Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, May 12, 1883, Image 3

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fhr forcing Jlcirs. .\TCKDAV, MAY IS, IHK3. 0 otmnrrrial. SAVANNAH MARKET. ..KflC E OF THE MORNING NEWS,* MVjsnib, May 11, 1388. \ WEEKLY” REPORT. , , f , ts vl Rem arks. —The general market . .Aiiunumal activity in some deparl -opcr ng the past week, and a fair r ~f trade ha.- been done in all tranches - wholly of a legitimate character, _., ntiy there is a better feeling on all . ..ei tally as it is understood that amber of orders from the interior , v , ted. in athlition to those which have —isted to improve the appearance ..f trade generally. The increased t is noteworthy in the grocery de . ij. where since the first of a tin leading houses have been lining ,al i> large volume of business for the So marked advance in quotations sever. occurred, though Hour, bacon, . ars, fruits and dry goods, are very ■quotations. The money market . easy, with domestic exchange r ar'.i demand good. Si i s-.'KE.—Kosins have generally been a weakening tendency exhibited in t _l.t— and nearly all grades ... cd. The demand for ex ha- Iteen less than the , - thin rosins amt spirits, and with ns of more seasonable weather . , . . tlie crofMon the tarpentine farms, t of iacreucd receipts in the iut fnture is assured. Turpentine has i>ecn ’inlet, but towards the close of ' , ,di isred more strength, though trans . . t mnghout the week have been in meet current demaud, v.—Tin- leading staple has generally since onr last report, and finally and steady. The sales for the week : i !.fs bales at the quotations which ov. there having Iteen no change in since the former report _ tin .iffieial quotations of the Sa , . lt , tton Exchange: . ~i m Idling 10 9-16 v 10 3-16 • idling 9 11-16 ir\ 9 1-16 r n .,, pts of cotton at this port from all . ~ <..r i in- past week have Iteen 3,390 hales ;'i'l 113 bales of sea island, against •f upland and 11 bales of sea island rr. -[tomling week last year. ars of the receipts’ have been IVr t cntral Kail road, 2,5:4 bale* savannah. Florida and Western - lies Upland and 113 bales sea is ' .'annah river lamlings, 6 bales . r I'.rutiswiek and Satilla river. 40 ; i.rt harleston and Savannah is upland; per Florida steam -1 • bales upland. ’ , for the week have been 2,761 and 4'.* bales sea island, moving T Sew York, 1,20 b bales upland: Pales upland and 49 hales sea P: t lelphia, 399 bales upland; to •ales uplaud; to Bilbao 49b bales s ..n hand at the close of the mar n'w-uy. *'* o7C hales upland and 138 . against 15,072 bales upland ms -■ a island at the same time last J. .arfcet inrice has shown only a _.t animation during the past ~ I -actions have been principally in - ;h uo dimunition in the firmness e vaded for many weeks. The week amount to 304 bar ... . i- follows: To Philadelphia 20 ars • SfS V ork 3s barrels: to Baltimore jp lanvl.-. We quote: t- mm 4' s @.> nominal C. -ffti— , i,tn lots 1 10@1 15 : niter *1 2001 45 Comparative Statement of Receipts, Exports and Stocks of Cotton at the Fnllowiug Places to Latest Dates. 1 . || Stock on Received nine* | Exported SINCE .SEPTEMBER 1, 1882. I hand and on I’okts. September tut. I— — ■— — ■ ■ ■■■■ Shipboard. - lUSI-t. 1880-1. j Britain. France.\ Ports, Foreign. Port*. | 1881, ] MSI. Kaw Oliean* .May ll 1,599,783 1,160,10111 781,889! 180,900] 122,321 1,484, 6K9 888, 8U 158,668 j 116,563 Mobile . May II :Mi,712 854,032 i 32,880 9,350 1,100 IJ,7*i 247.470| 18,001 10,272 Florida May 11 11,213 17,100|| . | 11,213 Texas . .May II 798,807 412,310 ' 294.816 38,0941 160,711 494,1121! 288,190 • 50,595 15,445 , ll’p’d. . .May 11 782.857 698,539 | 101,020 26,0281 250, 87111 1117,530' :W,s|l 20,076! 15,072 >OlOllllllll („■,( may II 11,881 17,047 582 30 012 11,272 13sj . , , „ H'ii'il .Mat'll 540,104 468,828 120,*M40! 24,345' 207.741 35,1111| 178,802 ' 10.707! 11,110 < harleston }#,.„ , hV| , 1 2.985 8,880 11 4,751 127 5.17s 0.0:12 2-2 7 :7 Vorlll arotil.'a . Vlavll 127.073 141,500 I 40,632 I 9,395 58,2271 58.105 1 21.' 2.7"7 V Irglala Mat ll 704.061 1 .',87.036 1 310,460' ' 191.792 353,27' r.o.iioi 31,201 0.120 \ i*k Mii\ ll i I?fT ’25,041’ 105,20*7 P‘.0.4 > 4 Mlht iHorU . Ml 1 , Jlj r7O, li I 1111,011 Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and stock on hand May 11, 1883, AND FOR THE SAME TIME LAST Y'F.AR. MW-BJ. | j 1881-81. Sea 1 Sea | Island. Vplaml. j Island. I Upland. stork on band September 1. 66 6,831 378 11,588 Received since May 4 I 118 3,90 ! Hi 2.595 Received previously I ll.sill 787,682 1 17,o:lo Mu, 936j Total. 11.992 790, (OH i 17,426 706,119! E\|M>Hed -nice Mil) . 11l JJ.701 t MM 1 Tii|i,| . II."I 770,421 10,80.1 ( 0M0.047 '' ' -TATKMINT SHOWS TIIE NET **' ' ' VT M.L PORTS FOR THE WEEKS 'AY 11 AND 4 AND FOR THIS WEEK lAST VI AH. 7!,,. H'ret. Lott Week. Lott Year. , I 5.122 9,300 2.903 u " 14.334 12,000 2.985 1.7U8 1,232 1,434 3,403 3.040 2,000 4.081 3,102 1,334 , 3-1 3Ol 594 295 . '.254 7,799 1.910 1.9 H 1.904 225 532 398 1.233 . 4.680 5.279 5,790 o:i 1,(W5 794 3,065 . 1.030 1,249 9,399 50,528 48,172 32.793 Ran -of Cotton at interior Forts, •* '• • ami shipments for the work '' ami stork on liaml to-uight ;i-ojiomliiig week of 1592: Wt-ek rniliDL' May'll, 1993—. , Jleeeiitte. Ahipoont*. Stuck. ~-t* 731 Till 8.172 1 1 846 6,002 ' . . ‘ 4.310 12.070 90.987 4** 919 3.047 2" iun -181 1.813 - . 429 580 3.011 *l9 7*3 1-224 7 J 4,372 8.58® *>.867 MP 309 9.525 * U. . .-Week rmling May 12, 1992--. *"$?“• tsi Sm :::: u 5,950 1U 858 1,423 : 5 400 5.379 v -n 160 77 *■*> 090 385 2.000 1.4410 5,104 M,*Jj **■ - ■ . 436 9,414 • s: .. . 3.769 9,575 59,571 ' ’0 ITED COTTON STATKHENT FOR THE t *tuimn may 11, 1883. !*.: ' r lt H l'. 8. ports tuts week... 80.326 ■ l i*u> iate c >*ar ...4,457,0(6 - ' 3 r tin* week ! I 1T"...... 00,201 T ■' last year *M2 : ' “ n * *• dale 441*.8*5; I*., 1 stl I Kileat Males <<orta 5,..223 £ ir 523.970 1 x - -*ii interior towns 62.943 .'I 658,072 i , .‘ : I verjioot 914,000 VT I"'-- 086.000 *‘ J for Great Britain ... lg-*0 " L aovEHixt for the week end -11, 1888. AND FOR THE CORBESPON ' *EEKS OF 1082 AND 1881. MW. 188!. Wi ll; ~ ,b * week . 60,000 75,000 65,000 lV took 4,000 3,700 3.400 •(?*('■ "k 914.000 990.000 974,000 T \tuenCßH 677,000 622.000 748,000 '* , for w eek 56.000 79.000 43,000 lnertWE. 36,000 40.000 37,500 1*343,000 436,000 253,000 hr . 11 Aru-rii-an 438,000 183,000 147.000 * .5 13-194 6 13-164 V tStBLE SfPPLY OK COTTON.—IIeIoW we give me wtble of visible supply, as made up by cable and telegraph for the Financial and Commer cial Chronicle to .May 4. The continental stocks, as well as those of Great Britain anil the afloat are this week's returns, and con sequently all the European figures are brought down to Thursday evening. But to make the totals the complete figure* for May 4. we add the item of exports from the United States, including in it the exports of Friday only. 1883. 1882. Stock at Liverpool 933,000 990,000 Stock at London 58,400 64,100 Total Great Britain stock 991,400 1,054,100 Stock at Hamburg 5,000 2.000 Stock at Bremen 45,600 25.600 Stock at Amsterdam 33,000 19 500 Stock at Rotterdam 2,400 V>4 Stock at Antwerp 3,300 1.900 Stock at Havre 134,000 103.000 Stock at Marseilles ti,300 2^Bo Stock at Barcelona 71*000 Stock at Genoa ‘ilwS O.SS Stock at Trieste , 4,769 Total continental stocks . 319,500 -209,003 Total European stocks . . .1,310,900 1,203,703 India cotton all t for Euroiie 330,000 421.000 American cotton afloat for 575,000 356,000 Kg\ pt. Brazil, etc., afloat for fcurope .. . _ 34.000 57,000 Stock iu United States ports 001.951 559)773 Stock in l. S. interior towns 146,176 125,022 L nited States exports to-day 20.000 12.200 Total visible supply. 3,018,027 2,791,09s of the above, the totals 01 American and Other descriptions are as follows: A merican — Liverpoolstock 693,000 632,000 Continental stocks 211,000 103,000 American afloat for Europe 575,000 356,000 U nited States stock 601,951 559,773 I nited Slates interior stocks 146,176 125,022 L nited States exports to-day 20,600 12,200 Total American .2,247,727 1,757,995 Total East India, etc .... 770,900 1,000,703 Total visible supply 3,018,627 2,791,698 The imiKirts into continental ports this week have been 44,000 bales. The above figures indicate an increase in the cotton iu sight to date of 223,929 bales as compared with the same date of 1882, an in crease of 51,248 hales as compared with the corresponding date of 1881, and an increase of 581,722 bales as compared with iB6O. India cotton Movement from All Ports. —Y\ e have during the past year been endeav oring to rearrange our India service so as to make our reports more detailed and at the same time more accurate. Hitherto we have found it impossible to keep out of our figures, as cabled to us for the ports other than Bom bay, cargoes which proved only to lie ship ments from one India port to another. The plan yvc have now adopted, as we have reason to believe, will relieve us from the danger of this inaccuracy and keep the totals correct. We give the Bombay statement for Hie week and year, bringing the figures down to May 3. BOMBAY” RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS FOR Fol*R Y’EARS. Shipments this week— Great Britain. Continent. Total. 1883 35,000 48,000 83,000 1882 53,000 40,000 93,000 1881 20,0(8) 36,000 56,000 1880 .. 56,000 33,000 89,000 Shipments smee January 1 — Grtat Britain . Continent, Total, 1883 254,000 484,000 738,000 ; 582 518,000 310,000 828,000 ‘I . 159,000 303,000 462,000 18) . .... 225.000 262,000 487,000 Receipt * — This *ceek. Since Jan. 1. 1883 79,000 1,057,000 1882 72,000 1,066,000 1881 59,000 693,000 1860 55,000 680,000 According to the foregoing, Bombay apiiears toshovv an increase compared with last year in the week's receipts of 7.000 hales, and’ a de crease in shipments of 10,000 bales, and ttie shipments since January 1 show a decrease of 90,000 bales. FINANCIAL. Money” Market.—Money continues easy, with good demand. Domestic Exchange.—Domestic exchange scarce and demand good. The hanks and bankers are buying sight drafts at Vs per cent, premium and sclliug at jier cent, prem ium. Sterling Exchange.—Market dull; sixty day bills, Yvith hills lading attached, bankers, f4 81; commercial, $4 80 ]4; ninety days, prime, $4 79'4. French franks. $5 30V£; Syviss franks, |5 31%. Secirities. —The market is dull. BONDS AND STOCKS. State Bomi*. — Bid. Asked. Ga. new o's, 1889, Jan. & July cou pons 106% 107 Ga. 6 ct„ coupons Feb. & Aug., maturity 1883 & 1886 103 105% Ga. mortgage on W. & A. H.R., regular 7 ft ct., coupons Jan. & July, maturity 1880 106% 107 Ga.. Smith’s, 18<5 125 126 City Bond*. — Atlanta 6 ft ct 102 104 Atlanta 7 ft ct 110 112 Augusta 7 ft ct 108 111 Columbus 5 ft ct 83 85 Macon 6 ft ct 102 104 New Savannah sft ct., quarterly, 81% 82 Railroad Bonds. — A. & G. Ist mortgage consolidated 7 ft ct., coupons Jau. & July, maturity 1897 112% 113% A. & G. indorsed city of Savannah 7 %t ct., coupous Jau. & July, maturity 1879 105 107 Central consolidated mortgage 7 ft ct., coupons Jan. Jt July, matur turity 1893 113% 114 Georgia 0 ft ct., coupons Jau. A July, maturity 1889 107% 107% Charlotte, Columbia A Augusta Ist mortgage. 110 110% Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta 2d mortgage. 98 99 Mobile & Girard 2d mortgage in dorsed 8 ft ct., couiKms Jan. & July, maturity 1889 112 114 Montgomery & Eitfaula Ist mort gage] indorsed 6 ft ct 104} 105 Western Alabama 2d mortgage in dorsed 8 ft ct., coupons Apr. & Oct., maturity 1890. 112 113 South Ga. A Fla. indorsed. 115% 116 South Ga. A Fla. 2d mortgage. —lO2 103 Railroad Stocks. — Augusta A Savannah 7 ft ct., guar anteed. 119 120 Central Common 102% 102% Georgia Common . 148 149 Southwestern 7 ftct„ guaranteed. 118 118% Central 6%t ct. certificates. 94% 94% Atlanta A West Point 108 110 Atlanta A West Point 6 ft ct. cer tificates 97% 99 Naval STORES.—Receipts for the past week have been 4.172 barrels spirits and 19,702 bbl-. rosin, whilst the exiiorts were 4,353 Mils. spirits and 16,744 bbls. rosin, moving as follows: To New Y'ork, 683 bbls. spirits and 3,481 barrels rosin: to Baltimore. 549 bbls. spirits and 2,115 bids, rosin: to Philadelphia, 220 bbls. -pints turpentine and 1.057 bbls. rosin; to I lost oil. 060 bbls. spirits turiK-ntine and 1.259 bbls. rosin: to Libau, 2,800 bbls. rosin, to Alierde a, 200 bbls. spirits turpentine and 3.15s bbls. ri in; to Hamburg. 700 bbls. spirits turjieiitine aud 1.804 bbls. rosin; to'Corkor Falmouth, 1,C41 bbls. spirits turpentine and l.uoo bbls. ro-in. We quote: Rosins —A, B, C, I) ?1 50, E #1 50, Fsl 55. G #1 70, II $1 80, 1 $2 00, K |2 05, M 42 35, N $2 50, window glass f:i 12%. Spirits t union tine—regulars 30* je, oils anil wliiskys 35%c. Receipts, Shipments and Stock from April 1, to date, and for the corresponding date last year: , ISB3 . ■ 1882 . Spirits. Bosin. Spirits. Bosin. On band April 1.. 2,105 44,971 1,076 22,883 ltecM this week 4.172 10,702 2,917 9,252 Rec'd previously 11,313 32,505 9.8a3 30,253 Totals 17,590 88,178 13,846 02,308 Shipments: Foreign — * Hamburg 700 1.804 1,000 e,0.3J Cronstailt 3,150 .... WJ*-) KST} ::::: :::: :::: m dS London . 45 3,010 .... 2,236 Rotterdam 1.050 1,300 Palma dc Mal’ca ■ • 212 ( lasgow 1.430 K migslierg . . 2,200 M arseilles. 8,150 .... Cork or Falmo’b 1,641 1,000 Libau 2,800 ... Aberdeen ... 200 3,158 Coastwise — „„ ~ Boston 1,682 3,079 678 2,361 New York 3,771 11,524 2,895 16 112 Philadelphia . 1.065 3.259 828 3,601 Baltimore 1,691 4|sb 2, ®l\ 6,_to Interior toicns 79 211 200 Total shipments .11,924 51,362 10.052 4 Stock on hand and on shipboard ~ Mav 4 5.666 36,816 3, ( 94 1i,41i Bacon. Market Arm and advancing; demand good; clear rib sides, 12%c.; shoul ders, 10c.; drv salted clear rib sides, ll * 4 c.; lung clear, live.; shoulders,9c.; hams, 15e. Bagging and TiF.s.-Markctdull and nomi nal. We quote: Bagging—2% lbs., Il%@l2Cj, 2 lbs.. ll@ll%c.; 1% lbs- 10%t10%c.; I%l*-- 9%(&10c: Iron Tics— Delta and Arrow. $1 s.i@ 1 65 iht bundle, acconling to brand and quan tity. Pieced ties. $1 20(a£l 80. . Beef.—Demand moiterate; market steady. New YVcstern |ier bbl., fl 4 00: Fulton Market, *2O 90(11.24 00 jH'rhbl.; half bills- 411 50. Bi tter.—Market .lull; Oleomargarine, 16® 20,-.; choice Goshen, 20c; Gilt Edge, 22(523c.; Creamcrv, 28@29c.; Country, 18@25c. Cheese.—Market firm; moderate demand; stock light. Randall’s Gloucester, 15c.; cream * 'cabbages.—Georgia hard heads S@l2c. Coffee.—The market is steady; fair de mand; ordinarv to prtqie Rio, B%®lD%c. for large lots, and 10®ll%c. for small lots, accord injj to quality; Java, old Government, 20@ ■'dried Fri it.—Apples, evaporated, 15%@ 16c.; peeled, Bc. Peaches, 10@20c. Dry : Goods.—The market is him and ac tive- demard goo<l; stocks ample. YYe quote; Prints, 4'-,®6c.; Georgia brown shirting, %, 4%c.; % do., fic.; 4-4 sheeting, '‘rice, white osnaburgs, 8%®10e., checks, 7yarns, 85c. for best makes: brown drillings, t‘i®B%c. Flour.—Market firm; demand goml. We quoie: Suiierflne. 44 75@5 00: extra, 45 50® 5 75; family. 40 25®6 75; choice. $.00; fancy, $7 50; choice patent, dr ktFUH.' well stocked with mackerel. • n.i nrires steady. We quote full weights: MlLkcrel-N0.3. half bbls., 43 25; No. 2, 43 75 @6 50; No, ll *7 50. Hcrrnig—No. 1,23 c. per b °*WJfr.-Ba^n A EKSXB£SS& r. .*•"£, * d “- llat.—Market well slocked; fair demand. We quote,at wholesale: Choice Eastern,4l 05, Western timothy, 4105; carload lots,East ern and Northern. 41 05; at retail, fl 10. Hides. Wool, Etc.—Hides—Market firm and advancing: receipts fair; dry flint. R-ilted 12%c. Wool—ln hales, prime, 2bc., in bags, prime, 24c.; slightly burry, 15@18c.; verv burry, 10®lSc. Wax, 30c. Deer skins, flint 35c.; salted, 33c. Otter skius, 250@44 00. Fron.—Market firm; Swede 4}f®sc.; refined, C .ARV.— The market advancing and steady; in tierces and tube, 12c.; keg*. 42c, Lemons. —Stock ample; demand Y'ery good. Messina, $3 50®5 50. riHIMT _ i ihk.~C4LCINed Plaster and cement. Alabama lump lime is in fair demand ani ned 8 tSdr/jfc Georgia cement, $2; cgmeut, 4 Hi Bfi; Portland cement, 4 00. ®Liqt oRS.-Full stock ‘ e “! ln u’ a",' bon, 41 So®s 50; Rye |I 50@6 00, Rectified, $1 S5. Ai**a unchaogcu and in goott fllttU'l. sa firm: Sd- 46 90 ; 4d and sd, 6d, $4 20; W,|3 95; 1(K1 to 60<1, 43 60 per NUTS.—Tarragona aimondß, 18c. per lb; Pnneess paper shell, 24c.; French walnuts I*ccans,ls@lßc.; Brazil, 10c.; filberts, 13c. Cocoanuts, 44 50 100. ONIONS.—YeIIow and red, 43 50 iier bbl. oranges.—Florida, scarce: jier box, 44 (X); Messina, $4 00®4 50. ’ * ’ -„V n^^ arkt ‘‘? rnl ’■ moderate demand; sig nal, 50@60c.; West Virginia black, 16c.: lard, 94c.; headlight. 20@22c.; kerosene 15c.; ?Si? oot ’ ,8c ”? machinery, 35@40c.; linseed, 61®64c.; mineral seal, 33c.; cotton seed re fined, 65e. Potatoes.—Market fairly stocked and fair "pmiind; new stock coming in slowly at from 4o (Jo®6 00 per barrel; culls, 43 00 per barrel. Choice Eastern stock—Earl v rose. 43 00@3 50; Goodrich, Peerless and Chili reds, 43 00. Prunes.—Turkish, 9e. Peas.—Cow peas, 41 15®2 25 per bushel re tail; 80®90c. wholesale. Raisins.—F'air demand; market steady; loose Muscatel, 42 25; new layers, 42 35 per box: new layers, $2 75’jier box. Salt.—The demand is moderate and the market easy; car load lots, 80c., f.0.1i.; small lots 90c.@|l 00. Shot.—Market firm; drop, per bag $1 75; buck, 42 00. Powder, per keg. 46 25; iier half keg, $3 38; per quarter keg, |1 82. Sugars.—The market is firm for.vellows; good demand: crashed,9?£c,; powdered,9%c.; A, 874 c.; yellow extra C, sc.; Yvhite extra C. 8%c.: C, 7%C. syrup.—Florida and Georgia svrups in good supply; we quote 35®40c.; demand light; the market is quite for sugar house at 40@45c Cuba straight goods, 40c. in hogsheads. Mo lasses, 27c. Tobacco.—Market firm; demand moderate. YYe quote: Smoking—4o®41 25. Chewing- Common, sound, 35®40c.; medium, 40®55c.; bright. 50®75c.: line fancy, 85®90c.; extra fine, 90®41 10; bright navies, 45®57c.; dark navies, 40®50c. Lumber—The demaud is good; orders are offering freely. YVe quote: Ordinary sizes 413 00®15 00 Difficult “ 16 00(0)20 00 . Flooring boards 15 00® 18 00 ' Shipstuff 18 00®20 00 Timber.—New bright timber can readily be placed at quotations. There is no demand for old inferior stock. YVe quote: 700 feet average. 4 9 00® 11 00 800 “ “ 10 oo@n 00 900 “ “ 11 00(0,12 00 1.000 “ “ 12 00® 14 00 Shipping timlier in the raft -700 feet average 46 00® 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00® 800 900 “ “ 8 00® 900 i.OOO “ “ 9 00®10 00 ■ Mill timl>er $1 below thebe figures. EXPORTS OF LI MBER AND TIMBER FROM TIIE 7JXT OF SAVANNAH SINCE SEPTEMBER 1. ISB2. Coastwise — Lumber, Timber, New Y ork 14.309.508 447,952 Philadelphia 705,621 Baltimore 940,128 Boston ... 581,088 37,978 Portland. . 351,088 Perth Amboy 284,713 Washington 201,428 Camden 377,469 Wechawken . 167,867 Wilmington, Del 1,094,247 Providence 628,240 Ncyv Bedford 155,070 Noank, Conn 72,455 (109,966 New London 603,775 60,267 Foreign — Amsterdam 357,518 Alicante 350,743 Barcelona 1,003,683 138,211 Corunna 497,588 Cadiz 321,762 Palma tic Majorca 484,213 736,769 Cienfuegoe. 390,139 Atoj-o, P. It 158,000 Santa Cruz de la Palma.. 61,704 Y’alcncia 722,790 . . . Africa 193,625 Oporto. 237,529 Nassau 30,000 Barranquilla . 145,031 Abaeo 6,000 Antigua. 861,340 Rum Cay 2,000 Harbor Island 18,228 Aspinwall ... 443,901 Bahia Blanca 588,533 Carnarvon 15,318 372,952 Pernambuco ... 332,365 Dodrccht. 363.266 lxindon 1,568,291 15,252 Hull 329,091 Liverpool 29,25 t 701,760 St. John, N. It 194,323 Buenos Ayres.. 1,220.742 591,331 Montevideo 182,299 Sagua 163,677 Barbados 468,840 Porto Rico 277,879 Demerara. 410,046 Rio de Janeiro 869.904 FREIGHTS. Lumber.— By Sail. —The supply of tonnage continues fully up to our reqflirements and rates are rather weak. Y'ery little is doing in off-shore business Our quotations include the range of savannah. Darien, Bruns wick and Satilla as near-by Georgia lumber ports. 50 cents being added here for change of loading port. YVe quote: To Baltimore and Chesapeake ports, $5 oo®6 00; to Philadelphia, $5 50®6 25; to New York and Sound ]torts, 4<> 00®7 00; to Boston and eastward, $7 00®8 00: to St. John, N”. H., 48 00®8 50; timber $1 00 higher than lumber rates; to the West Indies and windward, 48 00®9 00; to South America, sl9 Uo®2l 00; to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, sU®ls; to United Kingdom for orders, timber 345.® 355., lumber j£s 10s. Cotton —By Steam. —In good supply and rates easier. Liverpool, lb., nominal at 5-16d Bremen, lb., nominal at 25-04d Amsterdam, lb., nominal at 13-32d Barcelona, ft lb 31-04d Liverpool via New Y’ork. ft lb %and Liverpool via Boston, %t 111 9-32d Liverpool via Baltimore, $t tb 15-64d i Antwerp via Philadelphia, ft tb .... %and Antwerp via New Y'ork, 'ft tb %<l Havre via NeYV Y'ork, %t lb %c Bremen via New Y'ork, %t lb %<1 Bremen via Baltimore, ft lb 11-32d Amsterdam via New Y'ork, lb 13-16 e Hamourg via New Y'ork, ft lb %c Rotterdam via Baltimore, ft tb %c Boston, ft bale 41 75 Sea island, ft hale 1 V 5 New Y'ork, %t bale 1 50 Sea island, %t hale 1 50 Philadelphia, ft hale 1 50 Sea island, ft bale 1 50 Baltimore, $ hale 1 50 Providence, ft bale 2 00 By Sail. —Tonnage is in good supply. Mar ket quiet at quotations: Liverpool. 5-16 U Bremen Nominal Baltic Nominal Genoa Nominal Continent. Nominal Rice —By Steam. — New Y'ork, ft barrel 60 Philadelphia, qjtbarrel 60 Baltimore, ft barrel 60 Boston, ft barrel 75 Naval Stores.— Sail.— Rosin and Spirits.— Cork orders, for United Kingdom or Continent, dull at3s9d®ss6d.; coastwise, nominal. Steam -Toßoston, 50c. on rosin. 4100 on spirits; to New Y'ork, rosin 40c., spirits 80c.; Philadel phia. rosin 30c.. spirits 80c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown Fowls, ft pair 90@|1 00 Three-quarters grown, ft pair 70®so Half grown, %t pair 60®75 Eggs, ft dozen 12 1 5(514 Butter, mountain, ft pound 20®30 Peanuts—F'anoy h. p. Va. .ft lb 9@— Peanuts —Hand picked ft lb B® Peanut*—Spanish, small, ft lb 8® — Peanut*—Straight Y’ii'ginia 7® — Peanuts—Tennessee —• Florida sugar, ft lb 5® 6% Florida Syrup, ft gal leu 30®40 Honey, ft gallon 80® — Sweet potatoes ft bushtl 60® — Poultry”.—Market well stocked; demand fair. Eggs—Market fully supplied; demand light. Butter —Good demand; not much coining in. Peanuts—Small stock; demand good. SYRUP Georgia and Florida coming in in moderate supply, and in fair demand. Sugar—Georgia aud Florida quiet; very little being received. SAVANNAH MARKET. OFFICE OF' THE MORNING NE\Y”S, ( SAVANNAH. May 11, 1883, 1 I*. M.i Cotton.—The market opened steady, and closed quiet and steady, YVitli sales of 221 bales. We give the official quotations of the Savan nah Cotton Exchange: Good middling W 9-16 Middling. Low middling ' , Good ordinary Ordinary. ‘ I*>-16 Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on hand May 11, 1883, and FOR THE SAME TIME LAST YEAR. 1881-88. 1881-81. Sea I Sea Island. \ Upland. Island. Upland. Stock on hand September 1.. 66 1 3.331 378 11.588 Received to-day 2H4 ! 868 Received previously 11,926 790,788 17,047 OiKl, 16:1 Total 11.992 7>8>,403 17,423 705.1 lit Exported to-day 5!; Exported previously 11,884 775,831 16,865 690,047 Total. 11,8.84 776.427 16,865 800,047 Stock on band and on ship yard this dav 108 19.776 I 560 15,072 Rice. —Tlie market is quiet, with fair in quiry. aud prices firm aud unchanged, sales of 103 barrels were reported. We quote: Broken Common F’air Prime '• 6 Choice nominal. lots } Tide water 4 zoqsi 4 o Naval Stores.— Rosins opeued and closed Steady, with sales of 981 barrels. We quote: A, B, C," D $1 50, E 41 50. F’ 41 65, G $1 <O, II |1 80, I $2 00, K 42 05, M 42 35. N 42 50. window glass 43 12' .. Spirit* turpentine opened dull and nominal and closed firm, with sales of 114 bar rels. YY'e quote: Regulars 36%c„ oils and whisky* 35%c. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Noon Report. FINANCIAL. Paris. .May 11—Rente*. 79f87%c. new Y'okk. Mav 11,—StoeKS dull. Ex change-long, 44 83; short, 44 86%. State bonds neglected. Government bonds gen erally unchanged. COTTON. LIVERPOOL, Mav 11.—Cotton market opened with moderate inquiry, which was freely sup bales—all American. , r i* uf!C Futures; Uplands, low midding clau. . May and June delivery, 5_55-64®5 56-640, June and July, 5 67-64®5 59-t’dd; duly a August. 5 G(>-64@3 62-64®5 03-Wd; August and September, 6@<i 2-64d; SepU-mbcr and Oc toljev, 5 60-04055 61-B4d; November and De cember, 5 47-64d. F'utures quiet. Sales for the week, 60,000 Lales-American, 45,000 bales; speculation, 4,000 bales, exports, 5,100 hales: actual exports, 2,000 bales; im ports, 56,000 bales—American, 36,000 bales; stock. 914.000 bales—American. 677.000 bales; afloat. 343.000 bales—American, 193,000 bales. Liverpool. May 11, 1:30 p. Cotton: sales 9,000 bales, speculation and exiiorts 1,000 bales; American 6,450. 3:30 p. m.—F’uturcs: Uplands, low middling clause. July and August deliverv, 5 62-61d; August and September 5 61-64d. 4:00 p. m.—Futures: Uplands, low middling clause. May and June deliverv. 5 57-64d; June and July. 5 60-64@5 59-6 PI; Jt’ilv and August. 5 63-Old: August and September. 5 62-64® 5 63-G4®s 62-64d. F'ntures closed steadv. Manchester. May 11.—The market for yarns and fabrics is quiet. New Y'ork, May 11.—Cotton opened steady: middling uplands 10 15-lGc, middling Orleans 11 3-16 c; sales 1,274 bales. F'utures: Market barely steadv, with sales a* follows: May delivery. lO’HSc; June, 10 94c; July, 10 92c; August, 10 97c; Sep tember, 10 53c; Octolier, 10 22c. PROVISIONS. GROCERIES. ETC. Liverpool, May ll.—Lard. 5959r1. Tallow, 465. 1:30 p. nt.—Breadstuff* —Market quiet aud steady except corn, which is firmer: new mixed 5s 19d. London, May 11.—Tallow 49s fid. New Y'ork, May 11.—Flour opened dull and heavy. Wheat opened %@%c lower, afterwards recovered from the decline. Corn unchanged. Pork firm but quiet; mess, 420 10 @2O 50. Lard firm at l?c. Freights steady. Baltimore, May 11.—Flour opened steady with an active jobbing demand; Howard street and Western superfine, Vi 25®4 00; extra. 44 25®5 00; family, 45 12@6 25; city mills superfine, $3 25®4 00; extra, $4 25®6 50; Rio brands, $6 00@6 25. Wheat—Southern easier; YY'estern, higher and dull; Southern, red 41 17@1 22, amber 41 20@1 22; No. 1 Maryland, 41 24%; No. 2 Western winter red on s;iot, $1 21%®1 21%. Corn—Southern easier; Western higher and dull; Southern, white 60®(>5c; yellow 00®tKic. NAVAL STORES. Liverpool, May 11—Turpentine, 35s 9d. London, Mav 11.—Turpentine 33s 9d@34s. 4 :U0 p. in.—T'lirpeutine 33s 6d@33s fid. New Y'ork, May 11.—Spirits turpentine firm nt 12%c. Rosiu steady at $1 75@1 80. Evening Report. FINANCIAL. New Orleans, May 11.—Exchange, New Y'ork sight 41 50 per 41,000 premium; bankers’ sterling, 41 83%@4 84. New York, May 11.—Exchange, 44 83%. Government bonds weak and lower; new live per cents, 102%' bid: fourund a half )ier cents, 113; four percents, 119; three per cents, 102%. Money 4®3 per cent. State bonds neglected. Sub-Treasury balances—Coin, 4115,300,000; currency, 47.601.000. At the opening the market yvus irregular, but with only fractional changes from yester day’s closing quotations. In the early deal ings there was a general improvement, ex tending % per cent., after which the market became dull and weak. About 11 o’clock a decline of per cent, took place, in which Louisville and Nashville, New Jersey Central and Central Pacific were the most conspicuous, while Delaware aud Hudson sold up 1 per cent, to 109. During the next half hour there was a gene ral rally of ’.*(o!% per cent. Short ly after midday tins improvement was lost, but then til after 2 p. in., an ad vance of 1% per cent, was recorded in Chi cago, st. Louis and Pittsburg preferred, and '*' % in the remainder of the list. Hie lat ter for Chicago, Burlington and tpiincy, while Memphis and Charleston fell off and re covered 2 per cent. Later on there was a general fractional reaction, but the market closed dull and about steady. The do dug prices, compared with those of yesterday, show irregular but only fractional change’s, except in Pullman Palace, which is 1 per cent, lower, and St. Paul. Minneapolis and Manitoba, which is 1% higher. Transactions 234,000 shares at the following quotations: Aia. class A, 2to 5 83 Manhattan Kiev, 44% Ala. classA,small*B3 Memphis A char. 42 Ala. class 15,5s . .101 Metropolitan El.. 82 Ala. class C,.4s . .*B4 Michigan Central 93% Georgia6s 102* Mobile A Ohio .. 16 “ 7s, mortgage* 106% Nash. A (Jliatt’a. 52% “ 7s, gold .... *H4% N. J. Central 78% Louisiana consols 64% New Orleans Pu- N. Carolina, old. *3O cillc, Ist niort.. 89 “ new .*ls N.Y\ Central 121% “ funding *lO New Y’ork El .104 “ special tax . *5 Norf. & YV. pref.. 41 So. Caro.(Brown) Nor. Pacific,com. 51 consols... 103 “ pref. 88% Tennessee 6s. old ."■4O Ohio A Mississippi 33% “ new *4O “ “ pref. 104 J Virginia 6s *4O Pacific Mail 41 Va. consolidated.*36 Pittsburg 130 Ya, deferred ... 10 Quicksilver 8 Adams Express. 127% “ preferred... 40 Am’can Express. 91% Reading 55 Cli’peake A Ohio. 20% Riehm’aAAl’gh’y 12 Chicago A Alton 133 Riclun’d & Danv. 63 Chic.A N’rthw’n 133% Uichm’d A YV.l’t. “ preferred .151 Terminal . .. 34% Chic, St.L.A N.0.*80 Rock Island 123% Consolid’ted Coal 24 St.LouisASan F'. 35 Del., Lack. AYV 125% “ “pref... 54% Den.&RioGrandc 49‘x “ “lstpref9B Erie 36% St. Paul 104 E. Tennessee ltd. 9% “ preferred... 120 F'ort Wayne .. .133% Texas Pacific 39% Hannibal & St. Jo|43 " Union Pacific 96% Harlem 190 U. S. Flxpress..,. 54 Houston & Texas.*73 YVabasli Pacific .. 29% Illinois Central .113% “ pref 46% Lake Shore 109% Well A Fargo 121 L’ville A Nash... 50% Western Union .S3 ',, •Bid. 1 Asked. COTTON. New Y'ork, May 11.—Cotton firm; mid dling uplands 10 15-16 •, middling Orleans 11 3-16 c; net receipts bales, gross 502; sales 1,454 bales. F'utures—Market closed dull but steady, with sales of 62.000 bales, as follows: May de livery, 10 98@llc; June, 10 99®11c; July, 10 97®10 98c; August, 11 03® 11 04c; Sep tember, 10 sG@l() 57c; October, 10 24® 10 26c; November, 10 13®lo 14c; December, 10 14® 10 16e; January, 10 23@10 25c. The Post's cotton report says: “F’uture de liveries opened for the leading months 2-100® 3-100 c. higher, advanced another 5-100 c., and lost again 3-lOOc. The late months, up to2ll. in., were neglected,and on the whole the market is quiet. At the third call June brought 10 98<-., August 11 02c., November 1013 c., January 10 22c., May was offered at 10 97c.. July io ÜBe., Sepleinlier 10 55e., Octolier 10 24e.’’ Weekly net receipts 532 bales, gross 18,729, exports, to France 470 bales; to the continent 2,170 bales; sales 3,4SKi bales; stock 226,546 bales. Gai.vf.ston, May 11.—Cotton quiet and firm; middling 10%’e; low middling9%c; good ordinary 9c. Norfolk, May ll.—Cotton quiet and steady: middling’ 10%c. Baltimore, May 11.—Cotton steady; mid dling 10%e; low middling 10,%e; good ordi nary 9%c. Boston, May 11.—Cotton steady; middling 11o;1oyv middling 10%e; good ordinary 9-%<’. Wilmington, Mav 11.—Cotton firm; mid dling 10%c; low mb Idling 9 s£c; good ordinary 8 9-16 c. Philadelphia,Mav 11.—Cotton quiet; mid dling ll%c; low middling 10%c; good ordinary 9%r. New Orleans, May 11.—Cotton quiet and firm; middling 10 3-16 o; low middling 9 11-16 c; gH)d ordinary 9 l-16c. Mobile, May 11. —Cotton quiet; middling 10%e; low middling9%c; good ordinary 9%c. Memphis, May 11.—Cotton quiet anil firm; middling 10%c; low middling 9%e; gooil ordi nary 9%c. Augusta, Maj 11.—Cotton quiet; middling 10c; low middling 9%c; good ordinary none. Charleston, Slav 11.—Cotton quiet; mid dling 10%o; low midding 10%c; good ordinary 9%c. Montgomery', Slay 11.—Cotton quiet: mid dling 9%e; low middling 9%c; good ordinary nominal. Macon, Slav 11.—Cotton steady; middling 10c; low middling 9%c; good ordinary B%e. Columbus, Slay ll.—Cotton nominal; mid dling 9%c; low middling—<■; good ordinary B%c. N ashvii.i.e, Slay 11.—Cotton quiet and dull; middling 10%c; low middling 9%c; good ordi nary 9e. Selma, Slav ll.—Cotton quiet; middling Me. Rome, May ll. —Cotton steady; middling 10c; low middling 9%e; good ordinarv 9c. Sr. Louis, May 11.—Cotton steady; mid dling io%c, low middling 9' M c, good ordinary B%c; net receipts 661 bales, gross 812; ship ments 2,146 bales; sales 290 bales; stock 36,937 bales. New York, May 11.—The following are the total net receipts of cotton at all ports sinop September 1, 1882: Galveston 798,807 New Orleans 1,599,783 Mobile 306.712 Savannah 794,738 Charleston.... 562,099 YVilmington .... 127,673 Norfolk 764,081 Baltimore 64.023 New York. 148,943 Boston 172,152 Providence .. 11,972 Philadelphia . 81,413 West Point 212,522 Brunswick . 6,508 Port Royal. *. 19,131 Pensacola —, . 4,418 City; Point 3,794 Indianola ... 15,701 Total 5,684,470 PROVISIONS. GROCERIES. ETC. Liverpool, May 11.—A leading weekly grain circular says: “English wheat was fairly firm. Some foreign grades were dearer. ( arg’oes off coast sell slowly at last quotations. Distant arrivals are dull. ’ To-day wheat was in small consumptive demand at previous quotations. Flour was moderately active at unchanged prices. Corn was scarce on spot and strong, at a further advance of l@l%d.’’ London, Mav 11.—In the Mincing llane market sugar is steady. F'our thousand pack ages of Congou tea were sold at 4%®11%d. Good Coloury Guatemala coffee sold fairly well. <ither sorts sold slowly. New Y ork. May 11. —Flour, Southern closed unchanged; common to fair extra, 44 50®>5 30; good to choice extra, 45 35@7 00. Wheat, cash lots strong and %@% higher; No. 2 spring nominal; ungraded red, $1 06@1 24; No. 2 red, 41 21% for May delivery. Corn, cash lots %@lc higher: ungraded,s4®ss%c; yellow. Southern, 70c; No. 2 red, 65%@65%c; No. 2, Mav delivery, 64%@65c. Oats %@%c lower and fairly active; No. 2, 48%@45%r. Hops dull and weak: prices nominal. Coffee, spot dull; No. 7 Rio, May delivery,7 75c, spot. 7 70. Sugar firm and iu fair demand; centrifugal, 7%'c: Guaualonpc, 6%e; fair to good refining, 7%®7%c; refined steady—C 7%c, standard A Molasses firm; 50 test, ®320. Rice steady and in betterdemaud: domestic s®7c; Rangoon, 4%@5%c. Hides linn, with a fair inquiry; wet salted New Orleans, selected, Texas, selected, 10®llc. Wool dull aud weak. Pork verv quiet; held firm: new mess, on spot, 420 37%®20 50; o|itlons neg lected and nominal. Middles firm. Lard 5® Slower; less active; closing weak and unset tled; prime steam, on 6pot, 12 02%c; May delivery, 11 93®12 03c. Freight* to Liverpool firm; cotton, per steam, 3-16d; wheat, per steam, S%d. Louisville, May 11.—Flour unchanged; extra family, 44 00®4 25; high grades, 46 25 @6 75 Wheat quiet; No. 2 red winter, 41 10 ®1 12. t orn steady; No. 2 white, 54®55c; mixed, 58®54c. Oats steady and uneliauged; mixed Western, 47c, Provisions in fair de mand and firm: Mess |>ork, new, 420 75. Bulk meats—shoulders, B%e; clear rib, lie; clear sides,U%e. Bacon—shoulders, 9e; clear rib. ll%e; clear sides. 19c. Hams, sugar cured, 18%®14c. Lard in fair demand hut firm; hoice kettle 12-%c. YVhisky unchanged. Cincinnati. Slav 11.— Flour dull and un chauged. YY'heat strong; No. 2 red winter, $1 14 on s)>ot. Corn stronger; 55%®>36c on spot: 55%c for May delivery. Oats firm at 45%@15%c on spot; 54%c for May delivery. Provision*—Lara firm at 11 37%e. Bulk meats strong —shoulders B%c; clear rib sides lie. Bacon unchanged, whisky steady at 41 18. Sugar steady and unchanged; hards, refined, 9%®9%c; New Orleans, 6%@7%. Live hogs, demaud active and prices advanced; common and light, 46 00®7 40; packing and butchers, 46 9007 60. Chicago, May 11.—Flour firm and un changed.. Wheat, regular, unsettled and generally lower; 41 UJa@l 12% for ail year. Corn unsettled, improved demand and gen erally unchanged; 54®54%e foreash; - r >4< Mav del very. Oats dull and easier; lie for cash and May delivery. Pork active but lower -420 00 for cash and Mav deliverv. Lard in fairdeiuand and generally unchanged; some sales rather lower; 1190@u 95 for cash and May delivery. Bulk meats in fair demand; shoulders. 8c: short rib, 10 95c; short clear, 11 iOr. YVhisky steady and unchanged St. l.oris. May 11.—Flour linn and un changed. Wheat unsettled; irregular, some -ales higher; No. 2 red faH. *1 14 f fir rush; 41 13%® 1 15% for June: No. 3red fall. SIOB% bid. Corn higher hut slow at sp.^®si% c for cash: 51%@31% May delivery. Oats firmer; 43%®43%e for cash: 43% e for Mav deliverv Pork quiet: S2O 87% for cash; 421127'.; hid for May delivery. Bulk meats held higher: only small job trade. Bacon firm; long clear, 1137%c: short rili 11 50c; short clear 11 87'Xe; large sales for future deliverv on private terms. Lard nominal. Baltimore.Mhv 11.—Oats steady; Southern, 51@53c; YY'estern. white 52®5:1c; mixed 50®51c; l’ennsvlvauia, 51@33e. Provisions unchanged and firm: Messjiork, 421. Bulk meats—shoul ders and clear rib sides, packed, 9c and ll%c. Bacon—shoulders, 10c; clear rib sides, 12%c. Hams, 14%@15%c. Lard, refined 12%c. Coffee, spot firm, futures weak; Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair, 8%@9%c. Sugar higher: A soft, B%e. YVhisky quiet but steady at 41 IG%@ 117. Freights quiet. New Orleans, May 11.—Flour steadv; high grades, 5 00@5 73. Corn in fair demand: mixed. 65®67e; white, 65®67e; yellow, <oo. Oats steadv at 53®340. Pork steadv; mess, 420 75. Lard scarce and firm; refined iu tierce t 11%@11%c, in keg 12%c. Bulk meats closed firmer; shoulders, 8 65e. Bacon firm; shoul ders, 9 35c; long clear, 11 65e; clear rib, 11 73c. Hams, sugar cured, scarce and firm; choice canvased 13%®14c, as in size. Whisky steady; YY'estern rectified, 41 05@1 20. Coffee firm; Rio cargoes, common to prime, 7%®10%e. Sugar firm: common to good common. 6%® 6)sc; choice white clarified B%c. Molasses dull and nominal. Rice higher; Louisiana 5® 6%c. Cotton seed oil, crude prime 35@30c; summer, yellow refined. 45@46‘.je. naval stores. New Y'ork, May 11.—Turpentine steady at 42%'c. Rosin firm. Charleston, May 11.—Spirits turpentine steady;sales at 37c. Rosin quiet: strained and good strained, $1 50@1 53. Wilmington, May ll.—Spirits turpentine steady at 37c. Rosin steady; 41 30 for strained; $1 35 for good strained. Tar steady at 41 40. Crude turpentine steady; $1 50 for hard and 42 50 for yellow dip; 42 50 for virgin. Tlie New York Fruit and Y'egetable Market. New Y'ork. May 11.—Oranges, Florida, per crate. $5 oO®7 00; Irish ]iotatoes, Florida, per barrel, |3 25®S 50; eucumliers, Florida, jier crate. 41 50®2 00; peas. Charleston, per crate, 50c.; beans, Georgia, per crate, |5 00; beans, Florida, per crate. 41 50®3 50; cabbages, Georgia, ]>er barrel, $3 50®l 00; cabbages, Charleston, per barrel, $3 00@3 75; cabbages. Florida, per barrel, $2 50®3 00; squash. F’lori da, per crate, 75c.@4l 23; tomatoes, F’lorida, per crate, 42 00(a;3 50; tomatoes, Bermuda, per six quart box, 40c.@00c.; beets, Florida, per crate, 41 50®42 00. SHiPliino MI NIATURE ALM,\nXc-TI 1 IS DAY: Sun Rises ' s : o3 Sun Sets ; jjiiy High YVatkr at Ft Pulaski.ll:sß am, 12:1o pm SATURDAY”, May 12, 1883. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Tallahassee, Fisher. New York— G M Sorrel. Bark FA-js (Nor), Jacobsen, Antwerp—Sv berg-Peterseu & Cos. . ” ARRIVED AT TYBEE YESTERDAY. Bark Boomerang (Sw), Frockberj, Genoa — Syberg-Petersen & Cos. CLEARED YESTERDAY'. Steamship Johns Ifopkins,March. Jr, Balti more— Jas 1! West & Cos. Bark Statsminstcr Slang (Nor , Serensen, Bremen—Holst & Cos. Bark Caleb (Nor),Jacobsen,Corunna,Spain Chus Green's Son & Cos. Sc hr YVIII II Bailey, Bailey, New Y'ork—Jos A Roberts & Cos. Sehr A Denike, Bohannen, Baltimore—Jos A Roberts & Cos. SAILED YESTERDAY . Steamship Johns Hopkins, Baltimore. Bark Tillid (Nor), Cork. Bark Aeolus (Ger), Hull. Sehr Will H Bailey, New Y ork. MEMORANDA. Tybee, May 10, 6:35 pm—Passed up, bark Eros, .(Nor). Passed out, steamship Johns Hopkins, barks Aeolus (Nor), Tillid (Nor). Arrived, at anchor, bark Boomerang (Sw). YVimlS, light; cloudy . New Y ork. May 11—-Arrived, Danas, state of Pennsylvania. Chattahoochee. City of Ches ter, Delaware, Richmond. Arrived out, Palestine, Abvssinia, Somerset, Belgcnland, Ala-tty, Adelaide, Baker, Troy, Australia, Ardmore, Jehu, Avonmore. Homeward, Kmila. . l’urt Royal, May 10—Arrived 7th,barkeuliue Hattie G MaeFarland, MacFarlaud. Perth Amlioy. Btb, selir YVillie L Newton. Pendle ton, Perth Amboy. 9th, sehr L T Whitmore, Perth Amlmy; steamship Ardanrigh (Ur), Hewes, Boston. Sailed 9th, selir Joseph Hilton, Rogers, Da rien. 10th, brig Lewis L Squire, Overton, New York. New York, May 9—Arrived, schrs Henry Parker, Collins, Savannah; Win Ilavs, Smith, St Simon’s Mills, Ga. Cleared, selir Austin I) Knight, Perry, Fer nandina. Bremen, Jlay 9 Arrived, hark Betty (Ger). Rowchl, Savannah. Montevideo,March 29—Arrived, bark Emma G Scammell (Ur), Brunswick. Belfast, May B—Arrived, sehr T 11 Living ston, Pressay, Boothbay, to load for Jackson ville. Delaware Breakivater, May 9—Sailed, selir silver Heels, Bulger, (from New York), Jack sonville. YVood’s Hole, May B—Arrived, selir YV L Bradley, Chase, Bull River. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Sehr Angie L Green, from Philadelphia for Fernandnia, returned to Philadelphia PM May 8 on account of having jammed her cen treboard. She sailed again AM 9th. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston and Savannah Railwav, May 11—110 boxes tobacco, 175 caddies tobacco, 2 bbls syrup, 1 bbl oranges, 12 eases and 4 bales plaids, 10 cases beer, 4 boxes eggs, 2 calves, 3 bales hides, and mdse. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Rail- Yvay, Mav 11—43 hales cotton, 46 ears lumber, 976 bbls rosin, 495 bbls spirits turpentine, 809 crates and 49 bbls vegetables, 5 boxes oranges, 2 bbls syrup, 1! bbls rice, 7 bbls pottery, 182 sacks corn. 6 sacks rice, 1 car shingles, ’ I car slats, 6 cars wood, 1 bale wool, 11 bales hides, and mdse.. Per Central Railroad. May 11—241 bales cot ton. 81 bbls rosin, 129 bbls spirits turpentine, 1,875 pcs ribs, 185 pcs shoulders, 110 bbls lime, 87 pkgs tobacco. 71 bales yarns, 61 empty bbls, 43 bales hemp, 40 pkgs tnifse, 25 half bids cider. 20 bales paper stock. 15 bbls tallow, 14 nkgs twines, 14 bills g s bides, 12 bales rags, 11 rolls leatber.9bales bides,6 boxes lead,6 eases cloth ing, 4 boxes soap, 4 bales domestics, 3 pkgs paper, 3 boxes hardware, 3 I sixes wooden ware, 3 boxes starch, 2 cases preserves, 2 cases bats, 2 boxes raisins. 2 cases cigars, 2 boxes castings, 1 cask earthenware, 1 case cigarettes, 1 Globe planter, 1 tee wax, 1 roll carpet, 1 bbl syrup, 1 bbl whisky, 1 box harness, 1 k and lop buggy, 1 lot ll b goods, ll ears brick, 1 car bulk corn, 2 cars cattle, 1 car cooperage, 1 car machinery, 20 cars lumber. EXPORTS. Per bark Statsminstcr Stang (Nor), for Bre men-],560 bales upland cotton,weighing 744,500 pounds, and 50 tons phosphate rock. Per bark Caleb (Nor), for Corunna, Spain— -600 bales upland cotton, weighing 291,850 pounds, and 2,209 pieces of pitch pine lumber, measuring 2:10,349 superficial feet Per sehr A Denike, for Baltimore—3,9lß pieces pitch pine lumber, measuring 298,559 simerlirial feet. Per selir YV’lll H Bailey, for New Y'ork—2,723 pieces yellow pine lutnlier, measuring 834,000 superficial feet. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway, May 11—F'ordg Office, YV A Jaudon, Dubois, D O’Connor. *tr David ( lark, M Ferst C Cos, 11 Myers & Bros, Lee Roy Myers. M Y Hen derson, Ecknian & \. Frank A Cos. J ( Rich ardson, Allen & L, A J Miller & Cos, Luddcn A B. Per Central Railroad, May U—JnoG But ler, Jno Thomas, Bcatse A P, Herman A K, S G Haynes A llro, Ihdustrial Ml'g Cos, S Co hen, J A Douglass, A Letller, 11 Myers & Bros, Rieser & S, l 1. Houston. .1 A Carmandy, II Frank, M Y’ Henderson, YV Scharzbaum, Dan Zepler, YV B Mell & Cos. Frank & Cos, Ilenrv Kolshorn, Weed A C, C II Colding, Chess, ( ar'- ley A Cos. Lippman Bros, L F'riend, M Iter chert, Lee Roy Myers, YV C Jackson, C 11 Car son, Peacock. II A Cos, II J Cubbedge, D C Ba con A Cos, II M Comer A Cos, L J Guilmartin A Cos, YV YV Gordon A Cos, YY'oods A Cos. Per Savannah, Florida and YY'estern Rail way, May 11—F’ordg Office. M F'erst A (Jo, .1 Gardner, J It Reedy, M Y’ Henderson, P Pren ty, Allen A L, C L Gilbert A Cos, F' < Kolshorn A Bro, Rutherford A F’, H Myers A Bros, T Blake, Palmer Bros, YVm Hoiie A Cos, Bend lieim Bros A Cos, Eckstein A Son, .J Copeland, F' M Hull, Solomons A Cos, S G Haynes A Bro,' II Solomon A Son, Lee Roy Myers, R u Rep panl. Dale, YV A Cos, Hasla'm A 11, Bacon, J A Cos. Jno J McDonough A Cos. D C Bacon A Cos. Lippman Bros, Bond A J, Peacock, II A Cos, C I, Jones, J P YVilliams A Cos, YV C Jackson, Baldwin A Cos, YY' YV Chisholm, Geo Walter, II F' Grant A Cos, II M Comer A Cos, YY' YV' Gor don A (Jo, I) Y Dancy, YY'oodbridge A 11. Per steamship YVm Lawrence, from Balti more—YV FJ Alexander A Sou, Allen AL. Jno Bresnan, O Butler, 1) Brown, J G Butler, It J Culibedge, YV' VV Chisholm, Cockshutt A L, J Cohen, C R It. Madame L Deslmuillons, Mrs A Golden, A Ehrlich, M F'erst A Cos, F E Gil more. S Guekenheimer A Son, A Haas A Bro, Holcombe, G A Cos, II I> Headman, A Hanley, A Leflier, 1) B Lester, Jno Lyons, D p Mver son, la?c Roy Myers, Order notify T P Bond, Order notify A Minis A Sons. Order notify Geo Schley, Mrs K Powers, Palmer Bros, 11 Suiter, Rieser A S, L Stern, sir Katie, Solomons A Cos, Ft A Schwarz, str City of Bridgeton, J VV Tv nan, 11 Solomon A Son, J H Von Newton, ’D VVeisbein, J B West A Cos, S, F’ A VV' By. LIST OF V ESSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, May 11, 1883. STEAMSHIPS. Tallahassee, 1.899 tons. Fisher, New Y’ork, dis —G M Sorrel. Naeoochee. 1,900 tons, Kempton, New Y'ork, ldg—G M Sorrel. City of Savannah, 2,029 tons, Catherine, Phila delphia. ldg—G M Sorrel. Three steamships, SHIPS. Success (Br), 1,153 tons, Hichkurne, Liverpool, ldg—Wilder A Cos, One ship, BARKS. Liberte (Nor), 502 tons. Samuelsen, port in Spain, ldg—Holst A ( o. Tikoma (Br), 810 tons, Andrews, Liverpool, ldg—Holst A Cos. Statsminster Stang (Nor), 416 tons, Serensen, Bremen, cld—Holst A Cos. Erstatingen (Nor), 373 tons, Lyderaon, Europe, ldg—Holst A Cos. Josva (Nor), 471 tons, Sorensen, Liverpool, —A F'ullarton A Cos. Patent (Nor), 382 tons, Mogcusen, Grimsby, dis—A F'ullarton A Cos. Lloyd (Nor), 454 tous, Lundegaard, port in Spain, ldg—Syberg-Petersen A Cos, limit (Nor), in 7 tons, Albrethsen, Cork, ldg— Syberg-Petersen A Cos. •Saga 'Nor), 435 tons, Kvendsen, Cork, ldg— Syberg-Petersen * Cos. Regulas (Nor), st>4 tons. Terkildsen, Cork, Mg —Sylierg-Petersen & Cos. Eros (Nor), 2sd tons, Jacobsen, Antwerp, dis— Syberg-Petersen & Cos. Boomerang (Sp). 374 tons, Frockberi. Genoa. wtg—Syberg-Petersen & Cos. Caleb (Nor), 500 tons. .lobson, Corunna, eld— Chas Green's Son A Cos. .Toven Dolores fSp), 240 tons. I.avda, Havana. wtg—ChasGreen’s Son & Cos. Sebastiun Gunia (Sp . 449 tons, l’ujol. Port in Spain. Mg—Chas Green's Son & Cos. Cvelone, 837 tons. .Merrvman. Liverpool. Mg— Richardson A Barnard. Maria (Sp). 477 tons Korea, Havana, wtg—R B Reppard. Win Wright (Br). 750 tons, Tait. Darien for Liverpool, repg—las K Clarke & Cos. Edith Carmichael (Br , 900 tons. McEaehern, Port in Spam. Mg—Antonio Gogorza. Amalia iSp), 347 tons, Gonzales, Havana, at <iuarantine —Antonio Gogorza. Stella (Nor), tons, Hansen, Matanzas. at quarantine, wtg. Twenty-one barks. ERltiS. a Jo veil Joaquin (Sp), 248 tons. Carran, Rosario, Port in Spain, ldg—Chas Green’s Son & Cos. Von Boon (tier). 270 tons. Hollander, Cork for orders, ldg—Wilder A Cos. Havana. :fc>6 tons. Reed, Boston, dis—Jos A Roberts A Cos. Three brigs. SCHOONERS. F C Yarnall. Scott, Baltimore, dis—Jos A Roberts A Cos. Annie C Grace, 510 tons. Grace, Philadelphia, Mg—Jos A Roberts & Cos. A Denike, 427 tons, Bohannen, Baltimore, eld —Jos A Roberts & Cos. Oscar C Schmidt, 513 tons. Bacon, Philadel phia. ldg—Jos A Roberts & Cos. Elizabeth V Baizley, 373 tons, Terrell, Balti more. Mg—Jos A Roberts & Cos. Emilio F Cabada, 253 tons, Swam, Philadel phia, ldg—Jos A Roberts & r.t* Inland City. 427 tons, Voorhees, Baltimore, dis -Dale. Wells A Cos. Mollie J Saunders, 532 tons, Ingersoll, New York, dis—Master. Messenger, 344 tons. Faulkner, Gardiner, Me, dis—Jos A Roberts A Cos. Horace P Shares, tons, Osborn, New York, dis—Master. George AY Anderson, 224 tons, Cale, New York, dis—Master. Hattie Lollis, 159 tons, Sipple, New York, dis —.Jos A Roberts A Cos. Twelve schooners. AlioUinario Ulatrr. Apollinaris “THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS.” British Medical Journal. “ Tonic, Restorative, and Enliv ening." Dr. Thileuius. " Exhilarating, good for Loss of Appetite." F. Squire, Queen's Chemist. ANNUAL SALE, 10 MILLIONS. Of all Grocerß, Druggists, db Min. Wat. Dealers. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. C. D. & J.-’H. LEVEBICH, BROKERS, * No. 31 Wall Street, New York, BUY and sell United States Government Bonds, Stocks and Investment Securities, dealt iu at the New York Stock Exchange. ALSO, Scrip of the Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company of New A'ork. This scrip or divi dend amounts to 40 per cent, for year 1882, certificates for which will be issued on and after May 1,1883. Shin (Cure, CELERY AS A REMEDY FOR NERVOUS DISEASES. What the Medical Profession Say About It, and the Good Results Attending Its l T se. HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, NERVOUSNESS,SLEEP LESSNESS AND DYSPEPSIA. “DR. BENSON’S preparation of Celery and Chamomile for nervous diseases is the most im portant addition made to the materia medica in the last quarter of a century.”—Dr. J. W. . J. Knglar, of Baltimore. “Dr. Benson's Pills are worth their weight in gold in nervous and sick headache.” —Dr. A. H. Schlichter, of Baltimore. “These Pills are invaluable in nervous dis eases.”—Dr. Hammond, of New York. “Dr. Benson’s Pills for the cure of Neuralgia are a success.”—Dr. G. P. Holman, Christian burg, Va. These Pills are a special preparation, only for the cure of special diseases. They are pre pared expressly to and will cure sick head ache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervous ness. paralysis, sleeplessness and dyspepsia. Sold by all druggists. Price, 50c. a box. De pot, Baltimore, Mu. By mail, two boxes for sl, or six boxes for $2 50’, to any address. 1 Dr. Benson’s New Remedy DR. C. W. BENSON’S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF lIAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, TENDER ITCHINGS, and PIMPLES on all parts of the body. It makes the skin white, soft and smooth; re moves tan and freckles, and is the best toilet dressing in the world. Elegantly put up, TWO liottles in otic package, consisting of both internal and external treatment. All first-class druggists have it. Price, $1 per package. C. N. Crittknton, sole wholesalo ageat, N.Y. jloltatt grlto. (reic^^^aFTEßl Electric Appliances are sent on 30 Days’ Trial. TO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, TTrilO Arc suffering from Nrrvous Debility, W Lost Vitality, Lack of Nerve Force amd Vigor, Wasting Weaknesses, and all those diseases of a Personal Nature resulting from Abuses and Other Causes, fcpeedy relief und complete resto ration of lIEALTn, Vigor and Manhood Guaranteed. The grandest discovery of the Nineteenth Century, bend at once for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., MARSHALL MICH. Wv&imtnrro. ' ORDINANCE. An Ordinance to regulate the turning up of the soil of the public domain in the city of Savannah for any purpose, between the first day of May and the first day of Novem ber each year, except by permission and ap proval of the Sanitary Board. section 1. he, it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah, in Council assembled, and it is ordained by the authority of the same. That from ami after the passage of this ordinance no permission shall be grant ed to make sewer connections or for other works of a similar character or for laying pipes, or for any work which may involve the turning up of the soil of tiie public domain between the first day of May and the first day of Novemlier of each year, unless the same shall be approved by the Board of .Sanitary Commissioners. Sec. 2. And it is further ordained by the authority That if any person shall turn up the soil of the public domain of any part of said city between the first day of May and the first day of Novem ber of each year without permission, as provided in the first section of this ordinance, lie or she shall, on conviction thereof in the Police Court, be lined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both, in the dis cretion of the Mayo' or Acting Mayor presid ing in said court. SEC. 3. And it is further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That all ordinances and parts of ordinances, so far as they militate with this ordinance, be aud the same are hereby repealed. Ordinance passed in Council May 9, 1883. urn s E. IJCSTKK, Mayor. Attest: Frank E. Rebarkr, Clerk of Coun cil. ORDINANCE. An Ordinance to aliolish the offices of Lieu tenants of Police, to create the office of Assistant Chief of Police, and for other pur poses. Section 1. he, it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah,in Council assembled. That from and after the 23<1 day of May, 1883, the offices of Lieutenants of Police shall cease to exist and be forever aliolislied. sec. 2. That at the regular meeting of Coun cil next succeeding the passage of this ordi nance there shall be elected an Assistant Chief of Police, who shall hold office until the first regular meeting of Council in January, A. D. 1885, and receive compensation at the rate of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) per an num. He shall assist the Chief of Police in all matters pertaining To the administration of his office, and in case of the death, resigna tion, removal, disability or temporary ab sence of the Chief lie shalt exercise the'func tions and perform the duties of Chief until such disability or temporary absence is ended, or anew election is had according to the ordi nances of the city in such cases made and provided. Sec. 3. That from and after the passage of this ordinance so much aud such parts of any and every ordinance of the city and of any and every section of the City Code as provide for the election and payment of a Lieutenant or Lieutenants of Police, or any way conflict ing with the provisions of this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Ordinance passed in Council Mav 9, 1883. RUFUS E. LESTER, Mayor. Attest: Frank E. Kebarer, Clerk of Coun cil. iitrDirittai. TEE CLEW' PAINFUL CASE OF TETTER. I have for 25 or 30 vears been a suffer from DRY TETTER. It de veloped itself on different portions of my liody, extending to niv feet and bauds, causing them to iteh mtoler i ably and tocraek. It was so painful that I was compelled to wear India rubber gloves day and night for months at a time. After consulting the tiest physicians, aud using all the i remedies which came to my notice without relief. 1 commenced' the use of SWIFT’S SPECIFIC, and 1 am happy to say that there is scarcely a vestige of the disease left. At no time in 25 years have I felt such relief aud freedom from disease, and I cheer fully recommend Swift's Specific to all similarly afflicted. .1. R. iIRAXIi AM, Macon, tin. Bronchitis and .Minister's Sore Throat Cured ! I was laid low by an attack of Bronchitis and Minister'sSorcThroat ! and my life was almost despaired of. when my doctor said trv S. s. s. l hesitated for some time, but I was afraid of being permanently laid aside from the active duties of iny ministry, I decided to give the preparation :! * fair trial, and after persevering in its use 1 found complete relief, and am enjoying excellent health. 1 am clearly of the opinion that Swift's Siieeillc js one of the best Alteratives and Blood Purifiers in existence, and I take pleasure in recommending its fine curative qualities to others afflicted as 1 was. 11. C. lIORXADY. *l,OOO REWARD! Will be paiil to anv Chemist who will find on Analysis of 100 liottles S. S. S. one particle of Mercury, lodide Po tassium, or anv mineral substance. TtlE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO„ Drawer3, Atlanta, Ga. ftp* Write for the little Book, whiiTi will be mailed free. Price: Small size, $1 per bottle. Large size (holding double quantity) |1 75 per bottle. All Druggists sell ft. fPlain English! HERE EXPRESSED! Our Free Circular tells the rest '■ * —*—, Kansas, June 26th, Harris Remedy Co.—Gents— I used the Pastilles as directed and they completely cured me. In about one week from the time I commenced using them 1 began to sleep well and I continued to use all the box with constant improvement and since that time (Oct. l^Hl) I have felt like anew man. I truly hope that many of the sufferers will find out that you have a specific for nervous weakness and be cured by the same. Respectfully Yours, P. S. —You will not publish my name but persons visit ing you may In- referred to me and I will answer them. To every young, middle age or old man troubled with nervous or physical debili ty or impotence sealed circular is sent free. Send full address on postal card to HARRIS REMEDY CO. St. Louis, Mo. We want your address. You need our remedy Send and be convincdßof this. Mtution this yaptr. II Ifw 11 *■ if AND all Urinary troubles I# I 1 I a| L V quickly A saich cured w lilt l\ I I 111 I I ~ocll,il Sandalwood. 1% ! I# I 1 Li I Cures in seven days. Avoid injurious imitations; none but the Docuta genuine. Full directions. Price |1 50; half boxes, 75 cents. All Druggists. Jjraot poiuDrr, ESTABLISHED 1845. MERRILL’S INFALLIBLE 1 pfpj | 8 YEAST " lathe Purest, Strongest, Cheapest and Most Healthful Bread Preparation made. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. aud Favorite Prescription. Ilmtroaßo. Charleston & Savannah Ry. Cos. Savannah, Ga., January 15, 1883. Commencing Monday, January isth, at 7:30 am, and until further notice, trains will arrive and depart as follows: Going North —Trains 47 and 45. Leave Savannah 4:15 p m 7:SO a m Arrive Charleston 9:30 p m 1:00 p m Leave Charleston 8:30 p m 11:40 a m Arrive Florence 1:20 ain 4:20 p m Leave Wilmington (1:40 am 9:30 pm Arrive Weldon 12:50 p m 4:0(1 a m Arrive Petersburg 3:10 pin 7:10 a m Arrive Richmond 4:40 pm 8:22 am Arrive Washington 9:40 p m 1:30 p m Arrive Baltimore 11:40 p m 2:00 p m Arrive Philadelphia 3:30 a m 0:30 p m Arrive New York ~ (1:50a m 9:35 p m Coming South—Trains 48 and 42. Leave Charleston 0:00 ain 3:25 pm Arrive Savannah 11:10 am 9:20 pm Passengers by 4:15 p m train connect at Charleston Junction with trains to all points North and East via Richmond and all rail line, or Weldon and Bay Line; by 7:30 am train to all points North via Richmond. For Augusta, heaufort and Port Royal. Leave Savannah 7:30 am and 4:15 pm Arrive Yemassee 10:05 a maud (1:40 pm Leave Yemassee. 10:10 ain and 0:40 p m Arrive Beaufort 8:00 pm Arrive Port Royal 8:15 pm Arrive Augusta 3:25 pm Leave Augusta 1:00 pm Leave Port Royal (1:00 am Leave Beaufort (1:20 am Arrive Yemassee 0:10 pm and 8:15 am Leave Yemassee 0:40 p in and 8:43 a ill Arrive Savannah 9:20 p m and 11 :lo a m A llrst-class Dining Car attached to all trains, affording passengers a fine meal at small expense. Pullman Palace Slee ers thro igli from Sa vannah to Washington and New York. , For tickets, sleeping car reser7 ti sand all other information, apply to William Bren, Ticket agent, 22 Bull stieet, and at Charles ton and Savannah Railway Ticket Office at Savannah, Florida aud Western Railway De pot. C. S. GADSDEN, Sup’t. S. C. BOYLSTON, G. P. A. Slftppitts. CUION LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS FOR QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL, Leaving Pier 38 N. R., foot of King st. ALASKA .Teesday, May 15,11:30 a m WIsCONSIN Tuesday, Ma v 22, 5:oo r m ARIZONA Tuesday, May 29, 10:00 a m NEVADA Saturday,'June 2,3 r m ABYSSINIA .. .Tuesday, June 5, scm These steamers arc built of iron, in water tight compartments, and are furnished with every requisite to make the passage across t he Atlantic both safe and agreeable, having Bath-room, Smoking-room, Drawing-room, Piano and Library; also experienced Surgeon, Stewardess and Caterer on each sreamer. The Staterooms are all upper deck, thus insuring those greatest of all luxuries at sea, perfect ventilation and light. Cabin Passage (according to Stateroom), $(10, SBO and $100; Intermediate, S4O; Steerage at low r rates. Offices, NO. 29 Broadway, New York. WILLIAMS & GUION, or to MAITLAND, DOUGALD & WILLIAMS, Bay street. Agents for Savannah. ONLY”DIRECT LINE TO Fit A NEE. General Transatlantic Go. BETWEEN New York and Havre, from pier No. 42 N. It., foot of Morton street. Travelers by this line avoid both transit by English railway and the discomfort of cross ing the Channel in a small bout. Special train leaving the Company’s dock at Havre direct for Paris on arrival of steamers. Baggage check ed at New York through to Paris. CANADA, Franueui., WEDNESDAY, May 10, 1 P. M. NOUMANDIC, Servax, WEDNESDAY. May 23. 2 P. M. FRANCE, Pf.rerie DE llautekivk, WED NESDAY, May 30, noon. PRICE OF PASSAGE (including wine): TO HAVRE—First Cabin SIOO and $80; Sec ond Cabin $00; Steerage S2O, including w ine, bedding and utensils. Checks pavable at sight in amount to suit the Banque l’ransatlantiquc of Paris. LOUIS DE BEBIAN, Agent, 0 Bowling Green, foot of Broadway, N. Y. or WILDER & CO., Agents for Savannah. (fxemoiatto. EUROPE! CiOOK’S GRAND EXCURSIONS leave New ) York April 20th, June Ist, June 13th and June 30th, 1883. Passage Tickets by all At lantic steamers. Special facilities for securing Good Berths. Tourist Tickets for individual travelers in Europe, by all routes, at reduced rates. Cook’s Excursionist, with maps and full particulars, by mail 10 cents. Address TIIOS. COOK A SON. 201 Broadway,* v RIESLING’S NURSERY WHITE BLUFF BO AD. PLANTS, ROSES and CUT FLOWERS fur 1. nisbed to order. Leave orders with DAVIS BROS., Bull and York streets. Shipping. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY -FOB NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. Passage to w York. CABIN. $•>() excursion 32 steerage jo Passage to Philadelphia. CABIN sjs EXCUR510N........ STEERAGE 10 CABIN TO.NEW YORK. VIA PHILA DELPHIA 20 r IMIE magnificent steamships of this Corn- A pany are appointed to sail as follows: TO NEW YORK. NACOOCHEE, Captain KEMPTON, SATUR DAY, May 12, at 11:00 a. it. TALLAHASSEE. Captain W. It. FISHEK, WEDNESDAY. May 11*, at 2 P. M. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Captain K. S. Nick erson, SATURDAY. May 19, at 4:30 p. m. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt. E. H. I>\G gett, WEDNESDAY, May 23, at 7:30 a. m. TO PHILADELPHIA. CITY OF SAVANNAH. Caj*t. CATHARINE, SATURDAY’, May 12, at lo:30 A. M. CITY OF MACON, Captain S. L. Nicker son, SATURDAY’, May 19, at 4:00 p. it. Through bills of lading given to Eastern and Northwestern points anil to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. For freight or passage apply-to G. M. SOUK EL, Agent, City Exchange Building. Merchants’ and Miners* tation Company. FOR BALTIMORE. CABIN PASSAGE sls 00 SECOND CABIN 12 50 EXCURSION 25 00 IMfE steamships of this Company are ap . pointed to sail from Baltimore for Savan nah EVERY’ WEDNESDAY andSATUUDA Y at 3 r. M.. and from Savannah for Baltimore EVERY TUESDAY’ and FRIDAY’as follows: JOHNS HOPKINS, Capt. J. S. MARCH, JR., FRIDAY, May 11,at 11 a. m. WM. LAWRENCE, Captain T. A. Hooper, TUESDAY’, May 15, at 2 I*. M. WM. CRANE, Captain J. C. Tay’LOß, FRIDAY, May 18, at 4r.. JOHNS HOPKINS, Capt. J. S. MARCH, JR., TUESDAY’, May 22, at 0:30 P. M. WM. LAWRENCE, Captain T. A. Hooper, FRIDAY, May 25, at 10:00 A. m. WM. CRANE, Captain J. C. Taylor, TCESDA Y, May 29, at 1:00 p. m. Through bills lading given to all points West, all the manufacturing towns in New England, and to Liverpool and Bremen. Torottgh passenger tickets issued to Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, and all points YVest ami Northwest. JAS. B, WEST & CO., Agents, Boston and Savannah STEAMSHIP CO. FOR BOSTON DIRECT. CABIN PASSAGE S2O OO EXCURSION . 35 OO STEERAGE * 12 00 FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIPS (2200 tons each) GATE CITY, Captain D. HEDGE. CITY OF COLUMBUS, Captain S. E. YVKIGHT. Sailings are appointed for every Thursday from Boston at 3 P. M.; from Savannah as fol lows: CITY OF COLUMBUS, May 17, at 3 P. M. GATE CITY, May 24, at 8 P. it. CITY OF COLUMBUS. May 81, at 2 P. M. tpHBOUGH hills of lading given to New X England points and to Liverpool. The company’s wharf in Boston is connected with all railroads leading out of the city. RICHARDSON * BARNARD, Agents. DAY LINE TO FLORIDA. Reduced Rates of Fare. Fare: Savannah to Jacksonville $5 00 Excursion n oo TICKETS UNLIMITED. The above rates include meals. Sea Island Route to Jacksonville AND ALL OTHER POINTS IN FLORIDA. On anil after MONDAY, MAY 14. the swift saloon steamer ST. NICHOLAS WJ ILL leave Savannah every MONDAY, V T WEDNESDAY aid FRIDAY at 8 A. st., connecting at Fcrnandina with STEAMBOAT E XP R E S to T R AIN Via the new Fernandina and Jacksonville Railroad. Returning, will leave Fernandina TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY morning for Savannah. ST’R. DAVID CLARK Every MONDAY, and THURSDAY for Da rien, Brunswick and intermediate landings. TIIURSDAY S for Sutilla river. Through bills of lading and through rates of freight issued for all stations on the Bruns wick aud Western Railroad. Special rates to Waycross and Albany. Freights for St. Catherine’s, Doboy, Cane Creek, St. Mary’s and Sutilla river payable in Savannah. SPEC!AT. NOTICE. —Freight received for Florida till 6 p. -M.. and for Brunswick. Darien. Doboy and Sutilla till 3:30 p. m. Freights not receipted for after twenty-four hours of arrival will be at risk of consignee. O. S. BENSON, Gen. Freight Agt. WOODBRIDGE & HARRJMAN, General Agents. J. A. MERCIER, Gen. Pass. Agt. Offices: Corner Bull and Congress streets, at Osceola Butler’s Drug Store, Savannah, Ga. Corner Bay and Ocean streets, at Geo. Hughes’ Drag Store, Jacksonville. Fla. For Augusta and Way Landings. STEAMER KATIE, Captain W. H. FLEETWOOD, TITTLE leave EVERY TUESDAY, at 0 ' ’ o’clock p. M., for Augusta aud way land ings. Positively no freight received or receipted for after 5 o’clock p. it. All freights payable by shippers. JOHN LAWTON, Manager. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE FOR COHEN’S BLUFF, AND WAY LANDINGS. IMI E steamer MAKY FISHER, Captain W. T. Gibson, will leave lor above every FRIDAY, 3p. m. Returning, arrive SUNDAY NIGHT. Leave TUESDAY, at 9A. M. Re turning, arrive THURSDAY, at 11 a. m. For information, etc., apply to W. T. GIBSON, ~ Manager. Wharf 10 rayton street. TV i: W Y O ItlT —TO— AMSTERDAM AND ROTTERDAM. The first-class, full powered, Clyde-built Dutch steamships of this line—AMSTEltl) \M ROTTERDAM, SCHIEDAM, LEKRDYM,’ Z A AN DAM. I*. C ALAND, W. A. SC MOLTEN 1 MAAS—carrying the United States mail to Netherlands, leave Company’s Pier, foot of Sussex street, Jersey City, N. J„ regularly every Wednesday for Rotterdam aud Amster dam, alternately. First Cabin S7O, Second Cabin SSO, Steerage 1 $26. . , For freight apply to Agents of OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. SAME RATES TO AMSTERDAM AND ROTTERDAM. 11. CAZ.VUX, General Agent, 27 South William street. New York. | D. C. BACON. Wit. B. STILLWELL. U. P, SMART I D. C. BACON & CO., Pitch Pise Lite and Timher BY THE CARGO. YANNAIi AND BRUNSW j Itailroado. Central & Southwestern R. Rs. Savannah. Ga., April 28, 1883. ON and after SUNDAY, April 29, 1883, pas senger trains on the Central and South western Railroads and branches will run as follows: kkau down. head down. Jc- I. From Savannah. Mo. SI. 9:00 a in I.v Savannah l.v 7:30 pm 4:lj put Ar Augusta .. Ar 0:10aiu 6:25 p m Ar Macon Ar 3:00 am 11:20pm Ar Atlanta Ar 7:ooam *Ar Columbus Ar 1:40 pin 2:53 a m Ar Kufaula Ar 4:24 pm 4:111am Ar. Albany . Ar 4:ospm Ar. . .Milledgevtlle Ar 10:29 a m . Ar. Eatonton Ar 12:30 pm Mo. 16. From A uyusta . .Vo. IS. 9:00 a m Lv... Augusta l.v 1 1 :oo p m 3:45 pm Ar Savannah Ar 7:ooam 0:25 p m Ar.. .Macon Ar 11:20 p m Ar Atlanta Ar Ar .. Columbus Ar 2:58 a m Ar—Kufaula Ar 4:16 ain Ar Albany Ar Ar... Millcdgcvillc Ar Ar Eatonton Ar Mo. 4* From Macon. Mo. SS. 7:30 pm Lv Macou7 77 .Lv 8:15 am 7:00 ain Ar Savannah Ar 3:45 p m 6:loam Ar Augusta Ar 4:lspm Ar... Milie’ville Ar 10:29am ■ Ar Eatonton . . Ar 12:30 p m Mo. L From Mown. Mo. 101. 9:35 am Lv Macon Lv 8:00 p u 4:24 pm Ar ..Kufaula .Ar 2:53 am 4:05 pm Ar Albany.. Ar 4:l6am Mo. S. From Macon. Mo. 15 f 8:25 am Lv . -Macon l.v T.... . 1 j4O p iu Ar—Col limbus .A r .7 Mo. 1. From Macon. Mo. 9. Mo. SI. 8:30 :t mLv Macon Lv 7:00 pm 3:15 am pm Ar Atlanta Ar 11:20 p m 7:00 aiu Mo. Si). From Fort Valley. Mo. 57. 9:17 pnt Lv Fort Valley” I.v ll:o5 a m 10:02 pm Ar Perry Ar 11:55 am Mo.t, From A'/anla. Mo. 4. A'<>. St. " 2:40 pm l.v Atlanta. ..Lv 9:30 pm 4:20 am 6:55 pin Ar Macon....Ar 5:15 ain 7:57am 2:53 a m Ar.. Kufaula Ar 4:24 p m 4:24 pin 4:10 ain Ar Albany Ar 4:ospni 4:05 pm Ar Columbus.Ar 1:40 pm 1:40 pm Ar.Milled’ville.Ar 10:29 a in 10:29 am Ar Eatonton. Ar 12:80pm 12:30 pin 0: 10 ain Ar Aligusta Ar 4:lspm 4:15 p ill 7:00 am Ar Savannah. Ar 3:45 pm 3:45 pin Mo. 4. From Columbus. Mo. 16. 12:60 aoonLv Columbus Lv ...7777 5:25 pm Ar Macon Ar 11:20 pin Ar— Atlanta Ar .77.7* 2:53 a m Ar Kufaula Ar 4:10a mAr Albany Ar .7 Ar—Millcdgcvillc Ar .7 Ar .... Eatonton Ar 0:10am Ar Augusta Ar 1 7:00 a m Ar ...Savannah Ar .7 Mo. i. From Kufaula. Mo. 10Sl7 12:01 p m Lv. Kufaula Lv 12:39 a m 4:05 pin Ar Albany Ar 4:16 aa 0:45 p 111 Ar Macon Ar 7:30 aUS Ar ...Columbus Ar 1:40 pm 11:20 piu Ar Atlanta . ... Ar 12:55 p m Millcdgcvillc.... Ar 10:29 am Eatonton. Ar 12:30 p m 0:10a m Ar .. Augusta Ar 4:15 pin _7 :0o am Ar .Savannah Ar 3:45 pin Mo. IS. From Albany. Mo. 100. 12:00nooiil.v .. Albany Lv 10:40 p m 4:24 p m Ar—Kufaula Ar 2:53 ani 0:15 pnt Ar Macon Ar 7:30 ain Ar Columbus Ar 1:40 pm 11:20 pm Ar Atlanta Ar 12:55 pni Ar Milledgeville Ar 10:29 a m Ar—Eatonton Ar 12:30 p m 6:10 a mAr .. Augusta Ar 4:15 pm 7:00 a m Ar... .Savannah Ar 8:45 pm Mo. 90. From Kat onion and MilledyeviUo. 2:lspm l.v Eatonton.. .77 77777777777 3:58 pm Lv Milledgeville 0:25 pm Ar Macon Ar... .Columbus 2:53 a m Ar Kufaula 4:loam Ar Albany 11:20pm Ar... .Atlanta 77 6:10 am Ar Augusta 7:00 a m Ar Savannah Mo. SO. From Derry. Mo. t3. s:loam Lv Perry 77Lv 2:55pm 0:55 aiu Ar . .Fort Valley .Ac 3:15 pin Local Sleeping Cars on all idgiit trains be. tween Savannah and Augusta, Savannah and .Macon Savannah and Atlanta, and Alacou and Albany. Pullman Hotel Sleeping Cars between Chi 1 cago ami JacksonviiJe, Fla., via Cincinnati* without change. ’ Connections. Tin: Milledgeville ami Eatonton train runs daily (except .Monday) between Gordon and Eatonton, and daily (except Sunday) lietween Eatonton and Gordon. Kufaula train connects at Cutlibort for Fort Gaines daily (except Sunday). Tlie accommodation train between Macon and Perry runs daily (except Sunday). lhe Albany and Blakely train runs daily (except Sunday) between Albany ami Blakely. Ine Albany Accommodation train runs daily (except Monday) from Smithvillc to Albany, ami daily (except Sunday) from Albany to Smitbville. At Savannah with Savannah, Florida and Western Railway; at Augusta with all lines to North and East; at Atlanta with Air-Line and Kennesaw Routes to all points North East and YVest. ’ Tickets for all iiointsand sleeping ear berths on sale at City Office, No. 20 Bull street. U. A. Whitehead, WILLIAM ROGERS, Gen. Pass. Agt. GeYi. Supt., Savannah. J. C. Shaw, YV. F. SHELLMAN, Gen. Trav. Agt. Supt. S. YV. lt.Jlt., Macon, Ga. Savannah, Florida & Western Ry. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, . Savannah, May 11,51883. 4 ON AND AFTER SUNDAY , MAY 13, 1883, Passenger Trains on this road will run as follows: FAST MAIL. Leave Savannah daily at 10:30 a m Leave Jesup daily at 12:25 p m Leave YVaycross daily at 2:05 p m Arrive at Callahan daily at 4:00 pm Arrive at Jacksonville daily at 4:45 pm Arrive at Live Oak daily at 6:00 p m Arrive at New Branford daily at 7:40 pm Arrive at Valdosta daily at 4:25 p m Arrive at Quitman daily at 5:05 u tu Arrive at Thomasville daily at C:lopm Arrive at Bain bridge daily at. 8:45 pm Arrive at Chattahoochie daily at 9:30 j* in Leave Chattahoochic daily at 4:4uani Leave Bainhridge daily at 5-30 -i in Leave Thomasville dailv at 8:05 a in Ix-ave Quitman daily at u : ia anl Leave Y’aldosta daily at. 9-50 a tn Leave New Branford daily at 6:30 a m Leave Live Oak daily at 8:10 a m 1-cave Jacksonville daily at <1:30 a m Leave Callahan daily at 10:15 am Arrive at Waycross daily at 12:10 p m Arrive at Jesup daily at 1:50 pm Arrive at Savannah daily at 8:40 pm Between Savannah and Waycross this train stops only at Fleming, Johnston’s, Jesup and ltlackshear. Between Waycross and Jack sonville Stops only at Kolkhton and Callahan. Between Waycross and Chattal stops only at telegraph stations and on signal at regular stations. Pullman Palace Cars on this (rain between Savannah and New Orleans daily. This train connects at New Branford with steamer Caddo Belle, leaving for Cedar Key and Suwannee river points every Tuesday and Friday mornings. ALBANY EXPRESS. Leave Savannah daily at 4:0(1 pm Leave Jesup daily at 6310 p m Arrive Waycross daily at 8:30 p ra I-eave Dupont daily at 12:30 a m Arrive Thomasville daily at 0:45 a m Arrive Albany daily at 11:15 a ni Leave Albany daily at 4:15 p m Leave Thomasville daily at 8:45 pm Arrive Dupont daily at 11:53 ti m Arrive Waycross daily at 1:30 am Leave YVaycross daily at 2:00 am Arrive Jesup daily at 8:50 am Arrive Savannah daily at 0:80 am Pullman Palace Sleepers between Savannah and Thomasville daily. Connection at Albany daily with pas senger trains both ways on Southwestern Railroad to and from Macon, Eufaulu, Mont gomery, Mobile. New Orleans, etc. JACKSONVILLE EXPRESS. Leave Savannah daily at 1100 pm Leave Jesup “ 8:15 am I-eave YVaycross “ 5-or* am Arrive at Callahan “ 7:05 am Arrive at Jacksonville “ 8:00 am Leave Jacksonville “ 6'45 pm I-eave Callahan “ 7'itOinn Leave Waycross “ 9'35 pm Arrive at Jesup “ 1R25 pm Arrive at Savannah “ .. 3'4sam Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on this train daily between Jacksonville and Washington, Passengers in Sleeping Cars for Savannah are permitted to remain undisturbed until 0 o’clock a. m. Passengers leaving Macon at 8:00 p m con nect at Jesup with this train for Florida daily. I assengers from Florida by this train con nect at Jesup with train arriving at Macon at 1 :uu a in daily, making connection for iioints West and Northwest. Passengers for Brunswick take this train, arriving at Brunswick at 5:35 a m daily. Leave Brunswick 8:80 a m. Arrive Savan nah 4:30 am. Passengers from Savannau tor Gainesville * Cedar Keys and Florida Transit Road (except Fernandina) take this tram. Passengers for the Florida Southern Rail. road via Jacksonville make close connection at Pidatka. Mail steamers leave Bainbridge for Ana laclucola and Columbus every Wednesday, and for Columbus every Saturday. J * Passengers for Pensacola, Mobile New Orleans, Texas, and trails-Mississippi points make close connections at < hattalnlocluw daily w it" trains of Pensacola und Radfoad arriving at Pensacola at 6:00 a. m„ Module at i>:00 p. m., New Orleans at 10:25 at Sa y a, ! nah,lai 'y With Charles- and E ? r" Ua “ Ka “ Wa >’ *> r all **• Connection at Savannah daily with Central Railroad for points W’est and Northwest. Close connection at Jacksonville daily (Sun days excepted) for Green Cove Springs, St. Augustine, Palatka, Enterprise, Sanford and all landings on St. John’s River. Trains on B. aud A. K. It. leave junction, going west, at 12:20 p. m., and for Brunswick at 3:43 p. m„ daily, except Sunday. Through tickets sold aid sleeping car berth accommodations securei at Bren’s Ticket Office, No. 22 Bull street, and at the Compa ny’s Depot, foot of Liberty street. Tickets also on sale at Lcve & Alilen's Tourist Offices. A restaurant lias been opened in the sta lion at Waycross, and abundant time will be allowed for meals by all passenger trains. J ’’ T' S i ,N ’ J AS - L. TAYLOR, M aster Transu’n. Gen’l Pass. Agent 1.. G. FLEMING-, Superintendent CURE THAT COUGH By taking Deutenhoff’s Pectoral Balsam —OF— Wilfl Cherry, Honey and Tar. Put up in 25 cents bottles. Manufactured by G-. M. HEIDT & CO. imUGGISTJS.