Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, August 26, 1880, Image 4

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tHu |ttormu0 THURSUAY, ACUCST 20. 1S80. (Commercial. S1YANN1H 31AKKKX. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, Savjl2C»XH, August 25, 1880, 4 P. 1 Cotton.—The market was firm and quota tions continue unchanged. The sales were 373 bales. We quote: Middling Fair 11% Cood Middling -11% Middling 11% Low Middling 10% Good Ordinary 9% Ordinary 8 ft I ft! Si i HH h II r TJ O ■ Z=r : 0 : S': : ill £1= Ilf CT - r & ■ f cy -J 1 % S r : : — |jp i 5* | || ri l r CC-} j* ■? r- s a. .3 s - i 1: CO C9 CD M: s 1? 2 0 * P 1 1,671 _ -i | i izt f a £ 3 ? £. 5 | " 3 § » «* - I*s S SB c #• = © - B 8 § R;rx.—The market was quiet, with a fair demand. The sales were about 70 casks at un changed prices. We quote: Common 5%©6 Fair Good 6%©6 9-16 Prime Choice Naval Stores.—The market for rosms was quiet and irregular. The sales were 435 bbls. of grades D. E, F, G. M, N and window glass at quotations, except E and F. which were 5c. lower, and 305 bbls. of all grades at unchanged prices. Spirits turpentine was quiet. The Hales were 100 bbls of regulars at 3ic.. and 310 bbls. regulars at 32%c. Receipts for the day 450 bbl3. rosin and 10: bbls. spirits turpentine, and the export", S15 bbls rosin and 460 bbls. spirits turpentine. We quote: Rosins—B and <J 11 10, D SI 15, E $i 25©1 30. F $1 35©1 40. G 51 55. ET 52 00. I »2 25. K $2 17%, 51 J2 6J, N $2 S5, window glass $3 10. Spirits turpentine —Oils and whisky a 31©31%c., regular* 32© 32%c. Financial.-Scerlirg Exchange—Sixty day bills, with bills iadirg attached. 54 78; New York sight exchange buying at % per cent, discount and selling at par. Stocks and Ronds. — City Bonds.—Market quiet and firm. Atlanta 7 per cent., 103 bid, 104 asked; Atlanta 6 percent., 100 bid, HU asked; Atlanta8pel cent., 106bid, 109% asked; Augusta 7 pel cent., 10G bid. 107 asked Au gusta 6 per cent.. 100 bid, 102 asked. Colum bus 7 per cent., 79 bid, 60 asked. Macon 7 per cent.,91bla, 92 asked. New Savannah 5 per cent. ex. coupon 32 bid. 82% asked. State Bonds.—Mai ket nrm. Georgia new 6’s, 1339, 107% bid, li8 asked: Georgia 6 per cent., coupons Feo. ana sou., maturity 1880 and 1888,100%al04 bid, 1-JlalCG asked; Georgia mort gage on W. ft A. RaUroad regular 7 per cent., coupons January and July, maturity 1886,108% bid, 199 asked; Ueoigia 7 percent, gold, cou pons quarterly, 103% Did. 109% asked; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 3896. 115 Did, 118 asked Railroad Bonds.— Ulan tic & Gulf 1st m’tgage con jolidated 7 per cent., coupons Jan. and July, maturity 1897. 196 bnl, 107 a3ked. Atlantic £ Gulf endorsed city of Savannah 7 per cent., cou pons Jan. and July, maturity 1879, 58 bid, 60 asked. Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cent., coupons January and July, maturity 1893, 110 bid. 111 asked. Georgia 0 per cent., cou pons Jan. and July, maturity, 104 bid, 105% asked. Mobile & Uirard Ml mortgage endorsed 8*ercent., coupons Jan. and July, maturity 1889. 1C9 bid. 110 asked. Montgomery and Eu- faula 1st mortgager* pm eon?., end. by Central Railroad, 100 bid. 101 asked. Charlotte. Co lumbia & AuguaL 1st m tg’e, 105 bid, 106 asked; Charlotte, Coiumoia &. Augusta 2d mortgage, 95 bid, 97 asked. Western Alabama 1st mort gage endorsed 3 per cent., coupons April and Oct., maturity 1888,112 bid, 113 asked; West ern Alabama 2d mortgage endorsed 8 per cent., coupons April and October, maturity 1890,112 hid, 113 asked. South Georgia ft Florida en dorsed, 110 bid, 112 asked: South Georgia & Florida 2d mortgage. 100 bid. 101 asked. Railroad Stock:-. —Firmer. Augusta ft Savan nah 7 per cent. guaranteed. 109 bid. 110 asked. Central common, 97 bid, 97% asked. Georgia common, 105 bid. 106 asked. Southwestern 7 per cent, guaranteed. 106 bid. 106% asked. racon.—Market quiet and steady; stock ample: demand active. We quote; Bacon, clear rib sides, 10c.; shoulders, 6%«.; dry salted clear rib sides, 9%c.; long clear, 9a.; pork strips, 8%c.; shoulders. 6c.; hams, 12%c. PHY Goods.—The market is active and firm: business brisk; stocks ample. We quote: Prints, 5 ©7e.; Georgia brown shirting, %, 5c.; % do., 6c.; 1-4 brown sheeting, 7c.; white osnaburgs, 9©10c.: checks, 7%©8%o.; yarns, SI 00 for best makes; brown drillings, 7%© 8%c. flour.—Market very firm; stock large; de mand moderate. We quote; Superfine. |5 25a 5 50; extra, £o 25©G75; fancy, $8 CO ©8 75; fami ly. 56 75©7 09; bakers’, 57 GO. Grain—Corn—Market firm; stock ample. White 67%©70c.; mixed 67©68e. Oats. 48® *0c. Hides, Wool., etc—Hides—Irregular; we quote: Dry flint, 15©1’>%c. ; salfeu, 12©13c. wool—Market quiet, little offering; we quote: Unwashed, free of onrra, prime iota, 32©53%c.; burry wool. 10©25c. l'allow, 5c.; wax, -2c.: dear skins. 35c.; otter skins. 2’c.©|4 00. Hay.—Market scarce and higher, stock light, demand fair. We quote Northern, §1 10© 1 15 wholesale; Eastern,81 200,1 35; Pennsylvania, 91 30©1 40; Western ?1 15©1 25. Laud.—The mark6t is tirm We quote: In tierces, tubs and kegs. 9%©9%c. Balt.—The stock fair; ae.uund increasing; market quiet. We quote: f. o. b., 90©95c. per car load; $1 00 at rets 1 and dray age. FREIGHTS. Lumber.— By Sail.—There is a full supply of coastwise vessels in the loading berths at this and near by ports generally, and the market is quiet with "rates weak. Off-shore charters are offering at an advance on our quotations. We quote: To Baltimore and Chesapeake ports, 96 0J©6 50; to Philadelphia, f 6 5o©7 00; to New York and Sound ports, $7 00©8 uo; to Boston and eastward, $7 60©3 90; to St. John, N. B.. $S 00; ^Timber from 51 90 to $1 50 higher than lumber rates]; to the West Indies and windward, nom inal; to South America, $19 00; to Spanish S orts, 914 00©15 00; to United Kingdom for or- ers, timber 36s. f lumber i’5 5s.© £5 10s. From 50c. to SI 00 additional is paid here for Change of loading port Naval Stores.—Sail—Rosin and spirits 4s. © 6«. to United Kingdom or Continent; to New York 40c. on rosin, 60c. on spirits. Steam.—To New York, rosin 30c., spirits 80c.; to Philadel phia, rosin 30c., spirits 80c.; to Baltimore, rosin 30c., spirits 80c.; to Boston, rosin 40c., spirits 90c. BT STEAK. Cotton— Liverpool ,via New York, *3 5s 7-16d Liverpool, via Baltimore, ^ lb ll-32d Liverpool, via Boston, 35 H-i—d Havre, via New York, 9 E5 15-16c Bremen, via New York, ^ H> Bremen, via Baltimore, 9 *> Antwerp, $5 lb 15-16c Amsterdam, via New York 15-16c Boston, 9 bale 51 5U Sea Island, $2 bale 150 Hew York, V bale 1 00 Sea Island, bale 1 00 Philadelphia, V bale 105 8ea Island, V bale 1 00 Baltimore, V bole 1 50 Providence, ¥ 100 *>a 40 JLlCB— New York, f> cask $1 00 Philadelphia, ^ cask ! 00 Baltimore, 9 cask 100 Futures—Market steady, as follows; August, 12 00c; September. 11 4Uc: October. 10 81c: No vember, 10 65c; December, 10 65c; January, 10 75c. PROVISIONS. GROCERIES. ETC. Liverpool.'August 25.—Lard, 43s 6d. Bacon, long clear middles, 41s 6d. Breadstuffs steady. New Yore.August 25.—Flour openeo dull and weak. Wheat stronger but rather quiet. Com moderately active. Fork heavy at f 16 00 for mees. Lara weak at 3 27% for steam rendered. Spirits turpentine, 25c. Rosie.$1 45 for strained. Freighte firm. __ Baltimore, August 25. — Flour opened steady but quiet; Howard street and Western superfine, S3 00©3 75: ditto extra. «4 lO©4 75: family. 55 00©5 75; city mills super fine. Jl 00<&3 50; ditto extre. $4 00©4 50; fami ly, 56 00©6 25; Rio brands. {5 75©5 87: Patap family. $4 60. Wheat—Southern steady : west ern quiet and a shade easier: .Southern red, 95c©$l •>•%: ditto amber, §1 OT©1 11; No i Maryland, 31 12%; No. 2 Western winter red on tno spot and August delivery, $1 06%© 1 06%; September delivery, 91 07© 1 07%; Gc- •ober delivery, 51 03%©1 06%; November de * - • mg Corn—Southern steady: | more active; Southern 56c. Shipping WnttlliQmt. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Sun Rises 5:33 | Sun Srrs High Water at Ft Pulaski. . 11 :43 am, 12:00 pm j Thursday, August 26, 1330. CLEARED YESTERDAY Daggett, New York— I Bni (foods. BLACK SILKS. EVENING RETORT. FINANCIAL. London, August 25, 4 p. m.—Erie, 42%. Paris. August 25, 4 p. m.—Rentes, 85f 72%c. Niv Yore. August 25.—Money 2©3 per cent. Exchange, St 80%. Government bonds quiet but steady: new fives, 102%; four and ■ naifs, 111%; four per cents.. 109%. State bonds dun. mmmmasmmm Stocks closed irregular: New York Central, 131%; E | — - ~ mi m Central. LouisviM ■ ■ Chicago and Northwestern, 99%, ditto Preferred 109%; Rock Island. 113%; Western Union, 106; Alabama Class A, 2 to 5. 64%: Class A, small, 65; Class B 5a 89%: Class C 2 to 5. 75: Georgia sixes 97, ditto sevens mortgage 110, ditto ditto gold 111: Louisiana consols 43; North (^aroibia 30%, ditto new 19, funding 11%. special tax 2; Tennessee 38, ditto new 32%; \ irginia sixes 20, ditto new 20, consolidated 85, deferred 6%; Panama, 185; Fort Wavne, 125; Ciiicago and Alton, ex div,, 113; Harlem, offered 200; Michigan Central, 95%; St. Paul preferred 109; Delaware and Iackawanua, 91%; New Jersey Central, 77; Ohio and Mis sissippi, 34%; Mobile and Ohio, 22%; Hannibal and 8t. Joseph, 38%; Union Pacific,94%; Hous ton and Texas, offered 65%: Pacific Mail, 40%; Adams Express, 115; Weils, Fargo & Co.,108%; American Express.53%; United States Express, 47%; Consolidation Coal, 30; Quicksilver, 13, preferred 55. Sub-Treasury balances: Coin. 987,S97,110; cur rency, 96,715,483. ■ New Orleans, August 25.—Exchange, New York sight, 50 per $1,000 premium; sterling, 94 83. n cotton. Liverpool, August 25, 5:15 p. m.—Futures | closed barely steady. Sales of American, 5,600 bales. New York, August 25.—Cot ten steady; mid dling uplands. 1115 16c; middling Orleans, 12 116c; sales 1,487 bales. Consolidated net receipts 3,026bales; exports to Great Britain 500 bales. Net receipts — bales; gross receipts 2,911 bales. Futures closed dull but steady, with sales of 73,000 bales, as follows: August. 12 02 ©12 03c; 37©11 39c: October,10 60 ©10 81c; November, 10 61©10 65c: December, 10 64©10 65c; January, 10 74©10 76c; February, 10 87c; March, 11 00© 11 02c. Galveston, August 25.—Cotton firm; mid dling ll%c; low middling 10%c; good ordinary 10,;; net receipts 86S bales; gross receipts 912 bales; sales322 bales; stock 3,740 bales; exports coastwise 126 bales. Norfolk, August 25.—Cotton dull; middling 11}<jc; net receipts 381 bales; gross receipts — bales; sales 154 bales; stock 3,297 bales; ex ports coastwise 291 bales. Baltimore, August 25.—Cotton firm; mid dling ll%c; low middling lie; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 230 bales; gross receipts 350 bales; sales 50 bales; stock 512 bales; exports to Great Britain 500 bales; coastwise 4'J bales. Boston, August 25.—Co ton steady: mid dling 12c; low middling ll%c; good ordinarv 10%c; net receipts 78 bales; gross receipts 88 bales; sales —bales; stock6.767 hales. Wilmington, August 25.—Cotton steady; middling 11c; low middling 10%c; good ordinary none; net receipts 4 baits: gross receipts 4 bales: sales — bales: stock 278 bales. Philadelphia, August 25. — Cotton firm; middling I2%c: low middling 11%:; good or dinary 10%c; net receipts — bales; gross re ceipts 39 bales; sales 54: bales; sales to spin ners 2)5 bales; stock 4,085 bales. 25. — Cotton firm; Steamship Gate City, Wm Hunter & Son. Steamship Seminole, Hallett, Boston—Rich ardson & Barnard. Brig Eva N Johnson, Doane, Fernandina, in j ballast, to load for a port in Porto Rico—Jos A Roberts & Co. DEPARTED YE8TERDAY Steamer Centennial. Ulmo. Satilla River and I way landings—J P Chase. BAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Gate City, New York. Steamship Seminole, Boston. MEMORANDA. By Telegraph to the Morning Metes. Ttbee, August 25. 5:20 p m—Passed up, I from roads, bark Chestina, Redman. Passed out, steamships Seminole and Gate | I Citv. Wind S. 10 miles; fair. New York, August 25—Arrived. Alps, City of Alexandria. State of Pennsylvania, Glouces ter. Batavia, QeMert, France. Thingvalla. Arrived out. Wieland, Indiana, Australian, MoseL Homeward, Pern, New Orleans. London. August 25—Sailed 24th, bark Adri ana Petronella, Doboy. Amsterdam. August 25—Sailed 24th, bark Geoja, Galveston. Bristol, August 25—Arrived 23d, bark Lady Dufferin. Pensacola. Cardiff, August 25—Arrived 24th, bark Stada- cona, Pensacola. By Mail. New York, August 23—Arrived, sc hr Nancy I Smith, Hodgkinson, St Marys, Ga. Dungeness. August 9—Passed, Maggie Hor ton. Israel, from Darien. Genoa, August 7—Sailed, Luigi, Cambiaso, Gervasio, Savannah. Hambure, August 9—Arrived, Vanias, Peter son. Brunswick. Philadelphia, August 22—Passed, via Dela- | ware Breakwater, sehr Clara E Bergen from Savannah. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Masters or vessels amvmg at this port having I any special reports to make will please send them to me. V essels leaving port will be fur nished with files of the Morning News free on application at this office. J. B. ESTILL, Agent New York Associated Press, Office 3 I Whitaker Street. TEMPURVHV REMOVAL OF UGHT SHIP ON GALVES- | TON LIGHT STATION. Notice is hereby given by the Lighthouse J Board that, on or about September 1, 1889, Light Ship No. 28, now on the inside of Galves ton bar, Texas, will be withdrawn for reuairs. Due notice will be given of the return of this | light ship to her station. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway, August 25—35 boxes tobacco, 50 caddies tobac co, 3 lots furniture. 2 boxes eggs, 1 bale hides, boxes eggs, and mdse. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. August 25—3*'4 bales cotton, 29 cars lumber. 18 cars wood, 466 bbls rorin, 102 bbls spirits tur pentine, 35 pkgs collars. 37 empty kegs. 17 bales hides, 7 bales wool, 1 bbl honey, 16 boxes fruit, and mdse. Per Central Railroad. August 25—471 bales cotton, 1 car bulk potatoes, 585 sacks corn, 14 cars bulk corn. 2.’% sa:ks flour. 24% sacks flour. 1 bbl whisky, 1 keg whisky, 19 bhds tobacco, 1 bucket tobacco. 11 caddies tobacco, 97 boxes tobacco. 1 bale leather, 2 bdls bags. 1 case cigars, 1 roll leather. 1 bbl tinware, 3 cases empty cans, 1 box, 1 loll points, 1 bdl lauds, 5 bales duck. 38 bags wool. 1 box seed, 1 bdl bur laps, 1 bdl shirts, 1 bdl skins, 22 hales warps, 15 bales waste, 14 bdls hides, 1 box shoes. 1 box saddlery, 25 kegs white lead, 46 nkgs fruit, 4 cases mdse, 10 empty % bbls. 30 bbls flour, 17 tierces hams. 2 pkgs wheels, 6 shafts. 5 bdls wheels, 1 bbl bacon, 2 bags bacon, 1 sewing ma chine, 4 bales yarns. EXPORTS. Per steanmliip Seminole. Best at 85c. Best at £1. Best at $1 25. Best at $1 50. Best ht $2. G. ECKSTEIN & CO p B’k Cashmeres H 0 H i ft h b Q G 0 COLORED SILKS Best at 75c. *°** Best at fl. £B|Best at $1 25 BLACK SATIN DE LYON. colored satins. G. ECKSTEIN & CO NEW EMBROIDERIES. YALENCIENNE LACES. NEW SMYRNA LACES. NEW TORCHON LACES. NEW GUIPURE LACES. NEW PA PETER] ES. CORSETS, CORSETS. G. ECKSTEIN & CO. Keep’s Shirts. Keep’s Collars. Keep's tuffs. G. ECKSTEIN & CO. &ug23-M,Tu£Thtf Best at 40c. Best at 50c. Best at 65c. Best at 75c. Best at $1. G. ECKSTEIN & CO BL’K ALPACAS Best at 25c. Best at 35c. Best at 50c. BLACK ENGLISH CRAPE. BLACK CRAPE VEILS. G. ECKSTEIN & CO. COLGATE’S PERFUMES : SPIRITS LAVENDER. VIOLET WATER MULTIFLORA. ROSADORA. HELIOTROPE. CACHEMIRE BOUQUET. ECKSTEIN & CO. Keep’s Night Shirts. Keep’s Jean Drawers Keep's Umbrellas. aaiUinrry ©oofls. Special Induceeinents -aT- 135 BROUGHTON STREET, IN LADIES’ UNDERWEAR! FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, THE ENTIRE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK OF LADIES' UNDER WEAR AT A SACRIFICE. I CHEMISE AT 33c., REDUCED FROM 50c. CHEMISE AT 42c., REDUCED FROM 65c. I CHEMISE AT 50c., REDUCED FROM 75c. CHEMISE AT 75c., REDUCED FROM Si 00. CHEMISE AT Si 00, REDUCED FROM $1 50. GOWNS AT 80c., REDUCED FROM Si Ort. GOWNS AT SI 00, REDUCED FROM $1 50. GOWNS AT SI 50, REDUCED FROM $2 00. SKIRTS AT 60c., REDUCED FROM 85c. SKIRTS AT 80c., REDUCED FROM Si 00. SKIRTS AT SI 00. REDUCED FROM $1 25. SKIRTS AT SI 25. REDUCED FROM $1 75. SKIRTS AT 51 50, REDUCED FROM 00. i DRESSING 8ACQUES, ) CORSET COVERS. V ! LADIES DRAWERS, ) At Corresponding prices. Children’s Slips in Pique, Cambric and Nainsook AT LESS THAN COST. OUR FANCY RIBBON SALE WILL CONTINUE THE BALANCE OF THE WEEK for Boston—60 New Orleans. August 1 Ulescottou. m bb!8 rosin. 410 bbls spirits tur-1 d P\,,. ! ’H * *? cei F!J n 4 K l ? ale ’'v J*: I penline. 91 casts day. bales hides! -15 bales ceipta 19. Dales, sales S,i00 bales, stock -8,11. I wool. 43 bales paper stock. 115.UW feet lumber, bales; exports coastwise 1,806 bales. I hni«s ’ I Mob,ns, August -Cotton steady; mid- J pTS^SiTuate City, for New York- dling ll%c; low middling 10%c; good ordinary P - - * • • -- — • ■ v 9%c; net receipts 161 b ' bales; sales 400 bales: MILLINERY aug!6-tf AT A SACRIFICE! Ses^Xc^u ba^otto^n U 5rbai??dnme r s.XilS u^feJ^ee I l’ a L H ' r stoclr. il casks rice. H5.i bbls i aval stores, • O 8tock J - 770 bales ; e *- 77,6il feet lumber. 121 hhds tobacco. 65 old LATEST ANNOUNCEMENT ports coastwise 470 bales. Msuphis, August 25.—Cotton steady; mid dling ll%c; net receipts 78 bales: shipments 127 bales: sabs 75 bales: stock 7,420 ball Augusta, August 25.—Cotton steady; mid dling 11 %c; low middling 10%c; good ordinary none: net receipts 197 bales; shipments —I bales: Stales 121 bales. ChaRLK8TON. August 25.—Cotton firmer; mid dling 11%-:; low middling ll%e; good ordinary 10%c; net receipts 526 bales; gross receipts bales; sales 150 bales; stock 2,392 bales. PROVISIONS. GROCERIES. ETC. London, August 23, 4 p. m.—Spirits turpen tine, 268 6d. 5:15 p. m.—Soirits turpentine, 26« 6d. New Yore, August 25.—Hour, Southern dull, and in buyers' lavor; common to fair extra. 94 75©5 50; gooO to choice ditto, $5 60©6 75. Wheat—winter %©%c better, with moderate trade; spring more a.tive and firmer: graded red, 95c© §118. Oats heavy and l©2c over; No. 3. 37%c. Hops quiet and un changed. Coffee firm and in fair demand; Rio, in cargoes, 13%©)6%c; in job lots, 13% 'a 17%c. Sugar steady but quiet; centrifugal, 8 69c; muscovado, 7%e; fair to good refining, 7%© l%c; prime,8e; refined quiet and unchanged— standard A, 10%c. Molasses steady but quiet. Rice dull and unsettled; Carolina, 5©7c. Rosin axle*, 44 motive axles, 18 cases mdse. cigars, 109 pkgs PASSENGERS. I Per steamship Seminole, for Boston—T C Chase, Miss C E Garliolr, Elizabeth Williams, A S Ernst. Per steamship Gate City, for New York- T M Cunningham, Jr. Mis W J Sams, Miss Alice Mantham. D G bhehan. P D Horkara, F C Tucker, C B Davids, T H Leavenworth, Mrs E Somers, T P Cat horn, Jesse M Thomas. Mr Billings A Jerger. J A Stein, Miss H Lovett, C Bradley, Mis J II Jones, Miss Emma Jones, M Bernbaum. Thomas West, C Camp, W G Let- l lice. hJ P 138 Brougliton Stroot. Per CONSIGNEES. Charleston and Kavannah Railway, August 25—Fordg Office, H Myers & Bros, A J Miller & Co, L Remion. Ludden A II. J Water man, W A Jaudon, W C Jackson A Co, Reiser & 8. Per Central Railroad. August 25—Fordg Agt CRB, JB Reedy, S G Haynes & Bro. S Cohen, A Friedenberg &. Co, F M Hull, Solomon Bros, J McGrath & Co, J G Butler, Allen L, M Y Heuderson, II M Comer 8fc Co, Juo Flannery Si Co. Order, O Cohen £ Co, L J Guilmartin & Co, i 1 L’ CtilKlu- \ I * i... f ll .n .i 1 r "II b. 1 ' ^ L'h .. MILLINERY ftT YOUR OWN PRICE! Bargains in Btosiery! REDUCTION IN GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS! SACRIFICE SALE OF HANDKERCHIEFS! ... . , , ■ —; kosiu l (. j,’ stubhe, West Bros. Peacock. H & Co. Eng Arm at $145@150 W ool steatly; moderate de- lish p & H , Walter & H, AJItOW West, W | maud; domestic fleece, 38©50c: pulled. 22© 1 •• •• .. ~ . ■ 47c: unwashed, 15©37c; Texas, 18©-‘15c. Pork .1 McDonough, M B Millen. It B Cossels, Wm I Hone & Co, L<*e Roy Myers. Stern & N, Bend- I heirn Bros &. Co, Palmer Bror. ^siKttcs. Boston, « cask 125 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown Fowls, pair 50 © 55 Half-grown, ^ pair 30 © 40 Three-quarters grown, ^ pair... 35 © 45 Eggs, country, doz 15 © — Butter, country, ^ lb 15 © 25 Peanuts, Tennessee. bushel... 1 25 © — “ hand-picked Virginia, y bu. 1 50 © Florida Sugar, V B> © 45^ 5 Florida Syrup, ^gallon 35 © 4 Honey, ^ gallon 60 © 7: New Irish Potatoes, barrel.... 2 50 © — Sweet Potatoes, V bushel 75 © - Poultry.—The market fully supplied and de mand fair. Eggs.—Supply good; fair demand. Butter.—a goou demand for a first-class ar ticle; stock light. Peanuts.—Market fairly supplied; demand light. Syrup.—Georgia and Florida in moderate de mand and supply. Sugar.—Georgia and Florida scarce, with Igbt demand MARKET8 BY in AIL. Charleston, August 24.—Rick.—In the ab sence of 6tock of consequence the market was quiet, and there were no sales reported. We quote: Common 5%©5%e.; fair 6©6%c.; good b%©6%c.; high good 6^©6%c. Carolina rough rice may be quoted at 91 U©1 40 per busbel for inland qualities. Tide water descriptions are nominal in the absence of sales. Naval Stores.—The receipts were 368 casks spirits turpentine and 1,462 obis, rosin. There was a continued demand for rosins at un changed prices Sales 1,500 bbls. at Si JO per bbL for C. D, SI 20 for E, §1 3U for F, St 50 tor G $1 70 for U, 92 for I. $2 25 for K, $2 50 for M*. 92 75 for N, and $3 for window glass. Spirits turpentine was firm. Sales on Mon day opened at 31c.. improved to 31%c.. and closed at 32c. per gallon; sales 200 casks. There was no business announced to day. Crude tur pentine is valued at $2 25 per barrel for virgin and 52 for yellow dip.—News and Courier. JIAKKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Erie, NOON REPOET. FINANCIAL. London, August 25.—Consols, S7%. 42%. 3 p. m.—Erie, 42%. Paris, August 25, 3 p. m.—Rentes, Saf 62%c. New York, August 25.—Stocks opened strong and active. Money at 2©2% per cent. Ex change-long. S» 81; short, $4 83 State bonds dull and nominal. Government bonds firm and unchanged. COTTON. Liverpool. August 25, Noon.—Cotton opened with fair business at previous prices; middling uplands. 7 3-l6d; middling Orleans. 7%d; Mies 8 000 ales, for speculation and export 1.000 hales. Receipts 8,000 bales, of which all ore A SS2rSf middling uplands, low mid dling clause, deliverable in August, i 3-16©/ 5~3d; deliverable in August and September, 7 3-32d: deliverable in September and October, 6 ll-l6d; deliverable in October and November, €%d* deliverable in November and December, 6 9-32©6 5-16d; deliverable in March and April. 6%d. Futures flat. N*w York,August 25.-Cotton market opened steadv: sales 3,274 bales: middling uplands, l\ 15-16c; middling Orleans, 121-16c. weak; prices without quotable change. Mid dles dull and easier; long clear, 8%©8%e; short clear. 9%c; long and short elear, 8%©9c. Lard heavy and lower; very moderate trade at 8 15 ©8 20c. Turpentine dull and weak, closing at 3»c. Freights Ann. New Orleans. August 25 —Flour quiet but steady; superfine, §3 00©3 25; high grades, $1 87.' Corn in active demand at 60©64c. Oats quiet and weak at 39c. I*ork quiet and weak at 916 25. I^ird scarce and firm at 9 15c. Dry- salt meat—No stock: shoulders command 6%c. Bacon quiet; shoulders, 6 37%c;rib, 9 62%c; sides, 10 12%c. Sugar cured hams steady; canvased. 11%©12%c. Whisky steady at f 1 00 ©l 10 Coffee steady and in good demand; Rio cargoes, ordinary to prime, 13%©16%c. Sugar scarce and firm; prime to choice open kettle, 9%©10%c; yellow clarified, 10%c. Molasses dull ana nominal. Rice steady and in giMxl demand at full prices, 5@6%c. St. Louis, August 25 —Flour dull and un hanged. Wheat lower; No. 2 red fall. 97%© ©97%c for cash; 98%c for August; 91%©91%c for September;91%©92%c for October; 92%© 93%c for November; 9l©91%c for the year. Corn lower; "5%©35%c for cast): 36%c for Sep tember; 37%©.l7%c for October; 37%©:i8%c for November. Oats firm for cash, options lower; ■" c for cash; 255^©26c for September, 25c bid at close. WhiSKy steady at 51 U9. Pro visions—Fork quiet; jobbing 515 75 f :r mess. I I.ard dull and nominal, bulk meats lower; shoulders. 5 40c; clear ribs. 8 50c; sides, 8 75c. Bacon lower; shoulders. 6 25c; clear ribs,9 37%; clear sides, 9 75c. , Cincinnati, August 25.—Flouractive but not I quotably higher; family, 54 5J©4 85; fancy, |5 00©5 75. Wheat easier but not quotably I lower; No. 2 amber, 92c; No. 2 red winter,96c. Corn easier; No 2 mixed, 11c. Oats steady; I TJ AVING a full corps of practical workmen I ^°- r ^ constantly employed, I am prepared at 1 at 5.5 o0©16 00 tor mess. Lard unset- I a u times to finish any work in any of the above lines j " ' ' ' ’ * I LACES aug9-tf CHEAP AS EVER I CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS 3c. | LADIES’ PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 10c. % LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 5c. | GENTS' PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS lf.c. M Davidson. F Reiser & S, M Ferst & Co. Lee Roy Myers. J C Thompson, A Einstein's Sons, Frank «£ Co. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway, August 25—Fordg Office, W v' Jackson & Co, C I. Jones, Williams «£: W, W YV Gordon & Co, C F Stubbs, F M Farley. Walter fiH, H M Comer & Co, M Maclean, J H Johnston, II F Grant, R W Woodbridge, J no Flannery & Co, i T ^ s* m i -mm ms mi i Ice Boxes, Retrigerators, Mosquito Ms Henderson, J W Tynan, R Mclntire & Co. John ' House .trurwsinttg ©oofls. -AND ALL SORTS OF- ANDREW HANLEY. House, Sigu and Decorative PAINTING. Cilding, Craining, Clazing and Marbling. FRESCO AND BANNER PAINTING. Malting, Window Shades, Oil Cloths, THE CARPET -ETC., AT THE ALLEN & LINDSAY. my6-d&wtf 169 AND 171 BROUGHTON STREET. nominal at 515 50© 10 00 tor mess. Lard unset tled at 7%©8c. Bulk meats easier; shoul ders, 5 75c; ribs. 8 75c. Bacon firm; shoulders, 6 75c: ribs, 9 6.‘%c; sides, 10c. Whisky active and firm at 51 09. Sugar steady; hards, 11© ll%c; New Orleans, 9©9%c. Hogs easier; common, 54 00©4 70; light, $4 75©5 00; pack ing, 54 S5©5 30; butchers, $5 35©5 50. Chicago, August 25.—Flour closed quiet and unchanged. Wheat in fair demand but lower; No. 2 red winter, 91%c for cash; No. 2 Chicago spring, 87%c for cash; 87%c for September; 83%a88%c for October; 90c for November. Corn active but lower; 38%c for cash; 38%c for September; :.9%c for October. Oats dull, weak and lower; 2i%©27c for cash; 25%©25%c for September; 26%c for October. Pork irregular mesa, 516 25. Lard steady; fair demand at 7 71 ©7 30c. Bulk meats dull, teudiug downward; shoulders, 5 50c; short rib, 8 25c; tlear, 8 65c. WnisKv steady and unchanged. Baltimore, August 25.—Cats firm; Western white, 38©39c; Pennsylvania, 36%©';8c. Pro visions firm Mess pork, $16 75. Bulk meats— loose, shoulders, none here; elear rib sides, none here; ditto, packed, 6%c and 9%c. Bacon — shoulders, 7c; clear no sides, lUc. Hams, 12%©13%c. Lard, refined, In tierces, 9c. Coffee quiet but steady; Rio cargoes, ordinary t<> choice, 13©18%c. Bugar firm; A soft, 10%c. Whisky steady at 51 12. Freights steady. Louisville. August 25.—Flour closed quiet: choice to fancy. 56 00©6 25. Wheat dull at 85 ©88c. Corn quiet; No. 2 white, 43©14c. Oats firm; No. 2 white, 31c. Pork steady at $1550 for mes3. Lard quiet at 9%e. Bulk meats quiet but steady; shoulders, l%c; clear ribs, 3%o; sides, 9%c. Bacon steady; shoulders, 6 25c; clear ribs. 9 65c; clear sides, 10c; sugar cured hams, 12%c. Whisky steady at 51 C8. ton, August 25.—Spines turoentine unsettled. Rosin firm at $10.!% for strained, and 5107% for good strained. Tat firm at 51 70. Crude turpentine firm at 51 80 for yel low dip, and 52 00 for virgin. Corn unchanged. ^addUry, fiarutss, Sit. W.B.MELL&CO., (Successors to N. B. Knapp,) DEALERS -N Saddles, Harness & Leather, RUBBER BELTING. PACKING & HOSE. LEATHER BELTING, HEMP TACKING, LACE LEATHER. Etc., Trunks, Valises, TraTeling Bag's, Etc. A LSO, a full line of OAK and HEMLOCE IY SOLE LEATHER, FRENCH and AMERI CAN CALF SKINS, SHOE UPPERS and FINDINGS. A large stock always on hand and for sale low. Orders from the country promptly and carefully filled. All are invited to examine our | stock before making their purchases. Market Square, Savannah, Ga. j ootMftvtf i promptly and to the perfe< t satisfaction of those who may favor me with their orders. I Estimates cheerfully furnished. No. 6 Whitaker street and 171 Bay street, aug 3-tf Savannah, Ga JOHN OLIVER'S Paint and OH Store. STEAMBOAT, RAILROAD AND MILL SUPPLIES SASHES, BLINDS, Doors, Itfouidings, NO. 6 WHITAKER STREET. ap25-tf Savannah, Ga. CHRIS. MURPHY, (ESTABLISHED 1385.) House, Sign, Fresco & Banner PA INTING, —DEALER IN— RAILROAD, MILL and STEAMBOAT SUP PLIES, PAINTS. OILS. GLASS, PUTTY, VAR NISHES. BRUSHES, MIXED PAINTS, BURN ING and ENGINE OILS, NEATSFOOT OIL, AXLE GREASE, LADDERS, all kind* and size* 142 St Julian and 141 Bryan streets. I mh22-tf JOHN G. BUTLER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in White Lead, Oils, Colors, tvlass, Etc HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. S OLE Agent for the GEORGIA LIME, CAL CINED PLASTER, CEMENTS, HAIR, LAND I PLASTER, etc. Sole Agent for F. O. PIERCE & CO.’S PURE PREPARED PAINTS. One hundred dollars guarantee that this Paint con tains neither water or benzine, and is the on»y [ guaranteed Paint in the market. je!9-tf No. 22 Drayton street. Savannah. Ga. SOMETHING NEW! The prettiest line of new patent TIN SETS that ever came to this market. Also Canary, RobiD, Mocking Bir<l ami BreediiiK CAGES just received. Other new yoods coming in by every steamer. Call and examine my stock. GrEO. W. ALIiENT, aug21-tf 165 AND 165% BROUGHTON STREET. gaper. Paper, Paper, Paper. SAVANNAH PAPER MILLS, We are now manufacturing a f-ood article of the various grades of MANILLA PAPER, suited to all branelies of busi ness. Also. Cotton Sample Paper in rolls and reams. Prices less than elsewhere. Send your orders to the gAVANIV /V TT PAPER. MILLS. augl t-S,Tu&Thlm OFFICE CORNER BULL AND BROUGHTON 8TEETS. §au’s. Sc Co. JVotrls and £uiumrr Resorts. The Marshall House .J---.:- V Ls b £3 811 to 8t9 North Second Street, St. Louis, Mo. Manufacturers of every iWript'nn of Circular, .Mi!!, and Cross-Cut StetrkS Wholesale Dealers in Rubber and Leather Belrlus, Files, .Mandrels, Cant Hooka, Saw (in turner*. Upsets, and nil Saw nnd Pinning Alili Supplier.; Sole Mantx.'i-ctun-r* of Loci.wood’s Patent Slotted Circular Saw. 1JVKRY SAW \\ RANTED. ^“Care'ul attention tor.ipairwork. Agenta for TAINiiTE ETiflERY WHEELS rdACHINEBY. Our New Illustrate d Catalogue nu-.ilctl 1‘rcc on aniiJicatioiL. jy27-Tu.Th&Sly £$t ^ale. -WITH ITS spacious vestibule, ® es ’ ra Ne Lots for Residences FRONTING THE PARK. -EXTENSIVE tflothtug. TO SAVE MONEY BUY CLOTHING & HATS E. HEIDT’S.I F OR the next two weeks we 6ball offer bal ance of this season’s stock of Clothing and I Hats cheaper than ever, preparatory to open ing new Fall Goods. To save money, now is the time to buy. King of Shirts, with patent sleeve j adjuster and reinforced—the best and cheap- i est shirt in the world—at old prices, 51 00 un- lauudried, lauudried 51 25- boys’ Shirts and Collars, Celluloid Collars, Cuffs and Bosoms, and Gents’ Furnishing Goods of every descrip tiou. at popular prices. 139 CONGRESS Sr., | Headquarters for Good Clothing. aug9-tf Elegant Verandah. I Affording ladies a fine view of the promenade. Airy and Well Ventilated Rooms AND UNRIVALED TABLE IS PAR EXCELLENCE THE Leading Hotel of Savannah JOHN BKESNAN, Manager. » fc.ln.rERS, JOURNALS, CASH HOOKS AND 1 j BLANK B<X»KS of all kinds made ‘ L OT No. 10 Lloyd ward, fronting east on Whitaker, between Waldburg and New Houston streets. 60 feet, and running back Howard street 136 feet. Also. % Lot No. 12 Lloyd ward, fronting Whitaker street, and running back to Howard street 136 feet. Both these lots are in fee simple. For terms, etc., call on R. M. DEMERE, No. 2 Commercial Building. 3hrrati'. .Summer <?oofis. PORCELAIN LINED, BLACK WALNUT WATER COOLERS, HIP AND SPONGE BATH TUBS, P1 y Traps, WATERING POTS, ROUND AND OVAL Wire Dish Covers. FOR SALE BY coriack norms, my4-tf 1C7 BROUGHTON STREET. AGATE-IRON WATER COOLERS -AT- CRAWFORD & LOVELL’S HARDWARE HOUSE, jel8-tf 155 BROUGHTON STREET. B B B Ice Cream Freezers, WATER COOLERS, Fly Fans, Fly Traps, And FRUIT JARS, at BOLSKAW’S. B B B B Commission Dlwhnnts. Robt. M. Butlkk^ Hknbt D. Stevens. BUTLER & STEVENS, Cotton F'aetoi’s COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 88 BAY’ STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Special attention given to Sea Island Cotton. Bagging and Ties at bottom prices. Good sales ana prompt returns guaranteed. Liberal rash advances made. jy2a-lm ftaiircsgs. Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. General Manager’s Omcx, 1 Savannah. 3Iay 23d. 18S0. \ O N and after SUNDAY. May 23d, 1880, Pas senger trains on this Road will run as follows* NIGHT EXPRESS Leave Savannah daily at— 4:30 p. a Arrive at Jeenp doily at 7® 6 M ArriTeatThomaavUiedaliyaL — c:2G a. M Arrirc at Bain bridge daily at 5:30 i, k Arrive at Albany dally at 10:25 a. b Arrive at Live Oak dally at 2:00 a V Arrive at Tallahassee dally at 7:C0 Arrive at Jacksonville dally as 7:50 a. m Leave Taiiahassee dally at 6:00 p. Leave Jacksonville daily at 5:30 p. k Leave Live Oak dally at 11:15 p. Leave Albany dally at 4:90 p. u Leave Balnbrldge dally at 4:00 p. m Leave Thomasvlile dafiy at. 7:30 p. u Leave Jeenp dally at 6:30 a. m Arrive at Savannah daliy at 9:00 a. k No change of cars between Savannah and Jacksonville and Savannah and Albany. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily between Savannah and Jacksonville. Sleeping cars run through to and from Savon nah and Albany, and Jacksonville and Albany without change. Passengers from Savannah for Fernandina Gainesville and Cedar Keys take this train. Passengers for Darien take this train. Passengers from Savannah for Brunswick ake this train, arriving at Brunswick 6:00 a. m. Passengers leave Bri.nawlck at 8:00 p. M., or rive at 8avannah 9:00 A.TSL Passengers leaving Macon at 7:15 a. K. (dally including Sunday) connect at Jesup with this train for Florida. Passengers from Florida by this train connect at Jecup with train arriving in Macon at 635 kl M. (daily including Sunday). Connect at Albany with passenger trains both ways on Southwestern Railroad to from Macon, Knfaaia, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, etc. Mall steamer leaves Bain bridge for Apalachi cola every Sunday and Thursday evening; for Columbus every Tuesday and Saturday after noon. Close connection at Jacksonville daily (Sun days excepted) for Green Cove Springs, 8L Angustine, P&latka, Enterprise, and ail landings on Si. John’s river. Trains on B. and A. R. R leave Junction, go ing west, at 11:37 a. sl, and for Brunswick at 4:40 p. jl, daiip, except Sunday. Through Tickets sold and Sleeping Cor Bertha secured at Bren’s Ticket Offico. No. 22 Bull etreet, and at 8avaon&h, Florida and Western Railway Passenger Depot. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—EASTERN DI VISION. Leave Savannah, Sundays excepted, at 7:00 a. m Leave Hclntoah, M ** 9:40 a. m Leave Jeeup M “ 12:30 p. if Leave Blacksheav “ “ 3 05 p. k Arrive at Dupont ** ** 7:00 p.M Leave DupoEt “ " 5:30 A. b Leave Blackshear *• “ 9:f0 a. m Leave Jeeup “ “ l :0d p. m Leave McIntosh “ M 3:06 p.m Arrive at Savannah - 44 5:40 p. n WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Dupont, Sundays excepted, at 6:00 a. x Leave Valdosta, “ “ 8:17 a. b Leavo Quitman, “ “ 9:45 a. M Arrive at Thomasrille, “ “ 12:00 m Leave ThomasvUlp. “ “ 2:30 p. m Leave Camille, 5r23 p. s Arrive at Albany, 7:15 p. u Leave Albany. 6:33 a. m Leave Cainilli . ** 8:48 a. 5f Arrive nt ThomasvIIl-*. “ 11:30 a. h Leave Thomasvliie, “ 1:45 p m Leave Quitman. “ “ 3:53 p. m Leave Valdosta, “ *‘ 5:17 r. M Arrive at Datwnt, “ 7:30 p.m J. S. Ttscx. Master of Ti-ansportation. H. S. HA (NFS, my25-tf General Manager. JAS. W. SCIILEY & CO. 172 BAY' STREET, SAVANNAH GA., General Conini’n Merchants, OFFER: •)AAA BUSHELS Choice Rust-proof OATS. JvVUU 500 bushels COW PEAS. 250 bales Prime Timothy HAY'. 300 bales Prime Northern HAY. 8,000 bushels CORN. 4.(ICO bushels OATS. 40,000 pounds WHEAT BRAN. 12.000 pounds DRY SALT SIDES. 20,000 pounds SMOKED SIDES. Also, MEAL, GRITS, FLOUR, CRACKED CORN and (X3RN EYES. 1el8-tf R. J. Datakt, Savannah. J. S. Wood, Jr. Oconee, Ga. DAVANT & WOOD, FACTORS —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 114 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GA. M AKE liberal advances on consignments.and supply Bagging and Ties to their patrons at lowest prices. Are agents for Drake's Cot ton Ties. aug-3-tf jfurmnu'*. Sic. SELLING- OEF OUR STOCK OF REFRIGERATORS, RATTAN LOUNGES. ROCKERS and SUMMER GOODS of all kinds at REDUCED PRICES. Just received some desirable styles of me dium priced French DRESSER CHAMBER SUITS. On hand, a full and complete assortment of Fine. Common and Medium grades of FURNI TURE MATTINGS, CARPETS. OIL CLOTH. WIN DOW SHADES,PICTURE OORDS.8TA1R RODS aDd UPHOLSTERY GOODS cf all kinds, sell ing very low. Call and see us. EmilA. Schwarz, 127 BROUGHTON STREET. jyl3-Tutf £vta*tut. DIAMOND SPECTACLES. T HESE Spectacles are manufactured from ‘ MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES” melted together, and are called DIAMOND on account of their hardness and brilliancy. Having been tested with the polariscope, the diamond lenses have been found to admit fif teen per cent, less heated rays than any other pebble. They are ground with great scientific accuracy, are free from chromatic aberra tions. and produce a brightness and distinctness of vision not before attained in spectacles. Manufactured by the Spencer Optical Manu facturing Company, New Y'ork. For sale by responsible agents in every city in the Union. F. D. JORDAN. Jeweler and Optician, is Sole A gent for Savannah, Ga., from whom they can only be obtained. No peddlers employed. Do not buy a pair unless you see the trade mirk * mhl6-Tu.Th,t Do You Want Specks { T HE largest aCfi best assortment of SPEC TACLES In the 'dty. Single glasses to see My gooc* suit all eyes and a'J TAC) near and far pockets. P. LIND^NSTRUTH, 22 J». ffersnn street. n$nubc$, itwfiru. Si:. A. L. DESB0U1LL0NS, JEWELER AND DEALER IN Waltham and Elgin Watches DIAMONDS, STAB SPECTACLES, deca-tf Wines, &r Pure Blackberry Wine & Brandy FOR SALE AT the 1 W1 to order Morning Newt Steam Pria&Dg HottM L. C. STRONG’S Drug Store, jy23-tf Cor. Bull and Perry street lane. SMOOTHEST, mUST, US' O SOLD BY ALE, J0BBEBS \ - ma ^VVlIV C ^ «* Production Doubled, Again DonML an3 StTn&Tbly STERLING 8ILVERWARE. QUADRUPLED PLATED WARE, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CLOCKS. GOLD-HEADED CANE x’LORIDA JEWELRY. ORANGE CANES 21 BULL STREET, OjlJQf Opposite Screven Hons STEEL plows. Oil A TONS Steel PLOWS, TURN SHOVELS. A\J\) GOPERS, BUZZARDS, etc., assorted. WEED mxAAtf & CORNWELL A RTIST’S r ■ ‘ Manual of Oil and Water Color Painting, Crayon Drawing, etc., 50c. Guide to Authorship, 50c. Of booksellers or by mail, JESSE HANEY & CO., 119 Nassau street, New York. Centra! & Southwestern’ds, PaVaxxah. Ga., .Tul3* ’.OJu 1S80 O N and oT.tjr SUNDAY, July 11th, 1880. passenger trains on the Central aod Soutfc- weetern Railroads ar.d branches wiii nin ns follows: TRAIN NO. 1.-GOING NORTH AND WEST Leaves Savannah 9:20 a. u Leaveo Augusts 9:30 a. ■ Arrives at Augusta 4:45 p Arrives at Macon 6:45 p. M Leaves Macon for Atlanta 8:15 p. Arrives at Atlanta 3:43 a if Making close connection at Atlanta with West ern and Atlantic and Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Une for all points West and North. COMING SOUTH AND EAST Leaves Atlanta 22 2) a. If Arrives at Macon 6.33 a. m Leaves Macon 7:U0 a. m Arrives at Mfliedgevlile 9:44 a. b Arrives at Eatonton 11:30 A. k Arrives at Augusta 4:45 p. u Arrives at Savannah 3:45 p. v Leaves Augusta 9:30 a. M Making connection at Savannah with the Sa vannah, Florida and Western Railway for all points in Florida. TRAIN NO. 2-GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leaves Savannah 7:20 p. M Arrivee at Augusta 5:40 a. u leaves Augusta 8:30 p. M Arrives at Killedgevlllo 9:44 a. u Arrives at Eatonton 11:30 a. m AiTivos at Macon S:00 a. m Leaves Macon for Atlanta 3:40 a. b Arrives at Atlanta 12:50 p. u Loaves Macon for Albany and Eufaula 8:-i0 a. a Arrivee at Eufaula. 4:03 p. u Arrives at Aib&ny 3:35 p. u Loaves Macon for Columbus 9:20 a. m Arrives at Columbus. 3:25 p. if Trains on this schedule for Macon, Atlanta, Columbus, Eufaula, Albany and Augusta daily, making close connection at Atlanta with Western and Atlantic and Atlanta and Char lotte Alr-IJne. At Eufaula with Montgomery and Eufaula Railway; at Columbus with West ern Railroad; at Augusta with the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad and South Carolina Railroad for all points North and East. Eufaula train connects at Fort Valley for Per ry daily (except Sunday), and at Ccthbert for Fort Gaines daily (except Sunday.) Train on Blakely Extension leaves Albany Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. COMES G SOUTH AND EAST. Leaves Atlanta 2:15 p. m Arrives at Macon from Atlanta 6:55 p. m Leaves Albany - 11:13 a. x Leaves Eufaula 11:20 a. h Arrives at Macon from Eufaula and Albany 6:20 p. m Leaves Columbus 11:10 a. k Arrives at Maoon from Columbus 5:05 p. if Leaves Maoon. 7:35 p. m Arrivee at Augusta 5:40 a. m Leaves Augusta. 8:30 p. u Arrivee atbavannah 7:15 am Passengers for Mllledgeville and Eatonton will take train No. 2 from Savannah, and train No. 1 from Macon, which trains connect daily, exoept Monday, for r.nlnta. THROUGH SLEEPING CAR8 on all night trains between Savannah and Augusta, Au gusta and Macon, and Savannah and Atlanta. Berths in Sleeping Cars can be secured at SCHREINER’S, 127 Congress street. G. A. Whitehead, WILLIAM ROGERS, Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. 8upt, Savannah. J. C. Shaw. W. F. 8HELLMAN, Gen. Trav. Agt. Bupfc. 8. W. R. B., Macon, Ga. jy!2tf Shipping, SAVAMB m NEW YORK. AFTER CABIN f20 FORWARD CABIN 16 STEERAGE 10 EXCURSION TICKETS, GOOD UNTIL OC TOBER 1st $30 and f 25 T HE magnificent steamships of this Company are appointed to sail as follows: GATE CITY, Captain Daooktt, WEDNES DAY’, September 8. at 8:90 a m. CITY OF IIIACON, Captain Kkmptok.BAT- URDAY\ September 11, at 11:30 a. m. CITYOFCOLUMBCS, Captain Nickkk- sox, WEDNESDAY’, September 15. at 4 p. m. CITY OF SAVANNAH, Captain Fleet - wood, SATURDAY'. September j8, at 5:30 p.m. I Through bills of lading given to Eastern and | Northwestern points ana to ports of the United I Kingdom and the Continent. Sayannah & Florida Inland Route | The elegant Steamer FLORIDA, Captain . Leaves every TUESDAY and SATURDAY, on arrival of New Y'ork steamships, for Fernan dina. Jacksonville and Palatku, connecting with steamers on Upper St. John's and with A., G. A W. I. T. R. R. for stations on that road. For freight or passage apply to G. M. SORREL. Agent. City Exchange Building. N. B.— Notice wili be given when steamer Florida resumes her route. aug26 Shipping. RECULARnLlNE St. Catharine’s, Dobcv i ..- Island, Darien, St. sin,^ 1 , 0 '* Brunswick and Landings ’ on Satilla River ^ The Steamer Centennial, Capt. WM. a ULMO. W ILL Ipavp for abire poire, .r KESDAY AFTERXOOSat 7177 ^ H) - Shippers are pai ticulorly r, luest-i S?. freight on wharf before the! time 1 °* T « Agent at Darien, C. M. OU ARTERlt i v at Brunswict. UTTLEFIELD A -"kV . •**«» aug 19 tf i o .S.?™®. J- P. CUA-E.' Savannah, Florida lCharlestoi STEAM PACKET CTN E SUMMER SCHEDULE, THE POPULAR STJLAk fh CITY POIXT, Captain T. CSEA-SER, WILL LEAVE For Fenumdiiiii.JackfioyTille.Palsttj And Intermediate Landings on St. John a R* and Charleston. S.C., from DeRrnne’aWhar^* 1 foot of Abercorn street, as foi FOR DOSTOJi DIRECT. CABIN PASSAGE $16 OO STEERAGE PASSAGE 10 OO Boston and SgTannah Steamskip Lise, P SEMINOLE, Captain II. K. HALLETT. WILL LEAVE WEDNESDAY’, September 8. at 9.00 a. M. WEDNESDAY. September 22. at 9:00 A. M. T HROUGH bills of lading given to N'ei England manufacturing citia Liverpool by the Canard, Warren i lined. The ships of this line connect at their wharf with all railroads leading out of Boston. RICHARDSON & BARNARD. Aganl F. NICKERSON A OO., Agents, Boston. aug26-tf Wednesday, August 4, Saturday. Ang. 11 K.M. Saturday, Aug • Wednesday, August 11, Saturday, • Saturday. Aug’• Wednesday, August 18, 11 A. M. Wednesday, August 25, I M. Wednesday*, Sept. 1, II A. M. Connecting at Fernandina with Tra; - for Waldo, Gainesville, Cedar Keys. - Key West. Havana and New Orleans with I I Mail Steamships (Mallorv’^ Line* fur \V I leaving January 21st, and every succeediae I Wednesday. Also, with saloon steamer Fl. r I ence for Brunswick. Close connection made with ster-m.*, for Enterprise, MeUonvIlle and intermedlati landings on the Upper SL Jobs’s. a1k> »<rh t Read S. Merchants’ and Miners’ Trans portation Company. FOR BALTIMORE. CABIN PASSAGE $15 00 SECOND CABIN 12 50 Charleston & Savannah Ry. Co. Orr:cs Charleston 9l Savaxsah Ry. Co., I Savannah. Ga.. July 26. 1680. f C ommencing Sunday, july i8ih. Trains will depart and arrive as follows, from PASSENGER DEPOT S., F. & W. Ry.: Going North. Train No. 2. Train No. 4. Leave Savannah... 4:00 p. m. and 10:00 p. m. Arrive Charleston. 9:55 p. m. and 8:40 a. m. Going South. Train No. L Train No. 3. Leave Charleston. 7:00 a. m. and 9:00 p. m. Arrive Savannah. ..12:40 p. M. and 7:50 a. m. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 Fast Mail. Trains Nos. 3 and 4 Night Express. On Schedules Nos. 1 and 2 Fast Mail a through Pullman Sleeper runs to and from Sa vannah and New York without change. Also, Excursion Tickets now on sale to New Y’ork at $35, good to return until October 31st. MAGNOLIA ROUTE. Leave Savannah at 10:00 p. m Arrive Augusta at 7:17 a. m. Leave Augusta at 10:25 p. m. Arrive Savannah at 7:50 a. sl This train connects at Augusta with Char lotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad for Aiken and northward; Georgia Railroad west ward; at Yemassee for Beaufort, Port Royal and station line Port Royal and Augusta Rail way. ABOVE TRAINS DAILY. Tickets for sale at Wm. Bren’s Special Ticket :y, No. 22 Bull street, and Depot Ticked O. 8. GADSDEN. Superintendent. The steamships of the Merchants and Miners Transportation Company are appointed to sail as follows* SARAGOSSA, Captain T. A. HOOPER, SATURDAY, August 28, at 1 p. M. Through bills lading given ta vll points West, all the manufacturing towns in New England, and to Liverpool and Bremen. Through pas senger tickets issued to Pittah irg, Cincinnati, Chicago ar.d ell points W^et and Northwest. LEYE & ALDEN, Passenger Agents, corner Bull and Bryan streets. JAB. B. WEST £ iXX, Agents, aug24-tf 114 Bar street. | steamers for the Ocklawnha river F ~t passenger accommodations, tickets and state rooms secured, and all ini\, r . motion furnish*-.! at offi'v. corner of Bull acj I Brvan streets, Pulaski House. Freight received dailv. except Sundays. JNO. F. ROBERTSON, General Agent. _ Office on wharf LEVI J. GAZAN, G. T. A. augl-tf fcteorgia and Florida Inland steam- bont Companj. TEE ONLY STRICTLY INLAND ROUTE For Florida. SPRING SCHEDULE. The elegant ar.d favorite steamer DAVID CLAKK. Captain JOHN FITZGERALD, Will leave direct for FERNANDINA ever? TUESDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOON to suit the tide, from wharf foot of Lincoln street, touching at St. Catharine's, Do boy, Darien, St. Simon's, Brunswick and St. Mary’s, connecting at Femandi- na with Transit Railroad for Jack<onvilie Cedar Keys, Tampa, Manatee. Key West. Ha vana and New Orleans. At Brunswick with Macon and Brunswick and Brunswick and Al bany Railroads. At Darien with steamers for Altamaha and Oconee rivers. At Fernar.duia with steamer Flora for rll points on St Mart i | river. Through tickets and state rooms scour*! [ and all information furnished at office, comer Bull and Bryan streets, directly opposite f u laski House and Screven House. Freight received dai'y (except Sunday) and through rates given. J. N. HARRIMAN, Manager W. F. BARRY’, Agent. G. LEVS, Q. P. A. jyiO-t? Fcr Augusta and Way Landings! FOR NEW YORK. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The epiendid new iron steamship STEAM EK CARRIE, CAPTAIN GIBSON. TT AVING been thoroughly overhauled, will 1 L leave Kelly’s wharf every TUESDAY EVENING at 5 o’clock. For freight or passage, | apply to If. M. COMER & CO., AgeutM, je28-tf no Bay st/eet. ^ IT i£ r E e ( N^feE^ BUS ’ I For Aueusta and Way Landings r WEDNESDAY, September 1st, T T at 4 o’clock p. m. This new ship is tons, and wm bnllt pressly for this trade. She has most magclfl cent passenger accommodations and great speed. For^h,or^ ^ I STEAMER KATIE,* Philadelphia & Southern TTTIIX leave Padelford’s wharf every Tuxal if t tt onm a wohip t tvtp I DAY EVENING at 6 o’clock, for ab6Tt points. For froight or r>a3a=ge apply to JOE:. LAWTON. Shma^fei MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. Lcaying 1 Each Port Exery Sattrdfiy. | FIRST CLASS PASSAoi $18 00 I SECOND CLASS PAS8AGE 14 00 STEERAGE PASSAGE .. 10 OP CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK VIA PHILADELPHIA. 29 DC | EXCURSION TICKETS TO PHILADEL PHIA AND RETURN (GOOD FOR THREE MONTHS I ROM DATE OF LS8UE) 30 00 Office on wharf. rrus. 23d THE FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP J U IN I A T A Captain J. W. CATHARINE, \y|7TLL leave Savannan on SATURDAY, YV August 28, 1860, at 12 o’clock u_ For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to WM. HUNTER A SON, nug23-td Agents. jy21-tt ^Irdirinal. Old Dr. Jobn Dodd’s Powders No. 1 —A Family Medicine. AT'OUNG and middle-aged ladies suffering I with Nervousness, Debility, Twitching of the Muscles, Ringing in the Ears. Specks be fore the Eyes. Spasms, Hysterics. Old ladies who are Debilitated and Nervous, with weak body and digestive organs disor dered, causing loss of appetite, impoverished blood, etc. Old and middle-aged men, who have kept late hours and have been imprudent and vio lated the laws of health and nature until the vigor of life is gone. Men and women who are slaves to the use of Tobacco, Liquor, Opium cr Morphine. Y’oung men and women with pale and hag gard faces, thin in flesh, broken down in mind and body, with a shattered nervous system, take OLD DR. DODD’S NERVINE TONIC POWDERS. They will give you health and strength, and increase the flesh and bring the bloom of youth to the cheeks, tranquilif the mind, and produce sound and refi sleep, Price $1 per box, or six boxes for $5. For sale by our Agents, wholesale and retail. OS CEOLA BUTLER, corner Bull 'and Congress streets, and E J. KIEFFER, corner West Broad and Stewart streets. G KAY’S SPECIFIC MEDIC INK. Tk. Gm> Ksflkk TRADE MARKH'-^r « “ TRADE MARE £?V" BEFOSE TAKIIl*H?r»n AFTER TAK1IS. •r pmcjZIm. *• ^7 UMl Mj ,.«J nTifia. KkMii. w «u Dnurrj U|1 >»«><«■ m — (•.■ 2l m Me^pt U a. mm*., * THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Bo. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detroit. Mich. Sold in Savannah, wholesale and retail, by OSCEOLA BUTLER, and by all druggists every where.feb25-d.w&Telly LIFE ELIXIR.—DR LaPORTE’8 never fail* to restore Lost Manhood. A.VTII.U A lelleved in five minutes, and a speedy cure effected. CHILLS and FfcVKIt cured in twenty-four hour* without the use of inter- medicine. It never fails. Circulars of the above preparations, with certificates of cures, sent free. Address S. C. UPHAM, BraJden- town. Manatee county, Fla. Sold by all drug irirtx nov22 8.Tu.ThAwlv PRESCRIPTION FREE. TjM)R THE SPEEDY CURE of 8emi- r nal Weakness, Loot Manhood, and all dis orders brought on by indiscretion or excess. Any druggist has the ingredients. Dr. JAQUE8 ft OO., 130 W. Sixth st., Cincinnati 0. decll-dftwlito FOR MEW YORK OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. EXCURSION TICKETS (GOOD UNTIL OCTO BER 1st, 1880) AFTE R CABIN $30 00 FORWARD CABIN 25 CO THE MAGNIFICENT NEW IRON STEAM SHIP CITY OF MACON, Captain KEMPTON. B UILT expressly for this trade, and having superb passenger accommodations, will sail 8ATURDAY, August 23,1680, at 12:30 o’clock p. M. For freight or passage apply to OCTAVU8 COHEN ft CO., Agents, aug23-tf No. 98 Bar street. CUNARD LINE. V OTICE.—With a view to diminish the i. v chances of collision the steamers of this line take a specific course for all seasons of the S year. On the outward passage, from Queenstown i to New York or Boston, crossing the meridian J of 50 at 43 latitude, or nothing to the north of i 43. On the homeward passage, crossing the I meridian of 50 at 42 latitude, or nothing to the I north of 42. NEW YORK, LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS TOWN. FROM PIER 40 NORTH RIVER ABYSSINIA Wednesday, July 28. GALLIA Wednesday, August 4. BOTHNIA W’ednesday, August 11. ALGERLA Wednesday, August 18. Cabin passage and return tickets on favora ble terms, including a special low rate for fall and winter months. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europe at very low rate*. Freight end passage office No. 4 Bowling Green. N. Y. CHA8. G. FRANCKLYN, Agt. Southern Offloe, corner Bull and Bryan streets. Savannah. H. A. CALLAN, Agent. mh4 6m POPLAR MONTHLY DRAWING CF THE Commonwealth Distribution Co. AT MACAULEY’d THEATRE, In the City of Louisville, oa TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1880. THESE DRAWINGS, AUTHORIZED BY THE LEGISLATURE AND SUSTAINED BY ALL THE COURTS OF KENTUCKY’, a- ril ing to a contract made with the owners of the Frankfort grant, will occur regular!v on the LAST DAY OF EVERY MONTH. Sundays and Fridays excepted, for the period o' FIVE YEARS, terminating on JUNE 3>. 188T-. The United States Circuit Corn t oa March 31 rendered the following decisions: 1st—THAT THE COMMONWEALTH DIS TRIBUTION COMPANY IS LEGAL. 2i>—ITS DRAWINGS ARE FAIR The management call attention to the liberal scheme which has met with such popular favor heretofore, and which will again be presented for the AUGUST DU A VYING. 1 Prize I 1 Prize 1’j.flW 1 Prize 5,'xC 10 Prizes, $1,000 each i 20 Prizes, 500 each 10.25® 100 Prizes, 100 each 200 Prizes, 50 each 1^’ COO Prizes, 20 each 12.0W I 1,000 Prizes, 10 each 1°.®* arpaoxixanox prizes ^ 9 Prizes, 300 each •; i 9 Prizes, 200 each L' ; ' 9 Prizes, 100 each [ 1,960 Prizes Whole tickets, $2: Half Tickets, $1; 2T Ticket*. $50; 55 Tickets, $100. ' Remit by Post Office Money order. Registered Letter, Bank Draft or Express. To insure against mistakes and delays, cor respondents will please write their names and places of residence plainly, giving numb Post Offic ebox or street, and town, c I State. All communications connected with the Dis tribution and orders for tickets should be ad dressed to R M. BOARDMAN. Courier-Journal Building. Louisville, Ky.. or 307 and :“ Broad- way. >few Yort. .'SO. B. FEBSA>DE4 Agent, Savannah, Ga. &ug2 Tb.S.TuA^f ouaty and See. GUION LINE, UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. FOR QUEEN8TOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Leaving Pier 38 N. R, foot of King st. WISCONSIN Tcrsdxt. Arc. 31. 2:00 p. m. ARIZONA Tuesday. Sept, 7, 7:00 a. m. WYOMING Tuesday, Sept. 14. 2:00p.m. NEVADA Tuesday, Sept. 21.7:00 a. m. WISCONSIN Tuesday, Oct. 5. 6:00 a. m. These steamers are built of iron, in water tight compartments, and are furnished with 1 every requisite to make the passage across the Atlantic noth safe and agreeable, baring Bath- j room. Smoking-room, Drawing-room, Piano and Library; also, experienced Surgeon, Stew ardess and Caterer on each steamer. The State rooms are all upper deck, thus insuring those : greatest cf all luxuries at sea, perfect ventila- ' tion and light. Cabin Passage (according to State room), $60, $Su and $100; Intermediate, $4C; Steerage at low rates. Offices, No. 29 Broadway, New Y'ork. WILLIAMS ft GUION. JAMES MARTIN, Agent. 106 Bay street. Sa vannah. my!8-Tu.Th&81y X CE ! YT7E desire o call the special attention of ? v consumers to our UNEQL’ALED FAQLj ITIES for supplying ICE in larg- quantities. We have secured an ABlXpANf SUPPLY of the FINEST QUALITY <[r I' j- and are able to quote EXTREMELY L* »” FIGURES. Large consumers are a«lvLs«i twu we have made preparations for an INCREASE OF BUSINESS in consequence of the sew* crop, and will be able to fill all orders prom?** ly. OBTAIN OUR QUOTATIONS before cit ing contracts. COLD STORAGE a si-cciMi}- Meats, Fish and Fruits placed on ice at * t£ - A ‘ SON ABLE RYTES. A share of patronage a respectfully solicited. KNICKERBOCKER ICE ( OMPANY. jel-tf 144 Day street Favannaft. uo._ ICE! HAY WOOD, GAGE& t’0 » "ITTHOLESALE AND RETAIL DF.VLERSff ▼ V ICE.—Our unsurpassed facilitHjs ; other us te execute all orders with patch and at as LOW PRICES as any « establishment. . _ Meats, Fruits, etc., placed in refrigera-^ built for the purpose, at fair rates. Thankful for past patronage, v. e respectrunj solicit a continuance of the same. OFFICE NO. 188 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH, GA. j«2-tf ^tarhinrrtt. &r. ONLY DIKECT LINE TO FRANCE General Transatlantic Co. B ETWEEN New York and Havre, from pier I No. 42 N.R, foot of Morton street. Travel- I ere by this line avoid both transit by English I railway and the discomfort of crossing the I Channel in a small boat. FRANCE, Trudrllz, WEDNESDAY, Sep tember 1, 3:00 r. u. CANADA, Fraxoxtl, WEDNESDAY, Sep tember 8, 8 A. M. LABRADOR, Sanglier. WEDNESDAY, Sep tember 15. 3:00 P. u. PRICE OF PASSAGE (Including wine): TO HAVRE—First Cabin $100 ana $80; Steer age $26, including wine, bedding and utensils. Checks drawn on Credit Lyonnais, of Paris, in amounts to suit. LOUIS DE BEBLANjAgent, 6 Bowling Green, I foot of Broadway, N. Y., or WILDER ft OO., Agents for Savannah, oag*H3 TuftThlta ^ Blacks *IL KINDS OF, BOILERS MITh work ifiiRr ,^AVO> Ml14-»t