Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, March 20, 1876, Image 4

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Ife iffirnrimj pnes MONDAY, X4BCH 20, 1876. ffammrrrial. SAVANNAH MARKET. OFFICB OF THE MORNING NEWS I Bataknah. March 18. ip.R, 18T6.} Cotto;;.—The market has been dull and the prices paid have been a shade lower than quota tions. The demand was very desultory, as buy ers were hunting only cheap lots. Liverpool closed-Steady and unchanged ; aales 8,000 bales. New lork closed steady. Our market closer) quiet. Sales 349 bales. We quote : Middling.... ; Low Middling Ordinary f .....V. eavAjnraR diilt oorros btatimkt. Block on hand 8ept. 1st, lSTB-.f 6 * ' Received to-day.... ** 3 Received previously .*..*.*, 5,43s Total . 6,632 491,207 Exported to-day 173 Exported previously *’ 4^957 Total S42 466,205 ■ 5,130 457,047 Stock on hand and on shipboard thisevening 1.40S g, 160 0 If SOLI DATED DAILY HKPOET OP RECEIPTS EX- PORTS AND STOCKS AT ALL UNITED STATES PORTS PRO* THE PIOURE8 OP THE COTTOX EX- CHAXUS. Receipts at all U. S. ports 10 aio Exports to Great Britain.. ... ii’m-v Exports to France Exports to Continent ” * ’ Exports to Channel .*** Stocks at all U. 8. ports G91 lsG Receipts at the ports to-day....7.7.7. 7* lo’o49 Receipts this day iast week * 8 229 Receipts this day last year..... . . o'l 73 RlL K.-Therc has been a faird-mand ud 160 casks were disposed of on private terms We qaote: 5?|? mOD t . inaxcial. — .Sterling excn&nge—-eixty-dav bills, with bills lading attached, buying at $552(a 5 53; Sight checks on London, j£5to jEIOO sjllinl at S5 70. New Y ork sight exchange buying a: 4®3-16% premium and selling % ® 5-16% premium. Gold baying at 113 and selling at 115* • ?\ C ? N * “ ,T he nzrket la quiet. The stock is light. Bulk meats easier. We quote: Clear rib sides, 14 @ i4%c; shoulders, 11 ® n%c • dry salted clear ribbed sides, 13%®l3%o- loui-’ clear, 12‘ 4 ®13%'c; thoulders,nomlnal; hamslsL* k “d aellicg at 16®17c, according t(, Flour.—The market is amply supplied with □our, for which we quote: Superfine $?> 25® $9° oo^ow 1610 ^ 601 family * v &0 ® b fanc y. GRAiN.-Corn-We qnote white Western and Maryland at wholesale and retail from wharf «uid store, at 75®S2% .■ per bushel; mixed or yellow 75®82%c per bushel. Oats—the stock is fair. Wi quote : Prime Western, by the car load, 67®60c smautjr parcels, 02%®65c. Hay.—We quote Northern nominal at $115® 1 20 at whole ^le nd $1 35® 140 at retail; Easten fl 35® 1 4-') v. w olesale and $1 50® 1 cu at re tail ; poorer qualities not saleable; Western, nominal, $1 20®i 30 at wholesale; SI 60®1 60 at retail. Hides. — Dry Flint, 11 cents; dry salted, eta; deer skins 28s; wax, 27 cents; wool, ;2 eta; burry wool, 12®20 ^mta; tallow, 7c; otter skins, $1 00®3 00. according to quality. bABD — Quiet; m tierces, 13 eta : tubs and kegs. I6®16%c; prime, 13®13%c. Naval Store—Market dull and nominal; prices nominal with a downward tendency. W< qnote: Strained rosin. $1 45; 3, #1 50; F $160 G, $1 75; M, $2 00: I, $2 50; K, $3 25: M $3 50; N, $4 J0®5 00. Spinta turpentine, 23%c. Salt.—The market is well supplied. iWe quote: By the car load, $1 00®i ub, f. 0< b.; in store, $1 i0 ; in small lots. $1 lc. Fbeiohts—Cotton to Liverpool direct,sail, %a; to Havre, %c; to Bremen, nominal; tc Baltic, %d; to Mediterranean ports (gold nominal; to Liverpool, via New York, steam. 13-32d; to Bremen via Baltimore,l%c; to Hambun via New Yorkj l*ic; to Antwerp via New Y'ork. 1 N»c. gold; via Baltimore, %c, gold. Co*u-- wls' - By steam to New York, per bale $1 2.' on upland; $l 50 ;*ea island; to Prn^delphia $1 25 per bale upland; to Baltin per bal $1 25; co Boeiot, per bale, $2 00 nplan . 50 seu is anc. LDMBB3.- We qaote: To New York ana Bourn ports $5 25 ® 6 00 to Boston and eastward, f6 50® 7 00 ; to Baltimore and Chesapeake ports. $5 50; to Philadelphia, $5 00®5 53; to St. John, N. B„ t - 00, gold. The rates for timber are Iron. $1 00 to 1 50 higher than lumber rates; 50c to $1 00 is paid for hanging ports; to the Wes. Indies and windward, nominal; to Sout. 1 America. $18 00 ® 20 00, gold. Timber to United Kingdom and Continent, 39®«*s; lumber, £5<g 5 6s. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown Fowls,tHens fl pair...., 80@ 9t Half grown, fl pair 40® 7< Roosters and Guinea Fowie, fl pair... 50® 6.* Turkeys (large), fl pair $2 00®2 5< Turkeys (small), fl pair 1 00®l 5< Geese, fl pair 1 00@1 5< Ducks (Muscovy). y pair 90®1 15 Ducks (English), fl pair 80® 9t Eggs (country), fl doz 1S@ 2< Eggs (Western), y doz... 15® 10 Butter (country), y lb 20® 3‘ Peanuts (Georgia), y bush 1 00@1 1.' Peanuts (Tennessee), y bush 1 50®2 (K Florida Oranges f) 1,000 \.. .30 00®35 (X Florida Sugar, y ft S® l Florida Syrup, ft gul 55® 57 Rough Rice (interior), y bush 90@1 0 Honey, y gal 85® 1 0t Sweet Potatoes (Yuras), y bush 1 10® 1 2! Egg Carriers (Patent), so doz 1 25® Kgg Carriers (Patent), 60 doz 2 50® Wool, free from burrs, ft lb 30® Wool, burry, ft lb 12® 22 Poultry—The market U fairly supplied, witl: a limited demand. Boos—Market !s well supplied, with a good demand. Butter—Market fairly supplied. Good enquiry for first-class article. Peanuts—Market well supplied with a limited demand. Syhup—Georgia and Florida well supplied : demand good—tendency of the market llrm. Sugar—Georgia and Florida scarce, with but a light demand. wool—Market quiet with small transaction*. Sweet Potatoes—The market is poorly sup plied, with a moderate demand. ((eorfia Packing House, 139 Bay Street < Jacob Trleat, Proprietor. Market active and firm. Bnlk Shoulders... 9% : Smoked Shoulders.. 10% Bulk C. K. Sides. .13% , Smoked C.R. Sides.14 Bulk No. 2 C. R. 1 Plain Hams....l5®17 Sides 12 Extra Leaf Lard... 15% Long Clear Sides... 12% I REVISED DAILY BY M. Y. HENDERSON, 180 BAY STREET. No charges except for freight on consignments. Hides—Dry flin' He y Hides—Dry suite 1 9c y lb Hides—Butcher dry salted 7« y K Deer skins „. 28c & U* Deer skins—Indian dressed $1 00 y ft> Wool—Prime 27c y lb Wool—Barry 12®lSc f) 1b Wax 27c y It Furred skins—Otter 50c®$3 00 each Farred sk?nfl—Raccoon, etc. l°c each TEL.EGH4PH1C MARKETS. [NOON REPORT.] naaaelal. Berlin, March 18. Noon.—Bullion increased 16,035,000 marks. 1X)Ndon, March IS. Noon.—Kne 17Jf. London, March 18, 2:00 p. Street rate 3*, ®3% per ceni., wuich is %<&% per cent, below B Paris, March IS Noon.—HeRtee 66f 37^c. New York. March 18. Moon—Gom op^ed at 114itf. Kxchai.go—long %$ 87: short $4 901^. Government bonds opened active and steady. State bonds oDcned quiet and better. Money opened at 4 per cent. Gold now 114,V Stocks opened active and better. Cattai. Liverpool, March is. Noon.—^otton opened RteAdv- Middling Uplands. 6 7-16d; Middling SSSli e’ 4 u Sales P i^00 bales, including 2,000 for speculation and export. Liverpool, March IS, 1:09 p. M-—Cotton 'Recchjts 6,900 bales, ail American. Liverpool, March 18. 1:30 a. m. Cotton- Futures firmer; partially l-16d dea . r fl;, n ?^i^ 1 £? a basin of middling npland?, J. 0 " i shipped in Febrnary, per f bas's of middling uplands, deliverable In Marct ,5d AprlL 8al« on a basis of miL- dUng nplands, low middling clause deUverab v in April rnd May, 6 7-16d; ditto, deliverable m May /nd June. 6%i: ditto, deliverable in Jnne “ n L. J vanro 6 ot'March IS 1:38 r. »-cotion- Sales on a basis of middling uplands, low mid dling dense, deliverable in May and SalM on a basis of middling uplands, low mi,- dli n L, clause, deliverable in June aud July, «l»&d; ditto, deliverable in July aud Angus., 6 f.v^'roou, March 18, 3:00 r. M.-Conou- -- cotton - llv^mAprii and May, 8„d ; ditto, J “P e “ d uirch 18 * Noon.—Cotton rnarkel „ATd Dphrnds. U«c; °ssr foi/fWs ■s-k^hkISe onpon, 11»M; lsmr, 121X: IS6S, 1«3)4; new fives,' 118M; 10-40’s, coupon, 118X. State bonds dull and nominal. New York. March 18, Evening.—Ten nessee sixes, old, 4334; new, 41%; Virginia sixes, 34; new, 34; consolidated, U%: deferred 8%; Louisiana sixes, 44%; new, 44%; levee sixes 44)4; eights,40; Alabama eights,32; fives,32; Geor gia sixes, 95; sevens, 104,^; North Carolina, 17*; new. 9; special tax, 2%; South Carolina’s, 37; new. 36%; April and October, 36. New Y'ork, March IS, Midnight.—Demand loans have not been above 5 per cent.; borrows renewed at 3®4 per cent.; mercantile paper at 4 ®5 per 'cent. Governments qniet but firm; changes are advanced % in fixes of 68, and de clined %#n fives of 65. 67, and sixes of 81. Gold opened at 114)4, and has since sold at 114%® 11434-^For gold loans, the rates are 3®4 per cent, for carrying. Foreign Exchange Moll and firm at yesterday 's rates. The specie shipments to-day was $850.000. Stock market at the open ing was irregular; Northwestern, Milwaukee and St. Paul, Ohio and Mississippi, and Delaware, Lackwana and Western were %®X higher than Y esterday’s closing; Erie, Pacific Mail and Union acific were ic®X lower; the remainder of the list was unchanged. New Y'ork, ' March 16. MidniehL—Stocks closed dull and unsettled; Central, 113%; Erie, 20%; Lak Shore, 64%; Illinois Central, 102% Pittsburg, 96%; Northwestern. 43; Preferred, Upland. Rock island, 102)4; Pacific Mail, 21%; Union 1,026 Pacific, 65%. 60° New York, March 18, Midnight.—Sub-Trea- 489,561 sm-y balances: Gold, $45,910,S53; Currency, $35,081,329. New Y’ork, March IS.—Weekly bank statement shows that loans have decreased $6,661,700; specie cecreased $770,400: legal tenders decreased $20,211,000; deposits decreased $6,170,700; circulation decreased $214,400; reserve decreased $1,162,325. Cotton. New Tore, March 18^ Evening.—Cotton- market closed steady; sales 1,050 bales; uplands 12 7 ,c; Orleans 13 l-16c. New York, March IS, Evening. — Cotton- Net receipts 7 >4 bales; gross receipts 9S1 bales. Future*—market closed firm; sales 18,500 bales, as follows: March, 13 3-32® 13%c; April, 13 7-3 c; May, 13 17-32c; June, 13 25-32®1313-16c; July, 14 14-32c; August, 14 3-16c Baltimore. March IS, Evening—Cotton market firm; middling 12%(&l2%c;~ net receipts 0c0 bales; sales ISO bales. Memi’uis, March IS. Evening—Cotton market closed firm; middlingi2%® 12)4c; net receipts 2,003 bales; gross receipts 000 bales; shipments 2,222 bales; sales 2,500 bales. Wilmington, March 18, Evening.—Cotton- market closed steady and nominal; middling 00c; net receipts 62 bales; sales 00 bales. Philadelphia, March 18, Evening.—Cotton closed steady; middling 13c; low middling 00c; good ordinary 00c; net receipts 2 7 bales; gross receipts 00 bales. Charleston. March 16,Evening—Cotton closed quiet bats’eady: middling 12%c; net receipts 416 bales; gross receipts 000 bales; exports coastwise 334 bales; sales CoO bales. Boston, March 18, Evening—Cotton market closed steady; middling 13c; low middling 00c; net receipts 150 bales; gross receipts 0O0 bales; sales llo bales. Athens, March 15, Evening.—Cotton closed firm; middling 11%®11)4C. Norpolk, March IS, Evening—Cotton closed fi-m; middling 12%®l2*4c; net receipts 1,368 bales; gioss receipts oOO bales; exports coastwise 1,671 bales; saics 21 bales. Galveston, March 18, Evening.—Cotton closed quiet; middling 12%c. New Orleans. March IS. Evening—Cotton steady; middling 12%c; Juw middiing 11,%c; good ordinary 10,%c; net receipts 3,640 bales; gross re ceipts 4,128 bales; exports to Great Britain 9 bales; to France 7,540 bales; sales 5,000 bales. Mobile, March 16. Evening—Cotton market closed firm; middling \2%c; net receipts 1,602 bales; s&ies 1,500 bales. Augusta, March IS. Evening—Cotton closed firm; middling 12c; net receipts 220 bales: sales 403 bales. Pro visions, Croeerir*, Ac. London, March 16, Evening.—Turpentine at 26s. Liverpool, March IS, Evening.—Turpen tine 25s. New Yore, March 16. Evening.—Floor closed 5®lCc better ; Superfine Western and State $4 00®4 50: Southern flour active and in demand; Common to Fair Extra $5 0Q®5 73; Good to Choice Extra |5 &0®S 75. Wheat closed l®2c better; 63®65 for ungraded Western Mixed. Corn closed firmer at 62% c; graded 70c. Oats at 44®47 j %c for Mixed Western and State; 47®51c for W hite Western and State. Coffee, Rio more active and firm; cargoes 15%® 16%c, gold; for job lots 19c, gold. Sugar closed firmer, with good in quiry, at 7%®7%c for fair to good refining; 7%c tor prime; S%c for Centrifugal; refined, 9%®9%c for standard A, 10%c for granulated, 10%c tor crushed and powdered. Molasses—New Orleans closed quiet at 45®60c for common to very- choice. Rice closed quiet. TaiJow closed at 67«®9%c. Spirits Turpentine closed firm at 3Sc. Rosin steady at $. 60® 1 65 for strained. Pork steady; New Mess $22 75®23 00. Beef quiet. Lard closed a shade firmer; Prime Steam at $13 70®13 75. Leather—Hemlock Sole, Buenos and Rio Grande light, middle and heavy weignis at 22%c; California light, middle and heavy weights, 22®2Cc ; common light, middle aDd heavy weights 22®24c. Wool closed quiet and dull; domestic fleece 3S®62c; pulled 30®47c; un washed I4®33c; Texas 15®33c. Whisky clostd firm at $1 10. Freights to Liverpool closed firmer; cotton, per sail, %d; per steam, cotton, %d; grain, 7®7)4d. Baltimore. March 18, Evening—Oats closed dull but steady; good to prime Southern 40®47c; Western White 45c; Western Mixed 45®46c. Rye closed dull but steady at »8®S2c. Hay quiet and heavy; Maryland and Pennsylvania at $20 00® 23 00. Provisions closed film and active; Pork $23 00 for mess. Balk meats, shoulders at 9®9%c; clear ribs at 13%'®13%c loose; packed 9%®9%c. Bacon—shoulders I0%c; clear ribs Hams at 15®16c, Lard closed firmer; crude at 13%®13%c; refined at 14®l4%'c. Butter—Western extaa at 30®32c. Coffee closed firmer and higher; Kio, cargoes, 15® 16c; jobbing at 15%®19c. Whisky closed dull at $1 09. Sugar dosed active and firm at 9 7 *®10%c. 8T. Louis, March IS, Evening.—Flour closed quiet and in fair demand for Medium Fall Extra $4 25®4 75; Extra Fall $4 50®4 65; Double Extra Fall $4 £0®4 75; Treble Extra Pall $5 00@5 50. Wheat dosed higher; No. 2 Red Winter $150® 1 50%. Com a shaae higher; No. 2 Mixed at 41% ®41%c. Oats dull; No. 2 Mixed at 33%c bid for cash. Rye closed firmer at 3Sc bid. Barley- closed dull and unchanged. Provisions—Pork dosed at $22 75 for msas, delivered. Bulk Meats, some inquiry lor round lots, but buyers declined the prices asked; up-country lots held at 8%c for shoulders; dear rib sides at 12c; clear sides 18% c. Bacon steady and unchanged; only jobbing aud order tiade; shoulders 9%c; dear rib sides 13®13%c; dear sides 13%®i3%c. Lard dosed firmer at 13%c and held out of market. Pickled hams firmer at 11%®12%c, according to age and weight. Live Hogs closed dull and steady; porkers $7 90®7 10; packing $7 75®S 20; Extra $8 15. Cattle dosed quiet ana unchanged; choice native shipping steers $5 50. Whisky steady at $1 06. Wilmington, March IS.—Naval Stores.—Spirit* of Turpentine closed steady at 34c. Rosin firm at $145 for Strained. Tar closed quiet at $1 60. Cincinnati, March IS, Evening.—Flour closed dull and unchanged for Family at $4 76®5 75. Wheat closed dull; Red Winter fl 10®l 25. Com closed at 4s®49c. Oats closed quiet but steady at 35®40c. Barley closed dull and nominal; No. 2 Spring at $1 07®1 10. Rye dosed quiet and dull at 73®76c. Pork closed quiet and firm at $23 00. Lard active; steam 13 26®13 35; refined 13%'c; kettle !3%®14c. Bulk Meats dosed quiet and inactive; shoulders at 5%c; clear rib sides 12c; clear sides 12%c. Cumber land middle* at ll%c; short clear middles 12%« lone cut hams 12%c, all boxed. Bacon dose easier; shoulders at 9%c; clear rib sides at 13c; clear sides 13%c. Whisky dosod in fair de mand und firm at $1 05. Butter closed steady and in fair demand; choice western reserve 28® 30c; choice central Ohio 25®2Sc. Live Hogs in fair demand; fair to good packing $6 40; medium heavy $6 50®S 75. .LOUISVILLE, March IS, Evening—Flour closed dull and unchanged; Extra Fall $4 00®4 25; Extra Family $4 59®5 UO; No. 1, $6 2s®7 25; Fancy $6 75®7 75. Wheat closed firm for choice; in ferior neglected; sales at $110®1 30. Com closed firm and in fair demand at 45®46c for choice white and mixed. Oats closed dull at 37®42c. Rye closed dull at 75c. Provisions closed quiet but firm; Pork at $23 50. Bulk Meats closed quiet: shoulders at 8% cents; clear rib sidts at 12 05; clear sides at 12 30, all loose. Bacon, shoulders 9 70; clear nb sides 13 10; clear sides 13 17%. Sugar Cured Hama 14%'®14%'c. Lard- tierce at 14%c; keg at 15%'c. Whisky closed dull at $1 01. Bagging closed at 12®13c. At anchor, outward bound—Schrs Light of the East, and May Morn. Waiting orders—Barks Lalla Rookh (Br), aLd Charlie Hickman (Br), brig Abraham (Dutch). Nothing in sight. Wind strong NW. Ttbee, March 19.—Passed in—Steamers Gen Sedgwick, from Port Royal; Dictator, from Charleston. Passed ont—Bark Chailie Hickman (Br). For tress Monroe for orders; steamers Gen Sedg wick. for Port RoyaL- Dictator, for Florida; schr May Mom. At anchor, inward bound—Steamship Oriental, from Boston. Outward bound—Schr Light of the East. Waiting—Bark Lalla Rookh (Br), and brig Abraham (Dutch). Nothing in sight. Wind high E. Santander, March 10—Arrived—Schr James Slater, Savannah. New York, March 19—Arrived—S T Whitman, GP Wright. Sailed—Wyanoke. Charleston. March 19—Arrived—Wilming ton, Lizzie F Dow. New Y’ork, March 19—Arrived—Lessing, Nav- ariDo. NeV Y’oRk, March 19—Arrived—Schooner* Florida, Jacksonville; F Merwin, Charleston, bailed—Jos Clark, Key West and Pensacola; schooner Mary Louisa, for Washington, N C; Carondeiet, for Galveston via Key West and New Orleans; steamships San Salvador, for Savannah; Champion, for Charleston; Pioneer, for Wil mington. London, March 19—Arrived at Liverpool- Barks Imperatore, San Francisco; Gnizeppe,New Orleans; Royal Dane, Mobile. New York, March 16—Arrived—Strs Delta, and Abyssinia. Charleston, March 17—Cleared—Steamer City of Atlanta, for New York: steamer Vir ginia, for Philadelphia; steamer Rebecca Clyde, for Baltimore; bark Fanny M Carvill. New Y’ork, March 18.—Arrived out—Wm Mills, Calypso, Sandringham, Tylgia, Nordens, Dronning, Hiraude, anuHanfoven. [By Mail.] Liverpool, March 12—Arrived—Bark Twilight (Br), Darien. Plymouth, March 14—Sailed—Bark Minnie M Watts, Watts, from Havre for Tybee or New Y'ork. Philadelphia, March 14—Arrived—Bark Hattie Goudey (Br), Hammond, Savannah; schr Lizzie Young, Young, Brunswick. Amsterdam, March 11—Arrived—Bark Adri ana Petronella (Dutch). Darien. Belfast, Ireland, March 13—Arrived—Bark Forest Oueen (Br), Darien. Copenhagen, March S—Passed by—Bark C F Ivers (Ger), Prest, Savannah, for Carlshaven. Glasgow, March 13—Arrived in the Clyde— Bark Griefswald (Ger), Darien. Maritime Miscellany. New Y'ork, March 19—The schr Annie Gib bon. from Savannah for Ponce, P R, was in Aux C’ayes Starch 2d m distress. London, March 19—The Czar, at Liverpool from Peneacola, experienced heavy weather and sustained damage Bark Helieahcl, from Fer- nandina, experienced heavy weather and sus tained damage. At Conway, the bark Cornelia, from Doboy, ex)>erienced heavy weather and sus tained damage. New Y’ork, March 19—The City of Galveston, before reported ashore at Mayaguana, is a com plete wreck. She was stripped and abandoned on the 12th. London, March IS— It$is 1 eared the British ship Lake St Clair, Capt Caffey, from New Y’ork Jan 19 for Glasgow, aud British bark Walton, Capt Shields, from New Y’erk Jan 20 for London, have been lost with all on board. Flushing, March 18—The Belgian steamer Au guste Andre. Capt Greve, from Antwerp for New York, is detained at this port In consequence of some defect in her machinery. Barnbuat, N J, March IS—The vessel suDk about 6 miles south of Bamegat light Is a schoon er. A schooner and brig collided about 9 o’clock last night. The brig sustained no injury and passed to sea, leaving a passing steamer to care for the schoontr’s crew, who were taken on board the steamer. It is impossible to get the names of the vessels. PORT OP DARIEN—ARRIVALS AND CLEARANCES FOR WEEK ENDING MARCH 17. Arrived—German bark Ostsee, Schmidt, Cape de Verde—A Dobell & Co; Br bark Egremout, Kenney, Whitehaven—A Dobell & Co. Cleared—Russian bark Arion, Laurin, Birken head—A Dobell Si Co; German bark Bertha, Schultz. Dundee—A Dobell & Co; German bark Rhea, Weichman, Berwick—Young «fc Langdon; Nor bark Actie, Oisen, Queenstown—I) ” Munro. Receipt*. Per steamer Dictator, from Charleston- 10 tierces and 43 bags rice, and 12 pkgs mdse, Per Central Railroad, March 18—431 bales cot ton, 21 cattle, 19 bogs, 22 tierces hams, 2 bbls castings, 230 bbls flour, 515 sacks corn, 2 hhds bacon, 2 bbls and 42 cases eggs, 2 bdis bags, 1 box books, 81 pkgs tobacco, 4 bale* mattresses, 1 one horse wagon, 2 boxes plants, 2 bbls bran, 86 bdls hides, 3 sewing machines, 2 bbls potatoes, 3 bbls beeswax, 6 bales twine, 1 box mdse, 6 bales Wood, dumber, He. Watrkrs, ietrelrtj, &t. XaUroads. #Wppi0(t. WOOD, WOOD. 100 CORDS BLACK JACK AND LIGHT- WOOD, at $4 00 per cord. For sale by feb21-tf BELL, STURTEVANT k CO. PLANING MILL, Lumbar and Wood Yard COR. LIBERTY AND EAST BROAD STREETS HMILTOiTS JEWELRY EMPORIUM! TELE LARGEST STOCK OF Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, Atlantic and Gull R. if. Qui&al Superintendent's Office, ] Atlantic and Gulp Railroad, > Savannah, January 22, 1676.) kN AND AFTER SUNDAY, JANUARY 23d, ' Passenger Trains on this Road will run follow*: NIGHT EXPRESS. Leave Savannah daily at. Arrive at Jesup “ EMPIRE LINE. FOR NEW YORK Erery Thursday and Saturday. ■-AKD- ALBERT S. BACON & CO. K EEP constantly on hand a full stock of PLANED and ROUGH LUMBER, PICK ETS, PLABTERING LATHS, MOULDINGS, SCROLL SAWING and TURNING TO ORDER. Full stock of BLACK WALNUT, WHITE PINE and POPLAR always on hand. OAK, LIGHT WOOD, PINE and KINDLING on hand. febl2-tf Wood, Wood. O AK, PINE and LIGHTWOOD, sawed and unsawed, for sale low on Canal, foot of Zubly street. Box at Branch A Cooper’s; corner Whitaker and Broughton streets. Apply to mhl4-lm SEYMOUR C. STEWART, Agt. Publications. ESTABLISHED 1844. The Spirit of Jefferson. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AT Charlestow n, Jefferson County, W. Va. Geo. W. Haines, Editor aud Publisher. Arrive at£ Arrive at Albany Arrive at Live Oak Arrive at Jacksonville Arrive at Tallahassee Leave Tallahassee Leave Jacksonville Leave Live Oak Leave Albany Leave Bainbridge Leave Jesup Arrive at Savannah Subscription 82 per Annum, In Advance. P UBLISHED at Charlestown, the county seat of the wealthy county of Jefferson, od the main lines, and forming the junction of the Val ley Branch ot the Baltimore and Ohio, and the Shetandoah Valley Katlroads. One of the best advertising medinms in the rich and productive lower Shenandoah Valley. GEO. P. ROWELL A CO., New York, and ROWELL k CHESMAN, mh!5-lm St. Lonis, Agents. A NEW MAGAZINE, V J UST PUBLISHED-The first number «fL capital new Monthly Magazine, or sort of Reference Scrap-Book. Being the monthly re cord of every important event in any part of the world, together with a selection of the choi :est miscellany of the month, carefully indexed and I edited by Frank Moore of the “Rebellion Record." Beautifully printed, with an elegant steel por trait of the late millionaire, Wm. B. Astor. ■ • : 1 • ■ ‘ I ' ■. p- j {]•-'- .t P i, |i ‘ J ifesy k - 1 tS.- - £ r ' V‘ - £ %, •«t S Z : ' WATC HE S IE WEIRY^SILXERAVvre 3:40 P. M. 6 50 P. |L 8:30 A. M. •* 10.00 A. M. 8:20 A. M. 7.46 A. M, “ 11:10 A.M. « 2:15 P.M. ** 6:00 P.M. •• M 3:40P.M. “ 4:45 P.M. “ 5.55 A. M. 9S0A.M. Pullman Sleeping Cara ran through to Jackson ville. No change of car* between Savannah and Jack sonville or Albany. Passenger* for Brunswick take this train, ar riving at Brunswick at 10:0 tpjt; leave Brunswick at 4:u0 p. m ; arrive at Savannah at 9:49 r. m Paatengere from Macon by Macon and Bruns wick S 09 a. m. train connec at Jesnp with this train for Florida. Passer nect at« 3:15 a. m., Connect at Albany with Passenger trains both ways on Southwestern Railroad to and L-ora En- fauia, Montgomery, New Orleans, etc. Close connection daily at Jacksonville with St. John’s river steamers. DAY PASSENGER. Leave Savannah, Sundays f:25 A. M- regular u^j! For Port Koyal, lie, and the United States FleJ •vi ii lui riuuua. tengers from Savannah by (his train con it Jesup with train arriving in Macon at m., daily. THE FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP GEN. BARNES, Captain CHESSMAN, W ILL sail for the above port on THURSDAY. March 2'd, at 4:30 o'clock P. M. SABf SALVADOR, NICKERSON, Master, W ILL sail for the above port on SATUR DAY, March 25th, at 4:30 o’clock P. M. For freight or passage, apply to WILDER «t CO., Agents, inh20-tf No. S Stoddard’s Upper Range. PHILADELPHIA A5D SOI THEBX Mllb STEAMSHIP LINE. THB FINE STEAMER A It Ii 1 ^ Captain CAj.w. W U£'« V « Padelford’s wharf EVPnr- ^ DAY, at s o’cioce a. m, re „i R ' »(l5 evening. ’ For lreight or pasaaoe. apply p, mhlT tf Blcia ®'S?Ul INSIDE -TO— -A\VRKN- C j FOR PHILADELPHIA. A- Arrive at Jesup Arrive at Tebeanville Arrive at Live Oak Arrive at Jacksonville Leave Jacksonville Leave Live Oak Leave Tebeanville Leave Jesup Arrive at S<pannab I 11:16 A. M. 1:15 P. M. • 5:25 P. M. 10:10 P. M. 1 7:45 A. M. 1 12 56 P. M. 1 4:25 P.M. 6:50 P.M. 9:40 P. M. Lucas’ elegant Parlor Cars between Savannah and Jacksonville. Passengers from Florida by this train connect at Jesup with train arriving in Macon at 3:15 a. m. Trains on B. and A. R. R. leave junction, gum$ west, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:14 L M. For Brunswick Tuesday, Thursday aud Satur day at 4:26 p. h. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Dupont (Sundays exceptod), at. 6 25 A. M, t Va” - Is. 18 A. M. “. 9.34 A. M. “.11:30 A.M. “. 5:15 P. M. “. 7:35 P. M. S:25 A. M. “.10:42 A. M. “. 1:15 P. M. “. 3:12 P.M. “. 4:30 P.M. 6:30 P. M. EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY. W~ of DIRECT IMPORTATION from England and France, and of my own personal selec • tiou In Northern cities. Arrive at Valdosta Arrive at Quitman Arrive at Thomasville Arrive at Camilla Arrive at Albany Leave Albany Leave Camilla Leave Thomasvifie Leave Quitman Leave Valdosta Arrive at Dupont Connect at Albany with trains on Southwestern Railroad leaving Albany at 8:20 r. m., Monday, Thursday aud Friday, arriving at Albany at 7:45 . Sunday, Mouday, Wednesday aud Thnrs- day. Way Freight train, with passenger accommoda tions, leaves Savannah Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 7:00 a. m. ; arrive at Savannah Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 5:10 r. m. Jno. Evans, Gen’l Ticket Ag’t. H. S. HAINES, jan24-tf General Superintendent. T HE steamship Wyoming having been tempo rarily withdrawn, the fine passenger steam ship JUNIATA will cover the line and will a&il for Philadelphia on THURSDAY’, March 23d. at 4 o’clock p. m., and every ten days thereafter until farther notice. Insurance on Cotton by steamers of this line one-half per cent. The passenger accommodations of the JUNI ATA are unsurpassed. Through bills lading signed to Antwerp, Kotter- &m, Amsterdam, Bremen, Hamburg, London, Hull, Leith, aud all prominent interior points on the Continent of Europe, by steamers of the “Red Star Line,’’ and the “American Steamship Com pany” and their connections from Philadelphia. For freight or passage, apply to HUNTER A GAMMELL. Imh20-tf 100 Bay Street. of price, 60 i ts, by G. W. CARLE TON & CO., Publishers, Madison Square, New Y’ork. mh8-W,F&Mlm Wishes to Marry, A ND DESIRES MONEY” for that purpose- does the lighter of the GENEVA LAMP. Help him. Subscription reduced to one dollar a year. Clubs of ten copies, seventy -five cents each. Write to J. L. DENNIS, Geneva, Ga., for specimen of this “Georgia Punch.” mh!3-lm H. P. HAMILTON, Corner of Whitaker, Congress ami St. Julian ^rtUisrrs. Streets. jan26-tf Central Railroad. OFFICE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT,) Savannah, February 19, 1876. / O N and after SUNDAY’, February 20, Passenger Trains will depart from and arrive at Sa vannah twice daily: gaiotji, (0Its, &c. TO THE PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY IN GEORGIA. USE SAEDY^S FERTILIZERS! CHEAPEST AUD BEST 15 USE-GKEaTLY REDUCED PRICE5 FOB CAS1. Depart 9:15 a. m. I Depart 7:30 p. x. j Arrive 5:25 r. m. Arrive 7:15 a._m. For Augusta, Macon, Columbus and Atlanta, making close through connections to all i>oints North and West. Traveler* can obtain through tickets, time tables and all desired information, by calling at the Company’s Ticket Office, U. L. SCHREINER, Special Agent, Monument square, corner Con gress street. WM. ROGERS, febl9-12m General Superintendent. FOR BALTIMORE AND PROVIDENCE. T HE Merchants' and Miners’ Transportation Company’* steamships JOHNS HOPKINS, WM. LAWRKNCE, McCLELLAN, WILLIAM CRANE, WILLIAM KENNEDY, SARAGOSSA, GEORGE APPOLD.BLACKSTONE,AMERICA, will ply regularly between Savannah, Baltimore and Providence, R. I., and Baltimore, Norfolk and Boston, conveying freight and passengers at reasonable rates. rags, 63 bales domestics, 1 bbl old metal, 160 sacks guano, 15 cars lumber, 80 cords wood, and 9 sacks peas. Per Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. March 18—136 bales cotton, 35 cars lumber, 364 sacks corn, 2 cars bulk oats, 2 cars switch i es, 27 bbls turpen tine, 40 bbls rosin, 139 crates and 93 box^s mar malades, 55 crates vegetables. 29 sacks potatoes, 24 boxes oranges. 6 bales hides. 4 bbls potatoes, 1 hhd fish, 2 bbls oranges, and mdse. Per steamer Reliance, from Satilla River, Ac- 33 bales upland cottOD, 122 bdls shooks, 11 cow hides. 3 crates cabbages, 17 sacks rice, and 30 pkgs mdse. Per steamer City Point, from Florida—3 bales cotton, 1 lot hides, and 150 pkgs mdse. Expert*. Per steamship Ariel, for Havre—173 bale* sea island cotton. Per schr P T Willetts, for New Haven—75,733 feet of lumber; for Bridgejiort-54,765 feetlum- N*w zona. % hi pad v. as follows: futures I3%®f3 7-16c; June, Sfeamer April, 13 2-32®12%c, May. 1 »'*% h32 Q 13 15 _ 16c; -Richards n.r^ClS^^ Wi Short Clear Middles 03§ 6<1. lafsoon—Floor opened NSW *^ 0 „’ n «n@2c better. Coro 5S10c better ^ b I£I.2?Pork opened firm at opened a suade rtrmer. m iteam M JJ2 1WS23 00 “Saline quiet at SSc. DiL 5 - *£2 Bteady^at *1 60«1 « for .trained. Weekly Resume. New Yohk,March 18—At the Cotton Exchange during the week the market advanced %c. but has been quiet, and at the close prices were weak. Futures opened very firm, and tending upward; but the Dank failure interrupted this, being followed by weakeniug iu the Liverpool tarket and a decline in the gold market, has ever since been depressed. Shipping jnttUtflrnK. ffllnlatur* Almanac—Thl* Uar. I Bun Rises...... 6 1 I Sun Sets 5 59 I High Water at Savannah.... 4:03 am .4:33 p m Monday, March 20. Arrived Saturday. Steamship Cleopatra, Bulkley, New Y'ork— Hunter & Gammell. Steamer Reliance, Smith, Darien, Ac—Brainard A Robertson. Steamer City Point, Fitzgerald, Florida— Brainard A Robertson. Steamer Gen Sedgwick, Fitzgerald, Florida— Richardson A Lawrence. Cleared Saturdav. Steamship Ariel (Br), Isblster, Havre—Holst, Fullarton A Co. Steamship San Jacinto, Hazard, New York— Wilder A Co. Steamship Wyoming, Teal, Philadelphia—Hun ter A Gammell. Schr I* T Willetts, Willetts. New Haven via Bridgeport—Jos A Roberts A Co. Schr Three Sisters, Baker, Woodstock, Fla, to load for Philadelphia—Jos A Roberts A Co. Hailed Saturday. Steamship San Jacinto. New Y'ork. Steamship Wyoming, Philadelphia. Bark Eldorado (Nor), Cronstadt. Brig Salvador (Sp), Santander. Brig Johnny Smith (Br). Baltimore. Departed Saturday. Gen Sedgwick. Fitzgerald, Port Royal •Richardson A Lawrence. Steamer City Point, Fitzgerald, Charleston— Brainard A Robertson. Arrived Yeaterdav. Oriental, Hedge, Boston—Rich- J her. Per steamship San Jacinto, for New Y'ork— 456 bales upland cotton, 6 bales twine, 6 hales yarn, 70 casks rice, 153 bbls rosin, 1-8 dry cow hides, S4 bdls green hides, 420 pkgs vegetables, 114 pkgs fruit, 77 pkgs mdse, ana 122 bb;s shooks. Per Steamship Wyoming, for Philadelphia— 386 bales cotton, 165 baies domestics, 3.400 feet lumber, 20 casks rice, 45 hales paper stock, 42 bbls spirits turpentine, 256 empty barrels, 95 pkgs fruit, and 75 pkgs mdse. Passencers. Per steamer Dictator, from Charleston, Ac.— Charles Van Cock, J M Phinney, A Haas, J M Sharpe, Capt A Morgan, and A P Sandere. Per steamer Gen Sedgwick,from Jacksonville— J Downs, H Blatford, Miss Benson, Miss Parker, Mrs Holden, W A Woodward and wife, C H Newton, J Butter, H Parker, Miss Barrow. J Bruce, H Taylor, Mr and Mrs Chapin, J W Bar- row, J Appiin, G W Smith, J M Taylor, J Ben son. Knight and son, H Weeks and wife, Mrs Wilson, B Bacon, J L Russell, wife, nurse and children, Mrs Hilliard, Mrs Abbott, J II Weeks and wife, M H Barney and wife. Mrs A B 8tong anddaaghter, FA Morse, J Thompson, H Ver- milye, J M Howe, F H Amies, J D Gould, and R D Hoyt- Per steamship Cleopatra, from New York— R L Ferri*. M m Ferris, Miss Rockwell, Mrs Pomeroy, Miss Pomeroy, Mrs Ryder, Miss Mary Hyder, Dr Hutchinson, wife and child. Com Dickerson, wife, ofcild and nurse, W A Game- well, aud Mr AverilL Per steamer Reliance, from Satilla River, Ac— Mr* J M Fisher and son, D Kennedy, Captain Grayson, Mr Griftln, H I) Headman. Mis* Lena Bishop. Miss Sallie H Smith. Miss Hattie Powell, Rev H Dunlop, Capt G B King, and 22 deck. Pei* steamer City Point, from Florida—Bishop Conoly aud servant, L Boge and wife, Miss Nivi- son. Miss Elrud, H B Hooker and wife. Miss Nichols. Miss Crivison, Mr Platt, Perry Marcy, Porter Marcy, S Jones, S Brown, and 10 deck. Consignee*. Per steamer Dictator, from Charleston— Brainard A K, L Manigault, Palmer A D, John Luchta, Gourdin, Young A Frost, Capt Simmons, Order, Walter Blake, and C G Taylor. Per steamer Gen Sedgwick, from Jacksonville— H Myers A Bros, Alexander A It, J L Villalonga, Holcombe, H A Co, Chas H Olmstead, and Tison AG. Per Central Railroad, March 18—Fordg Agt, W J R Hyatt, Order C Davis A Co, Palmer A D, Sam Herman, Oomm A L. Bernhard A K, Wrn Freeman, Jas F Brown A Co. M J Doyle, P Pos ted, 8 G Haynes A Bro, F P Kenney, Elias Brown, Jo C Thompson, E Y Hill, D B Morgan, L Putzel, Goodman A M, A Freidenberg A Co, L E Byck. A A G R R, Geo Schley A Co, Alexan der A R, M Foret A Co, H Myers A Bros, Boehm, B A Co, Singer Mfg Co, Russak A Co, D C Ba con, M B Mfllen, Mrs Palmer, Miller A K, Wal ter A Hart, L J Goiimartlu A Co. Jno L Martin, Groover, S A Co, Tison A G, J W Lathrop A Co, W B Woodbridge, Muir A D, Jas B West A Co, F M Farley, D Y Dancy A Co, Blitch AM, F M Williams, and J E Lee. Per Atlantic and Golf Railroad, March 18— Fordg Agt, Goodman A M, U Myers A Bros, D Paints & Oils House, Sign aud Decorative PAINTING. W HOLESALE and r. tail dealer In Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, and a lull line of Artists’ Materia s. Also, Window Glues, Window Shades, AND Pnper Hangings. All goods delivered in any part of the city, and sold ten per cent, less than any other house in Savannah. JOHN G. BUTLER, mh~-6m 22 Drayton st., near Bronghton, PAOTlTOI McKENNAHANLEY, Paint and Oil Store, AND DEALE US IN ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD, AND PAINTERS’ SUPPLIES. FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW AND PICTURE GLASS. 130 ST. JULIAN ST., Facing Pulaski House (Johnson Square.) HOUSE, SIGN and DECORATIVE PAINTERS. mhll-«m tforsfts. (4et the UE5UINE! Beware of Imitations: THOMSON’S PATENT ixlove Fitting Corsets W HOLESALE PRICE LIST OF SARDY’S FERTILIZERS, manufactured at Charie*mn, 8. C., by the ASHKPOO MINING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. C. H. OLMSTEAD, SELLING AGENT, Savannah, Georgia. PRICES OF HARDY’S STANDARD FERTILIZERS PER TON OF 2.000 LBS., AT CHARLESTON, S. C. PHOSPHO-PERUVLAN 1 TO 7 TONS. $40 8 TO 24 TONS. $38 AMMONIATED SOLUBLE PACIFIC $.i3 $36 DISSOLVED BONE $26 $26 25 TOPS OR OVER $37 $35 $25 EACH O R S E TgTGtj Stamped ‘THOMSON WITH TRAD E- MARK A CROWN*. They give entire satis faction. Eve ry lady who has worn them recom mends them. A NOVELTY.—Thomson’s Patent Solid Fas tening Capped Corset Steels. They are Unbreak able, and their fastenings do not abrade the dress. For sale by first class dealers everywhere. THOMSON, LANGDON A CO., N. Y.. Sole Importers aud Patentees for the U. S. mhl0-F,M&W3m EIGHT GRADE OF FINISH AND EACH A PERFECT FIT. Be sure get the GENUINE Notices. NOTICE. T IIE AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF LAGER BEER from the brewery of BERGNER & ENGEL, of Philadelphia, for the States of Georgia, Alabama and Florida Has this day been given to Messrs. 0E0. CH. GEMUNDEN & SON, OF SAVANNAH, GA., who will be constantly supplied with the well known superior article, for which we solicit an extended patronage and a call upon the above named gentlemen. mhl4-61 BERGNER A ENGEL. (Sducattonal. c Co, S: ler, L J Co, k B Reppard, Sloat, B A Co, N A Hardee’s Son A Co, Morel AM, Miller A K, C W Smith Singer Mfg Co, Gen Freight Agt,,H M Co- J Guilmartin A Co, Groover.8 A Co,Order A E, J L Villalonga, J W Lathrop A Co. Tison A G. Per steamship Cleopatra, from New Y'ork— A R Altmayer. Alexander A R, Brainard A R, Boehm. B A Co, O Butler A Co, Blitch A M, II I’ Bickford, Branch A C. Bernhard A K, Claghom & C, Mr Cornwell, Champion A F, Cohen, II A Co, Crawford A L, M Desbouillon, A Doyle, M J Doyle, Einstein, K A Co, Frank A E, M Ferst A Co, Gray, O’B A Co, D Greenbaum, S W Glea son, S Guckenheimer, Gomm A L, Rev Bishop Gross, A Golden, J Gardner G C Gemenden.Wm Hone A Co, MAE Hetterich, Thos Halligan, G M Heidt, Hilton, Foster A G. Heidi A Son, R K Kirksey, J Koox, Lndden A B, Lathrop A Co, Jno Lyons, P Llndenstruth, K Morgan, Mrs McQuade, E Myers,- E L Neidlinger, H C New man, John Oliver, D A Oelmer, M W Owens, P Posted, J A Polhlll, S Pease, J B Reedy, J C Rowland, Russak A Co, L C Strong. Solomons A Co, Solomon Bros, M Steinberg, F Stoughton. J ~ ‘ ’ **** n AW, SermpoR pxrALomfBit. angl6-M,\\ AFAwly irpl Notices. Fpanier, 8 A Schreiner, Thompi T N npsoi Tbens, Watkins, N A Co. W B Woodbridge, M E Wilbur. Weed AC, A M A C W West, 1) Weis- bein. Sir Reliance, Str Gen Sedgwick, Str Leo, A A G R R, C R R. Per steamer Reliance, from Satilla River, Ac— Brainard A R, CLGiioert A Co, G 6 Owens, Pataey Brooks, S Guckenheimer, Boehm, B A Co, Mr* Aiken, J C Niabett, Wm Anderson, Ti son A G, J I Martin, L J Guilmartin A Co, A D Bell A Co, V Basler, John Ryan, Chas Seiler, H Myers A Bros, Miss H Donwoody, W F Barry. W J Donnelly, and Mrs Thomas. Per steamer City Point, from Florida—Brainard A R, Hunter A G, R Cohen, J L Villalonga, L J Guilmartin A Co, H Myers A Bros, D Y Dancy A Co, Ludden A B. Charleston—Brai- Rosln opened Steady Freights opened nrm. Baltzmobx, March _ and firm ; .“ t ',TTr n . Howard Street Extra era Superfine $3130»4'TfrCity Mills 8u- Ma&«; Famdv rrS*~. ** 18 Noon—Flour steady 'street And West- f 14 25®5 25; Extra $5 00® perflne 13 02 ®4 00; ^ItY y* 1 ."*Rfo1>rande $7 oo I 650; City Mills FttmUy but flrnl ; 25; Family * 8 p”-„Y^S» Bed at *1 «a Western fl™? > P 3^155; Amber « M 1 47; Maryland Red M Opened ateady ® 1 60; White $1 40®1 [ • We(llern flirner and aud Ann for Souther^ $2&52c; Yellow, 55® , active; Southern White, I 59c. . [kvekero bspobt. Flawel*i l ‘ , Paris, March 18, EveDing.-^^ ote ^ if cl /or 66f 6®c. Exchange on London, short sight. . ,« leveling.—Mone Mot York, March atlt4X« a Gom - at 26f 23c for J H DeWolf. Steamship Urie ardson A Barnard. Steamer Dictator, Vogel, nard A Robertson. Steamer Gen Sedgwick, Fitzgerald, Port Royal —Richardson A Lawrence. Hailed Yeaterdav. Bark Charlie Hickman, Fortress Monroe. Schr May Mora, Son them Port. Departed Yeaterdav. 8teamer Dictator, Vogel, Florida—Brainard A j Memoranda. Masters of vessels arriving at this port who wish to be reported, will please send memoranda to J H Estill, Agt New York Associated Press, No 3 Whitaker street. (By Telegraph to the Morning NewB.] Tybee, March 18—Passed in—Steamship Cleo- r tra, from New York; ahip Transit (Am), schr H DeWolf. •, for Phila- gru? goofcs. NEW BOOKS D closed at 4®5 per cent. Gow w steady at 114%. Sterling B^hange qojj*. and 67. Government bonds do** 1 ^ Passed out—Steamships Wyom deiphla; San Jacinto, for New York; steamer City Point, for Charleston; hark K^rado (Nor), for Cronatadt; brigs Salvador. *■ for Sam tan* der; Johnny Smith (Br), to** EAR LADY DISDAIN. THE CURATE IN CHARGE. HIS NATURAL LIFE. VICTOR AND VANQUISHED. OWEN GWYNNE’S GREAT WORK. LORD BYRON. Castelar. JOHV feb2S-tX H. COOPER & CO. Check Books. O N all the SAVANNAH BANKS, stamped and unstamped, kept constantly on ade. Check Books printed to c and c **—*- Notice in Admiralty. U NITED STATES OF AMERICA, Southern District of Georg a. In Admiralty. Where as, a libel iu rem and in personam has been filed on the 15th day of March, instant, in the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Georgia, by Claghom A Cunningham, of Savannah, iu said District, against Victoria Gelpcke, owner of the steamship Huntsville, and against the steamship Huntsville, her tackle, apparel and furniture, now lying at Savannah, in the said District, and against all persons law fully intervening for iheir interests therein, in a cause of contract, civil and maritime, for reasons and causes in the said libel mentioned, and pray ing the usual process, monition aud citation in that behalf to be made; and that all persons claim ing any interest therein may be cited to appear and answer the premises; and that the said steamship Huntsville, etc., may be condemned and sold to pay the demands of the libellants. And whereas, a citation in personam to the aaid Victoria Gelpcke and a warrant of arrest has been issued on the said fifteenth day of March, 1876, under the seal of the said Court, commanding me to attach the said steam ship, etc., and to give due notice to all persona chiming the same, to appear and answer, and make claim thereto. Now, therefore. I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming the said steamship, etc., or in any manner interested therein, that they be and appear at the Clerk’s office of the Dis trict Court of the United States for the Spa th em District of Georgia, in the citv of Savan nah, on THURSDAY', the thirtieth day of March, A. D 1876, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to interpose their claims, and to make their allegations in that behalf. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this fifteenth day of March, A. D. 1876. W. H. SMYTH, United States Marshal, District of Georgia. 8. Y'ates Levy, Proctor for Libellants. mhl7-F,MAW3 S TATE OF GEORGIA, Epyingham Couhty. By virtue of an order from the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday iu March, instant, will be sold at the Court House door of said county, between the lawful hours of sale, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL next, two small tracts of Land in said county, known as the lands of David E. Gaann, deceased—one tract contain? 50 acres, more or less, and is improved; the other tract contains 27% acres wood land—all of said lands lying near Captain F. Guana's. Terms of heire. The above prices are twenty-five per c nt. below our regular trade prices, and far below those of any other Fertilizers of the same grade, consequently, to secure them, TnECASH MUST IN ALL CASES ACCOMPANY’ THE ORDER. For TIME PRICES, on good acceptances, apply to the sell ing agent. Orders for less than eight tons will be subject to a charge of $1 per ton for drayage; latyjer quantities will be supplied tree of drayage. FOR ANALYSIS AND FURTHER PARTICULARS SEND FOR PAMPHLET. jan!S-dAw2m ^aiuts, (Oils, &r. Savannah and Charleston R.K. Omoa Savaxn ab A Charleston R. R. Co.,\ Savaxkah, January 23, 1876. f O N AND AFTER MONDAY, JANUARY 24th,inst., the Passenger Trains on this Road will run AS follows, FROM ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILROAD PASSENGER DEPOT: DAY PASSENGER TRAINS (Sundays excepted): Leave Savannah at 9:00 A. M. Arrive at Port Royal at.... 2:30 P. M. Arrive at Augusta at 4:00 P. M. Arrive at Charleston at 4:20 P. M. Leave Port Royal at 10:20 A. M. Leave Augusta at 8.33 A. M. Leave Charleston at s:lb A. W. Arrive at Savannah at 3:3) P. M. Connection made at Charleston with North eastern and South Carolina Railroads; at Augusta with Georgia, Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta, and Sooth Carolina Railroads. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAINS (Daily): Leave Savannah at 10:20 P. M. Arrive at Port Koval at 4:30 A. M. Arrive at Augusta at 7:20 A. M, Arrive at Charleston at 6:30 A. M. Leave Port Royal at 11:45 P. M. Leave Augusta at 6:40 ?. M. Leave Charleston at S:30 P. M. Arrive at Savannah at 7:#0 A. M. Connection made at Charleston with North eastern and SoBth Carolina Railroads, and at Augusta with Georgia and South Carolina Rail roads. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS RUN THROUGH TO AND FROM CHARLESTON AND ATLANTA ON NIGHT TRAINS. Tickets for sale at K. R. Bren’s and L. J. Ga zan's Special Tick* t Agencies, No. 21 Ball street and Pulaski House, also at Depot Ticket Office. C. C. OHNEY, Rec. C. 8. GADSDEN, jan25-tf Engineer and Superintendent. THE STEAMSHIP SARAGOSSA, T. A. HOOPER Commander, I S appointed to sail for Baltimore and Provi dence on THURSDAY, March 23d, at 3 o’clock P. M. Through Bills of Lading signed for Cotton to the principal manufacturing towns in New Eng land, to Liveroool by the Alien and Beaver lines, and to Bremen, Moscow and St. Petersburg by the North German Lloyd's Line from Baltimore. For freight or passage, apply to JAS. B. WEST A CO., Agents, 174 Bay street A. L. HUGGINS, Agent, Baltimore, Md. E. H. ROCKWELL, Agent, Providence, R ’ mh!7-tf ROUxj; fi«ki«v THE ELEGANT SIDE-WHEEL % STEAMER Gen’l' Sedgwick Captain J. FITZGEKAUi ^ H AS been permanently placed „ between Savamiah.'lia., aS S®* mop touching at Doboy, Darien Mary'i, Fern&nhina, Jacksonville ^* £ all intermediate noints. ' Will leave Sifannab Every at 10 o’clock a. m„ arrive at Jackamj 1 ®>tr NEspAV, MORNING, PkiRttaSS^a Returning, leave Pataka EVERYtSS**. MOHNINO, Jacksonville KKin iy fcpil arriving at Savannah SATUBDAy5oo)£G. Connecting at Darien mu, ifJWlttu, the Altamaha river; at Bruns, !« con and Brunswick Railroad* at S; Lv kv the upriTer steamers; at Fern.-. V, - r ’ 1 .. Florida Railroad; at I'ocoi wW.“ft,* 1 ? »> Railway lor St. Augustine; at Paho J *' steamers lor the upper St. John’, and n - nvers. For freight or passage, apply r ■as**—* KKUll.tlt, : “WINTER SCHEDULE, For Darien, Brunswick, ami Satilla River, Touching at St. Catherine’s. Sapelo, Doborm,. Buuoi i Isianda. CE, STEAMER relian Captain Jok Smith, (In place of steamer Carrie,) Ty ILL leave DcRenne’s wharf, (not nf TV com street, for the above named riL-i”' foUows, connecting at Darien with shmScfe for Altamaha, Ocmulgee and Oconie Riven- TCESDAV, March Tth, at Id o’cloc 1 - e TUESDAY, Marcli Util at 5 o’clock p i TUESDAY, March kl M at lSuS v.*’ TUESDAY. March SMli, al 4 o'clock p *u Freight for the Islands, Satills, .timko. Ocmulgee and Oconee Rivers pays* Rates as low is by other lines m B? AINAKD * ROBERTSON, Agenu. mll1 - tf OIIIttOOTgt FOR NASSAU, N.P. New York, Savannah and Nassau Mail Steamship Line, Under contract with the Bahamas Government, and carrying the British and U. S. Mails. Srtel* and Restaurants. TTTTTTT AY Y L OOO RRRRR * m ssss T AA Y Y L O 0 R R * s T A A Y Y L o 0 R It s T A A Y Y L o O RRRR ssss T AAAAA Y L o 0 R R s T A A Y L 0 0 R K s T A AY T.r.T.T.T.T.T. OOO R R aSSSSS PAIJYT A^D Oil. DEPOT, No. 3 Bull Street, opposite l’ost Office. WHOL.ESA T_a E AND 111: r l’ AIL Railroad, Mill and Ship Supplies, Lubricating Oils, Faint Oils,Burning Oils, SPECIALTIES. LOWEST MARKET PRICES. KEROSENE AND niGU TEST BURNING OILS. MIXED PAINTS, READY FOR IMMEDI ATE USE. CALL AND COMPARE PRICES. C. GrREGGr TAYLOR, So. 3 Bull Street, opposite Post Office. PLASTERS’ HOTEL, Cor. of Barnard & Bryan Sts , (Market Square, Savannah, Ga.) A. E. CARR, Proprietor, Formerly proprietor Magnolia House, Darien, Ga. ROOMS LARGE AND AIRY! CONVEYANCE.- AT STEAMERS AND RAILROADS! Board $2 00 per Day, with Room. A LL conveniences, snch as Telegraph, Po»! Office, Reading Room, first-class Ba: ber ci— 'with cold or hot baths connected), and SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TC Billii GETTING UP SUPPERS PARTIES, BALLS, ETC. sep24-my29-ly FOR PRIVATE THE FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER STEAMSHIP LEO, Captain DANIELS, W ILL sail from Savannah WEDNESDAY, March 22,1876, at 4 o’clock P. M., and there after every ten (lays, making close connec tions at Savannah with first-class steamer* to and from New Y'ork, or by rail to all parts of the country; also affording Florida and Southern tourists every facility for including Nassau in their trip without being forced to take passage from a Northern port. For further information, rates of freight, pas sage and illustrated Nassau guides, apply to the Agents, T. DARLING it CO. f Nassau; MUR RAY', FERRIS A CO., 62 South street, New York. HUNTER A GAMMELL, Agents, mh!6-tf Savannah, Ga. FOR NEW YORK ALTERNATE TUESDAYS. FLORIDA. DAILY IU« OX THE ST. JOHN’S BUM. The Old Dominion Steamship Company's I. and Elegant Steamer HAMPTON, Capt. A. W. Stark, H AVING large and handsomely fitted sainoni and state rooms, with every convenience ana luxury of a Northern pmenor rhZ steamer, will leave the Railroad wharf at JACK SONVILLE, FLORIDA, DAILY (iurilr Z celled), at 9 a. m., after the arrival of the tram from Savannah, for PALATKA and all £ termediate landings on the SL John's river » turning same day. Close connections mac-a Tocoi.both ways, with trains ot the St. Joan* Railroad for ST. AUGUSTINE, and at Paieja with steamers for ENTERPRISE and intend ate landings on the Upper SL John's aud theoct- lawaha river. Passengers by trains from Savan nah can have baggage checked through, and tiu the HAMPTON, without being subjected to dc- iay and expense of transfer through Jackaoc- viile. Meals served onboard. Excursion tickets to St. Augustine and Pahtth at reduced rates, and through ticket# for rilrao- road and steamer connections, North and South sold on board. JOHN CLARK, „ _ _ Agent, Jacksonville, Pa l . M. Davis, Passenger Agent. (iec30«am Winter Schedule. w\ Pry ©oofls. JUST ARRIVED AT R. MORGAN’S, 139 Congress Street, NICE NEW SPRING GOODS. E CRU SCARFS, LACES, INSERTINGS, EDGING?; a choice assortment cf the above selected to suit the taste of the Ladies CASSIMERES DIAGONAL COATINGS, PLAID SUI TINGS, LADIES SKIRTS. CAMBRICS, yard wide, new patterns; cheap. A large lot of HANDKERCUIEFS from bankrupt sa'« s. Ladies' HOSE, Gent’s HALF nOSE, Children’s HUSK. STRIPED HOSE. LINEN LAWNS; FANCY' PRINTS; ECRU RUCHINGS; SUN SHADES with ivory handles. All goods marked down to suit the times. Call and examine for yourselves at mblil-tf R. MO ROAN’S. New Corsets at Dixon’s. lal pric _ _ $1; same as I have been selling at $1 25 per pair. FIFTY CENTS for a good strong WOVEN CORSET. All sizes, just opened. GO TO DIXON’S For the best assortment of LADIES’ HIGH BACK COMB8, from cheap goods aa low as 20 cents — oLLA— each to finest >t quality made; for best assortment of LADIES’LINEN COLLARS and CUFFS: for LADIES’ LACE TIES and NECK RUFFLINGS, latest styles; for PARASOLS and SUN SHADES in Silk, Cambric and Sateen. JOHN Y. DIXON, mhl6-tf CORNER BULL AND BROUGHTON STREETS. METROPOLITAN HOTEL, JESUP, GEORGIA. On the Atlantic and Gulf asd Macon and Bruns wick Railroads. A. M. HAYWOOD, PROPRIETOR. Trains stop in thirty feet of the house, from twenty to thirty minutes for each meaL jan4-tf BBKSMVS European House! SAVANNAH, O A., (Opposite New Market). ROOMS WITH BOARD $2 PER DAY. FINE LARGE AND AIRY ROOMS ALWAYS IN READINESS FOR FAMILIES AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. One of the finest RESTAURANTS in the Soott attached to the house. dec7-tf liprjs, (Cipr Solders, &t. READ AND PROFIT BY THE KNOWLEDGE YOU DERIVE. ^Ulvcd ^aint. ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT? THE AVEBILL CIIEmFcAL PAINT IS THE BEST 11ST THE WOULD- MIXED, READY FOK USE. THE PUREST WHITE AJiD ONE HUNDRED BEAUTIFUL TINTS AND COLORS. The Cheapest, the Most Durable, tbe Handsomest, THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS BEAR EVIDENCE OF ITS GREAT SUPERIORITY. Send for SA3IPLE CARD (furnished free) to the General Agents, SEELEY & STEYEN8, 32 Burling Slip, New York City. F RESH IMPORTED CIGARS, of all sizes and different brands. A large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC CIGARS. VANITY FAIR, LONE JACK, DURHAM and all other popular brands of SMOKING TOBACCO! As well as a full line of PLUG and FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCOS! 8NUFFS, PIPES, CIGARETTES, ETC., ETC., AT MOLINA’S CIGAR EMPORIUM, Cor. Ball and State Streets. Satisfaction guaranteed in every particular to any who are kind enough to favor me with their patronage. mhl-tf THE FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP MAGNOLIA, Captain DAGGETT, ILL sail for the above port on TUES DAY, March 26,1876, at - o’clock —. M. Through bills of lading on Cotton to foreign ports furnished. For freight or passage apply to OCTAVUS COHEN A CO., Agents, mhl5-tApI 98 Bay street. MUBBAY’S LINE. FOR NEW YORK EVERY TUESDAY. Savannah,Charleston and Flo. rida Steam Backet Line. A THE SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL STEAM£H3 CITY POINT, Capt. J. W. Fitzgerald Will sail EVERY WED NESDAY at 12 m. DICTATOfi, Capt. Leo VcetL, Will sail EVERY Sl> DAY at l‘J m. THE FIR3T-CLAS8 STEAMSHIP CL EOPATRA, Captain BULKLEY. W ILL sail for the above port on TUES DAY, March 21st, 1S76. at 4 o’clock P. M. Through bills lading furnished on Cotton des- tmed for Liverpool, Hamburg, Glasgow. Antwerp, Cfetetiana, Rotterdam, Ac., Ac., by first-class (FBOM UB RXNNE'S WHAHT, SAVANNAH.) For Feruandiita, Jacksonville, Palatka, A ND all Way Landings on St. John’s Kivet connecting at Paintka with sttamen far Upper St. John's and Oclawaha Rivers. RETURNING: CITY FOOT Will arrive at Savannah every SATURDAY I morning, and sail for CHARLESTON, S. C„ | at 7 o’clock a. m. DICTATOR Will arrives! SavMMk every T H I K SIMl morning, aud sail lot CHARLESTON A C. at 7 o'clock a m. steamshi] For fri ?ht or passage,; HUNTS t A GAMMELL, 84 Bay Street. FOB BOSTON. Boston am Savannah Steamship Line. tfwkrnj, (China and (Classuarr. GEORGE W. ALLEN, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN CROCKERY, CHINA & GLASSWARE, So. 192 Broughton Street, Savannah, Ga., N EXT DOOR TO J. LINDSAY’S flue and elegant Furniture Store, has just received a select and very extensive assortment of Goods, which, added to my former choice stock of Goods, now enable* me to offer to my friends and customers extra inducements. The best and largest assort ment of Crockery, China, Glassware. Or Extra fine Dinner and Tea Sets, Christmas Presents, Toilet Sets, Cologne, Smoking and Wine Sets, Dolls, Vases, China Cups and Saucers, and all other fancy and ornamental articles, In snch great and endless variety that 1 am confident I will please. Will be sold low and at price* to suit tne rtTnp ! a i dec 15-12m t sale, cash. Sold for the benefit of the Springfield, March 6, 1876. mhI3-M4t LOUISA GNANN, GuidiM, $10,000 a Year. STILL FUBTHEB DEVELOPMENTS. M EY’ER, 35 Whitaker street, has found ont that the people will buy his FIVE-CENT CIGARS. He expects to sell $10,000 worth of those five-center* before he stops. mhl5-6t Hearn gogises and pachiaery. &20* l !»u5&£ Hardware. HARD W ABE. 1,000 KKOS " AI1 “* 260 6m. AXES—uMrF4. 126 C.M DwHm IKON, 26 Cl, HOLI.OW-WARK. SHOT. 1,000 has. SHOT. r* mi. tv •mmtt wiu * awswiu. Almanar$. MILLER’S ALMANAC! FOK 1876. C OPIES OF THE ABOVE ALMANAC CU be obtained at ESTILL’S NEWS »BFOT. FzfcaUcenta. al*« ^eeds. Watermelon Seed. The Genoine Augusta “BatUesnake’’ Watermelon Seed for sale by mhl*4f o. BUTLER * CO. CABIN PASSAGE $20 SAILING DAYS. SEMINOLE, Sunday, February 27, at 8:30 a. m ORIENTAL, Monday, March 6, at 4:00 p x SEMINOLE, Tuesday, March 14, at 10:00 a.* ORIENTAL, Wednesday, March 22, at 5:00 p. _ SEMINOLE, Thursday, March 30, at 10:30 a. m. Through bills of lading given to Providence. FaU River, New Bedford, Lowell, Lawrence, and other New England manufacturing points* also to Liverpool by the CunardLine. These steamships connect at T wharf with all railroads leading oat of Boston. For freight or passage apply to RICHARDSON A BARNARD, 8 Stoddard’s Lower Range F. NICKERSON A CO.. Boston. f£bS ®as Jittiiig. JOHN NIC0LS0N, Gas & Steam Fitter, Plumber and dealer In Gas Fixtures, DRAYTON (STREET. SECOND DOOR ABOVE BROUGHTON. Houses fitted with Gas and Water, with all the latesUmjirovemeHts, at the shortest notice. WM. M. McFALL, Practical Plumber and daa Fitter, N*. 48 Whitaker Street, SAVANNAH, GEOBGIA. Bath Tnba, Water Clouta, Chandalien andOu Fixtures of every description constantly on hand shortest notice. Jobbing dons flsbtSr at the e JMa Sit. c. c. TT IS CONCEDED by Physicians and others bmt aerated BE\E RAGES to be had are from the manufac tory of JOHN RYAN, Nos. 110 End 112 Broughton Street, Manufacturer and Bottler of SODA and MEDI CATED MINERAL WATERS PM1 PQRTER, ALE and LAGER »ira svm.issmmEs.du Eauwiah* iTiSi: Through tickets to the North, by water or rtf route, sold on board steamei. Freights received daily. Rates as low u Sf other ones. For freight or passage apply to BRAINARD A ROBERTSON, A*«£*. Office on Wharf. deefc-tf BEGULAK LINE FOK Augusta and all Waj Landings THE STEAMER CARRIE, Capt. A. C. CABANISS, W ILL ]eave from the Emp re Stean*bl£ Wharf, foot of Lincoln str-.-et, ElEKi TUESDAY EVEN ING at 4 o’clock Freights as low as by any other line. celved at all For freight or passage, apply 1 o RICHARDSON A LAWRENCE, Ayaka Office on whar'. mhUMl FOR AUGUSTA AND WAY LANDIS®8. ft* J ROSA, Capt. T. N. Pbilpot, Will leave EVERY WEDNESDAY, at * «• ' tur Rates of freight aa low as hy ine, and received at all times. For tre«w * passage, apply on wharf. , . octw-tf W. F. BARK1, At«b gat 4«iflW or CUatirr- FOR LIVERPOOL. ^HE American ship ANDREW JACKSON, A L J. C. Bartlett, Master,$ Having a portion of cargo engaged, M patch for the above port. For balance of WILDER A CO^ room, apply to mh9-tf FOR LIVERPOOL. J'HE first class American ship CASILDA, Pike, Master,'—^ oaring a large portion of hor cargo engSR* j- have quick dispatch as above. For IBru *^ iruit. Oranges, Leinons 1 AA BOXES MeMina and Palermo LB* 01 ' 1 1 v" 50 boxes Messina ORANGES- K 20 barrel* choice BRIGHT RED API ^ 20 barrels KOXBUKY RUSSETS. 10 barrels assorted NUTS. Arriving this day and for sale by L. T. WHITCOMB** SOS, mhl5-tf 141 Bay M A ^o Y NEED STOBI - ' years’ experience in the U plantingenables me to furni^J Plantu Tpm>« HnOtS. elC., 1 Seed*. Plants, Trees, Roots, etc., uafl pnoMltJ