Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, June 16, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 A DA V OF JUD^ DEFEATS. ATLANTA SCOUES 14 TO NASH VILLE'S NOTHING, Augusta Shut* Out Birmingham and Scorn. fl--Meinphl Nothing While Chattanooga Gets 4—Colombu* Wine at Macon by a Total of 1(> to 'i. Macon, Ga., .Tune 10.—Columbus snowed Macon under to-day before 1,000 people, much to the chagrin of the crowd. Macon stands badly in need of a pitcher, and if she expects to win must have one. The game contained no special features. The following is the score by innings and a summary of the game: Macon 00000011 0 2 Columbus 2 2 0 4 0 10 1 . -10 Errors—Macon (i, Columbus none. Earned runs—Macon 1, Columbus 2. Struck out—By Macon 1, Columbus 1. Base hits—Macon 0, Columbus IX. Two-base hits—Macon 2, Columbus 1. Home runs-Columbus J. Assists—Macon 9.Columbus 14. Bases on balls-Macon 2, Columbus I. Left oil bases Macon 6, Columbus 3. Double plays—Macon 2. Wild pitches—Macon 2 Umpire— Young. Hit by pitcher—Hemzman and Whiting, Time—Two hours. MEMPHIS SHUT OUT. Chattanooga, Tknn., June 15.—The game between Chattanooga and Memphis Uwlay resulted iu a victory for Chatta nooga by a score of 4 to o. Chattanooga showed the effect of having a manager tuid played a better game than since their organization. Only two inconsiderable errors were made. Memphis made 10 errors, but they cost her no runs. The game was very exciting and up to the sixth neither nine had scored. Ramsey was at bis best, and the only member of the Memphis team who crossed the first base plate was Bell, who knocked a three-bagger, and he failed to acore. Bw hits—Off Ramsey 3, off Mosram 5. Struck out -Ramsey 12, ilosram 8. • Left on bases—Chattanooga 7, Memphis 4. The score by iunings was as follows: Chuttanooga 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 I—4 Memphis. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 NASHVII.UK OVERWHELMED. Atlanta, Ga., June 15.—The first game ol the series between Atlanta and Nfash yllle was played this afternoon in the presence of one of the largest audiences of the season, and was won by the home nine by a score of 14 to 0. Atlanta played a tine game, while the visitors seemed to have trouble in locating Dun dun’s halls as they swept over the plate. Atlanta scored in six out of the nine in nings. Duudon and Mappes were the bat tery for Atlanta, while the visitors pre sented Crowell and Cullen. ltase hits—Atlanta 13. Nashville 3. Errors—Atlanta 1. Nashville 4. Huinloti struck out 3 men and Crowoll 3. llouie runs—By I bunion 2. BIRMINGHAM SUI T OUT. Augusta, June 15.—The game to-day between Augusta and Birmingham was too one sided to be interesting. The score ■was: Augusta 6. Birmingham 0. Base hits*-Augusta 7, Birmingham 5. Errors—Augusta 3. Birmingham 4. Struck out—By lvUroy f, by Parsons!. U mpi re—M cC ue. GAMES ELSEWHERE. Washington, June lft. —The following games were played to-day: At Prevalence—New York 5, Providence 3. At Norfolk National it. Norfolk 6. A! Philadelphia— Attileln- 4. l-ouisville 8. At Trenton, N.J.—Trenton 4, Lancaster 5; 10 innings. At Newark, N. .I.—Jersey City 5, Newark 2. At Chicago—Chicago 13, Detroit 5. At Boston—Boston!!. Philadelphia 3. At Brooklyn—Ciucjnuati 11. Brooklyn 9., At Richmond—'Virginia S, Wilmington 0. FALL OF THE WESTERN LEAGUE. Indianapolis, June 15.—The diiectors of the Indianapolis Base Ball Club to-dav sold out bodily to the Detroit directors. The club will take the place of the latter in the National League, playing at Detroit for a consideration of $5,000. The dissolution of the Western League is rendered cer tain by this action, as onlv two clutis, Milwaukee and Kansas City, remain with it. EXTRA DAY AT NT. LOUIS. Wind Scatters the Betting Crowd in Terror to an Ail.joining Field. St. Louis, June 15.—'This was the first extra day of the St. Louts Fair Associa tion’s races. The weather was fine, and the track fairly dry at the opening, but the attendanc was light. Between the second and third races a very heavy storm occurred. The wind unroofed one of the stables, and made fragments of an awning stretched from the roof of the betting stand to the fence on the south side. The betting ground was full at the time and the crowd stampeded in terror over the fence aud across the track to a field where nianv laid fiat on the ground until the wind subsided. Hats, bookmakers’ sheets and some money from the mutual stand preceded the crowd across the track. The rat ing events were as follows: First Rack Purse SSOO, with beaten and maiden allowances; one and ♦me-eightli miles. Favor won, with Mamie Fletcb a bead before John <>. Davis. Tune I:5*U;. siihnu Rack—Purse *500; selling condi tion*; one and ouc-*i\teenth miles. Wluz gig won. with Tax Gatherer second and Ad venturer third. Time 1 :52 :t ,. Tiimi> Rack—Purse s*oo. tortwo-year-obls; non wanning and beaten allowances; live fur long*. The race was run in a heavv rain. I'rimera won by three lengths, with King of Norfolk seroud, and Jim Gray third. Time 1:05. Fot’RTH Rack.—Puree 1500, divided, with winning Pennine* and non-winning allow uncos; 01111 and one-fourth mile*. Father John led for half a mile. Clav Pale then went to the front and won by iff length*, with Grtsmur, Father John and MoCrearv, Jr., finishing together a* ntiuiud. Time 2: 1 7. Fistii RACk—Purse |VW. divided; non winner, beaten hor*e* and maiden allowance*, three-fourth* of a mile. Jim Douglas ran to the front in the first quarter, and remained there, winning by three-fourth* of a length, ■with ttelle Calc second, and Put Dennis third. Time 1: IN. OAMm.KK* IN riIKIK GLORY. Nkw York. June 16.- Hotting tnon and pool *e llt rs hail full sway at Brighton Breach to-day. The new* soon readied the city, and Indore the fourth race of the <lv was finish'd 2.500 person* had gath er,d ut the traek, although not more th*u Hhd were present at the opening ol the ejMirt. Tuo races were alt lor small infract. IMersluirg'* Kcvouuo Collector. l’Ki KHsncitG, Va., June 15.—Tho offleo ol flit United Htat.e* internal revenue de partment of the Second dUtriut uf Vir ginia was formally turned over at noon Uwlay by (.'apt. Asa Roger*, the present colli etor, to A. 1,. Kllett, of Hlchmond, the Incoming IJcmocratii; collector. Tho transfer w* made under the supervision o! special agent Marvin, of Washington. The clerical fore • ol the office was hi. gaged all day yesterday preparing books end papers preparatory hi the transfer. Kinco the establishment of the revenue office here In 18(15 about s:to,ooo,<HK) have I'tiwsed lltiougU tho hand* of tho several collectors. Ilog f’holpra in Wiaconnln. Ki.khohm, Wiw„ June 16.—110 g cholera bun iwain broken out in this vicinity, H. I. Cham lief a, on the Allyn stock farm, having lost a herd of 80. Other* have mi Herod severely. Hydrophobia! Ifogs transmit it through their teeth, leoth should be kept tree from virus. StWhoNr. keen tho teeth clean, hihl uo damage *n U done by the man U 1 < " lUk * WftUD K FUCK'S DISASTROUS SWEEP. Ten Store* in Macon, Ml**., Swept Away in the Early Morning. M At'ON, Miss., June 15.—Fire this morn ing destroyed the stores of It. M. Marx, J. Holberg, the Old Batik, Charles Har din, John Brogan and J. Frazer. Four , other buildings were badly damaged. The loss is about SBO,OOO. The property 1s in sured for half that amount. The losses on goods are as follows: Jacob Holberg, general store, $•'!(),000; It, M. Marx, general store, $7,000; Charles Hardin, saloon,sl,soo; John Brogan, $750; Bollock & Bush, general store, stock damaged $2,500; J. .1. Calloway, general store, $2,000; j. W. Bridgers, saloon, SBOO. The louses on buildings are as fol lows: Mrs. E. A. Burke. $0,000; M. B. Edwards, SB,tHX); C. Harding and J. Fraser. $3,000; Judge Foote, SSOO. THE BURNED PACKING HOUSE. Hamilton, Ont., June 15.—The insu rance on Fearman’s pork packing estab lishment. which was burned yesterday, amounts to $103,000. It is well distributed. The loss is not yet ascertained, but it is estimated that it will reach from $50,000 to SIOO,OOO over the insurance. PRINCE CHARLES DEAD. English Paper* Eulogizing the Prtis- Mlan’s Franco-German War Record. Potsdam, June 15.—Prince Frederick Charles, who had a stroke of apsplexy yesterday, died this morning at lOo’elock. His cousin, the Crown Prince of Ger many, was present at the timo of his death. The death of Prince Frederick Charles has made necessary the postponement of the “audience” which the Emperor Wil liam had appointed for Hon. George 11. Pendleton, the new Minister ofthe United States. EULOGIZING THE PRINCE. London, June 1(5, 5 a. m.— All the pa pers this morning publish editorials on the late Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia, whom they eulogize highly. The national feeling against France is exhib ited in the way they glorify the “Red Prince” for his achievements in the Franco-German war. El Maluli’s Handiwork. London, June 15.—El Mahdi has writ ten a letter declining to release Christian prisoners who have embraced the Islam faith. He says that they are unwilling to leave him. El Mahdi exhorts English men to turn Mohammedans, as otherwise he will destroy them. A letter has al*o reached Dongola signed by ninety-six of El Malidi’s prisoners, including Greeks, Copts and Syrians, stating that they are unwilling to leave El Mahdi and are no longer Christians. Lupton Bey andSlatln Bey are among the signers ot this letter. Murder and Suicide. Toledo, o.,June 15.—Arthur B. Wake lee, a painter, murdered his wife by cut ting her throat with a razor and then com mitted suicide by shooting himself through the heart with a revolver some timp dur ing last night. The bodies were discov ered at 5 o’clock this afternoon by a sis ter ot the murdered woman. Letters left hv Wakelee show that jealousy was the cause of the deed. Persian Military Training. London, June lift—Teheran advices stale that the son of the Hhah ot Persia has started a military training college tor the education of young men intended for the army. The stall' ot college prolessors is composed of European officers. A semi-official French paper has been, started at Tefberan. It is called L’Ectrtf <it: Verse. The new journal is under the patronage of the Shah. The Northwest’s Saratoga. Waukesha. Wis.. June 15.—The mam moth store and building, Fountain Spring House, the Saratoga of the Northwest, was opened here to-day under the management of .1. M. Lee. of Florida. Bunting dis played and (lags Hying announced the season’s opening of the most stylish re sort in the Northwest. Many prominent people have arrived. An Election Riot in Mexico, Laredo, Tex., Juno 15. —Passengers on the Monterey i Mexico)express, which arrived here to-night, bring meagre re ports of a serious election riot which oc curred yesterday iu the city of Lampasas, State of Neuvo Leon. During the not three men were killed outright and a great number of persons were wounded, InuiiKurated at Sunrise. Santa Fb.’N. M., June 15.—Gov. Ross took the oath of office at sunrise this morning. The unusual hour tor the ceremony was chosen as a compliment to the Governor’s earliest predecessor, the first Montezuma, whose followers daily ascend to the housetops to look for his re turn with the King of Day. Death of Orson S. Murray. Cincinnati, June 15.—Orson s. Mur ray, a former journalist ami man of con siderable fame in the anti-slavery cause, from its inception and earliest develop ment, and also known as a writer upon anti-religious <|Uestions, died on Sunday : night at bis home, near this city, aged ! nearly 71* years. GerimniK Admit Lying. Berlin. June 15.—The officers of the Eat African Company now admit that the story that the .Sultan of Zanzibar’s soldiers had invaded it* territory was un true. They stutethnt the invaders]were a lew Arabs, who de*troyed Count I‘feil’s garden. <'renintlon and 4'ritne. Vienna, June 15. The Austrian Gov ernment hus refused to give its sanction to the organization of private cremation societies. The government takes the ground that such societies are calculated i to tend to an Increase ol crime. T. I*. O’Connor 51 unit'd. London, June 17*.—ThomuH Power O'Connor, home rule member of Parlia ment for the Borough of Oalwnv, Ireland, was married to-day to Mrs. Wright, au American authoress, who has resided iu London for some tine. Poisoned Himself to I scape Kuln. | Harrisonburg, Va., June 15.—. Samuel I l.autz, a prominent citizen of Lautz Mill, Shenandoah county, committed suicide I yesterday by taking poison. The act is ] attributed to financial emlmrrassmeiit. The Suez 4 'until'* Obstruction. I Port Said, June 15.- Anew channel l ha* been made around the dredge which I was accidentally sunk iu the Suez canal. It is probable that the traffic of the canal will be resumed by Thursday. Cashmere’* Dally fjunkns. London. June 15.—Earthquake shook" continue throughout the Vale or Cash mere. There are from eight to ten shocks daily. The violence of the shocks is. how ever, abating. Informer.Mi-lfcruioit Iteportcd Dead London, Juno 15.—The Olobu tins afternoon announce* that James Me Dor moll, the alleged inloriuer, I* dead, aud that he died some time ago ot cholera in Franco. Attacked by llesHinn Flico. YVabasii, Ini*., June 15. -The lle**lnn fly bus made its appearance in the wheat field* of tbi* county, amt It is *aid to se indicting considerable damage. Chinn Ifni if let* the Treaty. Tientsin, June 15.—The Emperor of China ha* ratified the l’ekin treaty, or treaty of peace, with France. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, JUNE IK, 1885. THE RAILROAD RECORD. DAIUEN WORKING FOR EXTEN SIVE CONNECTIONS. Mclntosh County Alive to Its Interests Mhat Its Citizens Pronose Doing— Memorial to a Lamented Kailrortd Employe—General Gossip In Railroad Circles. The engineers of the South Florida Itoad are looking into the matter ot straighten ing the Parramore curve. The South Florida Railroad Company are about to erect a depot and platform at North Kissimmee station, and orders have been given for all passenger trains to put off and take on passengers, thus saving a walk of a half mile to citizens of the north end. The Supreme Court of Massachusetts decides that a fast freightline is liable for loss or damage to freight which it under takes to ship over several connecting lines, notwithstanding that the bill of lading provides that only the company in whose custody the property is when the lessor damage is incurred shall bo an swerable. The decision Is ot much im portance both to carriers and shippers. The important work of building a bridge across the Ohio river at Henderson, Ky., for the Louisville and Nashville Railway, has been completed, and the tedious ferriage which made the time between Henderson and Evansville, lud., a dis tance ot only eleven miles, about two hours by the time table, will now be abolished. The bridge, which will be formally opened July 4, will shorten the time between Chicago and Nashville to fifteen hours, and between St. Louis aud Nashville to thirteen hours. General Manager Haines, of the Savan nah, Florida and Western Railway Com pany, has issued the following circular, touching the death of the late Felix S. Frendergast: Sav.. Fla. and Western- Rv. Cos. 1 Charleston and Savannah Ry. Cos. I Office General Manager, f Savannah, June 10, 1885. J The officials and employes of these compa nies who knew Mr. F. S. Frendergast will ap preciate the sincere regret with which this announcement of hi- death is made. After many months of suffering, in which he songht iu vain for relief by change of climate he re turned to Savannah on .tune 3, only to breathe lus last upon the following day among his family and friends. From early manhood his career was identi fied with the varying fortunes of the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad and the present organiza tion. first a clerk in the Savannah freight office, mid then in the General Superintend ent’s office, he prepared himself by practical experience in the locomotive department, and by a tborouirh technical education, for the positions which he successively filled ot As sistant Engineer, Master of Roadway. Muster of Machinery, and Chief Engineer in*this ser vice. When failing health induced him to re sign this important office, he continued, as Consulting Engineer, to aid the management with his experience and counsel. His professional accomplishments were heightened by ids modesty and integrity, which insured him the respect and esteem of all with whom be was associated, and espici ally of the General Manager, who takes this opportunity to express bis sorrow at this un timely loss of one so highly valued, both offi cially and personally. 11. S. Baines, General Manager. Darien’s Railroad Project. Mclntosh county is alive to its possi bilities. The raiiroad schemes which it is promoting seem to be oing ahead with a unanimous indorsement. At the meeting held last night, announcement of which was made in the News, the opinion of Lester & Havenel. of this city, to the effect that no substantial aid could be ex tended by the county towards any railroad corporation, either by the issue of county bonds or loan of county funds, was sub mitted. Alter some discussion the fol lowing report was read: We, the eommittre appointed by the grand jury to inquire and report the possibility of securing such legislation hs would authorize the county to extend aid towards anv enter prise that night be shown to be advantageous to the county m the shape of railroad connec tion with the outside world, thereby enhanc ing the value ot our county property, report that seeing that the county cannot issue botids nor lend money aid to a railroad en terprise, buing debarred therefrom by the .State constitution, we recommend that Ibis meetmg take such action as will give such aid a* legitimately can be given to any board of corporators who will guarantee to undertake the building ot a road. To secure this end we recommend that application be made to the Legislature to pass a bill author izing the County Commissioners to allow live days a year of the time allowed by law for road work, to be used ou railroad construction, and this time be deducted from the fifteen days legal road work time; and that we also ask the Legislature, iu the same bill, to relieve said railroad for the term of twenty-five years after the first train is run through, connecting with any other railroad, from all taxes both State anil county, and further that the rate for carrying passengers lie granted the corporators by au act, not to exceed five cents per mile. Your ry min it toe seeing the necessity of doing some thing to bring alxmt a revival of our once prosperous section, urge upon all of our citi zens united and hearty co-operation to se cure the building of a railroad. All of which is respectfully submitted. The report of the committee was re ceived and adopted, and a motion was made that the resolution of the committee be adopted, and that the meeting instruct and request the Senator and Representa tives to do all iu their power towards the passage of a law in the coming General Assembly which would carry out the in tentions of the resolutions submitted by the committee. VisHtlisr ImUmtivn*. For the South Atlantic States to-dav: Fair weather, stationary temperature, and southerly winds. The height of the river at Augusta at 1:88 o’clock p. m. yesterday (Augusta time) was fi.ti feet—a fall ol 0.8 during the preceding 24 hours. Ite-ed A Carurlck’* Sodium-Hypochlo rite. Recommended by the Committee of Pub lic Health Association as superior and least expensive of all* and germicide*. Cholera, Diphtheria, Fevers, Mal Ann, etc., prevented by its use. Bom everywhere, send for pamphlet. Bkkd A Caknkick, 132 Fulton street, New York.— Ailv. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow’s Southing Sykuf should always he used when children are cutting teeth, it relieves the little suf ferer at on"e; It produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving tho child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as “bright as a button.” It is very pleasant to taste. It soothcN the child, softeus the gums, al lays all (lain, relieves wind, regulate* the Imwel*. and I* the to*t known'remedy for diarrhea, whether arising from teething or other cuue*. 25 cents a bottle, yidiunt uttD tni’guno. Hoie, Sweet Home! Ur HAT ornament* our imrlors more? What cle it* our drooping *iurit* more after a hard day’s work than to return home aud 11-ten to Hu. sooth mg lone* of our PIANO or DUGAN? if you haven't one, you know mil lung of Its blessing*. Whj not have one— iM-i’Slioe you Hunk It will no-1 you an much to posses* one of them treasure) as It did for you to build your house? If you will honor us with a call, we will prove to you that for little cost. Hint /hot divided into tho easle-t monthly paveients, you may become the |. sensor of a Plano or Organ, and tbu* be tuado happy. DAVIS BROS., Piano and Organ Dealers, tl AND 44 BULL STREET. Stioro. How few understand what a perfect fit is? That painful period of ‘breaking in” is deem od essential to every* new outfit. This is positively un necessary. The scientific principles appliod to the num erous shapes and sizes ofthe Hanan” shoo, insures perfect fit. Olid their flexibility, abso lute freedon* from the tortures of "breaking in," as they arc easy and comfortable from ths first day. Sold everywhere. Ask your shoe dealer for HANAN and. SON. Prattjo. Died, on the 31*t of May, at Hoylake, Eng land, William, only son of Frederick H. and Bes sie Maitland - Dougall. funeral ( LEMENCE.—The friends and acquaint ance ot Mr. James S. Ulemence, and of liis father, James Clemence, and Mrs. F. A. Stur tevunt, and families, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of the former, from the house of the latter. No. 80 Montgomery street, at 4:30 o’clock THIS AFTERNOON. DeKalb Lodge No. 1* 0. 0. F. June 16. 1885. Members will assemble at Odd Fellows’ Hall at 3:15 o’clock THIS A FTERNOON, for the purpose of paving the last tribute of re spect to oar deceased brother, J. S. Clem ence, at Bonaventure Cemetery. Cars will be provided to convey all brothers. Members of other lodges are earnestly re quested to attend. WALTER K. WILKINSON, N. G. Walter E. Swanston, Secretary. Excelsior Lodge No. 8, K. of I*. Regular meeting Excelsior Lodge No. S.K. of P. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING at 8 o’clock. Sister lodges cordially invited W r . a . PEARCE, C. C. H. S. Spinning, K. of R. & s. The Chatham Mutual Loau Associa tion. The 41st regular monthly meetingof Series “B” will be held at Metropolitan Hall Tills (Tuesday) EVENING, at 8:15 o’clock. .Tune 16, 18*5. R. T>. RUERARD, President. Wm. I). Harden. Secretary. Sprrial lluttrro. Music at Buttery Park THIS AFTERNOON. Take Liberty, Barnard and West Broad Street Cars. Fare each way ONLY FIVE CENTS. Not lee. Mr. ALBERT WYLLY is my authorized agent to attend to all my business during mv absence from the city. C. C. TALIAFERRO. Central Railroad and Knubiiig Com. puny of Georgia. Savannah, Ga., June 3, 1885. A dividend of TWO DOLLARS per share from the earnings of this Company and its dependencies has been declared, payable on and after the THIRTIETH instant to the Stockholders as of record this day. T. M. CUNNINGHAM. Cashier. Notice. Office Savannah Gas Light C 0.,) Savannah. Ga.. June 11, 1885. i This company has divided to each share of stock, as to-day standing upon its books, the sum of FOUR DOLLARs out of the proceeds of the sale ol oertaiu property, payable on and after MONDAY, tin* 15th inst. A. G. GtIERAKD. President. Notice. I THIS DAY withdraw my Power of At torney from Mr. T. H. CASSELS. He is not authorized to collect or receipt for me. MARY C. HOPKINS, Savannah, June 12, 1885. Executrix. WAIN TED. 1,000,000 POUNDS W <y O L , BEFORE SELLING YOUR \V O O I CONSULT LEE ROY MIERS & CO., 1.13 Bay Htreet. I consider ULMER’S LIVER CORRECTOR a most valuable Medicine, and shall take pleasure in recommending it. H was pre scribed for me by my physician. G. F Anderson, President the Secvcrs A Anderson Milling Company. Baltimore, Nov. 24, i*M. )1 a bottle; Height paid to any address. B. F. ULMER, M. D„ Savannah, Ga. Ntruw Hut* 1U Cents And various other articles too numerous to mention, at the only TEN I K.NT STOKE iu town. 154 Bryan street. Call and see these and other bargain*. - 1 Cb. SUNDRIES. A BEAUTIFUL line of SPONGES, Bathing and Carriage; rllAMoiH .'KINS, large and ntiiall; OILEI> CHAMOIS for Carriage* and Boggle*. HATH TOWELS, FLKsH BRUSH F.H and HALT WATER HOAP, at STRONC’S DRUC STORE, Corner Bull and Perry street lane. SAVANNAH THEATR E. THURSDAY, JUNE 18ti* 1885, Grand opening of the Seventh season of tho F O R I) Dramatic Association Under the stage management of J. C. SHAW. First production on any stage of Mr. JAMES NEILL’S Romantic Four-Act Drama, CHIP REDMOND! OR The Moonshine Maid! Reappearance of Savannah’s Favorite, MISS AUGUSTA CHAJIIIEHS. First appearance of MISS AD DIE M.CUEADY, Late of the Two Johns' Company. Specially Engaged for “Chip Redmond,” MISS ANNIE HELEN BLANCHE, Late of Madison Square Theatre. Reappearance after Three Years’ Profes sional Experience of Savannah’s Rep resentative Young Actor. MR. JAMES INEIJLL. CAST: Bill Redmond (the Moon shine Chief) Mr. James Neill Chip ltedmond (hi* ward) Miss Annie Helen Blaneke Doc Adam# (his nook keeper; Mr. L. T Doyle Ike Smith (hisoverseer) Mr. J. D. Miller Injin Jim (Chip’s nlaymate) Mr. F.M lteadick Earle Landrum *U. 8. army). Mr. J. F. Doyle Gen. Geo. Landrum (his father) Mr. Geo. 8. McAlpin Arabella Montgomery (an old Maid) Miss Augusta Chambers Grace Montgomery (her neice) Mi*s Addie McCready Capt. Fitzsiuicns (U. S. Army) Mr. Diedoricb Schroeder Soldiers. Moonshiners, Etc. Act I. Tallulah Falls—•• A Brave Girl.” Act 11. Rabun Gap-“ Good-bye.” Act 111. A Mountain Shindig—“ The Es cape.” act IV. The Secret Cave—"A Happy Dawn.” Scale of Prices.—General admission (Dress Circle and Purquette) 50c.; Family Circle. 25c.; Gallery, 15c. Tickets for sale by members of the Fords aud at the bookstore of Messrs. Davis Bros’., and also at the Central Railroad and 8., F. & W. Ry. ticket offices. Seats reserved at Davis Bros’. No extra charge. xruromuo. 1885 EXCURSION SEASON 1835 ON JUN E 1 THE CENTRAL RAILROAD WILL PLACE ON SALE ROUND TRIP TICKETS TO ALL SUMMER RESORTS, Good to Return Until Oct. 31. For full information applv at Ticket Office. 20 Bull street. GEO. A. WHITEHEAD. Gen. Passenger Agent. J. C. SHAW, Ticket Agent. JUNE 1. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS. SEASON 1885 Round Trip Tickets -TO ALL SUMMER RESORTS, Good to Return Until Oct. 31, -VIA- Savannah, Florida & Westernßy. For information, engagement of Pullman Car accommodation and purchase of tickets, apply at Bren’* Ticket Office and at the Pas senger Station of the Company foot of Liberty street. JAS. L. TAYLOR, Gen. Passenger Agent. tf.tlbrr Srljriiulr. TYBEE ISLAND. STEAMER ST. NICHOLAS, M. P. IJSINA, MASTER, Leaving wharf foot of Abercoru street: REGULAR SCHEDULE. 1 From Tybeo Wharf 7 A. M., 12:30 SUNDAY’S > dud 7 I‘. M. sun dais j- From City Wharf 10 a.m.,3 r. u. I and 9r. x. MONDAYS ) TUESDAY'S 1 From TybecWharf at 7 a.m. WEDNESDAYS >From City Wharf at 6:36 r. THURSDAYS | M. FRIDAYS ) From Tylice YY’harf at 7 A. M. SATURDAYS i at 10 a. m. J and 6:89 pm. Tho Steamer i* open for charter on all days except Saturdays and Sunday*. Panic* chartering must arrange excursion schedule so a* not to interfere with regular schedule. No freight received later than 15 MINUTE* before departure of steamer. Fare, including Railway to Capt. Blun’* residence—Whole, 80e.; Halve*. Sfle. JOHN F, ROBERTSON. Agent. Sutmt’tmn gutircaou. CITY A.ND SIBUIIHAN UAll WAY. Savannah, Ga., June . 1885. ON and after JUNK lOTlt the following train* will be run on Hie Suburban Line: | LKA VK I i.KAVK~ AKXIVB l*l,n or i MONTUOR v CITT. | HOP*. I *HV. 10:555 A. M. 8:40 A. M.j 8; 10 A. M. 7:45 A. M. :r> p. m. S:oo p. m. 1:30 r. n. l:oo p. m. •6:uo p. #. 3:49 p. w. 3:io r. i. 6:40 p. m. 7 in r. “in p. u ! hciii p. m. 'Through train (special) t > Montgomery. Fare 25c. round trip. On all regular train* fare 35c. to Montgomery and 2io. to l*lc of Hope tor round trip. J. 11. JOHNSTON, President. <HWBT -Air. ROSS’GINGER ALE KOHB’ HASriJKRUY VINKi.AK, MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE, OATAWDA BYHL’ 1% -AT- • A. M. & C. W. WEST’S. Auction YSalro futurr Dana. A CHANCE FOIt .CTu iGU’ LOT AT AUC tion; By I.D.UBOCRE S SONS. Auctioneer*. YVe will sell on premi-ea, WEDNESDAY', June 17th, ut 3:31) o clock p. m ~ Eight lots, known as the BRYAN & HUN TER subdivision. Nos. 142 to 149, inclusive. These lot* are situated on St. John’s street (fourth street south of Anderson street), east of East Broad street, and are desirable build ing lots for cheap tenements. Will be sold on easy terms. Plat can be seen at office. Terms at sale. EXECUTORS’ SALE! By I.D. LuKOCHK’SSONA, Auctioneer*. By virtue of an order granted by the Honor able Hampton L. Ferrill, Ordinary of Chat ham county, we will sell before the Court House door in the city of Savannah, during the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST TUES DAY (being the seventh day) OF JULY, THAT FINE TRUCK FARM in the southwestern portion of the city limits extended, embracing lots Nos. 109, 110,113 and 114, said lots containing in all one hundred find nine and two-tenths (109 2-10) acres, as per map by John R. Howard, Citv Surveyor, said lot* being portion of Springfield (planta tion a* subdivided, witli all improvements, consisting of Dwellings, Burn, Packing House, Stables and laborers’ quarters, in all TWELVE SEPARATE BUILDINGS, and now under a live-year lease. Sold as the property of the estate of JOHN M. COOPER, for the purpose of payment of debts and distribution. Lots fee simple. THOS. L. WY LLY, GEO. B. CLARKE, Executors estate John M. Cooper. LEGAL SALE. By I.D. I.aKOCHK’S SONS, Auctioneer*. Under and by virtue of an order of the Supe rior Court of Chatham county, passed on the 26th day of July, 1884, in the matter of the application of ELLA C. DAVIS, as Guar dianof ELLA C. ROBERT, a minor, for partition, and WM. H. ROBERT, tenants in common as beirs-at-law of EUGENIA M. ROBERT, deceased, will be. sold be fore the (Jiurc House door, in the city of Savannah, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY", 1885, during the legal hours of sale. All that lot of land known and described as Lot No. 4 iu the subdivision of Lot No. 2 iu Yamaeraw. Said lot of land (No. 4) being bounded north by Lot No. 5 in said subdi vision, east by Ann street, west by Lot No. 8, and south by Indian street. N. C. MILLS, j. drayton Laroche, JOS. C. CORNELL, Commissioner*. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE? By I. D. LaKOCH E’S SONS, Auctioneer*. By virtue of re order granted by the Honor able Hampton L. Ferrill. Ordinary of Chat ham county, We will sell before the Court House door, on-TUESDAY, July 7th, 1385, during the legal hours of sale. All the Beal Estate belonging to the estate of the late THOS. BOSTOCK, consisting of lot No. 12 Franklin ward and improvements, viz: Store and Dwelling on tho northwest corner of Montgomery and Bryan streets; one throe story Brick Dwelling on Bryan street, one door west of Montgomery, finished with all mo lern improvements; also. Tenement Building on the lane. Sold for distribution aud payment ot debts. JORDAN F. BROOKS. Administrator estateThos. Bostock. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Byl. D.LaKOCHE’S SONS,Auctioneer*. By virtue of sn order granted by the Honor aide Hampton L. Ferrill, Ordinary of Chat ham county, we will sell on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY. 1885, before the Court House door, during the legal hours of sale. Allot the real estate belonging to the estate of EDWAIiD ELLISON, deceased, consisting of lot and improvements iu the extreme south western portion of the citv, on what is known as Russell street. Lot fee simple. •JORDAN F. BROOKS, Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. By I. D.LaROUHE’S SONS, Auctioneer*. By virtue of an order granted by the Honor able the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, we will sell before the Court House door, during the legal hours of sale, on TUESDAY. July 7th, 1885, The improvement* on the quarter part of lot No. 10 Middle Oglethorpe ward, cons sting of a one-story dwelling; sold for distribution and payment ol debts. CHAS. L. DeLAMOTTA, Administrator estate James Clarke. Itotirco. NOTICE IS hereby given that the County (,'oinmis -1 sioners of Chatham county will apply at the July (1885 j session of the Georg a Legisla ture for the passage of the acts with the cap tions following to wit: An act vesting r.<l establishing in the county of Chatham a right of wav in anti to all drainage canals, public drains'amt ditches in Chatham county, outside of the corpoiate limits of the city of Savannah, now used or which may hereafter be acquired an.l used for public drainage and sauitarv purposes, and placing same under the control and man agement of the County Commissioners of said county, and conferring upon them full power to regulate and control the manner of con necting therewith upon the part of persons owning b uds adjacent thereto, or through which the same may run, by trunks, culverts, etc., and also empowering the County Com missioners to compel land owners, through whose lands drain ditches have been dug con necting with said drainage canals, public drains end ditches, to keep the same open and in gaol order in their respective holdings Abo empowering the County Commissioners to compel the owner or owners of all toll roads in said lounty to keep the ditches parallel to and hordering on their respective roods open and in good condition, and upon failure of the owner or owners of lands or of toll roads so to do. authorizing the said County Commissioners, after ten days’ note e of such default to the owner or owners thereof, or his or their agent, to hare the necessary work done at the expense of said owner or o wners, and io provide for the collerfon of tlie cost thereof: and fixing a penalty for all persons found guilty of injuring, obstructing or other wise interfering with -aid drainage canals, public drams, ditches, etc., and for other purposes. An act to provide for the auditing and pass mg for payment by the County Commission ers of ( list ham county of l lie claims of the County Treasurer, Tax Collector and Tax 111 reiver for mi missions ago rat the county of i hulham, sod for other purposes. An act requiring the County Surveyor of Chatham county, any other• surveyor, to llle in the offices of the Clerk of the Superior court ami Clerk of the County Commission ers of Chatham ccunty certified copies of each survey or suh-division of land made hv him in said county outside of the corporate limits of the city of Savannah, and fixing a penalty for each case of failure so to do, and for other purposes. An act to amend section 11. of an act ap proved S|>l t.'inlier 18, issy. enlitlcd an ‘’Act io permit the Judge of the City Court of Savan nah to practice lawns a conveyancer under certain circumstance*, to provide for the payment of Ins salary and other expenses of said court, and for other purposes, so as to require the ( ninny Commissioners "f Chat ham county to audit the monthly bill of tho Judge of said City Court and pass the same for i"t wiioiii us other legal elaiuis against the county. > OTICK NOTICE m hereby given that application wl'l lie made at the adjourned session of Ihe legislature of Georgia. In July next, to have a loea bill passed, the title of winch will I"’, “All ad lo authorise and empower the County Commissioners of Chatham County to Issue cm pill bonds to an extent not to silo- Cecil *50,18X1,1 waring Intent not exceeding six nli per ceatum per annum, pavahic semi, annually, for tin purpose of adding lo and improving the present Court House of said county, io provide for the creation of said county debt, nud tlie payment of the same, and for other pin-noses connected therewith." *tDa jUfntrr, ®u. Soda Water Factory, I II Kill, WITH inform iny friends and tho 1 public generally that I am now prepared lo 111 l all orders for Soda Water, Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla, Syrups, etc., from my new place. So. ill Bay street, near West ilroail. Solicit ing a share irf their kind palmnuge. I hope to merit the same by my endeavor to furnbli only the best articles. Ail orders liy mail will receive prompt attention. Respectfully. GKO. KIIBKUWEIN. Salto To=Pay. AUCTION ~ SALE OF A MACHINE SHOP AT 41 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA., By I. D. LaKOCHE’S SONS. Auctioneer,. Tuesday, June 16, 1885. /COMMENCING AT 11 O’CLOCK A. M V f °r a division of the property of th- I,,'j Arm of COCKSHUTT & LORD te „ _T. h ® following comprise a portion of the articles to be sold: One 15-horse ENGINE one Muhorse ENGINE. BOILER, LATHFs SHAFUNG, BOLT-CUTTING MACMivV JJ>KVULIC JACKS, GIANT SHKill*' wilh tlle ~Rual Machinery ar )d Tools of a first-class Machine Shop. * terms—.lloo and under, cash; over Jinn thirty, sixty or ninety days, on note with a,,' proved indorser. * f coal JSalco. CHATHAM SUEItIFF’S SALE ~~~ UNDER and by virtue of a 11. fa. Issued out of the Justice Court, Third G M in* trict of Chatham county, by M. F Molina' Ji.*' tice of the Peace for the said district m i,, of YYM. K. ALEXANDER A SON vs Wood BRIDGE A HARRIMAN. L. B. Kndres Con stable of Chatham county, Georgia i, a * dorsed the following levy thereon:’ | i„,I levied upon the following property pointed out by plaintiff as the property of defendant to wit: One share of stock ofthe Savannah Cotton Exchange as the property of urlandn H. Harritnan, one of the defendants. And said fi. fa., with levy indorsed thereon, havin* beem placed iu my bands for advertisement and sale, after giving notice 6f said lrwtn the olli. ers of Savannah Cotton Exchanw and to the defendant, Orlando H. Ha minin' I will offer the said above described one share of stock at public outcry, before the Court House door of Chatham countv, in the ritvnt Savannah, during the legal hours of the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY, I*4 m satisfy said fi. fa. ’ Terms cash. JOHN T. RON AN, ■ Sheriff Chatham county, Ga CHATHAM SHERIFF’S SALE? ' TV Y virtue of a mortgage li. fa. issued out.of If Chatham Superior Court in favor of rr,\ M. DEXTER vs. JAMES E. WALTER t have levied upon the following dOHcriltmi property of the defendant, to wit: The ilredm Hercules, her tackle, apparel, machinery, etc. as she now lies in the Savannah river, oaths north side, on Hutchinson’s Island, near Jones’ dry dock. And I will offer the said above described property for sale at public outcry Indore the Court House door of Chatham county, j a the city of Savannah, during the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST TUESDAY' IN JULY 18*5. tosatisfy said mortgage 11. fa. Terms cash; purchasers paying for titles. JOHN T. RON AN. Sheriff Chatham county, Ga. CITY SHERIFF’S SALK? UNDER and by virtue of a fi. fa. Issued not of the City Court of Savannah in Invorof the MERCHANT' AND MECHANIC? LOAN ASSOCIATION vs. DIANA THo.ME SON RIVERS, 1 have levied ii|ion the follow-H ing described property, a* the property of :!ir H defendant, and will sell the same at pub it ■ outcry before tho Court House door, ns tin■ city of Savannah, county ot Chatham, and■ State of Georgia, on TUESDAY, the seventliH day of July, 1885, during legal hour* of sale:H All th*t certain lot, tract or parcel of ),H described in following words: All the fmirthH part of lot of land, wilh the improvem-uitH now being thereon, i-ituate, lying and ieingH in said city of Savannah, State and aforesaid, containing twenty-five feet tali width and twenty-four feet nine incne* nH depth, be the same more or less, said properiyH, distinguished in the plan of said citv as Lot® Number Twelve (12;. Yamaeraw. I’ropsrtjß l pointed out by plaint nr* attorney. H* Term* cash; purchaser to pay for papers, ■> (Owner notified). ■> DAVID BAILEY, ■, Sheriff C. C. 9. ■ Savannah, .Junes, 1885. ■_ CITY SHERIFF'S SALE. UNDER and bv virtue of a H. fa. issue out of tlie City Court of Savannah u favor of the JASPER MUTUAL LOAN AS SOCIATION vs. D. FERGUSON. ’Jrustee. have levied upon the following describe property, as the property of the defendant, D Ferguson. Trustee, and will sell the samel public outcry before the C urt House door, i the city of Savannah, count}’of Stat" of Georgia, to the highest bidder, o TUESDAY, seventh day of July, 1885. ilurm the legal hours of sale: All that eastern joi tinner half part of that certain lot, trade parcel of laud, situate, lying and lining inth city of Savannah, said county of Chutbai and State of Georgia, and known ami distil &uished on the map of said city are Lot Xus er Twenty t2d), Columbia want, with W improvements thereon. Property pointedx by plaintiff's attorney. Terms cash; purchaser paying for title*. (Owner notified), DAVID BAHRU Sheriff C . C.S. Savannah, Ga„ June 8,1855. SIIEUJFF’S S \ LIL CITY COURT OF SAVANNAH. UNDER aud by virtue of a fi. fa. issued* of the City Court of Savannah ir ft’ of the CITIZENS BANK OF LOCI-Ha! vs. W. D. AVaPLES ,t CO., drawers and t dorsers. aud W. D. WAPI.ES, acceptor; have levied upon nineteen (IBi shares id <j® capital stock of the Savannah Gas Light va® pany, as the, property of one of the deff® ants. Charles Edward Green, and T will r® need to sell tlie same on TUKsl> AY, eutli day of July, 1885, in the city of nali, county and state aforesaid, in trout® the Court House, between the logal hour*® sale. Property pointed out by pii tome vs. ■ Terms cash; and purchaser to pay foi DAVID BA I LET. ® Sheriff 0. C "®t Savannah,Ga.. June 8. 1885. J| I M I lb -T'cTE" MAKsM \ \. -Ml. Eg 1 rN OKU and by virtue of a writ of tion issued out of tlie Fifth circuit Court of the United BM®t for the Eastern Division Southern i®i( trict of Georgia in favor of plaintiff. NEW ENGLAND MOK SECUKITY COMPANY, in the l"h')® 11 case, to wit: NEW KNi-UNli MoM"A®' SKtURirV COMPANY is. UH llvKl>® BVNI'M, I have levied upon the described property as the proper! vet l!l ™® j, P. Bynum: Two hundred and furl' ' - i4 ' land, more or less, hounded on tin' lauds of Wvly Harris, on ea-l by lank**®’ J. Youngblood, on south by lands id Younglrloisl, on west by lands of Doolittle, anil known as llie "Bynum I Place." Also, one hundred and (!) acres ot land bon tilled on north hy l®i ol W. Harris ami C. J. Uhauihcrs, u • land*of Amanda Swint, on south 1 ' G. W. Houghton, on west by land* “■ Houghton, all in the 1,315 th district t ®_" tiiglon county, Georgia. Ami will sell tlio same before the House, in the city of .Savannah, < list ha ill and Stats of Georgia, on tE" ‘ TUESDAY IN JULY NEXT. I *■■■'■ ,^®,.,. Tenants in possession notified in Purchaser paying for title*. ® Dated Savanuah. Ga., May id, I ■>'••• El>\VA H H U, WADE■ U. JSrftal potjere. W u v / t EORGIA, < HATHvu UOI’NIA " hi ‘ I MAX IIIKNHAUM bus applu" l 'W' of Ordinary for Letters of Ad.nm(- ;i '' l^B'i J state of MARCUS COHEN, dec Tliew are, therefore, to cite and all whom il nun concern to be an' l ' fore said court, to make otiieot'mi 1 they have >on or before the Fit"' l " i in .11'I,Y NEXT, otherwise said lr"B"ii be granted. . , ■"'el Witness the Honorable IlAkl'T" s 'c® mi Hll.i„ Ordinary for < hat ham ciutnt.'i Ist day of June, 18M5, , PHILIP il. KUSsh• Clerk / i" EORGIA. ChA Tll\H <oI 'TV 'J®,' ’ " I hereby given that I have made j^B l 1 lion to the Court of Unit nary j®,, , county lor order to sell one Certinc* ' h dehtednessof Cetilral Railroad o Company of Georgia of face ' , ‘‘ l ' hundred dollars, Ixdonglng <** . PAULINA WRIGHT, for the i" 1 ' j® , debts . nil distribution, ami j® will he granted at JULY TERM. ® courts mill's* objection* arc fllcu. ■ • Mi Jl NX 1, 1885. r-riEf® 1 ' 11 and JOSEPH GO V® im, Administrator estate Pandmj_^® KIESLING’S NDKSEf WHITE BLUFF RO\ D ' A®’’ r ’f i PLANTS, BOUgUKTH, |ll ', L LOW Elis furnished h| ~ order* at llavis Bros.', corner bun *^® t%rj , > ■ street*. Tslsnhouo call IWL 8a,.. 11