Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, January 03, 1881, Image 1

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jttfgotufcg §tw*. W === \ ====^'Xx ' 1 PTHKKT, w • - '*- __ \^ == ' "ftrßSCTiP^ioNa month. _ ne t A%' 00; six months, ttau-’Wi/B.T >s - “ ltl ' ci so. LjifS J ] ** °° : BXI month8 ’ ft !L. D* JT® J. CAWU,K ° R PRXPitD ■i ata>cx 3 r **W U s rU P***® ob the date ir l^TipMKsraaa. raTE> VI ■ ~ ... 5 sj^^Bre —a line averages ■ - ■•■* r ' . per square. J < Bn insertions *180: 1 . 'CH six insertions ?5 00; M ' eighteen insertions JB . • v above rate*, rtisemenw. ■ Carriages, Funerals, - ... > otices $l per square rdinaries. Sheriffs . •’ ais inserted at the rate pro c-> ;'j.. r gent. Lost and Found, 10 tv!i;-. r - 4r > T. No a.‘. T erttaetr.ent Inserted reft* * '. ..dices for lees than 40 cent*, or * r! : ~ .;. m a ie ty Poet Office order, gee - ;-.i press, at our risk. K* -. V.. the in • rtlon of any adver se i - eiTv.r -eili and day or days, nor re> .... : ‘iu.btT of insertions with . by the advertiser. A s wi:l however, have their f ~ erti>ns when the time t .de up. out when accidentally left f“ is '' 4 .r ,! .m j ~ ‘-f osertiona cannot be money paid for the omitted te> f’’' • l feturnel to the advertiser. k , L „, u ia be addremwd, j n EgTiLL. Savannah, Ga. •ered at the Pool Ofllee iu Sa* Kc'.' e,,.>nd <T** Matter. vattpah a* lie-trsfia Affairs. ~e il .-Uown a portion of a letter ’ .. \. v irh. (’ th county, to agen . ,r v, in which the writer says f . sa.*w ai that place waa six .j.,, .. ievel. ths thermemeter was .:.; ,w .'-*ro . arl business w-s en : ■ 1,.' bad ' eather, the Street A vita suspended the , , fur t*o lays. This action . -iMe excite nent, and some go cr**i*' i- . ** . _ ~jth it through stopping the cars l: .v !.as f rfeileJ ;ts charter. n publish -s quite a long list -v '. r; A ! ’ tnta to ad operate . T r:r._- by tie pres nt protr.ct- S uneof cases Hied are , trar.rvr. in. r. t ; ev*ral prominent cit!- r ;ni ; jd. havo i.ei-1 a meeting and . n ... ..i. reH* ve th* distress, yuite a . .urn of mitey has teen sub u ; iteeshaie been appointed to f- e,, ■ viry ii t ict < and ascertain th. uni- ‘itioa oi the sufferers. , | niriit la Woo .s was tes ,i , r jbv ;Ue Uir ot At’jS a complimentary , : hi> pmnotion to theSu- the l i.dtel States. It is de , ;s* ha'.. g been av ry pleasant affair. , a th- ester' and Atlantic Rail * .viiwiri -r station, un miles above At vnta. Freight train No f was approaching ■ M.-t :i. .vl n the Cart-rsville accommoda t - *Li.h i ist in it> rear, cams rushing r aoi’orf r ii-t p could be made the en . tot the ace. ir.ucdatioa train had struck tVoi'.of the f".igbh Theonly damage done wasthat iby eigiue and the cab. andittadi .rti.i!e both ti-.ins were again in Bioti -a f-r th-ir dcstinatioa, where they ar r. oalf a litde ijeuind tin*. t\ - Year the Columbus Times en te'edupon its sever th y n r. Its editors sty they Laves;i iven to make is life an active and ovf-;‘ r.\ an! hope tint- the coming year ailiaff r i-i'• . > a field for usefulness as fievvra: '.'nristtuas ca-udlies occurred In Hr Dsxi.'.-- Among others the Advert.ser re iMt with a serioti3 a • r.t. i.tfnagtng his left hand terribly. It s. he was h iili.-g s. v ra' skyrockets in v.; *!.:!* Hi;hl is right he washold .ffa roman candle. The sparks fmm th * r m i:. indie igtited the skyrockets i ci .ell to burst in ids hand, tearing off the tlesli t > the Ik me. !:,<* vick. .Vlver>i:<v says: “The deni zen* f •■r... I'imden county, had a little meleeChn~ma-i Jay. lie'tit: Two dead and three tr un.!-d -a!! turpentine hands ” Angi'sti i-: hav,- an increase in her bank ing fji. 3 Th ■ Legt ia:ure, at its recent •/. that • y. an 1 theci moany is speedily to te orgaait!-1 The ca Ual of the bank will i f h wt.ich in ly be increased to sioo,o-X*. ! 11." ~ tnv.'.ia as so nas S3aO,COI shall hi-. V' . . ;-n *ri •• i. aal ten per cent there t,■ i. r L'f • mide and Constitutional a! liiag t this n'W btnk says: "The wraiiig capita! of ' u.gusta is now only about tt liiwi! two hundred tbiusanl dollars. Be: r.-the war i; was three i liilions, and the lai t’,- r r.vilege of ie-iuing three dol - f.r e,e.. rm c,f capital. Very often near ly ih* while bar.king capital of the city is lA-kec up in cotton, to the serious inccn • r f husinrss. and an increase of capi ta 1 there.' r-*. would !>e a great blessing.” The Miron 7V l- jy tjih of Saturday says that Gus Jo'ieron. a c l re i man, was killed on :j- r ; f Friday at 3 o’clock, about one hundred yards from the sign of the crossed ‘cy-\ ;r.ry.mdtlie Walnut creek bridge on bw ■ fv unty road. H- became involved ut a fight with a man named Joe Kitchens, in! war si c- ly him with a pistol. The ball KruekJvhn'tvnover the left eye, producing .ruth in a' it thir v udntites There were stv-rsi witueacs to ihe killing, all colored. **> ■' anta Post-Appeal: "The Savan :ai: Nttws catches up the careless i" ; i the following style: ‘An ad .: he I'olumtus Times states that ' • - ‘ >rel C. I!. Taliaferro lias been D ce nherSA What is Colonel ■Vitsin - . for?’ Colonel Taiiaferto * •! .'-.•utbern g ntl mar. and the ; T> V. It. Taliaferro, one of Atlanta's • i ! lysicistia, and ought to sell for ig‘K)C Ulanta Constitution ot Ftiday: ie Lnitt-d States Signal station at this point y 'el that the stern wa* very general in 'e itia ir. thf Caroim is, while a Urge part ' * an ais covered wi.n snow. Columbus ? un >r two -nones of white cover, and ts-r pc.'p e are enj y:ng the first visit of the h*y fall that uey have seen for years ‘ - '•> >1 icon bth are fsvoied with the l ig -. f th** heavenly geese As the tele r :: - r * ate. this is a very general storm, *"■ l £* '■ -man who said yesterday that the . i'i;td Stites was under snow was net ■■ t *be sun j.eei ed out at neon, and -hi that the snow would melt, but b,:nr to the rescue and the ther -,-,rr i li .ike Ua.l Jiy night it st.xnl at 10 I'll ' “ * • 21-r' l , and tt eleven o'clock U -a;,i.- u t • :j degrees atxjve that ter,ible , , I; v. a s ;up : e.sed by gcol judges that it ■ ■ .n to zei*o before It wes t. L ’ ’.er. ibtc night, full of sulT ring in this -■-v. where . rust y happy, warm homes were ae-cene of unaltoy ed joja’’ ioluntbus iim-s: “ i eeterday morning sev- \ l r .J - ah s an! gentlemen app -Ried up :".*:j*v •,■ 'll- f iti-,tory furniture house of ■* r . ! * one?, and as the unsuspecting pedes :f.' •' • ty vending his or her way along great lumps of snow would come - : ft-vta above, 'there was no respect and. a.: t the old man or young lady was * . e- , t , r:„* enveloped in a heap of snow as -‘‘s 'i , rdin try individual. While a large 3ii.t-r n..y thus surprised, we saw uo one -< rr.- l ff tided at their treatment, but, try. ah seemed highly pleas-d. The was no use to get mad. for the T Bia g parties were too far out of reach. ‘■ v vr s ,ii,iig wag continued for more than f wrasi we dare say was much more ! by the lookers-on than ihose J - ‘ *- top, for the r hands must haß ■“ a a - irozen when they ended tli ■ Ir, n will It iI jj T~TI awi e aSS v ' r " : ing them have fheirrMiß X ethe Mayor nil] n ,t be ir’Ki’ bagF ..Vetirr r.-portej izen- fro* Hfc thief Fireman .. a Md Knsia **i ot 1,100 lo a rm L <rf by v 1... from Macoa running over a f-A, b" lard's station, throwing the tender w>n' 1“ - !r ' k - ttius delaying the down pas second wascaused by the extreme T ' ir i - ' ic °r. The switches were fr z-n firm is!. Kr< un<1 ’ Rn l could not be changed, r,~- a delay in starting. The train * a not get from the yard to the car shed.” i 's*v o*' i:r "* us Enquirer says: “The pleas |it r , e'l lig with snow balls cost a young Jf dearly i Q Taibotton. A number ot ■o'. n:ea were engaged in throwing the * o ; ~ waliovrtng each other in the un’rv ' J ° is }g man came in from the •u e - ' v ‘ , n J-buis Smi h and someone else ‘ed threw him down. When he C s’,- ® a 'brht Mr. Smith and threw him in iWsr-'.'*:; 1 tß kingliis leg. Mr. Smith made v. h a ,i 1 " m i -| ts to walk b fore he knew that ■ t * p u ' serious areident We learn ■ lißij •' r ’hg very much with the broken ■ if k . ~ lls P ! ysiciin says it is a serious ■ feaJ’.. J *. aH purely an accident and was I r, r- {■‘■lT ! ,Vst uf humor, and is regretted I ’ '' relates the ■ vikrriT'e '-v uin2 ‘- v sad end touching oc ■ rr* i n I. *' st-rday morning the passen ■ Pinrpi, '■" ■veping car of the Savannah. ■ 'tJii.ty r ' . ' ' : '' ra Railway train en route to ■ itetiA v .. '^ re t **‘- unexpected and sympa ■ 54 <i in itj'!! ' ses of a deitlt econe that was SO ■ and peculiar surrounaings as ■ taougß iho,”* ’’ vwthe hearts cf ail, strangers ■ '-toQorV . “ r " u * ll >e dying one and ihe ■ itllnt'n her. Mr. O. W. of 5 I " a * a ? returning home with his I (f**® It th.?'' 1 ‘ ‘"d*. whither ahe had been H s -tagesof consumption some H i?*toide- ? . “““the hope that the chtnge I , r . .* ll4t * would restore her former ;■ Rlat* „ a * l ,i8 of some benefit to her. I ;•** bv" hJ* 4 ** ,accompanied to Jackson- I ,l f *kooi l! tllree children, the eldest ■ It**' cd n a bright boy of twelve I etc 1 * y° Un W-t a little prattler ■ nionth*. The mother and afterwards fallowed by the ”1 *4 fa her, who, finding that hie ' r every day, and be- Savannah Morning News. J. H. ESTILL, PROPRIETOR. ing advised by physicians that she must surely die resolved to return home with her. as she al ef^3 ed to . ?*. e there. They left Jacksonville on a throughisleeper on Thursday afternoon, and were nearing this city on the!- journey when the death scene above referred to oc curred. Mrs. Blake was taken with one of the severe spells of coughing which characterize the disease of consumption, and rapidlv sunk under it. Being very weak, she died like one asleep. Captain J. tr. Kneiler, the efficient and noble-hearted conductor of the train, did all in his p -wer for the dying lady, and was aftor **™B very kind to the bereaved husband and children. Learning that the family were Epis copalians, and that the deceased was aconsist f. nt member of that denomination, : “ptaln Kneiler. aa soon as he arrived o cd 7> proceeded to the Hectory “f St. Paul’s Church and apprised the Rev. Mr. Pond of the death and circum stances. This was all that was necessary, for soon a party of such kind and benevolent ladies of St. Paul’s Church as Mrs. L. E. Welch, J*™ tV. K. Mitchell, Mrs. Nelson Tift, Mrs. rauma Nelson and Mrs T. D. Liupont were on their way to where the sleeper had been left on a side track near the passenger depot. These ladies took charge of the remains of the dead stranger, neatly dressed them, and saw them laid into the handsome metallic casket which the bereaved husband had p’o cured in which to carry them to the family home ia Chariton, lowa.” The Rome Bulletin ot Friday says: “Yester day morning a serious acc deDt occurred at the house of Mr. R S. Norton. He has a bar rel connected by a small pipe with his range for the purpose of keeping hot water. This pipe, it seems, was frozen the night before, and, when the cook made the fire yesterday morning, the pipe exploded, breaking the glass in the windows and severely injuring the cook in the head and chest. Mr Norton is now in search of the inventor of the ’hot water barrel.’ ” The following case of “profitable farming” is mentioned by the Albany News and Adver tiser: “Mr. John Sommerford, superin endent on Dr J. P. Stevens’ plantation, seven miles northwest from Albany, has this year practi cally demonstrated the fact that farming can be made to pay in Southwest Georgia. Mr. Sommerford conducted a nine-mule farm, made fifteen and a half bales of cotton to the plough, and enoughs corn, peas, potatoes and syrup to furnish the place a other \ ear. The land planted in cotton averaged abs le to every one and a hal ■ acres, and not one dollar's worth of commercial fertilizers was bought. Dr. Stevens is a warm advocate of home-made fer tilizers, and positively states that under his system of manuring his land has been improv ed one hundre i per cent. Sir. Sommerford, the superintendent of the place, is only about twenty three years old. and has already gain ed the reputation of being one of the most suc cestfu! of our planters ” - OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. The CovernmeutOardeae— An Inter eating Investigation—The United Stales Slgual Service vs. Vennor, the Canadian Weather Prophet— Proposed Iteapportlonment Under the New Censna—The Nomination of JT. B. Stiekuey—Whittaker’s Court Martial. Washington, January I.—There are in Washington a number of government gardens devoted to the culture of rare flowers for bou quets and ornamental purposes. The chief of these are the botanical gardens, just east of the capitol. The others are offshoots. The botanical gardens were founded a few years back upon the nucleus of a few foreign plants brought home by naval officers. Since then, with the offshoots, the cost of keeping things going and increasing hs been more than half a million dollars. Every year there are large annual appropriations for this pnrpc se. Mr. LeFevre, Chairman of the House Agricultural Committee, a shortvtime ago secured permis sion from the Hous to Investigate the govern ment flower gardens and report. He is assisted by a sub-committee, and has deduced some interesting, if somewhat scandalous fa ts. The subcommittee has started out by examining Mr. Smiih, who is the superintendent of the botanical garden at a very nice salary. It was de meed from him that the people generally were allowed to go through the gardens only on certain hours and never get any flowers. Flowers were issued to members of Congress and to prominent government of flcitls. t-mith was forced to admit that these tavored mortals were in the habit, when they gave parlies or receptions, of having the floral decorations furnished from the government gardens without expense. Their families are also supplied with flowers upon demand. Mr Smi'b also confessed that frequently the florsl decorations seen upon the desks of mem' ers *f Congress, and supposed to be the offerings of friend* or admirers, are ordered from him bv the apparent recipient of the floral offerings—and at no expense wbatev-r. Upon being ciose y cross-examined Mr. Fmith again divulged an interesting part of his duties. He has time without number, at the request of our wise national legislators and prominent governmeut officers, sent bouquets to the inmates of houses not considered exactly aufait. Asa rule he said tha bouquets sent to these places were more costly and elaborate than those usuallv ordered. Mr. I eFevre’s committee are of the opinion that they have even at this early stage of the investigation found out sufficient to warrant the lecoum en datiou in Congress that all the outlying gar dens be cut off and a reduction of expenses in the botanical gardens proper be made, with the proviso that the flowers and things grown therein shall not be given indiscriminately to members to suit any purposes that they may have in view. VENNOR, THB CANADIAN WBATHBB PROPHIST." Vennor, the Canadian prophet, who is so suc cessful in his predictions of weather to come, not only immedia ely, but months in advance, is a young man. He is only abont thirty five years of age. but has evidently got the science cf meteorology down to a very flee point. He h*s been far more accurate within the past two months in giving predictions for the United .States than our own Signal Service. Conse quently. our Signal Service is mad. It costs about half a m llion of dollars to run our service, while Vennor supports himself and fives earli-r and more accurate information. It is enough to make our Signal Service mad. When a man gets mai he de nounces the other feFow. Our Signal Service, acting as one man, is{<lenouucing Vennor. It is getting itaelf interviewed and putting forth statements that the Canadian is not a man of “science,” and isonly haphazard. It would be much better for the American people if our Signal Service was not so deeply scientific and was haphazard like Vennor. We would know more about the weather that is to come. It i noticed, however, that despite the denuncia tions ot Vennor by our, Signal Service, his pre dictions are more eagerly looked forward to and have mere confidence placed in them than the s-i of our Signal Service. TH* CKNSt'S. Gen -ra! Walker estim .tes that the tctal foot ing up of the population of the United States will show a population of about fifty millions, being a gain <>r about ten n i hons over tl census of 1870. The figures of the census will be sent to Congress shor Iv after re issemblirg and an immeciate attempt will be made to make the reapportionment on this basis. Since Congress assembled on the first Monday iu December, there has bet n somewhat of a change in the talk of Republicans iff regard to reapportionment by the present House. Many of them are not so decid dly opposed to it as they were. It remains to be seen, how ever. whether they will filibuster to prevent a b 11 for r apportionment going through. STtCKNST’S NOMINA lION. The Senate Judicizry Committee, to whom was referred the nomination of J. B Ftickney Tor United Stales District Attorney for Florida, will again, for the third time, report it ad versely to the fcenate. And if all signs do not fail, wiekney will again be rejected by the Senate. Probably after that Mr. Hayes will c nsent to nominate a man for the place who will at least be somewhat acceptable. WHITTAKER'S CAST. The President and Secretary Ramsay, yield in : to the mawkish sentiment of the Republi can party in favor of the negro or against the white man, have granted the copper-colored you'h who flit his own ears and tried to swear the deed oo gentlemen a court-martial. This court will be organized outside of the corps of officers at West Point, and will devote its efforts to wbite-washieg young Whittaker. It will be practically Instructed to override the resuit of the court of inquiry that found beyond doubt that Whittaker is a fraud, a sneak and a young vil lain. If his skin was whit* lie would have been incontinently bounced from the army months ago Because he is s'lehtly colored he must be whitewashed morally and given another chance. He ought to be whitewashed liter ally in freshly slaked lime; not that it would make him much lighter in color, but the lime would make him hop if applied at the right time. * Potomac. - Weather Indication*. Offic* C'nißF Signal Obsekvbh, Wash ington, January 2.—lndications for Mon day: In the South Atlantic States, light va riable winds and partly cloudy, t lightly warmer weather, with slight changes iu barometer. , In the Gulf Btatee, eastetly to northerly winds, partly cloudy weather and local rains, slight changet in temperature and barome ter in the eastern portion, snd in Texas rising barometer and lower temperature. In Tennessee and the Ohio valley, south erly winds, shifting to westerly and north west, partly cloudy weather, lower tempera ture and slight changes in barometer. In the Middle States, southwest to north west winds, clear or fair weather In the northern portions, falling, followed by rising barometer, stationary or a slight rise in temperature. An Insane Assassin. Constantinople, January 2 A commit tee of physicians report that Colonel Com meroff’s assassin is Insane, but cannot state whether he was mad when he committed the murder. “It disagrees with me.” A common re take Tutt’s Pills you can eat *lke, and feel no bad effects. Jcally on the using a free lk>w of EMtnc essential to good digestion, the bowels when all other THE GREEK FRONTIER. THE ARBITRATION SCHEME A FAILURE. A Semi-Official Communication to tlie Porte—Direct Negotiations Be tween Greece and Turkey Pro posed—War a Certainty—lntense Excitement In Athens. London, January I.—A Reuter dispatch from Constantinople reports, the Count Corti and M. Novi j off, Italian and Russian Ambassadors, respectively, express regret that M. Tlssot, the French Ambassador to Turkey, has informed the Sultan of the arbitration project without having pre viously communicated with the other Am bassadors. They recommend an abandon ment of the project, and are in favor of direct negotiations between Greece and Turkey. A Paris dispatch says all the powers are doing their utmost to calm the excitement In Greece. M. Barthelemy St. Hiliare, Minister of Foreign Affaire, recently sent to Athens counsels by which the Greek Minis ters must have been struck. Vienna and Constantinople dispatches concur In reportiug a collapse of the arbi tration scheme. The' Porte’6 reply to M. Tlssot’s semi-official communication f the scheme is still withheld. It has heretofore been believed that the reply would not be a direct refusal, but would take the form of a counter proposal to send an international commission to Epirus and Thessaly to ex amine the frontier question on the spot. The attitude of Greece, however, renders any pacific negotiations difficult, and the Daily T:lejraph's Vienna correspondent as serts that the Porte will formally reject ar bitration, and abandoning the idea of coun ter proposal, will allow' things to take their own course. The question Is whether hos tilities will be postponed until March or begin now. The final issue, war, seems to be next to a certainly. The foregoing agrees In tenor with all that Is known on the sub ject. The Times’ Constantinople correspondent says: “The failure of the arbitration project was foreseen here from the beginning.” A Times dispatch from Vienna says: “The German, French and Austrian Ministers at Athens are urging Premier Ccutnoundouros to prudence and patience, but the mere re port that the Ministry is disposed to treat on this arbitration question caused much excitement in Athens, and a deputation of members of the Chambers waited upon the Premier 'or explanations.” The Vienna Frets’ St. Petersburg c Drres pondent bad an Interview with General Ignatieff, whom he reports as saying that a retrograde movement on the part of the Greek Government would endanger the throne of King George, and that a revolu tion could scarcely be confined to Hellenic territory. Moreover, be said If Gre.-cc, In attempting to annex Thessaly and Epirus, should be reduced to a position of serious oangtr, France, Italy and England would surciy help her. Russia, too, could not abancon her Greek co-religionists to their fate should their existence be in peril. In the Chamber of Deputies at Athens yesterday, according to a Reuter telegram, M. Tilcouplsi, leader of the opposition, de manded an explanation from the govern ment regarding the present position of the frontier question. He declared that arbi tration would destroy the work of the Ber lin conference. M. Trlcoupisi concluded by saying: “Europe may tear up the prolo co!, but the tattered document will be steeped In the blocd of the Greeks.” The Premier said that it was unnecessary for the Ministry to ask either Chamber or the oatiou to dictate a reply to the arbitra tion proposal. He said: “We have acted upon our own responsibility, and Europe understands that we are capable of execu ting its decision. We are resolved to ct ur ageously defend the interests and honor of Greece.” It is evident from this that the Ministerial reseive and conservatism are powerless to resist the pressure to which the King and government at Athens are now tu l jected. M. Tricoupisi was lately overthrown be cause he did not move fast enough to satis fy the popular clamor. Now the Ministers arc too slow for Lim. As an indication of the warlike fervor prevailing, the Mayor of Athens, in an nouncing the ffuding of the statue of “Minerva Victorious,” couples the fact with a statement that the discovery is made at the moment when all Greece is in arms. Constant isorLß, January 2.— lt is stated in well informed circles that the Porte has abandoned its intention of sending a note to the powers oa the Greek question. Paris, January 2 —Despite the unfavor able declarations of the Porte and Greece relative to arbitration, the powers have not abandoned negotiations for a compromise between the two countries. THE SUFFERING POOR. Death from Cold and Starvation In New Jersey—A Mother and Son Frozen to Death In Missouri. Somona, N. J., January 2.—Mrs. Michael •Tweed anil her two children, living In a hut near Red Valley, were found by neighbors on Thursday night suffering from Intense cold. They bad been without food for several daj s. Assistance came too late to save the woman’s life, and she died on Fri day night. The children were in a pitiable condition, but will probably recover. St. Lons, January 1. —A special to the Tlepublican from Boonevilie, Mo., say3 two old negroes, Lida and Henry Slaughter, mother aDd son, were found frezen to death six miles from that place. Henry was lying in the road about one hun dred yards from bis house, and his mother sitting at the flreless hearth at home. There was plenty of wood in the yard and a good 6toek of provisions and clothing in the house. Tbe couple were old and sick, Henry being 60 and his mother was said to be over one hundred years old, and both were nearly helpless. A MURDEROUS NEPHEW. Failing In an Attempt to Poison Ills Vnele’s Family, lie Succeeds Iu Shooting 'I licm. Chicago, January 2—Oa last Friday night, near Otis, lud., Henry Augustine, of Chicago, who was visiting his uncle, James Augustine, and family, vainly tried to get them to drink from a bottle containing wbat proved to be poisoned whisky. Later in the night he went to James’ bedroom and fired several shots, killing Mrs. Augustine, and probably fatally wounding James. Two sons of Jame 6 were roused by the firing aud came down stairs. One was killed and the other slightly wounded by Henry, who then escaped. He will proba bly be lynched if captured. Considerable money was usually kept in the house, and tfieft is supposed to be the motive for the crime. ~ NEW YORK NOTES. Buoys Curried Irom Their Moor tug*—A Decline In Port Arrival*. New York, January 3 —The principal Iron buoys in the lower bay have been carried from their moorings by the ice. They will be replaced as rapidly as the ice and weather will permit. The spar buoys remain intact. The ship Paulina, before reported ashore on Romer’s shoals, has been floated. During the past year 7,817 vessels arrived here from foreign ports, against 8,077 In 1879. The Dumber of arrivals from domes tic points was as follows: Eastern ports, In 1880, 7.627, against 9,993 In 1879; Southern porta 3,830 in 1850, against 8,331 In 1879. Richmond’* Progre**. Richmond, January I.—The Daily Dis patch pub Ished this morning a vast budget of statistical and other information, showing the city’s progress In manufactures, trade and commerce, together with facts and figures exhibiting the social condition of the people,etc. These statistics show an Increase during the year juit closed of 137 manufac turing establishments over the previous year, making the whole number now In operation 703, with a total capital Invested of an Increase of nearly $3,000,- 000. The operatives employed for the past year numbered 17,000, nearly 8,000 more than In 1879. The sales amount ed to $24,704,893, an Increase of #1,218,000. All the other figures and Information show an equally satisfactory state of affairs, and the Dis patch congratulates the people on their present condition, and speaks hopefully of the prosperous outlook for the future. Lost time is forever lost. Absence from school Is often caused by a cough, cold or hoarseness, and can easily be prevented by giving Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup to the ehil dren. Frice 21 cents. janß It SAVANNAH, MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1881. THE LAND LEAGUE. The Crowu and the Absent Traver* •era—The Vatican and the Catholic Newspapers Monster Meetings— Fenianlsm Near Cork. London, January I.—The Time*' Dublin correspondent says: “Parnell, who was ap parently indifferent while the case for the Crown was being stated, developed much watchful industry in regard to the witnesses, making copious notes and passing them to his counsel. It is a curious fact that one of the traversers (Gordon) has not, up to the present time, come to Dublin, and the Crown never has once inquired after him. It is stated that he U ill in the west of Ireland. The Crown dees not trouble itself in regard to the whereabouts of the defendants. This has given the traversers much satlsfact'on, and It is probable that Messrs. Biggar, Sex ton and others will go to the meeting of Parliament.” A dispatch from Rome says: “In order to avoid a repetition of the misrepresentation* in regard to the state of Ireland In the Catholic newspapers, the Pope has request ed all Catholic journals to submit their articles on Ireland to the Vatican authori ties.” Cork, January 2—A party of men visited the house of a man named Daniels and shot him, Inflicting a dangerous wound. The affair i3 believed to be connected with Fenianism. London, January 2—A dispatch from Dublin to the Observer stated that in order not to come in contact with the police, the meetiug which was called to take place at Drogheda on Sunday, and which was prohibited, was held there on Saturday. After Messrs. Healy and Davitt had made speeches two magistrates sum moned the chairman to stop the meeting and the riot act was read. The people dis persed quietly. Ten thousand persons were present. A monster Land League meeting took place at Bally Castle oa Saturday and a meeting at which 3,(XX) persons were present was held at Killala. A collision is reported at Tuam between the soldiers and the crowd, during which stones were freely thrown. Dcblin, January 2.—A Land League meeting was held to-day near Killarney, at which 8,000 persons were present. FROM SOUTH AFRICA. A Proclamation from the Triumvi rate-Martial Law Excitement Throughout Cape Colony The Boers’ Account of the Late Fight. Caprtown, December 29 —The Triumvi rate have issued a proclamation defending their action and offering pardon to all oppo nents. They agree to retain the present officials, to admit the British Consul and indemnify Great Britain for her expenditure on behalf of the Transvaal. The Triumvi rate have proclaimed martial law. Governor Bellairs, at Potchefstroom, is closely besieged. His position causes great appre hension here. Col. Lanyon, British admin istrator for the Transvaal, is stlil at Pretoria. He has been summoned to surrender. The ex citement throughout Cape Colony is intense. Communication with the Transvaal, except through Orange, a free State, ia entirely in terrupted. The Boers’ account of the affair with the Ninety-fourth Regiment is that Command ant Janbert, with a patrol of one hnDdred and fifty men, met the troops and requested their officers to await Colonel Lanyon’s orders, but the officers Insisted on going en. Commandant Jaube-rt then commanded a charge, and iu fifteen minutes fifty of the British were killed and many wounded, and then the remainder surrendered. Dl’Hban, January 2.—Communication with the Transvaal Is wholly interrupted. London, January.2.—The Premier of the Cape Government telegraphs on the 31st ultimo that the colonials have gained a signal success over the Tambookies, 80 rebels being killed, and 8,000 cattle and 5,000 sheep captured. THAT MISSING TRAIN. Hallroad Travel Interrupted—Sal ferlug on Account ol the Cold. Fredericksburg, Va., January I.—The train on the Potomac, Fredericksburg and Piedmont Railroad, which left here on Wednesday last, returned to night for sup plies and fresh hands, being unable to pro ceed further than Parker, 14 miles west. Several men were frostbitten during Thurs day night, when the temperature was 22 degrees belbw zero. Trains on the other roaus are running irregularly. Much suffering prevails on account of the unusual and intense cold, against which many in the country were unprovided. Cattle have been lost also by exposure and game frozen. Deer have been caught near the dwellings in the country, forced in by the severe cold and want of food. AQUATIC. A Challenge from Haitian and Rosa to the IVorid. London, January 1. —Hanlan and Ross, the oarsmen, have issued a challenge to any two men in the world for a double scull race for £SOO or £ 1,000 a side, the race to take place in the early part of the ensuing season. They will allow fair portions of the stakes for expenses in going to America to row. Hanlan and Lay cock did good work yes terday. Both are in excellent health. ■ ■ ■ THE NEW YORK LEGISLATURE. Canvasalug Tor Speaker and United States Senator. Albany, January 2.—A majority of the Legislature is now In the city and the hotels are quite lively with canvassing for the Speakership. It is conceded that Gen. Sharp will receive the nomination of the Republican caucus to-morrow night. In canvassing the United States Senatorsblp crops out frequently, and the anti-Conkliug sectlou, though they would like to elect Mr. Skinner Speaker, and feel they cannot do it, are positive they will elect Cbauncy M. Depew, an anti-Conkllng candidate. Cold U’eatber In Vermout. White River Junction, Vt., January 2. —The coldest weather for many years has prevailed here since Thursday. At daylight Thursday the mercury stood 20 degrees be low zero, and on Friday at daylight 26 be low, and this morning at 7 o’clock 20 de grees below. At Lindonvfffo on the Passuampslc Rail road on Friday moaning the mercury was 32 d< grees below. The water, springs, wells and streams are exhausted, and the farmers and others are compelled to hanl water a long distance for their cattle and other pur poses. The indications to-night are that the excessive sold weather will continue. Ice In Chesapeake Bay. Baltimore, Md . January I.—The steam er D. H. Miller, from Boston, arrived to day, reports ice all the way up the bay from Coal Point, and very heavy ice from Poplar Island. The ice boats Maryland and F. C. Latrobe both went down to-day, keeping open the track for vessels, and to render assistance to any In need. The schooner Eva J. Smith, hence for Savannah on the 29;h ult., became jammed in the ice, and was towed.into Annapolis for a safe harbor. The Cold Weather In Petersburg, Va. Petersburg, Va., January 2.— The city was visited last night by another heavy snow storm, which lasted until this morn ing, when it cleared off cold. The river is frozen for a considerable distance, and navigation is completely broken up. The river and ponds adjacent to the city are crowded to day with skaters. The trains from the North and South are several hours late. English Failures. London, January 1. —Alfred New has failed. He was proprietor of extensive iron worka at Trowel, near Nottingham. His liabilities are heavy. James Briefly & 00., cotton spinners, of Rochdale, have also failed. Liabilities stat ed at £23,000. Death of an Editor. Sblma, Ala., January I.—Captain R. H. English, editor and proprietor of the Selma Daily Times, and tor many years past agent of the Associated Press In this city, died at his bom* in Carlowvillc, in this county, on Thursday last, after a lingering illness. Mothers, as a delightful sanitary measure, always order tbe Cutlcura Medicinal Soap. #3 THE FIRE RECORD. INCENDIARISM IN NEW ORLEANS Over $30C,0001 Worth of Property Deatroyed-Death of a Fireman—A Poor Henae Destroyed Two Young Ladles Fatally Burned. New Orlkans, January 2 — The fire which last night destroyed Q. Hansell’s saddlery store, 22 Magaz ne street, and Isadore Levy A Co.’s crockery store, 24 Magazine street, originated In Levy & Co.’s store. Their stock was valued at #80,000; insured for #52,500 In eight foreign companies. The building was insured for #l2 OQO. EUHau eell’e loss on stock k-#3,000, fully insured in home companies. The building is insured for #25,000, which covers the loss. The stock in S. Cohen’s wholesale clothing store was valued at #25,000, fully insured In home companies. Theura <fe Decker’s warehouse, on Tchou pltoulas street, was totally destroyed. Morris McGraw’s warehouse was damaged by water. The stocks In several stores ad jacent to the burning buildings were dam aged by water. The total loss Is estimated at #250,000, probably fully covered by insurance. Later. —At 2 o’clock this morning a fire broke out in Aaron Wolf’s crockery store, on the corner ot Magazine and Common streets, destroying the building and con tents, valued at #75,000; insurance $55,000. This building was separated from Han sell’s establishment, on the same street, which was burned last night, by a double fire proof wall, and the opinion prevails that the fire was not communicated, but, like that In Levy’s store last night, was the work of an incendiary. Tbe fire from Wolf’s building spread to Jo 6. Levy’s stationery store, to the L of Hansell’s establishment on Common street, and to J. H. Scott’s oil and lamp store, In volving a further loss of $60,000, all cover ed by insurance. New Orleans, January I.—John Wil liams, first, assistant of the fire engine Cre ole No. 9, died to-day from injuries re ceived by falling debris at the fire on Fri day morning. A number of wagons belonging to one of the Mystic Mardt Gras organizations, valued at $5 000, were destroyed by fire in the Crescent Ctty cotton press yards this morning. The steamship Admiral, hence for Penea cola, when twenty-five miles below the city, burned out her boiler. She will be towed back for repairs. Philadelphia, Pa., January I.—The calendar room and store house of Martin and W. H. Nixon’s paper mills at Manyunk were destroyed by fire about one o’clock this morning. The total loss Is between $50,000 and $60,000. Hamburg, Mo., January 2. — Miss Kate Campbell and a Miss Wood were fatally burned while dressing for a ball on New Year’s eve. Miss Wood’s muslin drass took fire from a stove and communicated the flames to Miss Campbell’s clothing, when the two women were soon enveloped in a flame. Wheeling, W. Va., January 2 —The Kanawha county poor house and smoke house attached, containing 20,000 pounds of bacon and other articles, was destroyed by fire yesterday. It is believed that the build ing was fired by the paupers. The loss is $10,000; insured for $4,000. St. Lours, January 2.—ln addition to the Cosmos newspaper office, previously report ed as burned at St. Charles, Mo., the Opera House of J.C.Mittelberger,containing on the ground floor the dry goods store of Mittel berger & Sons, was consumed Total loes about $30,000; insurance, $20,000. THE LOS DON STOCK MARKET. Cheep Money and a Boom in Prices— The Speculative Outbreak. London, January I.—The Economist says: “The rate ot discount for bank bills, sixty days to three months, ia 2% per cent., and for trade bills, sixty days to three months, 2ji to 3 per cent. The Stock Exchange was mostly occupied with the settlement which began on Tuesday morning and con c’uded Thursday night. A large volume of business has, however, 4>een done for new account, fostered greatly by the be lief that money will now be cheap. Prices have almost universally advanced largely. Gas companies, Reading Railroad shares and Atlantic cable shares are the only noteworthy exceptions, while the general tone of the continental bourses, American markets and English provincial exchanges is one of unusual buoyancy. It is argued that we are about to enter upon what bids fair to be a very active year, in which we may at any rate hope to participate in the extraordinary lnaation of prices now witnessed In America. Some say the movement is too rapid to be stable, and caution holders of securities that they are likely to embarrass their resources by over commitments, as we certainly believe to be tbe case at tbe pres enttime in America. There is only one tru tworthy check to euch an outbreak of speculation as the markets now appear ripe for, and that is a material rise in the value of money.” THE CHICAGO SOCIALISTS. A Meeting of tbe Leaders Yesterday —Tbe Subject of Organization Dis cussed. Chicago, January 2.—A meeting of the leaders of the Socialistic party was held to day, and the subject of future action of the organization was dlrcutsed. It was con ceded that the local Socialistic organ ization has failed to effect anything towards the amelioration of the con dition of the workingmen, but it was considered that this might be accomplished by a national effort, and the local party was; virtually reorganized with a view of forming part of a national So cialistic movement. The meeting was nearly evenly divided as to whether the or ganization should not keep entirely aloof from politics and pursue Its obj-cts solely on an economic basis. It was eventually decided, by a vote of 25 to 24, that the party should be con tinued as a political and economic organi sation. New York Municipal Affairs. New York, January 1. —The Board of Estimates and Apportionment finished their labors shortly before midnight, and the total amount agreed upon for the mainten ance of the various city departments for 1881 was $31,354,322 59, against #29,667, 991 98 appropriated in 18S0. Last night Mayor Cooper received the resignation of Park Commissioners Andrew H. Green and Samuel Conover, and appoint ed In their stead Wm. M. Oliffe and ex- Police Commissioner McLean. As soon as Tax Commissioner Howland had signed the budget for 1881, he banded in his resigna tion to Mayor Cooper, who appointed in his place Thos. B. Aster, formerly of the Board of Assessors. A St. Louis Failure. St. Louis, January I.—The commission house of Clark & Brackenridge have gone Into liquidation. Tbe house has dealt in bagging and bale ties as specialties, and has bad an extensive trade In these articles in Arkansas aud Texas. No statement of the affairs of the firm has yet been made, but reports put its liabilities at about $30,000. Asset* unknown. Value of Property In Peter*burg. Petersburg, Va., January I.—The new assessment shows the latest value of real and personal property in this city to be $5,902,- 095. Of this amount $659,800 worth is exempt from taxation. Movements of tbe Chilians. London, January I.—The Times, in its financial column, says: “A teleerem has, we believe, been rtcelved from Peru, stating that the Chilians arrived within twenty miles of Lima December 23.” Killed in a Drunken Quarrel. East Saginaw, Mich , January 2.—ln a drunken quarrel at a dance in* Saginaw county last night Peter Wells stabbed and almost Instantly killed Henry Fisher, a young farm hand. Wells was arrested. A Somnambulist Drowned. Halifax, N. 8., January 2.—During a fit of somnambulism, Isabel McLachien, aged fifty, living at Lochaber, walked out of her house, stumbled into a well and was drowned. An Ex-Convict Shot. Brockton. Mass., January 2.— Warren Shaw found Frank Boyle, an ex-convict, concealed In his billiard room during last night, and in an ensuing struggle Boyle was shot and probably fatally wounded. MARSHAL FITZSIMONS. Re Will Not be Disturbed-The Re port of Special Agent Newcomb— What Is Thought ol the Evidence. Washington, January 2.— Though no formal decision to that effect has been made, it Is learned on good authority that Marshal Fitzslmons will not be disturbed on account of the report of Special Agent Newcomb. The representations In Fitzslmons’ behalf, made by Senators Hill and Brown and Mr. Stephens, have convinced the President and Attorney General that the report against FUzsimons was made by Newcomb upon the evidence of men whose words are not at par value. Fitzsimons’ commission expires on March Bth next. It is not likely that Mr. Garfield will reappoint him. Brief Telegraphic Summary. Steamers and sailing vessels are detained lp Charleston by bad weather. A Reuter dispatch from Paris positively announces that M. Blanqui died Saturday evening. The United States coast survey steamer Baton Rouge sank near Greenville, Miss., on Friday, she will be raised. Claude Joseph Casimir Galllardin, the French historian, and Signor Mouro Mac chi, the Italian writer and rhetorician, are idgad. _ During the Senatorial elections in Ceara, Brszil, there was fighting tifttween the va rious factions, and thirty-six persons were wounded. Ail prisoners for debt In Scotland were released at midnight on Saturday, In pursu ance of an act passed at the last session of Parliament. Two large grading parties started from Dallas, Texas, Saturday morning to work on the Missouri Pacific extension southwest irom Fort Worth. The Portuguese Cortes was opened Sat urday. In the speech from the throne it wa3 announced that Portugal’s relations with all foreign powers were satisfactory. The Commercial House at North Adams, Massachusetts, was burned yesterday. Lo6B $30,000, partially insured. The domestics barely escaped. The fire la due to a board er’s pipe. General and Mrs. Garfield attended a family reunion on New Year’s day at 8o!od, Ohio, at the residence of Mrs. Mary Larra bee, a sister of General Garfield. They also spent Sunday at Solon. At the following towns the thermometer is below zero: Montpelier, Vt., 22 degrees; Woodstock, Vt., 26; Milford, N. H., 26; Newport, N. H., 25; Northville, N. H., 27; Contoocook, N. H , and Hancock Junction, N. H., 30; Antrim, N. H., 38. The President will, in accordance with an opinion of the Attorney General, designate each ol the Cabinet officers in turn to act as Secretary of tbe'Navy for ten days. At torney General Devens will succeed Secre tary Ramsay as Acting Secretary of the Navy. The steamship Niagara, from New York for Havre, on December 31st, during a thick mist., collided with the schooner Samuel H. Crawford, of Camden, N. J., from James river, Virginia, for New York. The schooner was badlv damaged, and was towed back to New York by the steamer, whose injuries were slight. A Tramp’s Reminiscences Regarding Insomnia. New York News. “I have no patience with a man who talks inßomania,” broke iu the tramp, as he tilted himself back on a cheesc-box and glanced at the last speaker. “If you’ve got insomnia, why don’t you go to sleep? That’s the way to cure it. Now 1 can sleep anywheres. You can’t make noise enough to disturb me.” “I’ve heard of such men,” remarked the man who was troubled with wakeful ness. “I’ve heard of men who could sleep on horseback, and I’ve read about men who could slumber with the noise of battle around them." “There’s where you get me,” rejoined the tramp, clasping his hands around his knee. “You’ve read about Gettysburg? Well, sir, in spite of the bullets and can non and the row the wounded kicked up, 1 slept like a top; never even rolled over; didn’t know anything about it till uext day.” “You don’t tell me. Didn’t the racket disturb you at all?” “Not a bit, sir. When the mine was sprung at Petersburg I was just oblivi ous, and after the charge was over I couldn’t believe anything had been going on. That’s what I call sleeping, that is.” “I should judge so,” replied the insom niae, admiringly, “but I can’t sleep even if there ain’t any noise.” “You don’t happen to recollect the at tack on New Orleans, do you? Well, with all them big monsters booming, and guns baDgiDg, and the yells and bowls of the contending foes, I slumber ed like a baby. Didn’t pay attention to it at all. I began to be afraid I’d never see a battle. It was the same way at Vicksburg and at Malvern Hill; just slept right through the whole business. That comes of a man taking care of him self. ” “Pray, how did you do it?” anxiously inquired the restless man. “The way I took my whisky,” said the tramp, “I can’t describe it, but that’s the way it was.” “Could you show me?” demanded the sufferer, jeikinghis thumb toward the bar. “I must try,” said the tramp, rising doubtfully, “You want to watch me. Now, I pour out the glass brim full. So. See? Then I put my hand on the back of my neck, like this, aud shoot the whisky home. Putting your hand on your neck draws the blood from your head,aud you can just roll over lik a log.” “And so you were really in the war?” interrogated the sleepless man, as the two resumed their seats before the stove. “Who eaid so?” demanded tbe tramp, gruffly. . “Why, you said so. If you hadn’t been, bow could you sleep through those battles?” “That’s so,” responded the tramp, lazily poking the fire. “At least it seems so. That’s the strangest part of it. I slept through every battle they fought, and I can prove it by my wife.” Tbe insomnia man gazed at him as though he were studying the question, and then hobbled painfully away. There is a curious case of filial devo tion in Kansas. And old Topeka grocer was murdered in 1874, and a fast young man named Fred. Olds was suspected and ariestcd. He pleaded guilty, was eonvicted of murder in the first degree, and was sentenced to imprisonment for life, as the law never hangs a man in Kansas. Ever since then Olds has been faithfully serving in prison, with ex amplary behavior. His father recently committed suicide, nobody knew why, and now Olds publishes a statement say ing that his father was the real murderer, and averring his own innocence. The confession gives the minutest particulars of the murder, many minor points agree ing with the facts developed in the evi dence at the trial. He says his father did the murder while drunk, and that be convicted himself to shield his parent. He says his father said, “If we stood trial, both would be found guilty and sent to the penitentiary for life.” He then said if I would plead guilty and swear that I killed the man in a .quarrel, and then no one knew anything about it, that it would clear him, and that he could get me out of prison in two or three years on account of my age. My mother afterward made efforts to secure a par don for me, and when I wrote to my father of her failure, he committed sui cide in one month from that time. The statement explains many discrepancies that were without weight at the trial be cause of the plea of gurhy, and it is gen erally believed to be true. The Gover nor of Kansas is considering what he can do for Old*. The bride at a tin wedding need not neces sarily be a fright, for a tin crown Is all that she Is expected to add to the ordinary cos tume; but the groom, In a tin hat and collar and tie, with tin buttons on his coat and tin patches on bis trousers, is a hideous object. THE FASHIONS FOR 1881. A WHITE SEASON FOR BALLS AND RA.LL DRESSES. Absence ot Color lu a Ball Room- Cosy Street Dresses— Roliday Gilts and Fauclea lor Personal and Household Use. Nrw York. January 1 —The very strong feel lag which cxis s &moug all inte’lig.-nt women to simplify the dress question finds Is j.r nci pal obstachs ia the hotel and thattago. “Who buys and who wears the gorgeous dressjs with their bewl dering trimn lugs acd overlay ing'*” asked a lady of a shop keeper rec-n’ly. “They are not worn ia ‘society’ nor in high society. The middle class, that l3 professional people aDd those who live on salaries, cannot afford to buy them.” • Who, then, wears them*” “Well,” returned the proprietor of the very fashionable ladies’ furnishing establishment, we do not expect to sell such dresses as those you have just seen to‘real’ ladies; they are asualiy sold for the stage at a reduced price, or to the wives of rich men who spend the win ter in New York, stop at hotels, and get them selves in stunning costumes fordinner and the opera.” “But it is those dresses which are described and even exaggerated, and stand as the repre sentatives of the actual fashions worn by all women?” “CerUiniy. Tint cannot bi helped. Thez are the only styles that afford any opportunity for fllltrg up the regular column of fashion matter; and the wife of a speculator living at a distance wauts just s >ch a splendid show for her money, and when she comes to New York she gets it.” It seems, therefore, that tbe fine dressing, while it occupies very much the eyes of the public, from be og seen in the most conspicu ous places, does uot r-presout the intelligen e on the one hand or the taste on the other of a majority of women, while not a little of the “craze” for dress and for certain costly occa sions is stimulated, if not wholl 7 created by newspaper iteration, for which there is only the slightest foundation in fact. What the general permanent tendency may be, it Is impossible to say, for ODe constantly sees the most singular transformations in form and style: but for sometime past the effort ha* certainly been toward simpler, truer, more artistic designs, and we have the basis to-day of an almost perfect foini of dress and one capable of infinite variation if it could only be represented and carried out. The effort on the oontinent, that is in Germany, to revive the “tournure,” or bustle, has not as yet been seconded here; nor does it find much favor in London or Paris. The German ladies are apt to have rather broad backs, and are heavily built: for this reason the straight, costume falls flat upon them, and an ‘ improver” of some kind is con sidered reauisite to equalize the proportions. But it is very different with the slim and grace ful young American. A Princesse robe is to her at once the simplest and most stylish of dresses, for it displays her natural graces, and presents no obstacle to the lightness of her movements. A modified “jersey” is to her the most becoming and convenient of short dresses, and therefore it is growing into favor, while to broad and thick set races of women it is impossible. BILL DRESSES. • Dressing for balls is easier and simpler this winter than I ever remember to have seen it. Open skirts and back drapery have disap peared. Trains are plain with the exception of the edge, which has a thick niching or plaiting, and the front above is trimmed. Moreover, many of ihe ball dresses are made shert, and this, together with their simple cut, gives them an air of extreme quiet and refine ment. It might be supposed that all women would welcome styles which relieved them from weight and care, but this is far from the case. Dressmakers are the foes of plain and quiet dress, partly becausa of its want of variety, partly because of their want of real elegance and genuine refinement of style, and finish is be;-t hidden under a profusion of bows and folds, and puffs and drapery. This overlaying, too, affords the only chance for the “making over” process so far as evening dresses are concerned, for how else can the spots and stains and wear of light silks and frayed satins be hidden by an overdress of gauze or muslin, or crossed and twisted scarfs of something or Other? The rule Is almost infallable In evening dre?ses, a:d particularly ball dre s-s, this win ter that the new ones are plain ad of rich materials, while the old ones pre ent the fussy ani overladen apperaance to a less degive of preceding years. The fa nionab e ball dress is white sat'n or br: cade, the front and corsage trimmed with beaded lace, and fringe, in pearls or white jet. the tra ; n plain except a (hick ruchtng and under-plaittng of white satin, whi .h is only part visible acd Is supplemented by another of stiff net. The sleeves are sometimes of beaded lace, sometimes of the fabric of the dress, and, indeed, most evening dresses have too pair of sleeves, as tbe lace over quickly wear out and are not suitable for any but the most dressy occasions. This stye in essentials is al mo t uniform. The variations are matters of in dividual taste end means. All sat n aud figured silk are spoken of as the richest when they figure in the list of a news paper, but in reality some of them are silk or satin only on the surface, and are cheaper than fine wool. Even in pure tissues there is an enormous difference m cost, the price of satin and satin brocade ranging from two to twenty-five and thirty dollars per yard. But the most extravagant woman only buys a limited qnantity of such royal sti ft as this last and will not have it cut up into fragments if she can help it, but the barbercus instinct is strong in the modern maker of clothes, and I have seen tbe scissors ruthlessly cut into three pieces an exquisite lacs barbe that cost fifteen dollars and would have been a joy forever, be cause a loop of it was wanted in one place and an end in another. Two years ago the closely shaped effect was so strict that designs were called sheath like, and though drapery was used it was laid in folds and woven in,and out, or curtained back so exsctly that it rather afsisted to outline the form than added bulk to its shapeliness The present distribution of fullness is different. The train is plaited or full,even of a Princesse dress. But the wasit is perfec'ly moulded by the b 'sque or corsage, and the trimming is usu ally massed upon the front, or front ani sides of the skirt. An exception to thi3 rule, however, was ex hibited at the Seventh Regiment ball in New York by a lady who accompanied a Major Gen eral. Her trained dress of whit* satin was a mass of steel embroidery in front, and pearl and chenille embroidery at the back, and the effect at the back was enhanced by a superb flounce of genuine point, arranged as a jabot down the centre lengths of the dress. This suergestß a novel and striking way of utilizing flounces, which are no l inger put on in the old way, and are, therefore, laid away as useless by many ladies who possess very rare old specimens. The irregular waves of the lace are much more graceful than the old Watteau pleat, and give exceeding grace, dignity and stateliness to a naturally dignified carriage of the body. Another elegant dress worn on the same oc casion was ot thick ivory white satin, cut square and trimmed entirety with cordons end spikes, with an edging of swans down. The train was plain but full and was spread out into fullness on each side so as to give a sui t of Queen Anne effect. Another effective dress, worn in a balcony bov, was of water-green satin finished tilk, trimmed with silk muslin andpl-ated lace, under fringes aud bands of opal beads. With this dress was worn a lar„e satin hat, pa’nted in wild roses and decorated with a band of white feathers and two ostrich plumes—one touching the shoulder. A striking short dress was of brown em bossed velvet made up with yellow satin, and there was an example also in a short dreis of the very latest idea—a Chinese tea gown of lace over old gold satin with a striped ribbon front In blended colors—old gold, garnet and blue. These Chinese tea gowns are the newest things for kettle drums. They are loose and almost shapeless. They fold over and when made of silk are finished with revers aud lied about the waist with a sash of doubled Bilk gathered at the ends. The co3t of tbe present style of evening dress is not seen so much in its amount of trimming (unless that be flue hand embroidery) as in the quality of the fabric and in the adop tion of new and quaint forms The women of moderate income cannot afford to take risks or venture on new and untrodden ground. That is the reason why she is conventional • it i< necessary to be safe. You will see three white eveniug dresses In any ball room of pre tension. One is a magnificent brocade into which gold enters, and it has a tablier and trimming of gold embroidered or beaded lace, and a high fralse of the lace which is set on a wire and stands out from the throat. Great 'diamonds and sapphires perhaps fissh from neck and arms, and vrealth is written ali over the toilette. Another will be of thick, white sr.tin, the train falling in soft heavy folds, the front plain: the straight surplice waist belted in and fastened with a wrought silver buckle, and the small “gigot” or leg-of-mutton sleeve*, sug gesting the quaint fashions of fifty years ago. The effect or the dress is simplicity itself. Hut It is very rich and costly simplicity, and you can see at once that tfce wearer Is a woman of ideas and able to Indulge fancies. The third dress has a sadness in it beoause one knows what it has cost, besides the modest forty or fifty dollars thAt wis spent upon it The material is damassee at perhaps two dollars per yard, and it is trimmed upon a lining, that means that it is cut up into small pieces and patched upon the foundation either at home or by an untrained dressmaker, and tbs result "i the worrying of the silk, which was originaliv pretty if not very solid, out of all its beauty and a “design,” If one can call that a design whlcnis a mere purposeless combination of atoms It ig pulled here and pinned there and pronounced all right, and it will go through the few occasions which represent to its owner the winter’s campaign, coming out very much di iapid&ted, but with perhaps enough of the original fabric left in a decent state of preser vation to “trim on” a dross for her daughter next year. 6 SBSXN’OS or COLOR IS A HALL ROOM, Kich white toilettes are very beautiful in handsome private parlor* and drawing rooms where the color is furnished bv pictures car pets, hangings, upbolsterY, and for several winter* past very rich white toilettes have been especially favored in high and refined circles, and there have been magnificent receptions where, with one or two exceptions, ail the ladies present were attired in white silk, satin, or brocade, enriched with exquisite lacos or embroidered with pearls or white 'jet ia designs that had cost months of ESTABLISHED 1850. labor. The white idea has penetra ted to the secondary strata this winter, and white damassee and white surah aud white satin are used for two-thirds of the dresses in tended for ball room and evening purposes. White toilettes, however, made out of rather restricted materials, ard worn in great bare halls and rooms on semi-public occasions, are a very different thing from the beautiful white attire, upon which expense has been lavished and which is worn in the midst of an oriental profusion of color furnished by pictures, hang ings, carpets, rugs, and choicest household decorations. A pretty white dress here aud there is like a l : ne of white light, n ter out of place, but a preponderance of white in very large neutral l-ipacas, especially pi it, undUtin guishable white, is anything but briUlsnt or effective, and this is what nes happened on several occasions when very tine results from elegant bail dressing were anticipated. Short dresses are very generally ana wisely adonted by yourr ladies who danoe, hut a plain, short single skirted white or light dress is not graceful or becoming in a ball room, and really offends the eye, because it seems inade quate to the occasion. Plain skirts and dresses little trimmed should be trained for evening wear, and also made of really rich ma terials, because the beauty of the fabric Is in so large part the beauty of the dress. The pret tiest ball dresses ever worn by young ladies were the short combinations of white and fine embroidered in us ins with pale pink, blue, or cameo tinted silk or sarin. the tri rruing of satin Mended-with the muslin and displaying the embroidery. A pretty short dress of rubv silk was worn recently, trimmed with black laco plaitirgs and flue ruffles of muslin embroidered with ruby floss. Another was all white and short, but the front was covered with rows of lovely beaded lace and fringe, and a beaded lace drapery bordered with fringe was curtained off trom the sides, and the ends employed to assist in the formation of the drapery at the back. The drers was a low square, high on the shoulders, aud shaped like a cuirass. Bed is less used for ball dresses than last year. Ills too dtep and striking, and makes the wearer too conspicuous. A soft shade of pink is always pretty, and some lovely dresses hßve been seen of it in rich satin finished silk, trimmed with white Breton lace of a dainty pattern, but neither plaited nor beaded. Pale pink is also very fashionably trimmed with white jet fringes and lace. WIXTER STREET PRESS. The cold weather has brought out so many comfortable, jolly, cosy, warm and picturesque suits and garments that a brief mention must be made of them. The “ policeman's" jacket is of a feather cloth, buttoned straight dowu the front and showing no trimming. It Is al ways accompanied by a "My Lady” set of furs, in seal or otter, or the natural beaver, and con sisting of v. cape, straight across the back—a coachmans cape, in fact—and muff. The bonnet ia a modified poke of beaver, knocked in and tied down with bro.-id garnet or striped old gold and garnet satin ribbon. Another very stjiish street outfit consists of a short, plain skirt of seal brown velrot; a coat of ecru feather cloth, and collar, muif and cap of seal fur. The "Mother Hubbard” suit is a Have lock of dark green cloth, over a kilted dress ; a bonnet of dark green velvet, trimmed with ft border of brown fox fur; brown fox fur boa tied at the throat, and bag muff. The “pilgrim” suit is a "jersey” dress in seal brown cloth or serge, and pilgrim ulster with cape and hood. The waist is hed about with thick green silk cords, with spikes upon the ends, and the hood is lined with brown satin. The same style is made in invisible green and indigo blue, but it is more correct in brown. The new and light warm make of “feather” , and beaver cloths has revived the round cloth cloaks, which are less expensive and more durable tban the silk fur-lined. The ecru shades are preferred, and they are finished with satin lined hoods or fur collars. Instead of clasps enormous metal hooks and eyes are used for fastening. The rich dolman cloaks of satin at mure silk lined with plush are a great success, the ex treme elegance of their being quite equal to their cost. They have largely superseded the seal and fur-dined cloaks. NSW -JEWELRY FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. There are always new and pretty ideas in jewelry for gifts shout Christmas and New Year’s time, and. of course, this rear i3 no exception te the rule. The bangle bracelets are fashionable as ever, but they have become richer, and are ma 1e in more massive form. The newest are serpentine and perfectly flexible. They, can be twisted round the arm, and cling to it es if they were alive. These in silver and gold imi tate the scales of a suake skin, and are expen sive; but there are silver bangles, smooth, though unpolished, with heads and tails imi tated in fine wire work, that are very effective, and can be purchased at from ten to fifteen dollars per pair, and these are bought eagerly. Fine gold bangle bracelets of the newest patterns are single, and the fastening is a per fect imitation of an enlarged hook and eye. Others show an old fashioned “catch” orna mentation. Still others, bars nailed with tur quoise, besides reproductions in endless variety of the novelties of last year: butter cups and clover leaves in colored gold; Japanese fans and plaques of gold decorated with some pretty design—alight house; a ship; a bird on the wing above tiny grasses or flowers; or the and inty figure of a pet animal or a child. The colling snake is seen in girdles as well as brace lets, and also in bangle rings in gold as well as ailver. The girdle is light, but tas a massive appearance, and is made in one or two heavy coils, while tbe bracelets and rings show from two to six and seven. Lace pins are as fashionable as ever, and there is not much that is new in them, for in genuity has been exhausted, and all fanciful leaf flower and designs are now so well copied in cheap imitations that few can tell the differ ence without close examination. The effort, therefore, in real jewelry is to find antique models to copy, and these usually require much fine work, and are not at all showy. One of these forms a double carved bar, crescerit shaped in the centre, and set closely with mounted balls of gold. Between the bars are three tiny.oval frames In which are most ex quisitely mounted gems—a diamond in the centre; a ruby and sapphire on either side. The dramas are sudded with flat gold nails, smaller than a pin head, which have however, refractory power, and the whole effect is beautiful though not showy. It is a style that would be good forever! Lovely long lace pins are also formed of fine cameos set with diamonds, and there are enmeo pendants with antique heads of female warriors, wish earrings to match, in which the workmanship is equal to any now produced. 1 he rage in diamond jewelry is for single stone3—solitaire earrings, bracelets composed of a single row of large diamonds, and necklace to match. These cost a fabulous sum. but oc ccsionally a woman is decked out in them. At a recent ball one lady wore diamond bracele's anl necklace, a diamond tiara, diamond clasps with enormous centre stones, diamond ear rings, and a diamond buckle holding a portion of her white satin drapery. She was literally a blaze of diamonds; but no one could possi bly have envied her, for they only made ter the theme of much ill-natured and disagreea ble comment—and as it was probably her hus band who owned them, and her husband's vanity instead of her own that made her wear them, she was an object of pity rather than envy or blame. qr AIN'T THINGS FOR HOUSEHOLD USE AND DECO RATIONS. The most important element In parlor orna mentation now-a-days, is an open fire of wood or coal, and a set of brass fire irons, including fender and andirons or coal scuttle. An outfit costs from forty to fifty dollirs, including fen der, un’ess one is lucky enough to find them in a second hand bric-a-brac shop for something less. But they certainly brighten surrounding objects wonderfully, and to gentlemen on New Year’s day, the open fire has enormous attrac tions. The great jars cf Laknona or Nan kin blue china are nothing new, but they are as de sirable as ever, and large sums are spent on them as a permanent investment, but a novelty fas a part of fashionable furnishing) are the brorze incense burners, copied from ancient temples, in which pastilles, emitring a slight fragrant smoke, are constantly kept burning German p -rcelain lamps have uecome a part of every modern household, and supplement the high lights of chandeliers most charming ly. They are set upon stands made for the purpose, and are most useful for lighting up H dark corners and for looking over books or fine engravings. For table ute all the old shapes In Jugs are revived, and copied in finest ware, with most costly hand decorations. The American Ait Pottery Works have sent out some beautiful forms r cently and the decoration of them is not disdained by our best'known artiste. Table dessert, lunch and individual|wares have come teparate departments, for which special designs are made, and these are most used, as they are moss suitable for gifts. There are de-sert sets iu which each plate is decorated with a different kind of fruit, the rims showing a delicate bordering of flowers aud leaves! Oval dishes and compotiers are made to match Ic-* cream seta consist of a large oval dish with Inverted flutings and round handies deco rated w th a long branch of bl- ssoms and fruit and accompanied by a dosen of the largest sized desert plates, fluted and decorated ti match. X For gentlemen thero are lovely individual sets of Loyal Worcester, consisting of coffee cup and saucer, and fat, quaint little cream jug, and ther '.are also milt and bread sets for lunch, composed of bowl, saucer and plate, of Wedge-wood or Copeland—the decoration Of the latter usually red clover flower leaf ani stal uL. A ‘JS* and kaPPy idea is a dog and cat, or little old man and woman, In sliver in closed in a satir.-Uned morocco case, and used as individual salt and pepper boxes, after the style of Norwegian peasant pottery. 'I he new basque figures reproduce all the Cha ecteristie national figures and costumes, and are interesting on that account as well as for the artistic beauty and grace of color and naoulding—the peasant of the Black Forest, the Tyrolean youths and maidens; but the lat est are the perfect reproductions of the actors in coetumo of ths Ober-AniDierMu Passion (Joseph Haler), tbe man tus and the Judai being the handsomer and most striking. CHRianiAS AND NEW TEAR CARDS. fashion of sending Christinas and New Yea s cards has established Itself among us. aud grown with the rapidity we are accu£ tomed to see in whatever takes strong hold of our peop.e. A few years ago Christ mas cards wera unknown here; now they are bought almost by the hundreds; artists compete in offering designs, ami the legends are ex pressive of refinement and literary taste. All over the world these missives are sent. They have superseded the valentine aud are more universally applicable. Year by year the de signs have improved and become more grace ful, more refined, more true and more artistic The enormous advance in chromo lithography has sided this development, and to-day a five cent Christmas card shows finer design more delicacy In the treatment, and better color than the most elaborate productions of the painter’s art twenty or thirty years awo The latest and tbe favorites for the S^on ay--: g£ and dressed like their own great grandmother and grandfather- such children as Fate Greena way, in an inspired moment struck tvpoa and made tbe whole world crazy for—the reaction from tbe conventional fine lady child, that Is brought up at hotels and watering places, te surfeited with the world before she Is fifteen, and ready to commit suicide at twenty. No wonder the Christmas card child is a suc cess. She is the one who used to go on errands of mercy in a cloth cloak and woolen hood, who was pleased with empty spools and but tons put on a string in winter, mid "daisy charms” in summer, and who sits on the door steps in old picture books, with her kitty by her side eating her bread and milk supper. Who knows but perhaps the new fashion in Christinas cards, with their sweet, innocent faces and legendary verses, will bring back the i Id fashioned child. Jennie June. Staff Initiator. Read the Following Testimonial Richmond, Va. Gentlemen— l take the liberty of informing vou of the great improvement—well, you may say, the entire restoration to health—caused by usiDg SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR. I was under medical treatment for a long rime (being treated for Dyspepsia), but aS itinds of medicine seemed to do me but little good, 1 suffered intensely with full stomach, headache, etc. One day I was told by a neigh bor who had taken the REGULATOR that it was a sure cure for my troubles. I decided to try it, not thinking it would do me any good. The flrc.t dose I took relieved me very much— it was so decided an improvement I began to put confidence in what my neighbor had said to me. In one week after taking the REGU LATOR 1 was as strong aud hearty as I ever was; my complexion began to clear up. I was told by all my acquaintances I was looking so much better. I think it is the best thing I ever took for Dyspepsia, without any exception. It did me so much good I was determined I would give you my testimony without being aeked for it. Yours respectfully, Henry G. Crenshaw, Original and genuiue manufactured only by J. H. ZEJLLIN & CO., PHILADELPHIA. PA. Bold by all druggists. decß-W,F,M,w&TIIy faff HemcflifS. Is made from a Simple Tropical Leaf of Rare Value, and is a PUNITIVE Remedy for all the diseases that cause pains in the lower part of the body—for Torpid Liver—Head aches—Jaundice—Dizziness, Gravel, Malaria, and all difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. For Female Diseases. Monthly Menstruations, and during Pregnancy it has no equal. It restores the organs that make the blood, and hence is the best Blood Purifier. It is the only known remedy that cures Bright’s Disease. For Diabetes, use Warner’s tele Diabetes Core. For sale by Druggists and all Dealers at $1.25 per bottle. Largest bottle in tfc market. Try it. H. H. WARNER & CO., jy24-d,w&Telly Rochester. N. Y. jfrutt, fffiftattkjg, <gtr. CABBAGES Fresh from tho country every day. Florida Oranges and Apples. CtORN, COW PEAS, OAT:*, CROWDER / PE'B, HAY. Virginia and Tennessee PEA NUTS. BRAN, COCOANUTS, GRITS. MEAL, RUST PROOF OATS RYE, stXl barrels E. R, and Peerless POTATOEB, ONIONS, etc., at T. F. BOND’S, 151}.5, 155 AND 155 BAY STREET. dec29 tf Bananas, Cocoannts. ORANGES, APPLES. LEMONS. GRAPES., NUTS. RAISINS DATES. FIGS, etc For sale by P. H. WARD & CO, IMPORTERS OF FRUITS, SAVANNAH, GA. declfi-tf ’ RED BANANAS. MALAGA GRAPHS. FLORIDA ORANGES. CANDIES, NUTS. RAISINS, CITRON. DATES, etc. SHELLS. CORAL and GRASSES. —XT— q jsl :o. x> rcr : ra. * is, dee’Vlffl IPJ;fp. f,T CRANBERRIES. 115 Barrels Choice r• t ’oerr Just received and for sale by C. L. GILBERT & CO dec29-tf iIM^SOTi DeVENOGE a co. DeVENOGE & co. DeVENOGE & CO. DRY VERZENAY. DRY VERZENAY. DRY VERZENAY. THE PITOT fflftE SOLD. THE DRY VERZENAY in a delicious light wine, adapted to the palate of ladies or of persons who abstain from strong drinks NO AFTER ILL EFFECTS! Being of unsurpassed delicate taste and free of adulterations, this Champagne has a ten dency to improve the appetite; it increases the digestive powers of the stomach, and never causes nausea or morning headache. Import ed direct and sold only by the sole agent, J. B. REEDY, dec2B-tf Cor. Bay and Whitaker streets. IBiUittfni (goods. represf:;td by J. P. PETTY, ATLANTA, GA. jys-M,W&F6n ’ (flouting. Clothing at Reduced Prices. EHEIDT'S stock of Clothing is large, and otoreduco it will offer at very low prices. >J\ ERCOATS for Mes and Boys from $4 00 up to fine Reversible und English diagonal or BeaTei- Goods equally reduced. BUSINESS SUITS for Hen or Boys from 85 00 up to fine goods at proportionately reduced prices. Our stock of HATd is replete with all the late styles, including special styles for the holidays, at popular prices. KINO OF SHIRTS at f l OO and $1 85. The “ACME,” a splendid shirt, in White and Fancy Colored Laundried, for ii CO. Gents’ SILK and CAMORIC HANDKER CHIEFS, SCARFS, TIKB, KINGS, PIB, etc., suitable for presents, in endless variety. Gents* and Boys’ UNDERWEAR, etc. Headquarters for Good Clothing, 199 CONGRESS ST. deol3-tt