Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, September 01, 1880, Image 4

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Ui grtormnij lVi;i)NESI)AY, SEPTKMUKK 1,1880 (fommcrrial. UtANNlU mAUkLl. OFFICE OF THE MOBNTNft NEWS. I gAVAlCfXH. August 32. 1S80, 4 ?. it. 1 Cotton —The market opened at 10 quiet and or ruifak. At 1 p. m. was a fair demand, and the market becoming easy at 14c. for grades of middling fair, jood middling, middling and low middling, closing at 4 p. m. without change. The rales were 1,790 bales. We quote: Middling Fair 11% Good Kidding 11% Le?r Middling.... Good Ordinary • ■ • Ordinary .1014 • 10H w S g ft h « « J £5 | 22 E Iff O* X i?-8 : & : ^ I 5 ~ S 1:30 p. m.—Middling uplands. 7d: middling Orleans. 7 l-16d. bales of middling uplands, low middling clause, deliverable in A«ru*t and September, 6 25-32d; deliverable in February und March | 6 7 33d. 2 p. m.—Sales of middling uplands, low mid diing clause, deliverable in February and March, 6 3-16d. The market for yarns and fabrics at Man Chester is dull, tending down. N rv Yosk.August 31.—Cotton market opened dull: sales 1.1— bales: middling uplands, 12c: mi •idling Orleans, 12%c. Futures— Market quiet but tlrrn, as follow* September, 11 01c: October. 10 51c; November, 10 43c; December. 10 44c; January, 10 55c. PROVISIONS. GROCERIES. ETC. Liverpool, August 31.—Lard. 42* 9d. 1:30 p. m. — breadstuffs— small bu«iaess at lower prices. Wheat, red winter, % Sd. New York, August 31.—Flour opened dull and heavy. Wheat lower an I dull. Corn lower. Fork firm at 516 00 for mesa. Lard steady at 8 15c for steam rendered. Spirits turpentine. 33c. Rosie. *1 45 ft-r strained. Freights quiet Baltimore. August 31.—Flour opened weak and dull; higher grade family J0c off. Wnent —Southern easier, dull and weak; Western lower and active, closing steady; Southern red, 95c0$l 01; ditto amber. 51 0601 10; No 1 Maryland, f 1 lOy^: No. 2 Western winter red on tne spot. Si O3%01 04%; September deliv ery, $1 03% 01 03%; October delivery, £1 05% 01 (6; November delivery, 51 07® 1 07%. Cora —Southern scarce and firm; Western dull and neglected; Southern white, 53058%c; yellow 5»,4c. Hi I s a a § 11 ll‘,«84 1 ft i s % j fz i a - ISH 3 a ? . ! ilg: k CO S M s* —o> fr 1 ~<x J. 8; s gjg- I nr. cc UsS § | u a 3 * f 11. 1 e — § 1 EVENING REPORT. CTiWSlT. New Yore, August 31.—Money 203 j**r I cent. Exchange, $1 80%. Government bonds strong an 1 higher; new nves. K/2%; four and * r halfs, 1114; four per cents., 1104- State bonds I dull. Stocks closed unsettled; New York Cen tral, 129%; Erie, 38%: Lake Shore, 10 Illinois Central. lil%; Nashville and ChatLa- nooga, 6S; Louisville and Nashville, 131; Pitts burg, 122%; Chicago and Northwestern, 99%, dit tol’refem-d 1184: Rock Island. 114%; Western 1 Union, 103%; Alabama Class A. 2 to 5.67; Class A, small, 6S; Class B 5s. y0: Class C 2 to 5. 7« Georgia sixes 100, ditto sevens mortgage 110. ditto ditto gold 111; Louisiana consols, 47%: North Carolina 30%, ditto new 1S%, funding 13 4, I special tax 24; Tennessee 38, ditto new 32%, I Virginia sixes 20, ditto new 20, consolidated deferred 61*; Panama, 186; Fort Wayne, I 1234; Chicago and Alton, 115; Harlem, offered 11*5; Michigan Central, 94; St. Paul *>«4. preferred 109%; Delaware and Lacka wanna. 89%; New Jersey Central. 76; Ohio and Mississippi. 314; Mobile and Ohio. 23%: Hannibal and St. Joseph. 41%; Union Pacific 93%; Houston and Texas, 60; Pacific Mail •‘19; Adams Express, lift; Wells. Fargo & Co. 109; American Express. 574; United States Ex press, 474; Consolidation Coal. 30; Quick silver. 13, preferred 50. Sub-Treasurv balance*: Coin. |86,5b2,468: cur rency, 50,267,355. New Orleans, August 31.—Exchange, New York sight, 52 50 per §1,000 premium; sterling, COTTON. Liverpool. August 31. 5:15 p. m.—Sales of American 4.700 baies. Futures closed steady. New York, August 31.—Cotton irregular: mid diing uplands. 12c: middling Orleans, I2%c sales 787 bales. Net receipts 107 bales; gross receipts 6.165 bales. Futures closed barely steady, with sales of >9,000 bale?, a* follows: September. 11 11c: October, 10 63c; November, 10 51c: December. Id 52c; January. 10 61010 62c; February. 10 71 #10 75c: March, 10 88010 90c. Consolidated net receipts 6.C21 bales: exports to Great Britain 362bales; continent225 bales Galveston, August 31.—Cotton easier: mid I o IIH.F ■ diing l°V6oi low middling 1040; good ordinary Brocas asm Bus?,,.-ah Band,. — Market jgfej. .^”1 fISf*,,?£; ipU ' quiet and tirin. Atlanta 7 per cent.. 103bid. I »leaL020bales, stock 5,6-5 bales. rket was quiet and unchanged, olng, tha sales being about 11 Rice.—T with but «i casks. We quote: Common 5%0C Fair 64064 Good 6ii©6 9-16 Prime 6%#'" Choice 7% Naval Stores —There was a fair inquiry, the being irregular. The sales were 136 bbls. of all descriptions at unchanged price*, and 69 bbls. of all grades at an advance of 5c. for E. F and G, the balance at quotations. Spirits turpentine was very firm, but buyer* and sellers were apart. The only reported sales were 100 casks regulars at 31c. Receipts for the day 183 bbls. rosin and 123 bbls. spirits turpentine, and the exports 7,941 bbls. rosin. We quote: Rosins—B and C |1 10, 1> $1 15, E SI 30Q1 |1 550160, H s2 0 ; f 52 23, K 52 50, M 52 75, N S2 80. window glass 53 25. Spirits turpentine—Oils and whis ky? v.\, regular* 3:c. Financlau-Sterling Exchange—Sixty day bills, with bill* laditg attached, 51 164#4 7s; New Y ork sight exchange buying at 4 per cent, discount and selling at par. Atlanta 104 asked: Atlanta 6 percent., 100 bid. 101 asked: Atlanta8 pei cent., 108 bid. 1094 asked; Augusta 7 pei cent., 106 bid, 107 asked Au E ustu 6 per cent.. 100 bid. 1004 asked. Co turn us 7 per cent., 7b bid, 80 asked. Macon 7 per cent., 90 bid. 92 asked. New Savannah 5 per cent. ex. coupon 82 bid. S3 asked. Mate Bonds.—Market firm, Georgia new 6'a, 1SS9, 1074 bid, lu> asked: Georgia 6 per cent.,coupons Feb. and Asig., maturity 1880 and 1886, 1004al ;1 bid, 101alG6 asked; Georgia mort- gajgjgg;ASTJffi,£» 1 -QgffSJSf- bSS? ■ ““• eipor, “ pons Ji Norfolk, August 31.—Cotton weak, lower tol sell; middling 1 l%c; net receipt* 732 bales; gross receipts^— bales; sales 63 bale*; stock 3,152 bales: export* coastwise 685 bales. Baltimore, August 31.—Cotton quiet: mid diing ll%c; low middling 11c; good ordinary 10%c; net receipts — bales; gross receipts 210 bales; sales 250 bales; sales to spinners 100 bales: stock 1,858 balas; exports to Great Bri tain 176 bale?: coastwise 160 baies. Boston, August 31.—Cotton steady; mid diing 124c; low middling 114°: good ordinary per cei 1896. 115 bid. 116 asked Railroad Bonds.— Vtlantic & Gulf 1st m’tgage consolidated 7 percent., coupons Jan. and July, maturity 1897. 106 bid, 107 asked. Atlantic X Gulf endorsed city of Savanoali? percent., cou pons Jan. and July, maturity 1879. 58 bid. 60 a:;ked. Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cent., coupons January aud July, maturity lb93, 110 bid. 111 asked. Georgia •> per cent., cou pons Jan. and July, maturity, ICO bid, 101 asked. Motile & Girard Jd mortgage endorsed 8 per cent., coupons Jan. and July, maturity 1889. 119 bid. 110 asked. Montgomery and Eu- faula 1st mortgage 6 pei- cent., end. by Central Railroad. 1004 bid, 10!% asked. Charlotte. Co lumbia & Augusta 1st m ig’e, 105 bid, 106 asked; Charlotte, Uoluuioia &. Augusta 2d mortgage, 10 bid, 97 asked. Western Alabama 1st mort gage endorsed ** oer cent., coupons April and Oct., maturity 1888,112 bid, 113 asked; West ern Alabama 2d mortgage endorsed 8 per cent., coupons April and October, maturity 1890,112 bid. 113 asked. South Georgia Florida en dorsed, 110 bid. Ill asked: South Georgia £ Florida 2d mortgage. 100 bid. 101 asked. Railroad Stocks.—Quiet. Augusta X Sa-an nah 7 per cent, guaranteed, 109 hid. 110 asked. Central common, 964 bid. 97 asked. Georgia common, 105 bid. 106 asked. Southwestern 7 per cent guaranteed. 106 bid. 107 asked. bacon.—Market steady; stock ample; de mand active. We quote: Bacon, clear rib sides, 10c.: shoulders, 6%c.; dry salted cl^ar rib sides, 9V4C.; long clear. 9o.; pork str ps, 84c.; shoulders. 6c.; hams, !24c. imy Goods.—The market is active and firm: business brisk; stocks ample. We auote: Prints, 5#7c.; Georgia brown shirting, %, 5c.; % do., 6c.; 4-4 brown sheeting, 7c.; white osnaburgs, 9$ 10c.: checks, 74084c.; yarns. Si 00 for best makes; brown drillings, 74# 84c. t lour.— Market very firm; stock large: de mand moderate. We quote: Superfine, *5 25A 5 30; extra. *»> 2506 75; farcy, $8 0008 75; fami ly. 56 7507 00; bakers’, 57 00. Grain—Corn—Market firm: stock ample. White 674it70o.; mixed 67068c. Oat*. 480 jOc. Hides, Wool, etc.—Hides—Irregular; we quote: Dry flint, 150154c.; salted, 110134c. Wool—Market quiet, little offering; we quote: Unwashed, free of ourrs,prime lots, 310file.; burry wool. 10025c. Tallow, 5o.; wax, 22c. doer skin®. 353.: otter skins. 2Vo.0t4 00. Hat.—Market scarce and higher, stock light, demand fair. We quote, at wholesale: Nortn- ern, $1 1001 15; Ea-t-m. $1 2<I01 35: Pennsyl vania, 51 3001 40; Western 51 1501 25. Lard.—The market »s firm. We quote: tiercee, tubs and kegs. 9%094c. dALT.—The stock fair; uouaud increasing; market steady. We quote: f. o. b., 85@9oc. per ;ar lead; 51 00 at reta-l and dray age. FREIGHTS Lumber.—By Sail.—The supply of coastwise tonnage continues fully equal to the wants of shippers. Several vessels are wanted for South America and Mediterranean charters, for which higher rates are offering. We quote: To Baltimore aud Chesapeake ports, |6 UJ065O; to Philadelphia, J6 5u07 00; to New York and Bound ports, $7 090800; to Boston and eastward. 5J08 00; to ot. John, N. B.. S3 00; [Timber from 51 C'J to 51 5-J higher than lumber rates]; to the West Indies ana windward, nom inal; to South America. 519 00; to Spanish ports, 514 00015 00, to United Kingdom for or- uers, timber 34s., lumber £0 5s.0£5 Ida. From 50c. to 51 ixi additional is paid here for ehangeof loading port. Naval 8toils?.—Sail—Rosin and spirits 4s. 0 6s. to United Kingdom or Continent; to New York 40c. on rosin. 60c. on spirit*, steam.—To Now York, rosin 30c., spirit* 80c.; to Philadel phia, rosin 30c., spirit* iSJc.; to Baltimore, rosin 30c., spirits 80c.; to Boston, rosin 40c.. 90c. BY STiAJi. OOTTON— Liverpool, direct Liverpool, via New Y ork, fr E* Liverpool, via Baltimore, > fc Liverpool, via Boston, ^ Ifc Havre, v»a New York, '4 It Bremen, via New York, 9 Bremen, via Baltimore, ^ fi> Antwerp, ^jl Amsterdam, via New York Boston, ^ bole.... Boa Island, V bale... Hew York, ft bale Bea Island, 9 bale.... Philadelphia, © bale.... Sea Island. V bale.... Baltimore, v bale Providence, ♦ 100 Ls.... Rica— New York, ^ cask $1 00 Philadelphia, V cask 1 00 more, V 1 00 Bcstoo. 9 cask COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown Fowls. 9 pair Half-grown, - V pair Three-quarters mown, ^ pair... Eggs, country, £ doz Rutter, country, ^ !t> ... Peanuts, Tennea-w «*. V bushel... 44 hand-picked Virginia, 1$ bu. Florida Sugar, V lb Florida Syrup. V gallon Honey, V gallon 7-16d 17-32 J ll-32d 11-3 2d 15-16c 15-16d 15-16C 15-lttc ..51 50 150 1 50 ICO HO HO 1 50 40] 125 50 0 55 30 0 40 35 o 45 15 0 — 15 w 25 1 25 w — 1 50 — 5 w 35 0 45 60 75 2 50 — 75 0 — Honev, V New Irish Potatoes, ■?* uari Sweet Potatoes, T? bushel. Poultry.—The market fully supplied and de mand fair. Eoos.—Supply good; fair demand. Butter.—A good demand for a first-class ar ticle; stock light. Peanuts.—Market fairly suppliod; demand light. Strut.—Georgia and Florida In moderate de mand and supply. Sugar.—Georgia and Florida scarce, with ight demand Wilmington, August 31.—Cotton steady; mid I diing 10%c; low middling 104c: good ordinary none; net receipts 300 bales: gross receipts — bales: sales — bales: stock 585 bales. Philadelphia, August 81. —Cotton quiet: middling 124c; low middling 114c; good ordinary 10Uc; net receipts bales: gross re ceipts 200 bales; sales .'.92 bales; sales to spin ners 529 bales; stock 2,031 bales. Nkw Orleans, August 31.—Cotton easy: middling 114c; low middling 11c; good ordi- dinary 10c; net receipts 178 bales: gross re ! ceipts 673 bales: sales 500 bales: stock 32,269 bales; exports to continent 225 bales; coa*t wise 1.667 bales. Mobile, August 31 —Cotton quiet; middling 11c; low middling 10%c: good ordinary 9££c; net receipts 711 bales: gross receipts — bales; sales 700 bales; stock 2.751 bales; exports coast wire 427 bales. Mxkphis, August 31.—Cotton steady; mid diing ll%c; net receipts 47 bales: shipment* 1 94 bales: gales — bales; stock 6.384 bales. Augusta, August 31. — Cotton dull; mid dling 10^^j; low middling 16*6c; good ordinary 9%c; net receipts 465 bales; shipments — bale?: sales 328 hales. Charleston, August 31.—Cotton lower; mid dling lie; low middling 10%c; good ordinary 10»; net receipts 1.167 bales; gross receipts — bales: sales 4i)0 bales: stock4,1*38 bales; exports ctAstwise 1.439 bales. provisions, groceries, etc. Liverpool, August 31, 5:15 p. in.—Lard, 42s 6d. Spirits turpentine, 26s td. Liverpool, August 31.—Wheat— California wheat, average white, 8s 3d09s6d; California Club. 9s Id09s lOd; red Western spring, 7s 6d 07s 9d Nkw York. August 31.—Flour, Southern dull and weak: common to fair extra. 54 7505 50; good to choice ditto, 55 6006 50. Wheat very heavy; moderate export and good speculative business:clcs“d stronger; ungraded red, 97c0 51 05. Corn 4©lc lower; closing heavy; active trade reported; ungraded, 504c. Oats 401c better and fairly active; No. 3, 364c. Hot* dull and unchanged for yearlings. Coffee firm but quiet; Rio, in cargoes. 14017c Sugar firm: fair to good refining, 7%0?4c: prime, 715 1608c; refined bteady and In moderate de mand—standard A, 1040104c. Molasses steady but quiet, liice quiet and unchanged. Rosin steady at $1 4501 50. Turpentine firmer at 34c. Wool dull and unsettled; domestic fleece, 38050c; pulled. 22047c; unwashed. 15 037c; Texas, 18035c. Pork very firm, though without marked change; mess, %V 90016 25. Middles higher and firm; long clear, 8%c; short clear. 94c; long and short clear, 9 15-16c. Lard closed higher and strong; fair trade: on spot, 8 2>08 30c. Freights easier. Nkw (Orleans, August 31.—Flour quiet but firm: superfine, $3 0003 25; high grades, 51 8.'405 75. Corn quiet at 59060c. Oat* firm held at 40c. Pork quiet at $16 00. Lard dull v weak and lower; tierces, 8409c; kegs. 94c Bulk meats easier; shoulders. 6 00c. Baeor_— shoulders easier at 6 25c; rib. 9 624c; sides. 10c. Sugar oaired hams in good demand at full prices; 9%0124c. Whisky quiet at 51 0001 10 Coffee in fair demand and firm; Rio cargoes, ordinary to prime, I3%01t%c. 8ugar in good demand at full prices; open kettle, 10%c; j’el- low clarified, lO%01O4c- Molasses— no stock. Rice active aud firm at 506%c. Cincinnati, August 31.—Flour easier; family, |4 4504 73; fancy, 51 9005 65. Wheat dull; No. 2 amber. 88090c; No. 2 red winter, 92093c. Corn active and firm; No. 2 mixed, 43c. Oats firmer; No. 2 mixed. 30031c. Provisions—Pork dull at 516 00 for mess. Lard firmer at 7%c. Bulk meats stronger; shoulders, 5 50c; ribs, 8 75c. Bacon firmer; shoulders, 6 374c: ribs, 9 50c; sides, 9 75c. Whisky active, firm and higher, 51 11. Sugar steady: hard*. Il011%c; New Orleans. 94c. Hogs dull and nominal; common. 53 9004 45; light, 14 5004 80; pack ing, §4 7505 10; butchers, 55 1505 30. 8t. Loris, August 31.—Flour closed steady and unchanged; medium grades weak Wheat higher for cash; options lower; No. 2 red fall, 9.*c for cash and August; 8840894c for Sep tember: 904c for October; 9O%09u% c for No vember; 88%088%c for the year. Corn lower; 3'4034c for casn; ^5403»:4c for October; 36%c for November; 36%0364c for December; 39c hii for the year. Oats easier and slow; 2 >4o for cash: 25Uc bid for September. Whis ky firm at $1 12. Provisions—Pork quiet: mess. 515 75. Lard nominal at 7 70c. Bulk meat* nominally unchanged; shoulders 5 4Uc; clear ribs, 8 3008 40c; sides. 8 65a Bacon quiet; shoulders, 6 25c; clear ribs, 9 374c; clear sides, 9 75c. Louisville. August 31.— Flour closed dull; extra, $3 2503 75; extra family. $3 7504 75; A No. 1, 54 7505 00; choice to fancy, 56 (X>0 0 25. Wheat steady at 88c. Corn quiet; No. 2 white, 44c; ditto mixed, 424043c. Oats dull; No. 2 white. 314c: ditto mixed, 354c. Pork firm at $15 10 for mess. lard steady at Bulk meats in good demand; shoulders. dear ribs, 8%c; sides, 9c. Bacon in Mfc- mand: shoulders, 6 25c; clear ribs. 9 50c: clear sides, 10c; sugar cured ham?, 12%4c. Whisky active and firm at 51 11. Chicago, August 31.—Flour closed steady and in fair demand. Wheat unsettled and generally lower; No. 2 red winter, 99c0$l 00; No. 2 Chicago spring. 870874c for cash; 874c for August; 87%c for Beptcml>er: 88%c for Oetnlier: fnr November: N’n .3 ditt/i 77/a way DEPARTED YE8TERDAY. Steamer David Clark. Fitzgerald, Fernaadina and landings—W F Barry- Steamer Katie. Cabanias, Augurta and landing*—John Lawton. Steamer Carrie, Box. Augusta and way land tags—H M Comer & Co. MEMORANDA. Bm Telegraph to the Momino .Vein. Ttbee. August 31. 6:55 p m—Passed up. steamships City of Savannah. Geo Appold and European <Br), and schr M B Milieu. Nothing passed out. At anchor, outward bound, brig Eva N John son and schr Jas Slater. At anchor, waiting, bark Messel (Nor). Wind SE, 15 miles: cloudy. New York, August 31—Arrived, Castilla, City of Macon, Richmond, Manhattan. Abyssinia, Canada. Arrived out, Canada, Illyrian, Spain, Bolivia. Fri-ia. Standard, I izzie English, Heider, Ash field. Bath, Bengal, Virago Homeward. Carl Max, Wilmington: Lease ps and Hazelhurvt. New Orleans. Falmouth. August 31—Arrived 25th, bark Gloster. Richmond. Silloth. Au-ust 31— Arrived 30th, bark Gris- s’eharn, Beaufort, S C. Hull. August 31—Sailed 30th, bark' Lesseps, New Orleans. By XaiL New York, August 28—Cleared, schrs S C Evans, Sylvaous. Fernandina; Pride of the East, Lord, Bruns * ick. Ga. Newport, Au*u-,t 27—Sailed, bark Eleanor iBrj, Mockler, Savannah. MARITIME MISCELLANY. The brig Lizxie M Merritt, from Pascagoula for New ^ ork. and not Philadelphia a* pre viously reported, came up to the city yesterday afternoon and noted protest. She is making but little water and will go upon the marine railway this morning, where she wiil have 1 survey held. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Masters of vessels arriving at this port bavin) any special reports to make will please sene them to me. \ easel* leaving port will be fur nished with files of the Morxino News free on application at this office. J. H. E8TILL, Agent New York Associated Press, Office 3 Whitaker street. RECEIPTS. Per Central Railroad. August 31—1,290 boles cotton. 13 cars lumber. 335 bbls flour, 250 bbls grits. 80 bbls mess pork, 10 boxes tobacco. 15 bdlstobacco, quarter box tobacco. 56 hlnls tobacco, 50 casus kaolin, 6 boxes mdse. 1 c. se bat«, 1 bbl mdse, 1 box books, 1 pkg window glur*». 8 bars iron. 1 pkg (4) wheels. 2 boxes hardware. 2 boxes shoes, l tu paulin, 1 car mover, f) bbls twine, 65 bales domestics, 1 pkg samples. £8 bale* warps, 3 cases empty cans. 6-1 bales yarns, 3 bales write. 2 boxes horse shoe nails, 4 bdls spokes, 3 boxes potash 8 pkgs furniture, 7 bdls hides, 12 bbls spirits tur pentine, 14 bbl* rosin. 1 box mdse, 1 horse, 1 buggy, 1 whip, 1 same harness, 1 lot household goods. 6 boxes empty beer bottles, 1 coop chickens. 1 crate eggs. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway August 31—788 bales cotton. 31 cars lumber’ 3 cars be Ton, 1 car wood. WJ bbls rosin. 111 bbls spirits turpentine, 1 bale wool.l bale hides, and mdse. Per Charleston MARKETS If* MAIL. Charleston, August 30.— Rice.—'There was uo movement in this grain, and the market was quiet and somewhat nominal. We renew pre vious rates : Common 5%054c. ; fair 6064c.: good 64064c.; high good e%0f>%c. Carolina rough rice sells at 51 1101 40 per bushel for inland qualities. Naval Storks.—i he receipt* were 204 casks spirits turpentine and 7i6 bbls. rosin. There „ 1 ■ w.i-u. 1 KnJi't vs in rosins. Sales EfOhbla. window glass. Spirits turpentine was quiet; last reported sales were at 31c. Crude tur pentine 1* valued at $2 25 per barrel for vir gin and 52 for yellow dip.—A etc* and Courier. HIAUKETS BY TELKUKAPH. NOON REPORT. nSASClAL. London, August 31.—Consols, 97 I-I6. Erie, 39%. 2:00 p. m.—Erie, 39. 4:00 p. m.—Consols, 9.4. Erie, 39% Paris. August 31, 2 p. ra.—Rentes 86f 25c. 4:00 p. m.—Rentes, 86f 30c. Haw York. August 31.- btocksopened strong. Money at 203 per cent. Exchange-long. £180%: short, |4 S3 State bonds dull and nomixuil. Government bonds quiet but firm. OOTTOJf. I.-room. August 31, Noon.-Cotton opened tending down; middling upland*, t l-16d; mid dling Orleans. 74d; sales < ,000 bales, for speculation and **xport 1.000 bales. Receipts 15 300 bales, of which 5,950 are American. Sales of middling uplands, low middling clause, deliverable in August, 6*406 29 3206J* 06 27-32d: deliverable in August and Septem ber 6 25-3206 l3-16d: deliverable in September • nd October 6406 15-33d: deliverable in Octo- oer andNo vember, 6%d; deferable in Novem ber and December. 6 C-16d; deliverable in March and April, 6%d. Futures—Sellers at previous prices, October: 89$<c for November; No. 3 ditto. _ 80c Corn fairly active and a shade higher; 390894c fdr cash; 294c for August; 39%c for September; 40%c for October, rejected. 37%c. Oats fairly active and a shade higher; 24%c for | cash: 27c for August; 26%c for September; [ 2?4c for October; rejected, 22o. Pork in good demand and a shade higher: mess. Sl7 0)0 17 05 for cash: $17 10017 15 for S*ptemb**r; 516 75016 S3 for October: $:2 75 for November. Lard active, firm and higher at 7 85c for cash ; ~ 85c bi-1 for September; 7 »5 for October. Bulk meats steady; shoulders, 5 69c; short, rib, 8 25c; [ clear, s 50c. Wulakv steady at $! 12. Baltimore. August31.—Oat* dull but steady; Western white, 31»4^- Provisions firm. Mess pork. $16 50. Bulk meats—loose, shoul ders, none offering: clear rib sides, none offer ing; ditto, packed,'and 94c. Bacon—shoul ders, 7c: clear rib sides, 9%c. Hams, 1240 134c. Lard, refined, in tierres, 9c. Coffee firm; Rio cargoes, ordinary to falr,iaW0164c. Sugar firm; A soft. 10%c. Whisky firm at $1 15. Freights unchanged. WnjnjKiTox. August 31 —Spirits turpentine firm at 314c. Rosin firm at $1 074 for strained, and $1 124 for good strained. Tar steady at f: 60. Crude turpentine firm at fl DO for yellow dip; |2 00 for virgin. Corn un changed. .Shipping Snuiltgfncr. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Stm Rises !.. 5;3F 8un Sets 6:22 High Water at Ft Pulaski.. . .4:58 a u. 5:16 pm Wednesday. September 1, 1890. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Savannah. Fleetwood. New York—O Cohen & Co. Steamship Geo Appold. Clark, Baltimore —Jas B West A Co. Schr M B Millen, Dwyer, New York, with mdse to order; vessel to M B Millen. ARRIVED UP FROM TYBEE YESTERDAY. 8teamship European (Br). Simpson, to load for Liverpool—Wilder & Co. ARRIVED UP FROM QUARANTINE YESTER DAY. Brig Lizzie M Merritt. Hicks, from Pasca goula for New York, in distress—Jo* A Roberts & Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Bark Christine (Nor), Jensen, London— HF Grant. Bark Christian** (Nor), Ulricksen, Stettin, Germany—Holst, Fullorton A Co. pkgs brooms. ID rolls bagging, 127 'boxes to- bacco, 219 caddies tobacco, 1 coop (2) calve*, and mdse. EXPORTS. jPer brric Christiana (Nor), for Stettin, Gerl Inrany—2.682 bbls rosin, weigh'Mg 1.114 fiin pounds—J II Grayb‘U. P» r bark Chri*Foe (Nor), for London— 2.259 bbls rosin, weighing 232,300 pounds—H F Grant. PASSENGERS. Per steamship City of Savannah, from New York—Capt J Rilev and * ife, W W W ;, h am son, B Gordon. Judge Ei-ikine, M ss Mary Ap- i>e\ Capt J Ward and w 'e, J W Dowling F Morgan. U W Dwelle. J 8 Riddell. C M Bei- Master G Yonge. Mrs Tfinstall. Mr* J B Holst. Mr*J S Riddell. li L Schreiner, M D Bradley HPBrar.tlev. GE Robbins. J E Green. E L Hackett, E J Kennedy, wife and infant. Miss B Kennedy, N E Solomon, II W A M en A Cronan, M Mayer, I A Bergman rnd wife, I S Stearns. Mr Stearns. Mrs Stearns and three children. W Hely, EHely.S Gold tone, (4 Ellison, C W Houston, N Lang. C Appel, D Meyer. J *ah- bitt, S Brown. M Borensky, S 8 Rountree 8 K Lew imR Gaudy. COswaM, L Vankavin and w ife. P Harris. .Miss J Harris. J Simmons. J jDale. Miss M O’Hara. Miss B Meyer. J T Davis G F Payne, T 1 > Hura, V Keller, N C Brown T EYoumans, Mi* G Ellison. T J Fra*n, *M Brown. H Myers and wife, J Faciolli, C Han son, H Monaer P Napoleon, J Kelly. J buUi van, T Joyce, J Foley. Per steamship Geo Appold. from Baltimore -■'^f st 111,(1 fan lily. I J Green and wife. Miss NeLie O Connor. Mrs H F Harden and three ichi »lren. Miss Heiberger, J E Low, Col C S Harliy, j (> Donovan. D E Ketchuin. F Ruth J T Thweatt. C Kohler. A R Oambrill, T F Foa- sett Rev D P Johuson, E M Muller, J Bell H j Beads. CONSIGNEES. J Per steamship City of Savannah, from New 1 ork—Alexander & M. L Appel. Allen 4L.EA Abbott, G W Allen, Branch & C, Baldwin & Co H liurford Jt Co, W C Butler, O Butler T »i Bolshaw, Barrett & B, M Brown. Bendheim Bros & Co. D Brown, T P Bond. L Corson. Cohen A B, A II Champion, J Cohen, Cunning ham A II, S Cohen, II M Comer & Co, M J Doyle, A Doyle, III Desbouillons. I Dasher A Co Jno A Douglass, I S Davidson, G Deiter, Eck- nian A V, O Eckstein A Co. A Einstein s Sons, I Epstein A Bro. M Eiseman. Frank A Co A Friedenberg A Co, M Ferst A Co. L Freid J FurLer, Jno Flannery A Co. J Fernandez T A Farrabee, I I. Falk A Co, Fret well A N, OL Gil- l»ert A Co, Guckenheimer, S A Co. S Gucken- heliner A Co. Gray & O’B. C Gassman J Gorham, 8 Gazan, L J Gazan. Mrs H G Greene E Heidt. D Hogan. F M Hull, Holcombe. G A Co, Wm Hone A Co. C Hopkins, P T Haskell R B Haberrfcam, Harmonica Club. O P Havens J H Heidt, J Hunt. A Hanley, S G Haynes A Bro. Hrm. s Bros A Co. Fa.slam A Co. D R Ken- nedv, E J Kennedy, M Kruuss, A Kaiser, V iveller, Jno Lyons, Lippman Bros, N Lang A Bro, A Leffler, B H Levy. Lillenthol A K, I> B lister, Lovell A I., Ludden A B. I D LaRoche A Son, S K Low In. J Lev toy. M Lavin J F LaFar, W Lyons A Co, II F Lubbe. Meinhard Bros A Co, J McGrath A Co. J J McMahon F Morgan A Co. Lee Roy Myers. II Myers A Bros C Meitzler, John J McDonough, A Minis A Sons’ A J Miller A Co. A Myer. J II Martin, M Mc Bride. H Myers, E Muhlberg. E L Neidlinger Jno Nicolson, A S Nichols, Jno Oliver, Palmer Bros. K Piatshek, Planters Rice Mill. L Putzel E Facetti, J B Reedy. Russak A Co, C D Rogers agt, J Rosenheim, Riely A M, J Ryan. J Ray F ’ Ruckert. J II Kuwe. Solomon Bros, Solomons Co. J Sullivan. J T Shuptrine, Savannah Cut- in Press Ass n, H Suiter. W II Shirk A Co H I* Schreiner. Savannah Oil Co, J H Snyder, J S Silva, M Sternberg. S F A W R, Saussy A II, H IBi dirinal. met imm For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholera, AND ALL THOSE NUMEROUS TROUBLES OF THE STOMACH AN0 BOWELS SO PREVALENT AT THIS SEASON. No Remedy known to the Medical Profession ha* been in use so long and with sack uniformly satisfactory resuits as PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER! It has been u*ed with such wonderful success in oil* of the world in the treatment of these difficulties, that it has come to be considered AN UNFAILING CURE FOR ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS, and sack it really is when taken in time and according to the very plain directions Inclosing each bottle. Iu such diseases, the attack is usually snddo 1 and frequently very acute : but with a safe remedy at hand for immediate use. there is seldom danger of the latal result whica so oiton tallow* s lew days' neglect. The inclination to wait and see it the morrow does not bring a better feeling, not infrequently occasions a vast amount of needless suffering, ani sometime* costs a life. A timely-dose ot Pain Killer will almost invariably save both, and wit a t .e:u the attendant doctor's tee. It has stood the test of forty years’ constant use in all countries aud climate*, and ia per fectly safe in any person's hands. It is recommended by Physicians, Nurses in Hospitals, and persous oi all classes and profes sion* who have had opportunity lor observing the wonderful results which hare always toilowed its use. No family can afford to be without it, and its price brings it within the reach of all. The use oi on? bottle will go rurther to convince you of its merit* than columns of newspaper advertising. Try and you will never do with>ut it. Price 23c., 50c. and 5*1.00 p* r »K<ttla. You ’an obtain it at any drug-store, or from PERBY DAVIS &. SOM, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. mhl2-F.MAWiy PiUinrn? ©oofls. Special Inducements -at- 1. R. ILTIM & CO.’S, 135 BltOUGHTOX STREET, IE LADIES’ UNDERWEAR ! FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, THE ENTIRE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK OF LADIES’ UNDER WEAR AT A SACRIFICE. (fottoa (fins. THE LUMMUS, IMPROVED TAYLOR GIN. This is the seventh season of this popular Gin which combines the merits of speed, light draft, good sample, and cleaning the need In a great er degree than any other, and is offered with the most perfect Self-Feeder and Condenser made, the following very low prices, Railroads. Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. L o Sizes. Price of Gina l*rice with Self Feeder orCondenser Price with Self-Feeder «iuJ Condenser. 4-3 saw *loi).00 $132.50 *165.(0 45 44 112.50 146.00 179.5) 50 “ 125.00 160.00 195.00 60 “ liO.(Y» 180.00 220.00 70 44 160.00 206.CH) 252.00 80 -* 180.00 232.00 2S4.'*J CHEMISE AT 33c., REDUCED FROM 50c. CHEMISE AT 42c.. REDUCED FROM 65c. CHEMISE AT 50c., REDUCED FROM 75c. CHEMISE AT 75c., REDUCED FROM $1 00. CHEMISE AT $1 0U. REDUCED FROM $1 50. GOWNS AT 80c., REDUCED FROM $1 00. GOWNS AT $1 00. REDUCED FROM $1 50. GOWNS AT $1 50, REDUCED FROM $2 00, | SKIRTS AT 60c., REDUCED FROM 85c. I 8KIKTS AT 80c., REDUCED FROM $1 00. SKIRTS AT $1 00. REDUCED FROM $1 25. I SKIRTS AT 91 25. REDUCED FROM $1 75. : SKIRTS AT $1 50, REDUCED FROM $2 00. | DRESSING SAOQUE8, CORSET COVERS. ! LADIES’ DRAWERS. 3. f . r- ▲t Corresponding prices. August 81—3 bales cotton, 92 bd’s spades. 50 | Children’s Slips in Pique, Cambric and Nainsook AT LESS THAN COST. OUR FANCY RIBBON SALE WILL CONTINUE TIIE BALANCE OF THE WEEK. MILLINERY aug!6-tf AT A SACRIFICE! LATEST ANNOUNCEMENT Nti Variety Store, X33 Brougliton Street. MILLINERY AT YOUR OWN PRICE! B aj?o-airLs in Hosiery! REDUCTION IN GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS! SACRIFICE SALE OF HANDKERCHIEFS! CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS 3c. % LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 5c. LADIES* PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 10c. GENTS’ PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 15c. These Gina arc made with Iron Frame* and o the beat material* and are unsurpassed in finis! and workmanship. We also manufacture Gul Att's celebrated “Patent Steel Brush Cotton Gin,” together with the Favorite Light Drufi 4 ‘Cotton Bloom” Cotton Gin, with Feeders and Condensers for each. Term* given on applicatinon. THE STANDARD MACHINERY CO., MYSTIC RIVER, CONN. FRANKLIN H. LUMMUS, Gen, Ag’t lULDIBUS, GA. Gkxkral Mxxaokr’s Ofticx. &AVA2TSAB. May 23d. :SK N and after SUNDAY, Slay 23d. 138.'. | ■enger trains on this Road wiil ran ** follows- MIGHT EXPRESS Leave Savannah dally at 4:30 r. M Arrive at Jeeap daily at —. 7:20 p. M Arrive at Thomaarille dally at.... 6:20 ▲. u Arrive at Balnhrldge dally at 9:30 a. m Arrive at Albany daily at IC;25 a. m Arrive at live Oak daily at 2.-00 ▲. u Arrive at TallahoMee daily at 7:00 a. m Arrive at JackaonvlUe dally at 7:50 a. u Leave Tallahawee dally at 6:00 r. w Leave Jacksonville dally at 5:30 p. u Leave Live Oak daily at 11:15 p. « Leave Albany daily at 4:06 ?. u Leave Balnbridre dally at 4r30 p. u Leave Thomasrllle daily at. 7:30 p. v Leave Jeetp doily at 6:30 a. k Arrive at 8avonnah doily at 9:00 a. n No change of car* between Savannah and Jacksonville and Savannah and Albany. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily between Savannah and Jacksonvffie. Sleeping cars run through to and from Savon nob and Albany, and Jacksonville and Albany without change. ■ Paeeenger* from Savannah for Fernandlna. Goineeville and Odor Keys take this train. I Passengers for Darien take this train. I I Passengers from Savannah for Brunswick I ake this train, arriving at Brunswick 6:00 a. it. Passenger* leave Brunswick at 8:00 p. if., or rfve at Savannah 9:00 a. k. Passenger* leaving Macon at 7:15 A. if. (daily! Including Sunday) connect at Jaenp with this train for Florida. Passengers from Florida by this train connect] at Jesnp with train arriving ML (daily including Sunday). | AH Connect at Albany with paw^ngor trains I both ways on Southwestern Railroad to and from Macon, Enfaula. Montgomery, Mobile,! New Orleans, etc. Mall steamer leaves Bain bridge for Apolachl eola every Sunday and ThuMdav evening; for] Columbo* every Tuesday and Saturday after [ ^bipplntr. mam a\d xewvork. Ocean Steamship Company. AFTER CABIN .... *20 FORWARD CABIN 16 STEERAGE 10 EXCURSION TICKETS, GOOD UNTIL OC- L)BER 1st *30 and *25 jell F&WJ D. II. k LA A LI) V, Agent, Savannah. Ga. brown Cotton Gin Clean* the Se«d better. Runs Lighter, Bias Faster and Costs Less Money than any other Gin In the Market. Every mzctiina tuUy and legally guaranteed. Perfect Self Feeder and Condenser. Possessing all Latest Improvements. These machines are made of the beat materials, and the workmanship and finish are unexcelled. Have been awarded premium* at all the State fairs, Georgia, Alabama, Texas, etc. Upward* o4 6,000 of our Oiks are in constant use in the South ern State*, over 1,000 having been sold in la?9. Pric* List of Gins. Feadar*, and Condensara. Boxed ready for shipment and delivered at our factory. l Macon at 8:25 p. Close connection at Jacksonville daily (Sun days exoepted) for Green Core Spring*. Pt. Augustine, Palatka, Enterprise, and ail landings on St. John’s river. Train* on B. and A. R. R. leave junction, go ing west, at 11:S7 a. a., and for Brunswick 4:40 p. m., daily, except Sunday. Through Tickets sold and Sleeping Car Berth- secured at Bren’s Ticket Office. Nc. 22 Bull street, and at Savannah, Florida and Western Railway Passenger Depot. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—EASTERN DI VISION. Leave Savannah, Sundays exoepted, at 7:00 a. m Leave McIntosh, 44 •* 9-40 a. M Leave Jesup ** •• 12:30 p. ■ Leave Blackshear “ •• 3 05 r. u Arrive at Dapont 44 •* 7.00 r. m Leave Dupont •* •• 5:30 a. x Leave Blackahoer 44 44 9:50 a. m Leave Jesnp 44 44 l:0u p. m Leave McIntosh 44 44 3 06 p. u Arrive at Savannah ** 44 5:10 r. m WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Dupont, Sundays excepted, at 6:00 A. M Leave Valdosta, 44 44 8:17 a. m Leave Quitman, 44 44 9:45 a. m Arrive at TlioruasvfUe, 44 “ 12:00 u Leave I’homafvllle. *• 2:30 r. u Leave Camilla. “ •• 5:23 p. m Arrive at Albany, “ 4 * 7-15 r. u Leave Albany. 44 44 6:» a. m Leave Camille. “ “ s.48 a. u Arrive at Thomasvillr, 4 *• 11:30 a. M Leave Thomasv file, “ 1:45 p. u Leave Quitman. 44 44 3:53 p. u Leave Valdosta, 44 •* 5:17 r. u Arrive at Duv-ont. 44 44 7 : 33 p.m J. S. Ttsoh, Master of Transportation. H. 8. HAINES. my25-tf (General Manager. Size*. Price of Olna. Price with Self Feeder orConden'ar Price with 8eli Feeder uni Condenser. 90 SAW *75 00 *100 00 *125 00 35 M 87 50 116 00 144 50 40 44 100 00 132 60 165 00 45 44 112 50 146 00 179 50 60 44 125 00 ICO 00 195 00 60 44 140 00 180 00 220 00 70 44 ICO 00 20G 00 252 00 80 44 180 00 232 00 284 00 Mt~ Term* given on Apnllcatton.-W*r LACES aug9 tf CHEAP AS EVER housr Juruisbiug (ftoods. Ice Boxes, Refrigerators, Mosquito Kets AND ALL SORTS OF Matting, Window Shades, Oil Cloths, ETC., AT TIIE CARPET HOUSE Weisbein. Weed & C. C E Wakefield. J £ Wal ter. Wylly & C. Williams & W, F Werm, A M A C W West, Henry Yonge, str Katie, str Carrie str Florida. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway August 31— Fordg Office, P W Rushing. C L Gilbert & Co, Holcombe, O & Co, J II Von Newton, Miller & R, W & R Mcfntire, A H Champion. Solomon Bros, J O’Byrne. H Schrceder, J S Von Newton. Bendheim Bros A Co, C Coleman, A Leffler, A E Bates. Rieser A 8. Lee Bov Myers, S J Kennedy. II Myers A Bros. Lilienth&l A K, A J .Miller A Co. C F Stubbs, Weed A C, E A Schwarz. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway August 31—Fordg Office. Jno Flannery A Co’ L J Guilmartin A Co. W W Gordon A Co CF Stubbs, F M Farley. Walter A II. H M Comer A Co, Chas Ellis, M Maclean, J H Johnston. R W Wood bridge, II F Grant, Peacock. H A Co, Butler A S, J L Villalonga, J W Latbrop A Co Order. O L Jones, Bergner A E,Lee Roy Myers! K L Neidlinger, 8 Guckenheimer A Co, A A Aveilhe, M V Henderson. D C Bacon A Co, J J Dale A Co, R B Reppard. Herman A K. Per Centra! Railroad. August 31—Fordg Agt CRR, Davant A W, D B Lester, M B MUfen, C R R car shop, S Guckenheimer A Co, A Fried enberg A Co. S G Haynes A Bro. A Haas A Bro, Rieser A 8, M Ferst A Co. Weed AC A Hanley. Graham A H, Al'en A L. Miller A H, J L Villalonga, W .1 Lawrence. L J Guilmartin A Co, n M Comer A Co. Order, Woods A Co, En glish. P A H, Walter AH, C F Stubbs, Jno F’lannery A Co. W W Chisholm,W W Gordon A Co, O Cohen A Co, F M Farley, Paul Decker. " eat Bros, Jno Oliver, Henry Yonge, Lee Roy Myers, H Myers A Bros, Williams A W. Lipp man Bros. I> (J Bacon A Co, B King Cooper. Mrs J W Reilly, H Sanders, W I Miller, w H Stark A Co. gteel geus. SPENCERIAN STEEL PENS it the Very Beat European Make, and unrivaled for Flexibility, Burablaty, and Erennem of point. SEAL SWAN OlILE ACTION. _n *20 Number*. A compute Sample Card, lot inal. by mail on receipt of 120 (Vat*. A Sample Card of HI of the Leudlng Styles, .'or trial, on receipt of 10 Ceuta. Ivison, Blakeman,Taylor & Co. 138 and 1-10 Grand Street, New York.. je9-Wly IRiUinmt. REPRESENTD BY J. P. PETTY, ATLANTA, GA. jy5-M.WAFBm <^1 M4f«tU Au x'NDSOr. ♦ boiler!^ DLACf(5MiTH wobK .♦A*-! aogl4-H ALLEN & LINDSAY, ray6-dAwtf 169 AND 171 BKOUGHTON STREET. SOMETHING NEW! The prettiest line of new patent TIN SETS that ever came to thig market. Canary, Itohin, Moekinj- Bird anil Ilreeiliii}- CAGES just received. Other new goods comint; in by every steamer. Call and examine my stock. GEO. W. ALTiENT aug-21-tf 165 AND 1654 BROUGHTON 8TREET. ST. LOUIS SAW WORKS. ESTABLISHED 1849. Drancli, Crookes A Co., MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KIND8 OF SAWS AND DEALERS IN FILES, BELTING AND MILL SUPPLIES. 114 and 11G Vine St., 130 Gravier St , ST. LOUIS, MO. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Send for Illustrated Catalogue, naming this paper. jelS-S&Wly aniTlrtt. A. CA.JR 13. We desire to call the attentiou of the public to a few facts, and request a careful conaidera tion. Almost everybody buya JEWELRY or WATCHES once in a while, and 95 out of every 100 do not understand the real value, hence they generally have to pay an exorbitant price. But ia it necessary, we ask, that because people are not thorough judges, they should be made to pay such unreasonable prices? Or does the large price one pays enhance the value of the article? Certainly not. We have started on the principle to ask a living profit only on our goods, and we have met with an unprecedented success. This encouragement enabled us to lay in a first c ass stock of goods, second to none in this city. Our Jewelry ia of the BEST manufacture in the country, such as Tiffany & Co. ’s and others equally celebrated. Among our stock of Gold and Silver Watches are to be found full lines of all the celebrated makers, and at prices within the reach of everybody. Remember, we give you the SAME article of the 8AME maker, of the SAME quality, in fact, EQUAL IN EVERY RESPECT, and do not charge you FANCY PRICE8. All we ask of those who have not patronized us before is to give us a call, to examine our stock and prices, ani we are sure that we can prove that we do exactly what we here publicly announce. Respectfully, M. STERNBERG, aug3l-tf 21 BARNARD STREET, one door north of Broughton. ttalmfro, &c. THE GENTLEMEN’S CHEW! SPICER’S CALROUI BRAID! C ONSUMERS of the weed who appreciate merit will insist upon their retailers supplying this brand. Mr. S|>encer has an expesMnce of FORTY-THREE YEARS in the manufacturing business, but this season's selection of Henry County Leaf surpasses any former effort. SIXTY ('ENTS PER PLUG OF FIVE OUNCES. Pre-eminently the gentlemen’s chew. At wholesale LEE ROY MY ERS, (Successor to Goodman & Myers). aug27-F,M«fcWtf 133 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH, GA. Do You Want Specks t T HE largest and best assortment of SPEC TACLES In TA< near and far pockets. i the city. My goods Single glasses to suit oil eyes and a'J P. LINDENSTRUTH, 22 Jefferson street. BUIST'S PRIZE MEDAL Turnip and Cabbage Seeds. New crop, just received at Osceola Butler’s Drug Emporium Trout 1M3 to w« inxnolar-tami titn« , . ander tt* Cm n*n.- ot E. T. Tatloe A Co., BfUrwJ Clhoii, Bbown A Co., au.! mad* *otl um kiu,*i U* Taj lor Gin. Da; tar tbe jaat 1CI » rraoved to Uita pUr*. whet* w« have been cxdnatwelj art«>(W la mAnufArtoa. Inc (>lna ever Due*. With Jons Axpeiteore, U>* bee* lAbor- ■ATtnc machlnerj and .killed workman, we pamum Advantecw not nujoyed bjr ah j other rnAnuIacturer In nor Una, (or pe^ •luoluc the arer work for the LKirr eeuoej. TTie demao-1 leaf year was eo (real that Benrt j BM order* remained ualUled, hut we have doe hied oer mannfactartn* e«(*u-itjr and hope to be niJe to meet all * -in I~ 'r *un U la the wlaeet plea to r | yer erder* la aerlj. Seed (or U1 pamphlet flrloc »l» to€47»ta*t UrriHMiAU (ram lf»*. ukrprWst pienters. Premre, Kn.-'.um and - mi ’em outfit forniaha-1 wlurtt deelrad. * * ‘--ri UKOW*,- COTTON GIN CO^ ^2. NEW LONDON. COSH. Or to C. H. DOR8ETT, Agent, mh24-W£85m Savannah, Ga. lE'ai&tino. ANDREW IIANLEY. House, Sign and Decorative PAINTING. Cilding, Graining, Glazing and Marbling. FRESCO AND BANNER PAINTING. H AVING a full corps of practical workmen constantly employed, I am prepared at all times to finish any work in any of the above lines promptly and 10 the perfect satisfaction of those who may favor me with their orders. Estimates cheerfully furnished. No. 6 Whitaker street and 171 Bay street, aug -3-tf Savannah, Ga.* JOHN OLIVER’S Paint and Oil Store. STEAMBOAT, RAILROAD AND MILL SUPPLIES SASHES, BLINDS, Doors, Mouldings, Ac. NO. 5 WHITAKER STREET, ap25-tf Savannah. Ga. CHRIS. MURPHY, (ESTABLISHED 1365.) House, Sign, Fresco & Banner PA IN I ING. — DSALXR IS— RAILROAD, MILL and 8TEAM BO AT SUP PLIES, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS. PUTTY, VAR NISHES. BRUSHES. MIXED PAINTS, BURN ING and ENGINE OILS, NEATS FOOT OIL, AXLE GREASE. LADDERS, ail kinds and sixes 142 St. Julian and lfl Bryan streets. ml>22-tf Central & Southwestern R.R’ds. Bay a vnah, Ga., July !0th. 1880. O N and after 8UNDAY, July 11th. Ia30. passenger trains on the Central and South western Railroad* and branchea will run ** follows : TRAIN NO. 1.-GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leaves Savannah 9:20 a.■ Leavaj Augusta. 9:30 aJ Arrives at Augusta 4:45 p Arrives at Macon 6:45 p. Laavea Macon for Atlanta .. . 8:15 p!1 Arrives at Atlanta 3:4-1 a. - Making close connection at Atlanta with West ern and Atlantic and Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line for all points West and North. COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leaves Atlanta 12 2; a! Arrives at Macon 6.3JaJ1 Leaves Macon ?;Q0i Arrives at MU-edgeville 9:44 a. Arrives at Eatonton 11:30 A. Arrives at Augruta 4 45 p.| Arrives at Savarmah. 3:45 p. Leaves Augusta 9:30*71 Making connection at 8avannah with the 8a vanoah, Florida and Western Railway for all point* In Florida. TRAIN NO. 2—GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leaves Savannah 7:30 p.r Arrive* at Augusta 5:40 a. Leaves Acgurta 8:30 p. Arrives at MillolgevIUe 9:44 a^ Arrives at Eatcttcn 11:30 a. Arrives at M&cnn 8:00 a. Leaves Maccn for Atlanta * 8 *40 a. Arrives at Atlanta 12:50 p. Leaves Macon for Albany and Eufaala 8:':0 a. Arrives at K’ofaula. 4:03 p. Arrives at Albany 3:85 r.\ Leaves Macon for Colombo* 9:20 a. Arrives at Columbus. 3:25 P. L Train* on this schedule for Macon. Atlanta. Oohimbue, Kafaaia, Albany and Augusta daily, making done connection at Atlanta with Western and Atlantic and Atlanta and Char lotte Air-Line. At Eafaula with Montgomery and Eufaala Railway; at Columbus with West ern Railroad; at Augusta with the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad and South Carolina Railroad for all point* North and Eufaala train connect* at Fort Valiev for Per ry daily (except Sunday), and at Cuthbert for Fort Gaines daily (except 8unday. > Train on Blakely Extension leave* Albany Mondays, Tueedays, Thursdays and Fridays. COMING BOOTH AND EAST. Leaves Atlanta g.-u F . M Arrives at Macon from Atlanta 6 *56 p m Leaves Albany 11:13 a. m Leaves Eufoula u -80 Arrives os Macon from Eufaala Albany.. 6:20 r. Leaves Colombo* U:io a. m Arrives at Macon from Columbus 5 05 p. u Leaves Maoon. 7:35 p. u Arrives at Augusta 5:40 a. x Leaves Augusta. 8:10 r. ■ Arrive* atbavannah 7:15 a. m Passengers for Milledgevllle and Eatonton will take train No. 2 from Savannah, and train No. 1 from Macon, which trains connect dally, except Monday, for these points. :□ THROUGH SLEEPING CARS on all night trains between Savannah and Augusta, Au gusla and Macon, and Savannah and Atlanta. Berths in Sleeping Cars can be secured at SCHREINER’S. 127 Congress street. IG. A. Whitehead, WILLIAM ROGERS .CT Gen. Paso. Agt. Gen. Ktipt., Savannah. J. C. Shaw, W. F. 8HELLMAN, Gen. Trav. Agt. 8upt 8. W. R. R., Macon. Go. Jyl2 tf mmJ T HE magnificent steamships of this Company- ore appointed to sail as follows : GATE CITY, Captain Daggett, WEDNES DAY. September S, at 8:30 a. u. CITY OF MACON, Captain Kehpton.SAT- URDAY, September 11, at 11:30 a. m. CITY OFrOLl .VIHI S. Captain Nicker son. WEDNESDAY, September 15. at 4 P. x. CITY OF SAVANNAH, Captain Fleet- wood, SATURDAY, September IS, at 5:30 p.m. Through bills of lading given to Eastern and North western points and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. Savannah & Florida Inland Route The elegant Steamer FLORIDA, Captain Leaves every TUESDAY and SATURDAY, on arrival of New York steamships, for Fernan- dina. Jacksonville and Palatka. connecting with steamers on Upper St. John’aand with A_. G. A W. I T. R. R. for stations on that road. For freight or passog? apply to G. M. SORREL. Agent. __ City Exchange Building. N. B.—Notice will be given when steamer Florida resumes her route. aug26 shipping. REGULAR LINE St. Catliar lie’s, Dobov, Islan.l. Darien, st. Mm,;".'®" Brunswick and Uu,iU n " s on fealilla Hit it. The Steamer Centennial, Capt. WM. C. ULMO. WILL leave for above po * -m, ▼ v NRSDAY AFTERN*)'»?. 4 . 7 WEr> ' Shippers are particularly : freight on wharf before tha: time 10 Agent at Darien. C. M. QUARTER Mi v Ot Brunswick. LITTLEFIELD A TK« ,v’* 8wu *ug!9-tf J. P. CHApE: *’ . Savannah, FioridaTChariestoi STEAM PACKET LINE. summer Schedule, r i\ THE POrUL_Ut STElii CITY POI V Captain T. CREASE R, WILL LEAVE For Fenumdlau.J*cJtsoa,1lle,P a i atkl And Intermediate Landing? 00 St. Jo* * -c p? and ChariS.C . from L*eR. nn*-VW JTtt foot of A beret tp street, as f il.-.s*- arTfl# thou .savannah roa FLORIDA. FOR WEW YORK OCEAN STKA.lfSHIP COMPANI. EXCURSION TICKETS (GOOD UNTIL OCTO BER 1st. 1880) AFTER CABIN *30 00 FORW’ARD CABIN 25 CO Wednesday, August 4. Saturday Ham. Saturday « Wednesday. August II, Saturday i Saturday* j Wednesday, August 18. 11 A. II. Wednesday, August 25. Wednesday', II a. x. Sept. 1,1 THE MAGNIFICENT NEW IRON STEAM SHIP CITY OF SAVANNAH Capta-n T. M. FLEETWOOD, B UILT expressly for this trade, and having superb passenger accommodations, will sail SATURDAY, September 4.1380. at —3’dock P. M. For freight or passage apply to OCTAVU8 COHEN * CO., Agent*, «*g30-tf No. 99 Bay street. Philadelphia & Southern MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. teaTiag- Each Port Everj Saturday. FIRST CLASS PASSAGE JIS 00 CLASS PASSAGE 14 Of BTEERAGE PASSAGE .. 10 n CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK via PHH.AjlKT.Pm A . tax EXCURSION TICKETS TO PniTADEL- PH1A AND RETURN (UOOD FOR THREE MONTHS l ROM DATE OF ISSUE) 00 JOHN G. BUT LEK, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In White Lead, Oils, Colors, tilass, Etc HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. S OLE Agent for the GEORGIA LIME, CAL CINED PLASTER, CEMENTS, HAIR, LAND PLASTER, etc. Sole Agent for F. O. PIERCE A; CO.’S PURE PREPARED PAINTS. One hundred dollars guarantee that this Paint con tains neither water or benzine, and is the ouly guaranteed Paint in the market. je!9-tf No. 22 Drayton street. Savannah. Ga. herd's (Tonic. REED'S Charleston & Savannah By. Co. Omcx Cbaklxbtom & Sxva.xnxit Rt. Co., I Savaxsab. a a.. July 26, 1880. ( C OMMENCING SUNDAY. JULY U*ih, Trains will depart and arrive as follows, from PASSENGER DEPOT S., F. & W. R y.: Going North. Train No. 2. Train No. 4. Leave Savannah... 4:00 p. u. and 10:00 p. u. Arrive Charleston. 9:55 p. u. and 8:40 a. M. Going South. Train No. 1. Train No. X Leave Charleston. 7:00 a. m. and 9:00 p. u. Arrive Savannah. ..12:40 p. m. and 7:50 a. m. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 Fast Mail. Trains Noe. 3 and 4 Night Express. On Schedules Nos. 2 and 2 Fast Mail - through Pullman 81eeper runs to and from Sa vannah and New York without change. Also, Excursion Tickets now on sale to Newl York at *35, good to return until October 31st. MAGNOLIA ROUTE. Leave Savannah at 10:00 p. mI Arrive Augusta at 7; 17 xt— Leave Augusta at ..10:25 P^H Arrive Savannah at 7:50 a. m. 1 This train connects at Augusta with Char lotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad for Aiken and northward; Georgia Railroad west ward; at Yumossee for Beaufort. Port Royal and station line Port Royal and Augusta Rail way. ABOVE TRAJN8 DAILY Ticket* for sale at Wm. Uren’a Special Ticket , No. 22 Bull street, and Depot Ticket C. 8. GADSDEN. Superintended. Jy27-tf Wtttflut, genrrlry, Sr. A. L. DESBOUILLONS, JEWELER AND DEALER IN Waltham and Elgin Watches DIAMONDS, STAR SPECTACLES, STERLING SILVERWARE, QUADRUPLED PLATED WARE, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CLOCKS, gold-headed can-: FLORIDA JEWELRY. ORANGE CANES 21 BULL STREET, my 13-tf Opposite Screven Horn W^GILT EDGEx^ Tonic IS A THOROUGH REMEDY I In every case of malarial fever or fever and ague, while for disorders of the stomach, tor pidity of the liver, indigestion and disturbance* of the animal forces, which debilitate, it has no equivalent, and can have no substitute. It should not be confounded with triturated com pounds of cheep spirits and essential oils,often sold under the name of bitters. For sale by OSCEOLA BUTLER, Savannah, I Go., and by Druggists, Grocers and Wine Mer chants everywhere. myl-W«S:wly HOP BITTERS. IN STORE AND FOR SALE BY G. M. HEIDT & CO., Druggists aug2Stf JfatftUrry, itarnrss, &t. W.B. MELL&CO., (Successors toN. B. Knapp.) PKAiaw at Saddles, Harness & Leather, RUBBER BELTING. PACKING & H08E. LEATHER BELTING, HEMP PACKING. LACE LEATHER. Etc.. Tranks, Valises, TraTeling Bags, Etc. A 1 ^ 0 ' * faU Hne of OAK »r.d HEMLOCK SOU: IJLATHER, FRENCH and AMER1 CAN CALF SKINS, SHOE UPPERS and FINDINGS. A large stock always on hand and for sole low. Orders from the country promptly carefully filled. All are invited to examine our stock before making their purchases. Market Square, Savannah, Ga. octt-d&wtf KIESLINC’S NURSERY. WHITE BLUFF ROAD. P LANT8, ROSES and CUT FLOWERS. All orders left at Savannah News Depot, cor ner Bull and York streets, promptly filled. febl7-tf GUSTAVS KIES LING, Propr. THE FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP WY031X Captain JACOB TEAL, W ILL leave Sarannal. on SATURDAY, September 4,1866. at 6 o’clock a. m. For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to WM. HUNTER A SON. aug3u-td agents. Merchants’ and Miners' Trans portation Company. FOR BALTIMORE. Connecting at Fernandina v ith Tm . • ~ - for Wald'i. Gaim-irville. Cedar K*-.^ 1 Key West. Havana ani New Orlean* vti : q I Mad Steomahips OfoBorv’s f - \ , ' leaving January 21st. ami every UednesJav. At«>. with »*iooo sWam.r f f I ence for Brunswick. rit,r Close connection mode with for filtflrrrtrr. Mi-BonilLe .r.J inter-,„ ' Uoduvr oe the Upper 3t John',. 3S"™ 4 utenmen for the OchhLwai;» rirer F i ^**8 l **d*ng*r acooriAmodatir.n.. Thrv tickets and state rooms secured, and V, matton fnmhUied at »H!, e. corner of B«JI ro j Bryan streets, Pulaski House. ^ received daily, except Sun lay. JNO. F. ROBERTSON. General Ag-r.r. LETT J. GAZAN, O. T. A. ° fl ‘ CT (jeorjia and Merida Inlacd Meatt- boat Company. THE ONLY STRICTLY INLAND ROUTE A' 1 o x* TP loricta, SPRING SCHEDULE. The elegant and favorite -teamer „ DAVID CL A lc K* , Captain JOHN FITZOERaLP Will leave direct for KERNANDINA py. r* T Vr E ?? A Ti^ nJ . FKIDAY AFTERNOON suit the tide, from wharf foot of Line la street, touching at St. Catharine’* li? boy. Darien. 8t. Simon’s, Rnmav,± and St. ilary'e, connecting at Fernar'i, na wath Tran*i: Railroad for Jackaonv ,iU Cedar Keys, Tampa. Manatee. Key \\W wl' ▼ana and New Orleans. At Rrunswickwi'b Macon ar.d Brunswick and Brunswick ac ' > bany Railroads. At Darien with steamer* for Altamaha and Oconee rivers. At Fercvv • with steamer Flora tor nil point* on St river. 1 ■ ITtrough ticket* and state rooms secured and all information famished at office rr--t~ Bull and Bryan streets, directly opp. - •, laski House and Screven House. Freight received dai»y 1 except Sunday, and through rates given. 1 J. N. HARIUMAN, Manage- W. F. BARRY'. Agent^ G. LEVE, Q. P. A. ivll . f For Augusta and Way Landings’ CABIN PASSAGE.. SECOND CABIN... ..*15 00 . .12 50 j The steamships of the Merchants and Miner* Transportation Company ore appointed to —» 1 a* follows: GEO. APP OLD, Captain W LOVELAND. THURSDAY’, September 2, at 4 ;30 p. M. Through bill* lading given to all points West, all the manufacturing towns in New England, and to Liverpool and Bremen. Through paa- aenger ticket* issued to Pittsburg, Cincinnati, ~hlcago and all points Weet and Northwest. LEVE & ALDEN, Passenger figsnts, corner Bull and Bryan street*. JAS. B. WEST dt CO., Agents »ig30-«114 Ear street. STEAJIEB CABBIE, CAPTAIN GIBSON. TTAVINO been thoroughly overhauled will vv VellT-s wharf -v-rj TUESDAY E v ENING at 5 o clock. For freight orra.ssaire apply to H. M. COMER A ( O., Agent*, IIP Bay rt.wt For Augusta and Way Landings FOR BOSTON BIKECT. CABIN PANNAGE $16 OO I STEERAGE PANNAGE 10 00 Boston And HrtuuuIi Steamship Line, STEAMER KATIE, Caps. A_ C. CABA5IBS. W ILL laaTa P^felford', wharf rrrry TT.Ff UAY EVENING at 6 o'clock. Ter c polntn. For freight or passage ar plr to JOHN LAWTON. Sfacager. Office on wharf. octT-tf Sotris aud Summer iSrswts. TiieMarslialiHonse SPACIOUS VESTIBULE, -EXTENSIVE AND SEMINOLE, Captain H. K. HALLETT, WILL LEAVE WEDNESDAY, September 8. at 9.00 a. u. WEDNESDAY. September -2, at 9:00 a. m TPHROUGH bill* of lading given to New X England manufacturing clues. Alao, to Liverpool by the Canard, 14 arren and Leyiand I linee. Tne ships of this line connect at their wharf with all railroad* leading out cf Boston. RICHARP8QN A BARNARD Agent*. F. NICKERSON St CO., Agent*. Boston. aug2t-tf Elegant Verandah. Affording ladles a fine view of the promesada I Airy and Weil Ventilated Rooms FOR NEWYORK. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY, I The splendid new iron steamship CITY OF COLUMBUS, Captain K. 8. NICKERSON. W ILL sail WEDNESDAY, September 1st, at 4 o'clock p. x. This new chip 1* 2,250 tons, and was built ex pressly for this trade. She ha* most magpie oeat passenger accommodations and great •peed. For freight or panage apply to acg!9-tf WILDER St OO.. Agent*. UNRIVALED TABLE IS PAR EXCELLENCE THE Leading Hotel of Savannah JOHN BBESKAN, 6-tf Hmmw | GLENHAM HOTEL, Fl/ih Ait,, between 21 at A 224 81a, (Near Madison SqraRK), NKW Y O K K . M OST central location in th»- city and con nected by Elevated and Stre**t Railroad* I with all point*. Near all places of a;r.u*-:n-n;v Elevator and every modern convenience. La —pean plan. N. B. liaRRY, |y5-M, WSt Film I*roprietor 3ce. I CE CUNARD LINE. ■VTOTKaL—With a view to dimfni«b the xi chance* of collision the steamers of thi^ line take a specific course for all seasons of the year. On the outward passage, from Queenstown to New York or Boston, crossing the meridian of 50 at 43 latitude. oY nothing to the north of 43. On the homeward passage, crossing the meridian of 50 at 42 latitude, or nothing to the north of 42. ^ NEW YORK, LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS TOWN. FROM PIER 40 NORTH RIVER. ABYSSINIA Wednesday, July 28. GALLIA Wednesday, August 4. Wednesday, August 11. ALGERIA Wednesday. August 18. Cabin passage and return ticket* on favora ble terms, including a special low rate for fail and winter mouths. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europe at very low rates. Freight and passage office No. 4 Bowling Green. N. Y. CHAS. G. FRANCKLYN, Agt. Southern Office, corner Bull and Bryan streets. Savannah. H. A. CALLAN, Agent. mb 4 Cm \V E detire o call the special attention • • consumer* to our UN EQUALED FACIE ICE in ?$rdirinal. GliAY> SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Th« Urrxt fcagfkh TRADE MARI ITIES for sup quantitir ~ SUPPLY ot the FINEST and are able to quote EAT.-.. FIGURES. Large consumers tr we have made preparation* for a OF BUSINESS in consequence crop, and will lie able to nil all - ly. OBTAIN OUR QUOTATION fng contracts COLD S TO I LA. Meats. Fish and Fruits placed EONABLE RATES. A share of respectfully solicited. KNICKERBOCKER ICE < ' jel-tf 144 Bay street Fa ICE! HAY WOOD, GAGE&CO^ jynOUSALE AND RETAIL P' LALEE8 ICE—Our unrurpo* us to execute all orders with unparaUei-. patch and at a* LOW PRICES as aoj « establishment. Meats. Fruits, etc., placed in refrigen built for the purpose, at fair rate*. t Thankful for post patronage, we respec- solicit a continuance of the some. OFFICE NO. 186 BAY STREET, j«2-tf SAVANNAH fat 8a!t. UFME TUllt^'Vd ^.iru TAIIM. AOK mm U*n «• Ml fr~m V, m«I l. ,~r, mo.^% mcA, H a aM W UI tne... - | r*. - ■ »bm*j moil mm oZLJt 4 *• mmmm, H THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., So. 10 Mftohanica' Block, Detroit, Mich. Pold in Savannah, wholesale and retail, by OSCEOLA BUTLER, and by all druggists every- feb25-d7wdtTeily where. MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of early imprudence, causing ner vous debility, prema ure decay, etc., having tried in vain every kn^wn remedy, has discov ered a simple means of self-cure, which he will send FREE to his fellow-sufferers. Address J. IL REEVES. 43 Chatham street, N.Y. jel4M.W£F3m PRESCRIPTION FREE. TOR THE SPEEDY CURE of 8eml- - nal Weakness, Lost Manhood, and ail dis orders brought on by Indiscretion or exceaa. y druggist ha* the ingredient*. Da. JAQUE8 X)-. 130 W. Sixth at., Cincinnati O. deell-d*w12*a A RTIST’S Manual of Oil and Water Color Painting. Crayon Drawing, etc., 50c. Guide Authorship, 50c. Of bookseller* or by mail. iSSE HANEY St CO., 119 Nassau street. New York. ja3-tf Desirable Lots for Residences FRONTING THE PARK. . I OT No. 10 Lloyd ward, froctiw: J WhIUlrr, between W»ld< OX ' Houston streets. SO feet, and running twt. Howard street 136 feet. Also, H Lot No. 12 Whitaker street, and running back to h street 13* feet. . Both these iota are in fee simple- For •tc., call on R. M. DEMElE-^ <Jec2-tf No. 2 CommifCial Foil SALU. YTTILL be sold at the CourtHgaf*-J. FIRhT TUESDAY IN SEPTBp^J ^ less sooner dbqxwed of at private 40 Lafayette Hjoare and ward, Chari:*; second lot east of Abercom, with t!w U ^. - meats thereon, consist lag of two *tnn on basement) BRICK TENEMENTS. C cca ^.,Iit a portion of said Jot. jyl4-Wtf ' 106 Bay stree^ B &CSI.NEir'i CARDS. BUJ. HEAM- - , | AND LETTER HEADS, CIRCULARJg jther mercantile work dona at the jrioas Morwog Nawa ftteasa Nd*