Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, June 06, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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<f?mmn 4 fial. SAVANNAH MARKET. ornCE OFTfIE MORNING NEWS. ) iiVASNAH, Gi., Junt 5, 1885.$ WEEKLY KEFOKT. General Remarks—Operationsin the gen e, market for the week were very light, and ~ presented quite a dull and sluggish appear ance in almost every department. Tne trad ing was nearly all local, and the absence of outside business was about as nearly total as at any time during the ,ear. In some few departments, such groceries, provisions and tje trading was steady but very slow. In other branches of the wholesale jobbing trade there was not much attention attracted, either in the demand or the movement, which were in about the usual summer volume. Values have maintained a steady level during the past week, with no feature iu the whole list worthy of notice. Collections continue very slow and unsatisfactory. Money continues com fortably easy, and exchange remains un changed but scarce. With reference to secu rities the market is firm lor bonds and guar anteed stocks. Other stocks are weak and unsettled, particularly Central Railroad stock ni certificates of indebtedness, which have become slightly demoralised. The following review shows the conditions and range of prices of the different commodities. Naval Storks.—The market for spirits turpentine was very active daring the past week, and prices were strong and advanced rapidly, in the early part of the week the demand exceeded the supply and the market in consequence was kept pretty bare of stock in first hands. The falling off in receipts as compared with last season is fully 25 per cent,, and this with the short interest in the market gave strength to prices, which showed an advance at the close to-day of fully 4c for the week, but with an unset tled and rather easier feeling. The total sales for the week were fully 4,000 casks. Rosin—There was a very light call for offer ings. and the market was comparatively quiet but firmer, with a slight advance for pales as well as strained to good strained. There are a number of orders for foreign account but the scarcity of tonnage restricts business. The total sales for the week were, about 2,SOD barrels In another column will be found a weekly table of receipts and exports from April 1 to date, and for the same period last year, showing the stock on hand and on shipboard not cleared, together with the official closing quotations. Cotton— The market was dull and rather inactive except for one or two days. There was nothing in the position or movement of the staple that was particularly noticeable, and in view of the very small offering stock the market was really nominal. Prices were well held up. The total sales fer the week were only 250 bales. The following are the oflrial spot quotations of the Cotton Ex change at the close: Middling fair ...lOJs Good middling Middling. 10^ Low middling lOiq Good ordinary 9% Ordinary 9 Sta /stands.— The receipts by factors for the week were only 4 bags and the sales for the same time 253 bags, mostly for domestic shipment. Avery dull feeling still pervades the market. The offering stock, though not large, is considered by buyers entirely too heavy for so late in the season. The position of Loth buyers and sellers remains about as previously noted, with some secrecy dis played so'far as operations are concerned. The receipts of cotton at this port from all sources for the past week were 257 bales of upland and 1 bale sea island, against 922 bales of upland for the corresponding week last year. The particulars of the receipts have been as follows: I’er Central Railroad, 238 bales up land: per Savannah, Florida and Western Railroad, 19 bales upland and 1 bale sea island. The exports for the week were 896 bales upland and 272 bales sea island, moving as follows: To New York. 8 bales upland and 272 bales sea island; to Boston, 488 bales up land; to Philadelphia, S3 bales upland; to Baltimore, 367 bales upland. The stock on hand at the close of the market to-dav was 1.181 bales upland and 1,101 bales sea island, against 2,194 hales upland and 108 hales sea island at the same time last year Comparative Statement of Receipt*, Export* ami Stock* of Cotton at tlie Following Place* to Latest Date*. | Stork on Received Hnce Exported since September 1, IKBI. hotui and on PORTS, Sojitember let. Shipboard. 1 Great O'hr fi'n Total V'etviec im. I 1883. | Britain France. Porte. Foreign. Porte. 1835. 183/,. New Orleans Juno 5 1,50#.5#7| !,508,484 677,9*9 282,403 325,361 Ijk6,e:i3 too.rs2 79.415,; Mobile . June 5 228,5851 252,219 43.1M1 700 43,830 115 901 10,036 7.010 Florida Junes 24.202 ! 88,333 3,535 3,S*> *1,617 Texas June 5 456 26> 58t5,:516 157,618 8,609 64,145 230,402 232.502 4,096 5,625 a , lUp’d .. . Jnne 5 700,956 641,610 178,378 11,899 193,259 383,336 302.434 1,18 ! 2,194 savannah Ik’il . .June 5 19,174 9,2921 1,459 101 1.560 le.wi i,im 108 tup’ll .... Junes 597,494 417,428| 102,191 22,124 15.3,29 1 337.615 188.371 1,088 3,006 Charleston Scalg , t , May 29 :°,.32l ,74l I 3.810 135 25 3.479 8,696 1.261 135 North Carolina I une 5 91.805 *1,214 ! 51.822 ... 14.040 03,862 40.265' 7671 1,158 Virginia June 5 549,597 575,931 1 813,269 6,375 25.670 315.505 24 1,7751 8.113| 1.924' New York .. June 5 90.810 115,507 43', 441 40.109 131.160 629,463 ; 803,5291 :41>7.74‘ Other port* June 5 387,381 520,769 294,473 8,050 46,643 142,16* >1,424 J Total to<late 4,668,107 ... 2,321,429 .; ■- 176,531 ;.072.i - 1,535,144 1 447.Mi1l , ~—rrb Total to ilatc in 1884 I 4,759, 913| | j | II Cunipitnitive Cotton Statement. itKCKirrs, Exports and stoc* on hand Jtne 5, ISBS. AND FOB THE SANK TIME LAST TEAE. ISS4-5. 7833-5. 4t*il 1 ! 25m /eland. Cpland. lelana. Ppland. stock on hand September 1.. 91 1.1x3' 16 4.2*.' Iteoeived this week 1 257 j 934 Keeeived previously 19.757 702.419 9.322 650, OU3 Total 19,4t9 708.850 *.327 655,1*0 exported thl* week *72| at Exported previously . 18,070[ 70j 78iui — ~ > -i -si Total. " f m —g~Ts...i and on ahip-l l | w ''uStiL this day . ...... I 1,1011 1.181 <1 H": Tl*l CONSOL! Dro COTTON STATEMENT FOR THE 3K ESDI NO JVSK 4, 1835. Receipts s\] u. 8. ports this week... 3,71 Last year I 12,533 Total receiVto date 4.568.167 l ast year 1 4,755,118 export* foitis week 19,740 hsine week it year 14.116 1 ota! export,date 8,868,852 I ust year X 8,554.995 Slock at all tcd States porta 427,341 l ast year TV. 462,407 stock at all lW|or towns 17.J77 I.nst year I 3",168 Stock at Llvefcl 977.001) last year Y~ *11,006 American aildt or Great Britain.... *7.OMi l,t year . I Sonin r,? f ,?,y, E . ME! ' rs 0F cotton at interior ports, r S ce, b t ? and shipments for the week , uue D - aurl stock on hand to-night and for tne corresponding week of 1884: —Week euding June 5, 1885—. ... . Receipts. Shipment*. Stock, Ccmmbus is 191 462 “ acon 1 38 371 Montgomery 5; 211 2,217 Selma ". 22 184 2 042 Memphis 393 2,500 17,133 Nashville 84 400 2,621 T °tl 1,026 3.878 28.991 —Week ending June 6, 1884— Receipts. Skip menu. Stock. Augusta. 494 .... ’243 Columbus 15 460 2,079 gome 7 910 735 JJacon 4 63 2.525 Montgomery 55 ksi 1,929 If I®* 1 ®* 7 m 2.770 Memphis 1,184 3,757 15.567 Nashville 82 459 4.872 Tntal 1,348 6,145 35,018 THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT SHOWS THE NET RECEIPTS AT ALL PORTR FOR THE WEEKS ENDING JUNE 5 AND MAT 29, AND FOR THIS WEEK LAST YEAR. ThU Last Last _ Weak. Week. Year. Galveston 38 296 535 New Orleans 1,265 2,056 2,418 Mobile 56 296 282 Savannah 258 364 922 Charleston 183 338 1,173 Wilmington 18 14 15 Norfolk 824 1,631 1,535 New Y'ork 69 97 243 Various 904 1,725 5,380 Total 3,715 6,817 12.503 LIVERPOOL MOVEMENT FOR THE WEEK END ING JUNE 5, 1835, AND FOR THE CORRE SPONDING WEEKS OF 1884 AND 1888. m 5. m 4. ishs. Sales for the week . 48,000 21,000 38,000 Exporters took 2,600 1,400 17,500 Speculators took 1,300 1,100 1,420 Total stock 977.000 911.000 984,000 Of which American. 733,000 633.000 7(0.000 T’l imports for week 46.000 32.900 67,000 Of which American. 30,000 19.000 54.000 Actual exports 18,800 7,500 17,500 Amount afloat .... 125,000 210.000 260.000 Of which American. 37,000 40.000 99,000 Price .... _6 15-16d_ (ijgd 5 11-16 J VISIBLE SUPPLY OF COTTON— BelOW We give the table of visible supply, as made up by cable and telegraph for the Financial and ■- dal Chronicle to May 29. The continental stocks, as well as those of Great Britain and the afloat, are this week’s returns, and con sequently all the European figures are brought down to Thursdav evening. But to make the totals the complete figures for May 29 we add the item of exports from the United States, including in it the exports of Fridav only: 1885. 1884. Stock at Liverpool 996,‘ifiO 917,000 Stock at London 30,000 61,000 Total Great Britain stock. 1,026.000 978,000 Stock at Hamburg 5.000 5,200 Stock at Bremen 50,000 A9.5U0 Stock at Amsterdam 50,000 50,000 Stock at Rotterdam 500 1,000 Stock at Antwerp 800 1.800 Stock at Havre 189,000 242.000 Stock at. Marseilles 4.000 5,000 Stock at Baroelona 66,000 SJ.OOO Stock at Genoa 8,000 10,000 Stock at Trieste 5,000 9,u00 Total continental stocks... 373,300 445,500 Total European stocks 1,404,200 1,423.500 India eotton afl’t for Europe 208,600 333,000 American cotton afloat for Europe 113,000 95,000 Egypt, Brazil, etc., afloat for Europe 4.000 24,000 Stock in United States ports. 449.468 469,125 Stock in U. S. interior towns 51,949 56,050 United States exports to-day 3,290 1,000 Total visible supply 2,233,917 2.401,675 Of the above, the totals 01 American and other descriptions are as follows: A merican — Liverpool stock 747.000 640.000 Continental stocks 265,000 8,0.000 American afloat for Europe. 113.000 115.000 United States stock 449.16-1 469,125 UniteUStatesinteriorstocks. 51,919 58,050 United States exports to-day 3,200 1,0 jo Total American 1.639.617 1,571,175 Total East India, etc 604,300 630,500 Total visible supply The imports into continental ports this week have been 45,000 bales. The above figures indicate a decrease in the Cotton in sight to date of 167,748 bales as compared with the same date of ISS4, a de crease of 668,708 hales as compared with the corresponding date of 1883. and a decrease of 256,453 bales as compared with 18.32. India cotton Movement.— The following is the Bombay statement for the week and year, bringing the figures down to May 28. BOMBAT RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS FOR FOUR TEARS. Shipments this week— Great Britain. Continent. Total. 1885 17.000 1.006 19,000 1884 12.000 10,000 22.000 1883 29.000 34,000 63,000 1892 23,000 37,000 60,000 Shipments since January 1— Great Britain, Continent. Total, 1885 164,010 345.000 SOI'.COO 1884 378,000 522.000 900.000 1883 839.000 659.000 995,000 1882 630,000 437.06 k 1,067.000 Receipts— This week. Since Jan. 1. 1885 69,000 906,000 1884 '78.000 1.289.000 1893 69.000 1.344,000 1882 86.000 1,310,000 According to the foregoing, Bombay appears to show a decrease compared with last year in the week's receipts of 1.(910 bale*, and a decrease mshipments of 4,000 bales, and the shipments sinoe Jan. I show a decrease of 391.000 bales. FINANCIAL. Money Market.—Money ease. Domestic Exchange.-Scarce. Banks and bankers are buying sight drafts at % per cent premium and selling at per cent premiums. Foreign Exchasge. Market dull. Best commercial sixty-day bills lor Novem ber and December delivery, buying in New York at l 81: commercial, snort 41 87(4, sixty days 51 85($. ninety days sight 34 80W; franks, Pal i-, Havre a:id Swiss, commercial, sixty davs. ffi 20; murks, 94 13- 18c. Securities.—The market is quiet, with a little inquire for good bonds, stocks are weak and nogleeted, except those that are guaranteed dividends. 9TOCKB AND BONDS. Stats B<ynds — Bid • Asked. Ganewtfs, 1889, January and July coupons 196 107 State of Georgia gold quarterlies. 113 lit Ga mortgage on W 4 A EB, regular 7 per cent, coupons Jan and July, maturity 1886 104(i 105 1^ Ga. Smith's, maturity 1890 123 128* City Bonds— Atlanta 3 i>er cent 102 104 Atlanta 7 per cent 108 110 Augusta 7 tier rent 197 109 Columbus 0 per cent 89 9* Macon 6 per cent 105 106 New Savannah 5 per cent, quar terlv, July coupon. *“' 9054 New Savanuah 5 per cent, quar terly, August coupon 89 yi 90 Railroad Bonds— Savannah. Florida and western R R general mortgage tohds. 6 per cent lut, conpous October ... 102( a A * G Ist mortgage consolidated 7 per cut, coupons January and July, maturity 1897 -lit* 115 Central consolidated mortgago 7 percent, coupon* January and July, maturity 1893 114 115 Georgia Railroad #*. 18m Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Ist mortgage ■ >OK no]4 Charlotte. Colurabiaand Augusta 2-1 mortgage *4)3 Mobile and Girard 2d mortgage indorsed 8 per cent, coupon* Jan and July, maturity l*B 110 112 Montgomery 'and ftufaula Ist m-rtgiige indorsed 6 per cent 105 106 Western Alabama 2d mortgage indorsed 8 per cent, coupon* April and Oct. nmtur.ty 1896 100 s -* llO’/j South Ga and Fla indorsed Jl* •” South Ga and Fia 2-1 mortgage, 10l 102 Augusta and Knoxville 1 per ct 160 107 Ocean Steamship 6 perct bonds, guar dby Central Railroad 101 10J Galuesvllie, Jefferson and South ern K R Ist mort. guarani and 113 114 Gainesville, Jefferson and South ern, not guaranteed -11 l Railroad Stocks — Augnsta and Savannah 7 per 6t, guaranteed, ex dividend. .....115 117 Central eommnu, ex-dividend . 64 66 Georgia common 151 Southwestern 7 percent,guar.'in nnteed. ex-dividend U2H **• Central 6 percentoertiflc.ates ex- July Interest .... . . 87 Atlanta and West Point Rairoad stock . o‘i4 " Atlanta and West Point# per et Certificates 96 9614 Savannah Gaa Light stock 20 • '4*ea<o* L'edif 25 *8 SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. JUNE 6, 1885. Naval Stores—The receipts for the past week have been 3.624 barrels spirits turpen tine aud 10,.70 barrels rosin. The exports were 2,972 oarrels spirits turpentine and 12.098 barrels rosin, moving as follows: To New York, 213 barrels spirits turpentine and .3,154 barrels rosin; to Boston. 174 barrels spirits turuentine aud 225 barrels roam; to Baltimore, 201 barrels spirits turpentine and 1,614 ban-els rosin; to Philadelphia, 71 barrels spirits tur pentine and 162 barrels rosin; to Harbnrg, 3,400 barrels rosin; to Amw rp, 1,600 barrels spirits turpeotlue and 626 barrels rosin; to Hamburg. 500 barrels spirits turpentine and 2.646 ban-els rosin; per Central Railroad for momh of Mav, 213 barrels spirits turpentine and 271 barrels rosin. We quote: C aud D sl, E $1 10. F *1 15, G *1 20, H $1 65, I*2 10, K 22 50, M 23 12W. N 23 25. window glass 23 60, water white 23 SI 1 ,. Turpentine 34c. oid, asked. Here:(lts, Shipments and Stock from April I, ISS', to date, and for the corresponding date last year: . 1885 1884 , Spirit. Roein. Spirite. Roein. On hand April 1.. 1.672 36,205 5.409 49.369 Rec’dthis week.. 3,021 10,170 4,544 18,677 Reo’d previously. 21,728 59,138 26,064 71,541 Totals 27,024 105,513 36.037 185,587 Shipments: Foreign— Aberdeen 4.221 Antwerp 1,667 3.559 8,832 629 Cardiff 4,000 Cork for orders 2,134 Cronstadt 4,486 Danzig 3,063 Jiasgow 5,859 Harburg 3,400 Hamburg 2,128 13,880 1,6'.‘6 26 Hull 2,177 Loudon 3,460 900 2,246 Liverpool 5,150 Oporto *. 60 765 Bristol 4,021 2,487 Rotterdam 850 4,220 1,750 9.220 Riga 6.300 Trieste 3,600 Raima de Ma jorca 40 — Baltimore 1,721 7,953 2,898 12,154 Boston. 2,493 4,761 2.190 8,900 New York 5,611 14,960 4.064 23,085 Philadelphia 1,9 il 2.791 2,026 3,753 Interior towns 2,201 610 734 339 Totalshipments.. 18,862 78,464 28,502 79,243 Stock on hand and on shipboard Sune 5 8,162 32,049 7,535 56,844 Bacon—Market steady; demand fair; smoked clear rib sides. 7c; shoulders, sA£c; dry salted dear rib sides, long clear shoulders, sc; hams, lOJ^c. Bagging and Ties—Market steady, with a fair demand. We quote: Baggiug—2*4 lbs, 115' s all?ic; 2 tbs, lbs, lVi lbs, oJ4a9>4c, according to brand and quantity. Iron ties—Arrow and Delta, $1 80a 81 36 per bundle, ac-oording to brand and quantity. Bagging and ties in retail lots a fraction higher. Butter—Market easy; Oleomargarine, 15a ISc; choice Goshen, 20c; gilt edge, 24a26c; creamery, 2tea2Bc; country, 16a20c. Cheese—Market firm, good demand; stock light. We quote: flijaloV^. Cabbages—Native. 120 per head; scarce. Coffee—Market higher; demand mod erate. We quote for small lots: Ordinary. fiaOkfc; fair, lOalO'sc; good, 11c; prime, 12c; choice, 12V£@i3c. Dried Fruit—Apples, evaporated, 10c; peeled, 6‘4a7>£c. Peaches, peeled, 12a13c; un peeled, sa7c. Dry Goods—The market is quiet and steady; stocks ample. We quote; Prints, 4a 6c; Georgia brown shirting, 3-4, 4c; 7-6 do 00; 4-4 brown sheeting, 6c; white osnaburgj, 7j>fia 9!4c; checks, fiahi^c; yarns. 85c, for best makes; brown drillings, BV^af’^c. FISH—We quote full weights: Mackerel- No. 3. half bins, SS26aB 50: No. 3, 11 50a5 50. Herring—No. 1,25 c; scaled, 30c; cod, 7al0o; No. 1. 46 50. Flour—Market firm; demand good. We quote: Superfine, $4 15; extra. *4 65a4 85; family. ?5 50a5 75; choice patent,s6 75a7;roller mi ls, 86 20a6 40; rancy. s6a6 25. Fruits—Bananas, ample stock; yellow. s2u'.l per bunch. Lemons—Btock ample; Mes sina, s4a4 50. Oranges—Florida, noneiu mar ket. Naples. 12 75a3; Messina, $3 60. Apples— Northern, ssa6. Grain—Corn: Market steady; demand f;ood. We quote: White corn, job lots 75c; car oad lots, 72c; mixed corn, job lots. 73c; car load lots, 70c Oats steady; good demand. We quote: Mixed oats. 58c; car-load lots, BQc. Bran, $115a125. Meal, 80c. Grist, per bushel, 85c. Hay—Slarket firm, with a fair demand; stoc-kample. We quote job lots: Western.Bl2s; Eastgsn, none; Northern, $l 05. Hides. Wool. Etc —Hides; Market firm; receipts fair; dry flint. 15c; salted, 13c; dry butcher, 11c. Wool: Market very dull and nominal: prime, 19c; burry, 8a 12c. Wax. 25c. Dccr skine, flint, 20c; Baited 18c. Otter skins. 25ca$2. Iron—Market firm; Swede, 4’ 2 asc; refined, 2jic. Lard—The market is steady; ’n tierces and tubs. 7! 4 c; kegs, i‘Bc; 50-tb tins, 7’4c. Lime, Calcined" Plaster and'Cement— Alabama lump lime is in fair demand and Is selling at 41 30 per barrel; Georg-a, $1 30: cal cined piaster, s2a2 10 per bbl; hair, S'jatc; Georgia cement. 42; Rosendale cement, sl6sa 51 75; Port’and cement. 43 75a4. Liquors—Full stock; good demand; Bour bon. |1..006 80; rye, slsua6 00: rectified, fla $135. Ales 1111 hanged and 111 good dem ind. Nails.- Market steady; 3d, $3 ho; 4dand6d, $313; fid, $2 9J; Bd, $2 65; lOd tofiOd, $2 40 per keg. Nuts—Tarragona almonds, 17c per tb; Ivicae. 15a16e; wulnuts. Nnples, 14c; French, 10c; pecans, 10c; Brazil, 7c; filberts, 12c. Co coanuts—Jamaica. >3 50 per 100. Oils—Market firm; moderate demand; sig nal, OafiOc; West Virginia black, 13c; lard, 80c; headlight, 20a22c; kerosene, 18c; neats foot, 75c; machinery. 35a40c; linseed, 61 a64c; mineral seal, 28c. Onions.— Northern, none on the market; : Bermuda, per crate, 18 75. ; Potatoes.—Market lightly stocked, with I moderate demand. New York stock, per bar- I rcl. $2 75. Burbank, per barrel, 12 75. Pri nes —Turkish, s>*o; French. 75>*c. Peas.—C iw peas, stock light; demand fair: mixed. 51 50; clay. 41 50; black-eve. 42 00. Raisins.—Demand quiet, market steady: loose new Muscatel, 42 75; layers, 42 50 per box; London layers, 23 15 per box. Salt.—The demand is moderate and the market quiet; car-load lots, 80c, t o b; job lots, ! 90c. Sugars.— Market higher; cut loaf, 7J4aSc; standard A,6-j£afi%c; extra C. O'afc; 0, yellow, 5-v„n >*c: granulated, 7’o; powdered, 7Vjc. syrup.—Florida and Georglasyrunv in good ! demand; supply light. We quote: • sasoc; the ! market is quiet for sugar house at 35*40e; ' Cuoa straight goods, 30c in hogsheads; mo laSses, 20c. Tobacco,—Market firm; demand moderate. We quote: Smoking, 40u$l 23; chewing, com mon. s-uind. 35a40c: medium. 4'aS3c; bright. 50a75e; flue fancy, hsi(Wc; extra fine, (sialllO; bright nayies. 43a57c; dark navie-i, 40a50c. Lumber.—The mills are fairly active, with a fair demand. We quote: Ordinary S'iea . |l3 00al5 50 Difficult sizes 14 00a 20 50 Flooring boards 16 90*19 f0 Shipstuff 18 00a2 > 50 1 ihbeb.—Market dull and nominal. We quote; 700 feet average I 9 OOall 00 800 “ 10 OOall OO 900 *• “ 11 ooali 00 1,0110 •* “ 12 OOall 00 Shipping timber In the raft -700 loet average $6 00a 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00* 800 904 “ 6 oOa 9 00 1,000 •* “ 9 ooaio 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber,— By Sail.— The market has been quiet, and rate* are unchanged. We quote 14 25a5 a the range of prices ft'<im this and the near Georgia porta on lumber to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York and vicinity, with a tendency upward. Timber is 50ca41 higher than lumber rates; to the West In dies and windward, to**; to South America. 412 U; toSpanish and Mediterra nean ports, It0a12; to United Kingdom for orders, Minber. 30; lumber £5. By steam to Now York, 17; to Philadelphia, I"; to Bos ton, s9.’ N'a valStoreb,Co AST WlSE.—ffy Noil.—Mar ket firm, tonnage very scarce and in good request. Foreign.—Cork, etc., for or ders. 3s, and, or, ss. Coastwise.— To Boston. 50c on rosin, 41 on spirits; to New York, rosin* 40c. spirt * 80c; Philadel phia. 30, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin 30c. spirits 70c. CoTTos.—Hy Siram— Nominally unchanged. Liverpool via New York. t*. f•• 6-l#d Liverpool via Boston,'# lb ... 14-84d Liverpool vlri Baltimore, lb 18.H4d Antwerp via Philadelphia. >1 lb .... 11.33d Antwerp via New York, -fib ....... 11-82d llitvro via New York, y lb 11-l#c Bremvn via Sew York lb 11-32d .Revnl via New York. f. tb 7-18d , Bremen via Baltimore. fb ...... %and ’ Arnner-latn via New York, ‘f bale... 70c Genoa via New York 18-324 Itonton. if. bale .. fl 50 80a isUuil. 18 bale 1 54 New York, jl bale 1 50 hea Island, et bale 1 So Philadelphia, V-bale l*o Nea island, je ha>e 1 50 Baltimore, 1# oala > 125 1 Pro-Id. 11,10 171 Rice. —By Steam— New York. barrel.... 60 Philadelphia, ifl barrel 60 Baltimore. barrel . 60 Boston, barrel 75 Vegetables to New York, Philadelphia, Bal timore and Boaton. standard bushel crates, 35c each: barrels, 75c each. By special con tracts, standard bushel caates, 25c each; bar rels, 50c each. COUNTRY PRODUCE Grown fowls, j? pair 80@S5 Spring chickens iMStJO Chickens, dressed, ft tb 16,*— Chickens, three-quarters grown .. 60d570 Eggs, 18 dozen 15®li Butter, mountain, tb 2 @3O Peanuts—Fancy h. p. Vs., ft .. 6Wia_ Peanuts—Hand picked, ft tb Peanuts—Straight Virginia s^ Peanuts—Georgia 2Ci#— Florida sugar, tt> Honey, gallon 6u@6o Sweet potatoes, bushel 50(a!60 Poultry—Market fairly supplied; de mand good. Eggs—The market is fairly sup - plied; demand moderate. Butter.—Good de mand; not much coming in. Peanuts.—Am- f >le stock; demand light; native peanuts in ight request at quotations. Sugar—Georgia aud Florida quiet; very little being received. SAVANNAH MARKET. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, i Savannah, June 5. 1835. Ip. m. ( Cotton—The market was dull and nominal; nothing doing and no sales. On ’Change at the midday call tho market was reported quiet aud unchanged. The following aro the official spot quotations of tho Cotton Ex change: Middling fair lot. Good middling. lffC Middling khz Low middling lo<4 Good ordinary 91' Ordinary 9 Rice—The market was quiet, steady and unchanged. The sales for the day were 100 barrels. The following are tho Board of Trade's official quotations: Fair 5 Good t*gsU Prime 5*255*2 Rough- Country lots . 95(®1 00 Tide water 1 loqjl 35 Naval Stores—The market for spirits turpentine was quieter, with prices easier, though rather unsettled. The sales were 50 casks, of which 21 casks wore regulars at 34c. anu 29 oils and whiskies at 31c. At the Board of Trade on the opening call 34c was bid for regulars, with 34V$c asked. At the closing call it was unchanged. Rosin—The market, was very quiet but firm. At the Board of Trade on the first call it was firm, with sales of 86 barrels at the following quotations: C and 1) $1 00. E $1 10. F $1 15. G *1 2' , II *1 65. I $2 10, K $2 50, M $.3 1214, N $3 25. window glass ?S 51, water white $3 87}*. At the closing call it was unchanged. MARKETS BT TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. Pari?, June s—The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows an increase of 12,910,000 francs in gold and 4,769,000 l'rancs iu silver. London, June 5, noon.—Consols, 99' 2 . 4 p. m—Consols, 99 7-16 for money; 99' j' for account. New York, June 5, noon—Stocks heavy. Money easy at 1 per cent. Exchauge—long, $4 86ti; short. $4 87}K. Stale bunds neglected. Government bonds dull but firm. 5:00 p. m—Exchange unchanged. Money closed at lki'fipl per cent. Sub-Treasury bal ances—Gold, $1411,314,000; currency,s2l,->2!,000. Government bonds quiet but strong; four per cents, 122’,; three per cents, lff.lq,. State bonds strong. A steady drive, accompanied by some realizing, has been made to-day against some of the leading active stocks, notably Lacka wanna, Union Pacific anil New York-Central, resulting iu a decline in price of the first mentioned ot nearly 2 per cost. There were no Important rumors. The market opened weak and dull, and without any important reactions during the day, slowly but steadily yielded 011 limited transactions until after 2 o'clock, when there was a more decided break in the more active stocks, which was checked only a few minutes before the close. 111 the final transaction* there was a rally of <t> 1> 2 percent., with Lackawanna gaining 64 pi r cent., aud the market finally closed barely steady at Improved quotations. While ex treme declines were therefore in a number of cases considerably over 1 per cent., the net result of the day was a loss of 14 per cent., eicept in Union Pacific, which was 1 and Lackawanna \% percent, lower, xt. Pan', however, was only N and Lake Shore'., per cent, lower. Sales l(k) 0 0 t-haros, tile market closing at the following quotations: Ala.class A,2 to 5 90 Nash. St Chatt'a. 35 Ala. class B, 55... 102 New Orleans Pa- Georglafis 103 ci ic, Ist mort 55 “7, mortgngi 105 N. Y. Central 82'q, N. Carollnos . . 30 Nor:. &W, pref 16 “ new .... 18 Nor. Pacific 16 “ funding ll “ pref S7 3 £ So.Caro.(Brown) Pacific Mail.. 631 q consols. 108 Reading. 12', Tennessee fis 42.( Kichm’d A Al’gli. 1 Virginia 6 Klrhm’d <t Danv. 46 V. consolidated. SH, llichiu’d A W.Pt. Ch’peake A 01110 8! a Terminal 17 Chic. 4 N’nttiw'n. 93 Rock Island .. 118 “ preferred.. 127 St. Paul .V- n Den.AßioGrande “ preferred 102>, Erie Texas Pacific 104$ E. Tennessee Kd 31, Union Pacific 52 1 ,, Lake Shore. ... 51% Wabilsh Pacific . L’yilleA Nash 321, “ pref, 7 Memphis * Char. 32% Western Union 59U SlobileAOhio. . 5% COTTON. ■ Livbrbooi., June 5, noon.—Cotton steady, with fair demand; middling uplands 5 15-16d; middling Orleans 6d: sales h.OOO bales, fur speculation and export 1,000 hales; receipts 2,200 bales--all American. Futures: Uplands, low middling clause. June and July delivery. 5 57-i 4 <55 36-64 u ; July and August, 5 60-64 (45 59-64 U; Augllr-t andfiep tembor, 6(#560.64d; SepterabeF aod fictoiK-r, 5 69-Old: November an'l I)cc<oilier, 5 48-044. Market steady. The tenders 01 deliveries at to-day’s clear ings amounted to 5,609 bales new docket and 2,500 bales old docket. Sales for the wfl., 48.000 bales—American, 37,000 bales; speculators took 1.840 bales; ex porters took 2,6(10 bales; actual export.*,, 2.9(i0 bales; imports, 48,o"0 bales—American, 30,000 bales; stock, 977.000 bales— American, 733,0ut) bales; afloat, 125,003 bales—American 37,000 bales. 2:00p. ra.—The salea to-day included 6,100 bales of American. Futures: Uplands, low middling clause, June delivery. 5 57-64*1, s licrs. J one and July, 5 57-64 J, sellers; July and August, 5 60-64(1, sellers; August and September, Bd, sellers; .September and October, 560-64 l.bujers; Oc tober and November.ssl tpl.fellers; Novem ber and December, 6 48-84d, sellers; December and January, & 48-64(1, sellers. Market steady. 4:oop.m.—Futures: Uplands, low middling clause, June delivery. 3 58-641, sellers; June and July, 5 56-64d, sellers; July and August, 5 59-641, buyers; August arid Bo.ptemlier, 5 63-utd, sellers; September and October, 5 60-64d, nellers; October and No/ember. 5 51-84(1, sellers; N..vetn s,r and USOIMbSt, 5 48-#4d, value; December and January, 5 4s-84d, value. Marge.t closed barel y steady. New Yore, June 6, noon.—Cotton quiet; middling uplands 104£c; middling Orleans 10 15- 16c; sales 920 bales. Futures: M.rket dull, with sale* ss fol lows: June delivery, 10 74c; July, Pi 77c; Au gust, 10 “2c ; beptember, lbfluc; Octob -r, lo 30c; Novemtier, 10 I7c. 5:00 p. m.—Cotton closed steady; middling uplands middling Orleans 19 5- pc; *a cs 1,183 bale*; nel receipts bales, gross 1,784. Futures: Market closed qiuet but firm, with sales of 34.500 bales, as follows: dune dellvci y, 111 78C(}I0 74c; .Inly, 1(1 71061" 75c; August, 10 "I C4IO 81c; Neptemlwr, 10 '.941b00e; Ort.dwr.lU3o fit 1031 c; November, 10 16(410 I7c; December, 10 170810 lee : Januarv, IOM#MI7e; February, 10 3.Vffllo::7e; March, 10 45c, The Post savs: “Future deliveries, after losing 7-100 cto 5-l"0c, recovered half the lots, and range: at the third call 3-iooo b - low yesterday’s clcistug q iotations. At the third call 100 bales August brought 10 7U". IWi bale* October 10 2c aud 100 hales Dceemliei 10 16c. Futures closed steady at about 2- lodc lower than yesterday." Weekly—Vet reiasipts 69 bales, gross #.7B#; exports, to Great Britain 7,372 bales, lo France 1,883, to the continent 1,689; sales 3,231 bales; stock 303,-129 bale*. Galveston, June s.—Cotton easier; mid dling 10(40. Norfolk, June s.— Cotton easy; middling 1084 c. W 1 i.mikotoh, Jane 4.—Cotton dull; mid dling lov*c. New Orleans, Jnne s.—Cotton quiet and easv: middling 1084 c. Mobile, June (.—Cotton easy; middling sf rural*, June I,—Cotton quiet but steady; middling lOVe. AuotrsT a, Jll ne s.—Cotton steady; middling 1084 c. Charleston, June I.—Cotton qnlet; mid dling io(4c. Moktoomibt, Jnne (.-Cotton nominal; middling 10c. Macon, June 4.—Cotton qnlet; middling Jo>*e. Columbus, June s.—Cotton quits!; middling W/,c.. NASnvn.LK, .Time s—Cotton steady; mid dling 10%'c., June s—Cotton quiet; middling 10%c. Roue. June s—Cotton uominat; middling 10%c. low middling lOe, good ordinary 9%c. PROVISIONS, GROCERIES. ETC. Liverpool, June 5, noon—Wheat steady, with poor demand; supply large. Corn steady, with poor demand; new mixed West ern. 4s ■ jd. Cheese, American fine 36e. New York, June 6, noon—Flour dull aud depressed. Wheat weaker. Corn lower. Pork dull; mess. 111 50. Lard weak at 6 70%c. Freights steady. 5:00 p. tn—Flour, Southern unchanged. ” heat—spot >@lc higher; ungraded red 8 @ 90c: No. 2 red, June delivery closed at $1 01, July $1 OliiSl 02% Corn—spot a shade easier; ungraded, 52@f8!.$e; No. 2, June delivery *2 \ eJSfi’aC, July 5H' - <653440. Oats, mixed *i@lc higher; No. 2, lo.dlltejc. Hops dull and un changed. Coffee, fair Rio. on spot Arm at B'tc; No. ' Rio, on spot 70, Juno delivery 6 90c. Sugar dull and easy ; fair to good refilling S l , @5 T ,c; refined ah,ml siead>— C 5 1 <415 W,<-. ex tra C ji'.iss' h o, w hite extra C 54(0, yellow 14; 9*60. off A s",iqHie, mould A fi''„o, confectioners 1 A 6 9-lfluSeVge, standard A 6 ~(E6ssi', cut loaf and crushed7%c, powdered 7:<4’ 1 „c, granulated Iv',-c, cubes 7@7%e. Molasses easy; Ml de grees iet 20c. Colton seed e11—82(2535c for crude, 3i1@400 for refined. Hides unchanged. Wool steady. Pork dull and drooping; moss, on spot sll 25@1l 50. Middles dull. Lard 2 points higher and quiet; Western steam, on spot 6 7Djqf>o 80c, July delivery 6 80:40 84c. Freights to Liverpool steady; cotton, per steam \sd; wheat, pef steam '"jd. Chicago, June s—The day ou ’Change was again marked by strong excitement and an other sharp advance In the price of wheat; the con lltions were very similar to those witnessed during the two preceding days; tho outlook tor the crop in the winter wheat growing States was considered so dubious as to dwarf the talk concerning the visible sup- I ply; an offic al stall mem from Kansas limil ' lug the probable yield In that State to 12,000,- | 000 bushels had a strengthening effect, and the I statement was made that Illinois, Missouri, Indiana and Ohio would roport little if auy more promising conditions; other wheat mar kets responded to the rise here, St. Louis lead ing the local markets and scoring a larger ad vance even Than < hicago; it was stated that Minneapolis millers had advanced the price for wheat 2c. and that a good interior milllßg demand had grown up; tho receipts here were large and shipments continue limited; foreign a-1 vices quoted dull and easy markets, and under this influence, after a firm opening, the market declined : ’,c, rallied l jr, again sold off a trifle, then sold up under a strong de mand 1 %c, and closed on the regular board lc over yesterday; there was a further apprecia tion of %a on the afternoon board, the market closing at nearly tho outside figures. There was good trading in corn, but prices average lower, owing to increased receipts aud a less urgent shipping demand; the market opened a shade firmer, soli mV %c, fluctuated and flna ly closed %e lower than yesterday. There w as a weaker leeling In oats, the market de clining ’j(is' s c, but recovered a portion of the decline and finally closed on Ihe afternoon board well up to yesterday's latest figures. There was very little doing in provisions, and prices ruled lower, pork closing Jo®lse under yesterday. Flour unchanged. Wheat unsettled and nsrvou*; opened a shade higher: closed lc over yesterday; regular, June delivery 87® 88’.,c, July 88 * ytfid'sc; No. 2 red 95!jc. Coro, after firm opening, ruled easier and closed under yesterday: cash lots 46 : ,@t6%c. June delivery 46;,@'Ae. July 45%(4iti' 4 c, August 46%@46%c. Gats weaker and fractionally lower; cash lots 3:i%r, June delivery 32’{i<6 S:i%c. July 32V<63 -V . August 28%:d,28%c. Provisions—Mess pork quiet audio j{slc lower; cash lots and Juue delivery $lO 2' aiO 80, July $lO 25® 10 85, August $lO 34® 0 45. Lard easier and 2% points lower; cash lots 6 47%@6 52 1 jc, June delivery 6 &o®B 52’,c, July 6 55®6 60c, August 0 Hs®6 67‘ c. Boxed meats quiet; dry sailed shoulders H 80rt®8 86c, short ribs 6 25 er> 27‘jc, clear 6 SO@sßsc. Whisky firm at II 15. .Sugars unchanged; granuluted 7c, slau dard A 6’-Bc. Baltimore, Juno s.—Flour easy and dull; Howard street and Western superfine $3 25® 8 65, extra $3 75@4 25, family $4 503)16 00; city mills superfine $825®3t15, extra •$! 75(2(4 00, Rio brands $1 !ii"}. r > 10. Wlies I—Southern steady; Western steady; Southern, red 90 c 93c ain - her $1 00 1(1 02; No. 1 Maryland $1 asked; No. 2 Western winter red, on spot 04 I gy&96 , ju. Corn—Southern easy but quiet; Western steady hut dull; Southern, while 60@62c, yel low 53@54!4c. Cincinnati, June 5 Flour firmer; family $4 20.iy4 6u. Wheat stronger; No. 2 red, $1 00® 1 01. Corn weak anil lower; No. 2 mixed, ; 47%®47%c. Oats quiet; No. 2 mixed. 35 a 35 1 sc. I’rovisione—Pork steady and in light demand at $lO 75. 1-urd stronger, 6 35c. Bulk meats firm; shoulders 375 c, hort rib 5 45c. Bacon in fair demand; shoulders 4 75c, short rib 6 16c, short clear 6 60c. Whisky steady at $1 12. Sugar steady and unchanged; New Orleans 4 s ((ni'-jgc. Hogs firm; jommnn and light $3 25 @1 16, packing and butchers S3 s.i joi 35. Sr. Lons, June 6.—Flour dull hut firm. Wheat higher and very unsettled: No. 2 red, ca a htto2jj®l OSIjC, June delivery $1 02 1 fit, 103%. Com dull aud lower; No. 2mlx*jd, mi-h 42' 0 (t41e, Juno delivery 43%@l3 7 (e. Oats firm a m slow: No. 2 mixed, cash 10t533%c, June, delivery 32%c. Whisky steady at $1 13. Provisions quiet but wesk; Pork, $lO Lard, nominally 6 36c. Bulk meats—long clear 5 38c, short rib 5 40c, short clear 5 60c. Bacon —long clear 59o@:!'9<!e, short rib 6 00®6 10c, short clear 25®6 50c. LonaviLi.E, Juno s—Grain firm: Wheat- No. 2 red, sl. Corn—No. 2 white. 56c. Oats No. 2 mixed 37c. Provisions firm : Bscon—clear rib sides 6c, clear sides 0 37Uc, shoulders 4 59® 4 75c. Bulk meats—clear rib sides 5 50c. clenr sides 6c. shoulders 4 26c. Mess pork, sllsO. Hams, sugar cured 9%@100. Lard, choice leaf Bc. New Orleans, June s—Coffee steady; Rio cargoes, commoD to prune. 6%<<(9bjc. Sugar strong: common to fair 4si@s %c, yellow clari fied sjjg<s6%c. Molasses scarce and firm ; com mon to gid common 17®22c. Cotton seed oil dull; prime erode 23c. NAVAL STORES. Liverpool. June 5, noon— Spirits turpen tine. 2xs fid. Rosin, common 3s 9d. London, Junes. 5:90 p. m—Spirits turpen tinesteady; spot27sd, July and August de livery 27 6, September to December 27s fid. New York, June 5, noon—Spirits turpen tine steady at 3 @35%c. Konin steady at $t 12%®1 17%. 5:06 p. rn—Spirits turpentine firm at 36c. Rosin dull. CHARLMTOH, June 6—Spirits turpentine, firm; 35c asked. Kosin steady at previous quotations. Wilmington, June s—Sp rits turpentine unsettled ut.:.V(c. Kosin steady; strained 85c; good strained 9ec. Tar firm at sllO. Crude turpentine steady; hard sllO, yellow dip and virgin $1 80. RICE. New York, June 5. Market steady. Charleston, June 6. -Market steady and uni hedged ; sales 166 barrels. New Orleans. June s—Market steady; Louisiana, ordinary to prime tJs^.Yige. Fruit and Vegetable Market. FLORIDA DIdPATCH LIN* QUOTATIONS. Special to Jfnrninrj .Veres. Baltimore., June 3. Orange*—Palermo, per lIOX, $3.i3 50; Messina, per Imx. $35. Lemons— Messina, per box, $2 80u3 50; Palermo, per box, $3 754 50. Bean—Georgia, perorate, 50750 Florida, per crate, $ 1 6053. Cucumber*—Georgia, per crate. $ 24*150. Cabbages—GeergiM. per bbl, tl 50a2. Cauli flowers— Florida, per bbl, s2x4. Irish pota tes—l.eorgia. per bbl, s3a4 50. Egg plant— Florida, per crate, tl. New York, June s.—lrish potato*.*—Flor ida and Georg.a. per bbl. s3*4. Cabbage*— Georgia, per bbl, sl*2. Tomatoes—Flo. Ida, perorate. 11*260; Georgia, pep crate, '2 25*5. Beans i.e. rgia, per crate, 2v *si. Cucum bers—Florida, per crate, 2juSOc; Georgia, per crate, 75ce$l. A Nephew 01 - f lic President. , W ahuincton, June 4. — One of the can didate* for the position of Collector ol tho Eighteenth Ohio district, which waa tilled yesterday by the appointment of Mr. John H. Farley, was a young man named Cleveland, a nephew of the i’retideot. Hi* application was refused, however, because the l'realdent thought it would l,e Immediately said that he was showing favoritism to Ids relations, and the cry ot ‘•nepotism” would tie raised. The Presi dent had nothing elm; against the young man, and if it bad not been for the rela tionship, the latter would have received the appointment. Mr. Farley waa so pleased at the action of the President he openly declared that he would hi young Cleveland hia first deputy, t he would accept It. Advice to Mothers, Mrs. Win*low’ii Soothing Syrof should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little suf ferer at once; It produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as ‘’bright as a button.” It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, al lay* all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and Is the best known remedy for diarrbees, whether arising from teething l or other causes. It cents a bottle. 3(tipping JttfyUtgntrr. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Sunrises 4:57 Sunsets t : os High Water at Ft Pulaaki. 12:38 ru, 1:82 m Saturday, June 6, 1886. ARRIVJSD YESTERDAY. Schr D K Baker, Brewster. New York, with stone to order; vessel to Master. Schr Lewis K Cottingham, Whittaker, Bal timore, with railroad Iron to C R K and Bk’g Cos: vessel to Fenimore A Johnson. Schr Aaron Reppard, Lake. Philadelphia, in ballast to Reppard A Cos. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Bavannah, Daggett, New York—G M Sorrel. Brig Selina Stanford iltal), Rtarita, Carta gena and Tarragona—M S Cosullch A Cos. DEPARTEDYESTF.RDAY. Steamer Ethel, Gibson, Cohen's Bluff and way landings—W T Gibson, Manager. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Savannah; New York, MEMORANDA. New York. Juno 6—Arrived, steamship Main. Arrived out. steamer Sonthwood, ship Saranak, barks Hope, Naja, Eliza, Aca cia, Havre, Tomassco. Bristol, May 3—Arrived, bark Manitoba (Ur), Jones, Darien. Ga. Kastnet, June 3—Passed, bark Memlo (Br), Morn, Port Royal, S C, for a United Kingdom port. Southampton, June 2—Arrived, bark Clar ence ißr). Webb, Pensacola. Aspinwall, May 20—Arrived, schr Herald, Gray. Pensacola. Sailed, prior to June 1, schr Wm IT Strent, Sparks, Kev West and Shin Island. Boston, June B—Cleared, bark Nor (Nor), 1 Stolnest, Brunswick. Ga. Bangor, Me, June 3—Cleared, schr Fannie A Gorham, Welsh, Palatka and San Mateo, Fla. Charleston, June .3—Arrived, sohr Nellie W Hewlett, Savannah Darien, J uno 4—Arrived, bark Jens Brandt (Nor). Halvprsen, Santa Cruz.- Cleared 2d, sehrs Kflle J Simmons, Bulger, St John; 4th Surah D J Kavvaon, French, New York; bark Aristides (Nor), Frodaou, Weu dalk. Georgetown, 8 C, June B—Arrived, schr B I Hazzard, Smith, Nnw York. sailed, schr, Eleanor, Mott, New York. Kev West, June 3—Arrived, schr I, N Dantz* lor. Pascagoula. Forest Home. Pensacola, June 2-Arrived, bark Harrtet Uphani, l.loyd, New York, Philadelphia, June 3—Arrived, schr Austin D Knight, Berry, Fernandlna. Apalachicola, June 2 —Arrived, bark Norma (Rus), llonnicu. St Vincent C V 1. Brunswick, June 2—Arrived, schr S G Has kell, Eaton. Port Royal, 8 C. Jacksonville, June 2—Arrived,schr Louis V Chaplcs, Weaver, Newport News. Cleared, steam schr Louts Rtickl, Mount. New York. New Bedford, June 2—Arrived, schr Ruth Darling, Chlpmau, Savannah. New London, June 2—Arrived schr Nettle Langdon. Milestone Point and sailed for Jacksonville. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Bermuda, May 80—Bark Seoondo l’re Fan ciudi ( Ital), from Pensacola for Cardiff,which arrived ut Murray s anchorage May 28 leak ing badly, has been surveyed and a diver recommended to examine the vessel’s bottom, which is now being done, when tbe surveyors will advise the master what course It Is beat to pursue. The vessel has had upward of 6or 7 feet of water In her, and notwithstanding windmill pump has been kept constantly going it has been unable to free her. RECEIPTS. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Rail way, June 5—16 cars lumber, 916 bills rosin, S3K bills spirits turpeutln*. 805 bills and 2,120 boxes vegetables, 8 halos hides, 1 bales wool, and mdse. Per Central Railroad, June 5—37 bales cot ton. 120 pkgs vegetables. 116 pkgs grate flxt’s. 85 bales yarns. 77 crates fruit, 72 eases ax hair’les, 65 empty kegs, 61 doz brooms, 8 pkgs machy, 50 boxes starch, 7 tierces bams, 7 cases plaids, 5 oarboys acid, 4 hales hides, 5 boxes hardware. 8 boxes bacon, 3 boxes g ware. 31 Nixes lead, 80 cases li powder, 17 pkgs mdse, 21 bales domestics, 16 hdls pipes, 16 Cases eggs, 13 sacks peas, 12 boxes wood in shape, 13 Dkgs tobacco, 10 doz bill covers, 11 boxes govern ment stores. 234 tons pig Iron, 8 pkgs furniture, 2 empty hbls.2 bales rags.l cars bldg material, I box books, 1 box oil, 1 oar poultry, 1 bale waste, 1 box eggs, 62 bids roein, 156 b'bls oil. EXPORTS. Per steamship City of Savannah, for New York—l3 bales sea island cotton, 296 bbis rice, II bales domestics and yarns, 890 bbls rosin, 50 bills spirits turpentine. 97,88 feet 111 mher, 690 sacks cotton seed meal, 2,*071 bbls and 7,844 crates vegetatiles, 222 pkgs mdse, 18 tons pig iron, 100 turt'e. l’cr brig Selina Stanford (Ital), for Carta grua-20.l bbls rosm. weighing 87,010 pounds, 145.430 feet p p (umber, and for Tarragona 79,649 feet p p lumber—Cbas Green’s Hon ft Cos. PASSENGERS. Per steamship City of Savannah, for New York - II M Coiner, Mr and Mrs W H Will and 2chi'dren. Mrs H A Burton. Mias Davis and servant. Mrs.) II Ryan and child, Mrs R F Richards, Miss Crosby, Mrs Crosby. Henry F, Child, Mr and Mrs C L Snyder, Master LJ Snyder, Miss Nellie Millar, Miss M Cross, Mrs C I. Ayres, Mr and MVs Frank Lawrence, Mics Mary Hughs, Miss L Detrtck, Mis* Belle Allen, (j W Ayres, Miss Mnrv Bright, Mrs Lee Bennett, Mrs L L Woods, L B Wlnstock, I (1 A Raymond. M Sfibwcd, I* Mitchell, Mr Becker. Mr O'Brien, Mr and Mr* J A Allen, M J Power, T .7 Davies, A Ii Hammerlck, Dr W Kennedy, O B Smith, W Drummond, J B Fisk, Mrs Allen and 2 children. Mr* M L Martin. Colored: G T Rivers. P M Hall, F W Grace, Mrs J H Brown and 9 steerage. CONSIGNEES. Per Central Railroad, Juue I—Forde Agt, Brunch ft C. M Y Henderson, K D Walker, II Solomon ft Son, West Bros, Lee Roy Myers. F W Hinmard. H Kuck. Clies-Carley Cos, W A Charlton. I, Potzcl, J S Collin* ft Cos, s*ml Hunt. A H Champion. W W stare, J s Silva, Nathan Bros, Weed AC. F.psteln ft W, R I, McDonald ft Cos, A J Miller ft Cos, estate John Olivcr.ltteser * B,H J Solomon*. Frank * Cos, Palmer Broa, Jno Lyons ft Cos, M Fcrst ft Cos, W C Jackson. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Rail way. June s—Fordg Office, M Y Henderson, (> Hall. Chess Carley Cos. D(J Bacon ft Cos, Bacon, Jft Cos. A R Fawcett, T P Bond, II Kuck, Leo Rev 51 vers, J 8 Collins ft Cos, J A Pearson, Smith Bros * Cos, 3 Ranett, E 8 Abraham* ft Cot Weed ft C, West Bros, J Rourke, Holcombe, O A Cos, M Ferst 4 Cos, H Myers ft Bros, Dale, W * Cos. A nold ft TANARUS, McDonough ft Cos, D C Bacon ft Co.C L Jones. WC Jackson, Ellis, Hft Cos, J P Williams, W W Gordon ft Cos. W W Chisholm. Lee Roy Myers, Peacock, H ft Cos, R E Cheatham. LIST OF VESSELS IN THE FORT Or SAVANNAH. Savannah, Jnne t, 188$. STEAMSHIP*. Nacoochec, 1,905 tons, Kempton, New York, Mg—G M Sorrel. Dessoug. 1,367 tons. Smith, Philadelphia, Mg— Q M sorrel. TWo steamship*. BARKS. Fcrreri (ltl), 449 tons, Jscarlno, United Kingdom or Continent, Idg—>l S Cosulich ft Cos. Bolus (tier), 463 tons, Schwerin, Hamburg, eld—S F NUottsr * Cos. Cyclone. 799 ton*, Merryman, Barcelona, Idg —Wilder A Cos. Marianne (Ger). 410 ton*, Bradherring, Kurope, Idg—9 Fatman Anna llowitz (Ger,. 392 ton*, Hoff, Continent, Mg—i Fatman. Tiger (Ger,, 411 tons, Black, Europe, Idg— Master. Six bark*. BRIO*. Selina Stanford (Hal), 349 tons. Starlta, Car tage :a and Tarragona old—M H Cosullch ft Cos. Uegnbnen (Nor;, 279 ton*. Olsen, at quaran tine, wtg—sl S Cosullch ft Cos. Two brigs. SCHOONER*. Melissa A Willey. 420 tons, Willey, Batb, dls —Jo* A Roberis ft Cos. M It Mlllen, Bi* tons, Dyer, Batb, dls—Jos A Roberts A Cos. E H Cornell. KBS tons, Crocker, Aspinwall, Idg—Fenimore ft Johnson. Samuel MeN*nemy, 295 tons, Baker, Phila delphia, Idg—Fenimore ft Johnson. Gen m Mart/, 420 tons, Henderson, New York, dls—Fenlmoro ft Jnhoenn. Wm It shulHTt, *ll tou*. King, Boston, dls— Fenimore ft Johnson. Lewis k Cottingham. 498 tons. Whittaker, Haiti more, di— Fenimore A Jnhnsoa. F.ddie Hack, 496 tons, Bartlett, Perth Amboy, idg—Master. D K Maker, 493 tons, Brewster, New York, dis —Master. Aaron tteppard, 469 too*, Lake, Philadelphia, dis—Reppard A Cos. Ten schooners. A SWARM OX A MAX’S HEAD. Italian Bee* Take a Fancy to a Citizen of Mount Airy. From the Baltimore American. Mr. J. B. Kunkle, merchant at Mount Alrv, Carroll county, has a number of beehives in the rear of his house. The bees have been quite lively for the past few days, and the odor of locust blossoms has had the effect of drawing out the families from every hive. Yesterday af ternoon tbe bee lamily of one of tbe hives took a notion to “swarm.” Mr. Run Vie said they were Italian bees. Tney got up Into the air in a knot, and buzzed around, looking for u good plaoe to light. They seemed a little choice about a lighting spot. There was no place around that suited them, and they buzzed away a lit tle longer. Mr. Charles D. Landerkin, telegraph operator, had been to dinner, and was coming hack to his office picking his teeth. He had to pass right under the bees. It occurred to the bees, however, that Mr. I.anderkln’s head would be a good place to sit on, and they beean de scending. When the first bee struck his live end just under Mr. Landerkln's bat rim he jumped several feet, and quick ened his pace. He waa not quick enough, though, and several hundred bees lnnded on him iu a lump, and the balance of the swarm xvero preparing to do the same thing. Mr. Landerkin then ran, and with his hands scraped tho bees from bis hafr aud lace. Mr. Geo. Crouse,who was oom ing down the hill behind Mr. Landerkin, seemed to offer an attractive landing place for the bees, too, and a number of them landed on him. He did not fare as badly as the opeiutor. Mr. Landerkin was so severely suing by the bees that he fainted, and Dr. B. H. Todd was called to attend him. His face was terribly swol len, and he was suffering severe pain. Mr. Kunkle said that one of the bees struck him on tho side of the head and knocked him nearly ten feet up a grade. jPfflftablre anb frruita. ONIONS! IN CRATES AND BA REELS. L. L. and LOOSE MUSCATEL RAISINS. “EUREKA BRAND’’ fancy i f. n. mums. LEMONS! FANCY CHOICE AND FAIR LEMONS, LEMONS, LEMONS, LEMONS, AT LOWEST PRICES. Nuts. Nuts, Nuts. HAY and GRAIN. Hvy atoi'ka of CORN, OATS, HAY. FEED MEAL, BRAN, EYES, CROWDER PEAS, ETC. Oct my ipaelal prlcei on oar load lota of Uraln ami llay before buying. 153 and 155 Buy Street, T. I*. HOND. f ottrnro. L.S.L.I CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000. ** We do hereby certify that we supervise the arrangement* for all the Monthly and Semi- Annual Drawing* of the Louisiana State Lottary Company, and in per eon manage and control the Dra wing* them*olwes, and that the same are conducted with honesty. fairnees. and in good faith toward all jxirtles, and we authorise the Company to u*e this certificate, with facsimiles of our signature* attached , in its advertise ments." COMMISSIONERS. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION M'ivuk Hack a Million dihihibdtkdi LOUISIANA STATU LOTTERY t'O. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 year* br the Leg islature for educational ami charitable pur po*c—with a capital of 11,000,000—t0 which a reserve fund of oyer $550,000 ha* since bee* added. By an overwhelming popular rote it* fran rnltc was made a part or tne present State Constitution, adopted Dee. J. A. D. 1879. fTS (4B4VD SINOLE NCMBEE DKAWINOB Will take place monthly. It never ecatee or poet ponce. Look at the following Distribution: 181st Strand Monthly AND THE Extraordinary Semi-Annual Drawing In the A'-a'lcmy of Music, New Orleans, TUESDAY, June 16, 1886, under the personal supervision and management of Gen.G.T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana,and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia, €'[>ital Prize, $150,000. NOTICE. Tickets are Ten Dollar* only.' Halves, $5. Fifth*. $2, Tenths. |l. LIST OF FRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of |150,000 3150,009 1 Grand Prize of 50,000 50,009 1 Grand Prize of 20,00# 20,000 2 Large Prises ef 10,000 20,009 4 Large Prize* ef 5.000 20,000 20 Prizes of 1,000 20,000 50 ** 500 SUB too “ 800 mjfH 200 “ 200 40.006 oo <• 100 SjS! 1,000 “ 50 60,000 APPROXIMATION PSIZIS. 100 Approximation Prize* of 5200... .3 20,000 100 “ “ 100.... MdMf 100 7l ... 7,500 2,279 Prizes, amounting to 3522,500 Application fur rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company in Xew Orleans. for further Information write clearly, gly ing full address. POsTAL NOTES, Expresa Money Orders, or New York Exrnange in ordinary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of 35 and upwards at our expense) ad dressed M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La., OrM. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. Or JNO. It. FERNANDEZ. •Savannah, Ga. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and ad dress Registered Letter* to NEW ottLEAhft NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans. L*. Sliottgr, (Hr. SUNDRIES. BEAUTIFUL line of SPONGE". Bathing and Carriage; C’HAMOIH “KINS, large and small; OILED CHAMOIS for Carriage* and Buggies, BATH T‘>WELfi, FLEsH BRUSHES and SALT WATER SOAP, at STRONC’S DRUG STORE, Comer RuU and rrv itrßt lana. a?.*” 1 . _ 1 PUKE CONFECTIONS. MAILI.AtRD’S CHOCOLATE BON BON#, 1 pound tins; MAILLAtKD'S MARSH MALLOW DROP#. 1 pound tins; WHfTK NOUGAT. JELLY UUM DROP#, WHIT MA> # TOURIST CHOCOLATE, WHIT MANS INSTANTANEOUS CHOCOLATI, PHILLIP'S COCOA, at OKU KOLA BUTLER'S. 7