds Doors, Pi^NTS, oils, glass, Painter’s and Glazier’s Tools, Mixed Paints OP ALL'COLORS AND SHADES. HOUSE AND SION PAINTING, GLAZ- •:m . .JNG, Ac., la-amitalirlk, Corner of Bay Las . : v: BEST LAND PLASTER AT MARKET PUIOK. A . MoN'ULTY, /JiSNEBAI, AWCE AGJENT. , OFFICE: 8© .'Jay Street. t teouitf rr jt m mV 6r:srsxfia penur and .1 ilUiMi.Sar I mb now pr.pued to EF- ATX GLASSES OF BISKS FC*» SALE BY WILCOX, GIPW & CO., IMPORTERS AND DE*’*KH8 IN GUANO, 001CVn8STt:^ MERCHANTS; ALSO, AGENTS TIIE WILLUOX ft G1 itirmsAhr r«£OT iMsmi/ a. t » ai coMtv U*. wmffWij LIFE, >1RB, KA?UHE, ! fvljit Wd ACCIDENT. Insurtr -e « a i •' rstea as any other ftrstelase Agem u * * FIRE INSURANCE. SEWING kafulm; ud No. 211 I street, Angofiti s»- Gar Agents will teU at same price*, necesnarr -S’— jyy_ ly <T ^ansss added. caaxA wuxi-ht. Murphy & House, Sign, SWr^ Steam boat p-mlers. Gilding, Onte^l' Marbling, Olnali U call tho attention of Laflie* to h^ R1UB FACILITIES for lUSt-claM in all departments. Having jnlj tp jXri gnms nttli i s in each branch of the busme^Jf* 1 ***? i^flcaE»5fyaMi l .5C lug their rich sndr^2»«jn«JU lUAidit r a:.d sJ' She utt'.r.daitft tv^L^^Sothersar^eppIctfuj^tavite^^ir? aniUttkistton. MORNING, WEDDING,I TILl&UXQ sod other transient work deoe promptly style of EMBROIDERY y id BB AIDING PAT- Styles cut and , • LstoRl style ot 1 TRRSS jufttrofsited. FLUTING, to order. Call at , No. 133 HIK" up riairs, between Barnard ac l CoUinsft Co. BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES, SUSSES AND SHOES, OP >?»* DEsoBBgig^ A» ;«r , - ji ; R. A. WALLACE, The public are Invited !o «!? ewmSjetmrstoflt; ‘ EINSTEIN, ECKMAN & C0„ oelS—If 103 COKSBESS STREET. Frank «. ; nlv ■ ’YtfffTT- r, r, i - j, j . ^ . ^ l n»l w«rt, oronyolhar Lincoln Yrer general i ^eno, wrf no enjpif tbmt, to be forgotten rn xmld ran quite na well Up thia wry witivL in , n ) „ur. lint a uromie. of terrible mean- (1, . i prefix. JnKt etenae n» from auv jgg. a K i iereU’’ . tot a Mcnufacturfag Cominnr. and *' ages sre guaranteed. Add: B • Hoi-41SM 'apcrallsiigings. ’ARED TO SdfiLg AT WHOLE. Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, and . _ Inta, Bruaht s of every descrip. htnery find Harness Oil, Axle Grease, etc. ^ S*F*W St., between Ball and Drayton, mbit—ly SAYAMIAH. GX C. V. HUTCHKSa, eranuL coUbhoi hi wiolisale DEALER .Ilf MAX, GRAIN, Ac. ciS' sa ? r.»L“s st. . F, WV POUNWEIX, HARDWARE,. DUTLEBX, AGEICCLTU- BAD mPT.iKMF.NT8, AXEu. sa Ac. HAILS, TRACES, Ac. Afro. Agent fbr lfo&RTHDR'S OOTTOH nra^ Ko. m Broughton nraet. 8»ramul, Qv E. G-. RJJWE, Liquor Dealer, 1 Agent far Bininger, wSm MiRrirr square. General Commission nwriinut, . unnibanre -1 PAJ*Ea, DIPHR STOCK. 3UC1RSERY WASTE, JIOSS, Ate. PACIFIC GUANO CO.’S SOXdTJIBLE PACIFIC GUANO! CAPXT.U, $1,000,000. ■■■■ D. st. Jallre Barenel, of Soutb UAeDIrectecot lb. Oo^prey. .hichSrt. .jSS ■aanatea MMttaeaMtaMAaaSBc. or the Oauo. KONE OESDEfE OTLESS branded wttti the nun. of Tokn Gu-no Co. Md ». A. HARDEE’S “ W. II. WOODS, EEESE A Ca, JOHH & 1 Porr/Md. ' Weses’ CORK IRISH WHISKEY, THE REAL ARTICLE, DIRECTLY IMPORTED, V POB.SAlj^ WHOJJ^A^iXD apTAEti. In quantities to suit purchaser*.' 1 ‘ *.* ;T. NKJUEjr^.,,^ deel-tf BTXLL STOCK! rAapAM»o-iiis»cs % SHARKS A. A O. B. B- STOCK. Fotratebj daaH-fi BELL A HULL. PIUENIX ASSUR ANCE CO, of Juendon. ATLANTIC EIRE INS. CO., of . Brooklyn. LENOX INS. CO., of New York. Tto ondteOgtiK 1 Bxia Pohcica in ahovu Firs ROB. HABERSHAM A <V»„ OF LOSDOX ASS SOUBCRSH. ESTABLISHED IN 1809. CATITAIi AND ASSETS (IN 00LD): I.baertted Capital $10,000,000 Cull AaaMfi si3,no3,«03.S3 llteill I.fonr M3,a«0,n30 SUBSCRIBER. HAVUtO BEEN /pPOIKTBD Tor the above Company, is prepared to ON BUILDINGS, COTTON, and MEB- 3ENERALLY, ai current rates. Policies -- of applicant. „ ,, . —-rr-T .^JlOHiM, Agent, Jjtt-«ra liaBurterart. UNITED STATES LLOYD’S MARINE INSURANCE. for ths above named IS take Risks on ship. „ PhssHlixe. oo fhTorabls ten*. Aniqsssgpesmptly^Uratrd and paid , , ON FOREIGN SHIPMENTS IK I ON DON. end coaatwisei, riritor in U«w York or Savaxmah, at the * ( vUk3m. J DISSOLUTION’. mat iEiai :40k.