Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, January 06, 1873, Image 4

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framing 21 cits. MONDAY. JANUARY «. 1873. Xhe Morning; Bieiis lim the ^urgMl city ttini until circula- tiou of any paper published in Kavannah. COMMERCIAL. SAVANNAH MARKET. DAILT BKPOBT. OFFIOE OF THE .•TURNTNG. NEWS.) .Savannah. January 4. C P. M. ( Cotton.—Market again *are of good grades and full prices paid, so that quotations have to te ad vanced. Sa es 3.000 bales. We quote: Middling 19)4(9 Low middling 19>*@— Good ordinary iti j»(9— Ordlnaiy ITXfe'— SAVANNAH DAILT COTTON STATEatKNT. Sea Is’d. Upland, htoci on hand Sept. 1st, 1872. .36 612 Received to-day Received previous!?... .Exported to-day Exported previously _ 3.943 394,974 4.567 399,429 . 12 . 3.11U 8.42J 313.531 Total 3.122 321,951 Stock on hand and cu shipboard this evening _ 1,445 77,478 Financial.—Gold at 1*1; selling at 113^113)4; New York sight exchange buying at X, per cent, discount se ling s>t par -.)* per oent. discount; sterling exchange, 120)4. Bacon.—Clear rib sides, 9)4@10 cts; shoulders. C>*4#7 ota; dry salted shoulders, 5)4; dry salted aides aud bellies 8.*(£9 cents, hams, sugar cared, in canvas, 17c. Goain.—Oom—Market quiet We quote Mary land white, 88@90c; mixed do, 85 j.»0c. Bice.—There is a good demand, with a light offering stcck of clean. *e quoi j common to fair. 6N@7c; good. 7>4@7)ic; common prime, 7X cents. J: heights.—Cotton to Liverpool direct d; by sail )£d; via New York by d am J%d on uplands; to Havre lc gold; to Bren.»n >,@17-321 oh up lands; to New York %c ou n- lands, number to Rl»er Piatte {24 and 6 per oent. COItREtxLD BY GOODMAN aV MYERS, COMMISSION MEBCHANTS AND WHOLESALE DEALEBS IN TOBACCO, 8KGABS, HIDES, Ac , 8a VANS AH Hides— Dry flint ^ ft 19 Dry salted ft 17 Butcner salted 1? ft 13 Skins— Deer *! f) ft 35 Goat apiece lu Sheep apitce 25 Otter apiece 1 59 Mink apiece 1 U0 Fox ‘...apiece 15 Baocoou apiece 10 Beoawax ^ lb 30 Tallow lb 8 Wool t* ft 40 Wool,burry & ft 2u @ © * © @ (91 2? @3 50 (91 50 <& 25 15 <s so Financial., London. January 4, >oca.— Console 91J4 United state* bond*—fives 90. Paris, January 4, No in.—Rentes 63f 55c Pabis, January 4 Evening.—Rentes, closed at 63 f 66c. Nsw Yons, J uinary 4, >> --\ic--Stocfca dull Gold dull U 111*;. Money firm a 7 per cent, gold to 1-32 per cent, an 1 interest per day. Sterl ing exchange—long at . i9 * , short ut 110%. Gov ernments dull and steady. Stats bonds dull but steady. Ntw York. January 4, Evening.—Money easier, cloaiog at 4 per ceut. Sterling exchange cloeed quiet at 109 *4. Gold steady at lll%. Government bonds closed dull but steady : i83i’s 117?i; 1862’a 112)4; 112)4; 1865's, 112)4; new. 115*4- State bonds steady out uomiual—Tennessee 6’s. 79: new. 79: Virginias, sixes, 45; new, 60; consoli dated, 56)4; deterred, 50; Louisianao’s, 60; new, 60; lave-j sixes, 6o; eights, 70; Alabama bights, 30; fives. 55; Georgia sixe-e, 70, sevens, 8S; North Carolina* 33; new. 21; special tax. 12; South Carolina* 50; new, 23; Apn and October, 25. The Bank statement of to day reports that leans have increased $3,125,000; specie has in creased $2,250,000; legal tenters increased a trifle; deposits increaaei $5,2 0,000; reserves have gained nearly $l,000,vUU. Cotton. Liverpool, January 4, Noon—Cotton market opened firm; uplands 10), d; Orleans 10 \d. Shipped irom Sauannah or .'harlestJU, Noveai- ber and December, at 10>4d. Later—Cotton closed firm; upland 10)4d; Orleans 10)4d, 6aies 14,000 bales, ot which 2,0U0 wore taken lor specu lation and /xport, including 5,003 American. New York. January 4. Noon—cotton market quiet; sales 831 bales; uplands 2i!)£c; Orleans 21)40. new York, January 4, Averring. — Gotten market quiet; reties 831 bales: middling upUndi 20)4o; Orleans 21)4c; net receipts 317 Dales; grot* 2,335. New Yore, January 4. Evening.—The sa'e- oi cotton to-day lor 1’aturo delivery were 7,800 bales at the following prices: January, 19 13 16 @l9)4c; February, 20 l-16c; March. 20 5-loGi 20 7 16c; April, 2034@*0 13-I6c; May, 21 >*<0-1*0, June, 21 >4c; July, 2i 13-loc. liAaTuaoRE. January i —Cotton market dud; middling 20)4c; net receipts 330 Dries; gross3fcl; exports coaaiwisj 150; 225; stocs on haud 10.359 bales. Boston, January 4.—Cotton market closed firm; middling 21c; net receipts 84 bales; gro*s receipts 85; sales 600; stock on naud 6,000. Norfolk, Jauuary 4—Uottou market doted quiet and firm; low middling 18)£c- not receipt* 2,140 bales; gross 2,140; xports coastwise 2,877 bales; stock on hand 11,481 bales. Philadelphia. January 4.—Cotton market firm; middling 20)4c. New iimv'N'-, January 4.—Cotton market stiff; goed ordinary 18>* cents; io* middling 19)4 cents; middling 2J cants; net receipt** 5,633 bales; gross receipts b,079 »ales; exports to Great Britain 5.653 bales; coastwist* 2.933; saios to-day 1,200 bales; last evening 5,8oC bales; stock a haud 165,303 bales. Charleston, January 4. — Cotton market quiet; middling 19)4c; low middling 19)4c; good Ordinary 18%@19c; net receipts 2,7.4 uales; gross 2,714 bales; sales GOO bales; stock ou hann 48,007 bales. vVilminuton. January 4 —Cotton market firm; middling 19>4c; net receipts 113 bai6s; sales iG bales; stock on hand3,206 oaies. Mobile, January 4—Cotton market e.sier, good ordinary 18 .c; low middling 19J*c; mid dling 20c; net receipts 2,o58 bales; exports coaet- wise 1,105 bales; &J0 oalcs; shock on nanci 41,953 bales. Adodsta, January 4 —Cotton market firm; middling lSc; net receipts 945 ba es sales 1,194 bales. Correction.—The stock of cotton in Augusta on the 3d instant should have been 13,500 bale.-, hot 1,350 bales. Memphis, January 4 —Cotton in fair demand; ordinary 16>.@17;; good ordinary 17*4@18c; low middling 18)4® 19c; niuiiiing 20c; ne; receipt*. 1,630 bales; shipments 2,299 bales; stock ou banc 29,231 bales. _ Galveston, January 1 —Cotton market strong; good ordinary 17,S(«$17XC; net receipts es.i- mated at 2,000 ba;es; stock on hand, 63,8j8 oaics. Groceries. Provision#, etc. XiiVKRPOOL, January 4, Noon.—Breadstuff, firm. Lard 87s. Liverpool, January 4, Evening.—Bacon -short middies 36s 9d. Common rosm 9s@9s lOd. Nrw York, January 4, Noon.—Flour opened strong. Whoat opened quiet bat Rt?ady. Corn opened quiet but firm; old western mixed 66)4c. Pork opened -toady at $13 50 lor mess Lard opened steady: steam at 7*@7tfc. Naval stores— sulrlte opened quiet but firm ut 6if>» 61c; rosin opened dall *t $3 65 for trained Freights quiet. * New York, January 4, Evening.—Fiotir ac tive* common to fair extra $6 15^7 85; good to choice $8 J6®12 16. Whisky closed at 74 cts. Wheat spring held at l©2c higher. Corn closed firm. Bice dosed firm at 8.4-8)40. s Pork closed firmer at $13 60 for m«s. Lard quiet but steady at 7>4<3l8)4c. Naval stores—turpentine quiet but steady; rosin quiet but steady. Freights lower Baltimore. January 4—Flour closed firm and unchanged. Wheat quiet but ana; choice white at S2 15(92 25. Dorn nominally unchanged, white 63c; yellow 63®64c. Oats dull; Southern at 5 62o. Bye firm at 90c®S! 01. Frovlaious firm. Mess pork at $13 0j<£14 09. D*con—shouldarr 6 *4c. Lard 7%c. Wnlsky at 96c. Cincinnati, January 4—Flour dosed firm and In fair demand; $7 70<£8 05. Corn Mrm and un- changed«u41 ^Ic. Por, held firmly at;i2 00. Lard in fair demand and advanced. kettle ren- dared at 9«c; steim at 7@8(g>3 13-16c. tacon steady; shoulders 4*4&3c; citar nb 7 dear sides 7)4d8c. Whisky at 88c. Louisvillf., January 4 —lobacco very firm .or all tirades. Flour nrm and in good demand at unchanged prices; extra family at $6 79; No * fancy $7 75. Corn firm. Provisions etruog. JU«h pork at $12. Bac -m shoulders 6c; clear rib 7,*c; clear sides 8c for packed; hams 13c. Lara - choice leaf in tierces 7&c; kegs 8Xc. Whisky Wilmington, January 4.—Spirits; firm at 55c; roffln duil at $3 10 for sirabiod. crude turpentine steady at $4 00 ^ or l ^ rd ; $1 br) for yellow dip and virgin*, tor quiet at $2 5->. Circulates ft'ow .S9.000. Wants 100,000 Before Jannary, 1873. .1. Pictorial Paper Three hi KE-i ' order to circuhte the !?e the pt>W‘-"“” * re B ' ndla “ the , BECOBI d a Splen J IS* *■ tu/n nolC^ei raiu e-;, - -- -• os iU d Will seBd the paper ScToK* 1 ,^ to JASnAKV lbW. (3 ■BEE tdvl wo0 Bubscribe lor 1873 be- tmas. S^/or jt now and save money iinmoth RSPOoflOBY ol Lna: Science, Literature, Travels, aonsetold. , with its fine ii!us- ,q worth more v n the subscription d the premiam w °“- A cost much more, aeyb raising ab> showing dp m,a ^ 8 LJ 3 h Undid Prises the attention o€ai*>^choice Perfumer.' ■all^.to can be bad at hi: to 250 r «*•» *t er«ry hon.e. mu MmJ. -ee AddrM tlw ...uuMmly lU.P»- SHIFPiNG INTELLIGENCE Minasmrt Almaiioe-Thii Day. **r .* I. fUM. . . C: .hi. - • • • • ® ^ *un S«ts J.-.*.8 1* High Water at Fact Pulaski.. 110 am, 1 36 p nu Mondat, jAnnary 0,1873. Arrived Yesterday. Steamer Lizxle Baker, LaRoae.Jacksonville, Ac. Jcnn F Robertson. , . ... . Steamer City Point, Fitzgerald, Jackaonvilis, ko —W Cuuimiag A Co. . ^ ,, Bark Arbitrator, Irwin, Glaesendoch, ballast— Brigham, Holst & Co. . Departed Yesterday, steamer City Point, Fitzgerald, Charleston,Ac— W Camming a Co. Arrived Saturday. Steamship Virgo, Bulkley, New York—Hunter a GammelL , x _ Steamer Dicutor, Coxetter. Charleston—w Gumming k Co. Bark Kathleen, Creamer, Limtrick—Maater. B.igJoveu Mario, Chiques, Cienfuegos—chas Groen, Son k Co. . __ . echr Olmi. G Load . Now York—H«w_ Sc hr Kate Thomas, Barlow, Ogeechee—R Ha bersham's Son a Co. Cleared Saturday. Ship Abble Byerson. Dunkerton. Liverpool—E A Souilard. _ . T _ Brig M^rency, Gorham, Rio de Janerio—J H errai bill A Co. Bark Dona Flora de Pombo, Gorordo, Malaga and a market—C Green, Son k Co. Sailed Saturday. Steamship Montgomery, Faircloth,Ne w York— a Cohen k Co. _ ^ Steamship San Jacinto, Hazard, New York— W. Camming k Co. Ship Douglas Castle, Lindergreen, Livarpool— Wilder A Fullarton. Bark Maria, (Span), Torres, San Sebastian, Spain—C Green, hqn k Oo. Bark Oswiugo, Boberu, Liverpool—Hopkins k Wood. Ada Richards, Reed, Barbadoes, W I—J A Roberts >s Oo. senr Armida Hal!, Hall, Darien-Jos A Roberts k Co. bchr J T Alberger, Carson, Brunswick—J A Ro- oerta k Co. Schr Mail, Fitzgerald, Oconee—Master, achr L and A Babcock, Smith, Brunswick— ilastrr. Departed Saturday. Steamer Pilot Boy, McNelty, Charleston, ko— J e ‘Robertson. steamer Dictator,Ocxetter, Jacksonville, &o— W Gumming AOo. Below. A bark, name unknown. Receipts. Per steamer City Point, from Charleston, Ac— 83 bales s?a island couon 1 lot uides, 3 packages fish. 23 packages fruit. 5 bbls syrup. * Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Jacksonville,Ac 10 bales sea island cotton, 6 baskets fish. 1 box hsa, 6 bols fish. 6 wenches, l box marbls. 21 cow aides, 29 bbia oranges. Per Central Railroad, January 4, 1873—2,881 bales cottou, and mil•«- . _ . Per A'lauiic a Gulf Railroad, January 4, 1873— l.oea bales cotton, 43 cars lumbar, 720 bbls rosin, and mdse. Exports. Per steamship Montgomery, for New York— 1.438 ba'es upland cotton, 12 bales sea isiand cot ton, 205 hides, and mdse. Per steamship San Jacinto, for New York- - 1,739 baies upland cotton, 36 packages mdse, 2)4 obis oranges, 8 bales yarn, 4 packages cotton sam ples. 2 boxes orange*, 3)4 bbls ale. Per brig Moreucy, lor Bio de Janerio—160,266 ieet lumber, valued at $3,178 17. Per Br ship Abble Kyersoa. lor Liverpool—3,673 bales upiand cotton, weiglung 1,653,641 pounds, and valued at $349,626. Per Npan bark Dona Flora de Pombo, lor Ma laga— 1,670 bates upland cotton, weighing 744,808 pounds, and valned at $139, 396 76. Me morn net*. Steamship Leo, Dearborn, hence, at New York Jan 4th. I By Telegraph.] New Yore, January 4—Arrived. South Carolina, City of Brooklyn, Denmark, Moro Castle. Leo. lioriTON, Janaary 4—Arrived, steamship Malta. Murine Disasters. Halifax, January 4—The brig Napier has been abandoned at aea; bark A Hauler Is ashore; brig Amelia Ann is sunk. London. January 4—The ship Isabella Hartley, irom Nbw York for Antwerp, cotton laden, was abandoned at eea. Most of the crew saved. Boston, January 4—The steamship Texas, from Liverpool, arrived, below this port Friday, la a dense fog, and while coming up the harbor went atkore and remaiuod this forenoon, her bows resting on shore hard and fast, while under her stern there were twenty feet of water. It is ex pected, after discharging a portion of the cargo, sue will coma off without material damage. The British steamer air Francis, also from Liv erpool,went ashore yesterday afternoon ou Hamp ton Beach during a thick fog. Passengers and crew sa;e. Fortress Monroe, January 4—Arrival, brig Caroline Gray, from Turks island for orders. Lefrechr Jennie Murphy in port. Dec 21st, iat 28, ion 73 30, passed an American bark, bound south, snowing a private signal of blue, with white diagonal centre in 86-30. North of 71 west passed a white mast with b ack lower yard and biock attached, apparently but a short time in the water. Passenger*. Per steamship Virgo, from New York—M C Rodriguez, wife and 6 children, J Chariotts and wile, A nobbins, J Murphy. W C Baanon, J Harp, L T Davis. G E Hasketi, A L Richardson, Mrs J Ross, J H Wentworth, S £ Coyle, G T Lowry and wife, Miss K Davis, Miss C Davis, S M Downs, aud 3 steerage. Per steamship San Jacinto, for New York—M Apple, Miss McCann, J Good, E 0 Bulkley, W H Bennett, JR Huntley, D McGee and wile. O N Oyerholm, and 1 steerage. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Jacksonvllle^tc —A M Gomez, L Robion, Mrs J Brown, Miss J Ilaziard, R Willie, wife and daughter. Miss N Hazzard, * Law, Miss M Chrisnolds, R Tomp- b.ns, J M Leonard, J Edwards, H A Gould, Mrs Campbell and daughter, E M Lake, I Epstein, J D Reynolds, and 6J deck. Per steamer City Point, from Jacksonville, Ac —Mr Joses, Mr Brown aad wife, and 5 deck. Per steamer Dictator, from Charleston, Ac— d Roberts, wile and oaiia, R R Rutledgs, and 5 deck. « Consignee*. Per steamship Virgo, from New York—0 B Asa. Alexander & R, Bernhard.* K, Blun A 8, A Bennett, LfcJJranch. Branch kC.ffM ** m b Fco J v x»*o»»u, L-.aghorn A O, J M Cood*»* °°* tirawford A L, Cot H W Gloss m, C <c r. J Cohen, J A Douglass, A Doyle, M J Doyle, W Dixon, F J I, Einstein, E A Co.I Epstein A Bro A Freideuberg A Go, Frank A E, J Q Fell e, I L Fait A co, M i£erst A Go. C L Gilbert A Co, F D Grosclaude, Gomm A L, L J Gazan, W W Gordon Gray, O’B A Oo, Goodman * M, Holcombe, H A Co, G Hopkins. D Hogan, H Haiilgan. G M Heidt, Mrs M L Harrison, A M Hat poldt, T Henderson, N B Knapp, J Lyons, Lovell A L, Lathrop A Co, M Levin, Lawton. H A Co, R Molina, Melnhard Bros « Co, J McLaughlin A Bon. D McConnell, G 8 Nichols Savannah News, P P O'Connell, Put- ssi A con, Pulaski House. Palmer A D. D J Ryan, Rosenheim s Oo. Rogers, D A Co, Solomon Bros, J Sullivan, 0 titrauss, W H Stark A Go. Tlson A G, Tries; A H, W A Thomas, D R Tomlinson. F Tn- berdy, Tnompson A W, W J Walsh, John Wilson. G G W. Weeds A C, A M A 0 W West. Per stesmer City Point, from Jacksonville, Ac W Gumming A Co, J L Villslonga, Tlson A G, H B Good all, J w Anderson’s Sons. Sorrel Broe, Gol ding A T, M Y Heudoreoa, M Ferst A Oo, Agent Philadelphia --steamer, G B Lamar, Jr. Goodman A M, J FiUegan A Co, Weeds 4 0, WH Wcods A Co, Davant, W a Oo, L J Gullmartin A Co, Gen R R AgL Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Jacksonville.Ac —Tlson 4 0,0 Michaud, D J Ryan.BiDger Manu- ficturing Co, J Cunningham. O McAllister, Pal mer A D, UDarisley. J A Phillips A Co. P Con ners, Miss L Rice, B Mung^n, Smith 4 1, W in a diamond. M Y Henderson, Solomon A Bro, C F gatiia, 0 White, J W Lathrop A Co, Wm Hone, J D Reynolds, Davant, W A Co, H Stone. Per steamer Dictator, from Charleston, Ao— W M Bird A Co, R R Agent, E Battle, Stewards A Smith. Per Central Railroad, January 4, 1873—H M Comer, Alexander A R, J Lyons. S Geckenbeimer G S Herbert. Austin A E. Goodman A M.T J Dun bar k 0o, a&unders, GAM, 51 Fers: A Co. JAW Rutnerford, CAS Lediie, Fist A G M. Cen R R Agt, A « G B R Agt, 8 A C R R. Bates A C, Dun can A J. Colquitt A 3, Clayton A L, Bolt A McK, W H Woods A Co, H M Cowan, J Immane A Oe, neon A G, N A Hardee's Sons A Co, Flanagan, A a Co, J W Lathrop A Co. Solomon, Groover, 8 a Co, BAB. farley. P A Co, Colding A T, Austin A E. Wakefield A W, W B Adams. U Green, Bon A Go. Walker A A, H Myer A Oo, Knoop, H A Co, J P Wellington, Branch A 8on, Reed A B, L J Guil- martin A Co. W B Woodbrldge, W W Carter A Sen A S Hartriage. J L Martin, W H Stars A Co. O C Hardwick, F W sims A Co. Hopkins A W, Rich ardson * 3. Ketohum A B, Davant. W A Co, G*G Wilson, Lawton, H A Co, P H Behn A Co, W Ia- nier, Jr, R Mclntire A Co. Per Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. January4.— W W C.rter A Son Ford'g Agt, Warfield A W, A S Hartrldge, N a Hardee’s Sons A Co, Groover, S A Co, A M Sioan A Oo, A N Wilson, J W Lathrop A Co, L J Guilmartiu A Co, Ciarry, H DuBignou, Austiu A E, W H Woods A Co, Ti<»ou A G.Duncan A J. Hopkins A W, G B Lamar, Jr, J it nheldon, Kirksey AS, J W Anderson’s Sons. Inman, S A co, Order. H Myer A Co, Wesiow, W A Oo, Chas Meitzler, G G Gemenden, J H Estill. M Y Hender son. O E Yanworl, W U. Goodman A M, W M Da vidson A Go, Chisholm A D. Can R B Agt, WAR Hclntiro, Alexanuor A B. O aghoru A G, J Kelly, Holcombe. H A Co, W H Parker, T J McIntosh, Branch A Son, M J Solomon*. Weslor. W A Go, E D Howard, J E Way, Gomm A L, Herbert A W, G W Watts. H. F. W1LLINK, Jr., Shipright, Caulker, and Sparmaker, Has facilities for doing work with dispatch. Spruce Spars and Live Oak Timbei FOB SALE. Also, Agent for the Southern Wrecking Oom pan*. is prepared to ooctract for reiking and puns *—ontveaeeis of any kize. Has on hand fo Steam Pumps, large Lifting Lighters, D1 ADPvatn*. Hydraulic Jacks, Ac. Pin* hire ving lUg * — v \ED—EasTKUB End op tub om. H. F. WILLINK. J» tr HAYDEN’S REVOLVING CARTRIDGE BELT, FOR BREF.CH LOADER*. -j-HE most COMPLETE ARRANGEMENT ’ io tlie market. Every cartridge brought to front Send for clronlar. citvuwi. HAYDEN BELT WORK) RKg. Columbus, Ohio. registry list. CITY OF SAVANNAH. ) Office cuebx or Ocnmcu,. > Deoember 2d. 1872 ) T HE CITIZEN • OF SAVANNAH ARE DULY notified that the Registry List for the year 1872 was opened at this office on SEPTEMBER 2d, W72, and that the following named ptreous he* e Aeon registered pursuant to the laws of the SUte of Georgia nowofforee. JAMES STEWART, Clerk of Council Agnew.'J L Anderson, Frederick Abrams, Alex Arden, Danl D Anderson, Isaac S Anderson, Robert H Anderson. Wm Arden, Thomas Anderson, John W Addison, Arthur M Arnold, B D Aylesworth, A J Addison, Thomas Anderson, E M Adams, Brad dock D Anderaor, E C, Jr Abrams, J J Armstrong, B B Anderson, Middleton Ambrose, Andrew Armstrong, A Apple, Morris Askew, Thomas A Anderson, C W Anglin, Thomas Anglin, John Asn, John Blois, A J J Barron, Jaa A Butler, Gilbert Basler, Vtleritlne Byck, Simon E Blois JFH Berry. John Bennett, AlexF Brown, Isaao Box. Philip M Bryan, Michael Bennett. Wm H Branch, S W Rryan, George Broughton, Paul Brown, Albert Bryan, John Bulloch, W H Brown, John Brown, F 0 Butler, Tutche Basler, A Bradley. A A Black-hear, J E Bee bee, Jerry Baire, James Bnrke, Chas Edwd Brown, C L Baxter. J P Beasley. Abram Burnham, M W "Burke, Robt Bacon, Tom Brown, Peter Burke, Ja« Baker, Joe H Baker, Dick » Burns, P Bank man. Geo Baker, W E Q Burnell, W H Byck. Levy E Bethune, John IRRloch, T J Byck, Conrad E Bn tier, John S Burroughs, J W Buckley, James Bevi.l, Gran rill Bradv, Jeremiah Beckett, Htnry Bailer. Osceola Benet, Wm F Biitcb, John G Bogardus, Henry Bordley, W H Bacon, Henry Barbee, Sam Bulloch, Wm E C Bntler, Samuel Blun, Henry Brown, John W Bryant, Henry G Biehop, Joseph S Bailey", David Bennett, Joseph Biance, Edward W Bonaud, A, jr Brown, Harry Butler, W C Bresnan, John Bird, JF Butler, H W Beale, William 0 Butler, E L Boldrick, George Barton, John B Buitimer, Patrick Bower, H 0 Burch, J R Ballantyne, Thomas Bell, William Bostock, Samuel Brown, Henry R BrowD, Jackson Beat, James Bennett, Lewis Bender, John Bliss, J S Beekf, Walter C Byers, James Basinger, W S BehD, P H Blschoff, J M branch, H M Barber, Joseph Bandholtz, Peter G Bostock, Thomas Bentley, William F Bogar. W S Bogart, R D Bertody, T D Bond, T P Brown, George Bass, J J Barns, James Barrett, Edmund Bates, Thadens C Brown, Fortune Bennett, Henry Barrelt, Michael Burke, Thomas Bnlloch, Augustus Barnwell, 0 Bennett, J B Brnyn, DeWitt Bradley, W H Baker, Tim Bryant, J E Borns, Patrick Boyle, George Barie, Augustus Bacsemer, O F Bell, Samuel P Bulger, Paul J Brunner, Charles W Barthelmess, R B Chip, Isaiah Cooper, Joan Cabanias. E G Cooper, Jas C Cope, Jxb E CoDurn, Wm H Coburn, M UMC),0 O Chase, Lawson Collins, Wade Connery, C P Conners, Edward Clark, Wm G Clements, Wm J Cooper, Wm Clay, Thcs C Cnrice, D C Cornwell, Geo Corner, H M Cash. M Cox, James Cooper, Wm G Coleman, Peter Cannes, Theodore Champion, Aaron Carroll, Charles Clark, Richard Cox, George Collins. Charles Cleary, Dennta Cohen, Octavua Connor, M T Cornell, L M Cohen, Solomon Carruthere, Joseph S Cesvar, John H Chaplin, W F, Jr Chisholm, W S Carley, Alexander Conners, Martin Connors, John T Chisholm, W W Clarke. Thomas Curran, Thomas Cotters, William Clarke, W 8 Campos, Joseph E Cunningham, Preston C lag horn, Jo«eph S Chase, Joseph Cantwell, William Cornell, James G OhampioD, A H Oonnerat, Joseph V Collins, Edward Cohen, W H Cooley, Martin Cook, J B Cummings, J M Carles*, Peter Cunningham, T M Cottm*. Richard Ooanihan, Thomas Capps, John A Cooper, John Cloud, C A Cotter, William Cohen, Elias ohen, Morris Counihan. John Conner, Patrick Clifford, Dennis Christian, John Cahill, Rooert Coyle, Thomas Cook, Frederick Cannon. W H Cullen, Thomas Clancey, James Crane, H A Cunningham, John Oartts. Hugh.. Cherry, John Connelly. John Ooaen, Isaac S Cahill, John Carson, Lake Courtney, W B • Coffee, John Canty, Thomas Cbartes, Peter C Cameron, John W Chariton, Thomas J Cohen, D L Cannon, E W Glanoey, Daniel Clark, F Y Clabby, John Cairns, T A Carolan, Michael Oonrtnay, R J DeLamotts, Chas L Deveaux, John H Davis, Henry L Dillon, Thomas Demsre, Raymond Dixon, Wm Day, Alonzo M • Delannoy, John D Dasher, Israel Daniels, W T Davies, Henry Demere, B M Dillon, John B JRemoval, AlV TT1 Q VTWi 4 NDiwra A office Rut an HAS BEHOVED HIS tne corner of D*he Custom House Building to boathern Bank «»n and Bryan streets, over the eady to attend Ml «e State of Georgia, and is o bis oare. ‘egal business entrusted deoK-lm Dailey, P E Dickson, B D Davis, BE Davant, B J Duncan, Smart Donovan, B D’Antlgnac A Doyle, M J Denmark. B A Drayton, O A Deiter, George Dana, Joe Axaon, Baadolph Apple, Geo Allen, J J Aahtou, Oscar Alexander, Jaa B Allen, J is Ash. G H Alien, G W Accosts. Jr, E J Alden, A 8 Adams, Amos Ash, C B Anderson, E C Allen, George, Jr Anderson, Alexander Austin. C B Apple, Mark* Adams, B W Austin, Tony Allen, J G Abel, Nicholas Andrus, H A’Hearn, Patrick Axon, F S K Allen, Oliver Ashby, Aaron P Anderson, George W B Barthelmess, Geo S Black, V M Baaler, Joseph Burton, rill man Brnyn, J C Bftche, Wm A Bensen, E P Brunner, Isaac Briuckerhoff, Jr, I W Brinokerboff. Sr, I W Berg an, Thos Burton, Dennis Boyd, Wm B Baker, B F Brown, M Bell, Wm Bandy, J W Barrows, E J Buckner. M J Backley. J J Bunce. L * Burroughs, Jr, Wm H Bergest, P August • Burroughs, br, Wm H Benedict, baml Bnckman, F Beseeilien, T E Bender, Henry Better. Bobert Boben. Richard Braswell, Stephen Bustard, H Beiterson, W T Bethnne.O M Bryan, Allred Byck, Lehman E Blair, Francis Barnwell, M B iiruen, C W W Biown, Wm P Box, Thomas N Bryan. John Bryan, H«nry Bradley, Richard Bradley. John H Bosch. Theodore Brooks, J F Bruton, G A Butler, F H Bilbo, John Back, William B*l), Thomas harbour, Robert Beasley, James Benner, Henry Boggine, John Bonnett, Aaron Bliss, Lew.s Brown, P C Bennett, Henry F Brown, Alex Bntler, Robert M Biance, James C Brown, W Stiles Brady, Thomas Berlin Ralph Baker, W H Bulloch, William G Bowles, J L Bolton, Qnash Brantley, J H Burn am. M W Bnlloch, George J Beytagh, Gerald Binswanger, S Bowen, Sulphur Butler, Taylor Brenckman, Theodore Blonpt, George A Benge, David Bennett, J G Brown, Ned Belsinger, Samuel Backus, H E Bosew, Charles Barthelmess, J B Bennett, Dallas M Barbee, AM # Bennett, Terence Bowen. William Burn, Edward Blair, McKenzie Brownfield. Charles Barrett, Thomas Barnett, Wolf Blats, John Biitcb, W H Brown, James Beasley, James E Bntler, Henry Bryant, John Brigham, Henry Barie, 0 J Baker, S J M Bailor. William Bevans, G E Beytagh, John Burns, James H Brannon, Andrew Burnell, Michael Brown, March Bradley, H C Bennett, Richard Berry, Charles Bnrke, Michael Bailey. Edward Beal, W C Berry. W H Beckett, Isaac Broughton, Julius J Brown, Elias Brown, Aleck Barber, Joseph Butts, F D .Baker, S D Bo la haw, Thomas H C Cash, Owen Cole, A H h _ r oiuuioiibi, j onn b Crotte, George Cosman, Joseph Chaplin. A V • Patrick Cornell, J C Culver. A J Csebits, Jnlins Connell, Philip D Crosby, Simon Clark, Jas • • Creighton, David Crevalier, Cyrus Cohen, Jr, Octavns Connell, Laurence Canaan. Joseph Cavelier, F 9 Capon. Tom Coates, J W Carr, Wm Collins, Jas Cornwell, FW • Colding. s M Charlton, John D Charters, W M Charlton. Walter G Cuaplin, W F Carr, J K P Campbell, Frank Car tie, John Clemence, James Chase, Alphonzo Conroy, William Chisholm, T B Cope, George L Caller, George Cleveland, 8 B Cochran, John Oampagnae, J T Cardell, J F Cardell, W H Cooper, Pulaski Chamberlain, 0 D Cunningham, H 0 Cohen,M A Craig, John H Curry. William Clarke, Orlando A Capps. M Crane, Horace A Clancey, Daniel Cnuneely, Patrick Gallon, John Converse, Cornelius Conroy, William Cunningham, C M Clarke, Robert Connor, E M Condon, Pierce Crawford James Coburn,M Coyne, Edward Clark, James Coc*. Richard W Crowley. John Connell. Robert Cullen. John Cherry, W 8 Cooper, William Cuyler, Chance Connolly, John J Carroll. Thomas Coleman, James Clarke,.Alexander W Collins James Conway, 'Thomas R Clagborn, R 8 Cooper, W H Oastellaw, E A Onmmlngs, W H Chase, J P Clancey, Mathew Conroy, P M Oopp, Claries J Clancey. John Curry. P W Cummings. Mcrrls Carson, C H Colbert. Winter Cohen. J B Cooney. Thomas Corr, Thomas Cnllen, Allen Cleary, John Cull urn, Frank Connor. W L Champion, Tom Chapiin, W F D Delsyen, P J Dublin, Moses Desvergers. M J Downs, L 0 Daley, Joe Daley, Michael Dy«r, W H DeWitt, L Daub or, Charles Deubler. O Deubler, Wm 0 Deas, Stephen Dent, Levi D Deberle, Chas Dunn, Laurence Dillon, Thos Deveaux, John A Derat, John Drayton, Baldwin Daniels, Thomas Doyle, Alexander Donn, Thomas Dopplsb, John H Dowden. Charles Doyle, Thomas Davidson, Wm M Delaney, John Dettivee. Berts n Dtnun. Jamev Dorset?. Charles H Davis, Isaac Dale, J J Davis, Asa A Delaney. Michael Dasher, J H Duncan, William Duggan. William Downing, Thomas D Duffy, Philip Desnoyere, Louis Davidson, 8 S Dubois, John Dnfonr, E A Dntenhoffer, A Dryfus, Emsnnei Dunleavy, Patrick Dasher, James Doonsr, James Derby, J 8 Dixon, John Y Dafliu. P D Doyle, Bobert T Dougherty. Patrick Dillon, Philip Dnignan. Lake Dillon, Thomas W Dommal, William Darrell, N J Dooling, William Dealing. George 0 Dillon, John R Duncan, William Edwards, Joseph B Eden, H H Eberstein. W H Ellison, David Elsinger. 8 Estill, J H Ennis, Thomas Elliott, Samuel Estill, William, jr Elkins, P 0 Eckert, Charles Estes, O L Ellxon, John B Ehrlich, Isaao Elustein, A Evans, John Ensigner, Charles M Enright, Francis Einstein, Rudolph Enright, Thomas Epstein, 8 Epstein, Isaac ‘Elds, Charles Ferris, Miles Ferrill, John O Fenger, John A Fitzgerald, John Ferguson, D Folker, E B Footman, R H Fontan, 8 FCrd, ThosC Fitzgerald, George F owers, John Feely. John Flannery, John Fleming, Wm B Flaherty, Timothy Farley, Sam Frizell, F R Fowler, J W Francis, W B Ford, Martin J Fish, John D Fleetwood, Thomas M Htzgerald, David, jr Ftrrill, BO Ferguson, John D Ferguson William H FrL'key. William H Flaherty. Thomaa Fallon, John Fnrloi'g, Joseph Flowers, Edward Fleck, Jacob Freuaenthal, Louis Farley, F M Fishec, T H Fauhey, Edward Fernandez, Joseph Fernandez. A J Falligant, Bobert Fereufton, Isaac B Fleetwood, James M Fleetwood. William H Fitzgerald, David Fa.hgant, L N Foley, James Fiannagan, James Fleming, Michael Fahey, Michael Ferrill, T P Feely, Thomaa Forehan, Sylvester Flaherty, Edmond Goodman, Richard D Golding Richard Gehe, Geo Gnerard, John M Gray, Geo P Gardner, John H Gilbert, Willis Gandry, V E Greene, Wm Gibbs, John L Grant. Josiah Gmluiartin, L J Graef, John A Goebel, Andrew Green. Washington Graves, Josiah Alex Gallagher, M J Gnanu. Wm W Grant, John Greene. George Gorman, Thomas GasBtuan. Charles Gleason, S W Glaeker, Elbert Gilbert, Bobert Gibbon*. William M Green, William Gnaun, Elbert Godhardt, Jacob Galogley, James Gnerard. Butler Gilgsn, James M Gifford, E W * Gargits, Stephen G&llager, Henry Grady, James E Gordon, Cyras Gordon. Charles Gemenden. George C Gordon, Prince Garrett, Paul Garnett, J G Graham, Edward Garner, George Gannon, Anthony Gay, C 8 Gould, J D Gadaden, Daniel B Gandry, Julias B Gemenden, Anton Green. Edward W Guerard, W E Gnerard, R D Gordon, Patrick Glover, L B Gtffcken. E Grant, James Green," May Geiger, John Godfrey, W O Gallagher, J’L Gilmer, J F Gnerard. A G Grant, MB Hart, Levi S Houlihan, Martin Hunter, Joe Halligan, Anthony Houlihan, Thos Hamilton, M Hamlet, John R Hussey, William Hooker, Jas H Habersham, Edwd Heimkin, Martin Hunter. Joseph Hager, E - Harden. William Harris. Frank Harrlgan, Chas Hoomes, F J Hunt, Wm Hardwick, B 8 Happoldt, A M Haberaetzsr. Martin Haywood, Alfred Habersham, Robt R Harden, Thos H Herndon, B S Holmes, Joseph Howard, J T Hnoter, Edward Heidt, Emanuel Horde*. H O Haas, 0 Hopkins, John D Heidt James H Houston, Ulysses L Hirsch, D\vid Hutton, John Habsrshsm. Monday Healy, W F Hqnter. Bayard M Houlihan, Patrick Harden, .) M Holland, James Hughes, Albert Hussey, Charles Herbert, George S Hearn, William Hardee, B W Horan, Bernard Holmes, Primus Habersham, James R Hart, BA Houston, John Hernandez, JohnE - Henning, Charles Hogan, Mathew Houston, John Hardee, Charles S Holland, William W Henahan, Lawrence Houck, J C Hall, E Hussey, George W Heidt, George M Healy, John Hines, William Herman, Philip Hopkins, C H Hammond, Henry Heidt, J F Huger, T P Herman, Samuel Halligan, Hugh Harvey, H H Hodges, A E Hanley, John Hogan, Michael Henry, Richard J Hayden, Michael Haupt, William L Hennessy, Michael Hanley. Patrick Henderson, Allen Holcombe, E L Herrick, J P H ohenstein, Louis Herms, W B Holland, A E Hubbard, W 6 Humphreys, Joe Heyward, W N Irving. Alsx lusti, JAW Johnson, John B Johnson. George Jefferson, bam Jones, Leonard Johnson, Richard Jordan, Geo P Jordan, Wm Jordan, F D Jones, J R Jones, N J Jib kins. Isaac Jinks, Delanoey Julian, Joseph Joice, Thomas Johnson, J M Johnston, Alexander Jones, Milton 8 Johnston, Henry Jactaon, Albert Jackson, Andrew Jackson. Raymond R Jones. Edward Jones, G F Jones, Thomas DeLorge. Philip J Donovan, Humphrey Dunn, Patrick Dunn, Pstri-k M Dixon, John Duke, M T Drummond, E W Drees*, Henry 8 Doyle, Lawrence Davla, Ebenezer Duggan. James Dixon,W D Delannoy, A 8 Donnelly, Michael Doacy. P H Dooner, W H Dresser, H B Dr*wry. James Doyle, M L Davis, A H Delaney, Daniel Doyle, E J Da varan, William Dnignan, M Donelan, Peter Divine. M J Doyle, Mathew Doyle, Richard Denoney, Peter Davis, Perry Davis, Samuel Duggan, Martin Doyle, Patrick Doty, Wylly W Davis, John Douglass, John A E Ellington, Albert Eden, Thos Ellison, 8r, David Eadurn, H D Ehrlich, Ephraim E ad res, Lewis B Ehlen, Joseph Estill, William, sr Evans, Henry Eiskamp, John Elarbee, E A Eden, Edward W Eady, William Elkins, H A Egan, Nicholas Eckman, B H Ebbs. William Eivin. Benjamin Elliott, George H Englertb. Joseph A Evans, Wesley Enright, J B F Fairchild, L J B Finzer, L Footman, Joseph O Fahmbach, H L Finigan Joseph Freeman, C P Furstenberg, Louis Fernandez, Adolph Fitzgerald, David Fnlton. J E Fairbanks, 0 F Frler.on, N Fripp, M J Fields, Henry Feely, Michael Ford, Ofiarles Fitzpatrick, J J * Foley, John Falk, Z Flatley, Andrew Fretwell, J W Fackler, William F Frain, Jehu Freeman, George C t Fleming, William Ferebee, Adam Francis George W. Ferrill ^^3 Fetxer.^PC Flynn, John Fox. Charles Frank. Ibssc M Fox. John H Falvey. Denis Freidenberg, A Fell, Frederick A Franklin, William Foley, F A Fennell. B Y Fenwick, Neptune Fahy, John Fitzpatrick. Peter Furlong Thomas F re wen, W. ill am Foley. MF • Fahey. John Ferebee, Thomas Fernandez. John B Ferrill, H L Fox, J P Fleming, John Fitzgerald, James E O Green, John Gibbous, Friday Green, Wm Glover, James Gaines, Pleasant Grant, Jr, Hugh Frazer Grim ball, F Gray bill, J H Gailliard, B G Galley, Joseph Gleason, John Goin, John A Gemenden, Henry Graeffe, B Glenn, Thos Green, Ned Goode, Bernard Grant, Benj Gordon. Patrick Gardner, Solomon Greenfield, Edward Gell, N Grant, Israel Gilmore, John Girardeau. Peter Germany, G W Gomm. A Gregory. John Groover, C E Garrett, John GaUager, P Goodwin, L L Gross, Charles Gilioyle, Q*en Gerst, Nathan Gazan. Levi J Ganann, B B Grant, Silas Goette, Joseph Gelston, J W Gammert, A Gordon, W W Guinn, Alex Gammeil, W A Ganann, J D Gackecheimer, Simon Gray, George P Goodwin, Michael Gammeil. John Grasae, Manuel Greenlaw, J J Grayson, E F B Graham, G 8 Gleaaon, Patrick Glatigny, J F Gibbons, M J Garrett, Cuffy Glillck, John Grant, Johnson Goble, St* wart Goldfinch, James Garry. B Gilpin, George H Genereau, Dick H Hall, T H Hicks, Robert Holzenbake. L Hernsby. Ned Harney, 8 M Hopkins, Cormack Halleran, John HamiltOD, 8 P Haines, H 9 Haym. H Houston, London Hazel, W M Handlon, Stephen Healy, Thos Harris, Geo Bunt, Robert Habersham, M J Habersham, B B Habersham, Dr J O Hilliard, James Horan. Thos E Hohenstein, Adsm Hanley, Michael Hodges, baml A Han dr on, John Harney. Moses Hunt, JW Heron, C B Haem merle, F Horton, 8 D Henderson, Thomas Howell, G A Harty. Wm J Harnss, J uriah Hunter. C C Heagney, James Hirschback, Joseph Hardeman. Edward H&nnigan, Thomas Hart, Thomas Holland. William F Habersham, WmNeyle Hooker, W H Henry, Erastus Harris.*, Jjmes Hastedt, Henry C Hunter, Joseph llexter, S Hamilton, Thomas Hagerty, Michael Hunter, William Houstoun, J F 8 Hone, William Hunter. W 1* Hicks, Henry G Harden, William D Hardy, Morris Harris, Isaac Houston, Joseph Hamilton, Henry Harris, William Heller, A Hammond, Joseph U Harrington, John Hamilton, Daniel J Harmon, K F Harris, Charles Hayes, William Hirt, C Herb, John F Uegmann, Adolph Hassett, W B Hang, Albert Ham, Edward Hart, M Habersham, James Hughes, M Holcombe, Thomas Hull, F M Holland, Ross Hackeit, E L Henderson, E F Hartridge, A L Hogg, John B Habersham, -J*8 Harvey, Thomas E Hamilton, Abram Hunter, John W Haze 11, C A Uanff, Lewis X Immen. John Igo, Patrick J Jackson, Jerry Jachsns, Olsns Jenkinson, Jas Johnson, James Joice. J B Jackson, O W Johnston, Joseph E Johnson, John Jansen, G A Johnston, O B H Jones, Henry Jesse, JD Jones, Henry Jackson. Purchase Jones, Edward Joned, Samuel Jones, Allen Jones, J 8 J aud on, W A Judge, M H Johnsen, James M Johnston, James H Jones, Henry Jenoks, Delaney Johnson, Peter Jones, Marcus Jfccksou, Henry B Jones, A E Jackson, D L Jones, Isaac Johns tom Robert ; James, William Kohn. Joseph A ' Koox, Julius ; Knorr Loni* Kaufman. Julius Kohler. A Enapp, A Champion Kicklighter, Wm | Keane, Jeremiah , Kline, 8 F Knox. Darby Kolb, F ! Kiley, John i Kelly, James Kearney. James j Kerr, W R ; Kennedy, Daniel ' Kent, Alfred Kennedy, K C Kelly. Thomas H Killonrhy, J B King. Walter 8 Kehoe. Thomas King. C B Kiley, M Ker, James Kelleher, Ilich9el Kirksey. Junes Ker, William Kiernan, William Kennedy. M J Krenson, A D Kenney, Willis Kehoe, John Kelly, Patrick Kehoe, James .. Keating, Andrjw Kennedy, Daufel R Kempton, E 8 Lyons, Michael Lee, Isom La Roche, A B Lavin, Michael Lincoln, W W Lyons. John Ls-vy. 8 Y Lewis, Tom Lodge, C L Lingg, Henry Lee, 8 C Lamar, Jr, G P Lang, John Law, F P Lyon, Thos H Leary, John J Lafitte, Sam Lovell, J M B Lorch, John Lufburrow, Matthew Lawton, W J Leonard, Jhcob Lester, Rufus E Lathrop, J W, jr Larcombe, It J Logan, Luke Leonard, Jaraa Lawrence, Join A Law, Moses Linder. JosephF LaRoche, J units O Lloyd, Josiah Lauiotte, C O Laird, Thomas II Lippmau, Joseph Leacy, Joseph Leech, Frederick Lane, A H Lee, T B Lynch, John Law, Augustu.* Lapliam, F L LaFar, John F Lovell, Edward F Lewis, John A Lee, W G LangbelL F W Lovell, Nathaniel Loewenthal, H Lathrop, J W Law, William Lyon, W C Lain, D N Lester, D B Lindenstruck, John Latham, JohnT Landers bine, C P Moran, E 'ward Molina, Ramon Morehoad, Eugene Mitchell. Wm Marmelstein, C A Martin, James Munuerlyn. J K Munford, R D McHugh, Robt H Me Faii, W M M. Queen, Jam^s Murdock, Edward Mongin Joe McDowell. D G < Mitcneli, laadure L Murphy, J M Myers, L J May, Hamucl . Maybree, 8tephen • McGuire, Tnomas Millette. Robert Mills. Jr, Thoe R McCrohan, J Millar, C C Murphy, M 0 Moo !**■*«• Aaam McHugh, John Murphy, Thoe McMahon, J J McCarthy, John H Miller, James Mocgln. Prince Moore, Plenty Mossman, W W Metzger, O E Meves, Theodore Middleton, G P Mehrtens, John R Morel, T D Meyer, M H Mclutoflh. Louis G Murphy, Edward McAleer, Francis McDonald. William Mercer, Geo A 3Ialloy, Thomas F Meldrim, P W Morris, William Murkins, George Murphy, Henry Maher, Michael Morel, Peter Mintum, C J McArthur, A G Meginn, Thomas Middleton, CAR Macauly, James Milter, Robert W Mifllr. Joseph McMahon, Patrick McGrath William Maciiu, John L McQnade, Michael Moran, William M Mills, Henry MlEB^2mS. Meaghan, John Mclntire, Robert Mathnse, W U Maher, Michael Meldrim, Raiph McLean, John Maddox, Thomas A Manigault. Scipio Murphy, Patrick Mills, James G Mitchell. Joseph McIntosh, John M McNulty, A Morrison, John McNamara, P Meinhard, 8 Moore, Lcander McCauley, W J McKee, W B McGarity, Peter McAnery, Michael Meginn, Thomas| Maher, Thomas Moehrke, Charles McGrath. James M Makin, Charles G Mills, Charles F Murray, Hugh J«ugstetter, F G Johnson. Anthony Jackson, H C James. Stephen Jackson. John Jackson. Cato Johnston, Joseph M Jackson, John K Kollock, Marion F Bollock, P M Keck, F King, M Killorln, P Kennedy, James Kelly James Koch, F • Kohn, Jacob Kavanangh, Patrick Klllen, A T King, Simon Kelly, John Kennedy. John Kelly, E J Keane, James Kelly, William F Keays, James Kehoe, Patrick Knight, James King, T B King, J C Kelly, William Kennedy, E J Knapp, N B Keating, H C Kennedy, Stephen Kennard, J S Kerley, Nicholas Knapper, Lewis Keller, John Kirwin, Alfred Kressler, Aaron Kennedy, James Kuhlmann, John D Kreuter, D 8 Kelterborn, Christian Lewis, Geo B Lee, Henry H Lambeth, D J Lloyd, Thomas E Lawt-.n, A R Lilienthal, L Lee, Daniel Lyon, Thos Leers, A Leuahau. Thos Lindsay, James • Lenzer, John Lachlison, Jr, R LePage, Robert Lawton, W 8 Lark, Erasmus P Lane, James Lee, Charles * Layne, Joseph Lawrence, George Lewis, John N * Law, Richard Lyon, W H Leonard, Richard Lama, John Luce, A B Law, C F Lane, Benjamin Lightbum, E M Lopez, John II Livingston, Mack Lingg, A Lewis, Robert H Low, Andrew • Leacy, Michael Larke, George Lewis, R J Levy, B H Landcrshine, L W Leahy, Charles Lewis, Adam Lewis, Nathaniel Leacy, Peter Lightloot, J 31 Law, Andrew Levkoy, Julius Lattimer, William Little, Jackson Lathrop, E 8 Logan, J J Lawler, Peter Lafitte, C W Law. Stepney Lewis, William Lafitte, D W Leualian, James Leopold, W T M Murphy, Jas L McRae, F McCarthy, M D Miller, Jacob Morgan, Fred McCall. F J Martin, Philip Maliery, John E Moriirty, Pat Mclntire J E McCabe, Patrick Marshall, T B Marshall, Georpe 8 McGrath, Jame* Mille'te, Jr, T M M*>er, AD Mickler, A J Minor, W P Minor, H T McCabe. Edward Mangrnm, March Mamon, James 3Iouro, Geora* MiueUge, Sandy Mitchell, Dennis McCarthy. John T McClure, John R McCall. Mack Meyers Julian Martin, John B Meyer, John R McDonald, Jam^s Marsh, Isaac M Mc.-winney, M E Michaud, Ones!me w McGuire, Thomas Middleton, Chas E Monahan, James McAlpin. Angus McGill. Peter McGowan, J J Muller, Martin Mouro, Antonio Meitzler, Charles Me Kenny, Owen Minis, Ab’m Mackay, James 3Iaddock, James Montgomery, John McCoy, Joseph J Morris, Michael 3Iurner, Frank 3I*>ore, Peter 3iitchell, James 31ack Charles 3IeMahon, John Mills. Thomas R 31 art in, Alfred . 3IcFarland, J T 31 organ, W J 3Iehrtens, Henry C McKenna, B F Macdonald, D Mendel. E 3lartin, William 31 urner, John 3Iunnerlyn. J K, jr 3Iurtagh, James Murphy, Timothy McDonald, 1* Meyer, Bernard 3Iaione, Patrick 3Iurphy, Christopher 3(etzger, J C 31iller, S 8 31 alloy, Thomas F Manney, Walter 3Iaxstead, William 3fcDermott. John Muller, C H 3IcCullough, John McDowell, Andrew J 3Iurphy, Michael Mclntire, George + Myers. John _ Mel!, E B * Molina. 31 F _ McCarthy, L E 3Iilledge, John 3Ieldrim, Janies E 3Ioffatt, William Meincke, Fritz 3Iurphy, James Murray, nu^u . 3Iiddleton, Thomaa B McEvcy, I atnek 31 organ, Thomas Maner, Henry C 3Iercer, R L Miller, A B Miller, Henry P 3Iathews, Thomas 3IcConnell, Dan McKee, Hockley C 3Ieinhard, Henry McElligott, 31 3Iitchell, John Henry 3Ialone, 3Ietzger, W B MJ1, ~ 1 Mingledorff, V A Mann ion. Joseph Mahoney, James McAlpin, James W McGloin, Roger 3Ic(Hoin, James Mahoney, Daniel 3Iahouey. J Monahan, B Murtagh, John Mordecai. James M 31array, O B McGarity, Patrick 3Iaher. J Mannion, Tim 3IcQuade, P Mitchell, Theodore Murphy, Timothy Malloy, Patrick Miller, F P Makin, E D Miller, William Mell, W B McGloin, Dominick 3IcAllister, Daniel McNish, Thomas W Matthews, Charles YlagilL, C A 31 cLean, 3Ialcolm 31 or row, James Monroe, Murray 3ioses, EJ McLeod, W II 3Iartin, John D 3Iyers, Frederick Murray, William 3iendel, M Slulligun, Edward D Madden, Peter McKoan, Andrew Murtagh, Thomas Mingay, James 3Iiller. Sampson Morgan. J L Miller, Henry 3Iongin, Stephen Paris McF^nand, W 8 Nichols, Geo N Noyes, E P Naylor, T J Nugent, T Noble. George Newton, Jobn J Nunpezer, Daniel E Nicoll, George A Nungezer, James V Neal, James Nolan, John Naughton, Michael Nichols, George 8 Nicoll, L F Newman, J H Norwood, W G Noonan, William Nichols, George T Neely, A Nelson, G P Nally, Thomas Nash, Daniel Osborn, Wm O’Connell, John O’Neil, James Oebler. Charles H O’Brien, James O'Hagan, E O’Connor, Daniel O’Hearn, John O’Connois Michael Owens, George S O’Dwyer, William O’Brien, Michael Overstreet, Stephen O’Byrae, D A O’Connell, John O'Driscoll, F C O’Connor, Michael 3Iyers, McNulty, J C 3Iurphy, Matt 31armeistein, A 3IcLaughlin, A 31ims, R E McCarthy, Patrick 3fcDennott, John 3Iaher. John Mnrphy, Dennis C McHugh, John 3IcMahon, P McDonnell, John 3Ialone, John 3IoGraih, William 31 u Her, Henry 3IcCormick, Andrew 3IcGuire, John 3IcNeill, A J 3Iiddlcton, J 31 McElligott. E Morrissy, James 3Iirault, F A Murphy. Jolm 3IcCarthy, Dennis McBride, B Murphy, John 3Iaurice, John J Mendel, S 3Iorse, William 3(ossman, Alexander 3ictiowan, Patrick 31 ills. Wm 3Iartin Slclntire, John P Murray, William McRae, David Mifflin, Frank 31 cGreel. Michael Moore, Thomas Miller, A Carter N Nicolson, John Norman, Primus Nickerson, Bntler Norton. A R Nash, Jessie Nichols. Deznbo H Neil. John Nesbit, Albert Nevitt, John W Nolan, James NeufviUe, Edward F Nicholas, George Newman, H C Narney, Thomas C Nugent, Edward Niland, Bryan' * Nagle, James North,-Samuel Norris, John Nugent, Robert Nolan, John E Nagle, Michael O O’Meara, Walter O’Keefe, Robt otterman, Wm O’Byrne, Edward O’Byrne, James O’Neil! James Orme, R M Otto, Frederick O’Byrne, John F O’ Hanlon, Charles A O'Connor, Patrick O’Connor, Dennis Ohlman, L O’Donnell, Peter O’Neill, James Oliver, John O’Hara, John O'Neill, Michael O'Keefe, David O’Wahony, John O'Connor, Patrick i O NelU, DennU • j O’Brien, Micbael Patterson, Wm H I Paulsen. K : Powt-U.DH ' Porter, James Prendergsst, J 0 Pollard, Wm Porter, David Pscetty, Andrew 0 Powers, Ed Peck. E B Phillips, Jobn B Pollard, A J Paine. W W Parsons, Elisha Perry, Richard H Pittman, William Proctor, Francis O Payton, Martin Patterson, George R Prudhomme, William Pvudhomme, John Prudhomme, Joseph Pringle, J ames G Phillips, Joseph Powell, H P Pickett, Michael Power, John Preston, Charles Patterson, C B Parry, John Parish, G W Purse. C C Postell, John Poole, John E Papot, S N Pollard, R A Polite, John Qninan, M T Quint. Jacob Quantock, John Quautock, William Ripley, Joseph B Rollandin, O Roussean. Julias D Ryan, Chas K Basse 11, Pnilip M Robinson, Jackson Ryan, Patrick Riley, Hugh Robison, Samuel Russell, John Russell, Levi 8 Ryals, Bam Ram uioDfAlexander Rhodes, Frank Rogers, John 8 Russell/ R Wayne Russell, James Rankin. Jas L Reilly, James Richardson, Jolm A Russell, Waring Remahart, G H Ryan, James Ray, John Reppard, R B Rowland, H H Reynolds, James D Kiley, John Raines, J R Ronan, JohnT Rogers, John H Rook, J W Reilly, James K Reid, William F Rogers, J S Roberts, Samuel C Russell, Isaac Rawes, Edward Reilly, Peter Rogers, C D Reich, Morris Reilly, Patrick Russell, James H Roberts, Benjamin W Russell, Gabriel Reilly, Thomas Roberts, Bob Reilly, John Richj Henry Remington, E S Rowland, J T sr Ruan, William Reynolds, William Reilly. James T Rothschild, Henry Reiser, Jacob Rowland, J T, jr Reed, James Ross, N A H Ross, John D Khind, C D C Ronan, Thomas Roberts, Hiram Roos, Joseph Roberts, John Reinshart, Henry R Robertson, Isaac Robinson, Thomas Rosignol, J T Righton, H Y 3IcCahey, P Millette, Thomas 31, sr McKenzie, W A 3IcGuire, Joseph 3Iartin, D J* 3IcAuliffe, John May, W H Murphy, Jeremiah Morel, James S Murray, Conrad C Silva, E A Soallsrd, E A Silva, J S Swoll, William Savrese, Loni* Smith, Henry Sneed, -I as R Smith, H M 0 Schwarz, John Starr, V L Small, William Stiles, Geo W Screven, John Staley, Jehu A Stone. Geo H Sanaav. J B . Silas, william Solomons, Samuel Singleton, Reuben Smith, Barney Smith, A T Shearer, W C Schroeder, John Shivers, Jno 8 Schley, William Scarboro, Joseph Stevenson, John etuder, V 8 Schley, J M Schroeder, Jno, No 2 Stephens. John Shells, P K Smith, London Sheftall, Jackson B Simms, Jas W Solomots, Lizer Small, Sandy 8 Snyder. Jno Sneed, William M Sims, Geo 0 Scott. R B Starbnck, W J Scott, Duncan 8 Swain, E C Shafer, L M Solomons, J M Sisson, Robert u _....ik n Stoddard. John Spann. John B Sheftall, Mordecai Shannon, Richard Screv«n, Thomas Sykes, W H SKelly, Henry Smith, Bernard Saltus, J C enlhvan, John A Sinquefield, Moses Smith, Alfred B Sweat, John N Sullivan, George Sorrel, G M Sams, W J Smith, W J Scbleyer, Henry P Scott, John 8omers, Oscar Stewart, Joe ainnott, James Seabrook, Alexander Sullivan, Patrick Skinner, John Stephens, Titus Sherlock, John a tern, Jonathan Staley, George A Seile, 8 H Sheridan, Charles Hmye, Bichard Shaffer, J B Sullivan, John Springer, *P B Sexton, John G Screven, Thomas F Salter, Henry Smith, IiOuiB Stafford, Peter P Saanett, H H Stem, L W Sullivan, Daniel Sexton, J B Struck, Herman Sontter, M Spann, John M Scholl, John Sanders, Henry Scheideman, A Shnckmar, George Spaulding, Henry Smith, James B Schwaab, Augustus fctrai**, J B Shaw, James C Spaulding, H F Spencer. W H SullivaD, W D Shea, Daniel Sullivan, James D Smith, John Snllivau, Mortimer Stafford, M Schrenck, M Stack. Robert stein mamlSamuel Symons, w F Stephens, J O Screven, George O Smith, Avery Smith, JameB Stewart, James Saussy, Bobert Btubbe, C F Smith, E E Sloan, J H Solomons, J M Symons. William B Schwenck, John Sullivan, John Shea, Dennis Thomaa, E J Toriay. A F Threadcraft, Augustas Toomer, L B Taylor, Renben Tuffts, Martin Tripler, John Taylor, Aaron Tally, B Tynan, John W Tidings, Patrick Toohlil, Timothy Thiel, Bernard Tenbroeck, John D Turner, H M Tierney, William Tyler, W H Thomaseon. J B Taylor, Frank Tally, Michael Thompson, Alvin Truslow, J A Thompson, J B Thompson, Joseph 0 Tompkins, Henry B Timmons, William Thomas, Bobert Transier, M Taylor, Edward Thompson, WT Thomas, E G Thomas, King 8 Them, James M Tebean, S W Thorpe. Owen Thomas, Louis Townsend, M Thomas, Joseph Tomlinson, D B Usher, Chas 0 Usina, MP Ulmer, A O O'Sullivan, Daniel O Donohne. M * O’Neill, JBC O'Sullivan. John D O’Connor, Patrick Osgood, C X P Paulsen, J Perlinskl, Jnlins Prendergsst, 0 0 Parry. JG Palmer, Oscar Phillips, O Porter, Abram Papot, G W Palmar, Henry W Palmer, H A Palmer, 8 B Parramore J B Phillipe, Joseph Peterson, Charles Prendergast, M G Purse, B 8 Perrin, Trantman Puder, W B Pitt, James Pitt, Richard Praylow, M H Patterson, J ohn A Phinizy, Joseph M Proctor, Seymour Pace tty, Victor Perry, Charles Palmer, Anthony Payton, John W Peach, Thomas Pardue, Richard A Prichard, G B Perry, Charles D Pollings, Benjamin Powers, Patrick Pacetty, B J Prentice, 8 D Or Quarterman, N P Qulfcley, Dennis Quinan, Daniel J Quinn, John R Rivers, Dick Bing, John Ryan, Michl G Ryals, G M Roamlllat. John L Richardson, J K Richards, B B Rushing, GA Bemshart, William Robertson, JohnT Bay, Jas Bussell, Jr, Alfred Bosenfeld, Jacob Reedy, John KnsselL Jr. Philip M Royal, James H Riddell, Isaac 8 Rutherford. William Roes. Andrew L Rowland. J O Rogers, E T Rivers, William Rutheriord, John Roach, Daniel Rose, John A KaynaU P N Reynolds, Samuel Rigdon, John Rowlands, William Read, J B Ravenel, T P Robertson, T L Roberto, Joseph A Roberto, J oseph Reinshart, W W Ryan, John Robertson, George R Reid, Michael Robertson, Thomas Ryan, John Rogers, James D Reyes, Frank Robbins, George D Reordan, Robert Robider, A L RusseU, Patrick Reilly, John Ring, tineas RusseU, Christopher Ryan, Francis Rourke, John Roach, John Reedy, Patrick Ruwe, John H ReiUy, John Rebarer, F E Ryan, William Royal, H J Koundfield, Wally Roberto, Obadiah Rook, Robert Russell, H M Riley, James Radcliffe, John Robinson, Patrick Reagan, Patrick Ryan, M T Redmond, J ohn Ryan, J F Kan tin, C C 8 Smith, Jas Starbnck, Theodore Sloan, A M Savage, John Sullivan. J S Pcheinhing, Wm Sims, F W Symmonds, Henry Spence, W A Smallwood, Joseph Sullivan, Danl Schley, Jr, B Sharer, J J Schley. Jw, John Schultz, A Sears. Bobt Shepherd, Jas Solee, A N Sang, Louis G Senders, B Stewart Simmons, J O A Sherrod, P W Sullivan, Jas Sullivan, John, No 1 Spencer, Wm Sweat. F B Sanford, T S Hpecketer, 0 Sutton, E B Steephens, H 0 Smith, Samnei Sinnot, Nicholas Stephens, W H Salts, Wm Sanasy, Clement Seeley, Isaac Sweat, F Kip Stokes. Patrick J Siney, John Symons, Wm Smith. E H Sturtevant, J 9 Schwarz, Charles Sheridan. Pot b»«o, Henry Strickland, Z L Schultz, John Symona, t W Starks, Charles Starbnck, N H Simon, Jacob Bantu, Henry Ban diford, B B Sheftall, B F Scanlan, Patrick Simms, James M Speildock, Leopold Stegio, John H Schwenck, John Swan, James Sherlock, John D Scott, Munroe Stackpole, James D Salfner, George M Smith, W H Steinberg, Charles 0 Sorrel, A C Seivers, Lewis Sanaay, G N Scanlan, Michael Sample, Charles Sturtevant. J T Spann, B 8 Scholl, Jacob Schwenck, Charles Smith, Thomas Solomon*, M J Sullivan, Jeremiah Sullivan, William Strons, John H Savage, John B Sengstach, John H bmitb, George Smith, F B Spencer, Thomas Shebao,J D Shultz, Augustas Spencer, J Q Sisson. W W Sheftall, Joseph Hturtevaat, W B Strickland S 8 Smith, D E H Schwarz, John, sr Smltb, Thomas Sullivan, Daniel Shaffer, B W Silva, A W Bmitn, Philip Symons, Henry Shea, Dennis Sturgeon, Christopher Bag nr, Jacob Snlhvao, Eugene Stewart, 8 C Symons, 9 B Strong, W H Sbehsn, Timothy B Scanlan, Stephen Sbaffar, O T Small, London Symons, Edward Stiles, John Stevsns, Abram Snllivan, Joseph Smith, Joseph T Shine, James Sullivan, Philip 8ims, John Sheftall, James A Sturtevant, W H Smith, James W Spring, Delos A Stewart, Abel Schaffer, Philip Sweat, John F Symons. Jamee Snllivan, John Snllivan, John Thompson, Crawford Til den, B G Thomas, Geo Thompson, William Tyson, L D Turner, Richard Thomaa. J TRjen, John T Thompson, Isham Thomaseon, H J Turner, Bichd T Tyson, J H Tattnall, John B T Tinsley, Edward Trieet, Jacob Turner, Arthur Toner, Francis Talblrd, Albert Thomaa,'Denial B Thomsen, Thomaa F Tilton. SO Theus, T N Thompson, John Taylor. William M Tobin, P J Tlson, W H Thompson. Francis Thornley, J B Tebean, John R Turner, Bichard Thieme, A Tally, 8 O Taylor, John 0 Thomas, J G i.J Tuner, Lawrence T Timmons, John D Thornes. W A t Uhner, D W Ulmer, Both M i, W G Van Vorete, Christian X Tan Yam, W O ▼ereen, JT Tardier, J T Vi llalonga, John L Wlthlngton, E O Whitehead. Handy Wallace. William H Williams, Henry Wray, Oeborn White, a team Walsh. WM Wlllink, Jr. H F Williams, John Wloson. Henry Wright, Jaoob Woods, M A Wilson, Jno W Williams, Peter Wiggins. Daniel Wash, W W Walsh, James Wood, James White, Jamee White, Joseph Wrtf ht, Edw Wallace, J B Waklner, Geo V Well i, David Williams, H A Wolber. John Wellbrock, Geo Werner, Chas Williams, Abram Weldie, John Wayne, Henry 0 Winkler, Z N Watson, John Wsndelken, John Wright. Thomas Weasels, Fred Wilkinson, Moses Walmsley, L L Walker, George P Wilson. A N Williams, John M Williams, Frank Wallace, B A Williams, Doctor WyUy, George W Wheaton John F Walker, W A White, James Wittechen, Y H Wilson, George G Way, William J Waigand, P Washington, George Wolfe, Frank Williams, John W Walker, Thomas Weil, E A Wilson, Paul Ward, Fred Watte, JG Waring. J F Wells, W P Wells, John G Werntz, J H White, Henry Wamsley, B F Wall. John Way, W F Walker, Isaiah Wright, Bichard Walls. Thomaa Walter, August Wamsley, T M Williams, Solomon White, John Woods, Wm Henry West, Ricftard Webb, George Waters, James WyUy, George W, Jr Walker, Dennis Walt, James 0 Will ink, T M • Wetter, John C F White, Thomas Wilson J T Wilton, H B * Welsh. Morris Winter, Frank Wicks, Edward Ward, PH Wray, William Wayne, Bobert Yorke, Wm G Ynlee, E Young, W H H Zablonskl, Conrad Znlawtki, 8 Zeigle, Solomon Verdery. M Spain Yoilner, John W Williams, Thoe Whitfield. Baloce Wright, Thoe Wodhopter. F W 8 Washburn, Ingersoll Wayne-T 8, Jr Watte, Geo Weeks, Wm H Wohltm&n. Martin Woodbrldge, H H White. 8 McA Wray, Jas K White, Jos E Williams, M H WodelL Wm Way. J E Wilson, William Winn, Cain White, J W Weber. L J Wittmer, liolkhe White, J P Whalen, P Wakefield, Chas E Wakefield, Peter Waltbour, W L Wade. H J Whitcomb. L T Wills, Michl Williamson. John Walker. BD West. A M Weave W Ward, H Q Weihrs, B Workmen, D 8 Winn, Alex A Waples, W D Williams, Joe Wads, William Walsh, Thomas J Wendelkin, Martin Welsh George B Wilson, John # Walker, Solomon Wheaton, S J White, Richard W Wheeler, William E Wellborn, 8 N Winn, J W White. Harris Welsh, P A Withlogton, Joseph 8 Williams, James Webb, Richard Williams, Robert A Wall, Francis M Woods, 0 B Wilder. J J Wilder, John B Williams. S W Windham. George W Woodbrldge, W B Walsh, James Watts, George Ward, Jamee m Wilton, a K Weber, C W Williams, Edward Weihrs, John F Weil. H Wohanka, John Welch er, Charles Waldner, J V Williams. Primus Wett*r A P Wallace, William Withers, C A White, Chris Wilson, M B White, Charles Wayne, B A Wilson, John Walsh. M 9 Whelan, James Williams, Edward Wood, George Wilson, Jamee Woods, William W Waltbonr, W L, Jr Williams, Abram Wilson. George W Walsh, John Y Young. W G Yeomens, Daniel Young, Loots G Z Zeigler, John Zealy, JF CENTRAL MACHINE SHOPS. P. A. BULGER, Proprietor. 41 Bay- *t., Rarannah. H AVISO A LABGK NCM- her of first-class Machi nists and Boiler Makers in my establishment, I am pre pared to REPAIR AND BEFIT MA CHINERY With neatness and dispatch. I keep constantly on hand a foil supply ol wrought Iron Pipe and Pipe Fittings, from )4 to 4 inches. I have also the agency for JUDBON’S PATENT GOV ERNOR and the NIAGARA STEAM PUMP. Tne roll owing are a faw of numerous certificates in regard to the excellencies of this celebrated Pump: SATAintAH, March 8,1872. We are pleased to sey that the Niagara Steam Pomp, bought from yon, gives ns entire satisfac tion; it lifts water twenty feet and keeps on boiler well supplied, working at lees than one-halt speed. It has been running five months and has never been ont of order. Yours, truly, Dixon, John sow k Oo. Hxbhdoh, 6i„ March 27,1872. I cannot say too mnch in its fhvor; it is no trou ble and runs with one-tenth part of steam it took to our Knowle’s Pump. • • • * Yours, very respectfully, ap6-tf Gxo. Gahbutt. JOHN A. SUUUVAH. 1 ID W AAD S. HTLL . SUILIYAN & HULL, (scoexasons to Dixon, Johnson a oo.) Manufacturers of and Dealers in YELLOW POE L61BEB Lumber Yard and Planing Mid on Thuneid- bolt Road, OppouM iiu. »nd Gulf IUllro»d D«pot Office nt Yard* Post Office Box ooc SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. P LANED FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARD- ING, Celling, Step-Boards, Mouldings, Sawed Shingles, Pointed Picket*, Laths, Vegeta- bis-Boxes, etc., always on hand. Scroll SAWING and TURNING done to order. nov20-tf BRIDGE & COOPER GROCERS, SOUTHWEST CORNISH OF Broughton and Bernard Sts. Have In store and are receiving by every steamer, Bacon, Klee, Hams, Bsckwhcat, Lard, Candles, Bntler, Cheese, Smear, Syrup, Coffee, Vinegar, Tea, Biscuits, Flonr, Starch, Canned Goode, Soap, Spices, Meal, Yeast Powders, Grist, Potatoes, Apples. Onions, Lemons, e Oranges, Raelns, Citrons, Prunes, Cranberries, Currants, Figs, Nuts, * Fireworks, &c., Ac. Choiee Stock of Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. decl2-lm w. H. BOUXTK. jos. u. nowurs. BOURNE & BOWLES, (Huccasort to McLeod <t Rogers.) Timber Factors A5D General Commission Merchants, 200 Bay St., Savannah, G*. Personal attention given to Consignments, and prompt remlttan comrade. pov27-dAtwtif J. W. TINA5, Engineer and Machinist, Canal Street, near Charleston Wharf. Repair* of all kinds of MACHINERY. Blacksmith Work, Intuits 1 fsb!2-tf i promptly dona 530 Building Lots for Sale. E’ IIGHT LOTS NEAR STREET RAILROAD I Depot; 1$ Lots in and near Brownvlile; 7 Lots on lamer avenue, between Boll and Aber- oorn streets; $00 Lota near eastern terminus of Anderson street, or Lover** Leas On this latter class, payments will be received es low ea five dollar* a month, whan desired. One hundred acres of land on White Bluff road, six miles from city. For particular*. Ac., apply at office di a G. Paltigant, 110 State street, from 10 to 11 a. as., dally; end from • to t a. at., aad 1 to 4 p. m. at my own rstedsnes. Dm. L. A. FALLIGANT, For Sale. rTHE LARGE AND VALUABLE LAW LIBRA J. BY of the late Jour P. hmuor will be sold at public auction at Jacksonville. Florida, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29th, at 10 o’clock. A. M., end days following, till folly disposed of. Tills library consists of about One Thousand Velnmee of Bngtian aad American Reports and Tost Bosks. Rii especially valuable in reports of Baglteli aad United Mates Courts. Printed Catalogues mat bp aaafl oo application at Jackson villa, Florida, to X. M. L’ENGLX, THEODORE HARTRIDGE. MX to this « oopy two times aad mad SHIPPING. FOR NEW IOKR. BLACK «TAR r.TMK. EVERY SATURDAY* Insurance by Steamships of thi« Line Half f 'm*. shipping. CABIN PASSAGE, •to UO THE IAXH rf’f.AMaHIP HUNTSVILLE, ISAAO CROWELL, Commander, Will sail for the abora vort in SATURDAY, Ian nary 11th, ls73, as — o’clock — aa. Throng BilUof Lading tfivcn h.«re os, Colton destine : far jiverpocl }bd Hamburg /or Orat- cla* atea . rs. ForFrai^haa? P**s>kge Apply to OCTAVU8 OOHXN A CO., Jand rente. KOR PHILADELPHIA. Philariefpti'r* and Southern Mail Mies'fthip Line. I3H0&ANUZ. ON COTTON P7 1’ r 3fiAAfYRS OF THI UKX ONE HALF PER CENT. , THE FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP O. W. LORD, Captain COLTON, Will sail tor the above port on SATUBDA7, January 11th, 1873. at 4 o’clock p. m. For freight or pauvstfe apply to HUNTER k GAMMELL, janS *»4 Bay street. iiia. NEW EMPIRE CABIJJ PiSSAOK„ gTKSILAttK THE FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP • SARAGOSSA, T. A. HOOPEB. commander. Will aall for Baltimore on TUESDAY, January 7th, 1873. at 11 o’clock A. M. Through bills lading signed for Cotton destined for Liverpool and Bremen by first class steam ships sailing from B^timore. For freight or passage, having superior ac commodations, apply to JAS. B. WEST Si CO.. jac4-tf 120 Day .Street. FOR NEW YORK. The Great Southern Steamship Company. INSURANCE BY THIS LINE CAN BE EFFECT ED UNDER OUB OPEN POLICY AT X PER GT. Cabin Passage $20 Steerage Second Class Ticket from New York to Que bec, Canada, 810. Sold only by this line. No detention In New York. TffE FIRST-CLASS 8TEAMEE8 GENERAL B a r n es, nMALLOKY. Master. HERMAN Livingston, CHEESMAN; Com’der. EN. BARNES—THURSDAY, Jan. 2,at 10 a.m. H. LIVINGSTON—THURSDAY. Jan. 9. at 4 p.m. GEN. BARN ES—THURSDAY, Jan. 16. 10 am. H. LIVINGSTON—THURSDAY, Jan. 23, at 2:30 B&. BABNius—'MITTR9DAY, Jan. 30, at ID a.m. Bills lading given here on cotton tn»ongh to Liverpool and Hamburg, via New York, by first- class steamers. No freight reoeived on wharf after 11 o'clock on day of sailing. For freight or passage apply to WILDER k FULLARTON. Janl-tf No. 8 Stoddard’s Upper Range. MUR»AY’S LINE. F0K NEW YORK. EVERY TUESDAY. THE FIBST-QLA88 STEAMSHIP VIRGO, BULKLEY, Command kb. Will*aall for the above port on TUESDAY January 7th. 1873. at 1 o’clock, p. m. Through bills lading furnished on Cotton des tined for Liverpool, Hamburg, Glasgow, Antwerp, Christiana, Rotterdam, Ac., Ac., by first-class steamships. For freight or passage, apply to HUNTER k GAMMELL, janl 84 Bay Street. FOB BOSTON. Bwston A Savannah 8toanaUlp Lias CABlft PASSAGE M* OO THE STEAMSHIP SJEMLSTOLE, Capt. 8. H. MATHEWS. Will sail for the above port on TUESDAY, January 14th, 1873, at 7:S0l o’clock a. m. Through Bills Lading given to New England manufacturing cities, and via Canard line to Liv erpool. For Freight or Passage apply to Richardson k Barnard, Janl , , A vent*. Oysters!! ^OHN IMMEN. ffo. 2 WHITAKER STREET, 1 8 NOW PREPARED TO 8EBVE HIS 0U8- tomers with • OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Families supplied as usual. A FREE LUNCH is set every day, consisting ol the luxuries of the season. The best LIQUORS, ALES, and WINES, always oo hand. sep3-tl HL9I.SFLLIYAN, WHOI.KHAI.K DHAIZB IN Oysters, Shad, BLACKFISH, MULLET, TERRAPIN, GAME, Ac 116 Bay Lane, Savannah, Georgia. Orders for Vegetables promptly attended to. *«pt*-ly L,. SAVARESE A BROS., W HOLESALE DEALERS IN Freah and Salt-Water FISH > of all kinds. SHAD, OYSTERS. TERRAPIN, OAME.Veg.UblM, Fruit, ■id other produce, 119 Bay lane, Savan- **- Ail ord.r» pucctiullj .tlended to. Term, tael on delivery. eep3-ly VOHR LINE. $‘40 OO IO OO THE HIDE WHEEL STEAMSHIPS San Salvador, E. 8. NICKERSON, Commander, —AND— San Jacinto, O. P. HAZARD, Commander, Will sail for New York as follows for the month of Deoember: Ban Salvador, | Kan Jacinto, SATURDAY, Jan. 4, at 11 a. m. 8ATURDAY, Jan. 18, at SATURDAY, Jan. 11, at . m. SATURDAY. Jan. 25, at . m. NBURANCE BY STEAMERS OF THIS LINE, ONE HALF PER OENT. Positively no engaged berths secured after Wed nesday previous to the sailing day, unless paid lor. Through bills lading given on Cotton for Liver pool by flrrt-claas cteamers. For freight or passage, having superior accom modations, apply to W. CUMMING k CO., Agents. 93- WM. R. GARRISON, Agent, No. 6, Bow- llng Green. New York.i*n6 FOR BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Savannab Nteainahip Company. CABI.t PASSAGE 9to OO For Liverpool ‘8C HEARER.** Haring a portion I gaged, will bare . arly dlroaM. For remainder ot frelghtroom am, j “‘ *3gg?as»^ For Lirerjjool rjlHE BRITISH SHIP GLEN DO WER, „ _g . Captain PITIS, Having a large portion of her car K o now engaged, and going on boare, . will have quick dispatch. For fr.lgbtot 1,000 bale, cotton For LiverpoolT~ AMERICAN T HE FIRST JLA.' Ship L. B. GILLciJREST, Captaia Emkbsor Having a portion ot her cargo an gaged will havj quick dispatch as aoove For freight engagements, apply to decOS-t, aWOHAM, HOLBT k 00. For charleston ArBeauloM, 8.C THK STEAMER pilot boy, Capt. W. T. McNax.Tr, \ Laave, PadelTord’, Wharf TUESDAYS .. , . Office on wharf. decl8-tf Charleston and Florida. REMOVAL. TAR E. PABSON8, DENTIST. I ) baa ranored hia oAoa to lit SmgkUB 8treat, lint door n* oI Maeoclc Hall baUdlng. THI f 1RST-CLA88 STEAMERS DICTATOR Caotaln L. M. COXETTER, ^ CITYPOITSTT Captain FITZGERALD, * WUl leave SavaBcah. from DeRenue*. Wharf foot of Abercorn atreet, every MONDAY. WEDNES. DAY and FRIDAY, al emately, at 11 o’clock a- m., for Femandlna, Jackaonville, MaonnUa Green Cova Springs, St. Augustine, PaUtka. all Intermediate Landings. ’ “ BETTRMNQ WILL LEAVK PALATKA—Every IUiSDAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY. a J AOKSONVILLE—Kvery WEDNESDAY, FRIDAT and SUNDAY. Arriving in Savannah every MONDAY. THDRa. DaY and SATURDAY; lea ring the same dav fn. CHARLESTON at 8 o’clock a. m. J The above steamer* moke connection! aa fal lows: At^PALATKA—With ateamerc tor Ocklawaha M JACKSONVILLE—With steamer Starlight for Mellonville, Enterprise, and all landings on th* Upper St. John’s River. “ At FaBNANDINA—With Florida Railroad for all pomto in the Interior, and with steamera for New Orleans and Havana, via Cedar Keys. Through bills of ladiug given to all polnte. W. CUMMING A OO.. Ageirta. SAVANNAH & FLOliLBA Inland Route. STEAMER BIZZIB: BAKEH Captain P. LA BOSE/ From Padelford’a Wharf every TUESDAY at io o’clock, a. m. ’ * STEAMER NICK KING Oapta n NICK KING,; From Han ter & GaainibU’a bteamahlp wharf every FRIDAY, at 10 o’do *k a. m., for DO BOY, DARIEN, BBRUNsWICK. and 8x. MALI’S, Ga., FERNANDINA, ilAJiDAKIN, WOMONmu, HUEHHIA, OBEEM OOTE 8PBI> J8, MAGNOLIA. PICILATA. TOCOIA aud -ALAl KA. FL3BIDA Returning, arrive at Savannah SATURDAYS and TUESDAYS. N. B.—Both steamers have ample and comfort passenger accommodations. Bates as low as by other lines. JNO. F. B .BEBTSON. Agent steamer “Llzaie Raker.” . HU.HTKR k i ui,,. LL, dec2tf Agents steamer '*Slok King.” For Darien, Brunswick A Natilla FLA 8T. OATHEBINE'S, 8APELO, DO BOY, THE MIDGE, AND 8T. BIMON 8. THE STEAMEB S^NJST ANTON IO, Captain W. H. LEE, Will make WEEKLY trips aa above, leavisc •Jiiurlt ston whari every XHUKSDAY ,i tn « and returr SUNDAY. v ' Freight for Satilia and Islands payable by ahh>. per* - Tariff same aa per steamer Eliza Hancox. Freight received at all times. Apply to F. M. MYRRi.tAgent, • Charleston Wharf. The Boat having a Steam Heister and good ca^ ryin, capacity, is offered for Lightering. Job or Charter o> laydays. Tebl6-tf FOR AUGUST A AND WAY LANDI^gB, STEAMEB BTEaMEB R O S AKATIE Will lure avery Wlu lM , e Wednttdty Morn- Friday Allrrnoon, Itlg, AI HIS, O’CLOCK. AT »1T* O’OUOC*. Freight, received at all timaa at Dillon'. Wbari foot of Gaa Hotue HllL Way Freighu oavable b. -uippers. LAWTON, HABT 4 CO AoGt., Diamond Spectacles. r IESE SPECTACLES ABE MANUFACTURE) , from “MINUTE CRYSTAL PIBBLE8” malt ed together, and are called DIAMOND, en accocat of their hardness and brilliancy. It is well known that Spectacles cut from Bra zilian or Scotch pebble* are very injurious to tba eye because of their polarizing light. Having been tested with tne polariaoope, ti# diamond lenses have been fonnd to admit f ftsas per cent leas heated rays than any other pebbk They are ground with great scientific accnrocj. are free from chromatic aberrations, and prod** a brightness and distinctness of vision not befort attained in spectacles. Manufactured by THE SPENCER OPTICAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY. New York. For sale by reaponsible agents in every city 1* the Union. F. D. JORDAN, Jeweler and Optician, is Sole Agent for Satoo* nah, from whom they can only be obtained 9* peddlers employed. Tbe great J-msnd for • 1 —r itpirfiWTre an io- inced unscrupulous dealers to palm off an liu*- rior and spurious article for the ••Diamond’' Great care should be taken to see that tbe trod* mark (which 1* protected by American Lettsn Patent) is stamped on every pair. octl4tf DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, WOOD MOULDINGS, STALE BA'.ra NEWXII AND ALL KINDS OE FA',GY GLASS. LAKGE STOCK. LO WEST BATES. OBDEB WOBF SOLICITED. SEND FQB ESTIMA.TE AND PRICE LISTS KEOGF. St THORNE, 234 AND 266 CANAL STREET, nov25-ly NEW YORK CITY Millen, Wadley & Co. PLAHIHG MILL AID LUMBER YABB Oomtr East Broad and Lib+rty Streets- ■fh’K WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON H 11 * large stock ot SEASONED LUMBER. Both Dressed and Bough. Also. MO CLDC?fl% BRACKETS, Ac., wblco we will sell at f prices. Orders 'left at Planing Mill or tt office, No. 16 Stoddard’s Upper Range, Bay its** will receive attention. Satisfaction guaranteed. nov8-ly MILLEN. WADLEY k 00. T. BE. BROWN, Contractor and Submarine . DiTeL I S PREPARED TO OONTRAOT FOB Tfll Building and Repairing of Wbsrtte L bridge# and Trestle-work. Refers to Preoitof and Super in tendents of the Oentral Atlantic and Quit Kali road. Savannah and CWJJ ton BaUroad, and to Keem. Mulier * Bea*** Architect*, Savannah, Ga. . , a Office, City Hotel Bnllding. Bay *t Grits, Meal and Cov ltd FRESH GKOUND. AT LOW PRICKS, FROM STOM»’ Prime Waiter* Hay, Oata, C t.J.