Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, October 11, 1876, Image 4

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- ®k ficus WEDXESIIAY, OCTOBER 11*, 1870. ^Jtippiu j Sutelliflcnre. tfomwcrnal. MAVANflAl* AKAllKJfT. OFFICE OF TUB MORNING NEWS,) Savannah, October 10, 5 P. M., 1876. ( Cotton.—The msrke: was quiet all day; busi ness was restricted by the inclement weather, with sales of 1,325 bales. We quote : Good Middling 10 K Middling Low Middling 0 \ Good Ordinary f \ Ordinary......... 7 lo-16 tX* 4.5SXH UXJXY COTTON eTATKMKNT. Ulinlaiure Almanac—Thia Day. j Sun Rises 5 19 • SunSets 5 42 High Water at Savannah 1:30 am 2:04 p m Wednesday, October 21. Cl eared Yfutprdtt*. (Ger) Bark Carl Georg, Stover, Charleston, S C, in ballast—Kuoop, IIat.cmaun & Co. (Ger) Bark Bremen, Habbe. Charleston, S C, in ballatt—Knoop, Hanemann A Co. i*I © W »* T a C d R . Masters of vessels arriving at this port who wish to be reported, will please send memoranda to Ag? New Yorl street. Se-, 8 ork on hand sept. 1st, Is:c ... K#x*#*5ved tn-ri«y . In’d, 181 . Upland. 2.85S 4,641 77,567 hecoived previously. 14 Total 215 S4 46G Exported to-day * *44 30^512 Exported previously.... , ...... .... 44 30,512 Stoce on hand and on shipboard — " thisevenlne — 167 53.954 Rice.—A good local demand prevails and prices are firm. W e quote : Fair . .5 ®5%C Good . .5' , O..VVC Financial. — sterling exchange—sixty nay bills, with bills lading attached, nominal. New York sight exchange buy me at 5-16@ % oft and selling at off. Gold buying a. ilo ana selling at Ill. Naval Stobbs. — Rosin—A quiet demand exists, principally for the lower grades; quo tations nominal except for the lower grade?; We juote: auained, *1 25; h, $1 30, F, il bo G, $165; H. $1 SO. 1, $2 05; K, $2 25: M. $2 50; N, S3 50®3 75. spirits Turpentine in fair demand at 30c for oils and whiskies and 31c for regulars. Bacon.—The market is firmer and tenoir g up ward. We quote: Clear rib sides, 11J£@U?4 c ; shoulders, 9%®10c; dry salted clear ribbed sides, 10%® U%c; long ciear, 10% ® lO'-.c ; shoal lers, nominal; hams, stock full, and selling at L6^i sc. Baooinu and Ties.—The stock is good, with a fair demand. We quote: Standard do mestic, best brands, 13®14c, according to quan tity ; Gunny dull and nominal at 10@llc; Iron Ties—retail 6%c; per ton 6c; SOOIkI.s 6c, 2,v. off; 1,0.0 bdis 6c, 5° 0 off; 2%% off quotations for cash Flour.—The market is steady. There is a good supply of new at quotations. We quote : superfine $4 75® 5 25; exua, $5 75®6 25; family, $8 75® 7 25; fancy, $S 00® 9 00 Gbain.—Com—Market dull, with a light de mand. We quote MixedG8,*7»k:; . nite Western, 75®»7c; Tennessee white, 72® 74c. Oats—The stock is fair and demand light. We quote : Prime Western, by the car load, 55 ; emaaer parcels, 63c. Hay.—The market is quiet. We quoti: Eastern ft 20®1 25 for very best grade*, wholes: If, $1 40 <£1 50 retail: poorer qualities nut saleable; North ern $i 00® 1 05 wholes* and $115 £1 25 at retail; Western, nominal at $1 00® 1 15 wholesale; $1 25 ®1 43 at retail. Hidbs, Wool. Ac.—There is no market for hides, as the authorities have forbidden them be ing brought into the city. Wool quiet and lower. We quo e: ueer skins. ISo ; wax, 2S cte; wool, 20 eta; ourry wool 10®12 cents; taliow, 7 cts; otter skins, 50c ®$200. according to quality. Labd.—The market is steady- We quote: In tierces, 13®13%c; tubs 13^ $a3%c; pressed, 12® 12XC. Salt —Stock almo t bare ; demand good. We quote: In store, $1 25; retail, $1 25. h*ebi*4HT8—Cotton to Liverpool direct,sail, } Liverpool vi* N^w York, by steam, ^..d ; Havre via New York, l%c, gold; Dr.-men \ia New York l 3 «c; Amsterdam via New York, l \<•- Cuastwne — iiy steam to New York, %c. t* lb on upland; %c s >.& island; to Philanelpma, y 15 oa upianc; * 4 'c on sea island; to Bostou , 4 „c. Rice to New York, per cask, $1 50, rosiu, 4oc per bbl; spirits, 80c per bbl. Rice to Balti more,' $1 50, Philadelphia $L tO; Bostou, $2 00. ldxbsi.-Kates are firm at quota! on3. To New York and sound ports 56 50 ® 7 00 ; to Boston and eastward, $7 00 ; to Baltimore and Chesapeake ports. $6 00®6 5) ; to Philadeiov;*, $6 00®6 50 ; to St. John, N. B.. I CO, eold. Tim ber from fiGO tol £0 higher than lumber rates; to the West Indies and windward, $3 00®9 00. to South America, $18®20, go:d; to Spanish ports, $16 00, gold; to (Tnited H^nxrden , t er, 4 42s; lumber, £5 10s@X6. Rates from near ports, Brunswick. Dolien, Feruandina, etc., are *-5 to 60c Additional. 65 £ 50 <b 40 a, —(& 5QA 50^ 25 ® 2U® 20® COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown Fowls, Hens pair Half grown, 9 pair Chickens, ^ pair Geese, $ pair Ducks (Muscovy), ti* pair Ducks (English), ^ pair Eggs (country), ^ doz Eggs (Western), ^ doz Butter (country), # ft Peanuts (Georgia), ^ bush 1 25® 1 5o Peanuts (Tennessee), bush 1 5.(81 75 Florida Sugar, ^ lb S® J) Florida Syrup, ^ gal Co 8 «5 Honey, gal 75® S5 Sweet Potatoes (Yams), ^ bush 65® Egg Carriers (Patent), 30 doz 1 25® 1 50 Wool, free from burrs, V lb 22® — Wool, burry, ^ lb 10<a 15 Poultry—The market is moderately supplied and the demand is (air. Egos.—Stock limit a and demand gooh Bums—Scarce and in demand f y. a first-class article. Peanuts—Market barely supplied with a fair demand. Syrup—Georgia and Florida—in fair demaud. Sugar—Georgia and Florida scarce, with but a light demand. Wool—Market quiet with small transactions. Sweet Potatoes—Are in moderate e.ipp y. MARKETS BY MAIL. Wilmington. N. C., October 7.—Spirits Turpentine.—Market duM at 39%c per gallon for Southern ptekages. Sales of 45 casks &t quotations, and 50 do, city distilled, at 31 cents. Rosin—Market firm at $1 50 for strained and good strained, with no reported transactions, ssales of 50 barrels No 2 at $1 60, and 63 do low No 1 at $1 SO per barre’.— Star. TELEGRAPHIC .MARKETS. [NOON REPORT.] Financial. London, October 10, Noon.—Col sols 95. Erie Vi- Paris, October 10.—Rentes 106f 25c. New York, October 10.—Gold opened at 108%. New York. October 10. Noon.—Stocks active and lower. Money opened at 2 per cent. Go d now at 105%. Exchange—lone, $4 S3%; short, *4 96. Government bonds dull and steady since the first call. State Bonds quiet, steady and quotations nominal. Cotton. Liverpool. October 10, Noon.—The cotton market opened firm; Middling Uplands, 0?*d; Middling Urieans. 6%d. Sales 14,000 bales, in cluding 2,000 bales for speculation and export. Liverpool, October 10, Noon.—Cotton—Re ceipts 10,600 bales, of which 3.C00 are American. Liverpool, October 10, Noon.—Cotton—Fu tures barely steady; uplands, low middling clause, new crop, shipped October and Novem ber, sail, 6 27-32; ditto November and DectmtH r 5 27-32d. Liverpool, October 10, 2:00 p. m.—Cotton- Sales on a basis of middling uplands, low mid dling clause, October delivery, 5 27-32d. Liverpool, October 10, 2.30 p. m.—Cotton- Sales, 8,500 bales American. Sales on a basis of middling uplands, low middling clause, new crop,December and January, per tail, 5 29-32d; tales on a basis of middling uplands, low mid dling clause, new crup,shippef January aud Feb ruary, per sai 1 , 5 15-16d. Liverpool, October 10, 4:00 p. v— Cotton— Sales on a basis of middling uplands, low mid- el ing clause, January and February delivery, 5 27-3 2d. Liverpool, October 10. 4:00 r. sl—Y’ams and Fabrics at Manchester firm. New York, October 10, Nood. — Cotton market steady; sales l,«f>l bales; Uplands, 10%c; Orleans, 11®11 l-’6c. New York. October 10, Noon.—Cotton—For futures the market opened steadier, as fol lows: Octobe-, 10 31-32® 11c; November, 111-16® 11 3-32c; December, 11 3-16®ll 7-32c; January. 11 11-32®li%c; February, 11 17-32-411 9-16c; March, 11 ll-l6@il%c; April, 11 J,® 1115-16c. Groceries, Provisions* Arc. Liverpool, October 10, 2:00 p. n.—Bread stuff a quiet. New Mixed Wt stern corn 25s 6d® 26s. American lard 49s 6d. New Yoke, October 10, Noon—Flour market ouened dull and drooping. Wheat opened quiet and declining. Coro opened dull and unchanged. Pork opened dull at $i7 0) for mess. Lard open ed heavy; steam at $10 65 Spirits of tirpertin. opened dull at 34c. Rosin heavy at $1 SO for strained. Freights opened heavy. Baltimore, October 10, Noon.—Flour opened easier and not quotibly lower; Howard street and Western Superfine $3 J5®4 50; Howard Street Extra $4 75.3 5 50; Family 15 5J®7 25; City Mills Superfine |3 50.44 50.; Chy Mdls Extra $4 75-46 11; City Mills Family $S 00 : Rio brands $1 75®7; Family $8 25. Wheat—Choice grades active, strong and higher; low grades dull; Fenr- sylvania Rea at $1 35 *1 36 Maryland Kef, good to prime, at $1 304’. 3* Amber at $1 4 X41 45; White at $1 20®1 37. Corn opened steady for Beutkero and active and firm; Southern White 54 g;57c; yellow 57®58c. For Balance of Telegraph Markets see 2d page. J H Estill, Associated Press, No 3 Whitaker ray Telegraph to the Morning New^.l Ttbee, October 10— Nothing passed in or out to day. At anchor, inward bound—Schr Enchantress. Loading—Ship Savannah outward bonnd—Bark Bremen, brig Mary C Rosevelt and schr Saiilia. Waiting—Bark- Carl Georg (Ger). Gutenberg, Kate Bun-ill (Br), Ruth (Nor), Tuisko (Ger), brig GrostherzDgin Anna (Ger). Nothing in sight. Wind light, N. Receipts. Per Central Railroad. October 10—3,259 bales cotton, 50 boxes starch, 15 hhds bacon, 16 bbls whisky, 7 tierces ham- - . 13 boxes bacon, 30 boxes candl V. 20 half boxes do, 20 kegs beer, 5 cases <_•. l -. 50 sacks llour. 4 bbis floor, 7 empty bbls, 3 stoves. sacks grits, 1 sack potatoes, 1 box md.-e, 3 caddies tobacco, 1 bbl vinegar, 9 bales cotton yarn, 1 pkg burlaps, 1 box g assware, 4 plows. 1 kfg powder, 1 ba_ r grits, 1 bag potatoes, 2 sacks m :-al. Per Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. October 10— 75*2 bales cotton, 2S1 bbls rosin, 77 bbls spirits, 5 sacks rough rice, 1 car lumber, 4 bbls yeast pow der, 1 coop chickens, 4 kegs beer, 1 pkge ba^s, and mdse. 1'ousiRnecN. Per Central Railroad. October 10— Holcombe, E .t Co, Bitch «£: if, A4GRR, S Herman. M Lav in, Gt mm & L. M Fersi &> Co, H Zanders, Miller K, Jno Lyons, C II Olmstead, H Y'onge, C C Miller, G N baussy, Frank & E, Goodman & M, F'.irdg Act C R R, Miss Y1 G Miiler, Weed & C, TisOii & g. H M Comer & Co, N A Hardee’s Son & 0 o, Wilcox, G & Co, II F Grant & Co, D B Hull, Austin et E, W H Beach & Co, Walter *fc LI, Groover. S & Co, F M Farley, John Nisbett, C C Hardwick, Clias Green & Co. J W Lathrop & Co, L J Gudmartin & Co,W B Woodbridge, J L V'iila- ionca, I L Falk & Co, O Cohen »& Co, B B Minor, Purse iv T, MiJIett *fc W, li iJabereham’s Son »fc Co. Duncan *fc J, Bird & W, K M Oppenheimer, N R Lee. Per Atlantic and Gulf Railroad.’October 10— Fordg Agt, Groover, S A; Co, Peacock & II, J W Lathrop & Co, Gt o F Pepper, T V Chapeau, D W Dreggars, C Jones, G <7 Gemunden «k Sod, L J Guilmartin & Co, N A Hardee's Son & Co, Oscar Rierson, W W Chisholm, Purse <te T, Tison & G, Duncan & J, Austin & E, Wilcox, G & Co, H F Grant & Co, Woods & Co. £raai £aifs. Postponed City Marshal’shale. CITY MARSHAL’S OFFICE,I Savannah, Octo cr 4th, 1876, 1 U NDER RESOLUllOK ol the City Council ol Savannah, and by virtue of City Tax Exe cutions in my hands, 1 have levied on, and will aelL under direction ot a Special Committee ci Council, on THE FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER, 1876, between the legal hours ol e-ik-. beiore the Court House door in the city ci Savannah, county of Chatham and State ol Geor* gla, the following property, to- wU: Improvements on Lot No 6 Calhoun ward, levied on a? the property of the estate 0' Augustus Bun aud. Lot No 15 and improvement* Elliott word. levied on as the property of Gujne Bonrqu.n. Improvements on lot No 70 Lloyd ward; ievit 4 0B as the property of John ti EntJer. Lots :• • •= 23 ana 24 and im;c ^r-cixentB Jas]>ei ward, levied on as the property / Francis Cham pion, trustee. Improvements on western % of Lot No 65 Gas ton ward; k vied on as the prone-i y of TP Elkin: Lot No 52 ana lmprovementa i.iowl word: levied on as the property of Wm \> iicdfiey. Improvements on Lots Nos 40 and 41 Waltoc ward; levied on as the property of J F Gowen. Improvements on Lots Nos 31, 32 and 33, Walton ward ; levied on as the property of Mrs M. li Guerard. Loi No 23 and improvements, Gilmerville; levied on as the property of the estate of A Har mon. Eastern one-halt ot Lot No 4 Cuthbert ward, filth section: levied on as the property ol K i Hannon. Improvements on Lot No M roisytn ward, levied on as the property of William Hobo Lot No 51 Garden Lot east; lcv.^n od as the property ot James A Laiioche. Lot Nu i 7 and improvements, Gilmerville; lev ied on as the property of F S Lathrop. Improvements on the western one-third of Lot No 3 Wesley ward; levied on as the property 0/ A K Mallet to. Eastern one-half of Lot No 3 and improve* ments, Screven ward; levied on as the property of Eli Mallette. Western one-ha’f of Lot No 3 and improve ments, Screven ward; levied on as the propertj of Mrs Catherine Mallette. Improvements on the middle one-third of Let No 3 Wesley ward; levied on as the propeity cf Miss Eoline Mallette. Improvements on Uie eastern one-half of Los No 25 Calhoun ward; levied on us the property of C C ?tlillar. Lot No 37 and improvements, Middle Ogle thorpe ward; levied on as the property ol Jame* B Read and R J Nunu. Lot No 40 and improvements, Middle Ogle thorpe ward; levied on as the property of Mrs James B Read. Improvements oa Lot No 24 Walton ward; levied on as the property of Miss Kate Roberts. Lot No 3 and improvements Jones ward; levteo on as the property of Dwight L Roberts, trustee Lots Nos 2 and 3, Garden Lot west, front id. tat.yard tract; levied on as the property of Jamei H Roberts. Improvements on Lot No 16 Troup ward; leviee on a* the property cf the estate of Mrs M J Roberts and children. Improvement on Lot No 7 Walton ward; levies on as the property of the estate of Mrs Y1 J Roberts and children. Lot No 14 and improvements, Cuthbert ward, seventh section; levied on as the property of Jnc A Sullivan, trustee. Lot No 7 and improvements. Cuthbert wartf. seventh section; levied on as the property of W D Sullivan. Improvements on Lot No 40 Lloyd ward: levied on as the proj>erty of W B Sturtevant, trustee. Improvements on Lots Nos 6, 7 and 6 Elbert word; levied on as the property of the estate cl Mrs Margaret Telfair. Lot No 20, Gallie ward, and improvements; levied on as the property of Henry G Ward, trustee. Improvements on Lot No 44 Stephens ward- levied on as the property of Mrs A F Wayne. Purchasers paying for titles and stamps. GEORGE W. STILES, c ct6-tf City MarshaL City Marshal’s Sale. OFFICE CITY MARSHAL, > Savannah, October 4th, 1876.) U NDER RESOLUTION of the City Council oi Savannah, and by virtue of city tax execn* I tions iu my hands, I have levied eu and will seL, under direction of a special committee of Coun cil, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER. 1576, between the legal hours ol sale, before the Co-.ii House door in the city of Savannah, county o Chatham, and State of Georgia, the following property, to wit: Improvements on Lot No. 23 Currytown ward; levied on as the property of J. V. Connerat. Lot No. S and improvements. South Ogletbcrrx ward; levied on as the property of Mrs. Mary M Marshall. Lot No. 10 and improvement", Reynolds waid. Ithird tything; levied on the property ol Jame> J. Waring. h Purchasers paying for titles and siamps. GEORGE W. STILES, octC-tf City Marshal. iBintltnfl. BOOKS BOUND. H ARPER’S, SCRIBNER’S, APPLETON’S GODEY’S, LESLIE’S and other Magazines, and Weekly and Daily Papers and BOOKS «f all kinds, BtiUND —AT THE— irORNINCi NEWS r* 0» » PRINTIXji HOUSE, 3 WHITAKEK STREET. febll-tf gru* 'fiords. NEW NOVELS. Price. r'lRIPPS, THE CARRIER 75 HIDDEN PERILS 76 PAUSANIAS, THE SPARTAN 50 THE PRIME MINISTER 75 carter ouartkrman 75 THE LAND OF THE SKY’ 75 ONE NIGHT’S MYSTERY 1 75 IN FELICE 2 00 1SHMAEL 1 75 SELF-RAISED 1 75 EDITH LYLE 1 60 Cheap editions of all the popular authors for sale sug8-tf USTLLL’S SEWS DEPOT. Bankrupt Sale! O F MILTON GOLD JEWELRY’.—Everybody has heard of i iiton Gold Jewelry, it having b.-en sold in this market for tbe lu L t ten years, and wor by th * best and richest class of our population. Still it takes an expert jeweler to discover Milton Gold from viruin g.dd. These groils are no’brass or p ated. but Milton Gold. The following articles bv mail, pott paid, on re ceipt of FIFTY CENTS: One pair elegant Sleeve Buttons, with Inde* pendence flail emjraved, retail price $1 00 One set Spiral Shirt Studs, retail price 75 One be-utiful Coral Scarf I in, retajl price.. Ore ele ant Gents' Watch Chain, latestpat- ter :, retail price 1 SO Ovr Colla-, re ail price 50 One elegant Wedding Ring, very heavy, re tail price 2 00 Total $6 50 Remember, we will Fend you the above-named six articles which we have retailed at $6 50. by mail, post paid, for FIFTY’ CENTS, # or four sample lots tor $1 50. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. I ddress W. W. BELL & CO., 8 North Seventh Ft., Flu ydeiphia, > a., oct7-t: Importers of Watches and Jew*iry. <Sas fitting. JOHN NIC0LS0N, Das & Steam Fitter, Flamer atu dealer in Gas Fixtures, DRAYTON STREET, SECOND DOOR ABOVE BROUGHTON. Houses fitted with Gas and Water, with ail the latest improvements, at the shortest notice, nov25tf WM. M. McFALL, Practical FlciaJ^r aud 6as Fitter, No. 46 Whitaker SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Bath Tubs, Water Closets, Chandeliers and Gas Fixtures cf every description constantly on hand. Jobbing done at the shortest notice, feM-d Coutnutor, guilder, &t. JOHN O. SMITH, CONTRACTOR,CARPENTER —AND— B CTILDER, CORNER HENRY AND MONTGOMERY STS., Jan25-ly Savannah, Georgia. WHY? W HY IS IT that Printing can be done to the utmost satisfaction of the customer at the MORNING NEWS JOB OFFICE? B.,-cause the office is complete in the way of material—six power presses, types in quantity and every needed variety, keeping at all times on extensive stock of papers, having a well-equipped Bindery, employing good workmen—thus having all, ana the best facilities we are enabled to turn out SUPERIOR WORK, aud to do bo IN THE SHORTEST TIME poartbl gjflistra £ist. 1876. 1876. Begistry List CITY OF SAVANNAH, ) Office Clerk of Council, Oct. 1,1S76./ T HE citizens of Savannah are duly notified that the Registry List for the year 1S76 was opened at this office on MONDAY*, July 3d, 1876, and that the following named peisons have been registered pursuant to the laws of the State of Georgia now of force. R. A. SILVA, Clerk of Council. A. Ash, C 3 Allen, Geo W Asendorf, John Arden, D D Ambrose, J H Anglin, John Anderson, E C, Jr, Axsou, R Adams, S P AveiDra, A A Abrams, J J Adams, W H B. Blair, Frank Blua, Henry Bulloch, W G Brown, Albert Burroughs, W H Byck, Lehman E Bliss, Lewis Baker, W H Bruton, G A Benet, W F Byck, Levy E Buttimer, P Bryai, J M Byck, Simon E Blonk, Benj C Brinson, C Butler, O Brandtholtz, P G Batinger, W S Bulloch, Augustus Butler, W G Bryan, T W Bogart, Wm S Blake, Richard Berrien, L C Baker, J II Bailer, J H C Condon, P Champion, A H Curry, W F Clabby, J Coyne, Ed Crane. H A Campbell, W J Cunningham, John Col ins, Chas Copps, Joseph Cramer, C G Cole, Tho?. Cammes, Theo. Cessar, J H Cleary, Dennis Conner, E M Charters, W M Clements, J Dee, James Davis, H L Dunn, Wm Dasher, F W Drayton, C A Dasher, Israel Daly, M Delamotte, C L Davis, John E Demere, K P Dunnagou, M Decker, Paul Daily, J P Dolliv r, W Doyle, M J De.ayen, P J DeMartin, R J Enright, J B t ndies, L B Estill, W Eden, H fl Ennis, T Eberstein, W H Finstern, L Feuger, J A r airchild, L JB Pergason, James Fleetwood, T M Foley, John Fleming, W B Flannery, John Feely, Ihcs Footman, J C Fahreuback, IIL Fish, JDr'51 Grant, R 9 Graef, T A Guerard, J M Gadagher; It Guilmartin, I* 1 Gasman C lias- Greene, E W Giles, H L Grant, Mack Gockenheimer, S Gnann, B R Gardner, Sol GieasoD, John Gammell, Jno Hagar, E Heiinkin, M Haber- ham, Jas Hcghea, W Hull, F M Henderson. T M Henry, K J Ham et, J R Hcgan, M Herschbach, J Harmon, R F Hor t, G Hanley, A Haas, Chris. Harrison, W T Habersnam, J C Hackett, E L Houston, J P S Henry, E Harden, H C Horan, B Houston, W L Immen, John Jones, M S Johnson, J R Johnson, H Jones, J H Johnson, Glen Jachens, C Johnston, John M Klug, F Kohler, A Kennedy, R C Kerr, Wm Kent, Alfred Knight, Jas Kendy, J P Killerher, M Killourhy, J B Lavin, M Luba, H F Landershine, C P Logan, Luke Litche, II F Lyons, Thos Levy,B H Lovell, Edward Lovell, J P Levy,S Y Lamar, G W Lindsay, James Lyon, Thos H Lewis, Tom LindstroDe, A L Lester, D B Myer, M n Marmelstein, C A Meldriai, J E Mehrtens, H C Maxwell, John Mtudel, Myer Mendel, A McMahon, John Manigault, 8 Moses, O K P Murphy, J M Mongiu, R M Martin, E Middleton, T B McCoy, Jas S McCabe, Ed McFarland, J T Mclntire, J E Molloy, Thos F McHugh, John Murphy. Pat Moran, W M Mann ion, Joseph Middleton, C K Mahonev, Tho$ Maher, Jno Mannion, James Magner, T F Morgan, Fred Millar, C C Min ; s, J F Miiler, Jacob Mulligan, Thos Monahan, B Neidlingcr, E L Nicolson, John Nugent, Ed Nichols. Geo A Noon, M Nicholas, P Owens, Geo W O'Leary, Daniel O’Byrne, Ed O’Niel, Thomas Prenty, P Bowel!, Jackson Porter, James Preston, O F Proctor, Sylvester Palmer. II W Puree, D G Pettigrew, G G Porter, David Parsons, E Qoantock, G T (^ainan, Pa£ Quantock, Wm Ru sell, P M. Sr Russell, W, Jr Rocker, C Ryan, C E Russell, Waring Reilly, Peter Reedy, J B Russell. Levi S Richardson, J A Rust ell, P M, Jr Rogers, J S Ryan, W Redmond, J J 8woll, Wm* Savage, J B Sheftall. M S:oddard, John Sturtevant, J S Souliard, E A Sheppard, Jas Smith, B Symons, W R Smith, W H Shlels, P K Symons, J W Short, Adam Stoddard, J J Scholl, John Seers, Peter Sinnott, N Stockton, Thos Smith, Lojiifi Spivey, F L Saunders, H Shuptrine, J T Stillwell, W B Solomons, J M Strong, L C 81+ea, D Screven, Jno Torley, A F Tison, W H Thomas, D R Train, H F Taylor, J C Tidings, Patrick Tebesn, J Cf Thompson, Jno Vercen, J T Van Newton, J H White, Jas White. James Wilson, Wm Walter, Geo White, Cyrus Box, P M Bulloch, W II 'X&JJJSE* Bryan, Henry Bergan, Thos Broughton, G n Brown. W Stiles Ben.-on, E P IF* i ^2 > Bradlev, Richard %- - NT; Brooks, J F La Bandy, J W Bouhan. m 1 S- x Ballantyne, Thos 1 ¥ Byrnes, Geo F \ ir j Blois, VV F Behr, John Brannan, J L 1 J Bashier. \ al ! * Butler, Henry 1 ^ \ Box, B • • ■ Bncaley, J J j A. Brown, T H Byrnes, Edward Barron. Jos A f Blair, McKenzie __ Puller, 1 J Burt jn, D Connery, E Cunningham, H C Couniban, P Cash. M Conway, T R Champion, A Connell, Lawrence Cooper, John Cunningham, C 31 Charlton, W G Christian, J A Chisholm, T B Cope, Geo L Cochin, John Connerat, J V Cunningham, T M Cessar,!) K Cornell, J C D. Demere. R M Daffin, P D Dillou, Thos Deppiah, J H DopsoD, J K Duggan, J C Dickerson, II J Davis, Geo Dyer. W II Davidson, W M Davant, K J Der.egal, A Deubler, C Dutenhofler. A Deveaux, J II Downing, R F E. Estill. J H Elsinger, S Ehlere, C C Eiskamp, J110 Edwards, J B F. Fields, W H Ford, Thos C Feely, Michael - Fitzgerald, David ' . ' Ferrell, W 3 Fo ey, James urn FreUMdi W . G. Gaston, A fl Gazan, L i Goob3, A flBKony, G W Gordon, \V W * Gaillard, R G (tau met, A Groves, Kobt Groover, Chas E Grimball, F Gallc-giay, Jas Green, Geo Goodwin, M Uaudrey, V E II. Harden, Thos H Heitman, J II Hami tou, S P Houston, John He.dt, E Herndon, B S Hunt, W Houston, L H BilJsman, C M Herman, S Hcidt, J II Harden, W Hussey, Wm Hendry, E D Heageney, Jas Henderson, W M Habersham, A A Holland, Jas Howard, J T Hardee, B W Herman. A Hayes, P Wakefield, C E Werner. Chas White, C J Wells, D Workman, T S Winn, A A Wayne, Thos S Walker. R D Ward, H G Webb, K Ynlee, E Y’ouge, Easton Zeigler, Solomon mmmmmmmmmrn Wheaton, J P. Wiliiamaon, W W iilUms, D We! lb rook. Geo Woolhopter, F W S Wells, W P Warren, J L Wilson, J W Williams, J M Wa’.dhauer. D Y. Y'oung, L G Z. $Umi ausiafjS ^lafhtoerg. Patronize Home Industry ! THE SCHOFlEL,i> ENGINE, D ESIGNED and bait expre=s’y for ginning and other plantation work, and the only one of ih< class built in the Southern States. It is made of the very best material, and is equal to any made North or \V«st- Four-horse power will drive 45-saw gin. Price $300 CO. Six-horse power will drive 60 or 7^-saw gin. Price, $4u0 00. SCHOFIELD'S PATTERN COTTON PRESSES —JXD— NAUGHTS GIN GEARING. J. S. SCnOFIELD Jc SON aug26-lm Macon, Ga. ESTILL’j ilroaflis. f Schedule. im iSreigto « C4artn N TEN DENT'S OFFICE, > Savannah. Oct. 6, 1876. \ S AND AFrEH SUNDAY, October 3.1876, Trains m this Road will run as Largest Circulation —OF ANY— Daily Newspaper in Sorth Carolina. —THE- Only Daily Paper! Fnblisli<“<l in Wilmington, A City of nearly Twenty Thousand Inhabitants, -asd THE— Great Centre of North Carolina Trade! SUBSCRIPTION : Year ?T OO $* OO Six ,>Ionths 0NB DOOR SOOT II OF BROUGHTON. Three.Uootha... 25 -iJb. rABUSHSD 1865. i m. JMyFprTr- \ au. 23-tf ’ THE KHEUWATH j : L'< jtCIiU l - ' i t'b i CCliBB IN NO Ti.’IE. i H i t t jiirrn <9* RELIEF. Price $T per U Louie. Who! vale D nggists will receive mmpfcp free of charge in order to try some on] ^»;Or people. No agent. Address direct ■ HERMANN CullEN Chemist), ^■oct4-dCw 36 a - d 38 Cedar street, New York. WELL KNOWN NEWS DEPOT L BE FOUND ONE OF THE MOST •I .Iordan, G P Johnston, J M Jesse, Thos J Johnston, J D Johnson, George Jones, W E K. King, C B Kehoe, Wm Kanfmann, J Kean, Ed Knapp, N B Knorr, Louis Kennedy, Jno Kennedy, E J L. Leacy, J J LePage, K Law, C F Lewis, J N Law, F P Lorcb, John Lovell, E F Lenzer, John Lee, S C LiDgg, H Lathrop,J W Lathrop, J W, Jr Leonard, James Lester, K E Lineberger, J T Louis, John M. Middleton, W C Monahan, Jas McIntosh, David Mohr, L Munnerlyn, J K McAuliffe, John Morel, J S Moves, Theo Mclntire, Kobt May, W H McHugh, John Metzger, W B 31 yere, L J Mtitzler, Chas McCall, F J McGuire, Thos Moriarty, Pat Mercer, Geo A Minis, A Moran, Ed Murphy, Chris McMahon, J J Mallette, C S Me Redmond, A McGuire, Thos Mendel, E Morris, Wm McCahey, P Morel, Thos D Mil-y, W Middleton, CAR McGowan, J 0 McMahon, P J McCabe, P N. Niland, Bryan Norris, W R Nichols, W N Nolan, Jas Neill, John NoIod, J A O. O’Connor, Pat Oliver, John O’Connor, Dan O’Connor, Wm P. Pratt, W N Pease, H W Palmer, H A Power. John Parry, J G Paulsen, Jacob Pruduommc, Joseph Prendergast, C F Poole, C S Q. • Quint, Jacob Quinan, 31 T B. Russell, John Rosenheim, Jos Ripley, J B Reynolds, Samuel Reilly, J K Reilly, John Russell, Jas Ruwe, John H Konan, J T Reedy, John Read, J B Robertson, J F Reilly, Patrick S. Stokes, P J Sullivan, Daniel Smith, James Sorrel, G M Saussy, J K Sullivan, M 31 Silva, J S Smith, A B Sheehan, Thos Steinberg, John Solomons, L SullivaD, Daniel Stevenson, Jf hn Schroeder, John Stevens, Frank Sweat, J F Sams, W J Strate, J R Smith, Barnard gtuder, \ S Schwenck, Jno Sweat, F Rip Springer, P B Smith, A B Sack, A Smith, P T. Theus, T N Turner, Geo Triest, Jacob Turner, R T Tilden, BG Tufts, Martin Tompkins, II B Thomasdon, II J V- Vun Horn, Chas W. Waring, J J Wolber,'. John Wayne, S, Jr Wash, \ Williami m BUTTS’ DISPENSARY' *£“ "• K “-' ha, “- . a I’lv- :.rjcxp.Tieuctr in the treatment ot Sexua'- anc iClxrculG Diseasesofb« ~i J • 7 I>r. KI TT«* narriaffe Guide. ‘, A Pliy biological View of Marriage — , f for the married aud those contemplating , G~ marriap,', on the mysteries of re; roduct- — — r ion an<l the secret i.ifnnitiesotyjiith. xnan.u■).> land woroanhood An illustrated book oltaX/pa'. lor at - roiidiiic, which should be kept under loc. '.i key. S- ntun-i- r seal forfiOcts. A PRIVATE MEDICAD TREATISE on all disetifct of a Private Nature in both sexe's, the abuses and dia- or.*- 4 01 sexual c y-t. rn, and the inr-ausolcure,ljOpoget With engravings, sni: underseal for25cts. MEDICAL ADVICE on Sexual and Chronic Disease*, Scn.iWeakness, Caterrh, Cancer, Rupture, the Opium llatat v . :»50 jmwork sent under Beal for 10 cts. A>» three books containing 460 pages and verything worth knowing o sent eecurely sealed oa re ceipt of 60 ots. Address, Dr. Butts’ Dispensary. No.12 N. 8th st.. St. Louis, Mo. CL»tatlishcd lMT.y aug2£-d&wtf SECRETS DR. EOHAITKAirS Marriage Guide illustrated with numerous engravings from lift;teaches ail thein- qui.itiveshould know on Courtship, ilamage, the Phvbi.^ogical Mysteries n and Rcvc.ations of the Sexual system, how to cure ci . kind o. Disease®, hundreds of valuable receipt*. v •' '• •••'. ai:un<‘ilintents to marriage,their na• tureaudcure. T: atsonn.l Diseases, lully exj-fainingtheir ca . ll °' *x j I*t. ;i: j and nxansto cure : it is t.: a only really sc.. :nc w..rk oft';.- k:r.<l ever published, and is complete in < v. rvrr .j,. < t. f. t securely sealed on receipt ot £0 eta Ad 1C. A. Bohan nan. 619 North Fifth street, bt. Louts, Mo. Established in 1837. aug25-fi&wtf [MM \ An illustrate J -,5l r -g • a private I MB Y ’ be truly •ork 275 ounsclor 3 to the married and mar- , _ riageable on the mysteries £ a ' 'fz of the sexual system, its abuses, .j fS latest discoveries tn the _ f J 5v uXX science of reproduction; how to appy in th innrri«d relation. Male and female. . g u: ;i i..i Ml** ■ d should read and preserve it: it contains ini u >one can aflord to be with out; on ho w pr r r. o the health, and complexion, and giveto fad- d i ; • ks tlic treshness otyoutu: the best aua only true Marriage Guide in the wond. Price 50 cents by Mail. The aut:ior_ may be consulted personally or by snaii on anv < f •-mentioned in his work-Addns* I> : - A. G. Ol.IIi. IJ \Va^hiiigtoQ st., Chicago, IIL auj25-d&wtf 2*1 Per Cent. Saved T IQUOR FLAVORS, to manufacture all kinds J of liquors, with full directions; also, French Flavoring Extracts, for Confectioners i ii'l Soda Water. Apply direct to BALING COHEN & CO., 36 and 33 Cedar street, New Y’ork. No agents. oct4-d6\v ^pcftaclfs. &s. VARIED AND EXTENDED STOCKS OF THE LATEST ADVERTISING Rates REASONABLE. —ADDRESS— WILLIAM H. BERNARD, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. oct6-tf Wilmington, N. C. Tj the Business Jion of Savannah. XHE l)arien Timber Gazette, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT DARIEN, GEORGIA, —BT— RICHARD W. GRUBB, tditor and Publisher. T HE GAZETTE is published every Friday eve ning at Darien, Ga., the second la-gest tim ber and lumber p<^rt iu the United States. As such it has a LARGE and INCREASING CIR CULATION throughout all the counties contigu ous to the Altamaha, and therefore offers to the commission, Grocery and Dry Goods Merchants of Savannah a medium of advertisement that might be by them profitably made use of. Peoetruted. too, as much of this country is by the different railroads connecting with the Allan tic & Gulf Railroad, the planters ot all kinds of product naturally look to Savannah as their mar ket, and through the means of well placed adver tisements select the consignees oi their pro duct. We happily offer the GAZETTE as such me dium to the Merchants ot Savaun h. TERMS LIBERAL. Address RICHARD W. GRUBB, aug26 lm Darien, McIntosh county, Ga. Leave 5 vannah.dalty at. 4:15 p. m, I Arrive at J esup daily s t 7:25 p.m. Arrive! iVatnbridgedai'y at 8:0ia.m. I Arrive.: Alb*L^ daily at 9: i 0 a.m. Arrive t.r L!Ve.Pu daily at 4:00 a. m. Arrive t: lackioirvftfe daily at 10:55 a. m. Arrive .• raaMMbtedaily at lu:00 a. m.| Leave Jacksonville daily at 3:'Xi p. m. COE BRrVKN -y HE fliinua« G.rxuiz b»rk BETTY, C. Nordeshoi.7, M i*-.-, haviDg a portion of h. r ,... r _ fl __ • h? atd ‘ 1 of freight room, apply to ' ‘or _^ILDEa*C0. FOR LIVERPOOL HE first-class German bare. GERHARD,1 sep30-tf Captain J. Kj.akp^ having a portion of her cargu **i dispatch for the above p<j freight room, apply to Leave Live Oak daily at 9.50 p. m. i sep30-tf Le^ve Albany daily at 5:20 p.m. J Leave Bain bridge daily at 3:45 p. m. 1 FOR Leave Jesup daily at 6:35 a.m.' v Arrive at Savannah daily at 9:45 a. m. Connect at Albany dail}- with passenger trains both wavs on Southwestern Railroad, to and from Eufacla, Montgomery, New Orleans, etc. Close connection at Jacksonville with St. John’s river steamers. Trains on B. & A. R. R., leave junctions, go- in i west, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 11:14 a. m. For Brunswick, Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, at 4:26 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, EASTERN DIVISION, GO ING WEST. Leaves Savannah Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 7:2 • a. m. Arrive atM c I nto sh a t 10.10 a m. Arrive afflesnp at. 12:20 p. m. Arrive at Blacksli«ar at. 3:20 p. m. Arrive at Dul’ont at 7:00 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, EASTERN DIVISION, GO ING EAST. Leave DuPont Tuesday, 1 hnraday and Saturday. at 4:45 a. m. Leave Bla • kshear at S:30 a m. Leave Jesup at 11:4o a. m. Leave McIntosh at 3:50 p. m. Arrive at Savannah 4:10 p, m. WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Dupont (Sundays excepted), at 5.00 a m. Arrive at Valdosta “ " 7 00a.m. Arrive at Guitman •• " S 50 a m. Arrive at Tho-nasviUe " “ 11:00 a. m. Leave Thcmaaviile " “ 105 p ra. Leave Quitman “ “ 3 30 p.m. Leave ValdosA “ “ 5:i 0 p. m. Arrive at Dnixmt " «' 7:03 p m. H. S. HAJNKS, oct7-tf General Superintendent. IVERPOOI r J , HE clipper ship GEORGE WASHINGTON, Al. Captain T. D. Prob*t having a portion of her car-m - quick dispatch for tlie above i> - * ^ of freight room app.'y t.- r,jr o»4ice " Pl9 " f - 10R LIVERPOOL , T , HE AI German s.ip SAVANNAH, Taelekax, Maste For freight, apply to * p 0ljTAVCS c °hen * Skipping. Sayaunah and Charleston R.R. Oteics Savannah & Charleston R. R. Co.,1 Savannah, Ga., October 7,1S76. f O N AND AFTER SUNDAY, OCTOBER Sth, iast., the Paesenzer Trains on this Road w ru' follows, FROM ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILROAD PASSENGER DEPOT: DAY TRAINS DAILY. Leave Savannah at 10:00 A. M, Leave Charleston at._ 9.39 A. M. Leave Augosia at 9 30 A. 3L Leave Port Royal at 10 45 A. M, at Savannah at 4 30 P. M. Arrive at Charleston at 5 90 P. M. Arrive at Augusta at 5:10 p. M. Arrive at Port Royal at 3:55 **. M. C-jnnections ma^le at Charleston with the North eastern and South Carolina Railroads; at Augusta with the Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta, and Georgia Railroads. Tickets for eaie at R. R. Bren’s and L. J. Ga zan’s Special Tick-1 Agencies, No. — Bail street and Pnlaski House, also at Depot Ticket Office. C. C. OLNXY, Rec. C. S. GADrDaid oct9-tf Engineer and Superintendent. Central Railroad. NEWSPAPERS TO BE FOUND IN THE UNION. The Georgia Daily COMMONWEALTH Is Published Every Evening (EXCEPT SUNDAY) BY THE COMMONWEALTH PUBLISHING COMPANY, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, A ND IS EDITED BY’ COLONEL CAREY' W. STY’LES, late of the Albany News, with efficient assistants. THE COMMONWEALTH gives the current news of the city, State and elsewhere, market reports and vigorous editorials on municipal, po litical and general subjects. The coming canvass, State and National, wiii be closely wa T ched and properly presented, while the Mechanical and Agricultural interests of the State will not be neglected. It has a large and rapidly increasing circulation. TERMS. One month, 75 cents; two months, $1 25; fon months, $2; one year. $G. PRINTING, BINDING and RULING of every kind done in the best style and at lowest prices. COMMONWEAL! H PUB. CO., je23-tf Atlanta. Georgia. Magazines, Novels SONG BOOKS, AND ^attemsi. BAZ4R Glove-Fitting Patterns! Cheap Publications STATIONERY, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, And other things pertaining to a First-Class Nows Depot, T OE BEST, CHEAPEST and most stylish patterns in the market. For ladies and chil dren. Garments ot all patterns and sizes. New Fall and Winter styles just in. Until Catalogues sent free on application. November 16, adjress all ord* re to M. F. JOYCE. 172 Broughton street. Savannah, Ga., sep30-6 The Singer Manuf’g Co.'s i<«r looks. N i : W HOOKS. MARLTTT S LATEST WORK. AT THE COUNCILLOR’S. Tr. by Mrs. Wister, AS LONG AS LONG AS SHE LIV£J). FLESH AND SPIRIT. ISRAEL MORT. Overman. JIKAV’Y YOKES. FAMILY’ TREE. JOHN M. COOPER & CO. aug24-tf THE DELIVERY OF PAPERS AND MAGA ZINES to any part of the city a specialty. Pub- 1'cations served by the day, week, month or oth erwise. Thx SaTannah Morning News, and its Tri weekly and Weekly editions served by mail or carriers. Subscriptions for anything in our line mailed to ail points. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. The publio are cordially invited to pay us a visit. OPEN FROM 5 O’CLOCK A. 3L TILL NINE O CLOCK P. M. Tlie State Journal! Published at Cedar Keys, Fla. T HE JOURNAL is one of the largest circu lated and most influential Democratic pa pers in the State. It Circulates all Over the State bq. more largely in those counties bordering the Gulf coast and the large cotton counties of Ylarion and Alachua. THE JOURNAL is one of the papers that his lived and thrived notwithstanding it was robbed of the legal advertising by the Radical party. It appeals for patronage to the Democratic busi ness men of Savannah, with the as-ur^nce tDai those who extend such patronage will be fully compensated. J. IRA & T. W. GORE, aug2S-6t Proprietors. GKIFFI.Y SEMI-WEEKLY Press and Cultivator. ESTABLISHED IN 1S65. P UBLISHED every Sunday and Thursday, at two dollars per annum. Devoted to Agricul ture, Politics, Literature, Immigration and Mis cellaneous Reading Yiatter. Tho^e wishing to come to Georgia should read this paper, as we will from time to time give the present history ol every couDty in the State. Georg.ans should read this paper, because it is the best paper for tt j pne^ published South. Advertisers should interest themselves about this paper, as it has the largest circulation of auy paper in Middle Georgia. Our books are open tc prove the assertion. Sample copies sent on re ceipt of a three cent postage stamp. Address, EDGE & DUTTON, Editors, jy27-2m Griffin, Ga M EltCIIAN i's —ANi>— Business Men cf Savannah! TRY YOUR LUCK BY ADVERTISING IN THE Barnwell (S. C.) Sentinel! F OR your business it has no superior in Caro lina as an advertising medium, as it reaches every nook and corner of that large and popu lous county, besides circulating in adjoining counties. An advertisement in its columns may secure to you a large trade that wi l fi«d itS'Way to your city. Address E. A. BRONSON, augSl-2w Editor and Proprietor. ^rumtig, Biutling. (it. Are You Getting lie dj for Business PRINTING! —AND— BINDING! COUNT THE SHSETS.’ COMPARE THE WORK, EXAMINE YOUR BILLS! Before You Send any More Ci ders Awuj AS GOOD PRINTING CAN HE DONE IN SAVANNAH AS ELSEWHERE, AND AT AS LOW RATES! GIVE US YOUR ORDERS! SAVE MONEY: AND GET GOOD WORK: MORN IN G N E WS STEAM Printing and Binding House, 3 Wliitaker Street. aug7-tf OFFICE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENTS Savannah, September 3, 1S76. J O N and after SUNDAY’, September 3d, Pas senger Train? will depart from and arrive at Savannah twice daily: Depart 9:20 a. m. I Arrive 5:25 p. m. Depart 5:00 p. m. | Arrive ll:0u a. m. For Macon, Columbus and Atlanta, making close through connections to all points North and West. Travelers can obtain through tickets, time tables and all desired information, by calling at the Company’s Ticket Office, U. L. SC HREIN EK, Special Agent, Monument square, corner Con gress streer. WM. ROGERS, feb!9(sep4)-12m General Superintendent. Jtumtfs*. FOB NEW YOKE EVERY WEDNESDAY. Tickets S<30 OO. Good October 1st. 1S7G. KEOULAK LFNfc. ForAugusta & Way Landing s STEAMER H O S A, Captain P. n. WARD, Will leave EYEiiV WSDNRSDAr at 9 • tr Rates of freight », )w M ~ ioe, and received at a:; tic ■ v'.-Z °“- a passaire. apply on wharf. * ' ^S* 1 - ® octl»-tf W. F. BARRY A*®.. The Savannah and iiellonvilie STEAMBOAT Li>E. ISLAND AI.L TUE Way —pb:n— Savannah to MellonTilie, Enterpriv, ford, and Intermediate Land inn St. John's Hirer. O N the 27th instant, the st.-omer RPf Tivr* Captain Thomas White, un wharf fo«»t of Drayton ?:r . TV - j AFl’EKNOON a T 4 o'c’ock. : ^ 1 wick. St. Mary's, Feruandina. F; Satilia river, connecting at L>. _ for Altamaha, Ocmu'geeare! o e T. at Ft nandiua Jce Smith, for all toints on 4 . as far as Meiionville. Close connection made at Palatka r .• CARRIE with steamers for o and iAke Crescent or Dunn'? L_ . a; '«;* lonville lor points on the upper St. « C! ” The route being en ire.y inland, pasA will find it very attractive. Capt. J. n SMITH, Mxlxxt je!9-tf JOHN H. MURRAY*. A-etl faints, Otis. &r. Railroad, Steamboat —AND— MILL SUPPLIES. THE FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP GEN. BARNES, Captain WM. S. CHEESMAN. W ILL sail for New Y’ork on WEDNES DAY, October 11th, 1876, at — o’clock For freight or retfjsage. ar»n!y to OCTAVUS COHEN A CO., Agent*, oct- No. 9S Bay street. FOB BOSTON. Boston and Saranaali Steamship Line. V TLA STIC. ESGL1SH ASD ST D'TTS WHITE LEAD. FRENCHani AMERICAS WINDOW GLASS paints, oils. vai;M'.-;.-. • A Fail line of PAINTERS' MATERIALS. HOUSE, SIGN and DECORATIVE PAINTERS Me KENYA ic HANLEY, 136 ST. JULIAN STREET, jy24-[mhll j-6m Racing Pnlaski Hony. Paints & Oils House, Sign and Beeoratire PAINTING. W HOLESALE and retail d-aler in P&ina, Oils, Varnishes*. Brushes, and a i nil line of Artists’ Materia s. Also, Window i«la»54. Window Shadct*. AXD Paper H.nnr ii^a All good* delivered in any par: of the vf, tzd sold ten per cent, less than any other dock in Savannah. JOHN G. BUT LEE mh7-6m 22 Drayton et.. near B- o tight oa. SEMINOLE, Captain P. H. MATTHEWS, W ILL sail for Boston on SATURDAY', Oc tober 14th, at 4 o’clock P. M. Through oiL-s of lading given to Providence, Fall River, New Bedford. Lowell, Lawrence, ana ether New England manufacturing point*; also to Liverpool by the CunardLinc. Theee steamships connect at T wharf with all railroads leading out of Boston. For freight or passage applv to RICHARDSON & BARNARD, S Stoddard's Lower Ranee. F. NICKERSON & CO.. Boston. oct4-tf Only Pirecfc Line to France. T'HE GcDcral TraiiSitLmtic X Company’s Mail Steamers between New York and Havre, calling at Plymouth (G. B.) for the landing of passengers. The splendid vessels on this favorite route for the Continent (cabins rrovided with electric beiis) will fail from nier No. 43, North river, as follows: AMERIQUE, Pot aoLZ, SATURDAY, Octo ber 14, at 3 p. m. ST. GERMAIN, BecCLOUX, SATURDAY, October 21. at 8 a. m. ,, a' 1 ; p* UI *® NT . I.achzsxez. SATURDAY, October 2a, at 2 p. m. „, !>r j co o* Phssrge in gold (including wjne)— First cabin, $110 to $120, acco.ding to Sccommo- • lation; sixond. $!■'; third cabin. $tu. Return tickets at reduced rates. Steerage $26, with su perior accommo’atioD, including wine, beddintr and uteusild without extra charge. steamers marked thus • do not carry steerage passengers. LOU.S HE aiEBlAN. Agent. 55 Broadway, or _ WILDER A CO., augll-3m Agents for Savannah. ^cals, ^cal i’rfssrs, &r. Seals and Seal and Stamps 1 Fr^sses efattre. LEA & PERRINS’ CELEBRATED , EXTRACT M a LETTER from a MEDICAL GENTLEMAN at Madras to his brother at Worces ter, May, 1651. “Tell LEA & PERRINS that their Sauce is high ly esteemed in In dia, and is, in my opinion, the most palatable as well a- the most whole some Sauce that i® made.*’ apri-M WM. ESTILL, Jr., PROPRIETOR. PRONOUNCED BY CONNOISSEURS TO BE THE “ONLY G00I)| SAUCE,” And applicable to EVERY VARIETY OF DISH. WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE LEA A PERRINS’ SIGNATURE is on EVERY BOTTLE. JOHN DUNCAN’S SONS, sep26-Tu,ly NEW YORK, S EALS and PRESSES for County officers, 1 taries, Lodges, Societies, etc., and RIB STAMPS,’RUBBER FAD*STAMPaJandWa?d STAMPS, made to order. Specimens and e jff. mates famished. All orders will receive urr mn t attention. ^ WM. ESTILL, J 7 1 (Estill’s News I>.-pot). Corner of Bay lane and Bali street, near the Peat Office, Savannah, Ga. jan4-tf Starts, &c. STOVES! COOKING AND HEATING STOVES A GREAT VARIETY ; ALSO, BIBB’S StLVEK PALACE Fire Place Heaters. FOR SALE BY Cor mack Hopkins* 16^ Broughton St. gipcs, (Ciqar lioldfrs. it- READ AND PROFIT BY THE KNOWLEDGE Y01 DEBIT*- F resh imported cigaiis. ; - -*•** different brands. , uktiC A large and well selected et >cii 1 : CIGARS. M VANITY FAIR, LONE JACK, DURHAM all other popular brands of SMOKING TOBACCO: As well as a fall line of PLUG and JTSECt 7 CHEWING TOBACCOS! SNUFFS, PIPES, cigarettes, etc. ec- AT MOLINA’S CIGAR EMrORIl*. Or. Boll and State Street. ^ TWSatlaf jetton guaranteed in <.«?:• ;“; s toanywb-j are Irina enoo„-!i to “ their nar, onaee. notices. NOTICE. ,V :'-.entfc * * juano** 1 & J HEREBT give notice to to.- country that I shall remain m the cDT to business as usuil. Any - COTTON will have my attect: a. Ary tor Guano can ship me Cotton in PT y agents owing me f .for fair. Elme, Tar, Etc. 1 00flaS ARRELS Thomaston LIME: os I .UllUAfcarre-, TAR; 25 barrels PIP 50 bales OSKCM; YELLOW METAL; FT id-’ ING; Manilla and Tarred ROPE ol all J™' For sale by Mzes - sepl-tf CLAGHORN A CUNNINGH AM. FOIt SALE , White Pine and.^laek Y/alnnt COUNTER yOPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND C. S. GAV, octl-ly Comer Charlton aarf Tattnall Sta. I?KOOKS COXT^i TY Manufacturing Association, QUITMAN, \TARNS, SHEETING, SHHcTIS? X on hand and for sale by aug2-3m ROPJS, GROOVER, STUBBS * CO. Wrapping Paper. ITtOR SALK, OLD NKWSPAPKE S, SUITABLE A’ wrap^ng pager, at Fifty Cento per hus- fired. Apply to mysi-tf MORNIKG NEB /a OFFICE, meat for same, or deliver it to any i D. B. BUBG Agent for Patai^GaaaO^ sep6-‘.f NOTICK. • Jlr.i* J~JURING my absence from tn BLAIR will act as my duly anthcr. n i\ FkRFt >B Kd -Ylatlrrtakcre. 1). FEKGLSO, Undertaker, >0 138 BROUGHTON SlREll Residence, No. U PRESIDENT, c ^ j Profeasional and Musines^^J /"IK anybody elae, - ” Vj eiza, color, or quatiij, prut 1 mriere. nremotly at the uv| mH ,