Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1868-1887, March 27, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Cotnntrrrial. jiaukbt. i)l K!CK OK TUB MOtVIh'G NEWS. 1 ° savannah, GA., March 26. 1856.1 \V LZKL Y RkfOKT. GF.NKBAL RiiMAHKS.-TUe current week, been an unevenlfulone in commercial cir , le< There was considerable complaint of dullness in almost every department. Few I'hauges occurred in values and the trade movement was very moderate as a whole. In some few departments the buying was lair, but nothing like activity was apparent in , , So far as actual merchandise . concerned, interior merchants ai>- ,r determined to coniine purchases - rcarly to actual and immediate require ments as possible, in view of the low prices of , .non and the very unsatisfactory and uneer t , i outlook. In groceries and provisions the movement was quite steady but light, with a sight improvement in demand for the latter, i .llections wore about the same as the previ , ■- week. The money market continued very ~v a „d uni tanged. The security market was comparatively quiet. The Inquiry, how ever, for long-date bonds was good, and prin cipally by investors. Stocks were dull. The following review of the different markets will show their tone and the latest closing quota tions: Naval Storks.—The market for spirts tur pentine was very dull during the week, and more or less nominal. Prices were very weak, and steadily declined until at the close, were off fully tic from the closing price of the week previous. The nearness of the opening of (he new crop season leudsadditional weak ness to values. There was little or no business doing, and about 850 casks will probably cover the total of the week’s transactions. Rosin—The market was ciuiet. though prices were firmer and advanced slightly for the whole list. The demand was moderate and without feature. The sales for the week were about 6,000 barrels. In another column will he found a weekly comparative statement of receipts and exports from the beginning of the season to date, and for the same time last year, showing the stocks on hand and on ship board not cleared together with the official closing quotations. Rice.—There is still no visible change In this market, aud it remains very quiet, and feat creless. There was a fairly steady business for the week, but of very small proportions. The total sales for the wyek were a'.iout 800 barrels, at unchanged prices. The Board of Trade’s official quotations were as follows: Fair - 3%f@4>4 Good .... .4ji,s> 5 Prime 5, l 4@ 5% Rough— _ ( ountry lots 60® 80 Tide water, prime 1 00®1 20 Cotton—The market for the past week was ierv quiet, and prices were depressed, show ing at the closings reduction of 1-IG®B 16c all ronud. The large increase in the total of the week's receipts at the ports has tended to inflnence the controlling markets, and a gt neral weakness in values has been the result,. The offering stock was at all times liberal, and the market much in favor of buyers, but the latter ware quite indiffereut, and the week closed with very smull aggregate of business. The tot 1 sales were only 1.885 hales. The ap pended resume of the’ week’s business will show the tone and transactions each day, to gether with the official closing spot quota tions. .Sen letand —The receipts for the week by factors were 92 bags, and the sales for the same time only 41? bags. The market has ruled dull and quite nominal. The market was looked over to some extent, but buyers were quite charry of taking hold. Though there were evidently some few small orders left still un filled by the two previous week’s heavy buy ing, quotations arc renewed but arc more or less nominal. Stains. Blues and Storm 14 @l£k Common 16 (n-!7% Medium Floridas 18 ®I9 Good Floridas 20 <q>il Medium Fine Floridas 2lf*<@22 Fine Floridas 22j5@23 Extra Fine Floridas 2(.}<<&24 Saturday the market opened steady and unchanged. It closed steady. The sales for the day were 115 bales. Monday the market opened firm and un changed. It closed steady. The sales for the day w ere only 50 bales. Tuesday the market opened dull and un changed. At the second call, 1 p. m., it was still dull. It closed dull and easy. The sales were 144 bates. Wednesday the market opened dull but steady and unchanged. At the second call, J p. m., it was quiet at a decline of l-16c. all round. It closed quiet. The sales were 76 bales. Tnursday the market opened and closed quiet and unchanged. The sales were 715 hales. Friday tnc market opened quiet and un changed. at the second eall it was steady at a decline of 1 *e. for good middling and good ordinary. It closed steady. The sales were 235 bales. The following are the official closing spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: Good middling 9 Middling 8% JLow middling 8 3-16 Good orumarv. 7 11-16 Ordinary 7 The receipts of cotton at this port from all sources for the past week were 6.421 bales of upland and 92 bales sea island, against 1,7 5 bales upland and 150 bales sea island for this week last year. The particulars of the receipts have been as follows: Per Central railroad, 4.445 bales up land: per Savannah. Florida and Western railroad. 2,223 bales upland and 54 bales sea island; per Charleston and Savannah rail road. 6 halos upland: per Savannah river steamers, 37 be lea upland; per Florida steamers. 2 hales sea island; per carls.; bales uplaud. and 2 bales sea island. The exports lor tne week were 9.263 bales upland and SAObalcssea island; to New York 4,536 bale, uplaud and 360 bales sea island: to Philadelphia, 41 bale* upland; to Balti more. :-36 bales upland; to Boston. 1,050 bales uuland; to Crocstadt 2.900 bales npland. The stock on hand at the close of lhe market to-day was 36,243 bales up land and 3.047 bales sea island, against 17.461 bales upland and 2.894 bales sea island at the same time last year. Movements ofcotton at interior points, giving receipts and shipments for the week ending March 28, and stock on hand to-night, and for the corresponding week of 1885: —Week ending March 26.1886 Hectlntl. Shipment*. Sto k, Augusta 887 1,791 29,62 c Columbus 1,097 872 9,18 t Home 3 738 3,462 Macon 93 163 3,802 Montgomery 269 l.osti ,475 Selma 222 1.180 0.167 Memphis 4,061 16.764 111,158 Nashville 32 25 2,772 Total 7,100 22,535 175,110 —Week ending March 27,1885 Receipt*. Shipment*. Stork. Augusta 618 1,507 11.6K2 Columbus.. 153 110 3.684 •feme 90 810 1.880 Macon ...; 18 18 j,6*j V'mtgomerv 447 1,04 1 3.41 1 'Alma 115 182 3,‘.’#2 Memphis 2.447 9,071 53.948 xasiivilie 174 .... 3,46; .... 4.040 12.269 82,819 Till. I II.UIWINO STATEMENT SHOWS THE VET RECEIPTS AT ALL TORTS EUR THE WKKKS kndino M arch 26 and march 19, and eok THIS WEES LAST Y K Alt. Thi* haet Laet Week. Week. Year Galveston 5,287 4.404 1.300 New Orleans 20,631 17,8ns 12.087 Mobil® 1.1.N8 2.182 884 Savannah 8.482 8,758 1,896 > harle-ton 6,274 4.4'5 1,806 Jv .liningbm 6112 0182 287 Norfolk 8.173 8,529 3.125 oe'T York 343 1,782 v riou* 16.44 11,019 4,900 Total 61,381 67,720 29,7117 COVfiOLIPATKD COTTON STATEMENT EOK TUB WEEK KN 111 NO M AKCtI 20.18 Hi. Receipts at all U.S. ports this week. . 81 381 oast year 28. <9l total receipts to dato 4,788.398 1 l ast year 4,521,6' 9 exports for this week 62.570 SRiue week last year 83.093 lotnl exports to date 8,19"',459 i 1-B*l year 8.301.511 ■stock ntall United States ports 888,475 l.kst year 701,78" at all interior towns 771.678 I ‘•an year SO.s'.ai I Mock nt Liverpool 710.0"0 bast ;vAr 1.005.000 I 'merman afloat for Great Britain.... 144.000 j n-t vear 140.0 K) . LIVERPOOL MOVEMENT POH THE VSEK MB ’NO MARCH 26 1886. AND PUB TUB CUKKE SPOKDIXO WEEKS OL 1885 ANP 1884: itst. itma its. 4. 'da lor uk> week... takwo c'.uoo 83.9001 Exporters took 2,500 8,500 6,000 Speculators t00k.... 5,000 1.700 9,5’(0 Total stoc 710,000 1,000.500 1,066,000 Of which American. 522,0u9 781.000 756,"0 TANARUS” imports for week 106,000 62.0 8) 122.090 Of winch American. 86,0 0 63,000 90.000 Actual exports 11.700 11.200 16,000 Amount afloat 138,000 192.000 308.000 Of which American. 144,009 140, 00 173,000 Price 4 15-16d (id 6d Comparative statement of Net Receipts, Exports and Stocks of Cotton at the Following Places to Latest Oates. | Stock on Bsesivsd sines Exported since Skptkmbkk 1, 1885. | karul and, on Ports. S&jttmubsr Ist. —— - Shipboard. - Great O’hr JPn Total O'etui ee lion. | 18Sh. Britain Franc*. Forts. Foreign. Ports. I 1885. 188 k. Sew Orleans.. .March 2 j 1,5*3,5.i| 1,466.163 585,5i *56,723 844,768 1,287,024 430.468 317,672 223,729 Mobile March Wi 282,7481 *43,78* 38,8}£ 38,359 46*,488' 88,023 23.502 Florida March 110 j 18.014 22,388 1 19,014| Texas March JK 65!.:;13i 418.72 218,680 16,545 73.528 309,034 316, m 38.232 19,181 . lUp’d.. .March 20 j 712,790 678.H49 95,673 5,‘.52 24,42 588.*67j 298.7671 36,243 17.461 bavannan Sea Is’d.March 26; 21 085 18,88 < 1,432. ..... 1,12! 17,502 3 017 2.804 ok i iUn’cl.. .March 20 441,421 492.1160 77.271! 19,297 183,081 280,21 1 i 111,556 47,521 10,715 Charleston jsealsM. March 19 7.516 18, 8i 8!8i 3631 4,703 3.457 3,174 Nort h Carolina March 26 #4.8 91.283 42.016 23,164 68,850 19.009 4,993 1,370 Virginia March 20 71#,5l 585,135 20",4961 2,826 21,200 220,094 267,774 48 919 15,345 New York March 20 57.595 *1.540 311.872! 27,7(3 141,493 460,566 290,585 852,070 Other ports March 20 217.299 460.040 *08,7961 :,63i> 23,795 236,220! 58,703 32,372 Total to date 4,768,398 1,785,9011 882,483 1,008,628 8,317,012 1,649,509 888,475 Total to date in 18*5 | 4.525,946 I | j 701,760 Comparative Cotton statement Of Gross receipts, Exports and Stock on hand March 26. 1886, AND FOR THE SAME TIME LAST TEAS. 18861881,-5. Sea Sea Jeland . Upland. Island. Upland. Stock on hand September 1.. 651 3,29a 91 1,183 Received this week 92 6,424 150 1,765 Received previously 21,338 712,097 j 18,856 678,871 Total. 21,981 721 819 19.097 48~U809 Exported this week 850 9,363 873 2.493 Exported previously 18,084 676,213 ’.1,880 661,852 Total. 18,934 685.670 ’.9.2031 <564,815 Stock on hand and on ship board this dav 3,047 86,243 2,894 17,464 visible supply op cotton.—Betowwe gve the table of visible sapply, as made up by cable and telegraph for the Financial and Commer cial Chronicle to Mareh 19. The continental stocks, as well as those of Great Britain and the afloat, are this week 1 * returns, and con sequently all the European flguree are brought down to Thursday evening. But to make the totals the complete figures for March 19 we add the item of exports from the United States, including in it the exports of Fridav only: 188 C. 1885. Stock at Liverpool 677.900 984,000 Stock at London 17,000 35.000 Total Great Britain stock. 694,000 1,019.000 Stock at Hambnrg 4.000 7.00 C Stock at Bremen 41,500 58,800 Stock at Amsterdam 28,U0 51.000 Stock at Rotterdam 300 400 Stock at Antwerp 1,500 900 Stock at Havre M 5.000 197.000 Stock at Marseilles. 0.000 5.000 Stock at Barcelona 839*00 83,000 Stock at Genoa 11,000 6.000 Stock at Trieste. 4,000 3,000 Total continental stocks... 324,300 407,100 Total European stocks L018,30C 1,423,100 Indiacotton afl’t for Europe 193.000 145.000 American cotton afloat for Europe 433,000 263,000 Egypt, Brazil, etc., afloat for Europe 24,000 23,000 Stock in United States ports. 906,152 7i*?,Rl4 Stock in U. 8. interior towns 367.WH 156.076 United States exports to-day 6,566 27.000 Total visible supply 2,948,614 2,7*2,792 Of the above, the totals 01 American and other description* are as follows: American — Liverpool stock 492.000 7(i8,000 Continental stocks 246.000 299.000 American afloat for Europe. 431,000 263.000 United States stock 906,15* 702,616 United Stales interior stocks. 867,596 156,076 UnitedStatesexports to-day 6,VMS 17,000 Total American 2,451,814 2.206,692 Total East India, etc 497,300 527, ICO Total visible supply 2,948.814 2,752.792 The Imports luto continental ports this week have been 41,000 bales. The above figures indicate an Increase in the cotton in sight to date of 2ir>.*iß bales as ooinparcd with the same date of 1885, a de crease of 131.967 bales as compared with the corresponding dale of 18s4. anil a decrease of 343,188 bales as compared with 1883. INDIA COTTON MOVEMENT.—TiIe following Is the Bombay statement for the week and year, bringing the figures down to March 18. BOMBAY BBCKIPTB AND SHIPMENTS FOE FOUR YEARS. Shipments this week— Great Britain. Continent. Total. 1886 1,000 15.000 16,006 IsdS ' 5.000 . 14.000 19.000 ]XS4 " 24.000 10,000 31,000 Iggs;"..' 1,0 0 34,000 25,000 Shipments since January 1— Great Britain. Continent. Total. jyWj 72.000 185.000 237.000 1885 ' 47,000 139,000 180,000 1884 158.000 182.000 340,000 1888."!; 130,000 251,0*. 381,000 Receipt*— Thi* week. Since Jon. 1. 1888 . .. 60,000 455,000 1885 " 38,000 300,000 18*1 " 53,000 495.000 1883 " ..! 7C.000 612.000 According to the foregoing, Bombay appears to show ail incrcas compared with last year in the week'- receipt* of 21/00 hales, an>i a decrease in shipments of 3,000 bale*, and the shipments since Jan. 1 show an increase Of 71,000 bales. FINANCIAL. Money Market.—Honey easy. Uomestio Exchanhi*.—scarec. Ranks and banker* are buying sight drafts at l- IS pur cent, premium, atm selling at 3-10®) j por cent, premium. ForeignExcuanoe.—Weak ami dull;com mercial. short. $4 37; sixty days. JIBSU: ninety days, franks,commercial, sixty day*. Bari* and Havre. *4l*‘; short, $5 175a, 7 Swiss. *5 21: mark*. 115*4e. SRCi’RtTi K 8 market for Mocks is quiet, with some inquiry lor non I* aud Georgia 1 Skil road stock*; ligh offerings. STOCKS AND BONDS State Bone!*— Bid. A ike/y , Ganewfl*. 1889, January and July coupon* 105 106 HI ate of G mrgia gold quarterlies. 113 H 4 Ga mortgage on W * A It It, regular 7 per cent, coupon* Jan and July, mauiritv 1886... 101 10* Ga,Smith's, maturity 1806 .123 124 City Bond*— Atlanta 6 percent 105 107 Atlanta 7 percent 112 110 Auguuta 7 per cent 108 11* Augusta 6 per cent, 103 107 Columbuss percent • 100 MnconO per cent .110?4 11* NewSavannah 5 per cent.quar terlr, April coupon 101 *oi% NewSavaunalt 5 per cent, quar terly, Ma ( Coupon 100?i 101 K Railroad Bondi — Savannah. Florida and Mfosiern R R general mortgage bouds, 5 SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. MARCH 27, 1886. percentint. coupons April 110 112 A AG Ist mortgage consolidated 7 percent, coupons J auuary aud July, maturity 1897 119 120 Centra! consolidated mortgage 7 percent, coupons January and July, maturity 1693 115 116 Georgia Railroad 6- 109 112 Charlotte, Colli mbi (land Augusta let mortgage 116 117 Charlotte.Columhiaaud Augusta 2d mortgage 110 112 Mobile aud Glranl 2d mortgage indorsed 8 per oeut, coupons Jail and July, maturity 1889. . 109 110 Montgomery ana Kufauta Ist mortgage indorsed 6 per cent. 108 109 Western AiaDama Sd mortgage Indorsed 8 per cent, coupons April and Oct. maturity 1890 .115 118 South Ga and FTa indorsed 119 120 South Ga and F!a2d mortgage .. ill 113 Augusta aud Knoxville 7 oer ct .114 115 Ocean Steamship 6 perct bonds, guar’d bv Central Railroad . 103 105 Gainesville. Jefferson anil South ern R R Ist mort. guarant'd . .lid 117 Gainesville, Jefferson and South ern. notguaranteed 112 113 Gainesville, Jeflersin andSouth ern 2d guaranteed 113 114 Cohimoti* aud Rome Ist in dorsed 6s 102 105 Augusta, Gib.-ou ft Banderwville 7 percent Ist lrortgage bonds 10A< 105 City andSqhurban Railroad Ist mortgage? percent bonds 98'< 101 Railroad Stock* — Augusta and Savannah 7 per ct, guaranteed 120 127 Central common. 79 so Genrgiacamunon 187 190 Southwestern 7 percent, guarau anteed 121 122 Central 6 per cent certificates Atlantaand West l’oint Kuiroad stock 101 102 Atlantaand West Point 6 per ct certificates. 103 105 Savannah Has Light stock 17 17>£ Mutnal Gas Light 22 23 Southern Bank State of Georgia 175 lro Merchants’National Bank 140 145 Savannah Bank and Trust Cos.. 69 :i National Bank of Savannah 100 102 Naval stores.—The receipts for the past week have been 430 barrels spirits tur pentine and 2.*28 barrels rosin. The exports were 21 barrels snirita turpentine ands, .23 barrels rosin, moving as follows: To New York, 1,"10 barrels rosin and 167 bar rels spirits turpentine; to Philadelphia 100 barrelsspiritsturpentineaud 123 buri els rosin; to Boston, 154 barrels spirits turpentine; to Baltimore, 108 barrels spirits turpenime and 420 barrels rosin; to Hamburg 2.790 barrels rosin; to Grauion 2,9*0 barrels rosiH. The following are Board of Trade quotations: A, 15. C. and D *1 10. ESI 15. F, SI 25. G2l 35. li SI 76 asked. I *2 10 asied. K .*2 5u asked. M 23 50. N 23 75, window glass S< asked, water white 24 Spiritsluruentine nominal. Kemipte, Shipment* and Stock from April 1, 1885, to date, and for the aorreeoonding date laet year: e— 1885-6 —IBB4-5. , Spirit A. Roein. Spirite. Roein. On hand April 1.. 1.672 36,205 6.40S 49.369 Rec’d thi9 week.. 130 2, *2B 439 4.191 Rec*d previously.lo i.135 441.275 116,289 406,298 Totals 108,537 483.308 122.187 519.858 Shipment *: Foreign— Aberdeen . .... 4.221 .... 3.700 Antwerp 12,313 6,403 13,562 2,014 Barcelona 7,216 1.513 Belfast ... .... 500 1,540 Bergen 206 Bristol 2,827 4.990 7,625 23,329 Buenos Ayres.. ... 81 )0 Cardiff 4,000 .... 3.412 Jartagena 908 ... 762 Cork for orders. 10,477 2.965 17,161 3,057 Cronstadt 13.505 .... 21,16’ Hanzic 9,747 5.486 Genoa 9,856 6,411 Glasgow 9.0(9 1.282 13.658 Goole 3.660 Gran'on 2,980 . 9,441 Hamburg 8.03i 31,083 8,788 23.037 Harburg 6,:08 .... 8,224 Hull 4.562 2.838 5.277 4,251 Konigsberg 3,500 Libau 3.500 Livernool 8,625 10.506 700 8.998 London 14.408 . 13,457 17.456 23.18: Malaga 10 2,149 Montevideo 402 Marseilles 6,295 ... New Castle on Tyne 183 2,364 Naples 2.772 Oporto .... 1.000 60 1,354 Pernambuco 1,600 .... .... Palma dc Ma jorca 440 Reval 1.948 Riga .... 7,110 10,088 Rotterdam...... *SO 13.057 sio-io s|*:'2 Santander 280 6 Trieste 200 8,200 6CO 17,032 Vigo .... 6 .... Venice .... 2.382 2,333 (' t* terns* — Baltimore 4,997 64.498 8.244 60,792 Boston. 9,744 23.805 9.89S 2H.36i)< Philadelphia 8.619 18,680 7,889 23.959 New York 17.98.8 121,4:14 17,468 116,1'j; Intcriortowns... B.<Ri9 3,137 0,019 9,014 Packing,etc 1,746 .... ... 614 Totaihipmente..)"K :W9 420.554 nn.776 479,947 Stork on hand and on a h i p board if arch 26 2,138 62.754 3,111 30,909 Bacon. Market steady; demand fair: smoked clear rib sides, trie: shoulders. 4%c: dry salted dear rib sides. S' „c; long clear 57gc; shoulders. 4'ic; hams. iSlvc. BAO6INO and TiU3.—Market nominal. VVc quote: Bagging— l>4 lbs. mfalljie; 2 tbs. 105/iallc; 1% lbs, 10al0'/ 4 e; I'^ lbs, , aa9;< i c, according to brand ana quantity. Iron ties—Arrow, 31 15a I 20 per bundle, according to brand and quantity. Bagging aud ties in retail lots a fraction higher butter.—Market very flrrr: Oleomarga rine. Italic; choice Goshen, tic,; gilt edge 24n2ic: creamery. 26ca2Sc; country, 16a20c. CABBAGES. —northern.scarce, 8®12o; Flori da-. L? 50 it 1 > |ier barrel or crates. Ohkkuk.—Market steady, demand good; stock light. We quote; 9al2jie. Coffee. —Tne market is firm; demand fair. We quote for small lots; Ordinary, Be; tair, loe; good, 101<c: prime, choice. 11}4C. Dried Faoir.—Apples, evaporatei!, *c; peeled, 6c. Peaches, peeled. Malic; un peeled.safc; currants,7c; citron, 13c DryGoods.—The market is active and firm; stocks ample. We quote: Prints, 4a6c:Geor giabrowushirting, 3-4, 7-do4%c: 4-4 browusheeting, Pic: white osoanurg*. BJ4c; checks. 6ati‘kc: yarns, 85c, for best makes; brown drillings, 6^a7 ! 4c. rtgH.—We ouoie tali weignts: Mackerel- No. 3. half libis. 53 2503 50; No. i, 54 50aft 50. Herring—No. I, scaled, 25c; ood, oa8c; No. 1.56 50® 0". Flour. Market steady; demand mod erate. We quote: Superfine. 55 0a 3 75; extra. S oa4 0; fancy. 55 5"a5 75; choice patent. 5600a6 50; family. $ 90a5 25. Fruits.—Union*—stock 11 and demand imp uvi.i ,*.! 50 iO. Oranges—Market quiet: goad stock Arm; fe v Floridas conii g in: uiitro/eii, $ 00 as :>o. \ alerics, 55 ■>96 per ii-.-c I'or "• . IBM ur hhl. *9 ’"per box. Apples—Northern,*2 50&3 00 perbbi. Grain.—Corn: Market 6-m: demand ligu. WeqHote: White corn, job lots 6e; car load 10t*.62c; mixed corn, job lots, 81r,; car loud lots, file Oatssteady; good demand. We quote: Mixed oat*. 47c; carload lots. 44c. Uran,*l 1 . Meal," c. G .I*l 1 grist, per bid, 52> >. rist.per oushol, l 7?4c. llsr.—Market did', with a fair demand; stock ample. We quote ioh lots: Western. *110; carload lots, 5100; Eastern, none; Northern, none. iltDßg. Wool- Kto. Hides: Market quiet: receipts fair; drv flint. 15c; salted, 13c; dry butcher, 12c. Wool: Market nominal; prime, Me; hurry. Salto. Wax 2 e. Tallow. Deer akius, fliat, l*o; salted, 16c. Otter ski ns. . ikon.—Market ilrin; Swede, 4J<asci - fined. 214 c. Lard.—The market Is dull; In tierces and tuiw. 8 ,c:SO-M>tlns, c. Lime, calcined Plaster and cement.— Alabama lump lime is In fair demand and Is selling at fl 30 pur barrel; Georgia, 51 80; cal cined plaster, fl 85 per hhl; hair. sc; Georgia cement. |3: Koendale cement, *185: Portland oeinont, *3 50. LiqvoK*.—Full stock; steady demand; Bourbon, *1 50a5 50; rye, *1 50a8 00: ractided, (lal 85. Alns nn hanged andingood demand. NAiLa.-Market erm and iyi eng; 3d. 84 5: id and 6d *3 0; Bd, *8 If; fid, *! 90; 10d totOl. *1 6 ner keg. NcTi Almonds, Tarragona, ldlfo; Ivicaa, Ificlftwatnutc,French,lie;Naples. 1A :pecans, 10c: Brazil, 0c; Alberta, Uo. Coooanuta— Baraooa, 13 75 her 100. Oils.—Market ">ulv. moderate demand; signal. tOaOOu; West Virginia black. llal3o; lara. 5 iiiiu; headlight, IsaMc; kerosene, l’o: neat-foot, 1.50; machinery. toaiOc; linseed, raw. soe; boiled. 53c; mineral seal, l*c; lire proof, 90c; 1 ell and . the Onions,—Northern, por bb1,*17654 00; per crate. *i z>a 1 uu. Pkar.-Dcioead good; stock small; cow pea-. *1 4" ,1,1 50 mixed, *l 25®1 40;olay, *1 60a 1417,: la ( v<- 1 6: cniwitcrs 12 2i. POTATO**.—Stock light.wffh food demand. Northern, our barrel, *2 0a! 75; Arooetook Rose, need t o>. PRtTNM.—Turkish.tffo; Frennn.So. ItAiaiNS.—Demand quiet, market steady; fiioce new Mu-oatet, $1 61; layers, *2 75 per boxi I, Motet) la 1 era,sß 2v per box. Sal,.—rue demand is moderate and the marketquiet; car-load lots, 75c, fob; job lots, 65ca51 Susaß*.—Market dud: cut loaL 7 ,o; standard A. c: extra C. 6o: C. yellow, as.o: granulated, >■ e; powdered,* o. Sr*DF. -Florida and Georgia syrups tu b-<- ler demand. We quote: :a sc; the market Is quiet for sugar house at 85540 r; Cuna straight goods. 2"o in hogsheads: sugar house mo lasses. 20c Tobacco.—Market dull; demand moderate, Wcqiiote: Smoking, *son*l 25; chewiug. 00m mon, sound. *Ba3oc; fair. 35 nc. ; medium. 40a55c: bright. 50a760; fine fanoy, 85a90o; ex tra fine, DOagl 10; bright navies. 45a570; dark navies. 40a50c LUMREB.—The aemauii continue* tioavy, and uiiicb lumber wanted for quick de livery that cannot be placed. Prices firm "at quotation*, aud with a further upward tendency. Mills ail full of work. Ordinarys'zes *l3 00al5 50 16 00a20 50 F'loorlng Boards 16 OOaltt 50 Hhiostuff 18 OOaJO 50 Timber.—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average ..5 9 OOall OC 800 •' •• 10 OOall 00 900 •• “ 11 00a 12 00 1,006 *' “ 12 OOalt 00 Shipping timber in the raft— -700 feet average *6 00a 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00a 8 00 900 *• “ 8 00a OO 1,000 “ “ 0 OOalO 00 Mill timler 11 below these ligures. FREIGHTS. I/Umser. —Bv Sail. — I'here is a scarcity of tonnage at this and the near lumber ports, and lor ready vessel* an advance over quoted rate* is obtainable. Wo quote 54 00a5 00 as the range of prices from flits aud the uear Georgia porta on lumber to Baltimore, Philadelphia. New Y’ork, sound ports and eastward. Timber is *ocasl higher than lumber rates; to the West Indies and windward, nominal: to South Ameriea,*l2 SOalS; to Spanish and Mediterra nean ports. *1" Shall: to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 2728: lumber £4. Bv steam toNew Tork,*7;to Philadelphia, *7; to Bus ton. *9. Naval stores, Coahtwi*e.— By Sail,— Dull nd nominal. Forkiun.— Cork. etc. for orders. 2s 7>.,d, and. or. 4s. ; Baltic, Is fid, and 3s 7J4(1. COAS7WISK. Steam —To Boston, 50c on rosin, *1 on spirits; to New York, rosins 400, spires 80c; Philadel phia, rosin 30c, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, roam 80c. spirits 70c. Cotton. —By Steam— Room is scarce; mar ket firmer. Reval S-82d Bremen fl-32d Liver|>ool vfft New York, ’f- ! ® 7-32(1 Liverpool via Boston, 16 13-Btd Liverpool via Baltimore, ~4h !h 18-4d Antwerp via New Y’ork, lb H-32d Havre via New York, lb %c Bremen via New York fli lb .. 11-!!2d Reval via New York, ft? tb n *d Bremen via Baltimore, ‘ft tb B-!s2d Amsterdam via New York, yi bale. . 75c. GenoaviaNew York 2s>o4d Boston, V bale - $1 7o Sea island, dh bale 175 bale lid Sea island, jd bale 17(1 Philadelphia, st bale 1 ">3 Sea island. $ bale I*6 Baltimore, <|jt bale 1 ii Providence, jfl bale 2 66 By Sail.— Liverpool '4<l Baltic S)-S2d Rice.— Bv Steam — New York, fit barrel.... 66 PhilavMTplita, 4fi barrel **o barrel -and Boston, V> fiarrol COUNTRY PKODUCB Grown fowls, ® pair 7(Mi65 Chickeas, three-quarters grow* . bAMd Chickens, half-grown 850445 Turkeys, $ pair 1 fiOisSl 75 Eggs,® dozen 4*l2 Peanuts—Fancy h. p. Va.. ®lb 7 ft 7>4 Peanuts—flu ml picked, fttb V PeanuW—Btcalght Vii-giuia Sf • Peanuts—Georgia, f bu ’lie rl:K) Wwcetfmiatoes, Florida, ft liuanoi.. u*46 Sweet potatoes, yellow reds bush. 504 Sweet potatoes, yellow yams, fit bush 60®77> White vama ... Sfi*s6o Poultry.—Market steadier, demand good, Koua.—Market, and weii supplied. Peanut*—Amjile stock: demand fuir; native peanutstn good request atquOtatiMis. ttOdAR. —Georgia and Florida, nominal: none in market. Honey.—No demand; nominal. Sweet potatoes soar ce; demaud good. SAVANNAH MAKE KT. OFFICE iF THS ff Ait'flNG NEVVB. ( 4AV ANN Alt. M.irvb 24. 1841.-, p. M.| Cotton—The market was rather qnifit, and prices somowhat easlef. Tlic ’inquiry was light, jl'Ue auUakfor the day WereX'-'i ba'i. On ’( IhMtgc iug n., tire wmHnft *NPa6 re ported quiet and unchanged, with tales of 191 balea.-,Al,#lie aeooua iphi, l p. in.-.p wa a decline of for good middling and go#l oniiiiitry, the sales being >6 osfes. At the' ihuil aud closing eaU,' L it was still steady and unchanged, with further sales of 4 tmkte. The following are the official closing sjrot quotations of the Cotbon Ex change: Good middling Middling s-v Low middling it 3-16 Goodbrdinnry .7 11.10 Ordinary 7 Race.—The market was very quiet and un changed. The sales for the day were only 185 barrels. The Board of Trade’s official quotations were as follows: Fair Good .414*0 j Prime HatJDji Rough- Country lots 00(466 Tide water I ooifcl 20 Naval Stores.—The market for spirits turpentine was very dull and entirely nom inal. Hume 76 casks changed hands during the day on private terms. At the Board of Trade on ilie opening call the market was reported quiet: nothing doing; no quotations werepnHted. At the dosing call it wasdu.l and nominal. Rosin—Tim market was very quiet, aud rather easier for the better glades There wa* only a light business doing—only about 506 barrels were disposed of during the day. At tire Board of Trade on the first call the market was reported steady, wt'h sales of 23t barrels at the following quotations: A, B, C and D*l 10, K *1 15. F *1 25, G *1 35, H *175 asked, t *2 10 asked. K *2 BO asked, M *3 56. N *3 75. window glass 54 00 asked, water white *4 25. At the closing call it was steady and unchanged, except for water white, which was quoted at 54 lift*. M.IKKETH BY TKLEOHAPB FINANCIAL. New York, March 26. noon.—Stocks dull hut firm. Money easy at l'4f4:i per cent. Kxotiußge- 88V*: snort. 54 Bs' i. Blatn bonds doll but steady. Government bend* dull hut firm. 5:00 p. m.—Exchange. *4 B<i<4. Monex’ closed ai 214*2 per cent. Hub-Treasurv balances— Gold.*l2s. 15' .000; currency, *13.256.000. Gov ernment bunds heave four per cents 128',; three percents. 100% bid. Stale bund. quid. Considering Ihe advance established yes terday aud the decidedly unfavorable news rec. ivcd to-day regarding the stnko in the West, upon which ills conceded universally current quotations depend in a large measure, the market to-day may lie de scribed a* derided I v firm. First tlgim-g showed a decline of *4(01% por cent., with au exceptional losa of 1 per cent, in Louisville and Na hvillo. and a dcclincof 4i per cent, in Western Union, and in the early dealing there wore further fractional losses on u fairly active hut feverish market. It was during the firt hour generally, howevei. that the lowest price* were reached, and from that time until th close, with only moderate reactions, thi re wae a decidedly firm toue, and lu Mime cases all the early loase* ami fractious in addition were re covered. Thu close was heavy on the re ported extension of the railroad strike. The majority of the active list slnfws tu t declines of ViGH* per cent., with Ismisville and Nash ville down %. On the oilier hand Western Union made a act gala of % and Erie pre ferred was up it, per cent. Grangers were weak and comers steady. Halea 551,000 shares, the market closing at the following quotations: Ala.elaseA.2tot. 100 Nash. A Chatt’a. 451* Ala. class It, 55... 106 New Orleans I’a ueorgiats *lOOl4 elfle. Ist mort , 62 “ 7s, mortgage 10144 N. V.Central 1014% N. Carolina* ... 304 Nrf. A W. pret pt ** uew 21 Mor.l'aciflo 24 “ fnnfllng 12 “ prof.. MjK So.Caro.iltrowui Pacific. Mall.. ~r consols 109 Reading 24‘5 Tennessee fis ... 58U Kn lim'd A Al'gU 5 Virginians 4 Itlr.hui'd A l)nr. 75 Va. consolidated. 56 Richm’d A W.PI, Ch’peake A Ohio n Terminal ..... 81U Chic.A N’nthw’n. 10544 go t Islaud 126 “ oreforre 1... 133 bt.l’aul i. riIJC Dela.,Ltek. A W.117'4 “ preferred. 14s Erin Tea** Daelfic A. .41*4 E.Tcnnaiwee ltd, Un 00 f’aeilo . *IZ‘ LakcHlioro. fll% S. J. Central 47 : . L’vllleft Nash... Missouri Faeille.,ii;i, Memphis t C,lac. 22 Western L'lduu 66 Mohde.t Ohio ~. 14 • •Mid COTTON. I Liverpool, March 26, noon.—Cotton quiet I an i ivtfhiin .{tioiahle change m prices; mid -1 tiling uplands 4 15-lHd: middling Orleans 6d: sales 8,000 bales, for attenuation and export l.OOu; receipts 2,096 hales—American lino. f'nturec: low middling elause. April amt May delivery, 4 57-64d: May and ■lune. 4 59-64d; June ami .Inly, 4 02-04(1; -Inly aad August, 5 1.64d; August and bepteinber, 5 3-64(1. Market quiet hut steady. Sales for the wo. k. 66.000 hales—American 51,000 hale*; speculators took 5,0131 uales; ex porters took 2.500 bales; actual exports, 4.100 bales; alup's side direct to spinners 11,700 bales; import*. 106,090 bales—American 95.009: total stock 710,000 bales -American 522.000 ba'es; total alloat, 238,000 bales—American 114.0(31 bales. 2:00 p. m.—The sains to-day included 0.200 bales ameriesu. Futures: Uplands, low mldiNtinr elause. March delivery. 4 57-64(1, buyers; March and April, 4 57-64d. buyers; April and May, 4 57-04d.buyers; May and .Tune, 4 00 64d. sell ers: June and July, 4 62 Old,buyers; July and August, 5 l-64d, buyers; August and Septem ber, 5 4-64d, sellers: September and October, 5 2-64.1, value; September, 5 6-64d, value. Market quiet, 5:00p. tu.—Futures: Uplands.low middling clause. 11 a re n delivery. 4 (s~64d, sellers; March and April 4 sx-04d, sellers; April aad May, 4 58-ilia, sobers; May and June, 461-6 id, sell ers: June and July, 4 dl-64d, sellers; July and August, :. 2-64d. sellers; August and Sep lumber, 5 6-64(1, sellers; Septemlmr and Octo ber, 5 3 64d, sclters; September, 5 O-Onhsellers. Market closed weak. New York, March :r>.noon,—cotton umot but steady; middling uplands. 9' „e;jmduliug Orleans. 9 5-ll(c: sales INI bales. Futures: Market quiet but drui, with sales as follows: March delivery, 9 00c; April. 905 c; May. 9 19c; June, 9 290; July. 9 37c; August. 9 4'.n. 5:00 p. tu.—Cotton closed quiet; middling uplands, 9! *c; middling Orleans, 9 5 b.c: sales 317 bales; net receipts bales, cross 2,574. Weekly—Net receipts bales, gross 23,278; exports, to Ureal Britain 5.7::2 bales, to Fr Slice 5:10, In the continent 2,040; sales 2,331 bales; stock 226,585 bales. Futures: Market olosed steady, with sales of 7 ,100 bales, as follows: March dellv ery,9olK®9 4c: Apri1,905919 080; May, 9 I7(p 9 18c; June, 917(00 28c: July. 9b.itgnt) 30c; Au gust, 9 4349 44c; Meplembor. 0 2'(079 Or; Oc tober, 9 lij#9 lie; November, 0 09(010 00c; lis ceiuhsr, 9 12# 13c; January. 9 19,.*9 20c. C. L. Ureeo A Co.’a report says; “Local trading represented the principal business done, with the cost averaging somewhat higher through the influence of some fair bidding at (he openiug. Unpromising re ports from Liverpool, however, checked the demand, threw out fuller offerings, and the market was set back again, winding up only fractionally above last evening. Port and interior town movements rather favored the hulls, but their influence was neutralised by reports of Increasing amounts of cotton be hind, the railroad strikes, and the general absence of demiiud by the new deals ” Galveston, March 26.—Cotton dull; mid dling 87„e. Norfolk, March 26.—Cotton steady ; mid dling 8 7 B C. Rai.timore. March 28.—Cotton nominal; middling 9V,c. Boston, March 28.—Cotton quiet; middling Wilmington, March 28.—Cotton dull; mid dling Stic. I’iill.*PKLiuiia, March 28.—Cotton dull; middling 9 7-Uic. Nkw Orleans, March 26.—Colton quiet but steady; middling 8 11-16 c. Mobile, March 28.—Cotton quiet: middling 8 11-I6C. Mkmhuir, March 28. Cotton flail; mid dling B%c. Avgusta, March 28.—Cotton easy; mid dling B%C. Ciiaki.kston, March 26.—Cotton quiet and nominal; middling 87rc. Montgomery, March -26.—Cotton steady; middling B%c. Macon, March 20.—Cotton quiet; mid dling B!je. Columbus, March 2.—Cotton quiet; mid dling BV^c. Nashville, March 26.—Cotton dull: mhl dling s^c. Selma, March 26.—Cotton dull; middling B%c. • Kome, March 26.—Cotton quiet; middling Atlanta, March 26.—Cotton—Middling 8/*c. PROVISIONS. GEtOOKRIKS. KTO. Liverpool, March 26, noon.—Wheat firm, with improving demand; holders offer mode rately. Corn firm, with good demand; uew im v and Wester*, 4s 2!%d. .new I oak, March 26, noon.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat higher but dull. Corn weak. Fork dull; mens, *9 75(010 25. Lard steady at 6 35e. Freights steady. 5:00 p. m.—Flour, Southern closed steady. Wheat—spot lots about %<: higher; ungraded red 89@*l 02; No. 2 red, 93#HS',c in store. Corn—spot W£4£c lower; ungraded. 44 c*4'i(’; No. 2. 46*40J4i) 1 r4c 10 elevator. Oats quiet; No. 2,36?5CA37c. Hops unchanged. Coffee, fair Rio. ou jot dull at 84£c. Sugar unchanged and dull. Molasses steady: IBe for 50 deg. test. Cotton seed oil - 1201,23 Vie for cru'ie. 3Dc for refined. Hides quiet; New Orleans 9 1 ,@lnc. Wool dull and declining. Dork nominal; in-s, new *ll. Middles ill,11; long clear s'>kc. Lard without iinporiant change; Western at am onrpotfiHOe. Freights to IJverpool steady; cotton, per steam 7-94d; wheat, per steam B>i<l. Chicago. March 26.—Taking the entire day, Msv wheat fluctuated within lc, aud closed in the afternoon at the highest flgures during theeß*ion; starting at HOVie, it rallied to 81c, and at 1 o’clock stood atßl 5-lfle; in the after noon SJVio was touched, and the market closed there; there was little more inquiry for ex port, aud some buying orders were received from the outside, but in the main the advance was ascribed to moderately free covering by aborts. There was barely any fluctuation in either corn or oat*. Little wu’a doing in pork, hut the feeling was easy, and the market closed a shade lower. Flour unchanged. Wheat opened weak and closed stronger; regular. March delivery 76(4 5l av su>;®Bi; jfic. Corn steady;cash 85'* q.:iAt,c. May .is 9-16(438 13-lbc. Onto quiet; cash aft *dß2W}4c, March (lalivery 27c, Mav 3IU| 31 Vie Provisions—Mess |iora quiet and easy; easli loss and March delivery *B 75((#9 75, May *9 75(6,9 sue. laird steady and unchanged. Boxed meats steady; dry salted shoulders 3 86(42 95c, short rib 532 ,(05 :tse, short clear 5i(#666c. Whisky steady at *1 14. Sugar unchanged: standard A. 6j*jc. BAi.Timore. slarr’.h 26, noon.—Flour quiet bnl steady; Howard street and West ern superfine *2 759*3 25, extra (3 50(04 10, family t 4 33'> 10; city nuiia su|>erfine *2 75(*i 3 25. extra *3 50(04 15: Rn> brands *4 75C04 87. ST. louib, Mareb‘26.—Floor quiet. Wheat ae.tive and generally stronver; No. 2 red, cash 88*40,, May delivery sikquo’ ,e. Corn very dull; No. 2 mixed, rath 84w34!4<:c. Data very dull and higher; No. 2 mixed, cash May de livery 305%c. Whisky Uriu at *1 IK. Drovisions —trading almost entirely suspended on ac count of railroad strike*; p„rk steady at *lO 25. Lard firm at 'B7V4c. Hulk meats boxed lots lone > lear 52>,, short clear 6 59c. Bacon unchanged; look dear 5 76c.short ribs 5 85(05 9(8:, abort dear 5 95<06c. flams Arm atS'VAUc. Cincinnati, vlarefi 26—f lour unchanged. Wheat fairly steady; No 2. red, i(oi',iic. Corn heavy; No. 2 mixed, -77'4(038c. Oats unchanged; No. 2 mixed, 32'*(03 ;. . Provis ions-fork quiet a 1 *l9. Lard, 5 7:d*6o. Hulk meats firm; shoulder*:! 37(4c, abort rib 37We. Bacon uneiißßged. Whisky steady at 1 10. Sugar tiisy aud unchanged. H gs steady: common and light *■! 40. Louisville. March 2*l.—Grain closed quiet: Wheat. No. 2 red ikle. Goru. new while 38c. Gals. No. 2 imxed. new K2'4c. Provisions ae lircand higher: Bacon—clear rib 5 sis-, clear side ■ 6c. shoulder* 4 50c. Bulk meats—alaar rib allies 5 45e, shoulders 4e. Pork, mess *lO 75, Lard, choice leal 7 78(08 0(a:. NEW OKl.bana, March 26.—Coffee qulot: Rio, common 10 prime (*4(01Of. Goltou seed oil dull; 21J4(*22 ,c for prime crude. Sugar dull and • shade lower; Louisiana open kettle, strictly prime 4 ,e; centrifugals, prime yel low eianfled .V,c. Molasses quiet; Loiisl auaopen kettle, good prime to strictly prime 82c, prune 2Ofo!2et centrifugals, prime to strictly prime 16(020c. NAYAL drORBS. NEW lOHk. March 26,neon. —Spirits turpen tine 'lull at 43c. Koain dull at 510.V0107V4. tree p. in.—spirits luruentine dull at l*V4e. Rosin dull at *1 05(01 07V4. Charleston. Maroh Snlrlta turpentine dull at 4*ic. Roslr, 90c for strained and 95c 04*1 for good strained. Wilmington, March 28.—Spirits turnantina, aothtng do og. Riwin closed steady; 82*4c, for stcaincd. 87|4c for good strained. Tar Arm at *1 15. Crudataruentina firm; hard I) 15, yel low dip and virgin *2 25. RICK. New York. March 26.-Market Arm. Charleston. March 26.—Market steady; fair B*;w;Xc, good 4'olv<r„ prune s#i*4c; sales fit barrel*. Ngw *>RLgANfi. March 28.—Market steady; fair s s 4'*3 V. good prime (040*5(40; safes 219 barrel*. Mrs Wells (about to hire anew servant) Now, ta regard to going out visiting, I . Sen ant (Interrupting)—O ’b. go out whln- Ivr )e7 lolkes, voa'll not Hod Bridget O'Mur- Phy. Urrud, atuin, or aic4*turtftl ioikv.- tfuitg* SilttipilUl -Jintrllirienrr. MINIATURE ALM AN AC—THIS DAY. SUN Risks . 5:54 Sun sets 6:06 High \V atbk atsavaunah.. .1:47 a m. 2:12p m Saturday, March 27, 1886. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. ltrig Italia <Br), McKay, Old Providence, with fruit to order; vessel to Master. (See local). sc hr John B Carrington, Blake, New York, with guauo to order; vessel to Joa A Roberts ft Cos, Steamer St Nicholas, Daniel, Doboy, Darien, st Simons, Brunswick and Fernandtna—C n llliams, Agt. ARRIVED UP FROM TYBEK YESTER DAY. Sclir Raymond T Maull, Smith, New York, with guu no to order; vessel to Jos A Roberta A Cos. ARRIVED UP FROM (QUARANTINE YES TERDAY . Bark Diana (Nor), Gttndaraon, Rio Janeiro, with eoflee to Weed ft Coruweil. CLEARED YESTERDAY. SteaniatiipCity of Savannah, Daggett. New York—G M Sorrel. Hark I mmauiiel (Nor), Molbaeh, iisutbtrrg— M S Cosulkih ft Cos. Sclir Belle Higgins, Rivers. Darien, in bal last to load for a Northern port—Jos A Rob erts ft Cos. DEPARTSD Y KSTRR-DA T. Steamer St Nieholas, Usina, Darien, Doboy, St Simons, Brunswick and Feru&mlina—C Williams. Agout. Ateamer Ethel, Ginson, Cohan’s Blnff and landings-W T Glhsou. Manacer. SAILED YESTERDAY. SteauishlpCity of Savannah. New York Bar* Skaudia (Sw). Charleston. Itrlg Margaiu (Hr), Oueenstown. Sclir Belle Higgins, Darien. MEMORANDA. Tybee, March 26. 9:00 ti m—Passed up. brig Italia (Hr), sclir John B Carrington. Daaaed out, steamship CUv of Savannah, brig Slurgam <Br), out during tho night bark Skaudia (Sw.) Wind SW, light: fair. Ainstentaui. March 21—Arrived, bark Vi— kingen (Nor), Gogstadt, f’ensacola; Si grid (Non. Larsen, do; llos (Non, Olsen, do, Dublin, March 21— Arrived, bark Juna (Ger), Lindt, Darien. Hull, Mareti 24—Arrived, hark Drinds Leo pold (Nor), Bruusgauril, Peusacola. (See be low.) London, Msre.h 24—Arrived, ship Lllllc Soullard (Br), Harris, Densarolu; hsrk Prine Regent (Ger), Hei wig, Havanusli. I sod send, March 23—Paaaed, bark Plymouth ltoek (Non, Madsen, Penaacola for Deirzvl. Hath, Me. March 23—Arrived, S P Hitchcock, Blair, Dai’leu, Wa. Dutch Island Harbor March 24—Arrived, schr Alpine, Marshall, Holmken. for Darien. Jacksonville, March 24—Cleared, aclir City of Jiie.kmmvllle, Stillwell, Baltimore. Pensacola. March 24—Arrived, sclir Ada 1 Bailey, White. Galveston. Philadelphia, March 24—Cleared, aclirs Jonathan May, Little, Femandina; Herald, tiruy. Kev West. Perth Amboy. March 24—Hailed, schr Nellie S Pickering, McKean. Brunswick. Gs. Satllla River, Ga, Mareli 21— Arrived, schr Win II Keeney, Lipinneott, Feruandma. Sailed 22d. brig AlleeStarrell (Ger), Haseu boek. Y armouth, E, for orders. Washington. 1) C, March 21—Arrived, sehr J K P Moore, Wasklll, Beaufort, 8 C. New York, March 26—Arrived, Rhein from Bremen. Arrived out, Fulda, New York for Bremen; Wyoming, New York for Liverpool; Italy, New York for Liverpool. London. March 26 steamer Carlo* Bay, from Charleston, arrived at Sebastopol March 3. Steamer Thane, from Charleston, arrived at Genoa March 34. Bark’ Mlmer (Nor), from Savannah, arrived nt Palms de Majorca. She lost the timber from her upper deck. M ARITIME MISCELLANY. Bark Prtuds Leopold (Nor), at Hull from Pensacola, had a hide stove iu her how by her anchor while entering dock. She was kept afloat by pumping. A diver is stopping the leak. Schr Bessie Morris, which was hauled off Long Bench by the ft*xter Wrecking Com pany and towed to New London, received but small damage by being ashore. The wreck ing company gel *3,ofio. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Portland, Me, March 24—Notice i* hereby given Lliat. tbe whistling buoy on Duck Rock, near Munliegan island light, has sunk or gone adrift, ft will lie replaced at an aarly day. Washington, N C, March 24—Capt Nelson, of schr Cherubini, rsnorta that the buoy at Beau Tori liar, near the northeastern point of tbe breakers, also the flatters* bar buoy at the southwestern piant of the breakers, and at 01 Irer points of the bar. are all out of poat turn and destitute of paint, vrhioh render navigation dangerous. St Pierre (Miquelon), March 23—Tbe fog horn at Galanlry Point. N F. N of Isle of Aux Chasseurs 1 Hunters island), at a distance of 3h metres from the sea, will continue as here tofore for 6 seconds in each minute. RECEIPTS. Per Charleston and Savannah Rv. Marsh 26 —3 bales cotton, 21b caddie* tobacco, 15 boxes toha' co, 3 bate tildes, and mdse. Per Savannah, Florida and Western Ry. March 26—346 lialoa cotton. 40 ears lam her. 2 cars wood. 1 car hay, 1 car corn, 2 car wheels, 7 cars iron. I car cotton seed meia. 1 car oats, ikobbls ruatn. 40 bid* spirits turpentine, 57 bids vegetables, 6 bids syrup, 79 boxe- vegetables, 99 boxes orange*. 21 sack* pea . 10 bales hides, 5 bales moss, 34 bales yarns, and mdse. Pvrsteamer St Nicholas, from Fernaniina nud way landings—s baleacouon. I still. 1 sap, 10 bales hides, 2 case* mdse, 27 bbl* eabhage, 2 crates peas. 1 worm, I arm, 1 iron door, 1 pe iron pipe, 1 ease empties, lb hills rosin. I pkg ■iish, I sack mdse. 42 sturgeon, 7 kegs eavia. Per Central Railroad, March 26—638 bales cotton. 50 bale* varus. 21 bales domestics, 9 bsles hides, 7 rolls leather, 2 pkga paper, 55 pkga tobacco, 3. 077 pounds bacon, 1 bbl ptrlta turpentine. 86 bbl.- rosin, 2 pkga fruit, 268 bale* bay, 5 libis liquor, 2 cast's liquor, 2,230 buahelM corn, 3 pkgs furniture and ti h goods, horses and mules. 150 bills flour, 11 ear* lumber, fit pkg* wood in shape, H cars wood. 211 tons pig and liar Iron, 6 pkg* wax and tallow, 11 pkgs meby, 250 pkgs mdse, 128 bales paper stock, 7 SkgS empties, 51 bids oil, ) ear brick, *8 pkgs ardware, 14 eases plaids, 15eaaes eggs, 4 ears coal, EXPORTS. Per steamship City of Savannah, for New York—443 bale* upland cotton, 792 bins rosin. 216 hair* domestic* and yarns, 87 bbls spirit* turpentine. 26,898 feet lumber. 17 pkgs fish, 54 boxes orange*. Ub hbU vegetables, 121 boxes vegetable*. 438 tons pig Iron. 355 pkgs mdse. Per bark Immanuel (Nor),forHamburg— -2.790 bbls roam, weighing 1,224,285 pounds—S P hhottcr A Cos. PASSENGERS. Per steamer St Nioholus. from Fernandiua and wav landings—Mr* E Seliulfleld. Mrs A Butler, fills* II Durr, fills* A Butler. J Knox. .1 J Browu, F T Due ham e, M Rate Ilford, and 8 deck. Per steamship CUattakooehee. from New York—Sister Clair, Sister Benedict, Rev A G Arnold, Mrs It Lowell, K C Veil, MrsGuion, .1 Miller. R McMumce. Mrs McNainee, Miss Mc- Naniee. Miss C A Rutswli. H II Russell and wile. Mr* C F Parnell, Miss E Parnell. Master (. Parnell, T II Hathaway, EH HufTnns, < 1 W Garrick,G Smith and wife, Jlt Stratford, M K fil ooro, fills* I kittle Branch, Mis* M Branch. Steerage—Mi* J Einstein, Mr* J Peace and inft, Lula Peace, M Lew. Per steamship City of Savannah, for New York—<l II Hay. Miss V P Devereaux. Mrs I) Tuouiev. Mrs A Prince, F Risley. T 4 Rogers and wife, L Hoiienatreck and wife, Mrs J W Iteeeh. Mis* A Grafer, B F Nichols, Mr Smith, G II llullock, J If spencer, F R Londert. Mas ter Condort, F Whitman. F Katioe, K Dea Rivieres, C J Reynold*. J P Ord, E v Harvey. C F Fisher. A K Nettlekm, K I, Taft. Miss J Bottom, J G Scott, Sister Michael,Sister Sebo lustlan. Mis* M Smith, Miss H Bryaa, HE Smith. It M Morse, J S Williams, ( has Sailers (col), and 9 steerage. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savannah Rv, March 2fl -Transfer Office, H, F * W Ry, Haywood, G ft Cos, M Y I lender*"a, H Myers ft Bros, A Pinkney. O Butler, IJppman Bros, Oblsnder Bros. A ft Altmayer R Cos. H Solomon ft Son. Palmer Bros, Roy Myers. Epstein A W, P Houlihan, Graham ft H, Smith Bros ft Cos. Per steamer St Nieholas, from Fernsndina aud way laadlogs—Jno Flsaaerr ft Cos. Balti more ttmr, M Y Henderson, II Avars ft Bros, Lee Kov Myers, G Eckstein ft Cos, Acosta ft K. McMillan Mro, Pnaooca. U ft Cos, A Hanley. George A G, Mein hard Urns ft Go. S Stern, H Hendrix, K llnhcrsham’s Hon ft Cos, Philadel phia atmr, Bills, li ft Lu, Mrs J l> Daniels, C RqiliM’hllds. Miss L C Basks, Jbtm Meyer, Por Navasaab. Flerld* and Western Ry. March 28—Transfer Office, Jno Flannery A Cos, McDonough A < o, W S Hawkins, Davis Bros, 'Tale, l> A Cos. Bacon,.! A Cos. Lippman Bros, H M yera A Bros. Smith Bros A Cos, B Holden, M (urst A Cos, Lee Koy Myers. Paul Decker, I M I Henderson, A Hanley, Peacock. H A Cos, l Liidden 4 It, A l.effler, W DHimklm, Palmer : Bros, havanaugli A It. Motir Bros, J F Mois riK., 4, 4 Cheatham. Baldwin A Cos. A B Hull. Keppard A Cos. Melnhard BrosA Cos, B Cole-, man A Bro, M Holey A Son, I Kpvteia A Bro, Graham A H, Garnett, 6 A Cos, G Walter A io. 'V Gordon A Cos. L J Guilmartin A Cos. 11 M Comer A Cos, Hntler AS. Mathews Bros. Peacock, II A Cos, J P Williams,W C Jackson. H I taker. Altiok A Son. Per Central Railroad. March 26-Fordg Art, Jno Flautierv A Cos, L J Uutlmartm A Cos, R L Mercer, H M Comer A Cos. Woods A Cos, .IB Gandry, Baldwin A Cos. Garnett, 8 A Cos, J l Wood A Bro, C II Carson. A It Collins A Cos, Branch A t , Lippman Bros, Kpstein A W, ,f- Lang, W D Slnikina, Frank A Cos. tiorrie Ice Cos. M Y llenderson.U Kcksteln A Cos. l.uddcn AB, Smith Bros A Cos. KcknianAV. B I, Lovell. C K Stults. H Myers A Bro. A B liulL Palmer Bros, M 4’erst A Cos. W B Mell A Cos., \costa A K, C M Gilbert A Cos. Mohr Bros, K Golinsky, George A G, IJ Hogan. Darnell ASj A Khrlich A Bro, South 6a Lumber Cos. D D Arden, Wm Rogers, F B Arden.T Henderson,' l> C Bacon A Cos. E Lovell A Son. J P Bryan; A Center, J P Williams. Peacock, H A Cos, W* H Baker, Puder A D, B Bothwell. Per steamshlti Chattahoochee, from Now 7 ork—A It Altmayer A Co,Arkwright Cotton Mills, AUrahums A B, Bendbotm Bros A Cos, •lyck A", o Butler, M Roluy A Son, L Blua lein, K ,\l Barton A Cos, II G Brill. Byck Bros, Branch A C, W W < hhdiolm, P C Cash man, U c Connell, R J Clark. E M Connor. T M Cu nlngham, A B Collins A Cos, 8 Cohen, ,T M Case, I I lather A Cos, M J Doyle, Geo Derm, Dale. 1) A Cos, Roman AV.6 Eckstein A Obi I Epstein A Itro, A Ehrlich A Bro, J U 4sun, A Khrlich A Bro, Kills, H A Cos, HMMtetas* A, Mrs It Klltolt, Geo Etmerweln, T II Enright. A Emory, MkerstACo, Frank A Cos. J II I urber, Fieiscliman A Cos, J K Fernandez. J M Green. HGnekenheimer A Hon, Gray A O’B. P, •I Golden, .1 P Germaine, George A G, F OWt • mau, J Gorham, C M Gilbert A Cos, R UalkV way, LJ Gazan, A Hanley, I) Hognn, C■■ Hills in an, T Henderson. .1 A llerschbech A Cos. Mrs M C Hopkins, H ILinrich,S Herman,’ Kl Ham, s Hex ter, W CJaokson, sir Katie] S Krouskoff, Kavanaugh A It, Kennedy A Sf; Jno Lyons A Cos, Lindsay A M, Lndden A B. .2 Lang. N Lang, E Lovell A Son, Lovell A L. M II Lewis, It II Levy A Bro, A leOkg, J Lynch. Lippman Bros, Liltenthal A Son, D B Leaker? M Laski, It 4 McKenna A Cos, Mohr Bros, /JB Magioni, W It Mell A Cos, Lee Koy Mvem.T M McMahon. H M vers A Bros, Morning NewsJM C Miller, A Minis A Sons, J McGrath A Cos, <2 Murphy. Jno Nicolsou. M C Noonan, Thomaa N agent. Order notify J Lutz, Order notify H Miller, POlm, Mrs K Power, K Platshck. Mr* A Pease, S C Parsons, Palmer Bros, J Perl in, sky. N Paulsen A Cos. J H Knwe, W F Rei.L K Kaderick, J Rosenheim A Cos, I. M Ryala. O tl Rogers, Ray A Q, Smith Bros A Cos, kernvwn House. E A Sohwarr., Jno Snllivan. It H Sit berberg, H Solomon A Son, P B Springer, .1 R Ssussy, Southern Ex Cos, J C Thompson, hark Verons, PTnberdy, .1 A M I'mhaeb, Times, S Volaaki. A M A C W West. J P Williams, .1 R W aril. West It roc f) Wetsbein. Weed A C, T Werm, PII Ward, Ua A Fla I 8 B Cos, W IJ Tel Cos, S, F A W Ry. C B R. LIST OF VESSELS IN TUB PORT O* SAVANNAH. 84 Venn ah, March 28, 1888. STI4MBHIPE. Juniata, :,:116 tons, Christi, Philadelphia. ldg <i M Sorrel. Chattahoochee, 1,888 tons, Catharine, New York, Idg—O M Sorrel. West Cumberland (Br), 893 tons. Brown. Bremen, ldg— Richardson A Barnard. Three steumsnips. SHIES. Mary Stewart fßr), 1,071 tons, London, cld-w Richardson A Barnard. One ship. imi, llindoostan, (Br), 464 tons, Stansfleld, Queen*, town, ldg—Holst A Cos. Valona iltr), 789 tons, Andrews, Liverpool, Ida Holst A Cos. Gler (Nor). 499 tons, Amundsen, Europe, ldg —Hoist A Cos. Kllislf (Nor), 419 tons, Zotlltz, Baltic, Idg— Holst A Cos. Fornjot (Nor), Moo, Europe. Idg—Holst A Cos. Immanuel (Non, 421 tons, Molbat b, Hamburg eld—M S Cosullch A Cos. Catering Caeoec (Ital), 664 t. ons, Damrru Hamburg, dls— A R Salas A Cos. Johannes Foss (Non, 373 tons, Josepbsen. Baltic. Idg—A R Salas A Cos. Verona (Br), 649 tons, Dix, Rio Janeiro, Idg— D C Bacon A i 'A>. Birger (llmi, 737 tons, Laurin, Cartagena, Ida —Wilder A Cos. Artizan i Br.-, 610 tons, Dwyer, Europe, ldg— Jas l\ Clarke A Cos. Nuibc (Nor), 482 tons, Olsen, Reval, ldg—Gao P Walkir. Atlantic (Ger), (12 tons, Liedtkc, Wolgast, Idg—B Patman. Brierly Hill (Ger), :.20 tons, Schiebe, can demried—Max Golinsky. /(Uleima (Non, 475 tons, Arentsen, at qnaran tlno, wig—Holst A Cos. Diana (Nori, 469 tons, Gundersen, Rio Janhi ro, dis— Weed A Cornwell. Beyenu>en barks. ■Bid*. Italia 'Br), 116 tons, McKay, Old Providenaa. dls—Holst A Cos. One brig. SCHOONER*. Fred W Cbase,62s tons. Mason, Baltimore, him —Jos A Roberts A Cos. Daybreak, 175 tons, Lylos, Mayaguez, P B, (IMI —los A Roberts A Cos. Samuel H Crawford, 831 tons. Tilton, Balti. more, ldg—los A Roberts A Cos. Douglass Hovey, 468 tons, Wright, iloolhhay. dis—Jos A Roberts A Cos. Three Sisters, 287 tons, Simpson, PbiladelJ pill a. dF— Jos A Roberts A Cos. Satilla, 296 wins, SkolOeld, North Boothbays dis— Jos A Roller Vs A Cos. Fannie Kunntev, H 66 toes. Wolfe, New York, dis—Jos A Roberts A Cos. Bavmood T Manll.jli tons. Smith,New York, ■lie—Jos A Roberts A Cos. J B Carrington, 869 tons, Blake, New Y ork, due—Jos A Roberts A Cos. Aaron Heppard, 4 tons, i.ake, dis—R It Renpard. Geo S Marts. 420 tons, Henderson, Baltimorw dis—Master Eleven schooners. “2 —s—* pruittne. etc 1886. 18867 THE MORNING NEWS Mriiiiillin EVERY DESCRIPTION OF printing; binding -AND LITHOGRAPHING DONE AT THE SHORTEST NOTICB AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES According to the quantity and THE CLASS OF WORK. Before seiidiag orders abroad sea what can be daue at borne. J. 11. ESTILL, ■hCifltCCP its I'ADsEN and UKK, by 11 LAr f! too one who was deaf 2.3 years: 11 trested b> most of the noted specialists of U the day with no benefit; csrwf himself l three mouths, and since then hundreds of oth ers by same process; a plain, stnipls, and soe cessfulnome treatment AddressT.B. PAGE, Ilk East 26th street. New York City. lilyon a Healy, % Mata A Monroe Bta„ Chicago. & Will esN you Um(t ■ AND CATALOGUE J l~ ISM. I*o sssshSH.MSvHwel I'omiMß*. Riwulrlh.. Cm LtnfM.V Drum TOiP mmdry OuiMa, /I W Material*, also tae'cA#* IwtfiiUwyi // lw K*wftarns fat Ainal*ut Bwa<ta. aii4 a Cal m ■lfflfn* M HMM. 7