Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, March 27, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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6 ®HK AVRECK OI 1 ' THE OKKUON. SaDor Who Makes Charge* of Crimi nal Carelessness—Tl>o Diver's Story. Fron, 26.* Philadelphia TV.nw. New York, March 24.—The heavy jionhwest wind that has prevailed for the j ast two day* has prevented all attempts of the divers to reach the wreck of the Oregon and probably blown all floating wreckage tar out to sea. Capt. Merritt’s wrecking steamer Rescue left her anchor age inside of Fire Island and steamed out toward the site of the wreck, but soon re turned to her berth ou account ol Hie waves. All goods from the Oregon are Dow stored in thq Union stores, Brooklyn, in separate compartments, which Supt. Berry uaa prepared for them. In order to obtain facts hearing on tbe loss of the Oregon, as well as to recover nuch property as inav ho found belonging to his cheats. Lawyer Garrett has engaged four expert divers, who will, as soon as convenient, make a thorough examination of the wreck, f! eex peels to carry two of the divers u> Eugland, where the suit against the Cuuard Company will be pressed, aud there use them as witnesses. Jle bas also secured as a witness one of the seamen employed on the Oregon, a aailor who was at work below hoisting out the mail when the disaster occurred. Tie ran ou deck anil took a look around, find saw what looked like a floating og. Then he was ordered below with five other men to close a door in one of the compartment bulkheads. The united efforts of the six men were urn-qual to the task, he says, be cause the door was rusted in its place and probably had not been moved since the government charter expired. The .rule requires tbe bulkheAd doors to be closed every (lay at least twice, to see that they are in order. This sailor further says that the outside doors to the coal- T)linkers, through which coal is taken on hoard near the water-line, were broken open by the eoHision. The sailor says be was in'the banker on tbe day before the accident, and that the doors were not well closed, and that tbe water was ruu- Riing m at the tune. He is sure that the Oregon was out of tier course, and that she collided, perhaps, ~wilh the masts of the Hylton Castle, Which easily knocked open or off the nvartly closed doors ol tbs coal bunker. •The sailor, with others, was at work at jibe pumps below decks after tbe collision, when the flreuieu came up from below. “fb,to with the ship,” said one, rnnd then all hands left the pumps and went on deck. Agent Colev, of Merritt’s wrecking or iftanizalion, saul to-day that Diver Hag gerty, the only one who went down, judged, from groping around the bow of the vessel, that she had been split there by the sodden shock of striking the bot tom whei she sank. He could make out through t>B glass-faced armor only small portions ox the wreck at a time. The planking of tut, upper deck is bulged and burst out. The ship stands upright on a liard bottom. The diver thinks she will not go to pieces for a long time. He is amused at the recently published stories of his roaming all over the Oregon as if lie were a mermaid. The fact is, in hie cumbersome suit be is capable of explor ing only a very small portion of the wreck t each dive. It will be several weeks’ work for him to make a thorough investi gation of tbe vessel. CITY GOVERNMENT. Official Proceedro®* of Council. SiVANN AH. HA., March 24, lS'ti. Connell met this evenlisg at 8 o’clock. Pres ent, Hon. William Pum-aa, Mayor pro tem; Aldermen Bogart, Herat, Hamilton, Mills, Nichols. o't'oaimr, Thomas anil Wells. The minute* of me lust mueltng*wcre read and confirmed. ACCOUNTS. The Committee on Accounts report that the; ha ve eiLaimued and found correct bills against the cilv amounting to sixteen thousand eight hundred and Uurty-uiue dollars and four cents, as per accompanying sched ule, and recommend that the same be passed lor payment. „ „ . D. K. TnoidAS. ChairraanCommitlaeon Aeconiits. The report of tlie comumlee waa adopted, and the accounts a* per schedule annexed were passed for payment: Board op Health— MaJoseph’s lulirmauy % 800 00 J. M. Johnson, M. D GO 00 W. W. Owens, M.D—. GO 00 TV. W. Owens, 3d. i>„. 10 00 Lewis Cass 83 33 Thomas Carr 37 50 J. T. McFarland, M.D 125 00 T. P. Bond * Cos lo 87 Time of bands i). E. M 832 50 Powers ,1 Weightuum 450 00 JT.B. Lee 12 00 John E. Morris..— 78 00 Heorgia 1nt1rmary.......... 200 00 Pavaunab H05pita1......... 800 00 W. J. Cleary.- 83 33 Jf. L. Fabrwubacb.......... 85 00— 2,183 53 city La Mrs— Qirttsh Electric Light and Power Cos. 02,125 00 Bar culture — Tsslsh Wairiee 0 20 00 T. P. Bond 4. C 0....... 15 70 Tune of bands ..... 288 31— 822 01 ]t. c. Kennedy 0 20 oO Jt. C. Kennedy 126 00— 145 00 Firk Department— Pay roll, March, 1838 11,804 47 T. P. Bond & Cos 89 40 John Nicholson 13 65 Poiomens 4tCo. 6 15 Palmer Bros 10 33 T. P. Bond & Cos 82 74 Dale, Dixon 4 Cos 8 11— 1,963 91 INCIDENTALS— John A. Douglass A Cos 5 3 OO S. Btewan,agent 3 25 6 25 Laurel CdtOVA CkMEItRY Time of hands— 1174 50 A. 83 33 157 83 Market— Time of hands $ 50 00 W. H. llordleyand assist’! 116 66 Brush E. L. and Power Cos. 100 00 John U. Butler GOO 00— 766 66 Parks and Squares— Mutual Has Light Cos 8 16 75 Oelsehing A Meyer 26 50 M. Hogan 32 50 T. Metes 6 00 T. Meves 76 00 Time of bunds. 108 50 Green Monument Com GoO 00— 782 25 Police — John Schwarz. I 22 50 T. P. Bond 4 Cos 14105 M. J. Doyle. 1 00— 164 55 P HLIC BI'ILDIHUS B. Armstrong..— 5 59 75 C. C. Caseey 4 Cos 2 40— 8! 15 PaiNTINO andStationert— C. 8. Har ec,C. T 5 14 50 J. U. Kelli! 45 S3 D. Patton 15 00— 78 38 Quarantine— J. A. Huger, M. D $ gr, 00 Time of hands. Eel).,1880 .. 68 00— 153 00 SALARIES— d'ity officers, March, 1888. 5 063 S3 H. J. Wade 100 00 J. L. Rankin 116 67 L. J. Myers 100 to C. V. Hernandez. 60 00 A. M. Bell 125 00 Syliva Anderson IS 00 Lefesius Mlllrdge 18 00— 1,518 00 STREET* AND LANES Time of hands $ 667 15 Smith A Kcllv 25 T. P. Bond 4 Cos lull s7 Time of teamsters 176 25 Isaac Becacut....... 100 00 Martin Cooley 2,421 20— 8,770 72 SCAVrWUE* DEPARTMENT— Whliaiu Swoll 1,345 83 Watk Works— .. M.Kutcb 2 10 00 . i!. Motwilder 123 75 Vale Koval Mfg. Cos 41 to Monroe Grant 32 85 Vale Koyu! Mig. Cos 8 03 Thomas Dillon 3 00 •l ean 8 team hip Cos 8 55 Monroe Grant 7 M) J, P. Bond ft Cos 16 70 ’ay roll March, 1866 9.4 Si Dmoof bauds, extension.. 22 74 1,177 02 ToHll 116,839 04 KKPOHTB OF COMMITTEES. Tlie Finance Committee, to whom was re. ierrs.I the petition of .1 mes H. Johnston, ask - jng that taxes he refunded, report adversely to the same. Samuel P. II amilton. „ . . Chairman Finance Conimltlee. Keport adopted. Committee, to whom was r. lured the petition of Mtssra. Mcinhard Bros. ! A Cos. relative to specific tax. report adverse , !y thereto. m' el I'. ItenitT’*. Chairman Fiuauco TiH.'coiiimii'ueon Water, to whdmwaa| re ferred the petition of the Chatham Artillery 1 k-iinrfi.r liilfliumial water facilities dnriug ‘lt eeiitenuial. report in favor of granting said petition. David Vt ELLS. Chairman Committee on w ater, j Report adopted. PKTITIONB AND APPLICATIONS, j Petition of Mr*. Margaret M. Byrnes asking I for separate title* lot No. 4 Washington ward. Referred to Committee on Cilv Lots. iVtiliou of Mrs. Louia F. Gilmer.for board I or trustee*, for pcrmiton to place a fountain on grounds of Telfair Hospital. Referred to Committee on Water. * Petition of Estelle Savage for per miss on lo repair house corner .Jefferson and Mims bliVets. Referred to Committee on Fire. Pet lion of Messrs. Byck ft Selig relative to tax on business. Referred to Finance Com mittee. Tbe petition of George F. Byrnes and F.llen ib.nlefs for separate titles to tot No. 4 Wasli inglon ward was withdrawn, and above peti tion of Margaret M. Byrnes substituted. Petition of sundry citizens asking city au thorities not to move the pump on the north side of Gordon Btreet, between Price and East Broad streets. Referred to Committee on Water, with power to act. Petition of K. K. Cheatham relative lo tax on business. Referred to Committee on Fi nance. ORDINANCES. Ordinance on its first reading, by unani mous consent, read a second time, placed upon its vasssgr, amended, and paused. By Committee on Streets aud l.sne*— As Ordinance to amend au ordinance enti tled "Ail ordinance to provide for the pav ing, grading, und otherwise improving of Broughton street between the oast side of West Broad street and the west side of Aber coni street, in the city of Savannah, and for the assessment on tbe property frontiug ou said Broughton street, between said east Side of West Broad street and west side of Ahercorn street, of two-thirds of the cost thereof, ami to require the Coast Line rail road to pave between its tracks and for three feet on each side thereof, on said Broughton street, between said streets.” passed iu Council March 11, I*B6. so as to permit the street railroad companies to pave bet ween tbeir tracks with Belgian blocks of gray waeke or granite. Section 1. That the title of said ordinance shall be amended so as to read as follows: "An ordinance to provide for tbe paving, grading and otherwise improving of Brongh lon street, between the east side of West Broad street and the west side of Aborcorn street, in the city of Savannah, and for the assessment on the property (routing on said Broughton street, between said east side of West Broad street and west aids of Aliercorn street, of two-thirds of tbe cost thereof, and to require the Coast Line railroad and the City and Suburban railway to pave between their tracks and for three feet on eaeii side thereof on said Broughton street between said streets.” Sec. 2. The Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Snvannsh iu Council assembled do hereby ordain. That section 2 of the said ordi nance passed in Council March 11th, 1886, be and tbe same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: That the Coast Line railroad is hereby required to pave between the tracks of its road and for three feet on each side thereof as the paving to he done on said street by the Committee ou Streets and Lanes pro gresses, paving between its tracks with Bel gian blocks of gnaywackc or granite, or with the same material that the rest of the street is paved with, aud outside of its tracks lor three feet ou each side with the same material that the rest of the street is paved with, anil should the said Coast Line railroad fail to commence said work and carry the samr for ward as the paving progresses, the same shall he done for said company by said Committee on Streets and Laucs. and the cost thereof, if uot paid when a bill for the same is presented, collected by execution, levy and sale of the said property of the said com nan), as pro vided by law and ordinance in the case of abutting property qwners. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid. That section 3 of the said ordinance passed In Council March 11, 1886, he, and tho same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: That the Citv and Suburban Hallway Company is hereby re quired to pare between the tracks of its road and for three feet qn each side thereof, where its tracks cross Broughton sired, a* tt* pav ing to he done on said street by the ceinmit teeon Streets and Lanai {’regresses; raying between its tracks witn Belgian Blocks of graywacke orgranite. or with the same ma terial that the rest of the Btreet is Daved with, and outside of its track for three feat on each side with the muse material (hat the rest of the street is paved with; and should the said City and Suburban Railway Company fail to commence the said work and carry the same forward as the paving progresses, the same shall be done for said company by said Com mittee on Streets and Lanes,'and the cos: thereof, if not paid when a bill for the same is presented, collected by execution, lew and sale of tho said propeuv of said company as provided bylaw ana ordinance in the ease of abutting property owners. See. L All ordinances and parta of ordi nances conflicting with the above are hereby repealed. . MSOLCTIOVS. By Alderman Thomas— Aroolrrd, That the City Surveyor bo au thorized to emnloy an assistant at 530 per month, instead of the boy now employed by him. Adopted. By Alderman Mill*— Hmolm), That the Fire Committee be and they are hereby an ttion/ed to have sewer con nection made with fireman's ball and furnish same with water facilities at a cost not to ex ceed 1205. Adopted. By Cos "mtuee on Streets and Lanes— Kooolvod, That the Committeeon Streets and Lancs he and they are hereby authorized to purchase 6,000 Baltimore paving brick for the purpose of paving entrance to Forsyth Park. Adopted. By Alderman O’Connor— \V 11 kkkas, a resolution was adonteil in Council on December 18. 1885. requesting (he Fire Committee to report upon the feasibility aud oust of placing a hose reel in service in the southwest portion of the city, and said re l>ort ha* not yet been made; And whereas, property owners in tbe south ern portion of the city are desirous of having another fire engine placed in service and lo cated in their neighborhood; therefore, lie it Krootcrd, 1. That the Fire Committee be re quested to make a report upon said resolution adopted December 18,1836. 2. That the F ire Committee he requested to report upon the feasibility and coat of placing the fire engma John W. Anderson in service and locating the same near the Protection hose house. 3. That tho Fire Committee he requested to make said ri ports at the next meeting of Coun cil. Adopted. MIBCEI.LANF.OUB. A communication was received from T. Madison calling atlention to condition of street signs and proposing to paint same. Re ferred to Committee on Streets aud Lanes. Council adjourned. FRANK E. RKBAKEK, Clerk of Council. WUitarra. TUB LADIES ARE INVITED TO MY OPENING OF INFANTS’ Cajs & Si Bonnets. Infants’ Caps, Sun Bonnets, Infants’ Caps, Sun Bonnets. S|iectl Trice* for Thl* Week: Berghman's Zephyr 7e. Germantown Wool 7c. Ilats and Bonnets for ladies and children trimmed by ex perienced hands for 25c. Hat and Bonnet Frames, new shapes, 15c this week. Mrs. Kate Power, Dealer in Millinery & Fancy Goofls, j JBUOUUiITON STREET. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, MARCH ‘27. 1886. JWUltitrm. KROUSKOFFS Mammoth Millinery House! EARLY SPRING OPENING of immense lines in Children’s Straw School Hats in all the new Nprins: styles. Ladies’ Hats, new Flowers, and Montnres for evening wear. Full line of new Heads. The largest stock of new Millinery Goods ever opened south of New York. Also the first lot of the Lady Bsanler; or, Patent Spring Veil We still continue to sell our very fine all silk Satin Ribbon Nos, 7 at 10c., 9 at 12 l-2c., 12 at 15c. S. KROUSKOFF, 157 BROUGHTON ST. furniture an® Carpttß. MUSIC IN THE AIR Has been caused by Our Low Prices for FURNITURE, Anil we still continue to offer at figures that cannot be competed with, our large and varied tock, to which we are daily making additions of the latest styles and novelties. Before pur basing, it will pay you to get our prices and examine our full line of Cherry and Walnut Chamber and Parlor Snites, Dining: Room and Kitchen Furniture, Stoves, Etc., Etc. OH LANDER BROS., ____ Clothing. Spring Exhibit! We can now invite an inspection of qiy; flue, Line of-britlNG CLOTHING in the most lashionable and decant stylos unit patterns for Gents, Youths, Hoys and Children. Absolutely perfect fitting in every way and Prices as Low as elsewhere. Those not partial to ready-made goods can select material from a line of handsome sam ples and have Suits made to order. What is leltot our winter slock is offered at very low prices to clear out. N. B.—No connection with any other house. 158 BROUGHTON STREET. ABRAHAMS & BIRNBAUM. AN ESTABLISHED PACT ii • H , use #i lAJIAT tho people of Savannah and vicinity hall*! ffiohjght CLOTHING, HA'FSf iIENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, etc., from the SHERIFF’S SALK for less money than they have ever bought goods before, but as there are still some goods left, 1 intend to offer the same at such prices that you cannot help from buying, so as to.close the entire Wipier sio. k before offering the spring stock. Remember that me above goods consist of the entire stock of the iate APPEI. BROS., which l bought at SHERIFF’S SALE at much less thau manufacturing eoel. Consequently It stands to reason that Icm niforil to sell them for less money than anv other house in the city. Read the following prices: _ , 1,009 pair Men’s Assorted Pants at (1 20; former selling price 52 to $2 25, 3,000 pair Men’s Assorted Pants from 62 to 5; former selling price 53 50 to f3 Sir. 560 Children's .Suits. 4 to 12 years, from 32 25 to 54 50; former selling price 73 50 to SB. 500 Boys’ Suits, 11 to 17 years, from 63 to 47; former selling prior f4 io lo sl2. 900 Men’s Assorted Suits from *2 90 to sl2: former se.lliug price s'. 50 to s2l. Also, tbe entire slock of H AT*, GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. UMBRELLAS, RUB BER GOODS, etc., at tbe same reduced rates. Cal and be convinced for yourself, Appel Bros.’old stand, 103 Congress street, opposite the Market. W TERMS STRICTLY CASH. JULIUS PERLINSKI. IVI. STERNBERG, Jeweler, 157 BROUGHTON STREET, Desires to call the attention of prospective Bridal Presents Buyers To bis magnificent and unlimited assortment of WEDDING PRESENTS! With which his already large stock has been replenished. We have also open for inspection a full lice of DIAMOND JEWELRY of every description, GOLD and SILVER WATCHES. LADIKS' VEST, FOB and OIJKBN CHAIN'S in Gold. Silver ami Plated, at the lowest prices. COUNTRY ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. M. STERN BERG. Pffttrm. W.C. STEVENS. J.H. STEVENS. W>L STEPHENS; S,arta, 01. STEVENS’ POTTERY HEADQUARTERS FOR SEWER & CULVER PIPING. \\ T ELL OU RUlNG—aomelntng everlasting. TILE for Drying Land, DOUBLE GLAZED v VITRIFIED WATER PIPE. FIKE IlKIi K, mifqimled m quality and price. DOR DKK BRICK, the yery thing for 'h* ornamentation of vards. GR ATE BRICK, something moe and that will neyer hue out. FLOWER POTS, WALL I’OTS, and URNS, Plain and Fancy. We sell none but first-class hoods, and for less money than any Pottery in the Southern States. To City Corporation* and Railway* we offer special inducement*. Write for price UU anil •old u* yonr orders and they will be fllled with ptomptuea* and car*. STEVENS, BRO, & CO., Stevens’ Pottery, Ga, •ffbarro. Ask for and Use DRUMMOND’S Tobaccos. ••Horse Shoe.” “Bl* Chunk,” or “J. T.” and “Natural Leaf.” THE ONLY GENUINE N ATURAL I,EATTOD \CCO. JNO WHITE, KIKSKR ft BTBBN, GI'CKKNHKIMEB* SON, J. S. SMITH, .Ir., Savannah. Savannah. -lac*marine. KOLLINB BROS., MONSALVARTGK BROS . W. H. MONSAIA ATGK ft GO.. I i Charleston. 8. C. Key West. Key Went, Fla. J Stripping* OCEAN STMSdIP COMFY FOR NEW YORK AMPHILADEIPHIA. Fassags to New York. CABIN .... EXCURSION ... 33 steerage .. .7.7. V. w Ta.*sage to Philadelphia, (via New Yont). CABIN... . 522 excursion. .v. 35 s i lekaue 12 ‘T’HE magnificent steamship* of this eom ipaly. are appointed to sail as follows standard time: TO NEW YORK. chattahooohkb, Cant. j. w. cats a bine. MONDAY. March 29, at 2p.m v,T. h l r t. W " 1 be no "ailing of NACOOCHEE March 31, as appears on oards aud fivers T FRH.VI A k S *?i CaD ‘- W . FISHER, * iwl DAY, April J, at 4:30 p. m. C ”; Y "f WBTA Cant. K. 8. Nicker so.*, Monday, April 5, at 6 r. m. CITY OF SAVANNAH. Cant. H. 0. Dao iiktt, WEDNESDAY, April 7! at 7310 a m TO niU.A.TYKLI^IiiyV. i 1 liese steamers do not carry passengers. | , Vwv A Tf A ’ , Ca l >t - S r " Askins, SATUR DAY, March 2., at ,2 Noon. 0 \! S rn > "' < af, Smith > SATURDAY, vJJir >ugh . bm "°* '"flinggiven to Easier* and Northwestern points aud to ports of the Cui ted Kingdom and the Continent, for freight or passage auply to G. M. SORREI, Agent, r -itv Exchange Building. Merchants’ anil Miners’ Transporta tion Company. FOK BALTIMORE. CABIN Slsoa second cabin .... T> CO • araaM............... THE steamships of this company are an Jorc^?^ 0 sI a c?t^e^ Vannah W r C r* • MON. J ^OT3 K ;rs ß e c r- fostir> katur - SNOW ’ THUES foster - An, i fl "°™ Baltimore on the davs above named at 3 p. m. - “ uove Through bill* lading given to all noint. West, all the manufacturing town* in'N.w Engl*nd, and lo Liverpool and Bremer Through passenger tickets issued to Pitts: burg. Cincinnati, Chicago, and ail points Went and Northwest. JAS. B. WEST ft CO., Agents, lit Bay street, Boston and Savannah STEAMSHIP CO. FOR BOSTON DIRECT. CABIN PASSAGE S2O 0) EXCURSION 3d 0) STEERAGE 12 0J THK flrst-dass iron steamships of this co™. pany are appointed to sail every ThnpL Zl ,rom P ofl '. on ? r - from Savannah l tollgwb—standard time: CTTT OP MACON. Capt. W, Keltxt THtTRSDAt. April !. art V. m KEI - r '*T, OATECITY, Capt. D. HEDGE, THURSD VT Ai rtl 8. at 8:36 P. M. ' * CITY OF MACON. Capt. Wa Iu„, THURSDAY. April 15. al S r , W ' c,lTr v c “P t - D - H3D3K. THURS DAY. Apr 1 2 , at li r. H. Through hills of lading given to Now Eng land manufacturing points and to Liverpool The company’s wharves in both Savannah and Boston are connected with all railroads leading out of the two cities. RICHARDSON ft BARNARD, Agents. Ke Ifllanff Route.. Georgia & Florida Inland Steamboat Company. Steamer ST? NICHOLAS CAPi'AIN M. P. r-l\ \ I KAVE9 Savannah from foot of Lincoln 1 j street for Doboy, Darien, (t. Simon-* and Brunswick Friday, MaC 23. 10 aui | Monday, Mar 29 3 i m Fr dav Apr!’ 2, 2 P'O, * connecting at Brunswick with ' BTEAMER CRACKER BOY for SatlUa river. Thresh rates given to all points. Freight not signed for iwentv-four hours after arrival will be at risk of consignee. •J. N. HAKRtMAN, Manager C. WiLi.iaits,Genernl Agent. * For Augusta and Way Landings’ 1 BTK A MER KATIE, Capt. .1. 8. BEVILL, WILL I.EAV E EVERY TUESDAY at s:3o o cloc r. a. (city timet for Augusta > and wav landings, All freights payable bv shl npers. JOHIC LAWTON, j _ Manager. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE FOR COHEN’S BLUFF AND WAY LANDINUd. r |''llK steamer ETHEL, Capt. W. T. Gibson. 1 will leave for above e ery FRIDAY, sr m. Returning, arrive SUNDAY NIGHT, lx'ave TUESDAY at SF. k. Returning, ar rive THURSDAY at U A. k. For informa tion, etc., apply to W. T. GIBSON, . klanager. W barf foot of Drayton street. mood. Vale ICoyul Maaiiracturinc Cuntpunj’* Wood Yard, ON canal. Just tn rear C. R. R. Passenger Depot, anil between the two brick bridg-s of t . R. R , is tbe iilnce to get cheap Wood— Slabs, Broken Lumber and Ends—the beat lire or store wood in the world. Rend your own, nr a street wagon, for a load and try it. Don’t , forget the place. ftailronfta. Central & Southwestern Railr’ds. /All trains of this svatem are run bv Stand ard (90) Meridian time, which is 36 minute* slower than time kent hv city.i 0„ . . SAVANNAS. GA„ Jan. 24. 1886. > AND AFTER THIS DATE PASSEN GER TRAINS on the Central aud South western Railroad* and tranche* will run a* follows: GOING NO3TH. Leave No. si jjo. gj— Savannah ... D 8:40am.. D *:lopm Leave No. 15— , „ D E:4Cpm.. Arrive No. 15— Millen... D B:4sjim.. Arrive No. 51— Vo. 53 Augusta and B:4spm . D 6:lsam Macon. ... D 4:2o[im. r> S:2oam Atlanta and 9:35 pm.. X) 7:82 am Uolumous D 6:23am. D 2:lsuin Perry DBS 8:45 p m DK S 12:00 in Fort Gaines TANARUS) K S 4:88 p m •lakeley ...DE3 7:lopm Eufaula I) 4:01 jut Albany D 30:45 pm. D 2:45pm Montgomery . D 7:25 p m Milleagevilie I>ES 5:49pm Eatouton DBS 7:40 p m Connections at Tikminal Points. At Augusta—Train* 51 aud 53 connect with outgoing trains of Georgia Railroad. Colum bia. Charlotte and Augusta Railroad, and South Carolina Railroad. Train 68 connects with outgoing train on Augusta and Knox ville Railroad. Train 51 oonneets witn trains for Sylvama, Wnelitsville aud Louisville. At Atlanta—Trains 51 and 53 connect with Air-Line and Kenuesaw routes to all points North and East, aud with all diverging roads for local stations. COMING SOUTH. Leave—No. Nos, Milieu . 16 D l>:Coam.. Augusta.lß D :30am.,20 D 9:30 pm Macon . 52 D 9:4oam 54 D 10:50pm Atlanta. 62 D t:Coam ,54 1> 6:sopm Coiumbusao D Mpm. 6 D 11:46 am Perry .. 24DK3 6:00a m 22D ES 3:00 pin Ft. Gaines 28 “ 10:05 am Blakeley 26 “ 8:15 am Enfaula. 2 D 10:56am Albany... 4 D 4:loam 23 D 12:15pm Montg’ry 2D 7:4oam MiU’dg’veSS DES 6:37am Eatouton 26 DBS 5:15 a m Arnys-No. No.> D B:osam. Savannah.s2 D 4:o7pra 64 D 6:00 am Connections at Savannah with Savannah, Florida and Western Railway for all points in Florida. Trains Nos, 53 and 54 will not stop to take on or put off passengers between Savanuah and Millen, as trains Nos. 15 and 1# are ex pected to do the way business between these points. Local Sleeping Cars on all night passenger trains between Savannah and Augusta, Sa vannau and Macon. Savannah aud Atlanta, 51a con and Columbus. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berthß on sale at City Office, No. 20 Bull street. G. A. Whitehead, W ILLIAM ROGERS, Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen, Supt., Savannah. J.C. Shaw, W. F. SHKLLMAN. Gen. Trav. Agt. Traffic 51 anauer. Savannah, Ga. *'D,” daily. “DES,” daily except Sunday. South Flonda Railroad. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. ON ami after SUNDAY, February 24, 1888, trains will arrive and louve as follows: "Daily. iDaily except Sundays. Leave Sanford for Tampa and way stations 8:oo a m Arrive at Tampa 12:40 p m Returning leave Tampa at "2:00 p m Arrive at Sanford li :40 p m Leave Sanford for Kissimmee and way stations at f!0:00 a in and 4:45 p in Arrive at Kissimmee at 12:i5 p m and 7:10 p m Returning leave Kissimmee.fs:*o a m 2:00 p m Arrive at Sanford at 7:50 a m 4 :00 p m Leave Kissimmee for Tampa and way stations f5:20 a m Arrive at Tampa 9:25 am Returning Leave Tampa at -f-5:30 p m Arrive at Kissimmee at 9:30 pm BARTOW BRANCH. Leave Bartow Jnnctiou for Bartow and way stations at *10:59 am, *4:90 ami +8:20 p m Arrive at Bartow at 11:40 p m, 4:50 and 9:25 p m Returning leaTC Bartow at +5:00 am, *2:40 and +7:00 p m Arrive at Bartow Junction at 6:39 am, 3:30 and 720 pm Leave Bartow Sunday* only at 9:30 a m PEMBERTON FERRY BRANCH. Operated by the -outli Florida Railroad. ‘Leave Tampa for Pemberton Ferry and way stations at 6:60 am Arrive at Pemberton Ferry at :S5 a in "Returning leave Pemberton Ferry at 5:15p m Arrive at Tampa at 8:66 p 111 +Leave Pemberton Ferry 5:40 am Arrive Lakeland p :00 a in +Leave Lakeland 3:50 pm Arrive Pemberton Ferry 7:05 p m SPECIAL CONNECTIONS. Trains leaving Sanford at 8:00 a. m.connect at Sanford with the fast mail steamers of the Peoples and Deßary-Baya Merchants’ Line from Jacksonville and points North, and at Tampa od Monday. Tbureda*. and Saturday with steamers of the Plant Steamship Com pany and Morgan Line for Key Wcit and Havana. Trains leaving Tampa at 2:00 a. m. connect at Tampa on .'iinday; Thutsdav, and Satur day witbsteamersfrouiKey Westand Havana, and at Sanford with the fast mail steamers for ■ Jacksonville and points North. Trains leaving Pemherton Ferry at 6:15 p. > in. and Tamp# at 620 a. m. have through Pullman Sleeper between Tampa and Savan nah. aud make clone conn' etmn at Pembert<m Ferry with train of the Florida Southern It. R. to and for Savannah and all points North and West, via Gainesville. 10:00 a. m. train from Sanford makes no connection for Bartow. Passengers for New Orleans bv Morgan Lins steamer -tsturday a. m. should be in Tampa Fndav night FREDERIC H. RAND, General Freight and Ticket Agent. Stepping. TO EUROPE! rtOOK’S EXCURSION PARTIES leave in " April. May, June and July. Send for programmes. INDIVIDUAL TOURIST TICKETS for travel m Europe and all parts of tbe globe. PASSAGE TICKETS by all lines of steamers. COOK’S EXCURSIONIST, with maps, pub lished monthly, by mail for Tkn Cents. THOS. COOK ft SON, Florida Railway aiifl RaTiation Cos. Inland Sea Island Route to Florida. ■- * KlE^i THE fast and popular steamer ST. NICHO LAS. Capt. M. P. Usina, will le*ve Sa vannah for Fernaudina, Fla., every Mommy, Wednesday and Friday from wharf foot of Lmeoln street, a* follows: Monday, March 29. 3 p m. Wednesday. March 81, 12|Noon. Connecting at Savannah with New York. Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore steamers, sml at Fernandina with rail for Jacksonville and ail points in Florida. Freight received to within halt hour of boat’s departure. Tickets for sale at office World Travel Company, corner Bull and Bryan streets, Sa vannah. C. wILIJAMS. Aaent. Pii*4l*rlandisfU Aiiirrikiiiiis( , lii‘ Dump* Inch Iff- fiilirla-Gi'sellschiill. KoeDiilWieierlafelePost BilUux /luiite tuichund row Dtutuhlatnl, Postilsinpfer accent von New York und Hillauil joden Sottnubend, l.Cajiiete(ein/.cineFahrt)f4!|Ksteurbillets shd 2. “ •* •• 621 •* 60 zwisoHßNngcK 10 den bllllgsten Frciaco. GEN. AGKNTUR: 25 Soutii William street, New York. GEN. PASS AGENTUR: 18 snd 29 Broadway, New York. AUKNTEN:—At Savunnah, (is.—JOSEPH COHEN ft CO. anil M. S. COsUUCH ft CO. nil re Instant relief. Final cure in ton rILLo. dsys, snd never returns. Nopurge, ao salve, no suniHwilery. Sufferer* willleurn of a simple rrmcdv Freo, Irv sddressing U. J. MASON, 78 Nasssustreet. New York. Unilroafto. Savannah, Florida & Western Ry. i tr| dns of this road are run bv 13 M () N AND AFTER SUNDAI. Msreh - i.t duili as Yoi?ows: Tra ' n * tUU ro “'* READ DOWB AVANNAH “PRESS. 6:42am Lv Savannah ... Ar R f p, ‘' 8:45 a m I.v Jesup 16:10 a in Ar Waycross aHJiiH*' o I ? : iS pmAr Callahau.! 1:00pm Ar ..Jacksonville.. 'Lv Going south Stoiw at all reaitlar ® on signals. Going north st?ni a ® tallons shown almve only. Pullmsw tk P w.. at -. P°'nH care New \ 01k to Jacksonville Jaeti^ plD * to Wiuimngtoa. JackaonYin e fast mail. 7:olani Lv Savannah Ar 7 *O, 8 a 111 Lv Jesup a>• ,-- a P m 9:34 am Lv Blackshear 4jx m 9.C0 atn Ar Wavcross . ..Li Jo. P 11:27 >m Ar Callahan 1 „ .V - 12:00 noon Ar Jacksonville: "lJ " ni .;3oa m L v.. Jae.ksou ville ....Ar 7qSS m 8:10 am Lv .Callahan Ar: Pni 10:35 a at .ATlifiv” .loam Lv .Hnmervtlle.... Lv s^P‘" 11-’a am Ar Dnpont tv p “ i* "• Ar uve os::.-^ O:3Oam SSSS 1. 30 a 111 Lv Dupont.... iT,.,, 2:l | .pml.v ValSoata....;:Lv i'uV” 1:39 pm Ar . ..ThomaavlHe tr 13ff p 2 JM pa at Balabridge. .. Lv 1 flu* „ 4:04 pm Ar ..Chattahoochee.. Lv stKtb!n.° n h y , atß,all ?“ 8 n med. and all reg * r stations between iuiyiont and GaineuiVnl and 1 homasvtlle and Chatu.hoochee p,o ’ man buffet sleeping car* Washington to son ville, Jacksonville to New York and from Jacksonville and New Pensacola aud Mo tile. Wleans vu Atlantic coast line express 4:K2 pm Lv Savannah Ar fi *)s m 6.15 pmLv Jesup i v ii+a? m * : *P pln Screven Lv •'![ 11l 7:o2pmLv Patterson Lv 6-(i6a n i :fp Pm Lv Blaokshear I,v s•' a S 7:40 Ar Wavcross Lv s: k 2aS 9:45 pm Ar Callahan W'flO 1’ m Ar Jacksonville... 6:00 pm Lv Jacksonville ....Ar 7-50 am flffiOpm Lv Waycross Ar 6-to a ni B.4'pmLv... ..Homerville Lv 4:25am 2 o tn Ar Dupont Lv JlloJS 3:541pm Lv. ...Gat esville . .At- ShlsTm Ji'IPPLtP Utve Oak , ,Ar s. : s;‘m 9.10 p m Lv Dupont .....TAr cni,m 9:59 pin Lv Valdosta::::— Lv in s , P 111 Ar Thomasville I- v 2:03 a S J ? j •Ar Camilla Lv 12 44 a 5 1:41 am Ar ... . Albany Lv 1158 n m 1 &opa , only at stations named, Pullman buffet s.eepmg cars Washington to Jaeks.n ul.e. to and from Jacksonville and St. Louis viaThomasvtlle and Albany Pullman naises 5®5„S? to aud e—.viM ALBANY EXPRESS. :15 p m T*v ... Bavannuh Ar fi r,am Lv BflaS lets am Ar Waycross Lv 12:S0 a m 6:oo am Ar Callahan Lv~ 9:.wii m 8m Ar Jacksonville ....Lv :oi)pin 9.110 pm Lv Jacksonville ....Ar 7:ooain 0:jO p m Lv Callahan Ar G:ooam J 22 a 111 Lv Waycross TaFU :46pn 3.30 a in Ar .Dupont Lv lo:i.i |, m 5:7-5 a 111 Ar Live Oak Lv 7iMpm 9:l> am Ar Gainesville Lv 3:59 pm 4 M a m Lv Dupont Ar~!i:6o p in Valdosta Lv B:2Bpm 1:02 ain Lv .Quitman Lv 7:43 pm . :15am Ar.... Thomasville Lv 6:3siim 12.00noonAr Albanv Lv 3.-30pra Stops at all regular stations. Pullman pal ace sleeping ears to and from Savannah ami Jacksonville, Savannah and Tampa via GamesvilJe.Savannah and Thomasville. Jack sonville and 1 nni vi ll • via Thomasville. Al bany and Montgomery. Pullman buffet sleeping cars Jacksonville to Washington. JESUP EXPRESS. 3:55 pml.7 Savannah Ar Mlim b:2O pm Ar Jesup Lv 5:45 ain Stops at all regular and flag stations. CONNECTIONS. At SAVANNAH for Charleston at 7:loam (arrive Augusta via Y emanate at 2 p mb 1:4 o P m and 8:00 pm; for Augusta and At lanta at 8:40 a m and 8:10 p m; with steam ships for New York Monday, Wednesday and rridav; for Boston Thursday; for Baltimore semi-weekly. At JESUP for Brunnwick at 2:10 a m ex cel t Sunday) and 6:15 p in for Macon 6; 5 11 in and 12:20 midnight. A t WAYCROSS for Brunswick at 8:55 a tn and 1 :25 m. A t CALLAHAN for Fernandina at 7250 a m and 2:30 p m (except Sunday); for Waldo, Cedar Key, Ocala, etc., at Xa:2s p m (except Sunday) and 7:10 and m . A t J ACKSONVILLE with rail and steamer lines diverging. At LIVE OAK for Madison, Tallahassee, etc., at 10:57 a m. At GAINESVILLE for Ocala, Tavarc*, Pemberton's Ferrv. Brooksvillo ami Tampa at It :20 am; for Cedar Key at 4:25 p m (except Sunday). At ALBANY" for Macon. Montgomery, Mo bil*. New Orleans. Na hville. viie.eb. At CH ATTAHOOCHEE for Pensacola. Mo bile, New Orleans; with People’s line steamers advertising to leave for Apalachicola on Son day, ami for Columbus on Tuesday after ar rival fast mail train. Tickets sold and sleeping car berths secured st Bren’s Ticket Office, and at the Passengei Station. JAS. L. TAY'I.OR. It. G. FLEMING, 1 P “ B ‘ Ageat ' Charleston & Savannah Ry. Co* All trains wait Indefinitely at SavansahDf connection with S„ F. ft W. Ry. Korthuar<l. Ao. 55.* No. 43.• No. 47.* Lv Savannah.... I:4spm 7:loam 8:00pn* Ar Augusta. 2:00 pin • Ar Beaufort ... 4:40 p m 11:15 a m A r Port Koval . 4:55 pm 11:35 am Ar Allendale 6:20 pm 11:19 am i Ar Charleston... 6:50 p m 12:56 pin 1:19 a a Southward. NoAiS No.kt.* Ao.tO.' LvCharleston. 8:00am l:i'opm 4:ooam 3:laa Lv Augusta... . 10:20am Lv Allendale 6:005m12:49pm Lv Port Royal. 7:60am12:350m Lv Beaufort.. 8:l0aml2:50pm ArSavaunah 11:53am 4:l2pm 6:(lam 6:22aa Daily * Train No. 47 will stop only at Ridge)and, Green Pond and Ravenel. For tickets, sleeping car reeervatloas and alt other information, apply to William Brea, TickPt agent, 21 Bull atroet, and at C. nd 4. Rv Ticket Offiee at 8., F. and W. Ry. Depet. Nov. 15 1885. C. . GADSDEN. Supt. Vftrkina* MILL SUPPLIES. Usudurian Steam Packing. Sheet Rubber and Tuxt Packing. Soapstone and Italian Packing. Asbestos and Jute Packing. -ALSO— A full line or hoftt RIIRBKR ml LKATIIEK BELTING,LACIND. BELI HOOKS, R4RBIT KETAL, FILES, etc., i“tv. For stile ly PALMER BROTHERS. UsudurianSteamPacking SHEET, nUBHEII, and PISTON PACKING. SOAPSTONE and HEMP PACKING. ASBESTOS, MILL BOARD. WIGKINB, and PISTON PACKING. PEERLESS PLUMBAGO PACKING. A. B. COLLINS & CO, NO. 5 WHITAKER STB a T.